Thursday, September 12, 2013

CGI's Lymerick: Awesome Letter That A Dying Military Veteran Sent To His Representatives In Congress

CGI's Lymerick: Awesome Letter That A Dying Military Veteran Sent To His Representatives In Congress
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Sep-2013 23:34:52

You will be amazed by the things that a dying military veteran wrote in a letter to the two U.S. Senators that are representing his state. Like so many other Americans, this elderly vet is absolutely disgusted by the corruption and the incompetence that he sees coming out of Washington. In the past, I have also written about how $1.4 billion is spent on the Obamas each year and about how Congress is living the high life at our expense, but in this letter this dying military veteran puts things much more eloquently than I did. The name of the vet that wrote this letter is Bill Schoonover, and it was written on April 3rd, 2013. Even though his representatives in Congress will probably never take the time to read this letter, I think that you will agree that the emotions that Mr. Schoonover has expressed in this letter are shared by millions upon millions of other Americans all across the country…
Dear Senator:
I have tried to live by the rules my entire life. My father was a Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army, who died of combat related stresses shortly after his retirement. It was he who instilled in me those virtues he felt important – honesty, duty, patriotism and obeying the laws of God and of our various governments. I have served my country, paid my taxes, worked hard, volunteered and donated my fair share of money, time and artifacts.
Today, as I approach my 79th birthday, I am heart-broken when I look at my country and my government. I shall only point out a very few things abysmally wrong which you can multiply by a thousand fold. I have calculated that all the money I have paid in income taxes my entire life cannot even keep the Senate barbershop open for one year! Only Heaven and a few tight-lipped actuarial types know what the Senate dining room costs the taxpayers. So please, enjoy your haircuts and meals on us.
Last year, the president spent an estimated 1.4 $billion on himself and his family. The vice president spends $millions on hotels. They have had 8 vacations so far this year! And our House of Representatives and Senate have become America ‘s answer to the Saudi royal family. You have become the “perfumed princes and princesses” of our country.
In the middle of the night, you voted in the Affordable Health Care Act, a.k.a. “Obama Care,” a bill which no more than a handful of senators or representatives read more than several paragraphs, crammed it down our throats, and then promptly exempted yourselves from it substituting your own taxpayer-subsidized golden health care insurance.
You live exceedingly well, eat and drink as well as the “one percenters,” consistently vote yourselves perks and pay raises while making 3.5 times the average U.S. individual income, and give up nothing while you (as well as the president and veep) ask us to sacrifice due to sequestration (for which, of course, you plan to blame the Republicans, anyway).
You understand very well the only two rules you need to know – (1) How to get elected, and (2) How to get re-elected. And you do this with the aid of an eagerly willing and partisan press, speeches permeated with a certain economy of truth, and by buying the votes of the greedy, the ill-informed and under-educated citizens (and non-citizens, too, many of whom do vote ) who are looking for a handout rather than a job. Your so-called “safety net” has become a hammock for the lazy. And, what is it now, about 49 or 50 million on food stamps – pretty much all Democrat voters – and the program is absolutely rife with fraud with absolutely no congressional oversight?
I would offer that you are not entirely to blame. What changed you is the seductive environment of power in which you have immersed yourselves. It is the nature of both houses of Congress which requires you to subordinate your virtue in order to get anything done until you have achieved a leadership role. To paraphrase President Reagan, it appears that the second oldest profession (politics), bears a remarkably strong resemblance to the oldest.
As the hirsute first Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton (1834 – 1902), English historian and moralist, so aptly and accurately stated, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” I’m only guessing that this applies to the female sex as well. Tell me, is there a more corrupt entity in this country than Congress?
While we middle class people continue to struggle, our government becomes less and less transparent, more and more bureaucratic, and ever so much more dictatorial, using Czars and Secretaries to tell us (just to mention a very few) what kind of light bulbs we must purchase, how much soda or hamburgers we can eat, what cars we can drive, gasoline to use, and what health care we must buy. Countless thousands of pages of regulations strangle our businesses costing the consumer more and more every day.
As I face my final year, or so, with cancer, my president and my government tell me “You’ll just have to take a pill,” while you, Senator, your colleagues, the president, and other exulted government officials and their families will get the best possible health care on our tax dollars until you are called home by your Creator while also enjoying a retirement beyond my wildest dreams, which of course, you voted for yourselves and we pay for.
The chances of you reading this letter are practically zero as your staff will not pass it on, but with a little luck, a form letter response might be generated by them with an auto signature applied, hoping we will believe that you, our senator or representative, has heard us and actually cares. This letter will, however, go on line where many others will have the chance to read one person’s opinion, rightly or wrongly, about this government, its administration and its senators and representatives.
I only hope that occasionally you might quietly thank the taxpayer for all the generous entitlements which you have voted yourselves, for which, by law, we must pay, unless, of course, it just goes on the $17 trillion national debt for which your children and ours, and your grandchildren and ours, ad infinitum, must eventually try to pick up the tab.
My final thoughts are that it must take a person who has either lost his or her soul, or conscience, or both, to seek re-election and continue to destroy this country I deeply love and put it so far in debt that we will never pay it off while your lot improves by the minute, because of your power. For you, Senator, will never stand up to the rascals in your House who constantly deceive the American people. And that, my dear Senator, is how power has corrupted you and the entire Congress. The only answer to clean up this cesspool is term limits. This, of course, will kill the goose that lays your golden eggs. And woe be to him (or her) who would dare to bring it up.
Bill Schoonover
Pretty incredible, eh?
Mr. Schoonover may not get to live through the horror that the full implementation of Obamacare will bring, but most of the rest of us will get to experience it.
As recently noted, the federal regulations governing Obamacare are already more than 8 times longer than the entire Gutenberg Bible. We are heading toward an unprecedented bureaucratic nightmare…
Since March 2010, when President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and its companion Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA), the administration has published in the Federal Register 109 final regulations governing how Obamacare will be implemented.
These regulations add up to 10,516 pages in the Federal Register—or more than eight times as many pages as there are in the Gutenberg Bible, which has 642 two-sided leaves or 1,286 pages.
And health insurance premiums are already starting to go through the roof at the same time that many Americans are having their hours cut back at work as a result of Obamacare.
We are seeing a fundamental transformation of the workforce, and it is all thanks to Obama. Billionaire Mort Zuckerman made the following statement on the McLaughlin Group this past weekend…
“Part-time employment is going to grow from 25 percent of the workforce to close to 50 percent of the workforce in part because of the problems of healthcare obligations.”
Can you survive on a part-time income?
In the years ahead you might have to.
And of course the Republicans are doing nothing to stop the implementation of Obamacare even though they have had opportunity after opportunity…
“When the Democrats passed Obamacare, every single Republican in the House and the Senate voted against it. Every single Republican in the House and Senate vowed to do something about it,” said L. Brent Bozell III, the chairman of He noted that Republicans took control of the House in 2010 by campaigning against Obamacare.
“Sean, the problem is, they have done nothing about it,” Bozell told Sean Hannity Monday night. And while Republican lawmakers talk about all the things they have done to defund and repeal Obamacare, “they have done nothing of substance,” Bozell said.
Our politicians don’t want any part of Obamacare themselves, but they are more than happy to force it on the rest of us.
The video posted below is less than 2 minutes long, but I think that it is one of the best videos about Obamacare that I have seen. I think that you will agree that it is extremely funny…
So what do you think about all of this?


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-2013 10:41:31
By: I.M.
Posted 3 hours ago

(images/ videos at source)
A new wave of anti-government protests rages in Turkey. New riots across the country have started again after a few days after in clashes with police was killed 22-year-old protester.
Anger people further has reignited the fact that the Turkish police lied about the cause of his death - led to a fall from a building from which protesters pelted police with stones. But the autopsy report confirmed that the story "does not hold water" - the body was no fracture that would indicate a fall from a building, a young man died from a blow to the head. Eyewitnesses claim that his head flew tin police teargas.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets again in the largest cities of Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir ... Wrath of the people burning since May this year, when anti-government protests cause any destruction Gezi Istanbul Park, and every bit the fire flare up again with new sparks.
On the streets of hell, and the media are silent
The police charged the protesters again water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets. Protesters do not remain bound - strike stones and burning container. On the streets again the state of war, thousands of people were injured in the riots.
A lot of people and more and more of those who oppose the policies of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hardened Islamists who are trying to limit human rights and freedoms, to abolish the rights of women and to implement censorship.
Censorship is in full swing and in terms of reporting on the real situation in Turkey - Erdogan made sure that the Turkish media do not report on the protests, and so on national television in the midst of bloody protests can track contributions of new magnificent buildings that are ready to build in Istanbul, such as $ 60 million worth project Glass mosque. While many do not have bread, money is wasted on anyone needed an expensive investment.
News about the real situation in Turkey to the rest of the world are reaching "a trickle" primarily through social networks, and some foreign reporters who are not subject to censorship.
If you are against the regime, and put life in prison
Those who are loyal to the regime in Turkey and end up behind bars remain jobless. Among them are many highly educated people - doctors, lawyers, military generals, scientists, teachers, journalists ...
About 300 people were given life sentences on charges that they tried to organize a coup against Erdogan. On the day of sentencing, a Turkish parliamentarian and journalist Mustafa Balbay, who was sentenced to nearly 35 years in prison, said: "Autumn will be hot".

Precious Little Girl Dismembered While She Is Still Alive By Obama's Psychotic Syrian Rebels

Subject: Precious Little Girl Dismembered While She Is Still Alive By Obama's Psychotic Syrian Rebels

but, but, but muslims were gassed & we all know who Obama said he would side with in his book.

Video: How To Open A Bottle of Beer With A Piece Of Paper

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: How To Open A Bottle of Beer With A Piece Of Paper
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-2013 10:32:26

It's official. America's Suez moment has arrived [video]

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Sovereign Man
September 12, 2013
Hong Kong
In the summer of 1956, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, sparking a worldwide crisis.
The Suez links the Mediterranean to the rest of the world, and it's one of the most important maritime thoroughfares in international trade. So this was a big deal.
Britain was a major stakeholder in the canal, and almost immediately, the British government put together a small coalition consisting of the UK, France, and Israel to regain Western control.
Their subsequent military action, however, greatly displeased the US government. And Uncle Sam quickly asserted its new role as the world's superpower.
True, Britain had once been the dominant power in the world. But years of unsustainable finances and economic decline changed all of that.
By the end of World War II, Britain was nearly bankrupt. But reality hadn't set in yet. They still saw themselves as a superpower.
British policymakers were still at the peace table. They helped set up the UN, divide up Germany, and even influence the new global financial system at Bretton Woods.
Reality finally hit during the Suez Crisis.
It became clear that the UK no longer had the economic fortitude or international standing to do as it pleased. And with the US opposed to the invasion of Egypt, the British government had no choice but to withdraw their troops.
In doing so, Britain handed the reins of world dominance over to the United States. And America held this position for decades.
But to anyone paying attention, this status has waned.
Asia is rising. Major centers of wealth and power have grown around the world. US finances are desolate. And its currency is now widely reviled by foreign governments.
But US politicians have completely ignored this trend over the last decade. They spend and act as if US global dominance is an endless river.
With Syria, though, the US may have finally reached its Suez moment.
Russia has now almost single-handedly precluded the US government from carrying out an attack in Syria.
And the Russian President has even taken his case to the American people in which he eloquently criticized both US policy as well as the notion of American exceptionalism.
Vladimir Putin is a brute. But he commands a nation that has all the power and might it needs to stand up to the United States and the rest of the West.
Just a few months ago, it was the Russians who wagged their fingers at European governments for confiscating bank accounts in Cyprus, comparing such tactics to the Soviet Union.
It's also been the Russians who have stood up to the West and given sanctuary to Edward Snowden.
All of this would have been unthinkable ten years ago. And this may very well be the event that future historians look back on as the day America lost its global dominance.
This isn't anything to cry about. The world isn't coming to an end, it's just changing. And this has been happening for thousands of years.
The Italians have been the world's superpower at least twice in history-- once during the time of ancient Rome, once during the Renaissance. The Chinese, Spanish, and Persians have all had their time atop the throne.
Power and wealth shift from time to time. And this is an important trend to embrace.
Being in front of this change could create generational prosperity. Stubbornly rejecting it could be detrimental to your savings and your liberty.
And if you're not sure... just watch this video.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,
Where is the best place to bank in the world?

This is the most common question that Sovereign Man: Confidential members have. Followed by "Where should I establish residency and move to?" The answers of course depend on each specific situation, but in this month's issue we set ourselves a monumental task of analyzing and identifying the best set of options that would suit just about anybody.

This month's seminal issue of SMC includes:
  • A detailed analysis of respective banking systems of selected jurisdictions. We look at things like central bank capitalization, central government debt levels, commercial bank capitalization, and commercial bank liquidity.
  • All this is broken down to identify which is the safest bank and the safest currency in the world, which jurisdictions are best for corporate banking, where the risk and reward ratios are favorable etc. Everything summarized for you in a user-friendly cheat sheet.
  • The best residency and immigration options in the world. Find out which are the two best places to establish residency with a view of obtaining a second passport-- without the need of actually moving there.
  • What are the best and easiest passports to acquire if you actually want to uproot your life and move to a new place. All in a systematic overview, designed to give you a direction immediately.
  • A boots on the ground account from Iceland. The country was the first victim of the financial collapse of 2008. It's still in a very poor state, with a default and a significant restructuring inevitable.
  • But it also has a lot going for it. That's why I'm so excited about its potential once it's forced to pull out all the stops and attract foreign capital. The opportunities for those prepared will be immense. It should definitely be on your radar.
  • An extended set of questions, ranging from what to look for when setting up an offshore corporate bank account to the best deals for farmland in the world right now.
To get immediate access to the knowledge contained within this month's issue, and all the back issues, click here to get the full details on your invitation to join Sovereign Man: Confidential today.

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David Petraeus Ambushed, Branded “War Criminal” by Protesters -vid

David Petraeus Ambushed, Branded “War Criminal” by Protesters -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-2013 10:33:03

Hi Folks,
Remember the recent video where McCain was confronted at a town hall meeting?
I can see this thing happening more and more as the months go by, people are fed up with the psycho/sociopaths getting away with murder and walking around like nothing is wrong. All elected officials should be worried about showing their face in public. People are waking up and getting sick of it..
Former CIA director mobbed on first day of new job.
A video shows former CIA director David Petraeus being ambushed by protesters on the streets of New York and branded a “war criminal.”
The footage shows Petraeus walking to his first day of his new job as a visiting professor at The City University of New York (CUNY). Petraeus seems unaffected as students hurl insults, labeling him a “war criminal,” a “scumbag,” and a “fascist.”
“You’ve got blood all over you! I can smell you!” “You disgusting imperialist!” yells one protester.
The ambush was organized by an organization calling itself the Ad Hoc Committee, a group of CUNY students attempting to drive out “Death Squad” Petraeus and eliminate the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program.


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So, you want to continue to volunteer?! The IRS thanks you for your contribution!!!

So, you want to continue to volunteer?!
The IRS thanks you for your contribution!!!

Fellow American,
I strongly suspect that the following may cause some fear and anger with the message and with the messenger. I only send this message because I care about you and do not want you to suffer the consequences of being either uninformed or miss-informed.
Here is more evidence that the federal income tax is a fraud and that it is voluntary. It also explains that the "money" collected by the IRS goes to Puerto Rico just to pay interest on your use of the Federal Reserve Bank owned fiat paper that we call U.S. dollars, more commonly referred to it as "money." No, it is not money. It is a debt note, privately owned by the Federal Reserve bankers. and it is that income tax that you VOLUNTEER to pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of Puerto Rico for the use of their debt notes. For 13 years I have been making this claim to friends, neighbors, and associates. I am unaware that any have taken that critical step to discontinue volunteering. By continuing to volunteer your "money" to the IRS you are allowing your federal government to continue to borrow this country further into debt to finance the U.S. empire.
As a U.S. citizen and a taxpayer, you are liable for any debt the federal government accrues. When the Chinese and every other country that has been buying the debt of the U.S. government (treasury bonds) decides it is time to "pay the piper", the feds will confiscate your IRAs, your 401Ks, your pension funds, your homes and everything else you falsely believe you own. Because, if you bought those possessions with Federal Reserve notes (that stuff you call money) then it is the property of the Federal Reserve bankers. Why, because that "money" is debt notes. You don't understand? Do some research on the internet on debt notes. Better yet, buy the book; "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency" by Ronald MacDonald and Robert Rowen, M.D. Also, be aware that these foreign governments have pulled way back on buying U.S. Treasury Bonds. So, now the Federal Reserve bank is buying the bonds (monetizing the debt), so called "Quantitative Easing". That can only mean that the bankers will be joining those foreign governments in taking your property
Appropriate advice being offered by those that are properly informed is to get your "money" out of the banks, the financial institutions, the stock and bond markets, and invest it in physical commodities (preferably precious metals) taking delivery of those physical assets. Don't buy paper assets - they are only worth the paper they are printed on.
I encourage you to open this link on your computer and read this article:

Demand freedom and liberty

"... it is indispensible to trouble in all countries the peoples relations with government so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written 1897

The Truth Comes Out: Former IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary

at01:00Posted byVatic Master

Vatic Note: If you want to reach the rest of the sheep, show them this and ask them if they knew the taxes were voluntary? They will say 'no'. Then ask them, "Do they know what else we have been lied to that has cost us a bunch of money?" Then ask them if they want to continue paying for something that they have no say in and the reps have no accountability for what they pass in the way of taxing the public?

Even in this article, they are not telling us the half of it. First of all Taxation on "labor" is against the Constitution. The only taxes allowed were "user taxes" and taxes on Corporate Profits. The founding fathers considered labor an "asset" owned by the person who had the ability to labor. It was an "ASSET" and not considered income producing. The payment of wages for labor was considered an "exchange of assets". Cash for labor. Not so, profits. Then there was the user tax and taxes on profits and the Constitution had a formula for all that.

The IRS is not a US corporation or branch of government. Its privately owned and is the collection agent for the IMF. When you extract interest for money you did not lend, that is fraud. So the IRS headquarters is located off shore in Puerto Rico. When you pay taxes, you are not paying into the budget. Collection of Taxes is strickly for interest payments which are profits since no initial money ever changed hands.

The gov does not budget our tax revenues on gov services.  What they budget is what it will take in taxes to pay the interest on the debt that was never lent. That is what makes it a scam and a fraud.  Whether they need it or not, they "BORROW" the money and use it to fund gov and that is why our founding fathers wanted us to print our own money to pay for our own bills and not have to go into debt for it.

If you want to pay toward funding government and pay interest, then it was allowed for in the Constitution, but you are not required to do so. This major theft has been going on since 1913 here in the USA, probably longer overseas. Once you file a return for that year, you have then volunteered and owe what you committed to on your returns. Its best not to file any returns or sign any that say you will pay. This WAS A KILLER DISCLOSURE that no one knew about and he admitted it to Congress.

The Truth Comes Out: Former IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary
By Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism, May 23, 2013
Steve Miller, former Director of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), admitted at a Congressional hearing that the taxes collected by the IRS are not mandatory – but voluntary.

When questioned at the House Ways and Means Committee (WMC) hearing last week, Miller told House Representative Devin Nunes that “America’s tax system is ‘voluntary’”. When Nunes remarked for clarification that the US tax code is a “voluntary system”, Miller said, “Agreed.”

House Representative Xavier Becerra commented that the ruse of the IRS is kept as a public confidence in the system scheme to keep Americans paying money to the IRS.

Miller confirmed this is so.

The shuffle at the IRS has landed Danny Werfel as the new acting director. As his first message to those employed at the IRS, Werfel said that amid the mistrust of the public brewing against the organization, it is the mission of all employees to “help America’s taxpayers understand and meet their tax responsibilities.”

Werfel invoked the tragedy at Oklahoma to coerce his underlings into believing that they are doing a great work. He said: “. . . as the nation comes together to support the victims of the devastating tornados in Oklahoma, we should all feel a sense of pride that IRS is actively supporting the recovery effort and doing our part to help.”  (This is a bold faced outright LIE.)

President Obama anointed Werfel as a replacement for Miller who was asked to resign just a month before his term as acting director of the IRS was complete. Werfel has a history working for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and an analyst for the Department of Justice (DoJ). Obama describes Werfel as having “proven an effective leader who serves with professionalism, integrity and skill.”  (AND Werfel is a LIAR FOR HIRE.)

Senator Orin Hatch commented on Obama’s choice of putting a businessman in place at the IRS: “If I was the president, I would find the very best businessman I possibly could who’d be willing to take it over and have the authority to be able to straighten the mess out. I don’t know whether Werfel has that kind of dimension or not, but I hope he does.”

Lois Lerner, director of the Tax-Exempt division at the IRS during the targeting of Patriot groups refused to speak to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, claiming her right of the 5th Amendment.

William Taylor III, attorney for Lerner, requested in a letter that preceded her arrival, asking the OGRC that she be allowed to refrain from appearing before the committee. Taylor claimed that be forcing Lerner, it “would have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.”

The OGRC wanted Lerner to comment as to why she provided incomplete data to the DoJ during their investigation of the discriminatory targeting of Patriot groups; asserting that she was either fully or partially to blame for the unlawful activity.

This week, when Lerner did show up at the hearing before the OGRC, she emphatically claimed: “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.”

House Representative Trey Gowdy told the committee that since Lerner made a statement at the hearing, “she just waived her Fifth Amendment right to privilege. You don’t get to tell your side of the story and then not be subjected to cross examination. That’s not the way it works. She waived her Fifth Amendment privilege by issuing an open statement. She ought to stand here and answer our questions.”

According to sources , the employees that were directed to target Patriot groups had different upper management to answer to; therefore muddying up the chain of command and further convoluting how to calculate who is actually responsible for disseminating the directive.

With these new assertions, the original story of rouge employees targeting Patriot groups without being told to do so is making less and less sense.

Since it is policy that if a tax-exempt application is not processed within 270 days it causes an internal “red flag” that draws attention and explanation, these applications should have been dealt with within that time frame automatically.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, the directive to target Patriot groups has been linked back to Cindy Thomas, program manager of the Tax Exempt division of the Cincinnati IRS.

Further refusals of cooperation have manifest with the IRS refusing to produce documents requested by MWC chairman Dave Camp and Sander Levin. Earlier this month Camp and Levin wrote to the IRS requesting records of all communications between the IRS and the US Treasury so assist in understanding the discrimination of Patriot groups.

The scandal is unraveling onto itself which is why there is talk that a special prosecutor will be employed to independently review the evidence and piece together the actual timeline of what happened and identify who was involved and at what level.

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9/11 Incontrovertible Proof: The Government is Lying


This clip is a mashup of 9/11 Truth Denier 
and Nist Investigator, Dr. Gross and 
dozens of first responders, contradicting 
all of his lies.

There is simply too much that does not 
add up about the official story of 9/11. 
This clip does not even address the 
unforgivable NORAD stand down, which 
ends the "official" story for me, right there - 
but the fires, which raged for weeks and 
kept burning for at least four months 
(from where I could see, out of my 
window, which was a block away and 
which looked straight over the pile of 
Tower Number 2). The temperatures 
were reported to be over 2,000 degrees 
Fahrenheit - WEEKS after the plane impacts - 
and it is known that jet fuel burns at between 
500-600 degrees. It is possible that the 
advanced accelerant used in the building 
demolition trade, called nano-thermite 
could have been responsible for these 
unheard-of temperatures for a building 
fire involving kerosene and steel.

And indeed, nano-thermite was discovered 
at the site, which by its very presence, 
would indicate that it was there for the 
purpose of bringing the towers down.

People! Marvin Bush - Dubya's youngest 
brother - sat on the Board of Directors for 
Stratasec/Securacom, which ran electronic 
security at the World Trade Center during 
the 9-month elevator renovation that was 
done on the buildings by Ace Elevator Co., 
completed just weeks before the attacks.

Within the elevator shafts, access could 
have been gained into 4-foot crawl spaces 
between floors, where explosives could 
have been planted without workers in the 
buildings realizing it or seeing what was 
going on. It would have been relatively 
easy to hide this work from the tenants 
by blocking their access to one elevator 
at a time. 

Moreover, there were always several 
entirely empty floors in the buildings 
(I could actually watch the Sun setting 
*through* the buildings, weather 
permitting) - and, as it happens, at that 
time, occupancy of the towers was an 
all-time low.

During the time of this elevator 
renovation, it was reported that there 
were strange noisy workers inside the 
buildings, operating on the empty 
maintenance floors. Look up William 
Rodriguez, Ben Fountain, and Scott Forbes 
if you need witnesses to this. And also look 
into the "power down" and evacuation drills, 
which were conducted the very weekend 
before 9/11.

Who would you put your money on being 
the liars, here? NIST and the diabolically 
evil conspirators, eager to cover-up their 
gargantuan crimes - or the FDNY and 
other first responders?
Video (about 6 mins):

- Alexandra

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