Friday, August 3, 2012


     I was outspoken at times years ago when I lived in Wash., D.C. At  one location where I worked with a mix of people, one came to me one day and said, "You are right in your charges against the Federal Reserve System. But how do you know this? I know you are right because my wife is the private secretary of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System in America." I told him I knew how to read federal records. But I never told him I also had a newspaper reporter who was close friends with the Governors of the Federal Reserve System and he acted as my spy on them also. My friend whose wife had access to all the secrets of the Federal Reserve told me all the secrets of the Federal Reserve even the Right Wing never knew about them. He confirmed my charges in front of witnesses and I still have the legal document the witnesses signed. Wick Vennard, Sr., prominent conservative economist, loved this document I sent to him and he put it in his national conservative newspaper with a big play upon it. I am a deadly spy and no government can hide their secrets from me for long. I got an oral charter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon who were startled with my results and gave me blank check authority to do whatever my mind came up with as they by statement indicated they thought I was too brilliant in military intelligence for them to tell me what to do or how to do it in military intelligence. I came up with many new tactics in military intelligence never done by any government before. I used to joke about it with those who worked with me and learned my tactics. Wash., D.C. has no common sense. All my tactics were always based upon common sense. That is why I could succeed where Wash., D.C. could not!  But personal note here. I was always on the side of the American people where certain elements in Wash., D.C. were not. I once pulled an intelligence tactic on J. Edgar Hoover who knew of my oral charter from the Joint Chiefs and secretly indicated his approval of this. I contacted him one day and told him I knew the top secret scandal of the F.B.I. By suppressing their results of the two F.B.I. teams in Illinois, the F.B.I put Kennedy in the White House whereas Nixon had really won Illinois and therefore the White House in 1960. I am sure J. Edgar Hoover wondered how I ever knew about that as all F.B.I. personnel were sworn to secrecy never to tell Congress, the newspapers, etc. about this. And father Kennedy bought votes for his son in West Virginia at $5 or else $25 a piece. This is so long since I have talked about it, I frankly forget which is the correct figure father Kennedy paid. But what really hurt the pride of J. Edgar Hoover was I invited him to check his own files in his own private office and he would find his files on three in my intelligence group had disappeared. As I commented, I can break any security of any government on earth if I decide to. I also commented that I understood that he had duplicate files on this elsewhere, so this was like when Gen. Curtis LeMay tested his own air bases with top boys of his to try and break Air Force Security to see if it could be done or not. I got feedback from J. Edgar Hoover that I made a nervous wreck out of him with my tactics, but I got results and he couldn't argue with that. J. Edgar Hoover would have watched "Mission Impossible" on tv back then and he pictured this incredible mission impossible team of mine outwitted all F.B.I. security. When I told a few of my intelligence associates how I really found out the top F.B.I. scandal how their rigged the national election in 1960 as to who went to the White House and who did not, and also had removed the files on three of us in my intelligence group from Hoover's most private files in his private office, the few would roar with laughter. It was clever how I did this and no one respects common sense in U.S. military intelligence most of the time. I was a genius at common sense. But also with a touch of humor at times how to do it, this was a deadly combination in results obtained. When I pulled my tactics on Soviet Intelligence however, they did not think my tactics funny at all! It took them years to figure out my tactics and in 1990 thinking that C.I.A. had secretly murdered me before then, they used my system of tactics on Washington intelligence which I never taught my system of intelligence tactics. Washington intelligence fell hook, line, and sinker for the Soviet tactics to outwit the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Fortunately, the F.B.I. came to me in 1990 at my large retail store then and when they showed me their top secret informaton showing that America was about to face a nuclear World War III with the then Soviet Union, I knew totally the Soviet game. I almost grinned. Moscow had finally figured out how I tripped the daylights out of them again and again. And Wash. fell for my tactics as badly as Moscow had repeatedly fallen for them. But knowing the game involved, I gave Washington intelligence the information needed and America was not annihilated in 1990 or else 1991 as Moscow had planned. Right now Russia and China are playing a game with America intended to end America as a nation forever. I know their game and pass my Omni Law and their game is permanently stopped.I understand that Obama has already signed the secret agreement where China is going to be allowed to come into and take over America permanently!
      I was chess champion in military school and always enjoyed matching wits with a smart opponent in military intelligence. It was like in chess. I always played to win, but I always studied my opponent. If I could figure out their brain, then they had no chance of beating me. Ah, one of my secrets why I won in military intelligence. I figured out the thinking of the enemy brains. I read Obama totally in his thinking. He is the king of the archenemies of the American people. I have put him in a jam by the release of my report how he plans to take over America in October, 2012 and become permanent dictator of America for life. But also he plans to kill off countless millions of Americans who he mass hates as groups of people. The Jews must be all killed off. The Christians must all be killed who do not convert to Islam. He has a coalition backing him to be the intended Antichrist of America. This coalition is Communists, Muslims, and the Illuminati. And his supporters in America - those who refuse to use their  brains in their heads and are not governed by common sense, but dominated by emotions and hating the truth, facts, and common sense which show how really evil and dumb Obama really is in combination. 
      I am always practical about human nature. When Abraham Lincoln was approached by reporters that they saw Gen. Grant in his command headquarters drinking from a bottle of whiskey, and implying that Lincoln must fire him from command,Lincoln commented back, tell him what brand of whiskey he was drinking and Lincoln would send him a bottle of that whiskey.  If a man can win for the Union Army against Confederate generals who were badly beating the Union side, the man who can win remains in command bottle of whiskey or not! If Gen. Patton was rated by Nazi intellgence as the deadliest American general in World War II and someone came to me saying Gen. Patton believed in reincarnation, if I were Pres. Roosevelt, I might have commented that since this general was so good at winning at war, I see his belief in reincarnation was no problem to military command. And I might joke and say to send me his favorite book on reincarnation. I might as well at least understand better the private side of his character. If a young Joan of Arc
came to me as Pretender to the Throne of France and said she heard voices of departed saints telling her that she was willed by God to make me King of France, I would not yet be impressed to take her seriously. If she picks me out from a crowd at the Throne Room when a fake sits on my throne to mock her and then when meeting me tells me one or more secrets no one can know about me, she is no longer a joke to me. I give her command of my French Army and she repeatedly wins against the English military when they are the best military in Europe then, by then  I no longer care whether she says departed saints of God tell her what to do.. She gives me victory after victory when none of my French generals can, so she can stay in command as long as these victories continue. As a modern historian, I do not laugh at St. Joan of Arc. I remain open minded. Maybe she was advised by departed saints sent from Heaven to put this French prince on the Throne as King of France. An old French prophecy said France would be lost by one woman, the one marrying into the English royal line and giving them a claim to France. And France would then be saved by another woman. I think the prophecy even went that a young maiden of France would then save France. I always respect the practical. Show me the practical and even God can reach me. When a teenager, a man approached me, told me all the secrets of my life, told me that America was not righteous before God and God would not save America from Communism and other enemies. But God would allow me to save America if I was willing. If not, God would let America fall and the American people would suffer such total disaster and defeat as to be beyond the imagination of the American people. I kept getting into situations where America was in another trap of its enemies whether Soviet Union or elsewhere, and I always seemed to know the right answer which would save the neck of America and the American people again!  
     This Time the American people must past the Omni Law and fast as possible. Otherwise, America is scheduled to fall and most or even all of the American people will eventually be dead. Look up the Omni Law through the google search engine at Erasmus of America - Omni Law and you will be given many listings on the internet. Or look at the archive listings for May, June, and July for articles of Erasmus of America  at Nesara News especially my Omni Law as I am the author Erasmus of America. Or send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from . Also, the practical side of life Make copies of this daring report you are reading and send it all over America. For some reason God seems to like me even though I greatly offend the academic snobs of America by addressing the American people with common words and examples the American people can understand instead of the highbrow academic snobs of America. They show their contempt for the American people by using words and examples the American people don't know what the devil they are talking about. And unfortunately I had a few computer problems on a few reports where it was typo errors and the self-appointed snobs of the people would declare, "See he is dumb! He made a few typo errors! If federal operatives of Wash., D.C. had not stolen $525,000 of my money with intention to make it impossible for me to reach the American people, with my earlier computer complex center I had, all reports I released would have been basically flawless and nothing for our conceited snobs to try and create an argument over to try and trick the American people from backing the only political leader in modern America who is totally Christian in all his political stands to help the American people. The prophet who predicted correctly so much of my future life indicated the American people needed my help badly as I knew the key answers they needed for their survival on earth and also I would help America to once again honor God for real as a nation. The Roman Catholic Church and Protestant churches were all in trouble with God as they would not give God the support they should to make America a true Christian nation again.
All sides needed reform back to the original Apostolic Christianity Christ founded. The Communists boasted how they had infiltated the Roman Catholic and Protestant chuches in America to turn them from true Christian teachings to Marxist teachings camouflaged as Christian teachings in modern America.
     I was given an entire prophecy what Christianity was supposed to be like before God but the churches are way too corrupt with worldly loyalties to hear what I was told by this incredible prophet I met when a teenager. I have told a few what the entire prophecy about America was and no one found it funny at all. They judged it made total sense but America does not want to hear the entire truth as God apparently sees it.
     Okay, a few quotes from banking sources, etc. showing how crooked American banking is under the Federal Reserve System.     Chester G. Davis, former Governmor of the Federal Reserve Board said: "We bankers have the power to create and destroy money. The power to create and destroy money is a gigantic power."There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers."
     From the Bank of England to the New England banks in 1862; "Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is  but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the European plan, led on by England, is for capital to control labor by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make the recommendations to Congress. It wil not do to allow the greenback,  as it s called, to circulate any length of time, as we cannot control that."
      Another of their banking circulars stated; "To restore to circulation the Government issue of money will provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect your individual profit as bankers and lenders."
      The Bankers Manifesto circulated only among leadng bankes in 1933 after they deliberately engineered the Stock Crash of 1929 and following Depression of the "Thirties where they picked up major national assets of America for even pennies on the dollar of value;  "Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers.People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged n forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world." (Called Illuminati. Once got their top secret investment list for the world. They even got 1,500% interest on investments in 90 days flat. They knew how through banking bookkeeping to get the money of the American people in purchasing power transferred from the people to them! Federal operatives either F.B.I. or C.I.A. smashed down the back door to my house to steal three copies of this Illuminati investment list (47 pages) from my house and erased my master copy from my office computer. However, I still have a secret copy of the list somewhere hidden elsewhere! They feared with this list, I could engineer the funds to fight them and liberate the American people from being their secret conquered slaves through control of money. The Illuminati power elite of Wash., D.C. fear I might awaken the American people that they are the slaves of the Illuminati because the Illuminati (the great world bankers) govern Wash., D.C., not the American people. Major reason for writing up the Omni Law to give the American people back control of America and Wash., D.C. Obama is the handpicked front for the Illuminati bankers who secretly govern America through Wash, D.C.
     Senate Document No. 346, 67th Congress, 4th session based upon top secret U.S. intelligence reports concluded: "We, repeat, and respectfully submit, that in view of the foregoing facts, it is clearly established that Hungary (Austria-Hungary)  did not cause and did not bring about the last World War II (WWI). The responsibility for the last World War (WWI) rests solely upon the shoulders of international financiers (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.), It is they upon whose head the blood of millions of dead and millions of dying rests." In other words, the international bankers deliberately set up World War I for the sake of profits made off of engineering a world war and also gave them much greater power over nations including America. World War II same story. Had access to the secret military intelligence records of America,Europe, Russia, etc. telling the whole story how the big bankers set up World War II. And for the record, talked to the person retired from the U.S. Navy who knew firsthand the whole story how President Roosevelt was told about the pending Pearl Harbor Attack 10 days in advance and deliberately with backing of the Joint Chiefs did not warn Pearl Harbor in advance of the pending Pearl Harbor Attack by Japan. And in case you never noticed, they made sure that no aircraft carriers were in Pearl Harbor the day of the attack which was the prime target of the Japanese Imperial Navy. And among other tricks made sure Red China got the arms from the defeated Japanese Army in Asia later so Communist China would be armed too heavy for Nationist China to defeat. This has all been a chess game for the Illuminati to play upon the Ameican people and rest of world. 
      Since  I have been a savage critic of banking in this report, I think banking serves a valuable service for an economy when correctly done. When the Omni Law is passed, I will show banking new ethical ways to make money by serving the nation instead of the Illuminati and make banking sound instead of bankers being the prime enemy of America and the American people. In fact, I will show banks ways to make huge profits in the nation but by hugely blessing the nation instead of hugely hurting the nation.
     Sir Josiah Samp, President of the Bank of England, while speaking to about 150 professors of the University of Texas in Austin, "Banking was conceived in iniquity and born
in sin...Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again...Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear (he was said to be the second richest man in Great Britain) and they ought to disappear, for then this will be a better and a happier world to live in... But,  if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."
     I could give you a huge collection of quotes how crooked banking is as practiced by the top boys, but one separate subject should also be briefly discussed. Computers and related technology. The power elite want to control the internet technology at all costs so they can create a national and world police state so advanced as to be total hell on earth for all mankind.An international Bill of Rights needs to be established keeping the people in control of legitimate uses of the internet and deadly punishments for leaders and nations wanting to turn the internet into a servant of would-be tyrannies on earth. And for hackers on the internet, make it equal to piracy on the high seas to hack the bank accounts or other private records, intellectual properties of people anywhere in the world. And like international criminals breaking the laws of piracy on the high seas, execute them by hainging them like common pirates if convicted of hacking on the worldwide internet. If any government engages in hacking of the internet of the rest of the world, this is to be considered the equivalent of declaring war against the nations whose rights are so attacked on the internet. If commerce is to be practiced on the world economy, then it must be properly protected against the practice that could make commerce impossible in the nation or world economy using the internet for serious reasons of commerce. If it surprises people that I can speak as a serious Christian in Christian issues and as a tough as nails Caesar in secular or temporal issues, as Jesus said to give to Caesar what is due Caesar and give to God what is due God. Like the fireman who is also a good family man, this is two roles in life and both equally represent the real man in him. I am the real Christian and also the real, practical man like the ancient Romans who it would be a deadly mistake to start a war with or try to enslave. For those who really understand history, I am the modern version of the ancient Roman Race. I am deeply devout in religion and deeply practical in worldly affairs whether family, business, government, economics, military, etc. Even God had to appeal to the practical side of me to get me to agree to champion the American people like this prophet indicated I should when I was the teenager by cunning caused me to seriously listen to him. His hook line was the American people need you and you cannot desert them. He appealed to my conscience and I sacrificed heavily personal interests so I would be ready for this day that he prediced would be the day that will decide the future and survival of America or else total collapse and destruction of America forever. I am the servant of God and you can serve God in worldly professions as well as church positions, etc. Think I am a liar, a fool, or knowing the truth and I am what I claim. Pass my Omni Law and America survives. Do not and God will totally desert America. It is like the old story. The man faced a pending flood. The local rado told him to flee his house before the flood came and he would save his life. He said, "I don't need to worry! The Lord will take care of me!" Later the police car came by his house to warn him to flee before the flood came. He thanked them and ignored their warning, "The Lord will take care of me! I don't need to leave my house." Later the flood came. He was forced up to the second floor of his house. A boat came by and offered to rescue him from his house. He declined with the usual comments. He was later forced by the flood up to the roof of his house. A helicoper offered to lift him off his roof. He declined and with the usual comments. Later he drowned and to his shock now faced the Lord. He said, "Lord, Lord, how could you do this to me? I trusted you would not let me drown in this flood and you did not." The Lord replied, 'Son, I repeatedly tried to warn you to flee your house. I sent you the radio warning but you would not lisen to that warning from me. I sent you the police car to warn you to flee, but you would not listen to my warning. I sent the boat to rescue you, but you refused the boat I sent you to save your life. Then when you were on the roof, I sent the helicopter to save your life, but you refused my offer to save your life then. So when you died, don't blame me, but yourself that you refused to listen to my warnings and my people I sent to you to save your life." You drowned yourself, not me!" A parable for the American people. I am sent by the Lord to save the neck of the American people. After me there are no more warnings and no more leaders who God saw learned the worldly answers the Americans needed to save their nation of America and the American people meaning you the reader here. Hundreds of Christian prophecies for close to 2,000 years predict this day you now face just prior to the rise of the Antichrist. God one last time raises up a powerful Christian leader born outside of Europe or the Middle East who comes from very prestigious European ancestry which is named and which I descend from. By the way, Washington officials have all these schemes how they are going to sign away 50% to 100% of American land to the UN, to China, etc.I descend from the key families who have the claims to large blocs of American land if Wash., D.C. defaulted on the terms of the land grants which gave America its giant land empire. If the Omni Law is passed, I can go through the legal act required under international law and the American people now have permanent title to about 4/5ths of American land and Wash., D.C. never has auhority after that to kick all America out of their homes by potentially giving away all American land to foreign sources. Christian prophecies smarter than you already told you the maneuver God prepared for you so you get final title and claim to basically all American land. God is smarter than you and set up the way to save the lands of America for the American people. But you have got to play by God's way as God is far smarter than you. Okay, pass the Omni Law. If needed, send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from . And though you don't like the practical in many cases, if you can, send even $10 to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Did you ever do the math? If 10 million sent in $10 each, that is $100 million. When the ants combine, they become a mighty ant army all the other animals in the forest flee from in terror. As the ants say, "There are a lot more of us than them!"  
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Already American intelligence has absolutely no doubt who Erasmus of America is. They called him among other names "The Loose Cannon" because he was very powerful in which direction he aimed his cannon at, and loose because no one in Wash., D.C. could ever control him! By the way, bet all the major intelligence services are watching like a hawk these posts now. If the people back the Omni Law, the Illuminati lose power over America and the world. And the intelligence services know this!)

Bankers Arrested In Iceland, Ireland, UK, USA, Switzerland, India, France, Russia, Austria...VIRAL 4

Watch What Happens When Guns are Banned in Australia

Watch What Happens When Guns are Banned in Australia

AUGUST 1, 2012

The Top 5 Herbs for Weight Loss

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Top 5 Herbs for Weight Loss
Posted By: GHCHealth [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 3-Aug-2012 13:06:44

If you want to lose weight, you know the only way to ensure healthy progress and lasting success is by changing how you eat and increasing your activity level. However, there are a number of herbs that can help this journey along, whether by speeding up your fat-burning metabolism or by helping you stifle cravings.
These top 5 herbs can help accelerate your body’s natural ability to eliminate body fat both safely and effectively:
1. Hoodia Gordonii
Hoodia made serious gains in popularity a few years ago during which time its beneficial properties became more well-known by the general public. Now, the dust has settled a little, but pure Hoodia is still an effective weight loss aid with serious backing. Used by hunters in desert regions of Africa, the herb helps reduce cravings and allows you to cut calories without feelings of deprivation. Because there are many weight loss aids carrying the Hoodia name, be cautious that what you are getting is the real thing.
2. Damiana
This is a wild shrub native to the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America. It has a variety of uses, though most recently has been marketed as a weight loss aid. This could be because of its effects on the digestive system, sometimes encouraging loose stools and the subsequent loss of water weight. However, a promising study showed that when paired with other herbs, Damiana helped delay gastric emptying, providing a sense of fullness for a longer period after eating.
3. Gymnema
This herb is native to Africa and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. It is said to balance blood sugar levels and is often recommended for people suffering from diabetes. It is said to block sugar absorption and stop sugar cravings, a major contributor to some people’s weight problems.
4. Kelp
Kelp is rich in iodine, a substance that can aid in weight loss. A significant iodine deficiency can actually lead to hypothyroidism – a condition that has been linked to weight gain. In addition to helping with weight loss, kelp helps to regulate thyroid function.
5. Green Coffee Bean
Contrary to what you may initially think, the weight loss benefits of green coffee bean do not come from caffeine, and it is not a stimulant. A natural compound in green coffee bean called chlorogenic, however, has been shown to increase fat absorption and stop weight gain. A study of green coffee bean extract published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal showed those supplementing with green coffee bean lost an average of 17 pounds over a 12 week period.
The key to weight loss is proper diet and exercise. Herbs can help supplement this healthy lifestyle. A weight loss prescription or over the counter stimulant can contain unknown and potentially harmful ingredients, but high quality herbals can be quite advantageous when purchased from the right source.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM 

ICLEI - Local Governments for sustainability

Making the Global Connections for local communities.

UFO Contact, London 2012 Olympics – Tolec Critique – (vid.)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

UFO Contact, London 2012 Olympics – Tolec Critique – (vid.)
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 3-Aug-2012 13:03:15
July 30, 2012
A critique, discussion & review of:
And asking the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements in this news story, and 'transcript,' make sense, do they come from a good loving place, what is their true intent & motivation... do they empower people? It has been - "DECIDED"& "ORDERED" ... really, by whom? For who's benefit?
Why would someone say these things? Is there no agenda in the revealing of this information... this way? I believe, these questions & more are all fair, reasonable and valid questions to ask. Of any announced ET event.


Subject: He is our president
HOW SMART THis president really IS..
That is right.
He is OUR president.
Sleep well tonight.
Our media is soooooo corrupt!!!

When Obama stopped in at Master Lock in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last week, he was walking the plant and stopped to talk with a plant employee and looked up at the banner hanging on the wall and said to the worker and people around him, "It is great to be in a union shop, especially one as old as this union is " - - - - pointing to the banner. He then said, "A Union shop since 1848" - - - and then he went on to talk on what that banner stood for and how important it was to display it and show your union support.
The worker then said to Obama that it was the flag of the State of Wisconsin - - which was founded in 1848, and that the shop was Non-Union.This was only reported by a local radio station in Milwaukee (1130AM) and not by the major news networks - - - they didn't want to embarrass this "got no friggin' clue" President!
Since they didn't do their job of reporting on this presidential visit, the only way for the news to get around is by us - on the Internet. The White House media said he skipped Wisconsin & just went to Minn & Chicago.

Do your job; I just did mine, so voters will know what really happened here and just HOW BRIGHT THIS PRESIDENT REALLY IS !!!??? NOT!!

The Fed's Gold Is Being Audited... By The US Treasury

How to become axes of evil

We have been asked and requested to make our point clear about the upcoming expected and possible war between Iran and US.

We release the new information below to pre-empt any new plans for new war in the world and a prelude to our conference in September. 

We explain here how nations like Iran are made and look as they become axes of evil in the eyes of international community through pre-planned actions of some nations to start new international crises.

Prepare yourselves as this will be a long read, but important that one understands why we call upon nations for our upcoming meeting. We are fully aware of what we are releasing and now we want not only the nations, but the citizens of the earth understand the real depth of the knowledge of the hidden working of all nations by the Foundation and reasons for our actions, even though sometimes they look as they are against our ethos. (Please advise if you see mistakes in the text for them to be corrected)

The second part of this edition will be released soon by the foundation.

For those whom do not know, here we lay the groundwork for the effort of the Foundation for the peace conference due on the 6th of September of 2012 in Keshe foundation centre in Belgium.

Our firm belief is that:

There shall be no war between Iran, Israel and US, as the latter have more and may be all to lose if such an action take place, and this is a clear message from this Foundation and if you are interested to know why we give such indication please pay note to following paragraphs in this open letter.

How any nations become axes of evil according to pre-mandated action of the real evils of the earth is easy to understand and to be seen and be read is as follows: 
As most of the readers of this forum know and some have listened to my previous interviews over the past years, they know my education background and my work.

It is important to make clear some points for all readers and world audience to know how every nation can become axes of evil according to the agreement signed by the president Reagan and Mrs Thatcher in late seventies and the establishment of nuclear triad connection between USA, UK and France. 

In my early work at the British nuclear classified site, I became the reader of the proposal and documents which made it clear to me that the future of the world nuclear industry was well set and with agreement of the above three nations the act of making every nation an axes of evil was signed and sealed by the leaders of these countries for the control of power and energy resources of the future.

In this agreement and In the process of bringing the world economy to its knees and start of the second process of slavery of all nations as they did in early centuries with opium was initiated, but this time using the nuclear industry as the whip of threat and control.

In late seventies It has been agreed that the British use the US military might to force and attack nations and then rub all nations from their resources and then controlling them through nuclear power supply systems and control of nuclear fuel by British started.

To make the triad working, the British gave the right of manufacturing of the nuclear power stations even for UK to US and their companies and with the carrot that even UK stopped with immediate effect all new research in development and building of new nuclear British designed power stations and UK started the closure of all its own designed nuclear power station capabilities.

In return British under disguise of helping US accepted the proliferation and recycling of nuclear fuel worldwide.

Which, this is the most long term lucrative part of nuclear industry. 

At the same time with proliferation the UK in the future can force nations to its will as and if materials are not processed they cannot operate their furfur nuclear power stations.

As nations need new fuel rods, then their energy supply become slave to UK generosity and colonial power pressures as past centuries.

Where at the moment this process has already started as UK has been practicing its reprocessing system by profiteering fuel for Japan and Germany in the past decades.

At the same time to keep the French on board, part of structural work in Europe and the nuclear fuel production of Europe were given to French.

Thus in this Triad of nations, they have cut the future of the world energy between each other in such a way that once the oil runs out or they create oil crises, then these three nations excluding Russia and china will become the controllers of the energy for the Europe, middle-east, Asia and south-America.

Now let us explain how nations become axes of evil like the nation of Iran through this Triad of the nuclear control through deliberate and false accusation and by controlling present world media.

Primarily it has to be understood that Iran has been and is a self-sufficient, raw nuclear material producing nation.

Where, in mid-fifties US used to take uranium from the mines of Hamadan in south central regions of Iran for their nuclear processing and fuel supply, and this is well documented in international transhipments of uranium.

Now these mines are in the hand of the Iranian nation, Thus Iran does not need to purchase any fuel and Iran is using its own natural resources for its future fuel processing and fuel production and Iran even has surpluses of raw material to support other power stations of other nations if it is needed in the region for their future power supply.

Thus Iran has and can become a fuel suppler and competition to French and US piece of the cake of the present organised nuclear Triad.

Secondly Iranian nuclear scientists through the help of US in the past and presently through work with Russian scientists have gained enough knowledge that they can reproduce nuclear reactors for power generation. 

Thus with the new gained knowledge by home grown and thought nuclear engineers and scientists, Iran now can and has cut into the piece of the cake of US power generation manufacturing market. 

Now Iran becomes another financial threat to the member of nuclear triad the USA. 

By the same measure, Iranian aircraft engineers being boycotted for parts by US sanctions they have made a full working of Boeing 747 jetliner in Iran in the past five years to service the fleat of Iran jet liners and now one can buy exact parts of these crafts even better quality from Iran rather than US. 

Where in producing these systems, now Iran is using the same knowledge in building aircrafts and has gaind the full capability to produce the spaceship program craft of the present trials using Iranian scientists.

Thus the boycott has given Iran the advantage and step up for the new spaceship program systems that has left NASA into the dark ages of the space technology.

Thirdly, now Iran having its own raw material and learning the lessons of oil refinery parts materials boycott in the past thirty years by the west, in the past three years Iran has begun the process of the learning and developing reprocessing of the fuel. 

With this Iran can use its own mined uranium as fuel to enrich and use the fuel for supporting its nation with energy once the oil runs out.

Thus Iran with the capability of reprocessing and enrichment for fuel for its power stations now has the power and the knowledge to cut into the piece of the cake of the UK of the triad.

Therefore now Iran has become a supplier and competitor in not only oil, but nuclear industry too with the triad.

Thus the mask of axes of evil is nothing short of the crimes of the past done by nations of the nuclear triad and a new setting for the scenario of the 1972 crises, where this time the British will control the world energy and will take world nations to hostage like pirates of the high seas as they have done for centuries, but in a modern version. 

The other recent action of EU boycott against the nation of Iran came about purely by an accident and the greed of Germany which had nothing to do with Iran. 

Where, In the early seventies Iran acquired curtail but small prototype nuclear reactor built for Iran by the western nations for training of its future nuclear scientists for its power stations to be built in late and early eighties by them for Iran.

Which, I was presumed to be one of these scientists when and if I would have been returning to Tehran after finishing my education as nuclear engineer in Europe.

Where, this nuclear reactor in Tehran University has the capability of producing low level high grades nuclear materials isotopes needed nowdays in the medical sector of the health of all nations.

Where, this sector of the health radiation industry will worth some 12 billion euros in the coming years.

What has happened in the past years is that the nuclear power plant which is the parallel system as Iranian research nuclear reactor and has been the major producer of these isotopes for years, which was based in Canada and employing thousands of scientists and worker and generating billions of dollars of revenue for Canada for years, this reactor in the recent past has gone faulty and cannot produce and supply the world demand for isotopes in medical market.

Hence this has given a un-precedence chance to Iran to cover this vacuum generated in the market by chance in western world nuclear supply of medical isotopes and this is a curtail material to save lives of thousands of people around the world as without these isotopes no brain scan, no MRIs and other non-intrusive medical procedures can be carried out.

I wonder how many British, American, French and other nationals are not told daily that thanks to Iran we can give your and your children lives back to you.

This does not fit into the image of an axe of evil which the triad have made for Iran.

I wonder how many Americans walk away from MRI tables and thank the lives of Iranian scientists whom have covered the gap which was created by Canada nuclear breakdown to save their lives. 

We thank you Iranian nuclear scientists instead of them whom never been told the real truth and salute you for your support of world citizens even though you in helping us, you have put your lives in line of danger and even losing your lives by 
assassination in you serving and helping the rest of mankind in time of need.

The government of Germany under the nuclear treaty of the Second World War as Japanese government cannot get involved in the proliferation of nuclear materials in any scale in Germany. But German government can appoint proxies and use the third nation for its research and in developing a system to cover the Canadian gap in the nuclear isotope manufacturing. 

Thus through agreement with Franc, UK, US and Belgium they have signed a treaty with the rest of EU nations to build a replacement of the Canadian reactor in nuclear centre in Mole in Belgium, which this reactor at the present is under construction.

Thus Iran unwantedly has become a competitor again with Germany and France in the industrial gap which Iran at the moment is helping to save the lives of people around the world.

But Iran will not be attacked until this reactor is operational, as by accident even the president of US can come to need these isotopes of Iran for saving his life or his family, thus Iran cat and mouse game will be done until this reactor is operational in Belgium

This being the reason why suddenly Germany has appeared as the 5+1 (5 of UN +1 of Germany) as nations in negotiation with Iran in respect to Iran nuclear program. 

Where, Germany according to the Second World War treaty has nothing to do with world nuclear operation.

Now the role of Iran in enforcing world peace through its newly gained spaceship program:

Iran is and will be the flagship nation for the world peace.

Iran has the capability of not to start any war and stifle all future wars with the present knowledge of spaceship technology in the hand of Iran.

Iran the land of peace will be the flagship nation for peace in these so called enforced crises in the world.

Let me explain in simple words what will happen if the triad of the nuclear nations or their proxies will decide to attack Iran in the near future.

Iran has never past its borders in the past three hundred years and will never do so, as we have found war is nothing but waste of human resources.

In Iran and Iraq war there were prisoners from twenty seven countries in Iranian prisons, these all being recruited by the same nations whom have started the new spring uprising in the past year. 

Where, Italian government sold NINE million land mines to Iraqi government to mine and kill Iranians at any cost. 

Which, up to today in Iran every day in the past twenty years children by playing in their homes and gardens are losing their lives and their limps to these mines, all thanks to Italian hospitality and greed.

And I wonder what happen to the cries of the advance nations of the west to help to come and clean these mines which they supplied; I wonder how many Italians will give the hand of help to fathers and sons whom have lost their children and fathers in Iran through these Italian mines in the past year alone.

The keshe Foundation is developing system to eradicate these meaningless tools of means for destruction and greed from the land of peace.

Now one wonders why Italians are in these crises of today as they are paying the price of the murderous acts of their recent fathers to line the banks of Italy with blood of innocent children of Iran.

But in this war with Iraq, even though Iran could have cross the borders of Iraq to recapture and finish the old regime, Iran did not cross its accepted international borders.

Iranian nation has defended the integrity of the motherland of Iran for centuries and it will do so if need be again, but this time with its new SSP program, if the triad of nations or their proxies try to pass the international Iranian border lines the game shall be different.

Iran is at this moment in possession of the most advanced technologies known to man, which Iran has shown small power and capabilities of this new technology in December of last year by capture of American spy plane of 27 m long at high speed and altitude and under the control of over 8 satellites.

If need be to enforce world peace Iran will show the full might of spaceship program in an instance to the powers of the world if they cross the borders of Iran.

Iran is the land of Dareush whom saved the lives of my Jewish forefathers and in seventh century the Iranian king in saving the Christians by providing them shelter, whom now this race have become the present descendent of my blood.

Iran is my Islamic descendent forefather’s home and land of peace and prosperity and it will teach the world the knowledge of space and true conduct of the real men of integrity. 

Iran has the power to bring about the world peace though its wisdoms and generosity to other nations and religions as has done in the past, without firing a single shot with it new SSP program.

Let us tell you what will be the consequences of any attract on Iran territorial borders with Iran in possession of spaceship technology.

On the 21st of April in meeting at the Keshe Foundation centre, we showed the system and the video of capability of increasing weight of the system, that allows the submergence of SSP system in the deepest waters of the earth to world delegation present.

And with it within 36 hours from this meeting on 23.4.2012 we received the presidential decree to silence us as they realised what has been developed as thy have nothing to protect themselves from such an advance technological gain by Iran and The keshe Foundation, and for the first time they realised how they lost their craft in December of the previous year to Iran, that the US president asked from Iran for their toy back.

With this technology the submariners of submarines of any nation contemplating to attack Iran through straights of Hormoze and any waters across the earth; The submariners will be faced with instance death due to lack of operation of all systems. As was done with the unmaned aircarft in December of last year. At the same time these crafts will maintain their position in the deep seas and will never resurface for decades, unless they are pulled out of the water through special operations, so once Iran SSP touches these submarin in deep waters of the earth, then no mother and son of these submariners will ever know of the feat of their loved ones.

Above water, military ships will cease working and become obsolete that they will and can be caused to join their submariners in seconds, which this will leave thousands and thousands of fathers without their youth, and so many mothers without their daughters whom are serving on these ships.

Aircrafts which are airborne will drop from the skies’ on the borders of Iran or any point of choosing on earth by Iranians SSP program like heavy metal casted legged birds, that they will not be able to even reach the beautiful borders of the land of the peace. 

This lending to more loses of beautiful lives of men and women of USA and their collaborators.

The satellite communication will be brought into absolute halt as Iran has to take steps that no nuclear warhead missiles can be controlled and targeted on Iran and hence most of the intercontinental missiles will fall on the Iran’s neighbouring nations and anywhere over where these missiles are lost due to lose of satellites, and surly non will reach Iran.

US intercontinental missiles will become operational in their berth holes and how many of our cosines and brothers are to lose their lives in the land of US, by action of US military if the misguided action of a few goes through. 

Then the question to ask is why the humanity allows this triad of nations to carry all these acts under the banner of world peace and not the real term of its objective of tyranny .

Thus Iran does not need to start the war, but use its wisdom to protect itself as before; the losses will be from those who are doing of the instigation of war and will be in the land of instigators of the war.

What is the solution?

The solution is simple and immediate.

We call upon the triad nations and Iranian government to meet under the banner of world peace in the immediate future, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of young and beautiful daughters and sons of Mainly US origin as they are the real slaves of the master in the war.

As we have seen as it has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan invasions under the same type of false accusation to loot these nations or use them to supply drugs into other nations as in the past centuries, where again the UK walked away with the loot of oil and national reserves and US paid with prices of the lives of its youth and still paying so.

From The Keshe foundation we call up on the leaders of the world to open their eyes to the song of the peace from us, or the beautiful Whitehouse will only be white by name as its residence will leave the fields of their matters within this structure with no sign of real material life, once Iran has to enforced world peace, without use of war.

The palaces of Europe will ring the belles of justice by its people and not its present residences as the men of truth will open the files of the real working of these houses of horror to stop the suffering of their nations as they are answerable to the nations of the world for whom they have chosen to govern and rub others under their name.

We did not set the scene, but we are the messengers of peace and we are the instigator of the world peace and we have the technology to serve the mankind and walk and enforce the path of peace.

My call to citizens of this planet is simple and straightforward; join us and each other to serve our human race under one banner of mankind and not nationhood.

As under one banner of peace this will carry us through as one soul and one planet and not as divided broken army of nations.

Our decree of peace will take its course and soon there will be no more conflict as each man has the power of the king to serve and not as power of slave to be served by others.

The leaders of the world have become to accept that the seat of kingship and leadership as the seat of serving ones nation and not to be served by the nation, and this has to become the path of every being.

Then one will see that there shall be no servants by force, but man will be servants by choice for and to his fellow men, and earth will be a sea of physical bodies that are and have nothing to do but to serve others.

Whereas from this point on the kinship is amongst the soul of the man and not the physical body of the man.

From this point on we take the physicality of the structure away from the apparatus of operation of the man’s life as we have met all its needs to kingship of the soul of the man. 

As in the level of soul there is no physicality to feed, but the essence of equality to protect and serve.

Blessed are the souls whom have received the message of peace not in the physical but in the true realm of creation.

M T Keshe

SaLuSa 3-August-2012

Hi Friends, I am re-sending my message as there is a word missing from the second to last sentence in the first paragraph. It is an obvious omission, although I did not spot it. Should read " does NOT radiate Love and Light"
                Thank you. Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa  3-August-2012

There are as usual mixed messages going around, but they are of a far more positive nature and it is in those you that you should place your confidence and your energy. The problem that still exists is that some people still resurrect the old prophesies, not realizing that times have moved on. Had you not lifted up your vibrations, they may well have still been valid. It is not to say that all old ones are invalid but you should look for your information from current day prophesies. Even so you need to be aware of disinformation, and if any message does not radiate Love and Light then it should set aside. The same could be said of those messages that concentrate on possible catastrophes, without balancing them with a positive outcome.

So be on your guard and also remember that regardless of what changes to the Law are proposed, very few will ever see the light of day. It is for example like the present arguments over the gun law, as even if the anti-gun lobby get their way they will never achieve their goal. It will not be long before governmental changes take place, and new Laws and amendments to the Constitution will be rescinded. That will eventually apply world wide as with each step your freedom will be returned to you. It will not fully happen until after Ascension, but at least any draconian or unjust Laws will have been removed. Responsible people certainly do not need great restraints upon them, and we shall make sure you are made free of them as soon as possible.

There is some consolation as a result of the delays you have been experiencing, as the more people that are confronted by the actions of the dark Ones, the greater is their understanding of what they are doing. It galvanizes them into action and helps maintain a balance so that matters do not get out of hand. As a result the mass consciousness has risen in leaps and bounds and has ensured that the dark Ones are doomed to failure. Indeed, they are at their wits end and no longer have the power to achieve their plan for world control. We wish that they would go quietly, but there are still pockets of resistance that would do anything rather than concede defeat. However, it is what they will eventually have to accept as their time is up.

Meanwhile we eagerly await the possibility that a Leader somewhere will see the way clear to announce Disclosure. It is likely that if it does come about that a country like China will be the first to do so. Regretfully countries in the West are still largely under the powerful influence of the Illuminati. They are scared of the repercussions if the go ahead, and fear is a strong factor where  such decisions are concerned. We simply require our presence to be officially acknowledged at a top level, so that the world is aware of it. Of course millions of people are already know of us, and have seen our craft, and bear in mind it is well over 60 years since we first set out to make ourselves known to you.

We know you tire of the continual waiting, and we applaud your understanding and patience. You can be consoled by knowing that we are a hair breadths away from fully coming out into the open, and of course taking the opportunity to meet you. We have an initial celebration planned and still intend to flyover your main cities so that more people can see our craft. We may also invite your own Space Fleet to join us, and that way you will have one of the last great secrets revealed. It will of course be a demonstration of peace and in  no way connected with any military connection. War and all things connected with it will be removed or disabled, as there is no place for them in the future.

Now more than ever we need you to concentrate on Ascension, with your highest perception of what you believe it to be. As the last few months pass by we do not wish you to lose your focus, because as more of you come together in unity you are strengthening the power of the Light. There is clearly no prospect or indeed any reason why you should, but we want to see the Light finish this cycle as the formidable power that it is. It will sweep away the last remnants of the old energies that have held the old paradigm in place. It is no longer suitable for the New Age that is taking shape, and the new one is going to rapidly take its place.

You have already given power to your visualizations where free energy is concerned, and its introduction will present no problems. You are ready for new technologies and they will immediately overcome many problems you are presently experiencing. The beauty of using free energy is that it never runs out, and you can use as much as you want. There are clearly exciting times approaching and that is where we want your focus, and leave the clearing up to those who are appointed to do it. Believe us, the changes will come thick and fast once we can get started. Everything is prepared now, and in spite of what you may see as enormous distribution problems, that presents absolutely no difficulty to us.

Do not forget that you have your personal cleansing to do, and as the higher energies lift you up they will reveal long held emotions and problems that have been left uncleared. Often they relate to unresolved differences where the people involved will not concede their position, when forgiveness would solve such issues. That Dear Ones is the key to moving on, and it is only the ego that is likely to hold you back. You have got too used to exerting yourselves over others, and you find all kinds of reasons to do so. You sometimes pick on those who are weak, mentally retarded or disabled, and must see them for what they really are. They are souls exactly like you who have chosen tough incarnations for their evolution, and should be treated with equal respect.

Sometimes souls take on problematic lives so as to inspire others to lift up. They give you the chance to show how far you have evolved, and both of you can advance as a result. Take whatever opportunities come up and prove what it means to one who aspires to live their life with unconditional love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask that you keep the Olympic spirit going, and it will create a new level of unity around the world that will be lasting.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Massive Chemtrails Appearing

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Massive Chemtrails Appearing
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 3-Aug-2012 03:05:20

Massive Chemtrails Appearing
by Zen Gardner
The chemtrail war on our skies continues unabated. Strange phenomena are being reported, such as new types of sprays, dispersal patterns and configuration techniques.
This massive tanker and spray filmed just recently (late July) in California below shows how confident they're feeling and the degree they've stepped up the program. As they note, the tanker is extremely fast and large, and notice the tell-tale blueish chemical hue of the trail in places, as well as the abrupt cut off at the end.


The LIBOR Cartel

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's BillsBest: The LIBOR Cartel
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Friday, 3-Aug-2012 03:00:24

LIBOR has been on many investors lips lately. A few still seem to understand the implications. Below is a must read piece from Der Spiegel.
In the glitzy world of investment banking, money market traders were at the bottom of the pecking order before the financial crisis. They were not involved in major deals, and they could only dream of the kinds of bonuses stock and bond traders received. "They were always at the bottom of the food chain," says a former investment banker.
It was a conspiratorial group of underdogs who worked for various banks and met at least once a month for a beer or a mojito in New York, London or Frankfurt. By the middle of the last decade, when there seemed to be a surplus of money at the banks, they all had the same problem: They were derided or, worse yet, ignored by their colleagues in the trading rooms of major banks...finish reading>>