Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Galactic FLY OVERS - July 9th

fresh in , thank you Micah.AS ABOVE SO BELOW,...
Nikki Salach-Duffy 6:58am Jul 3
fresh in , thank you Micah.AS ABOVE SO BELOW, WE ARE UNDERWAY!

Galactic Infinite diversity guidelines and security protocols were attempted to be over-stepped by the archontic clone oppressors of EARTH but their attempt was met and stopped!
In short, death threats and attempts have been perpetrated on several earth allies without success!
This allowed for the release of galactic codes authorizing the long awaited super-green light operation to be distributed to the fleets and ground crews!
Yesterday Positive Pleiadian and Andromedean fleets outside GAIA’S orbit detected incoming high level gamma rays from a solar EMP blast which was a billion times stronger than the energy of visible light and about two billion GeV.
THIS intense burst of radiation coming from the release of the huge pulse of magnetic solar energy would not have impacted the Earth directly with the necessary force required to raise the light quotient to the critical level needed to wipe out the dark lower vibrations of the 3D MATRIX!
THE flux of the high-energy gamma ray super wave yesterday was 500 times greater than the sun's normal radiation and was intercepted by the fleets and bounced off of 2 5-mile wide reflectors towards earth’s atmosphere! The true information about this super wave event was not reported through main stream media or through internet channels.
Our ships working in tandem harnessed the incoming X-18 solar wind and deflected the super-photon wave towards the earth’s outer atmosphere on June 1, 2012.
The pressure of this plasma light hitting the aurora produced a super green light barrier around Gaia creating a temporary impenetrable and inescapable shield!
The occult built 3D digital holographic low-vibrational SCREEN matrix received its death blow when this green light surrounded and penetrated the super-resistant synthetic earth-grid breaking the 300 thousand year old archon-created enslavement hologram completely apart!
This solar reflected laser pulse knocked out several orbiting cabal-operated covert satellites around the globe as it passed by!
This CME was not reported to be what it was in actuality, an X-18 Flare, but instead it was presented as an M-class! NASA’s servers were offline for several hours for ‘reported maintenance’ and engineers replaced the actual solar data with a version the public was to see!
This shield will stay in place for a few days until the CABAL-Clones and their human counterparts are all rounded up and dealt with!

A recent release of orgonite-phosphate into earth’s inner atmosphere not only targeted the NWO archontic false-authority clones for tracking and termination but also greatly reduced the chemtrailing of GAIA and its people and completely reversed the effects of this death spray on innocent people and all living species on GAIA! The cabal’s psychotic chemtrailing episode over the last 6 months was an effort to implant destructive synthetic archons into humans at the nano level. These alien micro-machine-organisms would have created a complete transhuman race in rapid time! This was a key factor for the higher races to set aside the prime directive and to intervene for Gaia!
The orgonite-phosphate dust was designed not to harm sentient life in any way!
A number of these archon soulless non-sentient clone cabal elite will be killed by this operation because it is know that they will continue to charge against the people of earth to do murder!
This spraying operation was implemented by the orbiting starfleet in a benevolent manner for the good of Earth’s survival and to ensure the safe ascension of GAIA and its life under codex guidelines.
Large numbers of military personnel have now been moved strategically into place under the guise of weather related states of emergency! The immediate removal of the cabal is the real emergency as we said!
The Military, with the aid of U.S. Marshalls, The People’s Constitutional Militia and instructed local peace keepers are clear to receive their calls with directives to move in on the cabal!

The Earth Allies on the ground and the Resistance Movement from inner earth are concerting efforts in tandem with the orbiting starfleet to commence actions by combining military force and advanced spiritual technology to inject super gamma light upwards into the 3D Earth Matrix.
You can now be informed that: ‘As Above So Below’ is the galactic code and tactical operation now implemented!
All light forces have exerted extreme pressure on the dark archontic clone-elite remains from above and below! All negativity left on earth will be forced to a higher dimension of light to be forever eliminated from this realm.

THE cyborg NWO Archontic Clones ARE NOW COMPLETELY trapped LIKE RATS and instantly sensed their own un-imaginable created fears as they realized their demise! OVER THE NEXT 2 DAYS all remainders of these mutant-BLOODLINES along with their human counterparts WILL BE rounded up, the clones dismantled and the human counterparts that are not-repairable will have their being completely dismantled and returned to the AEONS and forwarded to PRIME CREATOR for re-packaging and assembling as pure light! Turning evil into light is LOVE, understand this!

This is the ‘EVENT’ that will now move GAIA and its beings into the Higher 5th Dimension! (HEAVEN ON EARTH!) After this the majority of earth’s beings will ascend and all beings with a 51% light quotient will make this shift! The ones who are still in lower vibrations during the shift will remain in the 3rd dimension but without any negativity and many of you will volunteer to return again to 3D to help these raise their vibrations and ascend back with you, most within a few hours and days!

The False-Financials of earth will completely crumble over the coming days due to this operation. Do not look at this as a bad thing! Money has enslaved the masses for eons on EARTH! It has to go! You won’t need it! You will have all abundance to replace it! This has to happen because it is a cornerstone of THE ARCHONTIC CORPORATE COMMERCIAL TYRANNY MATRIX. YOUR POSITVE MILITARY WILL KEEP YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROVISION IN PLACE AND KEEP PEACE! This TEMPORARY disruption will be handled properly and safely so not harm or cause anxiety to Earth’s population! Do not be concerned about major money issues or survival plans as your positive military has carefully allowed for all of this since the early 1970’s.

We suggested before, use wisdom and store some basic necessities for minor disruption for a week or so!

Un-imaginable technologies that have been hidden from you and more will be given to you in phases over the coming weeks and months.

Disclosure will occur in five phases to smoothly integrate our contact.
PHASE-1, OUTER ORBIT DOCK. Our fleet and one other are already here and have been, this time around, for a few months! Our fleet is larger than any EARTH city and is docked and cloaked just outside of your orbit!
PHASE-2, THE INTRODUCTION. We will make ourselves and our intentions known to the people of EARTH through our Earth allies first. This will be done through selected channels and by direct contact.
PHASE-3, LOW VISIBILITY FLY-OVERS. You will see our smaller ships all over your skies on July 9, between 11 pm – 1 am.
PHASE-5, One-on-one contact (with higher evolved Earth beings first) and then we will gradually assign a guide to each of you who is ready to teach you the higher ways and prepare you for the next dimension!

Phase 3-5 will occur ONLY after the HOSTILE ARCHONTIC ALIEN CLONE CABAL is removed from your realm!

We so look forward to seeing you again after eons of time! You knew this day would come and you will see that it will be glorious. Your Archon-controlled media has told you so many ugly things about us that are not so! There were many negative and hostile ‘alien’s in your galaxy and realm but we have completely cleared them out! Most other galaxies have done this a long time ago! We do not expect you to trust us and as an advance spiritual race we know that we must be gentle, loving and earn your trust and never break it! This is something that most of you haven’t even experience on your own planet so it will be a wonderful thing!

Some have said that we do not feel emotions but as highly evolved spiritual beings the truth is we feel emotion fully and at the deepest level. We have learned to only feel positive emotions because we know that emotion is the engine of all creation. In time you will learn this as well.

We are VERY real, WE ARE HERE and we do love you! We created the Earth with many of you eons ago! When your 12 strands of DNA are fully activated in 5D you will remember and see it all clearly!

What we say is the truth!

Bless the Earth and its divine people forevermore!

End communication…

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Attorneys: Why our President & his Mrs Obama "gave up" their law license...

Subject: Attorneys: Why our President & his Mrs Obama "gave up" their law license...


  THIS is a real eye-opener…

You should take the time to read all of this & check out the as every statement is backed up by a link to verification.

Make sure this makes the rounds before November, 2012!!!!!
I knew they had both lost their law license, but I didn't know why until I read this.
This is legit. Check it out at Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. It's the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois; and they are very
strict and mean as hell. (Talk
about irony.) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.
Big surprise.

Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and U.S. President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.

Consider this:

1. President
, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. A "Voluntary Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you 'voluntarily
surrender" your license five seconds before the state suspends you.

Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993. after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
3. So, we have the first black President and First Lady - who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing, a fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago.

5. The
University of Chicago released a statement in March 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school-but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of Professor of Law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the
University of Chicago School of Law.

Source: ;

7. The former Constitutional Senior Lecturer (Obama) cited the
U.S. Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence ... not the Constitution.

8. The B-Cast posted the video:
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.

10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr.
President. By the way, the
promises are not a notion, our founders named them
unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

11. And this is the same guy who lectured the
Supreme Court moments later in the same speech?

When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.

Keep this moving -- educate others.
It is important to forward to your entire address book………do it now

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Sheldan Nidal 7-3-2012

13 Oc, 3 Kumku, 8 Manik

Dratzo! The time for changes is upon us all. Heaven has moved upon the Earth and decreed that a time for liberation and for freedom has arrived. Thus we are honor-bound to come forth upon the Earth and face in all diligence those who, in haste and sheer arrogance, have forgotten that they are merely temporary masters of this most magnificent realm. Our coming is to make these points absolutely clear to them and to pave the way for a new epoch for surface Earth's humanity. Nearly 13 millennia ago, you began to fall into the uneasy world of limited consciousness. This is a realm where it became relatively easy for your new masters and their trained minions to control and manipulate you. This time is now swiftly coming to a divine close. Actions have already begun which are to force those who have for so long ruled this land with impunity to let go of the reins. Our liaison teams and their many sacred companions are working hard to complete programs which will revitalize your world-a world where you are to be set free, and where, in sacred purpose, you can complete your journey to full consciousness.
We come now to finish a process that will assist our Earth allies to evict several regimes currently controlled by the dark cabal. This will allow a new type of governance to be established which, along with a new financial system, is to deliver an era of abundance. In addition, this new governance will introduce and apply now-hidden, Earth-based technologies which we will eventually combine with our own to give you a time of peace, prosperity, and unprecedented international cooperation. We come to present you with a wealth of knowledge that is to set you free from the silly lies and misrepresentations of your soon-to-be castaway masters. This cabal is the last vestige of the groups which have ruled you so unkindly, and they are now to be revealed for what they truly are! This arrogant and ill-intentioned bunch was planning to strip you even further of God's divine gift of full consciousness and keep you in permanent servitude. These despicable plans are being short-circuited as we speak, and will never come to fruition!

Our mission here is ultimately related to first contact. We have come from afar to carry out the divine edicts of Lord Surea and to bring sacred comfort to you from the highest spheres of Heaven. The great Seraphim from AEON have blessed you and us with a divine grace that will bring forth a new era upon the Earth. This new epoch will usher in a 5-D reality and a time of full consciousness for Gaia and for her many peoples. Long ago, we of the Galactic Federation colonized this planet and brought forth what you mainly call Lemuria. In this magical land we flourished, both on and below the surface. This high culture watched over the sacred essence of Mother Earth and her most diverse ecosystems. Then a group of Atlanteans was swayed by dark elements to move some of you into a state of temporary servitude. Events then followed which placed this small contingent of humans into great peril. Heaven intervened and decreed that this small band was to pass through a period of limited consciousness.

This odyssey was intended to be a key to delivering permanent peace to this galaxy. It seems that the dark Anchara continuum had created a multiplicity of galactic empires, populated with Beings who had been denied the necessary Light Body for returning in Will to the Light. Heaven's plan was to use, at a future time, Earth humans' infinite Love and their acquired wisdom of the dark to move these bereft civilizations back into the Light. That time is now. It is the moment for you to fulfill your divine mission, and it is our sacred task to prepare you for this immense service. To this end we are using our powers and abilities to secure a new world for you. Here, you are to meet your Lemurian ancestors and, in Agartha, to transform, bathed in Love and Light, into fully conscious Beings. In this, your original state, you can meet your new clients and, in Love, bring them a most precious gift: a fully functional Light Body! This divine service delights Heaven and brings the entire galaxy into the great Oneness that is the True Light of Heaven.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come before you today with some information about what is going on around you. At present, a great many, who have been quietly observing the enormous greed and corruption of the dark ones, are preparing the vast amounts of evidence for their trials. This collection of data has also been used to trace and secure the masses of gold and related debentures that the cabalists either illegally seized or issued. These funds are now in our possession, and our various associate groups are adding many of these instruments to the ever-growing monies to be distributed shortly to those who are the initial recipients of the prosperity funds. This operation is taking longer for two reasons. First, we needed to collect, surreptitiously, the enormous amounts of money stolen by the dark. Second, we needed to compile and collate the evidence about how the dark, through arrogance, managed to destroy the very basis of its power!

The layers of control with which the cabal dominated you are rapidly disintegrating, and as these layers lose their effectiveness, the unbelievable extent of the avarice and illegality of their institutions begins to be revealed. Heaven has graced us with an amazing tool which permits us to monitor these miscreants, and in this regard we note that those who deeply wish to enslave humanity are in fact a most incompetent bunch! Their many procedural errors and unwarranted overstepping of their authority plainly brought about their present predicaments, and the mountains of illegal debt are the direct result of this unbridled avarice. In this, Heaven provided a most effective means for us to subdue them, and the addition of our Inner Earth and Space cousins has sealed the deal for humanity! We are very grateful for this, and deeply bless all in Heaven for her wondrous gifts and for our deliverance from the dark.

The procedures now underway are in their final stage and so we have given the 'green light.' Look at this like the launch of a manned space flight at Cape Canaveral where all is in the final countdown. Many sequences need to be completed, and on the way some delays may happen. However, all is geared for takeoff once these final complex sequences are checked off. This is where we are now. We require honesty and trust, and therefore ask you to use your immense positive energies to ensure that this 'launch' goes off as planned. Our collective intention is fully focused on this. Many groups of Galactic Federation and our associates' personnel are working diligently to complete this on time. We fully believe that divine events will take place shortly which is to create a reality of peace, prosperity, and above all, freedom!
Today, we reviewed what is occurring on your world. Things are underway which will shortly ensure the termination of the dark cabal and its many partners. You are very close to witnessing a wonderful event: the return of the Light to planet Earth! With this, you are to quickly complete your short journey back to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Pied Pipers of Babylon

Pied Pipers of Babylon

“For those of you interested in knowing how your common law rights have been taken away from you in the United States, and how admiralty/maritime law has been imposed on you the people, and how to take your rights back; and how you have become enslaved t a fiat money system and the imposition of the serf (worker) and fuedal (federal) system that has been oppressing the people for hundreds of years, read this now suppressed out of print book, Pied Pipers of Babylon.”(Instant download)

Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal, July 2, 2012

Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal, July 2, 2012

In this edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael explains what is occurring with what we have called the “mass arrests,” which he encourages us to call the “containment.” The containment began on June 25, 2012 and is now ell underway. It will see the leadership of the Illuminati removed from power and constrained from acting in harmful ways against others.
The containment is happening worldwide to all governmental, financial, and military leaders who have worked against the Shift. It will not see them harmed but it will see their sphere of influence disappear.
In my view, this is the news we’ve been waiting for.  It will clear the way for Disclosure and NESARA.
Thanks to Ellen for this exceptionally quick turnaround of the transcript.

An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, July 2, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest today is Archangel Michael.
So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thanks very much, Graham. And Archangel Michael, before we begin, first of all, welcome.
Archangel Michael: Thank you.
SB: And we’ve had our first indications today that the mass arrests have begun. SaLuSa said this morning, “The really exciting times have arrived, as you are getting confirmations of the arrests that have started taking place.” And Blossom Goodchild’s Galactic Federation sources said today, “This is D-Day. This is the time you came here to be part of. This is the moment that you have been longing to happen. This is the reason you came down here. This is the purpose you came to serve. This is what you have been preparing for all along.”
We’re now waiting to hear from you with bated breath, on whatever you can tell us about what is happening and what is to come.
AAM: Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of truth. And yes, my beloved friends, before we begin this day, let us call upon and ignite that blue flame of truth in everyone who attends or listens to this broadcast this night, within their heart, within their mind, within their third eye, and within their root chakra, for this is a time of anchoring, clearly and fully, upon the planet of Earth as well, and of being present in the fullness of your reality. And yes, it is a time of joy, it is a time of fulfillment, and it is a time when many of the what you think of as predictions or prophecies come to pass.
But let me also say, as your brother, as your friend, as the archangel of peace, you did not come to participate solely in destruction, solely in things like mass arrests — for really what does this mean? What I would suggest to you is that the idea or the term of mass arrests, whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation, or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, for lightworkers and lightholders, has a very different meaning.
And that is why I wish to address this usage of language, because, dear hearts, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence. You are speaking of retribution, you are speaking of revenge. And that is not who you are, it is not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come.
So let us alter this phraseology slightly. And before we adjust the phraseology, let us also say that the intergalactics, the Galactic Federation, are not responsible for what you think of as mass arrests, of herding those that you hold responsible for the pain and injury and the duality polarity, the false paradigms of Earth. Have they held that energy and held it very strongly? Yes. But also know, each one of you has also held those paradigms, perhaps not in this life, but in other times and other places. And of course that is why each of you knows exactly what it entails and what it infers and what it feels like.
But let me be very clear. These false paradigms, the grids, the illusion that has penetrated Gaia and the planet for eons came from the human collective, not from simply a select few. And yes, there have been a select few who have played their role in this drama, but also, as I have said before and will continue to say to the end of time, each soul, each essence, each being carries the bright essence of love, carries the divine spark of Source, of Mother/Father/One. So they are not to be judged.
So let us change the language, because language is how you communicate upon your dimension, and let us also say that when you are speaking of mass arrests, of the herding up of the guilty, what you are also referring to is an activity that would be very strictly of the old third dimension. And that is not where any of us within the Council of Love or the Company of Heaven are encouraging you to live.
So why, why, why do you keep reaching back into that quagmire? This we truly do not understand. Now, your question really is, are those who are the resistant group, who are the hold-outs, who have been responsible for what you think of as holding up many of the institutions that are not of love, not of light, and certainly not for the benefit of the collective, being dealt with? And to that, I am ready to say yes.
We have a process that you do not understand, because you tend to think in terms of your reality on Earth, of course. But you can think of it as a process of containment and of restraint so that these beings are restrained and contained, and for all intents and purposes, for your purposes and references, they are taken out of action. Or the actions that they are permitted to participate in are mostly illusion, and they do not affect the collective. In fact, if anything, they simply bounce back at the individual.
Each of you is fully aware of the bubbles and the shields within which you operate. And the purpose of those containers, or those layers of protection, which we have spoken very often of, is that nothing that is less than love is allowed to penetrate. But we have never spoken to you, or we have not spoken in such a public forum, let us put it that way, of putting restraints or containers around those who do not wish to contribute to the growth and the evolution and the shift of Gaia and of the human race.
But if you are looking for storm troopers, dear one, if you are looking for the activation of forces, then you are looking in the wrong place, because what you have need to do and what I am asking you to do is to begin to look with your third and fourth eye, and to begin to witness and to observe how these beings are being restrained and contained. And how what you think of as their sphere of influence is simply disappearing.
And it is disappearing because the new is emerging. Each of you, each of you is in the process of creating Nova Earth, and in that process, of course, you are creating Nova Being, Nova Community, Nova You. So what I am asking of you, in every sense of the word — and you, dear Steve, have been very good, very clear within your platform that I also claim as my own, of being very clear of saying — do not engage in the drama, this is the time to be the observer, to watch and to allow the unfoldment to occur.
Where you are right now, my beloved friends, is in the creation of the new. Yes, part of that still entails destruction of the old, the removal of the old, the cutting of the cords with those illusions, which we have been asking, pleading, begging you to do for months now. But your biggest activity is in the creation of the new.
So this I ask of you. Do not become entrenched in what you think is going to be a third-dimensional quasi-military maneuver to go to people’s homes and put people in jail or in contained environments. The containment is on a whole, completely different level.
Has the fun begun? Yes. But it began with you. It began with the human collective that has already reached the tipping point. It began with you saying that we demand peace on Earth, that we demand truth, that we demand equality, that we require the ability to go forward.
And you have done so and you are doing so. And let us suggest you are doing so magnificently. Now, the excitement — yes, on our side as well, and certainly with all your galactic and inter-galactic brothers and sisters — is that as that containment proceeds, and it is well underway, what occurs is the resistance to movement forward — such as disclosure, NESARA, all of these undertakings — dissipates and disappears. It simply — that resistance can’t be felt, either physically or emotionally or within your realm of what you think of as societies.
And what we also say is that that containment is done much more rapidly by this side than any military action or police action that could possibly be conceived of on your side. There is not that much cooperation amongst nations. Let us be very clear, much of the attention seems to be focused on the United States of America, but these darkness, these what you think of as agents of control, of manipulation, are all over your globe. You know that.
And so it is far easier for us to address this issue. This is part of what we have spoken of, oh, in the past year, of when you have asked what is the role of the Company of Heaven in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. And I have said to you that there are ways and means, and actions, that will be felt, witnessed, upon the planet that are being taken. And they are numerous, far more numerous than you are even aware of, or even need to be. What you need to be aware of is the transition, and how your hearts are shifting and opening, and that you are dreaming and creating in new and positive ways. That is what your job is.
Yes, of course, to speak to what many have waited for in terms of a physical reality, of containment, that is but one piece. The true excitement of what each of you has come to Earth to do is truly to participate in the shift, and to create the new reality.
Part of your question to me has always been, “Well, what is the timeline?” And you know that because of this channel [Linda Dillon and Steve Beckow oppose giving deadlines, few of which have materialized] we are reticent to give timelines, but we have never varied from this timeline of the end of the year of 2012.
Now, we are fully aware that there are many timelines out there — 2o13, 2015, 2030, 2050. What we are saying to you, it is not that this information is incorrect, it is simply a matter of perception. Because as the shift occurs, as the change becomes solid, as solid as anything is in the fifth, sixth, seventh dimensions is that you are creating. You do not arrive on the other side of a particular date with everything there intact. What is intact is your expanded self, your true essence, the understanding of our partnership, and the partnership with your brothers and sisters of the stars.
But my beloved ones, that is when the real fun begins. That is when truly what you have thought of in the past [as] the work begins. But it is not work, because it is co-creation.
So are there new institutions to be built, that reflect love and equality, integrity, and knowing? Yes. But do not forget, you are in the full business of co-creation with us. So this is not arduous, this is not tedious, this is not difficult. It is a blessing, that if you choose to remain upon the planet, you assist in the restoration of what she, in concert with all of you — the kingdom and the humans — choose to bring forward. That is why the cities of light hover. When this began, they were in the very, very distant future, 80,000 years away.
There is much I wish to say on this subject, but I know, dear heart, you wish to stick to current events, and so do I. So let me rest, and you may proceed.
SB: All right. Thank you, Lord. Well, I know that our listeners will want to know, from you, any particulars of what’s happening. Is there anything you can tell us, are there any specific details you can give us about the containment, about the operation that has gotten underway? For instance, when could it have been said to have begun? What are the galactics actually doing? Or can any of these details be shared?
AAM: Yes. Some of the details of containment can be shared.
And it may feel to some of your listeners as harsh, but it is not. And it is certainly less harsh than having a paramilitary operation arrive at your doorstep. Think, because we have been speaking of each of your fields, yes, even the resistant, as expanding as the love of God, of One, of Mother/Father/Son, has penetrated you. Now, that expansion has been according to your own desire and will and your acceptance of the energy. Some have accepted it and who have expanded as big as all of Vancouver. And some have resisted, even though they are still being penetrated, and their field is no larger than their chair or their office.
Now, think of this as a method of containment that has been shared with very few upon your planet and that we are not suggesting that any of you are to undertake. So think of it as if we put the person, the individual who is … perhaps had a life of what you would think of as negativity in the drama, and we would put a container. That is why we call it containment. Think of a box, think of a storage box. Think of a box that you see coming off the large ships, containers. Only these are containers of light, these are containers of pure energy, these are containers of love. And the individual — or the group, by the way, because there are several where we have simply put an entire group; it is easier that way, and more rapid, by the way — we are placing these beings in containers of light and love.
Their energies that may be disruptive or based on the old paradigms of hatred or greed, control, cruelty, just plain nastiness, my brother — they’re placed in these containers and that energy has no way, because they are sealed, and they are sealed by the mighty ones — myself, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabriel. They are sealed. And in that sealing, their negative actions, emotions, et cetera, cannot escape.
They remain there, continually and constantly penetrated by love and light. Now, the reason we tell you, ask you, guide you not to do this — first of all, you are not strong enough, and this is something that is done only in very extreme cases. If you look closely at one of these who are contained, sometimes you will hear screams, cries for mercy, false promises of good behavior, but they remain there until such time as the purification is absolutely complete. And that decision of removal lies in the hands of the Mother and Father.
This is a method of bringing peace that has not been utilized — well, it has been utilized by a few select people, human beings that we have given this to, but it has not been used as a strategy, let us put it that way, since the time of intergalactic wars. Even when we removed what you have thought of as the, hmm, negative forces of the ETs, those who were abductors and slave masters, even when they were removed to a different universe about a decade ago, we did not utilize this method.
So that is what we are doing. That is the methodology that we want you to understand. Now, your true job — yes! — be the very vigilant observer. That is your job. But at the same time, join with us, because we can multitask, you know. Join with your star brothers and sisters in preparing for this co-creation and the arrival of your star brothers and sisters and new ways of being. Because we are helping to simply contain those who have need to be contained so that things can go forward.
It is an act of love. We only do this because we know these beings and these groups deserve, just like all deserve, to be fully embraced in love. And they have been so reticent to do so. We are not altering their free will. They can act out or not within these containers. But it will not go anywhere.
So can you look for radical change? This began last week. This began last Monday. When I have said to you that the boulder bounding down the hill was picking up speed, this is part of what I am talking about. And I know that sometimes we speak in metaphors, but we do so so that you will understand. We do not do so to be confusing. So let us be even more specific.
You may look to those, and what we have begun with is those who are what you would think of as heads of state or military coup leaders on the negative side, because it is not the military themselves. This is a disciplined, in many cases loving group that believes that they are acting in the best interests of the country, the nation, regardless of what the nation is. There is a sense of loyalty. Is it misguided loyalty? In many cases, yes. And that is being adjusted. It is being adjusted by love.
So you can look to the removal of effective power by many who have been in positions of leadership. And we don’t just mean the heads of state, we also mean those in positions of social leadership, financial leadership, because that is very connected to the equalization of resources. Similarly, those who have positions of power in the military, all militaries, who have been fully aware of your star brothers and sisters but who only wish to engage in warring scenarios — well, that is never going to happen. So they are also on our list of containment.
So look to the changes that all of a sudden things get terribly quiet. That is your sign. Now, in that quietness, we are also joining with you.
There has been a great deal of chaos upon your planet, upon Gaia, and a great deal of misunderstanding. It matters not. Now, as your beloved friends and channels say, now comes the time you have awaited. Now comes the purpose that you have returned to, and that is not only simply the ride to accompany Gaia through this magnificent shift — which we are in awe of, as well as your star brothers and sisters; we are all in concert with this — but you have also to look beyond. Let me put it this way — and I have been very reticent to say this, because as you know there is no desire on the part of my beingness or all of the Council or all of the Company of Heaven to ever give false hope or mislead — but I tell you, the tide has turned. The worst is over.
Yes, you may continue.
SB: Thank you, Lord. And of course, for the benefit of our listeners, I should mention as usual that you’ve anticipated questions of mine, and answered them already. And I’m always amazed when I see that happening, but perhaps I shouldn’t be.
Is the mechanism of the container the dominant manner in which the Cabal is being incapacitated? We’ve heard of things like stardust and nanotechnology that will be introduced into their bodies. Are those credible statements about stardust and nanotechnology, or is the container the predominant way you’re immobilizing the cabal?
AAM: The container is the predominant way. Let us think of this in terms of gradation. So it is not that many are not being sprinkled with what we would call stardust, or Jophi dust, or Tralana dust or UFOG [United Forces of the Outer Galaxies] dust, or golden dust. So yes, you are on a very dusty planet now! And that is simply to allow these particles of energy to penetrate the being, in addition to the energy that is already being sent from Mother/Father/One, in addition to the energy and the cocooning that is taking place by your star brothers and sisters — do not forget that.
The nanotechnology is not being placed into those who are, hmm, can we say, who have been part of the false grid. The nanotechnology, which is truly a gift from your star brothers and sisters, is being placed primarily — and we have to distinguish in this regard — but it is being placed primarily and voluntarily within those who are getting ready to be the recipients of new technology. Such as yourself.
SB: Are you talking to me, Lord? Myself? [laugh]
AAM: Yes, I am.
SB: I’m happy to be the recipient of new technology and I can’t wait.
Can you please spell out for us Jophi dust and Tralana dust, so that we know how to …
AAM: Yes. Jophi dust is the dust and the essence of Archangel Jophiel, and he gives this gift freely to awaken, enliven human beings. So it is the Jophi, J O P H I. Tralana is from the healers of Tralana, and this often appears as tiny particles of dust as well. And they have been extremely busy upon your planet. T R A L A N A.
So yes, you are being bombarded by gifts, and by assistance. So are the containers the only thing that is being done? Absolutely not. It is simply the most radical thing that is being done.
SB: All right, Lord. What can we expect to see now? There will be some people who are in containers, but in the case of a lot of them we won’t know they are.
AAM: Look at them. Look at them. Choose one that you think, or know — because there is a lot of false thinking, as well [Steve: As with President Obama, for instance] — choose an individual who you know has been part of a negative drama. And with your heart, and yes, your third and fourth eye — which has been activated, do not deny it; and I am not simply speaking to you, Steve, I am speaking to everyone who is listening — go into your heart and look at your favorite evil villain, and observe, from the place of observation.
Look at them. Now, do not interfere with the container. Do not even go close. And then, track them. Pay attention to the impacts or the actions that that individual is actually able to have, and you will see, it is nil.
SB: Being contained doesn’t interfere with their ability to eat, or things like that, does it?
AAM: No. It only contains them in terms of their ability to do harm. If their actions are of love and light, then they are harmonious with the container. But if they are not, they simply bounce back to the individual.
And that is a very, very intense experience to have. It is of such intensity that the individual usually chooses to simply shift.
SB: Okay. Now, you said that one of the visible signs is that things will fall quiet. You’ve told us to look with our third eye, fourth eye and heart. Other people out there will immediately, I think, begin to say, “Well, what else? What else can we see? What else will we notice?” Will President Obama speak about this soon?
AAM: We have said, and we continue to say, that President Obama will speak about the need for peace. And as you know, not as a primary election announcement, that quietly, softly, Disclosure will come, and then very shortly thereafter you will see the beginning of a shift in what you think of as your financial or your currency systems. And that is already underway. You are seeing the dissolution.
Now, we are not pushing that so rapidly so as to cause people to be in panic, that we do not wish to have people rushing on the banks and feeling that they have no resources. That is not the idea. So it will be orderly, and it will be quiet. And it will be an equalization process the likes of which the Earth has never witnessed.
SB: That’s very good news, Lord. We will want to know who we can rely on for credible information., and we have a number of Earth Allies who are offering themselves as spokespeople. Are these Earth Allies, first of all, credible? And second of all, where in the mainstream media, where in other sources, can we go to to find the best information on these events?
AAM: Go first and foremost to your star brothers and sisters, to the Company of Heaven. And I do not say this in any way to discredit or diminish the Earth Allies. It is simply that the perspective and the understanding of perhaps a larger picture is very desirable at this time.
Now, I do not wish to say to eliminate Earth sources — of course not. Because you are human beings and you want to hear, you want to experience what each of you are saying, experiencing, perceiving. And it is in the Earthly realm that you are tracking and sharing the experiences of the change that encourage you to go forward and do your co-creation with us.
But what I would suggest first and foremost is to look — no, not just to this channel, of course not, but to the many channels that have beautiful, clean track records of speaking for their star brothers and sisters, and for those who are very much in the purity of connection with the Company of Heaven.
So if it feels like drama, if it feels like revenge, if it feels lower vibration, then bless it, pray for it, and let it go.
Now, having said that — and I say this not only to you, my brother in arms, my fellow warrior of peace, I say it to each listener — you have our ultimate trust. We are constantly amazed by you. The final discernment is your heart. And when you go to your heart and say, “Does this article feel like love, or does it feel like it is trying to trap me back in the old third?” trust the answer that arises within you. Trust that the new realm, Nova Earth, cannot and will not be built on violence, on hatred, on revenge. It cannot be.
First of all, Gaia will not have it. And let us speak of that as well. Let us speak of all the fear that is rampant amongst many of you with regard to Gaia and her shift. Now, let us also suggest to you that Gaia and her shift is mostly accomplished. So you are catching up, and she is embracing you and catching you and lifting you up even as we speak — as are your star brothers and sisters.
Please, look into the night sky and see. And if you are in the isolated places, if you can go to a field, a meadow, the deep woods, a mountain, go, during the day, because they are there and they are waiting to welcome you and show themselves, particularly the Pleiadians.
There is not going to be a pole shift of Gaia. We do not know how many times we have need to say this, but we are pleased to repeat it one more time. There will not be a pole shift of Gaia. Was this the original plan? Yes. Have you, as lightworkers, lightholders and your star brothers and sisters changed this plan? Yes. You are mighty creators. And Gaia came to realize that this did not need to occur in order for her to transcend dimensional reality, that the humans did not need to be shrugged off, but could accompany her in peace and joy and love and be part of the new creation.
Is there some cleansing that is already going on? Yes. Is it part of what you think of as the Cabal? No. Is it a part of some misplaced human efforts? Yes. But you have a series of questions on this, and I jump in front of you, dear Steve. Go ahead.
SB: Well, I just hope our listeners understand that those are the next questions that I was about to ask you. I think people really need to get that you are answering my questions one by one ahead of time.
So you said no pole shift, which I was going to ask you, and that includes no three days of darkness, right?
AAM: That is correct.  Because the electrical magnetic grid is being readjusted, you may have some short outages. You may have, oh, 24 hours sometimes, without full power. So of course, it is always prudent and wise to keep some supplies on hand, and water, of course. And that is something that we will wish to address in another situation or another show, because we have a lot to talk about with water.
But no, there will not be three days of darkness.  That would not be a good way for us to start out with you, would it?
SB: No. No, it wouldn’t.
The wildfires in Colorado, the storms in the eastern United States — they were natural. Could you tell us, are you saying that the wildfires in Colorado were part of cleansing?
AAM: Part of the cleansing, yes. Now, one of the fires was started by a human being, erroneously,  by accident. And that will come to be discovered. But no, that is simply part of cleansing.
The storms that have been raging throughout the southeast — and you aren’t done yet — no, there will not be massive hurricanes, but there will be mighty storms.
There is so much you are releasing, as a collective. And might I say there has been a great deal historically stored in the northeast. I do not say that in criticism, because this is also a place of high creativity, and of density. I do not mean emotional density, spiritual density, I mean population density. So there is a lot being released into the air, and the storms are clearing it.
They are working with the elements, who are also your brothers and sisters, to simply dissipate what is being let go of.
SB: All right, Lord. What about the prediction that there would be significant seismic activity that will cause extensive coastal flooding that will necessitate the galactics coming down and relocating large segments of the population? Is that true? Is it in the cards?
AAM: It has been in the cards at one point, at one juncture. And it is certainly within the potential of what your brothers and sisters of the stars are capable of — let us be very clear about that. And would it not be a wonderful way to play hero and helper? But no, that is highly, highly, highly, highly unlikely.
Will there be some flooding? Yes. Will there be flooding of that magnitude? No.
SB: All right, Lord. There was a recent channeled message that said that the clones of negative aliens, the archons, were still around the planet. It’s my understanding that all negative aliens and — well, let’s start with negative aliens — have gone from the planet.
AAM: They were removed quite some time ago.
SB: All right. And what about their clones?
AAM: No, their clones, think of it as a beetle that simply dries up and dies. So their clones are not present upon the planet.
And if they were, they would be herded up as a collective and put in a container. But they are not here.
SB: So that particular channeled message was bogus, was it?
AAM: It was old. This is the thing that some people do not always understand. Sometimes a message comes through, but it, as it is traveling through what you think of as time and space, it is an old message.
SB: All right. I’m trying not to give the name of the channeled message I’m referring to, which appeared just a few …
AAM: No, there is no need. Simply know, no aliens of negativity, no clones of negativity. The brothers and sisters of the stars that are here to help you hold only love, on Earth and off.
SB: All right. So there’s no need for the population of Earth to go up in ships, to go down to the Inner Earth? Is that correct?
AAM: You may go up on the ships. And you may go into Inner Earth. And I am inviting you, as is Gaia, to visit her council fire every night. Is there a need in terms of survival? No.
SB: All right. A listener from Colorado asked me to ask you to bless the people of Colorado and New Mexico who are suffering.
AAM: I would be glad to do so. And I will add the blessing of our beloved Universal Mother to these beautiful states, this country of our Lady of Guadalupe, and the home of the Emerald Heart, Colorado, where, by the way, many, many of your star brothers and sisters are arriving, and have for 20 years.
[music up]
We bless you, we shield you, we love you. Farewell.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Thank you very much for that wonderful information. Farewell.

Sorcha Faal: American Rebel Forces Attack Gas Pipelines, Explode Trains As U.S. Civil War Nears

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Sorcha Faal: American Rebel Forces Attack Gas Pipelines, Explode Trains As U.S. Civil War Nears
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 4-Jul-2012 07:26:33

A disturbing new report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) states that in the past 3 weeks American rebel forces battling against the US government have “retaliated in force” after the massacre of at least 380 men, women and children attending a clandestine Michigan meeting held earlier last month who were targeted for annihilation by the Obama regime.
According to this report, the first attack was carried out on 17 June by Anson Chi [photo 2nd left] who was badly injured when his bomb failed to properly detonate a major gas pipeline in Plano, Texas. US expert Don Deaver stated to Texas media sources that if Chi had been successful in detonating his bomb this attack would have been “catastrophic.”
The Washington Post News Service further reports that Chi has been lashing out for years online against what he sees as governmental oppression. His Facebook page includes postings in which he criticizes the Federal Reserve, calling it a private bank. “What does this mean? It means your life is under control by greedy private bankers, especially since they print YOUR money based on nothing but thin air! Slavery never ended....,” he wrote.
The second attack of this “rebel rampage” against the Obama regime occurred two days later on 19 June, this report says, when another bomb attempt against a gas pipeline was made against hotel in Nashville, Tennessee where nearly 5,000 local US Sheriffs and their guests were holding a convention. Though this bomb did detonate, the FSB says, it was placed on the wrong side of the regulator and no one was injured in this attack.
The third, and deadliest, attack occurred on 24 June when two trains crashed in a fiery head-on collision [photo bottom left] in the Oklahoma Panhandle killing 3 crew members. According to this report, this rebel attack against the Obama regime was the most ominous in that the level of computer sophistication used to put these two trains on the same track going at high rates of speed prove the American rebel forces skills at causing “massive destruction events.”
According to the Infowars.Com News Service, the Obama regime was quick to lash out against these rebel forces with a new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
This FSB report also notes that tensions between American rebel forces and the Obama regime are bound to escalate after the US Supreme Court made a recent ruling severely limiting the Federal Governments right to interfere with its individual States.
Though this ruling appeared to support what is called “Obamacare” after the US Supreme Court turned its mandate into a tax, the New York Times News Service states that, in fact, the federal government may have won the battle but lost the war as its powers over the States was severely curtailed for the first time in decades.
As the Obama regime is reportedly hiring nearly 17,000 Internal Revenue Service agents to begin compelling Americans to accept the provisions of Obamacare, this report continues, the curtailing of federal government powers by the US Supreme Court leaves the individual States to opt out of this controversial healthcare law and which many of them have already stated they will do.
Read more:

Executive Orders in Canada after the Dark Cabal is removed

Executive Orders in Canada after the Dark Cabal is removed

by Drake
Executive Orders in Canada after the Dark Cabal is removed
Drake | July 3, 2012 at 1:56 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Galactic Central Sun Activity

Victory of the Light!

Galactic Central Sun Activity

The storms, heatwaves, satellite disruptions and power outages of this weekend are a direct result of increased Sun activity. This is a milder version of the famous Carrington Event, which was a solar superstorm that hit our planet back in 1859:

Inside that National Geographic article you can read:

“The eastern half of the U.S. is particularly vulnerable, because the power infrastructure is highly interconnected, so failures could easily cascade like chains of dominoes.”

Our Sun directly responds to the Galactic pulse. Galactic pulse is a period of increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun which happens every 26,000 years:

Now we are in a period of this increased Galactic Sun activity and we may expect events similar to what happened this weekend during the rest of 2012, but no drastic cataclysms or polar shifts will happen as some people are afraid.

Our Sun is a multidimensional stargate that transmits the energies from the Galactic Central Sun towards our planet. Positive ET races direct and regulate these energies in a way that is most beneficial to our planet and humanity. These energies assist in removal of non-physical Archons and heal quantum anomaly that is surrounding our planet. They also bring to the surface everything that was hidden and will soon expose all actions of the Cabal in a way that will be very evident to everyone and the dark ones will have nowhere to hide.

So the events of the last few days are not a result of HAARP or artificial weather modification as many would like to believe. The Cabal is not that powerful anymore.

SOROS - One Evil Human


First off, I hate long boring emails.  At first glance, this is one of them so I don’t expect anyone to sit and read this unless you don’t have important things to do, so believe it or not I READ THIS LAST NIGHT AND IT IS REALLY SCARY.  When you have time, print it off and read it in your leisure as I did.  Then you’ll see why I felt I must pass it on....
Please take time to read this soon. It shows to be written by Steve Kroft of CBS 60 Minutes not - Fox News or Rush L.   Be your own judge as to what is happening to America .
                                                A MUST READ! ABSOLUTELY
Steve Kroft (born August 22, 1945) is an American journalist and a longtime correspondent for 60 Minutes. His investigative reporting has garnered him much acclaim, including three Peabody Awards and nine Emmy awards, one of which was an Emmy for Lifetime Achievement.

You can understand what is happening to our America after reading this.  May God have mercy upon our nation. 

One Evil Human  

FROM STEVE KROFT (60 Minutes)  

This is very interesting material. Glen Beck has been developing material to show all the ties that Soros has through the nation and world along with his goals. This article is written by Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes.  It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and his behavior in leading the nation along with many members of Congress (in particular the Democrats, such as the election of Pelosi as the minority leader in Congress).
If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is "selective" in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible. He controls President Obama's every move. Think this is absurd?   Invest a few minutes and read this. You won't regret it.

Who is Obama? Obama is a puppet and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings. It’s not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world. I don't think he knows how to tie his shoe laces. After reading this and Obama's reluctance to accept help on the oil spill you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the US .  "In history, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet someone planned it."/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Who Is George Soros? He brought the market down in 2 days. Here is what CBS' Mr. Steve Kroft's research has turned up. It's a bit of a read, and it took 4 months to put it together. "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States . "George Soros"   
George Soros is an evil man.  He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good." He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist World class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.

György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary . Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity. The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.

When Hitler's henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary , to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.

 Soros has repeatedly called 1944 "the best year of his life." 70% of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect" During an interview with "Sixty Minute's" Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about  his "best year."

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.   SOROS: Yes.  Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.   SOROS: Yes. That's right.  Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feelings of guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

In his article, Muravchik describes how Soros has admitted to having carried some rather "potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble." Be that as it may. After WWII, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he fell under the thrall of fellow atheist and Hungarian, Karl Popper, one of his professors. Popper was a mentor to Soros until Popper's death in 1994. Two of Popper's most influential teachings concerned "the open society," and Fallibilism.
Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. (Then again, I could be wrong about that.)   The "open society" basically refers to a "test and evaluate" approach to social engineering. Regarding "open society" Roy Childs writes, "Since the Second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Popper's advice about piecemeal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess."

In 1956 Soros moved to New York City , where he worked on Wall Street, and started amassing his fortune. He specialized in hedge funds and currency speculation.  Soros is absolutely ruthless, amoral, and clever in his business dealings, and quickly made his fortune. By the 1980s he was well on his way to becoming the global powerhouse that he is today.

In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for "The American Thinker" she says, "Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England . He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight."

In 1994 Soros crowed in "The New Republic," that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire." The Russia-gate scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be "one of the greatest social robberies in human history.  "The "Soros Empire" indeed. In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia .  At the time, Malaysia 's Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad, called Soros "a villain, and a moron." Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people."

The website Greek National Pride reports, "Soros was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia , Ukraine and Myanmar [ Burma ]. Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros' role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain. He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality."

France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros, for felony insider trading. Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars. Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for "illegal market manipulation." Elizabeth Crum writes that the Hungarian economy has been in a state of transition as the country seeks to become more financially stable and westernized. Soros deliberately driving down the share price of its largest bank put Hungary 's economy into a wicked tailspin, one from which it is still trying to recover.

My point here is that Soros is a planetary parasite. His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach.  But what about America ? Soros told Australia 's national newspaper "The Australian." " America , as the center of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out," he said, adding that the time has come for "a very serious adjustment" in American's consumption habits.  He implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about."

Soros: "World financial crisis was "stimulating" and "in a way, the culmination of my life's work."

Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil, in order to give them a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama's largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Petrobras).

Tait Trussel writes, "The Petrobras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil , but it is a bad deal for the U. S. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U S could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence."

A blog you might want to keep an eye on is Their mission: "This blog is dedicated to all who have suffered due to the ruthless financial pursuits of George Soros. Your stories are many and varied, but the theme is the same: the destructive power of greed without conscience. We pledge to tirelessly watch Soros wherever he goes and to print the truth in the hope that he will one day be made to stop preying upon the world's poor, that justice will be served."

Back to America . Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago, news sources reported that "Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous."\ In 1997 Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, "Soros uses his philanthropy to change or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people. His "open society" is not about freedom; it is about license. His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of a PROGRESSIVE ideology of rights and entitlements."

Perhaps the most important of these "whistle blowers" are David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Their book "The Shadow Party" outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel. Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration.

Discover The (another good source) writes, "By his [Soros'] own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia , Croatia , Georgia , and  Yugoslavia . When Soros targets a country for "regime change," he begins by creating a shadow government, a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises. The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup."

November 2008 edition of the German magazine "Der Spiegel," in which Soros gives his opinion on what the next POTUS (President of the U. S. ) should do after taking office. "I think we need a large stimulus package." Soros thought that around 600 billion would be about right. Soros also said that "I think Obama presents us a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence.  The U. S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights."

Although Soros doesn't (yet) own the Republican Party, like he does the Democrats, make no mistake, his tentacles are spread throughout the Republican Party as well.

Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by "The Baltimore Chronicle's" Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlye Group is run by "a veritable who's who of former Republican leaders," from CIA man Frank Carlucci, to CIA head and ex-President George Bush, Sr.

In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stomping grounds. When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time. In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 (that’s Five Billion) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and wins for many other Alinsky trained Radical Rules Anti-American Socialist. George has been contributing a $ billion plus to the DNC since Clinton came on the scene.

Soros has dirtied both sides of the aisle, trust me. And if that weren't bad enough, he has long held connections with the CIA.
 And I mustn't forget to mention Soros' involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e. g. he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to. In short, George Soros controls or influences most of the MSM.  Little wonder they ignore the TEA PARTY, Soros’ NEMESIS.

  As Matthew Vadum writes, "The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives."

Richard Poe writes, "Soros' private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America 's traditional Western   values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering."

Some of the many NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) that Soros funds with his billions are: MoveOn. org, the Apollo Alliance , Media Matters for America , the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America ), La Raza, and many more. For a more complete list, with brief descriptions of the NGOs, go to DiscoverTheNetworks. org.

Poe continues, "Through his global web of Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia."

Without Soros' money, would the Saul Alinsky's Chicago machine still be rolling? Would SEIU, ACORN, and La Raza still be pursuing their nefarious activities? Would Big Money and lobbyists still be corrupting government? Would our college campuses still be retirement homes for 1960s radicals?

America stands at the brink of an abyss, and that fact is directly attributable to Soros. Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America and his puppet, Barack Obama is leading the way.

The words of Patrick Henry are apropos: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
Above information researched by CBS Steve Kroft