Monday, July 30, 2012



Okay, I've finally got to say it. There is so much evidence to support this idea, that it can NO LONGER be called a theory, but really simply has to be given its place in the records as how things have actually happened.
 THE WORLD (all of us humans on it) and all of the events taking place with-in space-time, from a certain point in history (most likely) 1947 have been STUCK in a repeating TIME LOOP which only a few people know anything about.
Those people, many from what has become known as the CABAL, and many from the MILITARY are fighting a very real war for control of the planet Earth by using the technology of TIME TRAVEL as spoken about by ANDY BASAIGO in his revelations about D.A.R.P.A. , Teleportation, and the secret government’s experiments using Tesla based technologies to gain quantum access by a number of means.
 But…, where ANDY leaves off, many of us, to now include Alfred Lambremont Webre, have picked up and have put the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that can NOT BE DENIED.
See this article on his website: for starters and pay close attention to part 10.
Deeper and deeper the rabbit hole goes and I myself have a few things to say that even our dear Alfred has left out.
It is my opinion that in their insane bid to enslave and completely control mankind..., the CABAL began sending back all relevant information pertinent to the control of the masses BACK IN TIME, from many varying points in the future, (to THEMSELVES) in the past.
Now you know why the Micheal J. FOX movies (The BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy) were so very necessary to be made.
Movies of this type HAD TO BE MADE in order for the ridicule factor to even be possible by the CIA degenerates who would be called upon hide this fact from the population at large. The movie TIME COP also was part of this plausible deniability project.
 The 3 episodes of Back TO THE FUTURE and the movie TIME COP were the cover stories for ridicule and plausible deniability in the event the even ONE PERSON caught wind of what was happening with in the secret governments TIME TRAVEL programs!
Isn’t it nice they threw in a laughably silly twist and made the time travel machine a cute little car (a Delorean), and the speed at which time travel occurred (88 miles per hour), part of the whole jokingly, “…this can only be laughed at …”  scenario of the movie!
Sadly, it is my conviction that the Director of BACK TO THE FUTURE was used, and perhaps even KNOWINGLY was involved in this super-secret attempt at Dis-info/Mind Control to keep the masses from even thinking about what may have been going on behind their backs!
In one of his lectures (which has been recorded and I have on video in my personal files) Phil Corso Jr., (the son of the well-known Colonel Phillip Corso , who had worked at both the WHITE HOUSE and THE PENTAGON, and who wrote the book: THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL), admitted that whether or not UFO's were real, that the UFO cover-up was NEVER the main secret being kept by the government as supposed by Dr. STEVEN GREER of the disclosure movement!
He went on to say that it was very short-sighted by those in the UFO community to be so side-tracked in their bid for DISCLOSURE, that they missed the entire forest for the trees, (my words, not his).
THE MAIN SECRET, he said, is and HAS ALWAYS BEEN “TIME TRAVEL” and the fact that TIME has been compromised!
Which explains why I am such a large supporter of Andy Basaigo, and of Alfred Lambremont Webre!  Please go to
And spend a few days reading there!
This was, “…the kind of information that any and all who fell upon it would be killed for...,” according to Corso Jr., and  not whether or not a flying saucer had been seen, or whether or not they were even real!
The reason that UFO's and their presence was kept secret by the US and other governments was that the way they traveled through space, was by default…, a means of achieving time travel, and that ANY INQUIRY WHATSOEVER, made by a curious public as to how it was that any alien craft traveled through space…, would have to establish THIS FACT, (the time travel connection) and therefore the whole UFO question by DEFAULT had to be classified as well!
He also said that, UNLIKE so many other people lecturing on the Roswell incident, his information from his father suggested that the vehicle that crashed was not totally UNEXPECTED by a few secret members of the military, in the sense that they had been waiting for it!
 This is AWESOME, and yet disturbing in and of itself!
The crash, according to Corso Jr, may have been unexpected..., but not the appearance of the vehicle, which WAS expected.
Now WHY would the vehicle have been expected?
According to his information, some of which he shared, and some of which you have to use your head and then insert the missing pieces to conclude, was that some of the military had told his father that the EBE's, or advanced robotic entities who were flying the craft were in fact bringing back information from the future!
Just who the target recipients of this information were, he did not discuss, but it is safe to assume that it was members of the secret government or the CABAL, who were supposed to receive and then ACT upon this information.
A more chilling fact was brought out in another lecture by Corso Jr., and it was the idea that he was involved in a project with the military where he personally was actually designing and developing THE VERY CRAFT which would once again be sent back in time with all of the necessary information to 1947, and that it HAD to be sent back before a certain period he was told.
One can only guess what kind of information was retrieved from the still operating EBE-robotic entity that they recovered from that crash, but a small advanced android could certainly contain quite a bit of information about the future I would surmise.
Phil Corso Jr, however is not the only one who admitted this type of strange advance knowing about things to come. In one his most famous YOUTUBE videos, PHIL SCHNIEDER told the world that during his years of contracting to build some of the US's many deep underground bases and cities, that while drilling holes that would eventually be used to square off a deep underground base or city, the drillers struck an underground cavern filled with Grey Aliens. He said that when he was lowered down into one of the shafts/holes to see what was holding up the drilling or what they had struck, when he was confronted by a group of Aliens and subsequently shot one or two of them before coming back up to the surface.
This information is NOT nearly as important to me however as what he said next and that was that he was TOLD by the higher ups in the intelligence services when he filed a report that they were fully aware of their presence (the Grey Aliens) in that vicinity, and that they had expected him to find them!!
Think about it. He's drilling a hole for the first time, (the first time in this loop of time, I mean...) and he Grey Aliens living or squatting down there, and sends them a report of what happens, and they say, "Oh yea..., we forgot to tell you they were there..., we knew that..."
 Enter the cascading waterfall of future information being sent back in time, and suddenly all of these things that are happening are no longer a surprise, but are expected!
 The truth of the matter is this: NOT ONLY HAS TIME BEEN COMPROMISED..., but it has been compromised by a CABAL that wants to take over and ENSLAVE THE WORLD AND ALL LIVING BEINGS on the world.
My opinion is that the period of time between 1947 and 2012 has become a period of time that is now looping over and over and over again, and who really knows how many loops we've gone through in this bid up to 2012 and the GOLDEN AGE?
What is certain is that those who either know about, or are controlling the loops have NO DESIRE for a Golden Age to occur, while those who may be of the so-called Positive Military are too yellow bellied, cowardly, squeamish and lilly livered to come out into the open light of day and say anything about what is really going on here!
 There are some of the military as we speak who do know about this…, and in my belief that are trying to set matters right, but this is a battle that has now taken on EPIC proportions, I don’t know why they don’t ask for the PUBLIC’s HELP!
This could have been going on for hundreds and hundreds (if not thousands) of years by now, and all of the focus has been centering around this period of time from 1947 to 2012.
I believe that the positive Extra-terrestrials were NEVER supposed to do what they are doing now…, and only got involved because this matter had gotten so out of hand!
I believe that due to the breach of the fabric of time, and the advanced technology that was being carted backward from the future by the CABAL..., those of us who were innocent by-standers in this bastardized time-line were so ill equipped to defend ourselves and so ill equipped to even mount a defense against the advanced information and advanced technology they were bringing back from their own darkly inclined scientists, that the CREATOR himself had to act!!
It is my humble opinion that as more and more successive time loops occurred, the CABAL was able to bring back more and more advanced technology from the future so that as soon as a newly dug un-underground base was finished, it was filled immediately with advanced technology that was brought back from a preceding loop from our own future.
In his excursions as a child participant in D.A.R.P.A’s quantum access programs, Andy Basaigo has said that while he was sent many times to FORD’s THEATRE to witness the murder of Abraham Lincoln, each successive time he went back, he ran into other images or reflections of himself as well, which were also there doing the exact same mission.
It is my opinion that THIS ALONE is the reason why anyone who listens to CHANNELED INFORMATION is not getting the whole story, but a possible version of the story that was pertinent at some point on one of these many LOOPS!
My theory about this is that with each successive loop, all things that happened before, happen again, as ghostly images in the new loop…, as well as those new things that did NOT HAPPEN before, but have NOW BEEN INSERTED BY THE CABAL!
This is why so many predictions have come and gone. Why so many things have been channeled and not happened in the way it was said it would occur.
The sum total of all of these channeled messages from every loop are still there, all those from previous time loops, and well as those that are meant for us in the current loop.
Just like the strange ghostly images of himself that Andy Basaigo encountered at Ford’s Theatre, we are encountering ghostly images of past information that were sent to previous loops of time where the conditions were not as dire as they are NOW!
Continuing on with where I was…, this is what I believe has given the rise to the so called: BREAK AWAY CIVILIZATIONS that has been thriving underground in these bases and cities right under our feet.
It has been stated by whistle blowers of many types that there were in fact TWO distinct societies in the united states..., the that was above ground..., and the one below ground. The one above ground was living out the mundane and yet now very altered and bastardized version of time..., a version that had been literally sterilized, and neutered of many of the random events that would be beneficial to human beings as a whole and steer it in such a fashion as to augment to vision of those who would enslave the world!  And as each year passed, the time-line got more and more corrupted and more and more bastardized to the point where a Fascist World Dictatorship really looked as if it could be a possibility!
Then, there was the society called the breakaway society that was below ground, and which was actively receiving information and technology with each passing time loop, so that some of the whistle blowers who had been down there and seen the technology, estimated that those underground were in fact 500 or 1000 years ahead of the rest of us. Why would they make that claim if these technologies had simply been "invented" in the short period we are now in? Think about it..., they KNOW it could not have happened that fast! They should have said if they really believed that..., that those humans underground are 30 or 40 or 50 years ahead of the rest of us..., but instead they tell us those underground are 500 or 1000 years ahead which suggests that this is how much time, or how many loops it took for the technology they now had and were in fact using, to be invented, or to be developed.
It is my opinion that the reason for all these loops is that in each run up to 2012..., the CABAL is failing to do what it wants to do..., which is to totally enslave the world and get a one world government before 2012!  It is my opinion that this is why they have HIJACKED TIME, and have gone to so much trouble to "CREATE" a designer timeline..., a timeline which will give them the result they want before we hit the end of what they consider their opportune window.
The implications of this is that if you are alive and living right now..., it is MOST LIKELY the case that the life you are living, and the experiences you are having in that life, have been altered from what YOU AS A SOUL INTENDED for yourself to have for this life.
Many of our lives may have so changed by what the CABAL has done..., that in some cases, the life you planned or intended for yourself resembles NOTHING that it was originally supposed to be.
This is what the channelers of so much fame and accord, will NEVER touch upon, as it has become a TOP SECURITY ISSUE for the HIGHEST LEVELS and the highest councils in this galaxy and Universe!
Far from being a first contact scenario, which was the plan for (who knows how many) loops ago…, then to a limited help scenario, which was the adapted plan for less loops ago, then to a multi-faceted bargain/negotiation with the CABAL itself, which probably started even less loops ago, to a full blown engagement with intervention and on-goings battles which is where we are today.
And those who are the so-called light workers who are trying to discern CURRENT information from the multi-faceted and over-laying nature of multiple intersecting timelines is KIDDING themselves if they think they can correctly understand WHICH channeled information is for THIS TIME-LINE or a previous ONE!
Continuing on once again, it has been said that George Bush SR, once told a reporter that if the masses ever found out what had REALLY been done to them, that all of the elites would be chased down and hung from the nearest lamp pole.
Not a just a onetime, simple little world takeover bid, but something that has been ongoing over and over again, for a length of time only known to those CELEATIALS who are fighting them and the CABAL itself.
It is my opinion that this goes much deeper and farther that ANYTHING AS OF YET CONCIEVED by the common mind of humans who are not in the know.   And, if one considers a completely bastardized timeline in which none of the life lessons you set up for yourself were able to manifest because the job you had set up for yourself a hundred loops ago, or the people you had set up to meet a hundred loops ago, were in fact canceled out in lieu of the new "inserted" events (events which affected us all) that a only handful of people were setting up in order to steer the timeline into an enslavement timeline.  ONLY THEN do you have an idea of suffering and unparalleled agony these CABAL members are responsible for.
This is the depth of what BUSH was talking about when he made that comment, because only he knew how far down the rabbit hole really went!  This is the depth of what he understood to be the crimes of the CABAL!  Most of the truth seekers out there are just not thinking big enough here..., you're not even in the same league as to what they (the CABAL) have done to EARTH and to mankind. Millions of very loving extra-terrestrial beings would NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY for the originally planned timeline if everything had gone according to plan as laid out.
Do you think the original planners and over-seers of our development and of our awakening on the EARTH were that short sighted and that stupid? To think that anything else has happened here is to say and believe that the ANGELS and enlightened beings are inept, stupid, had no foresight, and cannot fight their way out of a paper bag!!
This is NOT THE TRUTH. What is the truth is that they never envisioned a group of people so stubborn, so set upon Global enslavement that they (the CABAL) would send back in time information to themselves into the past, over and over again, trying to achieve a goal that was not working!
Now it becomes more understandable why our water has been chemically altered, our food genetically modified, and our air chem-trailed to death.
They (the CABAL) knew they had yet to attain their goal and sent back the unhappy data to the past where new and ever more diabolical measures were put into place which they hoped would remedy the situation.
LOOP AFTER LOOP most likely has come and gone..., and each time a better and more well-choreographed version of their designer time-line has been played out. Every success has been extolled and copied and reproduced, and every failure noted, and then cast aside as something that did not work.
To counter act this, those who protected the EARTH were forced to intercede and intervene more and more and more.
 We who are the innocents, and we who are in the middle..., have taken about as much of this as we should take!
NONE of us at this time are living the lives we chose for ourselves regardless of what the channels say, because most likely those messages are being sent to previous loops and bleeding through to this one.
Not one of those who Channel from higher beings take this into account, and this is why many of these sources should NOT BE TRUSTED with complete and utter resignation!
Those sources to be trusted are those who are completely HONEST in what has actually transpired..., NOT THOSE WHO STILL INSIST upon secrecy and worry about the damage that might be done if we found this stuff out. Those who are overly worried about the CABAL and their feelings and their lives at the expense of those they have manipulated, and those they have mind controlled are more interested in saving themselves from the EMBARASSMENT that goes with admitting they were WRONG in their assessment of what the CABAL would do!  (Even the higher up’s had no idea what the Dark on Earth was really capable of and got a real lesson.)
IN summary, The MILITARY for its part MUST COME CLEAN to the people and do it now so that they know what they are up against!
And if they need help, for GOD’s sake…, ask for it!  There are millions of us who are here and willing to help!

The Arcturian group ~~ July 29, 2012

Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO


Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO

Article: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO
Written by By Grace Powers July 28, 2012
Robert Holmes, the shooting suspect's father, is a senior lead scientist with FICO, the American credit score company. He was scheduled to testify in the next few weeks before a US Senate panel that is investigating the largest bank fraud scandal in world history. This banking fraud threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.
Robert Holmes not only uncovered the true intent of the massive LIBOR banking fraud, but his "predictive algorithm model" also traced the trillions of "hidden"dollars to the exact bank accounts of the elite classes who stole it. In other words, Robert Holmes could NAME NAMES! Those names WOULD AWAKEN THE WORLD to the depth of government and corporate corruption which could includemembers of Congress, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and EU executives and could even include US Presidential candidates and the British Royal family.
The motives for the massacre are:
1) To silence whistelblower Robert Holmes whose son is now facing a possible death sentence
2) To influence the upcoming vote on the UN Global Small Arms Treaty which could result in gun confiscation and disarming world citizens. The UN treaty could override national sovereignty and give a license to federal governments to assert preemptive gun control powers over state regulatory powers.
James Holmes grew up in a churchgoing family in a "Mayberry" style community. Neighbors describe “Jimmy” Holmes as quiet, shy, unassuming, smart, clean cut and "not dangerous". His mother, Arlene, is a registered nurse. His father, Robert, is a FICO senior scientist.
In high school, James ran cross-country, played soccer and snow boarded. After graduating, he completed an internship at the Salk Institute and Miramar College’s biotechnology “boot camp.” He also worked as a camp counselor. James has no criminal or military history whatsoever.
James Holmes received the prestigious National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. The $26,000 stipend paid his tuition for the highly competitive neuroscience program. Billy Kromka who worked with James for three months last summer in the Medical lab, said, "There's no way I thought he could have the capacity to commit an atrocity like this".
Two months prior to the theater massacre, James Holmes' entire world was turned upside down. That's when two "Black Op" hitmen, entered his life and unravelled it using a drug called "SCOPOLOMINE" - also known as the "The Devil's Breath".
Scopolomine or "The Devil's Breath" is colorless, odorless and tasteless and can be easily dissolved in drinks or sprinkled on food. Victims become so docile, they have been known to help thieves rob their homes and empty their bank accounts. Women victims have been drugged repeatedly over days and gang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.
In a common scenario, a person is offered a drink laced with the substance and wakes up miles away, extremely groggy and with no memory of what happened. The victim soon discovers that they have handed over jewelry, money, car keys, and sometimes even made multiple bank withdrawals to their assailants.
Scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories making it impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors. Under hypnosis, people can normally recall what happened to them...but scopolamine induces amnesia because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leading expert on the drug.The drug depresses the cerebrum and destroys the power of reasoning’. There is no power to think or reason.
This is what happened to James Holmes. He claims he has no memory of the massacre or what happened. An employee at the Arapahoe County Detention Center, where Holmes is in an isolation cell, told sources: “He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail. He asked, ‘Why am I here?’
June, 2011 - James Holmes enrolls in the neuroscience Ph.D program at the University of Colorado Denver.
May 21, 2012 - Two months before the massacre, James Holmes is befriended by BLACK OP HITMAN #1 who drugs him with scopolomine for the first time. The hitman takes the drugged Holmes back to Holmes apartment at 1690 Paris Street in Aurora. The hitman moves in with Holmes and stays undercover for 8 weeks. The hitman maintains Holmes in a drugged state and accesses his email and bank accounts.
May 22nd, 2012 Hitman #1 buys a Glock pistol using James Holmes identification. Less than a week later, he upgrades to a shotgun. The following week, he buys an AR-15 rifle. Hitman #1 also purchases explosive materials and equipment to rig Holmes entire apartment with a complex series of booby traps.
June 7th, 2012 - James Holmes shows up on campus for an oral exam in a drugged fog and fails.
June 7th to July 2nd, 2012 - Using James Holmes email, Hitman #1 orders guns, rounds of amunition, magazine holders, combat vest, knife, mask etc. with expedited shipping costs through FEDEX and USPS. Holmes signs for the deliveries in a drugged state.
July 5th, 2012 - While James Holmes is drugged, Hitman #1 dyes Holmes' hair red-orange and takes a photo of him. The hitman then creates a profile for James Holmes on the AdultFriendFinder adults-only website. When completing the profile for Holmes, the hitman doesn't know that Holmes is 6'3", so he mistakenly enters 6'0".
The hitman uploads James Holmes photo (above). Only days before the massacre, the hitman makes an entry on the AdultFriendFinderwebsite site. Pretending to be Holmes, he describes his penis as "short/average". He uses the screen name "classicjimbo" with a message on top of the profile which reads, "Will you visit me in prison?"
July 18th, 2012 - Hitman #1 mails an incriminating notebook filled with gruesome sketches and details of the plans for the attack in the crowded theater. The notebook is in a package sent to a professor at the University of Colorado, where Holmes was a Ph.D. candidate until dropping out of school just prior to the killings. The package was delivered by the U.S. Postal Service on the Monday after the shootings which forced the evacuation of a campus building for 2 1/2 hours.
July 19th, 2012 - Hitman #1 drives the GETAWAY CAR to the theater and parks it at the side of the multiplex. He buys a Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises' movie ticket and enters Theater 9. He sits in the far right front theater seat near the emergency exit door. He receives and picks up a cell phone call from BLACK OP HITMAN #2, then gets up and goes over to the emergency exit door. A movie theater witness named Corbin Dates sees him talking on the cell phone and holding the exit door open with his foot. Hitman #1 jams the exit door ajar for Hitman #2.
Hitman #2 parks James Holmes' white Hyundai Coupe outside the Theater 9 emergency exit door at the back of the multitplex. James Holmes is drugged and semi-conscious in the passenger seat next to him. Hitman #2 is wearing full protective combat gear. His guns, ammunition, gas can and mask are stashed in back of the car. He calls Hitman #1 on the cell phone and gets the "go ahead" signal.
Hitman #2 gets out of the white Hyundai, leaves the semi-conscious James Holmes (locked?) inside the car, then opens up the hatchback and arms himself with guns and amo. He straps on his gas mask, carries his weapons and gas cans into the theater through the exit door twenty minutes after the movie starts. Using the tactical manoevers of a trained commando, he throws a gas canister into the crowd and shoots one shot into the air. The shot scares people out of their seats making them easy targets.
Gunman #1 leaves the theater through the exit door and returns to the getaway car parked at the side of the multiplex.
For 90 seconds, Hitman #2 shoots hundreds of rounds of bullets into the crowd killing 12 people and wounding 58 others. He then turns and runs out the exit door, strips off his armour and leaves a trail of blood, guns and protective gear that lead to the white Hyundai where James Holmes is sitting in a drugged stupor.
The gunman continues wearing his gas mask to hide his identity from the eye of a rooftop security camera positioned at the corner of the multiplex. After passing under the security camera, Hitman #2 ditches the mask, turns the corner of the building, then ducks into the getaway car driven by Gunman #1. The Black Op hitmen speed away.
James Holmes is reportedly arrested at his car without resistance.
Why was the back rear window on James Holmes white Hyundai Coupe broken? Was he locked inside? Did the police have to break the window to gain access to him? The mainstream media didn't report whether or not James was in the car when he was arrested or whether he was coherent.
ABC News circulated a false report about an incriminating statement made by James Holmes' mother. Arlene Holmes. ABC reported that when they phoned Arlene Holmes and asked her about her son being a suspect in the shooting, she answered "You've got the right guy". His mother has denied making that statement.
Take a look at Holmes' mugshot photo next to the courtroom photo. What do you see?
Why does the mugshot show Holmes in the same emotional state as the courtroom photo? Because James Holmes mugshot wasn't taken after his arrest which is standard procedure. The mugshot was taken right before he appeared in court 3 days later. His facial hair growth is the same in both photos.
Why did they take the mugshot on the same day as his court appearance instead of the day of his arrest?
Because James Holmes was too "drugged" when they found him to even stand up for the mugshot!
James Holmes has no memory whatsoever of the massacre or of the past two months of his life. That's why he is asking,‘Why am I here?’ He really doesn't remember.
12 people were killed and 58 wounded. The official number of reported victims of the Batman shooting is 70. That number is wrong. There were 71 victims!
What effect has two months in a "scopolamine" stupor had on James Holmes physical, emotional and mental health?
What kind of a deal will his father work out with the bankster MAFIA to save his son from the death penalty?

Like 9/11, The Batman movie massacre was an inside "Black Op". What is a a Black Op? It is a covert operation by a government, a government agency, or a military organization. The term is also used for activities by private companies or groups. A black operation typically involves a significant degree of deception and clandestine, illegal activities that are often outside of standard military protocol.
The ruling crime families of trillionaire royals and banksters are conscienceless. They don't care who they have to deceive, abuse, rob or sacrifice to achieve their one world government New World Order agenda.
Article: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO 
Written by By Grace Powers July 28, 2012 




Huma Abedin at center of Capitol Hill storm over Muslim Brotherhood

Hillary Clinton’s chief-of-staff, Huma Abedin, worked on the editorial board of a Saudi-financed Islamic think tank alongside a Muslim extremist accused of financing al-Qaida fronts.
The extremist, Abdullah Omar Naseef, is deeply connected to the Abedin family.

Naseef is secretary-general of the Muslim World League, an Islamic charity known to have spawned terrorist groups, including one declared by the U.S. government to be an official al-Qaida front.

Democrat and Republican lawmakers have rallied to Huma Abedin’s defense since five GOP Congress members, led by Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, sent letters last month to the inspector generals at the departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Stateasking that they investigate Muslim Brotherhood influence on U.S. government officials.
The lawmakers noted Huma Abedin “has three family members – her late father, mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position affords her routine access to the secretary and to policymaking.”

Last week, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner, who admitted he hadn’t read the letters, defended Abedin, and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the accusations “sinister” and “nothing less than an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable woman, a dedicated American and a loyal public servant.”
WND was first to report Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, was the official representative of Naseef’s terror-stained Muslim World League in the 1990s.

Also, Huma’s father, Professor Syed Abedin, was the founder of the Institute for Minority Affairs, a Saudi group that reportedly had the quiet, but active, support of Naseef.

Saleha is currently the editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, the publication of Syed’s Institute.
The institute bills itself as “the only scholarly institution dedicated to the systematic study of Muslim communities in non-Muslim societies around the world.”

Now it has emerged that Huma served on the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs’s editorial board from 2002 to 2008.
Huma Abedin
Documents obtained by author Walid Shoebat reveal that Naseef served on the board with Huma from at least December 2002 to December 2003.

Naseef’s sudden departure from the board in December 2003 coincides with the time at which various charities led by Naseef’s Muslim World League were declared illegal terrorism fronts worldwide, including by the U.S. and U.N.

The MWL, founded in Mecca in 1962, bills itself as one of the largest Islamic non-governmental organizations.

But according to U.S. government documents and testimony from the charity’s own officials, it is heavily financed by the Saudi government.

The MWL has been accused of terrorist ties, as have its various offshoots, including the International Islamic Relief Organization, or IIRO, and Al Haramain, which was declared by the U.S. and U.N. as a terror financing front.

Indeed, the Treasury Department, in a September 2004 press release, alleged Al Haramain had “direct links” with Osama bin Laden. The group is now banned worldwide by United Nations Security Council Committee 1267.

There long have been accusations that the IIRO and MWL also repeatedly funded al-Qaida.
In 1993, bin Laden reportedly told an associate that the MWL was one of his three most important charity fronts.

An Anti-Defamation League profile of the MWL accuses the group of promulgating a “fundamentalist interpretation of Islam around the world through a large network of charities and affiliated organizations.”
“Its ideological backbone is based on an extremist interpretation of Islam,” the profile states, “and several of its affiliated groups and individuals have been linked to terror-related activity.”

In 2003, U.S. News and World Report documented that accompanying the MWL’s donations, invariably, are “a blizzard of Wahhabist literature.”

“Critics argue that Wahhabism’s more extreme preachings – mistrust of infidels, branding of rival sects as apostates and emphasis on violent jihad –laid the groundwork for terrorist groups around the world,” the report continued.

An Egyptian-American cab driver, Ihab Mohamed Ali Nawawi, was arrested in Florida in 1990 on accusations he was an al-Qaida sleeper agent and a former personal pilot to bin Laden. At the time he was accused of serving bin Laden, he also reportedly worked for the Pakistani branch of the MWL.
The MWL in 1988 founded the Al Haramain Islamic Foundation, developing chapters in about 50 countries, including for a time in Oregon until it was designated a terrorist organization.

In the early 1990s, evidence began to grow that the foundation was funding Islamist militants in Somalia and Bosnia, and a 1996 CIA report detailed its Bosnian militant ties.

The U.S. Treasury designated Al Haramain’s offices in Kenya and Tanzania as sponsors of terrorism for their role in planning and funding the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in East Africa. The Comoros Islands office was also designated because it “was used as a staging area and exfiltration route for the perpetrators of the 1998 bombings.”

The New York Times reported in 2003 that Al Haramain had provided funds to the Indonesian terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah, which was responsible for the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people. The Indonesia office was later designated a terrorist entity by the Treasury.
In February 2004, the U.S. Treasury Department froze all Al Haramain’s financial assets pending an investigation, leading the Saudi government to disband the charity and fold it into another group, the Saudi National Commission for Relief and Charity Work Abroad.

In September 2004, the U.S. designated Al-Haramain a terrorist organization.
In June 2008, the Treasury Department applied the terrorist designation to the entire Al-Haramain organization worldwide

Bin Laden’s brother-in-law
In August 2006, the Treasury Department also designated the Philippine and Indonesian branch offices of the MWL-founded IIRO as terrorist entities “for facilitating fundraising for al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups.”

The Treasury Department added: “Abd Al Hamid Sulaiman Al-Mujil, a high-ranking IIRO official [executive director of its Eastern Province Branch] in Saudi Arabia, has used his position to bankroll the al-Qaida network in Southeast Asia. Al-Mujil has a long record of supporting Islamic militant groups, and he has maintained a cell of regular financial donors in the Middle East who support extremist causes.”
In the 1980s, Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, ran the Philippines offices of the IIRO. Khalifa has been linked to Manila-based plots to target the pope and U.S. airlines.
The IIRO has also been accused of funding Hamas, Algerian radicals, Afghanistan militant bases and the Egyptian terror group Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya.

The New York Post reported the families of the 9/11 victims filed a lawsuit against IIRO and other Muslim organizations for having “played key roles in laundering of funds to the terrorists in the 1998 African embassy bombings” and for having been involved in the “financing and ‘aiding and abetting’ of terrorists in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.”

‘Saudi government front’
In a court case in Canada, Arafat El-Asahi, the Canadian director of both the IIRO and the MWL, admitted the charities are near entities of the Saudi government.

Stated El-Asahi: “The Muslim World League, which is the mother of IIRO, is a fully government-funded organization. In other words, I work for the government of Saudi Arabia. I am an employee of that government.

“Second, the IIRO is the relief branch of that organization, which means that we are controlled in all our activities and plans by the government of Saudi Arabia. Keep that in mind, please,” he said.
Despite its offshoots being implicated in terror financing, the U.S. government never designated the MWL itself as a terror-financing charity. Many have speculated the U.S. has been trying to not embarrass the Saudi government.

Huma’s mother represented Muslim World League
Saleha Abedin has been quoted in numerous press accounts as both representing the MWL and serving as a delegate for the charity.

In 1995, for example, the Washington Times reported on a United Nations-arranged women’s conference in Beijing that called on governments throughout the world to give women statistical equality with men in the workplace.
The report quoted Saleha Abedin, who attended the conference as a delegate, as “also representing the Muslim World League based in Saudi Arabia and the Muslim NGO Caucus.”
The U.N.’s website references a report in the run-up to the Beijing conference that also lists Abedin as representing the MWL at the event.

The website posted an article from the now defunct United States Information Agency quoting Abedin and reporting she attended the Beijing conference as “a delegate of the Muslim World League and member of the Muslim Women’s NGO caucus.”

In the article, Abedin was listed under a shorter name, “Dr. Saleha Mahmoud, director of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs.”

WND has confirmed the individual listed is Huma Abedin’s mother. The reports misspelled part of Abedin’s name. Her full professional name is at times listed as Saleha Mahmood Abedin S.

Tied to Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood president
Last month, Shoebat reported that while she acted as one of 63 leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood, the de facto female version of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saleha Abedin served alongside Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mohammed Mursi, Egypt’s new president.

Clinton met with Mursi earlier this month.

Saleha Abedin and Mursi’s wife both were members of the Sisterhood’s Guidance Bureau, Shoebat found.

Hillary praise
Saleha Mahmood Abedin is an associate professor of sociology at Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which she helped to create. She formerly directed the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs in the U.K. and served as a delegate for the Muslim World League, an Islamic fundamentalist group Osama bin Laden reportedly told an associate was one of his most important charity fronts.

In February 2010, Clinton spoke at Abedin’s college, where she was first introduced by Abedin and then praised the work of the terror-tied professor:
“I have to say a special word about Dr. Saleha Abedin,” Clinton said. “You heard her present the very exciting partnerships that have been pioneered between colleges and universities in the United States and this college. And it is pioneering work to create these kinds of relationships.
“But I have to confess something that Dr. Abedin did not,” Clinton continued, “and that is that I have almost a familial bond with this college. Dr. Abedin’s daughter, one of her three daughters, is my deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, who started to work for me when she was a student at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.”

With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott

(hmm) Iraqi dinar - recently being said

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

(hmm) Iraqi dinar - recently being said
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Jul-2012 00:08:41

Hi, Folks -
Found at - oldest message is first:
7-29-2012 Intel Guru Blaino the SCENE...A historic PLACE...A hotel with a strong connection to some world wide financial matters from decades AGO...our intrepid intel guy gets a whiff of something...Irregular...There is a secret MEETING...all the "currency" types from everywhere appear to be in and police are e v e r y w h e r e on the property of this PLACE...Appears to be 3 letter inner ring of security. many...have their schedules blocked out with meetings re: "global economic and finance ISSUES"...And for the same DAYS...Thru WEDNESDAY. But there is interconnecting STUFF...Lets discuss "reno" for a minute...There was some depositing made by a few "lucky", "special", __________ (add your own WORD...) last is what 'is' rate was disclosed...But access was promised BY WEDNESDAY. Seeing a pattern here? [post 1 of 2...stay tuned!]
7-29-2012 Intel Guru Blaino Here's what i think we have FOUND...there has been much speculation on a new "asset backed currency" and a global RESET... (think "euro" last few days) and this may be the meeting where it all gets "done" this develops, we'll tell you what you need to actually KNOW... But there is enough here that after the 1st or so, when i feel it's safe to say MORE...You'll all know that this was "IT".... Mebby. so, if this is what i think it IS AND with the United States fiscal year starting one month later (just enought time for a huge tax inflow from US!)...There seems to be too much in one place, one TIME. [post 2 of 2]

Reset Meeting? Interesting Blaino Intel

[rustyc] 9:16 pm Blaino: standby for news:::::::::::::::::::::::::just in with a scoop and a half!!! our team has been following this for 2 DAYS....  only here! 9:17 pm Blaino: five minutes... I'll take no CALLS.... 9:18 pm leverage: is this online only....

[Precious] Blaino: OK.... One of our intel team stumbled into THIS...

[Precious] Blaino: most amazing lil bit of stuff we have found lately... AND....

[Precious] Blaino: right here in the good ole USA.... World home of the planets reserve currency... The good ole greenback!

[Precious] Blaino: so, here 's how it all went DOWN....

[Precious] Blaino: the SCENE.... A historic PLACE.... A hotel with a strong connection to some world wide financial matters from decades AGO.... That have affected global industries, nation building and the balance of power in the 1st world NATIONS
Precious] Blaino: our intrepid intel guy gets a whiff of something .... Irregular.... Something a lil "off" and see's a connection... We confirm and verify numerous FACTS.... Then come to "startling" conclusions..... Then began the researching, the fact checking and all manner of calls, queries and MORE.....

[Precious] Blaino: are you getting EXCITED.... We are!

[Precious] Blaino: 2 days and we couldn't spill the DETAILS.... Still cannot, but i'll trust you with the facts that will make you see much of what we KNOW..... There is a secret MEETING.....

[Precious] Blaino: all the "currency" types from everywhere appear to be in HOUSE....

[Precious] Blaino: security and police are e v e r y w h e r e on the property of this PLACE..... Appears to be 3 letter inner ring of security.... Locals on the outer RING.... No one goes in or OUT....

Precious] Blaino: suits and sunglasses are the order of the DAY.... (photos COMING!)..... NOW... Let's explore the facts we KNOW....

[Precious] Blaino: where is lil timmy g? He is supposed to be meeting with the GERMANS.... But where? And about what? "global FINANCE"..... Hummmm....pretty broad brush THERE....

[Precious]Blaino: and what about bernacke? Where oh, where is he?

[Precious] Blaino: both of these and many others have their schedules blocked out with meetings re: "global economic and finance ISSUES".... And for the same DAYS.... Thru wednesday.... (yeah, that is the first of august... And, YEAH... That's important.... See why coming up!)

[Precious] Blaino: now, let's go back to our "resort-hotel" arena for a MOMENT.....

[Precious] Blaino: our "guy" was told "no room at the inn!" when he tried to rent a room last NIGHT.... Told they have 3500+ 'guests'....

[Precious] Blaino: NOTHING...... N o t h i n g on the web site as far as any scheduled meetings.... Scheduled events... Yet "full UP!".... So, we ask .....NOTHING...... N o t h i n g on the web site as far as any scheduled meetings.... Scheduled events... Yet "full UP!".... So, we ask ..... "what's going ON?".... "sorry sir, we are not allowed to discuss that with YOU"... Yeah, this was hotel staff!

[Precious] Blaino: the plot thickens.... Our people were asked to remove themselves from the property... And, TODAY....  you cannot even turn in off the street....into the driveway.... Security stops all comers.

[Precious] Blaino: AND.... Most AMAZING.... Now when you call the PLACE....  security answers the main PHONES.... And these are professional "buffers".... They can talk to you for twenty minutes and still not have told you a n y t h i n g!!! Like the time, the date, ETC....AND forget about any hard questions.... This from an historic location, a public hotel and ..... What do you make of this? More follows

[Precious] Blaino: staffers have not been seen coming and going EITHER.... Things that make you go "hummmmm"...the word "lock down" coming to any minds near to you? Blaino: hummm???

[Precious] Blaino: this is in the northeastern part of the COUNTRY.... I'll not reveal the exact location yet as we need to let this play OUT.... But there is interconnecting STUFF.... Lets discuss "reno" for a minute

[Precious] Blaino: i have some stuff from THERE... Cannot say a LOT... BUT!... There was some depositing made by a few "lucky", "special", __________ (add your own WORD...) last WEEK... Names and relationships are not important at this TIME... But here is what 'is' important....  no rate was disclosed... But access was promised BY.....  WEDNESDAY..... (yeah, that 'is' the first of AUGUST.... Seeing a pattern here? Blaino: i did!

[Precious] Blaino: WE DID! Blaino: NOW.....that was 4 ways confirmed by contacts that i consider trustworthy and RELIABLE..... . (not madam wu, 12 congressmen, the pope, former presidents... ETC.... Just as a clarification) 

Precious] Blaino: the managing director.... Cheif executive.... Or mfic (main fella in charge) of a significant credit/financial firm's european section/division/area/etc..... Has shared that "it is wrapping up NOW.... Be ready" which was a message to his/her/their own family... Not to me!

[Precious] Blaino: and the DATE?..... By wednesday.... (yeah, that 'still' is the first of august!) Blaino: is it just me???? or do you see something here? Blaino: ok, back to the research TEAM..... in an effort to exhaust every ANGLE.... They hit on ....  city public access video CAMERAS.... Like for traffic, weather ETC.....

Precious] Blaino: one showed a nearby popular panorama VIEW.... The others were all turned on and working TOO.... HOWEVER.... . their pictures were ...."ALL"... (as in every one of THEM)..... Blurred out and unrecognizable!  Blaino: probably just "coincidence"...... and the public schedule for this place is dead till the 6th of AUGUST.... When everything will be "normal" AGAIN..... Here's what i think we have FOUND....

Precious] Blaino: there has been much speculation on a new "asset backed currency" and a global RESET... (think "euro" last few days) and this may be the meeting where it all gets "done"... This is why i will not spell out the details any MORE... Thousands would be too stupid to resist trying to penetrate security or calling the place 24/7 and could cause a security concern to force another delay, a move to another location, ETC....

Precious] Blaino: as this develops, we'll tell you what you need to actually KNOW... But there is enough here that after the 1st or so, when i feel it's safe to say MORE... You'll all know that this was "IT".... Mebby. I could be wrong, been there before... BUT.... This is too much, too tight and too secure to be anything less than "world class" at "t h i s" particular location!

[Precious] Blaino: if it were somewhere ELSE.... MEBBY.... But, trust ME... This is way too much of an interlocking deal for it to be chance!

[Precious] Blaino: ctad there is more coming on the verification.... AND.... Blaino: we "MAY".... "may" have someone inside tomorrow!  what may be happening here could play out on the worlds stage over the next 40, 50, 75 YEARS.... and if it's what i think it IS... Could affect the financial basis for all the global currencies going forward...

[Precious] Blaino: Kevdriver let us SEE.... There will be power PLAYS...WAIT... As i write that, it occurs to me that the power plays must be OVER... If indeed this is a meeting to document and sign new agreements into BEING...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall hints that sacred site NOT built by Herod

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: Coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall hints that sacred site NOT built by Herod
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Sunday, 29-Jul-2012 21:56:45

Posted by Bill Rummel
By Rob Waugh
Ancient site holy to both Jews AND Muslims
Coins stamped with successor to Pontius Pilate
Construction 'had not even begun' by Herod's death
The history of one of the world's holiest sites - sacred to both Jews and Muslims - is set to be rewritten, following a surprise discovery in a ritual bath beneath the complex.
Two ancient bronze coins, which according to Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists were struck by the Roman procurator of Judea, Valerius Gratus, in the year 17/18 CE - raising questions over the history of Jerusalem
Two ancient bronze coins, which
according to Israel Antiquities Authority
archaeologists were struck by the Roman
procurator of Judea, Valerius Gratus, in
the year 17/18 CE - raising questions over
the history of Jerusalem
It proves that the Wall - supposedly built by Herod, the Jewish king who features prominently in the Gospels, was in fact built much later.
Newly found coins underneath Jerusalem’s Western Wall could change the accepted belief about the construction of one of the world’s most sacred sites two millennia ago, Israeli archaeologists said Wednesday.
The man usually credited with building the compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary is Herod, a Jewish ruler who died in 4 B.C.
Herod’s monumental compound replaced and expanded a much older Jewish temple complex on the same site.
But archaeologists with the Israel Antiquities Authority now say diggers have found coins underneath the massive foundation stones of the compound’s Western Wall that were stamped by a Roman proconsul 20 years after Herod’s death...full story>>
Coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall hints that sacred site NOT built by Herod

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/29/12 ‘Planeta Terra’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/29/12 ‘Planeta Terra’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 29-Jul-2012 19:36:49

Terra is the name given to your world that many of us here on our side of the veil use to refer to your planet, what you refer to as Earth. We have named your planet Terra, for it has many subtle and hidden meanings within this name. Terra sounds a lot like the word terror, does it not, dear ones? And it is terror that many of you have experienced here on many different levels for many eons. War is terror, death has been terror too, and even love sometimes can be quite terrifying for some of you. There are many different stages and levels of terror and fear, and each of you has gone through an initiation, if you will, of all of these differing levels of your education and advancement in this universe. That's what your road trip, your field trip to Terra has been all about in the largest sense, in the greater picture, for without the education that you have been blessed with here in this oftentimes frightening world, you could not have evolved as quickly, as sharply, as strongly, as wisely, as seasoned, as committed and determined as you have emerged from all of these lessons and experiences here on ‘Terror’.
It was never meant to be a place that can frighten an individual out of his wits, as you say, however, certain aspects of your world came as a result of choices that the occupants of this world had made and your world today is a result of some, not all, but some of these choices. Some of the aspects of your world have been designed and created by us on this side of the veil to assist you in your learning process, for this is what you asked of us, this is what you desired. You wanted to come here to learn, to grow, to be able to forge your wings that would fly you to freedom up in to the higher realms of this universe. You did not come here for a vacation, or for fun, or for relaxation, or enjoyment or for pleasure dear ones, you came here to increase greatly your learning curve and this entire world has been honed as a very productive tool specifically for this purpose, to reach this end.
What you have been doing here has not been a joy ride, has not been a pleasure cruise. We understand this, and often our hearts have broken for you as you struggled through tumultuous twists and turns in this often dark, unfriendly, unforgiving, unrewarding, unloving and undesirable world, but we had to allow you to continue your journey here unencumbered by our hearts offering of assistance to you. We could not always bail you out of trouble and we could not always furnish you with the choice that would bring to you a less harsh and more pleasurable experience. We wish we could so often as we love you dearly, but this would not help you in the end and would make so much of your efforts here simply a waste of your time, your effort, your energy and your struggles to survive, to go another day, walk another mile and learn another lesson.
It has all been very well worth it for you too, as today you are so very close to each and everything that you wished for yourselves before you waved goodbye to us and entered this long, grueling and often darkened journey through the long and twisted hallways of duality. You are now at your last and final doorway which, when opened, will allow you to step out of this jungle, this maze, this labyrinth and emerge back home where it all began for you, what you know as reality, for what you are experiencing at this moment is not reality. What you are experiencing is a concoction, a production, a tapestry of fiction, of science fiction, of fantasy, for what you are experiencing is a creation of many different minds, some on our side of the curtain and many on your side of the curtain, and it is not based in any way on reality. We wish you to understand this, for we wish you to be adequately prepared for what awaits you once you emerge from this fantasyland. What you will be emerging into cannot be compared to anything that you have come to know as your one true reality, for what awaits you on this side, today you would consider fantasy, science fiction, a production on a movie screen, for what is on this side is so very different from everything you have come to know and trust on your side.
Can you begin to imagine what it is like here on our side dear ones? Are you beginning to get the picture that you cannot compare what is on your side to what is on our side, that it would be, as you say, comparing apples to oranges, as there are no comparisons? Therefore, if you compare our descriptions of what existence is in the higher dimensions to what you are currently experiencing, that this is a formula that will not issue you any kind of reasonable and productive answers that you seek. Do you understand this? Do you understand that when we try to paint somewhat of a picture for you, of what your lives are going to be like once you step out of your current clothing of duality, we cannot offer you great details, for these details would only be confusing for you as there is nothing in your current state of reality that is in any way similar or can in any way be compared as a rule of measure to what is on this side. Do you understand what we are saying here? We are saying that you cannot take a tape measure, a T-square and a compass on your side of the curtain and try to measure or analyze what is on our side through our descriptions to you and through anything that you have experienced in the physical realm. There is just no way to calculate any answers, prove any points or to construct any kind of picture of what is on our side through these limited 3rd dimensional procedures of analysis.
This is all we wish to say on this subject, dear ones. We simply wish you to know that all your conferring and all your time spent trying to figure out what it is that awaits you is really simply a matter of wasted time, energy and focus, as there are so many other things you can be spending your time upon that will give to you far more reward then trying to figure out all that awaits you as you will not be able to come to any reasonable conclusion and you would actually be throwing yourself off the scent, as it were, as you would only be falling further away from what truly awaits you. This is how radically different existence is here once you emerge through the bottleneck of the time portal you are currently experiencing.
You will see and experience for yourselves, dear ones, very soon enough, as the days are now very, very short and it is time to start pulling you through the last corridor of this portal that will bring you through and up into a higher realm of this universe. We are here with our hands extended and we wish for you to grab hold and hold tightly as we help pull you through, for this is one of the most important reasons why we are here. We are here as your guides, and as your guides it is our responsibility to see to it that you make it this last mile and extract yourselves from the current reality and the dimension that you have experienced for so long and that no longer fits you, suits you, serves you, and move you into a new reality that is tailor-made just for you.
This is all we have to discuss with you today, dear ones, and we hope to see that you have gained a greater, sharper, clearer perspective of what awaits you on this side, and that is something that you cannot imagine at all and this is what we wish, for we do not wish for you to shape, mold, construct or create in any way something that is limiting for you in size, in scope, in beauty, fun, pleasure, enjoyment and excitement. We wish you to understand that the sky is not even the limit here on this side, and we say to let your imaginations run completely wild as there is nothing on this side that you cannot have, you cannot do, for it is all possible for you here. We are your friends and your family on this unimaginable side of this great curtain. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

I see where we can save!

I see where we can save!