I hope if you have friends who have been in the military that you will forward this too them. That they would be sent off to fight a corporate war and some of them come home with terrible, life-altering wounds and THEN have their treatment denied so that false claims can be put in against their DD214 is despicable. It is the military mirror to the civilians who are caught up in administrative courts pretending to hold hearings on 'employees', selling the cases in the money markets, and incarcerating the 'employees'. It's enough to make the entire universe weep. And you can't hold anyone accountable because the attorneys are too caught up in the feeding frenzy themselves.
If this is going on in the US I'd be willing to bet it's going on in other countries under the CROWN. (don't kid yourselves, we're just one of the plantations here in the US). Most of the time there is nothing you can do about the news you get. In this case there is: pass this on to any friends you have that were or presently are in the military.
Injustice Exposed: The Secret Code on Veteran's DD214 1:30:44 - 4 years ago
Dr. Lee Warren: “Lee”
Edwin H. Crosby III: “Ed”
Fred Smart: “Fred”
Section 1 interview with Fred Smart, Dr. Lee Lee, Edwin H. Crosby III Vietnam Vet.
Edwin H. Crosby III Vietnam Vet. explains the secret code on the 26,000,000 veteran's DD214 forms, and how it is used against the Veterans. Special Veteran's Forum April, 2007 Edwin H. Crosby III gave permission to upload this video. Website: http://www.injusticexposed.org More info: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/DD214.htm
Edwin H. Crosby III: 1974 .. Walter Cronkite did a short story on Dept of Defense stopped putting spin codes on the DD214. only a few vetereans had that and it was only those with bad or dishonorable disharge. I was working in Rome, NY as a intern. I was No. 1 on the hire list, and they hired 9, 11 and 14 on the list and I started to dig in and I filed an equal opportunity employment investigation. In 1975 I lost on the ‘religion’ issue. In Jan 1976 a complaint in federal court was filed. Feb 2, 1976, I found out from the Quakers about the code number. My code number said ‘unsatisfactory handling of personal affairs,’ which was on their list of codes. Mar 1976 we amended the complaint to say that I lost the job because of this secret code. If I’d waited until June 1976 the statute of limitations would have run out from the date I got out of the military and the time to correct the record. That started the odyssey from 1976 till now and we are still fighting this. I have reopened this case twice, the last time in 2001. I have all the proof and evidence and I’m told that I can’t ‘come in the door.’
DD214 discharge papers –Dept of Defense form 214. this is what the federal courts call the passport to ‘civil life.’ SPN411 stands for separation program number and 411 is the secret code number. SDNxxx are used for other branches than the army. Before the phrase comes up there are key words. They will not state in words “unsuitability, inaptitude, misconduct, homosexual, or any issue of morality. These code numbers were ordered by the Dept of Defense. By the 1960s there was rampant abuse of the code numbers and they were given out like candy. It didn’t matter if you had medals, or an honorable discharge. This was to blacklist us from jobs, loans and more and for a few to steal billions.
Dr. Lee Lee: I was in the navy. If you got an honorable discharge then there was a code that would affect that honorable discharge. Ed: Employers just wanted to see the code number and that is the ‘reason for discharge.’ Lee: so that would affect benefits such as the GI Bill. Ed: If you have an honorable discharge with the ‘right’ spin codes you will qualify for GI bill, VA loan, hospital care. In the civilian sector the code numbers are used to give you benefits such as life insurance and you can’t have a loan without life insurance. You can be blacklisted for those things. When you have a bad code number and go into the VA for medical benefits, you go to the bottom of the list. You were told to come back in a year for your appointment. This past week a new study with VA says that it takes 30 days to get an appointment to see a doctor and then up to a year to see a specialist and 20% die before seeing the specialist. Something is very wrong and it’s taken us years to uncover. They are doing something with these code numbers.
Fred: I want the listeners to get the visuals. This is systemic fraud and the magnitude of this is up to $45 million a month. This has gone on for 40 to 50 years and the documentation is incredible. Goodyear Tire and Rubber was in receipt of these code. Headquarters of Boeing was supplied the list of codes of discharge number; Honeywell also was. These codes have been distributed like a virus all over America through the VA and the Dept of Defense. If you apply for a job with Goodyear they will look at the SPN code number. You can have the highest experience, accolades and still not get the job. Veterans experience underemployment, unemployment and have the highest homelessness numbers in the country. During the 1960s the government got computers and had the race to give everyone coded numbers, especially during the Viet Nam war. 8 out of 10 Vietnam Vets had a derogatory number.
Lee: so it’s a fraud: you get the honorable discharge and a bad code—it’s like a bad ‘diploma.’ Ed: regulations say that the veteran will not be told about the codes. How this came about was that Sen. Sam Ervin of the Watergate committee started to investigate where the Committee to Re-Elect the president (CRETE, CREPE?) was getting tens of millions of dollars. That is how these code numbers popped up. They didn’t understand what they had at that time. This was in 1973,74,75 have House and Senate congressional records discussing this issue. When DOD testified before congress they said they would stop the codes. What they did was the renamed the program SPD instead of SPN for separation program designator. So they changed the name and perjured themselves before Congress. They did a legalese trick.
Fred Smart: why are they doing this? Describe what would happen if you apply for benefits and are declined. Ed: You would have a claim number and they would look at the code and then insert a bogus name in place of yours for the benefits and the money would flow. Every veteran knows what their VA claim number. If you go to the VA hospital or file for service connected benefits you can ask for that number. Now they just ask for the last 4 of your SSN. They will ask also for the VA claim number. The VA computer logic system are looking for this code number and it’s required in the computer logic when you are looking for basic benefits. When you submit this the computer sends a letter to the real veteran and says ‘sorry you are not entitled to that benefit.” Out of 10 veterans 2 or 3 will come back and say ‘yes.’ For the rest of them they take the claim number and give it a phony name or a ghost name and the phony gets the money. I had my claim in for 20 years and there are 400K backlogged claims by veterans. People aren’t getting paid and it’s because of the ripoff of the funds.
Lee: is this identity theft? They have the real person, then they set up a fraudulent account with the claim number of the real person. The real person is denied benefits and those are paid to the ghost person. Ed: yes, and you keep get denied notices from VA. But month to month the money can go to 10 different phony names from one ‘real person.’ All the funds are electronically deposited now so different banks pick up the money. There were 3 lawyers arrested and prosecuted at the general counsel’s office at the VA in Washington for destroying medical and veterans claim file folders. One of the male attorneys said he destroyed over 100K. the female lawyer, Jill, said she destroyed thousands. Why did they take medical evidence out of folders, throw it in the trash and then say ‘claim denied?’ you made it to the board of appeals and they took out the evidence and destroyed it. Why wouldn’t they want to pay these benefits?
Ed: we heard on the telephone today how the Danville VA took these claims were gone. They admitted that these veterans had been receiving benefits for 10 years and those veterans said they hadn’t received any benefits for the last 10 years. So money was going out on the claim numbers of these veterans to bogus accounts. Ed: a lady came with a cart and said she was there to give them the checks and these men didn’t know what she was talking about. She said you’ve been collecting checks for 10 years . they called the sheriff and the police and they discovered a box in the directors’ office of checks made out to the phony names. There was obviously millions of dollars. This is going on in enough of these regional offices and especially in states where there are lots of veterans where they can draw all this money out: NY, PA, TN, TX, CA, FL and maybe another state with large veteran populations. Buffalo NY may be doing this and this is why veterans have all this medical evidence to be paid…he has been ‘paid’ on the number but he is not getting the money.
Lee: where is the oversight on this? There has to be a CPA who would come in and look at the numbers and the books. They should have to verify the claims as an insurance company would. They would have to verify the checks are going where they are supposed to go.
Fred Smart: new claim numbers should be re-issued to all veterans and then you would find out who is ‘real’ and who isn’t. Ed: who’s alive and who’s dead.
Section 2: Fred Smart: we’ll go through the congressmen and senators who knew of this fraud. Senator McCain: you faced him down with Sen. Biden. This is incredible.
Fred: Crosby has taken this to the supreme court—the secret codes on the DD214. records show the government’s lawyers committing criminal acts to prevent this case from being heard. These codes are shared among corporations who get lists of the codes and the honorably discharged veteran with a ‘bad code’ cannot get job, or benefits. The worst of this is that the money still flows but goes to secret accounts and not to the veteran. This is organized crime.
Fred: you tried to reopen this case in 2001. a 5 inch transcript was destroyed by the government and you have copies of some of the paperwork. Ed: in March, 1976, we amended our claim and we had from March, 1976 till Sept. 1978 to do research and investigate. I became quite the expert in Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) and I was submitting many of them, as well as making trips to Washington DC and walking the hall of congress. There were certain congressmen and senators who were involved in investigating and looking into this matter. Sen. McGovern, Congressman Les Aspen, Congressman Koch, Congressman Siberling had information. I would dig up information in their offices. Exhibit 12 is the congressional record from April, 1977, and this gave a good account of what was going on: Congressman: it is my belief that these veterans have been done a great injustice by the Armed Forces and by society.
Ed: By Sept, 78, we were ready to go to court and we had all the proof and we arrived in Auburn, NY. The federal judge, Edmond Court (?) was the oldest federal judge in the country at that time. We had 2 days of testimony. The government witness was June Hughes from Randolph Air Force Base in Texas and she was the lady who dreamed up this whole thing. What was interesting about that was a couple of years later in Washington DC in front of the Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee I sat down in front of these people and everyone introduced themselves and a woman introduced herself as Ann Hughes. I interrupted and said excuse me … what did you say your name was? She said Ann Hughes and I asked her if she was any relation to June Hughes. She turned beet red, grabbed her paperwork and walked out and that’s the last they saw of her. There was another Hughes.
Ed: In Sept, 78 I got on the witness stand and gave testimony and the attorney asked if I was in VietNam and the government’s attorneys objected. The judge asked why they objected: I said that I was in a top secret operation in Vietnam. The judge asked if these were the black airplanes with no star or tail number that we all heard about but know nothing about? I answered yes. The judge said that we were going to hear this. So, in 1978 we were able to get testimony in about things the American people didn’t know about. There was only one news reporter in the court that day even though we had notified many in NY City and all the major networks were notified. Nobody wanted to come. During that time we had 19 exhibits to submit to the court and exhibit 19 was the infamous corporate questionnaire which came to me. It’s the Goodyear Tire and Rubber and we got that in 1986.
Fred: we have Honeywell here in the exhibits. Crosby: so all these major corporations, banks and insurance companies had these code numbers and they did not want that in (the record). We had quite the argument getting this corporation questionnaire in as a plaintiff’s exhibit. We are talking about Honeywell, Boeing, Goodyear, all major corporations in America that own hundreds of subsidiary companies. If the top company has it you know that all the rest have it too. We had a heck of a time getting all these particular documents in. we had Dept of Defense Directions and instructions and things people never saw before including two important pieces of evidence. One was the stamped studies done by the Secretary of Defense and another document had written on the side: Nixon White House counsel Dave R. B.(?) concurring with their opinion on what to do or not do with these code numbers. One piece of evidence that we did not get that came later if you will look at the date, Oct 30, 1979, which is exhibit 19A. We did not get to introduce this piece of evidence in 1978. Finally our 2 day trial was done in Sept. 78, and in January 79, the judge entered his decision. He said that because I have issued a federal court order and the government stated for the record that they corrected your records, nobody will ever see this secret number. Trust us, we did it. So the judge said we had no subject matter jurisdiction because the government said they had corrected the problem and you have no claim.
Ed: we knew they couldn’t correct the records because it’s like the little boy sticking his finger in the dam and a leak will be bigger elsewhere. These code numbers have been disseminated through computer systems and a lot of people didn’t understand in the late 70s how you could send information at the snap of a finger from Washington DC to California. The didn’t understand what was going on and a year passed and we drew up our appeal to the 2nd circuit court of appeals in NY City to appeal the judge’s decision. We went there in Sept. 79. this letter that is in this very important letter is from October, 79. we had requested this information a year or so before we even got it. Notice how they held it up. The numbers of individuals as of October 79 approached 20 million.
Fred: when you were first digging the only numbers you had were from 100K to 200K veterans. Ed: what Walter Cronkite said was that the Dept. of Defense testified to congress that there were only a couple hundred thousand with these code numbers. Fred: so they withheld this evidence all the way through your case and now you are on appeal and they dragged it out until they finally gave it up. Ed: that’s right. After we got done with the 2nd circuit court the letter came to us, a month too late. If we’d had this document we could have shown it and said this proved perjury by the Dept. of Defense. There is something very important on the front of this document: copies are furnished to the VA for determining basic eligibility for veterans benefits. At the bottom of the document under the privacy commission study report their recommendation to congress was telling congressional members what they needed to do. Issue new DD214s to all dischargee’s whose forms currently include spin numbers. Ed: you will see on page two it says: 20 million.
Ed: we knew they were going to have to give 20 million veterans a new discharge paper. Someone said that would cost two much as it would be $100 per ‘separatee.’ That is ‘Washington-speak.’ Fred: 1 to 2 Billion dollars. Ed: what should have been said instead of ‘Washington-speak’ is: if we tell 20 million veterans we have given them secret numbers and a couple million have bad code numbers and these are our brave men who were combat veterans and our next generation of leaders that we stabbed them in the back, we are going to be in big trouble. We’ll get voted out of office. And then we will find out through process of elimination they would find out who took all the money. That is why to this day the VA is in dire straights. The case proceeded to the US Supreme Court and they said certiorari denied. They didn’t want to hear it. I had judges and friends who were law professors who said, “don’t give up.’ Things will change with time as people die or move out of office, so keep trying. All you have to do is prove to the court that they lied and you found that number is out there and being used against you.
Ed: it didn’t take long; when people lie they are going to get tripped up. I was working for the chief administrative law judge, State of Delaware and I was able to get into all the unemployment records of veterans and talk to them as they came in. I was also doing my own studies. One day I was told to go over to the Federal Building to this big veteran’s meeting. There were veterans from the VFW, American Legion, all the Veteran’s organizations and some I didn’t know about. Sen. Biden came in with a man in naval uniform accompanying him, who was a captain. We all had a discussion and when it came my turn I told him about the documents and my court case and the monies being ripped off. Sen. Biden said, “Let’s wait till the end.” When everybody left we went into a room with table and chairs and I sat down and showed him all these documents. I was also with the captain. The captain was John McCain. I told him he needed to look at this. This was in 1983 and I have a letter of introduction from the judge in Delaware. I said to McCain that he was a brother veteran and I showed it all to him. We were there about an hour. There were just the 3 of us in the room. The senator said he would like into the matter. He went back to Arizona and became a congressman, and later a senator and to this day he has never tried to introduce a bill or do anything to bring this to light for veteran’s. I encountered him in Washington and when he saw me he ran out the side door. I posted this on the internet that when someone does that, they are selling their brother veteran down the drain. That kind of person is someone we don’t need. McCain has done nothing.
Fred: Alan from Illinois discovered all this on his own, independently of Crosby. There’s a community of people who could discuss this in detail. This has been going on for a long time. He submitted this to Senator Durbin and to Sen Obama. Within 3 days Senator Durbin said he was looking into this and he’s never heard from Obama. Ed: I was working as a temp at a hospital and they told me after 4 months I’d done really well, hadn’t missed any work and they said to take the NY Civil service exam and they would hire me. I went to take the exam and the man brought in scratch paper and pen and came back in and handed 4 other people the exam and picked up my scratch paper and pen and walked out without giving me an exam. He didn’t say anything. I followed him out and asked what was going on. The man said he could not let me test. You cannot take the test. Crosby wanted to know why and said he’d better let him know or he’d follow up with obstruction charges. The man asked for his SSN again. It went in th state’s computer and my military record came up, which they are not supposed to have. He pointed to my secret code number. It’s the one the government said in court to the judge that the number would never show up again and that they had fixed my records. We don’t lie—we are the US Attorney’s office. But there was the DD214 number right on the screen. The man said I couldn’t take the test because of the code.
Lee: is there a specific law that states that you are barred from taking that test because of the code? Ed: no. if I am a resident of NY State I can take the civil service exam. The man had no other reason to do that other than what he was told, regarding my taking the exam. His supervisor said that if any veterans have any of these codes, and he had them in his desk drawer. Fred: this goes back to Honeywell, Goodyear, Boeing, all these corporations who have received these codes on tens of millions of veterans. Lee: it’s a form of discrimination, that’s what it comes down to. Fred: yes. Crosby: it’s a sort of civil rights violation and he had a list of the codes. What we did in our argument to the court was that this is a foreclosure of the employment market. They just set it up so that veterans getting out of the military (who get these numbers) have a ‘label on their foreheads’ that says ‘do not hire.’
Fred: it’s like putting a bag over your head: unemployable, do not hire, uninsurable. Lee: that is treating you worse than a felon. Crosby: yes, and you did not commit a criminal act, you were never tried or accused of anything. It was just someone who decided they’d get you a different way. They gave those numbers out like that. In 1983 something else happened after the McCain incident. I went and did this thing with the NY Dept of Labor and I went to the chief judge of Syracuse, Judge Falco, who was my mentor and friend and is now deceased. He told me that I needed to get this over to the grand jury. He said, I’ll tell you a little trick; don’t address it to the US Attorney, address it to the foreman, US Federal Grand Jury and send it certified mail with no green return receipt card. Therefore, the secrecy of the Grand Jury is protected and when they get it at the court clerk’s office they must deliver it to the foreman of the grand jury. It’s an old lawyer’s trick. So I did that and a month later I got a letter that said “come on over to the grand jury and testify.” I went in April of 1983 and testified in front of the federal grand jury, showed them all these documents, showed them the court order, showed them how the government’s attorneys lied. The US Attorney was in the room with the grand jury and said this person is a criminal and a liar.
Fred: why was the US Attorney in the room? Ed: he was entitled: he was the US Attorney. They are allowed to be present with the Grand Jury. I gave the evidence and said that these jurors needed to indict the man at the employment office as I had filed criminal charges against him, and indict his supervisor and up to Albany and the governor. They voted that day to indict and the governor at that time was Mario Cuomo and all these people from the Dept. of Labor and right down the line for systematically eliminating the veterans of the State of NY and for crimes against humanity. Why those two things? We learned from history and history repeats itself. We are talking about branding human beings with a number to systematically eliminate them. We heard of that before in Nazi Germany when they tattooed numbers. This is the computer age and you don’t a tattoo artist. You just have an SSN and you stick one of these DD214 numbers next to it and that’s it, the show is over.
Fred: so they wash their hands of it and say it’s all the computer. Ed: you got it. Fred: the flies have left….Pandora’s box. Ed: but, legally, under the law we have the constitution of the US that says that we are entitled to due process of law. If all these guys who were given secret numbers were never given due process of law then somebody is responsible and somebody should be paying for this great injustice.
Section 3: how do we solve this, who is responsible and who is going to pay for this? We will talk about the judicial system, congress and the attorneys and the BAR association. You went all across the country and approached the BAR associations on a state by state basis. Fred: this has wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of veterans and cost them benefits and jobs. Vietnam veterans have ranked very high on homelessness, drugs, poverty, and more. With Ed’s research he has searched and researched for 20 to 30 years and documented all the ‘flies that left Pandora’s box.” Fortunately we have people like Ed who are diligent in how they approach due process. Ed has been guided all the way back to 1974, 33 years now (2007) . what keeps you going? You aren’t doing this for yourself, but for other veterans and for what it means to be an American. You fought in Vietnam so that we could have due process at home and a judicial system that operates according to the rule of law. You have been denied due process systemically and systematically. You have a mountain of evidence and many senators and congressmen are aware of this. You have veterans around the country who have researched. Those in Illinois have ranked dead last in terms of benefits.
Fred: you reached all the way to the supreme court and only 393 orders were passed out by the supreme court in 191 years of our country’s history going back to the ratification of the Constitution. Tell me how special this court order from the supreme court is and what it meant to your mentor, your judge friend in NY. Ed: back when our case was supposed to go to the US Supreme Court, I received a letter a 1PM from the clerk of the court of the US Supreme Court that I had until 4PM that afternoon to get the documents to the court or it would be out, gone. I called up and said that it was 1:30 and how could I get to Washington DC by 4PM let alone draw up something and get it there by 4PM. I was advised to submit a motion to Justice Thurgood Marshall whose signature is on this document and see if they would agree to give us an additional amount of time. Fred: this was before fax machines so how could you get it in before 4PM? Ed: they told me they would make a note that they would give us a few days to get the letter down there so we completed it that day and got the request to them and when this came back I was rather shocked. As you see it know this paper was on a blue manila weight paper folded up and it was an order.
Ed: My attorney got excited at legal services. I showed my mentor, the judge in Syracuse and he got excited and took off to show the other judges. This is a special order from the supreme court. He said to me, “do you know what this means? This is the 393rd special order that the court has issued all the way from the beginning.” Now I understood I was in good company and Justice Marshall believed we should have an opportunity to get our argument to them to get this case heard. We progressed to 1986 and after my appearance before the grand jury I waited and waited. I filed the paperwork again and asked the court to reopen it again for this court case for fraud upon the court which is the most serious crime meaning that you have lied to a judge, affecting the judge’s decision. All I got out of it was this: a 2nd federal court order signed from the 2nd district court in NY out of Syracuse signed by Howard G. Munsen. Here is the 2nd federal court order. These federal court orders are worth about as much as a roll of toilet paper. These things mean nothing. If a federal judge issues a court order, that should be it. But, it isn’t. And, if someone doesn’t obey a court order they should be arrested for not obeying the court order. But, nothing gets done. So we went from 1986 to 2001 and I have the patience to not give up and I just hung in there because I believe that liberty and justice for all. I’m from near Philadelphia and I’ve been to Independence hall. I hugged the liberty bell because I’m an American, this is my country and you don’t do this to me by stabbing me in the back. There are people like me that won’t give up and fight for years and I’m fighting for other veterans out there where they care or not or have the means or not.
Ed: I finally got to court in 2001 and I was in Montana and submitted this to court again. This time thanks to a friend in the federal judiciary who said I only needed a couple of documents to prove that the government lied. The Air Force admitted they had no proof that they had corrected any of my records for 25 years. That was fraud upon the court. I gave this to a judge in Montana and in 2001, 2002 went by. So Sept 4, 2001 and we went back and forth with motions and filing briefs. I kept putting more and more documents on them other than the two that I submitted. I attached the court order from NY and I kept showing proof. I was doing this and had no lawyer. I tried to get one in NY, MO, MT, IL, OR and I would car the BAR association of each state and ask for the names of 40 lawyers. That was my limit. I would call the lawyers and try to find one who would help with this. Some of them said come in and let me see it and then they would say they didn’t want to get involved in this. I was a combat veteran and I was asking them what the problem was and I had to do this on my on. I know when I need an attorney to get this through. In 2001 I had this evidence and the US govt. called Ft. Harrison, MT the regional office and told them to destroy a 536 page transcript submitted to any court clerk. That is a 5 year prison sentence (destroying transcripts).
Fred: who ordered the destruction of the transcript? Ed: I believe the US Attorney’s office in Billings, MT ordered that. Why would someone in the VA just select that file and pull and shred documents? Someone had to contact them to go to that box and pull and shred the documents. Page 63 of this transcript was the very same document the government said would never show up again and here was the VA with that document submitting that to the court of Appeals in Washington DC. This was an agency submitting this to a federal judge; the evidence doesn’t get any better than that. Guess what? The transcript was destroyed. The same person at the US Attorneys office told the person at Ft. Harrison to fill out a claim on Crosby for Frostbite and stick that in his records. So, they did this. Next thing, I get a letter from the VA saying they needed more information about my claim for frostbite. I told them I never opened a claim for frostbite. Letters went back and forth for 6 months. I finally filed a complaint with the VA inspector general and he came and investigated this in MT. he found out that this document had been filled out and my signature had been forged. I believe that was done and that was character assassination of a litigant because now someone could go to the judge and say that they had another one of those crazy Vietnam vets there. How do get frostbite in Vietnam? The other thing they determined was that someone had done something funny. The head guy in that office, William Peterson was transferred from Ft. Harrison to Kentucky. So they knew something had happened so they got rid of him.
Ed: what I lack is the funding to get a lawyer in Kentucky to depose William Peterson. We know that the evidence was there and we finally got a letter from the VA that we have looked for the records and the 536 page transcript submitted to any court clerk is missing and we cannot find it. In most federal courts when you go to a judge and say that it appears that the evidence of which they were the custodians—I didn’t have it, they did, and it disappeared. The judge would award you the benefits because they no longer had the records and they had destroyed the evidence. Fred: to this day nobody has acted on that destruction of evidence or ruled to your benefit. Ed: I submitted a motion to compel and I wanted to know if the US Attorney had called William Peterson at Ft. Harrison. What day? I want to see the US Attorney notes. Peterson had an affidavit sent down for the record as though he were some expert on these code numbers. After reading his affidavit you would ascertain that he wasn’t qualified to talk about the code numbers. Ed: That is what happened and nobody answered my motion to compel. In this particular case, and this is the case that went to the 9th circuit court of appeals and you can see the docket numbers from 2002 and I point out in my argument that it is my brief and I submitted the motion to compel. Nobody answered it and I have been told by judges and law professors that when you submit a motion to compel, the court is compelled to make the other side deliver. They never bothered to answer it. These are the shenanigans that I have faced with a very corrupt judicial system. When I look back Article 3, section 1 of the US Constitution says –it doesn’t say lawyer or attorney, and there are supposed to be lay people sitting on the bench. And they are to be dressed in a red robe and not a black robe. Do you know why? Red is for the blood that has been shed on the battlefield to defend liberty and justice for all. There is one judge in the country, and he is a lawyer, who wears a red robe and you don’t hear much about him. The constitution doesn’t say “lawyer, attorney, BAR association.” We can clearly state that the BAR association and lawyers have control of our justice system and they have no constitutional authority to sit on the bench. So, what are they doing by controlling it?
Fred: I have heard that the BAR Assoc are not registered with anyone in the 50 states. They are private associations and they have no licensure from any state. Bar licenses are simply BAR cards coming from a private association to the member. Ed: that’s a pretty interesting subject in and of itself. Fred: so the state basically has no jurisdiction over these. Ed: that is correct. It would be easy to take back our justice system, but one thing and you spoke about it before. We can do something about these secret code numbers. One way is if congress said that every veteran goes to the nearest VA hospital and give their name, birthplace, birthdate and thumbprint. That would be every veteran who is being paid money right now. This needs to be a VA hospital, not a regional office. If they have a claim pending they should also go in and identify that. Is want people who receive a pension check and a disability check to go in and do this now.
Stopped at 1:14:09 (1:30:44 total).
Ed: I’ll bet when you do this audit like Lee suggested, when we do this that this particular thing will come up that shows all this money going out, but we only have this many people collecting checks. There is something wrong. With this court case if we pursue this from a legal point of view, I believe and I’ve done a lot of research, looking, thinking and the way to do this would be to sue the American BAR Assoc for $120 Billion as a hate group and a terrorist organization. There is man in AL from the Southern Poverty Law Center who makes a living going around and suing hate groups around America. We could sue them as a hate group for genocide and war crimes. I have those sections of law and one law is very particular. It says that if anybody commits a crime against a veteran of the US within or without the US it is 10 years, or you could be shot; for genocide you get 10 years in jail for carrying out genocide. That law got sneaked by us in Washington. Think about it: they could kill 1 million people and all they get is 10 years in jail. That is absurd. If someone robs a store and shoots someone they will get life in prison. This is weird that this is going on.
Fred: I want to adopt a veteran. Can I adopt you? I’m not a veteran, but I want veterans to get connected. Come on Lee let’s round up all these veterans and let’s get them documents. Ed: US Code Title 18 chapter 58 section 1091 on genocide: whoever in a time of peace or a time of war in circumstances described in subsection (d) … offenses committed within the US: ‘kills members of that group, causes serious bodily injury to any members of that group subjects members of that group to life that are intended for the destruction of the group in full or in part…” this is US law and it’s talking about veterans. This is law that says that genocide is being carried out right now against the veterans by these documents you see in front of me. Where are the lawyers in America who should be protecting their BAR Association and their livelihood who would step forward and say that this gentleman is right and he has all this stuff and people are being branded with numbers and systematically eliminated. At what point do we stand up and speak out? Or, the American people will have absolutely no faith in our justice system and they will start another one. That might be the only way to go. We thought about how we would start a new justice system and not get in any trouble. We thought about it but we would prefer to sue them because we believe that money should come from reparations from lawyers whose job it was to protect us. When the protector doesn’t protect, then that person should pay. It’s that person’s responsibility and we don’t want him to point to another and say that he did it. We have heard enough of that.
Ed: it was in your lap, on your desk, in front of you and you couldn’t make a fair and just decision. You made a decision based on politics and look what you have done; you have outdone Hitler. You saw the paperwork that says 26 million veterans got a code number. Here’s one question to your viewers: if you have all those documents there that say corporations, life insurance companies why aren’t they using them to give a disgruntled employee or someone who found out what was going on—do they say get rid of that employee and give him one of those code numbers? It is my belief that 50 to 70 million civilians have these numbers also. The US civil service commission is that nation’s largest employer and they give these code numbers out.
Fred: this could be beyond the veterans and we could all be attacked by this. Ed: sure, your children and your grandchildren. It touches without you realizing it and you can go along for years before it comes up. These Iraqi vets are finding out how bad the VA is. They lose their leg. We already knew about this and you didn’t pay attention. This is such a bad thing because I can look at old movie reels of Nazi Germany where they branded people with numbers and sent them off to camps and killed them. They are doing the same thing here in my country.
Lee: what criteria are you using for these numbers and how do we have the statistics on where these people are located? Is this from the top, the 10%? Fred: we will have to wrap this up. This story has to be out there and veteran’s have to get this. We have to get it out on the internet and on google and the blogs. We have to get this out on video and you-tube. Ed you are a true patriot.
The author of this story, Edwin Crosby, served in the USAF from 1966-1971. He volunteered to go to Vietnam, and served in MACVSOG, 15th Special Operations Squadron, Nha Trang, AB, RVN from November 1968 to June 1970.
His lawsuit began in March of 1976, having discovered in February of 1976, he had a BAD 'Spin Code' number. The case was originally filed in the US District Court, Northern District of New York, Syracuse. He has been fighting this case on behalf of all veterans and has been instrumental in having D.O.D. change the DD-214 many times to prevent future damage to other veterans.
Beginning JUNE 11, 1956, under D.O.D. Instruction 1336.3, DOD ordered the military departments to begin putting a coded number on the main employment reference document of veterans. This document known as the DD-214 is intended to be presented to employers by veterans seeking employment and benefits.
According to Plaintiff's Exhibit NO: 6, D.O.D. Instruction 1336.1, dated September 1, 1966, SUBJECT - Standardization of Forms for Report of Transfer or Discharge of Members of the Armed Forces of the U.S., there were to be 8 or more copies of DD-214 made. Copy one to the veteran, other copies eventually went to State Adjutant General, VA Data Processing Center, Austin, TX., State Director Selective Service, Nat. Military Records Center, St. Louis, Mo.
As of 1977, nearly 20 million veterans had a coded number. This is SHOCKING as in 1974 D.O.D. told Congress that only a couple hundred thousand had a code number. Moreover, in 1974 DOD told Congress they would stop the " SPN " coding system, however, in 1972, they were already changing the system to " SPD " ( separation program designator ). They deceived Congress and the American People. Millions of veterans with an Honorable Discharge have a " BAD " coded number.
Plaintiff's Exhibit NO: 19 is the " infamous corporation questionnaire ". These are major corporations admitting to having the codes and using them against veterans. I am the only one to have this due to litigation, as it is locked up in Congress under a " Classified " coding. Banks, life insurance companies, State Gov't & Federal Gov't Agencies have them as well. Lists of the codes were sent to FAA, ( federal aviation admin. ) HUD, ( housing & urban development ) Office Personnel Management.
One corporation admitted that the VA has told us this is not confidential and they will send us a copy. Amazing! There are Congressional Records available to read on this matter. As Congress attempted once to pass a law regarding the use of the coded numbers, however, this failed to pass.
Have you ever gone to a VA Hospital and had the doctor attempt to send you to the psychologist or psychiatrist ?? Your coded SPN was probably the reason why, and you did not even know, moreover, there could be nothing in your military records saying you had seen a psychologist, but, that did not stop them. One of the most given out codes was SPN-265 or SDN-265, which says, unsuitability, character & behavior disorders.
There were 5 main categories; unsuitability, unfitness, misconduct, homosexual, or, any reason based upon mental or moral issues. Then under each category, they piled on a bunch of numbers and meanings. i.e. SPN-384, Drug Abuse, Marijuana or Heroin. And get this, those veterans who signed up for " DRUG AMNESTY " you got a code number, SPN-384, YOU GOT NO AMNESTY !!! You got screwed.
Here are some things I have discovered over the years: (1) the State of N.Y. denied me the right to take a Civil Service Test because the State Employee punched my SSN into a computer and pulled up my military records ( they are not supposed to have them ) then said there is your code, sorry, NO TEST. It was the very same code number the Gov't said in Court would never surface again, they corrected the records, RIGHT, they did nothing. (2) VA'S Board of Veterans Appeals sent a 500 page transcript regarding my 19 year old claim for disability over to the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals, on page 63, there was the same DD-214 the Gov't said would never surface again, RIGHT, they did nothing. Have you had trouble getting benefits with VA ? Try this on for size, someone else has your claim number, a phony or ghost, and they get your money ! (3) VA employee tells me someone else has same number as you, that's impossible, or, is it ?? (4) a U.S. Senators aid here in Montana tells me this doesn't exist, it is a rumor, yep, sure, then I say, I am the one who took lawsuit to US Supreme Court, well now, all of a sudden its no longer a rumor, and does exist.
I have lived in Upstate NY, Missouri for 8 months, Illinois for 16 months, and now Montana 9 months. Everywhere I go, I speak to veterans, or, meet with them to tell them what is going on. On Sept. 29, 2001, I attended a " Veterans Standdown " here in Billings. I set up a table, and 7 vets came by with their DD-214 ( others did, but did not have DD-214 with them ). Vet NO: 7 had a code I never saw before, advised him to write to service branch he was in and ask, the other 6 veterans had an HONORABLE DISCHARGE, and ALL had a rotten coded number. What was alarming was all 6 said there was nothing in their military records to indicate they should have had that code. They were stabbed in the back.
In 1984, I submitted a PROPOSAL to the VA under PUBLIC LAW 98-160, National Needs Assessment of Vietnam Veterans. I had the support of the National Council of Churches, and the N.Y. State Council of Churches. I won that GRANT ! My Grant called for " CHAPLAINS " not psychologists who are lying to veterans about this PTSD stuff, when the coded SPN, SDN, or SPD code is responsible for many, many problems. The White House took it away. The Church folks got on a plane and lit out for Washington. Some deal was struck, think it was Veterans Outreach Centers, whatever.
You must find out what your coded number is, remember, if you were discharged before 1974, you automatically have one, after 1974, it went on the other 8 or more copies of DD-214, and your still dead meat.
What angers me most is the American Legion & V.F.W. They remain silent on this matter. I was a service officer for Am. Leg. in N.Y. I actually got fired for helping veterans and widows win their benefits. I file a claim, and they had to reinstate me. I resigned 2 months later, having been cut off from those items I need to help veterans with.
Here is my email address; ECROSBY1@rochester.rr.com if you have any questions, want to see copies of these documents, give me a FAX number, will send them to you, with your promise to show them to other veterans, or help a vet with one of these codes.
Currently, I am reopening this lawsuit here in Billings, Mt. The Judge should make some sort of Decision by the end of April, at least I hope he does. The smoking gun is there, however, the corruption within our Justice System is outrageous. I sent a criminal complaint to the FOREMAN of the Federal Grand Jury here on March 1st, 2002. The US Attorney intercepted it. Charges, GENOCIDE & WAR CRIMES, both under TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 50A, SECTION 1091, and, TITLE 18, PART 1, CHAPTER 118, SECTION 2441. Those of us who have these codes fall directly under the wording of these 2 sections of law. We are being systematically eliminated because thieves want to rip off the VA for billions of dollars. Well, screw them.
For those veterans who do not like to be stabbed in the back, and you are looking for a way to fight back, there is the BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS. It requires one piece of paper, a Gov't Form, and a very good statement of case. That is to say, on my DD-214 is a coded number, there is nothing in my records saying I did what the code says, you have blacklisted me, stabbed me in the back, character assassinated my good family name. Under TITLE 10, Section 1552, you are entitled to be paid for an " injustice ". That is what you are claiming. I would look on an internet library such as Cornell Univ. and make copy of that law: http://www.law.cornell.edu
Do not be afraid to get some help, however, be careful as any vet rep may try to talk you out of it. You have been stabbed in the back, make sure you get some Justice.
Edwin Crosby III ECROSBY1@rochester.rr.com UPDATE - November 2, 2002
By Edwin Crosby III
As of this date, November 2, 2002, Mr. Crosby has file the last BRIEF/REBUTTAL with the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Crosby is trying to reopen the SPN, SDN, SPD coded number lawsuit he took to the U.S. Supreme Court. A U.S. Federal Judge in Billings, Mt. denied his request to vacate or set aside the original Decision based on SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. This is incorrect under 28 U.S.C. 1331.
Moreover, the U.S.A.F. and the Gov't lawyers now claim they DID NOT have to obey the two (2) U.S. Federal Court Orders issued to them as the Judge did not list each and every DD-214 the Government generated, nor, list each and every electronic data bank ( computers ) this coded number was sent to, including State & Federal Government Agencies. Is that lame or what ??!!!! Twice Federal Judges said to correct ALL the RECORDS, now they use a lame excuse like that. Hopefully, other Judges will not buy that theory.
Should the 9th Circuit Court refuse to do anything about this sordid matter of branding human beings with coded numbers for the purpose of systematic elimination, veteran Crosby is going to Canada and request political asylum based on GENOCIDE. Currently under U.S. law, TITLE 18, Part 1, Chapter 50A, Section 1091, GENOCIDE, veteran Crosby and any other veteran in the Untied States with one of these coded numbers falls under this law as a victim. Moreover, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 118, Section 2441, WAR CRIMES, veteran Crosby and any other veteran with one of these codes also falls under this section of law as a victim.
Once the international community sees the proof of this branding of human beings with numbers in America, only one thought will be forthcoming, this is what happened in Nazi Germany, now its going on in America. Who is responsible for this Holocaust 2, look no further than the Justice System, controlled by a secret society, the BAR ASSOCIATION and its members, LAWYERS. The framers of the U.S. Constitution left the word lawyer out of the Constitution and for good reason. NOW we see that reason, decades of systematic elimination by a corrupt justice system.
It is shameful that State Veteran Agencies have not told veterans about this coded number, even more shameful is the theft of monies from the Veterans Administration via the use of the coded number. Brother veterans, thieves are criminals, and have NO HONOR. If more of you sought legal redress for this outrageous conduct towards Americas Veterans, something wonderful would happen. Liberty & Justice For All would become reality. Pledging allegiance to the flag ends with the words, with Liberty & Justice For All, and many have died upon the battlefield for just that. Will you Honor those who died by telling other veterans about this sordid matter? Will you write a letter to these so called veterans service organizations and ask them why they keep their mouths shut on this matter ??
Legally, this is the last opportunity before the world knows about this. Sites like this one have given you an opportunity to learn about what has been done to you and other veterans, and thankfully, there are sites like this one.
Edwin Crosby III
ehcrosby7@att.net .as of 2011
Ed Crosby filed a complaint with the V.A. Inspector General regarding a matter about FROSTBITE. The V.A. Inspector General investigated this phony claim and said, "...the erroneous claim for frostbite was removed from Mr. Crosby's file as he did not open such a claim ". VA Regional Office Manager at Ft. Harrison, Mt. , filed this FALSE CLAIM by forging Mr. Crosby's signature upon official Gov't documents designed to CHARACTER ASSASSINATE a litigant. Moreover, it was also discovered that the MAIN PIECE OF EVIDENCE in the lawsuit, a legal transcript submitted to any Federal Court Clerk, had been removed from the Official File and destroyed. THEREFORE, with the evidence destroyed, the Courts had no choice but to say, no subject matter jurisdiction. Criminal complaints have been filed with FBI, nothing done to date. Lastly, someone in the US Attorneys Office in BILLINGS, Mt. called Ft. Harrison Regional Office and told them to destroy the transcript and open a phony claim to discredit Mr. Crosby. V.A. moved one William Peterson, Regional Office Manager, Ft. Harrison, Mt. to a Regional Office in Kentucky. Can you believe it, he was not arrested !!!! We have the evidence, where is our Judicial System ?????
Edwin H. Crosby III
Vets Finally to Get Justice
Edwin Crosby III
On JULY 13, 2011, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the military BCMR’S ( Board For Correction of Military Records ) were arbitrary and capricious, committed an abuse of discretion, and violated matters of law.
Wilhelmus v. Geren, Civil Action No: 09-662, 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 75020
U.S. Federal Judge James E. Boasberg in his Memorandum Opinion under “ B “ PRECEDENT, stated; “Defendant ( ARMY BCMR ) first responds that the ABCMR is not bound by precedent because it is a board of equity. Defendant has not cited a single case in support of this novel legal argument “. Moreover, “ it is axiomatic that an agency must treat similar cases in a similar manner unless it can provide a legitimate reason for failing to do so “.
KREISS III, 406 F.3d at 687
Again quoting Judge Boasberg; “ Even if the ABCMR is not required to distinguish every similar prior decision, the need to consider relevant precedent becomes especially acute when a plaintiff has pointed to a specific prior decision as very similar to his own situation. In such cases, the Board may not simply ignore such precedent for the sake of expediency “.
Late last year, this writer posted up two (2) stories on VETERANSTODAY, one, “ BCMR’S Seriously Failing Their Mandate to Veterans “, and the other, “ Report says BCMR’S Flying Blind, No Pilot “. Thanks to this latest Court Decision,
WILHELMUS v. GEREN, this writer was spot on the mark with FAILURE TO FOLLOW LEGAL PRECEDENT. The legal term, “ stare decisis “ means to stand by and adhere to decisions and not disturb what is settled. In CASEY v. U.S. 8 Fed. Cl.Ct. 234 (1985) Judge YOCK ordered that veterans with a BAD SPN, SDN, or SPD code, should have had a DUE PROCESS HEARING before Discharge.
ALL veterans who submitted a claim with the military BOARDS from 1986 to NOW, if you had a BAD CODE and were not told, you can have your case placed back before the BOARD for reconsideration based upon “ ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS, ABUSE OF DISCRETION, and INJUSTICE “. While acknowledging the existence of a prior case, the BCMR here entirely failed to distinguish it or to justify why the outcome in this case was different.
Since everything has been turned into an adversarial matter when it comes to veterans requesting justice for errors against their person, whether V.A. or correction of military records, veterans must now be made aware of LEGAL DECISIONS that effect how they proceed with their claims. Finding knowledge in the law is not a sin, it is however, beneficial to winning a claim submitted by the veteran, and having brother veterans like this writer ( Edwin Crosby ) who gather data to help vets with claims of INJUSTICE against their person is why we stick together helping one another.
For the BCMR stories, as well as, the WILHELMUS court decision go to:
veterancourtcodes.com and look under the word PAGES on the right side of the site. APFN.org calls this site the best vets site on the internet.
FOR THE RECORD brother and sister veterans, there should be hundreds of millions of dollars there to pay for the injustice committed against American Veterans for branding them with a number without Due Process of Law. If the money is not there, then what happened to said monies ? This issue is for this writer something that veterans websites like VeteransToday should be investigating, i.e. where are the funds for pay BCMR claims from the CASEY case. In my opinion, monies spent investigating this sordid matter by websites who can step up to the plate would go far in helping veterans retrieve their LIBERTY RIGHTS lost to them in secrecy and abuse of discretion. In need of help or direction on how to proceed, contact veteran Crosby at;
ehcrosby7@att.net .