This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
To keep it simple, I have a ‘feeling’, surmising with factual evidence, that during the upcoming 2012 London Olympics, that biological agents will be inserted into the Coca Cola beverages to create the new coming pandemic influenza expected to kill 20% of the populace? During the research I found probable evidence identifying Coca Cola.
1. Coca Cola is first advertisement link and sponsor on Official 2012 London Olympics site and brings in the final evening presentation there (Hyde Park). The logo for the London Olympics shows Zion for Zionist (i.e. the Illuminati cabal).
2. Coca Cola and Pepsi is a member of the CFR and Brookings Institute. Brookings is involved in covert military operations and arming terrorist groups. Most identify CFR as NWO.
3. Senomyx has/had said it has signed a preliminary agreement to extend its research collaboration with the Coca-Cola Company.
4. Senomyx produces flavor enhancers used in Pepsi and Coca Cola, to name a few, from aborted fetus cells. Oklahoma lawmaker wants to stop Pepsi from using dead babies in their beverages. Who else uses babies as food/drink – Satanists and dark Reptoids and dark Greys that are not of the light. They are secretly tricking the sheeple into their Satanic practices.
5. When Pepsi’s shareholders petitioned the company to not use the remains of aborted human beings, the Obama agency became involved, a government agency, and rules a private corporation, Pepsi’s use of aborted fetal cells in soft drink constitutes ordinary business operations, overriding the shareholders.
6. Prior In London, a total of 19 products were bought in the UK, all made by Coca-Cola, whereas the chemicals in the fuzzy drinks found included carbendazim, thiabendazole, imazalil, prochloraz, malathion and iprodione. They are mainly applied to fruit after harvest to stop it developing fungal infections and rotting. The pesticides were 300 times the level allowed in tap or bottled water yet being stated not harmful to children.
7. Recent in Mexico, out of 129 farm sites, 24 confirmed to have the new H7N3 bird flu virus.
8. According to The Rockefeller Foundation, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development report, Page 18 and 19, in 2012, unlike H1N1, identifies even the most pandemic-prepared nations overwhelmed when virus streaked around the world, infecting 20% of the global population, killing 8 million in only 7 months. They include deadly effect on economics, goods and the work force halted, discouraging transportation, China demanding mandatory quarantine, rising poverty, etc. Then stating leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power, citizens willingly giving up the sovereignty and privacy.
The 2012 London Olympics is advertised receiving extensive military arm protection. I may be putting the pieces together wrong but with these facts, I am suspicious that biological agents will be put into beverages/water that people of the world (Olympics) will consume. I feel the H1N1 has been a test run for the new H7N3 and that this virus could be a biological deadly war against the people via Coke product consumption, known for hidden (Satanic) baby consumption and pesticides in their drinks, the company heavily advertised at the 2012 World London Olympics. The desired publicized result being worldly death then control of the worlds sheeple.
The flu would spread throughout the world via the people attending the Olympics.
Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.
Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” Paul has interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives in Los Angeles, California.
At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying “Altered States of Consciousness” at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie “Field of Dreams.” Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.
While many search the web for evidence of the arrests of members of the criminal cabal, one such story has surely broken through the cabal imposed media blackout. Three of Ireland's leading bank executives, former Anglo-Irish Bank chief Sean Fitzpatrick, ex-Finance Director Willie McAteer, and managing director for Ireland Pat Whelan were arrested on Tuesday, 7/24/12, for their crimes that led to Ireland's largest ever bank failure. Three others, who happen to be among Ireland's wealthiest residents, were also implicated for their roles in these crimes.
In other news, former International Monetary Fund and Bankia chief Rodrigo Rato was arrested on 7/6/12 and charged with criminal fraud for his role in the bankruptcy of Bankia, Spain's 3rd largest banking institution, which is at the center of the country's economic crash and occupy movement which was motivated, in part, after Bankia, which was only in business less than two years, received a bailout from taxpayers of over 19 Billion Euros.
On the Asian front, the elder brother of South Korean president Lee Myung-Buk has been arrested on corruption charges, leading to a possible regime change as elections for the country are later this year.
Breaking news - Irelands Bankers being Arrested and Charged! - YouTube
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after spending nearly three decades writing on a wide range of issues for several Upper Midwest newspapers and the Associated Press. Sports, tornadoes, homicidal survivalists, and legislative battles all fell within his bailiwick. His scenic photography has been used commercially, and he sometimes plays in a church worship band.More ↓
Remember all the questions that Hillary Clinton had about Barack Obama’s eligibility when the two were competing for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination?
How about the times the issue was raised by the 2008 GOP nominee, Sen. John McCain?
Him, too?
And what about the gauntlet thrown down by likely 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney on the question? Or by members of Congress? … Wait, how about this? The questions from the mainstream press?
Donald Trump, who briefly toyed with a presidential bid, has spoken out, as has Ambassador Alan Keyes, who has stated plainly he believes there are problems with Obama’s documentation.
As have a few other brave individuals.
But voters likely aren’t going to escape the questions over Obama’s eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirements that someone must be a “natural born citizen” to qualify this year.
A new national ad has been playing on television – Fox News channel already has aired it – that takes the questions about Obama’s background, eligibility, and qualifications directly to voters.
It doesn’t minimize the issue or try gentle persuasion on voters. “Unless he can tell us who he is, the Democrats need to put up another candidate,” the ad states plainly.
It is attributed to the Conservative Majority Fund, which explains online that its goal of removing Obama from the White House includes support for Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose investigators have been looking into allegations of fraud and forgery in the production of Obama’s birth documentation in 2011.
The ad says voters should call 1-800-617-7709 to demand information about Obama.
“We need 10,000 signatures from every congressional district to boot this guy off the ballot and have the Democrats nominate someone else,” the ad says. “Unless he can tell us who he is, the Democrats need to put up another candidate.”
The 10,000 signatures per congressional district would, indeed, make a huge difference in a presidential election. That would total some 4.35 million voters and if there are some heavily Democrat districts where a difference of 10,000 votes would make no difference, there certainly are a lot of districts in play that would be impacted by a voting bloc that size.
The Conservative Majority Fund listed no contact information on the site, and tracked back to the administrator of the web pages, a spokesman for Political Media, which is the contact for the page, said those organizing the effort did not want to be interviewed at this point.
The ad speaks plainly, though.
“We know less about this man than any other president in American history. What’s he hiding?” it begins. “His autobiography is full of fictional characters. But there’ a lot more than that. If you tried to look into his past, you run into a brick wall.”
“His college records at Columbia. Sealed. His college records at Harvard. Sealed. We don’t know what his thesis papers were about because those are sealed, too. His Selective Service record is sealed. His records as an attorney are sealed. He has a Massachusetts Social Security number and we can’t get answers about that either and no one, I mean no one, has seen an actual physical copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
Several private investigations have revealed that Obama’s Social Security number actually was assigned for distribution in Connecticut, raising questions since he apparently had no contact with that state by the time in his life when that would have been assigned. The ad was changed later to reflect that.
“The fact is, if we don’t know who Barack Obama is, we shouldn’t even have him as a candidate for president,” the ad explains. “Let’s disqualify Obama before the Democratic National Convention.”
See the ad for yourself:
The website also encourages a demand of Congress to investigate Obama’s “forged birth certificate,” a petition to “demand Obama revoke his executive privilege” and another to “Stop the U.N. Gun grab!”
The site explains it was founded “with one purpose in mind: To remove BarackObama from the White House.”
“Nothing could be more important. And the truth is: everything depends upon you and me” it states.
“Barack Obama and the legions of the left are on the march. … They are shredding the Constitution … attacking our churches … perverting our schools … and pitting the rich against the poor, the young against the old, black against white.”
There have been numerous legal challenges, several still on appeal or in other stages of the process, that challenge Obama’s name on the 2012 election ballot.
Keyes several times has raised that question, and even joined in several legal challenges to Obama’s occupancy of the Oval Office. A strict follower of the Constitution, he’s said its clear there are enough unanswered questions and vague generalizations on the part of Obama and his team and there are serious questions about his eligibility.
Trump, the billionaire who a year ago claimed credit for forcing Obama’s decision to produce a “long-form birth certificate” from the state of Hawaii, has raised questions numerous times.
Just days ago, he told radio show host Sean Hannity that it would be very interesting to see Obama’s college applications.
On the show, he said Romney should demand to see Obama’s records in return for meeting Democrat demands to release his tax records. Trump said Obama probably is more scared of releasing his own documentation than he is of releasing all the information about the Fast and Furious gun scandal perpetrated by his administration.
Trump’s comments come in the wake of another news conference by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., on Obama’s eligibility. His Cold Case Posse team of investigators released documentation they believe is proof the Obama birth certification posted online by the White House in 2011 is fake.
“The fact is Sheriff Arpaio is, in my opinion, correct,” Trump told Hannity. “Nobody was ever in the hospital by the name of his mother … and a lot of crazy things.”
He pointed out, however, the nation’s unwillingness to address the issue, including the role of the mainstream media in attacking anyone who challenges Obama.
“If that were a conservative, let’s say a George Bush or somebody, he would have been out of office already,” he told Hannity.
“Nobody has more sealed records than this president. So many of his applications … are sealed. He spent $3 million to keep everything sealed. You can’t find out anything about his college. I’m not talking about his marks. I’m talking about his application. It would be so interesting to see,” Trump said.
Obama’s college records for Occidental, Columbia and Harvard all remain out of the public view, protected by legions of attorneys fighting in court against any release.
He noted that Obama supporters, including news media, “label anybody that brings up the fact that he wasn’t born here or whatever – they label those people as morons or worse, as insane people.”
“But you look at the facts … the fact is Sheriff Arpaio is, in my opinion, correct.”
He also ridiculed the idea that it was a “mistake” that led a book publisher to promote – for years – Obama as an author who was born in Kenya.
“The word ‘Kenya’ doesn’t get messed up with the word ‘United States,’” he said.
Listen to the interview:
Trump told Hannity that if Romney demanded Obama’s records in exchange for his tax information, “all this talk about tax returns would stop.”
“The last thing Obama wants to do is show his college applications, how he got in, his place of birth. Sheriff Arpaio, whether you like him or not, is a serious person. He did a major investigation. The investigation is horrendous as to its results and what it shows,” he said.
Arpaio said, as WND reported, that the investigation results should be forwarded to the federal government after Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo said new information confirms the document presented to the American public in April 2011 is fraudulent.
Arpaio told WND he intends to move the investigation and the new information to a higher authority within the federal government because of what he calls an imminent threat to national security and U.S. immigration laws. The threat is posed by a flaw in Hawaii’s law discovered by his investigators that allows a foreigner to obtain a Hawaii birth certificate.
“Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security,” Arpaio said.
He launched the investigation because constituents were worried that Obama would use a fraudulent document to gain access to the 2012 election ballot in Arizona.
Arpaio said he intends on keeping a case file open if more information surfaces or if federal authorities decide to ignore the case.
Zullo explained that along with new information discovered regarding the birth certificate since the posse’s March 1 press conference, his team has discovered Hawaii provides easy access to a birth certificate, even if the child wasn’t born in the state.
Under Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8, a person only has to be an established resident of Hawaii, not necessarily a U.S. citizen, and pay taxes there for one year to be able to register an out-of-state or foreign-born person with an official Hawaii birth certificate.
“If a nation’s security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble,” Arpaio said in a statement. “Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation’s immigration policy.”
Among the new findings presented by Zullo:
The sheriff’s investigators have learned of a birth certificate coding system that indicates the White House document has been altered.
An interview with the Hawaii official who allegedly signed the Obama document in 1961, Verna K.L. Lee, provided further confirmation of the coding anomalies.
Investigators were troubled to find key information missing on the verification document Hawaii provided to Arizona’s secretary of state in May.
Hawaii’s deputy attorney general, Jill T. Nagamine, confirm the state has a birth document on file for Obama. But she would not confirm on the record that the White House document matched what was on file with the Hawaii Department of Health.
The sheriff’s investigators interviewed three persons of interest who have provided additional information in the case.
Can human beings be hypnotically
programmed to kill - and then forget
the original instructions?
Two professors - one from Columbia
University Medical School - the other
from Santa Clara Law School say yes...
and the technology is over 50 years
Understanding H.A.A.R.P. and it's Terrifying Power
What is H.A.A.R.P.?
H.A.A.R.P. is an acronym that stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. What does it do?
H.A.A.R.P. technology can affect weather patterns, cause earthquakes disrupt electronic communications and affect brain waves in people.
H.A.A.R.P. is a very secret military program. We actually know very little about it and what we do know is quite technical and difficult to understand. What I hope to do is to take a little of the mystery out of H.A.A.R.P. so that you will understand what our government is doing and how this technology could affect you.
The technology for H.A.A.R.P. was actually invented by Nicola Tesla about 100 years ago. H.A.A.R.P. works by sending radio waves into the ionosphere in order to move the jet stream and affect weather patterns. When these radio waves are directed into the earth they can cause earthquakes. One of the telltale signs that an earthquake or tsunami was caused by harp is that the sky will glow with a lavender hue right before it happens. This was seen in before the earthquake in Chili a few years ago. Also, the Russians have a H.A.A.R.P. that makes a noise like a woodpecker when it is activated. These radio waves are like sound waves. We are all familiar with the opera singer that hits the high note and shatters a glass. H.A.A.R.P. works in much the same way, the beams are projected either out into the atmosphere to move clouds or the jet stream causing rain in one area and/or a drought in another or down into the earth causing vibrations that can trigger an earthquake. Areas that already have fault zones are especially susceptible.
For those out there who think that this is nothing but a conspiracy theory and that the government does not have the technology to affect the weather I would like to point out to you that we already have treaties in place that specifically address this issue as well as the official H.A.A.R.P. Website. You can also visit the facilities in Alaska but good luck getting past the gatekeepers!
A weather warfare treaty, originating in the United Nations, was signed in 1977 specifically prohibiting the use of weather modifying technology. It says in article 1 of the treaty that each state party undertakes NOT to engage in military or any other hostile use of ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. The treaty further defines the term “environmental modification techniques” to mean any technique for changing, through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes, the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.
My question is how would we know? How would we know if H.A.A.R.P. or any other weather modification system is being used? We wouldn't. There are no committees overseeing this technology, most people don't even know that it exists. Furthermore, the people who do know about it are not talking! Even though millions of dollars of our tax money is going to support this, we, the people have no knowledge of it, nor are we given access to the information. This technology is completely anonymous! That is what makes it so dangerous. If H.A.A.R.P. was/is used for nefarious purposes there is absolutely NO WAY to know. Just imagine a weapon that can decimate a population without firing one shot and can do it anonymously!
Furthermore, not only does H.A.A.R.P. affect the weather, cause earthquakes and knock-out electronic communications which could be devastating alone but it also can affect people directly. H.A.A.R.P. can cause people to think that they are hearing voices, affect their moods and it can also render aggressive populations harmless. We are talking about total population control here! Rumor has it that H.A.A.R.P. has been used on Muslim prisoners of war in order to cause them to reveal secrets that they would otherwise have taken to the grave. This was done by deceiving the prisoner into thinking that Mohammad had appeared to him and gave the prisoner permission to reveal secrets. Also, in the video below, Brooks Agnew tells of using H.A.A.R.P. technology to cause aggressive populations in the Iraq War to surrender unconditionally. No more protesters, no more pesky Tea Party, no more civil disobedience..just compliant, zombies in place of informed, active citizens.
Moreover, H.A.A.R.P. works by heating up the ionosphere. When this occurs it causes holes in the ionosphere allowing harmful radiation from the sun onto the earth. What can result from this is anyone's guess but I'm sure it wont be good. The Bible predicts that the sun will scorch men with fire, could this be a direct result of H.A.A.R.P.?
Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. Rev 16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
The only protection that I can offer is called a Faraday Cage. A Faraday Cage is made out of any metal and encloses an object completely, thus causing the beams to surround the cage while keeping objects inside from being affected. A video is provided below which demonstrates how a Faraday Cage works. This is a method that will protect your electronics from getting zapped in an solar flare or H.A.A.R.P. occurance. But as far as I know Faraday Cages will not protect humans.
This technology is the most dangerous technology that we know about. Full disclosure must be provided to the American people but I doubt it will. If there ever was a time to get right with God, the time is now. We have absolutely no control over this technology and are completely vulnerable to it's ill effects. God help us.
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