Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Metatron agrees August 4th is Disclosure Date.....FINALLY!!!!!

Metatron agrees August 4th is Disclosure Date.....FINALLY!!!!!

MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

- Posted on 31 July 2012
MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

You yourself have realised that our advent is imminent, that it will be at the Olympic Games and that there will not be terrorism as such, except that plotted by the governments and state control forces. There may well be maverick opportunists who utilise the at first chaotic reaction to our coming, the coming of the Star Nations en masse, to terrorise and steal for their own ends. But the Star Councils of Light will ensure that this will not continue, and that order will be restored with the least violence possible.

The Dark Forces are preparing for this event, which is why it has been disseminated on the internet that a fake star landing will be staged, to throw people off the scent that what will happen is in fact real and taking place in the moment. The meditations sending the Love in your Hearts for all humankind with the intent for the best possible outcome are having an effect. Do continue, dear ones, to hold the world events in London in your daily meditations and to call on the assistance of the Star Councils of Light, for it helps greatly to ensure that the events predicted for the 4 August in the Manton Drove crop circle take place in as smooth a way as possible.

We would encourage you to speak with as many people as possible about the coming of the craft of the Star Councils of Light, of the coming of the Star Beings openly to make contact with the peoples of earth and to stabilise the world situation. We will ensure that your ruling bodies are stabilised by the replacement of many of your world leaders with those who work for the light and are dedicated to the wholesome evolution of the earth. These people are already in place behind the scenes or waiting to step into the positions of power. They have necessarily been veiled before the time was come, both for their own safety, and so that the coming of the Star Nations may take place as planned.

We ask you all who are partially aware of these imminent events to stand firm through the apparent chaos which may at first develop and to trust in our good intent and our ability to stabilise the situation in a relatively short time. We need your steadfastness, your love and trust, in order to reassure the people of the planet earth that there are those who understand what is happening and who welcome your star brothers and sisters. For it is true that all earth people are connected at some time in their past to the stars. We are all family, and there has been much interconnection between the star beings and your planet over the ages past. Now the earth has reached a critical stage in its evolution, and it is necessary to work together once more, the people of earth and the star beings who have always supported your development.

For behind the gods of ancient times stood your star families: in all the great early civilisations of your world like Ancient Egypt and the Mesopotamian cultures, India and China and the Mayans, and the Greek and Norse gods, and right through till now in the indigenous peoples of your world, who have retained a direct connection to the star people and the spirits of the living world around them. Many, many of you in the so-called civilised parts of your planet have also re-awakened to your star origins and are establishing your own direct connection once more through expanding your conscious mind to encompass these realities and to come into communication with us through channelling.

We call on you all to speak out fearlessly of what you know in your inner beings, to ease the rapid waking up and acceptance of what will shortly take place upon your planet. People will become aware for the first time that UFOs are real space craft, that 'aliens' are your star family, that the star beings come to help the world and offer the priceless gifts of their advanced light technologies. These people will need the help of those who have had longer to come to an understanding of these matters. Your task, dear ones, is to reassure and to help people comprehend what is happening, to tell people that you have been in communication with these star beings for some time, and that their intent is wholly benign, for they wish only to help the peoples of the earth.

AMUNA RA: Why did Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan use the words 'cataclysmic' and 'terrorism' about the Olympic Games in the Polar Clock crop circle channelling about 4 August?

METATRON: Oh dear one, it was to rouse you to action. You needed to be stirred sufficiently to give disseminate it widely along with the meditation calling on the Star Councils of Light to assist, which has helped prepare for our coming. There will be some maverick 'terrorism' as I mentioned above, but the major event (which we could not reveal at that early stage for it would have prejudiced the outcome), will be the coming en masse of the Star Nations to the earth. They will come in such numbers that your governments will immediately recognise that resistance by force would be useless. There will be great confusion and initial chaos which some will view as 'cataclysmic', but this will be calmed relatively quickly as the realisation spreads that this meeting with your star brothers and sisters is a most joyous occasion.`

Read more:

Jesse Ventura on The View "The Federal Reserve Runs The Country"

$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE

Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went... and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn't a clue...Dunno whether to laugh or cry - I am still getting over the shock and have watched 4 times - LISTEN carefully to what she says - THEY HAVE NO JURISTRICTION to investigate the fed!!! Only their programs?? OK the world has been fooled long enough ENOUGH ENOUGH!!! Get the hell outa paper money people and if you buy gold and silver - get the real stuff not paper gold etc. This is pure evil! 

USMC Answering Machine ----- Love It!

Computer Help For Grandma ----- Love It!

Computer Help. 


Per a comment posted and my response

We are all Americans. Sure wish the updates would come in English without aliens, flying saucers, and now telepathy. Over 25% of the original group have passed away since 1992. The last updates they heard included nonsense about ufo landings. Their families thought they were nuts. 10 days ago a close friend of mine, who I put in this in 1998, had a major stroke. He will not recover. That makes 27 of the 101 I put in this are gone. Believe me, his wife and the rest of his family believe in this happening as much as they believe in little green men. Even the surviving members need to hear something that makes sense. Just once in English please.


To answer your question frankly.









"The Father of Oleander Soup" (the home cancer cure)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

"The Father of Oleander Soup" (the home cancer cure)
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Aug-2012 09:48:27

Part 2 in the Oleander series of articles
In the earlier article “An Amazing Discovery in Turkey”, the first of this series of articles about oleander, I described how Doctor H. Z. Ozel discovered an age old remedy for cancer and other conditions in rural Turkey in the early 1960’s and, after successfully treating thousands of patients over the past 40 years, Dr. Ozel patented the medicine and it was entered into FDA trials. Unfortunately, after passing phase I trials, the patented medicine known as Anvirzel™ has languished for lack of funding (many consider a the patent, based on an age old remedy and common plant to be a weak one) and inter-company squabbles – and it may be many years, if ever, before this promising cancer fighter reaches the market as an FDA approved medicine.
The good news is that you do not have to wait for the approved medication, because you can make your own oleander extract at home on your stovetop, based on the original patent by Doctor Ozel and the folk remedy that has been used for thousands of years. Oleander is a naturally growing plant found all over the southern and southwestern United States and throughout much of the world, and if it isn’t growing naturally near you, you can order oleander plants from many mail-order nurseries on the internet. (There are also at least three sources of a commercial supplement version I am aware of, but that will have to wait for a subsequent installment in this series.).
Yes, you can make your own oleander remedy, known as “oleander soup” at home about as easily as a large pot of beans, and for that, you can thank a personal injury lawyer by the name of Edward F. Hensley, from San Antonio, Texas, whom I call the "Father of Oleander Soup".
The rest of the article:

30 years of secret, official transcripts prove vaccine schedules in US and UK are based on government lies

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

30 years of secret, official transcripts prove vaccine schedules in US and UK are based on government lies
Posted By: NotRob
Date: Wednesday, 1-Aug-2012 10:58:28

(NaturalNews) A comprehensive investigation into the inner workings of the U.K.'s nationalized healthcare system has revealed a shocking legacy of corruption and lies concerning the country's vaccine policy. According to Dr. Lucija Tomlijenovic, Ph.D., from the University of British Columbia in Canada, the advisory and governing bodies that set vaccination policy in the U.K. have, for many decades now, hidden the truth about vaccine dangers, and deliberately pushed unsafe vaccines on the public in order to uphold the official vaccination schedule.
Learn more: 


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Aug-2012 07:40:00

Posted By: Nemesis
Date: April 2003
Homeland Security will become goose-stepping home-snooping power-junkies.
I heard a knock at the door (I was visiting the future and was standing inside an average home in your average medium size town, neighborhood.
The mother, husband, children and an older couple had been very busy cleaning the house, checking to see what was in all the drawers–organizing them–closets, moving and looking beneath furniture–the place looked like a Spic-n-Span commercial.
I asked what was going on, and was told that the security police had an appointment to do their regular check for contraband and general compliance.
"What is considered contraband?" I asked.
The family heard me, and looked at me suspiciously, but the old man seemed kindhearted and took me aside and said, "Look, I know you're not from around here, but what is about to happen in a few minutes is very important. The Security Police come at different times to different neighborhoods and do checks for illegal things, like guns (which no right thinking person would dare possess) banned writings (any lies about the government, things that foment dissent, that kind of stuff) they check for rebellious attitudes, non agreement–hate kind of things–and generally try to determine if citizens are, or will be, a threat to societies' peace and general welfare. They perform a valuable service to society. They also just check on the condition of our homes, making sure we live up to the standards of cleanliness and orderliness our society mandates. It's very comforting that they perform this service throughout the entire country."
I heard the knock at the door again, and everyone but the father sat down on the couch, at attention, the father went to the door and opened it.
"Hi, welcome. Come on in. Must be that time again?" said the father.
Two uniformed men and a women–wearing smart tailored dark blue coveralls, gun-like belts, badges and hats (the woman held a clipboard)–walked into the house, smiling, the woman said, "thank you," to the father, and smiled at the family, like she knew them.
After brief formalities one of the uniformed men and the woman started searching the house, each room in turn, while the other uniformed man talked with the father–the rest of the family remained seated.
I followed the man and woman. The man removed a small "wand" looking thing from his gun belt and waved it over things in the room (like a super discriminating metal/nonmetal detector). They looked in closets, moved things around, searched the pockets of clothing, opened dresser drawers, looked under beds, went from room to room, and occasionally the woman would write something on the clipboard. They were very thorough and neat, replacing everything, leaving nothing they touched disorganized. They also searched the small backyard and a storage shed.
When they were done, we went back into the house. The woman addressed the whole family, speaking generally of some minor items she had noted on her clipboard (nothing grievous) and the family listened with heightened attention, nodded assent, but made no comments.
The woman told the family that their current status as AAA-Citizens would remain, and she congratulated them, and told them that all their privileges remained intact, and she thanked them for maintaining and supporting their government.
The government people left, and the family breathed a sigh of relief and gratitude for their Triple A Citizenship and their continued privileges.

Our tax dollars at work--but not for us.

Our tax dollars at work--but not for us.

Subj: SEE ANY GRAY HAIR????????????

One sure way of winning a national;
you have all the dead folks voting Democrat, too !

Social Security Office In Milwaukee

A friend went to the social security office this week to file for Medicare, because it is the only way to keep medical insurance when you turn 65.

He took a picture of the waiting room.

Please tell me if you can find a retired person in the place ! ! ! !

It's called "disability" insurance ! ! ! !

You no longer have to wonder why SS is broke ! ! !

These people do not pay into the system, nor are they disabled ! ! !

Please spread this picture to everyone you know.

Our country is going broke on this fraud ! ! !

Go down to your SS office and check it out.

One goes on SS Disability after 99 weeks of unemployment checks and then Obama does not have to count them as Unemployed.

Remember This in November 2012 ! ! ! 

Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England

Subject: Emailing: Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England.htm

"QUASI" (Blacks Law Dictionary Fourth Ed);
"As if; almost as it were; analogous to. This term is used in legal phraseology to indicate that one subject resembles another, but which it is compared, in certain characteristics between them" [end quote].
In other words...we have the real thing called the U.S. Federal Government, and a mirrored operation by quasi U.S. Federal Government privatized agencies who have been clothed with Federal Powers..but, are in fact not federal at all but Private Agencies which in fact belongs to PRIVATE CORPORATIONS/COMPANIES & INDIVIDUALS. Don't believe it!? Go back and check out Executive Order 12803 "PRIVATIZATION" and take a look at what was sold off to private individuals, corporations/companies etc., and TAX PAYERS ARE STILL PAYING TAX'S TO THESE "PRIVATE ENTITIES?!"

These PRIVATE ENTITIES are the ones bribing your Congressman, your Senator, your Governor and the rest of the BBC (Billionaire Boys Club) DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION & BILL OF RIGHTS under "Treaty's" international agreements other than treaties...and using the VIth Amendment to protect their RUMPS from We, the People by controlling Judges on the Bench and thereby Controlling the Laws in the Courts of We,the People.

I keep remembering what Russell said on November 17, 1993.. "When the American People wake up and realize what the Feds have done to them; I would not want to be----because the people will hunt them down, give them a fair trial, and hang them on the capital steps.."

The statement was made Nov. 17, 1993. 1991 Bush authorized JAMES BAKER III to use "gold collateral" (U.S. Debt) which he had no Duly Constituted Authority to use, nor did he have the OWNERS PERMISSION to use the gold collateral which ultimately brought down the German, French, Japanese, English, Russian etc Banks. The aba's account numbers etc can be found in the Texas Two Step articles posted at
which will also include information on THE BRADY BONDS.
The GAIA CULT has buried itself deep inside our U.S. Federal Offices such as (a) The Department of Health and Human Services
(b) The Inter-American Development Bank (incorporated by the GAIA-Ekkers in 1997-98 after Sec. of the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Rubin, "forgot" to incorporate the U.S. Fed. Govt. Corporation),
(c) The Multilateral INTER AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (another U.S. Govt. Corporation which Sec. Rubin conveniently forgot to "incorporate") including a retired, held in Trust Corporation COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD; NEVADA ID # 1707-85 which was formally retired by noticing the Nevada Corporations Commissioner (Sec. of State) June 1997. The COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; Nevada Corporation, formerly held 24% (twenty four percent) of THE ONE TIME ONLY BONUS COMMODITY CONTRACT BONUS 3392-181 COLLATERALIZED GOLD INTEREST calculated twice, first calculations are Notarized Calculations, while the second calculation was by the U.S. Fed. R. Bank in Los Angeles, California calculating from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 on the GOLD COLLATERAL as -- ***$206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 GOLD COLLATERAL.
Quote: "Taking down the U.S. DOLLAR which the entire Global
Banking, Financing and Economics are "peged".. along with setting up all of those "DEVELOPMENT BANKS" mentioned by E.J. Ekker: "Inter-American Development Bank just set up a little nice banks all around, you know, the little Asian Development Bank, European Development Bank, Hong Kong Development Bank, po-dunk Development Bank, and ever so many more. This sprang out of Inter American Investment Corporation MINE originally set up by the Bush's but never through Incorporation OOPS, BIG GOOF!! This was also pretty inclusive of the DEPOSIT TRUST [Depository Trust Co. 55 Water Street, New York, New York] outfit who runs all the stocks, etc. [end quote]
[FURTHER SEE: Chicago and Illinois, Leading the Pack in CorruptionAnti-Corruption Report
THE COMMODITY CONTRACT BONUS 3392-181 is; A Duly Constituted Sovereign Commodity Contract of the Republic of Peru of April 27, 1875, sold in the United States May 1, 1875 it is a DEBT of the United States.

December 2, 1989. Document Recorded of Public Record in it's requirement of TWO SIGNATURES & TWO SEALS "regarding transferring of any of the 24% GOLD COLLATERAL INTEREST IN COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD;. The 24% interest GOLD COLLATERAL accrued on BONUS 3392-181 taken out of COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD. This was at the NOTICE of Chief of Operations, Fraud Division, Chief Gammlesgarrd informing the Corporate Officers, Russell Herrman and V.K. Durham "TOO MANY COSMOS CORPORATIONS were pretending to be "Us."

1991. Sept. 12. A transaction consisting of 120B$ GOLD was put down through TRANS TECH INTERNATIONAL at this address MOSHAV YISHI 68, ISRAEL.
This Israel operation took this down through :001 & :002 (U.S. DEPT OF THE TREASURY & U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK) in 30 BILLION DOLLAR USD INCREMENTS.

A. This involved the JAPANESE YEN and DUTCH MARK
a. TRANSACTION CODE: 091291/JY/USD/30B/001 and 091291/DM/30B/002 "four of these transactions went down."

b. Provisions of the Agreement(s) (not signed or authorized by the Signatories of Bonus 3392-181) "Transactions to continue until the U.S. DOLLAR WAS EXHAUSTED." (Interpol has the Agreement, and the PAYOUT ORDERS on these transactions) (as does the U.S. Security Exchange, Washington, DC Offices), and

c. TERM OF CONTRACT 10 YEARS scheduled to pay out on or about 9/11/02.

** There was involvement, at that time with a HAMILTON & HYUN Investment Corp. (Korean) further involved with USSR GOVERNMENT LOAN FACILITY, TRANSACTION CODE - TBC: 11AM/WS/9102 further identifying;

1. Prime Minister of Yakutsko, Mr. K. Ivanov,

2. Deputy P.M. of Yakutsko, Mr. D. Popov,

3. Bank of Foreign & Economic Affairs, Moscow, Mr. E. Sadovsky,

4. Prodintor for Yakutsko (Buying Arm), Mr. Ermilin.



and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001

and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and


to which the payorder identifies the following accounts:
THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1)

Name: Trans Tech International
Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede

BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3):

Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank
Address: 26929 102 NW

Stanwood, WA 98292
Routing ABA: 125000037
Account No. 1530113241
Bank Officer: Don Swanson
Phone No. (206)629-2141


Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York
Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc.
(** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUDD -JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.)
Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183,
Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039
Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266
Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002


Address: 55 Water Street

New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209

Further credit to Daryl Pennington & Assoc.

Account No. 673155413201


Federal Tax ID:S 88-02443380
Corp. ID No. 1707-85
Bank Name: Boatman's National Bank of Belleville, IL
Address: 23 Public Square

Belleville, Illinois
Routing ABA: 081001413
Account No. 011503029697-0407 Russell Herman & V.K. Durham as individuals

***Note No. 1. All four transactions went down through the same Banks & Brokerage Houses facilitated by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury (001) and the U.S. Federal Bank (002).

Note No. 2. November 18, 1991; V.K. DURHAM was ordered off the BOATMEN'S BANK ACCOUNT by THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (?) Even though, Mr. Herman gave written letter stating "HE WAS GOING BLIND" and "could not see to do his banking and other business affairs".

Note No. 3. V.K. DURHAM was subsequently, as of June 1992, identified in the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AS "DECEASED." Remains "deceased" to this date Aug. 1, 2012 to allow the Money Laundering and Financial Terrorism continue by those at the top.

Just in case the 2 + 2 has not lodged between ears.. QUASI FEDERAL AGENCIES operating under federal power, abusing their agency powers allowed by the U.S. Federal Government are the guilty parties in all of this BLACK OPS operations which are MIRRORED OPERATIONS of the Originals which Russell and Gunther were involved as Original OSS, OSI, CIA in "Bringing the Gold Home."
About resolving the current Banking, Financing and Economic Problems which the GAIA-EKKER'S have participated in TAKING HOSTAGE by "FABRICATING" Debt instruments (see) after BUSH, CLINTON and THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS authorized the counterfeit operation (see)
read more at source

Unwanted Publicity Intelligence - Covered Bonds & Bank Paper ...

Covered Bonds & Bank Paper Trading Fraud by, Unwanted Publicity Intelligence ... As to Mr. EJ EKKER and that Bonus 3392-181, I wish him GOOD LUCK in his claims, as ...
JP MORGAN'S back dating of acquisition: When the MORTON TRUST COMPANY was acquired by merger, all of its assets and obligations were transferred over to and through a series of yet other periodic mergers and acquisitions ( M&As ) with numerous other financial institutions in New York City, New York, USA that eventually became known ( 2004 ) as the J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ( see brief below )

Note: the House of HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY was acquired by merger into the MORTON TRUST COMPANY that became acquired by merger into the J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION in 2004.
- -

New York City Bank Historical Brief -


13APR1864 established as: New York Guaranty And Indemnity Company;
01DEC1895 name changed to: Guaranty Trust Company of New York;
26JAN1910 acquired by merger: MORTON TRUST COMPANY;
26JAN1910 acquired by merger: Fifth Avenue Trust Company;
16OCT1912 acquired by merger: Standard Trust Company;
04MAY1929 acquired by merger: Bank of Commerce in New York ( APR 1929 - MAY 1929 );
24APR1959 acquired by merger: J. P. Morgan & Company Incorporated ( 1940 - 1959 );
26JUN1959 acquired by merger: Morgan et Cie. (aka) Morgan & Cie. Incorporated (aka) Morgan & Company Incorporated;
27DEC1968 acquired by merger: Morgan Guaranty Safe Deposit Company;
01JUN1996 acquired by merger: J. P. Morgan Delaware;
10NOV01 merged by state as: J. P. Morgan Chase Bank;
13NOV04 converted to federal as: J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION.

- -Since at least 1873, before the House of HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY became "Financial Agents of Peru," 'predecessor' Charles W. Dabney of the international financial trading merchant House of "DABNEY, MORGAN & COMPANY" held exclusive Peru guano export license contracts as "Financial Agents of Peru."

Both the House of HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY and the House of DABNEY, MORGAN & COMPANY were 'New York City', United States of America "Financial Agents of Peru" especially selected for exporting "Peru guano" solely to the "United States of America".

Interestingly, the House of HOBSON, HURTADO & COMPANY was acquired by merger into the MORTON TRUST COMPANY that became acquired by merger into the J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION in 2004. source:
RUSSELL HERMAN'S STATEMENT NOVEMBER 17, 1993 NOW COMING TRUE. "When the American People wake up and realize what the Feds have done to them; I would not want to be----because the people will hunt them down, give them a fair trial, and hang them on the capital steps.."
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England

Posted on July 28, 2012 by itccs

The Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State

Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England – Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels – London)

On September 15, 2012, an International Common Law Court, duly constituted under the Law of Nations, will be convened to consider evidence and hear charges of Crimes against Humanity brought against the Crown of England, the Vatican and other parties.
In the event that the Crown is convicted in this duly constituted Court for such crimes as Genocide, Child Trafficking and waging a War of Aggression against indigenous nations, your continued allegiance and service of this convicted party will constitute criminal collusion and obstruction of justice.
Prior to committing such an indictable offense, you wil be asked by this Court to refrain from implicating yourselves with such criminal parties by assuming a position of neutrality in relation to the Crown of England as a possible party to a crime.
As servants of the Public Peace and Welfare rather than of a potentially convicted authority, you will be asked by this Court to place yourselves at the service of a fair and impartial investigation of documented crimes involving the Crown of England.
Accordingly, this Court will be requiring police officers in Canada, England, Australia and other nations to assist it in presenting summonses and other warrants to Crown officials, to aid this Court in the pursuit of justice and due process, and to enforce any verdicts and decisions of this Court regarding the culpability of the Crown for Crimes against Humanity.
This Court will also require that in the course of this trial and upon summary conviction of the Crown, civil servants cease and desist from collecting taxes and administering laws on behalf of the Crown of England and its client governments in Canada, England, Australia and elsewhere, lest by such assisting of parties convicted of Crimes against Humanity these civil servants violate international law and the verdicts of this Court.
If you officers continue to serve as agents of the Crown under these circumstances, you will have betrayed your public trust and responsibility, and disqualified yourselves from holding public office.
In such a eventuality, you may face summary arrest and trial for aiding and abetting those engaged in Crimes against Humanity.
We trust that you will fulfill what is lawful and just, and stand with our Court of Common Law Justice as duly sworn Public Peace Officers. To ensure this compliance, your officers will be approached by agents of our Court to take such an Oath of Service. We expect your cooperation in this matter.
Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels – London)
July 28, 2012
cc: world media, governments and police agencies

Deleveraging Escalates, 1of2

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Deleveraging Escalates--Part 1 of 2

Deleveraging Escalates, 1of2
y Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday July 29, 2012
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

pic dealbreaker com

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets from offshore proprietary accounts in India, China, Singapore and the Philippines continue.

These collateralized assets are property rights, precious and industrial metals, along with oil and natural gas holdings.

This redemption and repatriation of assets is necessary because of the current LIBOR rate irregularities tied to Barclays Bank and other worldwide financial institutions.

At this hour, banks need collateralized assets not any alleged stimulus aka derivatives.

Any new round of stimulus would be absorbed in derivative costs within hours if not minutes.

Creating new derivatives to replace old derivatives would do nothing more than create a new set of bogus books to keep insolvent banks afloat for only a short period of time.

Reference: Remember, the banks still can't loan money so any new derivative policy is deflationary not inflationary and would do nothing to create any real aggregate demand in the world economy.

At this hour we can divulge that patriotic members on various committees in Congress are working overtime to accelerate reconsolidation and recollateralization of U.S. banks.

These members of Congress are working on behalf of the U.S. Taxpayers and the U.S. Treasury.

The game plan is to issue invoices on behalf of the U.S. Treasury, which has a tie in to the repatriation of assets linked to the 2008 TARP bail out program.

Note: By reducing the number of banks and consolidating the ones that are solvent it can be reported that this plan could reduce the U.S. budget deficit to $2 trillion or even zero it out within 60 days.

This dovetails to the immediate implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Are you listening Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner?