Friday, July 20, 2012

Jesse Ventura Interview: 'The Whole Thing is a Fraud'

Jesse Ventura Interview: 'The Whole Thing is a Fraud' (and He Doesn’t Mean Wrestling)
And Has Fluoridated Water Turned Us All Into Lemmings?

by Marshall Ward and Jeff Cazanov
Rock Cellar Magazine
In his new book DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans, Jesse Ventura argues in favor of abolishing all political parties within what he calls a corrupt two-party system.
From my perspective, I can't advocate anymore for third-party politics. We've got to face the reality that the two parties control the system to such an extent that, to be viable, a third party would have to sell out and become just as bad.
Ventura asserts that corporations have bought the American electoral and legislative process through the power of lobbyists, campaign contributions and political action committees.
As the book jacket blurb advertises: Ventura "exposes how two major parties, acting like gangland cabal (Crips and Bloods), have allowed corporations, businesses, and politically motivated wealthy individuals to manipulate elections, bribe elected officials, and in short, silence the average American voter."
In the opening chapter, Ventura makes a comparison between politics and pro wrestling – the latter being a subject in which Ventura, a former wrestler known as "The Body," is well versed: "The two gangs pretend to be adversaries in front of the public...but ultimately, they're both working for the same things: maintaining their power, getting richer, and making sure their wealthy backers keep control of the ship-of-state."
When his wrestling career drew to a close, Ventura garnered even more fame – some would call it infamy – by becoming governor of Minnesota, and he has remained an outspoken and entertaining public figure. He has played many roles in his life – Navy SEAL, wrestler, politician, movie star, conspiracy theorist, visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and New York Times best-selling author.
Rock Cellar Magazine tracked down Ventura for a chat – the gift of gab is perhaps his most enduring talent – and he enthusiastically dished the dirt on the state of American politics and shared words of wisdom for the average citizen.
Rock Cellar Magazine: What kind of response have you been getting for the new book?
Jesse Ventura: I've been told by a few people that this is the best one yet. And that's great because I think me and Dick Russell worked harder on this book than any of the others. But what's interesting is I'm being censored with this book. Fox News won't have me on, MSNBC won't have me on, and Don Imus won't have me on.
RCM: Why is that?
JV: Because who owns them – the big corporations. And in this book I'm pretty hard on the big corporations and their buy-out of the politicians. They won't have me on their shows to promote the book, and what they're saying is: "We don't want people to read this book because it exposes us for what we are."
RCM: In the first chapter, you say that you are often asked what has gone so fundamentally wrong with the United States, and your response is that the Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.
JV: Yeah, because they've been in charge for over 150 years. And they've created a system based on bribery. The two parties operate like gangs in that all their members are loyal to the gang first, it's not loyalty to the people or the country. It's gang loyalty first, and then it's loyalty to where they get their money – just like a street gang. How do we make our revenue? How do we get rich? Well, in the case of street gangs, they may sell drugs or do other things to make their money. Whereas these two gangs sell out to the corporation and to all their donors. Did you hear how they recently overruled Montana?
RCM: You mean Montana being the only state to challenge the Supreme Court's ruling that allows unlimited corporate spending in politics?
JV: Yes, and how Montana challenged the thing on the corporations being individuals – along with these Super PACS (Political Action Committees). They tried to outlaw it in their state, and I commend the state of Montana for taking that position. But our Supreme Court just overruled them, so they snuffed down what the state wanted basically and said it doesn't matter – it's what we want at the federal government.
RCM: That a corporation has the same rights as an individual...?
JV: Exactly, and it's obscene! They've also stated that money is free speech. Now, I'm all for them if they want to raise all the money they want from whoever, okay, but they need full disclosure and we're not getting that. They don't even have to disclose where their big money comes from, these Super PACS. They hide it all.
RCM: These new Super PACs are basically a beefed-up version of candidate campaign committees, right?
JV: Right, but they don't have to abide by the same rules. And what that means is, now the sky's the limit. It's a jungle out there, one that includes Federal PACs and Leadership PACs, aligned with issues and parties and candidates, and so-called non-profit groups that give freely to Super PACs. And Super PACs raise and spend whatever they choose, with an unlimited ability to lie in order for their candidate to get elected.
So, let's say hypothetically, if the country of China wanted to control our government, they could pump all the money into these Super PACS and literally decide who's going to run the United States. And where would the allegiance be then? To the country of China, because they put up the money? That's how dangerous this is and we're going down a slippery slope. And I don't even know if the United States can recover from this when it's all over.
The loose definition of fascism is when corporations take over government. And I think in the United States, we're right on the brink of that, if we're not already there.
RCM: Many have said the Occupy Movement worldwide has no unified message...
JV: Oh, it has a unified message but the media's just not giving it. The message is: Stop buying our elected officials, Wall Street! Quit bribing them! Like I said, the two parties created an entire system based on the concept of bribery.
Now, if we do that in the private sector, we go to jail. And yet, they do it blatantly in their public sector and it doesn't even end there! How about the chapter in my book where we catch them with their insider trading on the stock market? They know what stocks are going up by the very rules they make, so they're privy to inside information. Again, if we do that we go to jail – ask Martha Stewart! But they don't, and the average return is 12 per cent – that's higher than Warren Buffett gets! I always wondered why congressmen and senators could go in and not be millionaires, but they always come out as millionaires.
RCM: The chapter What the Politicians Get and Get Away with that You Can't is an eye-opener, especially when it comes to health care...
JV: In Canada they have government-run health care, but here they rail against it. They tell us we don't need it or want it. And yet what do veterans get? Government-run health care! So, if it's so horrible, why do we make the veterans get it? And if it's not horrible, why can't everyone else get what the veterans get?
And when you look at the hypocrisy, how the congressmen, senators and two parties get government run health care, we found out they get five different options on what they want to choose for their health care. We're lucky, in the private sector, if we have one choice. Many people have none. And I don't believe elected officials should get any benefit more than what the average public is entitled to.
RCM: In that same chapter, you also shed light on the retirement benefits politicians get that the American public doesn't.
JV: Well, why should politicians get a retirement for public service? That's another little thing we dug up on them. If you took away retirement, you'd have term limits because nobody's going to spend 25 years getting elected and not get a retirement out of it. So if you took away retirement – which you shouldn't have for public service anyway – you'd get term limits and we found out, get this, 20 or 21 of them have been convicted of felonies. And some of them have actually gone to jail and they've still got retirement while they're in jail!
I mean, what a sweet deal that is! On top of that they get raises without even voting them. They voted years ago that every two years they get a raise, without even having voted it! Wouldn't that be sweet in the private sector? Imagine what it would be like if everybody at your company you work for could vote himself or herself an annual raise in pay. Wouldn't that be a gas! You simply get a job and know you'll be getting a raise every two years and not even have to worry about it.
RCM: Why do you think Americans are often blind to the fact that elected officials have more perks than the populace they govern?
JV: Well, I'll give you my version of it – and you can laugh at it if you may – but I think it's in the water. Do you know what I mean?
RCM: Not really…
JV: Back in the '50s, they told all of us that we had to put fluoride in the water for our teeth. Well, first of all, why do you need the government doing that? Shouldn't your parents teach you how to brush your teeth and use mouthwash? You don't need the government doing that.
So, here's the real reason for fluoride...You know who were the first people to put fluorinated water into society? Nazis. The Nazis did it first, because fluoride is roughly 90% the main ingredient of Prozac. So when you're drinking fluoridated water, you're drinking liquid Prozac. What does Prozac do? It dumbs you down, calms you, makes you unemotional – just the perfect way to turn you into a lemming, so you can be marched off the cliff and not look left or right.

RCM: Haven't you been drinking fluoridated water all these years as well, though?
JV: No, because the weird thing about me is – not by design because I only learned this a few years ago – all of the homes that I've owned had their own well. So I haven't been drinking fluoridated water all my adult life, with the exception of drinking from a water fountain occasionally – a little bit, but not enough to affect me. I've always drank regular well water without any chemicals in it. And they force it! The city of Brainerd (Minnesota) didn't want to do it and the federal government came in and made them put fluoride in the water.
It's the truth – fluoride is the major ingredient in Prozac.
And why would the government wants to put it in our water? For tooth decay? Give me a break! That's the government, in my opinion, completely overstepping their bounds. So I ask, what truly is their ulterior motive? It certainly isn't for tooth decay. That's a load of shit!
RCM: In the chapter The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer, you reveal some intriguing facts about the famed top 1 per cent owning 40 per cent of all the wealth in America...
JV: Well, overall, the richest 400 people in America – all of them billionaires – possess as much money as the bottom 50 per cent of Americans combined, some 154 million. It's mind-blowing!

Wealth Distribution 2007. It's even more extreme in 2012.
And what happened is during this 2008 recession, as they call it, everybody lost wealth. I lost wealth. My home isn't worth what it used to be. Everybody lost some form of wealth, except – just like the Wall Street people said – the upper 1 per cent of the 1 per cent of billionaires. They actually increased their wealth five times! So, if you were worth 10 billion dollars, you're now worth 50 billion. Now that tells me that they orchestrate these recessions so that they can get even wealthier, while making the rest of us even poorer.
RCM: How does this affect America's middle class?
JV: The middle class is dying, but it's mostly because of this attack on unions here. The government has used propaganda to make people think that unions are evil. Now, can unions be evil in some cases? Yes, they can, because they're run by humans and anything humans do can end up evil. But as a whole, unions built the middle class. That's why the United States was so exceptional, because we had this middle class and unions.
I saw a chart the other day where the median wage and union membership were the same line. As union membership goes down, so goes the median wage and income – and people aren't paying attention to this. If we lose all the unions, you're going to be back to sweat shops. You'll have no rights and you'll have no collective bargaining. And people don't realize that.
RCM: Back in the '80s, you tried to form a union for professional wrestlers, right?
JV: I just had this discussion with Fran Tarkenton, the great quarterback who's got a show on Sirius (XM Radio). He knows I come out of pro wrestling, and he was railing a bit on unions and I said, "Fran, wait a minute – you have a union in the NFL that protected you!" I said, "In pro wrestling, we never had a union. I wrestled one time 63 consecutive days in a row without a day off, because there was no union."
There's no parameters of how hard they can work you. They can work you like a dog and there's nothing you can do about it because they're in charge. I used to have to pay – this was back in the early '80s – $5,000 a year for health care for my family. And if we'd had a union that could have been dropped to maybe $1,500 a year because there's strength in numbers.
RCM: Pro wrestlers today have it better than the guys in your era though, don't you think?
JV: They do, but they're still wrestlers – they're not financial planners. Although today they get a lot more college graduates than back in my day, that doesn't mean they necessarily know how to invest their money. You work so hard, how do you have time to learn how to invest your money when you're on the road every day? If we'd had a union when I wrestled, then they could say, you can only wrestle a guy five days in a row, then you get two required days off. Then you can set parameters to what bosses and executives can do to the workers.
And here's the final thing I told Fran Tarkenton. I said, "Fran, wrestlers don't even get retirement. You can spend 25 years in wrestling and at the end, you've got nothing. Where at least in the NFL, you get a retirement because of your union." So I said, "Don't sit there and say unions are horrible. Yes, they can get out of hand and they can be bad in certain aspects, but to destroy all the unions in America systematically, you are then going to destroy the median income – and you're going to destroy the middle class. Which is what I believe the government wants to accomplish.
RCM: That sounds like a conspiracy theory...
JV: Well, that's what I see happening. I may be out blowing in the wind on this, but I see them trying to drop the U.S. economy so that we're just like Mexico – with only rich and poor. Then what you'd have is us, Mexico and Canada, and I see them trying to put us under the same currency of globalization.
RCM: Would you agree the biggest conspiracy today would be the whole world bank situation and the Federal Reserve Fund?
JV: I do because it goes completely against our constitution. The constitution of the United States clearly states that there shall be no central bank. But that scoundrel Woodrow Wilson found a way with the bankers to loophole the constitution. They created the Federal Reserve and that's truly who runs the country, because if you go by what Deep Throat said in Watergate: "Follow the money." And the Federal Reserve prints the money, so they're the boss. If you make the money – you're the boss. Politicians are nothing but puppets, it's the Federal Reserve that runs the United States of America – not your government. That's my opinion, anyways.
RCM: Jon Stewart said on The Daily Show a few months ago that we live in a unique time in that both U.S. political parties are actually getting what they want, even though we can't afford it.
JV: He's right. When I was at Harvard, I taught a class called How Pro Wrestling Prepares You for Politics, and I made the comparison that politics is just like pro wrestling, and I talk about that in this book. I said that in front of the media, they're adversaries. But behind the scenes, they all go out to dinner and they're all working together.
So the whole thing is a fraud. They love to call wrestling fake; well, I like to say that politicians are the ones who are fake, not the wrestlers. When we get bodyslammed on the mat or get thrown into a turnbuckle, it hurts! Now, we may be ballet with violence, but you still have to take those moves when you get slammed to the mat. So these guys, the politicians are the ones that are fake – not wrestling. I've been out of that business for 22 years now, it's hard to believe.
RCM: What steered you into politics after you retired from wrestling?
JV: My father, I guess – I attribute politics to him. My father, he had only an 8th grade education, he was a World War II veteran with six bronze battle stars for the battles he was in – he was in all of them. And my father was very political at the dinner table. I remember there were times when my mother sent him down to the basement because he got so worked up. "Come on, go downstairs and get cooled off!" she'd say (laughs).
In fact, he said something that has stayed with me forever. One day in high school I came home and my dad said to me, "You know, all politicians are crooks," and I said, "C'mon dad, you can't make a blanket statement like that – they can't all be?" He said, "Yes they can, and do you know why?" And I said, "Why?" and he said, "Because they spend a million dollars for a job that only pays a hundred grand!"
And that always resonated with me, and I can see today that my father would look at me differently, because I'm not a crook in my dad's eyes. Because I'll tell you why: When I ran for governor of Minnesota, I accepted no PAC money, no special interest money, and I only raised $300,000. Well, I was paid $120,000 a year which means I made $480,000. So I actually spent less than what I made doing the job – so my dad could say I wasn't a crook. And I bet I'm the only one who can say that in the last 50 years.
RCM: Howard Stern has said that you're his hero.
JV: (laughs) Howard Stern and I get along great. I love doing Howard! When we do the book tour, we're going to do a full media blitz on the book when the fall comes because right now is not really the time for a political book like this, 'cause it's summer. I know in Minnesota, nobody pays attention to politics until the state fair is done, and that's Labor Day. And so, we're going to go out with another media blitz probably the end of September or early October. Because with this book we're going to hit hard, right before the election and hopefully the book will have some influence on how people vote.
RCM: One of the themes of the upcoming election will likely be the Republican Party painting President Obama as a socialist. What do you think?
JV: Well, they're going to try to win but I'll tell you what, Mitt Romney, if they elect him, you're going to get (fictional character of the 1987 film Wall Street) Gordon Gekko. Because Baine Financial that he worked for, that's what they did – they were corporate raiders! They went in and bought up corporations, made millions of dollars, broke them up and put people on the unemployment line. So when Mitt Romney says he creates jobs, yeah, he creates jobs – employment line jobs! But to me, again, like what the late, great Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead once said: "If you're made to pick the lesser of two evils, you're still picking evil, aren't you?" Well, there you go.
RCM: What do you say to someone who believes that most any federal-funded social program is socialism?
JV: I say, what's wrong with that? Let me give you an example: We just got a taste of pure capitalism when they took all the bounds off of Wall Street and they took all the restrictions off. What happened? Rape and pillage! People lost their value, lost their income, they lost their wealth, and that was done because of pure unadulterated capitalism.
Now, on the flipside, we saw what happened to the Soviet Union which had communism or total socialism – they fell also. So, clearly any right thinking person will say that you need capitalism and you need socialism at the same time. You need to have the correct balance of both.
RCM: What would be the correct balance of capitalism and socialism?
JV: I don't know what the percentages would be, but I believe that the way you achieve that balance is by looking out for your poorest of people. And not just necessarily holding them up, but giving them the opportunity to be successful. And in order to do that you have to have socialism.
My goodness, building highways is socialism! There's certain things – things that are the government's job – that are done for the common good so that they can pave the way for us to be successful in a capitalist society. But you've got to have some socialism.
And as far as health care goes, the United States should be ashamed of themselves. We're the biggest industrial country and the only one that doesn't have health care for their citizens. As rich as we have been, there's people out there who can't even go to the doctor! Now there's a place where I don't think health care should be for profit. I share that in the book, how the average health care costs have gone up like 36 and 38 per cent, yet these CEOs of the health care businesses are making 15 million a year in bonuses. Obscene!
RCM: At its worst, though, isn't the United States a better place to live than most countries?
JV: Sure we are, but we're falling! And the other countries are gaining! Certainly, we probably have the highest income and the highest standard of living in the world, but it's disappearing because the middle class is going.
RCM: Have you seen some semblance of a better model somewhere else in the world?
JV: I haven't even had the time to look around (laughs), so I really can't answer that. I can just say this: my friend Carlos Santana – Carlos and I talked once and I told him about living in Mexico, like I do for five months a year – he told me, they claim New Zealand is the best place to live in the world now with the best standard of living. Now, I don't know that – that's strictly what Carlos told me, but I respect his opinion. I've since heard this from multiple other people as well.
RCM: Do you still have hope for true reform in America, despite the proliferation of Super PACs, with all politicians on the take?
JV: Well, there's always hope because I tell people it's as simple as the nose on your face. But it's as difficult as climbing Mount Everest. And the reason that is, is because people still vote for Democrats and Republicans, even though there are alternatives out there. So I ask the question in this book: to what level can we take abolishing all political parties? Do we have the ability to remove them from the ballots, to where people simply run by their names?
RCM: And not be identified by a party?
JV: Yeah, wouldn't it then become incumbent upon us, the people, to know who these people are, rather than simply going out and voting for a specific party line?
RCM: Who are you supporting in the upcoming election?
JV: New Mexico two-time governor Gary Johnson. He used to be a moderate Republican. He was the governor when I was the governor of Minnesota. I know Gary well and he's running under the Libertarian banner.
And I'm urging everyone, if you want to strike out, then he's the choice for people who really want to rebel. Right now our congress' approval rating is about 10 per cent, so you've got 90 per cent of the country who doesn't even like what's happening in congress. So I ask, then why go along with it? Vote for governor Johnson.
RCM: If the system is rigged in favor of the two major parties, what would it take for an outsider like governor Johnson to win?
JV: It's going to require a revolution where people mass outside these things and chant and demand. But of course, with the mainstream media down to about four corporations now, they won't cover it – just like the build up to the Iraq war. I didn't even find out there were massive peace protests before we invaded Iraq. It was never covered in the news media.
RCM: Plus, there hasn't been a debate that included a third candidate since '92 when Ross Perot ran, right?
JV: Again, that's because of the gangs! Perot scared them so bad in '92 because he got one out of five votes. Up until then all presidential debates fell under the National League of Women Voters, and they determined who would be allowed to debate. Well, the Democrats and Republicans then took the debates from the National League of Women Voters and they formed the Federal Debate Commission which, ironically, is headed by the two former heads of the gangs.
So now they totally control the Democrats and Republicans, who is allowed to debate, and they put this high water mark of where you have to be polling 15 per cent. Well, you can rig polls and even if you were polling 15 per cent, I guarantee they would then raise it to 20.
RCM: How did it work when you ran for the governor of Minnesota?
JV: When I ran at the primary I was polling 10 per cent. I was allowed in the debates and seven weeks later, guess what, I was the governor of Minnesota. I rose from 10 per cent – it was a three-person race – to win it with 37 per cent. So, it can be done if you're allowed in the debates.
But they're not going to allow governor Johnson in the debates, and that's why it's so unfair. See, that's how they're controlling the whole system and they do it just like a street gang would.
RCM: Do you think these same politicians exploit button-pushing emotional issues like gay rights, immigration, and gun control just to keep the 99 per cent fighting each other, rather than fighting for income equality?
JV: Oh, absolutely they do! Those are all red herrings that they throw at the public. But they are real issues too.
Here's a thing that I'm gravely concerned about that came to my attention when I got a letter from senator Rand Paul – y'know, Ron Paul's son? He made me aware that the United States is going to go with the United Nations on this particular treaty, and we need to stop it because part of the treaty is international gun registration – which would overrule our 2nd amendment.
We would then fall to the international community to determine gun registration. And as you know, as much as the Liberals want to disarm us – that's their job, the Liberal side – the Democrats, that's all they talk about is taking away our guns. And that would be fine and dandy if nobody else had them. But if you use Mexico as an example, where I live five months a year, guns are banned. You can't have one. Well, who has them?
RCM: The cartels...
JV: Exactly, and they're killing 20-30,000 people a year down there! So there's your example of what's wrong with the Liberal side saying, "Oh, take away the guns."
I'll give you another example: I was in the Philippines the day Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law and became a dictator in the early '70s. The first thing he did was he put out a memo stating that the people of the Philippines had two weeks, or something, to turn every gun over or else it would be the death penalty. Now, why would a dictator do that? Why would that be number one on his list?
Well, because of the fact of our 2nd amendment, they always like to say, well, we're not going to take away your hunting and fishing. Back when they wrote that, the Bill of Rights, if you didn't hunt and fish – you didn't eat. That was a given. The reason the 2nd amendment is there is so people have the ability to defend themselves if the government were to become oppressive. And now you've got government and the Liberals trying to disarm us by taking all the guns away.
From people, I used to always hear, "Well, we couldn't stand up to the U.S. military, so what good are our guns going to do?" Well, excuse me, I seem to remember and participated in something called the Vietnam War, where all you had was a bunch of rice farmers and a few AK-47s. And we dropped more ordnance on them than we did in World War II, and we could not beat them. We won every battle, but we could not win the war.
RCM: So how do we win a war against political "street gangs?"
JV: Vote for somebody else. Like I said, I'm going to vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. I've never voted for a Democrat or a Republican. The vote matters, I tell everyone.
RCM: What about those who say that voting for a third candidate is a wasted vote in a two-party system?
JV: I like to reverse it and say, "No, if you vote for a Democrat or a Republican you're wasting your vote because you're going to get the same thing – it doesn't matter. Look at President Obama for a moment – he rails on Wall Street, and yet his biggest contributor is Goldman Sachs. I mean, what hypocrisy! It's all lip service! They want us to believe what they say, but "Don't pay any attention to what we do!" That's the way it works.
RCM: What else can the average citizen – especially young people – do to fight back for real systemic change in America?
JV: Be involved – it's as simple as that. Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissention is the highest form of patriotism," and I agree with that. You are not unpatriotic if you oppose your government. It's the opposite – you are patriotic! And that used to be the great thing until the last decade – the U.S. people have been brainwashed into thinking, "Well, you've got to go along with the government and if you speak out or oppose anything the government does, then you're unpatriotic."
They need to understand that patriotism is about criticizing your government, because they're only people and if you don't hold their feet to the fire, you will get a bad government. And so you're a patriot when you pay attention, when you speak out if you disagree with something. We used to be a country where you could voice disagreement, but it seems as though that's been taken away now. I've said it before, we're not the United States of America anymore – we're the Fascist States of America. Mussolini would be proud of us today.
RCM: Any final words of inspiration as we head towards the 2012 presidential election?
JV: Well, I give hope to the young people of America, but there was hope when I was young too. I'm a product of the '60s and we fell apart. The heavy and unpleasant truth is they absorb you, as you get older and your values change somewhat. I thought we would change the world and we really didn't. We did for a short time, but it wasn't permanent.
It's going to take a whole lot of detailed nuanced thinking and action to get out of this mess. First, we must make politicians understand that we aren't going to rubber stamp their actions anymore based on lies. And if they try to make suckers out of us, they must understand that we're going to turn them on their heads. We won't be dumbed down, manipulated or sold out anymore. Those days are coming to an end. Let's take our country back!
So let me leave you with a great quote from Jimi Hendrix, the greatest guitar player who ever lived on the planet. Jimi Hendrix said: "When the power of love overtakes the love of power, then the world will know peace." And I think that's phenomenal because, at the time, he was speaking when the Vietnam War was going on. But I think it still applies today. What Jimi said is completely true.
July 20, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Rock Cellar Magazine

This Message Requested Forwarded to DRAKE

I have personally been subjected to AN UNLAWFUL DENIAL OF JUSTICE by the Federal judicial "system" that is being occupied by DISLOYAL COMMUNIST SUBVERIVE ENEMY AGENTS as Federal judges. The most brazen act of SUBVERSION publicly announced was by the 9th curcuit Court judge. I don't remember his name off hand, but this man actually declared THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IT CONTAINED THE WORDS "ONE NATION, UNDER GOD". Isn't that a clear indication of a SUBVERSIVE ATHIEST-COMMUNIST ANTI-AMERICAN GLOBALIST. Now, I have encountered other individuals that are clearly CRIMINALS, like MARK RICH that DENY American CITIZENSHIP (which in legal terms is called VOLUNTARY EXPATRIATION) and then claim to be "CITIZENS OF THE WORLD" or "A GOOD GLOBAL CITIZEN" (i.e. A GOOD COMMUNIST) if you remember Mark Rich, the Israeli Zionist financier was living in Switzerland and has a foundation that regularly sends financial support to Israel (and I can confidently say to American corrupt politicians as well) was issued a PARDON by former President Clinton., isn't that right? The current President Obama is another clear case of an "international" or GLOBAL CITIZEN whose LOYALTY to America is questionable at best, because at the age of 13 when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro ad renamed Barry Soetoro in Jakarta, Indonesia he renounced American CITIZENSHIP and swore an OATH OF LOYALTY to Indonesia, which is an act of VOLUNTARY EXPATRIATION by assuming Indonesian CITIZENSHIP. Indonesia does not allow "DUAL CITIZENSHIP" and once American citizenship is VOLUNTARILY RENOUNCED it is lost forever and cannot be reinstated. Now, I don't know much of anything about Benjamin Fulford other than he is CANADIAN journalist that worked for Forbes magazine. But some recent posts on an internet blog site "The way of love" now claims that he is an "American" journalist and what I find even more suspicious is that the purported writer that claims to be Benjamin,Fulford now also claims to be a "GLOBAL CITIZEN" and that he supports the Niel Kennan lawsuit to give the Asians (or the so-called "ancient Dragon families" ) control of the collateral accounts because then the Asians would "HIRE" the Europeans and the Americans to do the "work" of "humanitarian projects"  bringing about the release of the "GLOBAL PROSPERITY PROJECTS" from the collateral accounts of the GOLD RESERVES. It STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN AS A SCAM! To me the "ancient" Dragon "families" are quite obviously the Chinese Communist intelligence agency in combination with a few other south east asian Communist nations like Myanmar, Viet nam, Laos, Cambodia and North Korea and probably elements within Indonesia, Malasia, Japan, South Korea, etc. to bring about the so -called UTOPIA ideal of the ONE-WORLD COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT by the ruse of "freedom" (Orwellian doublespeak for SLAVERY)  and eliminating National sovereignty by declaring GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP or INTERNATIONAL or UNIVERSAL CITIZENSHIP. The destruction of National identities and international BORDERS by making "Treaties" or "Agreements" is the definition of a criminal CONSPIRACY, an AGREEMENT IN CRIMINAL PURPOSES. NAFTA, THE TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP, etc. and the economic trading blocks like the European "UNION" the African "UNION" the North American "UNION" the Pacific or Asian "UNION" is the first step to create a ONE WORLD "CURRENCY" by economic groupings of "currencies" like the "Euro" and the proposed "Amero" to attempt to erase national identities and national borders, the VERY FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICA AS A SOVEREIGN NATION. The final objective is to make America a subordinate SLAVE STATE to the GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, a Communist State that is a mere "SECTION" of a World-wide "UNION" of a UNITED STATES OF THE "WORLD" headquarted out of Jerusalem, Israel and managed by the "United" Nations GLOBAL GOVERNMENT CONGRESS. That is why the name of the organization is the WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION, AMERICAN SECTION, INC.  Look at the examples of Greece, Spain, and Italy. Greece is compltly DEAD IN THE WATER economically and most definately leaving the Euro and returning to its own nstional currency, the Drachma. Iceland,has had enough of the banking CRIMINALS and is putting the subversive FOREIGN ENEMY AGENTS that STOLE THE MONEY by the TYRRANY OF USERY, predatory lending practices and fraudulent banking instruments like credit default swaps and derivatives in JAIL. The Communist Jewish "banksters" are clearly SWINDLERS AND FRAUDS, theives and crooks, criminals. Isn't it plainly obvious to anyone that Leon Panetta, the current Secretary of Defense for the United States would actually admit to asking for "INTERNATIONAL APPROVAL" at the United Nations before committing American military forces to Syria. Not American Congressional approval, but "International approval" (code word for Israeli Knesset approval via the "trap door" of the U.N.) So, isn't it plainly obvious that American Sovereignty and authority has been USURPED and taken over by a group of international foreign conspirators? First an ECONOMIC WAR to deliberately SABOTAGE and REMOVE CONTROL of resources and production capabilities, making a country and people totally dependent and therefore SUBSERVIENT to imported goods and services by "OUT-SOURCING" the production factories and service centers to FOREIGN COUNTRIES. When a country becomes financially and economically "addicted" to imported goods and services (like oil products and the telephone call service centers, etc.) That country is made into a SLAVE by those who control the distribution access to those products and services, a vulnerable situation directly in contravention to America national security interests. It requires a very high state of diligence and counterintelligence to retain FREEDOM, because a mere "notification process" to declare freedom is insufficient to achieve true ECONOMIC FREEDOM. Eternal vigillance is the price to not only win FREEDOM but to retain FREEDOM because National borders and National identities become irrelevant when there is ECONOMIC TYRRANY and financial control by FOREIGN PRINCIPALS. Benjamin Franklin when asked what kind government he was intending to establish for America responded "A REPUBLIC MAM, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT!" The purpose of the Foreign Agents Registration Act is to IDENTIFY FOREIGN COUNTERINTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES that are OFFICERS and employees if a FOREIGN PRINCIAL, subversive DISLOYAL ENEMY AGENTS WHOSE OBJECTIVE IS TO DESTROY THE REPUBLIC AND SUBSTITUTE A FRAUDULENT "DEMOCRACY"  MOB RULE, NOT THE RULE OF LAW. I do beleive Neil Kennan and Scott Keith may very well have good intentions, but who are the FOREIGN PRINCIPALS THAT REMAIN ANONYMOUS and that identify themselves just as "THE DRAGON FAMILIES"? Who are they and what is their agenda? Clearly, they want total CONTROL of all the GOLD being held in the collateral accounts. The Chinese are notoriously greedy people, some call the Chinese the Jews of the Orient. The obsession for POWER and CONTROL is very often a mental illness called MEGALOMANIA the most famous cases being Napoleon Bonaparte, and Benito Mussolini that clearly suffered from DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR and quite literally became POWER MAD, they lost their minds! Napoleon Bonaparte even after the French revolution that saw the beheading of King Louis  XIV and Queen Marie Antionette of the Austrian royal house of Habsburg, even tried to integrate himself into European royalty by marriage to another Austrian Habsburg princess even declaring himself EMPEROR, a complete MADMAN. What happened to Napoleon Bonaparte in the end? Eh? What happened to Benito Mussolini, the arrogant and conceited new "Emperor of Rome" that was too "HIGH UP IN THE FOOD CHAIN" The PEOPLE of Italy that had suffered so much pain and deprivation under Mussolini that finally got their hands on his "SUPERIOR" ASS took him and his WHORE Clara Petacci out and summarily EXECUTED them both, along with their stooges in Congress by firing squad and hung their "SUPERIOR" CARCASSES UP BY THEIR FEET LIKE PIGS! Isn't that right? Same thing with the Genocidal MEGALOMANICS of Romania, the Communists Nicolae Ceaucesceau and his conceited, vain wife, Elena. Both were summarily EXECUTED by firing squad for GENOCIDE and TREASON, isn't that right? Eh? As the saying goes,those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

On Jul 14, 2012 1:37 AM, "Phillip Julio Long" <> wrote:
A favorite method of brainwashing is by mixing truth with fiction to implant suggestions in gullible individuals. I just read a post written by a "channeler" that claims to be the Archangel Michael in The way of love ad makes a few fantastic claims about "ascention" from 3rd dinension to 5th dimension. I have spent many years investigating spiritual matters primarily focusing on Hindu Yogi and Bhuddhist philosophy as well as Islamic Sufi and Catholic mystical traditions. I personally have met some highly advanced masters in the flesh and one time actually had an Interdimensional Angel suddenly appear before me to dissuade me from attacking another person that had stolen $20 from my wallet. I could clearly see the angel that was like a transparent ghost and I immediately bowed my head in humility and obedience. The thief saw the obviously surprized expression on my face with my eyes opening up wide at the sudden apparition in the room and then my humble obesciance of bowing my head in the direction of the angelic being. The thief (who was a African American female) looked at me and turned and looked at the direction I was bowing my head but she saw nothing and became confused and then frightened and as the angel was present I saw a look of sudden panic and fear and the female evil spirit in the body, suddenly, without a word being spoken, made a hasty exit to try to get away from the higher energy being that was made her feel like she had just caught on fire and she literally ran out of the room. I intuitively knew it was my "guardian angel" I recognized him as the real archangel Michael and that he appeared before me to clearly warn me not to make a mistake and possibly kill the thief over a mere $20.00 so I just let her go and left it at that, I agreed that it was simply not worth it. I was protected. But that was a personal experience and I am grateful that my guardian Angel came to warn me not to make such a big mistake. Obviously, the Lord has bigger plans for me and things for me to do that are much more important. At any rate, my objection to the so-called channelling is that it purports that Obama is a "lightworker" and a "highly advanced being" and it also goes on to claim that Obama will be RE-ELECTED and that he is working to defeat the cabal. ...right. What a load of hogwash! This is the same man that signed the National Defense Authorization Act S.B. 1865 that was found to be unconstitutional because it violated the 5th Amendment guarantee of Due Process of Law. The same man responsible for the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and ICE officer Jaime Zapata in,the international gun running program directly contributing to  THOUSANDS of DEATHS in Mexico, the total DEATH TOLL is now around 40,000 in the Mexican War on "Drugs". Here he is, Obama and Eric Holder selling high powered weapons to the same Mexican mafia that the Mexican government is fighting. Who is Eric Holder's top assistant attorney general that covered up the "Fast and furious" program from the Mexican government? Another Communist Israeli MOSSAD AGENT, Lanny Breuer. Par for the course. The man is attempting to impose a Communist totalitarian dictatorship with centralized government powers that even allows him to label anyone, including American Sovereign Citizens as "TERRORISTS" and like a MAFIA DON ORDER A HIT to MURDER that person that presents a problem to his authority, (presenting the TRUTH) Now this same "lightworker" wants to allow the U.N. to take away the 2nd Amendment Constiutional guarantee of the right to bear arms and OUTLAW GUNS. Well, you know the saying, when you outlaw guns, ONLY THE OUTLAWS WILL HAVE THE GUNS. This "channeler" also expresses concern that information has been received about the construction of execution gallows in the FEMA camps to prepare for the executions of members of the Cabal. He goes on to say that in,order to progress on from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension IT IS NECESSARY "TO FORGIVE" the evildoers and "surround them with love". I seem to recall Jesus calling the evil ones, the "LOVERS OF THE BEAST" Jesus himself declared that He abhores (hates) EVIL. Then this "channeler" goes on to state that if we focus on punishment and revenge that will bring us down and we will remain in the 3rd dimension instead of "ascending" to the higher realms of light and love. ...Right, never mind about JUSTICE, never mind about all the innocent people that were brutally MURDERED. Never mind about the MOST FUNDAMENTAL RULE OF LAW IS THAT MURDER IS INTOLERABLE. LET THEM GET AWAY WITH MURDER, NO PROBLEM, THOSE PEOPLE DIDN'T MATTER ANYWAY, BECAUSE AS THE "REVEREND" BILLY GRAMM SAID "WAR DOES NOT INCREASE DEATH, BECAUSE IN A HUNDRED YEARS, ALL THOSE PEOPLE THAT WERE KILLED WOULD BE DEAD ANYWAY." I say that "Reverend" is a morally abandoned imbecile, a blithering idiot. Let me kill your wife or your husband or your son or your daughter and would you say that it is O.K. because in as hundred years they would be dead anyway...yeah...right. Please, these people really have some kind of nerve thinking that Americans are so stupid, less than MORONS to actually admit their own GUILT and then expect that they are going to get away with mass MURDER, SCOTT-FREE, no punishment BECAUSE THEY ARE "special" SURROUNDED BY "LOVE" AND "LIGHT" well they truly are "special" like the people that participate in the "special olympics"! They are true psychopaths, homicidal and genocidal MANIACS, PURE EVIL. Individuals that perpetrate random evil acts of terrorism resulting in mass MURDER are acts that are deemed MALUM IN SE, inherently EVIL, PUNISHABLE OFFENSES. A crime is more severly PUNISHED under the law when committed with MALICE AFORETHOUGHT, (knowledge that harm and injury would result from the criminal act) If no JUSTICE
were done to PUNISH EVILDOERS, there would be NO INCENTIVE OR MOTIVE TO DETER OTHERS FROM DOING EVIL, BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE NO CONSEQUENCES. The Universal Moral order is called the LAW OF KHARMA, or as stated in the holy Bible "You reap what you sow." Good seed yields sweet fruit, bad seed yields bitter fruit. The vernacular term most commonly understood is "What goes around, comes around" and "Payback is a BITCH!" When these invidious, heinous, evil war criminals finally are forced to face the TRUTH of the facts before the bar of JUSTICE they must be held criminally responsible as well as civilly LIABLE to PAY THE PRICE FOR THEIR ATROCIOUS CRIMINAL CONDUCT. NO MORE HYPOCRICY ABOUT LOVE, LOVE MEANS NOT CAUSING PAIN AND HURTING OTHER PEOPLE, NOT BEING A MALEFACTOR, BUT A BENEFACTOR. A misanthropist that hates mankind and causes serious harm by injuring and killing people just for "sport",  a sadist, does not merit any "love" or forgiveness but only JUSTICE to serve to satisfy the victims family members that were injured and DENIED the LOVE and joy of the companionship of their beloved family member that was brutally taken away by the killer that murdered him or her. The only reason for having a justice system is to provide a means for the,aggrieved and injured party to achieve customer satisfaction and is symbolized by a achieving a balance on the scales of JUSTICE, isn't that right?

Happyness is a Priviledge...sprinkled with Inspiratio

 Happyness is a Priviledge...sprinkled with Inspiration. Enjoy these two short videos. -cary

(Pretty Neat 'Dream' Come True)

And this from Russia:

Iceland Jails Bankers, Erases Citizens’ Debt, Recovers Strongly: No More Banks!

Iceland Jails Bankers, Erases Citizens’ Debt, Recovers Strongly: No More Banks!

20 Jul
Iceland Jails Bankers, Erases Citizens’ Debt, Recovers Strongly: No More Banks!
Icelanders who pelted parliament with rocks in 2009 demanding their leaders and bankers answer for the country’s economic and financial collapse are reaping the benefits of their anger.
  1. Iceland Continues To Grow Using ‘Startups’ By Replacing ‘Banks’: Iceland Refused To Bailout Rothschild’s Corrupt Banking Cabal.

Since the end of 2008, the island’s banks have forgiven loans equivalent to 13 percent of gross domestic product, easing the debt burdens of more than a quarter of the population.
The island’s steps to resurrect itself since 2008, when its banks defaulted on $85 billion, are proving effective. Iceland’s economy will this year outgrow the euro area and the developed world on average, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates.
Iceland’s approach to dealing with the meltdown has put the needs of its population ahead of the markets at every turn. Once it became clear back in October 2008 that the island’s banks were beyond saving, the government stepped in, ring-fenced the domestic accounts, and left international creditors in the lurch. The central bank imposed capital controls to halt the ensuing sell-off of the krona and new state-controlled banks were created from the remnants of the lenders that failed.
Iceland’s special prosecutor has said it may indict as many as 90 people, while more than 200, including the former chief executives at the three biggest banks, face criminal charges. That compares with the U.S., where no top bank executives have faced criminal prosecution for their roles in the subprime mortgage meltdown. The Securities and Exchange Commission said last year it had sanctioned 39 senior officers for conduct related to the housing market meltdown.
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July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION!

First agenda item:  Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”.  The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be.  First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts.  We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats.  The clear and precise message is “be informed” and “take action” when required to do so.  The folks in the hallowed halls are listening to the thunder clouds of a pissed off nation and world, clearly approaching the steps of the Capital.  So, to all of our “friends” in the Washington D.C. beltway, listen carefully, soon the people will be on your door step, taking you away.  It’s not just Obama they will be after … it’s you.

Second agenda item:  To Homeland Security, tell us that you really didn’t pull the plug on Drake’s show.  Who came up with that plan?  Let’s review.  Drake is a patriot … if you listen to the broadcasts you would know that.  If you Homeland guys, and the rest of the government officials, would act like you cared about the 310 million citizens of the United States of America you wouldn’t have to worry about what the Drakes of the world are saying.  They would be spouting just another conspiracy theory that nobody listens to.  You do have a problem, everyone IS listening.  Why?  NOBODY TRUSTS YOU!  Along with the freedoms we expect and are guaranteed, we specifically demand you uphold our 2nd Amendment Rights. Remember the concept of Freedom Of Speech!  With regard to our Freedom Of Speech we want to know why you are involved with Foreign Nations in the development and reverse engineering of alien technologies for use against the Citizens of the country you were sworn to protect .

We understand you think you are the only authority who can arrest and question people’s activities, but beware, your time is running out.  You would be best served researching how the unelected elite bloodlines have stolen money from the United States through Pureheart, a Homeland Security owed and operated company, a Government Sponsored Entity (GSE), specifically attached to you.  You own that company and don’t have the ability to regulate its activities.  Or do you?  Are you instructing Pureheart, your company, to take the stolen money and develop multiple underground tunnels and cities?  You must realize that your mission would be compromised if it ever came out that you guys are the front for a clandestine, ultra secret operation that places the people of the world in jeopardy.  You already know what we think, so why don’t we let the people decide.  We know you won’t be forthright about your clandestine, ultra secret program.

We do want to get our questions on the record for all of humanity.

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to your belief that something horrific will happen soon, like some sort of attack that would decimate the human population of earth?

- OR -

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to the elite bloodline families, including the Bush Cabal’s, with the belief that they are superior to the rest of the people of the world, and therefore, have the right to extinguish our lives for their own betterment?

- OR –

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to something in the universe that will alter humanity, as we know it, i.e.: like a large object hitting us?

Maybe you would be able to provide other lines of logical thinking.  If it’s not one of those three scenarios, then explain to us why the leadership of the G8 countries would be FULLY involved, right up to their eyeballs.  You guys have approved it, now you should answer for it!

What we believe is that if Homeland Security were just internal security for the United States of America, it would be doing just that.  Unfortunately, you got involved in Pureheart, a Homeland Security company.  Pureheart is solely set up for the thieving of large amounts of cash positions, i.e. Falcone, Tropos, and one that has not even been reported yet …all ultra secret means of financing your ultra secret underground activities.  The tell-tale sign is that the Bloodline families and the Cabal can only control the Western European Monetary System - the same system the Bloodlines control.  ONLY THE WESTERN EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM IS FAILING FINANCIALLY, BUT IT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE REST OF THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS.  We are right and you know it.  Why else would you need to fraudulently develop a high level scam to steal $15 trillion dollars and trade it at a rate of 2000% a month?  Where’s the money, General Rosier?  Where’s the money, Mr. Bernanke?  Where's the money Lord Steven Greene?  Don’t tell the lie that you do not have control on your main and singular product … cash.  IT’S ALL BEING DONE IN THE MONETARY SYSTEM THAT YOU CREATED AND OPERATE DAILY.  That’s hundreds of trillions of dollars a month and the world is wondering why the Federal Reserve is failing and broke.  No cash and no cash flow.  It’s painfully hilarious that the very people who own and control the Federal Reserve System and the Western European economies are failing … and you guys are the best and the brightest we have!  The Chinese have operated for thousands of years, yet you haven’t got it down after one hundred years.  Maybe you just don’t want to let us know what the rest of the world knows and talks about.  The Federal Reserve, along with your secret government system is controlling the underground activities and that is where you have lost control.  No wonder the intelligent people of the world seem to think that 911 was merely a Bush and Cheney con job to get Homeland Security instituted, so as to facilitate the redirection of substantial cash to do your ultra-secret, worldwide G8 operations.   More Later, if there is one.

Once again we ask …  WHO HAS THEIR TICKET?

Third agenda item:  A call out to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama.  Tell us you didn’t really demand of Wells Fargo that they pay out your Iraqi Dinars above each and every person in the world.  Again, we say, Really!  The politicians and the big kahuna’s wife got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Yet Again!  What’s really sad is a bunch of “political speak” was issued from Congress Friday stating they would suspend business for an “internal work day”.  You must think, WE THE PEOPLE are stupid. You all ended up getting your Iraqi Dinars exchanged for vouchers at Wells Fargo Bank.  If we did that to our employers, we would be fired.  Hmmmm … now that’s the ticket!  No pun intended.  For the “leadership” of this country, your actions are despicable. So, just get the hell out.  Go away.  Take the money you have plundered from the American people and just go away!

Fourth agenda item:  A special message to President Barack Obama.  When you and Michelle flew in on Nancy Pelosi’s Gulfstream and parked her bird at the far side of the hanger deck for Atlantic Aviation …where you obviously thought no one would see you … and while you snuck off to Wells Fargo Bank to transact your Iraqi Dinars … did you ever once think about the Country and the image you portrayed as you did that.  Can you tell us why you think you deserve to be first in line at the profit-taking trough yet once again?  Perhaps it’s like the CEO’s you say you hate who get large bonuses for bankrupting companies.  Oops, another bird out of the bag … running the country like it is a profit and loss company.  Imagine that, The White Hats calling you just another crooked politician with his hand out … go figure.  Everyone thought you had a plan and that a change was going to occur?  We guessed it would be inappropriate to talk about that right now but you certainly a quick study.

We realize that shaming you for your greedy, self-aggrandizing action is useless at this point in your career but for God’s sake, at least put on the Abe Lincoln beard and Black Hat so that the hundreds of people that didn’t see you … ahem … don’t whisper.   Hell, we found you just after the flight plan was lodged … remember Air Force One always travels to a location with a TFR in place.  When one is not present, that means you are sneakin’ around and you were sneaking, weren’t you President & Mrs. Obama … sort of like the trips to Spain and London?  Personally, we wish you would accelerate your plans to move to your newfound home in Costa Rica.  The sooner the better … like maybe next week.


Fifth agenda item:  For months and months, the White Hats have been calling out for assistance in getting the word out to the masses thinking that all of the masses talk to each other.  Go back and re-read the last sentence.  We want to share some insights with you regarding the alternative media segment of the world.  You have strength in a way that very few understand.  The White Hats register on approximately 350 blogs throughout the world.  To date, we are translated into 9 languages we know of, including all of the majors.  We have been talking about stuff that no man in his right mind should talk about but we do it anyway and there will be more, much, much more.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard.  But …

The powers that be have kept all of the little people segregated for far too long and the little people need to do something about it.  What do we mean when we say this?  Let’s look.  One of the best sources for UFO related stuff is Kerry Cassidy.  This gal is hard working, relentless and, in our experience, she has been extremely helpful, sincere and always ready to explain things outside of our expertise.

In the same breath, you have Dr. Boylan, who has been a long term member of the alternative community.  There are more and we do not intend to leave anyone out of the loop, but look at how segmented the communities are … and the disinfo guys love it.  Why, you say? Because it is easy to isolate and control any one of the blogs and the topics, to nothingness.  As long as you isolate yourself to nothingness, the UFO's go to one corner and huddle, and the financial guys go to another corner and huddle, etc, etc, etc.  We guess you only have to remember the Sadie Hawkins dance when the girls huddled on one side and the boys huddled on the other.

What happens when the largest financial scam of the world to date occurs and the disinfo teams are able to control through the Sadie Hawkins techniques of control?  You are all segregated, so no kissing is going to occur.  After all, you know what will happen if kissing occurs.  Let the baseball game begin.  If you don’t kiss then your individual stories do not mesh.  Let’s give you an example.

The 911’s have their blogs, the Homeland Security haters have their blogs, the Secret Government people have their blogs, the UFO's have their blogs, the Bush Cabal haters have their blogs, and the Anti Bilderbergs have their blogs.  However nobody hates the G8 because nobody knows what they do, including their clandestine ultra secret operations with the United States Secret Government.  With everyone in their corners not talking to one another, nobody has the opportunity to put all of the pieces together…pieces that have been there all along … way before the White Hats showed their faces.  Now, all of the sudden pieces of the jig saw puzzle started to fit in the White Hats research.  And so we start to ask questions of the blog community.  And then we all had to sit down and really think if this $15T scam, along with all of the other scams, is all part of the same agenda.  Well folks, it is!  Now you look at it and start to ask questions.  Kerry, you need to move ahead and report what you know and think without the threat of accidental death.  Dr. Boylan, get to it and start to make yourself available in a real world template with what you know.  If the Cabal wants you to be eliminated, then so be It, but hell will pay with all of the millions of people worldwide that read the blogs and review the alternative media.  This blog community could become a team if you work together... and that team would be capable of piecing together something akin to an internet network that would keep all the people informed of all the news and we desperately need that. It could assist the Mainstream Media in becoming obsolete due to their cabal controlled reporting.  Mainstream Media - well, no guts to help save the world at this point, as you are totally controlled.  News Media, get some backbone.  We know you all do not have your tickets for the show … so are you laying down and giving up?  We are guessing you have families that you love and cherish.  Are they not reason enough to fight for your life and those humans that ultimately make a difference?  Get a clue folks! We'd like to offer our blog to start the conversation.

Sixth agenda item:  And now more about this $15T scam situation.  The Powers That Be decided a long time ago to keep the extraterrestrial situation quiet.  We need to identify who the Powers That Be are. They are the bloodline families.  They control everything that goes on in the banking world, the political world, and attempt to shape our individual reality on a daily basis.  The control they are exerting has to do with control of the masses.  I don’t think we need to create the long line of items that are currently before us ... oh what the hell why not?  Just a few  … Obamacare, the United Nations Agenda 21, the Libor scandal (the newest scandal of world wide proportion to rock the banking sectors of the world), the money laundering scandals, the aliens and their technologies, UFO’s, Homeland Security, and last but not least, our leadership.

Let the White Hats help by asking this question.  Do all of you folks that work for Homeland Security have your tickets?  Are you expecting yours in the mail soon?  Do you have a sense you will not receive one?  Then you better start to question your very existence in the next three months, six months, one year to three years out.  What are you going to do?  Challenge and ask questions!  Will you just stand there and take it? What are you going to do?

The White Hats are going to be talking about the secret Government of the United States of America, really the world, but that is a dirty little secret for right now.  If you really knew, you would go fetal in a minute.  Right now, we want you to concentrate on sharing with one another and having blogdom come together in a way that is currently not done.  WE WANT THE BLOGS TO COMPARE INFORMATION AND TALK TO ONE ANOTHER.  If the White Hats have put it together but the blogs have been here for substantially longer,, then ”who missed the boat?”  Blogdom, the powerful new alternative news media, is made up of two primary segments: those that report the news from developed and report the news, and those that report what other blogs report.  Thankfully, you all get the word out but the ones who do the initial reporting have to do a far better job talking to one another.  God Bless all of you!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 20, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 20, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 20-Jul-2012 04:53:54

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 20, 2012
The days pass by and the work of our allies is becoming more coordinated, and it is bearing results. The scale of activities is becoming bigger and soon there will be an overwhelming push forward that will be very noticeable. We are working now on many fronts and expect to see some rapid developments very shortly. Your role in what is happening is to hold your focus on what you perceive as the outcome, thus giving it more energy where it is needed. At the same time powerful streams of energy are reaching the Earth from many other sources and Galaxies. The interest and assistance being given to you is immense, and certain to help you achieve your goal which is Ascension. For our part we stop any attempt to prevent it, and use our technologies to ensure both you and Mother Earth reach your destination. It is necessary as the dark Ones will resort to any means, even if it threatens their own existence. Have no fear, we are in control and they are well aware that we stand in their way.
Those souls who are unaware of the end times, obviously put a different interpretation on events that are going on around them. It is understandable that they fear the outcome, but be assured that as our allies follow their course of action it will be evident that a force for good does exist. Like you we wish to see an ever growing purge of the criminals who are responsible for taking away your rights. Once it becomes public knowledge it will enforce the idea that you are not alone in your fight against evil. Indeed that has been the case for a very long time, and members of the Galactic Federation of Light can take credit for guiding your experiences in such a way that you have survived. There has additionally been careful planning over a long period of time to keep the balance of energies upon the Earth. That was partly achieved by arranging for highly enlightened souls to incarnate at appropriate times to lead you forward in the Light.
Understand that your experiences are the result of the Law of Attraction, that has allowed the souls of a lower vibration to join you. The vibrations of Earth in comparatively recent times have in fact dropped considerably, and as a freewill planet it has been left to find its own level. However, when the decision was made to increase the vibrations, we became more involved in your upliftment. Today you stand tall and realize that you have achieved a remarkable turnaround in a very short period, particularly during the last 40 years or so. There is no going back, as the Light is now well established upon Earth and still growing. It is increasing exponentially and will soon reach a point when Ascension can take place.
Many people look for some outlet for their abilities to contribute to the changes. You are known to us and at the right time you will find an opportunity to use them. In the present time, by merely being a point of Light and spreading your peace around you will help others. There will also be occasions when questions will be asked for which you can give answers, so do not hesitate to do so. Clearly some people are not ready to hear the truth, but there is no longer the time left to hide it away. There is ultimately only the One Truth and that will be made fully known in good time, as there are souls who are ready to receive it. Hitherto you have followed your inclinations and achieved your own understanding, but there has to come a time when the Truth is needed to bring you all together.
Your personal path to Ascension is the one that is important, so do not be unduly concerned as to how more general events work out. Certainly the changes we have promised you will come to pass, as the old structures must make way for those of the New Age. Your awareness has been opened to all of the new possibilities and they will come into your lives, but some are more long term and will follow on after the initial changes have occurred. The Governmental changes are obviously vital to allow a more spiritual representation among those who will lead you. Instead of putting self first they will honor their oath to serve you, and will be chosen for that reason. Most governments throughout the world stopped serving the people a long time ago, and allowed themselves to become vassals of the powerful banking families. They also must be removed from power plus their largely ill gotten gains, and also their minions who are to be found all over the world. The extent of the Illuminati power will astonish you, and it reaches into the most high places including royalty and religion.
A vast empire such as the Illuminati's
Peace will suddenly come upon you as there is a plan to enforce it by preventing the use of all weapons that will have become de-activated. There will be no hiding place where they can avoid our detection, and underground bases will be destroyed so that they cannot be used again. Neither will there be any escape for the guilty who are known to us, and will be prevented from continuing their actions against you. One day they will fully understand the extent to which they have contributed to the Illuminati plan, and its total affect upon the population right down to how each individual has been affected. It will be a time to reflect upon their disobedience of the Laws of the Universe, and they will answer to God. As with any soul who has fallen so far as to have forgotten that their true selves are of Light, they will be given every chance to find their way back.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the fallen are equally loved by God, who does not judge any soul but surrounds them in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.