Thursday, August 9, 2012


Das Papieren, Bitte!  

It happened to me today.  I ran smack into the fascistic wall being built around the USA, formerly known as the 'land of the free'.  While ALL of the patriotic rhetoric of my youth is suspect, I had not anticipated ever running into the dreaded 'papers check'...that in the old Nazi movies begins with the phrase:  Das papierien, bitte!   Of course, they do say, 'please', but it is a command nonetheless. "Hand over your papers!".  In this instance is was a drivers license that was demanded, but the sense is the same....das paperien, bitte! 
Get used to it. For the remaining months that government has (above ground), at least here in the former land of the free range deluded patriot, the screws are tightening down all over.
Government is force. But, they can never actually afford to use force against more than a few citizens at a time without risking the 'Anaheim response' in which local residents battle police over brutal tactics being applied en masse, otherwise known as rebellion, or even worse, revolution.

You see, they, the government HAS to be sneaky about their use of force, usually targeting people that they make into object lessons in order to coerce the rest of us into staying under control.  But that is breaking down. Probably due to teevee and the baby boom generation and beyond being desensitized to threats as a result of warped brains, but the cause is actually not pertinent.

Government is scared. The systems of control are breaking down, so the natural response of the control freak is to try to grasp harder than ever as they feel the control leaking from their fingers... which leads inevitably to:  Das papierien, bitte!
So there I was, innocently minding my own business, when the demand came. First I could not believe  In America? Demands for identity papers?
"Who asks?" I ask?
Thurston County (state of Washington, Pacific Northwest USA) commissioners demand, came the response.  My own county commissioners?!?  Now they are fascists!  It was simply inconceivable!
While I had, of course, prepared myself for the inevitable intrusion of federal fascism into my life these remaining 8/eight months, it had never, in my wildest imaginings, occurred to me that it would be my own county commissioners who would sell my body to FEMA for harvest but that is where we are heading. No doubt.
It has to do with the level of oppression that the government HAS to use in order to maintain control.  You see, the more desperate (and dangerous) they get, the more that the control freak becomes obsessed with minutia and triviality. 

As a military brat in the American Zone of Occupation in Southern Germany in the 1960's, I had occasion to reside in an apartment building that also housed an aged SS Colonel. We eventually got to talking over time, and one thing he said has always stuck with me.
The spark of the conversation had been when I, rather rudely, asked him why he had been a Nazi? Didn't he know they were the bad guys?'
His response was unexpected in that he told me he joined the SS to save his life and that of his wife. "You see", he said, "we had always planned to get out of Hitler's vision, but we left it too late."
He went on to say that one day it dawned on him just how late it was when he went to buy 'postage coupons' (stamps to us), only to find that he had to sign his name on a government form to send a letter outside the country.

It was then that he decided to join the Nazi apparatus as a safety measure. His thinking being that he (and his wife) would then be part of 'them', rather than 'against them'.
"Und so kinder", he said to me, "when you see that they want your papers to mail a letter, it is too late to get out."
Today I had the same shocking insight when they demanded my papers to dump my trash at the local landfill.  I shit you not. Some nutter fascist Thurston County commissioner (acting for Agenda 21 at the local level here in WA State) has decided that before citizens can throw away their trash, or recycling, they must present their identity papers.  I shit you not.
So, I had, on the spot, early on a Monday morning, after a terrible weekend with no sleep, to decide how to respond. The way my brain saw it at the time, there were 3/three basic options:

I could comply (nope, that did not feel right), or

 I could fight it, which of course meant NOT dumping the trash, and probably would lead to me being involved with politics trying to defeat the retarded politician county commissioner dumb enough to put his name to this 'papers to dump trash policy', and also given the touchy state of the militarized police.....or 

option 3.  It was option 3 that I scam the system.  Actually I was pretty proud of my poor brain for coming up with it...but what I did was to claim 'federal protected class' status....
"Sorry, I am illegal, and have no driver's license". The idea was to have one part of the system now dealing with another.
"OK", said the Land Fill employee. "But I have to fill in something here to let your truck get by, so what's your name?"
"Barak Rodrigues".
He did not bat an eye, and typed it in.
"Address?" he asked?
"Don't got one. Homeless".
"OK, fine" he said, and passed my truck on through.
Today's drive to the landfill changed everything about the USA for me.
Das papierien, bitte!
Oh, and if you had been we is too late to get out.

Study: Almost Half Of Americans Die With Less Than $10,000 In Assets


Study: Almost Half Of Americans Die With Less Than $10,000 In Assets

August 8, 2012 12:30 PM

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (CBS Connecticut) – Close to half of Americans die owning very little in financial assets, with senior citizens relying heavily on Social Security to help get them through their retirement years.
More than 46 percent of Americans find themselves with under $10,000 in financial assets by the time they die, according to a new study examining financial status among senior citizens. The study, “Were They Prepared For Retirement?,” looks at the connection between health and wealth and Americans’ increased reliance on the government.
“Many of these households also have no housing wealth and rely almost entirely on Social Security benefits for support,” wrote the study’s three authors, James Poterba of MIT, Steven Venti of Dartmouth and David Wise of Harvard.
Although the study outlines that most households seem well-prepared for retirement, finding that the average income in the final years is not a significant drop from the average income in a person’s late 50s or early 60s, there’s little wiggle room “to pay for unanticipated needs such as health expenses or other financial shocks or to pay for entertainment, travel, or other activities.”
The study, which was published in accordance with the National Bureau of Economic Research, also linked healthier seniors to having higher assets compared to less healthy seniors.
Poterba wrote that an alteration in the Social Security structure could prove to be a problem in a culture where asset-building isn’t as easy as it once was.
“If we were to substantially reduce Social Security benefits for those later in life, that there is a share of the elderly households for whom that would translate very directly into reduced income, because they seem to have accumulated little in the way of financial resources,” Poterba wrote.


Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man

Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man
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Published: 09 August, 2012, 22:06

US President Barack Obama (AFP Photo / Jim Watson; video by YouTube user TeaPartyOrg)
Barack Obama, the president of the United States of America, was previously married to a gay Pakistani man. That, at least, is according to a noted Tea Party activist and author who swears that he has a case that is simply impermeable.
Barely a year after US President Barack Obama buried the birther argument by providing the country with documentation verifying his American citizenship, an all-new rumor is being propagated after Jerome Corsi, an author and well-known member of the conservative Tea Party movement, says he has uncovered proof that links the commander-in-chief to a hush-hush marriage agreement with a Pakistani man.
“The evidence, I think, is very strong,” Corsi claims in a video he has uploaded on YouTube to the TeaPartyOrg channel on August 6.
That proof, according to Corsi, comes in part from multiple pictures he’s uncovered of President Obama wearing a ring on his finger that were taken before his 1992 wedding to the first lady. That, insists Corsi, clearly shows that he must have been, of course, married to a man.
In one example, Corsi relies on a photo taken years before his marriage to Michelle Obama taken in New York’s Central Park while Obama was “supposedly” attending Columbia University.
In another photo Corsi claims is from the early 1970s, Obama is allegedly wearing a wedding band.
“He’s not married, as far as we know, unless of course this is a love affair with his Pakistani male roommate,” Corsi says. He then refers to other photos of Mr. Obama and a former male colleague, commenting, “I’ve not seen a lot of roommate pictures where two guys are that chummy.”
“The question is not to condemn Obama here for being bisexual or gay, if that’s in fact what he is, but to wonder why he’s gone to the extent of hiding it, especially when he now is supporting same sex marriage what’s the duplicity? What’s the hypocrisy?”
“Evidently Obama has never explained it,” Corsi says. “He has never given any discussion of it. It’s like many of the factors of Obama’s life. There are hidden aspects to it, lies, mysteries disinformation. Increasingly, I try to point out to people that Obama’s life reads like a classic intelligence agency disinformation operation.”
Corsi says he plans on producing more evidence confirming President Obama’s homosexuality next month as Election Day nears.

Breaking News from ITCCS: Key witness to Canadian residential school death dies

August 9, 2012
 Breaking News from ITCCS: Key witness to Canadian residential school death dies

Harry Wilson: 1953-2012

The first eyewitness to go public with his discovery of a dead adolescent at a United Church Indian residential school died yesterday in Vancouver.

Harry Wilson, 59, sustained massive head and brain injuries earlier this year from  an undisclosed cause. He lapsed into a coma and never recovered.

In the spring of 1997, Wilson first spoke about tortures he endured as a child at the Alberni Indian residential school at a public forum organized by Kevin Annett and west coast elders. He was subsequently threatened and assaulted by state-funded tribal council officials in Port Alberni for speaking in the media of his discovery of a dead native student at the United Church's Alberni residential school in the summer of 1967.

Nevertheless, Wilson went on to be a star witness at the historic IHRAAM Tribunal of June 1998, and was featured in the award-winning documentary film on Genocide in Canada, Unrepentant.

Harry Wilson had been homeless for many years. In March of 2011, he told Kevin Annett that two men had beaten him severely and threatened to kill him if he spoke at investigative forums of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.

The Vancouver Coroner's Office refuses to comment on Wilson's death or the head and brain injuries sustained by him.
ITCCS International Communique 9 August 2012

Harry Wilson (l) and Kevin Annett, 1997

A Personal Remembrance
by Kevin D. Annett

I knew Harry for over fifteen years, and rarely have I encountered such heroism and suffering in one man.

Kidnapped by Mounties at age six, sodomized daily by United Church clergy and staff, starved, beaten and drugged, Harry had every reason to die or kill himself at a young age. But there was an iron quality about him that shone through the struggling homeless guy that the world saw. It was such character that caused him to keep speaking out, even after ever increasing beatings and threats.

"I wasn't in the protected group at Alberni (residential school)" Harry told me when we first met, at a public meeting in downtown Vancouver.

"So I got it all the time. I had to hide out at night or they'd get me so I broke out of the place once and I found the body of a dead girl right behind Caldwell Hall. She was from up north. She was about sixteen, all naked and covered in blood. I ran and told Andrews (school Principal). But then he shipped me out to Nanaimo hospital and they put me in a padded cell, stuck needles in me so I wouldn't talk. They kept me there for months, giving me shocks, doing experiments on me"

On February 9, 1998, Harry was about to tell this story to a gathering in Port Alberni when he was approached by two officials of the local state-owned Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council: Charlie Thompson and Ron Hamilton. Both men threatened to kill Harry if he spoke.

In an affidavit Harry swore that same month he states,

"First Ron Hamilton says to me, 'You're going to be real sorry if you talk about tha dead girl'. ... Charlie Thompson came to me after and said, "Harry, you've got half a brain and nobody'll miss you if you're found floating face down in the water.' "

Both Hamilton and Thompson were "enforcers" for the white administration while students at the Alberni residential school during the 1960's.

The nightmare never stopped for Harry after that. He was threatened, pushed around and isolated in his community by all the classic black ops methods. Harry's own lawyer, David Patterson, refused to include Harry's statement about the dead girl in his legal statement of claim. When I asked him why, Patterson said,

"I'm an officer of the court and there are certain issues I'm not allowed to raise, like that dead girl".

Censored and ridiculed, Harry was given $150,000 hush money in a deal that he wasn't allowed to discuss. Within two months, all the money was gone: blown through by family, his lawyer and all sorts of "new friends" that vanished once the money went. Barely a year after his settlement, Harry was homeless again, living off what he could pawn or recycle from garbage bins along east hastings street.

That's where I always found him. His eyes would light up and he'd chortle happily whenever I appeared, and we'd embrace and talk over his life over coffee at the Ovaltine. It was always the same story of unrelieved misery, and every time I saw him, Harry looked older, more beaten, and was more saturated with booze. But he never lost his humor, or his honesty and courage.

Just before I was expelled from vancouver Co-op radio in the summer of 2010, Harry came on my program for a final time to recount the Alberni school nightmare, and more recent criminality by the same United Church of Canada.

"They got two rapists working at the First United overnight drop in" Harry described on the air , a few months before the story broke in the corporate media.

"Nobody's safe at the drop in at nights, especially women. The church hired those fuckers knowing they were rapers. Just like at their rez school."

I tried to keep Harry's spirits up whenever we met, but he was nothing if not a realist. He knew his days were numbered.

In March of last year, I came across Harry at a bus stop. His face was bruised and bloodied and he could barely speak. After I cleaned him up and he'd calmed down, he told me that two men had caught him in an alley and beaten him up. They told him that he'd be killed if he got involved with Kevin Annett's new Tribunal.

"You made that mistake once Harry, don't make it twice or we'll finish the job" said one of the men.

Harry had no reason to lie to me, and every reason to run and hide after the beating. But he stayed on the street, maybe out of intertia, but mostly because it was the only world he knew; and being destitute, he had nothing else to do. But like he told me all the time, he never forgave what had been done to him, and nobody was going to stop him from talking about it.

Somebody finally did stop Harry. A close friend of his told me yesterday that Harry was beaten about the head so badly a few months ago that he suffered "bad brain damage". He slipped into a coma and never came out of it.

I was always so happy whenever I saw Harry, still alive, at a bus stop or in Oppenheimer Park, even if he was completely tanked or wired with his buddies. It was a miracle to me that he could endure a lifetime of beatings, rape, torture and drugging and still be there, a living witness to so much of our crap.

I'll remember Harry like that: as one who endures, like the truth itself. I only hope that his example rubs off on us.

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .

Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).

Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .

Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).

Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 9-Aug-2012 14:03:35

We’re all familiar with Congressman Ron Paul’s frequent calls for a full audit of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve System. Well, here’s one that may have flown beneath your radar set, and like so many stories of this sort, it has deep, and murky, and almost endless possibilities, and unfortunately, space here only permits me to go into a few of them. But first, the article itself. It’s quite lengthy, but, as a close reading will soon disclose, quite important(and I’ve written about this before, but repeat the story here, with some new information):
The Fed’s Gold Is Being Audited… By The US Treasury
Nevermind the implications of the Federal Reserve having its own police force (kind of implies jurisdiction, though, doesn’t it?). What we really need to focus on (for the moment anyway) are these at these very beginning:
“And not only the gold belonging to the US: it is well known that the bulk of Europe’s sovereign gold is also contained deep under downtown Manhattan: we wish them all the best when they attempt to repatriate the physical when they need it, such as the day after the EUR finally collapses.
“No - what the “conspiracy theorists” allege is that claims existing in paper format on the physical gold held under Liberty 33 are orders of magnitude greater than the actual physical gold these claims supposedly have recourse to. Indeed, this too was a conspiracy theory until the failure of MF Global proved it to be a conspiracy “fact” and the entire asset-liability rehypothecation daisy-chain threatened to begin unwinding in November of 2011, at which point forced delivery of hard assets would expose the entire facade of the modern financial system to be a hollow sham.
“So unless the Treasury will also conduct a full “audit” of every single paper trail and every physical bar is mapped to all of its existing obligors, then the entire operation is absolutely meaningless and simply a waste of taxpayer money. Because the physical gold may well be there (and furthermore it is the gold at Ft. Knox that was questionable; never the gold held by the Fed, but who cares about details). The problem is if the paper claims on this gold are far greater than the actual deliverable physical gold for that moment when the latest attempt to kick the can down the rehypothecated road finally fails.” (All emphases in the original)
Now I hope you caught what is really being said between the lines here: foreign gold reserves in deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York were “rehypothecated” several times over such that there are not just one set of claims against this gold, but several. If we want to draw a crude analogy of what is going on here, it would be like keeping not one set of books, using “x” amount of gold as a reserve of backing for a whole set of investments, but several sets of books, each independent and separate from each other, with each set of books representing a whole series of investments made on the same basis of gold. Now, for gold bugs who view gold as a safe and reliable way of managing the output of money by banks, this is bad news, for a gold standard only works when the bankers themselves are honest.
So….with that in mind, fast forward to a little later in the article where we read this:
Read much more here: 

Federal Elections Commission Says “No Violation” in Obama Forged Identity and Eligibility Problems

Federal Elections Commission Says “No Violation” in Obama Forged Identity and Eligibility Problems

From: "Robert Laity"
Sent: 08/03/2012 07:42 AM AST
To: <>; External Commissioner Bauerly; "Federal Election Commission" <>; External Commissioner Hunter; Jeff Jordan; External Commissioner McGahn; External Commissioner Petersen; External Chairman Walther; "NYS Elections Board" <>; "Mark Grisanti,NY State Senate" <>
Subject: Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen

Will FEC step in to stop Obama from running again? There is substantial evidence that he is NOT Constitutionally qualified to BE President. It is also  imperative FEC vet Romney’s bona fides as well. Romney’s Father was born in Mexico. His potential VP Rubio’s parents were NOT naturalized at the time of his birth. See Minor v. Happersett, SCOTUS.
A Natural Born Citizen is “One born on US Soil of Parents who are citizens at the time of one’s birth”
The profferment of constitutionally disqualified candidates in BOTH Major Parties is a co-opting and disenfranchisement of my voting rights and is Election Fraud.  Such an election would be illegal. In 2008 Barack Obama a non-Natural Born Citizen and John McCain, born on Panamanian soil were candidates from BOTH Major Parties. A repeat of this type of fraudulent election would be Criminal.
Robert C. Laity, Complainant


Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:59 PM


Subject: Fwd: Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen--response from Federal Election Commission

Robert C. Laity at XXXX
Dear Mr. Laity:

This acknowledges receipt of your email on August 3, 2012, inquiring about a possible violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act").  Specifically, you request that the Federal Election Commission (“Commission”) prevent President Obama from running for president again.
The Commission has jurisdiction over the Act and Chapters 95 and 96 of Title 26, United States Code.  After careful review of your email, we have determined that your letter does not state any acts that appear to constitute a violation under our jurisdiction.

                                                        Ruth Heilizer
                                                        Attorney, Complaints Examination
                                                        & Legal Administration


Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:47 AM

Subject: Re: Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen--response from Federal Election Commission

Obama now stands accused of Treason, Election Fraud and other crimes.

He supports our enemies  through Sharia “Zakat”. Please see 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381 and the UCMJ at Art 902.102.

Obama is a fraud and a traitor!

I appreciate the fact that you took the time to actually reply to my concerns.

Obama is constitutionally disqualified to be President. In 2008,Obama ran on the Democratic Party line. McCain ran on the Republican party line. BOTH are not Natural Born Americans, “One born on US Soil of Parents who are both Citizens at the time of one’s birth”. See Minor v. Happersett, US Supreme Court. 

Obama’s Father was a Brit and McCain was born outside the limits, by treaty, of the Panama Canal Zone, in Colon, Panama. The fact that disqualified candidates were proffered by BOTH Parties resulted in the co-opting and disenfranchisement of MY vote and the votes of every American. Obama has committed election fraud and McCain has as well.

Now, in 2012, Obama is running again, Romney’s bona-fides are in question ( was his father naturalized?) and the parties are AGAIN proffering candidates such as Rubio, Santorum and Jindal as well as Schwarzenegger, who have questionable or prima facie bona-fides questions as Natural-Born Americans.

Soliciting contributions under fraudulent circumstances is an FEC issue.

Robert C. Laity


From: Pamela Barnett
Sent: Thu, Aug 9, 2012 11:08 am
Subject: Re: Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen--response from Federal Election Commission
Ms. Heilizer,


You know that the federal government recognizes the legal difference between born a citizen and natural born citizen.  Any person with a modicum of intelligence can look at the alleged birth certificate at has been tampered with -- in fact it does not represent a scan of any document, it is a computer creation.  Look at the different type faces and the kerning which would not have existed in 1961.  Also, African was not a "Race", the term would have been negro.  You can verify this with federal documents also.

You and the other treasonous weasels in our federal government have the potential to be charged with treason, misprision of treason, or conspiracy to commit treason and a host of other crimes.

You may feel safe under the usurper POTUS aka Obama for now, but this evil criminal fraudulent regime will change some day and there is no statute of limitations on treason that I am aware.

CPT Pamela Barnett, USA Retired


From: XXXX
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen--response from Federal Election Commission

Ms. Heilizer:

This is a complaint about election fraud, perpetrated by AKA Barack Hussein Obama, illegally/unconstitutionally running for U.S. President and fraudulently raising money to enable this.

I'm having a difficult time understanding why FEC should not move to prevent fundraising for someone who is clearly ineligible for the office. This defrauds contributors and voters, while corrupting the democratic election process.

The  man who calls himself "Barack Hussein Obama" has provided absolutely zero valid legal proof that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for the presidency under Article II Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. He has submitted a proven forged birth certificate, a felony in itself, as are his proven forged draft registration and use of Social Security numbers not assigned to him. His putative father was not a U.S. citizen, which alone means he is probably not eligible. Senate Resolution 511, which "Obama" ironically co-sponsored, said John McCain was eligible for the presidency, because his own parents were U.S. citizens, so where does that leave "Obama?"  Where indeed.

In the meantime, you allow him to fuel his campaigns, with hundreds of millions of dollars of ill-gotten gain and deprive voters of their rights. Incredible.

If FEC believes it doesn't have the charter to make such a decision unilaterally, it is time for collaboration with other offices of The People.  We have now seen the courts point to Congress, Congress point to the courts, the FBI muzzled, DOJ ignoring complaints, DHS doing nothing, the military paralyzed and turning on its own and FEC go AWOL-- nobody does anything in the greatest political scandal in U.S. history. Do you want to be remembered as someone who enabled it?  For God's sake, do something besides pass the buck! What the heck are we paying you for, anyway? If this doesn't justify your existence, then NOTHING will.  Resign if you won't act.

I demand that "Barack Hussein Obama," or whoever the hell he really is, be barred from any further fundraising, that all amounts collected be confiscated/impounded, by whatever means necessary, including your collaborating with other agencies to accomplish this.

Please use this tutorial to help acquaint you with natural born Citizenship: 
George Miller

The Simple Or The Hard Way To Stop The Planned Military Takeover Of America By Obama In October, 2012 From Erasmus Of America

   Understand one secret of my character and maybe you will find me highly predictable where I will stand on issues. I am bound by an extreme code of personal honor like the ancient Roman Race was. Among stories that show the ancient Roman code of Rome include the Roman general who had been defeated by an enemy army and sent to Rome to deliver the surrender terms to Rome of the enemy army. This Roman general delivered the terms of surrender demanded by the enemy general and then encouraged the Roman Senate to resist surrender and fight on. Then he announced that he had to return to the enemy army. The Romans were horrified as he would be killed if he returned. Then he explained that he had given his Roman word of honor that he would return to them after delivering their terms of surrender for Rome. The Romans understood and with sorrow saw him return to the enemy army and certain death after encouraging Rome to resist the enemy. Rome was surrounded by a deadly army. The situation looked very bad for the survival of Rome. Then two Roman youths were caught by enemy sentries trying to enter the enemy army. They were taken to the enemy general. They told him that 500 Roman youth had sworn upon their Roman honor that they would in pairs of two keeping trying to break the security of his army until they got to the enemy general and killed him. Then these two youths calmly stuck their hand into a bed of hot coals and held it there to show their serious intent and kept talking to the general. He got the message and withdrew his army from Rome. 5 times Rome had been defeated in naval battle with Carthage. Any ordinary race and nation would have given up as their treasury was now empty. But the Roman spirit could not be broken. The people gathered their gold vessels, jewelry, everything that could be used as a treasury and built the 6th Roman fleet. This time they smashed Carthage and became masters of the Mediterranean Sea. I am a descendant of up to 15 of the ancient Roman emperors and my character is totally Roman. My word of honor is my bond and I do not surrender to enemies but fight on until I smash them. If America gets infected with my Roman type spirit, then you will hurl the traitors out of Wash., D.C. and national defeat will never be seen by America while you have this spirit like the ancient Romans did.
     When I met with the Rothschild who had me swear upon my personal honor that I would never give away his name that I had met with him, I have never told anyone what his name was. I always say that I met with one of the Rothschilds and he had boasted of the contempt of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. (the power elite secretly ruling America today) for the American people. He worded it incorrectly. He should have said that I promised that I would never tell that I had met with this Rothschild and what he said in this secret meeting. He said his family, the Rockefellers, and other allied families were the secret families ruling America as the American people were "too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit" to be allowed to govern America so this clique did secretly through Wash., D.C. by control of the two parties. When I met with the former Treasurer for Fidel Castro who handled the finances that put Castro into power in Cuba, he had me swear upon my word of honor that I would never give away the name of the American federal reserve member bank that delivered 50% of all the finances to put Castro into power in Cuba. The other half was raised by threatening to blow up the stores of Cuban merchants in Havana if they did not give money to the cause of Castro. However, I am not breaking my word of honor by telling you that it was a bank in Massachusetts. Even this treasurer did not know if this secret American money was supplied by C.I.A., American bankers, or who. Castro never told him what the secret deal was.
     America was in a jam and I saw was going to be defeated by the Soviet Union in the Cold War. I had acquired the reputation of being "the brain" in history in military school because I had correctly called a number of international events before they occurred. I had developed a secret system of analyzing international events and it usually gave me the accurate answer what to expect next to happen. So long as I got the intelligence facts I was after, then the historical formula worked like a charm in calling events before they occurred. The chairman of the history department at this military academy made it public that he rated me to be the most brilliant cadet in history ever to attend that military academy. When I wrote my analysis why World War I came out the way it did, he told everyone in the history class that I got an automatic A plus for the semester in history. He also indicated to me that he rated this to be the most brilliant analysis of World War I that he had ever seen put in writing in America. Like a car driver indicating which way he was going to drive by body motions with his car, I saw the plan of Moscow how she was going to win the Cold War and either militarily occupy America or else annihilate America by a deadly military trap she was engineering on America. Being a teen-age military cadet then, I knew that no one in Wash., D.C. was going to listen to my warning if I gave it to them. I had studied British tactics in military intelligence (the military academy had a great military library and I studied all their best military books) and judged the British were the smartest at military intelligence tactics. Without telling Wash., D.C., I set up this elaborate military intelligence ruse on Soviet military intelligence listed now in American intelligence files as "The Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse." When the head of the whole Soviet spy ring in America years later admitted to an undercover F.B.I. informant that he thought was a Communist spy from New York City that Soviet intelligence had totally cracked American military security through the White House, Moscow was confident that she would now smash America and Communism would rule the world after that. Soviet intelligence in Moscow totally fell for my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse. I bluffed Moscow out of certain military victory over America which would either be the Communist occupation of America or else the annihilation of America as a nation. When Moscow finally put the pieces together and realized that they had been tricked by a colossally cunning military cadet in military school, they ordered my murder in America. I disappeared the day before they came to  kidnap and drown me in the Great Lakes with a typewritten note to be planted on me that due to emotional problems, I had committed suicide. I figured they would put the pieces together about when they did and knew that they would be rather mad at me for defeating them in the Cold War! They couldn't set up their plan again for the military defeat of America. Much of it depended upon world psychological warfare and I had them totally figured out how the strategy had to work to defeat America. When the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon saw the report from the F.B.I. informant who typed it out and asked me to read it before he sent it to J. Edgar Hoover, they sent me secret congratulations and rated this the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the national history of America. They indicated they judged I was so brilliant in military intelligence they called me "the Michaelangelo" of U.S. military intelligence and could only tell me to create masterpieces in military intelligence for the national defense of America, but not tell me how to create these masterpieces in military intelligence. I was given a blankcheck authority by them to do anything in military intelligence I saw reason to. The President was "not in the loop" and knew nothing about this. J. Edgar Hoover sent oral approal his own way of what the Joint Chiefs of Staff had done. I had quite a secret gathering in Wash, D.C. One time Senator Strom Thurmond met with me and asked me if the rumors were true about me that Congress had heard that I had met with underground leaders behind the Iron Curtain. As I never showed my tricks unless there was reason to, I answered, "Sir, I can neither confirm nor deny these reports!" Senator Thurmond as I recalled sort of grinned with that answer in his office. 
      I am not out to start a diary of the wild things that happened starting with my daring first project of "The Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse," but one item should be admitted as it shows a powerful clue to my character. I had to use the I.R.A. as the leverage to outwit Soviet intelligence. I became fast good personal friends with Major Bill Faulkner of the I.R.A. who was the figure known by all local Irish in Chicago, Illinois as the head of the I.R.A. and  with all top connections to the "provos" (local name of the I.R.A. in Dublin, Ireland). He helped me set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse over Soviet Intelligence and at one point when things really got deadly, he helped save my life from murder. Without the help of Bill Faulker and the I.R.A., America would have been smashed by the Soviet Union and in 2012 still be under heavy Soviet military occupation. In later years after Bill Faulker would be gone, I went to Dublin, Ireland and began asking some Irish how to contact the I.R.A. They would comment that is dangerous to ask and could get me arrested if I talked to the wrong person. I soon figured out the angle how I could locate the I.R.A. in Dublin, Ireland and met with the I.R.A. leader apparently head of all the I.R.A. in Ireland. I told him that I wanted to repay a favor that a member of the I.R.A. had done for me years ago. I had spent eleven calendar years in military academies and would answer any one question in military the I.R.A. wanted answered. He was a bit startled and asked if I was a secret agent for C.I.A. or something like that. I said no and indicated I had a debt of honor to repay and so would do this. He told me that there was a top I.R.A. leader in a prison originally built by the British and their security was too good to arrange an escape for this I.R.A. leader. They had been studying it for 2 years and could find no answer around the prison security. As I always said in military intelligence, there is no security system invented by man on earth that cannot be cracked. I told them to show me the security of this prison. They did and then I pointed to them the one hole in the excellent security of this originally British built prison. I told him a story how Hitler went through Belgium like lightning instead of being held up for two years by Belgium fortresses as predicted by his generals. I told him the trick Hitler figured out and it worked. I said use the same tactic and it would work on this prison. The I.R.A. leader had this stunned look on his face. He saw what I saw. One week later when in London, England, I probably broke out in a big grin. Headlines all over in the newspapes. The I.R.A. had just pulled off the most spectacular prison escape likely in Irish, British or even European history. No one hurt but the I.R.A. leader got clean away and disappeared very effectively Hollywood was later to use this same escape angle from prison in two or more of their Hollywood movies.
     My code of honor required me to do one good act to help them one time. The I.R.A. out of Chicago had helped me save all of America from certain military defeat at the hands of the Soviet Union then. And the same I.R.A. setup had saved my life when no one else could. My code of honor required me to repay the I.R.A. for saving America from certain military defeat back at the time of the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse. And saving my life also required me to do at least one favor for them as I always repay debts of honors if I can. Only circumstances can ever prevent me from keeping my personal word of honor or else repaying personal debts of honor. That is my personal character like it or not.
     My reports I have posted on Nesara News are honestly issued and I stand behind what I have posted. Personal word of honor! I do not work for Obama nor his nest of traitors in Wash., D.C. By extremely daring tactics and requiring often incredible personal nerve I had at times had to do incredible things because the American people did not want to face reality or accept responsibility for the fate of America. My Omni Law must now be strongly, fiercely, and fanatically pushed by the Ameican people. Without this law passed, I see no future for America and only national collapse or else annihilation of America in its future and looks maybe very soon. Obama must not be reelected. He is overwhelmingly the most evil leader I have ever seen in Wash., D.C. and his secret movements show a colossal hatred of the American people. No man caring for the American people would be secretly plotting how to kill off millions or even most of the Americans in our nation today. Obama is plotting against the American people with a blood hatred of the American people. Stop him!
     Americans are too prone to be governed by hothead emotions rather than sound reason. If we have to fight Obama with civil war started by him against the American people, that is because the American people did not use their brains and stop him while it could be done peacefully. I am a great believer in peace if we can do it. I am not afraid to fight but don't forget many good people have to die in a deadly fight with any well-armed tyrant in any nation. Push my Omni Law fast and we solve the Obama threat to America peacefully. Delay this and if millions of Americans die in the lunatic plans of Obama, don't blame me! I tried to warn you how insane this man is in the White House. He is a gifted con artist but very evil in heart. All his secret actions are flagging that he plans to crush the American people and will lose no sleep over killing off millions of Americans or even much higher casualty figures.
I have read the characters of other evil leaders before who did exactly as I predicted they would and Obama is the most evil leader in heart of any leader on earth if I am correct in my analysis of him.
     Look up my Omni Law in the search box at the top of the archive listings to the left in the Nesara News blog for a fast reference. Also, other reports of mine filed with them can be looked up with Erasmus of America as I used that pen name for writing these reports. If needed, send an email requesting a copy of the Omni Law from . I never heard of a war or political drive ever run on no serious budget at all. If you want, send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 to help finance this drive to pass the Omni Law and before Dec., I use some tactics you may not fully understand, but trust me. The enemy will recognize how deadly my moves are aimed to give you, not them, victory in America.   Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America

A Little Music Test

Here's a Test for all you people who love Music out there 

Listen to this song without moving one muscle like (tapping your feet etc.)



Most everyone on my email list is "tuned in" that 'Changes'  even Obama never
dreamed of are about to take place.  Take it upon yourselves to be informed.

Every Sunday @ 1pm Eastern time and Wednesday @ 7pm Eastern time
DRAKE provides us with "LIVE" insider information via his radio blog at:


These broadcasts are recorded so that YOU may listen to them at your
convenience.  They are 3 hours in length with Drake providing latest
intel during the first hour and generally Q & A from the listeners during
the last two hours........


Get your self, family, and friends up to speed as to the Changes that are
coming.  Feel free to pass this information along to your email list.

A second operative in shooting ignored by police

"All the evidence we have, every single indicator
is that this is all Mr. Holmes activity, and that he
wasn't particularly aided by anyone else."

So says the policeman, who wasn't in the theater.

However, the news media interviewed several
EYEWITNESSES that say otherwise.

For your consideration...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Beauty and the Beak ----- Love It!

Beauty the Bald Eagle gets a second chance with a little help from technology. Shot and edited by Keith Bubach for Evening Magazine (KING-TV). 2008 Emmy winner.

ID check for purchase w/ $100 bill.

Issue: ID check for purchase w/ $100 bill.

Location: Chester county, Penna.

Date: Wednesday August 8th, 2012

Today, a cashier in a clothing consignment shop asked me for my driver's license when I tried to purchase a $16 pair of sunglasses using a current style (series 2006) U.S. $100 dollar bill [i.e., I had a current $100 FRN; not something out of the ordinary such as a series 1966 red seal U.S. Note].
The cashier said they have to record ones name/driver's license info when some one makes a purchase with a $100 dollar bill. She said it was policy before she started working there and she was sorry.
I told her I don't have a driver's license (a true statement because I never renewed mine since the mid-1990s when the Commonwealth of Penna. 'required' an SSN for the Driver's license).
So I took out a fifty but she said the policy also applies to purchases with $50 dollar bills. I had no smaller bills in my wallet.
The cashier then asked the manager for a waiver; but the manager said no, it was corporate policy.
I said I'd make a purchase at a food store and then return for the sunglasses. The cashier put them aside and wrapped them up in tissue paper for safe keeping. I do not fault the young lady cashier.
So I left w/o the sunglasses; changed the $100 bill elsewhere; came back with a $20 (FRN) bill and used that for the purchase.
No Driver's license inspection required for a purchase w/ a $20 bill. At least not for now?

The Dollar will Collapse shortly after the Elections

Hi Everyone:
IMO, we may see some type of an RD/RI/RV between now and September/ be followed approximately 30 to 60 days later, by the crash of the U.S. dollar...I continue to say BE PREPARED!!!  God will need us to be good stewards of His money, and help others during these times.
May you all be blessed in many ways!
S~  aka Feeling Blessed   :-)
P.S.  Several of you know that I continue to keep my eye on Saudi Arabia being the last country for the CIA & Muslim Brotherhood to take control over in the Middle East.  Syria was to be controlled before Saudi Arabia on this list...thus IMO...the delays of the RV...or at least the delay of the dollar crashing.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Dollar will Collapse shortly after the Elections

Lindsey Williams Radio Liberty Interview: The Dollar will Collapse shortly after the Elections , get out of all paper assets , secure your portfolio with gold and silver , gold will still go to $3000/oz maintains Pastor Lindsey Williams and silver will go to $75/oz , regarding the wars in the middle east Lindsey Williams says that every country will be given to the Muslim brotherhood , the last country to see a revolution and go through massive chaos is Saudi Arabia , The elite are 6 months behind in their plans for the middle east , because Russia stepped in to protect Syria , that's why the oil is not $150 already , they stopped drilling for oil at the Liberty rig in Alaska until the oil price hits $150 , take advantage of the elite's problems , the US dollar is still fairly strong use it to buy real assets before the collapse
Aug 2nd 2012 Lindsey Williams Radio Liberty with Dr. Stanley Monteith - The Elite & Our Future .: this is the latest interview of Pastor Lindsey Williams so far , the key points are , the elite have stopped drilling at the Liberty rig in Alaska the largest drilling well on the surface of the earth also called Gull Island the reason is that they want the oil price to hit $150 a barrel before they will continue drilling , oil gold and silver are still cheap because the elite are 2 to 6 months behind their plans in the middle east , Gaddafi and Assad regimes did not fall as fast as they were projecting for them to fall , the elite want to turn over every country in the middle east to the Muslim brotherhood , the elite want to drown everyone and every nation in debt before they come up with a new gold based currency to replace the dollar when this one has collapsed , get out of all paper assets , and use this opportunity to buy gold and silver bullion they will be a lot more expensive before the end of 2012 says Lindsey Williams

Who is Lindsey Williams

Pastor Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the &quot;pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.