Friday, July 13, 2012

Survey: On Wall Street, Crime Still Pays

Survey: On Wall Street, Crime Still Pays

By Tim Sprinkle | The Exchange – 13 July 2012
The financial services industry is nothing but a bunch of crooks, swindlers and con artists … at least in the view of many Americans. And it appears that this long-held but unfortunate stereotype may not be too far off the mark, according to survey results released this week by law firm Labaton Sucharow LLP.

In fact, things may be even worse than we realized.
The study, which polled 500 financial service professionals in the U.S. and United Kingdom, found that 24 percent of them believe that engaging in "unethical or illegal conduct" is necessary to succeed in finance, while 26 percent copped to having firsthand knowledge of shady dealings in their own workplaces. The survey also found that 39 percent of financial services workers believe their competitors have taken illegal or unethical shortcuts in their work. And remember, these respondents are speaking about their own chosen profession.
Just wait, it gets better.
A full 16 percent of respondents said they would commit a crime on the job (in this case, insider trading) if they knew they could get away with it. Sixteen percent! And what would motivate otherwise upstanding professionals to bend the rules to this extent? Not surprisingly, it all boils down to the money. A third of respondents said that they believe their firm's compensation plans and bonus structures create pressure to "compromise ethical standards or violate the law."
In other words: cheating pays.
"When misconduct is common and accepted by financial services professionals, the integrity of our entire financial system is at risk," said Jordan Thomas, partner and chair of the Whistleblower Representation Practice at Labaton Sucharow.  "In this era of corporate scandals, we must refocus our energies on corporate ethics and encourage individuals to report wrongdoing — internally or externally."
The report could not have come at a more unfortunate time for the industry, as Barclays is still reeling from its recent LIBOR fixing scandal and Iowa-based futures broker Peregrine Financial Group Inc. recently came under investigation over a $215 million shortfall in customer funds following its CEO's attempted suicide on July 9.
And who could forget former Goldman Sachs executive director Greg Smith's scathing resignation letter that appeared in The New York Times last March, in which Smith lambasted the firm's current culture, saying, "The interests of the client continue to be sidelined in the way the firm operates and thinks about making money."
Ah, the sweet smell of corporate corruption.

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

A Collection of Stories about Time Travel Experiences...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

A Collection of Stories about Time Travel Experiences...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 09:21:11

Time Travelers
By Stephen Wagner, Guide
See More About:
time anomalies
paranormal stories
Time machines might only be available in the movies, yet many people have experienced unexplained events that seem to be temporary but very real slips into the past and the future
Where and to what date would you go if you could travel through time? It's a question people have long enjoyed contemplating - the possibilities are so fraught with wonder and excitement. Would you watch the pyramids of Egypt being build? Join the spectacle of a gladiatorial battle at the Roman Coliseum? Catch a glimpse of real dinosaurs? Or would you prefer to see what the future holds for humankind?
Such fantasies have fueled the success of such stories as H.G. Welles' The Time Machine, the Back to the Future movies, favorite episodes of "Star Trek" and countless science fiction novels.
And although some scientists think that it might be at least theoretically possible to travel through time, no one (as far as we know) has devised a sure-fire way to make it happen. But that's not to say that people haven't reported traveling through time. There are many fascinating anecdotes from those who say they seem to have quite unexpectedly visited - if only briefly - another time and, sometimes, another place. These events, often called time slippages, seem to occur randomly and spontaneously. Those who experience these events are often bewildered and confused by what they see and hear, and afterward are at a complete loss to explain them.
Here are some interesting cases that will keep you wondering:
In 1935, Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard of the British Royal Air Force had a harrowing experience in his Hawker Hart biplane. Goddard was a Wing Commander at the time and while on a flight from Edinburgh, Scotland to his home base in Andover, England, he decided to fly over an abandoned airfield at Drem, not far from Edinburgh. The useless airfield was overgrown with foliage, the hangars were falling apart and cows grazed where planes were once parked. Goddard then continued his flight to Andover, but encountered a bizarre storm. In the high winds of the storm's strange brown-yellow clouds, he lost control of his plane, which began to spiral toward the ground. Narrowly averting a crash, Goddard found that his plane was heading back toward Drem. As he approached the old airfield, the storm suddenly vanished and Goddard's plane was now flying in brilliant sunshine. This time, as he flew over the Drem airfield, it looked completely different. The hangars looked like new. There were four airplanes on the ground: three were familiar biplanes, but painted in an unfamiliar yellow; the fourth was a monoplane, which the RAF had none of in 1935. The mechanics were dressed in blue overalls, which Goddard thought odd since all RAF mechanics dressed in brown overalls. Strange, too, that none of the mechanics seemed to notice him fly over. Leaving the area, he again encountered the storm, but managed to make his way back to Andover. It wasn't until 1939 that that the RAF began to paint their planes yellow, enlisted a monoplane of the type that Goddard saw, and the mechanics uniforms were switched to blue. Had Goddard somehow flown four years into the future, then returned to his own time?
Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, a medical doctor and an investigator of the paranormal, recounted to author Scott Corrales a story told to him by one of his patients, a 30-year-old woman, who came to him with a serious case of hemiplegia - the total paralysis of one side of her body. "I was at a campground in the vicinity of Markahuasi," she told him. Markahuasi is the famous stone forest located about 35 miles east of Lima, Peru. "I went out exploring late at night with some friends. Oddly enough, we heard the strains of music and noticed a small torch-lit stone cabin. I was able to see people dancing inside, but upon getting closer I felt a sudden sensation of cold which I paid little attention to, and I stuck my head through an open door. It was then that I saw the occupants were clad in 17th century fashion. I tried to enter the room, but one of my girlfriends pulled me out." It was at that moment that half of the woman's body became paralyzed. Was it because the woman's friend pulled her out of the stone cabin when she was half entered into it? Was half her body caught in some temporal vortex or dimensional doorway? Dr. Centeno reported that "an EEG was able to show that the left hemisphere of the brain did not show signs of normal functioning, as well as an abnormal amount of electric waves." (See Dimensions Beyond Our Own for more details on this story.)
more stoties:

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 13, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 15:54:59

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 13, 2012
There are delays as you see it, but much more is taking place all over the world. Our overall view and knowledge indicates that the end times are well under way. The immense resources about to be used will ensure success as planned, and with reports from several reliable sources you will soon be aware when the arrests become widespread. It will be the first big step towards clearing the way for everything else to take place. The main point is that it has commenced and will suddenly burst into large scale action. It will be of such an impact that by no means can it be kept quiet by those who hold back the real news.
What is encouraging and timely is that day by day many more people are beginning to question the actions of those in charge. They are seeing through the lies and cover ups and beginning to question what has happened in the past. That pleases us as it is loosening the controls the cabal have placed upon you, and the power they have exercised over you. People power is what they fear and it is gathering momentum as groups are being formed that really do have some impact. A most useful method of making your wishes known by way of petitions is now spreading. Let your voices be heard and it becomes more and more difficult for those you are targeting to avoid the issues. In just a few years your position has changed and the scales of justice are swinging your way.
Whatever peaceful means you use to get your leaders attention is acceptable, but please avoid hotheads taking over, and beware of infiltrators who are out to cause trouble within your ranks. For various reasons there are people who are against the changes, and in some cases it is a fear of our arrival. In time we will hope to have shown everyone that our intentions are pure, and that it is your interests we have at heart. Either way, provisions will be made for all souls and they will eventually find themselves progressing to the correct level. Bear in mind that your present Earth is also ascending, and only the souls that are ready can go with her. For all others their future is also assured and not one soul will be neglected, as all have their place in the Universe.
You are now in the last few months before the big day, and understandably some are questioning whether they should plan for the future beyond it. They ask about matters like investments or property ownership, and generally about lack and in many cases poverty. We ask you to now take matters on a day to day basis, as very soon many problems that beset you now will have been solved by the planned changes. Abundance and prosperity will soon answer your various needs, and eventually you shall want for absolutely nothing at all. Much is to follow after Ascension, but equally your desperate needs will be seen to as soon as possible. We are fully aware of what we need to do to make you happy and able to rest in peace, by knowing that we are authorized to do so. You will do your share working with us as we want you to be involved with us in a joint effort.
All planned is very near to commencing in a way that you will see what is happening, and be kept well informed. We know that so many of you are keen to get involved now, and depending on what skills you have you will certainly be drawn to other people who will be involved, if not directly contacted. By and large we need little help as the advanced computers we use can handle the most difficult tasks. However it would be nice to work together as we will be doing so for quite some time, even after Ascension. As our relationship progresses you will of course have advanced yourselves, and eventually be equal to the tasks ahead. As you must know by now in reality you are great Beings in your right, and it will not take long before you are back to levels that you used to enjoy.
In some ways you have led simple lives while on Earth, but the challenges you faced have furthered your evolution so fast. It may have been tough at times, but when you volunteered you knew that you could get through it. At all times help has never been far away and given to you in your hours of need. Your Angelic Guides have held your hands when facing danger, and often intervened to save you from death. You may well discover that they have done much more for you than you know, and yet they ask for nothing in return but nevertheless are grateful to receive your thanks. The purpose of your guides is to protect you when threatened unless of course it is part of your karmic experiences. They will also do their best to keep you on track so that you fulfil your life plan. So presently they know more about you than you do yourselves.
Ahead of you are many reunions to link again with friends who have not been in your current life, but have been in previous ones. Consider how many souls you have met and become good friends with over hundreds of lives, some much more lasting and closer than others. Even some who incarnate with you in the same families. It makes for loving experiences and links that are never broken. After Ascension, you will have moved into the higher dimensions of harmony, where all Beings relate to each other in loving energies and it remains that way. There is no cause or reason to be otherwise, and life is one of complete happiness.
The Earth is a most beautiful world, yet you have not seen it in her most glorious outfit and splendor. That is to come after Mother Earth has completed her cleansing and is able to return to a pristine condition. When you last experienced it was eons of time ago with civilizations that have long gone. So as you often say, the best is still to come and you will have a big hand in it. We feel that you are beginning to appreciate exactly what a momentous time it is to be on Earth. Indeed, a time to enjoy your release from all of the darkness you have encountered.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you that the Galactic Federation of Light applauds your approach to the end times, and knows that you now have the strength and resolve to see it through and claim the victory that is yours. Our Love and admiration goes with you forevermore.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Unseen footage of news reports for flight 93 - AMAZING

Unseen footage of news reports for flight 93 - AMAZING!

This is really interesting!

Eye witness reports and air video of the ground showing just a small crater and nothing else.

[link to]

A quote from the video says "There was nothing to distinguish that a plane had been there"

Nothing New About the New World Ogres

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Nothing New About the New World Ogres
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 06:12:26

by Zen Gardner
Let’s call this globalist bunch of evil parasitic miscreants what they are. Wherever they originate and whatever controls them, it’s the same old disgusting inhuman scum doing the same old thing.
And telling humanity it’s for their good.
“Now everyone, into the slaughterhouse, and let’s keep the noise down.”
New World Nuthin’
This NWO they’re marketing as some kind of flashy new “big idea” is just another throwback to the gory, glory days of the total tyrannical empires of the dark overlords of yore. They’ve been running this con for millennia under their self-ordained authority as supposedly deriving from sacrosanct bloodlines, presupposed aristocratic heritage rights, contrived financial and military advantage, or more recently under the cleverly crafted eugenicist cry of “survival of the fittest”.
It’s nothing new, it’s nothing so-called “advanced”, nor by any stretch is it something “progressive”.
It’s already in place and just as dark, controlling and sinister today as it ever was. And their planned final phase and full “revelation” of what these termites have been up to is just around the corner.

Meet the Ruling Faces of Evil

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Meet the Ruling Faces of Evil
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 06:14:23

by Zen Gardner
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With the human face it’s even more revealing, especially the eyes.
Politicians and many other public figures, if you’ve ever seen a professional one up close, have almost a waxen stiffness and sheen to their phony, memorized expressions, as well as eyes that emanate something wrong. Most public and power characters need to be caught off guard to reveal their true nature, but it’s not necessary. Usually it’s in plain sight.
To the intuitive, it’s always clear.
The eyes are the ‘windows of their souls’, while their expressions can also intermittently give away their true nature. But certainly, “actions speak louder than words.”
Here’s a quick selection of some current and past leaders, power brokers and influential people of questionable intent and deeds. My comments only serve to single out my impressions and not tell you what to think. This is my casual speculation, for your consideration and to provoke re-evaluation.
Look for the light in many of their eyes–it’s not there.
You might see something else though, something very troubling. Much of this is the opposition to humanity, conscious or unconsciously.
Here we go…hold on…

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Camelot Project from Erasmus of America

When I talk about my proposed Camelot Project with the bright and brilliant of America, they love the concept so much, it is like the movie A Field Of Dreams. "Build It And They Will Come!" I am like a Pied Piper with the very intelligent and brilliant of America. People who have God-given gifts in various fields usually find that the federal government and also too many times state governments as well believe that correct government for America is massive bureaucracies, countless regulations no one can easily or else seriously fulfill, and the chief junction of government in America is to be a legal tyranny in practice to suppress the super talented and geniuses of America. The magic word that can attact to me for this Camelot Project the greatest braintrust ever seen in human history is the word that founded America as a nation in 1776. This magic word is freedom which Wash., D.C. gives lip service to, but does not seriously believe in and especially to practice in America. I have talked with enough geniuses in America to supply a potential flood of new industries for America and skyrocket past China in the process. But with a bored yawn, Wash., D.C. both parties but the Democrats are worse, do not care to hear the cries of the brilliantly talented in America to give them freedom under law so they can bless America with their God-given talents. I have seen the deceitful attitude of too many lawyers elected or else appointed to government positions, claim they believe in legal freedoms, yet pass all the time "bread and butter" laws to keep the lawyers mass employed in America while crushing the genius of America under their endless decrees of legal tyranny as defined back in 1776. Perhaps the simpliest explanation of what tyranny is according to the American Revolution of 1776 is to use government to suppress the God-given rights of the American people to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 
     And there is such treachery in the hearts of too many key federal leaders in Wash., D.C. including members of  Congress. One of the pet schemes of many liberal leaders in Wash., D.C. is in the name of the environment to give away apparently up to 50% of all the land of America to the United Nations, the American people are kicked out of their homes and nice apartments, and herded like cattle into anthill concept settlement cities where they will be monitored by federal supervisors day and night just as Fidel Castro did when taking over Cuba and assigned Comrade Supervisors to spy on and supervise the lives of all the people in the apartment buildings or living elsewhere. Same thing done in prior Czarist Russia once the Communists took over. Communist committees spied on and regulated all living spaces inside Russia. Everything was nationalized. A backup position of key traitors in Wash., D.C. is to make American debt so colossal, it creates the legal excuse for these traitors in power in Wash., D.C. to sign away up to all of the land of America to China, Japan, and other key foreign sources America owes colossal debt to because of a totally irresponsible and criminally run fiat system of money based on hot air for backing instead of at a minimum monetizing the assets of the nation or else backing it with gold. However, a British economist once did a cold-blooded study of gold backing of money across the world. Maybe Czarist Russia was the only nation that ever backed their money with 100% of the value of gold for that time in history. Britain, America, and others used gold as a symbolic asset to back money with, but statistics gathered by this British economist showed that gold was used to maintain public confidence in the national money, but did not back anywhere near all the paper money, etc.  put into circulation.
     Wash., D.C. hides it but there is enough hidden wealth spun off of Washington corrupt policies to pay off the national debt and maybe all the state debts as well. While it is tempting to repudiate the national debt of America and by constitutional doubletalk tell the foreigners to jump into the lake, when the entire world economy collapses, this maybe would not be such a bright idea to do after all. Because when the American economy crashes with all the foreigners, don't blame God for smashing the American economy when Americans listening to demagogues such as Obama and associates rather than economic statesmen did everything wrong with the national economy. I am a very bright boy in national economics and can pull in many other bright economic brains in America. I always check my proposed answers in economics by discussing with other bright economic brains the pros and cons of actually doing this or that policy for America. Others agree that the answer is sound or else we add to the answer to make it the sound, right answer we want for America. In Important decisions in national fields, I lean towards the idea of Gen. Eisenhower in World War II to listen to all the bright military commanders, carefully evaluate and act more as a chairman rather than outright supreme commander of all the Allied Forces. I am not afraid of supreme command decisions, but I like strong feedback from other smart and brilliant brains before committing to the decision that strongly affects the future of America whether in military, economics, science, technology, legal policies, etc. I was written up years ago by a very prestigious international organization as "The Einstein of American Economics," but I strongly prefer the old German concept of the smartest leadership around is to be a collective braintrust of the very smart to brilliant and committed to common action once we see the best answer available.I am not afraid to be a leader, but I want to be a leader with the right and best answers available to serve my people with. If I were in control, I would fire Obama from national leadership. He stinks in judgment in matters of national economics. He has a long list of economic policies he is pushing that collectively have the potential to mass bankrupt America as a nation and maybe America never rises as a nation again after Obama is done with his dumb ideas in national economics. His coming service fee on all checks written in America he is hiding from you until the national election is over is the exact reverse of what Jesus Christ taught to do with money. Jesus taught how to engineer mass prosperity in America with what I have named Jesus Money which has been spectacularly successful in history every time used. Obama in his believed much greater wisdom than Jesus Christ proposes the exact reverse monetary policy of Jesus to boom the economy of America. I suggest Obama stop listening to Satan so much and associates so much and maybe learn smart economic answers from the Bible which have worked when used in history.
     Having given the background why I became so sold on the idea of establishing this Camelot Project in America, I was impressed with my forefather Constantine the Great who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire and saved the Christians from annihilation as was planned as soon as the pagan Roman leaders defeated Constantine which did not happen fortunately in history. Constantine the Great saw moral decay in Rome that he could not turn around, so took Byzantium in Asia Minor, rebuilt it as Constantinople and it became the new Rome of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire and survived for over 1,000 years until heavy Turkish cannons finally collapsed its giant walls and the streets of Constantinople were flooded with the blood of Christians slaughtered by the Turkish soldiers in the name of Islam. And maybe the finest church in Christianity in the world then was soon afterwards turned into a Moslem mosque.
     I propose to build a great community in North America which I will call Camelot. The name is symbolic but I do apparently descend from the Joseph of Jerusalem related to Jesus Christ who buried Jesus Christ in his family tomb. And this same Joseph the Tin Merchant of the Roman British Isles is supposed to have been a forefather of King Arthur of Camelot and some others of the Round Table of Camelot. So it appears I descend from the Joseph family related to Jesus Christ. This Camelot will in architecture look a bit like the Camelot shown in the movie First Knight which is the only decent version of a Camelot I have seen in any of the Hollywood movies. However, this will be much bigger, better, and in many ways like a Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It will be a great tourist attraction and the stores within will look medieval but very colorful and pretty. A Camelot theme, but the stores can carry modern electrical appliances, etc. or whatever the public wants to find in them. We will likely sponsor some medieval style joursts of knights on horses, ladies having fun playing the roles of the fine ladies from medieval palaces, etc. wearing very fine medieval garb for noble ladies back then. In other words, there is to be a fun atmosphere to this giant community I intend to build.I will use an old trick Walt Disney did and bring in many contractors and assign each a special not-too-large section to build and we can already have this tourist attraction location partially operational maybe even within 90 days of starting construction. Four of us inspected the area we want for this Camelot location and judge we can make this area one of  the  most beautiful locations found anywhere in the world. Tourists will love coming here.
    Now  there is shrewdness to this policy. I propose building the biggest and best research and development center ever seen in human history. Even for our incredibly bright brains I will draw to this Camelot, they and their families will love living in the area. The wives will love the shopping, their kids can get the best education seen anywhere in the world there, all sorts of cultural events to entertain the people with, some great museums there, fabulous apartments for our citizens there, great houses and  lands close by, great gardens for the public borrowing some of the smartest ideas from England and elsewhere. I think I know where the drinking cup of Jesus Christ from the Last Supper is hidden and if correct, will see if I can arrange for this to be bought to Camelot and also other things people will want to see. Now in all this colorful and enjoyable . And while very medieval and colorful in appearance will be some castle type structures which I judge correctly done castles can give the maximum security for top secret projects of ours seen anywhere in the world. We will create the answers that keep America popping out with new national industries, millions of new jobs if the American people need jobs and good pay, and by skillful protection of our trade secret processes we will develop, will solve the major technological problems of the world and become the undisputed industrial leader of the world. America will once more seriously lead the world in industry and we can spread prosperity and a wonderful life in all of America to all of the American people who we will bless with our countless new answers and improvements to the economy and American Way of Life. But bureaucrats are the curve of the brilliant in any nation. We will be under our own community authority, not that of Wash., D.C. or state governments, though we will bless enormously finances for national government and state governments. There are many more details to this Camelot Project, but pass my Omni Law and this can happen for America. Look up the Omni Law and other reports of mine filed with Nesara Neww from May through July, 2012 to get a taste of the vision I have for America once my Omni Law is passed. Or send me an email and ask for a copy sent by email to you of my proposed Omni Law. Once we get the large finances, we will have a staff of people to work with the public in passing the Omni Law, organizing the Camelot Project in America once the Omni Law is passed, etc. And financial backing is welcome! Make checks out to NIFI, and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
      Okay folks, I have given you a far more powerful approach to the improvement of the American economy than Obama or Romney but Romney as a businessman would understand far better this Camelot Project, etc.  Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name until I come out nationally and address the nation over the internet, etc.)

The FDA is not keeping you safe, it is the danger

In the US, the FDA wants to control everything you put in your

But then, they walk hand-in-hand with 'Big Pharma' to approve drugs
that not only don't work, but are deadly.

They shut down small organic farmers and threaten produce growers
who link to medical sites offering peer-reviewed research on the
health benefits of real food.

The FDA is not keeping you safe, it is the danger...


- Brasscheck

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UN employs collective aggression towards national sovereignty.

The claim is that the United Nations would use collective force
against individual aggressors, however, a truer statement would be
that the UN employs collective aggression towards national

With several UN treaties being negotiated, including, but not
limited to, the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) and the Arms Trade
Treaty (ATT), it's time we take a closer look at organization we'll
be ceding our sovereignty too.

"It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' but an end
run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will
accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
- Richard Gardner

That's the U.N. deception...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

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New Jersey: Legislation to Nullify Obamacare

July 12, 2012

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Jefferson, Nullification

New Jersey: Legislation to Nullify Obamacare

Assembly Bill 861 (A861) would make enforcement of the Affordable Care Act in New Jersey a criminal offence.

AZ: Nullification on the Ballot?

TAC Lifetime Member Jack Biltis put his money where his mouth is.  To the tune of 1.2 million, he's funding an effort to make nullification a part of the Arizona Constitution.  330,000 signatures were just submitted.

The Constitution is not Self-Enforcing

The founding fathers knew that free elections, separation of powers, and the bill of rights were important protections to our liberties; but that the most important protection was the People themselves in their respective states.

Dealing with the Federal Bully

The states must stand up and do their duty. They must interpose to halt the progress of evil. Nullification IS the rightful remedy. Not a rebellion, but a legitimate check on federal power.  We simply cannot live in fear. If we do, we will live in chains.

ObamaCare and the UN Arms Treaty must be put on the chopping block

From: Gun Owners of America <>
Subject: GOA Alert: Congress Set to Repeal Obama's Legacy?
To: "Channing Kimball" <>
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2012, 1:57 PM
Gun Owners of America

ObamaCare and the UN Arms Treaty
must be put on the chopping block

Thank you for your activism on the ObamaCare gun ban!  House lawmakers voted yesterday to repeal the health care law by a 244-185 vote -- with five Democrats crossing over to vote against the President. 

Obviously, there is much more to ObamaCare than a “back door” gun ban, but the experience of more than 150,000 military veterans teaches us that centralizing medical records will only be used to strip constitutional rights from law-abiding Americans for ailments such as PTSD.

The House bill is most certainly D.O.A. in the Senate, but that is just another reminder of why the November elections matter.  A change of just half a dozen Senators would greatly help us in securing a total ObamaCare repeal.

UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) threatens gun rights

In other news, the Obama Administration is hurtling toward a July 27 signing of the ATT.  Supporters of the treaty are trying to claim it won’t jeopardize gun owners’ rights, but former UN ambassador John Bolton is not buying it. 

Bolton says that the U.N. “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

The Treaty will create a U.N.-based Implementation Support Unit (ISU) which will become an engine of gun control around the world -- yes, the very same UN which helped disarm the Tutsi’s in Rwanda, and then sat idly by while the Hutus subsequently massacred them in 1994.

Fox News reports that, under the latest draft of the treaty, every country would be required to submit a report to the ISU outlining “all activities undertaken in order to accomplish the implementation of this Treaty, including… domestic laws, regulations and administrative measures.”

Not only that, the ATT would require countries to set up their own government agencies to track any guns that could be exported. “Parties shall take all necessary measures to control brokering activities taking place within its territories … to prevent the diversion of exported arms into the illicit market or to unintended end users,” the draft reads.
Considering the fact that our own federal government couldn’t track the guns going south of the border as part of the Operation Fast & Furious, what makes anyone think that a UN agency can do any better?  But to be quite honest, we DON’T WANT the UN tracking our guns!

Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) is still seeking to get fellow Senators on a letter he plans to send to President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  While both of these recipients will probably ignore his letter, the key reason for sending it is to lock in the needed 34 votes to kill the Treaty in the Senate.  Currently, Sen. Moran has 20 signatories.

ACTION:  Click here to send a prewritten letter urging your Senator to cosign the Moran-ATT letter. 

And please visit our website and help GOA with a financial contribution so that we can continue to alert hundreds of thousands of Americans to the dangers in this treaty and ensure this Treaty is D.O.A. in the Senate.

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by Drake
DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government
Drake | July 12, 2012 at 10:08 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Soros targeting Rep Allen West ----- Your Help Requested

Dear margaret lee,
CREDO SuperPAC, a radical group bankrolled by progressive billionaire George Soros, has just launched a massive campaign targeting Rep. Allen West and raising unlimited sums of money to take him out this election. Reports indicate Soros has personally pledged $5 million to beat Rep. West.
defend allen west.jpg
Rep. West is part of their “Take Down the Tea Party Ten” campaign which pledges to defeat ten fiscally conservative legislators and so far they’ve added Rep. West to a hit list which also includes Rep. Steve King, Rep. Joe Walsh, and more.  
Since the 2010 midterm elections, these brave legislators have fought to return America to fiscal sanity. They’ve fought to cut spending, reduce the debt, and balance the budget. We have so much more work to do and we can’t get it done without their voices in Congress.
Thank you for your generous support.
In Liberty,
Matt Kibbe
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Monsanto Rider’: Biotech companies to gain immunity from Federal law on 2013 Ag Bill

‘Monsanto Rider’: Biotech companies to gain immunity from Federal law on 2013 Ag Bill

by Drake
'Monsanto Rider': Biotech companies to gain immunity from Federal law on 2013 Ag Bill
Drake | July 12, 2012 at 4:44 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

"Message to ALL Soldiers & Oath Keepers"

With the UN Arms Treaty; Do you still think this is just about "Standing Down" to UnLawful Orders?

"Message to ALL Soldiers & Oath Keepers" 

               As a means of enacting and communicating my free will civilian authority, I hereby ACCEPT YOUR OATH, and REQUEST with full intent as a living human being and inhabitant of planet Earth, all oath sworn Men and Women of ALL WORLD Military forces, Militias, Oath Keepers, Police officers, Marshall's and/or other authorized civilian groups thereof, to recognize, act, and abide by your “sworn oaths of service” to defend against all ENEMIES of the united States of America both foreign and DOMESTIC, and defend the inhabitants of planet Earth against those who perpetrate Crimes Against Humanity.
           I hereby request the complete acknowledgement and appropriate response to treasons and crimes against humanity committed against not only our Nation, but against all peoples and world governments of planet Earth, by various covert and illegally conspiring dark cabals, among which include, but are not limited to: political officials, financial experts, banking and regulatory institutions with organizational structures and hierarchies. These dark cabals have intentionally infiltrated and embedded themselves within these highly influential positions ILLEGALLY, and with preconceived malicious intent aimed at forcible manipulation, control, enslavement and degradation of the lawful Nationals of these united States of America, and lawful Nationals of other International States and peoples of the planet Earth.
        I hereby faithfully and lawfully, request that all WORLD Soldiers, act in support of the MASS ARRESTDETENTION, and ADJUDICATION of these dark Cabals under the appropriate and lawful mechanisms by which these criminals, their various entities and structures, are determined to be illegal, in breach, conflict, and directly punishable as crimes against humanity, and the "Universal Law of One".
   With authority, love, admiration, humility, reason, and above all GRATITUDE, It is hereby my free will choice to "Stand and be Counted" for the purpose of participating in this collective and MASS CIVILIAN AUTHORITY communication to ALL World Militaries, Militias, Oath Keepers, Police officers, Marshalls and/or other authorized civilian groups thereof.

We LOVE and ADMIRE ALL of Earth´s brave Soldiers; we will NOT stand for our loved ones to be used as expendable "cannon fodder" for the propagation and enforcement of these dark Cabal´s illegal and usurpious agendas, profiteering, and criminal conspiracies."We The People"of planet Earth salute you, and send you these SoldierHUGS...

Click the link if you agree with this statement and send your SoldierHUG!

WHITE HATS REPORT #45 - “Where Does All That Money Come From?”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

- WHITE HATS REPORT #45 - “Where Does All That Money Come From?”
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Jul-2012 13:36:01

Nomenclature of Financial Thievery
"I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?"
"You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?"
-From the movie, Independence Day, an exchange between the President and a civilian when the President enters Area 51 for the first time after the alien invasion.
“Where does all (that money) come from?” We are on a quest to uncover the trail of deceit, deception, corruption and thievery in the financial arena. Where does the money come from, where has it gone, and what is it being used for? The answer to that question could be the biggest secret of our time. But let us begin to connect the dots with some background on the methods used to steal from the people to finance the NWO.
Lord James started the ball rolling on February 16th in London’s House of Lords. We’re going to pick up the trail from there and bring it forward. It cannot be said enough that Lord James took a historic and brave step in revealing to the world the corrupted underbelly of the financial system. History, real history, will record Lord David James of Blackheath as a hero for humanity. This fact cannot be emphasized enough. There is a time to step forward and be counted and Lord James came up all aces. Who will join him?
The issue in the House of Lords relates to a split in which one side advocates a full and complete investigation into the matter while the other side has issued a “D” notice to the United Kingdom media. A “D” notice is essentially an order to NOT print information on a certain subject matter, in this case, the speech made by Lord James, the ensuing investigations, and the far-reaching ramifications, unless you want political hell to be brought down upon you. The nature of our information will rock political dynasties and banking empires, when revealed. Censorship has now reached the UK as the effort continues to keep this information out of the mainstream media. The media being primarily controlled by the Bush Cabal through the efforts of the Bilderbergs and Rupert Murdoch. However, with so much attention on the crumbling world financial system, secrets are starting to emerge. Can the cabal keep a lid on all of this? Not if we, and our readers, have anything to say about it.
We are embarking on a journey that will not only explain what Lord James referred to in his speech, but will follow the money trail to its destination, exposing not only the objective of this theft and money laundering operation but its dire effects on the planet. Our destination is the murky world of black projects and 2012.
As Lord James stood bravely in the House of Lords and delivered his speech, he referred to certain documents that he possessed. These documents provide one example of the methods by which the ruling cabal finances its criminal enterprise, intending the total domination of planet Earth. These same documents have been submitted to the U.S. House and Senate in addition to all law enforcement agencies having the capability to arrest and prosecute these corrupt criminals. Yet, nothing has been done. Why? Perhaps because the same “controllers” own the same Senate, House, law enforcement and judiciary with the authority to stop and prosecute these crimes against humanity, and amazingly, not only in the United States, but in Europe, the United Kingdom and the rest of the G7 countries. Yes, we have confirmed the leadership of the G7 are up to their eyeballs in all of this but that we will save that revelation for a future report.
When you are bought and paid for, you serve your Masters, not the slaves who elect you to office. Add to this the complicit and controlled mainstream news media and what results is a very well conceived, well run scam on the public and betrayal of our respective nations, rights and freedoms.
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