Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your "Assignments"’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your "Assignments"’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 7-Aug-2012 20:01:19

It is time to now put aside all the limiting distractions and confusions that are keeping you from reaching your goals and fulfilling your assignments at this time. We would like to see more of you participating in the events that you had shown such great interest in before you headed this way so long ago. Many of you were very interested in participating in these world changing plans and could not wait to get here and begin. What has changed for you? What has changed in your life that is now keeping you from doing what it is you so wanted to do?
We are here just as we had planned and had promised you. We did not forget our end of the bargain. Now that we are here we ask you to now participate and uphold your end of the bargain, but many of you do not heed this call and respond to your sworn duties, to your responsibilities to your mission in the name of your Creator, to your universe and to yourselves. Why is this so? What is it that is so interesting, so distracting, so mesmerizing, so time consuming that keeps you from fulfilling your oath to perform your duties to the best of your abilities at all times once you had been reminded or awakened to your divine mission in service to your planet, each other and to all of us throughout our universe? This is what we ask you today. We ask you, our brothers and sisters, could you explain to us just what it is that busies you so that keeps you from fulfilling the duties of your mission. We would like for those of you who are not participating either fully or partly to leave your comments beneath our message and tell us why it is that you are too busy, have changed your mind or are unwilling on any level to participate in our mission to restore love and light to this world that has fallen so deeply into darkness, a mission that’s success or failure will reverberate throughout this entire universe.
We will be reading all the comments beneath today’s message throughout your online communities. We are greatly interested in your responses, as we do not know and we cannot figure out why there are so few of you involved completely or even partially in our mission. There are so many more of you who have signed up for this mission than have responded. We cannot give you precise statistics on this, as many of you are participating fractionally or on a part time level and it is difficult to measure exactly how much these beings are participating and how much they are not participating. We do keep tabs on who it is that are doing what, please do not get us wrong. We clearly see and have taken note of all the work that each and every one of you are doing. What we are simply saying is it is difficult to surmise an exact figure in regards to how much work each of you are doing. We will just say that it is clear that some of you are doing far more work than others and some of you are doing none at all.
What we would like to see, of course, is all of you who have signed up for this mission to do a great deal of work, for that was the original contract that you agreed to. This is your mission, this is your only mission at this time, this is your only purpose, and we ask those of you who have a feeling that they are part of this mission, that they are part of us, the Galactic Federation of Light or one of the other galactic commands to drop what it is you're doing and find out by emerging yourself in our lightwork, in our efforts to alter the present course of this planet and her people. That is our task; that is our solemn oath that we all took before we said goodbye to each other and journeyed here in many different ways.
We see that many of you have found hobbies and interests that consume a great deal of your free time, and we do understand that many of you do not have a great deal of free time to begin with as so many of you must work so many hours to support yourselves and your families. We completely understand this, however, we wish to point out that the hours that you are working come as no surprise to you, as all of you had some sort of idea what you would be doing for a living. All of you had a peek, if you will, at the lives you would be living. This was part of the deal, and all of you were blessed with that opportunity, allowing you to choose just what kind of life would be most beneficial to you in many different ways, most importantly, what kind of life you would be living that would allow you to do the work that you signed up to do and what kind of experiences you would live through to strengthen your being and that would reward you with so much once your work here was done.
We see that many of you have learned many lessons throughout this lifetime and you are on the road to receiving many of the gifts and blessings that were possible for you at the end of this, your current incarnation. What is missing in this equation is the work that you assured us you would do throughout this lifetime, especially here at the very end when your participation is so greatly needed. We ask those of you who are reading these words and who feel we are speaking to you personally today to drop whatever it is that consumes your time, your interest, your focus and your energy and get to work. You all should know by now what it is you could or should be doing. There should be no mystery any longer.
You are Lightworkers. Light is information. You are information workers. Now is the time to get to work and create, share and make easily assessable information regarding the great Earth changes that are occurring and that are scheduled that will affect every man, woman and child on this planet. These changes are so large in scope and there are so many of them that you may begin, if you have not already, almost anywhere. You can begin by discussing with others at home, work, or throughout your online communities our seawall project that will safeguard many areas of coastline around the world in preparation for what will be, at least in some areas, rising sea levels due to earthquakes centered deep below the surface of your planet. This is not a very difficult task, is it dear ones? And it is very easy to get started.
You may also choose to assist us share the information of the presence of your star and soul families, your guides, your protectors and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light and our brothers and sisters of the Ashtar Command who are also here, who are also your friends, soul families, star families, neighbors and guides. This is a very important assignment, as much depends upon the reception we receive from the people of this planet. We cannot force ourselves upon them, and although many of you reading these words are not only prepared but are very eager for our reunion and the day we walk your Earth amongst you, we say to you that you are a rarity indeed, you are the exception to the rule. There are many millions of people at this time on your planet who are not prepared at all, not only for our arrival, but even to learn that we exist, and for them to learn that we are here and in such large numbers with our large numbers of spacecraft is too much for many of these beings to handle.
What is called for, what is very much needed is a breaking of the ice time period, where this kind of information is made available to them in small increments. Landing our ships on the centerfield at your summer Olympic Games would be an incredible miscalculation of human nature and consciousness at this time. This was never part of our plan and never would be. Our plan has been and continues to be a plan where very small but increasing increments of information were to be made available to the people of your world, starting with a very small grassroots effort where our Lightworkers, small in numbers in the beginning as well, began to discuss openly and post through your online communities information about our existence, our presence here and our honorable intentions in love and service to our Creator and to you, who are our own brothers and sisters.
This was the plan many eons ago and remains firm the plan today. Having the news of our presence here in your skies broadcast through media outlets around your world all at the same time would cause havoc, would cause chaos. We can state this so confidently because we have been engaging in tests of the levels of human consciousness and their ability to accept the information about our presence here for quite some time and these tests continue to this very day, and we will report to you that the people of your planet are not ready for this kind of life shattering news. Please do not take this as bad news, for we will very shortly be making our presence known, but not globally through one great announcement or event, we wish to make this perfectly clear. For those of you waiting for one great Earth changing ‘shot heard round the world’ event, you will be greatly disappointed, as it is very clear this would shatter the fragile infrastructure of not only a world, but many of the beings within.
Please be patient with us as we are patient with you. We will, in time, slowly reveal ourselves and introduce ourselves to the people of your world, but this will be a slow and gradual process just as it has been. We must be very careful not to disturb too greatly the fragile human psyche that many of the people of this planet possess. This is all we will say about this matter today, but we will add that we have many projects planned with you and as many of you are beginning to surmise by now these projects cannot be concealed from the public of your world, at least in some cases, for very long. Many of you have begun to figure out that these projects will lead to a disclosure that will grow in size fairly quickly compared to the speed at which our mission in this regard has been moving up to this point. This would be accurate to say, and this will amount to the disclosure that so many of you seek, look forward to and work so hard on accomplishing today.
We say to those of you who are participating in your mission of light that your work is tremendously appreciated. We know who each and every one of you are and your work is not, and will never be, overlooked in any way. For all of you who have yet to begin your work, we say to you it is never too late to get in the game and all of the work that you will do will be greatly appreciated and will benefit our mission tremendously, and we say to you is it now the time that you began what it is you took an oath to do?
We look forward to reading your comments today, reminding you that what we are asking is what is it that interferes with your work, what is it that is consuming all of your free time, your energy and your focus, and acts as an obstacle to you in the fulfilling of the duties of your mission here in this world. We look forward to reading your responses, and we look so forward to speaking with you again very shortly. Until then, it is time for all of you to get in the game as the game is reaching its final period.
We are your teammates on our mission in love and in service to our Creator and our universe. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 7, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 7, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 7-Aug-2012 19:54:32

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - August 7, 2012
8 Kan, 12 Pop, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Much is involved in the final aspects of the great sundering that is to bring down the dark power structure. At present, you are witnessing the final days of the power struggle which is reaching its definitive denouement. The cabalists are using their ability to foment chaos in an attempt to escape the noose we have thrown around them, but their convoluted schemes will not be successful this time. We have made allowances for their finagling ways and are anticipating anything they can come up with. Over the eons, war has been the cabal's instrument of choice for manipulating you and wriggling out of inconvenient situations, and it is using this tried-and-true device today in the Middle East and in South Asia. While deadly efficient, this 'tool' will not result in their escape as our control over Earth events is too strong to be thwarted by such low-level shenanigans. Do not be concerned by what the cabalists are planning. Their anything-goes attempts to go out with a bang will backfire on them, providing the means to liberate this vital region of the world. The coming transformation is utterly under the aegis of divine fate!
We watch, and prepare to institute our plans. We dearly wish to get the divine Light show on the road. As the shackles long binding you to the dark fall away, a new energy is born which is to bring you peace, prosperity, and global harmony. The dark ones and their fervent adherents deeply believe that what they are plotting will lead to a new situation which will prevent their downfall. It is not only to fail utterly but will expose the depth and breadth of the duplicities which subtly rule your world. This interlocking set of directorates is to be clearly seen for the cold-blooded oligarchy it truly is. It will be a salutary education for you all, and will serve you well during the events which will shortly lead to their arrest and isolation from you. A deadly trap is being set, with the aim of separating, definitively, friend from foe. It is vital to discover who truly intends to be part of the solution, and who is determined to remain part of the problem. This approach causes us much distress. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of the bigger picture it is essential, and is to be achieved shortly.
Our work here has consistently been geared toward a first contact with you, and we have never wavered from this course. The aim of moving you into full consciousness lies behind all that we are involved in, and to this end, our many teams monitor and visit you each day. The dark cabal understands our total commitment to this sacred mission, and is aware that we are moving more and more of our fleet closer to you. We have also increased the number of on-planet personnel living and working among you. In this regard we have warned the dark that any tampering with our planet-based personnel will have dire consequences. Already, several attempts against our missionaries resulted in 'events' that scared off these agents of ignominy! We are ever diligent in ensuring that our surface mission proceeds as it should, and these recent defensive countermeasures have taught us much about how these agents operate. For now the dark is careful to avoid us. Currently, we are expanding this network on your planet surface.
Disclosure is moving forward. Our Earth allies are busy preparing for the ouster of the many de facto Earth governments. A broad web of infamy encircles your globe, and the unholy policies perpetrated each day by these 'legitimate' governments cry out to be terminated. This 'legitimacy' is contingent upon control by various forms of chaos, and by stoking the levels of social and religious schism. This sorry rigmarole will be put to flight once the Light rightfully disposes of these barely legal governments. Our role in these events is to support and reinforce whatever actions are formally promulgated. Our personnel on the ground have been providing detailed information on how different regions react to what the dark is doing. The dark are throwing up ways to discourage civil resistance and our Earth allies are busy countering these moves. Freedom and liberty have long come at a price on your world, and now it is time to sweep away these stifling conditions and bring in joy and growth and exuberance.
Namaste! We come, blessed Ones! Your transitioning world appears to be in a lull, and it seems to you as if nothing is happening. But nothing could be further from the truth. Everywhere, the old constructs are crashing to the ground, with one fiscal crisis following another. As we mentioned, we have put into play the new financial system, and it sits quietly in the wings, unheeded by the crumbling edifice that is about to fall with an almighty roar. The de facto governments appointed by by this dying colossus are aware that their end has come and are awaiting their fall from grace. The new is to be in formal ascendance very shortly, bringing with it prosperity, freedom, and most vital for us, disclosure. Also, Mother Earth deeply needs to be attended to, and this necessitates our Inner Earth and space families to join with us to announce a new reality and proclaim to all on the surface world the death of the restrictive, old reality.
The death throes of the dark cabal will be painted in drab shades, symbolizing the world of limitation, war, and fiscal tyranny which has shaped the last 13 millennia of your existence. These dark concepts ravaged your home world, partitioned you from Inner Earth, and foisted you off with the fiction that you are alone in an empty void. These fabrications are to end, and a new world of divine brilliance is to replace the bleakness and stress of the present. We are truly in joy, for soon we will be able to tell you of the great truths and start to unravel for you the many lies told to you over the millennia. This will set you free and prepare you for the transition to full consciousness. You may experience some degree of consternation, or feel distrust toward those dark ones who so callously misled you; yet we ask you to forgive, let the past go, and jointly move forward. With full consciousness comes a wisdom which is to supersede the horrors that you know.
Your new realm will be wondrously glorious. The amazing relationships between Heaven and Earth will be disclosed to you, and this knowledge confers wisdom you can now barely guess at. On your new Earth you can experience it fully and feel the euphoric unity of all life. You are to begin a journey which will permit you to reach your potential and discover your boundless creativity as you seek to maximize the unfolding of the Creator's divine plan. Together we will go forward, with us as your ever-Loving mentors and teachers in the ways of the divine. We are truly elated that this moment is at last upon us: the time selected by Heaven is here! The final touches are being made to the sacred ceremony which unlocks all of this and brings in the vast changes to the only world you have know until now. Already this transformation is starting to manifest. Be in your center and in your truth, and be ready. And have no doubts about all that the Creator is about to unfold!
Today, we continued with our messages to you. A supreme shift in this reality is upon us! With it come disclosure and the time to finally meet all of us who so devotedly champion your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Barclays Execs Under Another Investigation

Barclays Execs Under Another Investigation

By Phil Rowen - Posted on 04 August 2012

Barclays raised a whole bunch of eyebrows when it released its earnings today—and in the process revealed, among other things, that current and former senior executives were under an investigation totally unrelated to the Libor. UK regulators are looking into whether the bank sufficiently disclosed details of the $11.45 billion cash injection it got from Middle Eastern investors during the 2008 financial crisis, the Wall Street Journal reports.
If that weren't enough, the company also revealed that it had set aside $705 million to cover misspelling of derivatives to small businesses, and that it was facing a number of lawsuits over the Libor scandal. On the call, departing Chairman Marcus Agius apologized yet again for that mess, and said he was working to find his own replacement, along with one to fill the hole left by former CEO Robert Diamond. "It is tempting to find a quick solution," he said. "It is important that the right selection is made."

US Government Now Allowing Americans to Donate Money to Syrian Terrorists

US Government Now Allowing Americans to Donate Money to Syrian Terrorists

By Madison Ruppert
August 7, 2012

Rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters march a captured policeman who the FSA allege is a “Shabiha” or pro-regime militiaman, on July 31, 2012, as the rebels overran a police station in Aleppo. A watchdog said that rebels killed 40 officers and seized three police stations during the pivotal battle for the commercial capital. Editor’s note: this man may have been murdered after this image was taken. (Image credit: AFP PHOTO/EMIN OZMEN/SABAH PRESS)
Thanks to license given by the United States Treasury, the Washington-based Syrian Support Group, or SSG, can now accept donations on behalf of the armed opposition forces in Syria including the Free Syrian Army (FSA) terrorist group.
The opposition includes the same terrorist groups who are responsible for bombings and have shown themselves to be excited at the prospect of controlling chemical weapons. It is no surprise that they are being supported by al Qaeda as well, just as the opposition forces were during the regime change operation in Libya.
Keep in mind, these are the same rebel forces which have been guilty of gross atrocities, a fact which Human Rights Watch finally admitted in March of this year.
To make matters even worse for those who seek to maintain the manufactured “peaceful pro-democracy” image of the rebel forces, a video has now emerged showing the rebels carrying out what is almost certainly a war crime.
It is a truly disturbing scene, showing almost 40 seconds of non-stop gunfire and the slaughter of several men stripped down to their underwear and forced to their knees.
“What it looks like is execution of detainees and if that is the case, that would be a war crime,” Clive Baldwin, a senior legal adviser for Human Rights Watch, told the BBC.
Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs also spoke out against the shooting, writing, “The brutal massacre of government supporters by the opposition in the city of Aleppo shows that human rights violations are being committed by both sides.”
Yet now the U.S. has opened up the channels to allow money to begin flowing into the coffers of these individuals who are very possibly guilty of terrorism and war crimes.
However, so long as the Western media continues to paint the rebels as freedom fighters as they did in Libya, there will almost certainly be continued blind support.
Obviously supporters of these terrorist groups are excited by this move, calling it a “game changer” in their long-standing effort to arm the rebels with the most deadly of modern weapons.
While the Treasury license doesn’t say that the SSG is allowed to outright purchase the weapons and give them to the opposition forces, they are allowed to supply these terrorists with “financial, communications, logistical and other services otherwise prohibited” by the American sanctions on Syria, according to the Daily Telegraph.
In other words, they can give them the money, set them up with the arms dealers and even give them the equipment to contact them, they just can’t “directly purchase weapons” for the rebels.
“This is a game-changer in terms of funding and a sign of a gradual policy shift by the US government,” stated Brain Sayers, the Director of Government Relations for the SSG.
“We are optimistic that it will help change the situation on the battlefield in a positive way for the FSA,” Sayers added, indicating that he recognizes the fact that this will allow weapons to be more easily placed in the hands of the terrorist FSA and their cronies.
Yet even this is not enough for Sayers and those like him who want nothing more than to see regime change in Syria.
“It’s not going to be sufficient – even if we raised $50 million for fantastic weaponry it’s not going to allow the FSA to defend a safe zone from Assad’s fighter aircraft,” he said.
Apparently another line of reasoning for supporting the terrorist FSA is that they are supposedly “secular” and thus U.S. support is being given “to counterbalance Islamist elements within the opposition, who are building large-scale fund-raising operations in Qatar and other Sunni Arab nations,” according to the Telegraph.
I was amazed to learn that this authorization from the treasury is not actually all that new since the Telegraph notes that it was in fact granted at some point in late July.
The SSG is refusing to reveal how much they have raised since being given the license, although it must file regular reports which document the funds they give to the opposition.
Unfortunately, like some other figures in the opposition, the SSG is not going to stop there. The SSG is also actively working to push the U.S. government to take military action in Syria through a no-fly zone as well as by “destroying Syria’s Russian-made air defence systems [see this article for information on these systems],” according to the Telegraph.
As we saw in Libya, this will only mean the death of innocent civilians and even greater turmoil in the already nightmarish Syria.
Thus far, the U.S. government has only publicly given $25 million of so-called “non-lethal aid” to the opposition, such as communications equipment.
Yet the State Department says that they have “no position” on individual Americans choosing to donate to the terrorists in Syria. I always find it interesting to see how terrorists quickly become legitimate rebels which Americans can openly support so long as it benefits the U.S. at the time.
It seems that the window of opportunity for a peaceful resolution is getting smaller and smaller with the resignation of Kofi Annan as the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria. That being said, British Foreign Secretary William Hague would not rule out the possibility of former Prime Minister Tony Blair replacing Annan.
Meanwhile, Abdelbasset Seida, current head of the so-called Syrian National Council, has expressed a willingness to talk with some regime officials. That is, after President Bashar al-Assad “and his gang” leave, of course.
In other words, their position hasn’t changed one iota.
“Bashar and his gang must leave and after that we will move to negotiate with other officials whose hands were not stained with Syrian blood and who were not involved in big corruption cases,” Seida said, reinforcing the opposition’s unwillingness to come to a peaceful, diplomatic solution.
Much like the foreign powers backing them, some of the opposition figures have now committed to nothing short of complete and total regime change with no room for discussion on that point whatsoever.
Personally, I think it is sad to see people so willing to watch their fellow countrymen be slaughtered and similarly willing to watch foreign powers manipulate their domestic situation for dubious ends. Apparently they are not able to look back at Libya and see how well that very similar situation turned out for them.
UPDATE: On the August 5, 2012 episode of End the Lie Radio, Brandon Turbeville made me aware of the fact that the SSG’s Sayer has a quite astounding past which makes it understandable why he was placed in this position.
According to McClatchy, Sayers “once served as a NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] political officer” which just further establishes the fact that these opposition forces are backed by the West just as those in Libya were.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie

Cobra's version of what will happen

Hello All:
                     This was posted by Cobra. As I understand it he is one of the ones involved in the actual work to get this done.  God Bless  Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

New Financial System

Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.


This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.

Day 1

When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations. Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.

Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.

All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).

Day 2-7

Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins. Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.

Revaluation (RV)

After about 1 week from the Event

There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.

New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets. Basket of currencies such as US dollar, Euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen and Chinese yuan will form the basis of this new system.

Those banks that did not have strong connections with Federal Reserve and did not go bankrupt will reopen. They will not be allowed to charge interest. All their accounting will be fully transparent to the public. Stock market will not reopen.

Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations. Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted, until they are phased out in a few months and new money is printed.

All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.

In a few weeks

Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.

The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about  $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust. Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal. 

Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal. Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.


Operation Highjump in Antartica

Subject: Fwd: Operation Highjump in Antartica

I do sincerely hope the current Sec. of Defense, Leon Panetta realizes the gravity of his position and understands that all intercourse with the ENEMY is forbidden in time of War. If Leon Panetta's conduct results in giving aid and comfort to the ENEMY that is a prosecutable offense under the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT. All trading with the ENEMY and other commercial relations are absolutely forbidden while a state of WAR exists. (U.S.S. Cole SLCM attack by Israeli Dolphin class submarine and the 911 report from Dr. Alan Sabrosky, U.S. Army war college automatically means a State of War exists between Israel and the United States of America, because WAR can exist with or without a formal declaration. The start of WAR is more if a question of FACT and of HISTORY than of law.) In time if WAR a nation has the power to compel ALL OF ITS CITIZENS and subjects to serve the common cause. The word "ENEMY" includes ALL OF THE CITIZENS IF THE ENEMY STATE, WHEREVER THEY MAY BE, and a nation at WAR can take any steps against enemy ALIENS (those who are NOT LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZENS) that it believes are "necessary and proper" to insure the American National Security. An enemy ALIEN HAS NO LEGAL RIGHTS, NO CIVIL RIGHTS, NO PROPERTY RIGHTS, ZIP, ZERO, NOT ONE RED PENNY and their very presence in American soil is a VIOLATION OF LAW under the Immigration and Nationality Act title 8 U.S.C. 1227 (falsely claiming "Dual CITIZENSHIP" American-Israeli and relating to TREASON) 1424 (membership in a Communist-front organization) 1451Revocation of American CITIZENSHIP is AUTOMATIC by PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF TREASON) and the Communist Control Act of 1954 title 50 U.S.C. 841,842,843. Illegal ALIEN ENEMIES that are within America at the outbreak of WAR or who enter it during the WAR are subject to immediate ARREST, detention, internment in JAIL and may be DEPORTED after the WAR is over. It is the legal jurisdiction of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enforce violations of immigration law and ARREST the SUBVERSIVE DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIENS that are LOYAL to the belligerent ENEMY STATE (Israel).

UNESCO-World Heritage sites Usurpation

Please read and share with as many American Sovereign CITIZENS and take legal class action to sue for Justice to cancel and revoke the U.N. Charter that seeks to take away and usurp control of the "CROWN JEWELS" of America, the National Park lands property rights away from the U.S.  department if the interior to the UNESCO "WORLD" HERITAGE DESIGNATED SITES.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UNESCO-World Heritage sites Usurpation

Now that the notification process has been completed at the international court at the Hague asserting American National sovereignty of the several States as free and independent States from the corporate entity of the United States of America, Inc. of Dover, Delaware, another important issue of Amercan National sovereignty must be addressed and corrected. The issue of the United Nations illegally assuming control and usurping of the management of the National Park lands and cultural heritage sites that are America's "Crown Jewels" that formally were legally under the jurisdiction of the United States department of the interior. The ceding of control and management of the American National Park lands and American cultural historical sites to the UNESCO "World" heritage sites is a clear usurpation of authority away from the department of the interior's exclusive legal authority to administer and control the National Park lands and American cultural historical heritage designated sites to a "world" government entity of a "collective" body of an illegal and criminal unrepresentative United Nation (states) of the "World" Communist totalitarian government by the unauthorized signing by the head of State, (the President) that fraudulently assumed dictatorial powers to divest the American people of the property national park lands inherited and bequeathed in perpetuity by our forefathers to the American people by the signing of a "assention" of powers treaty, surrendering legal jurisdiction (authority) and sovereignty of American National territorial park lands to the U.N.  without the advise or consent of the American people illegally impinging upon the my inherent rights to the American national park lands as a Sovereign American citizen, which represents a legal TORT of deprivation of rights as an elected representative of the American people by the abuse of authority not permitted by a public civil servant of the Executive branch of government. The surrendering of American National Park lands and historical cultural sites management to the U.N. represents an abdication of American Sovereignty of the public property of the National Park lands that belong exclusively to the American people as Sovereign American CITIZENS. The President, as head of State of a Republican form of government, does not have the legal capacity to arbitrarily and capriciously authorize or sign any treaty surrendering American territorial Sovereignty resulting in the adverse posession of the National Park lands and historical cultural heritage sites to the U.N. as this is clearly an unlawful encroachment and theft of Sovereign property rights inherited to We, the People of the United States of America as irrevocable beneficiaries of the National Park land estates in violation of the 5th Amendment as the tort of deprivation of rights under color of law. "That no (Sovereign American) CITIZEN shall be DEPRIVED of the right to LIFE, liberty (FREEDOM) or PROPERTY without Due Process of Law".  The Due Process of Law clause also has consistently been interpreted to provide the guarantee of the EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAWS. The United States Constitution was designed not to protect the rights of those individuals in political positions of authority and power (that are usually able to protect themselves) but to PROTECT the rights of individuals and minorities from the arbitrary and capricious abuses of authority of those individuals in political  positions of power and authority that seek to hypocritically deny individuals their God-given inalienable birth rights that are endowed by the Creator as outlined in the Constitution, while at the same time hypocritically claiming the very same ownership rights to the property that are denied to another, resulting in adverse possession of the property estate lands. If no objections are made to contest the American National Park land grab, then the trespasser becomes a squatter and over time the squatter becomes the owner and the property is forfeited, lost forever to the future generations of American citizens by apathy and negligence for failure to act with due diligence to PROTECT American National Security interests. The Constitution under Article VI the "supremacy clause" is the Supreme LAW OF THE LAND and any legislative Act or law that is in conflict with the Constitution or that would DENY any (Sovereign American) CITIZEN of his or her individual civil rights to LIFE, LIBERTY or PROPERTY guaranteed as inalienable by the Constitution is deemed as UNCONSTITUTIONAL and therefore NULL and VOID from its inception under the DOCTRINE OF NULLIFICATION. A contract based upon a fraudulent premise is also similarly contestable and can be rendered NULL and VOID and thereby cancelled and revoked. American CITIZENSHIP is NOT A SUICIDE PACT, the legal civil rights granted to natural born American CITIZENS (or naturalized American CITIZENS by the LOYALTY OATH embodied in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to the Flag of the United States of America and the Oath of American citizenship) is guaranteed to PEOTECT these legal civil rights in exchange for LOYALTY, a PROMISE or OATH to not BETRAY OTHER AMERICANS to DEATH or compromise American National Security interests in favor of any other FOREIGN NATION (including Israel) or otherwise undermine or subvert the FREEDOM and independence of America as a SOVEREIGN NATION. The objective of the Communist Party is to establish a world-wide international government global totalitarian dictatorship otherwise known as the New World Order, dissolving and liquidating independent national sovereignty rights and establishing throughout the countries of the world Communist totalitarian dictatorships that are NOT FREE and independent nations but are mere SECTIONS or SLAVE STATES to the most powerful Communist totalitarian dictatorship headquartered out of Jerusalem, Israel, which is why the name of the Communist-front organization in America is "The WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION, AMERICAN SECTION, INC." The evident duplicity and fraudulent claims of "DEMOCRACY" like the Communist "DPRK" the "Democratic People's Republic of North Korea" what is "democratic" about North Korea? The hypocritical APARTHEID Zionist STATE of Israel that falsely claims to be the "ONLY DEMOCRATIC STATE" in the middle east, when nobody is allowed to vote for ANY of the true power brokers, the central bank chairman in ANY COUNTRY. Democracy and voting for political leaders is therefore a FRAUD, a facade, an entertainment show and a complete waste if time when both "rival" candidates are mere stooges, underlings or puppets of those that control the money supply, the monolithic oligarchy of central banker families that are NEVER ELECTED but that CONTROL the MONEY supply, and thus are the puppet-masters or bank Communist "Czars" of the political puppets on their strings. My request and petition for redress of grievances as a civilian authority as a private attorney general, pro se, for assistance from the American military for judicial relief and satisfaction to correct the arbitrary and capricious abuses of authority is not solely intended for selfish aggrandizement, but is intended to benefit the American people, society in general, and insure the future generations of Americans will inherit a healthy ecologically balanced Earth that they can use grow and thrive in.  My time on this Earth is limited, as is true for everybody else that has not yet achieved Spiritual realization and physical immortality. The reality is that nobody really owns anything, for life itself is transitory, a cosmic dream. Whatever it is that you think you own in life, you simply can't take it with you when you die! Material posessions to a Spiritually enlightened soul lose any and all significance in the realm of the absolute, as relative things are only temporary, fleeting things to be valued as such. Anything material can be created or destroyed by Spiritual will power, including our physical bodies.  Our role during our brief sojourn on the physical earth plane or 3D state of conscousness, is that of a steward or caretaker of the Earth's environment and serving the Spirit of the Lord in others as our "brother's keeper". How well we as a human species prudently manage to maintain a healthy balance of the biogeochemical cycles of the ecosystem in harmony with the natural life cycles in homeostasis within the range of optimum between to two extremes of the various environental stress factors determines the success or failure of our stewardship role over the Earth and its renewable natural resources for future generations of our children and their future progeny. This stewardship role or "dominion over the Earth" is our role assigned to us by His Divine Majesty, the supreme Sovereign, and King of Kings, Lord Jesus Christ. The opulence of a true King or Sovereign (Citizen) is not intended for any ostentatious display by pretentiousness, but to provide an example of the abundance of blessings of one who is loved by the Lord and is willing to sacrifice all for His sake. A fruit tree does not bear abundant fruit only for itself, but for others to enjoy the sweet fruit provided as food by the tree. The fruit tree benefits by the seeds that are within the fruit that are dispersed by the creatures that eat the fruit and that spread the seeds onto fertile soil, thus insuring the genetic success of the fruit tree species into the future. Thus, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship guarantees the future survival of both the fruit tree by genetic seed distribution and the animals that eat the fruit are provided with the benefit of an abundant food source.
The "social network" cyber websites such as facebook and craigslist and twitter can be used postively to reestablish social relationships or negatively by cyberbullies to "whip up hatred" to destroy social relationships. The negative or anti-social use by espionage (spycams) blackmail and unlawfully publishing invasions of personal privacy and unauthorized unwarrented material taken out of context to promote defamation of character and social ostracism, like the television show "survivor" that promotes the banishment of a citizen by popular vote, otherwise known as the last desperate resort to ad hominem attacks upon a person's character rather than consideration of the relevant truth of the facts, the appeal to the emotional states of envy, or jealousy to promote the rejection or exclusion of a person from a group or acceptance by society.  The unreasoning and insane "mob" rule by vociferous protests, to verbally abuse, to impugn by screaming and yelling abuses and casting aspersions in an attempt to stifle and drown out the calm voice of reason is referred to as "the court of public opinion" and is a clear fraudulent attempt to subvert and undermine the TRUTH of the facts and JUSTICE by a true legitimate court of law because the TRUTH HURTS! The classic example of a fraudulent court of public opinion was the "trial" of Barrabass and Jesus of Nazareth. Barrabass, the popular hero, was a triple MURDERER, was set free, and Jesus of Nazareth who was AN INNOCENT MAN that was NOT GUILTY of ANY CRIME, but was CONVICTED and sentenced to DEATH for the "BLASPHEMY" of speaking the TRUTH ("You have taken my father's house and turned into a den of THIEVES!") was EXECUTED. Was that JUSTICE? Obviously not, it was a TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE, a FRAUD, don't you agree? Jesus of Nazareth should have been set free as an innocent man and the MASS MURDERER, BARRABASS, SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED on the cross to achieve true JUSTICE according to the TRUTH of the FACTS and the LAW. BUT NOOO, Jesus of Nazareth didn't win the popularity contest in the fraudulent Jewish "COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION" and was ostracized and excluded by popular VOTE disregarding and ignoring the TRUTH of the facts and allowing the mass murderer Barabass to literally get away with murder, to kill with impunity by a mindless, insane mob rule, not the RULE OF LAW of a legitimate COURT OF LAW. The Catholic mystic and saint Theresa of Avila (whose incorruptible body remains visible under a glass casket to this day after more than 400 years in Avila, Spain) said "There is no body of Christ...except yours!" 

Pastor Jailed for Hosting Church Services in Home

Pastor Jailed for Hosting Church Services in Home

The New American
August 7, 2012

Phoenix pastor Michael Salman is currently serving a 60-day sentence in a Maricopa County, Arizona, jail for violating his probation by holding religious services on his property, which is said to be in violation of zoning and building codes.
Salman, a husband and father of six, is an ordained pastor at the Church of God in Christ and a founder of Harvest Christian Fellowship.
In 2010, Salman was found guilty of nearly 70 Class 1 misdemeanors involving code violations in his home where he held church services, including not having lighted emergency exits, fire doors, or sprinklers. He appealed his convictions but the court upheld them.
On July 9, Salman began his jail term after being charged with hosting Bible sessions for as many as 80 people on his four-acre property, which he attempted to claim as a tax-exempt church. The city contends that as a church, Salman’s building was in violation of several codes.
Salman argues that he and his family should have a right to worship in his home and that his home was not used for public services and therefore should not be required to meet code requirements.
“The only people who came to our home were family and friends,” Salman said in a video posted online before he reported to jail this week. “Our home was not open to the public; it was private. We’ve never advertised. We’ve never had signage.”
The city claims to have evidence to the contrary, however, including photos of signage as well as pamphlets advertising services at the Salmans’ home.
Likewise, the Maricopa County Assessor’s Office classified the Salmans’ home as a church in 2008, and the Salman family has not had to pay property taxes on their home as a result.
Deputy city prosecutor John Tutelman asserted that the conviction is not focused on the Bible studies but on the building where they were held.
“The real issue isn’t the content of what goes on in the building,” Tutelman explained. “It’s the assembly itself. And he told us with all the evidence that it was a church.”
“The real issue is an assembly of a number of people in a structure that was not designed to comply with the city codes,” Tutelman continued. “If he set up a sign for a movie theater, we’d be prosecuting him for holding an assembly if it didn’t comply with the city codes.”



GOD: Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going
on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle
and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those
plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon.
The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and
flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now. But, all
I see are these green rectangles.

St. FRANCIS: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites. They
started calling your flowers 'weeds' and went to great lengths to kill them and
replace them with grass.

GOD: Grass? But, it's so boring. It's not colorful. It doesn't attract
butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to
temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep
it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other
plant that crops up in the lawn.

GOD: The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast.
That must make the Suburbanites happy.

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little, they cut
it-sometimes twice a week.

GOD: They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?

ST. FRANCIS: Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.

GOD: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?

ST. FRANCIS: No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.

GOD: Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And,
when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?

ST. FRANCIS: Yes, Sir.

GOD: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the
rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of

ST. FRANCIS: You aren't going to believe this, Lord. When the grass stops
growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it, so they can
continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.

GOD: What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer
stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to
provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn, they fall to the ground
and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees
and bushes. It's a natural cycle of life.

ST. FRANCIS: You better sit down, Lord. The Suburbanites have drawn a new
circle. As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to
have them hauled away.

GOD: No!? What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to
keep the soil moist and loose?

ST. FRANCIS: After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something
which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the

GOD: And where do they get this mulch?

ST. FRANCIS: They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.

GOD: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you're
in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?

ST. CATHERINE: 'Dumb and Dumber', Lord. It's a story about....

GOD: Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis. 

He Fought for the Ten Commandments - Now He Needs You to Fight for Him

Dear Friend,

You may know Judge Roy Moore for the battle he waged over a display of the Ten Commandments.

Judge Moore was removed from office of Chief Justice in 2003 because he refused to remove a display of the Ten Commandments and disavow God.

In March of this year, the people of Alabama sent a loud and clear message to the state and nation.

Judge Moore won the Republican Primary for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama!

If Judge Moore wins in November, he will be the highest elected Judge in the United States of America.

Judge Moore needs your help to win in November, click here to support him.

We need a God-fearing Chief Justice who will uphold the Constitution of The United States and who will stand for what made our Christian Nation great!

We are watching judges ignore and dismantle the greatest constitution in world history.

Today I am writing to ask you to help Judge Moore win in November.

Your generous gift will help Judge Moore restore faith, family and freedom in Alabama and across our great nation. For contributions of $50 or more, we'll send you an autographed copy of Judge Moore's book, "So Help Me God."

"Against all odds, with little money and given little chance to win by the establishment, the people of Alabama chose me as their nominee for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in the Republican Primary. I won with 50.3% of the vote against the sitting Chief Justice and another well-known Judge. For this I am truly thankful."

"I believe our nation is at a crossroads and if we don't work together, we will lose our nation as we know it."

"This great nation was founded on a belief in God and founded on Christian Principles."

Please take a moment to help Judge Moore's candidacy by pledging your support.

"I pledge to fight for the rights and freedoms given to us by God and guaranteed under the greatest constitution of government ever devised by man.

"As a graduate of West Point and a Vietnam veteran I knew men who gave their lives for our country. We must not allow others to take from us the rights and liberties for which they died. Duty, Honor and Country are more than meaningless words and phrases; they give us our national framework and set our country apart, as President Ronald Reagan once said, 'a shining city on a hill.'

"As former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, I have the highest regard for the United States Constitution and our state Constitution, both of which every elected official in my state is sworn to uphold. The Bill of Rights was meant to protect our rights of life, liberty and property. We cannot give it up without a fight.

"Finally, as a husband, father of four, and President of the Foundation for Moral Law in Montgomery, Alabama, I have fought aggressively to eliminate pornography, crime and drugs while upholding the most critical building block of our society, the traditional family.

"I am prepared to fight. I hope you will join me."

--Judge Roy Moore

The battle is not to the strong alone, it is to the vigilant, the active and the brave. Together, we will prevail, and with God's blessings we will preserve our civil and religious freedoms for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and our country.

If you can give $25 – it will go a long way to helping Judge Moore win the election in November.

I am aware that such a challenge will demand great financial resources, so I appreciate your prayerful willingness to contribute.

We need to stand together.

Together we can make a difference.

Judge Moore needs your help to win the election in November.

Our time is short.

Thank you and May God Bless you and your family,

Dean Young
Chief Campaign Fundraiser
Judge Moore for Chief Justice Committee
Click Here to Support Judge Moore

Pd for by Judge Roy Moore for Chief Justice Committee, PO Box 4186, Montgomery AL 36103 

Researchers Use WiFi Radar to Covertly Monitor the Movement of People Through Walls

Researchers Use WiFi Radar to Covertly Monitor the Movement of People Through Walls

By Madison Ruppert
August 7, 2012
In today’s world, the seeming safety and privacy 

Of course, those examples represent just one of the many ways in which our privacy is being invaded and diminished with a vengeance in the United States today.
Now new method is being explored by researchers which could allow people to use so-called “bistatic WiFi radar” at a distance in order to covertly detect and monitor people moving behind walls.
The researchers published the findings in a paper called “Through-the-Wall Sensing of Personnel Using Passive Bistatic WiFi Radar at Standoff Distances” in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, volume 50, Issue 4.
The emphasis appears to be the ability to detect people “uncooperatively and covertly,” something which is also becoming increasingly important in facial recognition technology and other biometric technologies.
The researchers, who are affiliated with the Department of Security and Crime Science at the University College London in the United Kingdom, have demonstrated the first successful through-the-wall (TTW) detection of moving people using passive WiFi radar.
The experiments carried out by the researchers included various situations involving target personnel moving around inside a building within the coverage area of a WiFi access point.
The targeted individuals inside the building were then monitored from outside using a 2.4-GHz passive multistatic receiver. The data was then processed offline in order to yield information about the targets.
Currently, the biggest limitation on the system is the signal-to-interference ratio, or SIR. However, the researchers have already demonstrated a way to suppress this interference considerably.
This method is based on the CLEAN algorithm, normally used in radio astronomy and is, according to the researchers, capable of improving the SIR by around 19 dB, which is quite considerable.
The findings of the researchers have left them quite optimistic about the potential applications of this privacy-destroying technology.
Indeed, they went as far as to state, “These encouraging initial findings demonstrate the potential for using passive WiFi radar as a low-cost TTW detection sensor with widespread applicability.”
In other words, passive WiFi radar could be leveraged in order to monitor the movements of people through walls in a widespread and cost-efficient manner.
Making surveillance increasingly cost effective seems to be a high priority for the intelligence community and the industry which is supported by it.
This can be seen in moves towards low-cost solutions (which allow for increasing ubiquity of surveillance) including the $50 spy computer known as the F-BOMB, the rise of remote biometrics and behavior detection in CCTV systems, along with advances in “behavioral recognition” software systems for surveillance.
All of these advances are an effort to expand the United States government’s massive illegal surveillance program, which was recently exposed in court by former National Security Agency (NSA) employees, through lowering the amount of human and monetary resources needed to carry out widespread surveillance.
If this type of technology can prove to be useful in that effort, I believe it is safe to say that it will indeed be used for that purpose, despite the fact that even the government now admits that they breached the 4th Amendment on at least one occasion.
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This article originally appeared on End the Lie