Sunday, July 15, 2012

Drake Transcript - 7-13-12

Transcripts from tonight's Global Voice FB page member questions, with a surprise visit from Drake:

Facebook Page Q and A
Friday, July 13, 2012

FAQ Page!!

Paul: Patience!

We hit the ground running with plans and future vision, and things grew exponentially. I want to address biggest question. Misconception.

Paper Work: There was a request to do paper work, needed a majority, and all included under an umbrella of inclusion. Successfully completed. It was up to the project facilitators decided to take upon selves, to move forward and complete since it was right thing to do. We HAVE ALL 50 STATES. Nobody worry about your state. Hopefully will get a confirming response.

Paper work is for state for you live in, no individual sovereignty. No confusion with other people’s sovereignty process. Under International Law 1. defined population, 2defined territory, 3defined monetary system. Once change comes we will have a monetary system. Under constitution, bring all this together. This was a foundation piece. Once the process comes forward, it will be up to the people in that state to create this new structure that the one they have isn’t currently working for them. We want to proved info. Tools needed to self govern, to understand rights, juries, city councils. It won’t be status quo. We have had a govt doing, now we the people have to tell the govt what we want. I am going to put the lid on paperwork. No one to do it individually.

We are flying by the seat of our pants, this phone call is for you guys.

If small arms treaty is signed, will the UN take all our pistols.
I did see a letter today talking about fire arms, and that our second amendment right will be protected. I am pretty confident that they will say our rights are protected. As a US citizen, to buy a license to buy a gun, you have conveyed your Second amendment.... legal nuances, things are not as they seem. The way you read them is not the way it is really being said. To give it face value, may sound well and good, but they may be saying something you didn’t think they were saying.

Denise: We do have someone on line who can tell us more about that. He wants to come on.

Welcome guest: DRAKE!!!!!????? Read it. NO semiautomatic weapons of any kind. 2) local, national and intl registration 3) limitation on caliber. Shot guns go. They are going to have to fight to come to my house for that.

Paul: Since you have read it, what are the firearms law under US code, what def. are they applying to int’l treaty. Those three things. Control of manufacture of parts, complete weapons and ammunition. You could end up with a club.
Paul: Firearm: shotgun, rifle, barrel of 18 inches or less or a gun with a barrel of one inch in diameter or more. This is a word game that they play. Like car is a motor vehicle. I was just trying to figure out what they were applying as int’l treaty.

Drake: 38 caliber and under only.

Teri: Would eliminate anyone who’s a hunger (yes) and protective weapons people would have.

Drake: Exactly, if you don’t turn them in, they will come get them.
They are hiding mother load stuff in the fine print. i coudln’t believe what they put in. Whoever heard of a 38 caliber shot gut. If it explodes and has a projectile, it’s a fire arm.

Paul: Even antiques from civil war?

Drake: everything. Bugged me you can’t have semi automatic. A lot of people use 10 or 20 round magazines. Hunting you might use three four shots. It’s a convenience thing. What they want to do is curtail the US citizen to defend himself on equal ground, period.

Paul: Wanna stay?

Drake: Depends on what people want to know. About sovereignty, forwarded emails.
If a person wants personal sovereignty, they cannot have any governance. You can make that governance nice depending on structure. People don’t undersatnd that people being free is the diff between what we have now and what we are going for.

Paul: Going to be a rolling tide once everything will go down. EVeryone’s looking at the United States. Matter of time til other nations go ahead.

Drake: 41 other nations are waiting and reading up on it. Everyone gets to get a listen to the manner of presentation. I didn’t cover first project because it is done. Needs to be put to bed. It’s done. Now we have to move to extent to create enough of a voice from many people to get military and representatives to notice. We need to garner as many people within the states as possible. we are the keystones. As we set ourselves free, other nations can set themselves free.

Paul: We have a form on website for places all over the world, so people can start connecting and working with each other as to what needs fixing. Until people come together, individuals will run around not nkowing what to do. Neighbors need to talk.

Teri: You have to talk to friends and neighbors to get this going. Like xmas time, get together and spread cheer. And get a hold of your local militias.

Paul: I would like to bring Cary in and talk about her militia story.
Friday calls talk about current news, and let’s start talking about forming our areas talking to our neighbors about iformation we are getting. We can’t sit around. WE have to know they got our back and we have their backs. WE have people coming forward to talk about self governance and inalienable rights. How your county is supposed to work, how are your town halls supposed to work. How to come together and start community gardens that everyone on local level should be doing.

Denise: Have you seen things about UFO’s.

Paul: Just saw lates SOHO image. Is that UFO’s scrambling, or solar radiation. I am not a stellar cartographer or rocket scientist.
Just meeting neighbor

Teri: I have been looking for 6-8 months for militia, gone through Rick and Drake’s website, since Spokane is out of the way. I couldn’t find anything. Didn’t think there was a militia. Got drug to a barbecue, and running my mouth, three at table were listening to me, a woman came up and I told her what I was doing. She said, We are the militia. Honey, I can call an army up in an hour. I started telling her about all the websites I have looked. She didn’t even hear about our groups or websites, so I got hooked up with local militia by going to a barbecue I didn’t want to go to.

Paul: Chase from Atlanta: I was wondering is Drake said anything about technologies that are coming.

Denise: WE’ve covered on several occassions.

Drake: Extraordinary technologies. What we started out from caveman to now.. The next step is the same kind of leap!!! Some are going to go Wow, this is different, and a whole lot of tutoring. Got to go back to grade school. These types of differences will be extraordinary. Regrowing limbs, going back to perfect health, some improvements, being able to have much greater mental capacity in all areas. It is going to be very extraordinary. I have worked in these areas for several years. It will be mind blowing.
Chase: Continue with meditations! Thank you.

Paul another one! : An idea came to me, connecting with community is predominant subject. If we have a universal symbol, sticker on back of car, etc. A sign to someone else that the conversation can be initiated. Green lightbulb on porch. Have everyone participating, whether you know them or not.

Paul: Can’t use American flag! Must be something to rally behind, but I am not sure we want to bring that to our attention. THere could be ramifications.

Paul: Cars with yellow and pink ribbons, something as subtle as that.

Denise: We will have to ponder that one.

Paul: Maybe little global voice mascot, or little green light sticker. Something to symbolize unity. If the Global Voice people want to voice their opinion, they can respond some way. We could bring it back to table.

Drake: Stars and bars and don’t tread on me.

Paul: Churches do it, everyone does it.

Denise: Loaded question, this listener should follow up and listen to previous programs. What exactly is agenda 21

Paul: Property Code, et al. So much. How to mow your lawn. Wouldn’t mind having another speaker on show for Q and A to talk about Agenda 21.

Denise: REference links for people to go and study. That’s another issue. All the time people ask is this a legitimate group? Is this true? Lot’s of confusion as we go through this process. For every action there are multiple reactions. We get the program about the Nation States that happened, then people who disagree, and they start their own movement, and they do or don’t know what they are doing, and going about it the wrong way, or reinventing the wheel when it has been accomplished. We are all awakening at different moments in times. YOu come into the fold and you don’t know what has transpired or not. We are going to try to get together as a team and vet some information and start putting out links that are valid for these topics in our Q and A topics.

Paul: In regards to vetting of info. Is this good/bad? We want to teach you how to go look for that stuff. We want to give you the tools how to look for this stuff on your own. You can learn how to validate info, and then you can learn and teach the people in your community to do that, too. We want the people to be on the same level of understanding so you can take charge and not wait for someone to tell you how to do something.

Denise: Several people questioning Niburu.

Drake: It’s an astroid and won’t be here for awhile. It has an extraordinary amount of mass compared to it’s side. No one is saying. My understanding is that it will be steered away from us and won’t be any harm. I’ll leave that to the angels and ET’s.

Teri: Where did you find the info about the gun treaty.

Drake: In about twenty different places. Extensive and intense search. I don’t have link. If you look directly into gun control UN small arms treaty. Some of it’s scattered, then you come to the one that reports what is in it. Just keep digging in same direction. I made a mistake not getting that down. There are many comprehensive reports on it, but the treaty, tries to say the same thing that they won’t interfere, which is a boldface lie since we can’t have semi auto, nothing about 38 caliber.

Alyssa; We normally don’t discuss this topic because it blows people away who don’t want to accept, but we are doing to do this.
What does Drake do about the ET’s. Anything you want to say Drake

Drake: It depends on your position if you are going to be accompanied by angels or ET’s ... depends on your importance now or down the road. Do you see them? Well, yes, and I wasn’t drinking or smoking anything funny. When you aren’t falling asleep, and you accidentally happen to run across one, they don’t want you to see them. The ones I see, they are on my front porch. They run around corner and poof they are gone. Telepathic communications, I just have to ask. I have been fully telepathic since 6 years old, so I have been practicing and studying psyic sciences. I have studied all. You will see how comprehensive I am. Grass, trees, critters, bugs, people. You learn how to be aware of the creation in which you reside, in the process you learn how to lovingly reach out to another life form, YOu are introduced to the creation. You get to learn somethings about the creator yourself. It takes in some cases years to practice this if you go by the book. I look for accpetions, and overtly simplify something that kids can do it. If I teach a child, a child will say, that’s cool, and go back to playing. Adults don’t have the open mind and don’t know something is real. Children are taught all kinds of prejudices by families, et al. When you get them young enough, they don’t have the prejudices. To them, those concepts are obvious and simple and accept it. 99% of grasping is accepting that something is a probability, and then a possibility. Third time, you realize you can do something with it. You see through the eyes of a child. You have prejudice now. The idea of a fair trial does have a possiblility, and understanding this is what you will be able to use in the future.

Denise: Question to everyone: We answer this question all the time. How do you wake people up, so that we can throw ideas out there to help others wake people up.

Drake: Global Voice had a show by a man who deals with idea of freedom in terms of community organization. I have a tendency to cherry pick, and I listen to acceptions, exceptional.... and this man said something that struck a chord. Find out what type of problem that person has in terms of their lives. This guy was a farmer, they bothered him about moving a rock in a creek. Became a big issue. SAme ideology of control. So, just talking to someone, you find out that person has trouble getting up stairs, help them, if they can’t clean, commonality. Simple stuff, would love to have a hand rail. maybe the lumber yard would have the materials. You donate your time to put in correctly. Thousands of ways.

Paul: a couple of weeks ago we had Curt Mackenzie on, very knowlegeable about counties. These techniques can be applied anywhere. He mentioned its not about making it about what you are doing, but offering to help other groups, farmers, stores, forming coalition. Get involved with another group that is involved like us. When they see you are willing to help them, then they would be more responsive to what you are doing. Try to make a difference. When you make first steps, you will start seeing people do see the same way and willing to come together.

Denise: Again for our group, it’s as simple as anything you take an interest in. If you are interested in a book club, you go out to a bookstore, you simply go out and engage with other people. Communicate. People find it much easier to sit behind a keyboard and talk, It’s kind of like they have gotten incommunicado and don’t communicate that well in person. Send me an email instead of going out and striking up conversation. In order to prepare in my community, i am very fortunate,, ?? wrong word. I live on Mississippi gulf coast. Hurricane territory, Camille and Katriina, gulf oil spill ... no stranger to loss of infrastructure. After Katrina 7.5 months without power! Imagine being without any power in 100 power, no water, no electricity, no way to get food, roads blocked, no infrastructure, no sewage. Goes on for 7 months. You will learn to get to know your neighbor, you WILL learn survival. Now I just go out on weekends and go to farmer’s market, and will just strike up conversation with bee farmer, or someone who grows organic vegs, do they have a large farm or garden for people to go to or if they need help. It’s as simple as that, so you know that in times of strife, you know who can bring what to the table. I know I have an RN and a carpenter, and people with specific needs that need to be checked on. Get to know your neighbors.

Paul: Talk to neighbors, set up potluck. Offer something to bring them out of their houses. Host one if you can afford one. Maybe do it as a community thing.

Denise: I have an extra lot, and I have done nothing with the lot and offer it for a neighborhood garden. Would have to put a structure on it because we are being bombarded with chemicals.

Paul: What kind of seeds? GMO is a modified seed, etc.... that might spark conversation on getting them enlightened on conversation. Finding those opportunites to dispense info, to get them interested.

Teri: My fave thing to do is to laugh and joke about how mainstream media shows are nothing but cooking and fashion shows, no news. And two or three where I get my news, to get real news, then they start asking questions. Put bugs in there ears. Everyone I put a bug in ear, they know who to come to for questions. It started out as a joke with main stream media, We know it is suffering terribly. People are waking up to the fact that they aren’t getting the real news.

Paul: People have to understand you can’t throw out too much info at much. Deer in headlight looks. Just planting seeds in casual conversations.

Paul: Any callers do they have any suggestions on what they would do to wake someone up.

Denise: this past week we set up a FAN PAGE, prefer to call it a news page, and we will be posting links to it globalvoice2012. You will know you are on there when you can only like it. Has a globe/guy. Strictly news and info page. Only newsworthy items on there. THere is no discussion about anything other than headline news items from diff news. If you are looking for what is happening, and not wanting to search through opinion and discussions.

For people who aren’t on facebook, we will add into GlobalVoice website. Not quite there yet.

Caller: I have been listening to John Moore. He’s been talking about a military alert on oceanic borders. All the military have been made aware that they have to evacuate. May be given a day or two notices. No one seems to know about this?

Teri: I have been vetting story for the last couple of days, can find no info on that whatsover, and I have a lot of news connections all over world, and community and some in military. With those resources and my searches. I can’t validate it yet.

Caller: I agree, but I have several people in family military. No body has heard anything about this coastal evacuation via this fellow, John Moore. Most of this stuff is new to me. The info from the web. I’ve known about these things since the eighties, and at that time, I was labeled as a crackpot. I was calling radio stations in Pittsburg, and now it’s my kids that are taking over. I got burned out trying to let people know what was going on. My kids are saying they are sorry theyshould have listened. I am torn because of my faith. With the facts that are coming in. I have to deal with that now. For many years, I have thought about it, now I have to deal with it. It is disturbing. I have to say I have been lied to and cheated on, but not only govt, and my country that i have supported, but also my faith. Am I going against the savior? I know there are a lot of people out there thinking that they are scared about my faith.

That is something no one can address. People have to come to terms with that on their own in their own beliefs. I had to come to terms with my faith. No one should say you should go anywhere. It’s up to everyone’s individual. It’s wrong for someone try to convince you.

Caller: If a space ship comes down, and Jesus isn’t on it, I am not getting on it.

DEnise: The first time that 9-11 was an inside job, was from a young man in navy on Abraham Lincoln (USS), when he landed on it and Bush said Mission Accomplished. When that young man was aboard that ship, he sent me a video that it proved it in plain sight.

Caller: Mad magazine, there was a picture of a plane flying into the world trade center. Drakey listen, I’m with you dude, but I am freaking out, I am a West VA girl but he is all over you.... but thank GOd I am talking to you know, I want people to know, but we are the crazys. I told your girlfriends here, I have been knowing this stuff before the 80’s. They told me to get away from me. Radio show in Pitts. told me never to call them again. I knew about Bilderberg, ETs. He said, Ma’am you are crazy. There’s a lot of very very intelligent people. We have to let the people know we are the smart one. Our minds go beyond the black and white. We go everywhere. It kills me inside that the ones who really know are the ones who are chastized the most.

Paul: Nobody said it was going to be easy. Thank you for your input.

Caller; I struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction, i am starting to realize that I was never able to say what was really going on in my head, so I had to stifle that with chemicals. Now I am freely thinking, I can do this freely.

Paul: Just keep a stiff upper lip and hang on with the rest of us.

CAller: The most intelligent people on earth are trying to put out the message.

Paul: Would like to state concern about story coming out. We can’t verify it. We know there are dangers, ring of fire, west coast tsunami, east coast tsunami. We can’t pin it down, but we know threat. Until such time we can find solid info as to why these stories are being out. You have to take every fear porn headline and follow it. We are so used to reading a headline and not reading story. We just see headline and just run with it.

Denise: We aren’t perfect here at GV 2012, and we can get caught up in moment, and we have put out info that we thought was valid, but wasn’t but we will retract and let everyone know if we did make an error. We can use help of listeners. If you come across info you think you can help, send it to use immediately. If you are on fence, feel free to send personal message to admins, or, people are helping us research who can validate. We make every effort to ascertain that the info we are putting out is as accurate as possible.

Paul: We are Global Voice, yes, but we are maintaining page and radio show. Everyone out there is Global Voice. We don’t want to be your crutch. We want you to help us and help your neighbors, too. YOu have to work togethter to help with info. you are learning to investigate and empower yourselves. Just think of all the things you can start investigating in your comminuty too. We want you to do this out there, if we can do it here, you can do it in your ommunity. We want to make this as much as group participation.

Drake: I am going to leave it up to the individual. Let us know if y ou want to be given the credit for article or info... Or, avoid legal... .Copy the whole thing, copy the whole page, so the credit for the article also goes to author. Send the link to where you obtained information. Let us know if you want your name on it.

Denise: I want to point out that this would be valuable to read, on Drake’s website info tab, interesting article from near and dear GV person, Terry Hinkle. She dots all i and crosses all t’s.... very good and thorough ... articles on Agenda 21, would help our members in educating yourselves in educating yourselves.... Unalienable Rights, by Terry Hinckle, How to Bring Down America, Wild Lands Project Not What you Think. Very informational and educational I would strongly recommend to all of our members. ALl are under information tab on Drake’s website. ANmilitia.

We can follow up after our readers read articles, they will invoke more questions. It will bring out more understanding and more questions.

Paul: That is what we want to do here to spark info, and to empower people. Starts with group discussion. I have a dear friend, Barclay, working to get him on to have an hour once a week to start taking us down the road of undertanding unalienable rights, where everything stems from, getting knowledge to move forward when time is right.

Denise: Unalienable Rights, Common Law, what these are.

Paul: We want to present this on show, so you can ask questions. We want to provide forum. So you can get answers when the questions that come to your mind.

Denise: We can learn about what we are going to do on our next program, so people can prepare ahead to.

Paul: Email them in so we can have everyone benefit from answers.
Teri is working on new stories. We want to provide info from different areas to connect dots.

Teri: I think once I am done with calls, I could go to forum and start a new forum topic about show requests. What would people like for shows. We can hear what people want to talk about and get a show about it. WE want to know what you want to hear.

Paul: We want to hear from you. WE are just the humble servants.

Teri: Thomas Jefferson...

I think that is so relevant today. We have new stories. EVerything is around LIBOR, seeing possible action, and they can just threaten and threaten and drop ball. People forget about it, and nothing comes of it. I have been following the White Hat’s report since inception. I have been extremely impressed. #44. They say they are disgusted, upset in awe, of all the info that was given to LORD Blackheed, and the story about 16 trillion dollars, was dropped. Why didn’t anyone pick this up. It is going to take all of us. This news is going to piss off everyone. People are going to demand answers. Today, WH #45, they basically were venting all the evidence, if you aren’t going to do something with the evidence, we are going to put it out to the public and let them try to take action since you didn’t , and they are going to follow up and posting and flooding internet with this evidence that has come out that no one is doing anything with. We should pay attention to this and follow up. I want to ope up for discussion.

Paul: Resignations, Suicides, if people can’t connect dots, this isn’t just coincidence. Here in the US we have had bankers and people assoc with financial aspect, suicide and stabbing themselves.

Debbie: Can any of you get a hold of Foster Gamble. Thrive movie. Everyone should watch that. Is there anyway to get him to do a show through you.

Paul: We have had that suggestion. Haven’t even had a chance to see if he is available. It was suggested.

Debbie: I don’t know how true, but I am seeing on our facebook page, there is a video being posted 20,000 + extra resignations that no one is reporting. Date is March 18th. Including resignations and house arrests from FCC securities and stock commission.

Paul: That was a certain kind of filing. Media was reporting just some of the higher level resignations, but if you go into FCC, there is a K document, under that filing, there was a large amount that were being filed but not reported. Unless you look for it. It’s not cabal or upper level, but more likely mid level because they know something was coming up. American kabuki was reporting that in February

Denise: Seeing a lot of info on this: The recent solar flare. They reported on NBC with Brian Williams, the one that happened yesterday. Teri and i have been watching for eruptions of earthquakes in Canary Islands, ten or 30 a day, and now they are reporting none.

Teri: 700 in four days, and now there are none. I had spoken to someone today who was in Canary Islands, and they felt no movement. He was a week there, they were feeling them and getting alerts, but the last two days they were there, they didn’t feel any or get any warnings.

Paul: White Hats and Banking: Anyone chime in on that:

Teri: I was going to ball it all together about White Hat, Liborg Scandal news UK, starting to get US signs, Bernake, Geitner implicated. Implications that the White Hall that is part of the royal family information, implications there. The LIBOR scandal is a very big dog now. The reason I mentinoed White Hats and LIBORG is because we saw what happened with Lord Blackheed and 16 billion get slammed under the rug. I don’t want to get this slammed under rug. By us sharing, and adding Lord Blackheed, we need to keep shining spot light on that, and if we do that, we will shine light on Libor scandal.

Paul: Jamie Dimon, and Barclays, are going to go ahead and step down and get a slap on the wrist. Is this the sweeping under rug, or is something going to blow out and make this irrelevent.

Denise: The LIBOR is being slap on the wrist. It’s not being treated as a criminal case as it should be. It’s being mentioned as one, but so far no criminal actions have been taken. I can see how this could slip under the rug and nothing happen. I think because there is so much evidence, with the 16 trillion scandal, the evidence is so damming, that by shining light on that case, it will allow us to put the heat on and keep on so that the Libor scandal will stay in open

Drake: Yes LIBOR is going to be taken in terms of financial. Many has happened internally about it. I am going to suggest the scandal and fun and games between world and Europe is a distraction. Transpacific partnership. NWO went from that Atlantic to Pacific. It has been doing this for awhile. I am saying pay attention to libor however, if you think anything nasty, TPP is bad..... Nafta has spent several thousand on test fines. It was the form or Transpacific partership it is the rim. CHina, south Vietnam, Japan, US... this is where the growth in terms of growth anywhere on planet is taking place. They are attempting to take over from that stand point. I posted an article on website, from The Nation Magazine. Covers general paramaters and some specifics. The rich people of the Illuminati actually putting something forth in a treaty form to do what they couldn’t do before, but can do now. Extraordinary. People and countries lose their soveriegnty, and everything comes under commerce area. Group of legal staff which rotates, in terms of damage, No stipulations about what these people can do once it is formulated. Small Arms, Law of the Sea, Libor.... all distractions. People need to grasp this. I don’t know how to start taking this partnership apart, but I am working on it. Everyone in this audience should get busy and it is critically important. If you don’t have any trading partners, the country is pretty much fried. It can tell you, you don’t have any exports this year. According to the treaty they can enforce it. I would sugges that you would look at somethings, specifically as scandal involving investigations, or no immediate reactions or actions taken as distractions.

Teri: Someone just posted that they had the 12 TPP stake holders meeting in San Francisco. website, free trade agreements, Bahrain, transpacific partnership engagement, page on that, related agreement. Information. Public comments, q and a, blog.

Paul: Get that over on to newspage. Need someone to do that.

Drake: just sent a link about that which is the most intelligent one of all.

Paul: I’d like to hear from listening audience to get their take on what you’re thinking. Trying to fill dead air time. Anything you want to discuss.
Teri: I don’t know enough about the TPP. I know how important it is. I didn’t have enough tonight. Thanks, Drake, for bringing it up.

this covers a good solid range about everything it can do. Form a partnership based on finance and commerce in the past. Nafta. Jobs getting sucked out of the United States. There are several things that need to be done. one of the things we have problems with. We don’t have manufacturing. it’s in China, and cheaper to send, too. A Duty or tax, in terms of what we do in terms of safety of workers and community along ???

China’s manufactoring is in the coal age. In Taiwan, if you look at reclamation of electronics, people are burning precious metals off of circuit boards which exposes them to bad toxins. We have seen mobile homes with awning, for cars, storage. The aluminum, it is taken from here, taken to China, smelted, and made into support and beams, and ships it back here for less than it can be paid for here. It has to be govt subsidies and agreed upon by TPP wealthy, and leaders in China. If people want jobs, first things we need to do is take down the Banks. Neil Keenan will tell what is going on in reports. In conjunction with Mr. Keenan, and David Wilcock, had a long conversation, and just to let you know those truck loads of info that I know, are the truck Loads that the White hats have. It is being hidden away so it can’t be found. Very explosive with what it shows and what people did. At some point it will come out.

Paul: You aren’t shorting yourself for info on Sunday show. I do have quite a bit more.

Dan Dieter: Good news, the more I hear, the more secure I feel. Obviously a lot behind scenes... strategy, tactics and logistics... lots going on to prepare for ultimate battle. I can tell you are ready to get into next stage. Good to hear and it’s charging my batteries, too.

Unconditional Finance: Could give very clear synopsis about how Ron Paul could be leader. The house of cards is teetering. Morgan Stanley having problems in the trillions, and when they go, the house of cards will go. Drake is right.... get your money into your small credit unions. Get gold and silver (hard), Drake is right on, and i have researched everything ... fundamentally you are incredibly sound. We need to trust the powers that be.

Drake: Going to blow minds on Sunday. Goes right along line with what you are talking about Dan. I am stupid, so I asked lots of questions. Had Niel Keenan explain a lot of things, and helps me inform people. I have been very fortunate to have tactical contacts in various chains. Information i have been trying to offer is kind of general. If someone can envision, like distractions and understanding them when you see them. Small arms, distraction, magicians trick.. the other one is taking bird out of pocket. Bait and switch.

Paul: DAn, did you hear us talking about suggestions or ideas that you do for approaching people not in the know. Give them the seeds of info to get them curious.

Dan: That’s a good question. A lot people are afraid to do first thing. I enjoy the initial contacts, and watching their eyes as you talk to them. New person in neighborhood told me he was having loud party... I told him you are a compassionate guy, do you know about Thrive. I have a day and night job. Do you know anything about Chemtrails. Do you think we are heading in the right direction as a country. Would you like to awaken. I told him to look at Thrive, and if you are really curious, this is DD, but you can find me on facebook, and you can go to websites. Then that is one example. We met five people in transaction to get a car. They all wanted to learn more, they are all out there doing something. I talked to my manager. Not a neighbor on the block who isn’t doing something. Thank you’s after it all is so worth it.

Paul: Do you get the scenario about applying too much and get the shutdown. Before we talk, look at the movie. Need to educate yourself, then watch Thrive and then let me know if you want more. Crop circle, ET, free energy, GMO, first part is might be something that could shut them down before good stuff.

Dan: Would not lead with ET or crop circle. I would start with are you satisfied? Would you like to do something to make it better for your children. A little bit in the beginning.
Let them get on facebook. some have said they learned more in two weeks than they did in their whole lives.

Paul: Thrive starts with cropcircle and ET’s. How do you prevent them from shutting down.

Dan: When I first got into the anniversary of 9-11, I went into because I felt something was wrong.... I was sick and depressed for two months. I felt very lonely. I didn’t know Drake, Dan Wilcock, GV. You will be depressed, you will be sick, but if you have the courage to go through it.... Better to bite the bullet and get prepared. If we expect ET’s help, we better get our house in order. I want to be in this work, not have them rescue us. Throw the TV away. I can’t even turn the TV on anymore it’s so repulsive.

Denise: I agree. nothing on mainstream tv that is worth a nickel.

Dan: Ron Paul has a lot more delegates, and a lot more fraud than anyone can think of.
Ron and Rand Paul have stayed in the republican party and can help his dad when the type is right. Palin at least believes a little more of the truth. You do not see a sticker or noise for the other two candidates. I think Ron Paul can lead us through this.

Paul: Rebecca in NC: I let everyone know we appreciate everything. I have been calling the small arms treaty, holder, tpp, I even stated to the White House were smoke screens for something else. My question is that Keshe technologies that have been blocked by obama, and that has been upsetting. Can you talk about the white dragon/red dragon.

Drake: White Dragon good guy, Red Dragon bad guy. Does destruction to planet and kills people, but the white one does win. It’s a fortune cookie. Do what you believe, but according to info I have seen. We are supposed to win. That is one of the things that keeps me going. The problems you are going to run across are in terms of info on them. Go into chinese lore, and find pictures, when you see pictures they will battle, if you follow the trail, find the legend. Have a translator, hard to understand ancient Chinese.

Caller: Grammy J.

Paul: Did you see on your road trip, anything out of the ordinary?

Grammy J: I do feel in my heart and did see some military equipment being moved on rail road tracks. I chew Drake out about not telling me stuff because I want to know.

Paul: Purpose of call to share information.

Grammy J: I wouldn’t be supportive. HOnestly, if people would stop being negative. We are winning. History is taking place. Some people feel they just got to see and know eveyrhing. A lot of good people are working really hard behind the scenes. We don’t have to know everyhitng. Just like we know the great spirit exists, do we have to know every day. We have to trust that things are going on behind the scenes. What irritates me, is when good people are attacked when someone doesn’t give up the info that they want to know. If he isn’t going to tell me, he isn’t going to tell you. He knows people in high places who are risking their lives. There are a million of us to them, and some of them are just trying to scare others. They know they are losing. People are walking up. Come out and support or shut up.

Paul: People want the answers to weigh and evaluate facts.

Grammy: But they want answers based on their demands. If Drake can’t say something, that means what it means. It doesn’t mean people need to exhaust us.
If someone doesn’t want to believe, that’s ok, but if they open their eyes, they will see stuff all over. We can’t make demands based on what we want.

Laugh, love, trust god, no matter what. This is what I choose to do. I know I am lead to this, I know that I am supposed to do this. I love everyone and I want everyone to let go and let God. In that still silence so much is going on behind the scenes. Each one of us has been lead to do our little things. We are all just little grains of sand on a beach that I call God. When they get angry and go after because they don’t beleive. They want this to be true, or they wouldn’t keep listening. What are they doing here if they don’t want to believe. Just need to relax. Let God take over. Great Spirit has been teaching and leading me.

People all over. (lists people trying to get truth out.) It’s important we don’t miss the forest for the trees. That is why you won’t see Grammy J argue with you. People don’t need to stoop to insults.

We all need to come together with peace love and light. Things are happening. The bad guys know it- they know we exist. Nothing is private. But people in deep and touchy situations. I have seen people making demands that could get some people killed if they were responded to.

Denise: There will be a day when it will all be out in the open, and in the meantime we all have to do our part.

Grammy J: Early today, someone sent a message about small arms treaty. To try to prevent this gun thing from Brian, fast and furious, happening again?

Drake: It’s a distraction, and then like a cat, will watch three mice and figure out which one to pounce on first. WE have to combat both. TPP has to be voted on. If we can catch them with their pants down early enough, we can see their bare butts out there for everyone to see.

Grammy J: If they are trying to take weapons from people who have weapons. They are afraid of you. Should we be prepared to shoot if need be. Like our founding fathers said. If they are trying to take your weapons, they are afraid of you. Once the weapons are gone, there is nothing standing between you and them. The bad guys for the first time are afraid of you.

Denise: Drake and Paul: Does anybody have a comment about the report on FOX disclosed some UFO files.
Drake: I heard about it

Paul: Ministry of Defense has declassified a lot of that material.

Denise: Or sending everyone on a wild goose chase.

Paul: London Telegraph, looked pretty relevant. Pilots from 60’s and 70’s being declassified. Not sure if it is first step to disclosure, but if FBI is involved.

Drake: I think two weeks. There is a reason I am saying that. That was the time frame I was given in terms of more detailed info given out. I will suggest that there is going to be some old hat old stuff at first, and that it will go deeper.

Closing thoughts:

Dan Dieter: Keep your powder dry and get ready for the fun. What I am feeling. I am a student of voices. Drake’s voice tells us we are doing good.

Poofness - 7-15-2012 ---- Control, Finally

-------- Original Message --------
From: 2goforth
To: 2goforth
Subject: Control, Finally
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 17:35:51 -0400

Do You Want To Know A Secret lyrics
Songwriters: Mccartney, Paul; Lennon, John;

You'll never know
How much I really love you
You'll never know
How much I really care

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell, whoa, oh
Closer, let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear

I'm in love with you, ooo

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell, whoa, oh
Closer, let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear

I'm in love with you, ooo

I've known a secret for a week or two
Nobody knows, just we two

Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell, whoa, oh
Closer, let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear

I'm in love with you, ooo, ooo

Greetings and Salutations;

 When I introduced the term 'matrix' several weeks ago, it went over a lot of people's heads. People got the essence of the movie. But it was still too sci/fi for folks to grasp the reality of it. May I say it this way now; the new banking system acted like a virus in the fed res system, across the planet's banking system. Every tendril being assimilated by the new system, like the Borg...'resistance is futile'. The bad guys could not accept an honorable defeat...they fought and now they don't even know who's sitting next to them at the restaurant. In what they think is in 'confidence', they plan something, then find themselves compromised at the most inopportune moment. This is why I've told you, presidents, prime ministers..politicians, bankers, et all; are no worry for any one to concern themselves with. Free will only extends to the limit of your own skin, it does not void out anothers' choices, thus the elimination of the nazi new world order taking over the planet. Peace(love) has whupped their butts. They misused their free will, now it costs them at every turn. Note, the news coming out now. Greed got them. Trapped like rats in a cheese, factory!

 I guess Obama is super man now, he is stopping time, the future from arriving...from the  stuff coming across my desk. I will say this, you will All learn to take responsibility for your own lives, every decision you make, you Will become an adult. You will no longer look at politicians as the leaders of your life. You will have so much supply, you'll barely think about them, and the hacks, like koch industries and rove, will find themselves in positions that place them as 'non factors', grunt niks...neanderthals from the past. Don't know what a grunt nik is? They live in caves and lick the slime off the walls...reminds one of Golem, from Lord of the Rings. You  will see the sheriff of nottingham(tax man), go away. Folks you just don't under stand just how much supply is out here that's funding this world, it's been the greedy who've convinced you (taxes) there was not enough. Can you even 'imagine' infinite supply? Until you can, leave it alone, your brain will turn to mush and start leaking out of your ears. Paradigm change is afoot, which the bad guys know even you don't, desperation is in the air. More went to jail this week, I didn't say house arrest. Despite what you think or believe, no one is getting away with anything untowards. We'll see how it works out for them in outer mongolia with no internet, or phones. We'll make them live under the same restrictions they wanted to put on you, thru 'legislation'. You will also learn to 'know' and cease believing things. This will quiet things down inside of your noggins. The mind or 'thinking' is not all it's cracked up to be. 'Study long, study wrong'. The first answer is generally the right one.

 The banking system has been assimilated so, we seem good to go and start this party, live in the 21st century.  Jetsons, here we come..bye fred and barney. That's all I know, have fun and be good, if you can't be good, be good at it.

Love and Kisses;


Home Owners Across the Nation Sue All Bank Servicers

Home Owners Across the Nation Sue All Bank Servicers and Their Offshore Havens; Spire Law Officially Announces Filing of Landmark Lawsuit

Largest International Money Laundering Network in History Formed During Obama Administration; U.S. Banks' Theft of Home Owners' Money Laundered Through Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Numerous Offshore-Based Affiliates

NEW YORK, NY, Apr 23, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- In a lawsuit alleged to involve the largest money laundering network in United States history, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owners across the Country -- has filed a mass tort action in the Supreme Court of New York, County of Kings. Home owners across the country have sued every major bank servicer and their subsidiaries -- formed in countries known as havens for money laundering such as the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg and Malaysia -- alleging that while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners, it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole hundreds of millions of dollars of home owners' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies. The complaint, Index No. 500827, was filed by Spire Law Group, LLP, and several of the Firm's affiliates and partners across the United States.

Far from being ambiguous, this is a complaint that "names names." Indeed, the lawsuit identifies specific companies and the offshore countries used in this enormous money laundering scheme. Federally Chartered Banks' theft of money and their utilization of offshore tax haven subsidiaries represent potential FDIC violations, violations of New York law, and countless other legal wrongdoings under state and federal law.

"The laundering of trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money -- and the wrongful taking of the homes of those taxpayers -- was known by the Administration and expressly supported by it. Evidence uncovered by the plaintiffs revealed that the Administration ignored its own agencies' reports -- and reports from the Department of Homeland Security -- about this situation, dating as far back as 2010. Worse, the Administration purported to endorse a 'national bank settlement' without disclosing or having any public discourse whatsoever about the thousands of foreign tax havens now wholly owned by our nation's banks. Fortunately, no home owner is bound to enter into this fraudulent bank settlement," stated Eric J. Wittenberg of Columbus, Ohio -- a noted trial lawyer, author and student of US history -- on behalf of plaintiffs in the case.

The suing home owners reveal how deeply they were defrauded by bank and governmental corruption -- and are suing for conversion, larceny, fraud, and for violations of other provisions of New York state law committed by these financial institutions and their offshore counterparts.

This lawsuit explains why loans were, in general, rarely modified after 2009. It explains why the entire bank crisis worsened, crippling the economy of the United States and stripping countless home owners of their piece of the American dream. It is indeed a fact that the Administration has spent far more money stopping bank investigations, than they have investigating them. When the Administration's agencies (like the FDIC) blew the whistle, their reports were ignored.

The case is styled Abeel v. Bank of America, etc., et al. -- and includes such entities as ML Banderia Cayman BRL Inc., ML Whitby Luxembourg S.A.R.L. and J.P Morgan Asset Management Luxembourg S.A. -- as well as hundreds of other obscure offshore entities somehow "owned" by federally chartered banks and formed "under the nose" of the Administration and the FDIC.

Continue Reading Here:




Readers of The Blaze have, by now, likely heard that author Dinesh D’Souza is releasing a hard-hitting documentary about President Barack Obama. On Friday evening, Glenn Beck invited D’Souza on the set to discuss his film,“2016: Obama’s America,” and explain the “roots” of Obama’s rage against what he deems “colonialist powers.” In this instance, Obama places the U.S. in such a category.
Dubbed by Beck as “the only man who truly understands Obama” because he himself had an “anti-colonialist upbringing,” D‘Souza dissects the president’s hard-and-fast beliefs with facts difficult to refute.

In the second clip below, D’Souza explains why the president believes he is doing the “right thing” by bringing America down to size. “The genius of Obama,” according to the author, is that he can do exactly what he wants, but put it in terms that sound innocuous to the American public.
Obama also has “certificates of racial absolution,” said D’Souza, meaning that he can come across as a figure who transcends the kind of petty, race-driven dialogue often perpetuated by the likes of Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  This, in turn, brings about a “sycophantic following” among the left.

(2011) Keshe presents free energy in conference in Netherlands (vid)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

(2011) Keshe presents free energy in conference in Netherlands (vid)
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Jul-2012 09:43:50

He explains how a new understanding of physics leads to alternative methods to generate electricity. The presentation was held at the Elektor Live! electronics event held in Eindhoven, Netherlands 26 November 2011.
starts at 4:20 min
Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe @ ElektorLive!

DINAR INTEL - Scams & Info

Hi Everyone-

There are several scams going on out there in Dinarland that you should know about. I hope everyone knows that giving your dinars to someone to exchange them for you is one of them. Please do not fall for the “early exchange” scam, nor give your dinars to anyone to exchange them for you, nor allow anyone to make an appointment for you to exchange your dinars (that supposed appointment could be set up at a non-legitimate location in order to steal your dinars).
If you can’t exchange your dinars yourself, let me know so I can help you come up with safe ways to get it done.
Also, to be very clear: The bank codes associated with the bank packages I have written about have been negotiated free of charge. The negotiators, nor the other people involved, have not and will not receive any payment for doing so. And there will be no charge to you to make use of the bank packages offered. You will be directed to a legitimate bank to exchange and nowhere else.
There may be more than one bank package to choose from and the dinar sellers may try to compete with them to get your business, so please don’t rush to exchange your dinars until I have time to get out all this information to you, including the tax implications. The information I will have to share with you could save you thousands to millions of dollars, depending on how much dinar you hold. It also could save you more than a few headaches and keep you safer throughout the process.
Warning: If you follow the advice of dinar-related chatrooms and forums in exchanging your dinars and protecting your assets, you do so at your own risk. I am routinely horrified at the advice that is being given out and, if you act on it, I will not be able to fix your mistake. Please be careful. These people aren’t malicious; just misinformed and they truly should know better than to give out information on a subject they know nothing about.
In addition, the scammers are out there and they are looking for you! Fear/paranoia will take you down a dangerous and unhappy path but vigilance and discretion will serve you.
UNSC resolution restored Iraq’s full sovereignty
BAGHDAD / The United Nations Security Council’s resolution to bring Iraq out of Chapter VII of the UN Charter has restored Iraq’s full sovereignty over its money abroad, the chairman of the parliamentary security and defense committee said on Tuesday. “The resolution is an acknowledgement that Iraq no longer poses a threat to the security of other countries,” Hadi al-Aameri told UN Security Council Resolution 678 was the legal authorization for the Gulf War, which was passed on 29 November 1990. It gave Iraq an opportunity to withdraw from Kuwait by 15 January 1991 and authorized UN member states in cooperation with the government of Kuwait to use “all necessary means to uphold and implement” Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which authorizes the use of force to restore peace. Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets forth the powers of the UN Security Council to maintain peace. It allows the council to “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression” and to take military and non-military action to “restore international peace and security.” The United Nations Security Council on Monday unanimously voted to extend arrangements for depositing the proceeds from sales of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas into the Development Fund for Iraq and to review all resolutions pertaining to Iraq from 1990. SS (S) 1
The dinar revalue is required for Iraq to be fully out from under the UN’s Chapter VII sanctions. (Below is an English Translation of an Arabic news story):
Member of Finance Committee: Negotiations are continuing with Kuwait to extinguish the debt .. And remove Iraq from Chapter VII will be achieved soon
On: Wednesday 07/11/2012 12:06
Baghdad (news) .. Most likely a member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Secretary Hadi, lifting the seventh item imposed by the United Nations on Iraq soon after ongoing negotiations with Kuwait to extinguish the debt or financial reference.
Said Hadi (of the Agency news) on Wednesday: There are committees of the problem by both Iraq and Kuwait on how to pay financial debts owed to Kuwait and turn off each other, adding that negotiations are ongoing and continuous for the purpose of raising Iraq from Chapter VII imposed on it by the United Nations since the Nineties the past.
He added that these negotiations will come to raise the positive results of Chapter VII and soon, possibly within this year.
And give Iraq the membership of World Trade, said that Iraq's entry into the WTO is not subject to the lifting of Chapter VII, but there are some powerful countries in the Organization required the lifting of all UN resolutions imposed on Iraq to be granted membership of the organization.
He pointed to: that Iraq does not need this organization unless it has a robust economy, backed by the sectors of great economic Kalsnaaah and agricultural because the local product is unable to products imported from large countries that have membership in the organization, as well as they need political stability and security in the country Because the Iraqi border will be open for States to supply their goods to Iraq.
And established the World Trade Organization in 1995, and is one of the smallest organizations the world lived, and is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was established after World War II, and its primary objective is to help the flow and trade flow smoothly and freely.
Include the World Trade Organization (WTO) more than (140) members representing more than (90%) of world trade.
The previous system was ordered to invade Kuwait in 1990, the impact of sanctions imposed on Iraq from the international community and put under Chapter VII, which makes him the country threatens international peace and security.
Included international sanctions prevented the import of chemicals and nuclear technology that could be used in the programs of secret nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Has allowed the United Nations in 1995 for Iraq to sell oil in return for food, called the program (Oil for Food) No. (986). / Finished / 8. D. Q /

7-13-2012 SWFloridaGuy:
It's no secret that the IQD's current rate was government imposed and is grossly undervalued but that doesn't mean we should down-play the significance of what we believe they are trying to accomplish.
To put things in perspective; for Iraq to revalue to even a fraction of what we expect (on par with USD/100,000% appreciation) would make this currency reform project a singularity and considered an extremely ambitious economic phenomenon even to Heterodox economists who take "power" and the global elite more into consideration.
My goal in writing this post is to credit this historic opportunity with the respect it deserves rather than simplify it with baseless rumors, misinformation and contemptible hype.
I will continue to promulgate the theory that the Iraqi dinar will revalue, while also recognizing the challenges it presents.
So, let's look at some historical FACTS: Countries must choose between capital mobility, monetary policy autonomy and exchange-rate stability. Nominal appreciation must lead to sustained real appreciation.
The definition of a "large exchange rate event" comprises a 10% (or larger) appreciation of the nominal effective exchange rate over a two-year window (or less), leading to sustained real effective appreciation.
In the past 52 years there have been 25 episodes of large nominal real appreciations and revaluations. There were 14 cases of "appreciation shocks" that occurred not as a result of discretionary policy action, but were linked to the appreciation of the anchor currency under pegged exchange rates.
There are a few examples that I've found to be duplicates so I won't name them all but here are a few contributing factors (with corresponding countries & percentages) to these appreciations throughout history: 
Being pegged to a basket of currencies with a large U.S. dollar weight when the USD strengthens (Algeria 17.2%).
The depreciation of the USD when a currency is pegged to the GBP (Australia 10.2%).
When a country's exchange rate is stabilized against another whose appreciation triggers it (Malaysia 20%).
Appreciation on a trade-weighted basis as a consequence of the appreciation of the anchor currency (French Franc) against the USD (Cameroon 11.8% & Ivory Coast 27%).
Appreciation as a function of strength of the main anchor currency (Singapore 12%).
European currencies appreciate against the USD (Spain 13.4%).
Revalued under the Bretton Woods system (Germany 10.7%).
Multiple revaluations after the demise of a monetary system (Switzerland 10.2 & 22.4%).
Central Bank manages the appreciation (Japan 14.7%).
Exchange rate regime was changed towards a more market determined rate (Taiwan 13.9%).
Central Bank revalues the central parity of the currency (Chile 29.8% & Colombia 11.2%).
New exchange rate framework with a crawling band and Central Bank interventions (Czech Republic 11.2%).
As you can see there are many different mechanisms that lead country's currency to appreciate and all would pale in comparison (both numerically and strategically) to what we believe is on the horizon for the Iraqi dinar.
We believe the goal for the IQD is to increase purchasing power, maintain long-term stability and to be a globally traded currency. Although after decades of war there is still much work to be done, the CBI, Finance Committee and IMF have worked to improve the fiscal and political outlook by collaborating with Iraqi Parliament, financial experts along with their international counterparts.
The value in the IQD is still there. Just two days ago Bloomberg reported that Iraq’s crude production overtook Iran's for the first time in more than two decades. Last month alone Iraq pumped 2.984 million barrels a day, outpacing Iran’s 2.963 million. 
Now just as they didn't get to their current value alone, I also don't believe they can recover alone. I believe this is all part of a well-orchestrated plan and while the IQD will not be the world's savior by any means, it does present a unique opportunity for the Central Banks to rebalance the system and use this currency as an adjustment tool or stimulus during this global financial crisis.
In this respect, a significant revaluation somewhere on par with the USD gains a bit more tenability. If all the reports out of the CBI lately are true, one way or another Iraq will be added to the history books in 2012 and my research has led me to believe that it will be a VERY "large exchange rate event."  
This is just my opinion, which may or may not be correct.
The link below goes to a 45 minute documentary about money, credit, power and control that is very instructive and very worth your time. When I say, “Things are not what they appear to be,” this scenario is what I am referring to. You (in the US) may label yourself as Republican, Democratic or Independent. (Other countries have their own similar political parties.) Consider the possibility that we (all over the world) are being manipulated by both alternative and traditional media to take sides and focus our attention on attacking the other side. This is very effectively distracting us from the real issue and the real solution.
In a future update I will be outlining a vision of what can be done to correct the system that has our planet bound and gagged. This is a vision shared by many on the planet.
In the meantime, I am encouraging you to observe your thoughts. Have you been sucked into the blame game? Do you spend some of your time passing on “evidence” that someone is evil and destructive? Do you feel justified in doing this to help others “wake up?” Consider the possibility that you are simply doing the bidding of the forces which have the agenda of controlling the planet for their own self-serving needs. These forces are way beyond political parties. You are doing just what they want you to do. You are feeding their agenda perfectly.
There is another way. You could pray for those you feel are making unwise choices. You could align your thoughts and prayers with the constructive forces instead of the destructive forces. You could refuse to play the game on their terms and contribute to taking the power back. You could be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
This documentary goes much farther than the description about it that I have included below:
I Want The Earth (plus 5%)
The sole purpose of this story is to explain the simple maths of reality and the current Banking System – that is – 100 plus NOTHING does NOT equal 105 – and that charging interest on something that is created out of nothing, makes it impossible to repay, giving great power to those who do create money out of nothing – i.e., the Banks. This story was written by Larry Hannigan in 1971 and uses a fictional character (Fabian) in the narrative.


I received bits and pieces of the below story but until I received the detail of information listed below, I was not able to piece it together.
The IQD Developments appear to provide a completed package for delivery .. Timing is also ripe for political rhetoric and maneuvers in this country (using dinar for
improvements in our economy to prevail at an election) since it takes 3 months to see any economic improvements thus enter the RV now.
The detail below suggest reality for a definitive revaluation.  We shall see.
Keep your prayers in mind for all those who are hurting by the actions of our political leaders around the globe.

Keep in mind that with the cash out comes the Prosperity Programs, Global Settlements and US Treasury Notes for pending asset based system.  Prisoners that never injured and remain in jail will be free, there will be no more foreclosures and the collection arm for the illuminati commonly known as the IRS will be be no longer.  If they are sucked into the UST, have no clue as to what new police role they will play but it wont be to collect anything from anyone.
The US and those looking to use the dinar or other currencies for their political meal ticket, they need at least 3 months to jump start the economy with spending power of the dinar so we will see if this is it

Have a blessed day, and a hopeful week




We'll see....

Good Morning, Family!

The past 24 hours have brought about some extremely interesting developments. Friday Night a group of us gathered for a private discussion on these developments, including Memphis, Zochowski,, Inner Harmony, PAPPA-J, Rick Price and myself. I'm posting this as a summary of our discussion at their recommendation.

Thursday at roughly 5:00 PM Eastern, the IQD showed up on FOREX at the Frankfurt Exchange, and shortly thereafter on the Paris Exchange. For reasons explained otherwise, it did not appear on Citibank’s FOREX site in the U.S., and that may be because the USD was not referenced in this announcement.

The actual exchange looked like this:

EUR/IQD (EUR-IQD.F)-Frankfurt
0.16 1,555.5270 (99.9900%) Jul 12
Add to Portfolio. Prev Close: 1,474.7684
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 1,436.6387 - 1,678.8651
..Compare Brokers
EUR-IQD.F EUR/IQD 0.16 Currencies FRA
EURIQD=X EUR/IQD 1,418.05 Currencies CCY

As you can see, the IQD was referenced to the Euro. The Euro was equal (in this posting) to .16 IQD. That would make the IQD worth Eu6.25. Take the current value of the Euro against the US Dollar and we have a valuation of the IQD against the USD equal to $7.62.

Thursday night’s appearance on both the Frankfurt and Paris exchanges did more than raise some eyebrows. Delta’s first reaction was that this was a glitch in the FOREX computers, but the rate continued to display for some seven hours. (Update: The rate was still there, by the way, as of noon Friday.) We’ve seen glitches before, but they generally last for a few minutes, and maybe an hour at the absolute outside.

There was, however, a fascinating coincidence to the appearance of this item on FOREX (and if you believe that it was a coincidence, I've got a bridge for sale! GRIN!). On the day following the appearance of this rate with both Frankfurt and Paris FOREX exchanges, we learn that the Iraqi Minister of Finance as well as other representatives from the GOI were in Frankfurt and Paris to open up embassies. Makes you go, HMMMMMMMM....

In a previous post, I’ve noted that there has been some ongoing discussion regarding an effort by the U.S. Fed to push the USD to some specific target value against the so-called “basket of currencies” (by which the USD is measured). There’s been a fair amount of speculation among our analysts as to just what that target might be. Because the IQD (at the program rate of 1166/Dollar) has generally been valued at $.000855 (or thereabouts), the speculation has been that the target value of the USD against the basket of currencies was likely about $.86. The Dollar has for many months ranged between $.79 and $.82, hitting a high roughly a year ago of $.8250.

At the close of the exchanges Thursday night, the USD was at $.8378 against the basket of currencies – the highest we’ve seen in years. Friday morning, the following headline appeared on Citibank’s New York FOREX exchange under a byline by Michael Boutros: US Dollar Index Reaches 10,070 Objective- Consolidation Ahead. Because we’ve been using the traditional basket of currencies against which the USD’s value is established worldwide, it never occurred to us that the Fed’s objective (along with all of the other central banks) was predicated on a measurement of a much larger (worldwide?) basket. What this headline (and the attendant article) is telling us is that the target valuation for the USD has been reached – a rate which currencies worldwide can use as a baseline, and a rate which makes the upcoming IQD RV (as well as a group of other currency revaluations) desirable.

Now, let me go back to the posting which appeared Thursday night on Frankfurt’s FOREX exchange. You will see the following notation: EUR-IQD.F EUR/IQD 0.16 Currencies FRA. Here’s where things get interesting. The FRA notation has a double meaning. The first is “Fixed Rate Adjustment.” The second is “Forward Rate Agreement.” In short, a forward rate agreement (FRA) is an over-the-counter financial futures contract on short-term deposits.

Both of these uses of the FRA notation indicate an increase in value and advise currency traders and businesses/nations engaged in contract negotiations with Iraq that the IQD is about to revalue and that future contracts will need to incorporate the new rate.

This would seem to indicate that the target rate for the IQD is $7.62. (I would highly caution all of you to consider this figure with a lot of question marks. For all practical purposes it doubles Frank's $3.86 projection.) Does that mean that Dr. Shabibi will make his announcement with the IQD coming out all at once at this 7.62 rate?

For those of us who have analyzed this piece of information, it would seem like that would cause a shock in many economies, and that a gradual increase over a six-to-twelve month (or even an 18-month) span in 90-day increments, the first being at Ernst & Young’s suggested $1.30 rate being the more logical and probable.

I don’t have that answer – YET! What I do know is that the wheels are turning and Shabibi’s announcement is imminent. If we get anything like $7.62 at the outset, you’ll have to cover your ears to protect your hearing from the deafening roar of excitement!

Lastly, there’s been more than a little scuttle about both Shabibi and Maliki (the PM) awaiting the return of Talabani, Iraq’s President, and affording him the honor of making the announcement. Friday’s news indicates that Talabani will be back in one week, and that he has been recuperating from back surgery. Frank's mention of July 23rd as a highly possible date sits well with all of us.

Finally, the last item in our discussion was a phone call I received late yesterday morning from a longtime friend who has retired from the RCMP and served as the equivalent head of Canada's Secret Service (Sorry, but I don't remember what they call this particular division of the RCMP). This gentleman is not given to dreams or visions, and is very fact-oriented and takes a sober, businesslike approach to things. He also happens to be an investor in IQD.

He was awakened Friday morning out of a dream that gripped him with its significance. In this dream he saw Satan standing over a prostrated man with his foot on his chest. As he began to take a closer look, he said that the chest was literally covered with and/or made up of Dinar. As he continued to survey the situation, he saw our current WH administration standing by smiling broadly. At the same time he heard the voice of God speak and say, "That's enough! Take your foot off now!" Satan was forced to take his foot off and the man arose. The implication was clear. However Satan has been restricting things, whatever means he has used to block this release, God has freed things.

That’s where we are, folks. Inch by inch by inch by inch we’ve been getting there. I remind you once again of the prophetic word that Kim Clement gave last year: NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! and then SUDDENLY!

Blessings on you.

------- End of forwarded message -------

Hey guys!  My friend just sent this, but he says it is a secret...

I just got a call this is secret the Federal Judge went to the bank, he was supposed to have access to his money yesterday. They wanted to just sign an extension and he said No I want my currency back I don't trust Obama they told him it was going down TONIGHT!!!!



More detail on the Forex activity in Europe

Subject IQD Develpments
July 14, 2012

We'll see

Good Morning, Family!

The past 24 hours have brought about some extremely interesting developments. Friday Night a group of us gathered for a private discussion on these developments, including Memphis, Zochowski,, Inner Harmony, PAPPA-J, Rick Price and myself. I'm posting this as a summary of our discussion at their recommendation.

Thursday at roughly 5:00 PM Eastern, the IQD showed up on FOREX at the Frankfurt Exchange, and shortly thereafter on the Paris Exchange. For reasons explained otherwise, it did not appear on Citibank’s FOREX site in the U.S., and that may be because the USD was not referenced in this announcement.

The actual exchange looked like this:

EUR/IQD (EUR-IQD.F)-Frankfurt
0.16 1,555.5270 (99.9900%) Jul 12
Add to Portfolio. Prev Close: 1,474.7684
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 1,436.6387 - 1,678.8651
..Compare Brokers
EUR-IQD.F EUR/IQD 0.16 Currencies FRA
EURIQD=X EUR/IQD 1,418.05 Currencies CCY

As you can see, the IQD was referenced to the Euro. The Euro was equal (in this posting) to .16 IQD. That would make the IQD worth Eu6.25. Take the current value of the Euro against the US Dollar and we have a valuation of the IQD against the USD equal to $7.62.

Thursday night’s appearance on both the Frankfurt and Paris exchanges did more than raise some eyebrows. Delta’s first reaction was that this was a glitch in the FOREX computers, but the rate continued to display for some seven hours. (Update: The rate was still there, by the way, as of noon Friday.) We’ve seen glitches before, but they generally last for a few minutes, and maybe an hour at the absolute outside.

There was, however, a fascinating coincidence to the appearance of this item on FOREX (and if you believe that it was a coincidence, I've got a bridge for sale! GRIN!). On the day following the appearance of this rate with both Frankfurt and Paris FOREX exchanges, we learn that the Iraqi Minister of Finance as well as other representatives from the GOI were in Frankfurt and Paris to open up embassies. Makes you go, HMMMMMMMM....

In a previous post, I’ve noted that there has been some ongoing discussion regarding an effort by the U.S. Fed to push the USD to some specific target value against the so-called “basket of currencies” (by which the USD is measured). There’s been a fair amount of speculation among our analysts as to just what that target might be. Because the IQD (at the program rate of 1166/Dollar) has generally been valued at $.000855 (or thereabouts), the speculation has been that the target value of the USD against the basket of currencies was likely about $.86. The Dollar has for many months ranged between $.79 and $.82, hitting a high roughly a year ago of $.8250.

At the close of the exchanges Thursday night, the USD was at $.8378 against the basket of currencies – the highest we’ve seen in years. Friday morning, the following headline appeared on Citibank’s New York FOREX exchange under a byline by Michael Boutros: US Dollar Index Reaches 10,070 Objective- Consolidation Ahead. Because we’ve been using the traditional basket of currencies against which the USD’s value is established worldwide, it never occurred to us that the Fed’s objective (along with all of the other central banks) was predicated on a measurement of a much larger (worldwide?) basket. What this headline (and the attendant article) is telling us is that the target valuation for the USD has been reached – a rate which currencies worldwide can use as a baseline, and a rate which makes the upcoming IQD RV (as well as a group of other currency revaluations) desirable.

Now, let me go back to the posting which appeared Thursday night on Frankfurt’s FOREX exchange. You will see the following notation: EUR-IQD.F EUR/IQD 0.16 Currencies FRA. Here’s where things get interesting. The FRA notation has a double meaning. The first is “Fixed Rate Adjustment.” The second is “Forward Rate Agreement.” In short, a forward rate agreement (FRA) is an over-the-counter financial futures contract on short-term deposits.

Both of these uses of the FRA notation indicate an increase in value and advise currency traders and businesses/nations engaged in contract negotiations with Iraq that the IQD is about to revalue and that future contracts will need to incorporate the new rate.

This would seem to indicate that the target rate for the IQD is $7.62. (I would highly caution all of you to consider this figure with a lot of question marks. For all practical purposes it doubles Frank's $3.86 projection.) Does that mean that Dr. Shabibi will make his announcement with the IQD coming out all at once at this 7.62 rate?

For those of us who have analyzed this piece of information, it would seem like that would cause a shock in many economies, and that a gradual increase over a six-to-twelve month (or even an 18-month) span in 90-day increments, the first being at Ernst & Young’s suggested $1.30 rate being the more logical and probable.

I don’t have that answer – YET! What I do know is that the wheels are turning and Shabibi’s announcement is imminent. If we get anything like $7.62 at the outset, you’ll have to cover your ears to protect your hearing from the deafening roar of excitement!

Lastly, there’s been more than a little scuttle about both Shabibi and Maliki (the PM) awaiting the return of Talabani, Iraq’s President, and affording him the honor of making the announcement. Friday’s news indicates that Talabani will be back in one week, and that he has been recuperating from back surgery. Frank's mention of July 23rd as a highly possible date sits well with all of us.

Finally, the last item in our discussion was a phone call I received late yesterday morning from a longtime friend who has retired from the RCMP and served as the equivalent head of Canada's Secret Service (Sorry, but I don't remember what they call this particular division of the RCMP). This gentleman is not given to dreams or visions, and is very fact-oriented and takes a sober, businesslike approach to things. He also happens to be an investor in IQD.

He was awakened Friday morning out of a dream that gripped him with its significance. In this dream he saw Satan standing over a prostrated man with his foot on his chest. As he began to take a closer look, he said that the chest was literally covered with and/or made up of Dinar. As he continued to survey the situation, he saw our current WH administration standing by smiling broadly. At the same time he heard the voice of God speak and say, "That's enough! Take your foot off now!" Satan was forced to take his foot off and the man arose. The implication was clear. However Satan has been restricting things, whatever means he has used to block this release, God has freed things.

That’s where we are, folks. Inch by inch by inch by inch we’ve been getting there. I remind you once again of the prophetic word that Kim Clement gave last year: NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! and then SUDDENLY!

Blessings on you.


Ultra Classified material: reader's discernment advised

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ultra Classified material: reader's discernment advised
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Jul-2012 09:17:20

BTW have an eye on for evolution of actual EM storm!
published yesterday on Kerry's blog:
* Colorado Fire. I had to press a bit with an old friend I had mentioned earlier who worked for N*A and had only two tiers clearance remaining above him when he retired. That's twenty four levels above the President! A little scary.
* Denver: Can be seen with the naked eye, discerning observers note there is a Plasma energy system in the sky emanating from the direction of DIA.
* This is a field generation system that powers the Intercontinental Underground Transit System (IUTS) that connects South America, Europe, Asia and several other Continents, which all converge under DIA. As I understand it, the facility is the size of a small city.
* This is how it was explained to me. They needed to move some extremely large pieces of equipment (Several miles in Diameter) into the DIA area , (ships, and other large items) and the Dimensional Window for that transfer was in the middle of the day. As you are aware the larger material remains visible for several minutes after a dimensional transfer (Ships & such). Since the transfer window time could not be changed, a distraction was needed to get everyone in the state looking west. Obviously it worked quite well, not to mention enough smoke to cover several states. No Satellite Pictures.
* After the tenth fire broke out in Southern Colorado and the last of the large equipment had been brought in near DIA, suddenly, or within two days, the fires became over 40% contained. Then, out of nowhere, a four day rain storm flooded the entire state. HAARP was mentioned.
* He also stated. Quote "They're running out of time and you will see more Bold moves like this more often" UN-Quote.
* London was also mentioned. My Contact asked if I had ever heard of using forty five thousand active Military troops to cover a sporting event before? He stated that when anti-nuclear military teams move into a International City, Look Out!
* He flatly refused to discuss anything about BIS or the Banking sector.
* When I brought up Nibiru and her system, he laughed and shook his head. He then became more serious, stating. Quote "Make sure your away from any major City and you can make it on your own for several years. You don't think I moved by chance do you?"