Just recently, we’ve learned that some really horrifying acts of desperation were executed by human beings that we might have otherwise considered out of their “minds.”
We’ve read that elements of “who knows what” attempted to murder Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Netanyahu Administration in Israel has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous in their efforts to launch WORLD WAR III! They’ve done everything imaginable to stretch the boundaries of human patience and understanding promoting one outrageous conspiracy after another—their latest in Bulgaria while their American partners in irrationality shot up innocent Arab fishermen near the Straits of Hormuz. U.S. Naval intelligence is highly structured and its information apparatuses complex and replete with layer upon layer of organic reliability sustained through extravagant risk management protocols! They knew god damned well what they were shooting at!
Twelve people were killed and 59 were injured in Aurora, Colorado during the midnight premier of the movie “The Dark Knight Rises!” A 24-year-old Ph.D. candidate, James Holmes, was apprehended in the back of the theater, getting into his car. He was wearing a ballistics helmet, bulletproof vest, bulletproof leggings, a gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police reported. Police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons: an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a 40 caliber Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle.
Stop and think everyone! Where in the hell would a 24-year-old graduate student find the money or the wherewithal to purchase these articles—all controlled by Federal and State Law? These are articles only available to the Military and to “militarized police” units! Some of you will undoubtedly suggest “the black market.” If that were the case, every hootenanny, red neck militia from Bangor, Maine to Spokane, Washington would be armed to their tarnished teeth with this shit and all of you know damned well I’m right about this!
Yes, you can buy a rifle and a hand gun anywhere in the country but it’s quite a stretch of one’s imagination to contend that you can purchase full body armor from a legitimate gun shop and no one would suspect you had any plans to do something out of the ordinary. It doesn’t take a “Ph.D.” to figure out that this was a false flag and, in the coming months, we’ll learn that, like many other “lone gunman” assassins of the past, this fellow seems oddly irrational and subject to a delusional rapport that only a history of deranged behavior could explain. And, like the others, there will never be a discovery—that long and tedious history of instability will never manifest itself.
This entire unfortunate episode was intended to disturb us—make us uncomfortable in public places; distress us and put us “off balance” so we would not notice that a house of cards was falling down all around us. They’re hoping they can put “Humpty-Dumpty” back together again before the King’s horses and men arrive to arrest them, indict them, try them, and throw them all into jail—where they belong as they relish separation after all—don’t you know!
So now, we have a riveting story of International intrigue concerning our Secretary of State that isn’t being reported in any of the mainstream news media; there would appear to be a total news blackout of the incident in every Western News Source. We have a story of Arab anglers being shot to hell near the Straits of Hormuz being buried in “analysis” and conjecture as I write this article for you. Moreover, we have the mass media saturated with “continuing breaking news” about a lunatic who killed twelve innocent people and injured fifty-nine more. The news channels and media are screaming sensationalism! We’ve had our “Norway Moment” and James Holmes has become America’s Anders Behring Breivik! Jesus! That makes good press!
The message here is: Forget the first two stories, they were false starts—amateurs within the ranks of the Cabal demonstrating their ignorance of the human condition. Focus on the horror! Once again, ad nausea, we are expected to suffer the supposition that a “lone gunman” perpetrated a horrifying and bloody crime against humanity while, at the same time, offering absolutely no explanation of the seemingly incongruent and mystifying circumstances. Irrational, illogical, and completely lame explanations from authorities abound!
How a nutcase was able to equip himself with enough firepower to pin down a company of Marines is beyond the present intellectual capability of the “authorities” to explain. At the same time we are entertained with a morbid display of complete sociopathic irrelevancy and a total disregard for human life bordering on the absurd.
Little family, America just isn’t that sick. We can be a violent people, yes! True, we have our mobsters, our drug lords, and our ethnic gangs. Yet, these ubiquitous social phenomena seem to account for no more violence than we find in some countries and no less than we might find in those countries whose violence exceeds the capacity of humans to conceive it. Wouldn’t you, at least, agree that these are strange times are they not?
When you look at these developments “suspiciously” having been edified of the sick and degenerate behavioral patterns of the vermin who would be our once and future kings and queens, it becomes a ponderous and pretentious exhibition of chicanery.
This week in Congress, the house (a place controlled by a neo-conservative majority) reported that it WOULD pass the “Audit the FED” bill. This legislation is the precursor to the next set of bills that will change monetary policy. Congress is contemplating legislation that will allow competing currencies to be used by the American people. Once passed, Federal Reserve notes would no longer be the exclusive currency used to settle debt. Recall earlier postings discussing developing stories that many States had already passed legislation allowing their residents to use silver coinage as legitimate tender to settle debt.
Then too, there is a developing story wherein is discussed a gradual yet noticeable migration toward the notion that the banks really need to be “reined in.” The LIBOR scandal is erupting in the Financial Press. As banking executives vomit the effluent of legal rhetoric, investors are contemplating colossal—almost other-worldly—law suits against the major International Banks in an effort to recover losses they suffered as they were subject to the duplicity and outright fraud of the financial counselors that they had entrusted their billions to. It’s depressing. Financial journalists are reporting the existence of some 400 Trillion Dollars (USD) in derivative debt on a planet whose combined global output is only about 78 Trillion Dollars (USD). That aspect of this “illusory” reality alone should do wonders for our expanding consciousness! The BRICS nations are launching criminal investigations against their banking communities. The major International Banks have already been reported in the financial media as being broke beyond any notion of exaggeration!
New to the main stream media but not completely new to us is the recent talk about “aliens!” I’m not talking about the type of “alien” that picks string beans or works in construction. No. I’m talking about guys and gals from “outer space”—way outer space, if you get my drift. We’re hearing journalists in the main stream media report “UFO sightings,” suggest there might be either cause or need for an “alien invasion,” discussing and analyzing the Eisenhower Administration from the point of view that he might have actually met and talked to aliens, and someone suggested that aliens might invade and attack the London Olympics! Now, little family, why would aliens come light years across the Galaxy (or from wherever they come) to attack several thousand raucous, fun-loving, beer-slinging, fish-and-chips swilling spectators and a few hundred athletes who are on a quest to determine the limits of human endurance? I mean, if I were an “alien invader,” I’d want to level up Area 51—don’t you know? Yeah, I know, that makes too much sense to an advanced civilization with star drives and plasma cannons.
Okay. Here’s what I think. I think that all of these “terror-telling” acts of barbarity are nothing more that “mind-control” intended to get us to look somewhere else in our daily routine. The reason why the Cabal resorts to such inhumane and completely malevolent acts of violence is because our “daily routine” keeps taking us back to “the bank” where, as the ATM spits our cash, we are reminded of the morose and outrageous reality that we’re being systematically robbed of everything we’ve ever worked for. These “banksters” cling to our flesh like some unpleasant pest! They are beginning to realize that their criminal behavior and avaricious escapades are quickly becoming tedious and tiresome. We think, therefore we are and, as they murder our children, eviscerate us at our camping jamborees, shopping centers, and now—alas—our movie theaters, we are beginning to think on the matter in ways that one might classify as “mischievous.”
I think that what Drake has been up to is a “diversion” of the opposition; to get their cloistered “spiritualistic” sects to worry about “legal action” against them personally when the real plan is to take out their Central Banking System! In effect, that would instantly make the lot of them paupers scratching for a living and reminiscing like hoboes around a trackside campfire about the good old days when “mi bueno public” had its head so far up its behind it couldn’t discern darkness from the light of day. Yes, I think that they may have actually become aware of the “Plan of Creation”—you know—the one that calls for all of us to get the hell out of Dodge and head for “Pleasant Valley!” Pity that they didn’t figure it all out beforehand; I mean, they worked so hard to conspire together for centuries! And, in all that time, they never figured out that they were playing right into the hands of The One Creator/God.
In the end, I guess the unassuming Veteran from Tucson, Arizona, Bob Dean got it right when he told Kerry Cassidy, “Their [the Cabal] agendas exist because they exist…But, their plans for our future don’t mean diddle-de-squat! Because there are these higher-developed cultures out there that have now intervened; and they’re going to see that human race is going to be allowed to make it!”
Here's the entire interview:
Forget about “their plans” and all the other machinations they’ve exposed us to in their asinine futility. We are at the “Dawn of a New Age,” the “Threshold of a Dream Come True,” a “New Golden Age of Humankind.” Who are these powerful cosmic creatures, anyway, and who might have called them to such a “higher purpose as to break the machine of subjugation and deliver humanity from the slavery of illusion?” That’s right, my darlings, the Sovereign Integrals of the ONE—“us”—we’ve made up our “universal mind” haven’t we? Well, yeah! I guess so!
You just keep thinking like you’re thinking, my beloved brothers and sisters!
That’s what we do; that’s what we’ve always been good at.
Love and Light,