Monday, July 9, 2012

Health - Protect your heart with Turmeric

Protect your heart with Turmeric

Thursday, April 19, 2012 by: PF Louis
(NaturalNews) Turmeric and its major active ingredient curcumin are among the top most clinically studied spices and herbs today. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists 24 studies.

Western science is investigating via double blind placebo human test, animal testing (in vivo) and test tube petri dish culture testing (in vitro) what has been known and practiced for centuries by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic Medicine of India: Turmeric is a highly effective anti-inflammatory without adverse side effects.

Turmeric can be taken directly from its plant root or used in foods with powder ground from the roots. Turmeric is used in curries, giving curry its yellow color. Curries are a large part of Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines.

Curcumin extracted from turmeric and placed into capsules offers an inexpensive but intensely therapeutic method of using turmeric's active ingredient.

A recent study

A recent study involved heart bypass operation patients in Thailand. Dr. Wanwarang Wongcharoen led a research team from Chiang Mai University at the University Hospital. They studied 121 consecutive patients who had non-emergency bypass surgery at the hospital between 2009 and 2011.

They were all given one gram pills four times daily, three days before the surgery and five days after. However, half were given sugar pills (placebo group) and the other half was given curcumin capsules. Neither group of patients nor their doctors knew who was taking what. Only the research team knew.

The curcumin group had a 65% lowered risk from post bypass operation heart attacks. That group also showed significantly lower levels of inflammation and oxidative stress markers in their blood. The findings were published in the American Journal of Cardiology.

Turmeric and curcumin applications

Although curcumin capsules are considered ideal for extreme conditions, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends using whole root turmeric powders in food often for preventing inflammatory conditions, considered the root of most coronary, chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Cooking and adding black pepper or mixing the powder with fats like coconut oil helps digest the turmeric's curcumin, which is normally a bit difficult to assimilate. Curcumin capsules should be enteric coated to preserve the curcumin as it passes through digestive juices for assimilation by the small intestines into the blood stream.

Having heart surgery while being injected or fed all sorts of pharmaceuticals provides an intense breeding ground for cardiac inflammation. That's what made the Thailand study so dramatic.

Dr. Dwight Lundell, a retired heart surgeon with 25 years of experience with 5000 surgeries, asserted that inflammation is the root cause of heart disease, not cholesterol or fat. He determined this by actually viewing inflamed inner artery walls.

He explains that inflammation creates atherosclerosis (artery plaque), which occurs from ingesting too much sugar and HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup), toxic processed trans-fats, processed low fat foods, and an omega-3 to omega-6 imbalance.

He further asserts that reducing cholesterol with statin drugs is hazardous to your health, since much of the brain, nervous system, and cell walls throughout the body need cholesterol for their composition (

Turmeric and curcumin have also shown positive effects on preventing and reversing Alzheimer's disease and relieving many types of arthritic conditions (

Some studies indicate curcumin curbs cancer cell proliferation, even causing some of them to self destruct. There's quite a list of actual positive results from an inexpensive, effective and safe herb or herbal extract.

The fact that coronary disease is still the number one killer in the USA, it would be wise to avoid statin drugs' adverse effects, which includes death by heart failure, while consuming healthy amounts of turmeric powder or curcumin capsules.

Learn more:

Health - Cancer Treatment With Turmeic

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Woman Stuns Researchers by Overcoming Cancer with Turmeric Spice

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

While expensive cancer drugs linked to premature death and mega-tumors are pushed by many mainstream doctors as the only option outside of chemotherapy, a growing number of informed individuals are consistently opting to instead utilize natural methods that are known to conquer cancer cells and effectively negate the disease — without harsh side effects.

One such person, Vicky Stewart of Britain, chose such a path when she refused mainstream medical cancer treatments and instead began consuming powerful turmeric spice.

Despite excessive warnings from MD’s who insisted that Vicky would surely not recover using superfoods that are commonly touted as ‘woo’ and ‘ineffective medicine’ by pharma-backed doctors, Stewart found amazing success by altering her lifestyle and taking in extra amounts of superfoods like turmeric each day.

Stewart recalls to The Telegraph how her doctor repeatedly voiced concern over switching to a healthy diet full of turmeric to fight the cancer (one of many turmeric health benefits), telling her that it would do virtually nothing: “The doctors absolutely will not say that the diet is going to do anything to help the cancer in any way.”

Four years later with absolutely no mainstream treatments, she is still cancer free with no signs of it coming back. At the age of 44, Stewart is now the center of a major research project led by scientists who are downright fascinated by what she has done.

Research Shows Turmeric Spice is a Natural Cancer Fighter

While it is indeed fascinating, it should come as no surprise that Vicky healed herself naturally using turmeric and other lifestyle changes. In fact, copious amounts of research highlight the anti-cancer properties of turmeric (in many cases due to it’s active compound curcumin), and countless individuals have used it to aid themselves in the fight against many diseases.

Not only has peer-reviewed research by the UCLA shown that turmeric can naturally block the growth of cancer cells, but in more than 9 studies it was revealed that turmeric can reduce tumor size by a whopping 81%. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

So why is it so fascinating that a spice that has been used for thousands upon thousands of years by many South Asian and Middle Eastern countries as a ‘heal-all’ substance can actually stop cancer naturally?

As Stewart explains, turmeric has a unique ability (along with other great superfoods) to essentially cause cancer to regress in a number of ways. As she puts it, it essentially caused the cancer cells to ‘commit suicide’. Stewart explains to The Telegraph: “Turmeric kind of makes cancer cells commit suicide and ginger and garlic are great to cook with.”

Mainstream Health Organizations, Doctors Continue to Ignore the Evidence

Even in the face of such overwhelming evidence (whether it be studies that have been available for decades, stories like those of Stewart’s, or the prominent role of turmeric in multi-national cultures), mainstream health organizations and traditional medical doctors continue to cling to radiation and dangerous cancer drugs as the only possible option to ‘treating’ cancer. Just as Stewart’s doctor warned her that diet would do virtually nothing, despite saving her life and eliminating cancer from her body completely, these individuals will continue to assert that all alternative medicine is a joke.

In the same vein, cancer researchers will continue to be paid by charity walks and expensive non-profit events to ‘find the cure’ through invasive surgeries and pharmaceuticals. Turmeric, a dirt cheap alternative along with other nearly-free superfoods, are blatantly ignored as they cannot be patented and sold through Big Pharma’s proverbial commodity gates.

Thankfully, millions worldwide are waking up to this ‘old paradigm’ of health full of pharmaceuticals, surgery and sickness. In turn, they are utilizing life-saving techniques and foods to further their health without sacrificing both their finances and their health.

Explore More:
Beating Cancer with Nutrition – Turmeric Slows Spread of Breast Cancer
Natural Cancer-Fighting Spice Reduces Tumors by 81%
Turmeric Offers Powerful Anti-Cancer Benefits Without Side Effects
Turmeric, Curcumin Naturally Block Cancer Growth
Turmeric Shown to Cut Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk
Cancer Rates Can be Cut in Half with Lifestyle Changes
This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information. 

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Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 9, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 9, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 9-Jul-2012 03:46:21

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 9, 2012
Whatever you see going on outwardly or hear is happening, know that far more is taking place than what you are aware of. We are constantly helping our allies achieve their goals, and until the timing becomes urgent we avoid directly intervening. We will certainly be on watch to ensure our allies are safe, as although we know that the dark Ones are aware that their time is up they continue to represent a threat. Whatever delays have been experienced be assured that we make no change to our plans, and all intended actions will be completed. For us time does not have the same importance and using linear time is not how we operate, but so necessary for you to lead your lives.
For a start we see your victory as already having been achieved, so we know that regardless of what happens your future is assured. Corporations are floundering and businesses that are based on corrupt practices are being revealed for what they are. They are unable to withstand the heightened energies being beamed to Earth that are transmuting the lower energies that they thrive on. The truth is coming out every day, and people's eyes are being opened to the way in which they have been taken in by the plans of the Illuminati to enslave you. It is no longer possible and your civilization is taking part in a worldwide demand for extensive changes that will release you from the shackles placed on you. The US is the main focus for what is happening and by example will lead the world back to freedom and prosperity. It will not happen overnight, but nevertheless will be speeded up because of our presence.
The eyes of the Universe are upon you which is amazing for such a small planet to hold such interest, but what happens to you and Earth will have a resounding effect on it. You are so to say the last brick in the wall of change and the resultant Ascension that everyone is waiting for. When you entered the lower dimensions you knew that your role was extremely important to others, and you are greatly loved for the sacrifices you have made for them. Originally you were fully fledged souls of Light who knew you could experience the darkness and eventually still find your way back. So when you look at your fellow travelers please remember that in essence they are exactly the same as you. In Gods eyes no one soul is better than another, but simply at a different stage of experience.
Dear Ones keep your sight focused on your future, and where possible do not waste your time and energy on matters that belong to the old regime that is on its way out. Their fate is sealed and they will be removed if they attempt to prevent our plans going ahead. At present they still plot to delay us but it will not prove to be successful as we are fully aware of what they are up to. The leading players of the dark Ones are still being offered a means of surrender, and in one way or another they shall be removed. Once their influence and power is stopped, the whole cabal will fall apart and no longer be the threat that it still represents.
The Light that is permeating your world is lifting up more and more souls who have been completely held back by the lower vibrations, and they are slowly realizing the truth about their lives. They now realize how they have been prevented from a true understanding of the purpose of life, and are open to the truth that is being revealed. We shall certainly do our best to convey information to you all that will uplift your lives, and set you upon a path that opens the Light to you. At first you will find it confusing because of so many different opinions that are claimed to be the truth. As always we would suggest following your intuition, but teachers will arise upon the Earth who will be respected and followed because of their ability to convey the truth.
Let go of any distraction because of what is happening around you, and look to Ascension and beyond as it will be a magnificent period in your lives. From experiences of hardship. poverty and lack you will at last quickly find yourselves enjoying all of the advantages of being in a higher dimension. The cleanliness and purity of the air, land and seas will seem unreal after what you have already experienced. The brilliant colors and beauty of everything about you will clearly indicate that you are where all creation is expressed in its highest form. Harmony and balance will be found wherever you look, and peace and joy a natural part of life. Perhaps a most astonishing discovery will be that other life forms talk not just with each other, but also with you. It will all be far removed from what you have been used to, and a great joy to discover all you can about the higher realms.
Why concern yourselves about your present conditions when so much is about to change for the better in such a short time. Take it as it comes, because you have the ability to cope quite well after what you have already experienced. The uncertainty about your future has been removed so you can ignore any attempts to cause you a distraction. Sometimes it may come from within, from people who are as yet unaware of the truth. As you know already there are some with fixed beliefs, who still expect catastrophic events to occur in the last few months as a means of releasing them from the Earth as the Chosen Ones. Like any other soul they will experience what they have created for themselves, so you can allow them and others to speak their truth without being affected by it. It is not your place or indeed your responsibility, to change the beliefs of others, unless of course you are invited to do so.
As you learn the truth about life and how it functions you will understand that you must not interfere with another souls intent. Hence we often have to stand back and allow you to make your own way forward. It is your choice what you experience, and even in these end times you will have made your plans already. You may not know what they are in advance, but be sure that your Guides and other helpers are ensuring that it works out for you, so that you have the right experiences needed for your evolution. These may be chaotic times but they are still the outworking of the plan for your civilization.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we of the Galactic Federation of Light will be with you all the way to Ascension, and beyond. It is our duty and desire to see you home safe and sound.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Deleveraging to Continue

BREAKING NEWS: Deleveraging to Continue

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American and European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Deleveraging To Continue

by Tom Heneghan, 
International Intelligence ExpertSunday July 8, 2012
image ehowcdn. com
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the repatriation of collateral assets aka property rights, precious and industrial metals, as well as oil and natural gas holdings continues.

The LIBOR rate scandal is widening and now engulfing more worldwide banks, as well as the Bank of England, the German Deutsche Bank and including the Mellon Bank of New York.

Note: Again, folks, don't be fooled by any short term asset bubbles. These banks must now deleverage, sell their assets and create cash aka U. S. dollars.

P.S. The next shoe to drop in this scandal is the use of the LIBOR rate spread to create artificial margin to manipulate foreign currency exchange rates in the nightly forex trading.

P.P.S. Both the Central Bank of Japan and IMF officials are currently in serious discussions with the U.S. Treasury about the irregular foreign exchange rates that were created by the fictitious LIBOR rate spread.

IMF and Central Bank of Japan officials have also told U.S. Treasury representatives to proceed with the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

In closing, we also want to bring to the attention of the American People the still extremely dangerous radiation threats that continue to threaten the American west coast from the damaged Japanese nuclear reactor.

Radioactive buckyballs from Fukushima invade California beaches

The Forgotten Man

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - July 8, 2012 'Star DNA'

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - July 8, 2012 'Star DNA'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Jul-2012 21:45:11

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - July 8, 2012 'Star DNA'
Genetic auditors are seamless processors of DNA and related materials that harbor genetic infusions of the materials that will construct and create a living organism such as the human vessel. Each of you has these genetic markers within your DNA strands, and it is these markers that will decide for you the mold which your body will take shape within. These genetic traits differ, of course, from individual to individual, and these genetic markers are passed down not only through the generations of ancestral family, but are also passed down from the higher realms above you in some cases. These genetic precursors for some of you have been gifted of you from beings of the higher realms. Not all your DNA that you possess at this time has been inherited by you from your human birth parents. Some of the DNA that some of you possess has been infused into your human DNA to give you traits, abilities and a personality of something more, something greater if you will, than what you would have possessed without this interaction and infusion.
We would like at this time to begin programs where we will reintroduce, if you will, your real birth parents to you. Many of you have parents that exist within the higher realms, and it is these parents that have bestowed upon you some of this star DNA that you possess within your human strands of DNA. Your scientists of your world have identified these, what for them, are unidentifiable strands of coded messages and have concluded that it is unidentifiable and they have labeled it ‘junk’ DNA, although junk is not nearly what this valuable resource is to you. What they have labeled as junk is a treasure beyond measure. It is you your past, your memories of your past, the being that you truly are and the genetic markers of your universal heritage and ancestry. This code that runs deep within you is incredibly valuable to you at this time, as it is what is leading you back to who it is you truly are and where it is you come from.
The study of human DNA has bona fide virtue, successes, breakthroughs, and has achieved certain levels of understanding for your people, your scientists and your researchers, but we wish to say to you that your level of understanding of DNA and all its powers, abilities and processes are far beyond the current understandings of even your greatest, sharpest and most visionary minds of the human species on your planet. We would like to begin to roll out educational programs where those of you who wish to take the next steps and learn so much more of these sciences that they have studied can do so under the tutelage of some of our top scientific minds and teachers in these fields. The knowledge that is available through these programs is unlimited, and those of you who wish to participate in these programs and lectures can do so. There are no minimum requirements and naturally, there is never a monetary fee. Each and all of you who are interested in any of the programs that we offer are free to enjoy them, to learn from them and to share this information with others if they find it enlightening, interesting, knowledgeable, and worth their time and effort.
Your DNA is one of the fields of science that we feel is a very good place to begin your higher dimensional studies, as so much can be explained to you once you have a firm foundation of understanding of this science and its related sciences and fields of study. One of the attributes of DNA that you may not currently understand is that DNA pulses at a rate that is sometimes beyond your frequency level of your current 3rd dimension. To understand this would be to imagine that some of your DNA exists beyond the measure of your current dimension and some of it exists within your current dimension. It is as if some of your DNA traveling down a strand will disappear from your reality and then again reappear at another section of your DNA strands. This has had your scientists and researchers baffled for many years now and would continue to confuse and stifle their research if not explained to them in some detail of what is the cause of this confusion.
We at this time do not feel this is the arena or the medium to share and discuss in great detail this subject matter, but we will say to you that as some of your DNA exists in a higher dimension, cannot some of you also exist in a higher dimension ? Would this not make sense of why some of your DNA contained within your physical vessel disappears and reappears at altering time signatures and frequencies? This is a key to unlocking greater understandings of your realities. We wish you to think about this and think about how many alternate realities you as an individual being may exist within at this very time as you take your next breath. The being that you are is multidimensional in nature. This means you exist in multiple dimensions, not throughout different time periods or intervals, but at one moment in what you understand as time, which we understand as only one moment, the now moment. You have many lives, many identities and many personas. You have many friends and many family, you have many different experiences, careers, loves, friends, dreams, homes, starship cruisers, everything and anything that a being is or experiences you possess on many different levels and even times of existence, as timelines are also a very integral part of understanding this whole.
We will at the appropriate time when we can speak personally with you explain in great detail all you would wish to learn and understand about this DNA and how you exist within multiple dimensions, time frames and places throughout this entire universe. For today, we will say that we know you far greater than you may believe. We may on one level be standing with you as we speak to you through our channel today. This is what we would like you to think about. We would like you to think about how you can be there and you can be here at the same moment, and we would like you to think about just what this reunion between our people and your people and the merging of our two dimensions really means for you in the greater sense, in the brighter and clearer picture. We look so forward for this day for many reasons and we feel this reconnection is one of the most important and essential outcomes to our entire mission here, and we wish for you to have clear insight into what we mean when we say this will truly be a reunion on many more levels than may be evident for you at this time.
Until we meet again, let us say being apart from you has been as if a part of us has been missing for a very long time. We are your higher dimensional friends and family. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

"Magnetic Gravity Technologies to be released worldwide"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, link: "Magnetic Gravity Technologies to be released worldwide"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Jul-2012 17:23:53

(Thanks, F. :)
Yes, we've had 12 posts about Keshe just since start of April. Anyone can use the 'SEARCH' link and place just 'keshe' in the keyword field and those will come up. :) I expect there are at least a few more in the Archive as well.
Reader F. writes:
I am sending you a link to a site that claims they have international patents for magnetic gravity technologies that offer free energy ultra high speed flight (ten minutes from Iran to NYC), a plasma reactor for free energy, and more. In the interest of world peace and a better life for all humanity, they are going to release the IP world wide for development and manufacture.
The guy who claims to have invented the technologies is Iranian. He says that 0bama has been aware of the technology for a couple of years and that he's trying to block it as a national security risk. It is interesting to note that Gordon Duff at VT has mentioned two or three times recently that an Iranian scientist had solved the free energy issue with a fusion reactor and that the war on Iran being planned by Israel and Iran and the Cabal is more about shutting down the free energy program and maintaining the oil economy than anything else.
I'm curious to know if anyone at RMN is directly aware of this Foundation? There is a lot on this site and it seems to be fitting a pattern of information.
Reader F

NOW, here is the biggie, branding human beings with a number to systematically eliminate them.


Hi, here's an exchange regarding DD214 numbers.and interesting that there's a lawsuit just filed. 

Here's what I have noticed and now I understand why.  When my husband goes to VA in Billings there are very few younger vets and quite a few older ones.  One might assume that the younger ones are healthier, the older ones are dealing with health challenges.  What I understand now is that the older ones have a more favorable SPN and not an unfavorable SPN, SPD, or SDN that takes their signed request for care, denies the care and monetizes the signature.  Take care and thanks for what you do.  

HOWDY,  this lawsuit was filed JUNE 28, 2012, and charges VA with GENOCIDE and RICO violations.  READ IT.  NOW,  about SPN, SPD, SDN codes.   SPN-201 is expiration of time of service.  Not a BAD code.  HOWEVER,  millions with an HONORABLE Discharge have gotten  a BAD code and there is nothing in the records to indicate that.  NOW, here is the biggie,  branding human beings with a number to systematically eliminate them.  How in the hell can you justify that ?? EVER !!   This is what went on in Hitlers Nazi Germany and now here in America and NOBODY gives a shit.  Well, guess what,  your KIDS are getting the codes as well, right from  that so called guidance counselor at the local junior/senior high school, and the kids who take drugs in elementary school,  WELL,  there drugged out now aren't they.   I am amazed at how people can just find the simplest reason to act like this is no big deal.  It started in 1956, was discovered by the WATERGATE COMMITTEE when investigating where the REPUBLICIAN PARTY  (  C.R.E.E.P.  committee to re-elect the president )   was getting all those hundreds of millions from.  NOTHING WAS EVER DONE TO STOP THIS !!   50-90 BILLION  $$$ stolen from V.A.  why do you think there is this BACKLOG of claims for decades, they are the victims being stolen from.   If people would just ask a question about what they think they know, I could point out on my website    a document that would steer them straight.  You would be amazed,  its all there, and thats why I am listed on that lawsuit attached as the 2nd PLAINTIFF.   E.C.      Edwin Crosby
"  I am not a licensed Doctor or Lawyer.  Edwin H. Crosby III, disabled Vietnam Veteran, Constitutionalist;  Veterans/citizens rights activist; advocate Due Process Rights, US recognized. Have taken litigation to U.S. Sup. Ct. regarding secret codes placed upon all 26 million veterans.  This electronic mail and/or files, transmission is privileged and confidential and is intended soley for the review of the party(s) to whom it is addressed.  If you received this in error, please notify system manager. "

Could We Build Star Trek's Starship Enterprise?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Could We Build Star Trek's Starship Enterprise?
Posted By: TheInternaut [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 8-Jul-2012 18:42:11

Could We Build Star Trek's Starship Enterprise?
by Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
Since its first appearance on the original "Star Trek" series in 1966, the starship Enterprise has become a symbol for space travel. Recently, an anonymous engineer claimed that an approximation of this iconic ship could be built in the next two decades. But just how close is mankind to zipping through the stars at warp speed?
On the website, a self-proclaimed engineer who identifies himself only as "BTE-Dan" suggests that a working facsimile of the iconic ship could be built and launched over the next 20 to 30 years. The ship would require a few modifications, but would look a great deal like Captain Kirk's famous ship.
Read More @ »

Galactic Family Of Light Hathors Of Earths Solar Astral July 8 2012

The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Personal Astral Travels, Reality-Creating Energy Currents and the Infinity of Creation
Posted by Wes Annac
-Channeled through Wes Annac-

There are multiple, concurrent energies and structures of reality and energy alike, set up on your world and throughout this beautiful and intricate Creation, and suffice to say you have yet to know and understand fully just how many different types and threads of realty are currently existing and intertwining with your own.

You are all on Earth, wearing the filter and veil of the lower dimensions and as such, you do not perceive of the infinite and innumerable realms which constantly intersect with your own, as the higher realms are purposefully not made perceptible to an Earth soul [until one ascends] as dear souls, what is the point of you undergoing a lower dimensional experience if you are still perceiving the higher realms and thus having that illusion busted?

The way that your reality and your Lives function in general has much more to do with movements and intersections of energy than you realize, and we will be happy to 'step up' in the near future to inform you fully without any type of constraints upon our doing so, of the multiple different types and layers of energy which intersect with your reality and current experience.