Sunday, August 12, 2012


by Andrew P. Napolitano
Recently by Andrew P. Napolitano: The Rule of Law
Gazillions. That’s the number of times the federal government has spied on Americans since 9/11 through the use of drones, legal search warrants, illegal search warrants, federal agent-written search warrants and just plain government spying. This is according to Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who, when he asked the government to tell him what it was doing to violate our privacy, was given a classified briefing. The senator – one of just a few in the U.S. Senate who believes that the Constitution means what it says – was required by federal law to agree not to reveal what spies and bureaucrats told him during the briefing.
The rules for classified briefings of members of Congress on areas of government behavior that the government wants to keep from its employers – the American people – are a real Catch-22. Those rules allow representatives and senators to interrogate government officials about government behavior that they are afraid to reveal, and they require those officials to answer honestly and completely. But the rules keep the interrogations secret, and they expressly prohibit members of Congress from telling anyone what they have learned.
So Paul and his colleagues who joined in the secret briefing now know the terrible truth about the government watching us, but they cannot reveal what they know. Paul – who is the son of Rep. Ron Paul, the greatest congressional defender of limited government in our era – when asked what he learned at these secret briefings and aware that he could be prosecuted for telling the truth, chose a fictitious word to describe the vast number of violations of privacy at the hands of federal agents: gazillions. Paul’s personal courage in using a word like gazillions to convey an oblique message of truth in the face of an unjust law that commanded his silence reminded me of St. Thomas More’s silence in the face of an unjust law that commanded his assent to the king’s headship of the church.
The feds are no happier with the senator’s personal courage than the king was with St. Thomas More’s, but there is not much they can do about it. If you check out your dog-eared dictionary, you will find that if it is listed at all, it gets a mention as slang. Yet most of us hearing or seeing that word understand it to mean some huge – perhaps even incalculable – number.
The point here is terrifying. If the government derives its powers from the consent of the governed, how can it do things to us to which we have not consented? And when it does these things – like send a drone over your back yard to learn who is coming to your Saturday barbeque or to see what fertilizer you are using in your vegetable garden or to take a peek into your living room or bedroom – and when the laws the government has written prevent our elected representatives from telling us what it is doing, we are at the doorsteps of tyranny. The government gave Paul the distinct impression that it was afraid of our exercise of our personal freedoms, and thus it needs to watch us as we do so. This is the same government whose stated principal purpose is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and thus personal freedom.
What has become of the Jeffersonian value of the primacy of the individual over the government in a free society? How have we lost the American value that the government works for us, and we don’t work for the government? What remains of the constitutionally guaranteed right to be left alone?
The answer to these questions goes to the nature of human freedom and personal courage. Freedom lies in our hearts, but to survive, it must do more than just lie there. Its essence is the exercise of unfettered choices, and the unfettered choices we make address our perpetual yearning for truth. This is a natural process that – just like the muscles in our bodies – will atrophy if unused.
So, when the government scares us into the disuse of freedom, we have only ourselves to blame when Big Brother comes calling. And when he does come, on his face there will be no smile.
Reprinted with the author's permission.
August 9, 2012
Andrew P. Napolitano [send him mail], a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written six books on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent is It Is Dangerous To Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom. To find out more about Judge Napolitano and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit
Copyright © 2012 Andrew P. Napolitano

Saturday, August 11, 2012

We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love”

Message from The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012, through Amuna Ra… “We need the assistance of all Lightworkers… We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love”

This piece came in just now, sent to me from Maria Luisa Vasconcellos (Mike Quinsey's co-worker of SaLuSa and Light). I've never seen this website or this channeler. And I am not posting it to "make it viral".
I am posting it because I felt extremely drawn to the message here, and felt that it aligns very closely with what has been coming through several others recently (specifically GaiaPortal ("All Light-aligned beings come together as barriers have been released"), Cobra ("Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil... we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks."), and SaLuSa ("...there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys...")), and myself ("We are here to rise up. And that means "UP"."), about our inner relationship to "the Galactics". And in the "knowing" that any who are with us at this moment on the planet, are here to help us, and to be part of our Ascension process.
We are NOT talking about blindly trusting some "divine gurus" or some "fearless leaders" who intend to lead us like drones to wherever they want us to go. That paradigm is over... That paradigm is finished... That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about trusting some kind of crazed group of reptilians or greys that intend to enslave us all, all over again. That paradigm is over... That paradigm is finished... That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about continually tuning in to those internet websites and messages and messengers who keep trying to fill minds with fear about the changes taking place on this planet. That paradigm is over... That paradigm is finished... That paradigm exists no more.
We are NOT talking about losing who WE are by following someone else' dreams or visions as if they should be our own. That paradigm is over... That paradigm is finished... That paradigm exists no more.
This message is about placing our trust WITH those whose intent aligns with ours, collectively, as "awake and aware of the Galactic citizens that we are" Beings (capital "B"). And sending the collective intent for Ascension as an Awakened Planet of Awakened Beings, aware of their Galactic Citizenship, out into the Universe.
THAT paradigm is here... NOW.
·         We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.
·         Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage.
·         Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity.
·         We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now...
·         Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you.
·         Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible.
[From Amuna Ra]: At 2pm on Saturday 11 August, I asked: Do you have anything you wish to transmit to me right now? I received this heartfelt plea - please share it!
Oh Amuna Ra, we do. We wish you to post this message on the websites for all to see and share. Tonight we come close to you as we have said. We wish to show ourselves tomorrow if the conditions are favourable, and we wish you all to prepare to meet us within your beings. Meditate and pray for our favourable reception and welcome, dear ones, for we need your help. We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.
Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage. We know that some of you are losing heart when we are not able to come at the time you expected, and we say to you that your trust is much needed, dear ones, for you are unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes. We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love.
Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity. Your timescales are not the same as ours, and yet with the opening portals the gaps are narrowing. You will become more used to how time is warping and apparently shrinking. You will become more used to how you need to maintain a flexible and fluid trust in our goodwill and support us unwaveringly in our work, even when you do not see it with your eyes.
We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now, and all must unite in unity consciousness with us. We are now completely within the atmosphere of the earth, breathing along with Gaia, and we wish to breathe along with you in all consciousness, dear Lightworkers! Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you. Your consciousness makes a very big difference to the frequency of the earth, for every vibration which emanates from you affects the whole. Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible. Then we may be welcomed when we are able to reveal ourselves to your planet Earth.
Our gratitude to you, dear ones, in advance for your help.
The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012

Keshe launching energy generation and space exploration plasma technology

An interview with the inventor of what could be the next generation of commercial space travel and clean energy generation, said to be ready for licensing. We're talking super fast and cheap travel, and super cheap energy. 3 kW units are available for viewing or testing by qualified licensing parties.

Stream | Download Interview Audio File (12 Mb; mp3; 50 min)
On July 20, 2009, M.T. Keshe joined me on the Free Energy Now radio show.

Artist concept of the Keshe craft and habitation pod, both containing the Keshe apparatus as it presently appears.

While the world commemorates the Apollo astronauts' landing on the moon 40 years ago, I was privileged Monday, on the moon landing anniversary, to interview nuclear engineer, Mehran T. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation, who on that momentous day had sent out notice to government leaders around the world that he has a plasma technology in Belgium with anti-gravity (not his terminology) and energy-generating ramifications that could lead the way to commercially viable journeys into space and to the moon, along with generating affordable, renewable energy both for transportation and electricity.

He plans to publicly demonstrate the technology to thousands of people in major cities around the world next year; and he plans to start booking flights for space travel – e.g. up 60 km above the earth – by 2014, and for flights to the moon by 2016, transporting thousands of people to those destinations for a small fraction of the cost of what fuel-based shuttle services are projecting.  He'll even be accepting down payments with guarantees for both flight opportunities.  You'll be able to put 20% of $50,000 Euros down to reserve your seat on a trip to the moon.  "It may even end up costing less than that."  Wait a while longer (past 2016) and you could even get to Mars in a matter of a few days, rather than months. is being set up for booking flights.  If you're worried about plunking down the 20% deposit, Keshe says that the deposits are guaranteed with bank backing to be refunded upon request or in case the flights do not materialize.

In the interview, Keshe briefly explained the science behind the technology.  "It's not anti-gravity," he corrected me.  Rather, what happens is that his plasma reactor creates a local imitation of the Earth's magnetic-gravitational properties, complete with magnetosphere, providing protection from the cosmic rays that can otherwise be deadly outside of the Earth's atmosphere.  Because the phenomenon is local to the reactor, a gravitational force of 1-G is maintained for all craft occupants, including during acceleration and deceleration.

Existing craft, such as a 747, minus the wings (they get in the way), could serve as the transport shell, once fitted with the plasma reactor; though spherical craft would be better.  Weight is no issue.  Number of passengers is no issue.  And no specialized training would be required for the pilots of such craft.

And the transport capabilities are not just for space.  Imagine going from New York to Paris in a matter of minutes, rather than half a day.  Imagine having one of these to beat the traffic to work.  Imagine living in some remote location in the Alps, powered by the same technology, and commuting to Australia -- or to the moon, to help build a colony there.  The trucking industry would no longer involve highways, but would be point-to-point specific, rapid, and involve no fuel costs.

Speaking of fuel, one of my primary interests in this technology is its claims for cheap, clean energy generation.  Keshe claims that his reactors can produce on the level of kilowatts of electricity, with no fuel, drawing energy from the environment where it is replenished from an inexhaustible source using principles of plasma.  And he says that these reactors (in the range of 3 kW output, continuous) are available presently for interested parties (e.g. for potential licensing) to inspect or to test for themselves.

He told me that the technology is far enough advanced, and simple enough that a licensing party could be in production in a matter of several weeks, not including the 2-3 month training period for learning the technology.  Given the regulatory hoops alone, I find that a bit hard to believe, but I'm intrigued by the principle of simplicity.  He said that the quantity of units presently deployed numbers in the hundreds.  Those entering into negotiations for licenses do so under NDA, and will be required to provide proof of financial capability of payment for setting up factories and paying for licensing.

While the demonstration units will be expensive (e.g. $50k Euros to purchase for testing), once mass produced, Keshe thinks the price for these kilowatt generators could be in the few hundreds of dollars -- like ten times cheaper than the cheapest energy sources available today of any variety; and they would last for decades.  For example, a 3-5 kilowatt unit might cost $200 Euros and last 20-30 years.

Eventually, each community or even each home could be fitted with one, and each vehicle.  The technology wouldn't really scale down smaller than that, so you'll still need cords, batteries or some kind of inductive coupling for your portable devices and appliances.

I have asked Keshe if I can contact some of the people who have tested his technology, and he is in process of receiving permissions to do so, as the contract as it is written grants confidentiality.

Read on...

Religious Freedom in Public School

Yes, they can do that in public school

Principals in America no longer have excuse for squashing religious freedom

Published: 2 hours ago
Drew Zahn is a former pastor who cut his editing teeth as a member of the award-winning staff of Leadership, Christianity Today's professional journal for church leaders. He is the editor of seven books, including Movie-Based Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching, which sparked his ongoing love affair with film and his weekly WND column, "Popcorn and a (world)view."More Less

Every public school in America is about to receive a wake-up call that will eliminate any excuse for stomping on students’ and teachers’ religious liberty.

Ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that neither students nor teachers “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate,” activists of various stripes – most recently from atheist and homosexual groups – have tried to find ways around the ruling, to squash free speech, and religious speech in particular, in America’s public schools.

Last year, for example, Florida teacher Jerry Buell at Mount Dora High School faced suspension after the homosexual advocacy group Equality Florida demanded he be disciplined for voicing disapproval of same-sex marriage on Facebook.
Though Buell used his personal computer, on his personal time to post his opinion on his personal Facebook page, he lost three days in the classroom to suspension before the Lake County School Board realized its mistake and decided to exonerate and reinstate the teacher.

Just this month, Missouri State Rep. Mike McGhee explained to the Missourian that the state’s newly passed “right to pray” constitutional amendment was needed because he heard about children who were asked not to pray after getting a school lunch, a girl being told not to take her Bible to study hall and a parent explaining how an adult at her child’s school told her son to change the words in the song “Jesus Loves Me” to “My Mom Loves Me” while he was on the school playground.
Though voters passed the “right to pray” amendment by a roughly 5-to-1 margin, standing against it was the Washington, D.C.-based Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

WND has covered dozens of stories in recent years – such as the censorship and humiliation 15-year-old Brandon Wegner faced from Wisconsin’s Shawano School District for writing an assigned paper in opposition to homosexual adoption or a Virginia lawsuit against a display of the 10 Commandments or a New York City attempt to ban churches from using school buildings – in which students, teachers and community groups have been wrongfully told it’s “unconstitutional” to carry their faith onto campus.

But now Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, has announced it is sending 99,750 copies – one for literally every public school in America – of an exhaustive guide on religious liberty in school to principals, vice principals and school administrators around the country. Thousands of sponsors have made the mass mailing possible.
“Over the past few years, Liberty Counsel has seen a surge of complaints from school administrators, educators and students, whose rights were egregiously violated,” said the organization in a statement. “Secular activists attempt to remove religious expression from our public schools, indoctrinate students in alternative lifestyles and bully through intimidation and blatant misrepresentation. To be proactive in countering this growing threat, Liberty Counsel developed and distributed the ‘Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.’

“This booklet,” the organization explains, “clarifies the rights of students to pray, form Bible clubs and engage in religious expression in public schools, including holiday celebrations and the rights of teachers, parents and guardians.”
“The public school is not a faith-free zone,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Students need not leave their spiritual beliefs on the schoolhouse steps. Liberty Counsel is here to educate and, if need be, litigate to defend their First Amendment rights.”

America’s public school system, which had long included religious elements such as daily prayer and even biblical passages and stories as part of the common primers from which many of our nation’s presidents learned to read, faced a significant crisis of faith in 1962 and 1963 when a pair of landmark Supreme Court cases first found unconstitutional state-sponsored prayer in schools, then struck down Bible readings and other state-sponsored religious activities.

But in 1969, the Supreme Court’s Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District case reaffirmed the rights of the individual students and teachers, concluding, “It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. This has been the unmistakable holding of this Court for almost 50 years.”

Though the case was originally about three students wearing arm bands to protest the Vietnam War, many cases since have pointed to the 1969 decision and the “Tinker test” to affirm a right to religious expression as well.
Nonetheless, Liberty Counsel notes, several questions, controversies and even lawsuits over free speech and religious liberty in public schools pop up every year, including questions about students, teachers, curriculum, graduation ceremonies, public access to school facilities by religious groups and more.

“That’s why Liberty Counsel has developed an invaluable resource compiled through decades of experience defending the rights of educators, students, administrators and community members from radical activists who want to suppress our precious freedom of religious expression in public settings,” the organization states.

Liberty Counsel’s goal in distributing the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” is to dramatically reduce the number of instances when school administrators erroneously censor or punish religious expression. By having the guidebook in hand or on file, the organization hopes, schools will look to sound advice on protecting religious liberty when confronted by activist organizations that demand students, teachers or community groups be silenced.

“Our nation’s public schools must allow the full and free exercise of every American’s First Amendment rights to free speech, free association and religious expression,” Liberty Counsel states. “There must never be restraints or prohibitions on any American expressing religious sentiments in public settings. There is no place in our democracy for anti-religious bigotry.”

Sinkhole: Now 372 feet diameter, Only 1500 feet from butane-filled cavern

Sinkhole: Now 372 feet diameter, Only 1500 feet from butane-filled cavern

'Built to Spill: In Louisiana, fewer than one in 100 oil spills result in any fine whatsoever — so why should an oil company clean up after itself?' Credits: Gambit

Expanding sinkhole's powerful underground forces bubbling and bending pipes threaten integrity of massive butane-filled cavern and human rights
The initially estimated 200 by 200 feet sinkhole that developed late last week, swallowing ancient cypress trees 100 feet tall near Bayou Corne and Grand Bayou communities in south Louisiana, is now reported to be 380 feet deep with a diameter of 372 feet, filled mainly with salt water with traces of diesel fuel, and only 1,500 feet from a cavern filled with butane, according Tuesday morning news. Analysts' reports further hint that Texas Brine Company's cavern failed, but the butane cavern failing is today's worst-case scenario.
If a nearby butane-filled cavern fails, as it appears the brine cavern did, "it could cause an explosion felt up to two miles away," Fox News 8 reported Tuesday morning. "That's the worst-case scenario."
"All we can tell you right now is we still have bubbling in the bayou and we still don't know what happened and some scientists have pointed out to us that it could go from 200 feet to 2000 feet real quickly. We don't know," said Assumption Parish Sheriff Michael Waguespack on Monday.
After releasing information to the public Monday that the bayou sinkhole is over 380 feet deep, researchers report Tuesday that the diameter of the hole is now 372 feet and has now "swallowed" an acre of the once pristine swampland before oil, gas and salt miners arrived.
Water analysis shows that the water in the sinkhole is comprised mainly of salt water and diesel, both used to stabilize unused salt caverns, officials say.
Some closed salt caverns have diesel fuel at the top as a “pad” to prevent erosion of the salt from the brine, explained John Boudreaux, director of the Assumption Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
Monday's disclosures possibly point to Louisiana Department of Natural Resources officials’ suggestions Friday that the sinkhole was caused by the possibly failed Texas Brine cavern.
“It’s suspect,” Boudreaux said.
Texas Brine company mined deep below the surface for decades but plugged the mine last year by filling it with 20 million barrels of brine, a process that meets the definition of environmental modification, ENMOD.
The company brought geologists from Florida to establish the best way to learn what's going on beneath the surface. Until they know and disclose more about the crisis, homeowners who evacuated might not be able to return, according to Fox News. Residents who did not follow the mandatory evacuation advisory for the area might reconsider. Roughly half of the some 300 people under mandatory evacuation orders remained.
Officials will brief the small Cajun communities impacted by the expanding sinkhole, Bayou Corne and Grand Bayou, Tuesday evening during a meeting at St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Pierre Part at 6:30 p.m.




The entire State of Texas is a powder keg waiting to blow due to all the fracking -

8/11/2012 --
Louisiana Sink Hole Explained -- POSSIBLE HUGE CATASTROPHE -- 100 Hiroshimas

Bayou Corne Louisiana has experienced a series of events which 'professionals' are having a hard time explaining --- or at least the pros are finding it to be an inconvenient time to offer an explanation as to what is going on.

Its a long story, but crucial for everyone to understand!

full blog post here:

Published on Aug 11, 2012 by dutchsinse
~~ Please .. Get this out to the people of Louisiana ~~ The explosive power of 1.5 Million barrels of liquid butane is = approx 100 Hiroshima's (computations on my blog linked below)

Bertha and Betty

Subject: Betty & Bertha


Two 90-year-old women, Bertha and Betty, had been friends all of their lives.

When it was clear that Bertha was dying, Betty visited her every day.

One day Betty said, 'Bertha, we both loved playing softball all our lives, and we played all through high school. Please do me one favor: when you get to heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's women's softball there.'

Bertha looked up at Betty from her deathbed and said, 'Betty, you've been my best friend for many years. If it's at all possible, I'll do this favor for you.'

Shortly after that, Bertha passed on.

A few nights later, Betty was awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out to her, 'Betty, Betty.'

'Who is it', asked Betty, sitting up suddenly. 'Who is it?'

'Betty, it's me, Bertha.'

'You're not Bertha. Bertha just died.'

'I'm telling you, it's me, Bertha,' insisted the voice.

'Bertha! Where are you?'

'In heaven,' replied Bertha. 'I have some really good news and a little bad news.'

'Tell me the good news first,' said Betty.

'The good news,' Bertha said, 'is that there's women's softball in heaven.
Better yet, all of our old buddies who died before me are here, too.
Even better than that, we're all young again.
Better still, it's always springtime and the weather is mild all the time.
And best of all, we can play softball all we want, and we never get tired.'

'That's fantastic,' said Betty. 'It's beyond my wildest dreams! So what's the bad news?'

'You're pitching Tuesday.'




This is long, but really good, 
especially the last 4 mins. showing takeoffs/landings.

Speaker on.

Amazing.  love the take offs!

Teachers' Unions in Action

It is interesting to note that Randi Weingarten, president of AFT brings in a salary of well over $400,000 a year, closer to $500,000.  That's more than Joe Biden makes as vice president; that's more than Obama makes as president.  I have no idea what Linda Bridges, one of many vice presidents of the AFT is paid.  With salaries like that, is it any wonder that they don't want to relinquish their strangle-hold on America's educators, educational system and the minds of teachers as well as students?  It is nothing more than a feathered nest for the union officials and a seemingly endless funnel to the Democrat Party's campaign chest.  And for all the money the teachers and taxpayers pay, the quality of education seems to be in inverse proportion.  The more paid, the worse it gets. 

August 11, 2012

Teachers' Unions in Action

Two recent WSJ articles -- ironically, appearing on the same day -- remind us anew of the complete cynicism and utter immorality of the teachers' unions.

The first is about the vicious fight that the Louisiana Association of Educators (LEA), one of the major rent-seeking rat-packs -- oh, pardon me, I meant to say "teachers' unions" -- in the state. The LEA is outraged -- outraged! -- that Gov. Bobby Jindal was able to pass a school choice initiative starting this year that creates a modest (5,600-student capacity) voucher system for poor kids to attend private (including parochial) schools. The LEA is pursuing a lawsuit in the state court system, asking that the voucher plan be ruled unconstitutional for violating the separation of church and state.

The courts have refused to delay the voucher system until the trial in October. And since the issue has already been settled by the U.S. Supreme Court -- no, a district giving a voucher directly to the parent, who then chooses to use it at a religious school, does not constitute state support of religion -- the LEA is getting nasty.

In fact, the LEA is now in full attack mode. Its lawyers faxed threatening notices to 100 of the 119 schools in the voucher program, warning them that their clients (the union thugs) intend to use "whatever means necessary" to make the schools bar voucher students.

"By any means necessary" -- BAMN, as it is known to devotees of radical causes -- is code language for confrontational action, including violence if necessary.

The LEA will start by suing all 100 schools, many of them small private schools catering to poor children. The LEA, flush with fat union dues, is well-positioned to legally harass these schools, whose resources are limited.
You can see why the LEA is panicked: its members support failure in school so long as it lines their pockets, and they know that the public is beginning to realize that school choice is a necessary precondition to K-12 school reform.
And, brother, does Louisiana need school reform. Forty-four percent of its public schools are given a D or F by its own grading system, and no doubt that system has low standards to begin with.

The parents know this, which is why there were 10,300 applications for the vouchers, with 84% of those students being from schools ranked D or F.

In fine, the LEA is using all the muscle it has to destroy the lives of children, the vast majority of whom are minority children. This is despicable.

Turning next to New York, there is the depressing news that the New York teachers' unions (including one of the most powerful, the United Federation of Teachers) are working diligently to shield members accused of sexual crimes.
Specifically, nearly a hundred tenured teachers or other public school employees have been charged by the Department of Education with various sex crimes, including one teacher who had sex with a 13-year-old girl and an assistant principal who asked a young girl if she would give him oral sex.

But while in private industry, perps would be summarily fired and face the justice system (or else the business would be on the firing line), in New York they just appear before a school investigation panel, an independent law firm, or a local school superintendent. After that, the perp goes before an arbitrator selected -- get this! -- by the teachers' union and the school district jointly. The arbitrators, by the way, get paid $1,400 a day. You don't have to be a public choice economist to realize that, to please the unions, these arbitrators will likely be inclined to fine or suspend the teachers rather than fire them.

For example, one perp who repeatedly hugged girls, including fondling one poor girl's breasts, was suspended for six months. Another fine fellow was only reprimanded for "inappropriate touching" of a number of young boys. A third randy shaper of young minds, who repeatedly texted sex messages to girls -- including asking one to perform a striptease for him -- was merely suspended.

A New York state senator has introduced legislation to terminate the arbitrators' "final say," but it is doubtful that the teachers' unions will allow such a measure to pass. After all, in New York, the teachers' unions virtually own the state legislature.

This is beyond despicable -- it is downright degenerate. Memo to the "rationally ignorant" voters: these are your tax dollars at work, and the system is destroying your children.

Philosopher Gary Jason is a senior editor of Liberty and the author of the book Dangerous Thoughts (available through Amazon).

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