Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More from DHS insider

MAJOR SIGNIFICANCE >>> More from DHS insider « Northeast Intelligence Network

More from DHS insider

18 June 2012: It was not one contact, but a series of contacts over the last month from which the following information was developed from my source within the Department of Homeland Security. My initial article citing this specific source was published on May 8, 2012. This article details my subsequent contacts with my source beginning after May 14, 2012. Actual dates, times and locations have been omitted at the request of my source.
Our first meeting
The first words from “Rosebud’s” mouth were various expletives strung together in an interestingly creative tirade. Based on the uncharacteristically profane welcome that I thought was directed at me, it was quite obvious that my source was very angry.
“Do you know that the ‘[expletive deleted]-storm’ is still going on because of all the attention to your article?” Thinking that the “bloom was off the rose” and I was about to lose a valuable source, I began to remind my source that we agreed on what could be printed and spoken publicly, and he seemed to have previously come to terms with the initial blow-back created after the initial information he had given me made the rounds. My explanation was interrupted by his sudden laughter, a welcome relief from the tension I initially felt.
“Don’t worry my friend, it’s all good. I just didn’t think the information would have such staying power. We did the right thing by getting this stuff out there, and I’m convinced of that,” he stated. “We hit a nerve, and a big one,” he added, allowing me to relax a bit and feel better about his use of the words ‘we’ and ‘our.’
“I should have told you this before. Having the information first published in Canada was brilliant. It added a layer of inconvenience beyond their [DHS] containment and control, and they [Canada Free Press] did a great job with exposure. Make sure you tell them that. But the pressure is still on to find out where the leaks are coming from, so we’ve got to change a few operational things. But you’ve got to keep getting the word out while I take care of some things on my end,” my source instructed.
The first order of business was to establish a different communications protocol, followed by some information my source wanted to make certain I had correctly or to reemphasize. “We’re going to hit some more and even bigger nerves in due time, so just be ready” he added. Ready for what, I wondered.

It’s the economy, stupid

“Before we get into the grit, I want to make sure you’re clear about what we talked about before, especially about the economy. You know there’s talk at the highest levels about a coming financial meltdown. When I say the highest levels, I mean the highest. But certain information is being compartmentalized, and almost no information is being sent to out-of-the-loop law enforcement agencies about why things are about to get ugly. They’re getting bigger and better equipment and loving it – not questioning it beyond what they’re told. But here’s what you need to make sure everyone understands when you write about our talks:

Despite the fact our economy is on life support, DHS will be budgeting another trillion dollars in surveillance measures and equipment for police state tactics for two reasons. The first is to protect the politicians and the elite who are concerned about their physical safety, and rightfully so. This is why you hear no meaningful objections from either party, because both sides are benefiting, at different levels, from the controlled economic meltdown. They are all in the pockets of the big banks, along with the regulators, and so on. They are paranoid. Even the few who aren’t neck deep in graft – just knee deep. When everything starts to unravel, they will be exposed as complicit, so they have been reminded not to object to the increase in police state tactics,” said my source.
“Secondly, everything is preemptive. The power elite are enabling the looting process by oppressing the truth, so they need to monitor everything. If the top can’t stop the details from getting out, and I’m not talking about news from [expletive deleted] MSNBC or the MSM news, but real news, they figure it’s going to get real ugly. DHS is not just being used as the controlling mechanism to stop people from seeking revenge against the people in power who caused the financial ruin or simply allowed it to happen, but to control information through surveillance, intimidation, and force if necessary,” stated my source.
In response, I told my source that it sounds as if he’s strayed from matters of DHS concern to the venue of international banking. “I’ve developed my own sources, too, as I’ve had to make some sense out of parts of this of this along with you. So to that extent, I had to ask some questions from people I trust who work in that field. Things are very connected – incestuous,” came his reply.
As noted in my initial report, my source emphasized that an economic collapse and the resultant societal chaos is now a common threat topic among top-level DHS officials. [Janet] Napolitano is taking orders from Obama and some people and groups very close to him and making sure they are carried out, without question.
Simply stated, it’s a two-part process that works together. “They [high-level DHS officials] are working through their fusion centers to coordinate specific riot control measures with certain municipalities, and already started the process in the big cities. That’s for ‘blow-back.’ But they want to keep the specific information from getting out, which is for control,” he added.
“Why do you think DHS added a bunch of silly domestic threat categories to their list, like people overly concerned with the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Reserve, and so-called conspiracies that in any world except their global  financial shell game, makes absolutely no sense,” my source asked rhetorically. “Just make sure you emphasize that there is a degree of urgency at DHS over this that’s coming right from the top.”
Something drastically changed
“Speaking of threat categories, I’ve never seen the line between genuine terrorist threats and political enemies blurred like this, ever. You know my history, but others don’t. And you know we’ve talked before, but not to this extent, because there’s really something wrong. I’ve been here since [specific month/year omitted, replaced with: during the G.W. Bush administration] and I started to notice it in 2007. Then, after the financial ‘crisis’ of late 2008, it seemed like everything changed. The mood under [Michael] Chertoff became quite different in the latter part of his time at DHS. When [Janet] Napolitano came in, it became clear that politics trumps true national security,” stated this source.
There is a growing impatience of the top DHS and administration officials. It’s easy to recognize instructional commands that legitimately serve national security. Instead of serving legitimate national security threats, it’s about protecting individuals in our government, and not our country or the people. DHS and certain agencies under DHS have evolved into a personal security apparatus of government officials, it’s that simple,” he stated.
DHS is very busy monitoring people and groups considered threats to this administration, not our country. FISA is disregarded, as is the general rule of law, something with which this department, under this administration, remains unconcerned. The ends, which are questionable at best, justify the means in all cases,” stated this source.
The White House 2012 “war room”
“Right now, it seems as if the duties of DHS overlap those with political issues, such as the re-election campaign. As I mentioned before and can’t stress enough, the line between domestic terror threats and political ‘enemies’ is blurred beyond recognition,” stated my source.
“Understand this: This administration has a very effective mechanism in place to monitor, in real time, internet posters and postings. This is one group of people who understand how the internet works, and is using their people to compile potential threats. Not Islamic terrorist websites, either. American websites and social networks. We are spying on our own people, not for domestic threats, but for political ones against this administration. it’s called ‘the war room,’” stated this source. “This is different than the campaign war room full of young volunteers hopped up on Red Bull and experienced in video games. This is ‘eyes only.’”
I asked for examples of “political surveillance,” and my source had plenty. “Drudge, of course, [Andrew] Breitbart, although that threat seems to have been timely diminished, Glen Beck, Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse, [Alex] Jones, and a host of conservative, anti-affordable health care, and anti-abortion sites for others. I’m not going to get into other names, as we could compromise everything as the list is closely guarded and updated constantly. And I don’t think I need to specifically mention your group, do I,” he asked rhetorically.
“Also, this group is often proactive in terms of mitigating potential threats. Their process is to ‘identify, infiltrate, disrupt, marginalize and ultimately, destroy.’” The last part, “destroy,” got my attention. Asking how, my source provided a rather vague answer. “In the most efficient manner possible. The tactics vary. You couldn’t just take down the Drudge website, for example, but things could be done to weaken its effectiveness in a number of areas. Remember, the infrastructure of the internet is being more tightly controlled. Look at the proposed legislation. What do you think that’s for? And it also depends on the nature of the [political] threat.”
Presuming the answer, I asked the following question nonetheless. What about the FOIA process as a method of exposure of such tactics? After all, one would think such a process could be fully corrupted. “Really, that’s your question,” he replied. Enough said.
When asked who ultimately receives briefings about political threats, this source stated that “after proper ‘formatting’ and ‘coding’ the information ends up at the White House.” “But in whose hands,” I pressed. Sounding incredulous, he stated “you want me to name names?” “Yes, I’d really like that” was my reply. “I don’t know all of them as more than one type of report is compiled, but I can tell you that Valerie Jarrett gets a copy, maybe the first one. So does [David] Axelrod, but as he’s not on the premises, I don’t know all of what he gets. But I’ve said all I can about this. Just understand that the level in which this administration is involved in monitoring and reporting open source communications for political gain, under the pretext of national security is staggering.”
Drones over America
The bipartisan move to make all U.S. real estate a battle ground was instrumental for a number of reasons, from the use of drones to the implementation of many of Obama’s executive orders. “Especially the drones,” said my source. He added that drones are being used not as they should, but as personal weapons for the advancement of this administration’s domestic goals. And don’t think that some aren’t armed. They are, and for a reason.
“Here’s something to look for, a trial balloon of sorts,” stated my source. “Pick a state in the desert southwest, and consider a hideous threat to our national security. Now, wait for Obama, Napolitano and representatives of other agencies appear in a solemn news conference saying that they saved the country from a nearly successful attack on our soil by using an armed drone to strike a target on the ground before the terrorist attack could succeed. And the majority of Americans will applaud with pride. It will all be staged, although the true facts confined to only the highest levels of government.”
The purpose of such an exercise? Condition Americans to believe we need both surveillance and armed drones flying over our skies to keep us safe.
Connecting the dots
“As I said when you first wrote about our conversation, Obama and his crew don’t have any obvious plans of going anywhere in 2013. They have no plans to accept any Supreme Court decision striking down ‘Obama-Care,’ and intend to implement certain aspects by executive edict, regardless of the decision.  I am obviously limited to the extent of my direct experiences and sources, but Obama is surrounded by a very loyal group of people in positions of extreme power. The DHS in particular is working on turning inward on Americans who disagree or stand in the way of his policies. People need to understand that the DHS is Obama’s personal army. The DOJ, EPA, other government and non-government agencies and his economic advisors are all working together to changing this country. They’re all power hungry and lack morality. They’ll stop at virtually nothing to see that our country is changed and broken beyond repair.
The financial sector is out of control and lining the pockets of our elected leaders. Think Jon Corzine and Jamie Dimon.  Our debt is unsustainable. The class divide, due to crony capitalism is getting worse. From my vantage point, considering the people I overhear and am in touch with, these events are not only anticipated, but are being orchestrated in a deliberate, controlled manner.
Whatever the event, they intend to extend their stay another four years to finish what’s been started. We will be a Marxist nation and a Banana Republic.”
False Flag – always an option
My source continued:  “As we’ve discussed, I heard something that troubled me deeply, and still does. As Obama’s approval rating dips, desperation becomes more of an issue. There is much discussion about the racial divide in this country, and as we talked about, there is an anticipation over the Trayvon Martin case. Depending on how things go, they are determined to inflate this into a much larger issue, and plan to fan the flames of racial division to cause a much broader divide resulting in a chaos on the streets.
But a back-up plan might be in the works. Remember, this is just rumor, just talk, but it makes sense. Something that would cause deep sympathy for Obama and even the First Family – a false flag operation where Obama or his family would not be in any actual danger, but it would appear that way. Some sort of a threat or incident against them carried out by a person or group fitting the fictitious threat categories identified earlier. Perhaps by a pro-Second Amendment, constitutionalists and racists as well – making the most out of the fantasy threats to our country. Something that will fool a whole lot of people and justify police-state like practices. Something that will change the hearts and minds of as many people as possible, perhaps convincing them that there is a danger and Obama is right. Just the thought of such a thing is chilling.”
Concluding, my source reminded me of the quote by Adolph Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels: “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.”
Note: My source promised more information about the “pass” given to illegal immigrants shortly. There’s more behind this than votes.

Secret Negotiations Threatens to Destroy National Sovereignty



Treaty Negotiated In Secret – Hidden Even from Congressmen Who Oversee Treaties – Threatens to Destroy National Sovereignty
The normally-reserved Yves Smith asks whether Obama should be impeached over it.
Democratic Senator Wyden – the head of the committee which is supposed to oversee it – is so furious about the lack of access that he has introduced legislation to force disclosure.
Republican House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is so upset by it that he has leaked a document on his website to show what’s going on.
What is everyone so furious about?
An international treaty being negotiated in secret which would not only crack down on Internet privacy much more than SOPA or ACTA, but would actually destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. and all other signatories.
It is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Wyden is the chairman of the trade committee in the Senate … the committee which is supposed to have jurisdiction over the TPP. Wyden is also on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and so he and his staff have high security clearances and are normally able to look at classified documents.  And yet Wyden and his staff have been denied access to the TPP’s text.
This is similar to other recent incidences showing that we’ve gone from a nation of laws to a nation of powerful men making laws in secret.
For example,  in the summer 2007, Congressman Peter DeFazio – who is on the Homeland Security Committee (and so has proper security access to be briefed on so-called “Continuity of Government” issues) – inquired about continuity of government plans, and was refused access. Indeed, DeFazio told Congress that the entire Homeland Security Committee of the U.S. Congress has been denied access to the plans by the White House (video; or here is the transcript). The Homeland Security Committee has full clearance to view all information about COG plans. DeFazio concluded: “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right”.
As University of California Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott warned:
If members of the Homeland Security Committee cannot enforce their right to read secret plans of the Executive Branch, then the systems of checks and balances established by the U.S. Constitution would seem to be failing.

To put it another way, if the White House is successful in frustrating DeFazio, then Continuity of Government planning has arguably already superseded the Constitution as a higher authority.
Watch this interview from today explaining why TPP is so dangerous to America … and the rest of the world:

Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death - Heart Disease

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death - Heart Disease
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 09:37:00

Groundbreaking new research has linked sodium fluoride to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Researchers found that fluoride consumption directly stimulates the hardening of your arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis that is highly correlated with the #1 killer. Sodium fluoride is currently added to the water supply of many cities worldwide, despite extreme opposition from health professionals and previous studies linking it to decreased IQ and infertility.
In their research, scientists examined the relationship between fluoride intake and the hardening (calcification) of the arteries. Studying more than 60 patients, the researchers found a significant correlation between fluoride consumption and the calcification of your arteries. Published in the January edition of the journal Nuclear Medicine Communications, the research highlights the fact that mass fluoride exposure may be to blame for the cardiovascular disease epidemic that takes more lives each year than cancer. In 2008, cardiovascular killed 17 million people.
According to the authors of the study:
“The coronary fluoride uptake value in patients with cardiovascular events was significantly higher than in patients without cardiovascular events.”
Amazingly, this is not the first report to come out on the dangers of water fluoridation, however the United States government along with other nations have allowed for the continued fluoridation of the public water supply despite these key findings. In fact, the U.S. government has even gone on record stating that a reduction in water fluoridation needs to occur following the results of a massive study that found water fluoridation affected cognitive function to the point of lowering the IQ of children. It turns out that the announcement was little more than a public relations stunt to curtail the massive wave of activism that followed the findings.
Government Admits Dangers Yet Continues to Pump Fluoride Into Your Water Supply
Over 24 other studies have unanimously concluded that fluoride negatively impacts cognitive function. In addition to these 24 studies focusing on cognition, over 100 animal studies have linked fluoride to an increase in male infertility, diabetes, and a whole host of other health problems. In the latest study on cognition, it was found that that 28% of the children who lived in an area where fluoride levels were low achieved the highest test scores. This means that the children exposed to less fluoride scored normal or advanced, while only 8% of fluoridated children did the same.
In fact, the safety precautions regarding sodium fluoride are quite telling themselves:
Risk and Safety Phrases.
R25 – Toxic if swallowed.
R32 – Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas.
R36/38 – Irritating to skin and eyes.
S1/2 – Keep locked up and out of reach of children.
S22 – Do not breathe dust.
S36 – Wear suitable protective clothing.
S45 - In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label whenever possible.)

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

The American Dream is being systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes and most Americans don't even realize what is happening.  In the old days, if you were a hard worker and you played by the rules you could always find a good job.  That good job would enable you to buy a house, buy at least one car and support a family.  It would also enable you to take a couple of vacations each year and buy some nice things for your family.  After working for 30 or 40 years you would look forward to a comfortable retirement.  But these days fewer and fewer Americans are able to enjoy the American Dream.  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a breathtaking pace.  Our economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of us anymore, and an increasing percentage of the jobs that are being produced pay 10 dollars an hour or less.  The cost of living continues to rise steadily every single year while wages do not.  Close to half of all American workers are living month to month, and many American families have gone deep into debt as they struggle to pay the bills.  Millions more Americans are falling into poverty each year and dependence on the government is at an all-time high.  Something is fundamentally wrong with our economy.  It is not working the way that it used to, and the middle class is being absolutely shredded.  Most American families are finding it harder and harder to make it through each passing year, and unless a miracle happens things are going to continue to get even harder.
The following are 22 statistics that prove that the American Dream is being systematically destroyed....
#1 As the economy has declined, the number of Americans living month to month has soared.  At this point, millions upon millions of Americans are living without any financial cushion whatsoever.  If you can believe it, one recent survey found that 28 percent of all Americans do not have a single penny saved for emergencies.  Another survey found that 42 percent of all American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
#2 Thanks to horribly oppressive regulations, red tape and taxes, it is incredibly difficult to run a successful small business in America today.  According to the Christian Science Monitor, more than half of all small business owners in America cannot even afford to put food on the table from their small business earnings....
A shocking figure from the Wave survey relates to how well the business owners were able to meet their basic needs through their business. An incredible 52% of American small business owners can’t put food on the table through the earnings from their business over the past twelve months.
Another recent survey found that 23 percent of all small business owners have gone an entire year without pay.
#3 In recent years U.S. families have experienced an astounding decline in wealth.  According to the Federal Reserve, the median net worth of families in the United States declined "from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010".
#4 The U.S. economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of us at this point.  For example, it was reported that 20,000 peopleapplied for just 877 jobs at a Hyundai plant in Montgomery, Alabama earlier this year.  Sadly, the official U.S. unemployment rate has beenabove 8 percent for 40 months in a row, and this is supposed to be "the recovery".
#5 Eight million Americans have "left the labor force" since the recession supposedly ended.  If those Americans were added back into the unemployment figures, the unemployment rate would be somewhere up around 12 percent.
#6 Corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at an all-time high.  Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of GDP are near an all-time low.
#7 The United States was once ranked #1 in the world in GDP per capita.  Today we have slipped to #12.
#8 Just paying for the basics is becoming increasingly difficult for many Americans.  For example, there are now 20.2 million Americansthat spend more than half of their incomes on housing.  That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001.
#9 The average American household spent approximately $4,155 on gasoline during 2011, and electricity bills in the U.S. have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.
#10 Health insurance continues to become more expensive.  Health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent since Barack Obama became president. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980.  Today they account for approximately 16.3%.
#11 As the cost of living goes up, wages continue to stagnate or even fall in many areas of the country.  Sadly, this is part of a long-term trend.  According to one study, between 1969 and 2009 the median wages earned by American men between the ages of 30 and 50 declinedby 27 percent after you account for inflation.
#12 The percentage of low paying jobs just continues to increase.  At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.  If that sounds like a high figure, that is because it is.  Today, the United States actually has a higher percentageof workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.
#13 Over the last several decades, the debt burdens being taken on by average Americans have absolutely exploded.  All of this debt is making things incredibly difficult on American families.  The following is from a recent CNN article....
In 1983, the bottom 95% had 62 cents of debt for every dollar they earned, according to research by two International Monetary Fund economists. But by 2007, the ratio had soared to $1.48 of debt for every $1 in earnings.
#14 During this time of the year, there are large numbers of new college graduates entering the work force.  Unfortunately, there are not nearly enough jobs for all of them.  In fact, approximately 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were eitherunemployed or underemployed last year.
#15 Many young adults have found that they can't make it on their own at all in this economy.  Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.
#16 Wealth in this country is becoming highly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  Today, the wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans own more wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined.
#17 Increasingly, our country is being divided into "two Americas".  According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans now have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.
#18 The rise in poverty is hitting children particularly hard.  If you can believe it, the poverty rate for children living in the United States is now22 percent.  Large numbers of children in this country would go hungry without assistance.  At this point, approximately one-fourth of all American children are enrolled in the food stamp program.
#19 The more money the government spends on poverty, the more poverty seems to increase.  The federal government spent about 80 billion dollars on the food stamp program last year, but they can't even tell us how that money is being spent.
#20 While Barack Obama has been president, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased from 32 million to 46 million.  But the Obama administration has decided that is not enough so they are spending taxpayer money on ads that will encourage even more Americans to go on food stamps....
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been running radio ads for the past four months encouraging those eligible to enroll. The campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics.
The department is spending between $2.5 million and $3 million on paid spots, and free public service announcements are also airing. The campaign can be heard in California, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, and the New York metro area.
#21 As the middle class shrinks, the ranks of the poor continue to expand.  Sadly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be "low income" or are living in poverty.
#22 More Americans are becoming dependent on the government than ever before.  According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, 49.1 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives financial benefits from the government.

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: One of the Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: One of the Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 09:30:22

If you delve deeper, you will find that it produces two very important chemicals: Melatonin and Pinolin. Melotonin regulates the sleep cycle and our automatic adaptation to the seasons and the changing daylight cycles. Without Melatonin, we cant sleep. Without sleep we cannot function well or stay healthy. Pinolin is an MAO inhibiting beta carbolin; it enhances and prolongs the availability of serotonin.
I've heard that boron rich foods, such as Almonds, dried apricots, Avocado, Raisins, Walnuts Peanut Butter and Kidney Beans (red) remove fluoride from your system and pineal gland.
The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.
The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!
Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.
With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.
Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.
Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.
Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.
The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland
In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.
Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.
if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.
I like to end my article with this quote..
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
- :Buddha

Internet Censorship In Full Swing

Alert From Doug Hagmann --Internet Censorship In Full Swing--"Truth Squad" And Redefinition Of Morality In Full Operational Mode

June 25, 2012
Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

Northeast Intelligence Network


I’m starting this email to you by saying that I am upset, angry, and prepared to fight to the death, and not necessarily mine, against those who are engaged in silencing the truth. People need to know that the censorship battle against truth and Judeo-Christian morality is indeed on in full force. I now know this personally and professionally. I am sending this to you so you can get the word out to people before it becomes too late, and people must know that their day to be silenced is coming.

At 7:20 p.m. on Friday, 22 June 2012, I received the attached e-mail from our Internet Service Provider (ISP). As you can see, they have found the “content” of our web site in violation of their terms of service agreement and gave me 48 hours to move our site from their servers, or they will forcibly take our site down. The reason they gave was vague and not fully explained in their e-mail, so I called their abuse department for further details.

At 10:15 p.m. ET on Friday, 22 June, I spoke with an investigator in my ISP’s abuse department named XXXXXXXXX and asked for specific information about the nature of their complaint. I asked if it was a single complaint they received, or a series of complaints. I asked if they would identify the specific article or articles that spurred complaint(s). In short, I asked XXXXXXXXX to quickly review their file so I could be provided with answers. She stated that she had my file in front of her and said that there was not one specific article, but “it was the conclusion of the abuse department that the entirety of the my site contains published information they found to be morally objectionable.” After rephrasing the question in an effort to secure more specific information, the investigator finally became a bit short tempered and said that they made their decision and my site would be shut down for “morally objectionable content,” period. When I asked if they would provide me any information about the complainant, she said no. When I asked if the complaint originated from any law enforcement source, she was quiet, then said “that information is not in my records.” The call ended when she again stated I had 48 hours to leave their virtual property.

As anyone knows, it takes time, money and a lot of resources time to move a large site from one server to another. It takes about 48 hours to point the DNS alone, so I am looking at the possibility of down time. And, any monies paid to them, because of my alleged violation of their terms of service, remains with them and not refunded.

I immediately began to back up all of my files to begin the tedious process of moving my site. At 2:20 a.m., still upset that I was given no information about who or what is behind this, I called the ISP abuse department back and spoke with XXXX, who seemed to be a bit more friendly. I repeated my initial questions, and although he refused to provide any specific details, eventually told me to look at a specific article on my web site “for a clue.” The article he referenced was about Obama’s “truth teams.” He added that my site is ranked high in the U.S., and traffic to the site is brisk and increasing, which itself makes it a target as people are reading what is on [your] site and passing the information around. He then said “I cannot tell you anything more” and the conversation ended. I could tell, as the conversation was being recorded, that he was being very careful with his words, but his point was clear. I get it.

Steve, you warned about this happening, and were often scoffed at on political forums, self-professed Christian sites, so-called “survival websites” and by idiots in general who know nothing, or by hired guns of this Marxist regime. You and I are being vilified to this day by people who don’t have a clue about that which they write on internet forums or their own sites. Someday, when it is too late, they will experience this censorship, but who will hear their objections? No one will be left.

Since late last night, I’ve been working to find a web server outside the United States. I find that sad that I have to locate a hosting provider outside of my own country to convey truth within my own country, which has now become “morally objectionable”  to print. I will not be silenced, and I do not expect any downtime, but it’s going to take every waking hour to get the job done and the site secured. Truth must not be silenced.

People MUST understand, before it is too late, that they will feel the direct impact of this “Truth Team” that is out in full force, scouring for any “objectionable” information posted by private websites. Perhaps it’s already too late. Regardless, I will remain in the fight, relocate out of the reach of these despicable Marxists, and continue the battle until my last breath. Regardless, people need to wake up now. There might not be a tomorrow.


Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests...there has been a bait and switch done on us...
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 08:53:43

Reader Striderus writes:
As all have probably heard and are awaiting on Drake and all other messengers as fore the mass arrests
We have been given word that there has been a bait and switch done on us and against the messengers
The elites have a NEW plan....MASS EXODUS of America. the so called planned "Event" has had its time table UP
The elites are trying to escape America before their arrests can be done, and hearing that there is no news as to where the military stand with us or against us
I think it might be time to interfer in every way possible with the tpb...every non violent way to make them understand that the targets are on THEIR BACKS and that we will NOT be fighting each other like they had hopes of happening
Block all their private airports so they can not get on their private jets, grid lock every route possible, as examples
These traitors must be brought to justice for their treasons !
We need ALL anti-NNWOglobalist groups to come together WORLD WIDE
PUT it on your people lists and send viral !
Thank you

Lord Monckton Breaks Down the Rio Conference


Lord Christopher Monckton, chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute and former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, tells The New American from Rio that the just-concluded Rio+20 conference was not about saving the planet or eradicating poverty, but about shackling the plant under global government. He also optimistically stresses that the "pointy heads here in Rio" have failed despite their declaration of success and that "the game is up." Video produced by http://www.libertynewsnetwork.tv

Links to news articles on the Rio+20 conference and the drive for a UN-administered "global green regime" (i.e. socialist world government):

Critics of Sustainability Hysteria Slam UN's Anti-liberty Rio+20 Agenda

UN Official: Western Nations 'Don't Need More Cars, More TV, Whatever'

Clinton: Family Planning Key to Sustainability

Sustainable Development: The Latest UN Scare

Rio+20 Is Greatest Threat to Biodiversity

The Mass Extinction Trope

Before Rio+20, Ted Turner Says Ban Plastic, Use UN to Slash Population

Media Hypes UN Fear-mongering Before Rio+20 Sustainability Summit

Science Group: UN Rio+20 Summit Must Reduce Global Population

UN Bosses Secretly Plot Global Govt Through "Green Economy" for Rio+20

UN Report for Rio+20 Outlines Top-down "Green" World Order

UN Seeks New Powers to Remake World at Rio Sustainability Summit

"Sustainable Justice" = Redistribution of Scarcity

Ambitious UN Sustainability Conference in Rio to Avoid Climate Talk

UN Ready to Lead Environmental World Government

UN Plans to Expand Its Environmental Agency

UN's Environmental "Solution": More Government

UN Pushes Population Control Agenda

Global ObamaCare and World Population Control

UN Demands $76 Trillion for "Green Technology"

Eco-Agenda for Planetary Control

Your Hometown & the United Nations' Agenda 21

The UN Attack on Property

Hijacking "Spaceship Earth"

EPA's Plans for Implementing UN's Agenda 21

What are the UN's Agenda 21 and ICLEI?

Reheating the "Global Warming" Myth

Global Green Regime: The Biodiversity Treaty

Law of the Sea Treaty: Through Rose-colored Goggles?

From Rio to Copenhagen: The Earth Summit's Legacy

Socialist International in Copenhagen: "Birth of Global Governance"

Copenhagen: UN Calls for Trillions in Reparations for "Climate Debt"

Cancun: Global Hysteria, Wealth Redistribution

IPCC Researchers Admit Global Warming Fraud

Scaring Us Toward Global Government

Green Fairy Tales

The High Cost of Cap and Trade

Maurice Strong: The Most Dangerous Man In The World

Tendrils of Tyranny

The UN Is NOT Your Friend

World Government, Take Three

Science, Politics and Death

UN Attack on World Population

Environmental Genocide

A Covenant With Death

Death March to Cairo

A Global Population Ice Age

Gender Politics in Beijing

The Fruits of Eco-Extremism

The New World Religion

UN Takes Aim at Children

ECO '92: Launching Pad for International Global Governance

Socializing at Rio: Socialists Run the Earth Summit

Private Land Lockup

Eco-socialist Shell Game

The "Re-Wilded" West

High and Dry in the Klamath Basin

Energizing America

Behind the Environmental Lobby

People and Predation

Environmental Stewardship

Rethinking Green

Confirmation of Asian Gold ~ 1930s Bonds ~ 9/11 Connections...

Confirmation of Asian Gold ~ 1930s Bonds ~ 9/11 Connections... 

June 24, 2012

The following has been confirmed by first-hand experiences/involvement of PSCINET:

1. Condi Rice placed an order for $600 million of gold that was to be retrieved from the Philippines. This order was placed in 2006.

2. Greenspan was one of the bankers in direct contact with PSCINET in 2006. Greenspan was one of the people behind the orders to retrieve the gold and to keep the bonds that validated Asian claims from the 1930s to the gold hidden in the Philippines from ever seeing the light of day.

3. Members of the Federal Reserve coordinated with CIA assets at the Kaballah Center in Los Angeles several trips to the Philippines. PSCINET chose to discontinue contact with the U.S. banking cartel once they requested to kill people as part of the gold retrieval process. Images and serial numbers from the boxes holding the gold, bonds and relevant information such as microfilm were provided to members of the banking cartel to ensure that the boxes were real. There were also golden buddhas filled with diamonds in these boxes. Photos of the gold bars is available online:

4. Many of these bonds were due for reimbursement in gold on September 12, 2001. 9/11 was designed to ensure that no one ever learned about these bonds, or the gold backing the bonds (a la demolition of WTC Building 7 the afternoon of 9/11).

5. Marcos brokered a deal with Reagan in the early 1980’s to trade $1 trillion dollars in gold in exchange for $100 U.S. dollar printing presses from the U.S. for Marcos to use. This was the necessary capital the U.S. needed to effectively end the cold war. Marcos remains alive and is living in Indonesia. The CIA gave him a mock funeral with a wax representation of his body paraded around as a hero, and provided the medical treatment required for plastic surgery so Marcos could no longer be recognized after relocating to Indonesia.

6. PSCINET remains in direct contact with parties who maintain knowledge of the whereabouts of the gold hidden in hundreds of caves throughout the Philippines.

7. China is actively retrieving some of this gold and returning it to China after it is melted down and shaped into bars with Chinese markings at their facilities in the Philippines.




The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 06:37:19


Last week, we were inclined to say this plane was simply a Hondgu L-15 trainer jet being transported accross China via a flatebed truck. Some readers were skeptical, saying that it looked more like the stealth F-60 that China’s Shenyang aircraft-maker is rumored to be building. Well, new pics emerged over the weekend that show an aircraft that has us rethinking our initial call.
As you can see from these new pics, it appears that the mystery jet has air intakes that do indeed resemble those shown on a mock up of the F-60 (see below), it’s wing flaps also seem t resemble the F-60, and the cockpit, well, you be the judge.
Click through the jump to see an overhead view of the mystery jet that also resembles the F-60 as well as a picture of a model F-60 that strongly resembles a smaller version of an F-22 Raptor (with different air intakes and engine nozzles, etc.) I’m not even gonna say it.
If this veiled jet really is the F-60 (it could be another airplane or just a large mock up of the F-60), China might be on track to to reveal two new types of stealth fighters in less than two years.

H/t to China Defense and The DEW Line.
Read more: http://defensetech.org/2012/06/25/maybe-this-really-is-chinas-new-stealth-jet/#ixzz1ytUN9Ytj
This is second one.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 25, 2012 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 25, 2012 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 02:41:12

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 25, 2012 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’
What is excitement and what is relaxation? What we would like to discuss with you today, dear ones, are your choices to engage yourselves in either activities and leisure that will lead to feelings of excitement, raised blood pressure, a raised pulse rate and raised awareness of your bodily senses, or will you seek refuse in activities and leisure that will allow your body to rest , to heal and to remain quiet and calm while you soak in energies that are so vital to you for healing, for growth and for the strengthening of your physical vessel which includes the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself as well as the physical compounds of your vessel.
We see so many of you running here to there, hustling and bustling, trying to make the most out of and squeeze the most out of every moment of your every day, and we suggest to you that these patterns are not conducive to what will bring out for you your higher good and your healthier bodies. We suggest to you to instead seek more quiet time, seek more periods of rest and relaxation where your bodies can remove themselves from constant stimuli and better heal themselves and rebuild themselves, better strengthening themselves for the next steps on your journey. This is what we like to see more of. We would like to see more of you reading books rather than watching television, as television and its constant bombardment of visual and sonic stimuli leads to a diffusion of your energy and leaves tattered holes all throughout your being, through each layer that is your combined vessel.
Seeking shelter from this storm that you call television is something that we of the higher realms sincerely recommend, as there are serious and hazardous effects accruing in you from watching this device that plays upon addictions and sometimes mind control techniques to get you to remain watching it. This tool of the cabal's has been carefully honed by very devious and very intelligent and cunning minds to keep you sitting in front of it while it is used to control your thought patterns, your habits, your tendencies, and feeds you input of what they, the dark ones, wish you to believe, believe you need, you fear, and is your reality. We wish for you, dear ones, to muster the strength and the determination to get up and walk over and turn this destructive device off. If you could find a way to get this task done you would be doing yourself such a tremendous favor that in many ways is unclear to you at this time, but you can be assured that we will share what we know about this device and the techniques employed through it by the dark ones once we get better acquainted in the days ahead.
This is one of the simpler tasks we have before us, but on the same hand we feel this will be one of the more difficult tasks to successfully accomplish for many of you, as this addiction of television runs deep and runs wide throughout your societies all over your world. Our plan is to uproot this weed of your society and replant in its place a flower of higher education and development on the spiritual, as well as academic level. We intend to share with you entertainment of a different type. Entertainment for your mind that is not entertainment based on drama and violence, murder, lust, fear and destitution, but instead will entertain you through the means of self growth and strengthening of every part of your vessel. The improvements that you will experience are great, and we feel your television sets will become an exercise program for you while at the same time you rest and enjoy quiet times of relaxation.
Do you see the difference here? Do you see that as it is today in your world, although you feel you are relaxing in front of your television sets, your body is hardly at a state of rest and relaxation that will allow it to better heal, grow and strengthen its many layers? Instead, every part of you is being worked out significantly and stressfully, yet unlike one of your exercise programs, you receive no benefit or reward from this work out. What you do receive are the negative effects of sitting in front of this device which includes stress, heart problems, mental and emotional difficulties, and damages to your eyes, your ears and to your senses of emotional feel.
This is what you are receiving when you turn the television on and sit for a few hours watching your favorite programs, ravaging your body in so many ways that it will take us quite a while to explain this fully to you. Our teams of scientists and physicians have monitored your televisions, its programming, and the effects it has on you, and we have come to firm conclusions that we feel will surprise and even startle many of you and leave many of you in a feeling of great disbelief that this has been going on for so long right in front of you without many of you taking notice of this agenda by the dark ones.
These dark ones are quite cunning and they are, some of them, very intelligent, and for what they lack they use the money stolen from you and pay those of your populations to do the work for them that they could not do themselves. Some of this technology that is used against you has been developed and put into being by those of your own people and not of the types of beings that they truly are. These members of your own people, your own races, your own religions, your own countries, your own communities, in many cases have been tricked or conned into doing this sort of dastardly work, though there are a few cases where simple greed and the offer of a few dollars was enough to turn certain individuals against their own kind. We see this choice that these individuals have made with curiosity, as we see this selling out of one’s own friends and family for what is often small amounts of wealth as a choice that none of us of the higher realms would ever make, but we do remind ourselves you are all on a journey to learn and to grow and we do see everything as a learning experience.
We hope to see many of those scientists, technicians and researchers who have turned against their own people and who work so hard for the agenda of the dark ones realize what they have done and continue to do and switch sides in the days ahead and help educate their brothers and sisters and shed bright light on everything that they have been doing. We feel this will help us greatly in our task to explain this to your people through a voice of believability, as we feel it is in this area of believability that will be such a great challenge for us as we feel many of your world simply will not be able to find a way to believe what the dark ones and even their own people have been doing to them and their families.
For today we will only say that you may wish to take our word for this and get up right now and turn your television set off, even if it is just for a few hours more than you would normally have the set off. You would be doing your bodies a great service, as it will begin to immediately heal from the damages that will only begin to attack you again when you make the choice to turn your television set back on.
We are your friends and your family, and we wish you to know that we care so much about you and only want what is best for you. Until tomorrow, we are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Cancer, Sulfur, Garlic & Glutathione

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Cancer, Sulfur, Garlic & Glutathione
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 00:21:14

What do garlic and glutathione have in common? Sulfur! Sulfur is commonly used in Asia as an herbal medicine to treat inflammation and cancer. Organic sulfur has been studied on oral and other cancers and has been found to have remarkable benefit in anti-cancer therapy.[1]
Sulfur is an essential element for all life, and is widely used in biochemical processes. In metabolic reactions, sulfur compounds serve as both fuels and respiratory (oxygen-replacing) materials for simple organisms. Sulfur in organic form is present in the vitamins biotin and thiamine, the latter being named for the Greek word for sulfur. Sulfur is an important part of many enzymes and in antioxidant molecules like glutathione and thioredoxin.
Organically bonded sulfur is a component of all proteins, such as the amino acids cysteine and methionine. Disulfide bonds are largely responsible for the strength and shape of proteins. Since sulfur bonds are required for proteins to maintain their shape, and these bonds determine the biological activity of the proteins, we can see why sulfur is critical for health and life itself. There is no doubt that sulfur helps us battle cancer so it’s a good time to become more familiar with this basic element.
Sulfur is required for the proper structure and biological activity of enzymes. If you don’t have sufficient amounts of sulfur in your body, the enzymes cannot function properly. This can cascade into a number of health problems since, without biologically-active enzymes, your metabolic processes cannot function properly.
Sulfur enables the transport of
oxygen across cell membranes.
Because sulfur is directly below oxygen in the periodic table, these elements have similar electron configurations. Sulfur forms many compounds that are analogs of oxygen compounds and it has a unique action on body tissues. It decreases the pressure inside the cell. In removing fluids and toxins, sulfur affects the cell membrane. Sulfur is present in all cells and forms sulfate compounds with sodium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Organic sulfur, in addition to eliminating heavy metals, regenerates, repairs and rebuilds all the cells in the body.
Mercury & Sulfur
Sulfur is very complicated topic because:
Thiol poisons, especially mercury and its compounds, reacting with
SH groups of proteins, lead to the lowered activity of various enzymes
containing sulfhydryl groups. This produces a series of disruptions in
the functional activity of many organs and tissues of the organism.
Professor I. M. Trakhtenberg[2]
Mercury, in its various forms, has a great attraction to the sulfhydryls or thiols—these sulfa bonds. A thiol is any organic compound containing a univalent radical called a sulfhydryl and identified by the symbol -SH (sulfur-hydrogen).
Enzymes are proteins, and like all proteins they consist of chains of amino acids. These chains have to be faulted in a specific way to give the enzyme its activity. The structure of many enzymes is ensured by cross-bonding of the amino-acid chains. These cross-bonds consist of double sulfur bonds. Sulfur bridges are covalent S-S bonds between two cysteine amino acids, which tend to be quite strong. These sulfur bonds are damaged when poisonous substances that are not naturally present are added to the cellular and blood environments. Mercury binds to the -SH (sulfhydryl) groups, resulting in inactivation of sulfur and blocking of enzyme functions while producing sulfur metabolites with high toxicity that the body has difficulty handling. Sulfur is essential in enzymes, hormones, nerve tissue and red blood cells. These sulfur bonds are crucial to human biology.
If the geometry of insulin has been changed by
mercury, the message that insulin has arrived
to give glucose to the cell is not received.
more at

Watch Celtic Thunder, It's not bluegrass but the music is close.

A Place in the Choir
  What a fun song and fun to watch!!!!


  This is great! Beyond great. wonderful

You gotta love the Irish!! I could watch this all day long!
                         A Place in the Choir

                           THIS IS GREAT
Watch Celtic Thunder, It's not bluegrass but the music is close.


Monday, June 25, 2012


Hi everyone

If you have done any research on 9/11 and 7/7, you will have come to the conclusion, with the overwhelming concrete evidence available on the internet, that both these atrocities were perpetrated by the UK, US, and Israeli governments in order to blame “terrorists” that do not exist on these satanic acts.  Then anti-terror laws can be brought in to “protect” us from these ‘terrorists’ which then lock down all our freedoms and human rights.  This is precisely what has happened.

There is growing concern of another false flag event occurring with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.  If you are not aware, the Games have been built on top of a nuclear waste dump.  As with the above mentioned atrocities, underground work is preceding the event. As with the above mentioned atrocities, there are practice sessions going on all over London before the event, but this time, in case of a nuclear explosion.   As with the above mentioned atrocities, Israeli owned or linked “security” firms are dealing with the security for the games.  All MP’s will not be in London on the day of the opening ceremony.  The whereabouts of where the ‘Royals’ will be, is not known at present.

As some of you will be aware, in the US in the 1947, a UFO crashed near a town called Roswell, New Mexico http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iGHTtw-I84  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K10smvA9T0g  The US Military turned up and took the crashed saucer and its inhabitants “into custody.”  From this saucer the US back engineered how it was put together and it is believed the US now have a fleet of thousands of these craft. This video captured one being escorted by two American jets. http://www.disclose.tv/swf/player.swf?config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.disclose.tv%2Fvideos%2Fconfig%2Fxxx%2F77080.js

Insiders are saying that the false flag event will be one of UFO Space Fighters firing on the opening ceremony, and at some point during the fire fight a switch will be pulled to detonate a small nuclear device underneath the nuclear dump on which the arena sits, which will then be blamed on the ‘Galactic’s superior weaponry.’  This could explain why the ‘authorities’ have put in anti aircraft batteries around the site in order to ‘save us.’

Remember all this will be televised world wide and everything will be seen as it happens.  Should it happen, the shock waves around the planet will be humongous for those who have no idea of what is going on in the world today, and they will be clamoring to be saved. I have no doubt that our ‘brave military’ will bring down one or two of the ‘enemy’ reinforcing the ‘true’ nature of the atrocity.  The end result will be martial law on a global level and a global one world government and army to protect us from these Galactic ‘baddies,’ which will then be used to keep us all in line as the slaves we were meant to be.  THE NEW WORLD ORDER BUSH SENIOR PROMISED US.

Please listen to this 1 hour audio broadcast and make up your own mind. I know I will be nowhere near London at this time, just in case.
