Sunday, July 22, 2012

Obama's Justice Department Rushes to the Rescue of LIBOR Criminals

Obama's Justice Department Rushes to the Rescue of LIBOR Criminals
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
The reason Eric Holder is staging criminal investigations is because that’s the only way he can protect the bankers, through immunities and by gradually narrowing the scope of the case.”
The Obama Justice Department is in theater mode, again, pretending to threaten the bankster class with criminal penalties – prison time! – for their manipulation of the global economy’s benchmark interest rates. The Justice Department claims to be building criminal and civil cases [5] in the LIBOR scandal, which in sheer scope is the biggest fraud by international capital in history. But that’s all a front, a farce. Barack Obama has spent his entire presidency protecting Wall Street, starting with his rescue of George Bush’s bank bailout bill after it’s initial defeat in Congress, in the last days of Obama’s candidacy. He packed his administration with banksters, passed his own bailout and, in collaboration with the Federal Reserve, channeled at least $16 trillion dollars into the accounts of U.S. and even European banks – by far the greatest transfer of capital in the history of the world. Obama has reminded the banksters that it was he who saved them from the “pitchforks” of an outraged public. He pushed through Congress so-called financial reform legislation that left derivatives – the deadly instruments of mass financial destruction that were at the heart of the meltdown – untouched.
Wall Street may or may not remain loyal to Obama, but Obama has been loyal to Wall Street, the guys who gave him the campaign cash to become a viable candidate. His Attorney General, Eric Holder, a corporate lawyer to the core, is busily staging a pre-emptive LIBOR prosecution of bankers in order to shield them from legal action by a host of other government agencies and, ultimately, from the global universe of parties that have been harmed by the bankster’s schemes – a list that stretches to infinity. Holder’s job is to monopolize the LIBOR case, to the extent legally and humanly possible, grabbing jurisdiction and consolidating the cases against the banks with the aim of reaching a settlement that does not further destabilize the financial system.
The Justice Department has already given immunity to Barclay’s Bank, of Britain, and to the Swiss banking giant UBS.”
Holder and his boss already pulled that trick earlier this year with settlement of the bank “robo-signing” scandal – a scheme that would have ranked as the “crime of the century [6]” until LIBOR came along. A small group of state attorney generals were holding up an administration-brokered settlement that effectively gave the banksters immunity from prosecution, in return for a measly $25 billion payout. Obama used every power of his office to pressure the state law officers into line. The last one capitulated with a promise from Obama that a “special unit of prosecutors” would expand the investigation into abusive mortgages practices. You haven’t heard a peep about it, since.
Now Obama and Holder are playing the same diversionary game, making tough noises about criminal investigations of the LIBOR conspirators. But the Justice Department has already given immunity to Barclay’s Bank, of Britain, and to the Swiss banking giant UBS. More immunities will follow. The reason Eric Holder is staging criminal investigations is because that’s the only way he can protect the bankers, through immunities and by gradually narrowing the scope of the case. In the end, there will be settlements all around, and the banksters will move on to even more fantastic heights of criminality – thanks to the loyal, protective hands of President Obama.
For Black Agenda Radio, I’m Glen Ford. On the web, go to
BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at [7].

TSA Strip-Search 'Humiliated' Texas Grandmother Seeking Medical Treatment, She Claims (VIDEO)

The TSA isn't exactly known for its sensitivity, a reputation that Fort Worth resident Melinda Deaton experienced first-hand Wednesday morning while enroute to a medical appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
The Texas grandmother says she was pulled aside and patted down by Transportation Security Administration agents at Dallas Love Field airport after they noticed a gastric tube hanging from her stomach, which had been medically implanted after complications with a gastric bypass surgery.
"When I pulled my shirt out and they catch a glimpse of it, they both go, 'Ugh!'," Deaton said in an interview with Dallas-Fort Worth news station WFAA. "I said, 'Thank you for your professionalism.'"
According to WNBC New York, Deaton said agents also swabbed the tube for bomb-making material, putting her at risk for infection. "Any time you put a harsh substance on it, you run the risk of contamination," Deaton's husband John Deaton told NBC. "They put stuff on there that we don't know what it is and identify. She has a weak immune system as part of her medical condition, and it can be very fatal to her."
In addition to searching her behind a screen and not in a private room, Deaton says TSA threw out her containers filled with applesauce and pudding, soft foods she's required to eat due to her medical condition.
On its website, TSA cautions passengers that some types of foods that exceed 3.4oz should be placed in a passenger's checked luggage. Though it also set up last year a toll-free helpline for travelers with disabilities and medical needs.
In an online introduction to the helpline:
TSA recommends that passengers call approximately 72 hours ahead of travel so that TSA Cares has the opportunity to coordinate checkpoint support with a TSA Customer Service Manager located at the airport when necessary.
Earlier this year the TSA announced new guidelines that would loosen security restrictions for travelers over the age of 75.
"By moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to security and applying some intelligence-driven and risk-based security models, TSA is looking at how this works for passengers," agency spokesman Jim Fotenos told the Associated Press.
The trial run was only set to take place at a limited number of airports, however, including Chicago's O'Hare International, Denver International, Orlando International and Portland International.

CA CAFR $600B ‘pension fund’ pays only $1B for pensions

And this is only California. You know, "the most financially $trapped $tate" in the u$A.

22-minute interview: CA CAFR $600B ‘pension fund’ pays only $1B for pensions

Infowars Nightly News interviewed me for 22 minutes to discuss how states’ Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) reveal taxpayers have abundant assets already in government hands to pay for all public goods and services multiple times.
Summarized here, California has $600 billion in cash and investments, with all state government agencies combined having $8 trillion. These amounts translate into $50,000 per household retained by the state, and a staggering $650,000 per household combined total.
This is why CAFR data disclosure is one of three obvious game-changing solutions a critical mass of the 99% can command to reclaim economic success from the current capture of the 1%; the other two are monetary and credit reform.
CAFR Govt Slush Funds Right Under Our Noses

Video: CAFR Govt Slush Funds Right Under Our Noses

This objective and independently verifiable data also communicates the need for Occupy victory for the 99% to recognize and end obvious malfeasance/crimes centering in money and war. This victory literally saves millions of lives, helps billions, and returns trillions of the 99%’s hard-earned money.
·  CA CAFR: pensions cost $27 billion, only 4% comes from the $600B ‘pension fund’

To David Cameron (Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Leader of the Opposition) ...


To David Cameron (Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Leader of the Opposition) ...

You BOTH Worry me ! ( In fact both of your Political parties worry the hell out of me !!!)

Over the last three years, I find myself becoming more and more fearful of the pair of you, and between you, you are turning this country into a place that I no longer feel at home in, or feel a part of! I watch you in parliament, and no, not just the two of you, but every politician that I see, stand up in parliament sneering at each other, and acting like children !!! (..and if you were my children, I would be ashamed of you all ... What an example to set!)

Although you would like us all to believe that you are putting the needs of this country at the forefront, NEITHER of you are doing that, you seem more interested in "one-up-manship ", in scoring off each other, & denigrating each other, to the detriment of this country & its people !!! It seems to be all about YOU as individuals, and not about what you can DO for this country !
It is fast becoming a place that I do not recognize, as the place I always thought, was the best place in the world to be !!!   But no longer !!!

You are not listening to the people of this country !!!
I am watching the deterioration of living standards in this country, (and according to you, on a world stage we are doing better than most countries ... REALLY ???) ... And yet the gap is widening between the "haves" and the "have-nots" . I see our homeless on the streets, our hospitals under-funded, and understaffed, our health system is an absolute mess and a disgrace ... And yet I see multi-millions of dollars being sent offshore, in aid to other countries, before attending to this country's needs !

I see the "selling off of water rights to foreign interests, WHY...?  Especially when you go to great lengths to tell us that water is a finite resource, & supposedly, we must ALL be careful with how we use it, so that we ensure we have it for the future ? A Carbon Tax,( which you KNOW is just another tax ) which will make NO appreciable difference, to carbon emissions, AT ALL!
A tax, which in spite of all your arguments FOR it, you are doing alone, when other major countries will NOT & DO NOT embrace it, or believe in it !
All that it will do for this country is put working families and small businesses behind the eight ball, .....what planet are you on, if you think that the tax we must pay will make even a scrap of difference to the effect of the carbon tax on people? Anyone can see the holes in that argument !!! Do you really think we are that dumb ???

Let's talk about Multiculturalism ......People have come here from other countries, for a better life, for more years than I have been alive ( I am 
75 years old !)
Pre & Post war immigrants came for a better life, and settled in and became wonderful contributors to this country, ... all have contributed to the rich diversity of this country, and some descendants have even fought FOR this country, and they have become U.K.citizens and were glad to be ...and they had NO handouts from our Government either, ...they worked hard for everything!
I have never before had a problem with all, or any, race of immigrants coming here. However, I DO NOW !!!

Please tell me why we have areas in towns and on large estates all over the country, where police do NOT, & will NOT go, for fear of their life ?
Please tell me why we can no longer have religion in schools for fear of "OFFENDING" someone ? (The latest little gem is that they are not having or being funded, for chaplains any more, but Counsellors!)
Please tell me why religious Christmas observances are no longer allowed in some schools for fear of OFFENDING someone ? Please tell me HOW Christmas decorations in some stores might OFFEND someone ? Please tell me why we have to have segregated days in some swimming centres for fear of "OFFENDING" someone ? Please tell me why we have some RADICAL clerics demanding Sharia Law in this country when if we were in THEIR country, this would NEVER be allowed? Please tell me why our laws need to be changed, so as not to OFFEND someone ? Please tell me why we are fast becoming a MINORITY voice, in our own country, because of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ? Please tell me WHY Britons cannot legally wear a bikehelmet covering their head in a bank and yet it is ok to wear a Burqa which covers the whole of the face ? And please tell me WHY, when those people who want asylum here can wreck our detention centres and STILL be accepted here ?

What does that say about just who and what are this government's priorities ?
The British people that I speak to have genuine concerns about becoming a second class minority in our own country, and the reasons for it are some of the above. Are you so blind that you cannot see this ? And no, I am NOT racist !!!  If I did not like Catholics or Protestants would I be considered racist ? Of course not!
Why is it, that if we object to what is happening in our country we are immediately labelled RACIST, in an attempt to shut us up ?

We are fighting Radical Muslims in Afghanistan & Iraq , are we not ? I hear you say, yes but the Muslims we have here are "Not like that " . Well how would we know ? Do we hear ANY of them coming out & speaking AGAINST radicals ? I haven't, have you ? Islam is not compatible with ANY of the values that we hold here in Britain ! Are not the experiences of France and the Netherlands a examples of that? Why do you think it would be any different here ? We even have a British born "radical ", whose message is that Britain WILL become a Muslim country, under Sharia Law, & that we had "better get used to it ".

Will both of you grow some "balls", and start sticking up for this country and its people ? We are the people who put you where you are and PAY you to look after our interests !  And you are NOT doing that by any stretch of the imagination !!!  I would appreciate an answer from both of you, if only to convince me that once again I am not talking to a brick wall !
In case it has escaped both of you I would like to remind you that, in the U.K. Government is FOR THE PEOPLE ... OF THE PEOPLE ... & BY THE PEOPLE ...   Never forget that because you sure have up till now !

Let us get this out to all ?please keep forwarding and if you have people in the press or if you know Politicians ?let them know we are dis-satisfied with their behaviour !


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EU Times – US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama --- DRAKE

EU Times – US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama

by Drake
        I have stated in a couple of my early shows, and question & answer,
     that we might not have elections this year...remember?
       The article below (from a good source) is a legitimate news report.
     However, there is some missing information.
       I mentioned a 'plan' held secretly by our military that was developed during
the Korean war era.
      Within it are special conditions under which our military would take specific actions
towards freeing up our country.
      The 'balance' between waiting for We The People and The Military taking such actions
is beginning to tip...
      This is exactly why I requested/asked our militias and people to form into groups to hook
up with local law enforcement and our F.B.I. to affect needed arrests.
      TIME is very short and any who are in position to start the action, PLEASE do so NOW!
      Special conditions and limitations apply.
       A military cue is possible...going towards probable, that tipping from above...
       IF this happens, immediate appointments in key offices will be made after removal of the crooks.
       These will be 'Temporary' and with limited powers.
       After house cleaning and appointments, We The People will be made aware of the paperwork
notification process that was completed that basically set us free by a majority of states.
       As problems are addressed, there will be several presentations that will keep us free AND make
sure that these problems can never occur again.
       24/7 voting by paper ballot will have to be held in order for The People to decide a lot of legislation.
There is a lot of education that will be taking place before voting...things you were never told that you need to know.
     This allows us to make the right decisions AND returns the power over to We The People.
        Everyone must know that our military does not want to do this or be in charge.
      IF this goes this way, our military leaders will announce exactly that. That this is TEMPORARY.
      There may be no news or stories or statements on this. Those involved want this to work AND there
is a security/safety factor on a life and death level.
      Any of us may be contacted to assist, so be ready, and do not engage from either side. Talk first.    ~ Drake
Drake | July 21, 2012 at 1:48 pm | Categories: News | URL:



by Drake
      Who is fooling who...And why?
     FX- Special Effects can do just about anything.
       The whole mix is designed to be confusing.
     So no one will know the truth.
       ~ Drake
To Drake:
Now this is right up my alley because of my college major"Graphic Arts" the first time and "Theater Arts" the second. I was trained as a make up artist and took part in creating fake but authentic appearing massive injuries for disaster drills. That is how I spotted the totally fake news coverage of the Gifford's Shooting. I recognized the same procedures we used back in the 70's. I also recognized the use of "actors" in witnesses and purported victims. I also spent many years in professional digital photography. I specialized in the repair and restoration of damaged antique photo's including fire and water damage. I am very good at it but the experience also makes me acutely aware of "photo shopped" images ie; nearly all of the so called Obama family pics from his childhood. (sitting on a park bench with grandparents, standing between Mommy and Soetoro etc.) I know and understand theatrical effects, staging and illusion very well. It's also why the morning of 911 when the second plane hit right in front of our eyes mine immediately noticed in that split moment, "wait a minute, that plane has no windows". In later years in my job as an investigative auditor part of my work was to spot fake ID's (driver license, passports etc.) I processed more than 20,000 ID documents. All of this experience is why I knew instantly that the Obama birth certificate was fake, the Gifford's shooting news coverage was fake, the family photo's were fake and a whole host of other fakery. This guy has done a wonderful job of putting together the education ALL AMERICANS need to have especially NOW! It took me years to learn and gain the experience to recognize what he has put in this video.
Most Americans have absolutely no training in these areas, no way to spot a fake and they sure are NOT AWARE that ALL important news coverage is nothing more than THEATRICAL ILLUSION! Please watch, retain the information and then WATCH THE NEWS WITH NEW EYES! Our perceptions cannot be manipulated if we are AWARE of the method! It's certainly not just the LIBOR that has been manipulated and the BIG SCREEN is not the only place everything you see is staged. They cannot pull off the end game if we are all aware beforehand what they are up to. If the people are not fooled into fear and because of fear cooperation, they cannot be controlled. DON'T BE AFRAID BE AWARE! Also REALLY BE PAYING ATTENTION TO ANYTHING HAPPENING IN LONDON DURING THE OLYIMPICS... once again as is true with ALL previous disasters, cameras, in the tunnel where Princess Di died, all airports where the planes involved with 911 took off, and those at the World Trade Center, the transit system in Madrid at the time of the bombing in March 2004, the London underground and the bus line on July 7th 2005 when those bombs went off, and the Fukishima Nuclear Power plant (bomb not earthquake) ALL THESE CAMERAS WERE PLACED BY AN ISRAELI SECURITY COMPANY.... NOW IT IS AN ISRAELI SECURITY COMPANY WHICH HAS PLACED CAMERAS ALL OVER LONDON IN ANTICIPATION OF WHAT?
"In modern times the system of local government that we have throughout the world is derived exclusively from the City of London Corporation. The City of London Corporation is a Masonic, private, independent, sovereign state occupying approximately one square mile within the heart of the greater London area inside the old Roman walls of London. It either directly or indirectly, controls all mayors, councils, regional councils, multi-national and trans-national banks, corporations, judicial systems (through Old Bailey, Temple Bar and the Royal Courts of Justice in London), the IMF, World Bank, Vatican Bank (through N. M. Rothschild & Sons London Italian subsidiary Torlonia), European Central Bank, United States Federal Reserve (which is privately owned and secretly controlled by eight British-controlled shareholding banks), the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland (which is also British-controlled and oversees all of the Reserve Banks around the world including our own) and last but not least, the communist European Union and communist United Nations Organization."
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Later:  We Received the following two rebuttals that basically disprove the video above:

Drake | July 21, 2012 at 2:09 pm | Categories: News | URL:

The Sixties - Enjoy The Memories

 the Sixties!
As the saying goes, == Those were the days


   This is the one of the best presentations of the sixties that I have seen online. It is very well done. Just click on the link and sit back and enjoy the memories. Great photos, sounds and facts.   
If you're not quite old enough to have been there,  feel free to pass it on to someone who is

   Click here                         the sixties 

Alien BANKERS, Leave Earth Alone!

KEISER Report:  Alien BANKERS, Leave Earth Alone!
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert,
demand that Jamie Dimon leave Earth alone! 

They also discuss the global Jim Jones like cults surrendering
to the derivatives with hostile intent.

In the second half of the show, Max talks to Jim Rickards,
author of Currency Wars, about
‘Singapore on the Mediterranean’ and how the U.S.
Congress will intervene in the Libor case to avoid the Son of Tarp.

~ Namaste.

Bob Dean is a legend in his own time.

Bob Dean is a legend in his own time. 
Conversation with him regarding his contact with Non-Human Intelligence.
He is, I believe, a one-man disclosure project. Ask him to the party and you barely need anyone else to make the case, for the truth behind ufos, ETs and the secret space program. He lends a touch of class to everything he touches.
After two brilliant interviews with Dean, imagine my surprise when I got a call from him telling me he wanted to come forward again... He had, he says, barely grazed the surface of what he knows. Hard to believe but who am I to quarrel with the 'great Yoda"?
So to Laughlin we went. I was accompanied by Jack Burns, the notorious, future, giver of Camelot conferences... A man who has attracted controversy and even, some believe, ignominy to Camelot in the process....
When these two war horses met it was a meeting of brothers. They had ridden together back in the days of the Knights Templar, they said. And Dean greeted him like the long lost comrade he was.
With Jack's help -- handling the roving camera... I sat down with the retired Command Sergeant Major to have another go... and down the rabbit hole we went.
A bit deeper in search of the real truth behind the matrix.
And Bob did what he does best... bringing in the light.
Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Aoril 2010
Interview shot in February 2010

~ Namaste.
I honor the DIVINE in YOU,
as you honor the DIVINE in ME.

You already possess everything
to become great.
~ Native American Crow Proverb

Eyewitness Account: James Holmes Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting

From: l.....
Sent: 7/22/2012 9:11:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: New Suspect in Batman Colorado Massacre

Eyewitness Account: James Holmes Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting

New Suspect in Batman Colorado Massacre

Proof Government Stages Mass Shootings: Batman Massacre Decoded

Cover-Up? FBI Theater Attack Warning Memory-Holed

One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shotblm

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/20/12 ‘Arrests Continue Peaceably’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/20/12 ‘Arrests Continue Peaceably’

‘S and S Bonds’ are security and safety measures that we of the Galactic Federation of Light employ to protect and secure our personnel, our information, our ships, equipment, technologies, and our missions. These security and safety measures were violated over the past few days by members of our personnel who found a means to penetrate this protective system and access equipment and technologies they did not possess the clearance or permission to utilize. They have been reprimanded, and these beings will not be permitted to continue their employment with our organization. This is the justice that has been handed out in this matter, and we feel this is an appropriate means to resolve this situation. Again, we apologize to anyone who has been affected by this breach of security and protocol and again state that nothing like this will ever be permitted to happen again as long as we, the Galactic Federation of Light, can do anything about it.

We have had security breaches in our past history, we will not pretend that we have not. Our organization is a massive organization with many millions of members, ships, stations, platforms, planets of visitation and missions that go beyond this current mission, of course, at this time. It is exceedingly difficult to secure and protect each and every area of our operation at all times, and trust is a large part of a smooth and successful operation. The beings that took part in this breach of protocol have not been members of our organization for very long, rather, they are newcomers, and felt that their escapades were exciting and worth the risk of finding themselves in hot water, as it were, and accountable for their actions. What they have done amounts to a little more than a harmless prank, and therefore we felt we had no choice but to return them to where it is they call home, finalizing their partnership with us. This is a shame, for they held such promise and many doors have been opened for them once they had joined our organization and these doors have now closed on them and this is the really saddening part, as members of our organization enjoy such benefits, freedoms, gifts, pleasures, and treats, if you will, as our organization is a generous, kind and giving organization to partner with.

These beings will, in the future, be given another opportunity to work with us, however, things must change within them before they are once again considered for any post with us. This is a prerequisite of their future employment with us, as we will not take another chance on them until they show much growth, maturity, education, and gain more wisdom through experience, for we will not take another chance on them until we are convinced they have grown and matured. This is the way it must be and this is the way it will be, and we wish now at this time to move on from this interruptive chapter in our work together.

Let us begin today to discuss with you advancements in the front lines of the arrests of the members and associates of your criminal cabal. We are monitoring heavily these arrest procedures and we are very delighted to report that these arrests are proceeding very smoothly, without any gunfire or need for heavy artillery in any way, shape, or form. These raids on homes and some businesses alike are transpiring without any resistance by members of your cabal, and at this time there is no need for air coverage from our organization as the skies are quieted as there have been no attempts in any way by any of your rogue military outfits to interfere in any way with these proceedings, this we wish to make very clear. There has been no hostility on any of the fronts where these arrests are taking place. We feel we have made ourselves clear on that, and now we would like to move on and discuss what it is that will happen with these members of the cabal that are taken into custody.

These men and even some women will be incarcerated for a certain period of time until we of the higher realms can decide upon justice and proper rehabilitation. These members of your cabal that have plotted, schemed, conspired and acted against you, the people of Earth, will not be reinstituted into your society unless certain deals are made, deals that we feel give us as well as you adequate compensation for their return to freedom. By adequate compensation we certainly do not mean monetary payment as money, of course, means nothing to us, and money to you which does mean a lot will be reinstituted into your societies anyway without their consent or permission, as the money they possess, in large part, has been stolen from you and will be returned to you. That is one of the conditions that there is no necessity to bargain for, as that condition will be fulfilled no matter what the sentencing and rehabilitation will be for these many individuals. We wish to be clear on that as well.

The deals that are made with these individuals are made just as they are made in your world, and many of you should be already familiar with defendants offering information and testimony in an offer to assist an ongoing investigation that can benefit from their assistance. These are the deals that are being offered to only a certain number of individuals, as the crimes that these individuals have committed, although serious in nature, did not deal with the physical harm of your people. They dealt more with financial gain, and we feel it is these individuals that can be offered a certain amount of leniency for their cooperation, if their cooperation assists us in our ongoing prosecution and mission to purify your world of the cabal and their many members and sworn associates. We hope that you understand that although many of you wish to arrest and lock away forever every single member and associate of the cabal, we feel justice would better be served by striking some deals with some of these individuals, especially the ones who have been seated in positions of power where a great deal of information has been shared with them, that once shared with us, can assist us in our ongoing efforts.

We are very confident that you, the people of Earth, will be very pleased with the outcome of this process, and we say to you do not feel for a moment that there will be any chance that the cabal will be able to regroup and regain their power because a few of their members or associates have been given another chance at freedom in your world, as this will never be permitted to happen and you do have our word on that, and that is all we will say about this matter for now.

For today, we would like you, our friends and our family, to think about how close it is that you are to everything that has been spoken of, everything that you have dreamed about, as all of this is so very close to you right now. Keep up your great work doing what it is you are all doing. Do your best to get along with each other as best as you can, for these interactions between yourselves are the bricks that are building your new roads, your new cities and your new world.

We are your fellow builders and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles English

Read more:

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 'How to Communicate with Us'

The Galactic Federation of Light discuss how we can better communicate with them.

Breaking news! AG of IN admits that complaint by attorney Orly Taitz against the Sec of State and Elections Commission is not dismissed with Prejudice

Subject: Breaking news! AG of IN admits that complaint by attorney Orly Taitz against the Sec of State and Elections Commission is not dismissed with Prejudice

Press Release
Attorney General of Indiana stipulates (admits) that Causes of action of Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Negligence against the Sec of State of Indiana Connie Lawson and Elections Commission brought by attorney Orly Taitz were never heard on the merits and should not have been dismissed. They stipulate that these causes of action are not dismissed with prejudice. After 4 years of struggle this is the first such admission  by the chief law enforcement officer of a state!!!

IN response to rule 60 motion
IN Final First amended Complaint
This is really big as for the first time after 230 cases filed all over the nation by some 40 attorneys and hundreds of pro se litigants, a chief law enforcement officer of a state, Attorney General of Indiana Gregory F. Zoeller admits: "Respondents (here respondents are Secretary of State and Elections Commission) are willing to stipulate (it means admit, agree with the plaintiff) that the other claims (breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, and fraud) that were never before the court are not dismissed with prejudice, but reserve all defenses including those related to statute of limitations".
This is a milestone. It means that they agree that plaintiffs can proceed on the merits. Statute of limitations will not be a problem, as we acted timely.
Thank you god!
Other issues listed in the response are boiler plate and most of it is not true. Attorney Orly Taitz  filed a timely complaint of elections fraud with Indiana Secretary of State. Such complaint can be filed by any citizens, it is similar to NH, citizens of other states, who have evidence of elections fraud can file such complaint.  Other plaintiffs already signed that they want to join me in this motion. If you are a resident of Indiana and want to join, please do so. There is strength in numbers. Donations are needed to cover expenses of this and other legal actions to remove Obama from 2012 ballot due to identity fraud end elections fraud and use of forged IDs. More info on 
Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
End of Press Release

Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411  fax949-766-7603 

Obama Plan To Shatter “Permanent War Economy” Panics Global Elites

July 22, 2012
Obama Plan To Shatter “Permanent War Economy” Panics Global Elites
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An astounding report prepared by the Ministry of Finance for President Putin today estimates that up to $35 Trillion in assets owned by what are estimated to be the 10 million individuals classified as global elites has been lost to global tax havens over fears that President Barack Obama is about to “shatter” the United States“permanent war economy” that has been in place since 1944.
The amount of this staggering elite money hoard, which dwarfs the entire United States economy (the world’s largest) was confirmed by the Tax Justice Network (TJN) whose spokesman, John Christensen, told London’s Guardian News Service yesterday:
The CEO of General Electric and vice-chairman of the War Production Board, Charles Edward Wilson (1886-1972) warned at the close of World War II that the US must not return to a civilian economy, but must keep to a “permanent war economy” thus creating the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) (aka. “The Iron Triangle”) whereby the collusion between militarism and war profiteering became manifest as a permanently subsidized industry.
Between the years of 1944-1961 the power of this Military-Industrial Complex had became so great that President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1961) in his last address to the American people on 17 January 1961 warned:
Upon Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 his successor President Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) fully embraced the Military-Industrial Complex guaranteeing the survival of the “permanent war economy”.  
Even worse, under Johnson’s Defense Secretary, Robert Strange McNamara (1916-2009) the way the Military-Industrial Complex operated in the “permanent war economy” was changed.
Within the Pentagon that McNamara ruled when Johnson assumed the Presidency, civilian and uniformed officials were in conflict about the procedures for how to determine the costs of weapons to be contracted for manufacturing. On the one side, led by an industrial engineer, the idea was to base costs on the formulation of alternative designs and production methods—a competitive approach that promoted economic growth.
The other side proposed generating costs based on what was previously spent. For the Pentagon, this meant following the “cost-plus” system used during World War II, also known as cost maximizing. In other words, “contractors could take the previous cost of making a product for the Pentagon and simply add on an agreed-upon profit margin.”
McNamara opted for the second option. The result was that by 1980, the cost of producing major weapons systems had grown at an annual rate of 20 percent, meaning, that by 1996, the cost of the B-2 bomber exceeded the value of its weight in gold.
So damaging to the US has their “permanent war economy” become that in March of 2003, New York City put out a request for a proposal to spend between $3 and $4 billion to replace subway cars. Not a single US company bid on the proposal—in part because the nation no longer had the tools it needed to build its own subway trains. It was calculated that if this manufacturing work were done in the United States, it would have generated, directly and indirectly, about 32,000 jobs.
Not being understood by the American people is that the operation of a “permanent war economy” makes President Obama the Chief Executive Officer of the United States Military-Industrial Complex controlling the largest single block of capital resources the world has ever known and that has spent this year alone nearly $1.5 Trillion.
To be noted is that this combination of [economic, political, and military] powers in the same hands has been a feature of statist societies—communist, fascist, and others—where individual rights cannot constrain central rule.
Unlike any US President since Kennedy, however, Obama has been the first American leader since 1963 to take “tentative” steps against the Military-Industrial Complex with this report further stating that upon his reelection he will begin an “all-out assault” to reclaim his economy for civilian use instead of war.
In our previous report, “US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama”, we noted how Obama was building up his countries internal police forces to include the militarization of nearly every local police force in the United States, a move, this report suggests, he has undertaken so he, unlike Kennedy, will be prepared when his own military forces turn against him.
To which side the American people will back as this titanic internal struggle intensifies this report doesn’t say. But, and critical to note, as the wealthiest US investors were warned on 9 July to prepare for a “fundamental geopolitical shift”, it would only seem prudent that the masses of other Americans follow their lead.
July 22, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]