Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why So Many Recent Intel Leaks?

Why So Many Recent Intel Leaks?


by Preston James

Most of this classified information has been leaked as “rumor” or “highly possible”. More is leaking out almost every day from disgruntled folks who can’t take it anymore, folks who work inside American Intel or at its periphery.
Other types of confidential operational information from various federal and State Agencies which is technically intel is also leaking out at every level. More on that later.
Officials in high Govt positions have expressed consternation at their inability to keep the lid on 100% and their near complete failure in stopping these leaks.  It seems as if the more heavy handed they get by prosecuting and punishing whistle-blowers, the more leakage occurs.  It’s kind of like the game whack-a-mole where you whack one and two or three more pop up.
These top officials are confused because they know that during WW2 secrecy about war time operations was tight, very tight with almost no leakage.   Take the Manhattan project with involved thousands, and yet the only leakage that occurred was intentional by spies in high places around FDR and Truman that leaked Atomic bomb secrets and other American Defense secrets to the Russians, something for which no one was even brought to justice for.
And yet now the leaks are coming fast and furiously and new programs are being implemented regularly to stop them, and these always seem to create blow-back, that is more leaks.
Sometimes leaks occur from gross incompetence which is also on the increase which kind of makes you wonder if these national security state folks can really operate all their new complex drone and surveillance systems competently.  As historians know when regimes shift to totalitarianism, corruption begans to spread at every level, starting at the top and spreading downward.

To really understand why the current level of leaking has increased so dramatically, the history of leaks needs to be examined.  We know during and right after WW2 there were few leaks. When did the first major leaks occur and what caused them?  Why does the whole national security system seem to breaking down now? Some have hypothesized that the ability of the national security system to function effectively is based on how healthy and strong the economy and society is. Obviously there is a worldwide major recession, some define as a major 1930’s type depression affecting most countries of the world and an apparent breakdown of the family and society in general associated with that.  Could this explain much of this breakdown?
And as the USG locks down America by deploying American Military in the Streets, many Americans are waking up and numerous folks inside Intel are also becoming alarmed., especially at the frequent urban exercised with mock fire and training of foreign troops under the UN.

I can’t tell you if everything in this video is accurate.  It may be highly possible only.  But you can find out for yourself.  All the information you need is most likely available through diligent research on the Intertnet.
There were very few leaks about Roswell due to the threats “you will be buried out there in the desert if you talk about what you saw and nobody will ever find you”.  It has been rumored that there was one Govt assassination made to control leaks, a nurse who saw the little “alien” bodies that were recovered and talked about this to a friend while being overheard by an agent. Also rumored is that the only other leaks that occurred were from witnesses to other trusted family members who were told that Army Intel would murder them if they talked, so for many years the truth stopped there.
Roswell is an interesting case because the truth was published immediately in a local newspaper and went nationwide through the press and also was broadcast on Radio news nationwide. And then the Govt spin machine went into action to create a cover story that it was nothing more than a weather balloon crash.
But as time passed, witnesses got older and started talking about what they saw and heard.  They were still afraid of the USG but talked anyway.   Many felt violated, emotionally raped by the USG and that the USG was wrong and abusing its vast power, that no nation’s govt should act like this to its citizens. Just like the heroic sailors of the USS Liberty ship which was attacked by Israeli fighter planes as part of a false flag attack attempting to blame Egypt and drag the US into the Mideast war. These men were threatened and told they would be court martialed if they ever talked.   And yet over the years, they started talking anyway.
Answer, it is the intractable human spirit, the courage that lays dormant in many and rises to the occasion, when folks see a line of human decency repeatedly crossed by those in high authority which should never be allowed to do such things.
What is the common thread which seems to explain these leaks from Roswell and the USS Liberty Ship finally emerging, or for that matter, any leaks emerging even when serious threats from American Intel or the USG have been made to keep the lid on?
It seems to be that once a critical tipping point is reached when a person’s expectations of decency and humanity become violated beyond something they can handle, they just can’t hold back anymore and they talk to someone they trust. More than occasionally these listeners later leak this information as hearsay or rumors. When this information starts appearing all over the place from numerous sources, folks tend to believe it.
Sometimes the abuses are so serious that a highly respected individual on the inside will go public.  This has happened at least twice during the last year or so.
The truth is out there on the Internet for anyone who wants to dig and consists of actual Govt documents and testimony as well as credible news reports from local stations that get buried.
The biggest breaches of this national security compartmented, classified information regarding the most extreme, serious criminal acts by Intel and their cutouts ever occurring has been in regard to the JFK Assassination, Iran-Contra, Mena Arkansas, the Murrah and 911 false flag attacks.  At least one well known intel op has publicly leaked how he were ordered to “neutralize” certain “targets”. The operational term communicated to such folks doing the dirty work used was typically “neutralize” and the assignment could range from sexual entrapment, exposure of secret crimes or sins, general discrediting, fake criminal charges, or even murder.  Often official orders as letters were hand delivered to operatives describing the assignment in crouched terms.
And it is known that even today almost 50 years later, American Intel is still working hard and spending millions to keep the truth about the JFK Assassination covered up.  This involves authoring nonsensical misinformation books and even more petty actions such as locking down Dealey Plaza in advance to prevent any 50 year meeting there of JFK Assassination researchers.
Despite the known threats that to talk about the JFK Assassination could result in being murdered, some heroic police and witnesses did it anyway and were murdered by American Intel using assets or cutouts.  Numerous witnesses were murdered by orders of American Intel, some were blatant obvious murders, some were disguised as accidents.  In fact an American Intel training manual was leaked that described the various methods available from the TSD at Langely.
One well known example was News Journalist Dorothy Kilgalen (of the black and white TV show What’s My Line fame). She dared to interview Jack Ruby in Jail.  She was the only person to ever interview him and told friends she was going to “blow the whole case wide open”.  She made copies of her notes and gave them to her trusted neighbor who was murdered soon after Dorothy was murdered.  The large pile of notes never made it into the public arena.  Her apparent mistake, going to a copy service and using their copy machine and talking too loudly while surveilled.
Years later, many more have come forth and leaked what they felt they could about the JFK Assassination without being murdered.  E. Howard Hunt (the infamous Watergate burglar) leaked a substantial amount of information about his part in the JFK Assassination right before he died and on his deathbed and fingered those who is ordered it and were responsible at the top of the USG. His confession was recorded by his son and is available on the internet.  It is chilling.
American Intel’s standard operating procedure of protecting its most serious crimes by invoking the false cloak of national security, backed up by serious prosecution under the National Security Act of 1947. Those who handled these matters used public techniques of “obvious assassinations thinly disguised as suicide” that made it clear to those working in American Intel responsible for serious leak were placing themselves at risk to be murdered by US Intel has typically been quite effective in keeping American Intel’s most serious crimes imaginable hidden in plain sight.  However, “quite effective” is not the same as “100% effective” and that is where the problem is.
During the Vietnam War, the “Air America” scandal was leaked by numerous pilots returning home.  They were seriously bothered by the opium flights to Japan to finance the war effort. Also leaked were the stories about the drugs sewed into bodies cavities of American Soldiers killed in Combat.  This is was the epitome of dishonor toward our Soldiers who served a cause they had been lied to about.
At the time a relative of mine received a letter from her brother, a Master Sergeant, that he would be coming home in about two weeks and that he had been brought back to base where he would be working on mortuary detail, preparing the Soldier’s bodies for transport back to the States and that he had some serious misgivings about this.  He never made it home, dying suddenly in a nondescript, mysterious Jeep accident which made no sense.  This man was rock solid morally and if he had found out about the drugs being placed in the body cavities he would have gone straight to the commanding officer of the base and raised hell, which would have been a mistake since the CO would have had to have been in on it.  There are way too many stories about these mysterious Jeep accidents.
Iran-Contra involved such serious American Intel abuses that even some very experienced old timers couldn’t take it anymore.  There were many heroes who spoke out about the massive quantities of drugs brought into rust alley at Miami Airport, Homestead Airbase, and Mena Arkansas.  Stories about American Intel supplying Freeway Ricky Ross with massive quantities of illegal drugs for sale by urban gangs emerged.
A great hero who was a DEA Agent went public on numerous radio stations and disclosed that he had taken samples off of numerous aircraft from well-known air freight aircraft that repeatedly tested positive for illegal narcotics. The radio station was bought out by an American Intel cutout.  When this hero’s story was published in a local City Newspaper, the Newspaper was bought out by an American Intel cutout.
American hero Terry Reed who had worked for American Intel went public when they tried to manipulate him into being part of an illegal narcotics trafficking operation into the USA operation from Mexico.  He refused and was threatened and stalked for a long time, able to avoid assassination by using his advanced tradecraft. He went public on Geraldo Rivera’s TV show, “Now It Can Be Told” and this seemed to reduce the heat. His wife remarked that it was a terrible experience to be stalked by your own Govt.
And many know about Gary Webb’s excellent Series “Dark Alliance”.  At first his stories were praised, then as American Intel applied significant pressure, various “talking heads” and journalists claimed the story was hogwash.  Then Gary lost his job.  Then Gary was shot twice in the face with a shotgun on his front door step and it was classified as a suicide.  That was like the time Agriculture Inspector Henry Marshall was shot 5 times in the chest with a bolt action rifle by Malcom Wallis, LBJ’s personal hitman of many years, also classified a suicide.  Many years later evidence has emerged that this same man’s fingerprints were lifted off a box at the Texas School Depository Building.
Another great American hero Cele Castillo, a highly commended DEA agent with a spotless and exceedingly successful record of serving America who discovered massive illegal drug trafficking into the USA by American Intel.  This man was harassed for years and eventually nailed on a phony trumped up gun charge.  This is one of the most disgusting episodes of criminal harassment of a true American Hero.  Simply disgusting.
And of course many remember what happened to Danny Cassalaro over his investigation of the Octopus. Also classified suicide by the coroner, an obvious lie and cover-up, itself a serious crime.
Since WW2, there have been numerous American Intel Agents and citizen witnesses that have given their lives speaking out and standing against these most serious criminal abuses of American Intel.  Many who were not murdered, have been stalked, seriously harassed, some imprisoned on trumped up charges or placed in mental institutions (hellholes like Vacaville), and some whose life have been made miserable.
And once these leaks occur, thanks to the Internet, many spread like wildfire.  Many well informed Americans are getting sick and tired of American Intel using National Security as a false cover for every major crime imaginable.  This continued violation of American Rule of Law serious harm the image of all those working in American Intel when only a small proportion are actually committing such horrendous crimes such as major illegal drug and weapons trafficking, covert assassinations of politicians disguised as accidents or illness, massive human compromise operations including pedophile honey traps, blackmail ops, sophisticated high tech psychotronic mindkontrol, and use of satanic cults to do their dirty work, etc.  It is important to note that MOST American Intel, including Officers, NOCS, employees, assets and operatives are good folks not engaged in these activities, but are typically concerned with intelligence gathering and writing reports.  The bad apples located high up in the American Intel Hierarchy are the string pullers that bring dishonor to the various American Intel organizations they represent. And yet they typically remain hidden in the background protected by various layers creating a wall of deniability protecting them.
It is also important to note that the criminal elements of American Intel often use foreign intel operatives stationed inside America as cutouts to do their dirty work, just as they used to use conventional organized crime (La Costa Nostra) for such things.  Now they may use La Kosher Nostra or even Russian, German, or Saudi intel.   The key here is creating deniability to prevent tracking back of the op to those who ordered it.
Now for rumblings and rumors about so-called highly illegal and abusive covert ops in a certain major US City.  These are all uncorroborated rumors of events occurring which were “highly possible”, but not proven in a court of law.  Classify these as “Ozone”.
Local guy gets a job in a sporting goods store, part of a big new national retail chain.  After a while a new high tech security system is installed with HD cameras all linked into a network that goes to the main administration center and one more place.  Guess where?  Yep, the local fusion center.  Now as the rumor goes, the images and voices of customers during business hours are run by facial recognition software and integrated into a database where they are cross matched with numerous other databases by use of a derivative of the “Promis” software system.  Of course the various risk levels are estimated by such multiple regression analysis and voice stress analysis and provided a color coded rating for estimated “potential terrorist” ranking.
The plan is to supposed to eventually directly link back to specially trained store security who will then be instructed to follow, stalk and surveil certain “security risks” at the yellow or above color code. This one store get some new lights installed.  Occasionally they seem to be brighter or show some flicker that feels somewhat uncomfortable.  First a manager goes off and cracks on the job, having to be taken away by paramedics for psychiatric observation.
This manager has no history of any mental or psychiatric issues and is known to be typically well balanced.  Then a few weeks later a worker cracks the same way.  What the heck was going on?  A rumor within the local intel community was that “someone” was probably testing new high tech psychotronic mood entrainment system based on “triangulated” computerized pulsed beam microwave generated in lights and recording the “targets” response on the surveillance cameras.
Here’s another rumor.  Local school system has almost every room and bus wired up with Cameras and sound (all except the buses for handicapped which is not allowed by Federal Law). These images and sound are processed at a central computer system, the same on that handles all the state govt and many of the local communities and schools Internet and computer systems too. Wi-Fi is also installed which is also a pulsed beam microwave emitter.
Then a teachers aid cracks up, running up and down the halls and has to be taken away by paramedics.  No prior history of any such issues.  Then later a teacher goes off in a staff meeting and says outrageous things totally out of character (he is fired). What has occurred here?  We can’t know for sure because this information is hard to confirm.  It remains to be “highly possible” rumor.  But it is a rumor in the local intel community that this is another test to make sure the schools can be locked down whenever necessary.
There are a lot more of these “ozone” stories.  They mostly have the same script, just the victims are different. You get the idea.
A bureaucrat is becoming a problem.  A car pulls up next to him and a hand held psychotronic pulsed beam emitter is activated, the target goes unconscious and hits another car or two.  A well respected school teacher of many years’ experience and a spot less record learns of two sets of books at the school and other sophisticated scams such as billing the govt for transportation for handicapped kids that have long left, and substitute teachers being paid that do not exist.  He starts having serious computer problems and asks those responsible to repair his computer.  He asks repeatedly and nothing is done.  Finally small ads for soft porn appear on his computer email.  He unplugs his computer and reports it.  Next thing he is accused of using his school computer to access pornography.  The school tries to have him arrested by the local police, but they say there is no case, no evidence.  The teacher is so disgusted he resigns and plans to get another job elsewhere since other schools have expressed an interest in him before (he is in a high demand field with a shortage of qualified teachers).
Then the school blackballs him and does everything it can to get his licenses revoked and smear him.  It all fails and he is now back at work in a better school. He sues the school.  The law firm representing the school is linked to the governor who was rumored to be linked to intel.  At a deposition at the office of school’s attorney, he is repeatedly offered beverages and refuses. They act hurt and disappointed.  The fluorescent lights start blinking and he starts starts to feel very agitated.  So he stands up and turns the lights off.  Immediately he feels normal again and is able to complete his deposition.  Eventually the judge rules in favor of the school on a technicality and the case seems like it was fixed.
Here’s another Ozone rumor.  A local suburb of a large American city install expensive new streetlights along main walking paths and bike trails, all paid for by special USG security grants.  These high tech lights are radio controlled have sensitive speakers to pick up anything those walking by say, and just happen to have pulsed beam emitters which are usually only turned on in the AM when folks drive by on the way to work or in the PM when they drive by on the way home.  When sophisticated test equipment is used by an interest researcher to drive by and walk by certain times during the day, these emission patterns become clear. And just by coincidence I’m sure, these frequencies emitted are in the same range as those which have been suspected to mildly entrain mood in susceptible individuals.  These systems didn’t start in America, they were deployed in the UK and Europe first along with numerous surveillance cameras.
Are these anecdotal stories and rumors true?  We can’t know for sure. But there is a lot about the crimes of high officials in American Intel that we can know about, information provided in Congressional hearings that cannot be covered up any more. The Senator Church Hearing on Intel Abuses, The Watergate Hearings, the Iran-Contra Hearings, the Mindkontrol Hearings of Energy Secretary Rachel O’leary and a Special Hearing on US Customs corruption.  All the results of these hearings were published by the US Printing Office.  Some are probably no longer available.  The Report form the Hearings on Corruption in US Customs was as thick as a phone book and documented truly disgusting compromise by criminal elements, all done for baksheesh.
Now why did each of these hearings occur at all?  Yes, there were political games being played, that’s true.  But also there had been a convergence of far too many rumors and anecdotal stories of severe abuse by entities of the USG.  Eventually a critical mass was reached.  And this was the same type of critical mass process that resulted in the House Special Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) which attempted to re-examine the JFK, RFK and MLK Assassinations.
Right from the start several very sophisticated interception and psychological operations were planned and begun to neutralize the investigation. Numerous things were done to hamper it and they did succeed.  But in the process valuable evidence did emerge despite the murders of numerous key witnesses who were in process of being subpoenaed.  This included Sam Giancana.
During the Hearings, several key intel individuals were deposed in private executive (classified) sessions who spilled the beans and told what really happened.  We do not have access to these, they are sealed, so we cannot know for sure.  It is rumored that Marita Lorenz, who was well acquainted with the members of OP40 (in Room 40 at Langley), set up by Richard Nixon when he was VP, provided evidence which was sealed.  It was rumored that this evidence included a photo of Oswald, Ruby and others the night before the JFK Assassination outside a motel room near Dallas. So one can see that the American Intel spin machine has been working overtime covering this one up for many years and is still hard at work doing so.  It is failing because good surveys have shown between 80-90% of the American public believe that JFK was murdered by his own Govt and a big cover-up has been in place ever since.
There have been new laws to attempt to further muzzle actual Federal Whistle-blowers who speak out in attempts to expose and correct extreme Govt abuses and crimes. Some whistleblowers have been wrongly fired, indicted and even jailed for speaking out.  Some have been successful in spite of massive efforts to muzzle them.  Take the example of the America Heroes Frederick Whitehurst, Colleen Rowley, and Sibel Edmonds that went public and eventually prevailed. The amount of harassment and abuse that both Dr. Whitehurst and Sibel Edmonds endured was disgraceful.

Dr. Ferederick Whitehurst was an experienced technician working in the FBI crime lab who became a public whistle-blower who reported faking of evidence and misuse of the lab.  He survived all the harassment, threats and abuse and is one of the greatest American Heroes ever. Colleen Rowley was an FBI whistle-blower that spoke out and notified Congress of the WFO not allowing her to initiate a search of Zacharias Moussaui’s computer which was alleged to contain information about a side plot for 911 patsies.  Rowley’s taking of a stand for what was right took great courage.  Another great American Hero.

Sibel Edmonds was an FBI translator that came across alarming information which she tried to report. National security was clamped down and she was prevented from speaking freely about a certain cabal in Congress that were allegedly paid off to assist with the 911 attacks.  Now she is free to talk to a limited degree about this and has her own website, Boiling Frogs.  She is another great American Hero.
Or take the case of Susan Lindauer, an American Intel asset who became a whistle-blower. She was jailed and harassed beyond reason, all by criminal elements in American Intel. Now she is free and telling her story and it’s an alarming one.  She was allegedly jailed under national security to keep her from speaking out about the warnings of the 911 attacks.  Another great America Hero.
And yet despite all these coordinated attempts to surveil, stalk, harass, threaten and abuse so many folks who have seen far too much, more are leaking information about the crimes and abuses of American Intel.
It certainly appears that the USG national security state is growing at a very rapid rate, all in response to Terrorism and the war on terror.  The problem is that the terror acts like 911 and others have been done by elements in the USG, directed by the Shadow Govt. As the USG gears up to fight this war on terror in the homeland, using the US Military deployed inside the US and the new American Gestapo (Homeland Security), more and more view this behavior as criminal, a gross violation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and a complete violation of oath of office.  As more and more folks get disgusted inside the national security apparatus (which is now aboun80% privatized) there are many more who will leak and many more who will listen.  And thanks to the Internet these misdeeds of the national security that are leaked out spreads fast.
As things heat up in the homeland and the economy shows no signs of rapid upswing, it is likely a certain critical mass will be reached by “we the people” and  certain public tipping points will occur as they always do eventually.  Then it will “be on” at many different levels as never before.
Preston James is the pseudonym of a Ph.D. in social psychology, who has become an expert on psy-ops, “false flag” and covert operations by the US government

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Operation Black Storm is a Project of Patriot PAC
Help Us Elect More Strong Leaders Like
Allen West & Tim Scott To Congress
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) is challenging Barack Obama on his shocking usurpation of Congressional lawmaking powers under the Constitution, as Obama effectively declares Amnesty for nearly a million illegal immigrants in the U.S. – defying Congress' refusal to pass any such exemption to existing immigration law.
Rep. West argues correctly the Constitutional position, that any significant changes of policy or enforcement are to be matters of legislation, residing as the sole responsibility of the Congress. At the very least, such a profound shift in the obvious intent and effect of standing law as originally passed by Congress would require the subsequent approval of Congress.
"We have representative government," West said in a statement, "and I think right now this shows that we're getting away from government that's based upon the consent of the American people, and we're starting to live under a rule by edict or Executive Order."
"The devil is in the details…" Rep. West
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claims the administration's new program for young illegal immigrants, taken from the oft-failed DREAM Act legislation that has not been successful in passing several sessions of Congress, is "not Amnesty" –despite the fact that it will remove them from the deportation process, allow them work and education privileges, and unrestricted opportunities for reapplication for deferred status.
The rules just announced by Obama would grant as many as 800,000 illegal immigrants immunity from deportation and allow them to qualify for federal work permits. "…deferred action under this new directive will not provide an individual with permanent lawful status and it will not provide a pathway to obtaining permanent lawful status or citizenship," insists Napolitano.
"This grant of deferred action is not immunity, it is not Amnesty," Napolitano said. "It is an exercise of discretion so that these young people are not in the removal system."
However, senior Obama administration officials told reporters that the program would "eliminate" qualifying illegals from the "universe of people subject to immigration enforcement."
"Individuals who meet this criteria will not be placed in removal [deportation] proceedings and will not be removed [deported] from the United States," the official said. The concept, of course, being that by eliminating this pool of individuals from the universe of people subject to immigration enforcement we can focus our resources on individuals we want to focus on."
This unconstitutional "selective enforcement" edict from Obama would grant immunity from deportation to illegal immigrants who meet each of five new categories:
  • Illegally entered the United States when they were under 16 years old;
  • Have continually resided in the United States for at least five years;
  • Are currently in school, have graduated from a U.S. high school, obtained a GED, or has been honorably discharged from the military or Coast Guard;
  • Have not been convicted of a felony or "serious misdemeanor," multiple misdemeanors, or are a threat to public safety or national security;
  • Is under the age of 30;
Illegal immigrants who meet those criteria will be immune from deportation for two years based on what Napolitano called Homeland Security's use of "prosecutorial discretion."
But the two-year grant of "deferred action" is renewable indefinitely, and during that time illegal immigrants may apply for federal permits that allow them to work legally in the United States. Senior Obama administration officials also made clear that the grants of immunity would be valid even if Mitt Romney wins the White House in November. "A two-year grant of deferred action is a two-year grant of deferred action," the official said
"The devil is in the details…" Rep. West
Clearly, the endgame of all this for this million or so illegal population is comprehensive Amnesty, with voting rights (and Democrat Party registration cards) – to be followed with the same for all illegal aliens. But Obama and the corrupt Democrat Party cannot tell the truth about what they are doing.
It is shameful, unconstitutional, and un-American to be extending sub-level, partial citizenship to portions of the illegal population, without any debate over their fate as sub-citizens, or serious deliberation and debate over the long-term fate of the massive illegal population within our borders?
As noted by columnist John Hayward in Human Events: "These are illicit, 'temporary measures' for a problem that has existed for decades, and isn't going away any time soon. What happens to all those DREAM-Act-by-fiat students when they turn 31? When the economy picks up, fresh waves of illegals will throw themselves at the porous border, committing a 'crime' they are confident will not be prosecuted. What will we do with all of them, and their many children?"
"The devil is in the details…" Rep. West
And the details are dire. Obama does not love America. He does not have America's best interests at heart. He is a delusional narcissist with contempt for the Constitution and no regard for the rule of law. Obama is indifferent to the dangers to which he exposes America in his ruthless, grasping quest for office, and the destruction he wreaks to our ordered liberty and institutions of self-government.
Obama, the Campaigner-in-Chief, is willing to divide America on matters of race, creed and color like our nation has not seen since the rending wounds of the Civil War. Obama will NOT rest until the United States of America becomes the Socialist States of America and his radical agenda is in place with every Citizen dependent on Big Brother because there will be NO jobs, NO national harmony, NO unity.
Since their election in 2010, Operation Black Storm Candidates Allen West and Tim Scott have taken Washington by storm by bringing the FREEDOM principles of Frederick Douglass Republicans and the LIBERTY message of Constitutional Conservatism back to our nation's Capital. BUT ALLEN WEST AND TIM SCOTT NEED YOUR HELP to carry on the fight in the halls of Congress!
West and Allen are running hard for re-election, but as established conservative leaders, they are ALSO seeking allies and "comrades in arms"! Let's send them Mia Love from Utah!
Mia Love is currently the mayor of Saratoga Springs, but she also recently won a primary race to become the Republican candidate in Utah's 4th Congressional District. She will face incumbent Jim Matheson in November. A victory over Matheson would make Love the first black Republican congresswoman in the House of Representatives.
"The Democrats, and the left, say I don't exist," Love said in her candidate forum to CPAC in February. "I'm not supposed to exist. I'm a strong conservative, I'm female, I'm black – if anybody hasn't noticed. I'm a strong and a proud Republican, I am a daughter of immigrant parents, I believe in fiscal discipline because I grew up that way. I believe in limited government because my parents realized, 'Hey, the only thing I need is opportunity. I don't need charity, I just need opportunity.' And last, but not least, I believe in the power of personal responsibility and how that is the pride of Americans."
On the heels of Operation Black Storm's 2010 success in helping elect Rep. Allen West (FL) and Rep. Tim Scott (SC), OBS is proud to endorse and support Mia Love for Congress!
Mia Love knows all about fighting against government programs and politicians, who advance themselves with empty lies and false hopes. The child of poor immigrant parents, her family made their own way pursuing the American dream. Mia was taught patriotism, faith and self-reliance. Her parents sought opportunity, not entitlements, and aspired to independence.
Mia says that her parents immigrated to this country from Haiti with nothing but a strong family and a solid work ethic. "My father, who took two jobs to help pay for my education, was a living example of personal responsibility. He is proud to say he didn't take a handout. When I graduated from college, my father told me, 'You will not be a burden to society. You will give back…' I am mayor of Saratoga Springs and I am running for Congress with this small government, fiscally responsible philosophy: We are not entitled to anything we don't own, earn, work for, or pay for ourselves. The era of entitlements needs to end."
Every day, somewhere in the country, the Democrat elites pull out and viciously play their omnipresent race card against independent, accomplished citizen patriots and lovers of liberty like Mia Love. If you have ever been on the receiving end of these false attacks, you know how repugnant, sickening and unfair they can be. Congress desperately needs the voices of more minority conservatives to ANSWER BACK, help break the bonds of racialist tyranny that hold people back from freedom, and liberate black America from the Democrats' plantation politics.
Mia has GREAT ANSWERS! As she declares, "I have yet to meet a Tea Party member who wants to see me 'hanging on a tree,' as U.S. Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana recently suggested. He says the tea party considers me a second-class citizen. In truth, as a black conservative woman in Utah, I have been welcomed into the arms of a freedom-loving movement. The Tea Party reflects the principles of freedom and prosperity black Americans have long fought to win…
The inflammatory rhetoric and class-warfare agenda of many of today's Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members do not reflect the values upon which this country was founded. As an American who is also black, I am proud to align myself with the forces of freedom."
We know, of course, that today during a highly divisive election season, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is more interested in igniting racism than extinguishing it. Far from promoting freedom or unity, the CBC's agenda calls for ever-increasing levels of animosity and, for black Americans, dependency.
Mia has noted that "Andre Carson's comments, along with those of Rep. Maxine Waters of California telling the Tea Party to 'go straight to hell,' send a disturbingly hostile message. As the only conservative member in the 43-member caucus, Rep. Allen West of Florida has urged the chairman of the CBC to condemn 'hate-filled comments' of some members. West is still waiting for a response from the caucus, but what he really needs are reinforcements in Congress who will better reflect the diversity of views held by black Americans."
Mia is ready, willing and able to lead those reinforcements!
Mia knows the principles of the Tea Party and patriot movement are all-American, whatever a person's background. "You don't have to be white – or black, or Hispanic, or Asian, or anything else – to care about the important issues facing our nation. My priorities of fiscal discipline, personal responsibility and smaller government draw upon my own experience as an American," Mia has written.
The CBC legislative agenda calls for ever-increasing levels of dependency for black Americans through federally initiated entitlement programs. Mia Love believes that trimming government and getting it out of the way of economic recovery is the best way to create jobs and wealth that enable people to pull themselves out of poverty. Personal responsibility cannot be omitted from the equation.
More importantly, leaders in black communities such as members of the CBC must stop demonizing those who promote such values. Mia is determined to join Florida Rep. Allen West and help put on the brakes. One of Mia Love's expressed goals, should she make it to the House of Representatives, is to join the Congressional Black Caucus in order to "take that thing apart from the inside out," as she says.
Mia Love knows she will draw the vicious attacks of the left for charting this course, and for allying herself with Congressmen Allen and Scott, the Tea Parties and Operation Black Storm. Love's message for both the incumbent Matheson and the Democrat Party is simple: "Game on."
And Mia is not alone in her willingness to meet the challenges of hardball politics, and the straight-up bigotry of the radical left. That almost goes without saying – but for those of you who were with us last election cycle, let us recall that the GOP literally IGNORED our historic slate of over 32 black Republican candidates – and understand that there are still the challenges of lowered expectations and benign neglect in minority districts and "Establishment owned" states.
And then meet Brenda Lenard, and learn why "A vote for Brenda Lenard is a vote for the American Dream"!
As Brenda says on her campaign site, "Why in the world is a black, single mom, who grew up in the Projects, running as a Conservative Republican against Republican Senator, Bob Corker, in Tennessee? It's because I know we must restore the American Dream, which I have lived, despite all odds… Some folks would say I grew up without hope, but they're wrong. Real hope was what kept me going. If you saw the hit movie, The Blind Side, then you have an inkling of what my early life was like. The Projects were awful. Crime was rampant. Food was scarce and getting a good education was difficult. Poverty. No hope. Some said that was my future, but they were mistaken."
Brenda KNOWS the status quo of today's Establishment politics isn't good enough, and the promises of Establishment politicians are empty. She knows that the "soft bigotry of low expectations" has plenty of blame to go around. But she has faith. Her hope is in God, who has given her the determination and trust in her future to leave that life, and the providential opportunities to keep her moving forward to realize the American Dream.
Brenda studied hard in school; she worked hard at any job she could find. And, despite disappointments, set-backs and interruptions – today Brenda is well on her way to completing her Doctorate in Political Science, at the University of Tennessee.
Brenda is Tea Party; Brenda is Constitutionalist; Brenda is Frederick Douglass Republican!
Brenda wants to end "go along to get along" politics as usual; she wants to change Washington, conserve liberty, and return this nation to limited Constitutional government, with unlimited individual opportunity for her children and yours. A Frederick Douglass Republican committed to the fostering of personal responsibility, Brenda envisions restored federal Representative discipline that will:
  • Stop runaway spending that kills jobs and shrinks personal freedom
  • Repeal ObamaCare, and support free market reforms to lower costs and put us, not a bureaucrat, in charge of our health care
  • Stop our government from coddling terrorists, and giving criminals more rights than victims
  • Bring an end to abortion on demand
  • Stop job-killing policies based on the hoax of man-made global warming
As Francis Rice (a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and Chairman of the National Black Republican Association) writes:
History shows that during the 1960's Democrats used racist slurs and brutality against Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican until the day he died, and other nonviolent activists who were trying to stop the Democrats from denying civil rights to black Americans. Today, Democrats are using similar reprehensible tactics against conservatives and Republicans, especially black Republicans, who are trying to stop the Democrats from stripping civil liberties from all Americans.
While claiming to be racially sensitive, Democrats use racist invectives to denigrate black Republicans, demeaning them as "sellouts", "Uncle Toms", "House Negroes", "House N-word", or worse. The list of black Republicans attacked by Democrats is long and includes RNC Chairman Michael Steel, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, General Colin Powell and Justice Clarence Thomas.
…Written out of our history books are the following facts. The Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party and, after the Civil War, Republicans amended the US Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans then passed the civil rights laws to ensure blacks could exercise their Constitutional rights, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1867 and 1875. After Democrats took control of Congress in 1892, Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil rights legislation enacted by the Republicans. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950's and 1960's pushed through by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen over the objection of the Democrats.
In addition to their reprehensible of record of fighting against civil rights legislation, Democrats have a long history of racial violence. Recorded by liberal professor Dr. Eric Foner in his book "A Short History of Reconstruction", is the horrifying fact that Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans – black and white. The Klan became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, killing over 2,000 black Republicans and over 1,000 white Republicans.
This is exactly why Operation Black Storm exists, and why WE are supporting and endorsing Mia Love for Congress and Brenda Lenard for U.S. Senate!
We need to send Mia and Brenda to Washington, to join Representatives West and Scott on Capitol Hill. Since their election in 2010, Operation Black Storm Congressmen Allen West and Tim Scott have rocked Washington DC, by bringing the principles of Frederick Douglass Republicans and message of black conservatism back to our nation's Capital. Representatives West & Scott have often been the only members of Congress unafraid of the Tyrant in Chief, unabashedly calling out Obama and the Black Congressional Caucus for their disastrous policies and obvious race baiting.
Representatives West and Scott cannot "hold the line" alone. They need more Frederick Douglass constitutionalists to stand with them to defeat the race baiting, plantation politics of the left. They need solid moral and fiscal conservatives like Mia Love and Brenda Lenard to restore the Republican Party to its true constitutional roots. Let's break the bonds of dependency, big government, and racism – once and for all!
As we head into perhaps one of the most important – but racially and economically polarized election cycles of our lifetime – we need to continue our success in carrying the message of freedom. Help us fill Congress with dedicated, liberty loving, social and fiscal minority conservatives who can free America from the bondage of leftist class warfare and shameful RINO "me too" Republicanism. We are proud to endorse Mia Love, candidate for Utah's 4th Congressional District, and our upstart U.S. Senate challenger against the RINO incumbent Senator Bob Corker of TN – and we implore YOUR support for these patriot ladies and our OBS efforts NOW!
Operation Black Storm is dedicated to replacing the plantation politics of the left with liberty, by electing more Frederick Douglass Republican, Constitutionalist conservatives like Mia Love, candidate for Utah's 4th Congressional District and Brenda Lenard for U.S. Senate, GOP Tennessee. Please join us!
Keep Faith,
Patriot PAC

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