Monday, June 25, 2012

Experts find 30 trillion tons of toxic liquid injected into earth poisons ground water

True US History
Experts Find 30 Trillion Tons of Toxic Liquid Injected into Earth Poisons Ground Water
Jun 24, 2012 - 12:34:39 AM
Experts find 30 trillion tons of toxic liquid injected into earth poisons ground water
Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:38PM GMT

Over the past several decades, U.S. industries have injected more than 30 trillion gallons of toxic liquid deep into the earth, using broad expanses of the nation's geology as an invisible dumping ground.
No company would be allowed to pour such dangerous chemicals into the rivers or onto the soil. But until recently, scientists and environmental officials have assumed that deep layers of rock beneath the earth would safely entomb the waste for millennia.
There are growing signs they were mistaken.
Records from disparate corners of the United States show that wells drilled to bury this waste deep beneath the ground have repeatedly leaked, sending dangerous chemicals and waste gurgling to the surface or, on occasion, seeping into shallow aquifers that store a significant portion of the nation's drinking water.
In 2010, contaminants from such a well bubbled up in a west Los Angeles dog park. Within the past three years, similar fountains of oil and gas drilling waste have appeared in Oklahoma and Louisiana. In South Florida, 20 of the nation's most stringently regulated disposal wells failed in the early 1990s, releasing partly treated sewage into aquifers that may one day be needed to supply Miami's drinking water.
Federal officials and many geologists insist that the risks posed by all this dumping are minimal. Accidents are uncommon, they say, and groundwater reserves - from which most Americans get their drinking water - remain safe and far exceed any plausible threat posed by injecting toxic chemicals into the ground.
But in interviews, several key experts acknowledged that the idea that injection is safe rests on science that has not kept pace with reality, and on oversight that doesn't always work.
Some experts see the well failures and leaks discovered so far as signs of broader problems, raising concerns about how much pollution may be leaking out undetected. By the time the damage is discovered, they say, it could be irreversible.
"Are we heading down a path we might regret in the future?" said Anthony Ingraffea, a Cornell University engineering professor who has been an outspoken critic of claims that wells don't leak. "Yes." Raw Story
"In 10 to 100 years we are going to find out that most of our groundwater is polluted," said Mario Salazar, an engineer who worked for 25 years as a technical expert with the EPA's underground injection program in Washington. "A lot of people are going to get sick, and a lot of people may die."
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which has primary regulatory authority over the nation's injection wells, would not discuss specific well failures identified by ProPublica or make staffers available for interviews. The agency also declined to answer many questions in writing, though it sent responses to several. Salon
According to risk analyses cited in EPA documents, a significant well leak that leads to water contamination is highly unlikely - on the order of one in a million. Once waste is underground, though, there are few ways to track how far it goes, how quickly or where it winds up. There is plenty of theory, but little data to prove the system works. Raw Story
There are more than 680,000 underground waste and injection wells nationwide, more than 150,000 of which shoot industrial fluids thousands of feet below the surface. Scientists and federal regulators acknowledge they do not know how many of the sites are leaking.
The boom in oil and natural gas drilling is deepening the uncertainties, geologists acknowledge. Drilling produces copious amounts of waste, burdening regulators and demanding hundreds of additional disposal wells. Those wells - more holes punched in the ground - are changing the earth's geology, adding man-made fractures that allow water and waste to flow more freely.
In September 2009, workers for Unit Petroleum Company discovered oil and gas waste in a roadside ditch in southern Louisiana. After tracing the fluid to a crack in the casing of a nearby injection well, operators tested the rest of the well. Only then did they find another hole - 600 feet down, and just a few hundred feet away from an aquifer that is a source of drinking water for that part of the state. Salon

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Called national security threat by anti-Christian activists

The Pentagon has revoked permission for a Christian ministry to produce Bibles for different branches of the military, marked with those insignias, after an anti-Christian group called them a threat to national security.
In 2003, B&H Publishing, a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, was given authorization to use the official seals of the U.S. military branches on a line of Bibles. No government funds were used in the production of the Bibles, which contained devotional material unique to each service branch in much the same way they are tailored to other groups such as teens or children.
As part of the features, the Bibles featured the Pledge of Allegiance, the first and fourth verses of the Star Spangled Banner, Patton’s famous Christmas prayer card from 1944 as well as testimonials from the Officers’ Christian Fellowship.
Nowhere in the Bibles did they state that they were endorsed by any government entity or military branch.
Despite this, last year the Military Religious Freedom Foundation sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta demanding the military rescind its authorization to use the service emblems, saying it was a violation of church and state separation.
The request by the group was subsequently granted. Marty King, communications director for LifeWay said, “We received notice last year from the various branches withdrawing authorization.”
While the group was told it would be able to sell its existing stock, last week it was announced that the Department of Defense was pulling all known copies of the Bibles from exchange stores.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is taking credit for the removal of the Bibles from service exchanges and removal of the service insignias.
“Once again our foundation has decisively beaten back those who would see the wall separating church and state reduced to rubble,” said Mikey Weinstein, MRFF spokesman. “The very fact that the Pentagon – or ‘Pentacostal-gon’ – had allowed for the insignias of the Navy, Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force to be used for such a clearly evangelical fundamentalist agenda should sicken anyone with any inkling of respect for the ‘sacred’ principle of religious freedom as enshrined by the foundational documents of our nation, namely the U.S. Constitution.”
While the group claims that it is not an atheist organization and that many of its members are Christians, Weinstein admitted the group was opposed to evangelical Christianity. In an interview with, he said, “We’re fighting a Fundamentalist-Christian-Parachurch-Military-Corporate-Proselytizing-Complex.”
Additionally, the group says that placing service logos on Bibles is a “national security threat.”
“If their logos are being placed on a particular version of Christianity – particularly when we are engaged in a war with fundamentalist Muslims that are trying to view this as a cosmic war between Jesus and Allah – it’s a security threat,” he said. “It’s neither a problem, it’s not an issue or a challenge. It’s a national security threat.”
The group claims the military Bibles are also in violation of the law, but they have no problem with other Bibles being sold. “The Bible by itself is fine to be sold,” Weinstein told Fox News Radio.
The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty said it was outrageous that the DoD prohibited the publisher from printing the Bibles with the emblems.
“DoD regularly allows vendors to use branch insignia for other books, for paintings and other items,” the group said.
“From General George Washington until today, military personnel have taken counsel, received comfort, and been encouraged by biblical texts,” said Col. Ron Crews, executive director for the Chaplain Alliance. “These Bibles cost the Department of Defense nothing, and their presence is legally legitimate; therefore, no reason exists for the DoD to retreat in the face of the small anti-religious group that demanded removal of the Bibles.”
The group said the decision is another attempt by the DoD to create a “religion free” zone in the military and is calling on Congress to investigate the issue.




"We are absolutely slaves to central banks."


"Markets are driven by policy now."

this from two different pundits in the same interview...

"Every country has to devalue their currency" don't you GET IT yet?

and we do NOTHING because we are good little slaves who will sell our children down the river.

They even talk about BUYING SCARCE, and in business parlance this points directly to the ruthless practise of EXTINCTION ECONOMICS.

Look, it's good for business - you just DON'T GET IT, slave.

World's Life Expectancy Figures - Top Ten (12 actually) Countries -

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

World's Life Expectancy Figures - Top Ten (12 actually) Countries - Guess which they are? . . . . .
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 25-Jun-2012 02:54:58

Some interesting 'surprises'? . . . .
Especially the first two, with Japan having had two atomic bombs dropped on it in 1945, and the highly 'polluted' and congested, Hong Kong region, of all places.
N.B. The first three-digit number is the overall country/state/capital/region's average (at birth).
The second figure the male average
The third is the female average, at birth.
1 Japan 82.6 79.0 86.1
2 Hong Kong ( China) 82.2 79.4 85.1
3 Switzerland 82.1 80.0 84.2
4 Israel 82.0 80.0 84.0
5 Iceland 81.8 80.2 83.3
6 Australia 81.2 78.9 83.6
7 Singapore 81.0 79.0 83.0
8 Spain 80.9 77.7 84.2
8 Sweden 80.9 78.7 83.0
10 Macau ( China) 80.7 78.5 82.8
10 France (metro) 80.7 77.1 84.1
10 Canada 80.7 78.3 82.9
What do these top 10 'countries' have in common? **
111 Thailand ^^ 70.6 66.5 75.0
^^ (The country I was actually interested in)
** -- No idea! !
So why don't we just STOP hypothesizing and speculating. :)
We really haven't a clue!
So WHO really KNOWS?
God only knows ! :)

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 25, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 25, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 25-Jun-2012 03:41:43

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 25, 2012
The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change while others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion among the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.
Meantime we gather ourselves around our allies as they mobilize themselves for the first of many actions. What is starting in the US will spread to other countries, as people everywhere will demand their freedom, and a great cleansing will take place. Where there is resistance we shall back up our allies and explain that freedom must be given or else we will be forced to intervene. There is no choice for the old cabals and their power will be moved along with them if necessary. It is no time for false promises or going back to the old ways that no longer serve you. All countries will eventually base their Constitution on one that will be restored in the US according to the Founding Fathers, but modified to reflect the New Age that you are entering. These matters have already been addressed and prepared for a quick transition.
Some people wonder how the armed forces will react, and we must tell you that the majority are ready to lay down their arms and become the true protectors of Mankind as originally intended. No longer will they put their lives on the line fighting false wars, and instead they will act to maintain peace throughout the world. Weapons as such will not be used against the people, and a day will come when they will no longer be needed. We know where the hidden facilities are and they will be destroyed to ensure they are never used again. Indeed, we have already commenced closing down underground bases, and are disarming the dark Ones as quick as possible.
Bear in mind our actions are carried out in such a way that there is no loss of life. We can "remove" people quite easily and deposit them wherever we choose, and often it is off planet. We re-educate those who indulge in killing and violence, so that they may return to Earth as useful citizens. Those of you who are moving into the Light will know, that at a certain level you move beyond the negative emotions and they can no longer affect you. Your Light is your protection and will bounce back such energies to the originator. Such is the power of Light that where creation is concerned, nothing is impossible and it is only the lack of belief that prevents it.
Dear Ones, you are doing so well even though you are under a lot of pressure, but do try and relax and enjoy what should be an exciting time. Time is moving so quickly, before you know what has happened we will be talking with you and have regular communication. Our intent is to keep you well informed of our activities, and we look forward to addressing you directly. With us will stand those souls who will have been identified as of the Light, and will lead you to the goal of Ascension. Naturally it does not stop there and your evolution will continue in the higher dimensions. If you did but know it, you have so much to look forward to and your lives will alter for all time.
Whatever problems or predicaments you find yourselves in, take it in your stride knowing that before long the answers will come your way. The higher vibrations will alleviate many medical problems, and with the coming of the Cities of Light so will healing chambers and other advanced technologies be able to handle them. After Ascension you will have no illness or physical problems at all, as your bodies will be in a state of perfection. So bear with any existing problems as you do not have much longer to put up with them.
Drugs rarely act as a cure but as a containment and but for concealment you could for example have had a cure for the scourge of Man that is cancer. Many medical advancements have been kept back, so as not to hit the profit levels of the drug companies. Also many drugs are placed on the market that are known to have serious side affects, and others that are banned and withdrawn in one country are sold to the Third World. Shortage of water could also have been overcome, but again held back to maintain high prices. There are many such examples in various markets, and not least of all the Oil Industry. They manipulate the markets to create shortages and high prices, when in reality there are no shortages at all.
You will not have to suffer much longer at the hands of the Illuminati, as the answers to your problems lay with us and our new technologies that we ready to share with you. Already you have learned of the true potential that is waiting for you, and we shall waste no time putting it into place. We simply wait for the new Government to be put in place, with representatives that will truly work for the betterment of Mankind. They are there and known to us because it is quite impossible for anyone to misrepresent themselves without our knowledge. It means that when we negotiate with the dark Ones, there is no point in them trying to fool us with words when we can read their minds.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation of Light assures you that you are in safe hands, and need not become concerned by claims that are intended to make you become fearful. It is not just the Illuminati that create disinformation sources, but also groups that wish to see a different ending to this cycle to satisfy their own beliefs. Also remember that many old prophesies are no longer relevant, as conditions have changed the outcome which is going to be less volatile and easier to deal with. Keep calm and stay within the Light and Love that continually bathes the Earth and raises its vibrations.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Message from Montague Keen - June 24, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - June 24, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 24-Jun-2012 22:57:14

Message from Montague Keen - June 24, 2012
It was great for John [John Mack] and I to be able to give you so much information this week. It is important that you understand better what is going on. John was able to explain why so much emphasis is being put on the London Olympics, so as to ensure that you do not notice what the Cabal is doing elsewhere. They are not of your planet, this is why they can run rings around you. Humans have been dumbed down so that they can be kept under control. You, naturally have standards...they do not. The Cabal cannot exist on your planet as it is, beyond 2012, so it's all or nothing for them. They will do whatever it takes to hang on. There is nano-technology that can stop them in their tracks. Nothing on your planet would be effective against them. You are actually at war on several levels.
Assistance is coming to you from many quarters. The Spirit World and several other planets are poised and ready to come to your rescue. It is just an evil few who are holding your planet to ransom.
You can see that the floodgates have opened. The truth is being placed before you. Please take the time to study it. What you saw this week, proved without doubt, that what you were taught about World War II was total LIES. It is no longer possible to keep the truth hidden. You need the truth to set you free. Be aware also that there are those among you whose purpose is to mislead you and create a false sense of security. They are unaware that they are being used for this purpose. When something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Too much emphasis is being placed on money, something you will not need after the Transition. Money is a tool of the DARK, not of the Light. It was created by the Dark as a tool to control your lives. You have to admit, they were very successful, as you are completely dependent on it. Now that your eyes are opened to this great scam, it is losing its power over you. The mighty are about to fall. Money will not save them. They will not be allowed to remain on Earth. It will not be long before their tight control over your communication network will be removed. The TRUTH will be transmitted over the airwaves. Then you will enjoy freedom of speech, at last. If you had any idea how hard we are working on this side of life, to bring this about, you would not be impatient. Together, we are stronger than they could ever be.
The two steps taken by the Irish government have NAILED THE COFFIN OF THE CABAL. Nobody expected it. I told you, many times, how we needed the Irish to take back what is theirs: to remove the corrupt forever from that sacred land. The true history of Ireland will expose all the lies that were forced on you. It just had to start there. The biggest crimes against humanity began when the language and history were stolen and the people of Ireland were condemned to a control system that abused the innocent children, controlled governments, and all education, with a grip so tight it was difficult to release. When Enda Kenny, the Prime Minister, was inspired to stand up to defend the innocent, this was the first step necessary for your world to gain its freedom and to release your planet from the domination of the Cabal. Both sides of life are grateful to him.
Many believe that the banks control your world. This is not so. They, too, answer to Rome. They are but an arm of the control system. They answer to their masters also. This will be a surprise to many of you, but it is true. "Nothing is as it seems."
You have seen, over the years, that anytime anyone touched on the truth, they were attacked, ridiculed, and condemned. David Icke is the perfect example of this. Spirit supported him and encouraged him to stay the course. Look at him now - a bit battered, but triumphant. His following, today, is more than he could ever have imagined it could be. He has devoted his life to waking up his fellow man to the Truth, to the shackles that enslave him. The day will soon come when mankind will applaud him and acknowledge the great sacrifice he has made on its behalf.
Be vigilant at all times. Share information and support each other. The Cabal has controlled your world for 2000 years. They know all they need to know regarding the control of the masses. You, on the other hand, are new to the game, so at times it may be difficult to see when you are being conned. Gullible people are being used to pass on false information. They are innocent of this fact and so they can be very convincing. You cannot afford to miss your window of opportunity. Six months almost gone already. No time to waste on well-laid plans to mislead you. They have nothing to lose. You, on the other hand, have everything to lose. Do I make myself clear?
Assist, whenever possible, those who work to set you free. They have put their lives on the line. They suffer attacks, as the Cabal has a large armory at its disposal. This, they do not hesitate to use.
You met someone this week. Someone who has suffered greatly at their hands. John (J.M.) helped her a great deal when he was on the Earthplane, to cope with what was done to her. John devoted his life to helping those whose lives were disrupted, and sometimes destroyed, by abduction.
I ask of you today that you not allow FEAR into your lives. Fear mongers will appear in all guises. Do not be taken in by them. You are all loved and cherished by those who matter. The God of love and all understanding is always there for you and awaits your return to the light, when peace will return to Earth and all will live in harmony. Never forget that this is your ultimate goal. Do not allow yourself to be deflected from it. We are almost there.
My dear Veronica, understand the importance of the information that was given through the medium this week. John and I felt that it was an important communication. Please get a night vision camera as we have some surprises in store. Some kind person may come forward with advice on this. Never be swayed by propaganda - that's all it is. Follow your heart and your truth !
You are truly loved, my dear. Always your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 24, 2012 ‘It is Our Ships in Your Skies’

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 24, 2012 ‘It is Our Ships in Your Skies’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 24-Jun-2012 21:17:02

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 24, 2012 ‘It is Our Ships in Your Skies’
We will be home soon enough. The time for our departure is not now and that is the important thing to recognize, as it is always most important to keep what is now before you on your plate and not anything else as this is how things get done. We still have much work to do and it is important that those of you who will be in charge of these projects keep what is important and what is the task at hand in the forefront of your waking consciousness. This is not the time for daydreaming about what it will be like in the days ahead, as this thought processing is not conducive to the thoughts and the actions that are vital to the successful completion of the task before you today.
What is important is what presents itself to you in the now moment, nothing else is important as nothing else is real. It is not your past that is real and it is not your future that is real, it is only what presents itself in the now that is real. Do you understand this? Do you understand you cannot go back and you cannot go forward, you can only exist within the now moment, and the now moment calls for your absolute attention to get the jobs done that will see to a successful reunion with us, your teammates who's efforts we see as very necessary to assist you complete the tasks that will allow for as smooth a transition as is possible for you up ahead.
Again, we do not wish for you to think about what is up ahead, as this is a waste of your energy, energy that is so valuable of a commodity at this very moment. We wish for you to expend your energy on knocking down this single domino that stands face-to-face with you at this very moment. That domino is the wall that stands between you, the people of Earth and we, your teammates from the Galactic Federation of Light. We wish to knock this domino down. We wish to knock this wall down. We wish to begin working with you on the many projects we deem very necessary for the safety and well-being of a number of your population who live in areas we have designated as areas that will receive the blunt of the sea surges in your very near future that will be caused by shifting tectonic plates centered deep within your earth. Because of the shifting of these tectonic plates, due to the relinquishing of your planet's 3rd dimensional reinforcements, there will be energies placated and released into the ethers of this universe. Nothing that your mother planet sheds will go to waste, as all will be recycled into this universe, energies to be used again as modeling clay of creation.
Help us lay the groundwork that will allow us to begin working with you by continuing to spread your understandings of our presence here and why it is we have journeyed to your planet. You are making great strides in this respect and we say to you do not slow your efforts now, but push harder as you are almost there and we can now taste the day when we can bring many of our ships closer to your surface and begin the first stages of recruitment of those of you who have shown a willingness to work with us and get the jobs done that are sorely needed in your world. We have been busy compiling lists of all those who have expressed interest working with us and who have also demonstrated a good working attitude and attitude towards others that they interact with.
We will not stock our coffers, so to speak, with those of you who have demonstrated a lack of respect and lack of basic understandings of others rights of free will and freedom of expression. Those of you who have demonstrated that you have not yet learned these virtues will not be selected to work with us either directly or indirectly. This is the way it must be, as we feel it is necessary to provide a peaceful, safe and productive working environment. What we are doing here is not child's play, and it is not the time for those who have not reached basic understandings of how to treat and how to act towards one another to learn these fundamentals that could have been learned long ago in their current lifetimes or even throughout the course of many of their previous incarnations.
We are not here to nurture and teach these very basic behavioral traits and mannerisms. We are here for far more advanced reasons and we do not have the time and cannot afford the luxury of re-grooming certain individuals who may wish to work with us but have shown no propensity to work well with others and have shown no effort to demonstrate basic politeness or respect for others views or feelings. We feel there will be those of you who will be disappointed at learning that they will not be selected to work with us based on these conditions, however, we feel deep down inside they will understand, and perhaps this will be the catalyst for them to begin inner work on themselves and realize the virtue in this before they turn their energies outward to repair the environment of their outer world. This is the proper work order, as one must build and sturdily construct his house before he moves his tools and applies his trade to help build his neighbors.
We hope that all of you who will be affected by our decision not to work with some of you based on the attitude or behaviors you have demonstrated throughout your online social networks understand that it is not a personal matter as this decision has been made in the name of our mission which is in the name of our Creator, and we cannot take any chances on letting anything jeopardize our work together and the complete and successful accomplishment of every area of operation no matter how great or how small, as each and every piece is vital to the strength of the house we are building which is your new planetary home.
Help us begin the remodeling project of your home. Pick up your tools, they are right at your fingertips and get to work. Strike the first nail in the wood today by sharing some video clips of what should be clear to those who wish to see that it is our ships they see flying in the sky, as for the mind that is open it shall be clear that we are not birds, we are not tricks of light and we are not a figment of over imaginative minds. We are here with our ships and we are making our presence known throughout much of your world, and we ask your help to bring the evidence of this to the eyes of those who wish to see. That is all we are asking you to do at this time. There will be much more work to do once this initial groundwork is laid, and we ask you to focus on this chore and only on this chore now, as it is only now that matters to you and to us and to our mission in love and in service to our Creator, to you and to each other.
We are your allies in your skies. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

This Blog now approaching 12 Million viewers drive byes!

I just wish to thank you all for your visits to this 1 man show. Now headed to 12 million drive byes and over a million per month.

This blog was conceived to be an awareness way station for the 'We The People' and it is making an impression. Read, absorb and spread the word. 

Time for WE THE PEOPLE to take back our world from the Dark Cabal.

Thank You and GOD Bless,

John MacHaffie  A lightworker, A Patriot and HIS humble servant

This is what Drake said today, June 24th:

Submitted as a comment but worthy of its own posting

This is what Drake said today, June 24th:

Drake Radio Interview. He Said: 

* This coming week a vote will be held by the G20 to globalize all of our countries
[NWO]. The military must act NOW to prevent this.
* We will know by Tuesday morning if the military is backing the people.
* A lot of the Cabal people to be arrested left and are in foreign countries now.
* Consider the possibility that force will be used on the people.
Have your gun ready to take action.
* By Tuesday AM the last legality the military is waiting for will be in place.
* U.S. uniforms will have the American flag as the highest badge on the right shoulder
of the uniform.
* It appears that the Cabal will try to bring the war to the U.S.
* The troops are just as nervous as we are.
* Restrain yourself from taking action. Do not engage unless you
see people being pulled from their houses.
* He says the military has the authority to arrest the Cabal as of Monday.
* Our reaction must be thought out and planned.
* He believes the military will step up for the people.
* The 150 country Eastern Alliance has the purpose to set up new banking
and monetary systems.
* is a website to help with foreclosures.
* Most areas of the U.S. have troop movements ongoing at this time.
Don't forget that the summer is the training time for the National Guard.
* Drake will have news of Neil Keenan's progress posted on Drake's Website mid-week.
* He hopes this will hit the Main street media in a couple of days.
Radio Recording:




Look for:

Militia and Military presence. Governor level arrests and above, mainstream media to cover events as they unfold.

States:  It’s up to themselves to remove criminals at first, feds may help when available in highly populated areas but don’t count on it to happen for awhile, be prepared to help make it happen yourself with local law enforcement/sheriff

Stay inside and out of any civil unrest situations if at all possible, let it all die down, to get involved just to watch or give an opinion is to add to the problem. Expect military or militia to ask for your help and please give it to them After:

Banks will close for revaluation, a couple of days to a week.
Revaluation will happen, money will be worth less per piece at first, prices will go way up for a bit then everything will level off and money will have more value than ever before. 

Plan on about 2 weeks for all to take place, keep about 2 weeks of supplies/physical silver in case you need cash, physical silver coins before 1964 will work, most bank accounts for average people will not change so no need to withdraw funds unless a very large amount if you feel better just remove it all and hang onto it, don’t take anyone’s advice unless you feel comfortable with it, i.e., be your own financial advisor with your money and use common sense.

Benefits/pensions/disability, etc. currently being paid will not be interrupted, all will stay the same.

US borders will be closed minimum of 72 hours which will include flying out of the country, as well as Internet overseas transactions from banks and other financial institutions such as stock markets, and other investment agencies dealing with overseas accounts.

Return to founding documents -- constitution, bill of rights, declaration of independence, common law. 24/7 education on TV with our true history, how we came to this place, what was done to us, how they did it, and by whom, there will be all types of subjects to choose from and also possibly available on CD/DVD for those without TV.

All “alphabet” agencies (IRS, TSA, NSA, NASA, FEMA, etc.) to go.

Large banks will be gone, return to publicly-owned state banks, or honest private banks, no longer lawful to work with federal gov’t.

Prepare (probably won’t be but could be 2 weeks or more up to maybe a month):
Full tank of gas in vehicles.
Gun or other weapon if you feel you need it, plenty of ammo.
Flashlights, batteries, hand crank radio and/or two-way for communication.
Lots of water, canned food (beans and rice is good, filling, nutritious), food that can be stored safely such as noodles, powdered mixes, can opener, candles – be prepared to help neighbors who may need it so get extra of everything to share, have working BBQ grill or place to cook food if you want.
Extra toilet paper, pet/livestock food, personal needs, diapers, baby food, formula, paper goods.
Extra meds if you can – most insurance companies won’t allow this so you can tell them you lost it, or are going on vacation, etc., sometimes can get by with taking ½ or 2/3 and save it up a little at a time, check into natural meds as a standby or supplement.
Power, lights, and other things should be working through all of this but it’s good to have some extra to help out family, friends, and neighbors of the things listed above just in case they need help through this time of transition.

Common law –, barefoots world
Bad guys in your local gov’ts – download docs off state gov’ts websites showing self-appointed officials and elected ones not following constitution and where funding comes from for proof of federal government oversight, this is safe as the docs are all public, look for regional planning commissions, councils of government, government “partnership” websites, look for Agenda 21 plans (globalization) and find out where their funding comes from, if funded from the federal level then unlawful with common law.  Download everything you can find that’s public about your city, county and state gov’ts and study it so you know how your government has been working to avoid a repeat.

State and federal Bar association websites – search for lawyers, judges, etc., all are unlawful, internationally-owned corporate employees. Check for news articles re: police officers, sheriff, deputies, etc. and also businesses with their names attached and save all for later use if needed as proof of potential wrongdoing
Check your state secretary of state’s website, do business search for corporations, download copies of docs regarding cities and personnel involved in business with one another and keep a copy for later use to identify those who are potentially criminal

Return to common law
Know the personal responsibility that comes with freedom and common law and be prepared to help others.  Government will not be there to fix everything for you, so think twice before you act and use COMMON SENSE AT ALL TIMES.  No lawsuits because your feelings were hurt, or your “rights” were stepped on by another, be prepared to take responsibility if you hurt another person or another’s property, treat others as you want to be treated and you will be a model common law citizen, expect the same from others but if they don’t comply and don’t hurt you or your property, walk away.
Know the “good guys” in your current government, or people who normally don’t want a position and are painfully honest are the best to step in on local government level


Prepared by Kraig & Susan 

POOF for JUNE 24: The Merging of the East and the West

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

POOF for JUNE 24: The Merging of the East and the West
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 24-Jun-2012 17:59:34
In Response To: POOF for MAY 6: Move On (hobie)

Hi, Folks -
Received via e-mail:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Merging of the East and the West
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:41:05 -0400

George Harrison
Here Comes The Sun lyrics
Here comes the sun (du dn du du)
Here comes the sun
And I say
Its alright

Little darling
Its been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
Its alright

Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun (du dn du du)
Here comes the sun
And I say
Its alright

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes (four times)
Little darling
I see the ice is slowly melting
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun (du dn du du)
Here comes the sun
Its alright

Here comes the sun (du du du du)
Here comes the sun
Its alright
Its alright 

So, for years now, many quiet prayers have gone Heaven ward, looking for a miracle from God, in some cases not so quiet. 'Hello, anybody hear me out there?????' Maybe you didn't understand, you were the miracle, you were looking for. Minds had to be ready to deal with the full implementation of true freedom on this planet. You had to start denying that all power was in the folks who've been jacking with everything since babylon. A courage had to rise up within you that said NO and further, Hell No! You will be stewards of the wealth of the nations. By the power invested in you, you will heal this planet, clean the water and the skies of pollution, feed and nurse the elderly and care for the children. It's not hard, it never was, it just took resources and a different mindset.

Times they are a-changin' and you are the recipient of those changes. Don't waste your time seeking revenge. Seek the peace within...that's your challenge in these coming days, otherwise, you'll be no better off than before the change. I know it's hard to grasp but the world is going thru a remarkable change, beyond any comparison with the past. It will stagger the imaginations of many, miracles Do come true and they will happen for you...if you're young of heart. The money was Not stolen, the truth is, that would be impossible if you understood who's behind this. Man can't steal from the owner. Humans don't have the capacity nor the technology. A few months ago a few boys got it in their heads they were going to pull off the greatest heist in history, didn't even get off the ground good before they were nailed and imprisoned. Some of you caught the stuff about china, jailing a bunch of folks for fraud, The dragons do monitor and clean their own chicken coop. They just have their own way of doing things and their own timing. That will be fully mirrored in the west. Like a lightning bolt on a clear day it will happen and you'll wake up one morning shocked, hearing a lot of whining on your morning news. Didn't think the impossible, happened. OH, and they'll be guilty, no question about it. Politics will be beside the point.
Time to think like a child again, imagine the possibilities, try what the adults say can't be done. Bye bye, fred and barney, we're going to George Jetson's neighborhood, sans his boss. The technology is already here and ready. People ask me 'when', how fast? As quick as you're ready to move on it. Back up help is already available. The cast offs from the past will be flicked out of your way so, they only thing stopping you will be you. Let the left and right hemispheres of the brain merge and work as one, it's an act of personal will. They actually teach this up in the himalayas. A miracle is no more than letting nature go with it's own flow, understanding that thoughts are things. Uncluttering the mind of crappy thoughts, as a lady said one time, a quiet mind is a divine mind. Forests worth of paper work have been processed to close out the past world, I extend my gratitude to those who got on that grindstone and never stopped until the job was done, even while we all bitched about how long it was taking and swearing to god, it would never happen. Thank you for your perseverance. Oh can't forget how many folks swore up and down you all were lying and hoarding everything for yourselves, forgive them they know not what they say or do.
Love and Kisses

We'll be celebrating, dancing until dawn,
Come on dry your tears now, put your dark glasses on,
Tonight in Babylon

Gonna be a revolution, a change is gonna come,
Gonna be a new beginning, gonna shine on everyone
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon

Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon

Maybe we should go out dancing, put the red light on,
Everybody knows it's over, we knew it all along,
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon

Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon

Maybe we should go out dancing, put the red light on,
Everybody knows it's over, we knew it all along,
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon

Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon

Tonight in Babylon!
Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon

Everybody feels alright 

Miami-Dade Police Drone Spotted Over Memorial Day Weekend Partiers

Miami-Dade Police Drone Spotted Over Memorial Day Weekend Partiers

JUNE 24, 2012
Post image for Miami-Dade Police Drone Spotted Over Memorial Day Weekend Partiers
After perfecting them overseas in military situations, it was only a matter of time before the government and law enforcement would start using aerial drones for monitoring US citizens back home. And that time is now, as partygoers in Miami recently discovered.
Back in January of 2011 Miami’s police force acknowledged that they’d be the first in the country to employ camera-equipped drones to keep tabs on the city. So while its appearance isn’t a complete surprise, this clipfrom YouTube user ‘miamiearl’ showing one of the drones monitoring partygoers at a recent Memorial Day weekend celebration, is still a little unsettling.