Sunday, August 5, 2012

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record

Have you ever seen the list of goals of the Communist Party USA, which was entered into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963?  

Take a look at them. It is alarming, even frightening, to see what they have been doing while we thought everything was normal.

You ridicule the House Un-American Activities Committee. This committee was strongly supported by Democrats when Democrats were still loyal Americans. I believe the HUAC should be re-activated because they were right the first time.

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression.
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers.
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

What Are The Chances? Obama, Jarrett, and Axelrod, All Connected to Communist Frank Marshall Davis

What Are The Chances? Obama, Jarrett, and Axelrod, All Connected to Communist Frank Marshall Davis
Submitted by Trevor on August 3, 2012 – 4:25 pm EST5 Comments

It seems that not only Obama was connected to Frank Marshall Davis, but the president’s two most trusted friends and advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, can also trace their political heritage back to Davis and the Chicago Communist Party USA of the 1940s.

As readers of this site are aware, I’ve just published a book on Barack Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. No president in the long history of this republic has had a mentor like Obama’s. Frank Marshall Davis was a literal — and I mean literal — card-carrying member of Communist Party USA. I publish Davis’s Communist Party number (47544) on the cover of the book, and fill an appendix with declassified FBI documents and Soviet archival material. Those documents reveal a Davis so suspicious that he was placed on the federal government’s Security Index, which meant he could be immediately arrested if war broke out between the United States and USSR. With that sort of pro-Soviet influence throughout his adolescence (1970-79), Barack Obama would have trouble getting a security clearance for an entry-level government job, let alone sit in the Oval Office.
Nonetheless, Obama sits in that Oval Office today thanks to four factors: the American voter, a scandalously biased media, a skillful election strategy charted by David Axelrod, and the careful nurturing of Valerie Jarrett.
And most remarkable, Axelrod’s and Jarrett’s backgrounds and mentors connect to Obama’s background and mentor in a most intriguing way. It’s a stunning story, hard to believe…
So, here we have Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, working with the literal relatives of Valerie Jarrett — all serving together in Chicago’s Communist Party circles in the 1940s.
And what about David Axelrod?
Axelrod is a native New Yorker who, in the 1970s, found himself and his political calling in Chicago, where he went to college and worked for newspapers as a political journalist. (See my March 2012 Spectator profile of David Axelrod.) There, Axelrod was mentored by the Canter family, namely David Canter.
The Canter family’s Soviet/communist roots were deep. David and his family had lived in Moscow just before Chicago. His father, Harry Canter, worked there as an official translator of Lenin’s writings. Harry, who had been secretary of the Boston Communist Party and ran for governor of Massachusetts on the Communist Party ticket, did this as a literal employee of Stalin’s government.
After that service to the Soviets, the Canter crew headed to Chicago, a hot-bed for American communists. They worked with Frank Marshall Davis in writing communist propaganda for the Packinghouse Workers Union, in teaching at the communist Abraham Lincoln School, in marching in Chicago’s May Day parades, and in the pages of the Chicago Star. In fact, when Davis and his comrades sold the Chicago Star to something called the Progressive Publishing Company in September 1948, Harry Canter was one of the small group of board members doing the purchase.
There are several key names here. Let me sum up:
Frank Marshall Davis mentored Barack Obama. The Canter family mentored David Axelrod, who got Obama elected president. Vernon Jarrett’s daughter-in-law is Valerie Jarrett, and Robert Taylor was Valerie Jarrett’s grandfather. Jarrett is Obama’s top presidential adviser. In other words, Obama’s political ancestor worked with the political ancestors of Axelrod and Jarrett.
Oh, and they all called themselves progressives.
Amazing, but true. You can’t make this up. The ghosts of Chicago’s political past are alive and well in Washington today. Today’s political family at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can be traced back to the political family of Chicago in the 1940s. It’s all in the (political) family.

There is no doubt that Barack Obama was marked out for high office at an early age.
It is also undeniable that pro-Soviet communists worked to enable Obama at almost every step of his career.
Manchurian Candidate, anyone?

Window of Opportunity 2


Victory of the Light!

Window of Opportunity 2

Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.

This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet. However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that - a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.

It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.

Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here:

Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high. 

This is one possible model how things could develop:

Direct Deposit for SS check and HR4646 - a MUST READ!!

Subject: Direct Deposit for SS check and HR4646 - a MUST READ!!


Direct Deposit for SS checks & HR4646
We need to read this and decide what can we do to stop this. We are being taxed to death. At one point we had taxation without representation and now we have dumb wits who want to tax us to death.
Gotta vote ‘em out!
You won’t believe this one! All information has been verified!
Subject: HR 4646
Be sure to read entire explanation
Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE, in case you think Obama is looking out for your best interest.
A 1% tax on all bank transactions is what HR 4646 calls for.
Do you receive a paycheck, or a retirement check from Social Security or a pension fund and have it direct deposit??
Well guess what ... It looks as if the Obama administration wants to tax it 1% !!!
This bill was put forth by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA).
YES, that is 1% tax on all bank transactions - HR 4646, every time it goes in and every time money goes out.
Ask your congressperson to vote NO.
1% tax on all bank transactions ~ HR 4646 - ANOTHER NEW OBAMA TAX SLIPPED IN WHILE WE WERE ASLEEP. Checked this on snopes, it's true! Check it out yourself ~ HR 4646.
President Obama's finance team is recommending a one percent (1%) transaction fee (TAX). His plan is to sneak it in after the November elections to keep it under the radar.
This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution - banks, credit unions, savings and loans, etc. Any deposit you make, or even a transfer within your own bank from one account to another, will have a 1% tax charged.
If your paycheck or your Social Security or whatever is direct deposit, it will get a 1% tax charged for the transaction.
If your paycheck is $1000, then you will pay the government $10 just for the privilege of depositing your paycheck in your bank. Even if you hand carry your paycheck or any check in to your bank for a deposit, 1% tax will be charged.
You receive a $5,000 stock dividend from your broker, the government takes $50 just to allow you to deposit that check in the bank.
If you take $1,000 cash to deposit at your bank, 1% tax will be charged.
Mind you, this is from the man who promised that, if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax.
Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn about this guy's under-the-table moves to increase the number of ways you are taxed.
Oh, and by the way, if you receive a refund from the IRS next year and you have it direct deposited or you walk in to deposit that check, you guessed it. You will pay a 1% charge of that money just for putting it in your bank.
Remember, any money, cash, check or whatever, no matter where it came from, you will pay a 1% fee if you put it in the bank.
Some will say, oh well, it's just 1%. Are you kidding me? It's a 1% tax increase across the board. Remember, once the tax is there, they can also raise it at will. And if anyone protests, they will just say, "Oh,that's not really a tax, it's a user fee"!
Think this is no big deal? Go back and look at the transactions you made from last year's banking statements. Then add the total of all those transactions and deduct 1%. Still think it's no big deal?
The following is copied from Snopes:
1. Debt Free America Act ̢̢̢ۢۢۢ
Is the U.S.government proposing a 1% tax on debit card usage and/or banking transactions?
...It is true. The bill is HR - 4646 introduced by US Rep Peter deFazio D-Oregon and US Senator Tom Harkin D-Iowa. Their plan is to sneak it in after the...
...moved beyond proposing studies and submitted the Debt Free America Act (H.R. 4646 ), a bill calling for the implementation of a scheme to pay down the...
...[2010] by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.). His "Debt Free America Act" (H.R. 4646 ) would impose a 1 percent "transaction tax" on every financial transaction...
Wed, 02 Nov 201111:27:37 GMThttp://

Should Obama And Congress Be Arrested Under The NDAA?

Should Obama And Congress Be Arrested Under The NDAA?

John Aziz
Aug 5, 2012

Should President Obama (alongside Lindsay Graham and John McCain) be wearing an orange jumpsuit?

Welcome to the beautiful and surreal reality of life under American corporatism, under a Congress that churns out thousands  and thousands of pages of (often contradictory) legislation a year.
If providing material assistance to al-Qaeda is illegal under the National Defence Authorization Act (2012), and Obama and Congress are sending $25 million of aid to al-Qaeda-affiliated Syrian opposition, aren’t Congress and President Obama violating their own law? Should Obama (or at least the Justice Department) not be using “all necessary and appropriate force” including “the power to indefinitely detain” to prevent Obama and Congress from assisting al-Qaeda? Did anyone in Congress or the Obama administration even bother to read the law that they were signing? Do Federal laws no longer apply to lawmakers?
The only question left from this abrupt and absurd turnaround — from funding bin Laden’s mujahideen thirty years ago, to ten years ago declaring war on al-Qaeda, to today sending them material assistance — would appear to be whether or not Obama will pull a 1984 and claim that “we have always been at war with Eurasia“.
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  6. Happy New Year: Obama Signs NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land
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Lou Pritchett Update

Subject: Lou Pritchett Update

Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America’s true living legends --- a
former P  & G executive, an acclaimed author, a dynamic teacher, and one of
the world's most highly rated speakers.  It was he who changed the way
America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be
known as "Partnering".

You may remember a previous letter he wrote in 2009 to Obama and the New
York Times, which went viral.

From a speech given by Lou Pritchett April 15,  2012

"I was born in year two of the Great Depression (1931) and spent the first
10 years of my life, influenced by the extreme hardships of the epression.
--By today’s standards my family was about  a mile below today’s so called
‘poverty level’; but if you never ‘had’ - -  doing without was not so
‘bad’.  Borrowing shoes to graduate from the 8th grade didn’t seem at all
demeaning because most of the 8th graders did the same thing.

In June 1944, my only brother, Joe, was killed in action on Utah Beach in
Normandy, France during the D-Day landings. Exactly one year later, my
father died and left me, my mother, and my sister to go it alone - - and
alone we went. My mother went to work at a department store, my sister
dropped out of school and joined her, and I went to work shining shoes on
the streets of Memphis for a dime a shine. Government assistance was not
available, and if it were, I am confident my mother would have refused it,
because she never wanted the government involved in our lives.

I mention this bit of personal history to help you understand that millions
of Americans, including your parents and grandparents, grew up like me
during the Great Depression and never expected nor wanted the government to
offer them anything other than an opportunity - - and now to see what Obama
is trying to do to our country tends to make you crazy.

As some of you know, my “Scare Me" letter went viral with millions of hits
on the internet during the past 3 years. I have now written a follow-up
letter, which I will now share with you.

To the editors:

"In April 2009, I sent President Obama and the New York Times a letter
titled "You Scare Me" because, as a candidate, he promised to
"fundamentally transform America."  Now, after observing his performance
for over three years, he no longer  scares me - - he terrifies me for the

FIRST:   He has done more to damage America 's standing in the world, to
the standard of living in America, to impoverish future generations, and to
shake our faith in the country's future than any other American president
in history.

SECOND:   With a compliant Democrat congress, a lapdog media, and a weak,
almost nonexistent Republican opposition, he has shattered the American
dream of job security, home ownership, and rugged individualism for
millions of Americans and has poisoned and divided our civil society with
his politics of envy, class warfare, race warfare, and religious warfare -
- which he is using as fundamental building blocks for his 'socialist'

THIRD:   Culturally, he remains totally out of touch with traditional
values. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or where he was born,
rather it has everything to do with where, how and with whom he was raised,
schooled, educated, trained, and associates with - - still today.

FOURTH:   He has surrounded himself with naive academicians, lawyers,
politicians, bureaucrats, and socialist leaning czars who arrogantly think
and behave exactly as he does.  People who offer no balanced suggestions,
or devil’s advocate positions, and think in lock step with him that big
government is the answer to all our problems.

FIFTH:   He not only encourages, but aids and abets the unionization of all
American industry, the albatross around the neck of the free market. In
turn, they provide the money and muscle to intimidate his opponents.

SIXTH:   He has increased the national debt by over 30% in just three years.
If re-elected, and this rate of increase continues, America will be
burdened with an unsustainable 20 trillion dollar debt which will result in
the country's financial death. Recovery will be impossible - -America will
the Greece   of 2016.

SEVENTH:   Given his fanatical beholding to the 'environmental' and
'man-caused global warming' fringe, he has deliberately discouraged U.S.
fossil fuel exploration and production, while wasting billions of tax payer
dollars on solar, wind, and algae experiments. He refuses to accept that
oil, gas, and coal are not America’s enemies, they are America’s assets - -
which, properly managed, could make us energy independent within a

EIGHTH:   He views the U.S. as a power in retreat which abused its World
dominance. Therefore, he systematically apologizes round the world.  This
past March, he whispered to Russian President Medvedev - - "This is my last
election. After my election, I will have more flexibility".  Just what is
the secret that Obama and Putin are concealing from the American people
until after the election? With what other leaders has he made similar
secret agreements?

NINTH:   And finally, after all his miss-steps, bad decision-making, poor
management, and zero leadership, the fact that he has the audacity to seek
re-election should terrify every American.

I predict that if re-elected, future historians and political interpreters
will look back at the eight-year period 2008-2016, and conclude "the 44 th
President of the U.S. allowed the takers to overpower the payers, which
resulted in the greatest economy in history vanishing from the face of the
Earth".  Farewell America, the World will really miss you!!"

Lou  Pritchett April 15, 2012

It is my hope and prayer that this letter will also go viral and serve as a
'wake up' call to Americans of all political  leaning - - convincing them
that never before in U.S. history has so much depended on Americans
understanding that we are facing one of the greatest crises in U.S. history.
Convincing them that this election will be won not by letters to the
editor, political speeches, or radio and TV sound bites.

No!!  It will be won by those with a conviction, with a belief, and with a
willingness to pay the price in helping put the most enlightened voters in
the polling booth on November 6.

Let me end on my favorite quote - - which I think is very appropriate for
each of us today:


Those words spoken by Winston Churchill over 70 years ago are very
appropriate for all Americans today.

For, if each of us is prepared and is qualified, then 6 November 2012 just
might be our, and our Nation's, finest hour as we reclaim this "shining
city on the hill" from the ravages of Obama Socialism.


"The wise man in the storm prays God not for safety from danger, but for
deliverance from fear."
 Emerson, 1833

DNA Activation, Upgrade and Ascension

DNA Activation, Upgrade and Ascension

05 August 2012
What is DNA activation, how can you activate your DNA and how is the ascension process involved with DNA activation?
2012 DNA UpgradeDNA contains the instructions needed for a living organism to grow and function. It tells cells exactly what role they should play in the body. It holds instructions to make your heart cells beat, your limbs form in the correct place, the immune system fight infection, and your digestive system digest your dinner.DNA upgrade and ascension, December 21, 2012DNA carries its instructions in a code made from a four letter alphabet: G, A, T and C. The sequence of these letters is known as the genetic code.12/21/2012 DNA upgradeA molecule of DNA resembles a twisted ladder. Each rung of the ladder is made up of two DNA letters. A always binds to T and G always binds to C. The binding of the letters causes the whole molecule to coil up into a spiral staircase-like structure called a double helix.

The Ascension Process

The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is 21/12/2012 dna upgradeelevated in vibration a little at a time, until it is vibrating to the resonance of unconditional love. During this process, at an etherical level, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.

Ten Strands are Interdimensional

In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological or physical strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not visible in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Ten you cannot see, and two you can.

In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." The return of "Christ" is and will be in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. The individual who has embodied twelve strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies the new genetics, civilisation will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.

right and left hemisphere of the brain

The joining of the brain's hemispheres

You are in the process of reuniting the right and left hemispheres of your brain (which is the way it was designed to be). Once this is accomplished, wondrous things begin to happen: your creativity blossoms along with the mental agility and wherewithal to manifest your creative visions. You gain access to the levels of the brain which resonate to the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and you tap into the Light packets of wisdom and cosmic information that are stored there. The master glands within the brain are activated and you reconnect with the aspects of yourself that have lain dormant for thousands of years.

Ascension Chambers

Within the pyramids of ancient Egypt, initiates were gradually elevated in vibration a little at a time over a time frame of many years. This resulted in the cellular restructuring of their bodies to what is called "crystalline" in form. The final purpose of the initiations in Egypt was for initiates to transcend the experience of death and take their embodiment into the next dimension. In order to accomplish this, the cellular restructuring to the "crystalline" form was a necessity.

The pyramids were only required by those with a lower vibration (the partially conscious humanoidgiza plateauform) and therefore were deemed necessary to support ascension in this fashion. Each chamber within the pyramid utilised a variety of devices to hold a specific vibration necessary to ascend a form from 5024 to 45,000 strands of DNA. Initiates entered the pyramid for varying time frames and learned to hold the vibrations within the chambers of their own accord.

DNA as a means of communication
Encodements are contained in the cellular-genetic makeup. Chakra systems would be somewhat like power transformers, resistors and capacitors. Every cell has a consciousness, so that when the personality of the human gets bogged down and unable to move forward, the consciousness of the “high self” may throw a switch that gives a message to the cellular structures that says, “We need to create some kind of situation in order to prod the personality and bring them back on track.”

Certain DNA blueprints of possibilities are sent to the high self. It could possibly be some form of accident or illness, or perhaps enlightening information from a friend, and the higher self will then offer these blueprints to the soul, who will then say, “This is what we need to do,” and subsequently throws a switch that will bring certain situations into manifestation. And this is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to high self and soul and RNA would be the soul’s response in a certain sense.

Light (information) expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark.

New equipment - new programs
To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Even after the new part is installed, it will need to be programmed. This programming will be in the area of establishing the synaptic pathways in the brain needed for full use of the new equipment. The re-connection of the DNA by itself only provides the opportunity for higher communication. It is still necessary to connect the wires to the new equipment. There are many ways to establish new synaptic pathways in the higher vibrations of the New Earth. Many more modalities will be presenting themselves to fully connect the new hardware. (The entire akashic records are in your DNA.)

Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expression of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell therein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwells within the body form. What this means for you is that the human DNA that is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside of the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNA and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You also need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means to change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry.

The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequency during cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many different physical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very subtle. Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. A transformation change is taking place in your body as well as in the earth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will allow you to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energy.

Sunstein Steps Down by Drake

Sunstein Steps Down

by Drake
           Although this has been heavily reported, I
doubt very many know what it means.
          The failure to regulate America into oblivion, very little in the way
of the advancement of other corporate socialist programs, AND that
Obama will not be allowed a second term...this man was a key to
the re-election efforts.
          This is only the first indication of changes coming...
          Get ready for a far out ride.
          ~ Drake

Obama’s Authoritarian Adviser Sunstein Steps Down

Kurt Nimmo
August 4, 2012
Cass Sunstein, Obama’s administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget, has announced his departure. He will leave later this month and return to Harvard Law School.
Obama’s Authoritarian Adviser Sunstein Steps Down sunstein at brookings
Sunstein gained notoriety on a number of fronts. He called for dispatching government agents to sabotage individuals and groups opposed to government – most notably those at odds with the official 9/11 narrative – and suggested the government hold people responsible for the information they post on the internet.
In May of 2011, former president Bill Clinton adopted Sunstein’s idea of creating an internet Ministry of Truth.
“Couching the idea in the kind of doublespeak rhetoric that would make George Orwell roll in his grave, Clinton said that the agency would have to be ‘independent’ and ‘transparent,’ but that it would be created and run by the federal government – a complete oxymoron,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote at the time.
In addition to proposing a new COINTELPRO to attack enemies of the state on the internet, Sunstein worked to craft minutiae of the emerging globalist order. In April of this year, he penned a piece for the Wall Street Journal calling for an attack on national sovereignty. He wrote that “unnecessary regulatory differences across nations” are harmful to the “interdependent global economy,” in other words the globalist dream of a one-world economic dictatorship driven by the elite and their unelected apparatchiks.
“President Obama has worked closely with his Canadian and Mexican counterparts to create High-Level Regulatory Cooperation Councils with both countries,” Sunstein wrote, lauding the effort to fashion a North American Union. “The councils are developing and implementing plans to eliminate or prevent the creation of unnecessary burdens on cross-border trade, streamline regulatory requirements, and promote greater certainty for the general public and for businesses in the regulation of food, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology and other areas.” He also noted that work continues to “harmonize” one world government in partnership with the European Union.
Boris Bershteyn, the budget office’s general counsel, will replace Sunstein as acting director. Bershteyn is a natural choice. He was born in the Soviet Union, earned his law chops at Yale, and was selected as a “fellow” by the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans. Paul Soros is the elder brother of the notorious globalist and darling of the financial class, George Soros.
Drake | August 5, 2012 at 8:03 am | Categories: News | URL:

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Mary Did You Know - Mark Lowery

Music video for Mary Did You Know by Mark Lowery. Uses video from the Jesus film. You can purchase the movie from here:

Charles Lindbergh's Flight . . . .

Interesting historical narrative of the actual flight!  Be sure and follow the directions.....J

  . . . . . is one great video, comes in 4 parts, when one part is finished go back to start, click on contact, watch second part and so on. Really a must see if you are intrested in history in any way shape or form.   
Charles Lindbergh's Flight . . . .

Fascinating bit of history!

Amazing footage of Charles Lindbergh’s flight.

Win Perkins, a real estate appraiser who specializes in airport properties, has posted on his Web site a video he created of Charles Lindbergh's famous and risky takeoff in the Spirit of  St. Louis.  
According to Perkins, this is unlike any other presentation of the takeoff footage.
Perkins said he "painstakingly assembled news footage from five cameras that filmed Lindbergh's takeoff from Roosevelt Field, Long Island "and" mixed it with enhanced audio from the same  newsreel sources."

This is one of the most interesting videos I've seen come over the Internet. When you click on the address, episode #3 comes up ready to play so read the instructions below to get started on Part #1.


First click on  the word "CONTACT"  to  the upper left of the screen (Cockpit Dash) and select Part #1 from the center of the screen,
then watch them in order individually, Part #1 through Part #4 (each time going back to "contact" and selecting the next part from the center of the screen).
The explainations on the screen are up and off the screen adfully fast so be on your toes.
Further there are other things to read under QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE, NEWSLETTER/ARTICLES on the upper left side of the screen.  .

What guts it took for Lindbergh to overcome the odds against him and accomplish this amazing feat.

EPIC FAIL: Obama the worst president in US History. A short list of his failures

Indonesia: Stealing food from the gods

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Indonesia: Stealing food from the gods
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 08:43:44

Hundreds of Indonesians armed with nets trekked inside a giant volcano crater yesterday to get their hands on some of the annual offerings to the Gods made during a traditional festival.
The annual Yadnya Kasada festival, which takes place on the east side of the island of Java, dates from the 15th century and is always held on the 14th day of the Hindu festival.
Yesterday the Tenggerese people of Probolinggo scaled the sides of 7,641ft Mount Bromo before entering the crater edge to take up pole position to grasp some of the rice, livestock, vegetable, fruit and money, thought to bring good luck, which are discarded into the volcano caldera.
check out the link for more details and pictures:

Obama shuts down state park so he can use it for campaign base

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Obama shuts down state park so he can use it for campaign base
Posted By: ilikai [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 07:56:13

The arrogance of the clown!!! No other President has been so pompous and narcissistic.
Obama Fundraisers to Deny Thousands a Day at the Beach
by Keith Koffler on August 4, 2012, 11:20 am
A popular Connecticut park and its 234 acres of wetlands, woodlands and beach on Long Island Sound will be shut down all day Monday so that President Obama can use the location as a base for fundraising nearby.
The Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, Connecticut will have to turn away thousands of bathers so that Obama can get to and from his events, including a $35,800 per head bash at the 9,000-square-foot, $8.3-million waterfront estate of movie mogul Harvey Wienstein, according to The Connecticut Post.
The Obama incursion is already creating an uproar in the state, according to the Post.
“Could you imagine if a Republican ever did such a thing? They’d be screaming from every corner,” said House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr. ”This is supposed to be the party and the president of the people? To close this state park in August for purely partisan political reasons is outrageous. People are going to be on their one-week vacation and they can’t get into Sherwood Island?”
The state senator representing the area that includes the park, which is set on a peninsula that juts out into the sound, said other less intrusive landing points were available to the president.
Obama’s travel to Connecticut kicks off another heavy week of fundraising and campaigning that will include a two-day trip to Colorado Wednesday and Thursday.

Lien Bank Of Italy --- others available by inquiry







I have documentation on many of the National Banks. Send me an inquiry with the country required and I will email it to you. John MacHaffie

The ObamaMotors "VOLT" costs Taxpayers $250,000 Each

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The ObamaMotors "VOLT" costs Taxpayers $250,000 Each
Posted By: LetFreedomRing
Date: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 06:43:41
Each Chevy Volt sold thus far may have as much as $250,000 in state and federal dollars in incentives behind it – a total of $3 billion altogether, according to an analysis by James Hohman, assistant director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
Hohman looked at total state and federal assistance offered for the development and production of the Chevy Volt, General Motors’ plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. His analysis included 18 government deals that included loans, rebates, grants and tax credits. The amount of government assistance does not include the fact that General Motors is currently 26 percent owned by the federal government.
The Volt subsidies flow through multiple companies involved in production. The analysis includes adding up the amount of government subsidies via tax credits and direct funding for not only General Motors, but other companies supplying parts for the vehicle. For example, the Department of Energy awarded a $105.9 million grant to the GM Brownstown plant that assembles the batteries. The company was also awarded approximately $106 million for its Hamtramck assembly plant in state credits to retain jobs. The company that supplies the Volt’s batteries, Compact Power, was awarded up to $100 million in refundable battery credits (combination tax breaks and cash subsidies). These are among many of the subsidies and tax credits for the vehicle.
GOVERNMENT fails once more while picking "winners" and "losers".
Next time you see those elite few who have purchased a "Volt" and are professing that happiness in a Commercial - think about how we ALL paid for that "happiness".
The happiness is EXTREMELY LIMITED as sales are rediculously Low.
Idjiots !








Dirty Laundry – Don Henley by Drake

Dirty Laundry – Don Henley

by Drake

The song is about the callousness (and callowness) of TV news reporting as well as the tabloidization of all news. Henley sings from the standpoint of a news anchorman who "could have been an actor, but I wound up here", and thus is not a real journalist. The song's theme is that TV news coverage focuses too much on negative and sensationalist news; in particular, deaths, disasters, and scandals, with little regard to the consequences or for what is important ("We all know that crap is king"). The song was inspired by the intrusive press coverage surrounding the deaths of John Belushi and Natalie Wood, and Henley's own arrest in 1981. Lines in the second verse, "Is the head dead yet?", were likely inspired by the shooting of President Ronald Reagan in 1981, and specifically, the erroneous reports by all major news outlets that James Brady, Reagan's Press Secretary, had died from his gunshot wound to the head.

Drake | August 4, 2012 at 10:46 pm | Categories: Inspiration for America | URL: