Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Michelle Bachmann and the Muslim Brotherhood

Michelle Bachmann and the Muslim Brotherhood

“To this day, the U.S. government is the only major power not to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.”

Tea Party Congressman Michelle Bachmann is under attack by members of her own party for expressing serious concerns about threats to the national security of the United States posed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Among the prominent figures associated with this criticism of Rep. Bachmann are Speaker Boehner and Senator John McCain.

There is publicly-available information indicating that the Muslim Brotherhood has roots deep in the pre-WW II years, the nature of which is not only alarming, it is extremely disturbing.

My belief is that Representative Bachmann’s concerns are well-founded, and that we should be extremely concerned about the apparent conciliatory gestures we are seeing manifested toward the Muslim Brotherhood by members of both parties, encouraging acceptance of this dangerous organization as a legitimate entity within American society.

I stumbled across this information, which has not been mentioned in any of the current commentary, in my exploration of a shocking but little known book written by a former U.S. Army intelligence officer and Justice Department prosecutor who was assigned to investigate reports of illegal post-war immigration into the U.S. of senior Nazi officers who were guilty of serious war crimes.

The title of this book is “America’s Nazi Secret”, and its author is John Loftus. Loftus had previously written a number of books on the subject of post-war activities by various Nazi figures, as well as the subject of hidden western connections to the Nazi regime, including “The Secret War Against the Jews” and “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks”.

Before quoting from Loftus, it would be instructive to review some of the comments being made about the Bachmann situation.

Here are excerpts from several relevant articles published today (July 24), the first of which suggests that the Muslim Brotherhood is simply representative of a form of Muslim extremism which is characteristic of all of Islam:

The Wages of Willful Blindness: Is It Time for Defenders of Liberty to Abandon the GOP?

July 24, 2012
“The embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood by President Obama, aided and abetted by the Republican establishment, is not new. It is the culmination of a gradual surrender whose silhouette was already evident nearly twenty years ago when I wrote about it in Willful Blindness, a memoir about the start of our nation’s confrontation with Islamic supremacism as a domestic threat – back in the early Nineties, when I led the prosecution of the Blind Sheikh’s jihadist cell, which carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Is our wayward course one that can be corrected? The ongoing controversy over Islamist influence on our government  will probably answer that question…

The Obama administration and the Republican establishment would have us a live a lie – a lie that endangers our liberties and our security. The lie is this: There is a difference between mainstream Islamic ideology and what they call ‘violent extremism’

The fallout from this line of thinking is that we must conclude mainstream Islam, everywhere on Earth including the Middle East, has nothing to do with violence and therefore it is ‘moderate’ and even ‘admirable’…

This is why the Obama administration and the Republican establishment work so hard to ignore the Brotherhood’s anthem ‘Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allah’u’Akbar! Allah’u’Akbar! Allah’u’Akbar!’…

Under this delusional view of our threat environment, the Muslim Brotherhood is not an ideological enemy to be feared but a political organization to be negotiated with and accommodated.”

Michele Bachmann finds plenty of friends back home

ELK RIVER, Minn. — The verdict from Washington last week was swift and bipartisan: Michele Bachmann was out of line.
Accusing two prominent Muslims — State Department aide Huma Abedin and Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota — of being tied to the Muslim Brotherhood was a step too far, even for the conservative firebrand.
But the Northeast corridor’s stunned disbelief at what it saw as a loony conspiracy theory is replaced with hollers of support among Bachmann’s many devoted fans here in the exurbs north of the Twin Cities that she represents…
Bachmann has long been drawn to the idea that Muslim Brotherhood agents are infiltrating the government — even before she landed a seat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Ron Carey, former chairman of the Minnesota Republican Party and Bachmann’s chief of staff in 2010, said he was present during a private briefing in her office about the group. Bachmann is simply “privy to information that you and I don’t have.”
“It was very sobering, some of the information this individual was sharing in this private meeting about the Muslim Brotherhood,” Carey said. “I think she’s been exposed to a lot of discussion on the Hill, and it’s been an area of tremendous interest with her.”
Is it possible that Rep. Bachmann was made aware of some of the information in the Loftus book?
I believe that the truth of the origins and history of the Muslim Brotherhood, as it is revealed in “America’s Nazi Secret”, could well be the information that is so troubling to Rep. Bachmann.
Accordingly, I have taken the time to transcribe a rather lengthy section from the Loftus book which summarizes this information. I encourage you to reflect on the significance of this information in relation to the other concerns which many of us have regarding the constitutional eligibility and the true agenda of the “person who calls himself Barack Obama”.
[Note: The Loftus book includes the stunning revelation that the abdication of Edward VIII ‘to marry the woman I love’ in 1936 was a cover story to conceal his exposure by MI6 as a Nazi agent. Also, according to Loftus, British SIS/MI6 wiretapped Joe Kennedy, and even indicted his code clerk as a Nazi spy when Kennedy served as Roosevelt’s Ambassador to the Court of St. James.]
Excerpt from “America’s Nazi Secret”
by John Loftus (published in 2011)
“At the end of the 1800s, some of America’s wealthiest families had pooled their money to form aggressively brutal monopolies, cartels, and other price-fixing schemes. Their perfidious and predatory practices had earned them the nickname “the Robber Barons of Wall Street”. There were some Democrats like the Harriman family (and later the Kennedys), but most of the Robber Barons were unabashedly Republicans. The Rockefeller, Dupont, Bush, and Walker families were just a few.
I have always said that neither JFK nor George W. Bush should be blamed because their parents or grandparents invested in Hitler. What many people do not realize is that Joseph Kennedy bought his Nazi-era stock through Prescott Bush. They traveled by ship to Germany together before the war.
Teddy Roosevelt, arguably the most honest of the Republican presidents, was the only one in the GOP who tried to bring the Robber Barons to their knees. He persuaded Congress to pass extremely strict anti-trust, anti-cartel, and anti-monopoly legislation. In 1918, the Robber Barons fought back, and somehow convinced Congress to pass the Webb-Pomerene Act. This little-known loophole law permitted the creation of American trusts, monopolies, etc as long as it was done overseas. Because of this loophole law, investment capital left America in a great flood, one of the contributing causes of the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.
During the 1920s, three countries were targeted for takeover by the Robber Barons: Germany, Russia, and what is now known as Saudi Arabia. The tactics were the same: American cartels bribed their way into friendly governments and then protected their investments by hiring local mercenaries paid terrorist groups who watched over their investments.
In Saudi Arabia, the terrorists for hire were known as the “Ikhwan al Muslimeen”, the Muslim Brothers, or more colloquially the Muslim Brotherhood. The Robber Barons armed this group of fanatical Wahhabists, who drove the peaceful Hashemite rulers out of Mecca and Medina and installed the House of Saud. The Saudis named the country after themselves, created an oil company with their American investors (Aramco) and then promptly threw the Ikhwan terrorists out of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were not stupid after all.
The Ikhwan settled primarily in Egypt, where they joined the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood created by Hassan al Banna in 1928. He was a devout admirer of and correspondent with young Adolf Hitler. “In heaven Allah, on earth Hitler” was their battle cry.
Hassan’s Muslim Brotherhood became a fully-integrated arm of the German intelligence and propaganda networks during WW II. They specialized in acts of terrorism and assassination of Allied troops, promising German General Erwin Rommel that he would not find a single Allied soldier left alive when he arrived in Cairo.
The Arab Nazis remain the only segment of the Third Reich that was never punished or even dismantled. After the war, the British Secret Service hired the Ikhwan terrorists, and used them as a fifth column in an attempt to destroy the infant state of Israel in 1948. When General Nasser and the leftists took over Egypt, they banned this huge army of Arab Nazis now numbering nearly three quarters of a million strong. In the 1950s, the same Robber Barons who helped fund and create the original Saudi Ikhwan, convinced their Saudi partners to take them back. The Saudis gladly accepted the Nazi refugees from the Egyptian Ikhwan and gave them citizenship.
At least the Egyptian Nazis were literate. The Saudis used the Muslim Brotherhood as school teachers. It was a perfect storm of Nazi racism and Wahhabi bigotry.
A perfect storm was arising in America as well. When Eisenhower was elected, one of the Robber Baron lawyers, Allen Dulles, former head of the OPC*, became head of CIA. His brother, John Foster Dulles, became Eisenhower’s Secretary of State. Between them, the trickle of Nazi immigration to America became a flood.
*(Office of Policy Coordination in the State Department – an intelligence organization in the State Dept. which was separate from but funded by CIA appropriations and which recruited high-level Nazis while the CIA itself was hunting Nazis. The CIA was then restricted to passive intelligence collection by its charter, while OPC was secretly employed for ”operational” activities. OPC/CIA rivalry was intense, and they were often in conflict. OPC was later merged into the CIA, and its operational role was taken over by the Agency. Loftus believes that the responsibility for the illegal entry into the U.S. of hundreds Nazi war criminals, including one Mykola Lebed, former Chief of the Gestapo in the Ukraine and responsible for the brutal torture and murder of tens of thousands of Polish, Jewish, and Ukrainian citizens, rests entirely with the OPC. )
The Dulles brothers sold the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups to the ever-gullible Eisenhower as a counter-weight to the Arab Communists. It was a tragic error.
History records the Muslim Brotherhood as the parent organization of every subsequent Sunni terrorist group from Hamas to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Mohammed Qutb, the brother of the chief Nazi propagandist, was the personal tutor of the young Osama bin Laden. Although Congress and the CIA did not know it, the roots of the 9/11 tragedy began in the Eisenhower administration.
Shortly before Allen Dulles was fired by President Kennedy, he had already brought the first leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to America. In 1963, Ibrahim Yazdi founded the Moslem Student Association in Houston, Texas, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Yazdi worked with Richard Cottam, a CIA operative in the 1953 OPC team under John Waller and Kermit Roosevelt that overthrew Iran’s Mossadegh; Yazdi organized campus chapters for the Muslim Brotherhood all over the U.S. during the 70s, but prohibited protests against the Shah. Then he showed up in Paris standing next to (Sayyed Ruhollah) Musavi Khomeini, the “instant” leader of the so-called Islamic Revolution against the Shah. The machinations of the Muslim Brotherhood gained the Dulles brothers one decade of Iranian oil profits, but left America with three decades of fanatical Islamic opponents.
The last time the Robber Barons took the Arab Nazis out of the closet was in the early 1980s, when the Muslim Brotherhood was reinforced in America to recruit the second generation of Arab fascists to fight as Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood and head recruiter of the Mujahedeen movement, was Osama bin Laden’s religious mentor. The CIA. Of course, was kept out of the loop as Vice-President Bush funneled money through the Saudi and Pakistani governments to put the Ikhwan terrorists back on the payroll.
To this day, the U.S. government is the only major power not to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. In fact, the State Department still spends our taxpayer dollars to fund a propaganda effort to portray the Muslim Brotherhood as “reformed” and “moderates” with whom we can do business. The hard truth is that our businessmen have been dealing with them all along, both in Egypt and Iran.”
So – are Representative Bachmann’s concerns about high-level Democratic Party ties to, and its apparent support for, the Muslim Brotherhood warranted?
I believe they are.
John Loftus, an American patriot for whom possession of the highest possible U.S. security clearances gave him access to secret government files in the Justice Department, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department, uses the term “Arab Nazis” as an alternative name for the Muslim Brotherhood. This is not just a pejorative term – this is literally a correct name for this organization based on its true origins and its shameful history.
Perhaps Senator McCain and Speaker Boehner should become better acquainted with some important twentieth century history.

A Concerned American Veteran 

Tony Blair: hanging bankers won't help

Tony Blair: hanging bankers won't help

Public anger over the financial crisis is wrong and must not lead Britain to “hang bankers at the end of the street,” Tony Blair says today.

Tony Blair: hanging bankers won't help
Tony Blair: hanging bankers won't help Photo: ANDREW CROWLEY
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the former prime minister launches a defence of the free market and liberal economic rules established by the Thatcher government.
The approach promoted by Baroness Thatcher’s government is not to blame for the recent financial and economic crisis, Mr Blair says, warning against taking vengeance on bankers and increasing State intervention in the private sector.
We must not start thinking that society will be better off “if we hang 20 bankers at the end of the street”, Mr Blair says.
Big international banks are still the focus of public and political attacks for what critics say was their role in causing the financial crisis.
Mr Blair cautions against letting that anger lead to regulations that could reverse Lady Thatcher’s work to reduce government involvement in free markets.
He says: “Don’t take 30 years of liberalisation, beginning under Mrs Thatcher, and say this is what caused the financial crisis.”
Senior figures from the main parties have suggested that the crisis and alleged wrongdoing of banks such as Barclays should lead to tougher controls on banks.
Mr Blair challenges those calls, and says: “We mustn’t go back to the State running everything.”
That remark may be seen as a warning to Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, to avoid advocating Left-wing interventionist policies.
Instead of seeking to change laws and regulations, Mr Blair says that politicians must examine cultural norms. “We must regain the basic values of what society is about,” he says. “We’re not against wealth, but we are in favour of social responsibility.”
Mr Blair’s intervention is likely to prove controversial because of his commercial interests since leaving Downing Street five years ago. He is an adviser to JP Morgan, a US investment bank; Zurich, a Swiss financial firm; and has clients, including several governments, which are said to deliver an annual income of about £20 million.
In the interview, Mr Blair indicates that he is looking for a way to re-enter British public life and discusses his ambitions for taking an international political job.
“I’d like to find a form of intervening in debates,” Mr Blair says, adding that his experiences since quitting as prime minister have given him valuable insights.
Mr Blair will speak in a debate about the role of religion today.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 20:57:38

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 24, 2012
8 Batz, 4 Vayeb, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! Much continues to take place behind the facade of your world. The dark cabal's global banking system is crumbling at an ever-increasing rate, and a raft of banking CEOs is being forced to resign. Interpol and associated agencies are stepping up their investigations into the LIBOR scandal which now appears to have no clear boundaries, and indeed this operation is starting to threaten numerous governments in Europe and Asia with collapse. As the crisis grows, the BRIC nations and their allies are informing the cabal that its attempts to reinstate its electronic fiat currencies are banned forthwith. This is further exacerbated by a lack of available capital. The political situation in Europe and, shortly, in North America, is reaching a boiling point. Something has to be done swiftly, or the present economic construct is sure to collapse. The new economic system favored by the coalition of BRIC nations is now fully ready to be rolled out at a moment's notice, and pursuant to this, several nations in Asia have placed liens on a number of major western banks.
These developments are further complicated by the mounting turbulence in the Middle East and parts of South Asia, and this growing instability is also ready to boil over. Meanwhile, the interlocked financial crises in Europe and the rest of the world persist, and will remain unsolvable without vast banking reforms and global debt forgiveness. It is not a situation the world can just sweep under the proverbial rug, and this the dark cabal now realizes. As a result it knows that its power in the world is coming to an end. A series of events now underway will very shortly cause the downfall of the cabal, by first isolating its members and then removing them from power. This will bring in NESARA in North America and, like ripples in a pond, facsimiles of this act will spread across the globe. This new governance is to lead to the global liberation of humanity and the formal disclosure of our existence. Then we can begin the announcements that will transform your worldview and your reality forever!
As you approach this watershed moment, remember that a whole series of events needs to take place prior to disclosure. Our Earth allies fully comprehend what is now happening. The reality construct that has manipulated your lives and your world needs to collapse completely to permit the new system to take its place. This new system is currently being nudged into place by the same circumstances that are taking the old one down. This operation is happening at a very quick pace. The present system cannot sustain another extreme crisis, and such a crisis is very, very close at hand. Hence it was decided to put the new system clandestinely in place and wait for the right moment to reveal its constituent parts: new money, new banking, and new governance. The intention here is to allow the old system to be totally discredited and seen to be defunct, so that the general public will be disposed to welcome in the new. Our ships are monitoring all global flash points and will forestall the dark's usual tactics of solving problems by the use of warmongering and terrorism. This we will no longer permit!
In this world there always existed conditions and incendiary 'circumstances' that reliably led to 'useful' wars or even global conflagration. In these times we are delegated to prevent this, and to lead your globe into peace and prosperity. The dark is stoking a number of old conflict zones that it sincerely hopes to reignite. We need to inform them that, sadly, this is yet another plot that is not to be allowed! Your world is quickly shifting, and what Heaven has prepared is not to be undone! Our mission is centered on your return to full consciousness and this goal is on track. The next series of disclosures is ready to go, as are the actions which will slip your world ever closer to its grand shift. Heaven has decreed that this is now to proceed and all impediments are to be removed. Many individuals, who are not widely known, are to make the announcements that usher in the transitional governments and liberate humanity from its eons-long involuntary servitude.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Bless you all, for you are to be free! Events, blessed Ones, are busily happening, which will shake the dark cabal to its roots and put into play the circumstances that will bring them down. We bless Heaven and all those who have come to Earth to work the many miracles that are a boon to our sacred plans. Precious metals, as they are called here, have been horded for ages by the dark cabalists. They then substituted increasingly worthless mediums of exchange and introduced profane modes of usage. These are the factors that are proving to be their undoing. Major banks and stock exchanges are caught in a quagmire of massive shortfalls which makes their collapse both imminent and quick. Meanwhile, our associates have been busy planning the next phase of their operations for the last few months and are ready to proceed with the new financial system that is to 'save the day' for humanity!
We cannot, for obvious reasons, elaborate on these plans yet. Just know that conditions worldwide are rapidly bringing the dark to the brink of an enormous calamity. The major nations, outside of the G-5, understand fully what is occurring, and are gleefully preparing for the collapse of major commodity and stock markets. This necessary 'sweep of the broom' will propel your society from its present morass of anxiety to a carefully orchestrated world of peace, prosperity, and open vistas of unbelievable possibility! All elements for this have only to slide into place! Hence, we ask you to remain full of confidence and joyous expectation, for many incredible events are close to manifesting. Rest assured that the Galactic Federation and our Agarthan family is guarding us against all last-ditch attempts by the dark to go out with a bang!
Take advantage of this time to prepare for your new reality. It will unfortunately come as a shock to most of your fellows. Be willing to start discussions with friends and family about what lies ahead, so that they may be somewhat prepared for the unsettling information they will shortly hear. And once things start, use your intuition and the wisdom life has taught you to comfort and ease the anxieties of those whose worlds have been turned upside down. Imagine what it feels like to have your fondest beliefs challenged, and know that your calm presence and your reassurances are essential for helping your community to accept a milieu that seems to get stranger by the day. Your mission is to remain serene amid the bewilderment around you. This is what you have been 'training' for over many lifetimes, and now the time is upon you. You are the blessed Ones whose abilities will make all the difference in these end times, and beyond!
Today, we updated you on important events. It is vital for you to recognize that what is now underway is a series of planned events that lead up to 'the cascade of dominoes' finale. Then the new epoch for humanity can slide wonderfully into place! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Prepare Your Heart for the Olympics - David Icke Says Use It or Lose It.

Subject:  Prepare Your Heart for the Olympics - David Icke Says Use It or Lose It.
The opening and closing ceremonies of the London Olympics are mass satanic rituals disguised as a celebration of Britain and sport. Their medium is the language of symbolism.

Symbols are electromagnetic information fields that are encoded with information related to what the symbols represent. These symbols can attach to our own electromagnetic fields and psyche when we give them our unknowing attention – energy flows where attention goes.

This week in the build-up to the London Games opening ceremony on Friday evening UK time I am going to post a symbol each day that will be used in the opening ceremony which people can come together around the world to focus upon with their heart energy and dilute the power that these symbols will have when used in the Olympic ritual.

The Olympic Stadium is strategically placed on the earth-energy grid to tap into the immense London and British power centres and this is why Glastonbury Tor, one of the most significant earth-vortex points in the UK, is a centre piece of the opening ceremony. The microcosm (the model of Glastonbury Tor in the Olympic stadium) draws in the energy from its macrocosm. It is an expression of the holographic principle of `as above, so below'. This is how symbolism works.

The Global Cabal seeks to harness this energy on its own satanic frequencies or vibrations. The enormous Olympic bell, the biggest harmonically-tuned bell in the world made specially for the opening ceremony, is designed to dictate that frequency right at the start.

If you watch the...

Gold in Them Thar Hills, But EPA Won't Let 'em Dig!

Gold in Them Thar Hills, But EPA Won't Let 'em Dig!

$500B Alaskan gold and copper mine in upstream battle with EPA, salmon advocates
Published July 24, 2012
  • goldbars.jpg

Gold in Them Thar Hills, But EPA Won’t Let ‘Em Dig

An Alaskan mine that may contain more than $500 billion in gold, copper and other minerals will never get dug if environmentalists get their way.

The proposed Pebble Mine, near the headwaters of Bristol Bay in southwest Alaska, could yield a staggering 107 million ounces of gold, 80 billion pounds of copper and 5.6 billion pounds of molybdenum, which is used to make steel alloys. Pebble Partnership, which wants to do the digging, is so confident of the bounty beneath the ground it has spent five years and $107 million monitoring the soil, water and air in order to assure the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) it can mine without causing ecological damage.

"The quantity, grade and continuity of mineralization at Pebble ... demonstrate the project's potential to be one of the great metal producers of the 21st century," said Rod Thiessen, president and CEO of Northern Dynasty Minerals, which is working on the project with London-based Anglo American.

But the lucrative mine is swimming upstream against a powerful environmental lobby that believes it would endanger the sockeye salmon habitat, wipe out entire streams, pollute other waterways and carve a maze of roads stretching hundreds of square miles. A draft watershed assessment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released in May found that a possible failure of a dam holding waste from the project could spill into the fish habitat and poison salmon for decades to come. Pebble officials say the assessment is flawed because it is not based on any proposal from them, but on irrelevant mining scenarios. The company hasn't filed a formal proposal.

A public comment period on that assessment ended Monday and a peer review panel will examine the scientific and technical merit of the EPA assessment in Anchorage on Aug. 7-9. But some conservationists and commercial fishers told they believe the EPA’s assessment is a significant blow to the proposed mine.

“If you read the watershed assessment, the conclusion that the EPA came to is that even without a catastrophic dam failure, there would be cumulative effects over time that would have an adverse effect on fish and other animals in the region,” said Lindsey Bloom, an organizer with Trout Unlimited and operator of a commercial fishing boat. “For us, if you look at the Exxon Valdez oil spill or the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf, consumers just balk at the idea of potential pollution in their seafood.”
Bristol Bay — home to the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world — contains all five species of North American Pacific salmon and provides at least 14,000 full- and part-time jobs annually, valued at roughly $480 million, according to the EPA. It also accounts for 46 percent of wild sockeye salmon worldwide and provides habitat to more than 190 bird species as well.
Bloom said Alaskans have long been “overwhelmingly” against the project over fears that a large-scale mine will fundamentally and irrevocably alter the region’s pristine landscape. Some natives also see the mine as one mega-industry stomping on local fisheries.

“I’m in favor of protecting existing jobs,” she said. “I see the mine as a potential job killer. It’s really big business versus big business. The fishing industry is the No. 1 job supplier in the state of Alaska. To me, that’s one business being threatened by another, and it’s not a 'save the baby whales' situation.”

Pebble officials say the project has support from Alaskans, and deny that it would imperil fish.

Pebble Partnership CEO John Shivley calls the EPA document “rushed” and inadequate. Spokesman Mike Heatwole said the group is preparing to answer the “clearly flawed” report and questioned why the federal agency ignored calls for an extension of the public comment period. Pebble hasn't even formally applied for a permit, Heatwole said, and doesn't understand why the EPA jumped to block a mine he says will benefit the ailing state economy.

“Why the rush by the EPA?” Heatwole told “Why not listen to the state of Alaska?”
The mine has backing from some state officials. In June, state Attorney General Michael Geraghty wrote the EPA to complain of what he called an “unnecessary rush to judgment.” He sought to have the deadline for public comment extended to Nov. 20. Geraghty believes that if the EPA invokes the federal Clean Water Act in addressing the mining proposal, it could potentially “extinguish” the state’s mineral rights.

EPA officials, meanwhile, said that the agency has made no judgments about the use of its regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act and the draft study in no way prejudges future consideration of proposed mining activities. Officials told the agency has worked with the fishing industry and other "important stakeholders" to make sure all voices are heard. But they said the project has to get an up or down vote at some point.
“In order to ensure that the final assessment is released in a timely fashion, it is imperative that this process move forward on schedule,” the agency said in a statement.

Meanwhile, in September, Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., became the first senator to call on the EPA to use its Clean Water Act authority to block any large development project if science determined it have "unacceptable adverse impacts" on water quality and the fish that depend on it.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, believes the EPA's draft assessment may have been the first in that process and has questioned why the EPA did not allow a longer public comment period.
“This is the first time the EPA has conducted a preemptive assessment of an entire watershed without even having a specific project description to evaluate," Murkowski said in a statement to "Given the potential impact on the state’s economy, I’m disappointed the EPA did not allow Alaskans, many of whom are busy 24-hours a day during our short summers with commercial and subsistence fishing, more than 60 days to comment.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more:



A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well.

One day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.

The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:

Have you any grounds?
Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.

No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
It is made of concrete.

I don’t think you understand.  Does either of you have a real grudge?
No, we have carport and not need one.
I mean what are your relations like?
All my relations still in Poland.

Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.

Does your wife beat you up?
No, I always up before her.

Is your wife a nagger?
No, she white.

Why do you want this divorce?
She going to kill me.

What makes you think that?
I got proof.

What kind of proof?
She going to poison me.She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom.  I can read English pretty good, and it say:


Ron Paul ~ Security and Self-Governance: 2nd. Amendment Over-rides International Treaty!

Ron Paul ~ Security and Self-Governance: 2nd. Amendment Over-rides International Treaty!

24 Jul
Ron Paul ~ Security and Self-Governance: 2nd. Amendment Over-rides International Treaty!
The senseless and horrific killings last week at a movie theater in Colorado reminded Americans that life is fragile and beautiful, and we should not take family, friends, and loved ones for granted. Our prayers go out to the injured victims and the families of those killed.

As a nation we should use this terrible event to come together with the resolve to create a society that better values life.We should also face the sober reality that government cannot protect us from all possible harm. No matter how many laws we pass, no matter how many police or federal agents we put on the streets, no matter how routinely we monitor internet communications, a determined individual or group can still cause great harm. We as individuals are responsible for our safety and the safety of our families.

Furthermore, it is the role of civil society rather than government to build a culture of responsible, peaceful, productive individuals. Government cannot mandate morality or instill hope in troubled individuals. External controls on our behavior imposed by government through laws, police, and jails usually apply only after a terrible crime has occurred.
Internal self governance, by contrast, is a much more powerful regulator of human behavior than any law. This self-governance must be developed from birth, first by parents but later also through the positive influence of relatives and adult role models. Beyond childhood, character development can occur through religious, civic, and social institutions. Ultimately, self-governance cannot be developed without an underlying foundation of morality.

Government, however, is not a moral actor. The state should protect our rights, but it cannot develop our character. Whenever terrible crimes occur, many Americans understandably demand that government “do something” to prevent similar crimes in the future. But this reflexive impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty.

Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, and metal detectors? Do we really believe government can provide total security? Do we want to involuntarily commit every disaffected, disturbed, or alienated person who fantasizes about violence? Or can we accept that liberty is more important than the illusion of state-provided security?
Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.
Ron Paul

ACT! for America’s growing grassroots force is being met with an increasing number of members of the U.S. Congress who understand radical Islam’s threat to our nation.

Wow!  Mr. Gohmert really tears into her.  Be sure to take the time to watch the video... But the sad thing is, he shouldn't have to "tear into her".  She should answer the questions willingly.  Here is another Liberal with a twisted set of values who evidently places more importance on the "feelings" of Muslims than on our national security...That philosophy is reflected in her lack of action along the border, too, I might add.


ACT! for America’s growing grassroots force is being met with an increasing number of members of the U.S. Congress who understand radical Islam’s threat to our nation.

One such legislator is former federal Judge Louie Gohmert (R-TX/1st). Congressman Gohmert is one of the five Members of Congress asking for investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has positioned itself within high levels of our federal government. (See Action Item Below)

Rep. Gohmert questions DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano

Last week, during a Department of Homeland Security oversight hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee (to monitor activities by the Department), Representative Gohmert grilled Secretary Napolitano about DHS advisor Mohammed Elibiary, who reportedly was given a secret security clearance and then accessed and leaked sensitive DHS information.

Believe us when we say that Congressman Gohmert’s questioning of Secretary Napolitano is worth watching. Note how he clearly isn’t falling for Secretary Napolitano’s tap dancing routine which she uses to avoid answering a very simple question. What’s going on in our government?

Congressman Gohmert was a speaker at this year’s ACT! for America National Security Legislative Briefing and he was a recipient of the 2012 National Security Eagle Award, our organization’s highest legislative honor.

We cannot stress enough how extremely important it is that we show strong and continued support for Members of Congress like Louie Gohmert and the growing number of others who are stepping out on this issue. They must hear from their constituents back home.

***Important Action Item***

Please click HERE to be taken to the Contact Congress page of our website, so you can add your e-mails to the over 15,000 others that have been sent up to the Hill over the last few days. Click on the Alert in the red box entitled: Support Members of Congress Calling for Muslim Brotherhood Investigation. From there, follow the easy directions.

Please forward this Alert to everyone you know who shares our concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood and how the U.S. Government is addressing this threat.

The voice of ACT! for America is reaching Capitol Hill and we ARE making a difference. Thank you.

Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your "Bulk" or "Spam" folder, please click the "Not Spam" button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.

ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

LBJ's Mistress Blows Whistle On JFK Assassination

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE) Less than 9 minutes long

Subject: Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
Less than 9 minutes long....

So many 9/11 witnesses or people who
would seem to have knowledge of the
cover-up have been mysteriously dying.
This all can't be a coincidence.


This might be a Great song for Drake.... Please see if you can forward...

This might be a Great song for Drake.... Please see if you can forward...

Whether you wore the uniform of our armed forces or you didn't, if you care about our Country and it's people, which obviously the current people in Washington DC do not, this song should reignite some patriotism in your soul.

God Bless.

Not all emails deserve a "WOW" but this one sure does.
Tears and "Goose Bumps" are permitted.

If the Statue of  Liberty could sing, this would be the song.
Posted by: Maj Gen. Vernon Chong USAF ret.
Enjoy this GREAT new song!


Where There Are Sheep, Wolves Will Always Thrive

July 23, 2012

Where There Are Sheep, Wolves Will Always Thrive

Another mass homicide, and another round of the usual media drivel. It was a "senseless tragedy." "Shocking." The suspect was "quiet" and a "loner." He "must've just snapped." More pictures from the suspect's high school yearbook, more predictable cries for gun control.
Yawn. Frankly, I'm sick of it. Guess what, people! Evil exists. That's E-V-I-L, and people freely choose to commit it. They always have, and they always will.
I know that's a bizarre concept in post-Christian America, where we're taught that nothing is really evil or immoral (except a lack of "diversity," maybe) and that everyone is really good. Evil is simply an idea concocted by Hollywood script-writers for our entertainment, and if a gunman walks into a movie theater throwing gas grenades, it must all be part of the act.
I once read an account of a mass shooting in Australia back in 1996, and an eyewitness stated that as the gunman began killing people, bystanders began laughing. They thought it was some kind of stunt. It wasn't. They simply weren't conditioned to process the fact that they were witnessing actual murders with their own eyes.
The fact is that postmodern society has created an "artificial reality." Americans, and residents of other Western nations, live in air-conditioned buildings, eat processed foods, drive instead of walk, wait for the government check to come in the mail, and glut themselves into morbid obesity. They hire out a handful of volunteers to fight wars for them, and they hire out illegal aliens to mind their children and do their gardening. They walk around zombie-like, faces glued to iPhones; they fly around at 35,000 feet at 600 mph above the clouds where it's forty below zero -- and they get bored and bitch about the airplane food.
Evil thrives on vulnerability, and we're vulnerable because we're so detached from actual reality. After the 9/11 attacks turned the World Trade Center into an ash heap, a common reaction was "Duuude, it was just like a movie!" September 11 was the second attack on the WTC in eight years, and thousands of people a hundred stories up -- literally swaying in the breeze -- and millions of their fellow Americans still didn't "get it." I distinctly recall walking down a back-country road on a small-game hunt about a week after 9/11, rifle in hand, cognizant of the unusual quiet as all aircraft remained grounded, thinking, "Why don't you bastards try something now?" Of course, they wouldn't have -- evil avoids a confrontation. It hides from countervailing strength. It waits for the moment when you least expect it to seize its opportunity. And by failing to stand guard against it or acknowledge its presence, you, the victim, enable it.
Our forefathers hacked this nation out of a wilderness inhabited by Stone-Age tribesmen. They were in touch with reality. They fought wars, hunted their own meat, built their own homes, cleared their own forests, saddle-broke their own horses, birthed their own children, and buried their own dead. If they made a mistake, it could easily cost them their lives. "Reality" -- good, evil, pain, work, reward, suffering, joy -- was in their face 24-7. It wasn't artificially manufactured for them. They sure as hell weren't watching some Batman fantasy in a movie theater at midnight after a day eating Whoppers in the food court at the mall.
The great danger of the "Batman" shooting is that the still-deluded folks among us will believe that more government power and more gun control will solve the problem. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't even wait for the bodies in Aurora, Colorado to cool before he began his usual braying for gun control. Well, if guns are the problem, perhaps Mayor Bloomberg could lead by example and disband the armed NYPD security detail that protects him 24-7. Perhaps someone should remind him what armed NYPD men did to Amadou Diallo and Abner Louima. Or remind him about the Happy Land Social Club fire, in which 87 people were killed not by a gun, but by $5 worth of gasoline, or the Oklahoma City Bombing, in which 168 people were killed by diesel fuel and fertilizer, or the 3,000 people killed on 9/11 by box-cutters and airplanes.
The numerous journalists who think that we need to enact "sensible gun laws" like "other countries" should be reminded that mass shootings have occurred in Germany, Norway, Australia, Canada, and Great Britain, even after gun control laws far stricter than those in the U.S. were enacted.
Anyone who thinks that only the government should have guns, or that government officials wouldn't possibly commit acts of evil with guns, ought to familiarize himself with the following: Katyn Forest, Holodomor, NKVD, Khmer Rouge, Cultural Revolution, Tianenmen Square, Dujail, Babi Yar, Nanking, Waco, and Srebrenica.
The lesson of the "Batman" shooting is this: where there is a large sheep herd, the wolves will always thrive.
Do we want to be sheep, or not?