Sunday, July 15, 2012

Surprising Links: How Big Banks Manipulate and Influence Your Health

Surprising Links: How Big Banks Manipulate and Influence Your Health

July 15 2012 | 18,884 views | + Add to Favorites
By Dr. Mercola
Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney who has written 11 books on health and the politics of health, including the Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System (which focuses on the money and banking system itself), and Forbidden Medicine, which traces the suppression of natural health treatment back to the corrupting influences of our financial system.
In the course of writing her books, Brown was asked to join the legal team of Jimmy Keller, an alternative cancer therapist in Tijuana, who was jailed for, as she puts it, “the alleged crime of representing that he had a high rate of cure for cancer.”
“He always showed the movie World Without Cancer to his patients, which is by Ed Griffin,” she says, “so I read the book World Without Cancer, and it linked the cancer industry—the cancer cartel, basically—with the banking cartel. It showed they had the same roots.
It went back to the Rockefeller-Morgan cartel at the turn of the 20th century. Rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie supported drugs, funded the medical schools, and basically got the homeopathic schools shut down. (In the 19th century, the homeopathic schools were the leading health treatment.)
... I realized in the course of that that if you wanted to get to crux of the problem, you had to deal with banking, because that was actually where they got their power. They got their power from the power to create money.”

The Shocking Truth about Our Money System, and the Power it Wields Over Your Health

As Brown explains, the shocking truth about our money system is that virtually all of our money is created by banks when they make loans. It’s not created by the government, as most people believe. The way it works is that, while the banks create the principal, they don’t create the interest, so they’re always getting more back than they’re putting out.
“The thing that most people don’t realize is that banks don’t just take in people’s money, and then lend it out again,” Brown explains. “What they do is, literally, every time they make a loan, they create that money on their books. They need the deposits in order to clear the checks, but they’re basically double-counting the money.
... When you’ve put your money in the bank and then you go to withdraw it, they never say, “Sorry, we just lent your money out to your neighbor for 30 years. You’ll have to come back later.” No, they always give you your money. That’s because your deposit’s still there at the same time that they’ve lent it out. So, if you need the money, then they’ll borrow it from somewhere else. But where do they borrow it from? Basically, from the very bank that the check just went into from the loan that they just made.
It’s like a big check-kiting scheme, where you create the money; it goes into another bank; and then you borrow it back. The banks can borrow it back at 0.25 percent at the moment, which is the Fed funds rate. And of course, they lend it out at five percent, or on credit cards 18 percent... or outrageous industry rates. They get a huge spread on money that didn’t actually exist until they created the loan.
... Their control over money is how they manage to corner politics, buy up the media, and basically monopolize the field.”

The Links Between Big Banks and the Drug Industry

Two good primers if you want to learn more about the banking system and the link between the pharmaceutical industry and banking, are The Creature from Jekyll Island, and World Without Cancer.
To me, this link between banking and Big Pharma intuitively makes sense. It was just earlier this year that I came to appreciate what Brown is talking about here. While the focus of this web site is on the damage done by the drug companies, it’s becoming increasingly clear to me that the banking system is the behemoth backing the Goliath-like drug industry.
As explained by Brown, the drug connection goes back to the 19th century. John D. Rockefeller’s father was actually, literally, a snake-oil salesman.
“He was a patent remedy seller. The drugs, of course, are oil-based, and John D. Rockefeller was an oil magnate. He also had a bank. So did J.P. Morgan. The drug industry—the patent remedy industry—was in competition with the natural herbal remedies, and the homeopathic remedies. And the way they prevailed in the whole system was that, first of all, they funded the American Medical Association—the AMA Journal, which got their funding from advertising. And if your drug was advertised in the AMA Journal, then you’ve got the AMA’s seal of endorsement... It was a cartel.”

Where the Federal Reserve Fits in

In this interview, Brown discusses far more than I have included here, so to learn more, I urge you to listen to this fascinating interview in its entirety. Of course, it’s virtually impossible to discuss the financial system without touching on the Federal Reserve. According to Brown, there’s an important distinction that needs to be understood regarding the role of the Federal Reserve, because while both banks and the Fed are creating money out of thin air, there are some differences:
“The Federal Reserve is the lender of last resort, so it is allowed to [create money] without actually backing the money from anywhere... There are basically two banking systems.
This is also very complicated, but there is what’s called ‘base money,’ and that’s created by the Federal Reserve. Those are the banks’ reserves. At one time the reserves were gold. You actually, literally, had to keep a certain amount of gold for your depositors, who could cash in their dollars for gold. But in 1933, everybody stopped trusting the banks, because they knew they didn’t have enough gold, so there were runs on the banks. At that time the dollar was 40 percent backed by gold. So, every time somebody would bring two dollars and cash it in for gold, the bank had to call in three dollars’ worth of loans. The whole money supply was just closing in on itself and collapsing.
That’s why Roosevelt finally took the dollar off the gold standard.
Then, to back the dollar, the Fed created “base money” for the banks to use as reserves.  But it’s a separate system. We don’t actually get to borrow the Fed’s reserves. That’s the bankers’ money. The bankers’ bank is the Federal Reserve.” 

The Economics of Our Medical System and the Drug Cartel

While at UCLA law school, Brown wrote an article about the economics of California’s regulations on doctors and other medical professions, and how these regulations effectively eliminate all competition to the conventional medical paradigm.  It may not be immediately apparent, but the medical profession is very cleverly manipulated and influenced in such a way as to bolster profits for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a tightly controlled profession, and any competition—such as alternative or integrative treatments related to natural health—is more or less illegal. You cannot claim to treat disease without a medical license.
 “I think what’s even worse than that is they control information,” Brown says. “People don’t even know that there are alternative remedies. Or if they do hear about them, they think it’s quackery, and that it’s been disproven, because that’s what the conventional media says [which is largely owned by the same banking cartel as the pharmaceutical industry is]. You really have to dig to find out what’s out there, and how well natural remedies work. Also, you have to dig to find out how drugs don’t work, and how they’ve been over-hyped...”

How Can You Protect Your Health Freedom and Personal Liberty?

When asked to provide some recommendations for what you can do right now to take control of your own health, and how we can win this war on health freedom and personal liberty, Brown shares the following:
“I think the first thing you need to do… is get on the Internet and research what’s [been] done before; what the downside of the drug treatment that they’re trying to recommend for your condition is, for example.
Then we really seriously need to get organized. I was in the alternative healthcare movement for a long time. It seemed to me that the medical doctors were all literally brainwashed... They keep you up all night, because you have to do your rounds... and then, you’re force-fed this information. You want to pass the test; you haven’t had enough sleep; you’re looking at this data, and it says, “All right, give this drug for this condition.” You just accept that, because you’re sort of dazed, locked in a medical school.
The doctors are all trained in one discipline...
They won’t testify against each other in court. And so they’re like this strong wall of solidarity versus all the alternative people, who are all like mavericks and geniuses in their way but they all think the others are quacks. We need to, in some way, form a movement where we have to agree on some basics and worry about the details later. We need a big umbrella that accepts what we’re going to [focus on]... We want something that’s for the body; that helps the body do what it’s trying to do.
Another thing is the cost. American medicine is the costliest in the world, and we do not get the best results. Body-supporting therapies are cheaper than the drugs that are trying to block what the body’s trying to do. Things that block what the body’s trying to do make you unhealthier, which means you have to add more treatment, which means you have to be hospitalized more often, and which means you run up more bills.
We could save a lot of money if our whole approach was to support what the body’s trying to do.
Natural treatments would be much cheaper for the whole country. We cannot afford our healthcare right now, so something has to be done about this whole parasitic medical system; the parasitic banking system; and the parasitic insurance scheme that is draining the profits out of our economy.”

An Alternative Banking Plan that Could Save America, and the World

Brown is also the president of The Public Banking Institute, which stands poised to serve as a powerful part of the solution to the financial debacle we’re currently in, not just in the US, but worldwide. From her research, she came to the conclusion that the main problem plaguing our financial system is the massive interest going into private coffers, and the remedy for that is to replace the privately owned banking system with a public one. She explains:
“After the whole system collapsed in the fall of 2008,... I became aware that there was one state that actually escaped the credit crisis, and that was the only state that had a publicly owned bank—North Dakota. The Bank of North Dakota is owned by the state. They’ve had this bank in place since 1919.
... The private banks are always siphoning off this extra money in interest that they don’t create as principal when they make loans.  But if you have a public system—if banking [and]... credit were a public utility just like water should be, or electricity or highways… these are all blood systems of the economy—if money and credit were considered public utility, owned by the public, then the interest would go back to the public.
That is a sustainable system.
The original model is Benjamin Franklin’s Colony of Pennsylvania, which owned its own bank. The government both printed money, the way all the colonies did... [and] it had a bank. So the bank lent the money, and the money came back to the government. The interest was sufficient to fund the government. During that period, the colonists paid no taxes, they had no government debt, and prices did not inflate. It was a sustainable model.”
From that idea, the Public Banking Institute developed the Return to Prosperity Plan.
It sounds incredible, but 40 percent of the cost of everything we buy is interest, according to research by Margrit Kennedy, a German researcher. This interest is entirely hidden, so you don’t know you’re paying it. This is because at every stage of development of a product, interest is paid, again and again. For example, a business must typically take out a loan in order to pay for raw materials and the workforce before it can have a final product to sell. The same goes for each of the businesses in the supply chain, and for each and every retailer.
“If the state owned the bank... then the people get the interest back...” Brown explains. “For example, in North Dakota, the state’s revenues, by law, go into the Bank of North Dakota, so they have a huge deposit base and a huge capital base....
That means the state could save 40 percent on its projects, which means we could either cut taxes by 40 percent, or we could have 40 percent more services provided with the same amount of taxes that we pay now.  We just have to change bankers. Instead of banking with Wall Street, we should be banking in our own bank (where we get the profits) or cooperative system (where it all comes back). Banking, instead of feeding off the economy, should feed the economy.  And it could be a sustainable system.”

More Information

According to Brown, 18 states have now introduced bills of one sort or another for state-owned banks. And the Public Banking Institute, which is run entirely by volunteers, is continuing to work on furthering this plan.
“We have a very active group,” she says. “People get really excited about this idea. We’ve got representatives all over the country and groups you can join if you want.”
To learn more, please refer to their web site.
I’ve long been aware of the challenges with our whole economic model, but I’ve only recently begun to appreciate the connection between the banking industry and health, as discussed in this interview. Again, I highly recommend listening to it in its entirety, or reading through the transcript, to get a broader view.
The problem is so vast, and that’s true for just about every problem we have these days. But a large portion of it can be traced back to an unsustainable, unscrupulous, parasitic, private banking system that does not benefit those who use it! It has become a fundamental pernicious evil that’s ruining our culture. I think once people understand the concept proposed by this “Return to Prosperity Plan” at a deeper level, it’s going to be an easy step to switch over. But of course, there’s the logistics of educating the public on how it works, and then developing the funding to get these ballot initiatives passed in each individual state.
But I think it’s a marvelous model, and I applaud Brown for what she’s doing to really wake us up—both to the roots of the problem and to sustainable solutions.
My approach as a physician is to treat the root cause of the problem. If you just treat symptoms like the drug model is doing, the industry makes obscene profits while the public health continues to suffer and decline. In many ways, we’ve done the same thing with Wall Street. We’re not treating the root problem, namely a corrupted banking system, which is what Brown’s Institute and economic plan addresses head on.
Creating a nation-wide public banking system seems like a marvelous solution, and we know it works—it’s been proven in North Dakota.
To learn more about Ellen’s work, please see her web site, which contains more than 130 articles—mostly on banking, but also some on health—and over 500 interviews. 

Grand Awakening arriving

07/15/2012 by John Smallman

All is rolling along beautifully in preparation for the grand awakening, which will be neither delayed nor halted — because you have collectively made the decision to awaken, and that decision is completely in accord with the divine Will.  

You are all set for this momentous event, and although the vast majority of humankind is still deeply asleep, this situation is shortly to change.  You, the Light-holders and Light-workers, have been doing great work releasing your remaining attitudes that are incompatible with the divine field of Love enveloping the planet, and as a result you have opened yourselves to God’s embrace.  

As you do that your individual energy fields lighten, brighten, and extend, to all with whom you interact, God’s indiscriminate and unconditional Love.  He wills that all on the planet become aware of His Love so that they no longer fear to awaken.

100 year-old Idaho woman on Jay Leno show

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/14/12 ‘Timothy Geithner arrested’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/14/12 ‘Timothy Geithner arrested’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Jul-2012 01:12:50

Maybe this channelled msg. can be considdered as an elucidation to the Archangel's words?
"You are hearing this; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, has been taken into custody, has been tried by our High Courts, and has been convicted and has been sentenced for his crimes against the people of the United States who he was sworn to serve, but instead chose to victimize, steal from and manipulate, and push to the brink of financial destitution. This individual, after careful contemplation of his crimes against you, the people, has been sentenced to a maximum life of 63 years, of which time he is to spend in a mortal physical vessel where he will be reeducated and rehabilitated before he is once again permitted to walk freely amongst the people of a free society.
This is his punishment; this is the retribution for his crimes. There is no other penalty imposed upon this individual, and there will not be any further punishment imposed upon this soul, as he will receive just what it is he needs to further develop, grow and mature as a being on a journey through physicality, and soon the spiritual realms of this multidimensional universe. Do you see dear ones, what we mean when we say that there will be those of the cabal arrested and there will be those of the cabal sentenced for their crimes against you? No member of the cabal will walk free without first receiving rehabilitation services in the form of programs offered to them by we of the higher dimensions.
Not all, if even many, of the arrestees of the cabal and their minions will be tried and, if convicted, sentenced within courts of law of the different jurisdictions of your world. A large number of those being taken into custody will stand before a High Court manned by ascended beings whose task it is is to review the life record of the accused and determine a suitable means for their successful rehabilitation. Punishment is not the order of the day, though this word can be used loosely, it can be used poetically, metaphorically, and it can be used by those of you who feel better feeling someone has been punished for their crimes against you. We say to you though, no one at all will be ‘punished’, in this sense of the word, for their crimes against you or any of their crimes. Instead, we wish to focus only on effective measures of rehabilitation, as rehabilitation for a soul is what will give them another chance and an opportunity to develop into a worthy member of a societal structure, either here on Earth or another planet in this solar system, galaxy or universe.
There are many worlds who can and will benefit from the existence and the citizenship of many of these members of the cabal who have already been or will be arrested for crimes against humanity. These souls are not lost souls as no one is truly lost, as we are all finding our way someway, somehow, someday. In this light, is a soul really ever lost if a soul will always find their way home? A soul is never truly lost. A soul, no matter which dark or negative detour they may take for a while to experience certain aspects of themselves, of life and of existence, to wander and explore through lower depths of themselves, is still walking back towards the light and their Creator, even when they are walking downhill and in the opposite direction, for this multidimensional universe is a one-way street. This is the greatest secret that we will share with you today. There is only one way, and that way is back into the light, back into your Godliness, your holiness, your greatness, your life in eternal light.
This man who you know as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury is and has always been heading in the same direction as those of you who may today see him as the enemy, as an opposing force, as a criminal, as darkness. He is not though, anything different than you. You are all the same; you are all of the light. You are all a part of your and our Creator and so is he, and he will continue his journey now, though he will receive further assistance that will help him develop at a little faster pace than he has experienced through recent incarnations. This is where we, your ascended family of the Galactic Federation of Light, step in and use our levels of expertise, our wisdom and our systems and structures to assist a soul on their journey.
Our job is not and has never been, to come to a world and take people into custody and throw them into dungeons or prison cells. This is ungodly and unholy treatment of another soul, and we do not participate in such cruelty to others and we never will. Timothy Geithner will be treated with love, with kindness, with caring, with patience. He, the soul that he is, will be blessed with the loving, nurturing wisdom and guidance of a higher dimensional being who has amassed superior wisdom and skills through his or her many experiences that yes, have also taken them through dark corridors just as their student may have wandered, just like Mr. Geithner.
Do you understand now that we all take these detours through the darkness, through tests and trials of our spirit, our soul, for if we did not, how would we ever know that we are of the light if we did not defend ourselves from being submerged by the darkness? The dark is a task, a challenge, an ocean we must learn to cross by building a ship made of light. The dark is a sharpened sword that we must forge a shield of light to defend ourselves against. The dark is a foe when it needs to be a foe, and the dark is a friend when it needs to be a friend, but the dark is never truly your enemy. He is your friend because he does help you find your way back into the light, back to where it is you always are, as in the light is where you always belong, where you were born, where you may seemingly die, where you will reemerge and where you will eternally exist on your never ending journey back to source.
We hope today's message reaches many of you who may now see through the darkness and see the darkness in a little brighter way, a little brighter sense today. We are your family of light, existing within the darkness of this universe that contrasts the light and lets us see how it shines so bright. We are the Galactic Federation of Light."
As channeled through Greg Giles

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obama To Give UN Control Of Our Water!

Obama To Give UN Control Of Our Water!

United Nations flag SC Obama to give UN control of our water!
Is Obama’s federal government getting ready to put a huge red X mark on the Hoover Dam, which supplies most of the American West with its life-sustaining water? Having this scenario play out is quite plausible as Barack Obama’s Executive Order # 13547 in support of the global Law of the Sea Treaty (L.O.S.T.) seeks to take control of our water in any form of precipitation, from sky to ocean!  Total water control will give the American president and his global cohorts total control of all U.S. citizens if this initiative is not stopped by still-free citizens.  Because the Water World enthusiasts are seeking to protect the earth’s water from contamination, they are jiggering U.S. water laws to conform to Obama’s Council on Interagency Ocean Policy to make sure no contamination happens.
Especially riled up are Americans west of the Mississippi because Chapter 13 of the Global Biodiversity Assessment is demanding that a staggering 50% of all U.S. land mass be blocked from any type of productive usage.  This literally would be putting our Western States under United Nations domination by prohibiting any mining, drilling, harvesting of timber, or construction of any buildings made by humans.  Not only that; all of our large hoofed, ungulate animals, meaning domestic livestock, are being deemed unsustainable!
Warning: this action is being fast-tracked so that the government can “sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands,” under the definition of the UN Sustainable Development program-Bulletin Release No. 0191.12.  This is the odious Agenda 21, pure and simple.  Renamed because of its bad press, Agenda 21 wants Americans off their lands, off of their private property, and into government-controlled cluster housing near designated urban areas, controlled by on/off mechanical arms reading your GPS location to determine if you can enter an interstate or not.
That is, if you are too far from your designated interstate point of entry, the government’s mechanical arms will deny you access to travel on American highways.  But don’t fall into the globalist spin doctors’ trap because they have taken the word RESTORE, a word that usually carries good connotations, to weave a cleverly crafted Forest Service bulletin that conceals what is really going on.  To oppose what they want to do, you have to OPPOSE the following:
Restore the flow of waters into natural channels and flood plains by removing, replacing or modifying water control structures;
Restore lands and habitat to pre-disturbance conditions by removing debris and sediment conditions following natural  or human caused events;
Restore, rehabilitate or stabilize lands occupied by non-National Forest System roads and trails to a more natural condition.
You also need to oppose any attempts to remove hoofed animals from America!
So the comment period for this outrage closes on August 13, 2012.  Comments from ordinary citizens all over the United States must be received by that date. Submitting comments online, by mail, or by fax must be sent well ahead of that date.  Call toll free  800-877-8339. Email . Write directly to Chief Tom Tidwell, US Forest Service, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-0003.  You also need to call toll free your Congressional officials at  1-877-762-8762!

Time To Storm Obama And Washington D.C.?

Time To Storm Obama And Washington D.C.?
Sat Jul 14 2012 10:33

Sher Zieve Friday, July 13, 2012

Condoleezza Rice: “It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.”

I am in extremely fine company. On 18 June 2012, I wrote in my column “Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns”: “We have almost completely lost our country to the Marxist/Islamic ruler currently ensconced in OUR White House, folks.
It’s inordinately clear that Congress will do nothing. Only We-the-People can stop this. Isn’t it time for a REAL Million Patriot + march on Washington D.C.? If we don’t take back our country no one else will…no one. Obama and his illegal government are now completely criminal and, apparently, in total control of us all.”
Now recently, during a rousing speech given to donors at a Romney campaign event in Park City, Utah, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said: “It is a narrative that is being pushed by our current president, that ‘I’m doing poorly because you’re doing well,’” she said. “That has never been the American narrative. Ours has never been a narrative of aggrievement and ours has never been a narrative of entitlement. It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.”
It appears that many Republican leaders who, in the past, have not come out in any partisan manner have now realized the extreme jeopardy that comprises the current state of our country. Multitudes of Americans are also, more each and every day, now aware of the dire straits the Obama syndicate has forcefully pushed us all into and are determined to stop the totalitarian onslaught. Obama and his cabal have summarily gutted the US Treasury—with ObamaFriend Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s assistance—and made tremendous progress into destroying every uniquely American institution that still exists.
Obama has appointed to high levels of the US government’s national security members of the foundational terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunni Muslims) and he and his syndicate are in the process of bringing down each and every non-Sunni Muslim regime (Obama’s ostensible father and family are Sunni) in the Middle East. He started by sending leftists (terrorists themselves) “Code Pink” (in 2008-2009), the husband and wife team of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and Google executive Wael Ghonim to plan, implement and assist the “revolution” and ultimate end-goal of the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood as Egypt’s ruling body. It has worked. Obama then set his sights on Libya…another Shia Muslim country. Result? Libya quickly was taken over by the MB. Although the Brotherhood is now experiencing disgust from the Libyan people and will likely have difficulty in the upcoming elections, they are still in control. Now, Obama has set his sights on Syria…another Shia Muslim country…and has plans to destroy it and affect an MB takeover there. Is the pattern developing? You betcha’!



Write a 35 cent POSTCARD to the U.S. Supreme Court. Urge the Justices
to make NESARA's official announcement immediately. They are waiting
to hear from YOU.

Send your postcard to:

U.S. Supreme Court

One First Street

Washington, D.C. 20543

I just sent 10 post cards with the following message:

"Under the NESARA Law  you have an obligation to announce the NESARA Law once a year.  NOW is the time to bring its relief to the sovereigns.
We have been waiting 20 years."

Bounty Hunters Unleashed on Crooked Bankers

Bounty Hunters Unleashed on Crooked Bankers

Rain's picture
By Rain - Posted on 14 July 2012
Posted by  - Friday, July 13th, 2012

Iceland has potentially set a new trend in the finance community. According to Business Insider, their government has hired an ex-cop; a white collar crime bounty hunter who wants to make sure the bankster criminals pay the price for their elaborate crimes.
Iceland’s government appointed Ã“lafur Þór Hauksson to locate such individuals that had a helping hand in the collapse of the banking sector in a time of extreme credit-crunching. Hauksson is responsible for investigating any and all suspicious cases involving fraud before 2009.
The good news for him is that he’s not working alone. He’s got 100 top-notch researches rigorously working around the clock to help make this a smoother and quicker process.
Mr. Hauksson expands on this notion saying, “…on the other hand, we bring the lawsuits against the suspects to court ourselves." This technique is brand new stuff which allows the investigators to "follow the case" and the judicial system to "know the cases like the back of their hand". This is undeniably advantageous in order "to compete with the well-prepared defence attorneys".

And don’t think that fleeing the country warrants your safekeeping. LeMonde reporter Charlotte Chabas explains, "Searches continue and the team pursues its investigations abroad in the foreign subsidiaries of the Icelandic banks and includes questioning foreigners.” “We enjoy full international cooperation,' adds Olafur Hauksson."

Hauksson has all of his ducks in a row when it comes to this mission and he’s got some impressive convictions under his belt meriting quite a bit of respect for the success he’s experienced in this new job. He’s even tracked down the former chief of staff of the country's finance minister and arrested him for insider trading.
While many criminals that have already been caught still await their sentencing, Hauksson is actively on the prowl to find more felons. With plenty of places to run, but nowhere to hide, some big bankers are surely weak in the knees and stressed to the core.
Who’s to say other countries aren’t already doing the very same thing in order to crack down on the greed and fraudulence that led to the latest overwhelming economic collapse?...


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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Vid: In Three Days - On July 17 - Sheriff Joe Promises To Let The BIG CAT Out Of The Bag...
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 14-Jul-2012 11:19:39

...unless he is 'heart attacked' between now and then.
Published on Jul 2, 2012 by helias314
On July 17th a press conference is scheduled to be held in Arizona. Literally, piles and piles of evidence will be presented exposing the Fraud of the ObamaNation "presidency!"
BREAKING NEWS! July 17th 2012, OBAMA to be exposed as Fraudulent President!

One-on-One with Chris Duane

One-on-One with Chris Duane

By Greg Hunter’s 
Chris Duane was a 30 year old millionaire working at his family’s East coast car dealerships when he walked away from it all to become a citizen journalist.  He sold his house in 2005 and started renting just before the real estate crash.  He began warning anyone who would listen about the collapse and paradigm change coming to America. His YouTube channel,, has gotten 3.5 million views-in less than a year!  He says, “The collapse is going to unwind all social and financial contracts worldwide.”
He tells people to, “Get out of every single paper asset you own because it’s all going to be worth nothing. . . . If you’re not ahead of the curve, you’re going to be historical road kill.”  He also thinks sometime in the next three years, “the dollar will be completely worthless.”  When that happens, Duane predicts, “mass hysteria, power grabs and food riots.”  His number one investment is physical silver because it is in short supply and extremely undervalued.  Greg Hunter goes One-on-One with Chris Duane.

Decorated general: Shariah is here now!




Decorated general: Shariah is here now!

Tells audience influence has penetrated 'deepest halls of our government'

Published: 14 hours ago

Michael Carl is a veteran journalist with overseas military experience and experience as a political consultant. He also has two Master's Degrees, is a bi-vocational pastor and lives with his family in the Northeast United States.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin is warning that Islamic Shariah law already is in the United States, and is forming a cloud over the future of the nation.
Boykin, addressing a packed house at a synagogue today in Stoughton, Mass., said, "There is a threat to this country from Shariah and the Muslim Brotherhood," noting the Muslim Brotherhood has had a presence in the U.S. since at least 1962.
"The new Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, said he joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1978 while he was in the United States of America. People who say that the Muslim Brotherhood is not in America are not dealing in reality," Boykin said.
He said even Muslims pay a price for being indifferent to the agenda of the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
"Muslims who are not pushing for Shariah in the United States are pushed aside and don't have a voice. They're often marginalized in their mosques and sometimes not allowed to participate," he said.
Boykin also says that Shariah law has deep ramifications for the United States.
"People say that Shariah isn't going to be a threat in the United States. Fifty-three cases in 28 states have been decided by Shariah law at the appellate level," Boykin said.
"There are groups and websites in the United States pushing for Shariah law. They're dedicated to spreading it and Mark Steyn has said that's what's happened in Europe."
He continued, "The Europeans didn't take the threat seriously and now Steyn has said that it's not going to be more than a generation before Europe is overcome."
Boykin told the crowd of the Muslim Brotherhood's master plan for the United States.
"The Muslim Brotherhood is working to control the dialogue in the United States, ensuring that people don't talk about Shariah or its objectives for the country," he said.
"It's gone into the deepest halls of our government too. It was no less than FBI Director [Robert] Mueller that had a March meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. The leader of the Brotherhood complained about the counterterrorism training manual," Boykin said.
"In response, Mueller allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to expunge over 1,000 documents from the training manual," Boykin said. "So please don't say it can't happen here. You've been told a lot of lies and you've been told it's a religion of peace. You've been told that Islam and democracy are compatible and that's a lie.
In an exclusive interview with WND, Boykin addressed related issues:
"We've been told we all worship the same God. That's a lie. My God, you can have a personal relationship with. With Allah, you can't have a personal relationship," he said.
He noted that the roots between Israel and the United States go deep, and it's a necessary alliance for the United States to honor.
He also blasted the Obama administration for its neglect of Israel and for its failure to take Iran seriously.
"We make a major mistake if we think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a clown. He is deadly serious," Boykin said.
"People who think he's a clown like Hugo Chavez are dead wrong and know nothing about the theology of Ahmadinejad," Boykin said.
Boykin says that Ahmadinejad takes seriously the Islamic eschatological belief in an apocalypse of the Jews followed by a return to the final imam.
Yet, there's more.
"Academia has been infiltrated. Churches have been infiltrated. The first Muslim Brotherhood organization in the United States is the Muslim Student Association," Boykin said.
Boykin said this as a professor at Luther College proclaimed that he believes Jesus was Muslim.
Boykin then turned his attention to the political relationship between the government and Israel.
"The last four presidents have actually harmed the country's relationship with Israel, but this one is especially bad," Boykin said. "This administration has told the Israelis to go back to the 1967 borders, and that's like telling Israel to commit national suicide."
The general had some very harsh words for the way Obama personally has treated Israeli leaders.
"We welcomed the Chinese to the White House. We had an official state function and rolled out the red carpet," Boykin said. "But if some reports are correct, the president made Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sit in a room by himself for about an hour while the president went off and did something else.
"No president has ever done that to a sitting Israeli head of state," he said.
WND reported recently that Israel and Iran may already be fighting a proxy war in the Sudans, with Israel supporting South Sudan and Iran developing deeper ties to Omar al-Bashir in Sudan.
A war between Iran and Israel is a matter of deep concern for Boykin.
"Prime Minister Netanyahu may be waiting to see if Obama is re-elected. If Obama is re-elected, the Israelis may be willing to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities," Boykin said.
Two Israeli news sites speculate on how adverse a second Obama term would be for Israel.
Boykin agrees.
"If Obama is re-elected and he doesn't have to worry about another four years, Israel will be on their own to have to act apart from any U. S. help which will likely not be forthcoming in a second Obama term," Boykin said.
Boykin also has stated that a war between Israel and Iran is inevitable, and the U.S. needs to stand with Israel.
Boykin also talked about similar concerns in the interview with WND:
"This whole issue of fighting to defend Israel is very personal to me. I try to make people understand the vital nature of Israel," Boykin said.
"As an American I am appalled at how little people in the United States know about Israel. And I am appalled at the anti-Semitism that is coming from this country," Boykin said.
"The Jews began coming to American in 1650, thirty years before the Germans and the Scotch-Irish," Boykin said.
"It was Jews who ran the British blockade in the American Revolution. The Jews fought for the independence of the United States," Boykin said. "And it was a Jewish banker who loaned the country money to keep the country solvent during the years of the Articles of Confederation."
"John Adams said the Hebrews have done more for the civilization of the world than any other groups," Boykin said.
Boykin also says the drive for a Jewish homeland may have begun in the United States during the Second Great Awakening. Christian pastors started a petition to gather support for a Jewish homeland.
The United West President Tom Trento also spoke and he warned of a cataclysmic war between Iran and Israel.
"A war between Israel and Iran is coming. The problem is that few will stand with Israel," Trento said. "Seven thousand miles from here, a piece of dirt, the Holy City, is the global epicenter of terrorism and the fight for freedom.
"We go to war with only a few who can be trusted. Few can be trusted, but two of them are sitting behind me," Trento said, referring to the rabbi and Boykin.
"You in Stoughton are so fortunate to have a rabbi who has the heart and academic background - the heart of a lion and the will of a warrior," Trento said.
Alexander Backman