Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most Americans Do Not Understand

Where Does Money Come From? The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most Americans Do Not Understand

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Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
How is money created?  If you ask average people on the street this question, most of them have absolutely no idea.  This is rather odd, because we all use money constantly.

You would think that it would only be natural for all of us to know where it comes from.  So where does money come from?  A lot of people assume that the federal government creates our money, but that is not the case.  If the federal government could just print and spend more money whenever it wanted to, our national debt would be zero.  But instead, our national debt is now nearly 16 trillion dollars.  So why does our government (or any sovereign government for that matter) have to borrow money from anybody?  That is a very good question.  The truth is that in theory the U.S. government does not have to borrow a single penny from anyone.  But under the Federal Reserve system, the U.S. government has purposely allowed itself to be subjugated to a financial system in which it will be constantly borrowing larger and larger amounts of money.  In fact, this is how it works in the vast majority of the countries on the planet at this point.  As you will see, this kind of system is not sustainable and the structural problems caused by such a system are at the very heart of our debt problems today.
So where does money come from?  In the United States, it comes from the Federal Reserve.
When the U.S. government decides that it wants to spend another billion dollars that it does not have, it does not print up a billion dollars.
Rather, the U.S. government creates a bunch of U.S. Treasury bonds (debt) and takes them over to the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve creates a billion dollars out of thin air and exchanges them for the U.S. Treasury bonds.
So why does the U.S. government go to all this trouble?  Why doesn’t the U.S. government create the money itself?
Those are very good questions.
One of the primary reasons why our system is structured this way is so that wealthy people can get even wealthier by lending money to the U.S. government and other national governments.
For example, last year the U.S. government spent more than 454 billion dollars just on interest on the national debt.
Over the centuries, the ultra-wealthy have found lending to national governments to be a very, very profitable enterprise.
The U.S. Treasury bonds that the Federal Reserve receives in exchange for the money it has created out of nothing are auctioned off through the Federal Reserve system.
But wait.
There is a problem.
Because the U.S. government must pay interest on the Treasury bonds, the amount of debt that has been created by this transaction is greater than the amount of money that has been created.
So where will the U.S. government get the money to pay that debt?
Well, the theory is that we can get money to circulate through the economy really, really fast and tax it at a high enough rate that the government will be able to collect enough taxes to pay the debt.
But that never actually happens, does it?
And the creators of the Federal Reserve understood this as well.  They understood that the U.S. government would not have enough money to both run the government and service the national debt.  They knew that the U.S. government would have to keep borrowing even more money in an attempt to keep up with the game.
That is why I call the Federal Reserve a perpetual debt machine.  The Federal Reserve was created to trap the U.S. government in an endlessly expanding debt spiral from which there is no escape.
And the Federal Reserve is doing a great job at what it was designed to do.  Today, the U.S. national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was first created.
Another way that money comes into existence in our economy is through the process of fractional reserve banking.
I originally pulled the following simplified explanation of fractional reserve banking off of the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but it has been pulled down since then.  But I still think it is helpful in understanding the basics of how fractional reserve banking works….
If the reserve requirement is 10%, for example, a bank that receives a $100 deposit may lend out $90 of that deposit. If the borrower then writes a check to someone who deposits the $90, the bank receiving that deposit can lend out $81. As the process continues, the banking system can expand the initial deposit of $100 into a maximum of $1,000 of money($100+$90+81+$72.90+…=$1,000).”
When you put your money into the bank, it does not say there.  The bank only keeps a relatively small amount of money sitting around to satisfy the withdrawal demands of account holders.  If all of us went down to the banks right now and demanded our money, that would create a major problem.
If I put 100 dollars into the bank and the bank lends out 90 of those dollars to you, now it looks like there are 190 dollars floating around.  I have “100 dollars” in my bank account and you have “90 dollars” that you just borrowed.
The new debt that you have taken on (90 dollars) has “created” more money.  But of course you are going to end up paying back more than 90 dollars to the bank, so more debt has been created than the amount of money that has been created.
And that is one of the big problems with our financial system.  It is designed so that the amount of debt and the amount of money are supposed to be perpetually expanding, and the amount of debt created is always greater than the amount of money that is created.
So is it any wonder that our society is swamped with nearly 55 trillion dollars of total debt at this point?
A debt-based financial system is unsustainable by nature because it will always create debt bubbles that will inevitably burst.
Are you starting to see why so many Americans are saying that we need to abolish the Federal Reserve system?
Our founding fathers never intended for our financial system to work this way.
According to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Congress is supposed to have the authority to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”.
So why has this authority been given to a private institution that is dominated by the big Wall Street banks and that has actually argued in court that it is “not an agency” of the federal government?
Thomas Jefferson once said that if he could add just one more amendment to the U.S. Constitution it would be a ban on all government borrowing….
I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution. I would be willing to depend on that alone for the reduction of the administration of our government to the genuine principles of its Constitution; I mean an additional article, taking from the federal government the power of borrowing.
But instead, we have become enslaved to a system where government borrowing actually creates our money.
The borrower is the servant of the lender, and we have allowed our government to enslave us to the tune of nearly 16 trillion dollars.
There are alternatives to this system.  Things do not have to work this way.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of our politicians consider the Federal Reserve to be good for America and steadfastly refuse to do anything to change the status quo.
So if you are waiting for “solutions” to these problems on the national level you are going to be waiting for a very long time.
The debt problems that the United States and Europe are experiencing did not come into existence by accident.  They are the result of fundamental structural problems with the financial system.
A debt-based financial system is always going to fail in the long run.  Unfortunately, most Americans still do not understand this and so we will all get to suffer the consequences.

Health - Why People With Good Diets Still Get Sick - Maybe Very Sick

Why People With Good Diets Still Get Sick - Maybe Very Sick

When someone eats mainly packaged food, is on a first-name basis
with the staff at Taco Bell and wouldn't know a fresh vegetable if they
fell over it, it's not a surprise to hear them say they have health problems.

Because, you are what you eat. 
And if you eat garbage, that's what you become.
But what about the person who is very careful with their diet?
The one who takes the time to make real, fresh food and would rather starve than go through the drive-thru at Mickey D's or eat airplane food.
Why on earth would they be sick?
Well, one BIG possibility is a digestive enzyme deficiency.
You see, even though digestive enzymes work to break down the specific chemical bonds in the foods you eat, their work goes WAAAYY beyond that.
And if your body's enzymes not doing all they should because there are too few of them, it can affect you from head to toe.
Here's why:
Proteases are the enzymes that digest proteins.
Now, most proteins are acidic. So when you have too FEW proteases in your system to break down proteins so they can be absorbed into your bloodstream, this can actually lead to too MUCH alkalinity in your blood. And that can cause anxiety and insomnia.
Plus, protein is needed to transport calcium in your blood. So without the proteases to break the protein down, the calcium can't get where it needs to be. That means you're encouraging calcium deficient diseases like osteoporosis as well as arthritis.
Protein is also changed into glucose (energy) as needed. So poor protein digestion can lead to hypoglycemia, moodiness and irritability.Do any of those symptoms sound like you?
Never dreamed it was related to enzymes, did you?
Read on.
Amylases digest carbs and dead white blood cells (also known as pus). So when you're low in amylases you are susceptible to abscesses (inflamed, swollen collections of pus).
Amylase also helps fight inflammation, especially where the hormone histamine is involved. So being low in amylase can worsen skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, hives, reactions to bug bites and herpes.
Asthma and emphysema can even be made worse by an amylase deficiency
I bet you never dreamed those asthma attacks or rashes had anything to do with amylase, did you?
Hmmm. Let's see what else may be going on.
Since lipases digest fats, lipase deficient people have a tendency toward high cholesterol, high triglycerides, weight problems and diabetes.
I bet that doesn't describe any of you, does it?  :-)
People low in lipase also have decreased cell permeability, meaning that a "brick wall" is built around your cells--so essential nutrients can't get in and wastes can't get out. This causes toxin build-up and a variety of nutrient deficiencies that vitamins can't help you with.
So you can diet until the cows come home or pop vitamins like crazy, but if you're low in lipases, you've failed before you start.
Cellulases break down the fiber you eat.
Of all the enzymes, cellulase deficiency causes the widest variety of health challenges and can especially affect your intestinal and cardiovascular health.
Lacking cellulase can lead to problems with your pancreas as well gas, cramps and bloating.
Sound familiar?
Your body doesn't produce cellulase, so it is vital to get enough through fresh fruits and vegetables or supplemental sources.
So what do you do now?
Now that enzyme deficiency is not this strange thing that mysteriously "happens to someone else" but instead has a familiar face for you, you can see just how important they are.
And how devastating it can be to your health without them.
The good news is that no matter how deficient in enzymes you are, you CAN help turn it around in 2 easy steps:
1- Eat food sources of enzymes and help conserve your natural enzymes.  
And if you want tasty ways to enjoy getting enzymes from your foods, let Great Taste No Pain show you what to do.
Great Taste No Pain will show you how to structure delicious, easy to digest meals featuring many enzyme-rich foods that will not only taste fantastic but help conserve your enzyme supply and keep you feeling good!
Check it out here.

2- Supplement with a high grade digestive enzyme supplement.
I recommend Digestizol Max.
Digestizol Max's super-potent blend of 14 enzymes targets a broad range of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, fats and fibers in your diet.
When you just take one Digestizol Max capsule with meals, the 14 enzymes start breaking down all kinds of food completely just as nature intended. This means smooth digestion as well as improvements in all the health problems I mentioned up above.
Plus, Digestizol Max goes WAY beyond the run of the mill digestive enzyme supplements.
Every capsule of Digestizol Max includes a carefully formulated blend of nature's best herbal solutions to calm your system including:
Peppermint oil: Modern studies indicate that peppermint oil can help ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
Ginger: This antioxidant herb is known for its digestion-aiding properties. Researchers believe it can help fight diarrhea, ease nausea, ease IBS symptoms, safeguard against ulcers and support overall intestinal health.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum): This herb helps settle the stomach, ease gas problems, alleviate inflammatory conditions, relieve heartburn and prevent diarrhea.
Cayenne (capsicum): This widely used herb supports tissues lining the stomach and intestines and can help with flatulence.
Rooibos/Red Tea (Aspalathus linearis): Rooibos is gaining considerable attention as a high level antioxidant. Researchers believe it can also provide anti-spasmodic effects that lessen painful gas cramps.
Now THAT'S one powerhouse supplement...
...and why, in my opinion, everyone still breathing should take Digestizol Max.
Don't run the risk of enzyme-related health problems creeping up on you. Give your body a little help and make sure your enzyme supply is all it needs to be with Great Taste No Pain and Digestizol Max.
I'm sure you'll see the difference in how you feel very soon.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Anita is off Pepcid and has more energy too!
Hi Sherry,
I have had great results from your Digestizol Max, Great Taste No Pain and Hydroxaden Vitamin B12 spray. I also take the VitalMega-3 fish oil supplements.
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Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Jacob Rothschild
Lew Rockwell – by Gary North  For the first time in my career, I see the international establishment, sometimes called the New World Order, facing a crisis so large that its very survival is at stake. For the first time, these people are scared.
There are not many of them. In his book, Superclass, author David Rothkopf estimates that there are only about 6000 people at the top of the pyramid of world power and influence. They are mostly males, and at least a third of them have attended America’s most prestigious universities. Most of the others have attended comparable universities in Europe.
The crisis in Europe is clearly beyond anything that this generation of establishment leaders has ever seen. The last time that anything like this faced the European establishment, it led to World War II.
During the entire postwar period, the United States has been the dominant force in the West. The United States government through theMarshall Plan wrote the checks to keep the European governments afloat, and it funded most of NATO, the mutual defense system that was set up to constrain the expansion of the Soviet Union.
The United States is no longer in a position to bail out anybody. It is running a massive trade deficit, and is running a massive federal deficit. Europe realizes now that, from an economic standpoint, it is on its own. If there are solutions to the European economic crisis, these solutions are going to have to be generated inside the eurozone.
Today, the entire banking system of Europe is at risk. The banks are highly leveraged, and they have made enormous investments at low-interest rates in bonds issued by governments that are technically insolvent. There is no possibility that any of thesebonds will ever be repaid. They were never designed to be repaid. They were designed to keep the taxpayers of all European countries in permanent bondage to the banking system.
Now, in a complete reversal of fortune, the banks are increasingly dependent on the governments. The governments are now the lenders of next-to-last resort to thecommercial banks. The central bank, of course, is the lender of last resort. But today, the European Central Bank has moved into neutral. It does not want to take action to bail out Greece, Spain, or Italy.
The PIIGS governments that wrote the IOUs to the banks in northern Europe are technically insolvent. When Greece defaults, which it will, there will be enormous losses sustained by some northern European banks. When Spain defaults, which it will, these losses will get far worse. When Italy defaults, which it will, the entire banking system of Europe will be busted.
The only things that can save European banking system today are the European Central Bank, which has the power to create money out of nothing, and the taxpayers of Germany, whose national leaders are relentless in their desire to expand the power of the eurozone over all of Europe. These politicians are willing to write IOUs on behalf of German taxpayers in order to extend this consolidation.
The problem is, the Northern European governments do not have any money to serve as lenders to Greece, Spain, or Italy. They are borrowing money at rates not seen before in peacetime Europe. These governments are expected to intervene and lendmoney to theGreek government. But every northern European government is now faced with the additional responsibility of being the lender of next-to-last resort to the large commercial banks inside its own borders.
Who is going to lend northern European governments enough money to bail out southern European governments? Which lenders think this is a good idea today? At today’s rate of interest, not that many. That is why interest rates are going to rise. But when long-term interest rates rise, that will lower the present market value of all of thebonds in the portfolios of the lenders.
So, on the one hand, investors have to pony up the money to lend to the governments, and the governments need the money to recapitalize the banks in their own borders. This leads to the next problem: in order for the lenders to lend money to a government, they have to write checks on their bank accounts. What happens if their banks should go under? Who will lend money to the governments?
In this daisy chain of fiat money, credit, and debt, the European Central Bank is the lender of last resort. It is the lender of last resort because it has the legal authority to create money out of nothing. It can buy IOUs issued by governments, and it can lendmoney to banks, so that the banks can buy the IOUs of governments.
The entire political system that we know as the European Union is dependent upon a system of fractional reserve banking which has overextended itself, and now faces a day of reckoning. Actually, it faces two days of reckoning.
First, there is a day of reckoning in the PIIGS countries, when depositors withdraw funds. The second day of reckoning is going to be imposed by the insolvent governments who have been borrowing hundreds of billions of euros from the banks.
The arrival of a bank run threatens the ability of the Greek government to borrow moneyfrom anybody. The Greek government is dependent upon the Greek banking system to collect taxes. If the Greek banking system goes belly-up, the Greek government goes belly-up.
In this system, only the European Central Bank has the authority to bail out the system. Every other potential source of euros is dependent on the solvency of the European banking system. But that is exactly what is at risk today.
This is why all fractional reserve banking must ultimately rest on the monopoly granted by government to a central bank. The central bank, above all, is the guarantor of the solvency of the largest banks. The central bank is the economic agent of the owners of the largest commercial banks. These owners are now facing bankruptcy. They hold shares in multinational banks whose lending officers had no understanding of basic economics. They wrote checks to the PIIGS.
In this scenario, the only way to save the system is to risk destroying it. The only way to save the euro is to risk destroying it. This is because there are only two ways to save the largest commercial banks. The first way is by hyperinflation. This will enable the banks to keep their doors open, but the borrowers will be able to pay off their loans by selling a handful of hard assets, which will raise enough money to pay off the loans with worthless euros.
The second way to save the banks, which is what the European Central Bank is attempting to do, is to avoid hyperinflation, and to inflate the money supply only to the degree that the largest banks can be bailed out by making low-interest loans available to them. They in turn must lend out the money, if they can find solvent borrowers, and if those borrowers are willing to borrow.
If the European Central Bank adopts the second approach, this is going to lead to a depression. The bank has inflated. The commercial banks have lent money to insolvent governments. These governments are going to default if there is a recession, but by refusing to expand the money supply, the European Central Bank will produce a recession. The boom that it fostered in the Greenspan years has blown up on European banks, in the same way that the boom in the United States has blown up on America’s banks.
There is no equivalent of the FDIC in the European banking system. There is no single government that has the assets or the legal authority to lend to any and all of the other governments. There is no common fiscal system, which means that all the governments can run massive deficits. This means that the governments are in constant competition with each other to borrow enough money to fund their deficits.
So, the system is stretched to the limits. The few remaining lenders with capital who have enough money in their banks to write checks to insolvent governments are now refusing to write the checks. This is why Spain is paying over 7% to get lenders to fork over their money. Lenders who do this are going to wind up like the saps who loanedmoney to the Greek government prior to 2010. They are going to see the value of theirinvestments collapse as interest rates go to double digits in Spain, which they are going to do unless the European Central Bank intervenes and makes fiat money loans to Spain’s government.
There is now at least one monthly emergency weekend meeting of the political authorities, accompanied by their bureaucrats from the ministries of finance. They come together on a Saturday to talk about how they can save the system. They issue a press release on Sunday. The press release is always short on specifics. Within a month, the crisis has escalated again, and there is another weekend summit meeting.
Every time there is a summit meeting, the investing public that has sufficient money to invest waits with bated breath to see if there is some solution offered on Sunday afternoon. There never is a solution offered, so the stock market drops for the first day or two after the meeting.
It is clear by now to everybody that there is no solution forthcoming. There is no agreement politically, especially between Germany and France, as to who is going to write the checks to bail out the next PIIGS government to hit the brick wall.
If the Democratic Party wishes to survive, it must cease being the party of Barney Frank and Barack Obama. In order to restore its legacy as the party of Franklin Roosevelt, it must, immediately, boldly, and unequivocally, move for the reinstatement of the full and complete 1933 Glass-Steagall legislation, in direct opposition to Barack Obama. Only Barack Obama’s immediate forced resignation from the Office of President, can insure the survival of the United States, and the restoration of Franklin Roosevelt’s dream.
I can remember almost 40 years ago listening to a speech by a young hotshot economist at Yale, who informed us that there would be a new currency system established in Europe by the year 2000. This was an accurate forecast. It was established in 1999. The hotshot later moved to Harvard. He has generally disappeared from public view. But it was clear from his enthusiastic speech that he was convinced that this new currency system would create a completely new economic order in Europe. Boy, was he right!
The new economic order in Europe is now disintegrating. The establishment politicians, bureaucrats, and spokesmen are looking in horror as the system which their predecessors designed to work permanently is disintegrating. Not to put too fine a point to it, but this is reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s promise about the thousand-year Reich. It lasted 13 years. This year, the euro had its 13th birthday. So far, it has not had a happy birthday.
Rothschild Face-of-Evil-on-9-11
The leaders of the European establishment have never had to deal with any crisis on a scale like this one. They keep talking of the need for firewalls. Until they have firewalls, nobody is willing to yell “Fire!” Yet the fire is now raging.
What kind of firewall can be created that keeps a default by one government from becoming a default by another government? What firewall is there for a large multinational bank that has just lost half of the value of the bonds that it purchased at a rate of 3%, now that the interest rate is 7%? Every time the interest rate doubles, the market value of the bonds decreases by 50%, minimum.
There is no firewall. The financial system of Europe is interrelated by way of the euro. Everybody uses the same currency in 17 countries. Everybody is dependent upon the same central bank, and that bank is not exercising leadership. The head of the bank keeps saying that the governments have to step up to the plate and take responsibility. Every time he says this, I am reminded of what Ben Bernanke keeps telling Congress.
The heads of the two largest central banks in the world keep complaining that the politicians have got to take responsibility for solving the crisis. But this is exactly what the politicians do not want to do. The politicians have always understood that the central bank would bail them out of their crisis, merely by creating new money and buying the IOUs of the government. This has always been the public justification of central banking.
The politicians seem blind to the real reason for the existence of central banking, namely, to bail out the largest commercial banks under its jurisdiction. The European Central Bank faces an enormous problem: it has under its jurisdiction the largest banks in every country in the eurozone, other than Great Britain. It has to intervene to save any large bank that is under its jurisdiction, because if it does not, there will be bank runs in that nation.
Depositors can go down to their banks and have money transferred to a bank outside the country. Usually, this is going to be a German bank. Legally, the recipient bank can refuse to take a deposit, but what bank would dare not take deposits? Any bank that would say that it was not taking deposits from any other bank would be sending a signal to the media that the other bank is bordering on insolvency. That is the last thing that any bank in northern Europe wants to do with respect to any bank in Greece, Spain, or Italy.
The European Central Bank is sitting on a powder keg. The fuse has already been lit. That fuse is connected to the Greek banking system. If the Greek banking system blows up, by which I mean implodes, that will light another fuse. The other fuse leads to Spain. I could be wrong. There may be two fuses, one leading to Spain, and the other leading to Italy.
There is no firewall. The only firewall would be for banks in northern Europe to refuse to take new accounts from people who were closing out their accounts in southern Europe. But if they do not stop the bank runs from taking place in Greece, the Greek government is going to default on its debt and pull out of the eurozone. It will have no choice. If its banks are collapsing, how will it be able to fund its debt? How will it be able to collect taxes?
You can see what is at stake here. A small-scale bank run has been going on for at least a year in Greece, and it is now threatening to escalate into a full-scale run. Northern European banks could refuse to take new deposits in euros from existing depositors in Greece. But they would all have to do this at once. If only one or two major banks in northern Europe refuse to accept new accounts from Greeks, this will send a message to all the other Greeks: “You had better get your money out of your bank, fast, and get it into a northern European bank that has not yet closed off new deposits.” The bank run escalates.
Because not all of the banks are under the same banking laws, and because no regulatory agency can tell them what to do, Europe has a system in which depositors in PIIGS nations can create massive bank runs against the banks in their own nations.
There is no firewall against this. The bank runs have begun in Greece. Banks outside of the eurozone can refuse to take on new deposits, but banks inside the eurozone cannot do this without threatening the survival of the entire banking system. Furthermore, if they do not create a firewall, the collapsed banks of Greece, Spain, and Italy will lead to the bankruptcy of their respective governments, and that in turn will lead to massive losses in northern European banks.
You do not see a detailed discussion of this in the mainstream press, for very good reason: the mainstream press is afraid of being blamed for triggering a bank run out of Greek banks. Everybody in authority knows a Greek bank run has begun, but this is not front page news. It is certainly not a story on the evening television news shows. Maybe “The PBS News Hour” will bring in two or three experts to discuss it, who will offer rival views, but the network news will not talk about the Greek bank run until it is in its terminal stage.
So, the people who run the new European order sit there, helpless, completely dependent upon decisions made by depositors in Greek banks. At any time, a wave of fear could spread through Greece, and a majority of depositors will start lining up to get their money. If they take out their money in currency, this collapses the local bank, which has to sell assets to buy the currency from the European Central Bank in order to hand the currency to the depositor. That kind of bank run is bad for a single bank, but usually depositors spend the money. When a depositor spends the money, the business that receives the money re-deposits the money in its bank. So, a bank run into currency is not a huge threat to the Greek banking system as a whole.
In contrast, however, is a bank run in the form of the transfer of digital money out of the country. All of the Greek banks are facing this threat today. Once the euros leave the Greek banking system, they are not redeposited in the Greek banking system.
What we are seeing is the collapse of the Greek banking system. Unless the European Central Bank intervenes again, by the end of the year, there is not going to be a Greek banking system. All of the banks will be busted.
There is nothing that the Eurocrats can do about this. The only agency that has the power to stop this is the European Central Bank, which can do whatever it wants to do, ultimately, which means lending money to Greek banks based on any collateral they want to put up, especially IOUs issued by the Greek government.
Angela Merkel can scream, yell, and hold her breath until she turns blue, but ultimately she has no power over the European Central Bank. Ultimately, no politician has any power over it. No politician really wants power over it. Why not? Because that politician would then be responsible for coming up with the money that the European Central Bank was about to come up with, but which was stymied by the politician.
This is why the European Central Bank is going to inflate, inflate, and inflate. The head of the bank can make all the comments he wants about the responsibility of politicians to intervene to keep the structure going, but he is ultimately the bagman of the system. He is the guy who has control over the printing press. He is the only person, along with his colleagues, who is in a position to keep the system afloat.
There is no firewall. There is only the ability of the European Central Bank to create money, and to do so by lending it to commercial banks or directly to governments. It does not matter what kind of rules and regulations are in place that were supposed to prohibit this back in 1999.
In the midst of a conflagration, nobody in power is going to point a finger at the European Central Bank when the bank intervenes to bail out a government that is about to default on its debt. The reason is clear, or at least is clear to me: no politician wants to be responsible for coming up with the money to bail out the largest banks in his country, all of which will be threatened with insolvency because of the default of Greece and Spain, because that will produce a domino effect by all of the PIIGS governments.

Are Feds Preparing for Martial Law?

Are Feds Preparing for Martial Law?
posted on June 27, 2012 by Tad Cronn

 There’s a lot of buzz lately about the federal government preparing for massive civil unrest across the country. The most recent alarm was raised when the Army began conducting military training exercises in the streets of St. Louis, Mo.
The Army Reserve’s 354th MP unit is conducting training using what has been described in some stories as “tanks” but are actually heavily armored vehicles similar to large Humvees or armored personnel carriers.

Army officials have been mum on why the exercises are being conducted in the streets of a major city, but St. Louis residents were warned not to be alarmed if the armored vehicles came rolling by.

Most interviews conducted with residents by broadcast news have been with people who were supportive of the Army’s presence, and some have suggested that the military show might cut crime.

This has led some bloggers to speculate that the purpose of the exercises is to acclimate people to seeing an urban military presence.

Another story that has fueled speculation about preparations for civil unrest is the purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow-point bullets by the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The purchase was announced at the end of March in a press release from the company that won the supply contract, ATK.

Hollow-point bullets are designed to expand on impact, greatly increasing the size of any wound and lowering the chance that the bullet might “blow through” the target. They are best used against unarmored targets.

Earlier this week, the story came out that ISP GoDaddy had been ordered by the “Obama Truth Team” to shut down the website, run by Douglas Haggman, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving Fortune 500 clients.

Hagmann says GoDaddy told him his site was being removed for “morally objectionable content,” but that further investigation led him to the Truth Team, a wing of the Obama campaign that spends its days trolling the Internet for anything negative about the president.

Hagmann says he believes at least part of the reason he drew the Truth Team’s ire is that he published a story that went viral last month about a Homeland Security insider source who alleged that the feds are preparing for “massive civil war” in the next few months.

The Truth Team, which is on Facebook, has even caught the attention of ABC’s Jake Tapper, who criticized the team for using campaign propaganda as “facts” to refute legitimate criticism of Obama and his administration. The Obama Administration is also known to have killed published stories about Obama’s daughters and is rumored to have killed others.

Hagmann has moved his site to another server so that it can remain online.

Stories like the above have fueled concern among some people about the federal government’s intentions, particularly as the presidential election approaches.

In fact, let me add a story of my own. In my own community, in the greater Los Angeles area, I’ve personally seen now on at least three occasions flights of military helicopters zooming just above treetop level along the 101 Freeway corridor.

These were definitely military choppers. Each time, they were in flights of two. Twice, the flights included a cargo/personnel chopper and an attack helicopter packing wing-mounted weapon pods. The third time, it was two of the attack choppers.
After each sighting, I called our local military base and was told there were no flights over that area and that their pilots wouldn’t be allowed to fly that low if there had been. The local newspapers and stations had no clue that anything had even happened.

So what can you make of all this? Most of these stories have plausible explanations.

In the case of the St. Louis Army training, the National Guard often moves its units around in the summer for training exercises, so a Maryland-based unit might conceivably find itself practicing in Missouri. For the hollow-point shells order, perhaps Homeland Security was just making sure it spent its budget so that it wouldn’t be cut back the next fiscal year. In the case of the helicopters, maybe some big shot just needed to get from Point A to Point B and the military publicist just didn’t feel the public needed to know.
Maybe other suggestions are just paranoia.

The problem is, the human capacity for self-delusion cuts both ways. Just as we may jump too quickly to the conclusion that we’re about to enter a state of martial law, we also have a tremendous ability to ignore the obvious and see no evil even when it is practically screaming in our faces.

Going back to the helicopters for a moment. On the occasion of one such sighting, I was outside a convenience store with two other people when the choppers flew overhead. The parking lot and surrounding sidewalks were fairly busy. I would guess at least 20 to 30 people were walking around outside, not to mention all the people in cars stopped at the intersection, which easily accounted for another 20 people at least.

The choppers approached, the noise of their rotors making the air vibrate. They were literally low enough that I could almost have made out the faces of the pilots if they hadn’t been wearing helmets. I pointed out the choppers to my companions who also remarked on how low and loud they were. We counted the number of missiles on the racks of the helicopters.

The amazing thing, though? I didn’t see anyone of the 50 or more people around us look up. I remarked on that fact to my companions, and they also looked around and noticed everybody else seemed too wrapped up in “whatever” to notice something very unusual happening just a hundred feet over their heads.

It was almost a creepy feeling, and it did feel for a few seconds like we were being invaded or had been invaded and nobody noticed except for our little group.

The real issue that has Americans on edge, though, is signified by the Truth Team ordering a website shut down. Anyone who has been really paying attention to this administration knows that we are living under the thumb of a president who is a solipsistic narcissist with no conscience about breaking the law if it suits him.

President Obama’s recent actions have given a clear indication that he believes neither Congress nor Supreme Court can check his powers, and he has been gathering more power to himself. He has made it clear that he would prefer to be a king rather than a president.

He has also made it clear that as his poll numbers slip among various constituent groups that strongly supported him the last time, he is growing increasingly desperate and is willing to do whatever it takes to try to lure supporters back to his camp.

Under this president, at this time, the scenario of impending martial law is believable in a way that it never has been before. Obama has Americans in a battlefield frame of mind. But how can you know for sure what the government’s intentions are?

The best course may be simply to be prepared. As Col. William Prescott said, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”

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