Friday, July 6, 2012

The Pentagon wants this information to go viral

Maine Republic Email Alert               No.146
. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” John 18:33 //  David E. Robinson, Publisher

“. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself  for battle?” I Corinthians  14:8


The Pentagon wants this information to go viral


Wikipedia states:

The Burning of Washington in 1814
was an armed conflict during the War of
1812 between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America.
On August 24, 1814, led by General Robert Ross, a British force occupied Washington, D.C. and set fire to many public buildings following the American defeat at the Battle of Bladensburg.
The facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House and U.S. Capitol, were largely destroyed.[3]
The British commander’s orders to burn only public buildings and strict British discipline among its troops are credited with preserving the city’s private buildings.
This was the only time since the Revolutionary War that a foreign power captured and occupied the United States capital.[4]

Background information
Many have already heard of the abnormally large number of arrests and resignations of officials in banking, money funds, investment houses, insurance companies, and governments throughout the world that have taken place since September 2011.
What Americans have not known is that a huge operation is about to take place in the United States. In order to comprehend why we have heard nothing of this event, we must understand that the major newspaper and television media is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal or Illuminati. It is the Illuminati who intend to establish the New World Order by killing off huge segments of the planet’s population and enslaving the rest.

These are the persons who will be arrested and removed to a location where they can perpetuate no more harm, and for their protection before being brought to trial
Before you stop reading and refuse to take 3 hours of your time to listen to the audio listed below, you need to consider: Do I want to know what is about to happen?  Do I as a parent, minister, news reporter, teacher, or citizen want to remain ignorant of what is ready to take place that will impact every phase of my life and that of my family and community?
Much preparation is and has taken place behind the scenes to prepare for the forthcoming mass arrests of top officials of corporations and government.
As you will hear on the audio, the Pentagon had already drawn up The Plan for such an event by around 1979.  The legal preparation is in place. Extremely detailed planning has the goal of disrupting the general public and the activities that make up our lives as little as possible. However there will be a few days—hopefully not weeks—in which services may be disrupted.
During the actual mass arrests, a period of up to 72 hours (3 days) will involve the closing of our borders and the shutting off of satellites. This will be required to prevent escape of those to be arrested.
This is the period for which we need to be prepared. We will be given 24 hours notice in advance.
In order to prepare the American people, the Pentagon recently asked a former Vietnam veteran who has been involved in the legal preparations to go on the radio and internet and explain what is about to happen. This veteran is going by the name of ‘Drake’.
The below YouTube is an interview of Drake by David Wilcock, who also has high level insider information.

In the interview, Drake will explain the legal preparation done by average citizens in a majority of the states that allows this event to take place in accordance with our nation’s founding documents.  This event will remove the major obstacles to a far better life for all Americans and eventually for all on the planet.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and to those to whom you minister to listen carefully to all three hours of valuable information.  People who have no idea what has really been going on in America will be shocked and angry to hear all that has been done to them. As many of us as possible can greatly alleviate this shock by letting them know of this event and that the end result will be a much better world for all.
The Pentagon is also asking that all of us help to publicize the information we hear on this audio. Public panic will prolong the procedure and violence of any kind will do the same. We the people need to be in the know and to peacefully assist in any way we can—spreading the word being a major avenue of assistance. The goal is that this event is peaceful, with no violence.
Please send the URL below to all you know and to your local media. Ministers, you have access to large numbers of people. We are speaking of the resurrection of our nation. I beg of you to listen and help prepare your congre- gations.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - David Wilcock’s website here you may find a series of very important and explosive articles mentioned in the interview.  These articles offer you an excellent background for what is about to happen.

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011                                     1

Drake’s website

The Original 13th Amendment
Mentioned in the interview

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension. office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

Quoted from the Senate Journal via
The TONA Research Committe:

The Corporation of the USA is also mentioned in the interview.

LIBOR RIGGING: The Slog reveals why the enquiry must be judicial

LIBOR RIGGING: The Slog reveals why the enquiry must be judicial -



Libor rate fixing leaves PM in a fix
'A Molotov Cocktail Party' of conflicted interests
As David Cameron might say, let's be clear about this: Tory Party supporting inter-dealer brokers like Tullet Prebon and ICAP provide liquidity and anonymity to buyers and sellers. These clients are frequently banks of one form or another. Michael Fallon insists that Tullet's "helped to nail the banks" - but given the confidentiality of the firm's role and the BBA CEO on board as a Senior Non-Exec, this is quickly revealed to be nonsense: for them to have done this would've required both a betrayal of client trust, and massive business losses.
In fact, even the suspicion that they might have turned Queen's Evidence with the FSA has helped lead to a fall-off in business at both ICAP and Tullet's. At the latter, 'Banks that use the services of brokers like Tullett's are scared so they're doing less business' wrote The Times last September; and they weren't wrong. Tullet Prebon income dropped 3% in both November and December of last year, and the firm's year was flat at £910m of income. In January of this year, Tullet's cut 80 jobs, and then a further 80 in March.
In short, the continuing mistrust, suspicions and controversy surrounding the Libor rate are ruining Tullet's business. The firm therefore has an enormous conflict of interest via Michael Fallon's membership of the Treasury Select Committee - and a life-or-death desire to see the scandal go away.
Taken together and with new information added by The Slog's research, the Libor Party is revealed as being a seamless relationship between the Conservatives and the Libor broking sector - or as one senior investment bank staffer put it yesterday afternoon, "The Libor Party is amusing as a monniker at one level, but the inbred nature of it means it is really a highly inflammable Molotov Cocktail Party about the blow up in the Tory Party's face".
Read on now and see why this source's view is easily vindicated.

Key players in the Libor Party:

Angela Knight, Michael Fallon, Terry Smith, Michael Spencer.

What they all have in common:
They all support or work for the Conservative Party
They've all been involved in the Libor sector for years
They all have obvious conflicts of interest
The five organisations involved in this cosy crony-club are the British Bankers' Association (BBA), ICAP, Tullet Prebon, The Treasury Select Committee (TSC), and the Conservative Party.
Michael Fallon is Deputy Chairman of the Tory Party, a senior member of the TSC, and a senior Board member at Tullet Prebon - a company described to me last night by a City insider as "dominating the Libor sector". At least three of the major institutions reporting on Libor rates are known to be Tullet clients. Fallon may thus have been questioning one of his clients when he interrogated Bob Diamond of Barclays last Wednesday.
Angela Knight was until recently the CEO of the BBA, an organisation on behalf of which she gave misleading Libor evidence on at least one occasion. She is a non-Exec director of Tullet Prebon, and she used to be a Conservative MP.
Michael Spencer  is the founder and CEO of ICAP, the largest Libor-sector money brokerage in Europe, he used to be the Tory Party's Treasurer, and he (and his company) last year donated £1.3m to the Conservative Party. In 2010, Spencer was censured by the City for selling £45m of ICAP shares three weeks before issuing a profit warning.
Terry Smith is the CEO of Tullet Prebon. Derek Tullett, founder of inter-dealer broker Tullett Prebon, was listed as 'a major contributor' to Tory Party election funding during 2010. On his Board he has collected both Fallon and Knight, and although Fallon says Tullet's "helped to nail the banks" that must in turn have put Angela Knight into an awkward position, she being the UK's greatest defender of both the Banks and Libor. Smith spent the first five years of his life working on the investment side at Barclays, and is an Associate at the Chartered Institute of Bankers.
Is Britain still a country where the chosen few look after each other and ignore the law? If the conflicts outlined above do not lead to a judicial enquiry at least, then the answer must be a resounding "Yes".
John Ward | July 6, 2012 at 8:13 am | Tags: 160 Tullet jobs shed already this year, Libor a Molotov Cocktail Party for Tories, Libor scandal ridiculous conflicts of interest, Media must now push for full judicial enquiry, no MPs, Tullet Prebon ICAP TSC Michael Fallon David Cameron, Tullet's business revealed to be in trouble as banks have lost trust in them | Categories: EXCLUSIVE: WHY MICHAEL FALLON NEEDS TO LIBOR SCANDAL TO DISAPPEAR  

Pentagon wants this Viral ----- Notice to the World


Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Current Age: 93
Truth............from a man the media has never been able to throw dirt on.....amazing!

He has certainly hit the "world" on the head!

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation 


'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable... We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from sin and set us free. Amen!'

With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we once again can be called 'One nation under God!'

Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your e-mail list, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world. (It's worth a try!)
'One Nation Under God!'

ALERT: Deutsche Bank Under Investigation Now

Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 13:17:33 -0400
Subject: ALERT: Deutsche Bank Under Investigation Now

Word out today that Deutsche Bank is under investigation for LIBOR rate rigging has sent it's shares down substantially.

Of course we know that they were ALL IN ON IT so that means many more "announcements" are coming. Here are the 17 banks that form the committee to set LIBOR:
  • Bank of America
  • Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
  • Barclays Bank plc
  • BNP Paribas  
  • Citibank NA 
  • Credit Agricole CIB
  • Credit Suisse
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • HSBC
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • Rabobank
  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • Société Générale
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Europe Ltd (SMBCE)
  • The Norinchukin Bank
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
  • UBS AG
It is important to note that of these 17 banks that colluded to set phoney LIBOR rates, 9 of these banks are "Authorized Participants" colluding to rig the gold and silver markets in the phoney Gold and Silver ETF's (GLD & SLV).

Barclays Capital Inc
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Deutsche Bank AG
JP Morgan Securities Inc.
Merrill Lynch (Bank of America)
RBC Capital Markets, LLC,
UBS Securities LLC

Like a tidal wave as it approaches shore the scandals are mounting.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/5/12 ‘Arrests Gather Momentum’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/5/12 ‘Arrests Gather Momentum’

Duty, honor, courage. These are the attributes of the men and women who are today on your front lines making the arrests that your people of Earth have demanded and that are opening the door to freedom, sovereignty and prosperity for every man, woman and child who calls your planet Earth their home. What we are seeing in your world the last few days is a monumental site to behold, as doors are being broken down that have stood between you and the world that you all deserve, a world that has been possible for all of you for a very long time. We are delighted to report that the arrests of the members of your criminal cabal are proceeding and are proceeding smoothly and efficiently, with no problems, delays or obstacles presenting themselves that will slow or hinder in any way the delivery of the new world that, by decree, the people of your world demand for themselves and their families.

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are also involved in our own way in these arrests. We are issuing updates in the form of bulletins to your troops and law enforcement officials who are on the front lines, and we are, through the means of our technology, keeping them abreast of the movements and whereabouts of those of your cabal who may try but who will not succeed to delay the inevitable which is their apprehension and incarceration into the same internment camps that they have constructed through the pilfering of your hard earned money for your arrest and incarceration in the very near days ahead if you did not obey each and every command that they chose to make. How ironic life can be, can it not dear ones? Do you see the lesson in this for those who have plotted and schemed against your people? We hope that they do see this irony, and we hope that from all this they can derive some sort of lesson that will assist them on their continued journey, no matter where it shall take them, which in many cases will be someplace far from you and your new world.

These men and women of your criminal cabal have very harsh lessons to experience before them now. This is the way it must be, and this is the way that they have chosen for themselves to learn what is necessary for a being to prosper, to grow and mature, moving on to new, more joyful, more educational and more fruitful experiences. Do not for a moment feel sadness for these beings, as all beings receive the experiences and the lessons that they need, and these beings are no different from any other beings in this universe in this regard. They have made their beds and now must lie in them, this is the bottom line, and there are other lines as well to read from this wonderful script. There are lessons in this play about love, about tolerance, about understanding, about equality, about righteousness, about doing others wrong, about greed, about peace, prosperity, determination, courage, guidance, friendship, hope, dreams, futures, and our universe as a whole and as an entity all in itself, living and breathing, thinking and delivering just what it is a being needs for him or herself to better him or herself, to strengthen him or herself and to grow, gaining wisdom, knowledge and experiences that will lift them up and out of a current existence that they are growing out of like an old pair of shoes when it is time to experience more of what this universe offers them.

What is being offered many of you at this time is a new beginning, a fresh start, a new world to call your home, free from the carnage, from the violence, from the pollution, from the never ending mounting problems and difficulties, shortages, conflicts, struggle and strife. A new world created and designed from scratch, right from the purest dreams, hopes, intentions and prayer of those children who will now call this new world their home. Are you, our Creator’s children, ready now to experience the blossoming of your new home now that the cabal's days are surely numbered indeed and soon the playing field will be clear for us of the higher realms to come down from our positions in your skies and meet you face-to-face and begin restoring your planet to the immaculate condition she belongs to be in, deserves and has earned, just as you, her children, have earned and deserve? If you are ready, then we are ready. This is how it is, and this is how it has always been. We will not keep you waiting one moment longer than you have to wait.

We say to your men and women on the front lines clearing the way for this reunion to continue your brave efforts and continue to knock down those obstacles that stand before humanity and their new, beautiful, prosperous and free global society that will cater to the needs of every man, woman and child no matter where it is they live. A world that will allow each and every dream a being has to take wings and take flight, a world that will feed every hungry mouth and a world that will quench the thirst of every being whether it be a thirst for water, for knowledge, for freedom, for prosperity or for artistic expression. Whatever it is a being shall need or desire for themselves to prosper and to enjoy their world will be provided. There is no ceiling, there are no limits on what will now be offered you once those who have worked and schemed so hard for so long to deny you just about everything you could ever need or want are removed from your society to where they can no longer plot and scheme any longer against you. This is our promise to you; we will never allow these beings to walk freely the face of your Earth until a time when they are fully and completely purified and rehabilitated. This is the way it must be and there shall be no other way, you have our word, the word of your friends, families and cosponsors of your new and unlimited world.

Taking account of what is transpiring on the front lines, we will report to you that we now see many arrests taking place simultaneously, where at one time these arrests were few, scattered and far between. We see the momentum picking up as more troops and more agencies zero in on their prey and move in for the capture but not the kill, and this is important, as these beings deserve their right to fair and just rehabilitation services just as all the men, women and children who today languish in your prisons deserve a second chance at true rehabilitation programs and not the barbarism of medieval- like imprisonment behind bars and in small cells surrounded by no one who can shine light upon them to lead them out of the darkness that is their presence state of mind or condition. We, among many precious gifts, will offer you improved state-of-the-art rehabilitation programs that will effectively alter a beings desire to commit
the crimes that they have been incarcerated for.

In the cases where crimes have not been committed against another individual, these beings will be released from their imprisonment after an examination has been performed on them to make sure they have not succumbed mentally or emotionally to the vibration that pulsated around them throughout, what is in many cases, a long incarceration. This preventive measure must be taken, as your new world will be a world of peace, of safety, of tranquility, where every being no matter where it is they live can walk the streets at any hour of the day or night without hesitation, without taking a risk for their safety or well-being. This is a huge project we will undertake with you, and just as all our other projects, we will require the assistance of a great number of you who are stirred within their hearts at the site of so many men, women and even children locked away behind bars for mistakes they have made, a mistake that in many cases has cost them their freedom for the rest of their natural lives.

We of the higher realms do not take what some of these beings have done to others lightly; please understand this, as all crimes against another are serious. We, however, have certainly different views of rehabilitation and justice, and we look very forward to sharing these methods and practices with you in the days ahead which now look to be approaching very rapidly as we continue to see a mounting number of arrests of your criminal cabal and associates that so many of your world have longed for with great eagerness and anticipation. As we have said, we would like to see you, the people of Earth, celebrate these arrests as a signal to your brethren that these arrests are good news and the news that your people have waited a lifetime for and even beyond into many past lifetimes.

Your world has not experienced the kind of freedom that awaits now just a short time ahead in many eons of time. Your world has not been free from these beings for many thousands of years beyond your current understandings of the beginnings of your ancient civilizations. We will share with you in great detail the true history of your planet, and you will discover for yourself how long it truly has been emerged in darkness due to these beings and their harmful agenda to control every facet of this entire world, including the thoughts, actions health, wealth, emotions and dreams of every being that was not one of them. We say to you it will be soon now when these arrests reach a peak and more of those that will be arrested are already incarcerated, finding themselves behind the bars and fences of the internment camps they had designed and built for you.

Until we speak again, we say Godspeed to the men and women on your front lines who are doing their parts to make all that is possible for your people become a reality. You have our greatest appreciation for the work you are doing, and we wish you to remember that we are here in support of you and we will do all that we can to make sure no harm comes to you from any outside forces that may wish to interfere in some way with these proceedings .

We are your friends and your family in support of your mission to purify your world of those that have for so long plotted and schemed and have succeeded to oppress your people. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Crop Circles Compilation

0bama has been using a false SS#

The Amerikan Charade: Romney, Obummer, Scotus and the Bulls*it Express

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Amerikan Charade: Romney, Obummer, Scotus and the Bulls*it Express
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 6-Jul-2012 12:59:37

The mainstream propaganda coverage of the so called 2012 Presidential Campaign is showing us volumes in what is not being depicted. Every camera shot of Romney on the campaign trail is tight. If there were crowds, wouldn’t the cameras be showing them, you know, to convince us that the people are behind Mitt? We are not seeing the crowds because there are no crowds.
As we have mentioned before, the neo-cons are a small percentage of our population and widely scattered. The fact is more focus is being put on the potential vice-presidents than on Romney and his “great” message. And really, Obama is not doing any better.
I believe the majority of the people in this country have figured it out and though they do not have the guts to stand up and speak the truth, they know the truth and are making every effort to avoid participating in the scam. Maybe they think that if they ignore it, it will just go away.
As for picking a vice-presidential candidate, do you not have to pick a presidential candidate first? I believe Romney and his neo-cons are starting to feel the heat. I do not believe they have the necessary delegates to ram Romney down our throats and the Ron Paul lawsuits are moving through the federal courts.
If the evidence is honestly examined there can be no conclusion other than election fraud, of which Romney and other officials high in the GOP party have been instrumental in perpetrating.
That is why it seems that the mainstream propaganda is without direction. At this point no one seems to know what might happen tomorrow and as for the status quo, I believe all options are on the table.
The Olympic Games in London start July 25th and run through August 12th. The Republican National Convention is from August 27th through the 30th and as I mentioned earlier, the Ron Paul lawsuits are moving through the courts. If things go badly for the status quo, we could be into World War III by September and of course under full blown martial law here in the United States.
Anyone who is not gathering all the guns, bullets, and food they can get their hands on has to be so far up Duh-nial that they can never expect to return. One thing is for sure. That “something that has to give” is going to have to give real soon. Are you ready?
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

Video: Romney Caught Cheating, Faces Charges.. This info will NOT be seen on MSM. --YET

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Romney Caught Cheating, Faces Charges.. This info will NOT be seen on MSM. --YET
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 6-Jul-2012 13:24:37
