Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DHS Orders Over a Half Ton of High Explosives

DHS Orders Over a Half Ton of High Explosives

By James Smith
August 8, 2012
A solicitation placed today at the Government marketplace shows that the Department of Homeland Security, via the Transportation Safety Administration has requested 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX, with a deliver date by 31 August 2012. That is less than 4 days before the start of the Democrat National Convention.
Why would the DHS/TSA order such material? From their Statement of Work:
Name of Requisitioning Office:  National Canine Program (NCP)/ Canine Explosives Section (CES)
Scope of the Product, Service, or Outcome:
The CES requires the 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX to  provide Canine Explosive Training Aids  (CETAs) to NCP participants. The supplier must be able to meet the exact requirements by August 31st, 2012.  Substituions for this product are not acceptable

SECTION III: Background
The CES is required to provide NCP participants with CETAs. The CES has selected to use High Density Ammonium Nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX as it will provide NCP participants with a more realistic training aid and compliment the current aids provided.
This all comes on the heels of a solicitation for sheet style high powered plastic explosives that we reported on earlier in the week.
The problem is very clear. As stated in the ATF Law Enforcement Guide to Explosives Incident Reporting document:
In order to detonate ammonium nitrate, the use of a booster is required. Commercially, Pentolite and RDX are used as a booster, while the military will often use TNT as the booster.
Instead of using a poor quality analog (aka hamburger) for Ammonium Nitrate to train dogs, they are requesting High Density, or the Kobe Beef of Ammonium Nitrate (AN). And in order to detonate the AN, RDX is used. The Department of Homeland Security is requesting BOTH components of a binary explosive compound to be delivered to a government facility in downtown Atlantic City, New Jersey.
To put the amount of explosives into perspective, Timothy McVeigh used 5,000 pounds of AN and motor racing fuel. RDX has a much greater explosive capacity than racing fuel, and McVeigh was a party to mass murder and destruction that would be on par with these materials being detonated.
If a dog needed only 1 ounce of each material in order to be trained and tested, there is enough material for 11,200 dogs at the same time.
This article originally appeared at:

German Spy Reveals Secret US-Hollow Earth Pact For Global Rule

August 8, 2012
German Spy Reveals Secret US-Hollow Earth Pact For Global Rule
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly bizarre Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today on the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR“asset” arrested yesterday by Germany’s National Intelligence Service (BND) for spying states that this German national has provided to Russian officials “compelling evidence” that the United States has entered into a “secret pact” with “unnamed forces” inhabiting our Earth’s interior regions for the purpose of ruling the world.
Western media sources reporting on this incident state that BND forces arrested a man identified only asManfred K., age 60, stating that he intended to give the information he acquired over to a “third party”unconfirmed reports say was, indeed, the SVR.
Manfred K., according to these reports, was a civilian worker at the United States-NATO Ramstein Air Baselocated in the German state of Rheinland-Pfalz, which is the command and control hub for the Western alliance’s European missile defense forces and headquarters of the US Air Forces in Europe, and who had access to many top secret documents.
According to this FSB report, some of the intelligence turned over to the SVR by Manfred K. included maps produced by the German Nazi Regime in the 1930’s and 1940’s detailing their underground bases located on the continent of Antarctica, the most shocking of them being [photo 2nd left] one that details in great depth our Earth’s hollow interior and the lands that exist there.
Important to note is that Germany has long been fascinated with Antarctica after noted German scientist Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), who is ranked as one of history's most influential mathematicians, stated that all of Earth’s history, physics and geography could only be explained by our planet having a hollow, and populated, interior with the entrances to it being located at both the North and South Poles.
From 1901-1903 Germany conducted its first exploration of Antarctica in what is called the Gauss Expeditionwhere they claimed for themselves vast areas of our planets southern most continent.
Being fascinated with the discoveries made by German scientists during the Gauss Expedition the great American explorer Admiral Robert Edwin Peary, Sr. (1856-1920) embarked on a similar mission and in 1909 became the first man to reach the North Pole after which he was awarded the Imperial German Geographical Society Nachtigall gold medal, among many other international awards and honors.
Based upon the discoveries made by both the Gauss Expedition of Antarctica and Admiral Peary’s of theArctic, the famous American scientist Marshall B. Gardner in 1920 authored a book titled “A Journey to the Earth's Interior-or- Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?” which he then presented to both the US and German governments asking them to explain many things including:
“How do scientists explain the fact that when we go north it becomes colder up to a certain point and then begins to get warm? How do they explain the further fact that the source of this warmth is not any influence from the south but a series of currents of warm water and of warm winds from the north - supposed to be a land of solid ice? Where can these currents come from? How could they come from anything else but an open sea? And why should there be a warm open sea at the very place where scientists expect to find eternal ice? Where could this warm water possibly come from?”
“Why also should explorers find the inhospitable ice cliffs of the far north covered in large areas with the red pollen of an unknown plant? And why should they find the seeds of tropical plants floating in these waters - when they are not found in more southern waters? How should logs and branches of trees, sometimes with fresh buds on them be found in these waters, all being borne down by the warm currents from the north?”
“Why should the northern parts of Greenland be the world's greatest habitat of the mosquito, an insect which is only found in warm countries ? How could it have gotten to Greenland if it came from the south? Where do all the foxes and hares go which are seen traveling north in Greenland? Where did the bears go? Was it possible that such large creatures as bears could find sustenance on plains of eternal ice?”
“How do scientists explain the fact that practically every competent explorer from the earlier days down to Nansen has admitted that when he got to the Far North his theories of what he should find failed to work and his methods of finding his positions also failed to work? How do scientists explain these passages from Nansen which we have quoted, showing that he was absolutely lost in the Arctic region?”
“How do scientists explain the migrations of those birds which appear in England and other northern countries one part of the year, in the tropics in another part of the year, but disappear entirely in the winter?”
By 1938, with the Nazis now in control of Germany, none of the questions asked by Gardner had been answered whereupon Chancellor Adolf Hitler orderedanother expedition to Antarctica that lasted until 1939.
What was discovered in Antarctica by the Nazis during the 1938-1939 Antarctica expedition remains to this day highly classified among all the top world governments, with many speculating that a “deal” to end the war in Europe (World War II) was made between Germany and United States that allowed the Americans to gain German technology (atomic bombs, missile technology, jet fighter technology, etc.) in exchange for allowing top German leaders (including Adolf Hitler) to “retreat” to their massive bases they had built in and under the Southern Continent.
In 1946 the Western allies led by the United States apparently attempted to retake Antarctica from the Nazis in what was called “Operation Highjump”. Though this mission was purported be for scientific reasons, numerous other reports state that these American led forces were forced to retreat after having lost over 1,500 troops and suffering massive military material losses.
Returning in 1947 to the United StatesAdmiral Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957), the commander of Operation Highjump, is said to have warned that “the largest menace came now from the South Pole because they had observed airships that could fly to impressive speeds.”
The importance of Admiral Byrd leading Operation Highjump was noted by American scientist Dr. R. W. Bernard who in his 1964 book titled “The Hollow Earth-The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History” credited Byrd with discovering both the North and South Pole openings to the inner reaches of our planet and in his dedication stated:
To if this FSB report is true, and the United States has now entered into a pact with those who inhabit our inner Earth, it bears notice that the ancient symbol associated with these inner Earth peoples is the oldest on Earth dating back to very dawn of time from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, but more well known for its last incarnation as being the hated and feared symbol used by the Nazi Germans called the swastika.   
August 8, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

A Real Cowboy Has NO FEAR

                                Ya gotta LUV   IT !!

Memories of Channel 5

If you're over 50 this will bring back a lot of memories.

Memories of Channel 5

Somebody put a lot of time and effort in this video - wow, what a trip down memory lane & worth watching.

Center Of The Bible presentation

Even if you're NOT interested in the Bible, I think you'll find this interesting plus the photography is awesome! 

Subject: Center of the Bible - A Must See!!! BREATHTAKING!!]

To all who seek to be in the center of GOD's will.  Be blessed.


Ever wonder why presidents before Barack Obama didn’t feel the need to publicly berate the U.S. Supreme Court during a State of the Union address, even when they disagreed with a decision, as Obama did over the campaign finance ruling?
Did you think why earlier presidents did not demand ranks of unaccountable “czars” in the White House, to address everything from water use to executive pay?
And did you notice the reams of orders emanating from the Obama White House regarding immigration policy, social welfare programs and terrorism policy, issues that logically should be addressed by Congress?
There’s one many who’s noticed it all: Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who has directed the new “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” about Obama and his past.
Gilbert purports in his production that Obama’s biological father was not the “Kenyan goat herder” Barack Obama Sr., who visited the United States as a student and later returned to Kenya.
Instead, his evidence suggests that Obama’s biological father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist, and who has prevailing influence over White House actions even today.
Gilbert told WND that his background in Middle East and Islamic studies had him working in 2010 on “Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad’s Coming War and Obama’s Politics of Defeat.”
He reviewed hundreds of Obama speeches during that research and noted an “odd” pattern of behavior in Obama.
“When speaking of issues relating to the rich and the poor, Obama became very excited, speaking rapidly and louder, always in a higher pitch. On other subjects, he was quite calm. Why would Obama have an inner passion for class struggle? From my knowledge of his background, exclusive prep school, Ivy Leagues, Harvard Law – it didn’t seem to fit,” he said.
But for Gilbert, a film director, writer, and musician who creates documentaries through his Highway 61 Entertainment, the light clicked on when he read Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father.”
There were multiple references to Obama seeking out Marxist individuals, pursuing socialist events, and advocating for a “community” lifestyle.
His investigation then turned to Davis, whose name repeatedly was mentioned in Obama’s writing.
“His close physical resemblance to Obama was shocking, while Obama little resembled the Kenyan Obama. How could this be?” he wonderedon his website about the new “Dreams” production.
“I unearthed two film archives of Frank Marshall Davis, one from 1973, the other from 1987, as well as Davis’ photo collection. I then acquired 500 copies of the Honolulu Record, the communist run newspaper where Davis wrote a weekly political column for eight years. I also obtained seven indecent photos of Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, taken at Frank Marshall Davis’ house, suggesting an intimate connection between Dunham and Davis.
“I concluded that to understand Obama’s plans for America, the question was ‘Who is the real father?’”
Gilbert, who previously challenged Hollywood’s comfort zone with “Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and the Revolt of Islam,” said the bottom line is that Obama’s “story” of an inspiring childhood is just not real.
Gilbert told WND, “I felt I could build a case that Obama in fact had a very deeply disturbing family background.”
And Obama is, in fact, pursuing the “dreams” from his “father” – his real father, a “likely Soviet agent,” Gilbert said.
There is an ever-present set of themes about which Obama revolves, he said, including a “top 1 percent taking advantage” and “a proletariat being taken advantage of.”
There are “evil straw men preventing the working class from upward mobility,” he said. “This is classic Marxist ideology.”
Even Obama’s recent claims to small business owners that “You didn’t build that,” align with the ideology of Karl Marx.
“This is all the justification for taking over, redistributing wealth. It’s preliminary talk for telling people they are being oppressed by evil straw men,” he continued.
Gilbert felt he had to tell the story – especially as the primary major media outlets in the nation are isolating and ignoring the issues at hand regarding Obama – and he turned to film.
“My ‘Dreams’ provides the first cohesive understanding of Obama’s deep rooted life journey in socialism. It includes Obama’s indoctrination in Marxism by Frank Marshall Davis, his college years, his job as ‘organizer,’ his involvement with Project Vote and the subprime mortgage crisis, the Ayers family, Alinsky and Reverend Wright, all the way to his campaigns and presidency,” he said.
He said it is “shocking” how the long-independent media in the United States has decided to “support this false narrative” of Obama’s Kenyan father and typical childhood.
He said as part of his effort to get the message out, he’s working on delivery of copies of his DVD to members of the public.
Gilbert told WND his goal is based on the fact that Americans are a great people, and they “deserve to elect … a president on a truthful and honest depiction of both his political foundations, his background and his plans and what he will do.”
“We deserve and must have honesty from candidates as to what they intend to do,” he said. “Barack Obama has violated that trust to their votes.”
Gilbert said Obama needs to speak honestly about those issues.
“Obama must come clean and admit his real background, who is his real father,” he said, so that voters can vote based on who he really is and what he wants to do.
See a bit of the DVD:
“Obama’s election was not a sudden political phenomenon. It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that Frank Marshall Davis nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii, and has been quietly infiltrating the U.S. economy, universities, and media for decades,” Gilbert warned.
“‘Problem solving’ and ‘fair play’ are the new code words that socialists employ in a determined strategy to move the Democratic party to the far left, and embrace socialism as their natural ideology. Obama’s anti-democratic behavior, including consolidation of power through Czars, going around Congress, intimidating the Supreme Court, and class polarization tactics can be better understood after viewing ‘Dreams from My Real Father.’”

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 8, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 8, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 8-Aug-2012 06:45:14

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - August 8, 2012
We wish to make this special message in view of the amount of publicity that is associated with the Olympic Games, and the possibility of Disclosure. It is creating an enormous amount of goodwill by bringing the people together as never before. The benefits ripple out all across the world and help overcome the prejudice created and played upon by the dark Ones. People power is as relevant as ever if not more so, as you are awakening to your real potential as the powerful Beings you really are. What you focus upon is where you place your energy, and you are winning the battle for the Light in this way. Keep away from the negative messages and do not let them pull you down.
We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.
So even when the result is not what you have focused upon, you have helped bring it that much nearer to fruition. So perhaps you will understand that when we see the potential for strengthening the Light upon Earth, we will not cast doubt upon what you are doing but even encourage you to do so. For example the idea of the 4th. August being a special day, was born out of rumors circulating for quite some time that suggested that the dark Ones were themselves proposing to use the Olympics for a false flag attack.
We anticipated your thoughts that saw a way of countering such an idea, and rather than discourage you we stood aside to allow you free expression. By doing so in short time large numbers of Lightworkers shared the same desire for Disclosure to come out in some form or another, during the Olympic Games. That created a great aura of Light around them and offset the intentions of the dark Ones, and made it more difficult for them to succeed. So do you understand why we would not interfere, or try to distract you from what you were doing.
What we knew about it did not matter, because your actions were serving a grand purpose even if you were unaware of it. In reality if sufficient numbers of you were all focusing on the same outcome, you could achieve a positive result. We would not pre-judge it or tell you it could not be done, as that would sway you in a way that could prevent it from happening. So what we are saying now about the Olympic Games, is keep your positive focus upon it knowing that it will put a Light barrier in place for its protection. Anything more that is achieved will be wonderful, but whatever you do it will take you a step nearer to Disclosure.
There was of course a Space Craft present when the opening ceremony was taking place, and it was intended to be seen as a way of showing that we were there. It received little coverage but millions of people observed it, and it will be another positive step forward to bringing pressure to bear upon the Governments to acknowledge our presence. We are pushing for such action, and our allies are putting pressure upon the authorities to respond. Dear Ones you know it will come, so please go with the flow and do not make the job of Lightworkers any harder than it is already.
We are aware that quite a number of sources are creating fear by spreading the idea that a false flag attack is imminent, but by doing so they give the dark Ones the precise energy they feed off. We do have Divine authority to intervene and while there may be an attempt to frighten people with a fake alien attack, nuclear devices will not be allowed to be used. We shall be ready to assess any attempt of the Illuminati to cause trouble, and that is all we are prepared to comment on for now. These closing months of the cycle of duality are not for the benefit of the dark Ones, but for you who have applied yourselves to the disciplines required to ascend. It is your time to take charge of your future and we will see that it finishes that way.
We also know that another attempt is being made that will possibly lead to Disclosure, and it is a preferable alternative to what we have in mind. We have always informed you that we wanted you to be seen to be at the front of such actions, but we cannot give you details at present as we do not want to prejudice what is in course of taking place. There are other developments that may also bring Disclosure about, and it is already general knowledge that Steven Greer has made a film that will also bring about a move to bring about full Disclosure.
So Dear Ones the pressure is on those who can authorize Disclosure to make it happen, and it cannot be held back much longer. So please do not think that if it does not happen as you expect, that it represents some kind of failure. Much is going on that requires good faith in us, knowing that all of the time we are working for your release from the dark Ones. Also remember that we have a far greater view of what is taking place on Earth, and move according to the opportunities that present themselves. We ask that you allow us to decide what is in your best interests, and wholeheartedly support us. Anything less is not helpful to the cause or goal to get you firmly on the path to Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we do commend you for your dedicated work by helping the changes through. You have achieved so much in a comparatively short time, and have only to look back to the beginning of this century to see how true that is. Do not waver now and be on your guard for the last attempts by those who oppose the changes, and try to carry on imposing the old ways upon you. There are changes occurring faster than ever, but some are monumental in size and cannot happen overnight. Do your part and we will do ours, and together we are victorious. I close with Love for you our brothers and sisters from the stars.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Military uses ‘Tea Party’ activists as terror event scenario

Can "We the People" really expect any help from the military under any circumstance?  It certainly doesn't appear that way!

Military uses ‘Tea Party’ activists as terror event scenario

Editor’s Note – Its small wonder so many Americans fear their government. Active preparation to prepare for an internal domestic terrorist(s) event shows that bias the so many have in government employment. If you are a Tea Party activist - these ‘planners’ think you are a likely terrorist for their scenarios.
When OWS “demonstrators” reek havoc, there is no out cry from these people, but when patriotic, law-abiding Americans citizens threaten their jobs through the process of the ballot box and legislation, – tax cuts, budget slashing, and reductions – those Tea Party people must be worse than actual criminals.
Liberalism, big government, and ‘Big Brother’ pervades DC administration departments, and the Pentagon apparently!
The ‘appointment and hiring’ party of the Obama Administration has infiltrated everything, along with foreign and ideological influences like the Muslim Brotherhood. It may take a generation or more to remove the cancer.

Army colonel ignites firestorm with article on crushing a ‘tea party insurgency’

By Anthony Martin – The Examiner
A retired U.S. Army colonel who now teaches modern warfare to soldiers at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. has co-written an article with a Civil War expert that has ignited a firestorm today among those increasingly concerned about what some say is a distinct anti-civilian one that has infected much of the military and Homeland Security since 2009.
Retired Col. Kevin Benson and Jennifer Weber, Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas, co-wrote an article for Small Wars Journal on a 2010 Army report titled, “U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, The Army Operating Concept 2016 – 2028.”
The report describes how the Army will respond to threats “at home and abroad” in the coming two decades and in doing so has made clear that a monumental cultural shift has occurred in the thinking of those at the top levels of military command. This shift has some government watchdogs worried, particularly given that Benson is using the platform provided at Fort Leavenworth to indoctrinate soldiers in his vision of the nature of modern warfare in America. According to the vision articulated by Benson, future warfare will be conducted on our own soil. The military will use its full force against our own citizens. The enemy will be average citizens whose values resonate with those articulated by the tea party.
The fictitious scenario used in the Army report as a teaching tool is a future insurrection of “tea party activists” in South Carolina. As the scenario goes, the tea party group stages a takeover of the town of Darlington, S.C. The mayor is placed under house arrest and prevented from exercising his duties. The police chief, the county sheriff, and other law enforcement officials are removed from office and told not to interfere. The city council is dissolved. The governor of the state, who had previously expressed solidarity with tea party goals, does little to address the situation.
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 26: Members of the audience watch a video message from U.S. President Barack Obama during an event to observe the "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month" June 26, 2012 at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. It was the first-ever LGBT event held at the Pentagon. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
A news conference is called by the new town leaders, all tea party activists, who tell the media that due to the failure of central government to address the concerns of the citizens, the Declaration of Independence has been re-imposed and the local government has been declared null and void. From the report:
When the leaders of the group hold a press conference to announce their goals, they invoke the Declaration of Independence and argue that the current form of the federal government is not deriving its “just powers from the consent of the governed” but is actually “destructive to these ends.” Therefore, they say, the people can alter or abolish the existing government and replace it with another that, in the words of the Declaration, “shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” While mainstream politicians and citizens react with alarm, the “tea party” insurrectionists in South Carolina enjoy a groundswell of support from other tea party groups, militias, racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, anti-immigrant associations such as the Minutemen, and other right-wing groups.
Several items of interest are to be noted in the scenario the Army uses to describe the tea party activists — “right wing,” “extremists,” “insurrectionists,” all of whom are lumped together with militias and organizations that are considered “racist” and “anti-immigration.”
By contrast, those who oppose the tea party are referred to as “mainstream.”
The obvious question that arises is why would this sort of scenario, with its obviously biased and skewed portrayals, be presented as a teaching tool to young soldiers? Why would the U.S. military consider the tea party to be “extremist” or “insurrectionist?” And why would the tea party be classified together with groups that are “racist, “anti-immigration,” and “extremist right wing?”
In the numerous tea party rallies that have occurred across the nation no racism was noted by any observer. Speakers included persons of all races and ethnic backgrounds. No sentiment was expressed against legal immigration but outrage was directed toward those break the law and enter the country by illegal means. And the charge that the tea party is extremist right wing is difficult to justify given that the main thrust of the movement is the protest against runaway government spending that has placed the nation on the brink of economic ruin due to its enormous and unsustainable debt.
Yet repeatedly since the election of Barack Obama in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has referred to the tea party as “potential homegrown terrorists.
Why? Not a shred of evidence remotely suggests that the tea party has any connection whatsoever with terrorists. Yet some of President Obama’s closet longtime friends have not only been associated with terrorism but actively participated in it, such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who as members of the Weathermen from the 1960s and 70s bombed federal buildings that resulted in the deaths of police officers.
But if one listens to the rhetoric emanating from the White House, DHS, and now the U.S. military, one gets the impression that none of the president’s friends ever posed a threat to the country but hundreds of thousands of tea party activists are ticking time bombs lying in wait to unleash a nuke on an American city at the drop of a hat.
The brainwashing against conservatives by this administration has had a definite impact on the military. One analyst who works for retired U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely told this reporter that now over half of Pentagon personnel are solidly in Obama’s corner and share his values and world view.
And with the publication of the Benson and Weber article, it is now clear that the U.S. Army considers it a valid proposition to assume that a future civil war will be sparked not by extremist Islamists with dirty bombs or left wing insurrectionists inspired by Alinsky or Ayers but by the tea party and the conservatives who participate in it.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 8-Aug-2012 01:20:22

Claim: 'Absolute proof' Obama was Indonesian citizen
Confirms WND reporting in 2008 of president's school records
by Jerome R. Corsi
A college classmate of Barack Obama who wrote a column asserting “The Obama Scandal is at Columbia” says he received a call from a reporter who claims to have “absolute proof” Obama became an Indonesian citizen.
WND has reported since 2008 that an Indonesian school record shows Obama attended school in the Asian nation registered as an Indonesian citizen and as a Muslim.
Wayne Allyn Root, in an interview with fill-in host Joe Pagliarulo on the “Glenn Beck Program,” said he received a phone call at 4 a.m. this morning from an investigative reporter with probing Obama’s past in Indonesia.
The reporter, according to Root, a former Libertarian Party vice-presidential nominee, said he has “absolute proof” Obama was adopted by his mother’s new husband and became an Indonesian citizen.
“It’s a fact, it’s not a question,” the reporter told Root. “I’m looking at [the proof] right now.”
Information about Obama’s Indonesian schooling first surfaced in January 2007 in a blog called An American Expat in Southeast Asia. The blog documented Obama was registered Jan. 1, 1968, under the name Barry Soetoro, with serial number 203, in Class 1B at the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School in Jakarta.
School records listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961.
His religion was listed as Islam.
According to the blog, school documents recorded Barry’s father as L. Soetoro Ma, a worker in the director general’s office in the TNI Topography division of the Indonesian army.
The records indicated Barry attended the Franciscan school for three years, until Class 3.
WND reported Aug. 17, 2008, that conformation for Obama’s attendance in the Indonesian school came with the surfacing of a 2007 Associated Press photograph by Tatan Syuflana, an Indonesian AP reporter and photographer. The photo showed Obama’s registration card at the Assisi school.

"Cashing In" your IQD and VND


"Cashing In" your IQD and VND

We are right on the cusp- literally- of the RV happening.  No Jets landing, nor any 747's, no ships docking, not ASN/AMN.....   We are right there.

I have  just a few things to say about the Global Currency Revaluation and I want to clear up some misconceptions and put to rest some ridiculous stories.

1-  If you are in the US register for The Studley/General 64's bank package-  - you do NOT have to give out ultra private personal information, you do NOT have to list how much dinar you have.  Unless you happen to be holding 500 million IQD and know a Wells Fargo Executive personally, you will NOT get a better rate anywhere. 

2- Do NOT give your Dinar/Dong to anyone to cash in for you!  Seriously people! If someone tells you that they can get you $55 per Dinar, they are LYING!!!  I can guarantee that once this RV goes live, NO ONE will be getting $55 (any more)

3- None of the REAL exchange groups use Brokers, Escrow accounts,  group trust accounts or any sort of middle man. 

4- You MUST call to make an appointment- don't wait in the parking lot all night hoping to get in first. This is not like buying concert tickets. You MUST MUST MUST have an appointment.

5- When you get your appointment, do NOT show up to the bank wearing a neon orange shirt that says "I'm a filthy rich Dinarian!"  That's like wearing a sign that says "I'm a stupid redneck with a ridiculous amount of money and I have no idea what to do with it so please mug me!"

6. Along with the RV is coming huge changes to all aspects of the financial industry and global economy.  Do NOT invest money into any government or bank investments and stay out of the stock exchange for 3-6 months or until the financial world has settled down again.

REMEMBER: This is a currency exchange.  You get your email with your code and 1 800 number, you make an appointment, you go to the BANK, give them your IQD and/or VND, they verify that it's legal currency, they take it and they hand you a deposit slip with your shiny new bank balance.  Once that's done you can talk about trust funds and credit cards and all the fancy perks that your bank will now offer you.  But it's still just a currency exchange.

 ... and in closing:  On Your Marks.....  Get Set.....