Thursday, August 2, 2012

MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

- Posted on 31 July 2012
MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

You yourself have realised that our advent is imminent, that it will be at the Olympic Games and that there will not be terrorism as such, except that plotted by the governments and state control forces. There may well be maverick opportunists who utilise the at first chaotic reaction to our coming, the coming of the Star Nations en masse, to terrorise and steal for their own ends. But the Star Councils of Light will ensure that this will not continue, and that order will be restored with the least violence possible.

The Dark Forces are preparing for this event, which is why it has been disseminated on the internet that a fake star landing will be staged, to throw people off the scent that what will happen is in fact real and taking place in the moment. The meditations sending the Love in your Hearts for all humankind with the intent for the best possible outcome are having an effect. Do continue, dear ones, to hold the world events in London in your daily meditations and to call on the assistance of the Star Councils of Light, for it helps greatly to ensure that the events predicted for the 4 August in the Manton Drove crop circle take place in as smooth a way as possible.

We would encourage you to speak with as many people as possible about the coming of the craft of the Star Councils of Light, of the coming of the Star Beings openly to make contact with the peoples of earth and to stabilise the world situation. We will ensure that your ruling bodies are stabilised by the replacement of many of your world leaders with those who work for the light and are dedicated to the wholesome evolution of the earth. These people are already in place behind the scenes or waiting to step into the positions of power. They have necessarily been veiled before the time was come, both for their own safety, and so that the coming of the Star Nations may take place as planned.

We ask you all who are partially aware of these imminent events to stand firm through the apparent chaos which may at first develop and to trust in our good intent and our ability to stabilise the situation in a relatively short time. We need your steadfastness, your love and trust, in order to reassure the people of the planet earth that there are those who understand what is happening and who welcome your star brothers and sisters. For it is true that all earth people are connected at some time in their past to the stars. We are all family, and there has been much interconnection between the star beings and your planet over the ages past. Now the earth has reached a critical stage in its evolution, and it is necessary to work together once more, the people of earth and the star beings who have always supported your development.

For behind the gods of ancient times stood your star families: in all the great early civilisations of your world like Ancient Egypt and the Mesopotamian cultures, India and China and the Mayans, and the Greek and Norse gods, and right through till now in the indigenous peoples of your world, who have retained a direct connection to the star people and the spirits of the living world around them. Many, many of you in the so-called civilised parts of your planet have also re-awakened to your star origins and are establishing your own direct connection once more through expanding your conscious mind to encompass these realities and to come into communication with us through channelling.

We call on you all to speak out fearlessly of what you know in your inner beings, to ease the rapid waking up and acceptance of what will shortly take place upon your planet. People will become aware for the first time that UFOs are real space craft, that 'aliens' are your star family, that the star beings come to help the world and offer the priceless gifts of their advanced light technologies. These people will need the help of those who have had longer to come to an understanding of these matters. Your task, dear ones, is to reassure and to help people comprehend what is happening, to tell people that you have been in communication with these star beings for some time, and that their intent is wholly benign, for they wish only to help the peoples of the earth.

AMUNA RA: Why did Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan use the words 'cataclysmic' and 'terrorism' about the Olympic Games in the Polar Clock crop circle channelling about 4 August?

METATRON: Oh dear one, it was to rouse you to action. You needed to be stirred sufficiently to give disseminate it widely along with the meditation calling on the Star Councils of Light to assist, which has helped prepare for our coming. There will be some maverick 'terrorism' as I mentioned above, but the major event (which we could not reveal at that early stage for it would have prejudiced the outcome), will be the coming en masse of the Star Nations to the earth. They will come in such numbers that your governments will immediately recognise that resistance by force would be useless. There will be great confusion and initial chaos which some will view as 'cataclysmic', but this will be calmed relatively quickly as the realisation spreads that this meeting with your star brothers and sisters is a most joyous occasion.`

Pyramids of Light – A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran and the Ascended Masters

Pyramids of Light – A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran and the Ascended Masters

"...You ARE Pyramids of Light!! Like standing in the Light of the Full Moon, the base of each Pyramid connects one to the next and the next and the next, perceived as one solid Path of Light on the final leg of your journey… one by which All around you can now see clearly the path which they too might take to cross over into the Light of a whole new Day!..."

Pyramids of Light – A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran and the Ascended Masters
(as received by Ariel DeAngelis on July 31, 2012)
Dear Family of Light, WE greet you this day in Joy and Ecstatic Divine Bliss to bring you this message of Love and Light. We’re making it rather short and sweet on purpose as we prepare for Celebration and many plans are still to be made for the “party” to follow… <grin>
Have you given consideration lately to the symbol of the Pyramid? You know it as a part of sacred Geometry that has been utilized through “the ages” not only by your ancestors as monuments to the “gods” and in memoriam to their fallen/deceased leaders, but also in more recent [ remembered] times, Pyramids all over Earth utilized as Energy Conduits, transmitting and receiving Energies between Earth and the Central Axis of your Galactic plane. Also duly noted in more recent “times”, as your time of Ascension nears, are memories of the importance of the Crystalline Pyramids you hold within your Higher Selves and which are integral with the Crystalline Pyramids in the Higher Dimensions utilized as Energy conduits to transmit and receive information in the form of Love and Light Energy directly between YOU and the Source of All That Is.
The Pyramid; simple in its structure, yet powerful in its delivery, not unlike Source Itself. Give it too much “thought” and it becomes like so much in your current experience; overcomplicated and too difficult to understand… Give it too little consideration and it becomes lost to the “sands of time” … very much like Love Itself?
Many of you have worked so diligently to reach this point at which you now stand; the point of no return on the road to Ascension – the juncture point between what once was and what you perceive as “what will be”, where EVERTYHING changes. Finally at last, you embrace that long cherished dream of Joy and Happiness which you have held in your hearts for so very long. As so often has been pointed out recently, we invite you to dispense with the concept of “what will be” and embrace it as what “already is” to bring it fully into your heart center and your current experience.
So many of you have striven as Lightworkers and Wayshowers holding and shining your light in the darkness for those who were awakening to the reality of their own path, the only path they could take, yet without the assistance of the representative “flashlight” in the darkness could not see to find their path. We ALL thank you for your initiative and stalwartness in the face of at times the most challenging circumstances!
The darkness has lifted now. Do you see the Light on the Horizon? Can you make out the telltale signs of imminent Dawn? Daybreak is very near, and so many of you have instinctively put down your flashlights, extinguished your nearly spent candles in exchange for truer, more steadfast versions of the beacons of light you once were. You have gone within yourSELVES, paying no further heed to the external features of your former “selves” knowing that the time for shining simple lights on the paths of those are still awakening has come to an end. Dusk is turning to Dawn, and you in your steadfastness are now Streetlights all lining the road which spans the Bridge between here and Evermore. You know that to move this way or that is no longer necessary In order for your awakening Brothers and Sisters to find their way, and so you remain within the latitude of your Own Light, paying heed to your Own needs in these final moments before you cross over the Bridge. You know that THIS is what you came here for; Your journey of your self toward Your Self!!
You ARE Pyramids of Light!! Like standing in the Light of the Full Moon, the base of each Pyramid connects one to the next and the next and the next, perceived as one solid Path of Light on the final leg of your journey… one by which All around you can now see clearly the path which they too might take to cross over into the Light of a whole new Day! You now radiate the Eternal Wisdom and True Love that has always been and will always be your connection to the Source of All That is. We bid you hold fast to that premise! You ARE there now! <big smile> and the Celebration is beginning!
I AM Archangel Michael, incarnate as Ashtar Sheran, with the Ascended Masters. As we transmit these last few words we wish you to know that the Sun IS edging over the Horizon, dusk HAS turned to Dawn, and Daybreak IS … oh… say… a few minutes away, relatively speaking. < bright-shining-like-the-sun-smile>

Read more:


Portal 2012

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 03:32 AM PDT

Omega Pandora modulated and operational, POS progress to 0.3 stable. Major systems security breach enforcing master delta LOC, deflected.  HVBN stable. M attempt failure, decrease to 1.0.

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State


....  B.A.R. Card Members such as Attorneys, Lawyers, and JUDGES !!!!!!!!

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England

Posted on July 28, 2012 by itccs

The Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State

Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England – Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels – London)

On September 15, 2012, an International Common Law Court, duly constituted under the Law of Nations, will be convened to consider evidence and hear charges of Crimes against Humanity brought against the Crown of England, the Vatican and other parties.
In the event that the Crown is convicted in this duly constituted Court for such crimes as Genocide, Child Trafficking and waging a War of Aggression against indigenous nations, your continued allegiance and service of this convicted party will constitute criminal collusion and obstruction of justice.
Prior to committing such an indictable offense, you wil be asked by this Court to refrain from implicating yourselves with such criminal parties by assuming a position of neutrality in relation to the Crown of England as a possible party to a crime.
As servants of the Public Peace and Welfare rather than of a potentially convicted authority, you will be asked by this Court to place yourselves at the service of a fair and impartial investigation of documented crimes involving the Crown of England.
Accordingly, this Court will be requiring police officers in Canada, England, Australia and other nations to assist it in presenting summonses and other warrants to Crown officials, to aid this Court in the pursuit of justice and due process, and to enforce any verdicts and decisions of this Court regarding the culpability of the Crown for Crimes against Humanity.
This Court will also require that in the course of this trial and upon summary conviction of the Crown, civil servants cease and desist from collecting taxes and administering laws on behalf of the Crown of England and its client governments in Canada, England, Australia and elsewhere, lest by such assisting of parties convicted of Crimes against Humanity these civil servants violate international law and the verdicts of this Court.
If you officers continue to serve as agents of the Crown under these circumstances, you will have betrayed your public trust and responsibility, and disqualified yourselves from holding public office.
In such a eventuality, you may face summary arrest and trial for aiding and abetting those engaged in Crimes against Humanity.
We trust that you will fulfill what is lawful and just, and stand with our Court of Common Law Justice as duly sworn Public Peace Officers. To ensure this compliance, your officers will be approached by agents of our Court to take such an Oath of Service. We expect your cooperation in this matter.
Issued by the Judicial Oversight Panel of the Common Law Court of Justice investigating Crimes of Church and State (Brussels – London)
July 28, 2012
cc: world media, governments and police agencies

Fox News Exposes FED as beginning NOT of Congress, but of a private Bankster System

Cracks Appearing- Slowly, Slowly: Fox News Exposes FED as beginning NOT of Congress, but of a private Bankster System
By V.K. Durham
Full documentary THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND By Edward Griffin
Posted 2/11/03
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve "G. Edward Griffin exposes the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank." source:
What the PTB's do not want you to know about the Can Do and CAN NOT DO of the Fed. R. Banking. So! Let us now take a look at what the Act of Congress allowed by Law to the Federal Reserve Banking System in the Foreign Federal Reserve Bank Act called "The Edge"..
The Foreign Banking Act, Dec. 24, 1919. Sec. 43 & Sec. 25. Abuse of Powers by The Federal Reserve Banking System "Trust", empowered by said Act of Congress(?)


(Law, Banking and Business. Copyright, 1918, by THE JOHN A. HERTEL CO., Copyright 1921 by THE JOHN A . HERTAL CO.)
Growth of Foreign Commerce.-- Even prior to the World War, American commerce had been pushing its way into the four corners of the globe. It was true that it had been carried almost entirely in foreign ships, but the thing that seemed to satisfy us for the moment, was the fact that it went, and the manner of its gong was something of lesser importance.
This growth in our foreign commerce has kept pace with our own growth in manufactured products which we have been turning out in quantities in excess of our own demands, and our manufacturers have been forced to look to a foreign market.

War Expansion.--- In the early months of the war, the United States was the one great neutral manufacturing nation as well as the world's granary, inasmuch as the merchant ships of the warring nations were practically swept off the seas. The United States manufacturers and exporters of all kinds rushed into the vacuum thus caused by the war and American goods were in greater demand than ever, not only by the warring nations, but by the neutral nations cut off from other foreign sources of supply.
Even during our participation in the war the amount of exports piled up to unheard of aggregates, so that the balance of trade was strongly in our favor and the United States became the creditor nation of the world.

Foreign Banking Facilities.--- As our foreign commerce grew, the nation began to realize its handicap in the matter of foreign banking facilities. Foreign nations have their own methods of transacting business, their own and customary terms of credit and payments, and our competitors in the foreign field had been long used to doing business with these nations in their own way.
The South American trade, for example, has been used to buying on long credits, from six to twelve months, and France, England and Germany as well as the other nations of Europe have been taking the lion's share of this trade on these terms.
To facilitate the handling and financing of the great volume of such foreign business, these countries extended their banking facilities to these foreign fields, and with the result that our own exporters were at a decided disadvantage, losing their competitors the trade that was not in a position or willing to make payment in New York against bills of lading.

(note no. 1. These Bills of Lading is in regards to the Peruvian Manuevo Guano-Nitrate "Bonds" which W.R. GRACE, J.P. MORGAN, the English Rothschild Banking "Tripod" bankrupted the Latin American Nations, Peru included through "SHORT BILLING Bills of Lading" which they, in turn, foreclosed on Peru obtaining a 60 year receivership on the Natural Resources of Peru, her Rail Roads etc. W.R. Grace alleged to have "purchased all the outstanding bonds of Peru." He missed the ONE TIME ONLY BONUS "3392-181" owned by the DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) whereas said Debt of Peru was "assumed" through the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of State through the 1856 GUANO ACT; Resolved by the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate 1905-06.)
(note no. 2.) This is the main thrust of Ben Bernanke's toasting of Milton Friedman, Governor of the Board of Governor's of the Federal Reserve Bank, "90th Birthday toast" "Sure, We caused the great depression"...which was published on or about December 9th, 2002 Business news.)

Expanding the Federal Reserve Act.--- Our own banking system having been so successfully reconstructed and expanded through the Federal Reserve Act, creating the Federal Reserve Banks and enlarging their financial stress, having proven so beneficial, Congress, in 1919 amended the act authorizing the creation of banks within the United States to do foreign banking business, by what is known as the Edge, or Foreign Banking Act, approved December 24, 1919.

Provisions of the Act.--- The Act amends the Federal Reserve Act by adding a new section (25), and owing to its importance, is given in full as follows:
"Banking corporations authorized to do foreign banking business.
"Sec. 25. (a) Corporations to be organized for the purpose of engaging in international or foreign banking or other international or foreign financial operations, or in banking or other financial operations in a dependency or insular possession of the United States, either directly or through the agency, ownership or control of local institutions in foreign countries, or in such dependencies or insular possessions as provided by this section,and to act when required by the secretary of the treasury as fiscal agents of the United States, may be formed by any number of natural persons, not less in any case than five.
"Such persons shall enter into articles of association which shall specify in general terms the objects for which the association is formed and may contain any other provisions not inconsistent with law which the association may see fit to adopt for the regulation of its business and the conduct of its affairs.

Organization Certificate.--- "Such articles of association shall be signed by all of the persons intending to participate in the organization of the corporation and, thereafter, shall be forwarded to the federal reserve board and shall be filed and preserved in its office. The persons signing the said articles of association shall, under their hands, make an organization certificate which shall specifically state:
"1. The name assumed by such corporation, which shall be the subject of the approval of the federal reserve board.
"2. The place or places where its operations are to be carried on.
"3. The place in the United States where its home office is to be located.
"4. The amount of its capital stock and the number of shares into which the same shall be divided.
"5. The names and places of business or residence of the persons executing the certificate and number of shares to which each has subscribed.
"6. The fact that the certificate is made to enable the persons subscribing the same, and all other persons, firms, companies and corporations who or which may thereafter subscribe to or purchase shares of the capital stock of such corporation, to avail themselves of the advantages of this section.

Completing the Organization.--- "The persons signing the organization certificate shall duly acknowledge the execution thereof before a judge of some court of record or notary public, who shall certify thereto under the seal of such court or notary, and thereafter the certificate shall be forwarded to the federal reserve board to be filed and preserved in its office. Upon duly making and filing articles of association and an organization certificate, and after the federal reserve board has approved the same and issued a permit to begin business, the association shall become a body corporate and as such and in the name designated therein shall have power to adopt and use a corporate seal which may be changed at the pleasure of its board of directors; to have succession for a period of twenty years unless sooner dissolved by the act of the shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock, or by an act of congress or unless its franchises become forfeited by some violation of law; to make contracts; to sue and be sued, complain or defend in any court of law or equity; to elect or appoint directors, all of whom shall be citizens of the United States; and, by its board of directors, to appoint such officers and employees as may be deemed proper, define their authority and duties, require bonds of them, and fix the penalty there of, dismiss such officers or employees, or any thereof, at pleasure and appoint others to fill their places; to prescribe, by its board of directors, bylaws not inconsistent with law or with the regulations of the federal reserve board regulating the manner in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers and employees appointed, its property transferred, and the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed.

Scope of Operations.--- "Each corporation so organized shall have power, under such rules and regulations as the federal reserve board may prescribe:
"(a) To purchase, sell, discount and negotiate, with or without its indorsement or guaranty, notes, drafts, checks, bills of exchange, acceptances, including bankers' acceptances, cable transfers and other evidences of indebtedness; to purchase and sell, with or without its indorsement or guaranty, securities, including the obligations of the United States or of any state thereof but not including shares of stock in any corporation except as herein provided; to accept bills or drafts drawn upon it subject to such limitations and restrictions as the federal reserve board may impose; to issue letters of credit; to purchase and sell coin, bullion and exchange; to borrow and to lend money; to issue debentures, bonds and promissory notes under such general conditions as to security and such limitations as the federal reserve board may prescribe, but in no event having liabilities outstanding thereon at any one time exceeding ten times its capital stock and surplus; to receive deposits outside of the United States and to receive only such deposits within the United States as may be incidental to or for the purpose of carrying out transactions in foreign countries or dependencies or insular possessions of the United States; and generally to exercise such powers are incidental to the powers conferred by this act or as may be usual, in the determination of the federal reserve board, in connection with the transaction of the business of banking or other financial operations in the countries, colonies, dependencies or possessions in which it shall transact business not inconsistent with the powers specifically granted herein.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the federal reserve board, under its power to prescribe rules and regulations, from limiting the aggregate amount of liabilities or any or all classes incurred by the corporation and outstanding at any one time. Whenever a corporation organized under this section receives deposits in the United States authorized by this section it shall carry reserves in such amounts as the federal reserve board may prescribe, but in no event less than 10 per centum of its deposits.

Branches.--- "(b) To establish and maintain for the transaction of its business branches or agencies in foreign countries, their dependencies or colonies, and in the dependencies or insular possessions of the United States, at such places as may be approved by the federal reserve board and under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe, including countries or dependencies not specified in the original organization certificate.

Holding Other Stocks.--- "(c) With the consent of the federal reserve board to purchase and hold stock or other certificates of ownership in any other corporation organized under the provisions of this section, or under the laws of any foreign country or a colony or dependency, or insular possession of the United States but not engaged in the general business of buying or selling goods, wares, merchandise or commodities in the United States, and not transacting any business in the United States except such as in the judgment of the federal reserve board may be incidental to its international or foreign business: Provided, however, That, except with the approval of the federal reserve board, no corporation organized hereunder shall invest in any one corporation an amount in excess of 10 per centum of its own capital and surplus, except in a corporation engaged in the business of banking, when 15 per centum of its capital and surplus may be so invested:
Provided, further, That no corporation organized hereunder shall purchase, own, or hold stock or certificates of ownership in any other corporation organized hereunder or under the laws of any state which is substantial competition therewith, or which holds stock or certificates of ownership in corporations which are in substantial competition with the purchasing corporation.

Stock Held for Debt.--- "Nothing contained herein shall prevent corporations organized hereunder form purchasing and holding stock in any corporation where such purchase shall be necessary to prevent a loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith; and stock so purchased or acquired in corporations organized under this section shall within six months from such purchase be sold or disposed of at public or private sale unless the time to so dispose of same is extended by the federal reserve board.

No Commercial Business.--- (read this one very carefully) "No corporation organized under this section shall engage in commerce or trade in commodities (this includes gold) except as specifically provided in this section, nor shall it either directly or indirectly control or fix or attempt to fix the price of any such commodities.
The charter of any corporation violating this provision shall be subject to forfeiture in the manner hereinafter provided in this section. It shall be unlawful for any director, officer, agent or employee of any such corporation to use or to conspire to use the credit, the funds or the power of the corporation to fix or control the price of any such commodities, and any such person violating this provision shall be liable to a fine of not less than $`1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment of not less than one year and not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court.

Amount of Capital.--- "No corporation shall be organized under the provisions of this section with a capital stock of less than $2,000,000, one quarter of which must be paid in before the corporation may be authorized to begin business, and the remainder of the capital stock of such corporation shall be paid in installments of at least 10 per centum on the whole amount to which the corporation shall be limited as frequently as one installment at the end of each succeeding two months from the time of the commencement of its business operations until the whole of the capital stock shall be paid in. The capital stock of any such corporation may be increasted at any time, with the approval of the federal reserve board, by a vote of two-thirds of its shareholders or by unanimous consent in writing of the shareholders without a meeting without a formal vote, but any such increase of the capital shall be fully paid within ninety days after such approval and may be reduced in like manner, provided that in no event shall it be less than $2,000,000.
No corporation except as herein proided, shall during the time it shall continue its operations withdraw or permit to be withdrawn, either in form of dividends or otherwise, any portion of its capital. Any national banking association may invest in the stock of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section, but the aggregate amount of stock held in all corporations engaged in business of the kind described in this section and in section 25 of the federal reserve act as amended shall not exceed 10 per centum of the subscribing bank's capital and surplus.

Nationality of Stockholders.--- "A majority of the shares of the capital stock of any such corporations shall at all times be held and owned by citizens of the United States, by corporations the controlling interest in which is owned by citizens of the United States, chartered under the laws of the United States or of a state of the United States, or by firms or companies the controlling interest in which is owned by citizens of the United States.
The provisions of section 8 of the act approved October 15, 1914, entitled 'An act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes, as amended by the acts of May 15, 1916, and Sept. 7, 1916, shall be construed to apply to the directors, other officers, agents or employees of corporations organized under the provisions of this section: Provided,however, That nothing herein contained shall (1) prohibit any director or other officer, agent or employe of any member bank who has procured the approval of the federal reserve board from serving at the same time as a director or other officer, agent or employee of any corporation organized under the provision of this section in whose capital stock such member bank shall have invested; or (2) prohibit any director or other officer, agent or employee of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section who has procured the approval of the federal reserve board from serving at the same times as a director or other officer, agent or employe of any such other corporation in whose capital stock such first-mentioned corporation shall have invested under the provisions of this section.

Members Federal Reserve Board.--- "No member of the federal reserve board shall be an officer or director of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section, or of any corporation engaged in similar business organized under the laws of any state, nor hold stock in any such corporation, and before entering upon his duties as a member of the federal reserve board he shall certify under oath to the secretary of the treasury that he has complied with this requirement.

Stockholders' Liability.--- "Shareholders in any corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall be liable for the amount of their unpaid stock subscriptions. No such corporation shall become a member of any federal reserve bank.

Forfeiture of Charter.--- "Should any corporation organized hereunder violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section all of its rights, privileges and franchises derived here from may thereby be forfeited.
Before any such corporation shall be declared dissolved, or its rights, privileges and franchises forfeited, any noncompliance with, or violation of such laws shall, however, be determined and adjudged by a court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, in a suit brought for that purpose in the district or territory in which the home office of such corporation is located, which suit shall be brought by the United States at the instance of the federal reserve board or the attorney-general.
Upon adjudication of such noncompliance or violation, each director and officer who participated in, or assented to, the illegal act or acts, shall be liable in his personal or individual capacity for all damages which the said corporation shall have sustained in consequence thereof. No dissolution shall take away or impair any remedy against the corporation, its stockholders or officers for any liability or penalty previously incurred.

Receivership in Insolvency.--- "Whenever the federal reserve board shall become satisfied of the insolvency of any such corporation it may appoint a receiver who shall take possession of all the property and assets (This is why ALL MORTGAGES and U.S. TITLE INSTRUMENTS were removed from the United States Depository Trust Co.) December 2002, moved to ROTHSCHILD BANKING "LONDON HOUSE" then moved to the French Branch of Rothschild Banks in France last month of February 2003) of the corporation it may appoint a receiver who shall take possession of all of the property assets of the corporation and exercise the same rights, privileges, powers and authority with respect thereto as are now exercised by receivers of national banks appointed by the comptroller of the currency of the United States: Provided, however, That the assets of the corporation subject to the laws of other countries or jurisdictions shall be dealt with in accordance with the terms of such laws.

Annual Meetings; Reports.--- "Every corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall hold a meeting of its stockholders annually upon a date fixed in its by-laws, such meeting to be held at its home office in the United States.
Every such corporation shall keep at its home office books containing the names of all stockholders thereof, and the names and addresses of the members of its board of directors, together with copies of all reports made by it to the federal reserve board.
Every such corporation shall make reports to the federal reserve board at such times and in such form as it may require; and shall be subject to examination once a year and at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the federal reserve board by examiners appointed by the federal reserve board, the cost of such examination, including the compensation of the examiners, to be fixed by the federal reserve board and to be paid by the corporation examined.

Dividends.--- "The directors of any corporation organized under the provisions of this section may, semi annually, declare a dividend of so much of the net provits of the corporaion as they shall judge expedient; but each corporation shall, before the declaration of a dividend, carry one-tenth of its net profits of the preceding half year to its surplus fund until the same shall amount to 20 per centum of its capital stock.

Liability for Taxes.--- "Any corporation organized under the provisions of this section shall be subject to tax by the state which its home office is located in the same manner and to the same extent as other corporations organized under laws of that state which are transacting as imiliar character of business. The shares of stock in such corporation shall also be subject to tax as the personal property of the owners or holders thereof in the same manner and to the same extent as the shares of stock in similar state corporations.

Extension of Charter.--- "Any corporation organized under the provisions of this section may at any time within the two years next previous to he date of the expiration of its corporate existence, by a vote of the shareholders owning two thirds of its stock, apply to the federal reserve board for its approval to extend the period of its corporate existence for a term of not more than twenty years, and upon certified approval of the federal reserve board such corporation shall have its corporate existence for such extended period unless sooner dissolved by the act of the shareholders owning two thirds of its stock, or by an act of congress or unless its franchise becomes forfeited by some violation of law. (note no. 3. "Original U.S. Immigration Law. "No person, individual (company) shall own property in the United States without having first taken the Oath, and having become a Citizen of the United States.")
(note no. 4. "Foreign, Predatory Banks, indulging in Predatory Banking Practices" are, and have operated within the United States, under the federal reserve bank's "authorization", stealing homes, lands, water-rights and other "property" of the Citizens of the United States, while "in violation of this Act known as The Foreign Banking Act by Act of Congress, in violation of the Organic Law of the United States i.e., The U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights?).

Existing Banks May Come Under Act.--- "Any bank or banking institution, principally engaged in foreign business, incorporated by special law of any state or of the United States or organized under the general laws of any state or of the United States and having an unimpaired capital sufficient to entitle it to become a corporation under the provisions of this section may, by the vote of the shareholders owning not less than two-thirds of the capital stock of such bank or banking association, with the approval of the federal reserve board, be converted into a federal corporation of the kind authorized by this section with any name approved by the federal reserve board: Provided, however, that said conversion shall not be in the contravention of the state law. In such case the articles of association and organization certificate may be executed by a majority of the directors of the bank or banking association, and the certificate shall declare that the owners of at least two-thirds of the capital stock have authorized the directors to make such certificate and to change or convert the bank or banking association into a federal corporation. (note no. 5. State Civil Codes of most states historically, "Prohibited foreign Banks from coming into the states. Equally, prohibiting Foreign Utility Companies from crossing state lines. The federal reserve "violated the Civil Laws of the States" by "abuse of federal power as contained in this Foreign Banking Act") A majority of the directors, after executing the articles of association and the organization of certificate, shall have power to execute all other papers and to do whatever may be required to make its organization perfect and complete as a federal corporation. The shares of any such corporation may continue to be for the same amount of each as they were before the conversion, and the directors may continue to be directors of the corporation until others are elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
When the federal reserve board has given to such corporation a certificate that the provisions of this section have been complied with, such corporation and all its stockholders, officers and employees shall have the same powers and privileges, and shall be subject to the same duties, liabilities and regulations, in all respects, as shall have been prescribed by this section for corporations originally organized hereunder.

Penalties.--- "Every officer, director, clerk, employe or agent of any corporation organized under this section who embezzles, abstracts, or willfully misapplies any of the moneys, funds, credits, securities, evidences of indebtedness, or assets of any character of such corporation; or who, without authority from directors, issues or puts forth any certificate of deposit, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any acceptance, assigns any note, bond, debenture, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment or decree; or who makes any false entry in any book, report or statement of such corporation with intent in either case to injure or defraud such corporation or any other company, body politic or corporate, or any individual person, or to deceive any officer of such corporation, the federal reserve board or any agent or examiner appointed to examine the affairs of any such corporation; and ever receiver of any such corporation and every clerk or employe of such receiver who shall embezzle, abstract or wilfully misapply or wrongfully convert to his own use any moneys, funds, credits, or assets of any character which may come into his possession or under his control in the execution of his trust or the performance of the duties of his employment; and every such receiver or clerk or employe of such receiver who shall, with intent to injure or defraud any person, body politic or corporate, or to misled the federal reserve board, or any agent or examiner appointed to examine the affairs of such receiver, shall make any false entry in any book, report or record of any matter connected with the duties of such receiver; and every person who with like intent aids or abets any officer, director, clerk, employe or agent of any corporation organized under this section, or receiver or clerk or employe of such receiver as aforesaid in any violation of this section, shall upon conviction thereof be imprisoned for not less than two years nor more than ten years, and may also be fined not more than $5,000 in the discretion of the court.
"Who ever being connected in any capacity with any corporation organized under this section represents in any way that the United States is liable for the payment of any bond or other obligation, or the interest thereon, issued or incurred by any corporation organized hereunder, or that the United States incurs any liability in respect of any act or omission of the corporation, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 and by imprisonment for not more than five years."


PATRIOTS - TIME FOR YOUR ACTION --- Keenan Complaint Download

 Start...vetting...this; to all of your other networks, groups, etc. The time has come for ALL truth seekers, patriots, seers, peace keepers, et al to UNITE. INUNDATE Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Foster Gamble (THRIVE movement), Jim Tucker (American Free Press), Daniel Estulin, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and General Dempsey, Ron Paul/Republican Liberty Caucus, Joel Skousen, etc. with emails. Tell them to start informing their audiences about Operation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, the Global Collateral Accounts, the Dragon Family Lawsuit, and the LIENS against the Federal Reserve Banks and the banks of the G7 countries. All aforementioned parties have remained completely silent on these issues. Once they get this information out, it will blow open the doors to the TRUE nature of the entire freakin' financial system, and the house of cards will come tumbling down. REMEMBER: The financial system represents the...
single greatest means by which the House of Guelph, (after the death of Queen Victoria), The British Monarchy and the Vatican have been able to continue their centuries old tyranny in the new industrial/information age. Once this is revealed, the entire system will be laid bare, people will demand arrests, and we can start moving forward to begin dealing with some much bigger issues (millions of tons of stolen gold and selfish human oligarchs are some of the least of our concerns, as we've got much bigger issues on the horizon, which unfortunately cannot be dealt with until these folks are removed from power). Can you imagine millions of Alex Jones followers suddenly becoming aware of the fact that what we are now seeing in the world is the result of the END of the cabal, and NOT the ushering in of the failed New World Order? INUNDATE them. Alex Jones may have a gun to his head telling him to say nothing of the collateral accounts. It's time for him to take a deep breath and VET IT. Same goes for everyone mentioned above. The ONE THING that those in positions of power cannot stop is the wrath of the masses. Throughout history, "Every time that we have pushed, they have stepped back". They fear US more than we could ever fear them. We MUST take fear out of the conversation. This is what feeds these people. They LIVE for it (in more ways than you know). Take away fear, strip away the secrets surrounding the Black Eagle Trust, once and for all, and they are FINISHED. Let's 'git er' done'...
See More

Drake asked for this to be distributed -- IMPORTANT

Jesus: Something of Enormous Significance Is Shortly to Come into View

Jesus: Something of Enormous Significance Is Shortly to Come into View

Jesus: Something of Enormous Significance Is Shortly to Come into View

Note from Wes: I have never seen such a profound example of channels coming together and agreeing with each other than I have as of late with the discussion of the needed manifestation of an ‘event’ as Sierra Neblina, Jesus via John and the Hathors via Yours Truly have called it, of ‘enormous significance’ as Jesus explains. 
It seems that the dear Ascended Masters, of whom Jesus is certainly apart of, are drawing-up and finalizing their plans to the extent that they are becoming quite comfortable with expressing the manifestation of this ‘event’ through many different channels. 
As channelled by John Smallman – August 1, 2012
Excitement mounts as the most pivotal moment in all of human history draws ever closer.
Examples of previous pivotal moments in your more recent history have been: the telephone; the establishment of an electricity grid; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria leading to the first world war; radio broadcasting; the nuclear bomb; worldwide travel for all; computers; the Internet. And all of these are as nothing compared to what is about to occur.
Many of you are spending a lot of time attempting to imagine what will happen to humanity and the planet as you all awaken from the illusion. If it excites and encourages your optimism about your future, then that is very appropriate because optimism is an essential frame of mind with which to embrace and move forwards towards awakening. Your most creative imaginings of what is about to come into being are but the palest shadows of what is actually to occur.
Optimism is a very powerful energy that includes enthusiasm, cooperation, and harmony, and which brings with it happiness as an added benefit. You all have every reason to be extremely optimistic as the changes and developments leading to awakening unfold all across the planet.
Make a point of focusing on the marvelous events that are bringing people together in friendship and love on a scale never before been seen on Earth. It is most definitely going to be a defining moment in humanity’s ongoing evolution as you awaken into the boundless Reality that is your eternal Home.
As you get ever closer to this exhilarating event, your momentum is increasing. No longer is there the least chance of you arresting your progress, let alone of turning back. Your arrival is inevitable, as divinely promised ever since the separation from God apparently occurred. Your intent to awaken continues to intensify as more and more of the human inhabitants of Planet Earth start getting intuitive feelings, telling them that something of enormous importance and significance is shortly to come into view, beyond the horizon that presently encloses the world that you see and in which all your activities currently take place.
Many are feeling on edge, unsettled, unsure, as the energies that are carrying you forwards strengthen and intensify even further in order to whisk you firmly and directly on your way. There will be no more deviations or detours as you follow the divine super-highway to your heavenly destination – your tanks are full and will remain so – and there is no need to stop en route for provisions of any kind.
It is as though you had been catapulted into space with your ship fully victualed for the journey, and your course precisely calculated to ensure that you capture the added impetus to your trajectory that is available as you pass through the orbits of various other planets to speed you securely on your way.
You have been doing extremely well in your efforts to let go of attitudes and behaviors that restrain or restrict you from being open and honest in your dealings and communications with others. Now is the time for you to engage fully with the divine energies that are enveloping the planet, and to release whatever else is holding you back from doing so – any beliefs that are in any way unloving, and the grievances, resentments, lack of ability to forgive, or judgments that are entangled with them.
You are being offered limitless assistance with your closing tasks so that your Light may burn ever more brightly, demonstrating to all that Love is the answer to every issue, problem, disagreement, or conflict that is engaging the minds and hearts of humanity.
The upswell in Love enveloping the planet is quite astounding as the meditative intents of enormous numbers of you combine together to further assist you all in releasing the remaining chains of chaos and confusion that are still binding you to the illusion.
You are most definitely firmly established on your way, and nothing can prevent your arrival at your heavenly destination.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46 - MUST READ

This is a repeat posting and worth it


July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION!

First agenda item:  Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”.  The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be.  First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts.  We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats.  The clear and precise message is “be informed” and “take action” when required to do so.  The folks in the hallowed halls are listening to the thunder clouds of a pissed off nation and world, clearly approaching the steps of the Capital.  So, to all of our “friends” in the Washington D.C. beltway, listen carefully, soon the people will be on your door step, taking you away.  It’s not just Obama they will be after … it’s you.

Second agenda item:  To Homeland Security, tell us that you really didn’t pull the plug on Drake’s show.  Who came up with that plan?  Let’s review.  Drake is a patriot … if you listen to the broadcasts you would know that.  If you Homeland guys, and the rest of the government officials, would act like you cared about the 310 million citizens of the United States of America you wouldn’t have to worry about what the Drakes of the world are saying.  They would be spouting just another conspiracy theory that nobody listens to.  You do have a problem, everyone IS listening.  Why?  NOBODY TRUSTS YOU!  Along with the freedoms we expect and are guaranteed, we specifically demand you uphold our 1st Amendment Rights. Remember the concept of Freedom Of Speech!  With regard to our Freedom Of Speech we want to know why you are involved with Foreign Nations in the development and reverse engineering of alien technologies for use against the Citizens of the country you were sworn to protect .

We understand you think you are the only authority who can arrest and question people’s activities, but beware, your time is running out.  You would be best served researching how the unelected elite bloodlines have stolen money from the United States through Pureheart, a Homeland Security owned and operated company, a Government Sponsored Entity (GSE), specifically attached to you.  You own that company and don’t have the ability to regulate its activities.  Or do you?  Are you instructing Pureheart, your company, to take the stolen money and develop multiple underground tunnels and cities?  You must realize that your mission would be compromised if it ever came out that you guys are the front for a clandestine, ultra secret operation that places the people of the world in jeopardy.  You already know what we think, so why don’t we let the people decide.  We know you won’t be forthright about your clandestine, ultra secret program.

We do want to get our questions on the record for all of humanity.

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to your belief that something horrific will happen soon, like some sort of attack that would decimate the human population of earth?

- OR -

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to the elite bloodline families (such as the Bush Cabal) having the belief that they are superior to the people of the world, giving them the right to extinguish our lives for their own betterment?

- OR –

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to something in the universe that will alter humanity, as we know it, i.e.: like a large object hitting us?

Maybe you would be able to provide other lines of logical thinking.  If it’s not one of those three scenarios, then explain to us why the leadership of the G8 countries would be FULLY involved, right up to their eyeballs.  You guys have approved it, now you should answer for it!

What we believe is that if Homeland Security were just internal security for the United States of America, it would be doing just that.  Unfortunately, you got involved in Pureheart, a Homeland Security company.  Pureheart is solely set up for the thieving of large amounts of cash positions, i.e. Falcone, Tropos, and one that has not even been reported yet …all ultra secret means of financing your ultra secret underground activities.  The tell-tale sign is that the Bloodline families and the Cabal can only control the Western European Monetary System - the same system the Bloodlines control.  ONLY THE WESTERN EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM IS FAILING FINANCIALLY, BUT IT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE REST OF THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS.  We are right and you know it.  Why else would you need to fraudulently develop a high level scam to steal $15 trillion dollars and trade it at a rate of 2000% a month?  Where’s the money, General Rosier?  Where’s the money, Mr. Bernanke?  Where's the money Lord Steven Greene?  Don’t tell the lie that you do not have control of your main and singular product … cash.  IT’S ALL BEING DONE IN THE MONETARY SYSTEM THAT YOU CREATED AND OPERATE DAILY.  That’s hundreds of trillions of dollars a month and the world is wondering why the Federal Reserve is failing and broke.  No cash and no cash flow.  It’s painfully hilarious that the very people who own and control the Federal Reserve System and the Western European economies are failing … and you guys are the best and the brightest we have!  The Chinese have operated for thousands of years, yet you haven’t got it down after one hundred years.  Maybe you just don’t want to let us know what the rest of the world knows and talks about.  The Federal Reserve, along with your secret government system is controlling the underground activities and that is where you have lost control.  No wonder the intelligent people of the world seem to think that 911 was merely a Bush and Cheney con job to get Homeland Security instituted, so as to facilitate the redirection of substantial cash to do your ultra-secret, worldwide G8 operations.   More Later, if there is one.

Once again we ask …  WHO HAS THEIR TICKET?

Third agenda item:  A call out to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama.  Tell us you didn’t really demand of Wells Fargo that they pay out your Iraqi Dinars above each and every person in the world.  Again, we say, Really!  The politicians and the big kahuna’s wife got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Yet Again!  What’s really sad is a bunch of “political speak” was issued from Congress Friday stating it would suspend business for an “internal work day”.  You must think, WE THE PEOPLE are stupid. You all ended up getting your Iraqi Dinars exchanged for vouchers at Wells Fargo Bank.  If we did that to our employers, we would be fired.  Hmmmm … now that’s the ticket!  No pun intended.  For the “leadership” of this country, your actions are despicable. So, just get the hell out.  Go away.  Take the money you have plundered from the American people and just go away!

Fourth agenda item:  A special message to President Barack Obama.  When you and Michelle flew in on Nancy Pelosi’s Gulfstream and parked her bird at the far side of the hanger deck for Atlantic Aviation …where you obviously thought no one would see you … and while you snuck off to Wells Fargo Bank to transact your Iraqi Dinars … did you ever once think about the Country and the image you portrayed as you did that.  Can you tell us why you think you deserve to be first in line at the profit-taking trough yet once again?  Perhaps it’s like the CEO’s you say you hate who get large bonuses for bankrupting companies.  Oops, another bird out of the bag … running the country like it is a profit and loss company.  Imagine that, The White Hats calling you just another crooked politician with his hand out … go figure.  Everyone thought you had a plan and that a change was going to occur.  We guessed it would be inappropriate to talk about that right now but you certainly are a quick study.

We realize that shaming you for your greedy, self-aggrandizing action is useless at this point in your career but for God’s sake, at least put on the Abe Lincoln beard and Black Hat so that the hundreds of people that didn’t see you … ahem … don’t whisper.   Hell, we found you just after the flight plan was lodged … remember Air Force One always travels to a location with a TFR in place.  When one is not present, that means you are sneakin’ around and you were sneaking, weren’t you President & Mrs. Obama … sort of like the trips to Spain and London?  Personally, we wish you would accelerate your plans to move to your newfound home in Costa Rica.  The sooner the better … like maybe next week.


Fifth agenda item:  For months and months, the White Hats have been calling out for assistance in getting the word out to the masses, thinking that all of the masses talk to each other.  Go back and re-read the last sentence.  We want to share some insights with you regarding the alternative media segment of the world.  You have strength in a way that very few understand.  The White Hats register on approximately 350 blogs throughout the world.  To date, we are translated into 9 languages we know of, including all of the majors.  We have been talking about stuff that no man in his right mind should talk about, but we do it anyway and there will be more, much, much more.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard.  But …

The powers that be have kept all of the little people segregated for far too long and the little people need to do something about it.  What do we mean when we say this?  Let’s look.  One of the best sources for UFO related stuff is Kerry Cassidy.  This gal is hard working, relentless and, in our experience, she has been extremely helpful, sincere and always ready to explain things outside of our expertise.

In the same breath, you have Dr. Richard Boylan, who has been a long term member of the alternative community.  There are more, and we do not intend to leave anyone out of the loop, but look at how segmented the communities are … and the disinfo guys love it.  Why, you say? Because it is easy to isolate, criticize, attack and control any one of the blogs and the topics...into nothingness.  As long as you isolate yourself to nothingness, the UFO's go to one corner and huddle, and the financial guys go to another corner and huddle, etc, etc, etc.  We guess you only have to remember the Sadie Hawkins dance when the girls huddled on one side and the boys huddled on the other. What happens when the world's largest financial scam occurs and the disinfo teams are able to control through the Sadie Hawkins techniques of control?  You are all segregated, so no kissing is going to occur.  After all, you know what will happen if kissing occurs.  Let the baseball game begin.  If you don’t kiss then your individual stories do not mesh.  Let’s give you an example.

The 911’s have their blogs, the Homeland Security haters have their blogs, the Secret Government people have their blogs, the UFO's have their blogs, the Bush Cabal haters have their blogs, and the Anti Bilderbergs have their blogs.  However nobody hates the G8 because nobody knows what they do, including their clandestine ultra secret operations with the United States Secret Government.  With everyone in their corners not talking to one another, nobody has the opportunity to put all of the pieces together…pieces that have been there all along … way before the White Hats showed their faces.  Now, all of a sudden pieces of the jig saw puzzle started to fit in the White Hats research.  And so we start to ask questions of the blog community.  And then we all had to sit down and really think if this $15T scam, along with all of the other scams, is all part of the same agenda.  Well folks, it is!  Now you look at it and start to ask questions.  Kerry, you need to move ahead and report what you know and think without the threat of accidental death.  Dr. Boylan, get to it and start to make yourself available in a real world template with what you know.  If the Cabal wants you to be eliminated, then so be it, but there will be hell to pay with the millions of people worldwide that read blogs and alternative media.  This blog community could become a team if you work together... and that team would be capable of piecing together something akin to an internet network that would keep all the people informed of all the news and we desperately need that. It could assist the Mainstream Media in becoming obsolete due to their cabal controlled reporting.  Mainstream Media - well, no guts to help save the world at this point, as you are totally controlled.  News Media, get some backbone.  We know you all do not have your tickets for the show … so are you laying down and giving up?  We are guessing you have families that you love and cherish.  Are they not reason enough to fight for your life and those humans that ultimately make a difference?  Get a clue folks! We'd like to offer our blog to start the conversation.

Sixth agenda item:  And now more about this $15T scam situation.  The Powers That Be decided a long time ago to keep the extraterrestrial situation quiet.  We need to identify who the Powers That Be are. They are the bloodline families.  They control everything that goes on in the banking world, the political world, and attempt to shape our individual reality on a daily basis.  The control they are exerting has to do with control of the masses.  I don’t think we need to create the long line of items that are currently before us ... oh what the hell why not?  Just a few  … Obamacare, the United Nations Agenda 21, the Libor scandal (the newest scandal of world wide proportion to rock the banking sectors of the world), the money laundering scandals, the aliens and their technologies, UFO’s, Homeland Security, and last but not least, our leadership.

Let the White Hats help by asking this question.  Do all of you folks that work for Homeland Security have your tickets?  Are you expecting yours in the mail soon?  Do you have a sense you will not receive one?  Then you better start to question your very existence in the next three months, six months, one year to three years out.  What are you going to do?  Challenge and ask questions!  Will you just stand there and take it? What are you going to do?

The White Hats are going to be talking about the secret Government of the United States of America, really the world, but that is a dirty little secret for right now.  If you really knew, you would go fetal in a minute.  Right now, we want you to concentrate on sharing with one another and having blogdom come together in a way that is currently not done.  WE WANT THE BLOGS TO COMPARE INFORMATION AND TALK TO ONE ANOTHER.  If the White Hats have now put it together even though the blogs have been here substantially longer, then ”who missed the boat?”  Blogdom, the powerful new alternative news media, is made up of two primary segments: those that report the news from developed sources, and those that post what other blogs report. Thankfully, you all get the word out, but the ones who do the initial reporting have to do a far better job talking to one another.  God Bless all of you!

"Notes from Drake's Aug 1 blogtalkradio show"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader DH: "Notes from Drake's Aug 1 blogtalkradio show"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 2-Aug-2012 02:24:52

(Thanks, D. :)
Reader DH writes:
Go here and listen to the 3 hour call if you want to hear it all. It is a great call. You can bypass Minuteman and his long soliloquy about joining militias and people who don't believe in guns joining and their attitudes will not defend their families from harm. You can bypass Lady Dragon too with her updates if you just want to get Drake's news. These are the notes and if I come across the transcript, I will forward them. It was great information and well worth the time to listen. Drake has met with new groups over the last 4 days. He may also be one of the people making announcements possibly from the White House.
8/1/12 9:00 PM Drake Interview Today.
Drake Said:
* All the blogs need to unite to get the word out.
* The people who are not into guns should be non-violent but still stand up to them. The people who are into guns should be prepared to use them.
* We should be aware of "the next few days".
* Within the "next two weeks" you will experience the most extraordinary thing you could imagine.
* Read the White Report #46 of July 20, 2012.
* Expect a totally peaceful transition. We should get a 2 day notice before it occurs.
* We need a form of command structure; community groups, phone trees. Communications will not go down.
* Lack of store inventories and utilities should only be for a few days, not weeks.
* He has been told that Aurora shooting was done by three shooters, not one.
* He has been in briefings for the last four days. Extraordinary things to happen.
* The efforts of the people to be heard have been heard. We will be assisted.
* The BIS, which has been shut down for 90 days, can be shut down much longer.
* Some of the things Cobra says are correct.
* Tim Turner is not president of anything.
* Every Government agency has two elements in them. Those that support the PTB and those that don't.
* Ben Fulford is alive and well.
* Be ready for things to start to change, and expect things to continue to change and change.
* The number of county sheriffs that are backing the Constitution has increased tremendously the past year.
* The Federal Government is not able to send troops into states

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A supporters turn out in droves for 'Appreciation Day'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Chick-fil-A supporters turn out in droves for 'Appreciation Day'
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Aug-2012 18:38:52

That's the way it is done. People quietly going about their business and showing the world support for free speech!
After several weeks of protests and mayoral catcalls stemming from Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy's controversial public comments against same-sex marriage, supporters of the fast-food chain--and traditional marriage--turned out in droves on Wednesday, jamming many of Chick-fil-A's 1,600 U.S. stores. And protesters, for the most part, stayed away.
In Englewood, Colo., an overcapacity lunch crowd spilled into the Chick-fil-A parking lot while dozens queued up inside.
By 11 a.m., 14 cars filled the drive-thru lane. A half hour later, the back-up had tripled: At one point, 37 vehicles slowly pushed through the parking lot in serpentine fashion, transforming the lot into a makeshift drive-thru. Three employees clad in neon-green parking vests directed traffic and took orders.
"As far as Chick-fil-A is concerned, it's business as usual," Vicki Getz, a supervising employee, told Yahoo News, declining further comment.

Tommy Chong Video

Subject: a/k/a/ Tommy Chong

Video is 85 minutes long...Funny but not funny...

Subject: a/k/a/ Tommy Chong
This is the shocking documentary about
the 2003 federal conviction and imprisonment
of comedian, Tommy Chong.

It includes a fun retrospective of the 1960s
counter culture comedy duo, Cheech & Chong
and interviews with several show business