Michelle Bachmann and the Muslim Brotherhood
“To this day, the U.S. government is the only major power not to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.”
Tea Party Congressman Michelle Bachmann is under attack by members of her own party for expressing serious concerns about threats to the national security of the United States posed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Among the prominent figures associated with this criticism of Rep. Bachmann are Speaker Boehner and Senator John McCain.
There is publicly-available information indicating that the Muslim Brotherhood has roots deep in the pre-WW II years, the nature of which is not only alarming, it is extremely disturbing.
My belief is that Representative Bachmann’s concerns are well-founded, and that we should be extremely concerned about the apparent conciliatory gestures we are seeing manifested toward the Muslim Brotherhood by members of both parties, encouraging acceptance of this dangerous organization as a legitimate entity within American society.
I stumbled across this information, which has not been mentioned in any of the current commentary, in my exploration of a shocking but little known book written by a former U.S. Army intelligence officer and Justice Department prosecutor who was assigned to investigate reports of illegal post-war immigration into the U.S. of senior Nazi officers who were guilty of serious war crimes.
The title of this book is “America’s Nazi Secret”, and its author is John Loftus. Loftus had previously written a number of books on the subject of post-war activities by various Nazi figures, as well as the subject of hidden western connections to the Nazi regime, including “The Secret War Against the Jews” and “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks”.
Before quoting from Loftus, it would be instructive to review some of the comments being made about the Bachmann situation.
Here are excerpts from several relevant articles published today (July 24), the first of which suggests that the Muslim Brotherhood is simply representative of a form of Muslim extremism which is characteristic of all of Islam:
The Wages of Willful Blindness: Is It Time for Defenders of Liberty to Abandon the GOP?
July 24, 2012
“The embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood by President Obama, aided and abetted by the Republican establishment, is not new. It is the culmination of a gradual surrender whose silhouette was already evident nearly twenty years ago when I wrote about it in Willful Blindness, a memoir about the start of our nation’s confrontation with Islamic supremacism as a domestic threat – back in the early Nineties, when I led the prosecution of the Blind Sheikh’s jihadist cell, which carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Is our wayward course one that can be corrected? The ongoing controversy over Islamist influence on our government will probably answer that question…
The Obama administration and the Republican establishment would have us a live a lie – a lie that endangers our liberties and our security. The lie is this: There is a difference between mainstream Islamic ideology and what they call ‘violent extremism’…
The fallout from this line of thinking is that we must conclude mainstream Islam, everywhere on Earth including the Middle East, has nothing to do with violence and therefore it is ‘moderate’ and even ‘admirable’…
This is why the Obama administration and the Republican establishment work so hard to ignore the Brotherhood’s anthem ‘Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allah’u’Akbar! Allah’u’Akbar! Allah’u’Akbar!’…
Under this delusional view of our threat environment, the Muslim Brotherhood is not an ideological enemy to be feared but a political organization to be negotiated with and accommodated.”
Michele Bachmann finds plenty of friends back home
ELK RIVER, Minn. — The verdict from Washington last week was swift and bipartisan: Michele Bachmann was out of line.
ELK RIVER, Minn. — The verdict from Washington last week was swift and bipartisan: Michele Bachmann was out of line.
Accusing two prominent Muslims — State Department aide Huma Abedin and Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota — of being tied to the Muslim Brotherhood was a step too far, even for the conservative firebrand.
But the Northeast corridor’s stunned disbelief at what it saw as a loony conspiracy theory is replaced with hollers of support among Bachmann’s many devoted fans here in the exurbs north of the Twin Cities that she represents…
Bachmann has long been drawn to the idea that Muslim Brotherhood agents are infiltrating the government — even before she landed a seat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Ron Carey, former chairman of the Minnesota Republican Party and Bachmann’s chief of staff in 2010, said he was present during a private briefing in her office about the group. Bachmann is simply “privy to information that you and I don’t have.”
“It was very sobering, some of the information this individual was sharing in this private meeting about the Muslim Brotherhood,” Carey said. “I think she’s been exposed to a lot of discussion on the Hill, and it’s been an area of tremendous interest with her.”
Is it possible that Rep. Bachmann was made aware of some of the information in the Loftus book?
I believe that the truth of the origins and history of the Muslim Brotherhood, as it is revealed in “America’s Nazi Secret”, could well be the information that is so troubling to Rep. Bachmann.
Accordingly, I have taken the time to transcribe a rather lengthy section from the Loftus book which summarizes this information. I encourage you to reflect on the significance of this information in relation to the other concerns which many of us have regarding the constitutional eligibility and the true agenda of the “person who calls himself Barack Obama”.
[Note: The Loftus book includes the stunning revelation that the abdication of Edward VIII ‘to marry the woman I love’ in 1936 was a cover story to conceal his exposure by MI6 as a Nazi agent. Also, according to Loftus, British SIS/MI6 wiretapped Joe Kennedy, and even indicted his code clerk as a Nazi spy when Kennedy served as Roosevelt’s Ambassador to the Court of St. James.]
Excerpt from “America’s Nazi Secret”
by John Loftus (published in 2011)
“At the end of the 1800s, some of America’s wealthiest families had pooled their money to form aggressively brutal monopolies, cartels, and other price-fixing schemes. Their perfidious and predatory practices had earned them the nickname “the Robber Barons of Wall Street”. There were some Democrats like the Harriman family (and later the Kennedys), but most of the Robber Barons were unabashedly Republicans. The Rockefeller, Dupont, Bush, and Walker families were just a few.
I have always said that neither JFK nor George W. Bush should be blamed because their parents or grandparents invested in Hitler. What many people do not realize is that Joseph Kennedy bought his Nazi-era stock through Prescott Bush. They traveled by ship to Germany together before the war.
Teddy Roosevelt, arguably the most honest of the Republican presidents, was the only one in the GOP who tried to bring the Robber Barons to their knees. He persuaded Congress to pass extremely strict anti-trust, anti-cartel, and anti-monopoly legislation. In 1918, the Robber Barons fought back, and somehow convinced Congress to pass the Webb-Pomerene Act. This little-known loophole law permitted the creation of American trusts, monopolies, etc as long as it was done overseas. Because of this loophole law, investment capital left America in a great flood, one of the contributing causes of the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.
During the 1920s, three countries were targeted for takeover by the Robber Barons: Germany, Russia, and what is now known as Saudi Arabia. The tactics were the same: American cartels bribed their way into friendly governments and then protected their investments by hiring local mercenaries paid terrorist groups who watched over their investments.
In Saudi Arabia, the terrorists for hire were known as the “Ikhwan al Muslimeen”, the Muslim Brothers, or more colloquially the Muslim Brotherhood. The Robber Barons armed this group of fanatical Wahhabists, who drove the peaceful Hashemite rulers out of Mecca and Medina and installed the House of Saud. The Saudis named the country after themselves, created an oil company with their American investors (Aramco) and then promptly threw the Ikhwan terrorists out of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were not stupid after all.
The Ikhwan settled primarily in Egypt, where they joined the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood created by Hassan al Banna in 1928. He was a devout admirer of and correspondent with young Adolf Hitler. “In heaven Allah, on earth Hitler” was their battle cry.
Hassan’s Muslim Brotherhood became a fully-integrated arm of the German intelligence and propaganda networks during WW II. They specialized in acts of terrorism and assassination of Allied troops, promising German General Erwin Rommel that he would not find a single Allied soldier left alive when he arrived in Cairo.
The Arab Nazis remain the only segment of the Third Reich that was never punished or even dismantled. After the war, the British Secret Service hired the Ikhwan terrorists, and used them as a fifth column in an attempt to destroy the infant state of Israel in 1948. When General Nasser and the leftists took over Egypt, they banned this huge army of Arab Nazis now numbering nearly three quarters of a million strong. In the 1950s, the same Robber Barons who helped fund and create the original Saudi Ikhwan, convinced their Saudi partners to take them back. The Saudis gladly accepted the Nazi refugees from the Egyptian Ikhwan and gave them citizenship.
At least the Egyptian Nazis were literate. The Saudis used the Muslim Brotherhood as school teachers. It was a perfect storm of Nazi racism and Wahhabi bigotry.
A perfect storm was arising in America as well. When Eisenhower was elected, one of the Robber Baron lawyers, Allen Dulles, former head of the OPC*, became head of CIA. His brother, John Foster Dulles, became Eisenhower’s Secretary of State. Between them, the trickle of Nazi immigration to America became a flood.
*(Office of Policy Coordination in the State Department – an intelligence organization in the State Dept. which was separate from but funded by CIA appropriations and which recruited high-level Nazis while the CIA itself was hunting Nazis. The CIA was then restricted to passive intelligence collection by its charter, while OPC was secretly employed for ”operational” activities. OPC/CIA rivalry was intense, and they were often in conflict. OPC was later merged into the CIA, and its operational role was taken over by the Agency. Loftus believes that the responsibility for the illegal entry into the U.S. of hundreds Nazi war criminals, including one Mykola Lebed, former Chief of the Gestapo in the Ukraine and responsible for the brutal torture and murder of tens of thousands of Polish, Jewish, and Ukrainian citizens, rests entirely with the OPC. )
The Dulles brothers sold the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups to the ever-gullible Eisenhower as a counter-weight to the Arab Communists. It was a tragic error.
History records the Muslim Brotherhood as the parent organization of every subsequent Sunni terrorist group from Hamas to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Mohammed Qutb, the brother of the chief Nazi propagandist, was the personal tutor of the young Osama bin Laden. Although Congress and the CIA did not know it, the roots of the 9/11 tragedy began in the Eisenhower administration.
Shortly before Allen Dulles was fired by President Kennedy, he had already brought the first leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to America. In 1963, Ibrahim Yazdi founded the Moslem Student Association in Houston, Texas, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Yazdi worked with Richard Cottam, a CIA operative in the 1953 OPC team under John Waller and Kermit Roosevelt that overthrew Iran’s Mossadegh; Yazdi organized campus chapters for the Muslim Brotherhood all over the U.S. during the 70s, but prohibited protests against the Shah. Then he showed up in Paris standing next to (Sayyed Ruhollah) Musavi Khomeini, the “instant” leader of the so-called Islamic Revolution against the Shah. The machinations of the Muslim Brotherhood gained the Dulles brothers one decade of Iranian oil profits, but left America with three decades of fanatical Islamic opponents.
The last time the Robber Barons took the Arab Nazis out of the closet was in the early 1980s, when the Muslim Brotherhood was reinforced in America to recruit the second generation of Arab fascists to fight as Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood and head recruiter of the Mujahedeen movement, was Osama bin Laden’s religious mentor. The CIA. Of course, was kept out of the loop as Vice-President Bush funneled money through the Saudi and Pakistani governments to put the Ikhwan terrorists back on the payroll.
To this day, the U.S. government is the only major power not to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. In fact, the State Department still spends our taxpayer dollars to fund a propaganda effort to portray the Muslim Brotherhood as “reformed” and “moderates” with whom we can do business. The hard truth is that our businessmen have been dealing with them all along, both in Egypt and Iran.”
So – are Representative Bachmann’s concerns about high-level Democratic Party ties to, and its apparent support for, the Muslim Brotherhood warranted?
I believe they are.
John Loftus, an American patriot for whom possession of the highest possible U.S. security clearances gave him access to secret government files in the Justice Department, the CIA, the FBI, and the State Department, uses the term “Arab Nazis” as an alternative name for the Muslim Brotherhood. This is not just a pejorative term – this is literally a correct name for this organization based on its true origins and its shameful history.
Perhaps Senator McCain and Speaker Boehner should become better acquainted with some important twentieth century history.
A Concerned American Veteran