Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Pickle Jar

The Pickle Jar
The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on
the floor beside the dresser in my parents'
bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would empty
his pockets and toss his coins into the jar.
As a small boy, I was always fascinated at the sounds
the coins made as they were dropped into the jar. They
landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost
empty. Then the tones gradually muted to a dull thud
as the jar was filled.
I used to squat on the floor in front of the jar to admire
the copper and silver circles that glinted like a pirate's
treasure when the sun poured through the bedroom
window. When the jar was filled, Dad would sit at the
kitchen tableand roll the coins before taking them to
the bank.
Taking the coins to the bank was always a big production.
Stacked neatly in a small cardboard box, the coins were
placed between Dad and me on the seat of his old truck.
Each and every time, as we drove to the bank, Dad would
look at me hopefully. 'Those coins are going to keep you
out of the textile mill, son. You're going to do better than
me. This old mill town's not going to hold you back.'
Also, each and every time, as he slid the box of rolled
coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier,
he would grin proudly. 'These are for my son's college
fund. He'll never work at the mill all his life like me.'
We would always celebrate each deposit by stopping
for an ice cream cone. I always got chocolate. Dad
always got vanilla. When the clerk at the ice cream
parlor handed Dad his change, he would show me the
few coins nestled in his palm. 'When we get home,
we'll start filling the jar again.' He always let me drop
the first coins into the empty jar. As they rattled around
with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.
'You'll get to college on pennies, nickels, dimes and
quarters,' he said. 'But you'll get there; I'll see to that.'
No matter how rough things got at home, Dad continued
to doggedly drop his coins into the jar. Even the summer
when Dad got laid off from the mill, and Mama had to
serve dried beans several times a week, not a single
dime was taken from the jar.
To the contrary, as Dad looked across the table at me,
pouring catsup over my beans to make them more
palatable, he became more determined than ever to
make a way out for me 'When you finish college, Son,'
he told me, his eyes glistening, 'You'll never have to
eat beans again - unless you want to.'
The years passed, and I finished college and took a
job in another town. Once, while visiting my parents,
I used the phone in their bedroom, and noticed that
the pickle jar was gone. It had served its purpose
and had been removed.
A lump rose in my throat as I stared at the spot beside
the dresser where the jar had always stood. My dad
was a man of few words: he never lectured me on the
values of determination, perseverance, and faith. The
pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more
eloquently than the most flowery of words could have
done. When I married, I told my wife Susan about the
significant part the lowly pickle jar had played in my
life as a boy. In my mind, it defined, more than
anything else, how much my dad had loved me.
The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born,
we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Mom
and Dad sat next to each other on the sofa, taking turns
cuddling their first grandchild. Jessica began to whimper
softly, and Susan took her from Dad's arms. 'She probably
needs to be changed,' she said, carrying the baby into my
parents' bedroom to diaper her. When Susan came back
into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes.
She handed Jessica back to Dad before taking my hand
and leading me into the room. 'Look,' she said softly, her
eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser.
To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed,
stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with
coins. I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my
pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins. With a gamut of
emotions choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I
looked up and saw that Dad, carrying Jessica, had slipped
quietly into the room. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was
feeling the same emotions I felt. Neither one of us could
This truly touched my heart. Sometimes we are so busy
adding up our troubles that we forget to count our
blessings. Never underestimate the power of your actions.
With one small gesture you can change a person's life, for
better or for worse.
God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another
in some way. Look for GOOD in others.
The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or
touched - they must be felt with the heart ~ Helen Keller
- Happy moments, praise God.
- Difficult moments, seek God.
- Quiet moments, worship God.
- Painful moments, trust God.
- Every moment, thank God.
Pass this message to seven people except
you and me. You will receive a miracle
tomorrow - don't question..(just do it)

(Flashback) The most prominent 'Manchurian Candidate'

"The way you create Manchurian Candidates
is you divide the mind."

Was Sirhan Sirhan a mind controlled assassin?

There's a good bit of information indicating
that he was...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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July 24, 2012 Comments from Erasmus Of America: Nesara News has copies of the main reports I have posted with them from May, June, and July, 2012. My report "Yes, God Exists!" can turn the tide for Christianity if pushed by the Christians and their churches. The atheists do not know how to answer the scientific proofs I use showing that God exists for real and only the fool remains an atheist in the face of such overwhelming evidence from science. The people vote too often for evil leaders for public office because the churches failed either to win them to serious belief in God or else failed to win their hearts from loving evil and corruption instead of good and honesty in society.
     The Omni Law is inside this report below on page 2 of the original report below. As the old Jewish proverb says, "It takes intelligence to serve God well." To present copies of the short official version of The Omni Law to elected officials or those running for public office, common sense is you show them the potential benefits to occur for America if the Omni Law is passed and then it will be much easier to convince candidates for public office or those in office that they should back passage of the Omni Law. Give them this entire report on The Omni Law which includes the Omni Law on the original page 2 of this report you are reading now. And then you ask them by email, phone, mailed letter, personal visit to their offices whether they are for or against passage of the Omni Law. Political leaders try to evade being asked their stand if they are against the proposed law. And their tricks to wiggle out of backing a proposed law they oppose such as restoring prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America is to bury it in committee and then say the con line, "We can't get the proposed bill out of committee so we can vote on it. As one Congressional aide explained to me years ago when I lived in the Wash., D.C. area, members of Congress are full of con tricks on the public when they do not wish to pass a certain proposed law. This was years ago when public opinion polls indicated probably up to 90% of the public wanted prayer and the Bible restored to the public schools of America. This aide said they would have a secret meeting of leaders of both parties and work out a strategy so they would not restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools, but pretend in order to fool the public that they were trying to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools.  Senator "A" would be told to write up proposal one to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools. Senator "B" would be told to write up proposal two to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools. Then leaders of both parties in secret session would give their parties instructions how to split up the vote of both houses of Congress so neither version one or two of restoring prayer and the Bible would be passed in Congress. Then with pained emotional faces to make the act good before the naive, sucker public, they would tell them that they tried their hardest, but could not get the bill passed in Congress. This is part of the reason why I wrote up the proposed Omni Law instead of members of Congress. I would not let them pull their cons to pretend to vote on a bill dedicated to the civil tribune position I wanted placed over government as a legal oversight committee over our not that honest U.S. Congress, federal agencies, etc. who love to con the people when the people will let them pull their dirty legal tricks on the public. I know all the tricks of the con artists in Congress and would not allow them to pull them on the gullible, trusting American people.     
     Americans have copies of the U.S. Constitution massively in books, libraries, information almanacs, can be looked up on the internet, and yet most Americans do not have the foggiest idea how you pass proposed constitutional amendments into law as plainly outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Have the required majority of members of Congress vote for a proposed constitutional amendment and then it is submitted to the state legislatures to either vote for or else refuse to ratify the proposed constitutional amendment submitted to them by Congress. Or the state legislatures can act before Congress does. The states vote for their version of a constitutional amendment and with the required majority then Congress is forced to call for a constitutional convention to vote for or against this proposal by the states. They now vote for it with the required majority and it is national law. Knowing strategy, have the state legislatures quick vote for the Omni Law before the national election and politicians in panic in Congress will quick pass it in Congress and submit it to the states for ratification or else rejection.
     Right now China has such a large lien on America due to our colossally dishonest and stupid Congress that they are getting tempted to claim ownership of all the land of America and all Americans become the property of China which now totally took over America. Pass the Omni Law fast and China will be paid off and this threat ends to the national survival of America. Americans are great evaders of reality and responsibility, but this time reality has to be faced and fast. Or else maybe start learning your Chinese as you get taken over by China as your new national government, etc. Also, we have according to certain reports maybe up to 150 Soviet nuclear suitcase bombs that were left in America from the Cold War. If they used plutonium, they are likely still operational. And we need to pass the Omni Law to make sure these are hunted down and eliminated from America. They may be in the hands of Soviet-era Sleepers but still ready to be ordered to be used against America anytime the orders go out from Moscow. 
     Also, apparently too much of the American news media is owned by Saudi interests which keeps American news carefully controlled to not report and expose that Obama is a Muslim in the White House. Apparently this ownership of key American news media by Muslim sources is what put Obama in the White House the last election. You couldn't expose the colossally evil background of Obama when he ran for the White House before. As sources of mine in Muslim mosques secretly told me, once the Trojan Horse Islamic candidate was put in the White House, once he could get away with it, all of America would be put under Sharia Law, all Jews killed in America, and all Christians killed who did not convert to Islam. My sources were very good, but I protect my sources so Muslims can't murder those who tipped me off of the plan to mass slaughter Americans once the hidden Islamic Preisdent gained effective power over the federal government and then the American people. The passage of the Omni Law stops this deadly foreign planned takeover of America by front of a national election of 2012 today. 

        President George Washington said to America, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
     William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, "Men must be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants."    
 June 1, 2012
     Feel free to copy this and transmit this throught the internet or by printed copies through the mail, etc. Free copies by email can be sent to you. Contact  . Ask for copy of "Omni Law" and give your email address, etc.  We will want to run ads in big national newspapers, etc., but this will take money!  For  financial support for this make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . This national drive will reform the federal government back to honesty, restoration of the U.S. Bill of Rights to enforced legal authority again, restoration of the legal intent of the U.S. Constitution back to legal authority over Wash., D.C. again, firing of federal judges who mock their legal judicial oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights in their courts, etc. We understand that Obama secretly had the means to pay off the national debt of America which could reduce permanent federal income taxes for all Americans and businesses by even 40% and let China get this pending money instead of America. We in the past had every kind of tactic pulled to try and silence us including apparenly having $20,000 in commercial printing equipment smashed in our office in or about 2006, breaking into our office and throwing away or hiding business correspondence we had. We found some orders 6 months later hidden behind storage shelves of ours. We had business calls cut off from the phone and other ugly tactics you don't want to hear about by you know who. We had over 20,000 satisfied customers before Wash., D.C. pulled all its "dirty tricks" to try and ruin our two decade old business. They didn't like for us to tell the American people the truth about corruption and treason in Wash., D.C., etc. Too much truth steps on powerful toes!
     If this Omni Law is passed fast enough in America in 2012, we may be able to save enough of the secret money you do not know about to yet pay off the national debt and give a permanent tax break as a wage bonus on all jobs in America and additional profits for all businesses in America. Stall until 2013 and forget the matter then. Will you, your children, and grandchildren get this permanent tax break on all jobs in America or will you blow it by not quick forcing Congress to submit this as a passed proposed constitutional amendment to submit to the states for ratification? By the way, if the states pass this proposed constitutional amendment before Congress votes and submits it to the states, this puts Wash., D.C. in a colossal legal jam where if they don't like lightning vote this through Congress and submit it to the states for ratification, then a constitutional convention is called which can fire the federal government from authority and set up instead an honest, and new national government for America. With pressure like this, Congress will pass the Omni Law like lightning if the legal threat of a constitutional convention is facing them if they don't pass it fast! We save this secret money from the con artists running the federal government now including White  House, we may also have the money to pay off much or all the state debts of all 50 states of America. State governments pass this Omni Law as a proposed constitutional amendment before Congress acts and you put fire under them to act and very fast! People, show this document to your elected officials federal and state and ask them bluntly if they will back passing this Omni Law and now or else evade backing it. Put the heat on them!
     President Richard Nixon in 1973 promised the federal government in Wash., D.C. would start working on solving the energy crisis of America over oil. Engineering sources know why Wash., D.C. hasn't even started seriously working to solve the energy crisis of America over oil. By the way, high gas mileage on cars basically eliminates pollution of the atmosphere, but Wash., D.C. never told you that. And an honest former President of America sponsored the research project which solved the oil crisis of America for several hundred years hence at cheaper prices for gasoline than you will pay now, but later White House administrations quietly ignored this and suppressed the results of this federal research project from you. They are very crooked in Wash., D.C. and too many work for secret interests rather than the American people who elected them to office! One influential Washington attorney used to talk about how you could pay off members of Congress to pass a certain bill without leaving a paper trail showing they had been paid off to be crooked in Congress. Proposed Omni Law now follows. Folks, the ball is now in your hands whether this becomes law or not!


     James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Independence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approved new government created by authority of the American people.
     We therefore authorize the creation of ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep any corrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government. These civil tribunes will propose a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared "God-given rights" to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices without their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America. And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections instead of the will of the American people. And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests." - End of proposed Omni Law. One President once signed into law a 37 word law. As the Bill of Rights show, you don't have to write massive laws to deliver powerful legal messages.

   The civil tribune angle kept the Roman Republic basically honest for several hundred years. This office had to be subverted and overthrown to return the Roman Republic to corrupt government such as Wash., D.C. dearly loves today! This Omni Law is written in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who during the American Revolution of 1776 declared, "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!
     President Abraham Lincoln, also an inventor (Patent #6,469!), gave wise advice to America that members of Congress and officials of federal agencies should remember today, "You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."
     - Omni Law written by a voice crying in the wilderness for sanity, freedom, and prosperity in America - Erasmus of America (pen name for one who believes in peaceful reform rather than violent revolution to solve the problems of a nation) By the way, large bills are written in Congress to hide the hundreds of pages of con in them. This is simple, short, deadly, and to the point. The American people are given back control of their national government which they have now lost control of to corrupt and radical elements which have the money and pressure to control Wash., D.C. instead of the American people. The moment of truth for America has now  come! The American people will now decide the future of America. Action wins victory. "The answer to a problem is to solve it!"
     June 2, 2012 Comment: Erasmus of America (a pen name) will go totally public once the timing is right, but to reveal his identity before revealing his identity. In 1990, he prayed for a "L.B." of the Seneca Police Dept., South Carolina who had just been mass smashed in a car accident. The local hospital said to the local newspaper that due to his massive injuries, he would not live through the day. If somehow he lived, he would then be paralyzed for life. After Erasmus prayed in the Name of Jesus for him, he was instantly healed and walked out of the hospital the same day delivered there by ambulance. Other Miracles of God have occurred at times around Erasmus and it would be dangerous for fools in Wash., D.C. to think that God is not backing this proposed Omni Law and watching which way the American people and elected officials stand on this issue. In April, 2012, another powerful Miracle of God occurred which indicates that God strongly backs the passing of the Omni Law in America, and Now. Erasmus calls for a return to the "Natural Law" which is Bible Law which gave America freedom and its dynamic free enterprise system starting in 1776. The booklet Law Of Nature And Liberty by Bob Hallstrom printed around 1990 quotes the founding fathers of America of 1776 that America was founded upon the Bible and our national laws are only valid when based upon the laws, teachings and authority of the Bible. This has been censored from American education once Communist educators captured control and set up "politically correct' education for our schools teaching a Marxist version of American history instead of the Christian based true history how and why America was founded as a nation. The American Revolution of 1776 as declared by the Continental Congress leading the Revolution was a Christian revolution, Christian government, and Christian laws. Under Obama unless stopped, the American economy will be smashed with Marxist socialism taking over all of America and apparently Obama wants to establish Islam to rule over America and outlaw all Christianity in the process in America. The Omni Law stands for the founding principles of America in 1776. Americans, do you stand for true freedom and true prosperity under God or else true slavery and a truly destroyed economy under Obama Communism and Islam over America? Support the Omni Law and we wisely return to our roots of 1776!
      June 4, 2012 Comments:

   Obama apparently turned over key defense secrets of America to Putin recently and Putin exchanged no military secrets of Russia in return. I Ermasus of America who spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have a heavy background in military intelligence, also ultimate weapon systems technology, contacted the Obama administration that I had information on an ex-Soviet military site hidden from spy satellites and it was apparently reactivated. It was designed to break through all American air defenses and annihilate America. The only answer I got back from the Obama administration was a federal murder attempt on my life. I guess the report is true that was filed by an operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency who was in Moscow back in 1992 and was told by a Communist there that an unknown Communist operative by the name of Obama in America who was Black was being secretly trained by the Communists to be the later President of America and would turn America into a Communist nation after capturing control of Wash., D.C. through heavy secret Communist backing. I have never been convinced that Putin of Russia ceased being a Communist spy master even though the Communists lost control of Russia. If the American people want a little taste how horrid it would be to be under nuclear attack in America, look at the end of the movie The Miracle Mile showing America under pending nuclear attack and then hit with nuclear weapons. Folks, better pass the Omni Law. I think we are under the control of a "Manchurian Candidate" in the White House. I was once briefed by a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies on all the nuclear annihilation plans of Moscow. I received the same training in Russian nuclear warfare as Putin of Russia. America is going to likely get its nation blown off the face of the map maybe soon by Russia if my voice of military sanity is not soon heard through passage in 2012 of the Omni Law. I know the counter-defenses to Moscow nuclear attack strategy and Obama apparently wants me shut up at all costs. I smell a traitor to America in Wash., D.C. and he is in the White House. Much of Wash., D.C. is so corrupt, they don't even want to know what my military warnings are to save America from pending nuclear annihilation. We need smart military answers in power in  Wash., D.C. to put any traitors in Wash., D.C. in checkmate! More details now.
     I was sad to learn that Dr. Grant Jeffrey died on May 11, 2012. His recent book Global Warming Deception Book ($14.99) which can be bought from bookstores, etc. documents the Global Warming movement is a colossal con job as there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is a front for the still existing international Communist movement and designed to bankrupt the capitalist nations through "carbon taxes," international treaties in the name of the fraudulent "Global Warming" which does not exist except for the repeat cycles of solar flares, heating, etc. Grant Jeffrey brought together all the scientific facts and this is all a Communist front hoax in the name of psuedo-science in this case. When Gorbachev came to America, he sent a secret letter to American Communists that they should back "Global Warming" and the rest of the U.S. environmental movement as it was all controlled in America by the Communists and would turn America into a Communist nation and then the entire world. By pushing the Communist hoax of Global Warming and Carbon Tax so strongly, Obama must be a secret Trojan Horse Communist in the White House. I have a long background in  what we will call  independent military intelligence and all the real evidence points to Obama as a trained Communist operative to collapse the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Economy by power through the White House. Don't pretend I am dumb. My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education. She was a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. My own I.Q. had once been tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed "beyond scientific measurement." I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. And once was written up by an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know how to set up "Jesus Money" which skyrocketed economies 4 times in history! And overthrown by bankers who hated super prosperity for you!  I am on the side of the American people which too many in Wash., D.C. are not. Wash., D.C. has tried many times to silence me by whatever criminal means available! Back the Omni Law to all the public and politicians until we pass it. It is the only smart answer how to break the  bad government now going on.
     The great movie Tucker  - The Man And His Dream produced by Paramount Pictures tells how Preston Tucker played by Jeff Bridges was brilliant in auto engineering and smashed by Wash., D.C. for daring to manufacture and bring out his Tucker Torpedo Car in 1948 in Chicago. The summary speech of Preston Tucker at the end of the federal trial tells of the federal policy since the end of World War II to smash almost all the brilliant and serious inventive geniuses in America since the time of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. America would be likely several hundred percent richer as a nation in national industries and good jobs for all if Wash., D.C. was not so fanatical an enemy of real freedom and the U.S. Bill of Rights as it has evolved into over the years. The Omni Law restores serious freedom and a new industrial boom to America once we get out of power the would-be tyrants as 1776 leaders would call them in Wash., D.C. today. Wash., D.C. no longer belives in the freedom America was founded upon in 1776. That is why the Omni Law needs to be passed in America in 2012. This restores the concepts of the American Revolution of 1776 back into national power by the new laws that will be passed through the Omni Law.
     Okay, folks. You have asked me to give you a simple battleplan how we storm America in 2012 for the Omni Law. Make email copies of this Omni Law Report and mass blast it all over America. If each reader sends this to 20 or more readers, this can within days if swiftly done or within a few weeks if slowly done by those sending it out just about cover the whole nation. Post it on every blog nationally you can. If stuck, send my NIFI $3 per 3 copies of this report printed up so you can mass reprint it and distribute it in your area or send out by mail. Or just copy an email copy of this and send it everywhere. Wash., D.C. stole much of my money before so I don't yet have the funds to hire a staff to mass handle emails from you. but as best I can, I will send you out email copies of this Omni Law Report out for free or per $3 send you out 3 printed copies of this. Once we get some real financial assistance from backers in the public, we can push this Omni Law Report very aggressively including  running  national ads in the newspapers, etc. across America. We can storm this nation. And if we have the support of 10% or more of the voters in America, we may well hold the balance of power as to who gets elected in November, 2012 and who does not! Omni Law gets passed!
     Contact politicians federal and state and force them to an answer whether they support or oppose passage of the Omni Law. Send me an email as to their stand and we will compile a national list of who to later vote for or against in the November, 2012 election. If any official federal or state tries to intimidate you or block you in any way from promoting this Omni Law, send me an email. We will keep files. When the 10 American Civil Tribunes are created by the passage of the Omni Law, I am sure they will investigate this list and likely charge those on this list with a conspiracy of high treason against constitutional government in America. And sentence them to the maximum if found guilty by law. That is the way the Roman Tribunes acted and scared the living hell out of the Roman politicians so they kept honest for centuries in the Roman Republic. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have with a militarily trained mind told you how we can storm America in this year of 2012. As Napoleon Bonaparate once commented, "Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools." As Jesus Christ commented, with enough faith, you can even move mountains which I think was an old Aramaic saying 2,000 years ago meaning you can win even against so-called "impossible odds" if you have faith enough. You told me that you want a leader to lead you to victory, Okay, call me your National Director and I will lead you to a gigantic victory. I know how to win. I will draw in other brilliant people who will reinforce our strategies and we will overwhelm the enemies of the American people in Wash., D.C. regardless of party or no party at all. Erasmus of America. P.S. I can't prove it but get the strong impression that God smiles on me because I have the guts as a Christian leader to seriously stand up for what should be done in America today. And I bet all of you will be heroes in God's eyes who stand up with me! Okay, heroes, let's storm the enemies of God and America and make America once more "One Nation Under God" truly in meaning and not just in empty words! Once the Omni Law is passed, I can give a colossal industry potentially as big as the oil cartel to America to skyrocket the American economy. Wash., D.C. under Obama did not want me to give America this colossal national wealth and potentially millions of new, high paying jobs!
     "If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, it will only take three days for most people in the US to receive the message. Maybe it is time. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!!" Page 8, December 2011, The Sovereign (National Newspaper, New York)

Sacred Visions of an Apache Elder

Sacred Visions of an Apache Elder

By Tom Brown Jr. (1991), from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1 (Dec '99 - Jan '00)   December 22, 1923
In the 1920s, an Apache wise man had a Vision of four prophecies that foretold death and destruction for mankind unless we incorporate Spirit in our daily lives. Two of these prophecies may already have come true.
A number of people can predict the future, but few get the timing correct. "Grandfather" was an Apache wise man and scout, named Stalking Wolf, who grew up outside white man's influence. His many predictions not only came true in the manner he predicted, but also when he predicted.
Grandfather had been wandering for several years and was well into his forties when the Vision of the four signs was given to him. He had just finished his third Vision, Quest at the EternalCave, when the Vision made itself known. He had been seated at the mouth of the cave, awaiting the rising Sun, when the spirit of the warrior appeared to him. He felt as if he were in a state somewhere between dream and reality, sleep and wakefulness, until the spirit finally spoke and he knew that it was not his imagination. The spirit called Grandfather's name and beckoned him to follow.
As Grandfather stood, he was suddenly transported to another world. Again, he thought that he was dreaming, but his flesh could feel the reality of this place.  His senses knew that this was a state of abject reality but in another time and place. The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather. "These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man. These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren. They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator. There are four signs, four warnings, that only the children of the Earth will understand. Each warning marks the beginning of a possible future and, as each warning becomes reality so, too, does the future it marks"...
The First Sign

"Welcome to what will be called the 'land of starvation'. The world will one day look upon all of this with horror and will blame the famine on the weather and the Earth. This will be the first warning to the world that man cannot live beyond the laws of Creation, nor can he fight Nature...
There will come starvation before and after this starvation, but none will capture the attention of the world with such impact as does this one. The children of the Earth will know the lessons that are held in all of this pain and death, but the world will only see it as drought and famine, blaming Nature instead of itself"...
In his dream, the spirit spoke to Grandfather. "It is during the years of the famine, the first sign, that man will be plagued by a disease, a disease that will sweep the land and terrorize the masses. The white coats [doctors/scientists] will have no answers for the people, and a great cry will arise across the land. The disease will be born of monkeys, drugs and sex. It will destroy man from inside, making common sickness a killing disease. Mankind will bring this disease upon himself as a result of his life, his worship of sex and drugs, and a life away from Nature. This, too, is a part of the first warning but, again, man will not heed this warning and he will continue to worship the false gods of sex and the unconscious spirit of drugs." [Author's note: This is presumably a reference to AIDS.]
The Second Sign

The spirit looked at Grandfather for a long moment, then finally spoke. "Holes in the sky... will become the second sign of the destruction of man. The holes in the sky and all that you have seen could become man's reality. It is here, at the beginning of this second sign, that man can no longer heal the Earth with physical action. It is here that man must heed the warning and work harder to change the future at hand. But man must not only work physically, he must also work spiritually, through prayer, for only through prayer can man now hope to heal the Earth and himself.  These holes are a direct result of man's life, his travel, and of the sins of his grandfathers and grandmothers.
These holes, the second sign, will mark the killing of his grandchildren and will become a legacy to man's life away from Nature. It is the time of these holes that will mark a great transition in mankind's thinking. They will then be faced with a choice - a choice to continue following the path of destruction or a choice to move back to the philosophy of the Earth and a simpler existence. It is here that the decision must be made or all will be lost"... [A reference to harmful radiation from holes in the ozone layer caused by burning fossil fuels.]
The Third Sign

Grandfather spent the next four days at the cave entrance, though for those four days nothing spoke to him, not even the Earth. He said that it was a time of great sorrow, of aloneness and a time to digest all that had taken place.  He knew that these things would not appear in his lifetime, but they had to be passed down to the people of the future with the same urgency and power with which they had been delivered to him but he did not know how he would explain these unlikely events to anyone. Surely the elders and shamans of the tribes would understand but not society, and certainly not anyone who was removed from the Earth and Spirit. He sat for the full four days, unmoving, as if made of stone and his heart felt heavy with the burden he now carried.
It was at the end of the fourth day that the third Vision came to him. As he gazed out onto the landscape towards the setting Sun, the sky suddenly turned to a liquid and then turned blood-red. As far as his eyes could see, the sky was solid red, with no variation in shadow, texture or light. The whole of Creation seemed to have grown still, as if awaiting some unseen command. Time, place and destiny seemed to be in limbo, stilled by the bleeding sky. He gazed for a long time at the sky in a state of awe and terror, for the red color of the sky was like nothing he had ever seen in any sunset or sunrise. The color was that of man, not of Nature, and it had a vile stench and texture. It seemed to burn the Earth wherever it touched. As sunset drifted to night, the stars shone bright red, the color never leaving the sky, and everywhere the cries of fear and pain were heard.
Again, the warrior spirit appeared to Grandfather, but this time as a voice from the sky. Like thunder, the voice shook the landscape. "This, then, is the third sign, the night of the bleeding stars. It will become known throughout the world for the sky in all lands will be red with the blood of the sky, day and night. It is then, with this sign of the third probable future, that there is no longer hope. Life on the Earth as man has lived it will come to an end and there can be no turning back, physically or spiritually. It is then, if things are not changed during the second sign, that man will surely know the destruction of the Earth is at hand. It is then that the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and hide for when the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety in the world of man."
Grandfather sat in shocked horror as the voice continued. "From this time, when the stars bleed, to the fourth and final sign will be four seasons of peace [that is one year]. It is in these four seasons that the children of the Earth must live deep in the wild places and find a new home, close to the Earth and the Creator. It is only the children of the Earth that will survive, and they must live the philosophy of the Earth, never returning to the thinking of man. And survival will not be enough, for the children of the Earth must also live close to the Spirit. So tell them not to hesitate if and when this third sign becomes manifest in the stars, for there are but four seasons to escape." Grandfather said that the voice and red sky lingered for a week, and then were gone as quickly as they were manifest.
The Fourth Sign

He did not remember how many days he'd spent at the mouth of the cave nor did it make a difference, for he had received the Vision he had come for.  It was in his final night at the EternalCave that the fourth Vision came to Grandfather, this time carried by the voice of a young child.
The child said, "The fourth and final sign will appear through the next ten winters [that is, ten years] following the night that the stars will bleed. During this time, the Earth will heal itself and man will die. For those ten years, the children of the Earth must remain hidden in the wild places, make no permanent camps, and wander to avoid contact with the last remaining forces of man. They must remain hidden, like the ancient scouts, and fight the urge to go back to the destruction of man. Curiosity could kill many."
There was a long silence until Grandfather spoke to the child spirit, asking, "And what will happen to the worlds of man?"  There was another period of silence until finally the child spoke again. "There will be a great famine throughout the world, like man cannot imagine. Waters will run vile, the poisons of man's sins running strong in the waters of the soils, lakes and rivers. Crops will fail, the animals of man will die, and disease will kill the masses. The grandchildren will feed upon the remains of the dead, and all about will be the cries of pain and anguish. Roving bands of men will hunt and kill other men for food, and water will always be scarce, getting scarcer with each passing year. The land, the water, the sky will all be poisoned, and man will live in the wrath of the Creator. Man will hide at first in the cities, but there he will die. A few will run to the wilderness, but the wilderness will destroy them, for they had long ago been given a choice. Man will be destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is then that the grandchildren will pay for the sins of their grandfathers and grandmothers."

"Is there then no hope?" Grandfather asked.  The child spoke again. "There is only hope during the time of the first and second signs. Upon the third sign, the night of the bleeding, there is no longer hope for only the children of the Earth will survive. Man will be given these warnings.  If unheeded, there can be no hope for only the children of the Earth will purge themselves of the cancers of mankind, of mankind's destructive thinking. It will be the children of the Earth who will bring a new hope to the new society, living closer to the Earth and Spirit."
Then all was silent.  The landscape cleared and returned to normal, and Grandfather stepped from the Vision. Shaken, he said that he had wandered for the next season, trying to understand all that had been given to him, trying to understand why he had been chosen.  Grandfather had related the story to me in great detail during that night of the four prophecies. I don't think that any event had been left out, and his emotions and thoughts were such that he actually relived it for us. Thus the power of his Vision became part of our spirit, our driving force, and a big part of our fears.  I sat for a long time up on the hill. The fire had gone out, and all had retired to sleep for the night. Creation seemed to be at a stand still, awaiting this darkest part of the night to pass by. I felt alone and vulnerable as if all of Creation were scrutinizing my every thought.
Grandfather had this Vision some time in the 1920s.
The prophetic accuracy of Stalking Wolf's visions are quite stunningly clear thus far, both in their highly detailed descriptions and sequence of events as presented to the young Tom Brown and friends. Here is the prophesied timeline as interpreted in the context of the ongoing magnetic polar reversal:
1st Sign............ 1975 - 1985 . African famine and AIDS spread

2nd Sign........... 1985 - 1995 . Holes form in Earth's ozone layer, permitting destructive solar rays

3rd Sign........... Dec 22, 2012 . Magnetic reversal ignites a plasma canopy seen as red skies worldwide

4th Sign............ 2012 - 2022 . Large-scale destruction of low-resonance human technology ensues
This interpretation of the timeline of Grandfather's visions is based on the notion that plasmas in our skies (now seen as auroras) will become more and more visible, eventually forming a complete canopy enveloping Earth. Identical scenarios of firestorms and the Red Dawn are prophesied by several other indigenous traditions from the Americas, including the Hopi, Sioux and Maya.
Contemporary solar scientists as well as Mayan timekeepers are predicting the most intense solar event in the history of humanity culminating in a system-wide magnetic reversal involving all of Sol's planets on December 22, 2012. The Prophecy of the Night of the Red Skies predicts an atmospheric change of epic proportions in our imminent future, however without providing a specific date after which time humanity is advised to abandon his technological traps before they become lethal.
The precursors of this oncoming energy wave are already manifesting as the electromagnetically oriented patterns of weather, animal and plant activity around the world are collapsing. Even more specific to the prophetic warnings are recent incidents of anomalous electric fires, such as the igniting cell phones and shavers in Vallejo, California, as well as in the Berici Hills of northern Italy and Messina, Sicily.
The changing ambient conditions of Earth are mitigated by the world's gigantic pyramidal transducers of infrasound, the Orion pyramids at Giza, which serve to balance the energy moving through our planet to reduce erratic earthquakes. This energetic build-up process has already reached evacuation levels in various parts of the world. Piezoelectric firestorms are concurrently being experienced in waves of erratic activity, also measured as infrasound pulsation, in Ratria, India, Bodibe, South Africa, Seattle and Santa Barbara, USA.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 20:57:38

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012
8 Batz, 4 Vayeb, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.
These developments are further complicated by the mounting turbulence in the Middle East and parts of South Asia, and this growing instability is also ready to boil over. Meanwhile, the interlocked financial crises in Europe and the rest of the world persist, and will remain unsolvable without vast banking reforms and global debt forgiveness. It is not a situation the world can just sweep under the proverbial rug, and this the dark cabal now realizes. As a result it knows that its power in the world is coming to an end. A series of events now underway will very shortly cause the downfall of the cabal, by first isolating its members and then removing them from power. This will bring in NESARA in North America and, like ripples in a pond, facsimiles of this act will spread across the globe. This new governance is to lead to the global liberation of humanity and the formal disclosure of our existence. Then we can begin the announcements that will transform your worldview and your reality forever!
As you approach this watershed moment, remember that a whole series of events needs to take place prior to disclosure. Our Earth allies fully comprehend what is now happening. The reality construct that has manipulated your lives and your world needs to collapse completely to permit the new system to take its place. This new system is currently being nudged into place by the same circumstances that are taking the old one down. This operation is happening at a very quick pace. The present system cannot sustain another extreme crisis, and such a crisis is very, very close at hand. Hence it was decided to put the new system clandestinely in place and wait for the right moment to reveal its constituent parts: new money, new banking, and new governance. The intention here is to allow the old system to be totally discredited and seen to be defunct, so that the general public will be disposed to welcome in the new. Our ships are monitoring all global flash points and will forestall the dark's usual tactics of solving problems by the use of warmongering and terrorism. This we will no longer permit!
In this world there always existed conditions and incendiary 'circumstances' that reliably led to 'useful' wars or even global conflagration. In these times we are delegated to prevent this, and to lead your globe into peace and prosperity. The dark is stoking a number of old conflict zones that it sincerely hopes to reignite. We need to inform them that, sadly, this is yet another plot that is not to be allowed! Your world is quickly shifting, and what Heaven has prepared is not to be undone! Our mission is centered on your return to full consciousness and this goal is on track. The next series of disclosures is ready to go, as are the actions which will slip your world ever closer to its grand shift. Heaven has decreed that this is now to proceed and all impediments are to be removed. Many individuals, who are not widely known, are to make the announcements that usher in the transitional governments and liberate humanity from its eons-long involuntary servitude.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Bless you all, for you are to be free! Events, blessed Ones, are busily happening, which will shake the dark cabal to its roots and put into play the circumstances that will bring them down. We bless Heaven and all those who have come to Earth to work the many miracles that are a boon to our sacred plans. Precious metals, as they are called here, have been horded for ages by the dark cabalists. They then substituted increasingly worthless mediums of exchange and introduced profane modes of usage. These are the factors that are proving to be their undoing. Major banks and stock exchanges are caught in a quagmire of massive shortfalls which makes their collapse both imminent and quick. Meanwhile, our associates have been busy planning the next phase of their operations for the last few months and are ready to proceed with the new financial system that is to 'save the day' for humanity!
We cannot, for obvious reasons, elaborate on these plans yet. Just know that conditions worldwide are rapidly bringing the dark to the brink of an enormous calamity. The major nations, outside of the G-5, understand fully what is occurring, and are gleefully preparing for the collapse of major commodity and stock markets. This necessary 'sweep of the broom' will propel your society from its present morass of anxiety to a carefully orchestrated world of peace, prosperity, and open vistas of unbelievable possibility! All elements for this have only to slide into place! Hence, we ask you to remain full of confidence and joyous expectation, for many incredible events are close to manifesting. Rest assured that the Galactic Federation and our Agarthan family is guarding us against all last-ditch attempts by the dark to go out with a bang!
Take advantage of this time to prepare for your new reality. It will unfortunately come as a shock to most of your fellows. Be willing to start discussions with friends and family about what lies ahead, so that they may be somewhat prepared for the unsettling information they will shortly hear. And once things start, use your intuition and the wisdom life has taught you to comfort and ease the anxieties of those whose worlds have been turned upside down. Imagine what it feels like to have your fondest beliefs challenged, and know that your calm presence and your reassurances are essential for helping your community to accept a milieu that seems to get stranger by the day. Your mission is to remain serene amid the bewilderment around you. This is what you have been 'training' for over many lifetimes, and now the time is upon you. You are the blessed Ones whose abilities will make all the difference in these end times, and beyond!
Today, we updated you on important events. It is vital for you to recognize that what is now underway is a series of planned events that lead up to 'the cascade of dominoes' finale. Then the new epoch for humanity can slide wonderfully into place! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

ARRESTS: Three Irish Banksters Arrested

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ARRESTS: Three Irish Banksters Arrested
Posted By: Sacred_Scientist [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 19:08:59
The former head of Anglo Irish Bank, Sean FitzPatrick, has been arrested by Irish police in connection with alleged financial irregularities at the bank.
Mr FitzPatrick has been appearing in court in Dublin.
He is the third former senior executive from Anglo Irish Bank to appear in court within the past 24 hours.
All three men face 16 charges in relation to an alleged failed attempt to prop up Anglo's share price after a stock market collapse.