Sunday, August 5, 2012

Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America .. By Susanne Posel

NOTE:  For those of you who "believe" that you have "rights" and a "constitution"....let me share a bit of REALITY on this subject from an incident in my state of South Carolina.

TRUE STORY:  The govt was sending a shipment of highly toxic nuclear waste to the local nuclear depository in my county.  As the shipment came into an adjoining county, the local law enforcement  took upon itself the "duty for its citizens" to stop the truck, demand information and verification, and made plans to hold the truck until the feds produced the information.   When the truck pulled over for the "blue light special", and the law enforcement officer made his demands clear....the security team (in front of and behind the truck) .... handcuffed the officer to his vehicle...and drove on to their destination.

SUGGESTION:  Now, when govt forces arrive in your town, and have will not have "rights".  Get used to that idea now....your life will depend on your understanding of REALITY.  Make your choice today....not later.  PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION TO AMERICANS.  THEY NEED-TO-KNOW. 

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"
Author:  American and Russian Alliance of 1865 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)  
Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America .. By Susanne Posel
By Fred Brownbill on August 3, 2012 in Constitution Legal Watch

The US government has been scheming on how to provide for continuity of government for many decades now. According to Peter Santilli, an informant who is an ex-marine and worked on portions of the contingency plans known as Rex 84, civil unrest will come after a financial collapse.

The Readiness Exercise 1984, a.k.a. Rex 84, outlines continuity of government wherein the US Constitution is suspended, martial law is declared and the US military command take over state and local governments in order to ensure stabilization of our nation at any cost. Any American who is deemed a “national security threat” would be detained in an interment or FEMA camp.

The author of Rex 84 was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, National Security Council (NSC) White House aids and NSC liaison to FEMA.

Rex 84 is the plan; the triggers are a series of executive orders .

It is the continuity of government under specific contingency strategies that are laid out in various operations guide manuals. Operation Garden Plot is a subprogram of Rex 84.

Twice before, Rex 84 was implemented – during the LA riots and on 9/11. In these scenarios, only small portions of the entire set of documents were used. Within the series of contingency plans, implementation of them depends on the severity of the situation.
Some of the plans include internment camps where all or portions of the active or inactive military bases would be transformed into work camps where all considered to be dissonant would be held. The NORTHCOM army manuals clearly state that NATO forces will be used in every phase of the operation.

According to Santilli, procedures to move conventional, chemical and nuclear bombs across the nation without detection have been facilitated without notice by the US military.

Back in 1986, during his military service where he was involved with weapons transportation, Santilli describes how an unmarked refrigerated trailer driven by a civilian driver was used to transport chemical or conventional weapons to various strategic bases both above and underground.

Santilli was a specialist in aviation deployed weapons, which made him the perfect candidate to the assignment of weapons transportation.
The refrigerated truck, allocated by the administration department on base, was directed to the commissary, where the unsuspecting driver believed that he was transporting food. The weapon was placed at the head of the trailer, and covered up with either food stores (like cans of soup) or body bags. In the event that the truck is stopped en route, the weapon would be well hidden and go undetected by inspectors on the public highways.

A US Marine Corp bill of lading was the paperwork necessary to move the commercial refrigerated truck through weigh stations on public highways without any question. Santilli remembers that there was not one incident where he had to enact any security measures to ensure the delivery was made.

Santilli, who was assigned to ride in the cab of the truck with the driver, says that his orders were to make sure the truck arrived at its destination. He was informed by his superiors that if there were problems concerning potential civil unrest, he was to radio into his superiors for aid by either air or ground support.

Should the situation warrant serious attention; crowd control methods would be implemented.

One possible scenario was the use of cluster bomb units (CBUs) that will emit upon detonation, a “sleep and kill” chemical weapon that will not disturb infrastructure, but is lethal to all living things within the effected zone. Santilli describes these particular 3 unit CBUs as shaped like water-heaters with a coned top and plunger-like device. Once deployed in the air, a parachute assists these CBUs to the targeted area. And when detonated, a deadly chemical gas will kill every human and animal in the specified cordoned area.

This is just one example, says Santilli, as to the lengths the US armed forces are trained to make sure continuity of government is preserved.
Santilli explained that the use of foreign troops on US soil, as described in Rex 84 and other subsequent manuals, would have a two-fold purpose.

Firstly, to provide extra security in designated areas, cities or highways; and secondly, as scapegoats were violent action used against American citizens should the US military be directed to attack civilians.

The refrigerated truck, carrying the chemical or conventional weapon with Santilli riding shotgun travelled to underground bases like the one at Yuma Proving Ground which is a ammunitions testing range for pilots. Nestled underneath the ground is a secret military base.
Santilli explains that his knowledge of Rex 84 provides that within the document, one of the scenarios that would cause a complete suspension of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and implement martial law would be a financial collapse. He says once the collapse occurs, the US government and defense agencies estimate they have a 72 hour window to activate all procedures to ensure continuity of government as well as a lockdown of the general population as civilian unrest, riots and outbreaks of violence are anticipated.

A source in the Deutsche Bank claims that in 2008 our financial and monetary system completely collapsed and since that time the banking cartels have been “propping up the system” to make it appear as if everything was fine. In reality our stock market and monetary systems are fake; meaning that there is nothing holding them in place except the illusion that they have stabilized since the Stock Market Crash nearly 5 years ago.

Since this time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in conjunction with FEMA and other federal agencies have been quickly working to set in place their directives of control under a silent martial law.

The Deutsche Bank informant says that the cause for the bailout of the banks was a large sum of cash needed quickly to repay China who had purchased large quantities of mortgage-backed securities that went belly-up when the global scam was realized. When China realized that they had been duped into buying worthless securitized loans which would never be repaid, they demanded the actual property instead. The Chinese were prepared to send their “people” to American shores to seize property as allocated to them through the securitized loan contracts.

To stave this off, the American taxpayers were coerced by former President Bush and former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. During that incident, the US Senate was told emphatically that they had to approve a $700 million bailout or else martial law would be implemented immediately. That money was funneled through the Federal Reserve Bank and wired to China, as well as other countries that were demanding repayment for the fraudulent securitizations.

To further avert financial catastrophe, as well as more debt or property seizure threats by the Chinese, the Euro was imploded there by plunging most of the European countries into an insurmountable free-fall for which they were never intended to recover.

All the money that those banks claimed they needed to avert collapse was also sent to the Chinese to add to the trillions of dollars lost during the burst of the housing bubble on the global market.

The only saving grace has been the US dollar being the global reserve currency. However, now this prop is showing signs of wear as foreign nations like China, Russia, India and Iran are dealing in gold as currency and purchasing gold on the market at an exponential rate.

In 1970, Henry Kissinger made a deal with the Saudi Arabian government that American debt would be purchased in exchange for cheap oil. Since then Iran has taken control over the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by their use of gold as currency which has threatened the direct value of the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

This scenario with Iran coupled with the massive leaps forward in US military presence on American streets and the emergence of FEMA camps across the nation pose an obvious turn of events and explains exactly why we are witnessing the silent implementation of martial law.

The war with Iran has to do with gold, its use as currency and its exposure of the central banking cartel’s lack of gold which defines a fiat currency’s worth. And right now, the US dollar is absolutely worthless.

The Deutsche Bank informant says that the financial collapse that happened in 2008 will be realized here in America very soon. Once that happens, there must be full implementation of marital law to control the potential riots and control over citizens that will be desperate to feed their families.

The attacks of recent on the 2nd Amendment play a significant role in attempting “amicably” to remove the possibility of civilian retaliation against the US military’s presence throughout the nation. However, if they cannot remove the guns from our hands in time, they will continue on with the guidelines set out in Rex 84 with directives to kill any dissenters that refuse to obey.

Obama Descendant Of African Slave, According To Genealogy Research

What an orchestrated crock of crap! This is an attempt to cover up his FAKE Hawaiian birth certificate and to endear himself to the black population vote.  Is there nothing that he won't do lie, cheat, steal with the ends justify the means mentality to win re-election. The new story was that it was Valerie Jarrett that ordered the hit on Osama Bin Laden after  cancelling it 3 previous times, yet Obama  trots out his capture to take the credit.
Valerie Jarrett makes ALL major decisions and pulls Obama's strings.

The ancestry website revealed an interesting new wrinkle Monday into President Barack Obama's roots, announcing that he is a descendant of the first African documented slave.
The connection comes from the lineage of his Caucasian mother from Kansas.
Obama's ancestor, John Punch, came to Virginia sometime before 1640 as a slave. That year, he was captured in Maryland trying to escape, and brought back to Virginia where a court ordered him into permanent slavery. Punch had children with a white woman who passed her "free "status along to their offspring, who later became successful landowners.
Researchers from, an online-centralized company in Provo, Utah, specializing in family-tree exploration, said the evidence "strongly suggests" that Punch fathered John Bunch. Punch was traced back to be Obama's great-grandfather several generations before the president's birth.
The site points out that Punch and Bunch are the only ones with similar surnames out of fewer than 100 people in Virginia. Despite the difference in surname, researchers note that there was no standardized spelling of names during that period. The children of John Bunch III, who was born between 1680-1685, freely married into white families.
Elizabeth Shown Mills, a genealogist who reviewed the site's findings, said tracing of the Y-chromosome to African origin is "indisputable."
"Genealogical research on individuals who lived hundreds of years ago can never definitively prove that one man fathered another, but this research meets the highest standards and can be offered with confidence," she said.
Obama's mother, who was white, was born in Kansas and his father was from Kenya; Obama was also raised in part by his mother's parents. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.
"John Punch was more than likely the genesis of legalized slavery in America. But after centuries of suffering, the Civil War, and decades of civil rights efforts, his 11th great-grandson became the leader of the free world and the ultimate realization of the American Dream," said genealogist Joseph Shumway.

Activist faces 21 years in prison simply for filming

Sent: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 05:02:13 -0400

Subject: Activist faces 21 years in prison simply for filming
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That's right.

In the 'land of the free' an activist is facing
21 years in prison for posting a video about
a big bad police officer who physically abused
a scrawny 17 yr. old high school student.

The 'officer' is still on the job, the activist is
in jail facing some serious prison time for using
a recording device.

This case really needs some attention...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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special fox news: obama uncovered

Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 1:16 AM
Subject: Fw: special fox news: obama uncovered

FYI: Sometimes these report do not happen.
You can take a guess at the reason.
SUNDAY NIGHT - VERY IMPORTANT.    This  Coming Sunday -- Set Your DVR for the Fox News channel at  8:00 PM Central time, 9:00 PM Eastern.
Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.  Sounds like this could be history in the  making someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News.  It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy.  But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. This Sunday,  Fox News is going to air a very important documentary about  Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9P.M. Eastern.
>  The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc.  It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, i.e., how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he stated.
>  The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the  media is willing to put out there.  It will be a segment to remember. Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know:  Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET.  Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism.  If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know.

We all have to pull together in these hard times & more @ Charleston Voice

Subj: We all have to pull together in these hard times

Barney Frank – lending a hand due to TSA cutbacks...

Service members took women to Colombian hotel

A flim-flam video, but could it be true? Comments below from RealEconTV. Yes, Facebook is that ridiculous. I never understood the appeal of Facebook. Yet there's no denying its popularity. What can be...

Some Central Banks are Showing Increasing Concerns about their Gold Holdings By David Levenstein

For more than 20 years, most central banks diversified out of gold into currencies, especially the US dollar as well as US Treasuries. All these Keynesian thinkers scorned any banker who dared to consider gold anything other than some “barbaric relic.” And, in order to earn some income from the yellow metal they either leased their gold or sold it. I wonder what these individuals have to say now.
Read more »

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Conspiracy Truth vs the Media Gulag

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Conspiracy Truth vs the Media Gulag
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 03:07:11

by Zen Gardner
Ever felt trapped in your mind? Ever wonder why? This happens to countless people in the so-called “modern” media world we’re living in.
Here’s a really big subject we’re not “allowed” to talk about or consider. After all, we’re just “subjects”.
What about the idea of “conspiracy”? Think a dominating or controlling force would look kindly on any such “chatter” against it?

The Conspiracy Seed in Reality

Do people really think nothing is planned behind the scenes? Whether it’s business proposals, financial takeovers or outright political or military aggressions, people plan them…and of course in secret.I’m so tired of this anti-conspiracy backwash. It kills intelligent investigation. Which of course it’s designed to do.
What these anti-conspiracy propagandists are really trying to reinforce is not whether elements conspire to bring about their own desired ends, but “Do you really think there are forces out to do you harm in your owngovernment or national and economic structure?”
It’s all so obvious, yet you’re not allowed to draw logical conclusions.

Are We Living in a Spiritual Gulag?

This is a nasty time we’re living in. This type of propaganda is really a form of gang bullying. “Don’t even consider this conspiratorial idea or you’re an abject jerk and questioning everything you’ve ever learned. How can you? You’ll lose all you’ve got. Your friends and family will disown you..”..blah blah…The shrill arrogant disdain in their tone goes on to imply, “Get on board with the program and be smart. Otherwise, ultimately you’re one of them.”
So in reality, their own deservedly paranoid perspective is protecting their own asses by attacking you for questioning them. But you’re not supposed to see that obvious truth.
After all, you’re in the matrix of the mental and spiritual gulag.

TSA also to be Fired in Sacramento

New post on 2012thebigpicture

TSA also to be Fired in Sacramento

Sacramento Tells TSA To Get The Hell Out After Repeated Scandals
Sacramento International Airport is dropping the TSA and replacing all security screeners with private contractors after it was given approval to opt out of the TSA program.
The Airport will become the third largest in the country to ditch the TSA and hire private security. Only a few other airports have done so after Congress passed legislation earlier in the year, opening the door for the widely loathed federal agency to be marginalized from aviation security altogether.
Airport Director Hardy Acree told reporters that he believes private screeners can do a better job than federal employees. "I think there is going to be a higher level of customer service", Acree said.
"It's a win-win for everything has no bearing on security procedure or the processes the public has become accustomed to," another Sacramento Airport official told CBS News.
Linda Beech Cutler added that the move "Makes us more flexible for staffing, for peak times and not being so staffed up for not so busy times".
Passengers notified of the coming change approved, suggesting that they would feel safer with private security on hand.
"It might be better, less intrusive on us. I don't like how the government runs their business," said one flyer.
In San Francisco, where TSA screeners have already been replaced, private security has been a success. "It's been awesome in San Francisco." said one flyer. "They get travelers through faster, they do a better job finding test devices, and the morale is better than the TSA."

Saturday, August 4, 2012 – Intel and Rumors (updated)

Saturday, August 4, 2012 – Intel and Rumors (updated)

A Short Rundown on Things that Won’t Be in the Paper

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The election in the US is likely to turn violent.  We hear things like this but there is actual mobilization and very real terror warnings out tied to the election. 
Romney is so far behind, there has been nothing like this in US history.
The problem is, world organized crime is behind Romney.  Bain has now been tracked to Africa, involvement in the blood diamond trade which is tied to arms and drugs, an explanation as to why so many bank accounts.
One of the groups paralleling his activities in Africa originated in Zimbabwe and has been involved in the development of germ warfare and the actual release of both ebola and influenza strains, not just in Africa but other areas much much closer to home.
Some might say this, certainly not me, but the groups we are talking about have, according to sources, been responsible for acts blamed on Al Qaeda and Boko Harum.  Banking terrorism may have reached a new level.
There is a reason things are going this far.  How far?
Mitt Romney – Who is he really running for?
Every “reptile file” available is being bought up.  Supporters haven’t flocked to NWO gangster Romney.
Out of fear of retribution (Obama is not so harmless himself) a large scale blackmail operation, worldwide, to raise funds and gain endorsements is going on.
Look for new endorsements and you will have a list of people with hidden police records of drug use and sales, sex crimes, even murder.
There is so much of this going on with the Romney backers, particularly those in Africa, officially “white supremacists” and in a certain area of the Middle East recently visited that the tabloids could be filled for a decade.
Why? Why are things going this far? Part of the answer is two fold:

  • The military is key.  A decade of missing limbs, officers being removed 6 months before retirement, military hospitals run like concentration camps, losing wars and watching new ones being staged has turned the military to the left in a big way.  All that protected certain people was the Supreme Court and threat of a military takeover.  Now the court is coming apart and the military has totally abandoned the likes of Lindsay Graham, the Mormon Religion, the gang at the Air Force Academy and the Christian Zionists who lorded over their now “defunct” crusader army or misfits and mental defectives.  Most will now be “public charges” for the rest of their lives, unemployable, many imprisoned, uncountable numbers medicated to the point of collapse.  However, as they are veterans, we will continue advocacy for them with the same vigor.  Being lied to and believing it is stupidity and many of the crimes committed are simply beyond our scope to sort out.  Iraq and Afghanistan, leaders there, sold their own souls, many of them, and reaped a harvest of death for a pocket full of coins.
  • It is the current belief by many that Obama has plans, post election, to take action to secure America.  This means that many “sunshine profiteering patriots” will be dealt with, either by prosecution or some other way.  Those “ways” are many.  The rationale is simple;  great harm has been done to the United States by a few thousand people, some in government and the military and others in the financial industries and espionage.  The only real legacy a president can leave anymore is simply removing a disease, excising rotting limbs, as it were.  This is the language being used, some of it around the Pentagon.  Lists, there are lists everywhere.  Many “well known” people are on them.  Some will quietly become silent and obscure. 
Pump and Dump the Oil Markets
There is a current attack on the Euro and Dollar through manipulation of fuel prices around the world, artificial shortages are being created.
Some if it is through false flag terrorism, attacks in refineries, piracy against oil platforms, pipeline explosions and none of this is being reported.
The “duality” of Syria, a real revolution and a proxy war over oil is part of this.  Many nations are risking all, Israel, Turkey, the Kurds, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman.
Israel is hosting meetings in Switzerland over redrawing the map of the Middle East.  Tail markings on aircraft indicate that everyone but Iran is present.
Secret meetings would be more secret if people used public transportation and not carefully marked planes flown by former US Air Force pilots who email us immediately when something is going on.
Some edited remarks from sources we are not allowed to divulge:
“If you have friends planning on flying in the Middle East area you might want to avoid the areas mentioned below for the next 3-4 weeks.
 The Syrians (I think) killed Prince Bandar bin Sultan earlier this week in Riyadh, S.A. They (the Saudi’s ) are meeting with the Israeli Likuds, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, etc., for the next WWIII against Iran and Syria.
Bandar was a very close friend to both of George Walker Bush and GW Bush. He was the astronaut, G-IV pilot, Ambassador to the US for many years. Bandar’s father was Prince Sultan the former Minister of Aviation and Defense..
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  redcacted text xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Saudi’s won’t allow this to go with some type of major action.
 They blew up Prince Bandar while in his new Saudi CIA/Intelligence office in Riyadh.
I have a picture of it burning with dark black clouds coming out of it. This gets really appears that Prince Bandar somehow had managed to kill Syrians top 4 leading commanders before all of this took place.
 On top of all this they caught three terrorists headed to London to blow up the Olympics’. Busy week.
Someone earlier set fire to an Oklahoma refinery this week and then the Canadians for some reason stopped sending oil to us the past 24-48 hours. Gas here in xxxxxxxxxxxx has gone up $..80 cents in one day.
If you have any friends in and around Tel Aviv, Kuwait, Turkey, England, Jordan, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Lebanon, Bahrain, etc., they might want to come to the USA for a break, because it might get rather warm where they are at.
You don’t see the King of Saudi Arabia meeting on foreign soil with the Israeli’s on a daily basis…
I am assuming something will happen right after the closing of the Olympic’s.”
Redacted areas were simply to protect identity.  The information above is from an independent source and is not in full agreement with information from some European intelligence groups.
This is, however, the general belief “around the Pentagon.”
Accept it as that and, as to the warnings, I consider them reasonable travel advisories from friends, no more, no less.
The operation was real on the interior minister but like his father, Nayef bin sultan, targeted in 2005 and escaped form the attack.
 The father of Bandar bush Nayef died 3 weeks ago, officially from a cancer, Bindar Bush bin Sultan the son was not in his office when bin Muqrin and the national guard targeted him.
 3 terrorists arrested coming in London is BS.
 The only solution for them is to create a false attack and foil it to get the credit for the British army, Gov. etc… and make people forget about these 18 billion of kickbacks in London and accommodate people to a heavy military presence in the streets.
 The military drones are coming in France and the UK following the nuclear defense agreements signed under Sarkozy, that is one of the reason but an attack on Iran as well… so we strongly believe that 2014-15 will be the year of the attack, we might be wrong.
 Those who say that the Iranians and Syrian killed Bandar bush are those who support a direct war between Arab gov,sadis Qatar against Syria, then Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, etc.
 So that Israel does not have any effort to produce… the Arabs kill each other, that’s the purpose of the Arab spring, with turning the Muslim world against China, Russia, India, Brazil etc. Controlling China in Africa and the mean, area, and Russian in the Caspian Sea and Eastern Europe up to north of Europe.
 Happy that your article produce a response so that you can see that telling the truth about the Saud’s rulers and Israel makes them become very touchy and sensitive.
 Israel is behind the collapse of the Saud’s and they will sue them to attack Iran, Lebanon, Syria, this will fail cause the majority of the Muslims understood the dirty game.
Beyond this, troop movement “drills” inside the US could have a variety of meanings behind them.  I will give all the possible answers:
  • Preparation for a major attack on the government by foreign terrorist groups or allies pretending to be such after the election.
  • Unconfirmed rumors of a major cosmic event which could generate natural disasters on a global scale.
The sunny golden shower
What we have are a number of coastal military commands moving equipment, relocating, leaking announced plans for closure, if this is a “drill,” it is the strangest one in history.
For a bit of closure, two other issues need mentioning.  Communications in the US are either suffering from the worst solar flares in history or something sinister is going on.
No guessing from me on this one.
Every journalist that can be bought, bribed or killed is being lined by the the various gangs in the Middle East.
Then again, the election, with the Mossad digging everywhere for leverage on everyone, funds, endorsements, pushing candidates to stop campaigning or drop out, this is the dirtiest election in our history and nothing of it is being reported and will not be reported.
Nobody is left to report anything other than that some who are being left alone are putting together than nothing makes sense.
In two dozen states, elections are being rigged so obviously that only a moron could miss it.  Arizona is the worst. Think Quayle. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are the battlegrounds on the “macro” side with drug money flowing like sewage.
Earlier I talked about lists.  This is the odd part, the lists made by those around Geithner and those around Petraeus and Panetta contain many of the same names.
Finally, it is being recognized that there are thousands of foreign agents, world class criminals and very real terrorists running around as public figures in the United States.