Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Illuminati Formula Used To Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

The Illuminati Formula Used To Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
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by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it., Give it to friends and therapists for compassionate work. You now have in your hands the very tools that can deprogram the dream. Once you know this, and you absorb its implications, you can no longer be blind folded. By reading this, you may be helping millions of monarch slaves . These techniques only work by our ignorance of knowing them. Herein, let us apply the Heart to the mind, and awaken a Middle Way, by infiltrating another piece of the cancer of sleep, as All Is God in Action.
This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It’s time for this horrendous secret to end.
Blood, sweat and tears are associated with this book. The blood of the innocent victims of this mind-control cries out in a single unison, along with the pungent sweat of those who have tried to minister help to the shattered humanity left by the sadistic programmers, and the pools of tears shed as this book was written, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on earth?”
IF THERE IS ANY CHANCE you the reader have had mind-control done to you, you must consider the following book to be DANGEROUS. If you are consulting a therapist for DID (also known as MPD), it is recommended that you consult your therapist before reading this book. The complications that could result for those under mind control learning the truth–could be fatal. The co-authors take no responsibility for those who read or misuse this information.
The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth.
The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind, will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God.
The programming procedures which are described in this book are based on research and consultation with deprogrammers, ex-programmers, therapists, counselors and pertinent literature. To the best of our knowledge the statements made in this book are factual, although they may not reflect the latest or currently accepted methodology among each and every faction of the New World Order which carries out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming.
For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation.
The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this material.
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have co-authored They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guidebook To Monarch Mind Control. Both Fritz and Cisco bring years of experience in dealing with Monarch programming to bear on the writing of this book.
Fritz has researched the Illuminati, while he has worked with victims of its programming. He has authored The Top 13 Illuminati Families, and several other books.
Introduction by Fritz
There are many dangers to the human race, some real and some imagined. I believe that the trauma-based mind control which this book exposes is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deed totally undetected. By the time the astute reader finishes this book, they will be as familiar with how to carry out trauma-based mind-control as some of the programmers. Ancient and more recent secrets will no longer be secrets.
Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours studying the Illuminati, the Intelligence agencies of the world, and the occult world in general. The centerpiece of these organizations is the trauma-based mind control that they carry out. Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD, drugs, hypnosis and electronics and other control methodologies, these organizations would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret.
When one of the mind-control programmers of the Church of Scientology, who has left Scientology, was asked about MPD, he said, “It’s the name of the game of mind control.” Research into this subject will never be complete. This book has tried to give a comprehensive view of how the programming is done.
The basic techniques were developed in German, Scottish, Italian, and English Illuminati families and have been done for centuries. Some report that some of the techniques go back to ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon to the ancient mystery religions. The Nazis are known to have studied ancient Egyptian texts in their mind control research. The records and secrets of the generational Illuminati bloodlines are very-well guarded secrets.
Even when I’ve learned about the location of secret depositories of some of the Illuminati’s secrets in Europe, America, and Asia, their records and secrets are too well-guarded to be examined. The intelligence agencies, such as MI-6 began investigating these mind-control techniques early this century, but their records have been routinely destroyed and tampered with. There are some survivors and professionals who know that the British used programmed trauma-based MPD (DID) agents in W.W. I.
In Jan., 1987, Richard Kluft submitted an article to the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about 8 MPD patients who were between 60 and 72 years of age. Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1880-1949), who was professor of philosophy at Tubingen University, Germany studied MPD and demonic possession and wrote a classic study of it in 1921 entitled Possession Demonical & Other, which was translated into English in 1930. His classic work on this subject provides documented cases which reveal that the basic trauma-based mind-control was going on in Germany, France & Belgium long before the 20th century. Although he is unable to put together all the pieces and the clues for what they are, the reader of this book might enjoy reading the 1930 English translation of his classic work after they finish this book.
Oesterreich’s research in early 1900s was the type of research that the Nazi mind-control programmers were very aware of. In 1921, the Germans such as Oesterreich would describe personality switches, by the term “somnambuliform [hypnotic states] possession” or “demonical somnambulism” or what might be called “Besessenheit von Hypnotismus und bõsen Geistern.”
The ability to study both the spiritual & psychological aspects of mind-control phenomena, is often lacking today. There are exceptions such as Dr. Loreda Fox’s book The Spiritual Dimensions of MPD. In the 1920s, the Germans also were aware that the human mind has a variety of ego-psycho-physiological states rather than one unified mind, which they termed “Sub jecklose Psychologie” or the psychology of having correlated psychological states rather than the concept of a single ego. The Germans and Italians under the Nazi and Fascist governments began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control.
Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Joseph Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins, and thousands of other hapless victims. Himmler supervised genetic research. The Nazi research records were confiscated by the Allies and are still classified.
A trip can be made from downtown Washington D.C. on a gray-government van which serves as a shuttle to the Suitland Annex where the government’s secrets are buried including research papers captured from the Nazi Mind-Control research.
Most of Mengele’s concentration camp research is still classified. Much of it dealt with mind control. A researcher can visit the top floor, but underground below the top floor are the real secrets. The real secrets are lying in millions of sheets of classified documents hidden behind blast proof doors. There they have vault after vault, and row after row of top-secret files that only a few privileged persons with security clearances above COSMIC–such as with a “C3″ or “MJ” security clearance can visit. Everyone with these high security clearances which I have identified is connected to the Illuminati. Each underground area at Suitland Annex has its own subset of secret access words, known only to the initiated.
Most of the OSS records have been destroyed, a few have been left, the important ones have been misfiled or remade. (This is according to a reliable British intelligent agent.) Also according to reliable inside sources the CIA is working night and day to remake old records, to expunge all the real dirty secrets from their records.
The basement of CIA HQ is known as “the Pit,” In the Pit documents are being shredded and burned on a round the clock basis. The large remains of these secrets are sold for landfill. The Illuminati have developed secrecy to a fine art. They train their people in the art of secrecy from the time they are born. Most everything they do, is done orally. They are trained not to write rituals and other things down. There is very little paper trail left by the Illuminati.
The creation of slaves with photographic memories facilitates this secrecy. But this book is not about how they have managed to keep their trauma-based Monarch Mind-Control a secret. They have managed only to keep it a secret to the general public. They have not been able to completely cover-up the millions of wasted lives that their programming has ruined.
For many years, they were able to shut-up and quietly discard their programmed multiples by labeling them Paranoid Schizophrenics. But therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but giving them better treatment.
After Candy Jones’s husband deprogrammed her enough that she could participate in writing a book exposing some of what had been done to her, the secret was out. (See The Control of Candy Jones Hypnotism and the CIA by Donald Bain.) Ever since then, the intelligence agencies and the Illuminati have been carrying out damage control. Their biggest damage control campaign has enlisted the power of Hollywood and the controlled Media. This campaign is known as the False Memory Syndrome campaign, or as those of us who know the facts like to call it “”the false memory spin-drome.”
The headquarters of the False Memory Spin-drom Foundation is located at 3401 Market St., Suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Some of the original founders were doctors of the University of Pennsylvania. The inside story about these early FMS doctors of the University of Pennsylvania is that they practiced Satanic Rituals during their work days. What is unusual about this–is that generally satanic rituals are performed at night, but these doctors did their coven work during the day. I know about these men. Now you can see why these men started the FMS! They started it to cover their own sins, because many of them were abusers themselves. In other words many of the EMS people are abusers of trauma-based mind-controlled slaves, or the victims of abuse who are in denial about their own abuse from trauma-based mind-control. Martin T. Orn (the person credited with founding the FMS) had ties to the CIA.
Two members of the EMS advisory board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Pedophilia (Winter, 1993).
Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention that there might be a conspiracy by the perpetrators of mind-control, because conspiracies supposedly don’t and can’t happen, they want us to believe that all therapists are conspiring together to implant false memories of abuse into their clients, which could not be further from the truth.
Monarch slaves typically run into a great deal of denial by their therapists that anything like this could be happening. The bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (now referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a recognized bona fide diagnosis. False Memory Syndrome is not a recognized medical or psychological diagnosis and does not appear in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III-R nor the recently released DSM-IV.
Those who followed Fritz’s writings have learned about the close working relationship between the Mondavi’s and the Rothschild’s (see his article about the Mondavi/Rothschild Napa Valley winery). Guess who got the court precedence which gives the EMS some legal ground to attack therapists? The precedence was supposedly a wife who went to a doctor who told her she had syphilis. The wife assumes she got it from her husband and divorces him. Then she learns she doesn’t have syphilis. The husband then sues the doctor. Upon this bizarre case rests the legal precedence for a third party to sue a person who gives advice, such as family members suing a therapist.
Upon this weak precedence, an abusive father who worked for Monday in a winery in California successfully destroyed a legitimate therapist who was trying to save his daughter who was a programmed Monarch victim. Supposedly the therapist had implanted false memories of rape in his daughter, when the record shows that the daughter’s mother told the therapist the girl had been raped by the father.
When a valid case of SRA and repressed memories went to trial in Washington state involving a police officer whose family was MPD, Dr. Richard Ofshe of the False Memory Spindrom showed up to cause mischief. And mischief he did work. The case involved the children of a “”Christian”" police officer named Ingram who had satanically ritually abused his family for years. The daughter won in court, but Ofshe of the EMS was not above writing a book full of lies and distortions about the case. Lynn Crook, who was the abused daughter in the case wrote up a paper exposing what EMS person Richard Ofshe did to her, The controlled media is giving full license and great coverage to the EMS people.
Rather than fighting the government for scraps of declassified documents which have had their secrets marked out, and which may even be fake documents manufactured by the CIA, I have decided that there is a much better approach to expose the Monarch Mind Control to the world. If a person could never go to Nepal, he can see pictures of it and believe it exists. If a person can not get into the top secret records of the CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence and MI6, they can be given the exact RECIPE for creating a Monarch slave.
I believe that by giving the step by step recipe, people will see that A. all the ingredients are available, B. it is possible to combine the ingredients, C. all it takes is the motive to do it, and that motive is self-evident. We’ll even provide some of the names and places as we go along.
This book will provide the step-by-step recipe for making a Monarch Mind-Controlled slave, It is a trauma-based mind control which programs multiple personalities using every known technique of mind-control. Every type of mind-control technique has been combined into a group package which makes the total package almost impossible to break. It is this ability to synthesize all these methods into a group package which is so powerful.
Edward Hunter, author of Brainwashing In Red China, testified in 1958 before a U.S. Congressional House Committee on Un-American Activities:
“Since man began, he has tried to influence other men or women to his way of thinking. There have always been these forms of pressure to change attitudes. We discovered in the past thirty years, a technique to influence, by clinical, hospital procedures, the thinking processes of human beings. Brainwashing is formed out of a set of different elements … hunger, fatigue, tenseness, threats, violence, and in more intense cases…drugs and hypnotism. No one of these elements alone can be regarded as brain washing, any more than an apple can be called apple pie. Other ingredients have to be added, and a cooking process gone through. So it is with brainwashing…”
Hunter said brainwashing was a Red Chinese threat. He said that the Chinese were the ones using these tactics. In reality, this mind control was being done in the U.S. and Hunter was a pawn to help justify the criminal activities of the programmers should they ever be found out behind their cover of “National security.”
The handlers of mind-controlled slaves carry around a black or grey 3 ring notebook or a lap top computer with the access codes and triggers. Some of the programmers and handlers have this all memorized. The deepest parts, core/gems/executive committee, false trinity etc. are charted in esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew (which is considered magical), and Druid symbols.
I have never gotten the opportunity to look at one of these, although a number of the slaves who I’ve talked with have while they were being programmed. These notebooks have color-coded graphs showing the arrangement of alters, the structure of the system, the training of the alters, the history of the alters and other details. All the primary tortures carried out on a slave are coded using dates/no.s so that the memories can be pulled up by the programmers.
There is a standard set of hand signals, gestures, and codes that allow a handler to work with someone else’s slave, but the accepted code among the handlers is to leave another man’s slave alone. As one leading psychiatrist put it, “Different ideologies use the same methodologies of mind control.”
The Illuminati have secretly put in base programming that allows them ultimate control over many of the other groups’ slaves. This will be described within this book.
For both the ease of reading and the ease of writing, I have dispensed with most footnotes. To provide my sources would double the size of the book, and many of them are confidential. (In the past, when I have attempted crediting information, some people have gotten bruised feelings for having been passed over or for being named. When information comes in from several sources, it becomes difficult to pass out credit.) I have made conservative judgment calls about what material I could use.
Most of this information has been verified by several reliable sources. Confidential eyewitnesses are often the only source, when there is such a powerful conspiracy to keep this vast NWO mind control secret. Paper trails were not left or are not available. Programmed slaves who have worked for the military as mind-controlled slaves have witnessed their files expunged and sanitized.
The New World Order in 1981 made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien was used to make both the film “How to Divide a Personality” and “How To Create a Sex Slave.” Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA and the NWO create these training films. Undoubtedly, other porn training films exist too. In others words, there is film evidence of the Monarch Total Mind-control but these porn films are kept in very secure sites.
During the last few years, I have visited with ex-programmers, I have visited with hundreds of victims of the Monarch type programming. I have gone to programming sites, I have visited with therapists who work with the victims of this mind-control, and I have met several of the programmers of the CIA/Illuminati face to face in the adventures of trying to save people from their programming.
I hope that God gives me the strength and the opportunity to get the information I have learned out to the world in general. When this information gets out, hopefully it will help lift some of the secrecy of the Monarch Programming.
The Monarch Programming is a foundation rock of the New World Order that when pulled up, will reveal the most evil two-legged bugs and slimy critters. When their rock is lifted, they will have to scurry to hide. Because the authors know what the programmers do, they must honestly record several areas of programming that will be controversial. The programmers are very much into demonology. Before therapists close their minds to this subject, the authors would like to point out, that they personally know of cases where Monarch slaves whose Christian personalities & other alters didn’t believe in demonology were talked into participating in real deliverance, and the slaves discovered much to their surprise that work they had unsuccessfully tried to do for years with their therapist was accomplished in a day or two.
Some prestigious researchers have decided the subconscious doesn’t exist because they can’t find it–its mysterious. To the man in the street the concept “subconscious” is as mysterious as the concept “demon”.
Both have been the objects of intense research by U.S./Brit./Ger. Intelligence groups. In fact, many of the concepts in this book have been purposely obscured by the Illuminati’s control over the media and universities. These obscured concepts include M.P.D. (DID), recovered memories, hypnosis, demonic possession, aliens, mind-control, the subconscious, a conspiracy to bring in a NWO, truth, etc. The smokescreens of controversy will continue; but those who love the truth, if they seek it, will realize the importance of this book.
It’s on public record that MK ULTRA, the mind control research which CIA director Admiral Stansfield Turner admitted to in 1977 spent millions of dollars studying Voodoo, witchcraft, and psychics. On August 3, 1977, at a Senate hearing the then CIA director Admiral Stansfield Turner disclosed that the CIA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers of unsuspecting victims for years, without their knowledge or consent. These CIA mind-control operations were carried out with the participation of a least 185 scientists and at least 80 American institutions, including prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical colleges & universities. Many of America’s most prestigious institutes of medical research, had cooperated with the CIA. as well as numerous big name corporations.
Casey admitted that day that the CIA did mind-control consisting of drugs, hypnosis & electro-shock. A few of the victims of the Monarch Project were even awarded financial compensation for their misery.
But what was admitted was admitted in the spirit of covering up the extent of the full truth. The compensation was actually hush money, because victims were given “gag orders” by judges not to talk about what had happened to them.
It’s been a disaster for Monarch victims that so many ministers have ignored those words of their Scripture, “For we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices.” 2 COR 2:11
This book is a must for those ministers who seriously believe “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 COR 7:1. In 2 TIM 2: 19-21, believers who “nameth the name of Christ” are asked to purge themselves of their uncleanliness ( unclean spirits).
There are many top notch Christians in the churches today who are under mind-control, incl. many of the Christian leadership. Ignorance is not godliness. One of the character traits of God is that He is all-knowing. WHO says it is godly to be ignorant? The prophet Daniel said God “reveals the deep and secret things.” (Dan. 2:22a) Jesus’ advice to his disciples was in effect to “Be wise as serpents, and gentle as a lamb”. This advice certainly applies in helping the victims of trauma-based mind-control. Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thes 5:14) says that in effect that different people need different counseling, but they all need to be treated with patience.
The first step in suggesting a cure is to find out what happened. That is what this book is about. This book is about how the Occult Network creates the problem that therapists and a few ministers try to deal with. But the keys to open doors to healthy solutions for the victims of trauma-based total mind control will reveal themselves in this book for the reader as this book reveals the nitty-gritty of how the total mind-control happens.
Satanic ritual abuse has a history that is almost as old as history itself. Good King Hezekiah was a victim as a child of SRA. (2 Chr. 29) who got free. Moses confronted the satanic magic of Pharaoh’s magicians who could create live snakes from sticks. The Apostle Paul had to deal with Simon Magus, a leader of what is now known as Satanism. Solomon, one of the greatest men of faith, backslide and became one of the greatest Satanists of all history. We have “no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (as per EPH 5:11).
While we have no fellowship with evil, the mind-control programmers are counting on us being so ignorant of their devices that they can hide their control devices behind perversion & filth that many people shy away from. We must be strong enough to face evil and not shy away from it.
The victims of mind-control must look evil in the face & not look away to gain their freedom. We, who want to help them, must be courageous & strong enough to do this too.
This book is written for that divine goal “till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Eph. 4:13 If the body of Christ is to attain fullness, we need this book to weed out the hidden terrible cancer that is consuming the body from within.
This book is written for ministers, secular and Christian therapists, and truth lovers of all kinds. If you love the truth this book is for you. If you see something good in the human race so that our species should be preserved as well as the spotted owl and the sand flea, then this book is for you. IF YOU LOVE THE TRUTH, this BOOK is for YOU.
Glossary of How Basic Terms are Used In This Book
For those readers who are not familiar with these basic terms let us introduce you to the definitions under which this book uses them.
Alter-Our usage is trying to follow the programmers usage of this word. A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind. The alter’s identity may be a gem, rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. It all depends on its programming. An alter is different from an alter fragment in that the alter fragment is a dissociated part of the mind which serves only a single purpose.
The programmers will give an alter a history, and insure that shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters and alter fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart. We use the word alter in this book to conform to what the programmers’ charts are encoding as alters. A typical main Mengele-created grid would be a grid of 13 x 13 principal A-coded alters, which is 169 principle alter personalities.
In Illuminati systems, ceremonial “alters will consist of 3 alters placed on a spinning pedestal together into triad goddesses or gods. That means that an A-coded alter on some levels is actually 3 alters spinning together, which must be locked in place to communicate with, and then rotated to communicate to the other two.
Beta–This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.
Councils (llluminati)–The Illuminati has frequent meetings. Some of these meetings are organized to appear “acephalous” and “accidental” in their meetings, when in reality they are structured and planned. One group, MJ-12 has gone by the following names: the Group, the Special Study Group, the Wise Men, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee, 303 Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and Policy Planning Group (PCG). Some of the formal policy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize:
The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally meet and whose membership, we have been trying to keep track of. The groups which make decisions to control this planet are networked together. Each decision has its own origin and route that it takes.
Delta–This is a Greek letter shaped like a triangle which symbolizes change in calculus. It has become a favorite word to use in naming things for the occult elite. Delta teams are 4 person assassination teams which usually are secret teams. Delta Forces is an elite unit that operates under the Joint chiefs of staff that is made up of highly trained total mind-controlled slaves. Delta models are slaves whose sole purpose is assassination. Delta alters are alters within an Illuminati alter system which are programmed to be assassins. These alters are often some of the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or with Umbrella programming.
Deliverance ministry-(This book is about HOW the mind-control is done, it is not a textbook on solutions.) The use of the term deliverance ministry in this book can-notates any person(s) who via faith in God is able to pray for divine help in a fashion that a victim is helped from demonic activity. A deliverance ministry is a natural outgrowth of a life in harmony and fellowship with God. However, this is not to be confused with Exorcism of the traditional Catholic or witchcraft nature in which certain spells and incantations are used in a prescribed method. “Deliverance” can-notates divinely inspired faith, exorcism involves ritual. A deliverance ministry might perhaps teach a person about forgiveness, or how they can renounce an oath, or how to apply Jesus Christ’s atoning blood to their life. In this fashion, the person finds deliverance through biblical spiritual principles rather than the efficacy of some ritual or hocus pocus spell. This book is in no way meant as a blanket endorsement of every spiritual warfare tactic. If anything, this book suggests that ministers learn more about mind-control, as well as grow stronger in their walk with God.
Illuminati–The Illuminati are 13 elite bloodlines which have maneuvered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one which is based on a gnostic luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals.
Monarch Programming–This was a specific Project carried out by secret elements of the U.S. government and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. However, this book uses the term generically to include all victims who have suffered this type of trauma-based mind-control. In the same way, that a brand name like “Hyster” is used to describe all lifts–when we use the term we use it in its broadest sense. This is the only way it can be used and technically correct, because as of this date, the authors have not seen who is on the active Monarch Program list of slaves.
System– This term is used in several ways. It is frequently used to refer to a victim of total mind control because the victim consists of alters, programming, implant(s), internal computers, and numerous dissociative states which function together as a system. The word is also used in this book to refer to the body’s functional physiological units, such as the respiratory system. The word is also infrequently used to denote the established social-economic-political system controlling the world, also known insiders as the Network. Other standard meaning may also occasionally be used for the word.
Multiple Personality/Multiple personalities or MPD
Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID is the situation where different dissociative parts of a single brain view themselves as separate persons. The DSM-IIIR definition of MPD is the guideline for determining MPD for this book.
New World Order– The New World Order is the global design for a One-World-Government One-World-Dictator and its constituents. Insiders call themselves the “network” and “the neighborhood”.
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)–This is used to represent all categories of ritual abuse which would be inspired by the desire to rob, kill, or destroy something worthwhile in a person, especially their freedom of thought. Many groups carrying out SRA do not mention Satan by that name. They may make Pacts to Baphomet, and call upon Rex Mundi, or Belair, or Lucifer, or the Father of Light, God, or Kali or even “Jesus” or “Jesus Christ”. SRA is not a value judgment by the authors against some group, the victims themselves on some level know that he or she is being abused.
Switching–This is when one part (fragment) of the mind takes over from another, or in simple terms, this is when one alter personality (or alter fragment) takes the body from the alter which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the Programmers’ codes for calling up alters, or by external or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes, and for outside observers, who know the different personalities, they will observe another personality take the body.

Banks are claiming "They don't own foreclosed property due to the up keep cost"!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Banks are claiming "They don't own foreclosed property due to the up keep cost"!!!

This is so classic.  Banks foreclosed on people and judges of course allowed it through the fraud.  Banks have to claim "ownership" and rights to foreclose due to ownership.   Once they foreclose they kick the people out through FRAUD of the foreclosure.

They then leave the properties empty and unattended if they are not able to sell the properties.  Now with so many empty fraudclosure of homes they are claiming "they are not the owners nor are they responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the properties."

So... let's think about this, banks foreclosed then they can't sell the properties in the mean time they threw people out on the street instead of working with them to stay in their homes.... the houses stay abandoned for years and then banks don't want to spend the money of mowing their lawns or maintaining them?!

The complaint alleges that U.S. Bank, through foreclosures, has become since 2008 the owner of "thousands of residential properties" in L.A. "which it has completely failed to maintain." The result, it says, is that hundreds of these homes have fallen into disrepair, "causing blight and destabilizing communities."

A city press release says the bank's potential liability is in the "hundreds of millions of dollars."

Tom Joyce, director of corporate public relations for Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp (U.S. Bank), says in an email statement to ABC News that the bank, no less than the city attorney, is troubled that properties are not properly maintained and have a corrosive impact on neighborhoods.

He says, however, that the city attorney has chosen the wrong party to sue: U.S. Bank is not the owner of the properties, "nor are we responsible for the servicing" of them.

The homes, says the bank's statement, are owned by trusts and by investors in those trusts. Only the companies to whom homeowners send their mortgage payments are responsible for the homes' upkeep. Says the bank's email: "It is clear from the complaint that the city does not understand our role."

Frank Mateljan, spokesman for the city attorney's office, says he understands U.S. Bank's role just fine.

"They're named on the deed," Mateljan tells ABC News. "Much as the bank would like to blame gardeners and the pool man, it's the bank's responsibility to maintain these properties or to sell them to somebody who can."

Says Mateljan: "We find that funny and disturbing at the same time—a major bank asking, 'Tell us what properties we own and which are in disrepair.' If you're the owner and named on the deed, you have the benefits of being owner and the burden of maintenance."

L.A.'s suit, he says, is very similar to one the city brought last year against Deutsche Bank. These two actions "have lit a fire under both Deutsche Bank and U.S. Bank to get a better inventory of their properties, and do a better job keeping them up to code." The Deutsche Bank case is pending.

Deutsche Bank's position is that the city attorney "has sued the wrong party," for reasons almost identical to those advanced by U.S. Bank.

Now, is this information that can be used in lawsuits against the banks in defense against fraudclosures?   They are denying they are the owners of property after they committed fraudclosure!

Also.... isn't it a shame that they kick families out of homes and then they let them go down.  Look at Detroit.  Thousands of families were kicked out of their homes and the city bulldozed the neighborhoods, about 40 square miles worth.  What would it be like now if the courts had actually adhered to real estate laws in judging if a fraudclosure could happen?  Then those neighborhoods would still have families living there.

Just out - Geithner and the Treasury Department ignored all the Foreclosure Fraud of the Banks.

In response to homeowner complaints about mortgage servicers, Treasury "demonstrated no interest in taking even the most modest steps to punish them," Barofsky writes. "That was unconscionable, given the pain being inflicted on so many home owners."

In a meeting with Geithner -- this one involving fewer f-bombs than others -- Barofsky says he finally realized the root of the Treasury Department's apparent lack of interest in helping homeowners: They apparently had another goal in mind. 


Vietnam Wall

I found  a number of friends, how about you?

Gratitude goes to the people who served in Viet Nam, and to the people that compiled all the data and posted it on the Web -------- Original Message --------

This is really sobering.   Click on the link and find the city in which you went to high school and look at the names.
Click on the name and it will give details of the death.
Vietnam Wall
First click on a state.  When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will appear.  Then click on their names.  It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals.

Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.
I hope that everyone who receives this will appreciate what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country.  The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam War with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes.

Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site. 

BREAKING NEWS: California State CAFR looked at; Fraud identified; Heads Roll

This is a repeat posting on the same subject - IMPORTANT

BREAKING NEWS: California State CAFR looked at; Fraud identified; Heads Roll




THIS IS THE DIABOLICAL LOCAL SYSTEMS' "PROPERTY TAX" - "SCHOOL TAX" - ALL OTHER FEES, FINES AND RIP-OFF ASSESSMENTS', REAL $$$-HOLE AND WHEN WE GET SERIOUSLY INTO IT:   Rather than spend 2-3 million to get that $150,000 /year job, for 4-years: ... The ubiquitous "THEY" DIE -- and, with any kind of Justice, in an bright-orange jump-suit!!!!  So ... Lest We forget:

We the People ARE STILL THE Political Powers Sovereigns within Our Polygarchy Union of republican states', the 1776, Republic -- GIVEN: We EACH CHOOSE TO ENFORCE IT!!!

IF you call yourself a "Patriot"; then HERE'S YOUR "DEPLOYMENT and BATTLE PLAN"!!!!!


BREAKING NEWS: California State CAFR looked at: Fraud identified -Heads Roll
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

First Domino to fall:

It appears someone did a little digging into the CA State CAFR report.

It is not said in the Los Angeles Times News Article but it would be my estimate that the funds identified were sitting in a designated advance liability account. Now it is time to turn the same rocks over for all cities, county, state, enterprise, school district and state university accounts.

For the CA State Parks it was 54-million. Collectively for all local government operations (tens of thousands of operations) it is a few trillion. [Emphasis added.]

The department head resigned and the assistant fired. What gondolas they forgot or intentionally ignored to cut off were the state attorney who dotted the "Is" and crossed the "Ts" setting up the hidden funding account for them in the first place (Emphasis added)

Every one of these stash accounts is signed off on by the city, county, of state attorney.  The true fraud begins there, and usually the same is checked off on by a local judge.   Attorneys running the show, the employee(s) following their
instructions but then the employee getting the axe as the scape goat
(Again; Emphasis added).

Per these types of situations: If "true," accountability came to play.  Black robs and their cooperative suited shill attorneys should
be forced dressed into orange jump suits and locked in an eight by ten cell for a very long time.

Have your local Sheriff investigate and arrest the true responsible partys for the fraud involved in these matters, including the attorneys and judges who structured and then signed off on it all.

Please share with all that you know, re-post, blog and website post.

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Tel. (928) 458-5854


BREAKING!! Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery!

 BREAKING!! Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery!

Is there anything about Obama’s life narrative that is true?

Additional observations:
1. Look at Ann's feet: She is wearing a sandal on her right foot but there's a man's boot on her left foot!

2. The size of Ann’s image does not look like the same scale as the other figures in the photo. Her image looks about 5-10% smaller than the others.
A professional graphic artist who examined the 1973 photo believes the image of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, was airbrushed into the scene to cover up an African-American man who was standing next to Obama at the Honolulu airport.
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who commissioned the analysis, told WND there’s substantial evidence that the man in the original photograph was Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party member, pro-Soviet propagandist and pornographer who played a fatherly role in Obama’s teen years.
In his full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” Gilbert presents a compelling case that Davis was Obama’s biological father as well as his ideological mentor. He believes the Dunham family recruited the Kenyan student Barack Hussein Obama to act as the father, to cover up an illicit affair with a subversive political activist.
Gilbert posted a page on his website at the time this article was published with details of his find.
Gilbert says the black male hand under Obama’s armpit is strikingly similar to the right hand of Davis.
“We know from Obama’s own writing and interviews with Davis’ neighbors, that Obama was a regular visitor to Davis’ house from age 10,” Gilbert told WND. “This doctored photo on Obama’s own Facebook page seems to be part of a pattern of document forgery by President Obama to hide his biological and ideological relationship to communist Frank Marshall Davis.”
Obama would have been about 12 years old at the time the photo was taken. The image also shows Obama’s half-sister, Maya, and his grandfather, Stanley Dunham.
After Gilbert saw the photo on Obama’s Facebook page, he found a clearer version on the Web that he used in his video. The image used in his video has not been enhanced.
Gilbert commissioned Robert Nikolakakis, a professional graphic artist and illustrator from Montreal, Canada, to examine the photograph.
See the detailed analysis of the Obama photo by Robert Nikolakakis
“There seem to be several suspicious anomalies in this family photo depicting President Obama as a child along with his half-sister, mother and grandfather,” Nikolakakis wrote in a report.
“All suspected alterations to the photo seem to point to the cutting, pasting and airbrushing of Barack Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, into the photo to cover up someone of African-American origin,” he wrote.
Nikolakakis, with 21 years experience as an illustrator and graphic designer, has created websites, corporate identities, editorial illustrations, photo retouches and photo-manipulations for television shows, film studios, magazine publishers and photography studios. He as also served as a consultant for old-age special-effects makeup and has contributed to tutorials on photo manipulation.
A clearer version of the photo on Obama's Facebook page
His analysis of the Obama photo found at least half-a-dozen anomalies:
  • The black hand under Obama’s right armpit doesn’t match Ann Dunham’s right arm. The size and color is wrong for a white female, and the hand is positioned closer to the camera than Dunham’s arm. The hand appears to be a remnant from a black male before it was airbrushed.
  • The chair on the far left next to Ann Dunham is brown and smaller than the chairs on the right, which are white. The horizontal support bar for the brown chair does not align with the white chairs’ support bar.
  • Ann Dunham’s hair over both her right and left shoulders show signs of airbrushing.
  • The lighting on Ann Dunham’s face is from the far left and is not consistent with the other figures, who are lit from above. This suggests Ann Dunham’s image was placed into this scene from a different photo.
  • Above and below Obama’s right elbow is a ghosting effect in which a glow emanates from the arm, suggesting a different underlying image such as a light-colored shirt behind Obama. Uneven pixilation is a sign of cloning.
  • Ann Dunham looks to be about 25 years old, too young for this 1973 photo. Maya, who was born Aug 15, 1970, looks to be about 3 years old. Ann should look 30 years old.
“This photo forgery appears to be part of Obama’s ongoing campaign to minimize, misdirect and outright lie about damaging information about his past,” Gilbert said. “I hope the media will now demand that he come clean about his family background, his political foundations and fully reveal his agenda for transforming America.”
In his film, Gilbert shows how Davis indoctrinated Obama with a political foundation in Marxism and an anti-white worldview.
Screen grab from Joel Gilbert video shows comparison of hand in Obama family photo with photo of Davis
“This is a known phenomenon in the radical left, referred to as “red diaper babies” or “hand-me-down Marxism,” he noted.
He pointed out that much of the leadership of 1960s Marxist groups such as Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground were children of Communist Party USA members, including Katherine Boudin and Jeff Jones.
President Obama’s chief campaign adviser, David Axelrod, also is a “red diaper baby,” Gilbert said.
As WND reported Tuesday, a new book by Paul Kengor, “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor,” documents Davis’s work for the Communist Party and his influence on Obama.
Weekly visits
As WND reported, Gilbert discovered racy photos published in vintage fetish and bondage magazines of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, that he believes were taken by Davis. The photos, he says, bolster his belief that Dunham had an intimate relationship with Davis.
Frank Marshall Davis
In his film, Gilbert documents that Ann Dunham gave her father, the “Gramps” of Obama’s autobiography, instructions to make sure her young son would be taken regularly to visit Davis while she was in Indonesia.
Obama mentions “Frank” 22 times in his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” without using his full name.
Gilbert believes the only scenario in which Obama’s weekly visits as a child to Davis’ home would make sense is if Davis was the biological father
Much of what Obama has told the American public of his childhood has been proven false, he said.
“We now know that the family did not stay together in Hawaii until 1962, when the Kenyan Barack Obama went to Harvard to begin his graduate studies as Obama claimed,” said Gilbert. “Ann Dunham took her infant son with her to Seattle a few weeks after his birth and began studies at the University of Washington, while the Kenyan Obama remained in Hawaii for another year before leaving for Harvard.”
The evidence, he said, “points to the conclusion that Ann Dunham’s relationship with the Kenyan Obama was a sham marriage designed to cover up an illicit affair with Frank Marshall Davis in which an infant was conceived.”
Obama’s election was not a sudden political phenomenon, Gilbert maintains.
“It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that Frank Marshall Davis nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii and has been quietly infiltrating the U.S. economy, universities and media for decades,” he said. “To understand Obama’s plans for America, look no further than communist Frank Marshall Davis.”