Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why Your Dr Is Mum On Acid/Alkaline Balance

Why Your Dr Is Mum On Acid/Alkaline Balance

It continues to amaze me how, despite gazillions of dollars being
pumped into "research" and the technological advances of modern
medicine, much of the advice being regurgitated by most members of the medical community sounds like it's from the Stone Age.

This includes prestigious institutions like Harvard Medical School.
Here's a good example:
Dear Sherry,
I have a question.
In a recent issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch, published by Harvard Medical School, there is an article titled "That nagging cough."
It is a long article which defines a cough and then talks about the lion's share of chronic coughs relating to five conditions, one of which is GERD.
GERD is explained and the usual suggestions are made to try on your own to treat it. Eliminate peppermint, caffeine and citrus fruits, eat small meals two hours before lying down, elevating the head of the bed, etc.
If that doesn't work, over the counter acid suppressors are recommended and if these do not control GERD, doctors can prescribe more potent acid suppressors, such as Prevacid, etc.
If this program does not work, the article suggests that you are probably coughing for some other reason.
Honestly, don't these MDs at Harvard Medical School have any clue about Great Taste No Pain and about combinations of foods on stomach acids, etc.?
As soon as I had symptoms, I searched the internet, found your program, used it and felt great. It all took much less than one month. Very simple.
I cannot believe they do not know about your program. Are they truly only interested in treating symptoms? Isn't there one single M.D. there who knows?
Please help me understand.
Thank you,
SB: Sylvia, you raise some excellent questions that I will address below.

There are four major reasons why you will likely never hear of Great Taste No Pain from your doctor:
Reason 1 -  You can't teach what you don't know
Most mainstream medical doctors take one basic course in nutrition. Just one -- that's it.
Do you think a person who has taken just one basic course in ANYthing can be an expert and give sound advice 10 years after that one basic class...twenty years later?
Me neither.
And since most doctors are not taught the effects of foods on the body and acid/alkaline balance, many of them avoid the issue, tell you diet doesn't make a difference in your condition, or dismiss the concepts as "quackery."
The focus of a mainstream doctor's education is very profitable drugs and surgery -- so those are what their offerings will be.

Reason 2 -  The scientific "cop-out"
There are some medical professionals who are familiar with the principles of combining foods but claim there is "no scientific evidence" that it works.
Oh, really?
The concept of combining of foods had first been written about over 700 years ago in China, a culture long known for the good health and longevity of its people.
It was studied and developed into a system by a medical DOCTOR back in 1914 who successfully cured himself of what was often a fatal kidney disease at the time (Bright's disease). He then went on to help countless patients with a variety of maladies with this method and documented it all.
No scientific proof?
Long before and long since 1914, eating this way has alleviated digestive disorders and other conditions in people all over the world. The Great Taste No Pain system alone has helped hundreds of thousands and we have literally THOUSANDS of success stories from clients, describing just how effective it has been in graphic detail.
Check some of them out here:

Combining of foods is based on the concept of avoiding the presence of both acid and alkaline digestive enzymes in the stomach at the same time. The reason for that is simple chemistry -- acids and alkalines neutralize each other.
When it happens in a lab, you have a neutral solution in a beaker. When it happens in your stomach, you have impaired digestion. And pain.
Any doc or dietician who would tell you that it doesn't happen in your stomach would be denying the most basic laws of chemistry. They might as well be saying the world is flat.

Reason 3 -  Dough-re-mi
Reason number 3 is money, my friend.
If you can use food to eliminate digestive problems and other conditions, and no longer need office visits, tests and surgery, guess who doesn't get paid any more?
So they're not telling. Denying the link between food and health, in fact.
Because like it or not, medicine is a BIG BUSINESS...
And many docs are in that business just to make money. LOTS of it.
That's not to say that none of them care about their patients -- many truly do and should be commended. But nonetheless, there are those that are very happy to keep you coming back again and again...your health be damned.
What they don't realize is that if they were to actually help people to alleviate gut problems by teaching them the principles of smart food combinations (at a modest, one-time cost), they would have new patients lined up through their office, out the door and down the block!

Reason 4 -  Big Pharma
No discussion of modern medicine would be complete without mentioning Big Pharma.
Look around your doctor's office next time you're there...
You'll see calendars, tissue boxes, soap dispensers, posters, pens, clipboards and notepads all generously donated by smooth-talking pharmaceutical reps during their regular sales calls.
All a gentle reminder to push their products...or for you to "Ask your doctor if XYZ drug is right for you."
And that's just the beginning...
Pharmaceutical companies are MAJOR donators to medical schools and continuing "medical education" programs at beautiful tropical locations.
Tell me, what do you think the focus of the drug company-sponsored training in those programs is?
It's not about eating right, that's for sure!
Even Harvard Medical School takes money from Big Pharma. All medical schools do, in fact.
In 2004 the psychiatry department at Harvard Medical School's teaching hospital for the first time accepted money from a pharmaceutical company for its continuing medical education (CME) program.
Now, the department claimed it "developed ways to minimize the risk that drug company money could bias classroom instruction."
Uh, right.
If you believe that, then there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
Since the pharmaceutical company can still set the overall agenda in CME by funding programs that primarily focus on profitable activities such as treatment with brand-name drugs, how can they possibly "control the bias?"

So there you have it--why you'll likely never hear about Great Taste No Pain from your doctor.
But now YOU have the chance to be smarter than a Harvard-trained doctor!
If you are running on the "white coat treadmill" of office visits, being poked and prodded in every orifice, taking one prescription drug after another and still not feeling any better, it's time for a change.
Time to try something that really works. Plus it's safe (UNLIKE OTC or prescription drugs), natural (what's more natural than real food?) and has a one-time cost that's a tiny fraction of the price of an office visit or a month's supply of dangerous drugs.
It's called Great Taste No Pain.
Or for those with gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten.
You'll get easy to read guides that show you why eating this way is so effective, and teach you the simple principles you need to know to avoid and stop being a victim of Big Food and Big Pharma.
Plus a recipe book loaded with tasty delights that are easy to prepare and use real food ingredients.
Get it, use it, and see how great you can feel--you couldn't do anything nicer for yourself.
And when you feel better (and you will), write and tell me all about it!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Linda has been pain-free for 2 full years!
Dear Sherry:
I couldn't believe no more pain and discomfort!
It was about 2 years ago I found your website and thought I have no choice but to buy your 'Great Taste No Pain' manuals as I was in such discomfort with my digestive system.
Within a few days I was feeling very different, with the pain and discomfort gone, although I still thought it was just a fluke and the discomfort and pain would be back.
But now 2 years later I can only say what an incredibly cheap buy for something that is so well thought out with critical information to help in all areas of health and the easy recipes to follow, and how delicious they are too!
Recently, a friend said she is having digestive troubles so I looked up your website again to give her your details and thought this was a good opportunity to say one massive big THANK YOU to you, as I believe I am healthier today than I had been for many years before I started your system.
Kindest regards,
Oxford UK


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Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

Dr. Michael J. Burry at UCLA Economics Commencement 2012!

Infamous for his prediction of the great recession, Europe's demise, and the collapse of the US financial system (as well as profiting extremely handsomely from said predictions), so well captured in Michael Lewis' book "The Big Short", UCLA's Dr. Michael Burry undertakes UCLA's Economics Department's commencement speech with much aplomb. In this "age of infinite distraction", the astounding truthiness of this 15 minute speech is stunning from single-sentence summation of Europe's convulsions that "when the entitled elect themselves, the party accelerates, and the brutal hangover is inevitable" he reminds us that Californians, and indeed all Americans, should take note. A quarter-of-an-hour well spent from a self-described 'chicken-little' who was "just trying to figure it all out".

Ambassador Wanta Saga Blogs

The continuing LEE WANTA SAGA detailing the THEFT OF MULTI-TRILLIONS by your own GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS is at


From Ambassador Wanta ---- Keenan Lawsuit FREE DOWNLOAD

Submitted by Ambassador Wanta, A Honorable Patriot

The continuing LEE WANTA SAGA detailing the THEFT OF MULTI-TRILLIONS by your own GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS is at and 

INTEL.ops wants this posted out to sites asap! 

Keenan Lawsuit   

Warning to North America - Plutonium Risk Grows!

Subject: Warning to North America - Plutonium Risk Grows!

Natural Solutions Foundation
Action eAlert: Saturday
June 23, 2012


Nuclear Physicist: "Most Of The [FUKUSHIMA] Plutonium MOX Fuel Nuclear Fallout Likely To Drop On The U.S As US Plutonium Levels At 20 Year Highs..."

May 19, 2012 - "As plutonium and uranium concentrations in the US hit their highest levels in 20 years a top nuclear physicists says most of the plutonium MOX nuclear fallout from Fukushima will drop on the United States... In an interview with the Huffington Post, Nuclear Engineer Akira Tokuhiro, says most of the plutonium mox fuel nuclear fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant will likely drop on the United States. Throughout the article the engineer slams other nuclear experts for covering up the true extent of the Fukushima nuclear disaster for the sake of saving their own jobs, clearly saying the bottom line is they can not be trusted."
Please Join Japanese Ambassador Murata, General Bert and Dr. Rima; help us "educate decision makers" by sending messages to your representatives, the President, your Governor and Japan that we demand full focus on the Fukushima threat!
Action Item, where you can find Japanese comments regarding General Bert's warning to the world, and where you can send your messages: 
"Thank you very much for sending me the opportune warning "Fukushima: Estimate of Situation". It is very well presented and will greatly contribute to awakening the public worldwide to the true dangers of nuclear energy." - Ambassador Murata

FDA Reversing its Supplement-Destroying New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) Guidance
Click here to watch my personal 'thank you' video
Dr. Rima

   Says Nutraingredients-usa: "The FDA might have spent the past year vigorously defending its much-maligned draft guidance on new dietary ingredients (NDIs), but it appears it has been listening to industry concerns as well."
We have continually raised the alert regarding the NDI Guidance, the successor to the much malligned 2007 CAM Guidance. With many thousands of health freedom advocates using our Educate Decision Makers system to easily send email messages to their Congressional representatives, we have once again shown that Push Back works... but the threats remain, with FDA-empowering S.3187 having passed the Senate and now in the House.
Please contact your representatives here:

GMOs - Labeling Amendment and Push Back!
US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today [June 19, 2012] proposed an amendment to the farm bill that would let states require that any food or beverage containing genetically engineered ingredients be clearly labeled.
The Vermont Legislature earlier this year considered a bill that would have required labels on foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients. The House Agriculture Committee heard testimony from 111 citizens and hundreds more crowded the Statehouse to show their support. Despite passing by a lopsided 9-1 vote in committee, the bill languished after Monsanto threatened to sue the state.
Similar strong-arm tactics by one of the world's leading producers of genetically engineered foods and herbicides have been employed elsewhere by Monsanto, the multi-national company that posted $1.6 billion in profits last year. "It's no mystery why Monsanto would fight people's right to know," Sanders said "Business is booming for the chemical company. Clearly, they have a lot to protect."
The Sanders Amendment, cosponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), acknowledges that states have the authority to require the labeling of foods produced through genetic engineering or derived from organisms that have been genetically engineered.
The measure also would require the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to report to Congress within two years on the percentage of food and beverages in the United States that contain genetically engineered ingredients.

   Among the "Weaponized Technologies" that threaten all of our genetic heritage (such as vaccine/drug toxins, ionizing radiation, environmental poisons) GMO [Genetically Modified Organisms] foods with their "novel proteins" rank dangerously high. These technologies are too dangerous to pass the test of the Precautionary Principal; they are among the potentially Genomicidal Technologies.
              Action Item: Support GMO Labeling
                                                  Help take this message viral!

Vaccines are Not Healthy for Children or Other Living Things...
(NaturalNews) June 19, 2012 - Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.
They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children. / Originally, the recent still ongoing study compared unvaccinated children against a German national health survey conducted by KiGGS involving over 17,000 children up to age 19. This currently ongoing survey study was initiated by classical homoeopathist Andreas Bachmair.

However, the American connection for Bachmair's study can be found at website that has added a link for parents of vaccinated children to participate in the study. So far this ongoing survey has well over 11,000 respondents, mostly from the U.S.A. Other studies have surveyed smaller groups of families. 
Nevertheless, the results were similar. Of course, none of these studies were picked up by the MSM (mainstream media). None were funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) or any national or international health agency or medical profession group ( 
   We have established an Action Item letting you tell your state and federal representatives that you do not want mandated vaccines or drugging. Please help us educate decision makers about this issue here: 
  Your Generous Donations are Urgently Needed!
We need your help to bring Doctor Rima and General Bert's message viral!
Remember to check out:

Nutrients Doctor Rima Recommends:
Easily Contact Your Representatives
Through Our Educate Decision Makers System

Urgent Health Freedom Videos
Imagine a World Where Food is Clean, Drugs and Vaccines Don't Kill You
And Your Health is Not Threatened by Them!

Low Rad Food 
Video Report From Dr. Rima 
   Doctor Rima, Geiger Counter in hand, tests for radiation in Chile. Seeking low-rad, organic+ foods, the Natural Solutions Foundation is creating the Friendly Food CoOp -- -- to bring life-affirming and life-saving natural solutions to all of those in the Northern Hemisphere who are concerned about wholesome, low-rad food and dietary supplement sourcing.
"A word to the wise..."

Fukushima: Estimate of Situation
General Bert's Video Going Viral!
Please "like" and "share"
This important message!
   You know what "They" don't want you to know about Fukushima and, quite naturally, you want to tell other people.  Here's how: Send the people you want to inform to his site, When they enter their email they will get not only General Bert's Estimate of Situation: Fukushima plus transcript and references, they will receive frequent updates on the evolving situation.
   Remember: Fukushima is the depopulation "Gift" that keeps on giving.  The situation is evolving an dGeneral Bert's  updates could literally save your life - and theirs!

  General Bert says: "You need to take four very important steps if you want to be able to migrate when you reach you personal 'bug-out' decision:
   1. Current passports for you and family.
   2. Have sufficient funds available to buy "last minute" air line tickets south.
   3. Have your important personal papers handy.
   4. Be ready to leave when you must."
Help Us Help Humanity:
...while making a profit!

Natural Solutions Foundation exposes potentially deadly threats to your health - and we find the simple, effective solutions. And the crony corporatists don't like it one bit! Together, we can take effective action to support your right to decide what happens to your food, your health and your family's food and health as well.
Join with us for -
The Latest in Health and Food Freedom Threats - AND NATURAL SOLUTIONS!
Legislative Alerts and Simple Actions You Can Take
Straightforward NATURAL Health Care Strategies to protect yourself and your family - no drugs, no vaccines, no side effects, no danger
The brutal truth is that your food, drugs and vaccines are poisoning you and your family. And the FDA knows it! But their Big Pharma and Big Agriculture friends make money that way - and so does the FDA. Lots of money! All the crony corportists are doing very well as they weaponize our world against our survival!
The Natural Solutions Founation exposes these deadly threats to your health - and we find the simple, effective solutions. And the Corporations don't like it one bit! Together we can take effective action to support your right to decide what happens to your food, your health and your family's food and health as well!
And what are you doing about it?
Daily Push Back is one answer: help us educate our reps
By easily sending them messages through our
Educate Decision Makers System!
Contact Your Representatives Here Every Day:
Your Representatives, State and Federal, receive daily
Reports from their staff, "How are the emails going today?"
The issues that are repeated every day get their attention.

And that is the PUSH BACK secret!
Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert. N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
Click here to donate to support Health Freedom
The Trustees

We URGENTLY need your generous donations
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Feds Jail New Mexico Family, Seize Everything They Own for Being Honest Legal Firearms Dealers

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As beloved commentator Paul Harvey used to say, "Now for the rest of the story..."  The rest of the story is disgusting and appalling! Read below.  This is nothing more than a sickening attempt at entrapment by the government, not to mention the unconstitutionality of seizing property, arresting without bail, as well as using other unlawful acts on the part of a inept, ignorant and/or corrupt law enforcement officials ala Inspector Clouseau.
Where is the outrage over this?  Where is the leadership from other areas of law enforcement either protesting these actions or making an arrest of fellow officers who violate the law?  Why haven't they either spoken out or taken action?  Are they too busy like the Secret Service agents who were recently in Columbia that had a great time at the taxpayers' expense?   Where is the sheriff of Luna County?  Who is he?  What has he done?  If nothing, why not? Does he even know that he has the power and legal authority to arrest federal officers who commit unlawful acts?  Heck! Where in thunder is John Wayne?  We might as well be calling out to him for all the lack of responses we get from agencies who are supposed to serve the people and whose tax dollars pay their wages.  Look at our own Justice Department!  What a sorry disgrace the entire system has become!  Have we become nothing but a nation of blimpy-bottomed pleasure-seeking parasites who sit back wait ing for someone else to take care of us and solve our problems without even a whimper when one of our own is abused?  Why are the tax dollars we need to support our own families being used to pay men who masquerade as enforcers of the law when it seems in too many cases, they are the outlaws?
Is there a trend here that needs to be stopped ASAP?   Could it be that since the Constitution has not been amended prohibiting gun ownership that a nefarious approach has been conceived:  destroy and or control the manufacturers of guns and ammo, as well as put the heat on gun dealers so no one will risk their life, liberty, pursuit of happiness or property for the mere privilege of trying to earn an honest living?  No business is more heavily regulated and imposed upon at every turn by the federal government than that of selling guns!
Those of us who post on the internet, who write or speak publicly, or who communicate to the public in any form, must make an oath or promise to do the following:
Publish the full names of every law enforcement officer, every politician, every government official who violate the constitutional rights of any other citizen.  Either that, or form a group and make a citizens' arrest!  Let them be exposed to the entire nation for what they are.

To the citizens of Deming, New Mexico, as well as fellow patriots across the nation, STAND UP AND TAKE ACTION!  THIS IS AN ACT OF TYRANNY!
Home » Feds Jail New Mexico Family, Seize Everything They Own for Being Honest Legal Firearms Dealers

Feds Jail New Mexico Family, Seize Everything They Own for Being Honest Legal Firearms Dealers

rick and terri reeseThis has got to be one of the grossest miscarriages of law enforcement that I’ve read about lately.
Rick and Terri Reese, along with their two sons Ryin and Remington ran a federally licensed gun shop in Deming, New Mexico. They kept meticulous records of all the firearms and ammunition they purchased and which were purchased by customers. They performed the required FBI background checks when necessary. Basically, they ran their gun shop by the letter of the law for 17 years.
Even much of their hired help was legal as the Reeses often hired law enforcement officers who were either retired or off duty, to work in the gun shop. This brought in a substantial amount of business with the law enforcement community and agencies.
In 2011, Terri noticed a customer that had made an unusually large number of purchases. The customer, Penny Torres, told Terri that they were having a family reunion at a ranch in the area and that they all liked to shoot. Terri was suspicious of Torres story and being the law abiding gun dealer she is, she reported her suspicions to one of her friends that worked with the Luna County Sheriff’s Department. Terri told him that she suspected Torres might be a ‘straw buyer’ (someone who purchased guns for illegal purposes such as going over the Mexican border to the drug cartels, kind of like what the US government did with Operation Fast and Furious).
The Luna County Sheriff’s Department officer Terri reported to was someone she trusted and who she always turned to if they had any need for law enforcement. He told her that he would promptly report it to ATF and would let her know what happened with the case.
Torres was subsequently arrested, but ended up making a deal with the feds for leniency by implicating the Reese family as knowingly selling guns that were to illegally cross the border into Mexico. This launched an investigation by a recently formed federal agency known as Homeland Security Investigators (HSI), who set up a sting operation to entrap the Reeses.
HSI hired a confidential informant called Roman, who was seeking a reduced sentence for human trafficking and drugs smuggling. Roman agreed to go to the Reese’ gun shop, purchase weapons and drop hints that they would be heading across the border into Mexico but to do so in such a way as not to alarm them and cause them to refuse the sale. Roman was fitted with a wire to record everything that was said. HSI figured that if the Reeses sold the guns to Roman, that they could then arrest them on gun walking charges.
Shortly after Roman made his gun purchases, the feds swooped in to arrest all four members of the family. HSI and local law enforcement raided the gun store and the Reese home. They came in helicopters, armored vehicles and too many heavily protected and armed law enforcement officers to count. Not only were the four members of the Reese family arrested, but the feds confiscated every gun, all ammunition from both their store and their home, then they confiscated the home, cars, bank accounts, coin collections and virtually everything the family owned.
Each member of the family was eventually taken to a different jail or prison facility to be held without bail until their trials. The prosecution argued that they were flight risks or might even stage a Ruby Ridge type stand off because their home had a well and solar panels and they had found guns on the premises. Can you imagine that? They actually found guns and ammunition in the house and place of business of federally licensed gun dealers. It was also noted by the prosecution that Rick and Terry Reese were part of the local Tea Party, which must have made them look violent in the eyes of the prosecutor.
Six months after being arrested, Terri Reese was allowed to post bail, but the courts continued to withhold bail for the father and two sons.
Recently, the first preliminary hearing was held for the four members of the Reese family. According to a WND report, the prosecution revealed a number of revelations during the preliminary hearing. For one thing, Roman spoke little broken English and that most of the hinting of guns going to Mexico was said in Spanish, which none of the Reese family knew or understood. However, the transcripts that the court had to read had all been translated into English, so that it appeared that the conversation had taken place in English.
Additionally, the prosecution admitted that all of the Reese’ gun sales had been properly logged and all transactions appeared to have been legal. They also admitted that the Reeses has paid all of their taxes and that there was no evidence of any under the table transactions and that all banking and financial evidence indicated that all members of the family never received any money other than their normal paychecks.
When the defense pointed out to the prosecution that they used so many law enforcement personnel in their store, the prosecution replied that it didn’t matter because ‘a lot of them [cops and former cops] are dirty.’
Now the Reese family is awaiting the main trial which is scheduled for some time in July. Since all of their worldly possessions, even personal items accumulated over 25 years of marriage, have been confiscated, they have no money with which to use to pay for their defense. And if by some miracle they are acquitted of all charges, they have no home and no business to return to.
What galls me to spit in anger is that this family, even by the prosecution’s own statements in the preliminary trial, have never done anything wrong. Their lives have been raped by the federal government based on promises made to two convicts in lieu of lighter sentences. Roman’s statements should not be admissible since he spoke Spanish and the Reeses don’t. This is a horrible case of entrapment and what’s worse is that they are accusing the family of doing what the feds did in Operation Fast and Furious and NO ONE IS BEING PROSECUTED in that case!
We need to pray that the Reese family is exonerated and that the feds are forced to replace all of their possessions, guns, ammunition, house, cars, bank accounts, coin collection and pay for wrongful imprisonment. If anyone belongs in jail for gun walking, it’s Eric Holder, not the Reese family.

Donate to the Reese Defense Fund
                        Attention: Patricia Arias
                        First Savings Bank
                        520 South Gold
                        Deming, New Mexico 88030

Doug Wead – Shocker: Ron Paul And Rule 40, The New Romney Nightmare

Doug Wead – Shocker: Ron Paul And Rule 40, The New Romney Nightmare

JUNE 23, 2012
Post image for Doug Wead – Shocker: Ron Paul And Rule 40, The New Romney Nightmare
At least one of the cats is out of the bag. The story is now public that an obscure, overlooked GOP rule, passed in January, 2008, has opened the way for Ron Paul delegates to place his name in nomination for vice president at the RNC in Tampa. And maybe for president? Experts say no. More on that.
Rule 40 came at a time in 2008 when there was concern that the GOP presidential field would be split between candidates Huckabee, McCain, Romney, Thompson, Giuliani and Paul, with no one candidate winning a majority in five states. It was accepted that this possibility was remote, due to the sequential power of successive caucus and primary victories which would winnow the field and give one or two candidates momentum but the deadlock was at least a mathematical possibility.
The rule change declared that only a plurality within a delegation, not a majority, was needed in five states to place a name in nomination. It means that a candidate can be nominated for president or vice president if he or she has the most delegates in at least five states. It is a threshold that Ron Paul has very possibly passed. And it may explain why the Romney forces have been apoplectic, even self defeating, in their crushing of the duly elected Ron Paul delegates at the various remaining state conventions.
Romney people insist that it is all a moot point in the presidential contest since Ron Paul delegates in many states are bound to vote for Romney if he was the winner of their primary. Although curiously, Romney sees no problem in taking delegates in states such as North Dakota where Ron Paul beat him.

Exposed! - Obama's Real Father

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Exposed! - Obama's Real Father
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Jun-2012 11:33:38

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama's Real Father Exposed!

Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store.
Dreams From My Real Father
At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.
Click here for video