Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Arizona’s Supreme Court Victory a Rattlesnake in Disguise

Arizona’s Supreme Court Victory a Rattlesnake in Disguise

This Man Decides When Your Family Dies or Continues on Vacation

50 States, 50 Borders, 50 ID Stops, “Romneyville 101″

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


Arizona believes it won a victory in the supreme court.  Their police are allowed to stop, without legal cause, well outside the Constitution, anyone they “suspect” may not be their version of legal. 
We can say Arizona is a special case, a state with islands of sanity but, on the whole, Arizona is dead, worthless, corrupt at every level, governed by cartel stooges and gangsters with a few visible exceptions. 
Arizona is a beautiful state and we will miss it as we miss Florida, part of America before Bush destroyed it.
There is one problem with this empty victory, there aren’t so many illegal aliens and lots of very corrupt police, corrupt judges and the illegals we have are powerful, in bed with those who control the law, they are above the law, they are, in fact, the law itself.
Arizona was just given, by the supreme court, to Mexico.
Inside the Insiders
The recent Bilderberger meeting, attended by some of my lower class but wealthier associates was a Romneyfest.
They claim he is their candidate, they will rig the election for Romney and move America into full depopulation, deindustrialization, all poverty, street crime, war and rumors of war.
America is slated to die and the Bilderbergers claim Romney can finish off America for good, an effort begun under Reagan and almost completed under Bush 43.
Key to taking America down will be Balkanization, making the United States many states and the supreme court just opened that door.
Expect to see more police and more guns, police stopping and searching you, pointing their guns at you and your children, your choices will be simple, be rich, be police or be a slave.
The Bilderberger’s say it is ready to go, the voting machines will be hacked, the polling places surrounded, the votes miscounted, they say Romney is already in and America will be hit so hard that a nuclear holocaust would be a walk in the park in comparison.
These were the real decisions taken at the all important “outmeetings” at the Bilderberg conference, double confirmed, decisions that reflect the direction we were heading anyway, “hell in a handbasket.”

Mitt Romney wants states to have borders.  What will we get?  I can tell you, you will get a gun in your face, put there by a police officer who may or may not be able to read, may be on the payroll of pimps or child molestors or on of the many police who seem to enjoy killing America’s returning veterans every day. 
Here is one of those incidents now, from Las Vegas, an unarmed veteran shot in the back of the head 7 times by a rogue cop with an M 16.  Expect a similar fate:
Here you see a confused, disabled veteran with a brain tumor rammed by a control car, usual crime, “DWB” (driving while black).  Under other circumstances if the police had known, they would have shot the person making the video, they consider that a crime too.
The victim, Stanley Gibson, the crime, another American veteran killed by police for no reason whatsoever.
Under Romney, every American crossing a state line will have an automatic weapon pointed at their heads.  If police decide to shoot, you will hear their story:  “He tried to make a phone call or reached for his cigarette lighter so I had to fire.”0
Every time is the same.  We have no idea how many shot were fired into Stanley Gibson but more than the 7 assault rifle hits that blew his head apart as he sat motionless.  We hear other shots from the sides as well.
The simple truth of it is that police aren’t trustworthy, not on a whole, some departments are totally corrupt, many regional governments, even state governments such as Wisconsin are totally corrupt.  Two weeks ago, police in Aurora, Colorado, a 100% “Romney” area showed their contempt for law and the constitution:
Packaged as “border control,” the Romney policy that a state, half of whose cops and officials are already working for Mexican Cartels according to very high ranking FBI sources.  You can expect to be held at gunpoint, questioned, searched, you can expect to be put across the hood of your car on laid on the pavement next to your children
That means, of course, national ID cards, states that turn back people they don’t want, perhaps your car is too old or, like in Britain, they decide you have an unpaid parking ticket somewhere.
I have seen it, more than once, a 100% “red state” concept of controlling and limiting the free travel of American citizens within the United States.
Here is a classic.  A bit ago, I tried driving from North Carolina to South Carolina.  South Carolina set up a “check lane” at the border.  Here we are, two senior citizens, driving a $100,000 plus German luxury car, windshield sticker says “Department of Defense” and license plate says “Disabled Veteran”.
They asked for my drivers license and, you will love this part, my passport. Then they asked me where I was going, why I was going to South Carolina.
Truthfully, we were visiting a wife’s friend who owns a construction company.  Many of her workers, as with all other major employers in South Carolina, I checked,  were “undocumented workers.” South Carolina runs on illegal alien labor.
Being an American on summer vacation here at home instead of Serbia or Israel, we then took off for New Orleans (hot as hell).  We were stopped at the Mississippi border, same thing, asked to “identify ourselves.”  The police asked where we were going, why we were in Mississippi. 
Both times I explained carefully to the police there minor things:
  1. I am an American citizen, traveling in the US and cannot be stopped as this is an unconstitutional interference with interstate commerce.
  2. Questioning me as to where or why I am somewhere is illegal without probable cause, actually a criminal act.
  3. They didn’t like either my valid drivers licence, my passport (always with me) or my USMC ID card, also current. 
  4. They didn’t like the insurance and registration on a car you could trade for ten of their POS cruisers.
What they were doing, what they want to do and what Romney is walking us into is the Balkanization of America.  What the TSA has done to air travel, now a nightmare for any American who has to get on a plane, they plan for our state borders, telling us America is “overrun with Mexicans.” 
Truth is, there are no jobs in America and, in Arizona alone, 1 million illegal aliens have left, gone back to Mexico looking for work.  All those empty backpacks the GOP loves showing on those emails, why do you think they were thrown away?
Why? Because the drugs had been emptied into a car, perhaps a police car, perhaps not but certainly one our $6 billion dollar border control could have spotted if not paid to look the other way.
Imagine the poor people of Rhode Island, Delaware and the District of Columbia, having to get the “anal probe” every time they go to the grocery store.
If only we could be sure they just stopped Black people or Jews, maybe Mexicans or people with rust on their cars.  That would be OK, wouldn’t it?
Isn’t that really what America is about?
 Editing:  Jim W. Dean

(Flashback) 20/20 exposes DuPont's poison products

Teflon (and other nonstick surfaces) emit toxic gases at high heat.

Even DuPont acknowledges the "Teflon flu": flu-like symptoms that
result from breathing Teflon fumes. But they say it's harmless. Uh

I guess birth defects and cancer are 'harmless'.

Here's an old story about some of the fine poison products that are
still available to you.


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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Occupy organic vegetable gardens - Rebirth of the Victory garden

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Occupy organic vegetable gardens - Rebirth of the Victory garden
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 11:21:45

During World Wars I and II, private citizens were encouraged to plant Victory gardens in an effort to support the war effort and take the strain off the food industry, providing more food for citizens living at home. Little gardens popped up all over the country and they were called Victory gardens because people envisioned a victorious end to strife, sadness and hardship. Victory gardens in the U.S. produced a staggering 40% of the food supply. The Victory garden campaign resulted in 5 million gardens tended by over 20 million Americans, providing over $1.2 billion in food by the end of WWII.
Learn more here: 

ISA_US Banks are not nearly ready for coming European Crisis_circa 2012

Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 06:58:43

The shadow-banking component that adds to the risk of non-regulatory oversight just deepens the mystery behind the most powerful banking institution that runs roughshod over global finance. In order to gain an insight into the complexity of deception, examine the function of the BIS. The granddaddy of all central banks, the Bank for International Settlement, latest BIS Annual Report 2011/2012, foretells future financial consolidation.
Read the entire article on the Negotium archive page
Discuss or comment about this essay on the BATR Forum 

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This is just a brief synopsis of what this blog is about.

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The best part are the intel providers which in many cases are you.

This is a "WE THE PEOPLE" news by the people. Amazing isn't it!

Thank you all for visiting.

John MacHaffie

Drake apparently has issued a "Yellow Alert"

Reader, fwd: DISCERNMENT IS ADVISED - Drake apparently has issued a "Yellow Alert"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 02:02:32

(Thanks, k. :)
Reader k. has forwarded the following, found here:
...and I've delayed posting it while looking for confirmation or additional info. It's possible, I'd suppose, that there's more information to be found on Drake's Facebook page, where it's necessary to have a Facebook account of one's own in order to read.
More comments following - discernment is advised:
Event for The Global Voice 2012 · By Denise Rednour
Today at 12:10pm until June 30 at 3:10pm in CDT
Drake has called a full state of emergency and readiness.
Militia's are all on full alert!!!!
This is NOT...repeat NOT the Green light just yet.
This is the cabal's last gasp effort to try to take over and take our guns...please be prepared to stop that if need be. We will be posting VERY IMPORTANT UPDATES in the coming hours and days....please allow us to post by refraining from unrelated posts on the GV2012 page.
(hobie here.) On his Global Voice radio show Sunday night, Drake expressed concern over the possibility that an agreement under consideration at the RIO+20 meeting would lead to formation of a global government.
Lord Monckton appears to think that was not about to happen - that, while that may have been the hoped-for plan on the part of some, things are presently in such a state of disarray as to make such an agreement next to impossible:
CGI's Ally: Repost: Lord Christopher Monckton publicly exposes Agenda 21's real agenda!!!
CGI_admin -- Monday, 25-Jun-2012 19:56:49
Drake was saying on Sunday that, in light of this dreaded possibility, he genuinely hoped the military would take action either Sunday night or during Monday, to round up all the bad guys.
Apparently that action was not forthcoming and had not occurred by noon Tuesday, hence the calling of a "Yellow Alert". (?)

Entire dental profession recognized that fluoride was detrimental to dental health

History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it
By S. D. Wells
Jun 25, 2012 - 2:23:01 AM

History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it

Sunday, June 24, 2012 by: S. D. Wells
(NaturalNews) The year before water fluoridation began in the United States, the entire dental profession recognized that fluoride was detrimental to dental health. In fact, in 1944 the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that using between 1.6 and 4 ppm (parts per million) fluoride in water would cause 50% of adults to need false teeth. On top of that, the world's largest study looked at 400,000 students, revealing that tooth decay increased in over 25% with just 1ppm fluoride in drinking water. (

Yet still, in 1945, fluoride was put into municipal water systems in Newburgh, New York, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the next 50 years, more than 60 percent of the U.S. population was "fluoridated" at a minimum of 1 ppm. Currently, over 75% of the United States water supply contains this deadly toxin.

One part of the hoax, "fluoride helps with tooth formation," was removed from the "American Fluoride Campaign" early on. Realizing this might expose the entire campaign as fraudulent, the FDA and CDC simply removed that language, but kept the masses believing that fluoride keeps dental cavities at bay.

Over 70% of America still clings to the multi-faceted myth

Research proves that fluoride is an extremely neurotoxic chemical which interrupts basic functions of nerve cells in the brain and can lead to Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), infertility, birth defects, diabetes, cancer and lowered IQ. The aluminum "tricks" the blood-brain barrier and allows chemical access to brain tissue.

Think fluoride is used by the rest of the world? France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Finland, India and Great Britain have all rejected its use after special commissions and health secretaries reviewed the negative evidence.

Think fluoride cleanses the water? Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in military nerve gas. Sodium fluoride is a hazardous waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum and fertilizer, and it is a common ingredient in roach and rat poisons.

Think fluoride fights cavities and strengthens bones? Dental fluorosis is often caused by over-exposure to fluoride when the dental enamel is mineralizing during childhood. Fluoride is unique in its ability among acids to penetrate tissue, causing soft tissue damage and bone erosion as it leaches calcium and magnesium from the body. (

Think fluoride evaporates from water? Fluoride does not evaporate from water left sitting out. Also,boiling or freezing won't help at all, and basic filters like Brita do not remove it. Reverse osmosis does remove it, and natural spring water does not contain it.

Because the ADA maintains a stranglehold on the dental profession, no dentists are ever openly critical of fluoride. The ADA can influence State Dental Boards which can take away a dentist's license, so you won't hear anything negative about it from your dentist. Most brands of toothpaste contain at least 1,000 ppm fluoride, so if a child were to eat an entire tube, he/she would die.

Fluoride has never received FDA approval and does not meet "requirements of safety and effectiveness." The FDA states that fluoride is a prescription drug. Because this "drug" is put in municipal water, there is absolutely no control over individual dosage.

So, why on earth would the USA's regulatory agencies allow such a nightmare to perpetuate? In the early 1900's, when important vitamins (like B12) were discovered and natural remedies became popular, medicine was basically unprofitable. Fluoridation was a planned experiment of mass medication to induce diseases that would later be "treated" with expensive healthcare, and that is why government paid healthcare in America is nothing but a pipe dream.



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Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
Jun 25, 2012 - 2:05:31 AM

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

June 19, 2012 | By admin |

Mystic Banana
Waking Times
The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!
Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.
With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.
Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.
Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.
Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.
The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland
In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.
Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.
Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, pepsi, coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!. The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.
I like to end my article with this quote..
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
- :Buddha
Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History. See:
History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945 and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it. See:

Associated Press caught lying about water fluoridation. See:
Breaking: Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death in New Research. See:

Newly published research in leading journals AGAINST fluoride and vaccines. See:

Fluoride Poisoning It's All Over See:
Government collusion in human medical experiments no longer just a conspiracy theory.See:
European Court Ruling Ends Water Fluoridation. See:

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Ashtar Command Lightships Create Dazzling Display Over Las Vegas Blvd.

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Ashtar Command Lightships Create Dazzling Display Over Las Vegas Blvd. 3/22/12 (3 Videos)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 01:28:09

Ashtar Command Lightships Create Dazzling Display Over Las Vegas Blvd. 3/22/12 (3 Videos)
The Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light have asked our assistance in completing the one task before us at this time, which is to share footage of their ships that will better prepare humanity for our reunion with our higher dimensional family and open the door for this Earth changing event.
Video of UFO's over the luxor light in Las Vegas. The sparkling lights spiral around the luxor light and go hundreds of feet into the air. The camera only picked up a few of these lights. At the time there were hundreds swirling around. You could see these lights all the way across town. Even when I pulled up to the luxor you cant tell what they are.
Ufo In Las Vegas Over Luxor - YouTube
Ashtar Command Lightships Perform Choreographed Maneuvers Over Las Vegas Blvd 2012
Ashtar Command lightships performing choreographed maneuvers directly over the hotels and casinos of Las Vegas boulevard. Video number 2 animates and highlights the geometric patterns performed by the synchronization of several of the lightships.
Video 1.
Video 2.
Stabilized footage
Regular Triangle Animation - All angles are equal and all sides are the same length of the spinning animated triangle seen in this video.
(Accidentally added wrong sound to Section 2, but the time in top left corner should match original video.)
Notice how the triangle looks perfect in many angles (2 sides exactly the same length for example as it is rotating). Interesting.
Las Vegas BLVD ufos Stabilized and Animated enhancement - YouTube

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 27, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 27, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 05:44:17

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 27, 2012
Action is taking place but as you have realized it still does not hit the main Press outlets, but the news will become so important that a point will come when it can no longer be hidden or ignored. Governments like to be in control and have always tried to cover up news about demonstrations or rebellions amongst the people. However, once the media gets hold of the real truth behind what is happening, they will take the side of the people. Naturally there will still be those who take a defensive view of the happenings, fearing that the changes are going to seriously affect them. People do not want to face the idea that they are about to lose their power, or in some cases their ill gotten wealth. No one will escape the financial changes or sharing of wealth, which shall be even greater by the inclusion of Trust Funds set up for this occasion. Be assured that immense planning has gone into ensuring that this immediate period allows for everyone's needs to be considered. It will take time to cover everything but first the old system must be rid off and a new one put into its place.
At the last moment there are inevitably stumbling blocks, but in the context of the whole mission they will not cause any undue delay. However, the pressure is mounting on those in the front line to get matters completely under way. It does require a lot of co-ordination and although we are mainly in the background we can nevertheless exert our authority to move things along. In fact in certain instances such as the cabals attempted false flag operations, we have been very much at the heart of matters. As always we do encourage you to take the lead as it was never intended that we did your work for you. The reasons are involved with karma, and you are expected to clear up problems created by yourselves. They do in fact go back a very long time during which periods you have met the same conditions throughout many lives.
Certainly you have made much progress since the turn of the century, but even so have had to make a supreme effort to stop the plan of the Illuminati reaching fruition. We have been part of the movement to enlighten people as to the threats against them and their liberty, and it has been very successful. Prior to that time you were being lulled into accepting the changes that were insidiously introduced bit by bit, that were removing your rights brick by brick. Thinking that they were infallible has allowed us to use the arrogance of the dark Ones to turn the tables upon them, and they have been taken unaware.
You should savor the coming times as you claim back your sovereignty, as it is nothing less than you deserve for having been treated as slaves for so long. As individuals it does not matter too much what you may have done in the past, as you came to Earth to experience duality. All of you have had your ups and downs and it is what you are today that really counts. It comes down to having learned the lessons that you needed to evolve, and you will all know how you stand in that respect. If you consider yourself to be of the Light you are undoubtedly on that path, and are unloading any baggage that you have accumulated. You are beginning to understand your true self, and live up to your desire to be of the Light and you will know better than anyone else how you are doing. Be of good heart, compassionate and loving to all souls and if you are able to do so, you are well on the way to ascending.
Times are approaching when communities may need to come together to assist those who may well be confused by what is about to happen. It will seem as though the world is being turned upside down, and the future uncertain. Some areas may be inconvenienced by shortages due to normal services being restricted. So it is important that you care for each other when the need arises. The problems will only be temporary with no long term difficulties, as we are well prepared and already know where help will be needed. Face the future with cheerful anticipation and help maintain the peace that is essential at this time.
We of the Galactic Federation are so pleased for you that at last you can really see the outworking of all the efforts, that have been put in to bring an end to the restrictions that have blighted your lives. The Controllers are on their way out having been severely restricted in their ability to fund the vast operations they ran. When the banking changes are made that will further reduce their power, and no longer will shady or illegal deals be possible. Dealings that are open and transparent will be the order of the day, and possible because the rogue dealers will have been removed. However, much has come from the top establishment and that also will change with more accountability. You have capable people who know what needs to be done and we will work with them.
Your consciousness levels continue to rise and that is a good sign and your assurance of reaching a level high enough to ascend. The advantage is that you are now less likely to step backwards and it will become easier to keep your focus on the Light. You are getting immense help and the pathway through the final months has more key points to come, that will assist your upliftment. We continue to confirm that in spite of delays, everything proceeds well and we are ready to spring into action at a minutes notice. We are in fact present on Earth in ways that are not immediately apparent, as we have bases that give us useful access to our allies. We can also more easily keep track on certain members of the Illuminati that are trying to avoid having to surrender.
We wish your media would drop their hesitation to report the real news, as if it were carried out honestly it would reach more people who as yet have little idea of what is about to happen. In the meantime we look to you to spread the news where and when possible, and soon we shall arrange that our allies are given a voice that will reach the general public. Communication is very high up on our list and you shall see that a new system will be introduced far superior to what you have now. We want everyone to be able to use it and it will involve the use of free energy.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your ongoing perseverance.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 21:20:12

Breaking: New Evidence Shows Hillary A Mastermind Behind GunWalker
Written by AmeriPAC National on June 26, 2012, 11:04 AM
By - Editors
June 24,2012
Last week it was reported that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were deeply involved in the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, or Project Gunwalker. Today, however, new evidence has surfaced indicating that not only was Hillary deeply involved in the scandal but was one of the masterminds behind it. According to investigative citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh, sources close to the development of the Gunwalker scheme state that early on, Hillary and her trusted associated at State, Andrew J. Shapiro, devised at least part of the framework of what would later become Operation Fast and Furious. It was Shapiro who first described the details of the proposed scheme early in 2009 just after the Obama Administration took office. Vanderboegh relates the following:
My sources say that as Hillary’s trusted subordinate, it was Shapiro who first described to the Secretary of State the details of what has become the Gunwalker Scandal. The precise extent to which Hillary Clinton‘s knowledge of, and responsibility for, the Gunwalker Plot, lies within the memories of these two men, Shapiro and Steinberg, sources say. The sources also express dismay that the Issa committee is apparently restricting itself to the Department of Justice and not venturing further afield. The House Foreign Affairs Committee, they say, needs to summon these two men and their subordinates — especially at the Mexico Desk at State — and question them under oath as to what Hillary Clinton knew about the origins of the Gunwalker Scandal and when she knew it. There is one other thing those sources agree upon. The CIA, they say, knows “everything” about the “Mexican hat dance” that became the Gunwalker Scandal.
The ‘Steinberg’ mentioned in the quote above is Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Secretary of State, who was appointed directly by Barack Obama and was considered from the start to be an ‘Obama man’ whose objective was to carry out the wishes of the President in the State Department. Hillary had said of Steinberg,
Clinton said Steinberg had been a “fixture” at meetings with the National Security Council (NSC) and frequently represented the US State Department at the White House.
That statement is key. Hillary herself stayed out of all meetings dealing with strategy concerning the euphemism the Administration used to designate Gunwalker, ‘strategy meetings on Mexico and the problem of drug and gun trafficking.’ Hillary’s absence would give the impression that she had no connection to the scheme while making sure that her views were represented by Steinberg and Shapiro, both of whom were fully complicit with the details that developed concerning how to pad statistics on U.S. guns in Mexico. According to sources, Hillary was obsessed with gun statistics that would prove that ’90% of the firearms used by Mexican criminals come from the United States.’ As previouly reported, that meme, repeated incessantly by Democratic Senators, Barack Obama, certan members of the ATF, Janet Napolitano, and Hillary Clinton was patently and blatantly false. The fact that they all knew it was false is borne out by the lengths to which each of the above named co-conspirators went to attempt to ‘prove’ that the 90% figure was true. Again, Vanderboegh relates the following:
My sources say that this battle of the “statistics” was taken very seriously by all players — the White House, State and Justice. Yet, WHY was this game of statistics so important to the players? If some weapons from the American civilian market were making it to Mexico into the hand of drug gang killers that was bad enough. What was the importance of insisting that it was 90 percent, 80 percent, or finally 70 percent? Would such statistics make any difference to the law enforcement tactics necessary to curtail them? No. This statistics mania is similar to the focus on “body counts” in Vietnam. Yet if Vietnam body counts were supposed to be a measure of how we were winning that war, the focus on the 90 percent meme was certainly not designed to be a measure of how we were winning the war against arming the cartels, but rather by what overwhelming standard we were LOSING. Why? Recall what the whistleblower ATF agents told us right after this scandal broke in the wake of the death of Brian Terry: “ATF source confirms ‘walking’ guns to Mexico to ‘pad’ statistics.”
Thus, from the beginning the scheme was to pad statistics on U.S. guns in Mexico in order to be in a strengthened position to call for gun bans and strict gun control at a time when it was politically unpopular. Further, the scheme would involve a made-up statistic, out of thin air–90%–which then had to be proved by using civilian gun retailers along the southern border as unsuspecting pawns to walk U.S. guns into Mexico by ATF agents, straw purchasers, and others with connections to Mexican drug cartels. And the evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton was one of the original Administration officials who was ‘in the loop’ on the scheme from the very beginning.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 26, 2012

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 26, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012 19:14:45

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 26, 2012
4 Imix, 14 Kayab, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return. Much is about to happen on your world! The dark cabalists have refused the eleventh-hour offer made by our Earth allies to surrender and allow an easy and peaceful transition of power. Their refusal has put the ball in our court, and we are now composing our response. Our liaisons have spent the last few days putting together the arrest strategy with those who will be physically carrying it out. We wish to do it in such a way that it does not lead to negative propaganda by those news networks most closely linked to the cabal. We can, if necessary, require that a number of these controlled media sites be properly discredited and shut down. It is also necessary for major government officials in the cabal-led regimes to resign, as it is important to be publicly seen that a legal transfer of power is underway. We have had many preliminary talks with the designated officials and have received positive feedback on this particular option. We intend to apply this option and prepare our caretaker governments to begin the formal transition process.
Once these operations begin, a special group will coordinate the complex transitional phase with our Earth allies. The first requirement is to neutralize any dark-cabal media counterattack. The cabal is now literally fighting for its existence and it cannot tolerate anyone who does not obediently carry out a damaging propaganda campaign in the mainstream media and on the Internet. We are fully prepared for this and have even obtained their campaign plans. Once the government resignations start, the first 72 hours must be handled very carefully. We have briefed those liaisons involved and are ready to shut down a number of cable and network programming sites before they have a chance to air. The cabal has a vast propaganda network and it intends to engage it to the fullest degree. Our job is to prevent this, and to explain fully why it is necessary. We have video evidence in our hands that can be used to show the reasons behind our actions. This is to be a time of crisis that we are fully equipped to handle. It is no easy matter to overthrow and reverse 13 millennia of a planet's reality!
This phase of the transition is getting more difficult for our Earth allies and we have therefore intervened. Our headquarters for this phase is our main Mothership. The liaison teams assigned to each sector of our Earth allies are now using on-board technologies to monitor the cabal groups and listen in on their verbal and written communiqués as well as telepathically survey the leaders of these dark groups. This is confirming once again how exceptionally devious these leaders can be. But be assured that we are privy to everything they believe, think, and do. In addition, we intend to employ one particular technology that ensures a swift, smooth surrender. We are engaged in this deeper level of intervention because of the need to put this current impediment aside as quickly as possible. Heaven has given us a divine mandate that basically asks us to move this world forward to the point of transformation.
The landing group is now busy working on how and when to land the 'special' technicians who are to install technologies such as replicators, communicators, and healing devices. These technologies are mostly operated by the use of telepathy and we need to demonstrate how to restore this ability in your minds, as this will also make it a lot easier for you to interact with us. We see this restoration of one of your natural abilities as your first concrete step on the path to full consciousness. These living Beings (technicians) will also teach you about the various realities that manifest once you begin to use these devices. You could say that this technology transfer signals the moment when you truly commit to your return to full consciousness. Heaven intends to greatly speed up the many things now happening to and within you. It is becoming increasingly apparent that not only has time sped up, but your new consciousness is getting to the point where you need to be moved, shortly after we arrive, to your respective Light Chambers in Inner Earth.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are busy with the aftereffects of the dark cabal's rejection of the offer to surrender to the Light. In many ways it was expected. We knew that the dark cabal, despite its declared approval of our plans, was in fact intending to launch a series of misinformation campaigns, the purpose of which was to confuse and repudiate those who follow various sources of Internet information concerning the Changes. They were hoping to sow consternation and doubt with an ever-intensifying attack upon the truth. Our associates, too, are well aware of these schemes and are initiating a series of actions that will swiftly remove the dark and its die-hard allies. Our role here is simply to prepare a plan that fulfills the gracious decrees of Heaven and frees you from the millennia-long grip of the dark.
As you well know by now, this plan includes a new global financial system and new governance. All of this is very close to being implemented. Our associates are completing the means to inform you properly and fully about how these plans are to be implemented. We have in place a series of formal announcements that will begin once the dark ones are removed from power around the planet. To do this, we are employing certain techniques that are part of a protocol presented to us by the Agarthans of Inner Earth and their galactic friends. This will smooth the way and permit the arrest phase to begin. Once done, we can proceed with the remainder of the plans that we previously mentioned. Your freedom will shortly be granted and the treasonous plans of the dark disallowed by the Light!
We have been blessing Mother Earth and all her peoples daily. We ask that you join us in this divine activity. You have been doing this mostly at random, and what we now ask is for you to come together and freely choose a time for a wave of blessing intended to each day encircle the globe. Use your wonderful synergy to determine a time for this, and then begin this powerful practice. As you start on this, we will join in with you. This blessing is from all our hearts. Let us use this to bring peace and joy to all. This magnificent energy can unify all of us to manifest a new and sacred Way for Mother Earth! Heaven is giving us a divine plan that frees us from the dark's reign and returns us to full consciousness. Let us be in praise of the Light and its infinite wonders!
Today, we continued our discussion of what is happening in your reality. Events are now underway that is shortly to alter the very nature of this reality and return you to full consciousness. We are most pleased that we can soon do our part in this. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization