Monday, August 6, 2012

The Killer Elite Hit List

The Killer Elite Hit List
Totalitarian Collectivism
William Daley about Obama’s decision to assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, in Yemen. According to Daley, Obama called the decision to strike the U.S.-born cleric "an easy one."

The Killer Elite Hit List
The notorious Nixon hit list seems so placid when compared to the actual lethal force used by President Barack Obama, that one wonders how long it will be before the drone fleet turns their target munitions inside our own borders. The recent disclosure that Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama pours over a master list of threats against the establishment regime and picks the most dangerous candidates for surgical removal, demonstrates the care and precision used against "certified terrorists". Such is the latest method of keeping the institutions of the "Homeland" safe from nasty combatants that challenge the officially recognized empire.
That bastion barrister of the rule of law, Eric Holder, clarifies the actions of the POTUS dictatorship.
"Speaking to an audience at Northwestern University Law School, Holder gave the most complete explanation to date of the Obama administration's legal rationale for killing people such as American-born Anwar Awlaki, who was targeted in a U.S. airstrike in Yemen last year.
Such killings can be ordered "in full accordance with the Constitution," but it requires "at least" an imminent threat in a situation where capture is not feasible, and when the strike is "conducted in a manner consistent" with the rules of war, Holder said.
"In this hour of danger," Holder said, "we simply cannot afford to wait until deadly plans are carried out. And we will not."
Contrast the viewpoint of the Attorney General with that of the esteemed jurist, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano in the essay The Secret Kill List.

"The president cannot lawfully order the killing of anyone, except according to the Constitution and federal law. Under the Constitution, he can only order killing using the military when the U.S. has been attacked, or when an attack is so imminent and certain that delay would cost innocent American lives, or in pursuit of a congressional declaration of war. Under federal law, he can only order killing using civilians when a person has been sentenced lawfully to death by a federal court and the jury verdict and the death sentence have been upheld on appeal. If he uses the military to kill, federal law requires public reports of its use to Congress and congressional approval after 180 days."
The predicament for the administration deepens with every attempt to uphold a failed foreign policy and a breach of basic bedrock constitutional protections. Toady proponents claim that Obama is a master speech deliverer, reading from a script of a grand design. Like another psychopath, skilled in rallying his sycophant supporters, Obama lacks a deep understanding of the repugnance in the rhetoric from the inconsistencies of the deeds.
In an article, Obama Doesn’t Know Why He’s Entitled to Kill Al-Awlaki, He Just Is, Damnit, poses a serious question about the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki.
"The most striking aspect of the government’s motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit challenging the use of targeted killing is that the government does not commit to the basis for its authority to kill an American citizen like Anwar al-Awlaki with no review.

This starts as soon as the filing tries to lay the ground work for unchecked authority under the AUMF. It doesn’t commit to whether Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is part of al Qaeda itself, or is instead just closely enough associated to count under the AUMF."
The United States has further determined that AQAP is an organized armed group that is either part of al-Qaeda, or is an associated force, or cobelligerent, of al-Qaeda that has directed armed attacks against the United States in the noninternational armed conflict between the United States and al-Qaeda that the Supreme Court recognized in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 557, 628-31 (2006).
Furthermore, as noted above, the Executive Branch has determined that AQAP is an organized armed group that is either part of al-Qaeda or, alternatively, is an organized associated force, or cobelligerent, of al-Qaeda that has directed attacks against the United States in the noninternational armed conflict between the United States and al-Qaeda that the Supreme Court has recognized (see Hamdan, 548 U.S. at 628-31).
Note the conclusion within this assessment:
"Though note the gigantic slip here: the AUMF only declares war against those "those nations, organizations, or persons [the President] determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons" (when AQAP didn’t exist in its current form), not those who have attacked us since. This "either/or" statement only claims that AQAP is part of the same war, not that it had any role in 9/11, so it’s totally bogus in any case, even without the betrayal of their lack of confidence in both of these claims with the either/or construction."
Even under this tortured rationalization to fashion an argument that twists legal language, the depths of decadence to maintain the false flag justification for the terrorism fantasy says more about how far America has fallen than an actual threat to the nation.
Now that the droning of America has ramped up the mission for the total surveillance society, how long will it be before the "rules of war" apply within our own borders? The dire prospects of a second term Obama presidency loom over the skies with an ominous cloud.
Barack Obama’s actions are reminiscent of the arrogance and brutality of his Chicago criminal syndicate mentors. German propaganda equated the "Chicago Typewriter" Tommy gun style of brute force as proof of the real methods of the power elite.
"During the 1930's the Nazi hierarchy became obsessed with sensational reports of the Chicago gangsters, Al Capone and his ilk. So when the Reichsminister of Propaganda wanted to demonize the British and American air forces, he combined the German word Luft (air) with 'gangsters' and thus we were portrayed in the German press. Just as we laughed at the Nazi propaganda tools, Lord Haw Haw and Axis Sally, and enjoyed the music they beamed at us (remember Lili Marlene?) so we reveled in the title of Luftgangster".While the drone fleet analogy applies and Obama’s grandiose skills resemble the pomposity of the Führer, he really is a closet Joseph Stalin at heart. The Obama File describes him in this manner.
"But Obama is not just a Marxist. He's a unique hybrid. He's a Marxist for sure, but he's also a professional activist, completely in tune with the American Political Left and the goals of the Socialist International. He spent years teaching the US Constitution, but he certainly wasn't teaching constitutional law from a strict constructionist point of view."
For an in-depth resource on Obama’s communists sympathies and ties, examine the commieblaster site. The basic lesson is that both Hitler and Stalin were twins in depravity. Both had their own "Kill Lists" and together caused the deaths of millions of innocent citizens within their own countries. The Statist-Fascism that is engulfing America is all around us. The masses that goose stepped over the cliff or cried at "Uncle Joe’s" funeral were not real patriots, but were fools. Americans who are "Stuck On Stupid" and refuse to admit that the entire 911
War of Terror is a manufactured excuse to militarize our own version of a police state, bear the shame and blame for the end of the Republic. Currently the latest Bilderberg confluence is plotting and implementing efforts and policies that will result in your demise. The "Killer Elite" is just as much a culture as a squad of hired assassins. The drone deployment of the military domestically is a clear violation of Posse Comitatus. The rule of law has been abandoned, and replaced with the reign of tyrants.

A comprehensive hit list, compiled nationwide, is growing because moral patriots are becoming more active and forthright in confronting an illegal government. For the rest of the sedated zombies that still believe that the federal despotism is legitimate, the buzzing of spies in the skies will become a reminder that every action is now subject to scrutiny.
Many will exhort the elimination of Anwar Awlaki. But, will they still cheer, when the lightening bolts, start to rain down inside the country? Ignoring due process out of a phony and trumped up pretext means that anyone and everyone is subject to arbitrary liquidation if the killer elites decide you are a threat to their New World Order.
Domestic surveillance, designed for a sinister purpose, has dangerous implications. Obama’s Chicago gang of gangsters and their integration into the military-industrial-security complex may well prove the ranting of Lord Haw Haw correct. If Nazism and Communism were the two great evils of the last century, how do you explain that our federal government is in the final stages of adopting the worse of both systems?
It is just a matter of time until you are slated for a place in a FEMA facility. Or maybe, if you have tremendous courage, make the next cut for Obama’s hit list. America is in peril from within and flying the friendly drone skies does not make us safe.
SARTRE – June 3, 2012
As bad as they were, you know even Adolf Eichmann finally when he was captured he was taken to Israel. Israel gave him a trial. What did we do with the Nazis — war criminals — after World War II? They got trials. Yeah, and they got what was deserving: they got hung,” - Ron Paul

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism
“The rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system in order to ensure that they will be active supporters.” - George Soros

Bretton Woods II - The Final Enslavement of Mankind
Charges of a conspiracy theory are a convenient pretext to dismiss criticism when the global financial elites meet to shape the next evolution of centralized control of all economic activity. When Mayer Amschel Rothschild admitted, "Give me the power of the money and it will not matter anymore who is commanding", he exposed the true nature of international finance. The new front man for the shadow masters of money is George Soros. His visibility is used to deflect attention away from the supra national circle of recluse manipulators, who set the agenda for globalism. The history of world politics is really the chronicle of money, debt and banking. Only by understanding this clash of titans, can one interpret the language of worldwide finance.
It is not often that you get to look into the window of the future before it takes place. The obsession with the political posturing of the torturous grinding process that produces a kosher sausage product causes acute indigestion. Banking is one such example and the INET, The Institute for New Economic Thinking, who sponsored the Bretton Woods II conference is the Neshama gourmet version of ground up animal flesh. Funneling the herd into the corral of a new world currency openly discussed, as the panacea for the coming collapse of international finance, is the height of totalitarian arrogance.
Soros, in The Alchemy of Finance wrote, "To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes…. As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself."
Some of the attendees and speakers at the INET conference included:
• Gordon Brown, former U.K. Prime Minister.
• Paul Volcker, former Fed Chairman and chairman of President Obama's Economic Advisory Board.
• Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute.
Joseph E. Stiglitz, former senior vice president and chief economist for the World Bank and Nobel Prize winner in Economics.
• INET Executive Director Rob Johnson, former managing director at Soros Fund Management.
Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs, who sits on the board of INET is known for his 'Shock Therapy'. Aaron Klein reports in WND. "Sachs is, a special adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, is founder and co-president of the Soros-funded Millennium Promise Alliance. He has been a World Bank consultant who formerly directed Harvard's Institute for International Development, which he turned into a major conduit advocating for World Bank and International Monetary Funds use for structural adjustment programs in the Third World and beyond".

Mr. Klein then cites from the Investor's Business Daily.
"A Millennium goal called for a "currency transfer tax," a "tax on the rental value of land and natural resources," a "royalty on worldwide fossil energy projection — oil, natural gas, coal," "fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on foreign exchange transactions, and a tax on the carbon content of fuels."
Does this sound like a global tax contrived to fund a centralized and top down authoritarian structure to replace nation states? The old Tobin Tax never dreamed of such grand designs. The psychosis of the Soros model is axiomatic, but the mainstream media avoids such characterization. Back in the mist of the market meltdown, Gideon Rachman of the Financial Times warns about a previous precursor of the Soros’ venue, "like most sequels, Bretton Woods II is not going to be nearly as good as the original. The first conference gave birth to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Its successor will be duller and less consequential." If Mr. Rachman believes that creating the IMF and World Bank was good for the planet, he must have sat next to Soros at the London School of Economics.

Mr. Rachman cites his reservations for the success of a second Bretton Woods back in 2008.
"The first reason for this is that the global financial crisis – bad as it is – is hardly the second world war. The war destroyed the established order and so the statesmen who drew up the postwar institutions had a blank piece of paper on which to doodle.
Second, there is not enough time. The original Bretton Woods conference benefited from two years of preparation, not two weeks.
Third – and rather important – the countries that are meeting in Washington this weekend disagree. The Europeans, who adore all forms of international governance, are pushing for new global regulators for the international financial system. The Americans and Chinese – more jealous of their national sovereignty – are more cautious."
Pat Buchanan reacts to the British Empire’s effort to enshrine Lord Keynes into the national constitution during this latest attempt to draft a unified draconic banking system.
"(Gordon) Brown wants the IMF to become the "global central bank," the Fed of the world economy. No way, Brownie. Americans are not going to fund such a bank, nor cede it authority, nor abide by its dictates. We are not yet a Third World nation dependent on the IMF."
However, is Pat right on this one? With the Soros influence in this Obama administration is any American safe from the whims of the banksters? Is there the will in Congress to confront the executive abuses of this puppet president? When the ultimate crunch finally enfolds the TARP and "too big to fail", bailouts will be small potatoes. The BRIC countries are already calling for the replacement of the counterfeit dollar as the reserved currency.
Going back further in time to 2004, John Brimelow in Market Watch, identifies the key issue with floating currency rate exchange.
"What everyone has is a massive Chinese undervaluation problem. Any exchange rate discussion that fails to start with this fact is fatuous.
In 1993, China fixed its currency, the yuan, at $1 = Y8.28.
Since then, capital and technology have poured into China. It has built up foreign exchange reserves more than ten-fold, to almost $500 billion, an expansion almost unmatched in history.
Yet the decline of the dollar in the past two years has effectively dragged down the pegged yuan another 35 percent against the major currencies -- exactly the reverse of what should have happened, given China's exporting success."
Just think how much further the dollar has sunk while Chinese reserves have grown to unbelievable levels. No one is saying that a currency crisis is not real. The point is that international finance has the goal to become the credit-funding agent for the entire world.
Dan Gainor from the Media Research Center reveals the plan to put China in the catbird seat.
"INET isn't subtle about its aims for the conference. Johnson interviewed fellow INET board member Robert Skidelsky about "The Need for a New Bretton Woods" in a recent video. The introductory slide to the video is subtitled: "How currency issues and tension between the US and China are renewing calls for a global financial overhaul." Skidelsky called for a new agreement and said in the video that the conflict between the United States and China was "at the center of any monetary deal that may be struck, that needs to be struck."
The Need for a New Bretton Woods
Panel at Bretton Woods Conference
Watch the video The Need for a New Bretton Woods for the Skidelsky interview. Then view the Panel at INET's Bretton Woods Conference for the real story behind the push for a single global central bank system.
"This is the heart of much of our economic catastrophe. Sovereign governments are sacrificing themselves for private banking institutions. Trillions upon trillions of taxpayer dollars, world-wide, are being transferred to banks that have destroyed themselves many times over with their Enron-style Ponzi schemes and ‘creative accounting.’ The question is, how long will people stand for it? Soon it will be too late. So far, Iceland is the ONLY country whose people have made the right choice, while Ireland and Greece have made the devastatingly wrong choice -- with Portugal ready to follow suit."The significance of the Soros conference at Bretton Woods is that national governments are an endangered species if they do not eliminate the banking cartel that is the primary global dictatorship that faces mankind. The avarice Rothschild culture that underpins the debt created money system is the most dangerous terrorist that seeks to impose the ultimate Global Gulag on every county. The Totalitarian Collectivism we all face is upon us. Soros is an evil man, but the system that he is part of is bent on eliminating or subjugating any regime, like Iceland, that repudiates the rule of banksters.
These financers are admittedly the evil rulers of society. Any attempt to force a singular currency and a universal taxation levee is a fulfillment of the final enslavement of man-kind. Bretton Wood II is an outline for things to come. The debt created money cartel is ready to impose their captivity on sovereign governments. Soros is telegraphing their plan. We are engaged in the final battle for liberty and America is losing the war. The inevitable dollar default is the tool used to sentence you to death row. Now is the time to seek divine guidance and beg for national forgiveness.
SARTRE – April 17, 2011
Reorganizing the world order will need to extend beyond the financial system and involve the United Nations, especially membership of the Security Council. That process needs to be initiated by the US, but China and other developing countries ought to participate as equals.” - George Soros

Flame Virus Alert

If You See This Google Warning, Act Fast: Big Brother is Watching.
“What makes the Flame virus a major potential concern for common citizens of the world is the fact that it’s the first virus found with the ability to spread wirelessly by attaching itself to Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Once there, it can not only trace and steal information stored on those devices; according to Kramer and Perlroth the program also contains a “microbe” command that can activate any microphone within the device, record whatever is going on at the time—presumably whether you’re actually using the device or not—and transmit audio files back to the attacker. This, clearly, has huge privacy implications were it to be deployed against civilian populations.”

Media blackout on LIBOR

Media blackout on LIBOR

The biggest financial fraud in history receives scant media attention

- Doug Hagmann  Tuesday, July 10, 2012 
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The chances are good that if you ask someone on the street what LIBOR is, they would guess it to be an obscure country in Africa. The reality, of course, is that LIBOR is something that affects everyone, to the extent that it “sets” the interest rate you’ll be paying for your mortgage, car loan, credit cards, and the rate of return you’ll receive on your pension, 401K, savings and all financial instruments. In total, it establishes the pricing of financial products across the world to the tune of up to $800 trillion. Trillion.
We are now finding out that the entire system has been rigged, enriching the “elect” and financially looting the rest. If you are reading this, you have been robbed, although the corporate media remains silent about who robbed you, how it was done, and which government and non-government officials were complicit and benefited. Why? Perhaps the most compelling reason is that when the “average” person learns the depths at which corruption exists between the various banks, governments and government officials, there will be a revolution like the world has never seen. Additionally, they too, along with many elected and appointed officials, have aided and abetted the fraud.  Yes, it’s that bad, and it’s about to break wide open.

LIBOR in simple terms

LIBOR is an acronym for the London Interbank Offered Rate, which is the average interest rate set by a group of international banks and charged by and between banks. Sixteen-(16) banks set the LIBOR rate: Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Barclays Bank, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, HBOS, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, Lloyds TSB Bank, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Canada, Norinchukin Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS, and West LB. LIBOR sets short and long term interest rates for 10 currencies and for 15 different time spans, ranging from one day to one year. The rate is calculated daily by a company named Thomson Reuters, which is the parent company of Reuters News, and is overseen by the British Banking Association (BBA).
Although based in London, the LIBOR rate impacts all financial products across the globe. In the U.S., for example, there are two “numbers” that play a critical role in our economy: LIBOR and the prime rate. The LIBOR rate particularly affects sub-prime loan rates. Investigation in 2008 established that about 60 percent of prime adjustable rate mortgages and almost all subprime mortgages were tied to LIBOR.
Through the interest rate process, LIBOR affects investments as well. The daily LIBOR rate is set daily by member banks, and then reported to the British Banking Association (BBA), a trade association of banks and financial services companies. It is then made public to the world. Investors make decisions based on LIBOR rates, whether the investment is short or long term.

The CRIME in simple terms

Simply stated, a group of about 20 international banks, including many associated with setting the LIBOR rate and a number of U.S. banks have been fraudulently and systematically rigging global interest rates for the past decade, if not longer.
The fraud was “discovered” when Barclay’s Bank was found to have been involved in submitting false numbers to LIBOR to enhance their trading position. The “scandal” as it is called in the media, instead of the wholesale fraud and robbery that it is, now involves numerous other banks who reportedly acted in collusion to fix global interest rates.
Manipulating the rate (suppressing the rate, or conversely, inflating the rate) is done to make certain banks’ balance sheets appear healthier than they are, thus allowing the CEOs and heads of such banks to rake in huge bonuses, while essentially robbing real money from real investors. They “rig” the numbers to benefit the member banks and those who run and oversee them, all under the alleged oversight of regulators and government (and non-government) entities.
The problem, however, is that the majority of regulators are tied to the very banks that they oversee. Additionally, as in the U.S., there is a criminally incestuous relationship between the perpetrators, the Federal Reserve, the Secretary of the Treasury, and government officials and officials appointed by the government. The entire financial system is rigged by a group of central banks, bankers, regulators, and elected government officials.
One has to look no further than Jon Corzine of MF Global, Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and others to get an idea of such examples. The LIBOR fraud, however, might be the tripwire that exposes the massive scale of the financial raping of the people.

How the LIBOR rigging affects you

Many cities and municipalities have made investments or loans based on the LIBOR rate. For example, the City of Baltimore, Maryland and New Britain Firefighters’ Benefit Fund recently filed a complaint against Citigroup Inc., Credit Suisse AG, Bank of America Corp. and more than a dozen other banks, claiming that they “artificially suppressed” the LIBOR rate, causing them substantial financial loss.
Nearly every city, town and municipality in the U.S. will be victimized by this fraud of epic proportions.  Invested in the stock market? That is a house of cards, with its base partly propped up based on LIBOR. Despite this, few are talking about it, and those in the corporate media are downplaying the severity and scope of this financial terrorist attack by the global banks.
With regard to the aforementioned scandal involving Barclay’s Bank, that’s just the beginning. Barclay’s CEO Bob Diamond resigned last week and the bank was fined a mere $453 million for its role in the scam. Other banks are being “investigated,” and it appears that some perpetrators are running scared. Some are reportedly cooperating with investigators to avoid taking the ultimate fall for what promises to be the mother of all frauds – a completely rigged, compromised and totally unsustainable global financial system that affects everyone.
Soon, the media will be unable to maintain their silence as the global financial Ponzi scheme unravels and as we predict, victims will take to the streets. This will happen when you suddenly find out your money is worthless, the entirety of our economy and our debt is a fraudulent by-product of financial terrorists of the megabanks and the carnival barkers on Wall Street are mere shills for the global financial oligarchy. Except for a few, the very people who created the financial crisis remain in their positions or have been elevated, and continue to have authority over the global financial realm.
For now. Until the masses awaken


Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 06:31:46


Wealth transfer has always been the objective for the last 10,000-years of the elite control freaks. They look at it as a game of marbles: He who owns all of the marbles wins the game. And my do they get wrapped up in their current and next conquest plans. To them, that is all that matters.
Keep in mind that on the State; County; and City levels they are bringing in more wealth than Midas ever dreamed about yet the population, 99.9% are clueless as to how much every local government is bringing in each year (tax; investment; and enterprise income). In reality the population was masterfully and intentionally guided over the last 70-years to leave the vault doors open within all levels of government. In all reality they NEVER had control or real influence in this arena. They were always sound-bite conditioned with selective presentation to think they had a clue but in all reality were being guided and distracted as if sheep led in to be sheared at the will of the orchestrator’s intent for wealth transfer. Trillions of dollars in wealth transfer annually.
There was no other agenda other that simple greed and opportunity applied within a masterfully run corporate structure known as government. When a complete vacuum and void is maintained (total cash brought in; investments; and perpetuated growth of the wealth involved) as to the basics in the population’s cognitive thinking, the wealth transfer was very easy to implement; execute; and finalize each and every time – 24/7 – 365 days a year.. What is the easiest way to steal money from you? ANSWER: If you did not know you had it in the first place.
That is why the focus has been on masterfully entertaining the population off into La-La land with saturated spoon fed sound-bite conditioning. Always anything other than the basics of total cash; investments; and perpetuated growth of the wealth involved within government’s next planed venture for global conquest and wealth transfer.
Start looking at the basics. Local governments needed to keep their own records and did so through the same process that any corporation utilizes. With that being production of an Annual Financial Report (AFR). Government added one word to theirs calling it a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or the acronym for the same being CAFR. A Google using quotes will pull up many.
The whole game as collective government took it all over by investment throughout the last 70-years was the “Silence is Golden rule”. The CAFR reports produced by States; Counties; Cities; School Districts; and Enterprise operations are there to look at and review (real shocker when you do) but never a peep to generate a cognitive thought for the population to do so.
To accomplish the silence required it required the full cooperation of the syndicated new media; organized education; both political parties; the large industrial / financial corporations and all of the before-mentioned were sent or directed to have access to these CAFR reports. The one small group that was excluded was the entire general population and done so for one very basic reason: DUE TO THE MONEY and control involved investing that massive money ever growing. TREASON:”Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612
Collective local and federal government both domestic and globally have built their investment assets to a conservative 110-trillion dollars. The gross income from investment return as of the year 2000 now exceeds all taxation collected. With the void stringently maintained as to this realty the public continues to scratch their heads saying: “Their is something terribly wrong here but I just can’t put my finger on it..”
Great effort by the players was put forth to make sure the public did not catch a cognitive though to “put their finger on it”. I note that the attorney clan were primarily behind doting the “I’s” and crossing the “T’s” as every page was turned and the new plan of the day was put into place to facilitate the wealth transfer as over the last 70-years empires were built small and large on the inside track from doing so.
Look and learn. You can not influence for change unless you comprehend what is taking place in the first place.Keep in mind you were not intended to comprehend the basics here and GREAT efforts were put forth from the upper level inside track to make sure you did not..
Look behind the distractions you are intentionally saturated with and stick diligently to the basics: Total cash brought in; standing investment assets; and percent increase in gross income over 2, 5, 7, 10-years held and accomplished by your local government.
A CAFR is in effect your local government’s “Statement of Net Worth” since inception and NOT a selectively created budget report (primarily showing where tax income is brought in and spent) that is a projection for “one-year”.
You will NOT get any help from your local government officials in this effort to look; learn; and comprehend. They have diligently worked against your interests in this arena for over 70-years and again DUE TO The MONEY involved and the influence that money / investment balances yields. The world is; has; and will continue to be controlled in this fashion within this massive collective control structure moving money and investments networked for government by many private associations with nifty government sounding acronyms as done so in concert, establishing the largest monopoly the earth has ever know.
LEARN the basics!
I note the CAFRs on each page where financial data is noted will say “Net” balances. Many games can be played here. ** On a personal example keep the following in the front of your mind: If you and I had 1-billion dollars. If we set aside 700-million to buy an island 5-years from now (designated liability) our NET available is 300-million. If we then ran up projected expenses for the year of 320-million, then our net position “promoted today” is 20-million in the red (deficit). It is very important to read carefully the “Notes to the financial section” to spot some of the games being played.
The above cognitive thinking provided to you FYI from,
Walter Burien –
PS: The world of government financial operations is much different than we were all led to believe. We have all become food for the beast and it is time to get that beast in a true unbreakable hold and covert it into a well-mannered sheep. That is if we want ourselves, children, and their children to survive that is? Greed and opportunity unrestrained can have some very devastating consequences.
This is the #1 issue that all other issues root from. LOOK; LEARN; and COMPREHEND. Then you and your associates for the first time in your lives will be truly armed to take effective action to correct this overpowering circumstance that up until this point has rooted itself strangling what should and can still be a very beautiful garden for One-And-All. If you have religious beliefs remember we all were promised the Millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for One-And-All and it has not happened yet. I think and I hope you do also, it is time to push forward the pains of birth and make it happen with a focus as a people that is unequaled in the annuls of prior history. Eden or Hell, the choice will be our own.
PS#2: If you had Bill Gate’s statement of Net Worth you would look; spot things that jumped out at you and share those highlights with all that you know. Most when they look at a CAFR (your local government’s Statement of Net Worth) for the first time, most will draw a blank in their mind in a state of brain freeze where they are blocked from things jumping out at them. Why? They were conditioned all of their life not to look. Break that conditioning and you will be amazed at what will jump out at you cut those ropes that bind you and you just look; see; and in doing so take that one step closer to conquering for One-And-All.
And always remember: If you succeed it’s your own damn fault!   Soooooooooooooo , Let’s get on with it !

GALACTICS respond to No Show on August 4th

I have received several communications from the Galactics Friendlies per there no show on August 4th in London.

They explained there failure to appear because:

1) The earth allies failed to announce NESARA, failed to have the RV, failed to reveal disclosure and start the financial reset. The earth allies are still controlled by the dark cabal.

2) The Olympics surrounded with armed military & security personnel was not considered safe and secure for a visit. Concern was raised of a possible incident via an accidental shooting. We are considered a violent race.

3) Too much communications were detected by us with respect to Dark Cabal Black Ops Rogue units planning sniper attacks, realizing it was not safe.

Good Suggestion From A Smart Reader

Why don't you make a proposal to the ET's suggesting
that they utilize their New Technologies to remove and
replace Cabal members with Clones of the Light ??

No need for arrests or any other negative activity but
rather a 180 degree in direction back to the original
Constitution and a cleansing by Congress doing what
they are suspose to do: representing the People.

This leads to and permits the announcement of NESARA
along with release of prosperity funds and the removal
of all world debt............

IF they truely want to make their presence known, this
would be a excellent starting point.

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 6, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 6, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 06:21:04

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 6, 2012
The legacy that the dark Ones left in place still creates trouble for you. Actions they set in motion a long time ago still make progress, but no longer have the power or impetus to carry them through. Their greatest drawback has been where their military ambitions were concerned, and we have permanently disabled nuclear weapons which they will be prevented from using. The financial wing of the cabal has also fallen apart, and it will not be allowed to be resurrected in its old format. In fact as fast as they plug one hole another appears elsewhere, and in the end a new system will be the only answer. As the old one falls apart so it is revealing the extent of malpractice and corruption that has taken place for a very long time. So do not worry about the continuing problems, because at a future date not so very far away it will change for the better.
Also in the future money will not have as much importance as it has done in the past. It will be fairly distributed, and the system of heavy taxes will be vastly altered so that what you earn is only taxed once. Furthermore with free energy that is to be used in many ways to provide your needs, your outgoings will be much less than they are now. The ultimate situation will ensure that all of the energy needed for your heating, lighting, water and cooking will be free, as will a form of public transport. Eventually petroleum based products will no longer be used or required. Clean and economical energy will be available to everyone, thus removing the source of much pollution upon your planet.
You are getting used to the idea of major changes in your society, and these will not cause the disruption you might imagine. The plans have been very carefully laid out and speed is the essence of everything we are about to do. We know some of you are concerned that we do not have sufficient time to carry out our work, but be assured we are well prepared for any type of situation. The groundwork has already been done, and obstacles such as planning permission or other forms of delay you normally experience, will not interfere with our intentions.
As time goes by more of you have become open to the idea of working with us, and we welcome such enthusiasm. It has always been our intention that you should for example, be involved in the cleansing of your Earth. There are many areas that are seriously damaged and polluted, and denuded by deforestation. Have no fear about how long it will take, we can help restore them very quickly. In fact we will improve areas beyond that which they were previously, and we know exactly what is required to keep in balance with nature.
Bear in mind that our Motherships are in some instances many, many miles long and far larger than some of your cities. We carry with us all that we are likely to need, including large fleets of smaller craft for duties within your Earth's atmosphere. The Motherships that you have often seen are mostly cigar shaped, but there are also ones that are circular. We do not normally come too near to your Earth with our largest craft, as they would cause malfunctions with your own energy systems. However, you will see them way above the atmospheric limits, and certainly an increase in our presence as we will come much closer to you.
You are getting used to the idea of a great leap forward, which makes it easier to introduce you to new technologies. In most ways they are labor saving, non-polluting and economical to use, and naturally automation will require less input from you. That will leave you with far more time to spend on yourself or pursuing other interests. In other words you will have plenty of leisure time to follow your hobbies, or whatever may continue to expand your knowledge. Since you will be able to travel into the past, present or future, your knowledge will grow very quickly. If you have a sufficiently expanded level of consciousness, you may want to join one of the Federations such as the Galactic Federation of Light.
Since you are so near to the major changes that you have been advised about, in the meantime there is nothing to worry about. Your future has already been determined and one thing is certain, and it is that the end times are divinely decreed and they will pass accordingly. Nothing is going to alter the end result and it does not matter what occurs in between. As you are beginning to understand, there is no longer the necessity for a catastrophic ending to the cycle. That was only applicable when it seemed evident that Man was trapped in the lower vibrations, and it looked as though there was no way out.
To your credit you have responded well to attempts to lift you up. Although the dark Ones were increasingly extending their control over you, you took in the Light and awakened to what was happening. Your growth in consciousness attracted even more Light to Earth, and the grid lines around it became renewed and extremely active. Like attracts like and you have become so powerful that you have not just stopped the dark Ones in their tracks, you have achieved victory over them. Soon you shall see them removed and prevented from expanding their web of darkness. There is a lot to do, and we are ready to get the vital cleansing underway. We have kept the damage down, but it is time to complete the work that has already started.
The dark Ones have been allowed to enact their game plan, but the Light was always going to win. It was just a matter of how well the Lightworkers would respond, as you would often incarnate and be pulled down by the negative energies and forget your life plan. Assistance is always at hand to help you out, but sometimes it is difficult to get through to you. The temptations of the physical levels are inviting and hard to resist, but with experience you can rise above them. In reality no one fails, as you will continue to face the challenges of the lower dimensions until you conquer them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to still keep your focus on Ascension, as it is what everything is about, and you have spent many, many lives to reach this point. Well done, and well deserved.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Anthony Baxter on Donald Trump’s Callous Capitalism

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's HotCOffee: Anthony Baxter on Donald Trump’s Callous Capitalism
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 01:28:52

Anthony Baxter on Donald Trump’s Callous Capitalism
August 3, 2012
Bill talks with independent filmmaker Anthony Baxter, director of You’ve Been Trumped, a new documentary about the perils of rampant capitalism and gluttonous conspicuous consumption, epitomized by Donald Trump’s aggressive efforts to build “the greatest golf course in the world” across ancient sand dunes in Scotland. A veteran journalist, Baxter says what Trump and the Scottish government are hailing as an economic boon is actually a disaster to the environment and a callous disruption of people’s lives by a ruthless one-percenter run amok.
“It seems to me there’s one rule for the super-rich and one rule for everybody else,” Baxter says. “And the 99 percent of people in the world are tired and fed up of having money and power riding roughshod over their lives and our planet… Our planet, I don’t think, can afford these kinds of decisions.”
Watch the official film trailer for You’ve Been Trumped.


I am very happy to announce. Watching it now on live NASA feed.



Cameron Day commentary on ET First Contact

The last couple weeks have seen a lot of stories in the "new age" circles on the internet about imminent "first contact" occurring as soon as August 4th during the 2012 Olympics.  Predictably, once the original story was seeded, several "channeled messengers" started appearing supporting that idea.  Alongside this are the "fear porn" aficionados who are predicting a "false flag" attack or even faked alien invasion scenario to happen around the Olympics.
One of the stories making the rounds is that the Queen is negotiating a pardon for her crimes against humanity, and that the "galactics" have given a "hard deadline" of August 4th after which, they will take matters into their own hands.  No mention, however, is made of the numerous "hard deadlines" that have come and gone in the past.
I would be amused if this wasn't so harmful to so many people's psyches.  For long-time readers of this blog, I have a question for you.  What happens when a large group of people get their hopes up, only to be let down because the promised event did not occur?  The answer:  A major low-frequency energetic release!  When a person invests the energy of anticipation and hope, only to be let down, they end up feeling disappointed, fooled, betrayed and usually somewhat embittered afterwards.  All of these emotions are great food for the ankle-biters
Of course, the energy of being afraid of a false-flag attack is also great ankle-biter food, especially if it is combined with hatred towards "the elites" who plan such things.  Much better is to simply know that these small-minded, psychopathic "elites" will do anything to hold onto their worldly power, pity them, forgive them and work towards co-creating something positive with other like-minded people. 

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby…

There is so much "spin" (distortions & disinformation) around the idea of "ET Contact" that it could consume a person's entire life to begin to unravel it.  This is by design, of course, so rather than attempt to untie the "Gordian Knot" of spin and disinfo, I will do my best to cut through some of the major aspects of the sub-conscious conditioning that surrounds the "ET" meme.
Let's start with hostile ET invasion scenarios.  The first reason for these scenarios is to frighten people so that they will wish to remain isolated so as to avoid the nastiness of invasion and attack.  Many people think that these fear-based scenarios are also designed to make people think that ALL ETs are hostile.  However, there is a hidden level to these scenarios, which usually goes unnoticed:  The major sense of relief that billions of people will feel when an apparently friendly ET race makes themselves known to us.
Just imagine it for a moment:  ETs show up and they look like us, are highly physically attractive, talk in friendly tones, and offer us energy technology and assistance cleaning up pollution.  Most of the people who were conditioned in FEAR will now feel RELIEF and deep acceptance of the new arrivals.   To put it another way, fear-based ET movies & TV will actually serve to make any seemingly benevolent ETs look like a gift from God in comparison to the images that have been placed into people's minds from those forms of "entertainment."
However, what is not mentioned in any "official disclosure" scenario is that the "secret government" will be putting their ET allies on display, the beings that have been secretly feeding them technology and manipulating them for many decades.  These are highly Service to Self oriented ET beings, and not the kind of positive ETs that humanity really wants to meet.  In order to pacify us as quickly as possible, they will bring out the human looking "Nordic" type ETs that are extremely physically attractive in order to appeal to the pre-conditioned human affinity with beauty, and they will say all the right things to instill a sense of trust in people's minds.  In short, "disclosure" from the government will probably be bringing us very attractive, controlling, manipulative ETs with an agenda to keep controlling the human race even after a global consciousness shift.
Next, the channeled messages that "our ET brother/sisters would land tomorrow if only our warlike government officials would stand down" has been seen in subtly altered forms every year for at least the last 15 years on the internet, often with a request that people "vote" for ET contact with their consciousness.  One of the key areas of manipulation in these messages is the familiar theme that ETs will bring advanced technology and help us end all of the pollution and energy problems on our planet.  This fosters an incredibly strong desire in compassionate people for these ETs to hurry up and make their presence known!  This is one reason that human-designed advanced technology is so strongly suppressed (along with the monetary reasons).  If we actually cultivated the brilliant human-engineered technologies that have emerged over the last 100 years, we would have NO NEED for "ET saviors" to get us out of any mess.
We also have the spin that the ETs being channeled are our "helpful big-brothers & sisters" who want so very much to reign in our corrupt leadership and make peaceful contact.  This is the meme that has been accepted in the new age channeling circuit, and anyone who questions this meme is looked down upon as "close-minded" or "choosing to live in fear."  I prefer to look at the biggest picture possible, and that includes being aware that parasitic ETs already have a high level of control over the planet, and have had this control for eons of time.
Most people won't or can't acknowledge that the "alien invasion" happened so long ago as to be almost totally forgotten, and that the invader is now residing in our own minds, wrapped around the Human Ego, pushing buttons in order to elicit a low-frequency energy "hit" at will.
Why would these parasitic beings that have hidden themselves from us for so long risk exposure?  Simply because a major consciousness shift is underway, and in order to "manage" the situation in their continuing favor, they will need humanity to surrender its collective free will to a "superior" ruling class of ETs. 
So in the "big brother/sister" who reigns in a corrupt global elite scenario, the ETs won't be seen as allies to the secret invaders who benefit from the manipulation of human consciousness, but rather as long-lost brethren, our familial saviors who unseat the human global elite and free humanity from global tyranny.   I recommend being very cautious towards any beings who claim they are "negotiating" with the current ruling class on this planet.  It is much more likely that they have been in close contact with these supposed elites for a very, very long time.

Where Are The GOOD Guys & Gals?

This brings us to what role the truly benevolent, Service to Others beings will play.  In general, they prefer to take a cautious, somewhat removed role in our current situation.  This doesn't mean they aren't helping, but that they have to be careful to avoid aiding the Service to Self being's plans for humanity, while subtly countering those plans.  Free will is extremely important to highly evolved, positive beings.  The positive ETs are VERY aware that human free will is being constantly manipulated so that we give unconscious permission to be enslaved, and they are not willing to put themselves in a role where humans will want to abdicate their sovereignty to them. 
Because of the pre-programmed human tendency to give away individual and collective power to charismatic leaders, the Positive ETs are very reluctant to swoop in and "rescue" us from our current situation.  This would only serve to further disempower humanity, because it is difficult to convince someone who wants to worship you and give you their power that they need to own it for themselves.  The last thing a highly evolved, positive being wants is to be worshiped.  At most, they would only want to be benevolent mentors that help us empower ourselves, while always respecting our free will. 
So the positive ETs hatched some very clever plans.  Plans within plans, of which I am only aware of a tiny fraction.  Part of the plan was to send in brave (or foolish) beings to incarnate as humans, in order to effect change from within the human group consciousness.  This part of the plan has been fairly successful, despite the dark side's nearly constant attacks against such beings.  Another aspect of the plans are for these "sleeper agents" to help reveal the secret machinations of the ruling elite and their ET/ED overlords.  This is also proceeding nicely, although we could certainly be better informed about the parasitic extra-dimensional ankle-biters. 
One of the key tenets of the Positive ET/ED plan is that humans need to embrace their own sovereign power, and not give it away to any other being.  However, humanity has a long way to go in this area, which is why positive ETs will most likely NOT be the first ETs to reveal themselves.  It would be smarter for them to wait for the parasitic ETs posing as benevolent beings to make themselves known first.  This will allow for humanity to learn key lessons in discernment and owning our own power, so that the positive ETs can make themselves known to us in a capacity more akin to wise advisors, rather than saviors.

What About The Olympics?

My not-so-bold prediction is that the London Olympics will come and go without any type of ET contact.  I also submit that the only "false-flag attack" at the Olympics has already happened.  It was a subtle attack on the consciousness of those who were willing to decipher all of the "illuminati" symbols, numbers, etc. in order to trick those intrepid researchers into spreading fear and dread around the games.  Please always remember that our minds and emotions are the battle ground for this war, and that the opponent wins whenever we are in fear, anger, judgment or any other low-frequency emotional state. 
This is not meant to denigrate the dedicated researchers who worked hard to analyze the hidden messages embedded into the Olympic games.  It may very well be that their research and exposure of a potential attack at the games stopped it from happening.  However, my instincts tell me that there was some sleight-of-hand going on with the Olympics being so deeply drenched in "illuminati" symbology and numerology.  It was so blatant that it feels like it was done to distract and consume energy, which it certainly did.   It also feels like it was done so blatantly in order to convince "conspiracy buffs" that something big and bad was going to happen, so that they will be embarrassed and discredited when nothing happens.

What IS Going to Happen with Disclosure?

When the day comes that the ETs who control the global elite decide to make their appearance, you can be assured that they will present themselves as highly spiritually evolved, loving beings.  They will probably dazzle us with technology and most likely subtly suggest that we should let them lead us into a "golden age."  If this potential occurs, that period of time will be a tremendous test for all of humanity, and the main lessons to be learned will be discernment and owning our own power. 
Will we be able to see past attractive looks, high technology and sweet sounding words in order to see the true intent behind Service to Self ETs?  Afterwards, when truly positive, Service to Others ET/EDs make contact with us, will we be able to discern that they have our best interests in mind, much more so than those who made contact first in order to gain a competitive edge? 

Positive Higher Dimensional Beings ARE Helping Us

Now that I have established the core aspects of my perspective on this very convoluted topic, I want to touch on a couple other points.  The first one is that the liberation effort underway to free Earth from eons of dark side control has gone through many upheavals.  Plans have had to be reworked over and over again, because the dark will fight as long as they possibly can, using the hostage human race as their major leverage point. 
Nonetheless, we have scored some impressive victories these last few years.  I am personally still optimistic that the ankle-biters, the negative ETs who are aligned with them, and all of their consciousness suppressing technology will be fully removed so that the true light of higher consciousness can emerge from within every soul incarnated on the planet.  If we can achieve that goal before the negative-posing-as-positive ETs can reveal themselves, then the "negative first contact" scenario that I outlined above isn't likely happen, because it would have very little chance for success.
Whenever "first" contact occurs, we should be able to discern who is making contact with some basic analysis, coupled with trusting our intuition.  If it occurs while the world is still in its current state of major turmoil and suppressed consciousness, and the ETs present themselves as the natural choice to lead us into a golden age, then we need to be very wary. 
If instead, we experience a modern renaissance where people are waking up in larger and larger numbers, free energy technologies are being unleashed and human consciousness is aligning towards cooperation rather than competition, then we receive direct communication from ETs with encouragement and a bit of helpful information, and the tone of the communications remains consistent, we can be fairly certain that we are communicating with truly Positive ETs. This is one possible scenario where positive ETs would make public contact before the negative side. 
As things stand at the moment, ET disclosure isn't something that I am rooting for.  I would much rather achieve the removal of the low-frequency and fake-channeling broadcasting systems that are currently suppressing the true beauty of the human soul from achieving its full expression.  I want to see that beautiful self-awareness flourishing in humanity before any kind of "official" outside contact is made, and I only want to interact with Positive, Service to Others oriented beings.
Truly positive ET/ED beings will want to establish a helpful, but non-intrusive relationship.  They will offer advice and information, but very little technology.  They would rather see us develop on our own merits and skills, and would never want us to feel dependant on them.  Instead of handing us technology that only they can provide, they are much more likely to point to our own pre-existing inventions that were never produced, with perhaps some guidance on how to improve the existing designs.
The difference is subtle, but unmistakable.  The negative enslavers would seek to actually deepen our enslavement, fostering dependence on their technologies and "enlightened governance" while the positive liberators will always seek to inspire us to achieve our full potential, in our own way, and to be self-governing.
My request to the community at large is that we focus on solutions in awareness, consciousness and technology, in that order.  Higher levels of awareness leads to expanded consciousness, which makes the technological solutions to our current problems easy to understand and implement.  We truly do NOT need ETs to intervene, and the type of "we're here to fix your problems" intervention that many people are wishing for is not likely to come from positively oriented beings. 
We need to own our own power, express it in balanced, loving ways, and create solutions right here and now.  We must stop wishing for someone else to fix our problems, because we CAN solve them on our own.
Much Love,
Cameron Day
p.s.  This article could have been much longer, and I may write a follow-up later that addresses density shifts in relation to ET contact.  However, I want to get this article OUT and being read by as many people as possible.  Please forward it to your lists and to those who still believe that channeled beings are waiting for just the right moment to intervene and fix our world for us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sirius (Dr Steven Greer) Film-maker's Father SHOT in Sikh Temple Massacre

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Sirius (Dr Steven Greer) Film-maker's Father SHOT in Sikh Temple Massacre
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 20:06:30

I can't verify this yet ...
"Arm Kaleka's father was the target of a professional Illuminati revenge-hit in a Wisconsin Sihk temple. Arm Keleka was threatened while making this film.
This is the Sirius movie trailer:

Talking about the Father being killed...

Another revenge murder by the Cabal.
NEW: Sirius (Dr Steven Greer) Film-maker’s Father SHOT in Sihk Temple Massacre (views: 165)
Susoni — Sunday, 5-Aug-2012 20:06:30