This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
How many laws can a President openly defy before he must be referred to as a tyrant and a felon? President Barrack Hussien Obama has once again gone rogue; he is ignoring congressionally mandated laws and is ruling by fiat. Our entire system of checks and balances has broken down. With the ashes of the Constitution at his feet, Comrade Obama has ushered in a Marxist state.
This time President Obama has decided that those on Welfare should not have to work. Therefore, he unilaterally and illegally gutted provisions from the 1996 welfare bill with a simple memorandum. He is not even bothering to use Executive Orders anymore! How long until he issues his fiats from a throne room rather than the Oval Office?
Obama’s latest command came in the form of a memorandum issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This memorandum, dated July 12, 2012, effectively guts the work requirements found in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) legislation passed in 1996. This move will put more people on welfare and is an attempt by Obama to buy off the American people so he can win the next Presidential election. It is despicable, illegal, and tyrannical. He must be stopped. We must immediately demand a Congressional investigation into the President’s actions. They are illegal and must be overturned by Congress.
The TANF legislation is what most people colloquially refer to as welfare. Welfare legislation in this country currently costs taxpayers nearly a TRILLION dollars every single year. We pay people not to work and we wonder why our economy is in the toilet. TANF was passed in 1996 after a hard fought battle in Congress and was signed into law by President Clinton. It has been administered by HHS ever since.
Without getting bogged down the legislative details, TANF requires that at least half of each state’s welfare participants work at least 30 hours a week. There a various exemptions to the law, but that is gist. This information can be found in 42 U.S.C. 1315 section 407 under the title “Mandatory Work Requirements”.
Section 1115 of the legislation is where the trouble begins. In section 1115 there is language that allows for selected provisions of TANF to be waived by state government under certain circumstances. However, ONLY THE SECTIONS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED IN SECTION 1115 MAY BE WAIVED. Section 1115 only lists one section with such waiver authority: section 402. Section 407 is not mentioned.
If Congress had intended that section 407 contain the section 1115 waiver authority, they would have specifically listed it in that section AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW.
Our imperialist President argues that section 402 gives him the authority to waive welfare work requirements. For a law professor, he sure is clueless when it comes to the law. Section 402 deals only with state reporting requirements. It has NOTHING to do with the mandatory work requirement language found five sections later. His argument is pure fantasy and do not make his action any less illegal.
Rep. David Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, stated “This is a brazen and unwarranted unraveling of welfare reform…this ends welfare reform as we know it.” This is just another example of President Obama ignoring the Constitution and taking power that is not his to administer. We are living in a truly frightening time for democracy. This power monger MUST BE STOPPED.
Outside of the various legal and constitutional items at play here, there are also economic and political issues that must be addressed. First off, destroying the work requirement will add millions of people who will be receiving government support. President Obama has already increased our debt by $5 TRILLION in just 3 years!!! That number is larger than the debt increase under President George W. Bush and was in office for eight years!
Do you think our economy can handle the strain of more mouths to feed? Perhaps that is why Democrats are balking at reauthorizing the Bush era tax cuts. The Congressional Budget Office has said that allowing the tax cuts to sunset will make America fall of a “fiscal cliff”. But Democrats and liberals don’t care about facts and figures; they just want more power so that they can take more of your money, your rights, and your freedom.
This is clearly a political move by Obama and his liberal cronies. The more people there are on welfare and in need of government assistance, the more votes for Obama and the rest of his freedom hating compatriots.
As we have shown, this plan by Obama will further erode the US economy. Beyond that, if Obama is allowed to proceed, then the demarcation line between the Executive and Cameral branches will be unconstitutionally blurred. HE MUST BE STOPPED. We desperately need Congress to hear your voice. Time is short.
President Obama is becoming more and more brazen in his attempts to undercut Congressional authority. He is ignoring the rule of law nearly across the board on issues for which he disagrees. He seems to believe that he has the right to ignore laws he doesn’t like so that he can move his agenda forward regardless of what the American people have expressed through their legislators in Congress.
President Obama is a clear and present threat to liberty and the Constitution. We must have your voice telling Congress to stop him. His actions show a man who is clearly looking to mute Congress and take their power for himself. If Congress doesn’t stop him now, how will they stop him later? Save our Constitution, our rights, and our economy today; fax Congress and demand a special Congressional investigation.
Make sure your friends read this too...we need every voice we can get to change the status quo in Washington! Click the button below to send this email on.
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Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?"More ↓Less ↑
Exhibit 1: “Doers’ Profile” in “Harvard Law Revue” satirical edition, April 1990
A publication produced by Harvard law students in 1990 confirms Barack Obama wore a ring on his wedding-ring finger before he married Michelle in 1992.
A reference to Obama wearing a wedding ring appears in an annual satirical edition of the “Harvard Law Revue,” published for the 130th anniversary banquet of Harvard Law School.
As president of the Harvard Law Review at the time, Obama was the target of a roast. WND reported last week that photographs of Obama at Occidental College in Los Angeles and in New York City in the years when he was supposed to have attended Columbia University show him wearing a ring on the ring finger of his left hand.
The last page of the 1990 publication by Harvard students featured a mock “Doers’ Profile,” based on the print advertisement for Dewar’s brand Scotch whiskey that was popular at the time. Watch the video of Sheriff Arpaio’s Tuesday press conference on Obama’s eligibility. When you sign up for access, you’ll receive a copy of the official press release distributed at the conference.
The entire issue of the 1990 Harvard publication was found by blogger WTPotus and posted July 13 with links that lead to a page on which the entire issue can still be viewed, page by page.
As seen in Exhibit 1 above, the ad included a photograph of Obama along with a list of his “Latest Accomplishments.” One entry read: “Deflecting Persistent Questioning About Ring on Left Hand.”
The entry suggests the wedding ring was a mystery to students and Obama preferred to keep it that way by “deflecting persistent questioning.” ‘Complex’ personal history mocked
The satirical issue included on pages 8 to 10 a mock “Self-Tribute” authored by one “Baroque Yo’ Mama.” It was titled “Between Barack and a Hard Place: My First Hundred Days,” distinguished with the page heading “Obamania.”
As seen in Exhibit 2, the first page of the piece, undoubtedly not authored by Obama, makes fun of a “convoluted” family history that apparently was confusing to fellow students.
Exhibit 2: “Self-Tribute,” page 8 of “Harvard Law Revue,” April 1990
One line of the “self-tribute” said: “I invited my underlings to join me for a ‘pot luck’ dinner at my understated and mature apartment.” The line suggests Obama continued to smoke marijuana through his law school days, despite repeated assertions by his 2008 presidential campaign that he stopped using the drug either after attending Occidental College or after graduating from Columbia in 1982.
“Giving interviews and granting photo sessions has been a large burden, but when the movie rights are finally bought up I believe it will all be worth while,” the article continued, poking fun at Obama’s apparent propensity for publicity at the height of his fame as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.
A footnote to the author’s name suggests Obama had told fellow students he was not going to clerk for a Supreme Court justice after graduating from Harvard Law School, a position that conceivably would have been available to him after serving as president of the Harvard Law Review.
The note indicated that even in 1990, Obama was openly discussing with his peers the possibility of running for president of the United States. Not a high school class ring
A photograph of Obama with his Grandmother Sarah from his first trip to Kenya in 1987, during the summer before he entered Harvard Law School, clearly shows the ring on the wedding-ring finger of his left hand, as seen in Exhibits 3 and 4.
Exhibit 3: Obama in Africa with his Grandmother Sarah in 1987
Exhibit 4: Close-up of Obama in Africa with his Grandmother Sarah in 1987
Like the photos WND previously reported, the photograph of Obama in Africa after he attended Columbia and before he attended Harvard shows the ring as a gold band. It appears shiny in the sunlight, much as one would expect of a gold wedding ring without elaborate adornments.
In sharp contrast, as seen in Exhibit 5, the class ring of Punahou High School in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he graduated, shows a distinctive Hala tree on the raised front face.
Exhibit 5: Punahou High School class ring
The engraved Punahou class ring appears thicker in the middle, less shiny in the sunlight and more elaborate in design than the ring Obama appears to have worn for at least a decade, beginning with his attendance at Occidental College. New York Times report
On Jan. 28, 2007, some three weeks before Obama declared his presidential candidacy in Springfield, Ill., Jodi Kantor published an article in the New York Times that featured a discussion of the Harvard Law Review’s 1990 satirical edition.
The focus of Kantor’s article was to argue that Obama first became “a political sensation” at Harvard Law School.
“He arrived there as an unknown, Afro-wearing community organizer who had spent years searching for his identity,” Kantor wrote, “but by the time he left, he had his first national news media exposure, a book contract and a shot of confidence from running the most powerful legal journal in the country.”
The Kantor article included a photograph of Obama identified as having been taken in 1990 in fellow student Bradford Berenson’s apartment. The photo is incorrectly identified by the newspaper as having been taken during the 1990 election for president of Harvard Law School. It actually was taken during the 1990 mid-term congressional elections.
As seen in Exhibits 6 and 7, the photograph published by the New York Times in conjunction with the Kantor 2007 article shows Obama with a gold band on his left hand. The t-shirt he wore promoted Democratic candidate Harvey Gantt’s campaign for the U.S. Senate.
Exhibit 6: Obama at Harvard
Exhibit 7: Close-up of 1990 photo
Gantt, the mayor of Charlotte, N.C., who ran twice for U.S. Senate as a Democratic Party candidate, lost to Republican Sen. Jessie Helms in the mid-term elections of 1990.
The Kantor article makes no mention of the ring comment in the “Doers’ Profile” mock advertisement of Obama displayed on the last page of the 1990 satirical edition.
Hawaii Attorney General Ignoring Real Issue in Obama Birth Certificate Investigation
“They continue to use their authority to mislead the people of Hawaii by obfuscation and outright deceit protecting a man who has spent millions to seal all of his historical records, the least of which is his birth record represented by a forgery.”
Predictably, Wisch threw together a few paragraphs of mumbo jumbo, added a few links to provide cover and adamantly declared the allegations from “a sheriff in Arizona” to be “untrue, misinformed, and misconstrue Hawaii law.”
I could almost visualize Wisch stamping his foot and swearing “dammit” as he again took a stab at damage control after Sheriff Arpaio’s July 17th press conference in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Completely ignoring the real issue that an electronic forgery of an alleged birth record for Obama is posted on the White website, Wisch is playing the typical con game of “look here, not there” providing cover where needed in Obama’s narrative.
But, I’ve been watching Joshua Wisch and some of his other cronies in Neil Abercrombie’s cabinet and I can tell you, as a former lifelong Hawaii Islander, the people of Hawaii have been had.
Lt. Governor, Brian Schatz, pulled a fast one to make sure Obama was not bumped off the Hawaii presidential ballot in 2008, because of wording left off of the Official Certification of Nomination (OCON) form signed by Nancy Pelosi, Chair of the Democratic National Convention.
When the problem was pointed out to them by the Hawaii Election Board, Obama left the campaign and made a hasty trip to Hawaii to meet with Brian Schatz who was then Chairman of the Hawaii DNC. What resulted was a new OCON that Nancy Pelosi signed by collusion.
What were the words left off of the original OCON that Hawaii Election Board refused to accept but was accepted by all of the other 49 states?
“...and that the following candidates for President and Vice President are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution.”
As an unofficial watchdog of Hawaii politics, I find it less than credible for Hawaii officials like Joshua Wisch, former Chair of Howard Dean for President, HI Chapter and Punahou alumni and former head of the DNC Brian Schatz to cover up and distract from legitimate charges of possible fraud.
They continue to use their authority to mislead the people of Hawaii by obfuscation and outright deceit protecting a man who has spent millions to seal all of his historical records, the least of which is his birth record represented by a forgery.
This guest editorial was submitted by Miki Booth, a former resident of Hawaii, now lives in Wyandotte, OK
Good Morning my friend,
As always I want to keep things clear so no one gets confused most especially me. The case and the liens are two different issues. For the case I must return to Asia to receive the rest of the documentation, I have most recently been promised, that ties in much more than jurisdictional issues. It ties in actions.
As you know the phony Euros printed by the European Central Bank are in our possession in Indonesia . These notes are outright fraud and we have all the answers back to us from the system. They have no value but they made them as payment for the interest on the Gold from the Global Accounts. Once submitted as frauds the European Central Bank could be out of business. If not then I will go back and bring back millions of Euros and let the ECB accept them and validate them or get out of business. Then you have the end of this atrocity called the European Commission headed by some Eastern European Mummies from Hungary (Soros Boys).
Exposing the Euro is this simple.
Soon we will be auditing and validating what is real and what is not. The Indonesians have waited far to long for the long overdue promises to kick in. Asia has waited far too long. The Middle East has waited far too long. The world has waited far too long. Why? Because the Kazars/Nazis controlled US Corporation has stolen from the Collateral Accounts from Day One. Since when has a Kazar or Nazi ever kept even the simplest promise. In this case they saw the opportunity to financially control the world. Well, we are coming to close you down. Your days in the sun (you are all so white I think you hate sun) are over with. Exposure is already prevalent and in our hands but to literally take the money right out of your pockets will take just a little longer. When we shut you down then it is up to others to straighten out the wrongs.
To date we have closed up the BIS on you and frozen trading for 90 days and making it very difficult for you to do anything. The Central Banks are already in fault not default and in a few days they go into default. It is only going to get tougher and when it does you will become more desperate but guess what? There will be no corners to hide in so you will be forced to stay in the middle of the ring until this is over with. It is best you take a good long look at your situation because soon it will be too late.
Sorry Drake got carried away,
Neil Keenan
Video – Extraterrestrial life and World Government Policies
June 20, 2012
Video of presentation by Dr Michael Salla on extraterrestrial life and world government policies at the Exopolitics Congress 2012 is now available for free online. The Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic from May 11-13, 2012, and was organized by Exopolitika Czech Republic and promoted by the non-profit organization Goscha. The video was recorded by Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics Germany) and is available here and embedded below.
Presentation Abstract
This presentation gives an overview of national government policies on extraterrestrial life. Presentation begins with a popular typology of extraterrestrial civilizations and proposes a motivation for their visitation in terms of how thermonuclear weapons may interfere with the propulsion systems of advanced civilizations in the vicinity of our planet and/or space time continuum. Presentation then focuses on how international responses to visiting extraterrestrials has been coordinated by governments and select global institutions, such as the Bilderberg Group, in the economic and political spheres. Military coordination by NATO member states in implementing shoot to kill orders against UFOs is examined, as is a coordinated response to extraterrestrials among us. Finally, a number of global initiatives are examined including the 1978 initiative by Sir Eric Gairy, Prime Minister of Grenada, to have the United Nations study extraterrestrial life; and the scientific impact of exoplanets being discovered in the habitable region of different solar systems.
Thanks to Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics Germany) for generously donating his time and resources to record and upload this video.
A very young Japanese girls swing band.... Sort of puts most High school groups to shame....
This is a Must See . Not what you expect.
Anybody wanna get down & Linde with me ?
Turn your speakers up and enjoy this.......... and then share it with your grandchildren.
A Teenage band from a Japanese girl's school playing BennyGoodman.
Japanese Swing. This is good! If you are old enough you will smile, if you are young, you will love it. This is music! ! ! Amazing how young they are.
Whether or not you like swing music turn up your speaker and take a trip back in time.
These Japanese kids would make BennyGoodman proud! Click on this link: Sing, Sing, Sing Also this Link:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
No, there have not been large-scale changes to your financial system as of yet that will at least affect the man and woman on the street. Much is still transpiring behind the scenes and moves are being made, but these moves are large and they are slow due to their enormous weight of the effects that they will have on your world. What we see for your people is an entirely new banking, financial and monetary system. We see a new system based on fairness, equality and true earnings for work related duties which include services offered to your communities through your working cooperation with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. What we see is a world where funds that are readily available are transferred from their current states of holding back to the people of your world who are its rightful owners and have always been its rightful owners, as money is not created by Gods, or by rich men of affluence, or by governments, or by banking institutions. Money is created by you, the people of your world who have broken your backs working so hard building roads and schools and dams and office buildings and factories and warehouses and your industrial infrastructure of your entire planet. Money is not created in a laboratory and its science is not difficult to understand once the proper and truthful information is shared with the people, and we intend to do just that.
We wish at this time to explain to you how money is created. Money is created when a being chooses to lift even one finger and create something that is to be shared with another being. That is all it takes to create some kind of finance, some kind of collateral, some kind of financial backing, some kind of currency. That's it, that's all it takes and money is created. The actual printing of the form of currency a world will use is a different matter, as whether a society uses bills, or coins, or cards, or another form of currency, it does not affect the methods of how the money is created in the first place, and the money that is created in the first place is created by you, the people, and your willingness to give effort in the creation of something that can be shared with another individual, thus creating an economic flow of wealth, that is all.
In your world since the beginning of what you now understand as your recorded history, there have been pilferers, thieves, siphoners, bloodsuckers of your funds. They have waited in hiding behind the scenes, and they have amassed enormous amounts of your hard-earned money for themselves without lifting one finger to create something that is meant to be shared with another. This is not how an economy effectively operates, this is how an economy effectively crashes and burns, as sooner or later this siphoning, this pilfering, this purging of funds will catch up to its society, put a stranglehold on it and kill it. That is what is happening today in your world, as your eyes must see that your banking and financial institutions are crashing all around you, taking with them human wreckage in the form of individuals, entire countries and even continents as well.
This is a crash that will not be preempted, for this is a crash that must happen to allow your new financial system to take root in the fertile soils of the disintegrating system of old. We are here to assist you in many areas and your financial system is one of the most important systems that we are here to assist you with. We will not stand by and watch your societies crumble because of the irresponsible actions of a few individuals at the tops of these deep wells of pyramidal structure. We have methods that we have utilized in many worlds to stave off financial ruin and destitution and all of the problems that naturally will follow and follow quickly when one financial system fails and a new one is born in its place. We will assist you create a system based on abundance, on equality, on fairness, on safety and security for you and your families and each and every being that calls your planet home.
How this new system will be instituted in the early stages is through a system of barter and exchange that will continue, but continue using a different currency than the currencies that are currently being used throughout your nations. Your new currency will be a currency free from the clutches of these dark and greedy ones, as they have not been given the permission, the opportunity or the luxury of printing these new bills. These new bills have been printed by those of the light, as you say, those of honesty, of integrity, those men and women of your human race that care about others, that are willing to share the wealth with others and who do not have a plan to siphon any part of this wealth from their brothers and sisters.
This we promise to you; we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will oversee your new financial system and we will make sure it runs and is operated smoothly and efficiently, fairly and honestly, quickly and completely, and we will make sure your new system remains a system of fairness, equality and abundance, or we will step in and shut down whoever or whatever it is that is in any way negatively affecting the system or siphoning any amount of funds unfairly or unjustly from this, your new system. This we promise to you, our brothers and sisters.
You can expect your new financial system to take root in the months ahead. We understand that we talk very much about the months ahead and many of you want changes and you want them today, but we tell you that nothing can get underway until the men and women of your criminal cabal have been rounded up, for they are one of the obstacles that are preventing all these changes and your new systems to begin. We see these members of your cabal are being rounded up and we see they are being removed from your society and they are being expunged from your systems of wealth, finance and banking, and this is a beautiful sight to behold. We say to you that when sufficient numbers of these individuals are safely removed from your society we will, with the assistance of our Earth allies who have worked so hard on your new system, begin its birth into your world like a newborn child that you all must learn to nurture, to raise and to grow as if this child is your very own, for this newborn is your very own and it is the responsibility of each and every one of you to act as its mother, to act as its father, to be its surrogate, for indeed, each of you are.
We will, in the days ahead, speak more about your new system, but for now just know that there is a new system waiting for the playing field to be cleared, and it is a system that will bring all joy, all prosperity, all financial independence, for your new system is something that none of you have ever experienced throughout any of your physical incarnations. Your new system is a blessing, it is a privilege, it is a right, it is a wonderful opportunity for each and every one of you to be able to do whatever it is you wish for a living as long as it in some way makes another happy, makes another joyful, warms another, cools another, feeds another, makes another smile or assists another on their journey in any way, shape or form. This is your new system, and we feel so many of you will be so very excited and enjoyed when it is brought out of the maternity ward for you to see for the first time with your proud eyes, for each and every one of you are a parent of your new system, for it was your hopes, your dreams and your hard work that has co-created your new child.
We will talk more about this in the days ahead, until tomorrow; we are your fathers and your mothers, your brothers and your sisters and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light.
This week in The New Yorker
In order to work well, markets need a basic level of trust. As Alan Greenspan said, in 1999, “In virtually all transactions we rely on the word of those with whom we do business.” So what happens to a market in which the most fundamental assumptions turn out to be lies? That is the question in a scandal that has roiled the banking industry all summer. The LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offered Rate) index is the most important set of numbers in the global financial system. Used as a benchmark for interest rates around the world, it’s assembled by asking a panel of big banks to estimate what it would cost them to borrow money today, if they had to. Hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives, corporate loans, and mortgages are pegged to these rates. Yet we now know that for years LIBOR rates were rigged. Barclays has agreed to pay nearly half a billion dollars to regulators for its manipulations, and a host of other big banks are under investigation for similar misdeeds.
Rigging LIBOR was shockingly easy.
Read more
As U.S. senators digest a sharply critical committee report confirming massive international money laundering by global banking giant HSBC, the Internal Revenue Service is acknowledging receipt of a whistleblower claim from a former employee of the bank who presented 1,000 pages of evidence to WND six months ago, after local and federal authorities ignored him.
A series of WND stories, beginning in February, reported the evidence collected by John Cruz, a former vice president and relationship manager for HSBC in New York who documented hundreds of millions of dollars in suspicious transactions he pulled from a bank computer system before he was fired. Cruz was terminated in 2010, after two years at HSBC, for “poor performance,” but he contends he was let go because senior management didn’t want to him to pursue his personal investigation.
In a letter to Cruz, the supervisor of the IRS whistleblower office in Ogden, Utah, acknowledged the agency is evaluating Cruz’s claim to determine whether an investigation is warranted. Cruz previously told WND he met with special agents with the IRS criminal division in April and handed over a computer disc with copies of his internal documents.
The agents, according to Cruz, were overwhelmed with the volume and detail of the information, calling it “mind-boggling.”
Meanwhile, a Senate report released last week presents evidence HSBC abetted massive money laundering by Iran, terrorist organizations, drug cartels and organized criminals throughout the world. The report said HSBC transferred $19 billion for Iran and $7 billion in physical cash for Mexico.
WND’s series of articles on HSBC has caused fallout for WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi and for WND, which saw one of the articles temporarily blocked when HSBC filed a complaint with an Internet provider that turned out to be unwarranted.
Reuters recently reported an officer in HSBC’s compliance operations in Delaware who questioned transactions he suspected were linked to Hamas was berated and overruled.
One of the largest banks in the world, London-based HSBC has about 7,500 offices in more than 80 countries and territories in Europe, North and South America, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa.
As WND reported, law enforcement authorities sat on the HSBC money-laundering allegations, even denying they were handed the same information by a whistleblower, until the story was exposed by WND.
WND also reported evidence that Eric Holder’s Justice Department has not investigated money laundering charges in deference to bank clients of Washington-based law firm Covington & Burling, where Holder was a partner prior to joining the Obama administration.
In February, when WND asked HSBC to respond to the money laundering allegations, the bank issued a statement insisting it was cooperating with authorities.
“We support efforts to protect the integrity of the financial system, and our commitment to AML (anti-money laundering) includes rigorous internal processes and a close working partnership with regulators and law enforcement,” the statement said.
In a video interview with WND, Cruz detailed how he turned over his information on HSBC to authorities more than two years ago to Frank J. DiGregorio, a detective sergeant in the office of the Queens County District Attorney, and Graham R. Klein, special agent at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Cruz previously told WND he handed over his evidence at a meeting in April to Special Agent David Wagner and supervisory Special Agent Kevin B. Sophia with the Department of Treasury’s IRS criminal investigation division.
Among the evidence handed over was about 19 to 20 hours of recorded discussions with HSBC employees concerning his allegations.
“They told me that if the information on the computer disk and in the audio files was as I represented, the IRS agents were talking about arresting HSBC bank employees,” Cruz said.
Cruz has expressed his frustration with federal law enforcement.
“It’s a circle,” Cruz explained in a previous interview. “I turn over the information to law enforcement, and law enforcement turns around and gives the information right back to the bank for the bank to conduct their own internal investigation.”
HSBC ‘a criminal organization’
In his position as a vice president and a senior account relationship manager in New York, Cruz worked in a region that accounts for approximately 50 percent of HSBC’s North American revenue. He was assigned to work with several branch managers to identify accounts for which HSBC might introduce additional banking services.
Cruz told WND he recorded hundreds of hours of meetings he conducted with HSBC management and bank security personnel during which he charged various bank managers were engaging in criminal acts.
“I have hours of hours of recordings, ranging from bank tellers, to business representatives, to branch managers, to executives,” he said. “The whole system is designed to be a culture of fraud to make it look like it’s a legal system. But it’s not.”
Cruz explained that after many repeated efforts, he gave up on the idea that HSBC senior management or bank security would pursue his allegations to investigate and stop the wrongdoing.
“My conclusion was that HSBC was not going to do anything about this account because HSBC management from the branch level, to senior bank security, to executive senior management was involved in the illegal activity I found,” he said.
After repeated attempts to bring the information to the attention of law enforcement officers, Cruz hit a brick wall until WND examined his documentation and determined his allegations were sufficiently substantiated to merit publication.
“HSBC is a criminal organization,” he stressed. “It is a culture of crime.”
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