Tuesday, July 24, 2012


1)  On Ascension Part 2/6 – What is Ascension? (Repost - from the 2012 Scenario)    

July 22, 2012

Steve Beckow writes

Given how many people are new to Ascension, we repost this series from 2011 to introduce new readers to aspects of Ascension.

On the Divine Plan Before looking at what Ascension is, I’d like to look at its derivation in the Divine Plan for life.
SaLuSa tells us that “spiritual matters are highly organised.” While “you are all acting out your roles for the benefit of the whole, and a game it may be,” it is “one that is deadly serious.” The object of the game is “that as many souls as possible move into the Light.” The efforts of our galactic and spirit teachers are aimed at “getting you to awaken to your true selves.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us there is a “grand plan for Man.” It is “perfect in its concept and whatever path you take, it will always lead to your goal.” (2) This grand plan is “being worked out, supported by great Beings of Light.” (3)
What is its goal? He tells us that “the Divine Plan [has been devised] to release you from the lower vibrations and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.” (4)

“Because it was agreed beforehand,” SaLuSa reveals, “immense help is being given to lift you up again.” (5) “Gradually” he confirms, “the awakening process has started to yield results.” (6)

Although it is possible for an individual soul to ascend at any given time, SaluSa tells us, “the difference now is that you are benefiting because of the Divine decree that this Universe shall lift up and enter a new area in the Cosmos.” (7) “Release your fears,” he advises us, “and trust in the Almighty Creator and the divine decree that offers you the opportunity to permanently leave duality.” (8)

Not only do we hear this from galactic sources, but from spiritual sources as well, such as the spirit teacher Saul, who says:  “It is your Father’s Will and yours that you make this move back into His glorious Presence where you belong and where everlasting bliss awaits you.” (9)

Or planetary logos, Sanat Kumara, who explains:

“The intention of the Plan has always been for you to return to Source.  The Plan was never for you to fall away from the light into utter darkness.  The reversal of the downfall has been created and now blessed ones, you are returning to your place in the light of your eternal God Selves.” (10)

Once the divine decree is given, according to Matthew Ward, it is passed on to “the highest universal council members,” who then take the next step. They “long ago conceived and crafted the Golden Age’s master plan.” (11)

“The plan included millions and millions of souls from advanced civilizations whose essential assistance on, within and above Earth assured that she not only would survive death throes, but would be restored to her original paradise self, where all her people live in harmony with each other and all of Nature.” (12)

I don’t plan to extensively cover here who has come to assist us with Ascension. That is a large enough topic that I intend to leave it for a separate series. At present, I simply want to identify that other developed beings are here for us.
At great personal cost, evolved “souls of Light have joined [us] on Earth” with the result that “the vibrations have slowly been lifted,”

SaLuSa tells us. They come as a result of the operation of the natural laws, he says.
“The Creator has made the Universal Laws and they allow for help to come to you from all over the Universe. Your success in grounding the Light upon Earth has led to higher vibrations attracting the attention of other Beings of Light.” (13)
Where do they come from? He reveals:

“They have come from various civilisations that have long moved in to the Light, and prepared to experience the darkness that you have dropped into. It has been what you call ”a rude awakening” to leave the uplifting energies and harmony that exists on their home planets. That is in service to you as fellow travellers seeking your evolutionary path.” (14)

On Ascension Itself SaLuSa tells us that “Ascension is quite a natural occurrence covered by the Laws of the Universe.” (15) The succession of cycles culminating in Ascension is a normal part of life.

“What is more natural than one cycle ending and a new one beginning, as it is in the nature of all changes that are planned for the evolution of your Universe. They are not chance happenings but part of your inevitable journey back to the Source.” (16)

SaLuSa explains that the process of Ascension out of a lower cycle into a higher has been long known and predicted.
“It was known that those who had become of the Light would rise up from the Earth [at this time]. Such events have occurred on a regular basis and sometimes even during a cycle, such as the disappearance of the Mayan people. (17)

“The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it.” (18)

However, that having been said, Ascension “only comes up once in every solar cycle,” he tells us. (19) a cycle consisting of 26,000 years. (20)

An angelic group called “the Nine” describe what Ascension consists of.

“The Ascension of the Earth is the raising of the electro-magnetic frequencies that surround her and that she exists within. It is a freeing from a static place into a place of Growth. It is natural evolution that eventually occurs within all consciousness structures be they Planetary, Humanoid or Otherwise.” (21)

Ascension, in the words of the ascended master, St. Germain, will result in “a quantum leap of consciousness that will be all encompassing.” (22)

According to the Group, speaking through Steve Rother, everything on the planet is adjusting to a higher vibration: “The Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration.” (23)

In the next part of this series, we’ll look at the Golden Age that will open up after Ascension.

(2) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2009.
(3) SaLuSa, April 1, 2009.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.
(5) SaLuSa, Jan. 24, 2011.
(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 3, 2010.
(7) SaLuSa, Dec. 22, 2008.
(8) SaLuSa, March 11, 2009.
(9) Saul, Feb. 10, 2010, at  http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com
(10) Sanat Kumara, Oct. 20, 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at www.transformingradiance.com/cosmicblog/
(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 21, 2009, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) SaLuSa, Oct. 26, 2009.
(14) SaLuSa, Dec. 17, 2010.
(15) SaLuSa, Jan. 10, 2011.
(16) SaLuSa, March 31, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 10, 2011.
(18) SaLuSa, April 9, 2010.
(19) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010.
(20) “Message from the Masters” through Meg Blackburn Losey, April 6, 2009, at http://www.spiritlite.com/messages.php.
(21) The Full name of “the Nine” is “TheWhite-Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, “What does Earth Ascension really mean?” through Magenta Pixie, Oct. 4, 2008, at http://www.lightworkers.org/content/48417/alignment-earth-ascension
(22) St. Germain, Aug. 15, 2008, through Mike Quinsey, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(23) The Group, “A New Spin to Earth,” April 15, 2010, through Steve Rother, at http://www.lightworker.com/beacons/2010/2010_04-NewSpin.php


July 22, 2012
Telepath, Spirit Eagle

St. Germain, the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation speak

These times are ones of confusion for many.  The closer the Hour comes for total transformation, the more the forces of chaos step up their disinformation dissemination.  It is up to You to discern the Truth of what you are hearing or reading.  Is the information coming from a loving heart, expressed in a tone of Equality?  Is there condescension dripping from the Messages that you are relying upon?  What do you FEEL upon reading the information?

Your Heart will always tell you true.  The intellect and the heart working together are a powerful tool for Discernment!   What do you Intuit from a given Message?  Will this lead you further along Your Path?  Will it march you through the dark machinations of the Old Path of confusion and dissension?  The lower dimensionals are working overtime because we are at the end of this long journey.

We, the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light will always treat you with respect and with the intention of honoring you in your struggles in this dimensional reality.  You are Rising,  ALL of YOU!  All souls are being impacted now.  Those who wish to experience this change in Consciousness have much assistanceThose who wish to watch the Earth's Ascension from elsewhere will do so; those who want to experience it in the physical form will do so.  It Is up to you and your soul knows Your Plan.

I am St Germain, and I say to you to Trust your Hearts, your Feelings.  Listen to what is said.  Remember that you have come here to Help in the Birthing of the New Earth!  She needs you as you need her.  Be clear and courageous NOW!  You are NOT Less Than... You are MORE Than you realize.

How do you want this Change to come about?  It is Your Planet and You are her protectors.  She Needs you NOW!  ALL must take the responsibility for the next steps to be taken.  It is Not OUT OF YOUR HANDS!

Please remember My Dear Ones that Simplicity is the keyTechnology isn't everything, but the Mind and the Heart are All.  Put those Together and you will Know and be able to discern Truth from Fiction in the information that is circulating on your InternetBe Discerning!   We salute you and honor your faithfulness in the Light.

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle  7/22/12  7:55 pm

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you 

Lou Pritchett Update

Lou Pritchett Update

Lou Pritchett is one of corporate  America ’s true living legends --- a former P  & G executive, an acclaimed author, a dynamic teacher, and one of the  world's most highly rated speakers.  It was he who changed the way  America  does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as "Partnering".

You may remember a previous letter he wrote in 2009 to Obama and the New York Times, which went viral.

From a speech given by Lou Pritchett April 15,  2012

"I was born in year two of the Great  Depression (1931) and spent the first 10 years of my life, influenced by the extreme hardships of the depression.  --By today’s standards my family was about  a mile below today’s so called ‘poverty level’; but if you never ‘had’ - -  doing without was not so ‘bad’.  Borrowing shoes to graduate from the 8th grade didn’t seem at all demeaning because most of the 8th graders did the same thing.

In June 1944, my only brother, Joe, was killed in action on Utah Beach in Normandy, France during the D-Day landings. Exactly one year later, my father died and left me, my mother, and my sister to go it alone - - and alone we went. My mother went to work at a department store, my sister dropped out of school and joined her, and I went to work shining shoes on the streets of Memphis for a dime a shine. Government assistance was not available, and if it were, I am confident my mother would have refused it, because she never wanted the government involved in our lives.

I mention this bit of personal history to help you understand that millions of Americans, including your parents and grandparents, grew up like me during the Great Depression and never expected nor wanted the government to offer them anything other than an opportunity - - and now to see what Obama is trying to do to our country tends to make you crazy.

As some of you know, my “Scare Me" letter went viral with millions of hits on the internet during the past 3 years. I have now written a follow-up letter, which I will now share with you.

To the editors:

"In April 2009, I  sent President Obama and the New York Times a letter titled "You Scare Me" because, as a candidate, he promised to "fundamentally  transform America ."  Now, after observing his performance for over three years, he no longer  scares me - - he terrifies me for the following reasons:

  He has done more to damage America 's standing in the world, to lower
the standard of living in America, to impoverish future generations, and to shake our faith in the country's future than any other American president in history.

  With a compliant Democrat congress, a lapdog media, and a weak,
almost nonexistent Republican opposition, he has shattered the American dream of job security, home ownership, and rugged individualism for millions of Americans and has poisoned and divided our civil society with his politics of envy, class warfare, race warfare, and religious warfare - - which he is using as fundamental building blocks for his 'socialist' agenda.

  Culturally, he remains totally out of touch with traditional American
values. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or where he was born, rather it has everything to do with where, how and with whom he was raised, schooled, educated, trained, and associates with - - still today.

  He has surrounded himself with naive academicians, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and socialist leaning czars who arrogantly think and behave exactly as he does.  People who offer no balanced suggestions, or devil’s advocate positions, and think in lock step with him that big government is the answer to all our problems.

  He not only encourages, but aids and abets the unionization of all American industry, the albatross around the neck of the free market. In turn, they provide the money and muscle to intimidate his opponents.

  He has increased the national debt by over 30% in just three years.  If re-elected, and this rate of increase continues, America will be burdened with an unsustainable 20 trillion dollar debt which will result in the country's financial death. Recovery will be impossible - -America will be the Greece   of 2016.

  Given his fanatical beholding to the 'environmental' and 'man-caused global warming' fringe, he has deliberately discouraged U.S. fossil fuel exploration and production, while wasting billions of tax payer dollars on solar, wind, and algae experiments. He refuses to accept that oil, gas, and coal are not America’s enemies, they are America’s assets - - which, properly managed, could make us energy independent within a generation.

  He views the U.S. as a power in retreat which abused its World dominance. Therefore, he systematically apologizes round the world.  This past March, he whispered to Russian President Medvedev - - "This is my last election. After my election, I will have more flexibility".  Just what is the secret that Obama and Putin are concealing from the American people until after the election? With what other leaders has he made similar secret agreements?

  And finally, after all his miss-steps, bad decision-making, poor management, and zero leadership, the fact that he has the audacity to seek
re-election should terrify every American.

I predict that if re-elected, future historians and political interpreters will look back at the eight-year period 2008-2016, and conclude "the 44th President of the U.S. allowed the takers to overpower the payers, which resulted in the greatest economy in history vanishing from the face of the Earth".  Farewell America, the World will really miss you!!"

Lou  Pritchett April 15, 2012

It is my hope and prayer that this letter will also go viral and serve as a 'wake up' call to Americans of all political  leaning - - convincing them that never before in U.S. history has so much depended on Americans understanding that we are facing one of the greatest crises in U.S. history. Convincing them that this election will be won not by letters to the editor, political speeches, or radio and TV sound bites.

No!!  It will be won by those with a conviction, with a belief, and with a willingness to pay the price in helping put the most enlightened voters in the polling booth on November 6.

Let me end on my favorite quote - - which I think is very appropriate for each of us today:


Those words spoken by Winston Churchill over 70 years ago are very appropriate for all Americans today.

For, if each of us is prepared and is qualified, then 6 November 2012 just might be our, and our Nation's, finest hour as we reclaim this "shining city on the hill" from the ravages of Obama Socialism.


"The wise man in the storm prays God not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."

Emerson, 1833
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Leaking word of looming arrests

Leaked word of looming arrests for some of the top operatives in the Banking Cabal has hit the wires...

EXCLUSIVE: Prosecutor, Regulators Close to Making LIBOR Arrests

The language used in this article makes it clear that THERE WAS A GRAND CONSPIRACY AMONGST THE LARGEST BANKS IN THE WORLD!

"charging them with colluding to manipulate global benchmark interest rates"

"traders at major banks allegedly sought to influence the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, and other global rates that underpin hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets."

"financial regulators are focusing on a ring of traders from several European banks who allegedly sought to rig benchmark interest rates such as Libor"

"regulators are checking emails among a group of traders and believe they are close to piecing together a picture of how the suspects allegedly conspired to make money by manipulating rates"

"More than a handful of traders at different banks are involved"

"There are also probes in Europe concerning Euribor, the Euro Interbank Offered Rate"

"more than a dozen current and former employees of several large banks are under investigation"

"documents released by the New York Federal Reserve Bank this month that show regulators in the United States and England had some knowledge that bankers were submitting misleading Libor bids"

"banks face a growing number of civil lawsuits from cities, companies and financial institutions claiming they were harmed by rate manipulation"


The "hits" on my 2012 Timeline article are greatly increasing as the pressure builds. I will be revising this article in the next few weeks to get a better up to the minute take but the major themes are all coming true:

2012: Timeline on the Road to RootA(for paid Private Road Members)

Timing is EVERYTHING on our Road and you should be braced for a major blow to the Global Fiat Monetary System.

A blow that will be UNRECOVERABLE.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Colorado "Joker" shooter - drugs, mind control, and dissociation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Colorado "Joker" shooter - drugs, mind control, and dissociation
Posted By: JediShaman [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 08:20:42

James Holmes appears to have used drugs and trance induction to facilitate his mass killing attack as the "Joker" persona... was this his original idea or was he programmed and manipulated by others?

Exposure of Banker Corruption

Jim Willie at The Golden Jackass is one of the best currency/precious metals writers around.  This particular article is of special interest, because the $23 trillion he mentions in this article is precisely the amount stolen from Ambassador Lee Wanta’s $27.5 trillion.  His comments about Rubin tie in precisely with when the theft occurred.  Willie has written before about Wanta.  Those things aside, it is a keenly interesting article anyway... at least it is to those of us interested in the future of precious metals.

Exposure of Banker Corruption

By: Jim Willie CB, GoldenJackass.com

-- Posted Thursday, 5 July 2012 | Share this article | Source: GoldSeek.com
Few observers make the connection, but the current LIBOR scandal is a middle inning of two important events. The first is the demise of the Western banker leadership crew. The executives from the most powerful banks will be last to be deposed, all sharing an ethnic strain. The second is the open fracture of the Western financial system. Over the past few years, to be sure a great many people have grown tired of Jackass descriptions of corruption within the banking sector and financial system in general. Well, hear this: TOLD YA SO! The London Interbank Offered Rate scandal will erupt into an uncontrollable firestorm, hitting one chamber and then the next, with rapid contagion. The Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve are both implicated, but they will skate until the end game. They control the prosecutors and the news networks. Few yet connect the LIBOR rigged prices to the important parts of the financial kingdom run by the harried banker elite. The supposedly informed experts point to the rigged low rates for adjustable rate mortgages, for credit cards, and for student loans. Only the ARM rate is important among these, since it kept and housing bubble going. If truth be told, the LIBOR anomalies have persisted since late 2008. The intrepid first class forensic bond analyst Rob Kirby linked the sordid trails and mismatched discrepancies of the LIBOR to the JPMorgan monster, the US Federal Reserve syndicate ring leader, and the USDept Treasury (haven for Goldman Sachs lieutenants). See his 2008 article on Financial Sense (CLICK HERE). Regulators have done nothing for four years. It was not fully appreciated at the time, like it might be today. The LIBOR should match the settled EuroDollar contract, but it has not for years. The evidence for price rig has been glaring for years. The big banks have skimmed the difference for profit for years. Imagine selling milk or concrete with a variation in price at the wholesale level, enabling vast profits from skimming. It has been permitted for the big banks, a grand blemish on an already scarred sector.

Anyone with a solid intelligence quotient, a curious manner, and a suspicious streak can detect the recent trail. The MFGlobal client account thefts were a coming out event for the corruption. The JPMorgan margin calls on various positions had become an acute problem. They were very short on cash. With the upcoming December 2011 gold & silver delivery notices adding strain to the near breakpoint, JPMorgan made a decision. They stole the MFGlobal client accounts. They reneged on all precious metals contract delivery. They put all the to-be-delivered metal in their own account. Mission Accomplished, the catch phrase for unspeakable colossal permitted corruption in the USGovt and US financial markets. The losses in May by JPMorgan in the sovereign bond and Interest Rate Swap arena provided the Prima Facie case for the MFGlobal thefts, showing deep losses that will escalate over time. The officials at JPM have been telling scattered truths over the course of the last several weeks. They admit at times that their profound losses are tied to Interest Rate Swaps, which experienced analysts and traders can tell are for defense of the USTreasury Bonds and their entirely unwarranted 0% yield.

The annual now chronic $1.5 trillion USGovt deficits must be financed. They should be financed at a Spain-like 7% yield. The two nations have equally wrecked finances and an equal unemployment rate. But doing so would be far too disruptive. But doing so would be far too costly. But doing so would take away the wellspring of cheap money for the speculation. The big banks enjoy a brisk carry trade off the USTreasury curve that makes easy profits. No other industry is granted such risk free profits. So enter the IRSwap to generate an artificial USTBond rally from a phony engineered flight to safety. The thought of a flight to the safety of massive uncontrollable USGovt toxic debt pit is laughable on its face. The LIBOR price rig has enabled virtually free funds for the IRSwap that supports the vast 0% USTBond tower.

The next connection will soon be revealed. The IRSwaps are fed by the deep source fountain of LIBOR, at virtually free cost. It bears repeating. Too much attention is given to the adjustable rate mortgage feeder process. Not enough is given to the derivatives that are abused by the financial sector in unregulated shadow systems. The big banks have sold too many multiples of Credit Default Swap insurance, to the point that both counter-parties are dead. No net neutrality is a reflection of reality. Too legless swimmers do not rescue each other in the deep waters. They both drown, just like the bank parties involved. However, the big story is the Interest Rate Swap contracts, those arbitraged long-term bond swaps versus short-term bond swaps that enable free money to finance the levers that control the long maturity for the USTBonds. Anyone who believes the TNX fell from 3.6% in 2011 to under 1.8% was from a flight to quality is either drinking Wall Street kool-aid or duped by their marketing flyers or captivated by media propaganda or just plain stupid. The vested interest in watching the 10-year USTBond yield go into ultra-low territory is all very understandable. Many financial asset prices depend upon a low benchmark bond yield.

But the reality is that foreign creditors abandoned the USGovt debt auctions. The reality is that primary dealers to those auctions found themselves stuck with inventory. The reality is that an avalanche of USGovt debt supply could not be handled with absent demand. The reality is that the USGovt borrowing costs required, if not demanded, ultra-low yields to prevent a worse explosion in deficits. The only true aspect of the flight into USTreasurys is that the European sovereign bonds have turned toxic. But the Europeans are far more likely to purchase German Bunds, and they have, driving their yields lower than the USTBonds. Some arbitrage has pulled the two to almost equal, evidence that IRSwaps are at work in the Bund backyard. The story will come out soon enough, how the LIBOR rate was rigged extremely low in order to facilitate management of the ultra-low 0% Fed Funds rate, and to enable the IRSwaps to do their magic in keeping down the long-term USTBond yield. The LIBOR has been and continues to be the feeder system for the IRSwaps that enforce the 0% and 1.5% yields on FedFunds and TNX. The factor is mentioned on financial networks with quick passing and no emphasis. They still sell the flight to safety rubbish story.

The Fascist Business Model is not just showing its bitter fruit after the Bush II Admin came to office in 2001. It is flourishing in a climax of failure. The model does not simply permit financial crime. It encourages it. It promotes it. It rewards it. The higher powers organize it and run it. The result is not simply tolerated financial crime. It enables financial crime to flourish. The USAttorney General office sits on its hands. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission sits on its hands. The Securities & Exchange Commission sits on its hands. The financial press ignores the crime, or minimizes it, or explains it away. They all pay lipservice to enforcement of regulations and securities fraud. The outcome is a mindnumbing episode of financial fraud, theft, and collusion that the nation has never witnessed in its entire history. The outcome is an extreme strangle of the nation around its financial neck. In Jackass writings over the last several year, the word 'corruption' has appeared many times in almost every public article. That is because corruption appeared in every direction the trained eye was cast. For some articles, the word appeared over 20 times, and deservedly. My attention to corruption is steadfast and consistent. Corruption is Wall Street's calling card. It will bear the epitaph of the nation.

The Fascist Business Model practices brought the nation the Too Big To Fail rationale that permitted insolvency and corruption from syndicate strongholds. Worse, the practiced model has brought the United States as a nation to the doorstep of systemic failure. The ripening LIBOR scandal is an extension of the MFGlobal theft and a close cousin to the deep JPMorgan losses. The entire US and London financial structure is collapsing. Instead of perceiving the European sovereign bond problem as having a related plague in the US and UK, the arrogant bankers preferred to conduct business as usual with IRSwap props of the fake USTBond tower. They preferred to rig the LIBOR channel that feeds the derivative pool, which include the all-important IRSwaps for maintaining the 0% artificial world. They preferred to point to the United States as different. It is not different. It is rotten from the inside due to 0%, whereas Southern Europe is rotten from the outside, manifested by the 7% alarm level.

The following stories, themes, and factors all serve as symptoms of corruption and failure. The failure is in part a result of the corruption. The corruption is intertwined with grotesque inefficiency, since the best in class do not prevail. The corruption sidetracks capitalism to reward the corrupt while inhibiting the successful and efficient. The most connected and thus corrupt not only prevail, but they rule. The following stories, themes, and factors are the handiwork of the US and London banker elite. The list is long but in no way complete, as the criminal activity is laced throughout the entire system. They will someday appear on indictment lists. To date the court rulings have almost all featured non-admission of guilt or any culpability, only details on settlement for the charges to go away. That greases the civil lawsuits away from continued awards. Regard such deals as fascist justice, more queer fruit. The decay of the nation is best seen not in economic output but in ethics. To be sure, the USEconomy is mired in a powerful recession that has extended for almost five years. The true protection from the systemic criminality is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

For two decades the bank cartel has been selling Gold & Silver futures contracts without collateral. They are exempted from regulatory action and prosecution, as part of some absurd position in national security. The practice covers the USGovt gold treasure, long gone, gutted, pilfered. On February 29th of this year, JPMorgan alone sold a full year of global silver mine output in a single hour. This is obscene. Compared to several years ago, the Big Four US banks have twice as big naked short contract position for precious metals. Refer to JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs. They all have pretty logos. They are not making America stronger. They are extending the criminal financial structures and their lifespan, giving room for zombies to roam. They enable a fiat USDollar currency to continue longer, despite the absent faith and trust no longer held in it globally. A parallel takes place, like with the Alpha Group for naked shorting Canadian mining stocks through their handy outlet Canaccord. If individuals attempted to naked short any futures contracts, they would be prosecuted and tossed in prison, their assets confiscated. The criminality is vast. The true protection from toxic paper contracts and paper certificates is obtained and secured by owning physical precious metals, never in paper form of any kind. Best in bullion bars and coins.

The magnitude of bond purchase is astronomical, best described as Weimar-like. The printing of USDollars on electronic devices for the purpose of buying USTreasury Bonds that the world no longer demands in order to cover the gargantuan USGovt debts is out of control. The entire process is obscene and loaded with deception. The public and investment community is told repeatedly of a flight to quality and safety. There is neither quality in a Weimar rag known as the USTBond, nor safety in a junk bond with $1.5 trillion in annual deficits put to securities each year. The USFed does not have in its charter any feature to purchase 70% of the total sale of USTBonds in 2011, for instance. Operation Twist is a grand lie, a deception to cover the monetization of all 30-year USTBonds ever issued. It is a deception to enable foreign creditors to dump unwanted long maturity USTBonds, in favor of very short-term USTBills. The foreign creditors are eager to let the clock run out and have these bonds mature. Think exit. If corporations were to issue bonds without the demand of buyers, and float them in the market like a huge tributary from a toxic river, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from the hyper monetary inflation is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The entire housing bubble was made possible by broad and deep corruption of every conceivable process within mortgage finance. People were approved to purchase homes without verified income. Home loans were approved without down payment. Homes were approved for sale without proper appraisal. Interest rates assigned to loans were often linked to corrupted LIBOR rates. The Wall Street banks shoved the income stream from a given mortgage into multiple securitized bonds. They covered their tracks with the MERS title database, intended to facilitate the frequent sale of property and more importantly the bonds tied to their income streams. The MERS lacked legal standing though, and their entire process was fraudulent. The court cases in several states discarded bank claims on foreclosure, with rulings that a database could not hold a property title. Why anybody pays a monthly mortgage anymore remains a mystery. It could be associated with a Pavlov response to flipping the calendar to a new month.

The climax for the obscene mortgage market practices came with the openly publicized robotic signature process on documents to foreclose and evict homeowners from their homes. The process went so far as to evict with sheriff assistance some people who owned their homes free and clear, the loans fully paid. The insult to the nation was foreclosure and eviction of standing military soldiers in service for the syndicate and oil companies. The docket for investor lawsuits for lax and nonexistent loan underwriting, followed by misrepresentation of bonds for sale, is hardly complete. If small companies committed the same contract fraud, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from the fraudridden bond parade and obscene wreckage of home equity (lost American Dream) is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The TARP Funds chapter will go down in US history as the biggest open visible scam perpetrated in public view. No close second. The big banks appealed for USGovt aid in order to keep their credit engines humming, to prevent a lockup in lending, to save the USEconomy, a noble gesture. Instead, they bought corporate preferred stock and handed out gigantic bonuses to the architects of the housing and mortgage finance bubble & bust. They did so without shame, in your face. The $700 billion might have served as effective smokescreen, since the USFed was very busy behind the scenes. The USGovt should have demanded clawback on the entirety of the ill-gotten funds. But the USGovt financial squad is run by the big US banks. Refer to the Fascist Business Model and its expansive bitter fruit. Also in the background was a nifty grant of $138 billion to JPMorgan on a Saturday morning session in Manhattan by a bankruptcy court, supposedly to replenish funds for private accounts assumed in a merger. It was more like a JPM reload for intervening in the gold and currency markets. If ordinary companies committed the same fiduciary violation for misuse of borrowed funds, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from the slush fund river is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

While the nation was deeply entranced by the financial system breakdown marred by the Lehman Brothers killjob, the USFed was busy dispensing near 0% loans in $16 trillion volume to big banks across the world, but primarily in New York and London. It was like a Who's Who list, or more accurately owners of the USFed itself and their best friends. Disclosure forced by the USCongress resulted in mere observation of receipts long after the fact. The barn door once again was closed briefly after the horses were let loose for new owner capture. A repeat episode occurred only a year later, as another $7 trillion was dispensed to a similar gang. Al Capone himself would be proud of such patterned behavior. The United States is the only industrial nation that does not possess its own central bank. The nation is a colony for rape and pillage by trillionaire castle dwellers. If regional banks committed the same reckless loans as favors to Board members and friends, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from the slush fund river is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The raids, counterfeit, and other grand larceny of the OFHEO agencies is legendary. The Sopranos showed the modus operandi. Obtain a phony appraisal of a rotten property. Lock in the loan. Buy the property for a fraction of the loan amount. Then make no payments and abscond with the loaned funds. Easy as pie. The Papa Bush Admin and Clinton Admin went one further. They simply stole from the Fannie Mae cash register and snagged a mountain of counterfeit bonds with Fannie Mae markings, to the tune of $1.5 trillion, or $1500 billion for the math challenged. The audits conducted by Catherine Austin Fitts stand on the record in verifying the volume in theft. The funds are devoted to private accounts and to black bag operations by the agencies. After all, they must keep America safe and strong. When China began to sell in earnest from their vast supply of Fannie bonds in 2007 and 2008, the USGovt had to take action. So they nationalized the toxic cesspool. Their action served to conceal the criminality and to prevent an audit. Leadership has become privilege and license for theft. The Fannie stock shares went to zero, exactly as the Jackass forecasted in 2006 and 2007. If other financial firms committed the same embezzlement of funds and engaged in counterfeit activity, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from the toxic cesspool under USGovt aegis is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The Clinton & Rubin Admin had a mission. They pulled it off well. The experienced savvy Robert Rubin moved from the London Gold Desk at Goldman Suchs to take control of the USDept Treasury. His first act and deed was to mark the gold lease rate at near 0%, and thus to embark on the Gold Carry Trade. The big winners would the privileged Wall Street banks with access to leased USGovt gold held in Fort Knox. Their ill-gotten gains must have totaled at least $2 trillion from leveraged shorts in the gold futures market. Couple the counter-trade in rising USTBonds, also with leverage applied, and the gains must have totaled at least $7 trillion. Pretty handsome profit for the Syndicate during an eight-year span. They called it the Decade of Prosperity. But it rendered the United States as a nation a sure bet for systemic failure in a decade's time from hollowed out insolvency and ruin. Like now. The Jackass prefers to call it the Decade of Stolen Prosperity. Moronic political observers long for the good ole days of Clinton and all that prosperity, without realizing the pilferage of the entire Fort Knox, the Gold Carry Trade, or anything sordid in nature. They are naive fools.

A colleague has a personal friend in charge of security at Fort Knox. He reports they stand guard over Fort Knox alright, but it contains a vast inventory of nerve gas cannisters, and zero gold. The US as a nation has no collateral to back its USDollar currency. The US bank officials refuse to conduct an audit of the gold. The insiders declare that an audit would give emphasis to its importance and value. The laughter is raucous when reading the Office for the Comptroller to the Currency reports, when the ledger item of Deep Storage Gold is read. It is merely unmined ore in Western mountain deposits. The USGovt is in posssession of zero gold. If individuals in other nations were to make off with the national gold treasure, they would be prosecuted for treason and theft, then given a public hanging. The criminality is vast. The true protection from absent collateral to the USDollar is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

In April 2009, a critical event occurred. The Financial Accounting Standards Board in charge of setting accounting rules declared that the big US banks would be permitted to set any value they chose for their wrecked balance sheets. The prominent insolvent gang of banks teetering in ruins could set as they wished book value or original value for balance sheet items, when zero was the more accurate valuation. The defense of the Too Big To Fail mantra began. The excuse of challenges to find credit worthy borrowers hit the scene. That was a lie, since strong borrowers were routinely refused loans. The credit engines for the USEconomy had been wrecked, no longer functioning. Actually, the credit benefit had turned negative, evidence of slippage within the system. The obscenity continues with a charade of Credit Value Adjustments and raids to Loan Loss Reserves every quarter earnings report. Without such malfeasance to accounting, the big US banks would regularly show deep quarterly losses. Even the financial press objects, calling the earnings tainted. If ordinary corporations were to engage in such accounting fraud, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from fraudulent accounting and vast fiduciary violations is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

In 2010, a nasty event struck with revelation of computers gone amok on the New York Stock Exchange. The deep decline on a single day demonstrated the absence of indigenous investors in a land overrun by computers. The details came out slowly. The NYSE volume had been at least 80% computer trades routinely. The big Wall Street firms were selling to each other, running up the stock prices in a levitation fraud process. It was an orchestrated internal Ponzi exercise. Yet the plum story was the Goldman Suchs internal unix box that caught a peek at the order flow, placed orders in front of the flow, and ripped small profits on millions of trades. When the unix box and software was captured by a Russian fellow in order to expose the syndicate, he was branded a criminal. The FBI rushed to arrest him at the airport. Rumors swirled that the software was being sold on the black market. He was quietly taken care of. The entire episode was contained. Goldman Suchs was never prosecuted, even protected by the vast USGovt army. The integrity of the New York Stock Exchange was kept at the same corrupt level. Activity resumed. If ordinary investors were to engage in such criminal insider devices, they would be prosecuted and tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from rigged and violated markets is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

Two years ago, a rigged falsified auction market was revealed. The items sold were typically municipal bonds. It was another corrupted market in a parade of corrupted markets, organized and led by the same cast of Wall Street characters. Lawsuits were settled. Settlements were cut. No admission of guilt was made. The game might have been shut down, unclear. If ordinary market makers were to engage in such criminal pricing activities, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from rigged and violated markets is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The big US banks have kept the scam going. They control the USDept Treasury through their Goldman Suchs conduit and headhunter passageway. They engage in lofty campaign donations to Congressional members. The list of donations is on the public record. To date, the Obama campaign and the Romney campaign have each received over $300 million from the banker lobby. These criminals have covered both red and blue on the political roulette wheel of bets. The irony is that one might consider the TARP Funds themselves as the slush fund for such political donations. The wheel of political influence turns. As H.L.Mencken said a century ago, the USCongress is the best that money can buy. The influence enables Wall Street banks to write legislation for its own reform. To be sure, compromises were made, like to split off proprietary trading but with fuzzy rules. The asterisk is the audit of the USFed itself. The devotion to the bankers was seen in June when JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon visited the Finance Committe for soft lobs. An opportunity was lost. The genuflection was obvious. The only tough questions came from two Senators who receive nothing from the banker lobby. All but those two kissed Dimon's ring. The unflappable CEO appeared to holding court before his minions. If ordinary individuals were to be confronted for their reckless and criminal activities, they would be subjected to a harsh line of questioning and possible prosecution. The criminality is vast. The true protection from compromised politicians is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

One of the biggest shocks to the Jackass in recent years was the revelation by a deep banker source of the so-called Role Programs. Many were described, all managed by the USDept Treasury and the Bank of England, its master. The volume of criminal fraud and scams is in the hundreds of $billions. One such scheme was the Madoff Fund thefts. The public was told repeatedly that Madoff made off with $50 billion in funds, with many victims left in the lurch. The true figure was $160 billion in stolen funds. The search was on to locate the funds, when the officials knew exactly where the funds were safely located and stored. Yet another charade, much like searching for the MFGlobal funds, all safely kept in JPMorgan London accounts. The Madoff funds were located in Switzerland for safe keeping. The banks involved all had one national trait in common, from a small nation on the Southern Mediterranean that looked northwest to Italy across the sea. The banks were all protected by some very strange laws in Switzerland that forbid investigation of fraud. Many other role programs continue to this day, details not to be provided here. Some nations have outstanding arrest warrants for US bank leaders, who travel only to England and Switzerland with confidence. If ordinary managed funds were to be scrutinized for criminal activities, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in to prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from profound high level fraudulent schemes is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

Goldman Suchs was the focus two years ago when the actual Greek Govt debt was revealed to be greater than originally submitted for qualification entry into the European Monetary Union. The Greek Govt falsified their club application with collusion from GSuchs. The fraud was a big currency swap to conceal the true level of their government debt. They were made to look healthier than was actually the case. GSuchs has been given a pass, no prosecution in any nation. Arthur Anderson was not given such benefit. In fact, the GSuchs crew was invited to supply a lieutenant to lead Italy, no justice seen. Such bonuses are typical even after criminal fraud is revealed for syndicate titans. The wreckage of Greece is not yet complete, but far along. GSuchs had a big hand, spreading their special cancer wherever they roam. Victims are banks across Europe, London, and New York. More currency swaps are suspected in other Southern European nation financial submissions. If ordinary corporations were to engage in such accounting fraud, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from fraudulent accounting and vast fiduciary violations at the highest level is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

It is fast becoming a well known fact, even common knowledge in the financial industry. The big US banks are heavily dependent upon narcotics money laundering from sale conducted by the protected USGovt agencies. The American citizens seem the last to know. The details are dangerous to cite, surely not privy to the Jackass. The United Nations drug task force first identified the money laundering activity back in 2008 and 2009. Nothing has been done. In a case from 2008, Wachovia was found guilty of money laundering for narcotics activity in Mexico. The outcome was a veritable farce. The settlement involved a fine equal to 3/100ths of a penny per dollar processed. They could have at least forced a dime for dollar in the money laundering. The US press emphasized the fine paid and minimized the volume processed. The big US banks are all involved in such money laundering. They are big, broken, insolvent, and wrecked. They are as hollow from the criminal activity of bond fraud, accounting fraud, and laundering activity, as a cocaine addict is hollowed from the internal organs and rotten teeth. If ordinary corporations were to engage in such money laundering, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from organized crime is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The 2003 charade was given focus on weapons of mass destruction posssessed by Iraq. A war was waged. A hefty supply of gold bullion bars was stolen from Baghdad at their central bank. The amount was not reported or learned. The charade went so far as to show video clips of snagged yellow bars, not gold, but wooden bars painted yellow. Quite the production to cover the theft of a national gold treasure. It belonged to the Iraqi people, not Saddam Hussein. A similar charade has been playing for the last several months over Iran. The public is told of a Iran nuclear weapons factory threat. The story is old and stale, having been recited to a foolish audience for a few years running. The weapons of mass destruction did not exist in Iraq. The WMD story was a cover for cause in war, to cover the fact that Saddam had been selling crude oil in Euros. The key fact was sale outside the USDollar. The USGovt reacted by protecting its sacred Petro-Dollar. The parallel to today is clear for the enlightened, who are few in number. The Iran threat is not nuclear, not of weapons of mass destruction. The common architect for the phony story is that small nation on the Southern Mediterranean. Keep it vague in identification. The parallel violation by Iran is selling crude oil outside the USDollar. The American and European public are being for fools again. Iran is accepting gold or trade credits in swap deals. This is a banker sham on the highest stage, putting the world at risk of a dangerous war. The extension to SWIFT bank codes used as a weapon shows the banker hand of involvement. Misrepresentation for war cause is not a crime, but it is a travesty nonetheless. It leads to lost credibility for international leading nations, like the United States and Great Britain. The betrayal of trust is vast. The true protection from unscrupulous brinkmanship is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

To be sure, Muammar Qaddafi was an evil man, a psychotic man, and a thief to his own people. Liberation of the Libyan nation was a good deed. But the hidden motive has been revealed. The London and Western European banks hold 144 tons of Libyan gold. It has not been returned. It is too desperately needed. Conditions for its return to a legitimate Libyan Govt have been laid out. Do not expect them ever to be satisfied, in the eyes of the banks holding the gold tonnage. The actual events told of NATO armies working toward thel liberation might or might not be true. It makes one wonder if Syria owns any gold. Misrepresentation for war cause is not a crime, but it is a travesty nonetheless. It leads to lost credibility for international leading nations, like those holding the Libyan gold treasure. The betrayal of trust is vast. The true protection from unscrupulous brinkmanship is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

In 2006 and 2007, a big story circulated about missing Iraqi Reconstruction Funds. The diminutive leader Bush Jr declared that $50 billion in missing funds was acceptable in the grand scheme of things, called ordinary leakage. It is not clear what grand scheme he referred to. Perhaps the grand scheme of big US bank and big US defense contractor fraud. The overcharging cases for Halliburton violations are like a mosaic on a billboard for all to see. They have regularly been deemed as minor in scope, not worthy of prosecution. They have usually be settled with small fines, a mere fraction of the fraud involved. But the missing funds continue to this day. It is in the Jackass opinion that one of the primary motives to continue to endless wars is to perpetuate the frauds and stolen funds. The guardians are nowhere. The enforcement is imaginary. The thefts are encouraged and permitted. If ordinary corporations were to engage in such fraud and thefts, they would be prosecuted and their executives tossed in prison. The criminality is vast. The true protection from pillbox raids is obtained and secured by owning precious metals, best in bullion bars and coins.

The revelation of banker criminality has only begun. The culmination in the opinion of my best banker source is come before too many more months. Attention focuses now on the LIBOR price rig scandal. It will extend to the USTBond and Interest Rate Swap artificial props. It will extend in a climax event for exposure that Allocated Gold accounts across the Western world have been confiscated, sold, and replaced with shabby paper gold certificates illegally. Numerous class action lawsuits are in progress in Switzerland, kept out of the news. They total several $billion in combined size. However, the account raid practice has been widespread in Europe, London, and United States. The scope of the seized and raided Allocated gold accounts is enormous. This will be the biggest banker scandal in modern history. The scope involves at least 20 thousand tons of missing gold, and possibly as much as 40 thousand tons missing. The lid will blow off the concealed story before long. The news networks in Switzerland have been dutiful in keeping the story quiet. Not for much longer. It is not the only nation involved, no way. Big important influential wealthy people have been victimized. They will seek justice and demand an open court. All in time. When that happens, the price of gold will double in a matter of months. The big banks that have criminally raided the Allocated accounts will be forced to retrieve and purchase the gold on the open market. Many complicit banks will simply collapse, since already insolvent. Some bank executives will face prosecution. Perhaps a few will go missing, like the gold bars. The story and its publicity of semi-stolen gold will bring much needed attention to gold as real money.

As the years pass, the evidence mounts. The AE1000 organization is expert and loud, the architects and engineers who provide expert testimony on the absurd official 911 story at the World be-Trade Tower. This is hardly the forum for such recitals. A secretive Russian Bond valued at $240 billion was to mature the very next day, most of which were held in the Cantor Fitzgerald offices atop the tower. Those bonds could not be redeemed at maturity, a theft. Nothing on the official story makes any sense, nor does it stand up to chemical scrutiny or to scrutiny from phsyics. Costa Rica has a richly dotted landscape of very well informed people with all kinds of legitimate contacts, such from Secret Service friends, bank executive friends, ex-USMilitary types, slush fund managers, obscure types, and more. My informed sources have been numerous that have shed light on the infamous event. It was a grand bank heist that involved perhaps around $100 billion in stolen bearer bonds, perhaps around $100 billion in stolen gold bullion bars, and perhaps around $100 billion in stolen diamonds. The 911 event marked in the opinion of many observers a coup d'etat of the United States Govt. Their grip on power continues through to today. The true story will come out, all in time, like veracity bubbles working toward the surface. Those holding the lid on the actual events are reducing in number each year. My expectation is that the true story will come out as the inevitability of a USGovt debt default becomes evident and unavoidable, when the JPMorgan machinery fails in full view to uphold the USTBond tower. At that time, the new trade settlement systems, the new barter systems, the bypass to USDollar settlement, they will come into place. Gold will be at the center of every new system. Much like how geophysics leads to iron forming at the core of a stable body, gold will form at the core of the stable financial body. But its price will be closer to $10,000 per ounce than $2000 per ounce. Gold price charts mean little, when the enter paper system is in the process of imploding, first bonds, then currencies, then sham gold markets.
Jim Willie CB, editor of the “HAT TRICK LETTER”

Heartwarmer - Rescued Baby Hummingbird

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Heartwarmer - Rescued Baby Hummingbird
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 11:18:02

Holmes & 2nd Man Seen Running to Holmes Apartment around 7 pm July 20th

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Holmes & 2nd Man Seen Running to Holmes Apartment around 7 pm July 20th
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 03:19:51

A Fox News reporter interviewed a lady (neighbor) who reported seeing Holmes and another man (white, stocky and wearing a green shirt) running quickly to Holmes' apartment around 7 pm, just hours before the shooting.
The witness said that she "got her children out of the way" because she thought "something was happening". They must have been running strangely for her to fear for her children...
She reported to the Fox reporter that Holmes run into his apartment while the stocky man with the green shirt waited for him outside in the parking lot.
And yet, the police and other media are reporting a "lone nut" scenario.
Sounds to me like there were "2 nuts" who were seen running past this lady at 7 pm on July 20th.

California Government Hides Billions From Taxpayer

(All red highlights, mine. All states have undeclared surpluses. pjr)


Rickameil at 8:57 AM July 21, 2012
Great. I would like to know how much more of OUR money is stashed away. Time to clean up the mess in Sacramento.
WalterBurien at 8:59 AM July 21, 2012
Normal 0
First Domino to fall:
It appears someone did a little digging into the CA State CAFR report.
Now it is time to turn the same rocks over for all cities; county; state; enterprise; school district; and state university accounts.
For the CA State Parks it was 54-million. All local government operations (tens of thousands of operations) it is a few trillion.
The department head resigned and the assistant fired. What gondolas were intentionally ignored? The state attorney who dotted the "Is" and crossed the "Ts" setting up the hidden funding account for them in the first place (Emphasis added)
Every one of these stash accounts is signed off on by the city; county; of state attorney.. The true fraud begins there, and usually the same is checked off on by a local judge. (Again, Emphasis added) Attorneys running the show, the employee(s) following their instructions but then the employee getting the axe as the scape goat...
Per these types of situations: If "true" accountability came to play: Black robs and their cooperative suited shill attorneys should be forced dressed into orange jump suits, and locked in an eight by ten cell for a very long time...
Have your local Sheriff investigate and arrest the true responsible party for the fraud involved. The attorneys and judges who structured and then signed off on it all.
WalterBurien at 9:28 AM July 21, 2012
Look carefully at the notes to the financial section of your local Gov CAFRs to spot those millions or billions of dollar in advance forward liability investment stash accounts.
The way to use Google to find your local government's CAFR reports is put in the search line using quotes as an example: "City of X" "Annual Financial Report"
Do the same for your county, city, state, school district, state university, etc..
Here is a VERY important note for you. When you look at the financial columns it is a "Net" showing. Many games can be played there. For examples sake I will use the following:
If you and I had 1-billion dollars. If we set aside 700-million to buy an island 5-years from now (designated liability) our NET available is 300-million. If we then ran up projected expenses for the year of 320-million, then our net position "promoted today" is 20-million in the red (deficit)
On the City; County; and State level more money changes hands than Midas ever dreamed about. The public gets masterfully entertained in left field as the attorneys cut the deals behind closed doors in right field building their next financial power base and personal fortunes at the public's expense.
Get together with a few friends and carefully examine you local government's CAFRs today! You will be amazed (and furious) at what you find of how a profit is converted into a liability.
Carl Herman at 1:26 PM July 21, 2012
How much more is hidden? Easy: California's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for 2011 shows $577 BILLION in taxpayer surpluses when the accounts are added. Search this Internet article title for full documentation and page numbers to see for yourself:
CAFR summary: why can't a $600B ‘fund’ fund $27B pension, $16B budget deficit?
Walter Burien is the pioneer to expose CAFR surpluses and Clint Richardson did the work to fully document the $577 billion.
WalterBurien at 6:19 PM July 21, 2012
No excusses not to look:
To view and review the California State Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports from 1999 to 2011 go to:
To review your local government City; County; School District; enterprise; Community College; State University; or Government Pension fund CAFR just Google them. Put in the search line using quotes as an example for a city: "City of X" "Annual Financial Report"
WalterBurien at 4:47 AM July 22, 2012
For those who have a sharp mind and the ability for cognitive thinking to learn quickly, a retired federal auditor of 30-years, Gerald Klatt at my prompt in 2000 put up a website to show CAFR reviews that highlighted government surpluses.
From his front page http://cafrman.com/ on the left he has listed CAFR reviews of most States. His reviews stop at 2003 being that he died mysteriously in July of 2004. The reviews are valid today being that they are a line-item guide that can be used for 2012.
Gerald points out "true" surpluses and for CA on the State level notes 59.83-billion dollars. http://cafrman.com/Articles/Art-CA-S1.htm
A false misconception has been floating around the internet that CA on the State level has 600-billion in surplus taxation held. This is NOT true. Yes they have in excess of 600-billion of investments but a truthful independent audit of the same could determine what was true surplus and what was truly needed to fund needed programs / projects.
My estimate is that 30$ to 40% is strictly, and would be determined as "Fat Cat Stashes".
It is very important to note: "This is just on the State level". Local government operations "in" California (thousands of entities) each have their own holdings separate from the state.
Collectively totals there are in excess of 8-trillion dollars. A complete and "honest" audit there is needed.
WalterBurien at 7:34 AM July 22, 2012
Clint Richardson does a pretty good job of listing just on the California "state level" the different primary investment funds as of 2012 - http://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/california-government-hides-billions-from-taxpayers/ 