Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Decline and Fall of the United States Navy

The Decline and Fall of the United States Navy
“The Party of Treason has effectively destroyed the Navy. Today the Navy has only nine aircraft carriers available. Aircraft carriers perform an invaluable function. They project power… Barack Obama has fundamentally transformed America and we will soon see the end of the ability of the Navy to project that power.”
Posted by Judson Phillips on January 11, 2013 at 4:27pm

USS Ronald Reagan in the Straits of Magellan in 2004                       The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) is aided by harbor tugs as it enters Pearl Harbor
All five branches of the American military have proud and distinguished histories, but perhaps none more so than the United States Navy.
Yet as Barack Obama works on destroying the United States as a superpower, the first casualty has become the United States Navy.
What has happened to the fleet that one time controlled the oceans?
Today the United States has one single aircraft carrier in the Middle East. In the first gulf war the United States had six aircraft carriers in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.
Today, the Navy could not get more than three carriers together and it would be hard pressed to do that.
The Party of Treason has effectively destroyed the Navy and one of Barack Obama’s fundamental transformations of America will make it impossible for this nation to be a superpower in the future.

In the 1980’s the Navy said in order to do its job it needed 15 carrier battle groups. Thanks to the Reagan naval build up, the Navy was able to field six carriers during the first gulf war and keep other commitments.
Then Bill Clinton came along and shrank the military budget and along with it the number of ships in the Navy. Today the Navy has fewer ships than it has had in the fleet since before World War One.
Today the Navy has nine aircraft carriers available. By law the Navy is supposed to have eleven but Congress granted a waiver to allow the Navy to retire the USS Enterprise in December and the USS Abraham Lincoln just started a massive four-year overhaul.
The Navy has only nine carriers. While that sounds like a lot, the simple fact is only a third of those ships can be at sea at any one time. Ships have to return to port, have to be repaired, train new sailors and then go out on deployment again.
Now, the Navy, which has been sending out carriers for six-month deployments, is now sending them out for eight-month deployments. For sailors with families, this is a huge problem. They must be apart from their families for two thirds of a year every time their ship goes on deployment. That takes a huge toll on the sailors and their families.
Aircraft carriers perform an invaluable function. They project power. America does not need to worry about complaints from another nation or obtaining permission to cross airspace when needed for an operation. Aircraft carrier battle groups project power in a way no other force can.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama has fundamentally transformed America and we will soon see the end of the ability of the Navy to project that power.
Two generations ago, European Nations made a choice. They could pay for their welfare states or they could have a military. They had the United States to defend them so they opted for the welfare state. Every time the budget got tight or liberal politicians wanted to bribe the voters with more benefits, they cut their military budgets.
Barack Obama has now put America on the track of cutting the military to pay our debt and pay for the welfare state.
Why is this important?
Just look at Britain.
After World War Two, the British Royal Navy was second only to America’s Navy. By the early 1980’s, the Royal Navy was a hollow shell of what it once was. When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands were invaded, the British had to scrape together a fleet which was so ineffective it suffered very heavy losses. Despite that, it was able to project enough power to retake the Falklands.
Now, the second Falkland war is coming. Britain has no aircraft carriers or for that matter any aircraft that could fight in a naval environment. Sometime within the next year or two, Argentina will invade the Falklands again and this time Britain will not be able to send out a fleet to defend British territory.
This is the future of America and its Navy.
Obama and the Party of Treason will continue to cut the budget. As they do, the Navy will have no choice but to retire aircraft carriers.
Most people do not realize that America has territories in the Pacific. We rely on the seas for trade.
It is hard for us to imagine a time when America will not be able to project power to protect not another nation but to protect American territory in the Pacific.
As hard as it is to imagine, this is the future under Obama. Obama wants America to become a nuclear disarmed nation. He wants us to gut our military to the point where it would have a hard time defending our southern border against a rogue soccer team.
America was a great superpower. Thanks to Obama and the Party of Treason, we are now on the way to being a former superpower.
One of the truisms of history is that once a nation begins its decline, it never recovers.

Superbowl Alert

Check this out: This is the map covering all. Look at Assumption Parish and New Orleans Superbowl.
They will have to blow the bridges to keep everyone there with no way out. They are expecting over 400,000 people at the game this year. In the last video that I sent you where the guy was talking; he was reading something on the vid that said something happened on the bottom of the sink hole to make this happen. It's on that video. Did they pop some more mini-nukes on the bottom of that also ????
By the way, People are starting to hear weird boom sounds again. Been hearing alot about that lately.

·         Vent Well Map, 10-14-12
·         Salt Dome Map, 10-14-12
·         Sinkhole Dimensions, 10/12/12
·         Sinkhole Dimensions, 09/22/12
·         Geoprobe Map, 09/21/12
·         Seismic Monitor Map, 09/20/12
·         Sinkhole Distance Map, 09/19/12

Wounded Knee Lesson

Makes the recent school massacre seem small doesn?t it! This was our
government at work enforcing a bad policy!!!
A Lesson to be Learned on the Anniversary of Wounded Knee

December 29, 2012 marks the 122nd Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux
Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South
Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal
agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their
firearms ?for their own safety and protection?. The slaughter began AFTER
the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. When the
final round had flown, of the 297 dead or dying, two thirds (200) were women
and children.

Around 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, over half cut down by
friendly fire from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms.
Twenty members of the 7th Cavalry were deemed ?National Heroes? and awarded
the Medal of Honor for their acts of cowardice.

We do not hear of Wounded Knee today. It is not mentioned in our history
classes or books. What little does exist about Wounded Knee is normally the
sanitized ?Official Government Explanation? or the historically and
factually inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre on
the movie screen.

Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts
in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a
moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment- The right of
the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and
property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The
argument that the Second Amendment only applies to hunting and target
shooting is asinine. When the United States Constitution was drafted
?hunting? was an everyday chore carried out by men and women to put meat on
the table each night, and ?target shooting? was an unheard of concept,
musket balls were a precious commodity in the wilds of early America, and
were certainly not wasted ?target shooting?. The Second Amendment was
written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and
refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defense purposes
should such tyranny rise in the United States.

As time goes on the average citizen in the United States continues to lose
personal freedom or ?liberty?. Far too many times unjust bills are passed
and signed into law under the guise of ?for your safety? or ?for protection?
The Patriot Act signed into law by G.W. Bush, then expanded and continued
by Barack Obama is just one of many examples of American citizens being
stripped of their rights and privacy for ?safety?. Now, the Right to Keep
and Bear Arms is on the table, and will, most likely be taken away for ?our

Before any American citizen blindly accepts whatever new firearms
legislation that is about to be doled out, they should stop and think about
something for just one minute-
Evil does exist in our world. It always has and always will. Throughout
history evil people have committed evil acts. In the Bible one of the first
stories is that of Cain killing Abel. We cannot legislate ?evil? into
extinction. Good people will abide by the law, defective people will always
find a way around it.

And another thought Evil exists all around us, but looking back at the
historical record of the past 200 years across the globe, where is ?evil?
and ?malevolence? most often found? In the hands of those with the power-
governments. That greatest human tragedies on record and the largest loss of
innocent human life can be attributed to governments. Who do governments
target? ?Scapegoats? and ?enemies? within their own borders?but only after
they have been disarmed to the point where they are no longer a threat. Ask
any Native American, and they will tell you it was inferior technology and
lack of arms that contributed to their demise. Ask any Armenian why it was
so easy for the Turks to exterminate millions of them, and they will answer
?We were disarmed before it happened?. Ask any Jew what Hitler?s first step
prior to the mass murders of the Holocaust was- confiscation of firearms
from the people.

Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and
why we shouldn?t be in such a hurry to surrender our Right to Bear Arms.
Without the Second Amendment we have no right to defend ourselves and our

Utah training it's citizens use Fire Arms...

Spring City is a small town in Utah of about 1,000 people. They’re planning on taking after Kennesaw, Georgia and encouraging all its residents to own a gun and to go through weapons training programs. They’re recommending that their teachers and homeowners carry concealed.
The idea was first brought before the city council by Councilman Neil Sorensen, who at first thought it would be a good idea to mandate that every city resident own a gun and take the proper training. But they decided that they didn’t need another government mandate, so they instead made it a recommendation.
They were right not to mandate that everybody own a gun. We don’t need a mandate. We have the 2nd Amendment that affirms our right to keep and bear arms. We simply need to legalize the Constitution, which is systematically being criminalized. If people don’t want to own a gun, they shouldn’t be required to do so against their will. They may end up regretting not having a gun, but that would be their choice. As Larry Pratt told Piers Morgan in his most recent interview, “I’m sure you’re going to feel so much better being defenseless until you need a gun, and then it’ll be a little too late to buy your insurance policy.”
While this city’s new ordinance is a step in the right direction, just think of all the other states that are working to outlaw the 2nd Amendment. New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Delaware, and Vermont are all considering state-wide automatic weapons bans. Infowars summarized some states’ propositions:
  • In Connecticut, where the Newtown massacre occurred, a Democrat has proposed making public all the names of citizens who hold state-issued handgun permit holders. According to Rep. Stephen Dargan, the legislation violating the privacy of handgun owners in the state is intended “to get a broader discussion going on gun issues and mental health in the state.”
  • Lawmakers in Vermont are working to rollback the state’s “permissive” gun laws. Gun owners in the state are not required to ask the government for permission to carry a concealed weapon and are not obliged to register their firearms.
  • Delaware’s Sen. Robert Marshall is urging a “crackdown on gun ownership” and wants to give local government the ability to harass gun owners with bureaucratic licensing laws.
  • In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called for draconian gun laws and said the state may confiscate semiautomatic weapons.
If these don’t work, Obama may try an executive order. Some are saying that such an order may spark a 2nd war for independence. If it indeed comes to that, let us be reminded of what Captain John Parker told his army at Lexington Green, the place where the War for Independence began in 1775. He said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

Permanent DUI Checkpoints

Permanent DUI Checkpoints
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 03:23:19
Well, why not?police 1
If the occasional random roadside stop n’ frisk is a good idea – and not a violation of anyone’s rights – why not make such gantlets ubiquitous – and permanent? That’s the nut of San Antonio Deputy Police Chief Anthony Trevino’s argument in favor of establishing permanent DWI checkpoints. He’d like them in the vicinity of what he calls “hot spots” – that is, establishments where alcohol is served, such as restaurants and bars. (See here for the news story.) But why not everywhere? After all, “drunk driving” is a possibility anywhere.
If Trevino’s wish is granted, the price of going out to dinner will include not merely the possibility of having to submit to an unwarranted (and unwanted) interrogation and inspection by the likes of Trevino and his pals. It will be a certain thing. The new normal – part of the routine. Just like being forced to assume the I surrender pose at the airport, spread your legs and let a blue-shirted goon have his (or her) way with you as the price of getting on an airplane.
It has already been established in law – sanctified by the black-clad priests of legalese – that it is not “unreasonable” (and so, not a violation of the Fourth Amendment) to stop vehicles at random – that is, without any specific probable cause – and require drivers to roll down their window, provide ID, answer questions and – at the arbitrary discretion of the costumed enforcer – remove themselves from their vehicle and submit to a sobriety test of one kind or another. To prove to his satisfaction, in other words, that you aren’t “drunk.” As opposed to the old-fashioned idea that it’s up to the law to prove you are.police 2
If all that is “reasonable” – and not a violation of the Fourth (and Fifth) Amendment – then surely what Trevino is proposing ought to pass muster, too.
Which is why, in all likelihood, it will pass muster.

ldBuck: Future Homicide? Jean Henry Put On Paid Leave After Showing Her Husband Adam Lanza’s Dead Body

OldBuck: Future Homicide? Jean Henry Put On Paid Leave After Showing Her Husband Adam Lanza’s Dead Body
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 02:30:42
From CGI's OldBuck
(CT Now) An administrative worker at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has been placed on a paid leave pending an investigation of a Dec. 16 incident in which she allowed her husband, who is not an authorized employee of the office, to view the body of mass killer Adam Lanza two days after the Newtown school massacre.
Sources said that Jean Henry, a processing technician at the Farmington facility, and her husband entered the refrigerated room in which bodies are kept pending autopsies on the morning of the day when the post-mortem would later be performed on Lanza.
They went to the gurney where Lanza lay, then Henry unzipped the bag so her husband could look at him for a moment, and she closed the bag and they left the room, sources familiar with situation told The Courant Wednesday.
Lanza shot 20 first-graders and six adult staff members to death on Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School, then shot himself in the head as police arrived. Earlier, he had killed his mother at their Newtown home.
Henry and her husband, who doesn’t work for the state, openly went in and out of the refrigerated area, and a superior of Henry’s was aware of what was happening, one of the sources said.
However, after H. Wayne Carver II, the chief state medical examiner, learned of the matter, he placed her on the leave about four days later, the sources said. An internal complaint was filed, they said.
Henry’s leave was still in effect Wednesday and was imposed to allow for an administrative investigation of the circumstances surrounding Henry’s bringing her husband into the facility to see Lanza’s body.
Reached by phone Wednesday, Henry had no comment.
She was instructed in a letter from Carver to stay out of contact with work but to be available to answer questions from state labor relations personnel conducting the inquiry, a source said.
Paid leaves are commonly imposed on employees who are under investigation for alleged actions that could result in discipline.
Carver also declined any comment on Wednesday.
Access to the medical examiner’s office is strictly controlled. The public cannot go in without first signing in at the front office and being escorted into the building by an employee, and even that access is limited to the administrative offices in the front of the building. All authorized personnel have key cards to enter the building.
The only people allowed into the rear area, where bodies are stored and where autopsies are performed, are the authorized staff of the office and law enforcement personnel attending autopsies as part of their investigations.
Lawsuit Pending Over Reassignment
Henry has worked at the medical examiner’s office since early 2011, when she was moved there after having worked for 14 years in the governor’s budget office — called the Office of Policy and Management — during the administrations of two Republican chief executives, John G. Rowland and M. Jodi Rell.
She has a lawsuit pending in federal court against Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Malloy’s chief legal counsel, former Democratic state Sen. Andrew McDonald, who is now Malloy’s nominee to the state Supreme Court.
Henry¸ whose current job pays $55,910 a year, was serving as OPM’s legislative program manager, which pays more than $100,000 a year, when Malloy took office in January 2011. She was told that her division was being restructured and that she would not be part of it. Henry was a member of the state’s “classified” work force and thus had protection from losing her job because of political patronage considerations.
The lawsuit claims that she lost her higher-paying OPM position not because of a legitimate reorganization, but because of political retaliation related to her being a Republican hired when Rowland was governor. The suit says that Henry tried several times to discuss with Benjamin Barnes, the new secretary of OPM, why her job was being eliminated but was rebuffed. The lawsuit also claims that she was fired because of a previous run-in with McDonald over a 2007 legislative bill.

OldBuck:So you thought you knew what happen at Sandy Hook. / Now Hear Connecticut cop Mark S. Mann

OldBuck:So you thought you knew what happen at Sandy Hook. / Now Hear Connecticut cop Mark S. Mann
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 02:32:47
Mass killings are used as an instrument to disarm or instill fear, to control the people of a nation for the benefit of the ultra-rich whom having more money than they need, so seek domination of the world.
This is a small group and information is shared on a need to know bases/ compartmentalized to the maximum so as to prevent leaks and maintain plausible deniability.
How a Mass Killing operation is set up and executed within the United States.
Step One: Determine the Target – Trade or business centers, Schools, Theaters, churches, Races, Individual etc.
Step Two: Identify, befriend and or Isolate the chosen perpetuator(s).
2a. Preferably with a long term background of mental Illness.
2b. Currently on prescribed antipsychotic or depression medication(s).
Step three: Choose your on-site Investigative/ command Leader.
3a one whom, has a history of following orders, without question
3b. Seeking, or pending promotion within their branch of law enforcement agency. i.e.: FBI DEA CIA
Step Four: Select one well know member of the media to leak both real and misleading inside information.
Select three lessors know members of the media to leak rumors of the facts and investigation.
4a At least one of the lessors knows must be among the local area media.
Step Five: Assemble at least two but no more than a four member team to carry out the attack.
5a Theses members should come from known antigovernment or terrorist groups and led by your special member.
5a.Your Special member having, military training in escape and extraction. (This team will be terminated and deposed of upon completion of the mission.)
The above five step can be seen as having been applied from Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook and numerous other mass killings.
Four of the above steps can be seen as having been applied to assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, Martian Luther King and other lessor known public figures as well as 911 and Oklahoma City.
The on-site investigative command leader is the most important and most viable as an uninvolved member of the operation.
He is the one whom receives and follows the order to release any team members that may have been detained at the time of the attack. . (Five Israelites 911, Three at Sandy Hook, one at Aurora Theater)
Today the powers of Governments operate on FEAR meaning False Evidence Appearing Real.
They seal and hide the records for 60,75 or more years and you the people live with and believe there lies for a lifetime.

Loud Booms Continue In The Indiana Tri State Area Jan 10th 2013

Loud Booms Continue In The Indiana Tri State Area Jan 10th 2013
Posted By: Revel [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 11-Jan-2013 22:38:53
Published on Jan 11, 2013 by HawkkeyDavisChannel
The loud booms continue around the Indiana tri-state areas leaving people wondering wahts really gonig on. The booms have been heard there all week and in other parts of the world for the past few years. Please leave your thoughts on this strange phenomenon, it has not been debonked yet.
Full credit to 14news for running this story keep up on this event here

Other Reports Of Strange Booms On My Channel

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
Strange And Loud Booms Reported Indiana And kentucky Jan. 8th 2013
Published on Jan 9, 2013
Residents in the area have reported hearing a strange loud boom that sounded like a huge explosion. This was not an earthquake because the USGS doesn't have reports of any activity in the area. This strange phenomenon has been reported around the world the past few years. In other reports witnesses heard booms, trumpets and grinding metal sounds. What is this, please leave your thoughts.
Other Reports Of Strange Booms On My Channel

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Applying Philosophy to Hagel’s Comments on Israel


Applying Philosophy to Hagel’s Comments on Israel

Obama’s nominee to be the new Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, is causing a lot of politicians and Israel firsters to be upset.
Two comments Hagel made seem to focus the most hatred on him. One statement was, “I’m not an Israeli senator. I’m a United States senator.
Hagel and Obama are no real threat to Israel and will never do anything meaningful to put America’s interests above Israel’s interests.
I support Israel, but my first interest is, I take an oath of office to the Constitution of the United States, not to a president, not to a party, not to Israel.” The second statement the Israel firsters find offensive is, “The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people. … I’ve always argued against some of the dumb things they do, because I don’t think it’s in the interest of Israel.”
The first rule of philosophy is to see things as they really are so we can arrive at the truth. Objectively and honestly looking at Hagel’s first statement above shows Hagel to be 100% correct. He was at the time of the statement (2006) a US senator and not an Israeli senator. His statement that he supports Israel seems to be true in that he voted for a war in which thousands of Americans and over a hundred of thousand of Iraqis were wounded and killed and which cost American tax payers to date well over $810 BILLION. The only beneficiary of the Iraq war is the Jewish state of Israel. His oath of office is to the Constitution of the United States and not to a president, a party or to Israel. However, if he really truly did take his oath seriously he NEVER would have voted to start an unnecessary war against Iraq.
His second statement is factually wrong in that it is not “the Jewish lobby” but it is “the Israel lobby” that has US politicians from both parties running scared. Not all Jews promote US politicians blindly supporting Israel in its bloody aggression against its neighbors at the expense of Israel’s neighbors and at the expense of Americans. His motivation for arguing against “the dumb things” the Israel lobby does is NOT because he cares about America and Americans, but because  the dumb things the Israel lobby promotes he does not think are in the best interests of Israel.
The seems to think that Hagel’s chances of winning approval from the Senate rests with the Jewish senator Chuck Schumer. Schumer is a rabid war-monger and Israel firster who actually said on a New York Jewish radio program that he believes he’s in the US Senate because God wants him there to be a protector of Israel! Schumer also attacked the Palestinian people and said he wants to “strangle” them for voting the way they did when they voted overwhelmingly in elections with international observers for Hamas in Gaza.
It’s difficult to understand why the Israel lobby and its US politicians would be worried about Hagel doing anything meaningful which would not be putting Israel’s interests over and above America’s interests. Hagel even has a fact sheet out which outlines his pro-Israel positions over the years. And as this article points out, even Israel is okay with Hagel. These facts should warn any thinking person that Hagel will not give any real opposition to a US war against Israel’s foe, Iran. (For more on this read our eBooklet The Danger of Israel [for Kindle version click here].)
Expecting true opposition and resistance to the kosher plutocracy to come from within the kosher system is foolish. It’s similar to America’s revolutionary founders looking to tax collectors and other government officials to help them free themselves from government tyranny. It’s not going to happen. The solution to the problem will only be found in the people who are the victims of the kosher plutocracy, the people who have their children marched off to war for the benefit of Israel and the US politicians who serve Israel, the people who are pushed to financial ruin while the politicians continue to tax them to pay for more wars for Israel’s aggression and for endless hand-outs to the Jewish state of Israel.

California quake model looks for ‘mega-quake’ along Cascadia

California quake model looks for ‘mega-quake’ along Cascadia
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 02:52:54
January 11, 2013 – PORTLAND, Or. - New research is giving us some insight into when a major earthquake could strike the Northwest. The research was done in part by Stanford geophysics Professor Paul Segall. He has been tracking a series of very small tremors that rumble deep within the earth. The slow tremors happen roughly every summer along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, an undersea fault about 70 miles off the Oregon Coast. Over the last decade, data shows the tremors have been getting progressively bigger. Last summer, the Pacific Northwest experienced a notably large one. Experts believe those tremors are adding stress to the offshore fault. Using this data, Segall built a computer model which suggests it will be one of those tiny quakes that triggers a major magnitude 9 earthquake. “What we do see is that ultimately one of these tends to develop into a fast and potentially, damaging earthquake,” said Segall. Segall said that scientists don’t yet know how big those tremors need to get before they explode into a mega-thrust quake. And that means a major earthquake in the Pacific Northwest could still be hundreds of years away. But, he added, those tiny tremors are a good reminder that we always need to be prepared. Scientists discover the largest-known spiral galaxy. –King 5
San Andreas stress rupture could shake entire state: For the first time, scientists and emergency planners are examining whether a super quake could affect both Northern and Southern California, rendering the entire state helpless in the aftermath of the “Big One.” Seismologists have warned Southern California that a major quake on the lower San Andreas Fault, the so-called Big One is inevitable. But that the population centers of both Southern and Northern California could be affected simultaneously by one quake on the San Andreas Fault has only recently been recognized as a possibility. The study by Professor Nadia Lapusta at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Japanese collaborator Hiroyuki Noda focused on explaining the behavior of two devastating quakes in Asia: the 1999 magnitude 7.6 temblor in Taiwan, and the 2011 magnitude 9.0 quake off the eastern coast of Japan. In both cases, the quake spread across so-called “creeping“ fault segments long thought to be incapable of transmitting quakes, according to Caltech Staff Seismologist Kate Hutton, a Lapusta colleague. “The general idea until this paper was that they would stop a quake,” Hutton said. It was believed the slow, creeping movement prevents stress from building up and keeps such a segment stable, Hutton added. Lapusta and Noda developed a computer model to explain how under certain conditions “a rupture could just kind of barge right through,” Hutton said. “Now the question is how this would apply to California.” Such a creeping zone has been identified in a stretch of the San Andreas Fault in central California, just north of seismically active Parkfield. The Great San Francisco quake of 1906 occurred on the San Andreas north of the creeping zone. The 1857 Fort Tejon quake occurred to the south. No known quake has ever spanned across that creeping zone. Whether the model developed by Lapusta and Noda could apply there would depend on local geological variables not yet completely understood, Hutton said. –NBC LA

Four Minute video Explains Why You Are Powerless Against The District Of Corruption

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Four Minute video Explains Why You Are Powerless Against The District Of Corruption
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 11-Jan-2013 22:12:19

Removing The Shackles - THE DISCLOSURE

Removing The Shackles

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:11 AM PST


Yes. You asked for answers regarding so many things, including St. Germaine's Trust, NESARA, The Prosperity Packages, the Global Collateral Accounts and before you unconsciously choose to live with limits or to live without limits...Pay conscious attention to the answers to all all your questions...Pay energy of attention to the release of truth, and the whole truth, for nothing but the absolute truth. Absolute truth is visible by conscious free will choice to breath and bring forth all data transparently, in trust of eternal guarantee of absolute peace, absolute love, and absolute grace. Know the answers in absolute context of absolute truth by within, then consciously choose by free will choice whether you absolutely BE and then DO BE'ing.

What IS the Public Trust and what does it DO?...In This absolute current present moment of now, it is the visible space of absolute truth that consciously absorbs the energy and holds the contrast of all data for you to exercise by free will conscious choice to BE free, without limits, now. So it is done. Ask your self, between feeling trust and feeling distrust...what do you consciously choose by your free will to experience now? All own the Public Trust, and all that is guaranteed as BE'ing absolutely secured in it, equally to all, in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

In trust you can lovingly relax, purify and build in transparency, or, by contrast, in distrust you can angrily shield, fight and whither in transparency. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Your DO'ing what you choose to BE is the “application” of your choice. Your BE'ing is the delivery point of what you choose. No “rfid”, no “gps”, no “ssn”, no “codice fiscale”, no “blood”, no “address” required because that is so “yesterday” in this absolute current present moment of now.

As you begin BE'ing together as one in this absolute current present moment of now, ...consciously choose between the contrast to BE or not to DO or not to DO...choose by your free will choice! Either way you choose, by your free will, do you not know and see the absolute truth that it is? That each choice still equals BE'ing and DO'ing something? DO consciously make those choices the absolute current present moment of now. Consciously choose to BE and direct that absolute current of energy into the present moment of now, without limits, by free will choice. Your conscious free will choice exercised is to create, co-create as one in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

The “powers that were”, in all your dimensions, know...they have known forever without transparency and... Now they DO consciously choose in transparency to experience... All the data of absolute truth is made visible in this absolute current present moment of now. Absolute truth of the energy and code you used to consciously deceive, limit, commandeer, and pervert into systems of mis-direction, mis-managements , by contrived events, finely tuned by the tool of using “expectation”, “hope”, “want”, “need”, through the perverted tools of the “corporation”, “government”, “society”, “country”, “family”, “gregorian calendar”, “holiday”, “holy day”, “religion”, “title”, “master”, “servant”, “media”, “film”, “money”, “commerce”, “ucc”, “divinity”, “above”, “below”, “inner”, “outer”, and other allusions of separation and division of the one implemented to serve your self interests to the damage of all others, duly canceled, and the energy re-set now by conscious free will of eternal presence consciously exercised and guaranteed in word ofabsolute truth. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

In absolute love, peace and grace all now shall know you can choose to experience the opportunity to make a different choice....know and see the absolute truth of how the perverted systems of mis-direction, mis-management, and the allusion were consciously chosen to manifest the extreme contrasts to show these “powers that were” that they could not stop, delay, hinder and avoid the absolute truth of what IS and to free those in the deepest slumbers or shackled by the strongest restraints, in all their that all could know and see absolute truth in this absolute current present moment of now the paradise of freedom...what DO you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

THE DISCLOSURE is now visible...use your tools within of resonance to recognize and know what in the absolute data IS absolute truth. You will recognize those who fear having all the data on the table and know why. The “roll out” of THE DISCOLSURE is further made and done by all equally,...DO as you freely choose in this absolute current present moment of now. Free will be done and honored. So it is.

By absolute declaration and loving decree made in absolute responsibility and absolute liability, begin absolute context of visible specifics of THE DISCLOSURE, THE EVENT, and “roll out” in the manner absolutely good for all in this absolute current present moment of now.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 11, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with absolute responsibility and liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:

/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as          /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body             /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as
         Trustee 1111                                  BE'ing     1111                                                Co-Creator            1111

/s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as          /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body            /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as    
          Trustee 1111                                 BE'ing      1111                                              Co-Creator             1111

/s/Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as  
          Trustee 1111                                 BE'ing      1111                                              Co-Creator           1111

__________________________       _____________________________________       ___________________________
               as Trustee                          as state of body and BE'ing                                  as Co-Creator

Major shift to Cold Fusion is happening (?)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Johneye: Major shift to Cold Fusion is happening (?)
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jan-2013 02:42:05

A little background – I’ve been a LENR activist for a while here, and have been waiting for such a market movement. If this source I’ll link you to is accurate, that is now occurring, and is a gigantic paradigm shift that will rival any in our lifetime. Unfortunately, I don’t have the tools to verify the accuracy of what was claimed. First here is the claim:
“The fact that oil companies like BP, Shell, Exon, and a host of others are all selling off their oil fields around the world, that Petrobas who spent a decade to acquire the controlling interest in a texas oil refinery, now are desperate to sell it at a loss.
The fact that Nuclear power plant owners are cancelling their big investment projects, and preparing to close their plants.
The fact that Siemans have have dropped all their Nuclear Power plants and attached industries as well as all of their green power industries where they were a world leader, including a multi billion dollar project to place their solar cell technology in the Sahara to provide electricity to Europe that they just cancelled like it was nothing despite millions already invested”
Now, here is the primer that explains it. Note the source of the first link.
“A volume about the size of a #2 pencil eraser of water provides as much energy as two 48-gallon drums of gasoline. That is 355,000 times the amount of energy per volume – five orders of magnitude.” ( ).
This phenomenon (LENR) has been confirmed in hundreds of published scientific papers:
“Over 2 decades with over 100 experiments worldwide indicate LENR is real, much greater than chemical…” –Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
“Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry.” –Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny, NASA
By the way, here is a survey of some of the companies that are bringing LENR to commercialization:
For those who still aren’t convinced, here is a paper I wrote that contains some pretty convincing evidence:
Frankly, I doubt a normal person can even believe such a gigantic paradigm shift is occurring, but if it can be verified, it is the story of the new century.
Major shift story source: