Since they were using tactics used by the Communist Party in America and copycat federal psychological warfare operatives learned the Communist tricks of crowd control, I will answer their angle of attack on my last report. It was the head of the Soviet spy ring in America who said Moscow had America virtually defeated and the President of America was ready to militarily surrender the United States to the Soviet Union when my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse hit Soviet intelligence. By the time the Soviet intelligence boys figured it out that I had tricked them out of certain military defeat of the United States, they couldn't set up again the ambush they had organized for America. It was the head of the Soviet spy ring in America talking to the F.B.I. undercover informant who worked for a detective agency in Wash., D.C. but the Soviet spy head didn't know that, the Soviet spy head indicated I had defeated the Soviet Union in their plans for the military defeat and conquest of America. Taking what the Soviet spy head said of me, using his position, not my own, I had defeated the Soviet Union when they were certain of the military defeat of America.
The Soviet spy head was a close, secret adviser to the President of America and had access to all the military secrets of America. As the Soviet spy head said and as reported by the F.B.I. informant to J. Edgar Hoover, he said I had saved America from certain military defeat. The President had already secretly ordered military families in Europe to be sent back to America and had convened a secret committee to advise him the consequences to America if he surrendered America to the Soviet Union. I think you jackass traitors out there trying your Communist tricks on the American public owe me a national apology. If you do not post it, then let all Americans know that you are traitors to America which you are. As Jesus Christ taught, a tree is judged by its fruits which symbolically means a good person will bear good works and an evil person evil works. You are obviously evil in heart and have a savage hatred for those leaders willing to get America out of the deadly mess it is in now. You boys blew your cover! You are obvious enemies of America and the American people when you try to cover up and divert public attention away from the planned military takeover of America by Obama planned for October, 2012 and which this well placed military mole reported to me the entire Obama plan how to kill millions of Americans once he is able to militarily seize national power.
By the way boys, you know all emails are electronic records in America and you will be easy later on to check out once the Omni Law is passed in America. Hope you don't get confirmed as enemy agents because if so, the 10 civil tribunes created by the Omni Law will know how to take care of you legally. It will be called high treason and you are co-conspirators to the planned military takeover of America by Obama in October, 2012 if Obama thinks he can pull it off in October. By the way, it is obvious as all hell that Obama is playing games with the American people. To have Wash., D.C.
buy 30,000 armed drones for internal security militarilty can only be justified for one reason militarily and that is the planned military conquest of the American people and killing of millions of Americans if all Americans do not surrender to Obama and his American version of the old Nazi Gestapo and allied party storm troopers deputized into elements of the national police force of Nazi Germany . Obama is trying to establish the 4th Reich in America as he is the would-be Hitler of America if we let him.
As the old Bible story goes, David of Israel with faith in his God and a slingshot in his hand and carefully aimed stone slew the deadly giant Goliath the soldiers of the Israeli Army were scared to death of to fight.
Wth a heavy military background, I know and as my military mole pointed out there is no reason for Obama to get 30,000 armed drones except to commit total war upon the American people. As military advisors already told Obama, they needed the 30,000 armed drones so they would have the upper hand militarily over the millions of veterans in America who would militarily resist Obama if he tried to militarily conquer America which he is getting ready to do now. Again I repeat, why has Obama repeatedly sabotaged and blocked 6 times I am told the realignment of the international currencies when it would help boom the American economy, the European economies, and rest of the world? He wants a destabilized U.S.
economy to make it easier to trick the American people into a planned civil war in America engineered by federal elements working for Obama. He needs the legal excuse to declare martial law in America and then no national election in November.
When planning the overthrow of the American people, he does not need his plan for the total military war against the American people exposed before they are in place to carry their plan off successfully. He and his co-traitors will pretend innocence if public heat grows intense on them, but there is no military reason for obtaining 30,000 armed drones and especially designed to fight the American people when used unless Obama was planning total war on the American people. A few hundred armed drones could be claimed useful for internal security, but 30,000 armed drones can militarily only mean one thing! Obama plans TOTAL WAR against the American people. His one obvious slip in his security system to hide his plans for the military conquest of the American people. As Patrick Henry warned the Virginia legislators, should the American people wait until the English military being prepared in Europe to put Americans into chains arrive in America without organizing resistance to them before it was too late to arm. As he said, if we had the will, we could find ways to arm ourselves before the English Army of occupation arrived in the Thirteen Colonies.
Then he said his famous words, "But as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" And with his rallying call, the Thirteen Colonies armed themselves and waited for the English storm to arrive in America.
If Obama is not planning the military conquest of the American people, he should have no reason not to agree to immediatley send 600 of these armed drones to each of the 50 state governors and let them add these weapons of deadly mass killing to their state arsenals under state authority, not federal. I suggest to all Americans to make millions of copies of this report and show it to all soldiers you know in the U.S.
Armed Forces. And let's have a public oath administrated to all U.S.
military that they will arrest and put on trial for high treason any military seeking to establish a dictator over America or war against the American people.
I am a clever person in inventing military weapon systems that would drive regular soldiers into deadly struggles to keep themselves from being killed by the American people if Obama tries this military takeover of America. One of my tricks can turn military food into a clever poison that has no odor nor taste to it and once put into military food will kill all soldiers eating it. And I would let American freedom fighters know how to beat military security and get this into the food of those who had turned traitors and were no longer part of the American people. They would probably take weeks to die and without being able to sleep due to the constant colossal pain tearing them to pieces will beg people to blow their brains out for them. I have another substance without odor or taste to it can once drunk in ordinary water act like an acid and eat their brains out once drunk. Again it will take weeks before they die and they screaming their heads off for someone to kill them due to the colossal pain in their bodies. And another of my bag of tricks I once had a Mafia source tell how to take ordinary bullets and turn them into bullets that will guaranteed kill anyone they hit, but the person shot will take weeks before they die and again screaming their heads off for someone to kill them to take them out of their incredible, constant super pain. And another of my tricks is how to take electric equipment from major cities and turn it into an electronic weapon that blows up the brains inside of soldiers who get hit by its rays.,As Charles Kettering, one-time President of General Motors,once commented after seeing my list of 920 inventive concepts I came up with in a 2 week period, he rated me to be the most original inventive brain in American history and he anticipated I would become known as the most brilliant inventive genius to arise in American history. Okay, co-conspirators with Obama, let's see if my clever military devices do what they are designed for or not. Oh, I forgot a cute item! John Redshaw of Granville, Illinois if I remember his name right it was so long ago, but he was probably the biggest diamond trader in America then. He had an amazing collection of things in his ex-bank vault. He showed me and my parents his prize assassin device. No one would know it was designed to murder any victim without anyone seeing how it was done. This cute item could easily be built by even 300 million Americans and your detection devices would not spot it. So American citizens could kill you at will until they wiped out the entire army of traitors under Obama! And would-be traitor soldiers of Obama, I have more cute military items I haven't even told you about yet!
Well, I guess it is time to return to the drawing board and cancel now the planned Obama military takeover and conquest of America planned for October, 2012. I am on the side of the American people, not your side, and that is why you will lose if you try this attempted total war against the American people. Also, while you were sleeping, I aleady long ago secretly taught Americans across America how to make the super poison that doesn't look like a poison and once put in the food of soldiers can wipe out an entire military camp at one single military meal. But you take weeks to die if once you eat this in your food! And a few I already told what to put into water that won't be detected that will have the brains eaten out of all soldiers drinking this special water with the power punch delivered by it!
Why did I aim so hard for ways to kill off enemy solders but takes forever to kill them while they scream their heads off in colossal pain until they finally die? Once the soldiers see the first military camps wiped out by my tactics, the whole army of Obama will evaporate into thin air and no one left to fight to make him the dictator and conqueror of America. My tactics would break the morale and confidence of any army in the world fighting such deadly use of science to wipe them out. But I must not let Obama off the hook after asking all these soldiers to die for him.
An Army sergeant in World War II with two soldiers as helpers, experimented in a small hotel in France after being captured from the Nazi soldiers and for a week, they experimented with a way to make bullets so deadly in the pain they could deliver to enemy soldiers and their tests were totally successful. this ex-Army sergeant now long dead told me of his experiments and never reported his one week of experiments in this liberated small hotel in France. I thought he had a very clever military angle and if you try this planned military takeover of America, then I want to make you the first experimental guinea pig to see if this special version of bullet gives you maybe 1,000 times more pain than the standard bullet hitting you.
If you got the hint, I guess this planned military conquest of the American people is now called off! Of course, you would have to first be tried for high treason by the court for high treason convened by authority of the American people. Or else tried by the Court at the Hague and if they decree your death for the planned mass genocide of millions of Americans, I assume they would order your execution after convicting you. After all, President Ronald Reagan signed the Genocide Treaty for America, so you can end up tried abroad where you would face likely execution under international law.
I am not making any unlawful threats against the President or in this case the bogus, fake President of America as you clearly know as you are not even a citizen of America as your ex-classmate from college has just pointed out in a natonal release seen all over the internet and he told how to get the proof from your ex-college that you were never a citizen of America but a clever imposter we in military intelligence call an "illegal"
meaning you were slipped into America and then pretended to be an American citizen which you definitely are not. Your policy of not obeying any of the terms of the U.S. Constitution means you think you can make any decree of yours the national law of America. The American Declaration of Independence calls such fraudulent decress "acts of pretended legislation." They are not the laws of America, but the would-be decrees of a would-be dictator and mass murderer over America. 30,000 armed drones to any good military man is obvious that you plan to mass murder the American people if allowed to.
I am out to break the will of those allied with Obama for the mass murder of Americans. As clearly documented on the internet, I descend from Johnny Armstrang who was according to historical records quoted on the internet as the real Robin Hood of English legend. He opposed one tyrant.
I, his descendant, face down another tyrant but this time in America instead of in England. I also descend from the English nobleman who the tyrant King of England tried to murder but escaped. He later organized other English nobles and they forced the tyrant King of England to sign the Magna Carta legally guaranteeing the legal rights of all citizens of England. My equivalent to the Magna Carta is my proposed Omni Law which will restore all legal rights to the American people whom Obama savagely hates and trying all he can to overthrow and terrorize the American people into surrendering their Bill of Rights to the would-be tyrant Obama our would-be Adolf Hitler of America. You hope to pass Hitler's record of mass murder in Germany. Only a man who savagely hates the American people would have bought 30,000 armed drones to crush them and mass kill them. There is no other credible reason why such a vast fleet of robot deadly armed fighter planes were assembled by Obama. He had planned to mass kill millions to a hundred million Americans or more if he saw fit to kill that many!
I freely admit that this document is psychological warfare to break the morale of those backing Obama now for the military takeover of America.
And as for the international bankers behind Obama such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. don't get invovled in this clash of will between the American people and Obama. He is finished politically and as far as a military takeover of America goes. If your clique stays totally out of the way, I will not be the one to initiate countless legal actions against you including guaranteed confiscation of all your wealth hidden anywhere in the world. Under the Omni Law and backed by the other 9 civil tribunes, I will have you tried under international law and then we will have your pursued all over the world to hunt you down like Nazi war criminals after the Nuremberg Trials at the end of World War II went after them to either execute them or else imprison them for many years under international law.
I am giving you a legal "bug-out" route to save your lives. I am not weak as I personally would love to hang all of you, but I recognize if I and all good American patriots are forced to fight you all the way, you will fight all the way and many good Americans will die because of this clash between us. I am sure we will win and then gladly hang all of you for what you have done to the American people and stolen from the American people it looks like easily hundreds of trillions of dollars from the American people or even much higher figures than this from the American people. But I prefer that millions of Americans live in peace and not have to risk their lives as we go into total war to smash you from the face of the earth. But make any miscalculations about me and you will all hang. The Robin Hood family line I descend from were all men of steel in character. I think it is genetics somehow but there has not been a coward in the family line in one thousand years or more. Stay out of American politics now or you will all end up hanging and all your wealth hidden across the world will be recovered by the American people through me as I cannot be bought off like your politicians and so much excessive guts (suspect it is family genetics)as I cannot be frightened by threats as they just make me mad and guarantee that I will then for sure that I will fight you to the death if required. Quit while you are ahead!
You know and I know that I am engaging in psychological warfare against you to break your nerve. Nevertheless, the words are true and I am your worst nightmare become reality if you force me to utterly crush you.
The American people have been incredibly weak and easy pushovers for you.
Now they will show their great manhood I know they are capable of and will fiercely back me. If they back me, you know that you have lost national power over America. The American people are used to marshmallow leaders who are easy to control or else intimidate and so con the people instead of serving them because they serve you, not the American people. I am a statesman for America, not one of you bought off politicians or else scared off politicians. I am sure that Mitt Romney would not dare have the guts to tell you to go to hell or else he will kick your asses into hell!! I do not bluff. With me the era of corrupt and cowardly politicians of Wash., D.C.
ends as soon as the Omni Law is passed.
When my industrial father was alive, the Soviet spy ring met with him in 1950 as later he reported to the F.B.I. this surprise meeting with the Soviet spy ring on orders from Joseph Stalin. The Soviet spy ring to impess him that they would win America and nothing could stop them from winning.
They boasted they had plants in society who would pop forward if any man spoke too much truth or threatened their planned takeover of America. These Communist plants with their smirking smiles would put on righteous acts as these plants would say the man was "paranoid," etc. to try and smear the honest, smart leader as crazy and the usual Communist con line on Americans who listen to Communist propaganda instead of the truth. The ex-Communist leader turned over to the Martin Dies Congressional Subcommittee his Communist manuals including "Brainwashing" written by the KGB in Moscow for American Communists to use as tactics of psychological warfare to control the politics of the American people. Our current smear artists are using the standard Communist tactics of the manual
"Brainwashing" written up in the 'thirties by order of Beria under
Stalin and issued to conquer the American people politically through psychological warfare tactics of Communists in America. These identical tactics have been used by certain planted critics to try and stop me as they know that I am as deadly as a rattlesnake to their plans of Communist dictatorship under Obama and then mass murder of the American people by the secret covert Communists in power in 2012 in Congress and covert Communists put into strategic federal positions by Obama who when in college told his college classmate that he Obama was a dedicated Communist. Why not ask the former classmate of Obama who I am sure would be glad to testify before Congress of Obama being an admitted Communist while in college? And how about the labor union in California which contributed millions to Obama's election before and openly admit they are Communists and endorse Obama for the White House in 2012? "Birds of like feather flock together!"
When the Omni Law is passed by support of the American people, the planted critics who are pros and not representing the American people at all may be shocked if they end up being investigated for maybe the next 50 years by endless legal investigative committees. There is no problem with anyone wanting to back me or disagree with me, but professional pros working as foreign agents for a Communist movement out to destroy and wipe out America forever are not exempt from fierce legal investigation for maybe the next 50 years or so if the 10 civil tribunes created by the Omni Law so judge serves the national interests of America. While these civil tribunes will fiercely defend the legal rights of all real American citizens, but foreign agents operating in America are not exempt from being exposed to all Americans for what they are. As for newspapers trying to push the Communist party line while the fate of America hangs in the balance in 2012, I refuse to see them closed because they are anti-American in policy, but I see nothing wrong if the civil tribunes think it is time to make an example of the traitor press trying to abuse their freedom of the press to try and aid foreign conspiracy to take over and destroy America. Why not legally require them to have on their front page for 3 years in giant print "Judged The Treason Press of America By The Civil Tribunes Of America."? Let them explain to the American people why they were labelled by 10 honest, very smart to brilliant civil tribunes to be "The Treason Press of America!"
Okay, I promised it so here it is. I won't tell enough so the evil know how to set up the Jesus Money System used with wild success 4 times in history, but the American people have to pass the Omni Law before I show them the Jesus Money System that always skyrockets the economy, wipes out all unemployment, makes the ordinary people even rich in comparison to before, booms the economy for business, and fast lowers governmental taxes where used as welfare, etc. no longer exists needed to be supported by taxes. Obama has pulled another con of the gullible, trusting portion of the American people. As soon as the November election is over, Obama has a 1% service fee on all checks and bank transactions written in America. This is the old Satanist trick of destroying the velocity or spending rate of money in America. This should end up bankrupting America and then America automatically becomes a Communist national economy as planned by Obama.
Jesus Money as Jesus taught keeps money from being hoarded. Also, two other teachings of Jesus are used to insure the value of all money so inflation is impossible in an economy except maybe briefly if a war or national disaster occurs. This soons wipes out all unemployment, poverty, or hard times in an economy. An economy designed to end up making all the people and businesses rich in a nation. It always works and was overthrown 4 times by bankers who did not like all the people getting so rich and prosperous in a nation. They had to keep this censored from school courses to keep the people poor by enforced ignorance in the schools. They had to censor the Bible from the schools or at some point the people would understand what Jesus taught and then end of banker created poverty and hard times in a nation.
Folks, stop being the suckers of the con artist politicians and Satanist bankers. Pass the Omni Law and have the economics taught by Jesus Christ now skyrocket the economy! Read and pass the Omni Law. Make it national law by November, 2012 and end of Obama scheme of high treason against America. End of threatened pending crash of American economy. Omni Law may be read and copied from Nesara News. Put Omni Law in search box for archive listing at top left side or else Erasmus of America to read other reports of mine posted with Nesara News. All political causes need some finances to win the nation. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name briefly.
Opposition hates I have psychological upper hand by this brief tactic. But tactic useful in powerful flanking tactic we have on our opponents in America! When we explain why we did this, people will approve and think very smart move!)