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In Response To: CGI's BillsBest: BREAKING NEWS!!! Arpaio Finds Man Who Forged Obama's Birth Certificate *video* (Susoni)
Thanks so much for the feedback!! ******************************************** Re: CGI's BillsBest: BREAKING NEWS!!! Arpaio F.... NOTICE TO ALL PATRIOTS, MILITIA, AND US MILITARY A PATRIOT REPORT OF OUR NATIONAL CONDITION (share with your "friends") As many of you know around 1992 and beyond there were foreign troops in the US. Their strategy was to steal guns from ex-military, etc, and put them in the hands of gang members. The gun violence in cities was suppose to cause a public outcry for new gun laws,gun bans and confiscation of firearms. That plot by an enemy failed at that time. The recent fast and furious project by the Obama administration was doing the very same thing. They helped make sure that thousands of assault guns got into the hands of Mexicans without interdiction or tracing. And, they had zero plans to follow the weapons or do a sting against those that were using them. It was discovered that they wanted to cause an uproar from the public against gun crimes - from guns that originated from the US, especially Arizona. That plot, so far has failed. Eric Holder of Obama's Justice Dept, has been charged with contempt of Congress for failing to reveal the program fully. I have no idea what other devious plans this administration has for America. But, if Obama is re-elected he will go after privately owned guns one way or the other. The use of foreign troops was tantamount in the conspirators plans to disarm us. I have just learned from a patriot in Idaho that deals with Canadians, that the US government has informed Canada that they will be assuming full authority to make un-notified incursions into Canada up to 200 miles. The excuse was, if and when they would be chasing/pursuing criminals or terrorists. If there was a future confiscation of firearms in the US and civil uprisings in certain areas, some US citizens may try to flee to Canada, avoiding capture, etc. This would be one reason US forces would go after people across the border. There has also been an uptick in rumors of foreign troops in the US, which is the first time i have heard of this in 10 years or more. My guess is Obama is expecting those that cling to their bible and guns will resist new firearms laws. He calls them the "bitter clingers". In my opinion if things go normally to the November election that Obama will be easily defeated. His hard core socialist policies have lost him several segments of his original voting blocks. However, we are not out of the woods yet . He can initiate any number of clandestine, false flag events between now and the election. Those created events, like a major war, an attack on the US, an economic collapse, etc, would be exploited to suspend the elections and install full martial law. Even if he is defeated, he will sit in the white house until Jan. and will have time for more nefarious anti-American activities. Obama cannot be trusted. He is a liar and a hard core communist. We must assume he will do whatever he can to maintain power. If we can ride this time out until another president is placed in office we will be very fortunate. We are seeing a convergence of several possible major disasters in finance, wars and global economics in the next few months. Any one of them can take our nation into a tailspin. Unscrupulous politicians have been known to exploit these events for their own gain. We need to be on our guard now, more than ever. The key to the survival of our nation is the loyalty of our military and national guard to the US Constitution. Any unconstitutional order given by politicians that have assumed power illegally should be immediately rejected. The power must remain with the people in a Constitutional framework. In the past few weeks Obama has been signing one executive order (EO) after another, at a break neck pace. The last one I saw on the White house site was an EO saying we were now under a state of emergency in regard to missing Russian nuke materials, and their possible use in the US. This was an older EO signed into law around 1990. Obama has updated it for some reason. When a future dictator is preparing for takeover he covers all the bases for his total control over the people. Paramount in his grab for power, he relies on a loyal and compliant military through the chain of command. To get that compliance the national condition must be so degraded that the military would not hesitate to follow orders, even to the invasion of rebellious states and to seek out pockets of resistance. This is where foreign troop use may come in. However, there is still a major portion of the US military that would have to go along with his dictates if he was to try and seize power. In my opinion he has underestimated the US military and their loyalty to the Constitution. He has also miscalculated on how much hard core liberal support he has. His dream is to have an army of communists/protestors that will take over the US, just as the "Arab spring" revolts have done in the Middle East. If he gets a second term, or suspends the elections, he would be able to go to that second stage of takeover. Any chaotic event that happens, where politicians take more power should be a warning sign to us all. We must not be deceived and seduced into compliance, by the exploitation of a disaster -through the liberal press and corrupt politicians. George Eaton, Publisher of the Priority Report *************************************** |
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- CGI's BillsBest: BREAKING NEWS!!! Arpaio Finds Man Who Forged Obama's Birth Certificate *video* (views: 1732)
Susoni -- Thursday, 5-Jul-2012 22:44:59 - Reader: I hope this person is being protected (views: 127)
Susoni -- Thursday, 5-Jul-2012 23:38:12