Saturday, August 4, 2012

Poole – Hamas Leader a neighbor in Ohio

Does our concern for this make us Islamaphobes or critical thinkers?

Poole – Hamas Leader a neighbor in Ohio

August 3, 2012 | Filed underTerror | Posted by SUAadmin
Editor’s Note – As SUA has been reporting, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and many other terrorist organization personnel are hiding right under our noses in America. Noted columnist Patrick Poole was assailed for pointing this out in his Hilliard, Ohio neighborhood by the local media when he exposed Salah Sultan. Fast forward to today – and Poole is proven he was correct all along.
It is so sad that the media is so politically correct, and most of America is so woefully ignorant of the true nature of these people. Beware, there are so many more in our backyards here. Most notably we must raise our vigilance since Iran has openly threatened to unleash their dogs here if they are attaked by anyone.

My Neighbor, the Hamas Leader

Former Ohio resident Saleh Sultan — whom I exposed — is now top Hamas leadership.
By Patrick Poole – PJ Media
Back in March, my friend and colleague Erick Stakelbeck of CBN News emailed me a link to an article in Tablet Magazine and asked: “Hey — isn’t that your neighbor with the head of Hamas?” Sure enough, it was. My former neighbor Salah Sultan was standing right beside Ismail Haniyeh — the Hamas “prime minister” of Gaza — as Haniyeh left a meeting with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Cairo (purple shirt):

Stakelbeck knew about my neighbor Sultan because Erick and I had worked together on a video segment highlighting Sultan’s activity and residence in my hometown of Hilliard, Ohio, back in 2007. That was more than a year after I had first written about returning home to Ohio to discover that I had an internationally known Hamas cleric living about a mile from my own house. Not only that, but Sultan was the religious director at the local Islamic school, Sunrise Academy, which had taken over the former public library building in town. Sultan was also the resident scholar of the newly built Noor Islamic Cultural Center in Hilliard.
As I later recounted, the Columbus Dispatch attacked me as a racist and a bigot, characterizing me as a Christianist Neo-Nazi. This after I had identified Sultan’s rabidly anti-Jewish remarks, his calls for violent jihad, his open support for Hamas, his ties to Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, and his association with international Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
The Dispatch article encouraged readers to attend an open house set up in response to my article at the local Islamic school. The relevant section of the Dispatch article responding to my claims was titled “Hostile Assertions”:

The condemnations not only came from my local paper, but also from the “interfaith leaders” in town — namely the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio – who had arranged the Dispatch hit piece. They also came from local residents, who felt free to vent their fury in phone calls made to my family members. One local columnist wrote an article titled “Muslim Basher, Patrick Poole, Preys on People’s Fears.”
Two weeks after the Dispatch article appeared defending Salah Sultan as a well-respected Islamic scholar and local interfaith leader (curiously, the Dispatch article can no longer be found on their website), he appeared on Al-Risala TV where he claimed that the 9/11 attacks were a U.S. government plot to victimize Muslims. He also defended designated terrorist and al-Qaeda cleric Abdul Majid al-Zindani:

Needless to say, the Dispatch never followed up, even after I sent the reporter and editors a copy of Sultan’s video translated by MEMRI.
Last year at PJ Media, I revisited some of Salah Sultan’s activities since that time. I was driven to do so after he appeared last August on Al-Jazeera issuing a fatwa authorizing the assassination of any Israeli in Egypt. I titled that review “Yes, my neighbor really was a racist, terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood cleric.”
As a demonstration of how correct I was, take note of the picture below of Sultan being chummy with Khaled Meshaal –the head of Hamas and a specially designated global terrorist according to the U.S. government — that was posted on Sultan’s Facebook page on May 6 this year:

In law enforcement circles, this is what is known as an “investigative clue.”
In case the folks at the Columbus Dispatch still have any doubts about his Hamas connections, here Sultan is again with Ismail Haniyeh in March, just days after the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) — where Sultan sits on the board – greeted Haniyeh as a member:

But what about my prior claims about Sultan’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? Well — Sultan was actively involved in the Egyptian elections, appearing regularly with the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi (who, I noted here, first became a Muslim Brotherhood member while in the United States studying at the University of Southern California).
Here’s a picture of Sultan and Morsi at a campaign event dated May 13:

Here is one of Morsi’s campaign flyers noting Sultan’s support (top row, second from the left):

In case there was any remaining uncertainty about Sultan’s ties to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Sultan led a Muslim Brotherhood rally and gave a fiery speech in Tahrir Square on a live June 21 broadcast on Al-Jazeera:

No doubt officials at the Columbus Dispatch will say I’m an Islamophobe for mentioning Sultan’s exercise of democracy on behalf of his preferred political party in his native homeland of Egypt.
What about my previous claims of his anti-Semitic racism? Funny you should ask. Again, I would note his aforementioned fatwa broadcast on Al-Jazeera, where he authorized the killing of any “Zionist” in Egypt.
Also, in November Sultan was the organizer of a “March Against the Judaization of Jerusalem” (here is an English-language report noting his leadership in the event), which is rather remarkable, as the Jews have been living in Jerusalem for more than 3,000 years. During events related to the march, reports indicate that speakers railed against “those treacherous Jews.”
At a November 25 rally at the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Sultan can be seen marshaling religious leaders invoking the notorious Islamic hadith about the end times, when the stones and trees will say “O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me. Come kill him.”
As noted by an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report, in February Sultan gave a speech at an IUMS meeting in Cairo where he blamed violence against Egyptian Christians on “acts of Jews.” At the event, the crowd was led in a chant: “To Jerusalem we are going as martyrs in millions.”
In May, the ADL reported that Sultan was the host of a new live television program on the Al-Risala network:
The program also featured live call-ins from viewers, including several who used the platform to make anti-Semitic remarks. One caller from Egypt said:
“It will be impossible for the Jews, those sons of apes and pigs, no way … no way … that they can achieve their goal in building their alleged temple. Inshallah and God’s willing this will never happen. We will raise our young children, the seven-year-old ones, the five-year-old ones, and the four-years-old to fight the Jews and have war with the Jews.”
Sultan responded, “God willing.”
A report last month by MEMRI stated that one of Sultan’s friends is the director of Al-Risala, Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood leader Tareq al-Suwaidan. They published pictures of the pair and noted Suwaidan’s anti-Jewish rhetoric, endorsement for the reestablishment of the global Islamic caliphate, and calls for violent jihad.

The MEMRI report also indicates that Suwaidan is a graduate of both the University of Oklahoma and Penn State.
One of the other issues that the Columbus Dispatch took me to task for was my connecting Sultan to international Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, whom the ADL describes at the “Theologian of Terror” for — among other things — his religious endorsement of suicide bombings by Hamas as “martyrdom” (he was the first major Sunni cleric to do so), and by Iraqi insurgents targeting American soldiers and contractors.
As far back as 2008 I noted the close relationship between Qaradawi and Sultan, including the appearance of Sultanat a July 2007 conference in Doha, Qatar (Qaradawi’s base), where Sultan praised Qaradawi as his teacher and mentor. Sultan later appeared on the main speakers’ dais with Qaradawi and Khaled Meshaal.
As Qaradawi reaches his late 80s, Sultan appears to be assuming his mentor’s mantle. Here is one recent picture of the pair:

And another:

Sultan’s increasing role in Qaradawi’s orbit is attested to in a February 10 article in the Khaleej Times reporting on a visit by leaders of the Syrian National Council — dominated and controlled by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood — with Qaradawi. During the meeting, Sultan (identified in the article as part of Qaradawi’s group) called for armed jihad against the Assad regime:
Another leading member of Qaradawi’s grouping, Salahudin Sultan, appealed to Gulf leaders to arm rebel fighters in Syria and send troops to back them.
“King of Saudi Arabia, emir of Qatar, take out the weapons and hand them over to those free people,” Sultan said.
“As you sent your Peninsula Shield Force into Bahrain, move them towards Syria,” he added, referring to the Gulf military force deployed to member state Bahrain last March to help the kingdom’s Sunni rulers put down Shiite-led pro-democracy protests.
It’s not just the Assad regime or the “Zionists” that are the targets of Sultan’s calls for violent jihad. In December 2008I reported at PJ Media about one of Sultan’s appearances on Al-Nas TV, where he warned of the immediate destruction of America and invoked the notorious anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
This is a theme he returned to recently on Sada al-Balad TV back in February (translated by MEMRI), where he responded to a question about whether war with Israel would lead to war with the U.S. He responded: “Why not?”, approvingly cited The Protocols once again, and recalled a sermon he had previously given in Dallas where he likened the days of destruction with Noah and the looming wrath for the U.S.:

MEMRI also translated a January 17 interview with Sultan in which he encouraged Muslim youth to take up sports such as karate in preparation to fight for the liberation of Palestine:
I call upon young people to practice sports, and to strengthen their bodies in preparation for jihad. Practice Karate, practice Taekwondo, practice all the sports that make your body extremely strong. Lift weights, and then dream, day and night. Turn your faces towards the heavens. If the young turn their faces to the heavens in a desire to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it will be liberated soon, Allah willing.
Whatever happened to the respected Islamic scholar and interfaith moderate Salah Sultan, for whom the Columbus Dispatch was driven to publicly castigate me for daring to call him a terror-loving, terrorist-associating, racist Muslim Brotherhood leader?
He was a figment of the newspaper’s imagination, fed to them by their friends in the local Islamic community and by Sultan himself, and aided in no small measure by soothing narratives of interfaith peace and harmony many hold to despite all the conflicting evidence.
All along, he really was who I said he was. But it’s doubtful that the local media will correct the record.
But why does the record need to be corrected? Since his activity is entirely outside the U.S. now (he’s been banned from reentering the country), surely there’s really no relation between what happens over there and our communities here? Even though everything I said about Salah Sultan going back to April 2006 has been verified, my stated fears of a “hometown jihad” are nothing more than the paranoid fantasies of a raging, racist Islamophobe, right?
I’ll answer that question here at PJ Media shortly.

The Constitution must be honored in every respect - or it is not honored at all

The Constitution must be honored in every respect - or it is not honored at all

By David F. LaRocque

In the fallout from the troubling decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Obamacare challenge, it has become clear that almost nobody understands the tax clauses of the United States Constitution, nor do the various commentators seem to be aware of the watershed Supreme Court decisions in the Pollock case in 1895 ruling the income tax adopted in the  Income Tax Act of 1894 to be unconstitutional (Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan & Trust Co.) , and the Brushaber case  in 1916 regarding the effect of the 16th Amendment (Brushaber v. Union Pacific RR Co).
The decision in the Brushaber case was explicitly confirmed soon thereafter in a follow-on Supreme Court case in the same year (Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co.).
(Note: Brushaber was a stockholder in the Union Pacific Railroad.)
The Supreme Court decision in the Brushaber case challenging the Income Tax Act of 1913 established three irrefutable facts:
1.  The Sixteenth Amendment granted no new taxing authority to Congress which did not exist prior to the amendment.
2.  The income tax, to the extent that it is applicable, is an indirect excise tax subject to the constitutional requirement of uniformity.
3.  There is no third class of taxes authorized in the Constitution other than the two classes specified in Article I of the Constitution.
The two classes of constitutionally authorized taxes are direct taxes subject to the requirement of apportionment, and indirect taxes (“Duties, Imposts, and Excises”) subject to the requirement of uniformity.
Notwithstanding the widespread ignorance, disregard, and even suppression of the profound importance of the Supreme Court decisions in the Pollock and Brushaber cases relating to the constitutional status of the income tax, it is incontrovertible that these decisions affirmed the intent of the Founders in establishing two classes of taxing authority under Article I of the Constitution, ruling out any possible inference that some third class of taxing authority was create by the Sixteenth Amendment. There is no third class of tax. Therefore, any taxing authority resulting from the Sixteenth Amendment (assuming the Sixteenth Amendment was legally ratified and is in full force and effect) must be in full compliance with the limitations of Article I of the Constitution.
The parallel with the widespread conscious disregard of the Supreme Court’s definition of “natural born citizen” in the Minor v. Happersett case in 1875 is striking.
(In his landmark book “Cracking the Code” Peter Hendrickson explains the extremely limited applicability of the Sixteenth Amendment, while demonstrating in rigorous detail how the forces driving the income tax, acting through the Internal Revenue Service, have obfuscated the tax code and twisted the language using the legal concept of “term of art” to alter the meanings of commonly used words in order to create the perception that most American citizens have a tax liability when no such liability exists.)
It appears that when we are dealing with “inconvenient truths”, relevant Supreme Court decisions interpreting basic constitutional provisions may just be ignored. This is the mark of the end of the rule of law and the beginning of tyranny.
Does anybody care about the Constitution any longer?
From what we can observe, it would appear that, indeed, almost nobody cares.
A friend posted a message recently on a state Tea Party web site referring to three classes of taxes under the Constitution, including the income tax as the third class of taxes. Mark Levin made a similar statement in his June 28 broadcast following the release of the Roberts decision in the Obamacare case. And of course, our old friends at Fox News, including Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly with their demonstrated ignorance of the Constitution, have repeatedly discussed the income tax as if it were a legitimate third class of taxing authority under the Constitution, free of the tax provisions of Article I.
Brushaber says:

"...the Amendment contains nothing repudiating or challenging the ruling in the Pollock Case (an 1895 Supreme Court decision, Pollock v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Co.,  ruling that the income tax is unconstitutional)…the purpose (of the Sixteenth Amendment) was not to change the existing interpretation except to the extent necessary to accomplish the result intended... (the purpose was not) to take an income tax out of the class of excises, duties, and imposts, and place it in the class of direct taxes."

[Brushaber v. Union Pacific RR. Co. - 240 U.S. 1 (1916)]

Stanton says:

" the previous ruling (Brushaber) it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation, but simply prohibited the previous complete and plenary power of income taxation possessed by Congress from the beginning from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged, and being placed in the category of direct taxation subject to apportionment...".

[Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103 (1916)]

Thus the Supreme Court is saying that the income tax is an indirect tax (excise) authorized under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. The 16th amendment “conferred no new power of taxation”.

As such its applicability must be very limited since it must be uniform, and its application must result from the voluntary conduct of taxable actions or activities. The federal gasoline tax is the common example.

The federal income tax as we know it clearly and simply does not qualify as an excise tax under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. It is certainly not uniform, and it is not voluntary despite all the IRS bleating about “voluntary compliance”.

It is also not collected by a third party, which is another significant characteristic of an excise tax.

(In “Cracking the Code”, author Peter Hendrickson identifies certain federally-connected activities involving the exercise of a federal privilege which may create a federal tax liability under the 16th Amendment.)

Furthermore there is no third class of taxes beyond what is authorized in Article I. The analysis of the Sixteenth Amendment in Brushaber is conducted entirely within the context of the Article I taxing authority granted to Congress. The Sixteenth Amendment did not amend or change Article I, just as the Fourteenth Amendment did not amend or change Article II.

The Supreme Court never says, in these cases or in any other case, that a third class of taxes was created by the Sixteenth Amendment. Furthermore, the strange behavior of the IRS and its officials when confronted by these facts indicates that they well know that they are operating outside the bounds of the Constitution. I shudder to think about what new outrages from the IRS may be in our future once the thousands of new IRS agents authorized in the Obamacare legislation get to work harassing the American people.

The parallel to the “natural born citizen” issue, if one exists, is that  Article I stands on its own unchanged by the Sixteenth Amendment, just as Article II stands on its own unchanged by the Fourteenth Amendment . Neither of these original articles were changed or modified by the respective amendments. If they had been modified, a specific reference to the related language of the articles in the original Constitution which were being changed would have been required.

Beyond the issue raised by these facts is the whole issue of the fraudulent ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, carried out in a shameless act of fraud against the American people. Bill Benson documented this thoroughly with certified documents from the National Archive and from the archives of each of the state capitals. Many of the states which were listed as having ratified never did so, or even rejected the amendment, while many states altered the language of the proposed amendment which nullified any purported ratification.

In the end it was determined that not ONE single state legitimately and properly ratified the Sixteenth Amendment. As to my own state, there is no record in Sacramento that the State of California ever ratified the Sixteenth Amendment, yet California is listed as one of the ratifying states:

These four states are among the thirty-eight from which (Secretary of State) Philander Knox claimed ratification:
  • California: The legislature never recorded any vote on any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
  • Kentucky: The Senate voted on the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of nine in favor and twenty-two opposed.
  • Minnesota: The State sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
  • Oklahoma: The Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.”
(Bill Benson,”The Law That Never Was”)

Here is a link to a legal brief in the Benson case:

You might want to take the time to view the following video produced by the Freedom Law School:

Video of Conference in Washington D.C. hosted by Bob Schulz / We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education

(to which the IRS was invited and declined to participate):

Bill Benson’s presentation is covered in the first 34 minutes, followed by former IRS CID Special Agent Joe Banister for an additional 25 minutes.

Joe Banister is a CPA who devoted several years to investigating the claims he encountered from Devvy Kidd about the illegal status of the income tax while still an employee of the IRS. He submitted a report to his superiors outlining his devastating conclusions. Instead of responding to his charges of illegal conduct by the agency, his superiors forced him to resign.

The third portion of the video (starting at 1:00:00) contains a presentation by Bill Conklin, author of “Why No One is Required to File Tax Returns”.

The final portion of the conference (starting at 1:26:00) contains an excellent presentation by Attorney Lowell Becraft concerning his representation of Bill Benson in the fraudulent ratification issue. He also discusses the fact that the confusion surrounding the constitutionality of the income tax has created a due process problem for the American people which the courts have refused to address.

Does this sound familiar?

Attorney Becraft has been at the forefront of the tax freedom movement. He worked closely with Attorney Tom Cryer until Tom’s death last month, and has been interviewed numerous times by Joe Banister as listed at the link above.

Note: There is another excellent video series at Tommy Cryer’s web site:

Bob Schulz concludes (at 1:55:00) by saying that “there is no statute  - Congress has passed no law compelling people to file income tax returns and pay income taxes”. 

He then reviews the powers of taxation incorporated in the Constitution in Article I by the Founders, and a brief history of the key Supreme Court income tax cases.

A perception seems to be well-established that the income tax is legitimate as a third class of constitutionally-based taxing authority created by the Sixteenth Amendment. This is the IRS line, but it is not correct. If this erroneous belief is accepted as truth, undoing the income tax will be immeasurably more difficult.

This belief also leads commentators who should know better (like Bill O'Reilly in his July 2 broadcast) to say that the government can do whatever it wants with taxes, as if Article I of the Constitution does not exist. I can't believe what I am hearing from these so-called conservative commentators.

It is crucial that we get rid of the income tax and the Federal Reserve System as soon as possible in order to force a major restructuring and slimming down of the federal government. Otherwise we will never be able to turn this thing around to get our country back, and to restore constitutional government.

Think the old gal has it right again.

Think the old gal has it right again. 

Neil Keenan, Keith Scott - 'Liens', Cease and Desist Orders, etc. - New League of Free Nations

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Neil Keenan, Keith Scott - 'Liens', Cease and Desist Orders, etc. - New League of Free Nations
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 14:34:33
Too many to list, please visit the above website for additional information.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 10:22:38

Channeled message dated August 3rd.:
© ~ Please watch in HD!
"The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements! "
Read the full message @


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 05:36:57
March to War Notes
Thursday's resignation of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan should be a great big sign on the road to war in the Middle East, which as we pointed out to Peoplenomics readers recently, should come during the Olympics if an Argentinian seer/prophet type was right in his artwork.

That said, today's headlines are full of aftermath including the Iranian press operation saying "Russia blames US for Annan resignation as envoy for Syria crisis.

More worrisome is that the UK is planning to step up support of anti Assad forces, since Syria (with Russian coaching) has apparently kicked butt in Aleppo.
Oh, speaking of which, one of our sources in the oil patch sent us some pretty damn interesting background on how things are on the ground (away from the press) in Syria:
"I have a guy working for me from Damascus. His mother and sisters are there now, and they talk every day by phone. I let this go because you have been on vacation, and didn’t want to bother you and E. This stuff is going to unroll as it will regardless, because Americans are disconnected from their government until they decide to unite and TTBO (throw the bastards out).
My guy told me that his family is now on a hill on the outskirts of the city, along with thousands of others. They are surrounded by “rebels”, and it is Syrian army that is protecting them at this point, and trying to get them out and away from the city. The “rebels” are composed of unknown people, mostly not Syrians and many of them that are Syrians are known jihadistas – end of the world types known as local nutjobs anyway. Looting is rampant, and everyone that has left their homes has had all their possessions stolen or burned – they have nothing.
Yes, there are Syrian troops firing into the city, but the resident Syrians are (mostly) not there anyway. The army has been moving them out so they can get at the “rebels”. Tariq told me that his sisters have seen the rebels murdering women and children for weeks, simply shooting anyone that doesn’t profess to wanting a jihad and to destroy the Assad regime. Men are not questioned but shot if they do not take up arms with the “rebels”.
Many men have taken up arms to avoid being shot when cornered by rebels. Many sneak away and try to flee at first opportunity. His family has been in a state of running and hiding for 4 weeks, calling him many times during the day. They are trying to get to the Lebanese or Turkish border. The hill they are on is Qudissah or something like that, but they were trying to get to Lebanon and got cut off by ”rebels”.
There are “rebel” strongholds in Lebanon from what they were telling him. The rebels all have radios – they are always talking to each other or someone via radio – so there is likely someone in charge of coordinating them somewhere, but this is no spontaneous uprising of rebels. Tariq literally spits when anyone tries to tell him these are “freedom fighters” and gets all unglued, so I had to tell the others to keep their politics to themselves in the shop.
Anyway, thought I would get this to you since you should be back by now. Tariq’s position is that this is actually a huge Middle East thing where the progressives (moderate folks who want business and civilization and a degree of freedom) are being coerced and made to embrace jihad by the not-so-fringe Muslim jihadistas.
As a method to get a regime toppled, this has ‘low hanging fruit’ all over it, because arming these types, bringing more in and then pouring a little religious zealotry gas on it meant instant ignition. Same thing could happen here with rabid Christian right types if things are framed correctly by those wishing it…
So here we are, watching craziness unfold that has been urged by our freedom loving government here in the USA, all in the name of – what?? I am so ready for things to melt down… Oilman2"
An interesting perspective and hopefully, the source in Damascus will stay in contact...
The House has overwhelmingly approved a resolution which would keep the US from adopting UN backed controls of the Internet
when International Telecommunications Union talks get underway around Christmas.

There are some serious problems for the ITU discussions: How do they seem responsive to UN members who like having some top-down control of the web, while the wide open web does have a few problems that come along with it?
And we have to wonder how much of the republicorp backed net zealousy is a cover for corporate designs for the net?


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 05:45:39
electric you....
oh, by the way....expect the zionistas to war onIran via first attacking their 'olympic' games onAugust 12th, 2012. This begins their (so they think) next bloodfest...
of course i could be wrong, as after all i am just a nutter in the woods, and not a pedofilic priest, pope, politician, or banker, and am not a royal so i do not drink blood of humans, and thus they (tptb) never tell me anything, so i have to sus all this sheit out on my own, and it sure looks like the Roths have chosen their day....August 12th which numerologically equals 11._________________________________________


Wow! Look At This! The Facts Speak for Themselves...


From those who deeply loved America, it's Liberty and Peoples& knew the price required

Some great quotes ,your founding American Patriots- who had seen , lived through it, and left us their wise words of counsel, lest, foreign controlled entities infiltrate the governmental infrastructure, the public domain(internet), the private domains of industries, The MSM and even gain control of the financial lifelines that enable the nation to thrive, and proceed , in these areas, to suppress the Free People of This Sovereign Nation ! Please take heed and learn from those that love this nation and it’s peoples. 

Mainstream media pushes malicious fluoride lie

Mainstream media pushes malicious fluoride lie: Fluoride-free bottled water is harming children, they claim!

03 August 2012
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is at it again, lying to the public about fluoride. This time, the culprit is HealthDay, a "canned news" service that spits out lies and disinformation to be published by subscribing websites. Recently, HealthDay put out a story by author Alan Mozes claiming that bottled water might be harming children's dental health because there's no fluoride in it! (

And to really push their lie, they print the following conglomeration of total disinfo:

A salt formed from the combination of fluorine and soil and rock minerals, fluoride is voluntarily added by the vast majority of states and/or local municipalities...

This statement is, of course, a complete fabrication. The so-called "fluoride" actually added to municipal water supplies does not come from soil and rock minerals; it comes from industrial waste facilities and phosphate mining scrubbers:

Much of it is imported from chemical companies in China, and it often contains over 100 different chemicals -- including radioactive elements -- which aren't even fluoride!
Much of it is imported from chemical companies in China, and it often contains over 100 different chemicals -- including radioactive elements -- which aren't even fluoride!

These toxic chemicals are so highly corrosive that they eat metal, undercover footage reveals:

See the bizarre history of fluoride:

See this interview with Fluoride Free Austin:

Mandatory, not voluntary!

Even worse, HealthDay tries to make fluoride sound like something everybody wants by saying it is "voluntarily added by the vast majority of states..."
Even worse, HealthDay tries to make fluoride sound like something everybody wants by saying it is "voluntarily added by the vast majority of states..."

This is a lie as well. Fluoride is mandatory in the water for those people who are unfortunate to live in a fluoridated area. They never "volunteered" to have fluoride in their water. They were never given a choice. To write that fluoride is "voluntarily added" -- against the will of many members of the public -- is wholly deceptive. To people turning on their tap water, fluoride is mandatory!

Saying that fluoride is "voluntary" is like saying breathing air pollution is voluntary, too, because chemical plants "voluntarily" spew toxic pollution into the air. Such word choice is highly deceptive journalism, if you can even call it journalism. (It's really just blatant propaganda.)

And, again, it's not even fluoride to begin with; it's a toxic cocktail of industrial waste chemicals. Nevertheless, this completely dishonest, lying news story by HealthDay was republished by:

• US News & World Report
•, with the lying, deceptive title "Bottled water might harm kids' teeth." (

... and many other "mainstream" news sites which are little more than chemical pushers that poison the population and sell out to a corporate agenda.

The real story on bottled water

What HealthDay didn't report, of course, is that parents choose bottled water largely because they want to avoid the toxic fluoride found in tap water.

• People buy water filters with special "fluoride removal filters" specifically to take the fluoride out!

• Many restaurants now advertise their water as being "filtered, fluoride-free water."

• Everywhere across America, informed people are saying they want NO FLUORIDE in their water.

Ever wonder why? According to recent research published by Harvard University, consuming fluoride lowers your IQ. Yep, fluoride makes you stupid.

Harvard University researchers wrote, "The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas. ...Fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in animal models and acute fluoride poisoning causes neurotoxicity in adults, very little is known of its effects on children's neurodevelopment."

Even the EPA says fluoride is a chemical "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity." (

"It's senseless to keep subjecting our children to this ongoing fluoridation experiment to satisfy the political agenda of special-interest groups," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President ( "Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It's time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere," says Beeber.
The bottom line
People want bottled water to be free of chemicals like fluoride. Only uninformed, ignorant people purchase bottled water with added fluoride. Parents who feed their babies fluoridated bottled water arepoisoning their babies with a neurotoxin that will make them stupid.

HealthDay wants to make you stupid. Drink more fluoride, lower your IQ, and you too can work for a mainstream media news disinformation publisher whose articles advocate the mass poisoning of the American people.

Prozac is 18% fluoride
Above all, remember this: What you are seeing in this push for fluoride in bottled water is a desperate attempt by globalist controlled to make sure that people cannot avoid the mind-numbing effects of fluoride. The availability of clean, filtered bottled water has angered the globalists because it gives people a way to avoid consuming fluoride chemicals. This, in turn, causes more people to awaken from their mind-numbed slumber and start questioning the world around them.

Yes, Prozac is 18.4% fluoride, by molecular weight. Luvox is 17.9% fluoride. Paxil is 6.1% fluoride. All these drugs numb your mind, using fluoride as the key element that reacts with your brain tissue.

When you drink fluoride, you're not only being poisoned with toxic chemicals and radioactive elements, you are numbing your mind to reality, pushing yourself into a "zombie" state in which you'll believe almost anything you read. Even including mainstream media news stories.

Get informed about fluoride


Have you ever wondered why folks in California appear so confused?

Consider this:

Chief Heather Fong (left) is the first SFPD lesbian Chief of Police.

Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, is president of the San Francisco Police Commission,
and CEO of a multimillion-dollar sex toy retailer and a transgender woman.

Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right), a former female, is the first transgender male SFPD police officer.

Their Representative in Congress is Nancy Pelosi…and Obama is their go-to man.


Oak Ridge Nuclear Weapons Facility Breached, G4S Held Responsible

Oak Ridge Nuclear Weapons Facility Breached, G4S Held Responsible

By Shepard Ambellas
August 3, 2012
OAK RIDGE — Strange connections continue to be found with the London Olympic games, G4S security, and leaked terror rhetoric throughout the media.
How long before something happens?
Is this all some giant PSYOP thrust onto the general public to fully drop the tyrannical 10 ton hammer on our freedoms, or is it the prepositioning of a state sponsored staged terror attack?
A Reuters article excerpt reads;
The U.S. government’s only facility for handling, processing and storing weapons-grade uranium has been temporarily shut after anti-nuclear activists, including an 82-year-old nun, breached security fences, government officials said on Thursday.
WSI Oak Ridge, the contractor responsible for protecting the facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is owned by the international security firm G4S, which was at the center of a dispute over security at the London Olympic Games.
Officials said the facility was shut down on Wednesday at least until next week after three activists cut through perimeter fences to reach the outer wall of a building where highly enriched uranium, a key nuclear bomb component, is stored.
It was said that activists were responsible as something seems fishy.

Obama Admits Funding Fake Revolutionaries to Attack Assad

Obama Admits Funding Fake Revolutionaries to Attack Assad

By Susanne Posel
August 3, 2012
Obama has signed a secret order authorizing US support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The CIA and other agencies were empowered by Obama earlier this year to provide intelligence and training.
As the FSA’s efforts have intensified in the last few months, the Obama administration is now admitting to arming them.
The support of technology to the FSA has vastly improved their ability to organize and attack the Syrian governmental forces.
Smartphones and sophisticated computer equipment provided by the US government have given the FSA an advantage with guerilla clusters hold up in remote trenches with cellular phone communications.
A crafty directive was written, giving the US greater covert “non-lethal” assistance and the State Department “set aside” $25 million for the FSA.
Coinciding, another $4.6 million was supposedly being given over for “humanitarian assistance” through the UN’s World Hunger Program, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other various NGOs.
The US Treasury has granted release of funds to the FSA through the Syrian Support Group (SSG), a Washington representative of the FSA to conduct financial transactions. The SSG’s “vision” is to “promote the establishment of a free, independent and democratic Syria.”
Whenever the ideals of democracy are brought to a foreign nation, through the assistance of the US government, American interests in the resources of that nation are evident.
Even US residents can donate money to the SSG through the US Treasury to assist Obama in toppling the Syrian government.
While the SSG claim to be a grassroots effort, they admit they are a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC “committed to a pluralistic, civil and democratic Syria in which everyone, the military and the government included, are subject to the Rule of Law.”
While the mainstream media call them “rebels” the Syrian government announced killing and arresting “a number of terrorists” recently in the capital of Damascus.
False reports of the battles in Damascus are covering up NATO attacks which are actually the Syrian government’s self-defense measures against the proxy war backed by the US government, Syrian National Council and French Special Forces.
Speaking for the Syrian National Council (SNC) is Bassma Kodmani, who was an attendee at the Bilderberg Meeting this year in Chantilly, Virginia. The SNC have had the closest contact to Obama’s administration and called specifically for US forces to militarily strike Syria early on in the conflict.
Kodmani has declared: “No dialogue with the ruling regime is possible. We can only discuss how to move on to a different political system.” She also has stated : “The next step needs to be a resolution under Chapter VII, which allows for the use of all legitimate means, coercive means, embargo on arms, as well as the use of force to oblige the regime to comply.”
According to US and European officials, noticeable improvements in the “coherence and effectiveness” of the FSA has marked a “significant change in assignments . . . by western officials.”
Where the FSA was once described as “disorganized, chaotic and rabble” they are now provided US military intelligence through the CIA which has vastly improved their terrorist actions against Assad’s forces.
Video of FSA connecting them to al-Qaeda, the fake Islamic terrorist group funded by the CIA, showing members of the FSA brandishing AK-47s provided to them by the CIA and have al-Qaeda flags flying in the background.
The source directly admits that the CIA, through a strategic secret bases in Turkey, are assisting with direct military and communications with the FSA. The “nerve center” is in the city of Adana (only 60 miles from the Syrian border).
Turkey supports the over throw of Assad. Turkish authorities are also saying that the US government is increasingly becoming involved in providing the FSA with weapons and training. They have access to anti-tank weapons, guns and explosives.
European government sources assert that Saudi Arabia is funding the FSA while also sending weapons to support the violence. Russian Intelligence is saying that US troops are in Turkey at the Syrian border, according to Syrian officials.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has said it will not back the Saudi-drafted resolution on Syria that the UN resolved at a General Assembly meeting which would not only support but encourage the CIA-funded rebellion in Syria for the sake of over-throwing Assad.
Russia claims this document is “unbalanced and one-sided” as well as the draft allocates “full responsibility for what is happening in the country … solely on the Syrian authorities” while leaving the opposition “outside the boundaries of the international community’s demands.”
The allegation by the FSA that the tank they used to strike the military base in Aleppo was actually procured by the US government to them. Also with tanks, the FSA have access to fighter jets and helicopter gunships.
Burhan Ghalioun, speaking for the Syrian National Council last week in Paris said: “If Aleppo falls, then automatically we are going to establish headquarters at the presidential palace. There will be nothing more that will stand in the way of the Free Syrian Army. Hama, Homs to the outskirts of Damascus has in large part been liberated.”
Russian Intelligence is saying that US troops are in Turkey at the Syrian border.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.

Vaccines for Deadly Malaria Create Even More Virulent Malaria: PLoS Study

Health and Nutrition
Vaccines for Deadly Malaria Create Even More Virulent Malaria: PLoS Study
By Heidi Stevenson
Aug 3, 2012 - 7:33:43 AM

Vaccines for Deadly Malaria Create Even More Virulent Malaria: PLoS Study

August 2, 2012 by admin
The risk to all of us in a malaria vaccine, whether we vaccinate or not, is enormous. This study demonstrates that a more virulent and deadly form of malaria is a near-certain outcome.

Blood-filled Anopheles Mosquito
by Heidi Stevenson
Malaria is a killer. Obviously, the last thing we need is a more virulent malaria. Yet, that is precisely what the malaria vaccine will probably cause.  A study published by PLoS Biology found that “virulence evolved” through malaria vaccinations.
Malaria is a disease that causes severe chills, fevers, sweats, fatigue, and anemia. It’s caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are carried by the Anopheles mosquito. It’s transmitted through the mosquito’s “bite” when it feeds. Unlike other diseases, its symptoms have a nasty tendency to return, often years after initial infection.
For people in the northern hemisphere, malaria hasn’t been much of a problem, but with climate change’s warming, the malaria-carrying mosquitoes have moved further north and now pose risks to North America and Europe.
This, of course, means that an enormous new profit center is developing for malaria vaccines. Therefore, there’s been a burst of research to develop them. Of course, such research is focused on one thing: bringing a product to market. Concerns about the long term effects are not addressed by vaccine researchers. Fortunately, though, one team of scientists has investigated the potential risk of such a vaccine. The findings should give pause to the gung-ho vaccine developers—but almost certainly won’t.

Genetically Engineered Vaccine Concerns

Most research into new vaccines tends to utilize recombinant DNA technology. That is, they are creating genetically modified organisms to make vaccines. These vaccines are generally created by implanting a gene that causes a plant to make a molecule that becomes an antigen in a vaccine. These antigens are bits of proteins, which are called epitopes when antibodies are created against them.
According to the study, several vaccine-created epitopes are known to evolve, resulting in ineffective or less effective vaccines. Specific diseases referenced include the hepatitis B virus, Bortadella pertussis (whooping cough), and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Although the evolution of epitopes is a concern with some vaccines, there is another, even more serious worry. The possibility of vaccinations causing the evolution of the infectious agents themselves was the focus of this study. As the authors state:
Vaccination could favor virulent malaria parasites in two ways. First, [point 1] if the primary force preventing the evolution of more virulent strains is that they kill their hosts and therefore truncate their infectious periods, keeping hosts alive with vaccination will allow more virulent strains to circulate. Second, [point 2] immunity might be less effective against virulent strains. ["Point 1" and "point 2" added by me.]
Their first point is that vaccines may result in more virulent forms of a disease by removing it from the pool of variants, which can result in their place being taken by a more virulent disease. As discussed in Whooping Cough Epidemic Caused by Virulent New Pertussis Strain—And It’s the Result of Vaccine, this has been known to happen in the case of pertussis, and is behind much of the current whooping cough outbreaks.
The second point of concern is simply that the vaccines may not be as effective against more virulent strains. This point is already an issue, as in the case of the vaccine-induced more virulent strain of pertussis.

Leaky Vaccines

Further complicating the issue is that any malaria vaccine is “leaky”. The term leaky refers to a vaccine that does not kill all of an individual’s disease-causing agents. This study documented that malaria vaccines are, indeed, leaky.
The risk is that infections of evolved organisms can be spread from one individual to another through mosquitoes. If a person with an evolved and more virulent Plasmodium parasite is bitten by a mosquito, it can be transmitted to other people. The mosquito has become a carrier of the newly evolved Plasmodium parasite.
This study found that more severe symptoms developed in mice after Plasmodium had been passed through only ten individual mice through leaking.
RedOrbit reports lead author Andrew F. Read as saying:
Leaky vaccines create a situation that further fosters parasite evolution. The parasites that are able to survive in the immunized hosts must be stronger after having survived exposure to the vaccine. The vaccine-induced immunity apparently removed the less virulent malaria parasites, but left the more virulent ones.
RedOrbit also quotes Victoria Barclay, who conducted the laboratory experiment:
We were surprised to find that more-virulent strains of malaria evolved even while the gene encoding the key antigen remained unchanged. We did not detect any changes in the gene sequence.

The Inherent Danger to All of Us

Read says that ongoing monitoring needs to be done to see if a malaria vaccine causes more virulent strains of malaria. But frankly, that simply isn’t good enough. By the time any monitoring system discovers that an already deadly disease has evolved to become even more virulent, it’s too late. The new, more deadly strain, is already out there.
Though the authors leave the impression that the vaccines will likely continue to protect against these more virulent diseases, the reality is that they don’t know it. We already know that the slightest variance in an influenza virus results in a new disease unaffected by existing vaccines.
The fact is that scientists, medical doctors, and health agencies are playing games with our lives. At some point, an untreatable and unstoppable disease is almost certain to arise as a direct result of the vaccines being pushed. In the case of malaria, we’re already dealing with a particularly nasty disease, one that causes tremendous misery and death. How much of a mutation is required for it to become an uncontrollable pandemic?
We don’t know. But that doesn’t stop them. Nothing seems to even slow the profit-making vaccination juggernaut.


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Why doctors are more dangerous than guns

Health and Nutrition
Why doctors are more dangerous than guns - new Health Ranger investigation video
By Mike Adams
Aug 3, 2012 - 7:15:54 AM

Why doctors are more dangerous than guns - new Health Ranger investigation video

Friday, August 03, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) According to U.S. government statistics, you are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homicidal shooter. This is the topic of our new video that's just been released on YouTube and (Links below.)

This mini-documentary by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is based on U.S. government statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, combined with doctor-caused deaths published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

These data show that FDA-approved prescription drugs kill 290 Americans every single day, meaning that for mass shootings to approach that number, you'd have to see a Colorado Batman movie massacre take place EVERY HOUR of every day, 365 days a year.

Or, you'd have to see a jumbo jet airliner with hundreds of passengers crash into the ground every single day in America. That's how dangerous doctors and FDA-approved prescription medications really are.

Watch the video on YouTube at:

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Or just click PLAY to watch it here:!

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Is this a great country or what? "

New Medicare Program
You're a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing home available for you. So what do you do?

Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot four Politicians.

Of course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating, air conditioning and all the health care you need!
Need new teeth? No problem. Need glasses? That’s great. Need a new hip, knees, kidney, lungs or heart? They’re all covered.
As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you as often as they do now.

And who will be paying for all of this? It’s the same government that just told you that you they cannot afford for you to go into a home.

And you can get rid of 4 useless politicians while you are at it.
Plus, and because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income taxes anymore.

Is this a great country or what? "