Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stephen Lendman ~ Heading For Economic Collapse

Stephen Lendman ~ Heading For Economic Collapse | June 24, 2012

The late Bob Chapman predicted it years ago. So does Paul Craig Roberts. It could “destroy Western civilization,” he believes.
Untenable political and financial decisions put US and European economies on a collision course with disaster. Bailouts and market manipulation delay the inevitable.
A tipping point approaches. Only its time frame is unknown.
Money power runs world economies. Wall Street and giant European banks run Western societies.
“Financial deregulation converted the financial system (into) a gambling casino….,” says Roberts. Zero interest rates destroy household savings. Media scoundrels suppress ugly truths.
Western governments letting banking crooks scam the system for profits “is a system that is headed for catastrophic failure.”
Bad news keeps getting worse. Public acknowledgement arrives late. Moody’s June 21 downgrade of 15 major banks conceded what’s been known for years.
Giant Western banks are zombies. They’re insolvent. Taxpayer funded bailouts alone keep them operating. Moody’s warned last winter than downgrades were coming. So-called stress tests suppress more than they revealed.
Ellen Brown calls the “derivatives casino….a last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme.” It’s slowly crumbling under its own weight.
JPMorgan Chase is considered America’s most stable bank. Brown calls it bankrupt. Evidence, she says, shows it’s acknowledged $2 billion loss perhaps exceeds $30 billion.
Roberts explained that America’s five largest banks hold $226 trillion in derivative bets. For example, JPMorgan’s total assets approach $2 trillion. Its derivatives holdings exceed $70 trillion. Its risk capital is about $136 billion.
Its “derivative bets are 516 times larger than the capital that covers the bets.”
Goldman Sachs “takes the cake,” says Roberts. Its $44 trillion in derivatives speculation “is covered by only $19 billion in risk capital.”
In other words, its bets are “2,295 times larger than” cash on hand covering them.
Derivatives bets by America’s five largest banks exceed US GDP over 15-fold. Corrupt politicians allowing it assure eventual economic collapse.
Banking executives are serial liars. After Moody’s downgrades, Citigroup and Bank of America officials said its action failed to reflect “safeguards” in place for years.
Roberts destroyed their argument. So did Brown and other independent analysts.
Moody’s and other rating agencies long ago lost credibility. They failed to acknowledge the sub prime crisis until headlines revealed it.
They bogusly call toxic assets safe in return for large fees and big profits.
They’re called lagging, not leading indicators. They’re many days and dollars short. They’re part of the dirty game that scams ordinary people.
RBC Capital Markets analyst Gerard Cassidy said Moody’s “action is five years too late.”
Stanford University Professor Anat Admati called its downgrades bad news at a time bank “balance sheets are very fragile.”
Credit Agricole Securities analyst Mike Mayo said America doesn’t have a coherent solution to its banking crisis. Will actions like Moody’s make it safer, he asked?
Saying the jury is still out, he doubts it. He also called Thursday’s downgrades “unfortunate four years after (a) crisis” that’s deepening, not improving.
Evidence shows troubled global banking conditions. Central bank liquidity injections alone prevent collapse. They’re running their course. Each new round helps less than previous ones. Ahead they’ll be ineffective at a price too great to bear.
They’ve bailed out banks at the expense of economic growth. Recovery is more distant than earlier. Speculators alone profited. Good times they alone enjoyed are ending.
Economic data show it. The closely watched Markit Eurozone purchasing managers composite index matched May’s 46 read. It showed production contracting at the steepest level since June 2009.
Its flash measure dropped from 45.1 in May to 44.8 in June. It reflected a 37-month low. Markit’s chief economist, Chris Williamson, said the flash reading “rounded off the weakest quarter for three years.”
China’s flash PMI fell to 48.1 in June. Manufacturing contracted for the eighth consecutive month. The Fed slashed 2012 and 2013 US growth. Growing numbers of companies are cutting revenue and profit estimates.
Germany’s ZEW confidence index plunged to -16.9 from 10.8 in May. It’s the largest monthly decline since the 1998 LTCM/Russian debt default crisis.
Moreover, its Ifo business confidence index hit a two-year low, and Italy’s consumer confidence plunged to its lowest level since 1996.
US initial jobless claims are rising. On June 21, they reached a 2012 high.
Slowdown is gaining speed. Economic underpinnings look wobbly. In June alone, about 70% of economic reports showed weakness.
The Fed’s Operation Twist extension underwhelmed analysts. Officially it’s called the Maturity Extension Program. It exchanges short-term debt for longer term holdings. In theory, it’s to lower interest rates on 10-year Treasuries. In early June 22 trading, they stood at 1.63%, a near record low.
Housing remains in Depression. In the week ending June 15, mortgage purchase applications plunged 8.5%. Companies keep cutting planned capex expenditures. According to the latest Architectural Billings Index, commercial construction keeps contracting.
Down 22% from their highs, commodity prices entered bear market territory. Oil prices hit an 18-month low. It signals weak demand. Brent fell 8% in one week. It’s down 30% from its earlier high.
US factory output reached an 11-month low. Eurozone business activity dropped for the fifth straight month. At a 48.5 read in June, Germany’s PMI shows contraction. The Fed’s June Philadelphia manufacturing index contracted sharply to -16.6 after dropping 5.8 points in May.
The Jolts (Job Opening/Labor Turnover) survey showed job openings plunged 325,000 in May. It was the steepest drop since Lehman’s September 2008 collapse. Only twice before in the past decade did it decline that much. All major categories were affected.
New hires decreased for the second straight month. They’re lowest since July 2011. Again all categories showed weakness.
Layoffs keep increasing. Cuts rose in three of the past four months.
Data revisions are mostly negative. Peak levels were reached months ago. The full impact of how weak things are has yet to hit home. So-called recovery is illusion, not reality.
Europe’s economic condition is grim. Bailing out Spain gets harder. Economist Jack Rasmus estimates its banks need at least $300 billion, not the publicly announced $78.75 billion.
He added that hundreds of billions more are needed to rescue Spain’s regional and central governments. At issue is who’ll supply it. Sick economies can’t solve their own problems.
Eurozone ones look to Germany for help. It bears the greatest burden when it’s economy is weakening.
Italy’s troubled economy combined with its 12-month 29% of GDP sovereign financing burden means it can’t contribute much.
Europe’s PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) combined with troubled France have a combined public debt of 200% of Germany’s GDP. Its own debt to GDP ratio is 80%.
Simple math says it can’t backstop the Eurozone. Bailouts can’t continue forever. Debt burdened economies head for collapse. Adding more hastens the timeframe.
Troubled Eurozone economies are so weak that cross-border bank-to-bank lending dried up. ECB chairman Mario Draghi calls inter-bank lending “dysfunctional.” It’s “not working,” he said. As it goes, so does business lending altogether.
Rasmus said these developments show deepening crisis conditions. He blames wrongheaded policy measures.
Austerity when stimulus is needed hit hard. Government revenues are down. So is consumption. Business spending keeps falling. Debt keeps rising. A looming train wreck approaches.
Why should households and economies bear the burden of bailing out crooked banks? Why are too big to fail ones allowed to exist? Why do ordinary people put up with politicians scamming them for personal gain? Why do they elect new bums in place of old ones?
When conditions exceed threshold levels too painful to bear, maybe they’ll react the way they should have years ago.
A Final Comment
On June 19, the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB) issued a “red alert.” Global conditions are “negative, even catastrophic,” it said.
The second half of 2012 may “mark a major inflection point of the global system crisis….”
Day of reckoning time approaches. Putting off “the inevitable comes at a high price….”
“The shock of the autumn (of) 2008 will seen like a small summer storm compared to what(‘s)” coming. The “world system” will be “shake(n).”
GEAB predicts a conversion of geopolitical and economic shocks. They include more Middle East wars, Afpak chaos, “Gulf countries swept away in the turmoil,” America’s economy in free fall, major bank insolvencies, and money printing madness ended because it no longer works.
Early summer perhaps is the calm before the storm. If GEAB is right, it won’t be pleasant on arrival.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at His new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Jun-2012 06:43:45

Fri, 22 Jun 2012 17:53 CDT
© London 2012
London 2012 Olympic Games Mascot, Wenlock, Policeman
The 2012 London olympics start in 4 weeks time. Exclusive interview with investigative journalist Lee Hazledean who is training undercover as a security guard for the London olympics with private security firm G4S. Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist. He has also been involved in major stories on the IRA and how British Army infiltrated the organisation and carried out false flag operations. He has managed to get undercover as part of the security team at the 2012 Olympics with G4S. He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics unless the story is broken in a news paper or foreign news agency it's unlikely to see the light of day. Security training and officers are so appalling that the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy.
Comment: The London Olympics is becoming a veritable profit bonanza for the Industrial security complex.The reporter does sound genuine in the information he learned during training for the private security firm GS4. One possible reason for the flippant way the evacuation and 'casket lining' information was given to the reporter could be that the terrorist threat has been overplayed by GS4 to maximise their profits on the security contract. The practicalities of evacuating 11 million people were not relayed in such a manner to suggest this would be a realistic necessity. At the very least one would expect personnel receiving training would receive specific details of logistics such as transportation requirements, muster points and roles. At this stage there seems very little real threat of the type of event prophesied by the Rockerfeller foundation in 2010, however, it remains to be seen whether 'terror warnings' and the accompanying arrests of patsies will be orchestrated in order to justify the obscene costs the security contractors are reaping.
At the same time the PTB are well aware that there is no 'terror threat' except the one they themselves organise. All of the fighter jets and SAMs on buildings are designed for their manipulative and mind programming effect on the local population, not to protect them. Of course, this lax (or lack of) security is also useful in the event that MI5 or the Mossad etc. are planning on staging a "Muslim terror attack".

Army can now guide lightning with laser beams

Subject: Army learns to guide lightning with lasers
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As the U.S. Army now admits that it has learned to guide lightning
using laser beams to hit specific targets, I figure it's a good
time to revisit the subject of weather weapons.

No bomb fragments, no downed planes, no easy way to prove which
actor committed the atrocity.

Was it a natural disaster? Was it an attack?

It's the very definition of offensive technology...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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'A dislocation more severe than the fall of Watergate may be anticipated'

In a 20-page report, a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warns his hereditary peers in the U.K. the Obama presidency is in danger of falling because of evidence he considers conclusive that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.
“Mr. Obama’s legitimacy is now in doubt,” Lord Christopher Monckton concludes in the report.
Monckton bases his conclusions largely on the findings of Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s law enforcement investigation. Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse announced March 1 there is probable cause that Obama’s long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website April 27, 2011, and his Selective Service registration form are forgeries.
“A dislocation more severe than the fall of Watergate may be anticipated, leaving the free world leaderless at a time of great financial uncertainty,” Monckton advises the British nobility.
He put his fellow peers on notice that he considers it likely a civil or criminal court challenge of Obama’s eligibility will eventually succeed that could remove Obama from office before the November 2012 election through a disqualification determined under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“Therefore the issue, peripheral though it may at first seem, is not only of central importance to the United States, whose Constitution may have been flouted and circumvented in a material respect, but is also potentially of great consequence to Britain and to the West,” he wrote, stressing his concerns were based on his own personal investigation into the issue.
As WND reported in March, Monckton visited Arpaio at the sheriff’s downtown office in Phoenix, Ariz.
During that March meeting, WND produced a video confirming Monckton received a confidential briefing from Arpaio and Mike Zullo, the lead investigator of Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse conducting the law enforcement investigation into Obama’s eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

An inside job?
Examining the chain of custody of the Obama long-form birth certificate, Monckton argues a forger should be found within the Hawaii Department of Health. On page 7 of the report, Monckton presents his reasons for coming to this conclusion:
Sheriff Arpaio’s cold-case posse in Maricopa County, Arizona, established that these layers were not an artifact either of optimization or of optical character recognition. In any event, the statements from the Governor of Hawaii and from the White House Press Office establish a chain of custody whereby no alteration or processing of the photocopied images was performed at any point. If a forger other than one acting with the knowledge of the Hawaii Health Department had fabricated or altered the original image, the forger would have anticipated that the Department would notice the forgery.
On page 15, Monckton states that the charge by Arpaio’s law enforcement investigation that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was also forged implies Obama himself was involved in the forgery:
If the President’s Selective Service Document is also a forgery, as the cold-case posse believe it to be, the apparent perpetrator is Mr. Obama himself, since it is his signature that appears on the document.
Monckton further charges both Obama and the Hawaii Department of Health are engaged in a cover-up. “The sealing of the President’s records appears to have been carried out to an exceptional and costly degree,” Monckton wrote, noting “almost all school, college, and other records of Mr. Obama’s early life have been sealed and are not available to the public.”
Evidence of forgery
In his report, Monckton reviews much of the evidence Arpaio released at the March 1 press conference that the Obama long-form birth certificate is a forgery, including a technical discussion of the document’s multiple layers and various typewriter anomalies.
He notes that the registrar’s date stamp and signature stamp appear independently on different layers of the White House website copy of the birth certificate, commenting:
No scan of an original photocopy from Hawaii could possibly produce such separation of discrete items into separate layers. This is definitive evidence that – contrary to the chain-of-custody account from official sources – the document was not photocopied, but fabricated piecemeal. No legitimate document process would result in this separation of information into independent layers.
Monckton proceeds to stress that, for him, the evidence regarding the registrar’s date and signature stamps was conclusive proof of forgery:
It would have been simple to place the photocopy from Hawaii into a scanner, capture the electronic image, and then print the reporters’ copies and upload the website copy. The foregoing evidence establishes beyond reasonable doubt that the simpler route was not followed, and that instead the image was pieced together from several sources.
He discussed at length news reports WND broke last year that Hawaii’s Gov. Neil Abercrombie took office boasting he would find and publish Obama’s birth certificate, only to admit belatedly that he couldn’t do it. WND reported Abercrombie’s long-time friend Mike Evans said in several radio interviews that the governor told him there was no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii. After WND’s report, however, Evans retracted his contention, insisting Abercrombie “never told me there was no birth certificate.”
Hawaii complicit in cover-up
“Hawaii is taking exceptional and costly steps to avoid allowing anyone to scrutinize its documentation, even when its own laws grant applicants the right to see long-form certificates,” Monckton writes.
He specifically cites the case of Virginia Sunahara, an infant born on Obama’s stated birth date, who died the following day at the same hospital in which Obama was supposedly born.
The Hawaii Department of Health, with the agreement of the Hawaii courts, continues to deny a request by Sunahara’s brother last year to obtain a long-form birth certificate for his dead sister.
“This less than forthright conduct on the part of the authorities in Hawaii raises legitimate questions about the conduct of [the Hawaii Department of Health and the Hawaii state courts],” he says.
Monckton emphasizes his conclusion that despite an alleged cover-up in Hawaii and the tendency of Obama’s political supporters to dismiss people who doubt the authenticity of his birth certificate as “birthers,” the subject of Obama’s eligibility “will move up the political agenda in the coming months, notwithstanding the studied indifference of the media and of both parties to it.”

JPMorgan Trading Loss May Reach $9 Billion

JPMorgan Trading Loss May Reach $9 Billion

Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, discussed the trading losses last week before the House Financial Services Committee.Daniel Rosenbaum for The New York TimesJamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, discussed the trading losses last week before the House Financial Services Committee.
Losses on JPMorgan Chase’s bungled trade could total as much as $9 billion, far exceeding earlier public estimates, according to people who have been briefed on the situation.
When Jamie Dimon, the bank’s chief executive, announced in May that the bank had lost $2 billion in a bet on credit derivatives, he estimated that losses could double within the next few quarters. But the red ink has been mounting in recent weeks, as the bank has been unwinding its positions, according to interviews with current and former traders and executives at the bank who asked not to be named because of investigations into the bank.

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The bank’s exit from its money-losing trade is happening faster than many expected. JPMorgan previously said it hoped to clear its position by early next year; now it is already out of more than half of the trade and may be completely free this year.
As JPMorgan has moved rapidly to unwind the position — its most volatile assets in particular — internal models at the bank have recently projected losses of as much as $9 billion. In April, the bank generated an internal report that showed that the losses, assuming worst-case conditions, could reach $8 billion to $9 billion, according to a person who reviewed the report.
With much of the most volatile slice of the position sold, however, regulators are unsure how deep the reported losses will eventually be. Some expect that the red ink will not exceed $6 billion to $7 billion.
Nonetheless, the sharply higher loss totals will feed a debate over how strictly large financial institutions should be regulated and whether some of the behemoth banks are capitalizing on their status as too big to fail to make risky trades.
JPMorgan plans to disclose part of the total losses on the soured bet on July 13, when it reports second-quarter earnings. Despite the loss, the bank has said it will be solidly profitable for the quarter — no small achievement given that nervous markets and weak economies have sapped Wall Street’s main businesses. To put the size of the loss in perspective, JPMorgan logged a first-quarter profit of $5.4 billion.
More than profits are at stake. The growing fallout from the bank’s bad bet threatens to undercut the credibility of Mr. Dimon, who has been fighting major regulatory changes that could curtail the kind of risk-taking that led to the trading losses. The bank chief was considered a deft manager of risk after steering JPMorgan through the financial crisis in far better shape than its rivals.
“Essentially, JPMorgan has been operating a hedge fund with federal insured deposits within a bank,” said Mark Williams, a professor of finance at Boston University, who also served as a Federal Reserve bank examiner.
A spokesman for the bank declined to comment.
In its most basic form, the losing trade, made by the bank’s chief investment office in London, was an intricate position that included a bullish bet on an index of investment-grade corporate debt. That was later combined with a bearish wager on high-yield securities.
The chief investment office — which invests excess deposits for the bank and was created to hedge interest rate risk — brought in more than $4 billion in profits in the last three years, accounting for roughly 10 percent of the bank’s profit during that period.
In testimony before the House Financial Services Committee last week, Mr. Dimon said that the London unit had “embarked on a complex strategy” that exposed the bank to greater risks even though it had been intended to minimize them.
JPMorgan executives are briefed each morning on the size of the trading loss. The tally could shrink if the market moves in JPMorgan’s favor, the people briefed on the situation cautioned.
But hedge funds and other investors have seized on the bank’s distress, creating a rapid deterioration in the underlying positions held by the bank. Although Mr. Dimon has tried to conceal the intricacies of the bank’s soured bet, credit traders say the losses have still mounted.
While some hedge funds have compounded the bank’s woes, others have been finding it profitable to help JPMorgan get clear of the losing credit positions.
One such fund, Blue Mountain Capital Management, has been accumulating trades over the last couple of weeks that might help reduce the risk of the bets made by JPMorgan in a credit index, according to interviews with more than a dozen credit traders. The hedge fund is then selling those positions back to the bank. A Blue Mountain spokesman declined to comment.
As traders in JPMorgan’s London desk work to get out of the huge bet, which started generating erratic losses in late March, the traders based in New York are largely sitting idle, according to current traders in the unit.
“We are in a holding pattern,” said one current New York trader who asked not to be named.
Long before the losses started mounting, senior executives at the chief investment office in New York worried about the trades of Bruno Iksil, according to the current traders.
Now known as the London Whale for his outsize wagers in the credit markets, Mr. Iksil accumulated a number of trades in 2010 that were illiquid, which means it would take the bank more time to get out of them.
In 2010, a senior executive at the chief investment office compiled a detailed report that estimated how much money the bank stood to lose if it had to get out of all Mr. Iksil’s trades within 30 days. The senior executive recommended that JPMorgan consider putting aside reserves to deal with any losses that might stem from Mr. Iksil’s trades. It is not known how much was recommended as a reserve or whether Mr. Dimon saw the report, but the warning went unheeded.
The losses are the most embarrassing fumble for Mr. Dimon since he became chief executive in 2005.
In appearances before Congress, Mr. Dimon has taken pains to assure investors and lawmakers that the overall health of JPMorgan remained strong and that it had more than sufficient amounts of capital to weather any economic dislocation.
Even as he apologized for the trade, calling it “stupid,” Mr. Dimon emphasized to lawmakers that the loss was an “isolated incident.”
The Federal Reserve is currently poring over the bank’s trades to examine the scope of the growing losses and the original bet.

Chuck Norris Attacks Obama for Pushing Gay Agenda on Boys Scouts

Enter the Dragon II? Chuck Norris Attacks Obama for Pushing Gay Agenda on Boys Scouts

June 27, 2012 RSS Feed Print
Chuck Norris doesn't have to leap to conclusions, he just sits there and conclusions leap to him—or so the joke goes.
Action movie star and conservative political activist Chuck Norris accused the Obama White House of conspiring with a Boy Scouts of America board member to overturn the organization's ban on gay scout leaders in an op-ed in a gun enthusiast publication. Norris's AmmoLand editorial is a response to Ernst & Young CEO James Turley's announcement that he will work to end the BSA prohibition of gays and lesbians in the organization. Turley is the first member of the organization's senior executive board thus far to express his disfavor with the BSA policy.
"But is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors?" wondered Norris in his AmmoLand piece.
The television Texas Ranger drew a series of connections between Turley and the Obama administration, insinuating that Turley's efforts are in coordination with the White House's broader push for gay rights.
"Is it a coincidence that BSA national board member James Turley came out swinging against the BSA's century-old policy to ban gays from leadership and that he has such close affiliations with the pro-gay Obama administration?"
But Turley said in his initial statement on the BSA policy that his efforts come hand-in-hand with his work to see that gays and lesbians were accepted by his own company.
"As I have done in leading Ernst & Young to being a most inclusive organization, I intend to continue to work from within the BSA Board to actively encourage dialogue and sustainable progress," Turley said.
The Boy Scout's policy on gay and lesbian participation recently came under fire when the dismissal of a lesbian "den mother" inspired a 275,000 signature petition to change the ban submitted to the organization in April.
When asked for comment on Norris's editorial, Boy Scouts of America spokesperson Deron Smith E-mailed, "The BSA values the freedom of everyone to express their opinion and teaches members to treat those with different opinions with courtesy and respect."
Or maybe what Smith was trying to say is that Chuck Norris is free to crush facts with his bare opinions.
Tierney Sneed is associate editor of U.S. News Opinion. E-mail her at and follow her on Twitter.

Divers claim 'Baltic UFO' shuts down all electronics within 200m (PHOTOS)

Divers claim 'Baltic UFO' shuts down all electronics within 200m (PHOTOS)

Published: 27 June, 2012, 23:05
Investigating the mystery object (image from
Investigating the mystery object (image from

A strangely-shaped object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has been interfering with the electrical devices of the Swedish diving team that is trying to film it. But critics are growing more skeptical about the long-running mystery.
The Swedish Ocean X treasure-hunting team first discovered a mystery object reminiscent of the Star Wars spaceship Millennium Falcon last year.
But they didn’t have the resources to investigate. Now, they have returned with top-of-the-range 3D seabed scanners and a submersible – all funded by a secret sponsor.

The team studies their map before the next dive (screenshot from NDTV)
The team studies their map before the next dive (screenshot from NDTV)
They are trying to film it but as soon as they get close, they are foiled.
“Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object,”Stefan Hogerborn, the expedition’s lead diver, told Swedish channel NDTV.
“And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.”
The discovery itself is described as a round object resembling a “huge mushroom.” On top of it is an “egg-shaped”portal. The team said that a 300-meter trail that “can be described as a runway” stretches out from the site of the “spaceship.”
The team has not been shy to speculate about what they have seen.
“It's a meteorite or an asteroid or a volcano or a base from, say, a U-boat from the Cold War which has manufactured and placed there – or it is a UFO. Well honestly, it has to be something," says Dennis Asberg, one of the Ocean X team.
The electric interference seems to confirm that the object is by no means ordinary.
A "huge mushroom" (image from Gizmodo)
A "huge mushroom" (image from Gizmodo)

Skepticism grows louder

The original sonar (image from
The original sonar (image from
Not everyone appears convinced.
Critics have accused Ocean X, who are professional wreck-hunters, not oceanographers, of poor science and incessant attempts to court publicity in order to secure funding.
Hanumant Singh, a researcher with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, told US magazine Popular Mechanics that the original “Millennium Falcon” image that sparked the media firestorm was taken using a cheap and incorrectly-calibrated sonar.
Charles Paull, a senior scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in Moss Landing, told the same magazine that bizarre but relatively common formations can be created by gas and fluid leaks from underneath the seabed.
As to the signal interference, it does not appear to have been a consistent phenomenon, since there appears to be extensive footage taken within several feet of the mystery object. And even if it did occur, there are plenty of underwater materials that interact with sensitive electronics.
Ocean X denies charges of publicity-seeking.
“First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger,” claims Peter Lindberg, the Ocean X team founder.
Ocean X is currently planning commercial trips for tourists to see the “underwater UFO” in its new submersible.

Evergreen Aviation - the CIA Chemtrail Company

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Evergreen Aviation - the CIA Chemtrail Company
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Thursday, 28-Jun-2012 03:22:11

Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland.
A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation. At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission.
The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset Evergreen International Aviation. 

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/27/12 ‘Cue the Orchestra’

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Ashtar Command 6/27/12 ‘Cue the Orchestra’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 28-Jun-2012 00:38:36

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/27/12 ‘Cue the Orchestra’
What we wish to do is remove this pyramidal power structure of abuse and control that has been designed here in your world and has been used as an organized means to attempt to control your every thought, your every movement, your every dream, your every wish, your every day and your every way of your existence. We see the removal of each and every one of these blocks that comprise this massive pyramid as the most important steps for you as a race to take. Nothing can be done until these dark lords of power are removed from your society. They have plotted and schemed and bribed and stolen and abused and threatened and murdered their way deep into the trenches of every system and form of government all throughout your entire world.
They have left barely a stone unturned in their pursuit of total control and domination of your countries and every citizen within them. They were not planning on stopping their assault until every human alive was made their prisoner. This is how they think. These are the thought processes of those who currently control your world on a daily basis. They do not know decency, for they do not understand decency. They do not understand love, charity, mercy, kindness, forgiveness or empathy. They do not know the meaning of these words. These words are foreign to them, and so are the emotional expressions that accompany them, for they do not possess the same inner strings as you do and therefore these notes cannot be plucked no matter how hard one tries to teach them the music, for they cannot hear the music and they will never willingly dance to it.
It is only you, the members of your human race, who have ears to hear this music and the hearts to feel it. You are different than they. We do not wish to ever draw lines between people or races, worlds or galaxies, but here in your world is a very rare case, for here in your world there are, let us say for the sake of simplistic understanding, two distinct types of beings that walk your Earth. Let us compare one of these types of beings to a being who can love another being and understand what love is and why they love this other being, and let us describe this other type of being who walks your world as a being who does not love another, who cannot love another, as they do not understand what love is, for love is a foreign emotion that exists not within their people or within themselves. It is as if a foreign word has been spoken to them and this word bounces off ears made of tin and falls directly to their feet.
This is what is happening in your world today. These are the two types of beings that, to put it in its simplest terms, walk the face of your Earth. Beings that can love and do love and beings that cannot love and may never be able to love if they continued to live on your planet for another billion years. One of these species has to leave, there can be no other way for the survival of both these types of beings, for you cannot mix these two different beings into one society, it just will not work on many different levels. What we have come here to do is help the race that can and does love remove this other type of being from their midst. We are also beings who can love and do love and you, the beings that do possess love within your hearts, are our brothers and our sisters, and although there are many ways we are connected, our strongest connection is through the love that we can feel and feel for each other. We will help you rid your world of those who cannot love, for if they are permitted to continue to live amongst you there will come a day and it will come soon when they will reach the final stage of their agenda to enslave those who are different from them, those who can love.
We feel we of the higher realms have stepped in and intervened at the right moment, and the last moment we feel that was possible before the dark's agenda brought the curtain down on the human race. We feel matters are now very much in control in our favor, and we will not allow the safety and well-being of your people to recede back into a dangerous or precarious area. You have our word, the word of your brothers and your sisters, that the agenda of the dark ones to enslave your people will never be permitted to continue, and at this time the many blocks that they have constructed of their pyramidal structure of power and control, abuse and profit, of surveillance and extortion, are being removed and broken into pieces one by one and day by day. We, together with you, will see to this and see that those of the dark are removed from your Earth and are never permitted to return here ever again.
This is one of the priorities of our mission, and our plan is now unfolding. In the days ahead, every facet of this operation will be fully explained to you as you will be fully taking part in it and working right alongside of us as we rid your world of these parasites who have wreaked so much havoc and spread so much disease, poverty, mayhem and destruction throughout your world like rivers that burst their dams and spilled over their banks swallowing up cities, towns and small villages throughout every corner of your globe. We, together with you, will dry up these floodwaters and reseal these embankments and allow your cities, your countries and your people to thrive once again on the fertile soils of your new world.
Help us help you rid your planet of these beings who do not belong here, who have never belonged here, who have never earned the right to be here, who are only here through a freak of nature, through an accident of enormous proportions, an accident that has left damage and an aftermath we intend, with your assistance, to rectify and remove any evidence of its existence from throughout every corner of your world and throughout your history. This is a great endeavor, and what has gone into the planning stages of this mission is beyond the level of understanding of many of you at this time. There are here now representatives from thousands of worlds, hundreds of galaxies, numerous different races and beings from many different dimensions. There are beings here who have come in service to this mission, to our Creator and to you from different timelines, and you would more clearly understand this as time travel. This is how important this mission is deemed by beings all throughout every corner of this immensely vast universe.
You, the beings known as Human, are the centerpieces of this entire mission. It is you that this mission cannot succeed without, and it is you that must make the initial moves throughout every step of this operation, as you are the maestros and it is you that conducts our entire universal orchestra. We must wait for you to cue our instruments before we may start to play. We find ourselves in a constant state of waiting for you to make your move before we can make our move in support of you in many different ways. There are many moves that we have waited on you to make, and there are many moves that you have indeed made, we wish you to understand this, and wish you to know that progress has been made steadily since the undertaking of this great endeavor. It is at this time we again wait for you, the people of Earth, to make your move.
What we are waiting on is for those termed our Earth allies to kick into high gear their mission to take into custody all the men and women listed as members and associates of your criminal cabal, their underlings, and all who conspire and have conspired with them. These beings must be removed from your society before we can begin the implementation of many projects we hold as very necessary for the continued safe passage of many of your people. There are challenges coming over the horizon for your world and we wish to be able to be there right by your side when these challenges come into view. Help us help you and we will do just that. Make your move, we wait for you, the conductors, to cue us and our orchestra will begin to play. This is our promise to you.
We are your ascended family of the Ashtar Command.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Green Light! Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!

Green Light! Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!

Pentagon and military insider Drake has announced, tonight 6/27/12 at approximately 8:30PM, that the long anticipated green light has been given and the military and law enforcement alliance known to the people as the 'Earth Allies' will now move in within a time frame of
72 hours to begin the world wide sweep and mass arrests of thousands of members and associates of the criminal organization known as the 'cabal'. For those unfamiliar with this action, these arrests will free, once and for all, all of humanity from their dark captures who have conspired to bankrupt, sicken and finally imprison every human being on the planet.

All citizens are advised to pick up a week or so worth of food, water and all necessary provisions as some store closures and utility outages are possible. All citizens are also advised to withdraw from their financial institutions enough cash to last at least a week, and preferably up to three weeks, as certain banks are expected to close their doors, rendering credit and debit cards useless for at least a certain period of time. All citizens are advised to remain calm and within a centered emotional state. All citizens are strongly urged not to riot or engage in any violent actions of any kind.

Military units and law enforcement personnel will be witnessed making these arrests throughout the United States as well as in some other parts of the world, and all are advised to understand that these men and women are working in service to their brothers and sisters, to freedom, to constitutional government and to love. These military and law enforcement units are not moving in to arrest the citizens of their respective countries as some media outlets may erroneously report in the early stages of this far ranging operation. These units are engaging in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and their many associates, that is all.

All are advised to stock their homes with the basic necessities and also advise as many family members and friends what to expect and what these arrests will mean to the people of this world who have suffered too long under the oppression of these criminals and their dark agenda of power and control. This day has been a long time coming, and all are advised to celebrate as these arrests are televised world wide as a signal to our brethren that this is not more of the same bad news we have been programed to believe is the only form of news. This is a time to celebrate, and the celebrations will continue through the July 4th holiday, which will be a true celebration of independence for the people of the U.S. and all the people of our world.

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you