Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stop and think everyone! -- False Flag events being staged by the Bad Guys

Just recently, we’ve learned that some really horrifying acts of desperation were executed by human beings that we might have otherwise considered out of their “minds.”
We’ve read that elements of “who knows what” attempted to murder Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Netanyahu Administration in Israel has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous in their efforts to launch WORLD WAR III!  They’ve done everything imaginable to stretch the boundaries of human patience and understanding promoting one outrageous conspiracy after another—their latest in Bulgaria while their American partners in irrationality shot up innocent Arab fishermen near the Straits of Hormuz.  U.S. Naval intelligence is highly structured and its information apparatuses complex and replete with layer upon layer of organic reliability sustained through extravagant risk management protocols!   They knew god damned well what they were shooting at!

Twelve people were killed and 59 were injured in Aurora, Colorado during the midnight premier of the movie “The Dark Knight Rises!”   A 24-year-old Ph.D. candidate, James Holmes, was apprehended in the back of the theater, getting into his car.  He was wearing a ballistics helmet, bulletproof vest, bulletproof leggings, a gas mask and gloves.  He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police reported.  Police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons: an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a 40 caliber Glock handgun.  A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle.  
Stop and think everyone!   Where in the hell would a 24-year-old graduate student find the money or the wherewithal to purchase these articles—all controlled by Federal and State Law?  These are articles only available to the Military and to “militarized police” units!  Some of you will undoubtedly suggest “the black market.”  If that were the case, every hootenanny, red neck militia from Bangor, Maine to Spokane, Washington would be armed to their tarnished teeth with this shit and all of you know damned well I’m right about this!

Yes, you can buy a rifle and a hand gun anywhere in the country but it’s quite a stretch of one’s imagination to contend that you can purchase full body armor from a legitimate gun shop and no one would suspect you had any plans to do something out of the ordinary.  It doesn’t take a “Ph.D.” to figure out that this was a false flag and, in the coming months, we’ll learn that, like many other “lone gunman” assassins of the past, this fellow seems oddly irrational and subject to a delusional rapport that only a history of deranged behavior could explain.  And, like the others, there will never be a discovery—that long and tedious history of instability will never manifest itself.  

This entire unfortunate episode was intended to disturb us—make us uncomfortable in public places; distress us and put us “off balance” so we would not notice that a house of cards was falling down all around us.  They’re hoping they can put “Humpty-Dumpty” back together again before the King’s horses and men arrive to arrest them, indict them, try them, and throw them all into jail—where they belong as they relish separation after all—don’t you know!

So now, we have a riveting story of International intrigue concerning our Secretary of State that isn’t being reported in any of the mainstream news media; there would appear to be a total news blackout of the incident in every Western News Source.  We have a story of Arab anglers being shot to hell near the Straits of Hormuz being buried in “analysis” and conjecture as I write this article for you.  Moreover, we have the mass media saturated with “continuing breaking news” about a lunatic who killed twelve innocent people and injured fifty-nine more.  The news channels and media are screaming sensationalism!  We’ve had our “Norway Moment” and James Holmes has become America’s Anders Behring Breivik!  Jesus!  That makes good press!

The message here is: Forget the first two stories, they were false starts—amateurs within the ranks of the Cabal demonstrating their ignorance of the human condition.  Focus on the horror!  Once again, ad nausea, we are expected to suffer the supposition that a “lone gunman” perpetrated a horrifying and bloody crime against humanity while, at the same time, offering absolutely no explanation of the seemingly incongruent and mystifying circumstances.  Irrational, illogical, and completely lame explanations from authorities abound! 

How a nutcase was able to equip himself with enough firepower to pin down a company of Marines is beyond the present intellectual capability of the “authorities” to explain.  At the same time we are entertained with a morbid display of complete sociopathic irrelevancy and a total disregard for human life bordering on the absurd. 

Little family, America just isn’t that sick.  We can be a violent people, yes!  True, we have our mobsters, our drug lords, and our ethnic gangs.  Yet, these ubiquitous social phenomena seem to account for no more violence than we find in some countries and no less than we might find in those countries whose violence exceeds the capacity of humans to conceive it.  Wouldn’t you, at least, agree that these are strange times are they not?

When you look at these developments “suspiciously” having been edified of the sick and degenerate behavioral patterns of the vermin who would be our once and future kings and queens, it becomes a ponderous and pretentious exhibition of chicanery. 

This week in Congress, the house (a place controlled by a neo-conservative majority) reported that it WOULD pass the “Audit the FED” bill.  This legislation is the precursor to the next set of bills that will change monetary policy.  Congress is contemplating legislation that will allow competing currencies to be used by the American people.  Once passed, Federal Reserve notes would no longer be the exclusive currency used to settle debt.  Recall earlier postings discussing developing stories that many States had already passed legislation allowing their residents to use silver coinage as legitimate tender to settle debt.

Then too, there is a developing story wherein is discussed a gradual yet noticeable migration toward the notion that the banks really need to be “reined in.”  The LIBOR scandal is erupting in the Financial Press.  As banking executives vomit the effluent of legal rhetoric, investors are contemplating colossal—almost other-worldly—law suits against the major International Banks in an effort to recover losses they suffered as they were subject to the duplicity and outright fraud of the financial counselors that they had entrusted their billions to.  It’s depressing.  Financial journalists are reporting the existence of some 400 Trillion Dollars (USD) in derivative debt on a planet whose combined global output is only about 78 Trillion Dollars (USD).  That aspect of this “illusory” reality alone should do wonders for our expanding consciousness!  The BRICS nations are launching criminal investigations against their banking communities.  The major International Banks have already been reported in the financial media as being broke beyond any notion of exaggeration!

New to the main stream media but not completely new to us is the recent talk about “aliens!”  I’m not talking about the type of “alien” that picks string beans or works in construction.  No.  I’m talking about guys and gals from “outer space”—way outer space, if you get my drift.  We’re hearing journalists in the main stream media report “UFO sightings,” suggest there might be either cause or need for an “alien invasion,” discussing and analyzing the Eisenhower Administration from the point of view that he might have actually met and talked to aliens, and someone suggested that aliens might invade and attack the London Olympics!  Now, little family, why would aliens come light years across the Galaxy (or from wherever they come) to attack several thousand raucous, fun-loving, beer-slinging, fish-and-chips swilling spectators and a few hundred athletes who are on a quest to determine the limits of human endurance?  I mean, if I were an “alien invader,” I’d want to level up Area 51—don’t you know?  Yeah, I know, that makes too much sense to an advanced civilization with star drives and plasma cannons.

Okay.  Here’s what I think.  I think that all of these “terror-telling” acts of barbarity are nothing more that “mind-control” intended to get us to look somewhere else in our daily routine.  The reason why the Cabal resorts to such inhumane and completely malevolent acts of violence is because our “daily routine” keeps taking us back to “the bank” where, as the ATM spits our cash, we are reminded of the morose and  outrageous reality that we’re being systematically robbed of everything we’ve ever worked for.  These “banksters” cling to our flesh like some unpleasant pest!  They are beginning to realize that their criminal behavior and avaricious escapades are quickly becoming tedious and tiresome.  We think, therefore we are and, as they murder our children, eviscerate us at our camping jamborees, shopping centers, and now—alas—our movie theaters, we are beginning to think on the matter in ways that one might classify as “mischievous.”

I think that what Drake has been up to is a “diversion” of the opposition; to get their cloistered “spiritualistic” sects to worry about “legal action” against them personally when the real plan is to take out their Central Banking System!  In effect, that would instantly make the lot of them paupers scratching for a living and reminiscing like hoboes around a trackside campfire about the good old days when “mi bueno public” had its head so far up its behind it couldn’t discern darkness from the light of day.  Yes, I think that they may have actually become aware of the “Plan of Creation”—you know—the one that calls for all of us to get the hell out of Dodge and head for “Pleasant Valley!”  Pity that they didn’t figure it all out beforehand; I mean, they worked so hard to conspire together for centuries!  And, in all that time, they never figured out that they were playing right into the hands of The One Creator/God.

In the end, I guess the unassuming Veteran from Tucson, Arizona, Bob Dean got it right when he told Kerry Cassidy, “Their [the Cabal] agendas exist because they exist…But, their plans for our future don’t mean diddle-de-squat!  Because there are these higher-developed cultures out there that have now intervened; and they’re going to see that human race is going to be allowed to make it!”   

Here's the entire interview:

Forget about “their plans” and all the other machinations they’ve exposed us to in their asinine futility.  We are at the “Dawn of a New Age,” the “Threshold of a Dream Come True,” a “New Golden Age of Humankind.”  Who are these powerful cosmic creatures, anyway, and who might have called them to such a “higher purpose as to break the machine of subjugation and deliver humanity from the slavery of illusion?”  That’s right, my darlings, the Sovereign Integrals of the ONE—“us”—we’ve made up our “universal mind” haven’t we?  Well, yeah!  I guess so!

You just keep thinking like you’re thinking, my beloved brothers and sisters! 
That’s what we do; that’s what we’ve always been good at.
Love and Light,

Billy Graham's New Suit

Billy Graham's New Suit

Billy Graham is now 92 years-old with Parkinson's disease.

In January, leaders in Charlotte , North Carolina ,

invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in his honor.

Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he

struggles with Parkinson's disease. But the Charlotte

leaders said, 'We don't expect a major address. Just

come and let us honor you.' So he agreed.

After wonderful things were said about him, Dr. Graham

stepped to the rostrum, looked at the crowd, and said,

"I'm reminded today of Albert Einstein, the great physicist who this month has been honored by Time magazine as the Man of the Century. Einstein was once traveling from Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the aisle, punching the tickets of every passenger. When he came to Einstein, Einstein reached in his vest pocket. He couldn't find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser pockets.

It wasn't there. **
He looked in his briefcase but couldn't find it. **
Then he looked in the seat beside him. He still couldn't find it.
"The conductor said, 'Dr. Einstein, I know who you are..
We all know who you are. I'm sure you bought a ticket.
Don't worry about it.'
"Einstein nodded appreciatively. The conductor continued
down the aisle punching tickets. As he was ready to
move to the next car, he turned around and saw the great
physicist down on his hands and knees looking under his
seat for his ticket.
"The conductor rushed back and said, 'Dr. Einstein,
Dr. Einstein, don't worry, I know who you are; no problem.
You don't need a ticket. I'm sure you bought one.'
Einstein looked at him and said, "Young man, I too, know who I am. What I don't know is where I'm going.''
Having said that Billy Graham continued,
"See the suit I'm wearing? It's a brand new suit. My children, and my
grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. I used to be a bit more fastidious. So I went out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion. You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want you to immediately remember the suit I'm wearing. I want you to remember this:
I not only know who I am. I also know where I'm going." May your troubles be less, your blessings more, and may nothing but happiness, come through your door. "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."

Amen & Peace My Friends*

Bill Cooper predicted 911 (it cost him his life)




author: Sick of the Cabal
A trust based upon gold bonds was set up a loooooong time ago. For over 30 years, the Bush cabal has been hypothecating investments allegedly collateralized by this trust. The fact is that the documents were forged and these derivatives and other investments are false. What is happening around the world is that other countries are aware of this situation. They are actively blockading any more funny money, baloney investments and fake derivatives based upon the forged documents relating to the Durham Trust. IF YOU WANT THE COUNTRY BAILED OUT, CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND DEMAND THAT THE DURHAM TRUST BE USED FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE--THE RESTORATION OF THE US CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND RETURN OF JOBS AS REQUIRED BY THE TRUST DOCUMENTS.

A trust based upon gold bonds was set up a loooooong time ago. For over 30 years, the Bush cabal has been hypothecating investments allegedly collateralized by this trust. The fact is that the documents were forged and these derivatives and other investments are false. What is happening around the world is that other countries are aware of this situation. They are actively blockading any more funny money, baloney investments and fake derivatives based upon the forged documents relating to the Durham Trust. IF YOU WANT THE COUNTRY BAILED OUT, CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND DEMAND THAT THE DURHAM TRUST BE USED FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE--THE RESTORATION OF THE US CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND RETURN OF JOBS AS REQUIRED BY THE TRUST DOCUMENTS.

GO TO YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE AND REQUEST THAT THE TREASURER OF YOUR STATE...ACTIVATE THE DURHAM TRUST. The Durham Trust is now the holder of the first trust deed position for the Federal Reserve and the US debt. If the states activate the Durham trust, by request, then the Trust funds can be reactivated to rebuild the USA, bring back jobs, rebuild the infrastructure and Repudiate the current alleged leadership of the USA for their traitorous behavior in selling the USA to China after DUPING China with fake investments.

Soetoro’s 2012 election contingency

“The objective… is much bigger than anyone can comprehend… It’s global in nature, and it involves other governments, Communist governments… It’s evil in its simplicity. It’s to destroy our country from within…They’ve allowed Communists to enter every government institution inside the beltway.”

DHS Insider
July 21, 2012


Robust agenda of change
Soetoro’s 2012 election contingency
- Doug Hagmann  Saturday, July 21, 2012

It was a conversation with my source inside the DHS that I did not want to have, but was not totally unexpected. “I’m not sure how long I can continue to provide you with information.” he stated. I was unable to tell if he made his statement with relief or sadness, or perhaps a mixture of both.  “I could be wrong, but I don’t think there’s much time left, if I am interpreting certain information and actions correctly.”
Who’s in the White House?
My source looked at me and posed a question I did not expect: Do you know who is in the White House?” I was uncertain if he meant who was present there now, or if he was talking in a more general sense knowing that he has followed my research on Barry Soetoro (a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II), so I asked him for clarification. I thought it was a fair request. With that, he became visibly agitated and had a look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. “You can’t answer that [expletive deleted] question. Trust me, few can, and those who can won’t, because they’re either part of the ‘royal round table’ or they’re gutless [expletive deleted].”
Based on his agitated state, I was careful with what I said next. I told him that we’ve covered this matter very comprehensively, adding that Obama’s dog’s papers are more valid than Obama. I told him that he was correct in that we both know that we do not know Obama’s legal name or his actual parental lineage I began to verbally list the various inconsistencies with his identify, at which point he stopped me with a raise of his hand.
“Enough,” he stated and apologized for his previous outburst. “We both know the guy is a an imposter, a ‘Manchurian Candidate,’ and he’s there to do a job, implement a very specific agenda. And he’s not planning to leave until that job is done, the agenda completed,” stated my source. “It’s no accident, his lack of history, lack of bona fides. It’s all about his lack of allegiance to our country and the Constitution that ‘43’ called just a ‘G-d damned piece of paper. And Bush was an American President, at least on paper. Where does Obama call home?” Where does his allegiance lie? That’s what the eligibility brouhaha is all about and why it’s so important, but hardly ‘anybody gets it.’ When he said he was a citizen of the world, those were not just words, but an admission of sorts. And fundamental change and transformation, that’s what it’s all about.”
What’s the agenda?
Our conversation turned to the agenda of the person in the White House. Short on time, my source stated that the current resident of the White House has been tasked to implement a “robust agenda of change” using the agencies and government infrastructure previously created for him.
“He’s been instructed to fully remove ‘God, guns and guts’ from America and Americans, to neuter our military, bankrupt our country, and force everyone into dependency through a well-planned economic disaster that was crafted long before he stepped foot into the Oval Office. The financial crash of September 2008 was one such well planned economic terrorist attack. It had the blessing of many bankers and politicians in the U.S. and now I’m finding, some overseas. It was an important part of the framework given to Obama to ‘grease the wheels’ for a complete financial collapse. And I’m sad to say that a lot of people I once thought were on our side played an important role in setting us up - all of us.”
“The objective, or the agenda, is much bigger than I think anyone can comprehend,” stated my source. “It’s global in nature, and it involves other governments, communist governments,” he added. It’s evil in its simplicity. It’s to destroy our country from within and take away our ability to fight what’s coming. It’s to change our way of life, and he’s got the people in place to do it, at least for the most part. And forget about the Republicans versus the Democrats, because nearly all of them are all playing for the same team. Both sides have helped to get us to this point. They’ve allowed Communists to enter every government institution inside the beltway, and just about everyone let it happen, helped it happen or watched it happen.”
“But O- I cannot even bring myself to call him by name anymore, and as we talked before, we’re not even sure what his real name is, made some serious mistakes, or became lazy and began enjoying his lifestyle a little too much. Not sure which, maybe both. His international handlers have been upset with him because it set the whole timetable back. And this is where I can offer you information about what’s going on at DHS, because it’s DHS that is tasked to be the enforcers. It’s like the old military saying, ‘hurry up and wait,’” said my source.
The Plan
“Look,” stated my source, “I’ve been told that the people with the real power are using the guy in the White House to implement the whole globalist power structure thing. They made certain that they had someone in the White House to go along and implement certain things by executive order, appointments, and other methods to bring about the deconstruction of the U.S., and making our Constitution irrelevant, or at least subservient to international law. I can’t say I know this for sure because it’s all second hand, but it makes sense from my perspective at DHS,” he added.
“Remember when I told you about DHS planning a response for chaos, civil war, rioting, insurrection or whatever you want to call it? Well, that’s not happening fast enough, and there are people who don’t think it can be accomplished in one term. That’s why a second term is critical, and that’s why there’s desperation sinking in. Napolitano is corresponding a lot with the White House, to Valerie Jarrett, to the Secret Service, and to others I won’t name. But there is some plan in place to assure the reelection of this guy so he can finish the job he was given,” he said.

“We’re talking about something taking place to make sure that Obama stays in office. I’ve been privy to ‘contingency plans’ ordered by Jarrett for one that defines the protocol for DHS response to the ‘temporary suspension of U.S. elections due to international and domestic crisis.’ It’s a real document, ordered by Jarrett and contains plans for travel restrictions, gun possession ban by citizens, and in general, ‘martial law.’”
“You know, I heard rumors about the same thing under Bush and laughed, calling it conspiracy nonsense. Now I’m not so sure, and think that maybe it was just too early and the wrong person. Anyway, I’m not laughing anymore.”
“Also, there are some mid-level people beginning to question the orders they are receiving. There’s a lot of talk, questions being asked now by a few people in key DHS positions about what is taking place, and that’s making Napolitano and the White House very nervous. Anyone who questions the ‘militarization’ going on is either transferred out or given [expletive deleted] assignments.”
I asked if the plans could be disrupted, changed or if anything posed a valid threat to the agenda.
My source responded:  “The Arpaio investigation hit on something critical. I don’t know what it is, and maybe they’re holding something back, whatever happened in the last 2 or 3 months really upset things, got some people scrambling. The White House, and again, Jarrett, ordered ‘Justice’ to turn up the heat against Sheriff Arpaio.”
“It’s interesting how the media has laid down and not reported on this investigation. There have been threats made, and not so subtle ones, either.”
“Also, ‘Fast and Furious’ is huge and leads right to the White House and ‘State,’ but according to my sources, won’t be an issue because the politicians in charge of the investigations have been compromised and threatened. Napolitano knows everything about Fast and Furious and is working with Holder to impede the investigations. She’s using her political clout. But damage control had taken time and a toll,” added my source.
In the end, though, I don’t think there’s enough to stop a second term. And should there be any hint of it, well, I told you, there are contingency plans for 2012.

Did Bilderberg Members Discuss Killing Paul

Did Bilderberg Members Discuss Killing Paul

Posted on 
During a heated conversation in the lobby of the Westfields Marriott hotel yesterday, Bilderberg members expressed their desire to see Ron Paul die in a plane crash, according to veteran journalist Jim Tucker’s inside source.
The close up shot was necessary to eliminate background noise. A full interview with Jim Tucker ( will be posted later.
The shocking exchange took place just after Bilderberg attendees started arriving yesterday morning as they were driven through crowds of hundreds of Paul-supporting demonstrators.
Wasting no time to shoot their mouths off, one Bilderberg member expressed his desire to, “Get Ron Paul and all of his supporters on an airplane with a Muslim suicide pilot and take ‘em down,” according to Tucker’s source, which has been proven routinely accurate with Bilderberg information in the past.
“That was the harshest comment made but there were a lot of mean-spirited comments made as the Bilderberg boys gathered in the lobby of the hotel,” added Tucker.
Tucker explained that the Bilderbergers are becoming increasingly irate at the resistance amongst patriotic Americans to their program, with protest figures rising at each annual confab.
“The program planned by Bilderberg has been set back for years and every year it gets worse and every year they get more depressed and every year they get more outraged – we’re winning, they’re losing,” said Tucker.
Bilderberg is furious that Paul is working to stop the full ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which as we documented yesterday is being discussed at this year’s conference. The treaty would hand the United Nations control over allU.S. oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the global body.
This is not the first time Bilderberg members have expressed their desire to see the Texan Congressman and staunch constitutionalist meet his maker.
Back in December 2007, best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin told the Alex Jones Show that theU.S. intelligence establishment was considering assassinating Paul as a means of derailing the Ron Paul Revolution, which later gave rise to the Tea Party and spawned a generation of anti-big government grass roots activists.

Tim Turner Exposed ----- Questions With Common Sense


I must remind you that I have never asked you to believe me. In fact I want you to do your own due diligence and check out what I say. Question me loudly if necessary, but first and foremost verify all that you can before you form an opinion. Having said that, I ask that you read, absorb, question and consider all I have to say from a very basic level ofCOMMON SENSE.
Over the past year I have written several COMMON SENSE articles and in them asked many hard questions. Some have been answered by my own research, resources and interviews with pertinent individuals but none have ever been answered by the principles involved in the national level of Turners Republic. Instead of answers or even acknowledgment of the question at hand, without fail the inquiries met with false accusations, outlandish claims and outright character assassination. As the months went by and others began to take a stand and ask the same questions, the same result ensued; often resulting in the unlawful removal by nefarious means of the individual asking the questions.
The fact remains none of the questions asked have ever been answered or addressed by those involved. Taken individually as the months rolled by they didn’t seem so urgent and often even disconnected but when reviewing the questions and putting them all in one place they form a very different picture.
I put it to you anew. Read, absorb and consider and then ASK YOURSELF WITH COMMON SENSE, the following questions.
Why did Tim Turner when given the choice choose to utilize a known money launderer and DOD drug money runner over an honest man to obtain funding? Why did he arrange for the commission of a felony to smuggle out from under federal authority’s two fugitives from justice,, to assist the money launderer and then hide them all these months from law enforcement? Since the purpose was as it turns out to steal the funding from BUSH 41 who stole it in the first place, does this mean Tim Turner has the number? You know that magic number, the exact number of wrongs it takes to make a right?
Why in Garden Grove last spring was Tim Turner whisked away by CW Wright and Kelby Smith and “taken to a doctor” when he wasn’t ill? Why did he not show up at a scheduled event that afternoon and wasn’t seen again until the following day? Why does he not remember that visit and why do Smith and Wright now deny they did it after admitting to it when they brought him back? Where was Turner really when he disappeared for three weeks last spring?
Why for months after that on every national call that Turner was on, did he say the EXACT same words over and over again just in different sequence? Why on the odd occasion when a question was actually taken which wasn’t anticipated, did his answer not fit the question? Can we say recorded and edited boys and girls?
Why do so many who have known Turner for years suddenly say, “that’s not the same man I have known all this time”, or “he is not himself at all”? Why does Turner routinely fly off into a rage on private calls if the WRONG question is asked?
Why do you think it is that the elected officials of each state were denied access to the contact information of their peers until this writer provided it no matter how many requests were made? And why did this writer receive that data by anonymous tipster instead of from Kelby Smith who was ORDERED by Turner to send it?
Why did Kelby Smith and RJ Hender on the morning following Turner’s ORDER to release the data base to Georgia’s Chief Justice, instead attack her and her fellow elected Georgia officials on the Morning Liberty Show while at the same time CW Wright initiated and sent out an unauthorized poll vote to attempt to avoid said order?
Why was Kelby Smith’s recorded apology the following night addressed at how he did it not what he did and why after CW Wright spent 45 minutes on the phone that very day apologizing profusely if not sincerely to Georgia’s Chief Justice, did he claim on the national call that he had nothing to apologize for?
Have you ever wondered why the Utah event ever took place? The Congress had finally managed to gain control of itself, elected a speaker of the house and a senate pro tem, voted on the rule of law and a name for the country. Has a single excuse for that event panned out? The only thing accomplished was to grab control over the legislative branch once again. Where is the proof that anything else was accomplished?
How could the Utah event been anything other than a continental congress? Check your founding documents on this one. And why, since that is all it could possibly have been, have there been no elections? Again, check your founding documents and you will see there are no lawfully elected officials, why not?
If mega tons of gold were available, indeed in hand as Turner claimed multiple times, would he suddenly NEED TO MONETIZE all the state’s natural resources? Why would he have stated on a national call that “financing was available” for funding? While you’re at it, WHERE IS THAT GOLD ANYWAY?
Why have ALL ORIGINAL sources of funding withdrawn their support?
Why has not ONE of the many countries mentioned as being on board, ever stepped up and uttered A SINGLE WORD TO SUPPORT THAT CLAIM?
Why has some of the leadership in the following states been vilified, attacked with lies, and even unlawfully replaced in some instances; Florida, Georgia,South Carolina, Utah, Oklahoma, New York, Illinois, Kansas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Texas etc.?
Why were NON-RESIDENTS brought in by national to replace by force and coercion, elected officials in Oklahoma, New York and others? Why was it attempted just a week ago in West Virginia?
Why was the person who threw a juvenile fit after he received the fewest votes for senate pro tem when the senate convened under their own power and held their election suddenly and miraculously “elected” after the media team got CONTROL over the senate call again?
Why were ALL the candidates who sent in resumes NOT INCLUDED when those nominees were sent to the senate and house? Since when would the Vice President in our de jure Republic, have the power or the right to SCREEN and censor nominees for Speaker of the House or Senate Pro Tem?
Why did Kelby Smith set up a private call with Georgia’s Governor and Chief Justice for the sole purpose of attacking four innocent men with blatant lies which were proven to be lies? Since the basis for this attack was a tele-conference that Kelby was not involved in, who’s lies were they? Who put him up to it?
Why were all elected officials ORDERED to communicate only through an email account, controlled and accessible to the media team and national?
Why were honest and reasonable questions raised by elected officials met with scathingly insulting, arrogant and combative email messages (saved and archived by those attacked)?
Why does someone OTHER than Tim Turner routinely read and answer his email?
Why was a position which does not exist under our founding documents, “National Ambassador”, created in the first place and why is that person constantly attempting to exert unilateral control over the states? Why is this happening when MANY states are demanding this person be FIRED and the position dissolved?
Why have FBI offices and agents in 9 states, including Alabama stated THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO FBI OR ANY OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY SUPPORT for Turner’s Republic?
Why has Turner’s passport been blocked by the State Department?
Why have two individuals who had NO ACCESS TO THE MONEY been accused of compromising the ID site and stealing the money?
Why have all claims as to the successful use of said ID’s been by people unable to verify such claims?
Why has it been said on multiple occasions that invasion is imminent only to see the stated deadline come and go? Why is UTTER FEAR CONTINUALLY USED TO CONTROL YOU? Why would Turner lie and say the de facto is ready to turn the reins over to him? Can you imagine a strutting peacock like Obama turning anything over to anybody? Can you imagine George Soros giving Tim Turner the time of day? Can you for one moment seriously think that 300 million people are going to accept that without their consent or knowledge, their government, indeed even their state governments have been replaced by a bunch of self styled and self appointed leaders on ANY LEVEL?
Why would the recent California Jubilee be touted as such a success with false numbers and facts that even the Governor herself, who was in attendance, refuted?
Why would original blue ink signatures on documents pertaining to the whole state be signed by someone OTHER THAN THE GOVERNOR of the state? IE; CALIFORNIA?
Why would national spend 3 and a half hours repeating over and over again at least 100 proven lies aimed at the governor of West Virginia on an assembly call last week? Why, for the first time, did the lies not work and the governor is still seated?
Why has documented proof of claims, ie; CIA proof of, written proof of, proven Bush 41 plants and on and on NEVER BEEN PRODUCED? You have been taken for fools, ARE YOU?
Why would an organization like the “Ranger Program” be put together and publicized when it is common knowledge all such organizations are now being targeted by Homeland Security and the FBI?
Why would you trust someone like Kelby Smith and a sycophantic internet radio host to help you with your defaulted mortgage when he has a history like this one? (see spreadsheet). 22 defunct or in trouble companies, 28+ law suits against him, 8 state and federal tax liens TOTALING $252,327.00
, 2 bankruptcies clearly to avoid paying the law suits, use of at least three different social security numbers and on and on. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TRUST YOUR FUTURE WITH THIS GUY? IS THIS THE PICTURE OF A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN? IS THIS THE PROFILE OF AN HONEST MAN? Will he lie some more and scream foul when this public information obtainable for a mere $25 bucks on the internet is published here?

How many wrongs make a right?
Would God use lies, subterfuge, manipulation, fear, character assassination, criminals and felonious actions, force and tyranny to bring this nation back to him?
Why do you think God is on your side or Turner’s side? Have you forgotten that we are ALL SUPPOSED TO BE ON HIS SIDE? Have you forgotten that God does not use messengers who CLAIM TO SPEAK FOR HIM? Have you forgotten that God does not encourage prideful positions, hateful and unfounded judgments of others to fulfill his wishes and complete his missions?
Every single statement made concerning the Republic above is proven fact and can be substantiated. Does this fiasco even remotely resemble the Constitutional Republic our founders gave us?
Do you believe the governors and other duly elected officials, which have been unlawfully and forcefully removed are de facto plants? Really? Have you ever questioned any who actually personally know them as to their real character or are you just taking national’s word for it or the word of a few individuals in your state?
Do you really believe this writer is an evil individual with a personal agenda and what on earth do you think might be the point of that agenda? Have you asked any of the other Georgia people who elected her about her character and why they elected her? Why did the overwhelming majority of the Georgia Republic resign and remove themselves from the Republic leaving only 8 individuals who claim to be the Georgia Assembly in total? Do you think that many people could be controlled by an amateur writer and grandmother?
Why is this writer trying so hard to wake you up to the fact that you are on the wrong track to the right destination? Could it be that she really does have some answers? Could it be that she was singled out by the original funders and given a seemingly impossible task for a reason? Could it actually be that she loves her country and all of you so much that she is willing to put a target on her back and a spotlight on her head no matter how many arrows are shot at her just because she knows it’s the right thing to do?
Could it be that the message and the answer are one in the same?


Marxism In America

A Bone Chilling video--
You need to watch this and then forward to everyone you know.
A video that will make you think serious
This is bone chilling and 52% of the voters did this to us by
electing Obama. If you can't play this on your computer
(picture and sound) then send it to someone who can play
it and go watch it with them!

Agenda 21 for Dummies...

War causes more pollution than just about anything.

Corporations and factory farming destroy the environment like
nobody's business.

Why then are they going after individuals and private property?

Agenda 21 for Dummies...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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Obama Raises Historic “Medical” Army As US Elites Warned To “Prepare For Worst”

July 12, 2012
Obama Raises Historic “Medical” Army As US Elites Warned To “Prepare For Worst”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Federal Security Services (FSB) experts reporting in the Kremlin today are confirming that United States President Barack Obama has been given unprecedented power to raise a “medical army” due to last months US Supreme Court ruling upholding The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as“Obamacare”.
According to these experts, under this new law Obama is moving swiftly to implant a plan to increase the Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps of the US Public Health Service to be used in times of national emergency.  Though this new law sets no limit how large this “medical army” will be, FactCheck.Org estimates the US Public Health Service Regular Corps and Ready Reserve Corp were almost immediately increased to 6,000 troops upon the US Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare.
Important to note about this historic event, these experts say, is that this new law states that “all commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act 2 of 1923, as amended,” thus making them the most elite, and powerful, military force the Americans have ever had.
Virtually unknown to the American people is that the US Public Health Service has unlimited power far surpassing that of any Military, Federal, State or Local police forces and that its actions are not appealable, nor can they even be judged by any American Court. Simply put, these experts say, “They have the power of God.”
Most chilling to read about this, and openly published on the US governments National Institutes of Health website, is the 2005 US Public Health Service report titled “Public Health Strategy and the Police Powers of the State” wherein they detail the historic legal precedents granting them these “godlike powers.”
In the opening of this document they plainly state their intentions leaving no room for misinterpretation:
To the type of people the Obama regime will use to man this new “medical army” with “godlike powers” was recently revealed by a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower who was employed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) who stated these powerful US policing agencies were deliberately recruiting, hiring sociopaths and pedophiles.
To how exactly Obama is going to utilize his new psychopathic “medical army” immune from all US laws is not known. What is known, though, is that with Obama now presiding over an economy fast approaching the misery levels of the Great Depression, his claiming the right to assassinate any American citizen he so chooses, and his signing this week of an Executive Order giving him total control over the Internet, whatever he has planned is not going to be good.
Unlike the great masses of American people, however, the banksters and moneyed elite classes protected by the Obama regime are all receiving warnings this week to prepare for worst.
In one such warning quietly sent out by the wealth management arm of Merrill Lynch these modern day robber barons were warned to “reposition themselves — and their portfolios — for a fundamental geopolitical shift” because, in their words, “it is now clear western dominance is crumbling.”
For the rest of these hapless people there appears to be only misery in their future as they continue to watch their American Dream turn into the nightmare they allowed it become.
July 12, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]


Entertainment Tonite ... Can't believe what I saw ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Entertainment Tonite ... Can't believe what I saw ...
Posted By: Journey [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 21-Jul-2012 07:12:56

After Craig Ferguson, ET comes on and the whole show was about the Colorado shooting. I was outside enjoying the evening having a drink or two and came home to see ET on.
Just in time to see the unbelievable hype and spin they put on this OBVIOUS false flag event. The reporting in the show was the DEAD giveaway of the falseness of the whole event.
I just could not believe the crap they were spewing. I nearly turned it off at one point but delayed to see just how much more crap they could stoop to.
After the the big hype on the NEWs itself they went to commercial and came with the story on the tragic death of the Heath Ledger, the Joker, who the today's shooter claimed to be imitating. Then they went into HOW media and video game violence are in no WAY connected to these types of events.
Well blaalow me down ...
I mean get real !!! Back in the 50's when movies come out there was next to nothing for violence in those films. Very few incidents of this sort of thing back then ... right ???
Then as time marched forward more and more violence in movies and hence MORE violent incidents that followed. And they try and tell us they are not responsible ??? Hollywood is NOT, I repeat NOT ... responsible !!! They said that right on the damned show.
Same for the video games ... NOT ... I repeat, NOT responsible for the increase in violent crime.
That's where the show wandered to after the heart felt tear jerking section for the loss of Heath Ledger aka the Joker and the best to EVER play that role AND who they said the recent shooter claimed to be imitating.
They brought up the new science of criminal profiling ... does Criminal Minds come to the fore ??? FBI criminal profiling ... it's all Hollywood, lights and magic, trick of the light ???
They think they can get inside the head of a psychopath ... well indeed some CAN. If you are a psychopath you can get inside one of these heads and figure out his next move ... maybe.
And of course ... gun control was at the forefront of all of this again. The Toronto Eaton incident was brought up as well.
A woman who survived that shooting incident somehow wound up at this next one and was killed !!! What the F**K was she doing in a line up for the Dark Knight Rising in Colorado ??? and ended up dead ???
This all REEKS of a false flag event, no doubt about it. BUT ... it was a small one ( by today's standards ) that is meant to distract from something else much more important to THEM. The banking scandals maybe ??? HSBC, LIBOR ??? London too ???
The hype behind it is something I haven't seen before. The gun control issue was pushed incessantly. If I had a gun and I was in that crowd, there would have been no hesitation, he would have been down if I was able.
One person described being BEHIND him as he was firing ... why didn't they take him down ???
When/IF he was down, firing a weapon becomes rather difficult. He may have been able to shoot some feet off but not much else. This statement came from a kid who I wasn't sure was a female or a male.
Bottom line is that the whole tabloid/MSM NEWS reporting was EXTREMELY biased and hyped ... to the point where I had never seen before. This has to be an event to advance gun control. I admit the types of weapons used in these attacks should be restricted. A handgun, is all one would need to take out a single shooter with and auto or semi-auto with one shot.
I think that military hardware should NOT be on the streets or in the hands or available to the public. A handgun however is NOT military hardware, simply a sidearm for self defense.
That's what they call them in the MIL, a sidearm an extra arm if you will ... one that can reach out beyond the two arms you already have.
I suppose I could go on but I think my point has been made. The whole thing stinks ... it reeks of the strategy of gun control, where ALL guns will be restricted. This is wrong in so many ways I can't begin to describe.
If someone came up to me and wanted my food ... he has a big stick. I have nothing because I have all my food in my hands. What does one do ??? I would drop it all and grab a stone or stick as big as his. Whatever is available right ???
Then the outcome is unknown due to a balance of power. Each has a weapon ... point is ... a gun is a weapon the same as a club. Both are just as deadly ... it's just that one is much more efficient and works at a distance. And both require an operator to effect the desired result ... the death of the opponent.
So it is INTENT that is required to swing the club or pull the trigger is it not ??? A club can no more lift itself off the ground and kill than a gun can.
Serious discernment required there, I'll bet. Self defense is one matter, a murderous spree is another. Hence, why auto's and semi-auto's are weapons of mass killing depending on clip capacitance.
Revolvers can only hold six, ONE is all it takes to bring down a SHOOTER. If there were say ten or twenty Revolvers in that crowd ... that would be 20 chances to take the SHOOTER down and then times 6 because if they miss on number one they have 5 more tries to get it right. Reload time then add a few minutes if you brought more ammo. A single shooter with a semi or auto wouldn't stand a chance with those odds.
GOD I hate how they make us all out to be just sheep to be picked off like targets on a shooting range ...
The feeling I got from all the media coverage so far is FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, get rid of the guns ??? And don't go see the new Batman movie maybe ??? They were very concerned about box office returns, especially since the last two made it big time. They are concerned that this INCIDENT doesn't bring the box office take downwards. One talking head said, "don't worry this is just an isolated incident, go and see the movie." Paraphrased of course. How many more "isolated" incidents" do we have to see before we get it ??? They are NOT isolated. It's a result of the violence on TV and or Video Games which they went waaaay out of their way to say "We're NOT responsible ".
Really ???
Tell me another Whopper and I might just get a hankerin for one ...
Journey ... 

Iraqi dinar - recently being said...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi dinar - recently being said...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 21-Jul-2012 03:08:48

Hi, Folks -
Found at :
7-20-2012 Intel Guru Blaino What I can share with you is we should relax and be calm through the weekend, but I expect some exciting news after 9 p.m. tonightI have seen on my computer with some friends screen shot. I saw some remarkable things and checked with the calculator. Had one of my friends check out what I saw. I saw live on my computer live facts. Not a screen shot but the real deal. I saw with my own eyes.There are some groups doing stuff.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Pastor John Hagee on Obama

Message to ALL Christians in America from Pastor John Hagee
of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio , Texas .

          Greetings to all of our Salt Covenant Partners and friends
across the nation and around the world.

          First, I want to express my profound appreciation to
President Barak Obama for doing what all of the Republican candidates
have not been able to do for months: he unified the Bible-believing
church in America in one week over the issue of abortion.

          When the President ordered the Catholic Church to provide
contraceptives to prevent the birth of new life, he hit a nerve in
the heart of every true Catholic and Evangelical.

          Being a politician, he will attempt to compromise his
position until after the election and then release the full power of
government to force  the church to obey the state. Think about this!
If he made this bold statement before the election, consider how
brutal he will be if he is re-elected!

          I have said it before and I will say it again: the election
on November 6, 2012 for the office of President is the day of
decision for America . Four more years of Obama will bring absolute
socialism to America . Our children and grandchildren will never know
the greatness of America that we have experienced. THIS MUST NOT


          I am asking the Christians of America to join us in 40 days
of prayer for this Presidential election. These 40 days of prayer
will begin on September 28, 2012. You can do it individually or in
groups, but prayer is the most powerful force God has given us to
bring our nation back to righteousness. I'll be saying more about
this as the year progresses, but mark it on your calendar and start
telling your family, friends,  and church members NOW about the 40
days of prayer.


          Pastor John Hagee
          » ¤ « » ¤ « » ¤ « » ¤ « » ¤ « »«: *´`³ ? ³´`* :»« » ¤ « » ¤
« » ¤ « » ¤ « » ¤ «
          If my people, which are called by my name,
          shall humble themselves, and pray, seek my face,
          and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
          from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
          and will heal their land.
          2 Chronicles 7:14

           please read and send to everyone you know


Nibiru will make it's closest passage to Earth coming into our Solar System on August 17, 2012


July 18, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen,

"No Need For Panic" is the title of my paper I wrote the Fall of 2005, published in January 2006.

This note is a follow-up to my paper.

Tuesday July 10th, one of my private trusted sources told me the following: He heard a woman telling her employer that she attended a classified briefing for spouses of D.O.D. personnel that are part of C.O.G. (Continuity Of Government) contingency planning. This may constitute 1 or 2 % of all D.O.D. personnel.

Prior to the briefing beginning, she had to sign a non-disclose agreement. During the briefing, she was told about Nibiru ( Planet X, Wormwood) and the soon-to-happen flooding of the Atlantic coast. She was shown a map that very closely resembled the map on my DVD showing flooding of North America coastal areas.

She was told to prepare for an evacuation order that would come soon, They were told they may have as much as two weeks warning, they may not. They were told they could bring one carry-on bag and one suitcase and that they would abandon all other possessions and property.

Monday July 16, I had another private source in Homeland Security verify the information of the above mentioned briefing.

Today I spoke with another source, Mr. Mike Harris. Mike is a fellow talk-show host at RBN with the time slot following mine. Mike has a private trusted source who is a high-ranking member of a foreign intelligence agency. This source tells Mike that Nibiru will make it's closest passage to Earth coming into our Solar System on August 17, 2012 and it's closest passage outward bound on September 26, 2012.

Mike has verified this intelligence with another private source, a former high-ranking member of the Reagan administration.

All intelligence received so far points to an Atlantic Ocean event (probably connected to the Canary Island risk of a land slide generating a tidal wave) There are some unknowns here, the exact nature of which areas are most at risk is one of them. The safe thing to assume/act on, is all coastal areas (800' altitude and lower) are at risk.

One of the things I learned in U.S. Military Intelligence School (as well as being criminal investigator since 1973) was to look for reliable sources who don't know each other, giving the same information. Here we have four reliable sources all saying the same thing.

I trust this intelligence enough to be taking personal action based on it.

We human beings go through this every 3,600 years. The range of effects run from mild irritation to killing most inhabitants of Earth with: major earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, 200 mph winds and meteor strikes.

On Wednesday, July 25th, Mike Harris will join me on my radio show as my guest. We will be discussing these matters.

That's at 0700 CDT 7/25 on Republic Broadcasting ( link at my web site )

This is an on-going intelligence gathering project. I will report my findings as they develop.


John Moore