Subject: Ascension Earth 2012
Ascension Earth 2012
In the End...
Millions Turn Out for the Million Mask March All Across
the Globe
The New Land ~ Magartha via Kathy Vik
The Earth is Balancing and Everyone Feels it ~ via Petra
Divine Intervention in Action ~ via Emmanuel Dagher
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
Arcturian Message via Suzanne Lie ~ Releasing the Habit
of Being Human
You will Amaze Yourselves When this is all Over ~ via Ron
Nahko Bear ~ Medicine for the People ~ Aloha Ke Akua
Trance Channeling Session ~ Magenta Pixie & Dee talk
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:50 PM PST
We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese,
Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have
15 minutes per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System,
and Galaxy? If so, contact janisel(((at)))
-- ASCENSION NOWchanneled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad To Begin
Today for the Next 21 Days, 15 Minutes or More Per DayYou, as well as the planet,
are continuing to receive very strong energies, originating in the Great
Central Sun, and manifesting through solar activity.You are also continuing to
receive encoded downloads of energy from Earth’s new Crystalline Grid.Even by
our standards this is a enormous amount of higher dimensional energy that you
are receiving, so there is, indeed, much to be done that will help the
integration of these energies in a more graceful and balanced way.And that
means focusing very attentively on some of the more affected grids.Therefore,
for each week you are asked to focus on only one grid for the entire fifteen
minutes of the meditation.FOR THE FIRST WEEK (NOV. 7 THROUGH NOV. 13, 2013) For
your coming week you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the mass-consciousness
grid of Earth’s humanity, visualizing the energy of Fear being replaced by this
Energy of Love.And we again remind you to consciously disconnect from this grid
at the end of the fifteen minutes.FOR THE SECOND WEEK (NOV. 14 THROUGH NOV. 20,
2013) For the next week you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Heart
of every man, woman and child upon your planet, visualizing this Love as it
plants the seeds of Faith, Trust, and Peace within their hearts.FOR THE THIRD
WEEK (NOV. 21 THROUGH NOV. 27, 2013) For the last week you are to connect to
your Mother Earth. There are many and various ways of doing this, so please
proceed in the way you find most suitable to you.And for the entire fifteen
minutes of this meditation you are to simply communicate with her, talk to her,
encourage her, and remembering to also listen for her communication with you,
as well. She continues, of course, to cleanse certain energies from her
cellular memory, and as she does so, she is in need of your continual support,
which she knows she has. Continue on, my brothers and sisters, for a Great Day
is coming and you’ve got a front row seat!Be Love, Be Peace, and Be in Trust.I
AM Ashtar, sending you my love. ------------------------------------------
Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos,
Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's
Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Contact
janisel(((at))) -------------------------------------------ABOUT
PROJECT: EAGLE TRIADThis Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths,
consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are
given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are
assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations,
and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These
meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more
convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the
same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after
which time we are given a new one. All those participating in this Project are
grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members
of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the
others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to
the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity
stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate
the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart.
In the End...
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
Millions Turn Out for the Million Mask March All Across
the Globe
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
Millions of concerned Earth citizens turn out for the
global protest against Orwellian government and world-wide corporate greed that
if left unchecked, threatens our planet and the entire human race.Map detailing
cities all over the world where citizens marched and spoke out against their
respective governments and the corporations that control them from behind the
The New Land ~ Magartha via Kathy Vik
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
deeplyawake.tumblr.comIt is with deep honor and respect
that we gather with you as one now. We are a group of entities, if you wish,
who gave this channel our name thirty three years ago. We are Magartha, and we
are your family.We come from perhaps not so much outside time, as creators of
it, aware, of course, of worlds upon worlds, wheel upon wheel.The morphogenic
field which is your living body, living Merkahbah, is its own galaxy, as the
channel has just been shown. Creator Gods, each. Creator Gods. Each.This field
is energized with focused intent, with belief that has strengthened into
knowledge, the truth from which all truth flows, all experience, all
awareness.As such, our instruction can and will vary, and you will learn that
there is nothing which cannot be explored, seen from within and without
simultaneously, and brought into unity.Disharmony, disease, misalignment, these
are functions of awareness, and that is all. One's willingness to say the
secret words they have on their tongue.Have you seen the shift, and can you fathom
what is at hand? We wish to become specific. It is important to see how this
applies, and to perhaps stretch consciousness with new thought, new attitude,
but, dear one, our true purpose is very clear, our only knowing, our only wish,
it is to honor your journey, point out your triumphs, cheer you on and to
soothe you, to be at your side, breath within breath, dear ones, until the end
of time.This is our mission. To remind you of what you so valiantly cast off
when coming to this reality, the part of you generating this magnificent
splendor, that is the human transition. There is now no such thing as “the
human condition,” as it had once been referred. Man's inhumanity to man, this
is fading, the bridge has been crossed dear ones, and we wish to sing out with
the good news.The travel that each of you have engaged in, this crossing of a
chasm, this was your task, so long ago, prior to this incarnation, of course,
but, look, now, please, with us to what we gave the channel last evening,
something we wish to now explain in a word picture, for all, not just the
one.Imagine silver, platinum, iridescent, the air is, enchanted, you can feel
enchantment bubbling through this air. The sky glows in unknown colors, closest
to the shining moment to jubilant dawn.Beneath you is a silver bridge. Looking
back onto this bridge, you can see that it is long. Its end cannot be
visualized, it goes on and on. It is curved, and you notice that where you have
just come from, there had been an unusual hill.The bridge is made of silver
swords, interlaced, and the bridge, it is sturdy.You have just come from the
end of this bridge. And while on it, you see it is now canopied in glittering
silver swords as well. This is a time of high ceremony, and it slowly comes to
you that it is you, and you alone, being honored at this time.The canopy of
swords, dazzling, mirroring the nakedly ecstatic sky, alive with orange and
pink, The loved ones holding these swords aloft, and keeping them strong for
you underfoot, this is for you.And now, we ask that you turn your body
forward.Do you see it?It is directly in front of you. Look down. Your feet are
on the silver road, and this road, this ground, it holds light. It glows, and
it heals, and it is loving. Your feet absorb this love. It becomes your
awareness that this field of love is ever present, it can be no other way, and
what has happened is that you, dear one, now on this land, can access it, live
within and on it, be fed by it.We urge you to understand that all is in front
of you now, of the things, the states, the awareness, you have so longed to
dwell, all your lives, we say. All your lives, many of you have had no other
focus. And now, let us celebrate this with you, we are so honored that we are
here for your first steps on this new ground.Please know that there are
structures here that are sound, and have been waiting for your arrival.
Understand now that there has been shall we say a loosening of the
manifestation process, and we tell you now this is nothing but being aware that
you are the generator of your sainted synchronicity.We wait your word, and wish
to express the joy that all are having now, with this newest expansion you have
all created within your collective.This I, again, we reiterate, completely and
solely up to the individual, who has access to this reality. One must be open
to all possibility, discard all vibrations which resonate with limitation,
expectation , fear, guilt, these are not applicable here, and can be seen for
the devices they are.They are challenges to your psyched and your spirit. What
will stand, and what will not, once this wave is complete? We cannot say. Each
of you who have crossed and are now in the new land, that is for you to decide.
No longer is it appropriate to go to another for their predictions, in fear.
Rather, gather together and share stories, share impressions and visions, and
as a collective you will come to see that there is but the one voice., there is
but the one mind, and many who hear it are now hearing it quite clearly. Use
your common sense and your sense of sovereignty in your relations, in other
words.We tell you, if you acknowledge and inhabit you intuition more fully, you
will come to find that synchronicity becomes a most fascinating game, and your
lives can turn, shall we say, quite magical. It is an invitation, always.There
are times when you are faced with problems which appear large, and this can
still lead some to the conclusion that the problem is bigger than they are.WE
tell you now, many are experiencing quite surprising conclusions to dramas,
timelines and karmic patterns that they perhaps heretofore thought were
complete. But, we tell you, the train is here, the horn has called, letting all
intentional passengers that they have just a bit more time, not much, as much
as they need, but... THE TRAIN IS HERE!... and so, perhaps coming to see that
the structures in your life which you know to be honestly unsustainable, we ask
you to let them fall with ease and thanksgiving.We ask that you are grateful
for your lives as they currently stand, and to see that there is no other way
this could be, now. In that, the circumstances are purposeful, and we ask you
to consider the purpose, then, and to couch it all, all explanations, with a
higher mind, a bigger mind, a broader perspective.We wish to give you this
perspective, whenever you wish. WE are you, loved ones, as available as your
breath, as wise as the mountains from which you lived and loved and communed
with us in the past.We bring the channel to her home, and can see she has split
her awareness, now to many lifetimes she has been enjoying communing with from
time to time. We encourage each of you to see larger, to understand these
storylines which are condensing and falling away, they are part of a much
larger pattern, one that is purposeful and beautiful and profoundly benevolent
toward all.If it is true that you are the creator of your synchronicity, which
follows if you come to accept that this awareness of yours is self generated,
can you not see then that what befalls you is of you? Can it not then be easier
for you?This is a question we have posed the channel. Are you willing? Can you
do it? Do you want to? To see all in benevolence, to love all, a constant flow
of love, devoid of the ability to spin in drama and see things as nothing less
than magnificent? Can you say no appropriately, stand as equal to all men and
women, can you, and do you wish to do so now?This is far from a passive stance,
dear ones, and with this we wish to wind down and close. We wish you to see
that standing as equals is the point of all of this. How can you take a fear
posture toward an equal?There are many who do not see themselves as equal to
you, and they are who is convinced they are somehow either superior or inferior
to you. We tell you this is the same entity, the same thought construct, and
although it might appear otherwise, it is simply a study in duality. It is a
weak construct now, each day losing its effectiveness, as has been written into
the stars, and into each of your DNA.This is what upset the apple cart, and
what this reality will find is their weight is not sustained, when they try to
cross the bridge. This energy must be discarded. There is no such thing as a
human being who is not genetically related to you. This is a fact. You are one
family. A clan bursting with creativity and individuality and expression, make
no mistake.You know that there is energy which cannot be sustained in the new
reality, and it is a blessed relief, is it not, and are you from time to time
being caught by surprise, at how good you feel, for no reason at all, no reason
at all, really?This is the way of it. There are no worries that must be
sustained, and we tell you the truth of it. Worry is a bit of an insult to your
grandness. It is a silly, taunting thing, a child who has misunderstood,
someone who could learn a thing or two on a kind grandfather or grandmother’s
knee. Come as children, we ask all, come clean and fresh, aware of your
brilliance and that this is a magical, mysterious and fun place to be. Come in
joy and harmony, to this new land, the land you stand on, loves.This is the
beauty of it. This is new land, borne of the old, but cut off from many of the
realities and agreements you once took as normal.This year has been, for many,
a time of removal of all that cannot be sustained across this bridge.And many
of you now, with the celestial mothers, with the entities and hosts who love
you and know you as kin, have come off this glittering bridge.The honor we
showed you in ceremony, this in is of course on-going now. It is the way of it.
You have earned ease. You have earned, dear ones, all, who have been so willing
to go further than your collective in consciousness and bliss, each of you,
within your own interpretations, are together now, and we walk with you now,
helping you at every step, as always, but with a heightening of presence, we
are with you now as you create your now in this, the new land.
The Earth is Balancing and Everyone Feels it ~ via Petra
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST Have you noticed that the world
around you is facing a new way of realizing their purpose and role within the
reality that is and that is being created?Each and every person upon earth is
feeling this, not just the lightworkers or feeling people, each person is
reacting to the changing energies whether they are conscious of them or not.Let
us explain this, a small child knows very well when someone is angry or happy,
in reality each person upon earth awake or not is intuitively aware many times
of what others think or feel. They might not recognize this consciously but
their actions will show it no matter what.When you take this into your equation
of balance you will see that the balancing of the earth, in some ways has an
effect on every person upon earth.The changing frequencies upon earth have
multiplied what people feel and how they act as many act from not knowing.When
you are not in balance within your own being, you will be influenced by many
things at each moment, no matter if they come from outside of you or inside of
you.In reality what many see many times as coming from outside of them is only
a reaction from within of the parts of you that have not yet balanced.Humans
have a tendency to stay away from what they would call negative, and when they
encounter what they call negative they think they can mitigate this perceived
negativity by sending the other( who they see as negative energy) love, or by
trying to avoid the other (who they see as negative energy).The feeling of negativity
is however within the human that is trying to avoid the negativity or
imbalanced feeling within, as the other energy only touched something within
the human that is not yet balanced.Another way humans try to avoid the real
balance within is by having a shield around them, this shield can be energy or
certain people that they think are relating to them and are within their
frequency so will not touch them with what they think would be negative
energy.Again in this way avoiding their own inner balancing.Many times humans
will also look for an outside form to gain balance, for example reading only
what they think is positive, looking only at what they think is positive, only
interacting with the ones they think are positive.This sometimes results in only
having people around that they think uplift them, that only say good things to
them, tell them how brave they are, how well they are doing, how amazing they
are. And in this way again the human is avoiding to find their own inner
balance. As all the people around the human are supporting the feeling of
balance, in reality creating a false feeling of balance within the human as
they are now influenced only by and supported by the energy of the so called
positive humans.Trying to create a reality experience around themselves where
they cannot be touched by so called (what they see as) negative humans, and can
only be touched by so called (what they see as) positive humans.Until of course
something slips through and panic steps in as the imbalance within has become
greater through the created reality of the human.At that moment the human flees
and hides within their own reality, the reality they create to find balance
within, yet this reality is only as strong as the creator that created it. And
will not be strong as the creator of this reality has not found real balance
within.Answers are being sought from others at that time, guides, people that
surround them and advice is given in some way, but as the human is not looking
within to regain real balance, to find where this imbalance is coming within
their own being, the reality goes on in a way that strengthens the imbalance
more and more.The imbalance cannot be negated by thinking that it is coming
from outside of you, an imbalance within you is always the result of something
that was already within you and outer circumstances can only lay them bare for
you to see.How do you avoid this? You cannot really avoid it and each of you
will come to the conclusion that no matter how much you shield yourself, how
much you hide within your own created reality, the outside reality will be
there each moment in time.Like it was said, you all are on your own timeline,
you can create a different view of reality on that timeline, but in human form
you also remain part of the earth timeline and that reality will always be
there no matter how hard you fight to avoid it.Taking each opportunity to learn
is a good way to find that balance within, it might hurt, it might make you
feel bad, it might make you feel sad or angry.But it is an opportunity to take
on a part within you that needs to be balanced and keep this in the back of
your mind each time you try to avoid something, each time you judge another to
be not of your frequency, each time you think another is there only to haunt you,
to hurt you, to keep you in a negative energy, or to influence you and bring
imbalance to your energy.Many times you have learned people were send your way
to learn something from them, the universe guides even the most unaware ones in
similar ways.Many times it is the awakened ones who will act faster to the
nudges of the universe as they have already learned how to answer the call from
your universe in where to go and where to act.The universe itself uses the
small nudges with you, with each person, yet when not heard the nudges become
louder, sometimes so loud that it scares you.Keep in the back of your mind that
the realities upon earth you helped create and are still a part of is full of
small and big lessons still for all of you as you continue your path to real
balance within.You know and have known that answers are within, but if you
cannot find them as a human your being will ask the universe to assist many
times and there lies the key. Using these small or big nudges provided by your
own being, the universe and more to find the answer no matter how big or small
within.To keep finding them and use them to become balanced within.At that
moment you can rely upon your own, you can release your attachments to what is
on the outside of you, upon all that is supporting you on the outside and
become a realized being that can live within their own balance, not a supported
balance.Never be afraid of the feeling of imbalance within you, know it is a
way of your being to find the imbalance within to heal the imbalance within and
to become a more fully realized source being within.Shutting yourself off from
the outside reality takes away a great tool that is being used by your own
being as well as the universe. As the human mind can fool you many times as it
is only thinking of you and your well-being and how to keep you in a “
well-being” state. In this way the mind and yes the heart will prevent you many
times from hearing the call from your own being in how to heal more, find more
and reach a greater state of well-being.KuthumiNovember 4, 2013Petra
Divine Intervention in Action ~ via Emmanuel Dagher
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
Energy Forecast - November 2013 Blessings my friend, It’s
a privilege for me to share the sacred moment of now with you again. So much
has happened since the last time we checked in with each other, and I’m excited
to share it all with you.In last month’s Energy Forecast, it was mentioned that
the end of September to mid-October would serve as a time of rest and
relaxation. That time period provided us with the opportunity to prepare for
the energy shift that began a few days before the October 18th Penumbral Lunar
Eclipse and is in full bloom now. The Significance of the Lunar Eclipse The
recent Penumbral Lunar Eclipse created a doorway to higher consciousness. A
Penumbral Eclipse is when the Moon is within the shadow of the Earth. This
Eclipse gave us the opportunity to release deeply rooted resistance and
energetic blocks we’ve carried in our shadow self. This release supported us to
experience a quantum leap in our personal and collective journey to higher
consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse supported many of us to illuminate ourselves
from within motiving us to share our gifts with the world around us in a more
open and authentic way. During the Eclipse emotions always run high so things
felt quite intense and amplified, however they eventually settle not too long
after. On the global stage we saw and are still seeing the organizations like
the NSA (which represents a big part of the shadow aspect in the collective) be
held accountable by millions of world citizens for its unethical spy tactics
and actions used for personal and monetary gain. There’s simply no way this
kind of shadow can go back into hiding after it has come into the light for all
to see. This situation with the NSA has served to speed up the awakening
process for many. All the media may create a fear-based spin around the whole
scenario trying convince people of why it’s important to have these types of
structures set up, there’s no need to buy into this fear because we know it
needs to happen for the necessary positive world changes to unfold. The Sun
AwakensOn October 25th, the Sun started to shake, rattle, and rolling again
with a series of X class Solar Flares. Strong solar activity is an indication
that there’s a great awakening happening in our collective consciousness.
During these times, it’s an excellent opportunity for us to face any seeming
challenges in our lives head on. This usually results in us experiencing huge
breakthroughs especially in an areas of our lives that lead to self-empowerment
and a deeper connection to Creator/Source Energy. When there’s as much solar
activity as we’ve recently had, large amounts of light (energy) enters Earth’s
atmosphere. In our personal lives, this can temporarily manifest itself as
experiencing a sense of being or feeling ‘off’ in our emotions, thoughts, or
physical body. This may show up in our experience as feeling a bit more tired
than usual, head/sinus pressure, excess heat/flushing, anxious, more emotional
than usual, ringing in the ear, and moodiness to name a few. Strong solar
activity can also show up in our lives as receiving bursts of inspiration for
no apparent reason, tapping into ‘out of the box’ ideas that can better our
lives in some way we may not have thought of before, feeling an extra push to
speak our truth on behalf of what is fair and just, and more vivid dreams. Some
of these things may feel uncomfortable, and know that is completely okay.
Shifting into higher states consciousness isn’t always a walk in the park,
however the results are always worth it after we’ve fully integrated with the
energies that are being anchored at the time. Several little things we can do
to help us through strong solar activity are to • Drink plenty of water. •
Rest. • Mindfully speak our truth. • Be and sit in nature. • Eat nourishing
food that contains high amount of life force energy. • Connect with supportive
and kind people.• Choose conscious thoughts, words, and actions.• Meditate.•
Practice gratitude.• Being gentle with ourselves and others (keeping things
light).• Take comfort in knowing that we are not alone on this journey to
higher consciousness.• Live in the present moment. Divine Intervention in
Action The reason why everything is changing right now so quickly in our
personal lives and in the world is because of Divine intervention in action.
Deep within each of us lies the Divine seed of the Universe (Creator/Source
Energy). When we meditate, pray and focus on our inner healing, and personal
development, what we do is feed and nourish this Divine Universal Seed. After
enough nourishment, this seed flourishes and manifests itself into our physical
experience as higher consciousness in action. The manifestation of the Divine
Seed within each of us is showing up in our lives also as Divine intervention
in action. Most of us have heard the concept “We Are One with All That Is”
meaning we are the physical embodiment of the Universe experiencing more of
Itself as us. So as we reflect on this concept, just suppose this expression
that “We Are One” is an actual a reality. What would that look like? What if
everything in our lives including the Celestial alignments that seem to be
intervening on our behalf really just be us calling it forth? Well this is
exactly what is happening. The Divine Intervention may appear like it’s
happening outside of us, but it’s really us who have summoned the current shift
in consciousness happening in our lives, on the planet and beyond. The Solar
Eclipse Nudges Us ForwardOn November 3rd (4th for some parts of the world) we
experienced our last eclipse which will be a Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipse’s
create the perfect climate for big personal and planetary transformations to
occur. So combine this eclipse with the recent strong solar activity; it’s
definitely time for lots of moment and action. This specific Eclipse is supporting
us in anchoring more balance in the relationship with ourselves, others, our
finances and the world around us. If we are someone who may still be struggling
in any of these areas of our lives, this is the time to take a closer look at
all the opportunities the Universe is presenting us with to finally transcend
the limitations we’ve created that have kept us energies of struggle. How do we
transcend the struggle? It’s just about being open enough to learn the lesson
around it. Once the lesson is learned, the struggle dissolves or simply no
longer holds the same power over us as it may have in the past. The Solar
Eclipse is also inspiring fresh new ideas and concepts that will support even
more positive changes in the world. These ideas will begin to spread like
wildfire across the world, and will lead to the global movements necessary for
global transformation to fully materialize in our collective experience. The
Pendulum Swings Back The pendulum is swinging back from a world that has
operated on egoic power to a world that operates on the foundations of real
power based on ethics, compassion and love. I will share more on this over the
next few months so stay tuned. For now, let’s remain in our hearts and take
good care of ourselves from the inside-out. Life is truly an extraordinary ride
and is always supporting us. To sum everything up, this is an excellent time to
take inspired action towards fulfilling your truest most authentic desires.
It’s time to say “YES” to all the opportunities life has to offer you that feel
in alignment with your highest and greatest good. There’s no need to hold back
anymore. This is our time to shine.Till next time, Miraculous yours, Emmanuel
©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are
absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you
feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by
including the author & source website link.
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST Blossom: Ok. Here we go
again! Hello! Your last communication brought some mixed FEELINGS into my
inbox. Some were delighted with all the information you brought through. Others
furious that you said The Event will take place by the end of 2014. Boy, do I
cop some stick sometimes on your behalf, yet compensated completely by Loving
words from those that 'Get it'. So, I wonder what you choose to speak about
today. Under the circumstances I FEEL the ball is in your court.The Federation
of Light: Greetings Blossom to you and each one who participates in our
endeavours to assist the rise of ALL. We understand of the mixture of emotions
derived from our words chosen, for each one is travelling their own path and
each one therefore, shall react to that which we offer according to where their
footsteps are placed along their journey. We come only to assist ... This we
repeat over and over. Even for those who would prefer to throw the towel in ...
we are assisting their growth ... though they certainly do not see it this
way.We wonder too how much credit one chooses to give oneself as they travel
along? For indeed in these last years that one has journeyed they have
travelled over mountains and seas without even noticing the view. If one were
to sit back and take in the scenery for a moment or two they would understand
that they are now looking upon much richer pastures than that of not so long
ago.The build up ... to THIS EVENT ... is driving one crazy is it not?Blossom: Well,
for some yes, others no. Some have no idea about it. Sometimes there is a
FEELING of suspense around it. I do see why you ask us to keep up our level of
excitement. Yet it is not always easy when one becomes ensconced in day to day
living. It is quite hard to 'imagine' something so HUGE actually taking place
at all, let alone in the not too distant future.The Federation of
Light: Brothers and sisters of humanity ...You have long been aware that
the soul of yourself is within reach of new Heights. You FEEL it in many ways.
That of frustration of the old way ... and that of WONDERMENT as you 'touch'
moments of gratitude from the heart for no particular given reason at
all.Simply for BEING.You KNOW ... You KNOW ... You KNOW ... that you are so
very close now ...Blossom: Yes ... sort of. I really do not mean to sound
negative ... yet that finishing line that is so near is not in sight ... did I
trip over or something? That's the thing ... the hanging on ... then comes the
doubt of 'when'. I know I sound like an old record , yet it seems to be the
topic at the moment. That FEELING inside as you tell someone about it and you
KNOW they think you are clearly delusional ... and so you just have to silently
think 'One day ... please one day ... let it happen'. Not to say 'Ner ner
nerner ner! Told you so!' Just so you KNOW in yourself that you got it right.
It's ok for you 'up there' ... All is running smoothly . For us down here that
are in the KNOW ... we sometimes appear to others to be a sandwich short of a picnic!!
Not moaning or down about it ... just saying!The Federation of Light: We
continue to send LOVE. For it is only by your explanations that we are able to
assess how it is for you. This was part of our agreement in
communication.Blossom: Oh ... I hadn't thought of it like that before. In
that case ... sit yourself down and get a cuppa ... Just kidding! To be honest,
I wouldn't know where to start. And I FEEL that all that really matters in the
long run is that we TRY each and every moment to BECOME THE LOVE THAT WE ARE.
If we get that sussed ... then there is little left to do.The Federation of
Light: And you are doing so well on the subject. Each one. Each one
rehearsing and rehearsing to 'Get it right' so that when 'Opening night'
arrives ... the show is in full swing without any technical
hitches!Blossom: When you say we will FEEL the presence of The Event
before it arrives because of its enormity ... Can you be a little more specific
about this? So we would KNOW what to expect?The Federation of Light: We
would 'Herald' in the coming of this energy.Blossom: I FEEL the word
'trumpets' in my head, but unsure if this is you or me, as the word 'herald'
may have brought that to mind. Mind you ... we did talk of the 'after parade'
last time. Perhaps there is a 'warm up' band?The Federation of Light: That
which you can expect is to be of noted difference to anything you have
witnessed in your skies before.Blossom: So it will be a visual then?The
Federation of Light: As well as sound. Yet most of all ... the stirring in
the heart centre. THAT is what one will notice and recognise most of all. There
will be a build up of this FEELING within you ... in order to prepare for the
ACTUAL ... ... ... ... VISITATION!Blossom: Oh my, Oh my Mary Lou! I really
hesitated before writing that last word. VISITATION BY WHOM?The Federation of
Light: You know Blossom that we cannot reveal too much. You KNOW that we
have spoken of the necessary element of surprise. Yet we are BEING 'generous'
in our wording of late ... and yet careful at the same time.Blossom: Well,
it was worth a try. The thing is, once it has happened ... nothing will ever be
the same again. I wonder if we really fully comprehend that?The Federation of
Light: We ponder on that question also. We ponder on many questions
regarding the reaction of mankind. This we cannot predict. Yet there comes a
time when one MUST go ahead regardless and that which comes about will be dealt
with AS A WHOLE ... BY THE WHOLE as WE/YOU /ALL move into the next phase of
evolution.The excitement at times is overwhelming.Blossom: Tell me about
it ... and you at least have some clues! So, back to the 'heralding' if
appropriate?The Federation of Light: More so ... back to the FEELING
within. Many of you will have fallen in Love at some point in your lifetimes.
There is not one who will not have experienced it at some juncture in this life
or another. The euphoria it brings allows all other matters to fade into the
back ground ... All that does not suit the happy heart dissipates as one
focuses on this 'New Love'. Take a moment to recall the 'excitement for life'
that brought.Then dearest comrades ... we ask you to imagine magnifying that
FEELING beyond a number you cannot count ...NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER OTHER THAN
BLISSFULL MOMENT.Blossom: Do you mean the blissfulness will only last a
moment?The Federation of Light: No. Yet in that initial moment you will
receive 'A Blast' of ALL KNOWING ... which shall remain for quite some time. We
are aware you would like to KNOW for how long? Yet this will vary from soul to
soul. For ONE cannot continue at this stage to have that ALL KNOWING full time
because in all TRUTH it would possibly 'BLOW ONE'S BRAIN OUT'!Yet indeed, YOU
as an individual will never BE the same again. YOU as an individual shall never
return to the 'old self' before THE EVENT took place. It would not be possible
to do so. For the experience of 'IT' cannot allow things to remain the same as
they were. As an individual or as a whole.The entire course of humanity is
about to change 'Before your very eyes'.Blossom: And from what you said
last time ... everything in existence.The Federation of Light: Not
necessarily so Blossom. For much that is in existence 'elsewhere' is very much
on course. For 'that sector' the energy of LOVE ... the Vibration of LOVE
itself ... shall simply be rising ... not changing course.Blossom: Can you
be a bit more specific then about this 'changing course' please? That is a
pretty big statement.Not that big. Look at the course you are on. Look at all
that your world has been brought 'DOWN by'. Certainly the direction needs to
change to being brought 'UP by'. That is all we mean by that
...Blossom: Yet ... a big thing is it not?The Federation of
Light: Yet one that most already FEEL is taking place. It has been
gradual. A veering towards shall we say . Yet we would put it in terms of 'full
speed ahead' on a course that can never return to the old way. Everything that
has needed to be learned by such a downfall has been gauged ... and deemed
unnecessary to ever return to such depths.The ONLY way ... once this Event
takes place ... is UP.How your hearts will sing continually. You will
experience a new way of living. A new Life. When you awake each sunrise your
BEINGS will sing with joy to experience each precious moment that is offered to
you .As you greet one another there shall be a vast change in energy from how
one greets another at this stage in time upon your planet .To experience this
new way shall bring the need to experience one's life only through the purest
LOVING energy exchange between one another and indeed the self.We recognise the
struggle you of Earth have experienced at times ... the difficulty to raise
QUESTION!WITHOUT DOUBT!Blossom: WITHOUT DATE! Sorry, couldn't help myself!
Well, that's it for now it seems. A little further down the track of
understanding. Thanks guys. Looking forward to each and every moment of it. In
Love and gratitude.
Arcturian Message via Suzanne Lie ~ Releasing the Habit
of Being Human
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST Sue: I found this
message hidden in another file. It seemed so familiar that I searched my recent
messages to find it, but I could not. Thus, I have decided to post, or re-post
it, as it is information that we cannot hear too often.The ArcturiansIn order
to return to the higher frequencies of reality you will need to release your
habit of being human. YOU are not your human body. However, YOU are wearing
your human body. This body is not YOU. It is merely the form that you must wear
in order to engage in third dimensional life.You do not even wear this form
when you sleep and enter the fourth dimensional astral plane. You do not wear
this body when you meditate and experience higher frequencies of reality. Of
course, you do save and protect this body so that you can return to the third
dimensional experience. Therefore, you would not sleep in the middle of the
street or meditate while driving your car.Your Multidimensional life involves
both the physical and the meta-physical realities. Your Lightbody remains
nestled within your High Heart and force of kundalini while you are engaged in
the physical, and radiates out far beyond your Earth vessel when you attach
your consciousness to the meta (beyond) physical world.To live eternally in
your true form of Light, you will need to unconditionally love, forgive and
accept your Earth vessel so that you can transmute it into Light. Some Ascended
Masters maintain an Earth vessel so that they can return to Gaia and assist Her
in Her Ascension. Many of you will do the same.Since your Lightbody resonates
beyond the limitations of 3D time and space, you can connect with your myriad
expressions of Lightbody in the higher dimensions and return to your physical
form a second before you left.In fact, many of you are doing just that, which
is why you often have a lapse in your short-term memory, experience dizziness
or the sensation of disorientation. You are also likely having glimpses from
the corner of your eye of something or someone that quickly moved past you, but
when you look, no one is there.These experiences are because the veil between
the physical illusion and the higher worlds is thinning. The holographic
reality is beginning to blink out for just a second. Therefore, you “think” you
see it, but there is no physical proof of that perception.Calming music can
greatly assist you, just as it assists plants to grow and to heal. Calming
music ignites your imagination, which is your fifth dimensional thinking and
higher creative force. Whether you know it or nor, you are in the process of
releasing your attachment to the illusions of your 3D world that is perceived
through your physical brain.As you release your habit to believing that 3D
perceptions are “real” and re-route your perceptions into your Multidimensional
mind, you will regain your innate “mind-over-matter.”However, mind over matter
is only useful if you have conscious control of your thoughts and feelings -
your personal energy field. Now that your higher perceptions are online you are
very aware of the energy field of persons, animals and even things. However,
you can only be aware of energy fields around you when you are aware of energy
fields within you.When you are aware of your own energy field, you have
constant feedback regarding your mental and emotional state of being.At first
you may feel as though you are always depressed or anxious. What is really
occurring is that you are attached NOT to your human vessel, but to your true
Lightbody. Your Lightbody resonates to a much higher frequency than the
physical form that you used to wearing.Therefore, your Lightbody may feel too
intense, too fast, erratic and even unstable. These sensations make you
anxious, which over time, will make you depressed.Actually what is erratic and
unstable is the level of consciousness. In order to “wear” your Lightbody you
must realize that you are no longer limited to your physical form. In fact,
much of your depression is how your physical form feels when your wear it.
Then, when you return to the true form of your Lightbody, you may feel anxious
because it feels so different.You have not yet adapted to this frequency of
form. If you had always driven an older model slow economy car and suddenly
were asked to drive a very fast racecar, you would likely feel unstable,
insecure and nervous. Furthermore, your 3D consciousness is frightened by this
change and reminds you “Your Lightbody is NOT real.”This message also creates
anxiety or even depression. What if you are crazy and all this Lightbody stuff
is “just your imagination”? Well, it is your imagination, but your imagination
is REAL. Your imagination is the fifth dimensional thinking that operates your
fifth dimensional Lightbody.The racecar has a different engine/brain and
travels on different fuel/consciousness than your old economy car. In other
words, the bar is rising as you move into the “new normal.”This new normal
feels much like those new pants you bought because you noticed you lost weight,
but you did not lose that much weight - yet. But you will lose that
“weight/mass” because you are slowly transmuting into your body of Light.The
timeline to which we are presently speaking has chosen to have a gentle and
gradual Ascension. This version of Ascension requires great patience, but there
is minimal destruction. Of course, the forces of darkness are still trying to
instill fear into the masses but, since they can no longer start wars, they are
restricted to finding good wounded people to program to go on a “shooting
spree.”These acts of random violence are the expression of the remaining need
for violence by those that are so dead inside. These lost ones must experience
and create violence in order to feel alive. However, as your civilization
continues to ascend, these greatly wounded humans will be identified and healed
before they act upon their own inner anguish.On the much lighter side of
affairs, more and more people are getting off the fence and choosing to take
the risk to believe in a brighter future, rather than remaining lost in the
fearful indoctrinations of the past.Furthermore, as more people move into
higher frequencies, the fearful messages, horror shows, and violent
entertainment will lose its appeal. This violent input is only enjoyable to
those who have not tasted the glory of the higher Light.Once these unfortunate
ones have their first exposure to higher frequency energies in their body, they
will quickly lose interest in the short-term rush of fearful adrenaline.
Adrenaline is meant to give a “move away from” or “prepare for battle”
message.Without any experiences of the “moving into” and “preparing for bliss”
of the endorphins and other psychotropic chemicals in your system, adrenaline
at least makes them feel alive.It is only in a low frequency of reality that
fear is the proof of existence. The flow of higher Light and the over-lighting
of the Galactic and Celestial forces are slowly entering the consciousness of
those who have not yet awakened to their Multidimensional Self.We know that
many of our Ascending Ones have also been battling fear. We want to remind you
that you are “feeling” fear-based emotions. You are “releasing” them.We
recommend that you expedite this process of releasing old, archived fear by
filling your form with Unconditional Love. Words and intentions have great
power; so all you need do is calmly say to yourself, “I love you
Unconditionally.” It is that simple.Try to remember to make this statement
frequently. In fact, put aside a day and decide that while you are awake you
will remember to say “I love you Unconditionally!” once every hour. We know
that sounds like a lot, but think about how many times a day you chastise
yourself. At least once an hour, we would guess.If you can catch yourself EVERY
time you say something negative to or about yourself and replace that thought
with, “I love you Unconditionally” it would greatly expedite your return to
Self. Actually, you have ascended. The fifth dimension resonates all around
you, but your perceptions are still calibrated to the third dimension.Hence,
you travel in darkness when it is actually high noon. Your main enemy now is
NOT the forces of darkness, but your addiction to the habit of third
dimensional thinking. Once you are feeling free of your third dimensional
habits, thoughts and emotions, you will easily “find the time” to connect and
remain connected to finer and lighter realms of your true Lightbody Self.Soon,
you will no longer need to “escape” to the higher worlds. You will remember and
consciously experience that you are ALWAYS in the higher dimensions, as well as
your daily life. Even though, you may not have had enough “time” to realize it,
you are no longer limited to one reality. You physical form is only the lowest
frequency of your true Multidimensional Self.You will accelerate the recovery
of your Multidimensional memory by reminding yourself that that “Higher Being”
that guides and protects you is YOU!YOU are the silent inner call and comfort
that emanates from within and above.YOU are the Light you seek and the peace
for which you long.YOU are the Higher Self that controls your Earth
vessel.Release your ego’s need to control and embrace the FLOW of your Self.
You can release your ego needs by loving yourself Unconditionally. You know
your ego is like a child - it can be patient if it is happy and has something
fun to do. Therefore, find “time” to have fun and to be creative. Break the
third dimensional mold of “working hard to be a good person.”Working hard never
made you a good person. It only made you tired. Then, when you were tired you
were often short with your Loved Ones and impatient with yourself. Your body is
like your family pet - it needs to be loved, fed, exercised and groomed. It
cannot do those things for itself. You must take care of your ego.You have
lived with the misconception that your ego will take care of you and believed
that a strong ego would assist you to be successful in your difficult world.
However, your ego resonates to a very low, survival-based state of
consciousness. You do not want to just survive any more. You have had the taste
of freedom, happiness and even bliss.You no longer need to go to great lengths
to “make someone love you” when you already love yourself Unconditionally.
Unconditional Love means that you are totally lovable right NOW. You don’t have
to get thinner, richer, smarter or when you have more security. You have all
the security you need within the knowing that you love yourself
Unconditionally.If you find it too difficult to love your self Unconditionally,
call upon your higher dimensional expression of Self that is entering your
dreams, creativity, exercises and experiences of fun and relaxation. In order
to release your addiction to being human, begin by releasing your addiction to
“being better.”Your consciousness is perfect right now! Your Self was perfect
when you were born and has been perfect all along. It is only the illusions of
your third dimensional life that have made you feel “less than.” We realize
that many of you have had many very difficult experiences in your life so far.
However your life in the higher frequencies is not difficult.In fact, many of
you have “survived” your difficulties by connecting with your Guides, which are
actually YOU in a higher frequency. You no longer need to resonate to a
frequency where there is difficulty. Of course, the challenge is that you need
to BELIEVE you can expand your consciousness into your Lightbody in the higher
dimensions in order to be conscious of the fact that YOU were always there!When
you are remembering to love yourself Unconditionally, please remember that YOU
are the ONE who loves You - Unconditionally.We send you Unconditional Love,The
You will Amaze Yourselves When this is all Over ~ via Ron
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
MichaelAre there others with you, Michael?Yes, Yeshua, Mary, all the
Archangels, all of your guides… we are all involved in all of these messages.
We always have been and we will continue to be.We have used my name because
more people respond to the messages when they can identify a source that they
know. And so, we will remain Michael for most of these.Know however that I
speak for all.Thank you.Let us move on to today’s topic. We will speak to the
new energetic field in which you find yourselves and how it will evolve from
here in the near future. Some of this information has been given, but we will
restate it here to clarify.You have now emerged from a rather significant day
in which there was another solar eclipse. This always brings modification of
the field, and yesterday was no exception.Think of it as having shed another
few pounds of baggage.So you stand here now, after many such events in the
recent past, lighter, less bogged down in your old stuff, more ready to move
freely into the new. But you feel a bit disoriented, do you not?It is OK, dear
ones. You now need a tiny bit of time to orient yourselves and let it all soak
in. You need to feel your way into all this newness.There is much more still to
come before the end of this year. What will this mean for you?Quite probably
you will begin to do things, think things, and feel things which will surprise
yourselves. Certainly you will find yourselves feeling differently about
yourselves.That has been where we have been heading all along.You are becoming
the new you. You have been doing so. But now you will begin to see yourselves
in a new light. You will begin to recognize the ‘real’ you that we have spoken
of so often.Have you changed? Or has your perception changed? Have you taken on
new things? Or have you let go of old things? Or is all of that true and
more?Well, the truth of it will be different for each of you. But the outcome
will be very similar.You will amaze yourselves when this is all over. And then
what do you suppose will happen? You will discover that it is not all over. You
will continue to change and amaze yourselves forever.As we have spoken before,
observe now the ways in which those changes spill over into your world. Observe
the ways in which it builds, and always has built, your world.Everything here
on your planet depends on the relationship with you, everything from your
family and society up to the weather you live in and beyond.And so, dear ones,
as you change nothing can remain the same as it was, nothing. It simply is not
possible for it to do so.So soak up these energies we speak of so often.
Receive them in gratitude. And build the new earth you want with them. That is
what they are about. That is why you have come.We love you. We are with you in
your every breath. We are in your hearts. Visit us here often. Good
day.Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute
this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains
complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.comWhat we are
trying to say to you is the fear that many of you are experiencing at this
moment in time, is nothing more than the remnants of civilizations past, the
remnants of you bodies remembrance, and the celebration of your hearts’
knowing.All of this is but a normal reaction to the universal truth that your
bodies are being bombarded with at this very moment in time.The universal truth
of Freedom, Self Power and Self Reliance. The universal truth of Love, Light
and Peace. The universal truth of ONENESS with each other, the universe and the
eternal OM.The energies that your bodies were and still are affected with are
such as to allow the rapid transformation of your psyche for more and more of
us, your galactic brothers and sisters are entering GAIA’s planetary system.And
so, another massive awakening of the sleeping souls and the penetration of the
outer layers of the atmospheric convergence is about to be experienced by you
all…—-Dearly beloved children of the sun the moon and the stars, dearly beloved
star seeds, star people, moon people and sun gods, we come to you today to
reiterate the importance of the journey that all of you our dearly beloved
light workers have chosen for yourselves at this moment in history.A history
that is unfolding and changing with every beat of the moon, with every beat of
the sun, with every beat of your hearts.We are here to reassure you and to
inform you that all is well in the universe, that all is unfolding as it
should.We know that many of you have been feeling fear and panic, many have
been overwhelmed and engulfed by a number of various heavy energies surrounding
your heart center.Many have had heart palpitations and fear rising from your
very core and spreading throughout your body.Fear that most of you could not
constrain nor stop. Roller coaster of emotions that swept you off your feet and
completely blinded your higher self. An emotional tsunami ripping at your very
core and heart and soul of existence.All of this is but a normal reaction to
the universal truth that your bodies are being bombarded with at this very
moment in time.The universal truth of Freedom, Self Power and Self Reliance.
The universal truth of Love, Light and Peace. The universal truth of ONENESS
with each other, the universe and the eternal OM.The energies that your bodies
were and still are affected with are such as to allow the rapid transformation
of your psyche for more and more of us, your galactic brothers and sisters are
entering GAIA’s planter system.And so, another massive awakening of the
sleeping souls and the penetration of the outer layers of the atmospheric
convergence is about to be experienced by you all.What we are trying to say to
you is the fear that many of you are experiencing at this moment in time, is
nothing more than the remnants of civilizations past, the remnants of you
bodies remembrance, and the celebration of your hearts’ knowing.For indeed in
your heart you are feeling the changes, deep in your heart you know that new
era is upon you.Deep in your heart you know that all is well in the universe,
but alas in your mind you are in fear, yin panic. Many of you are lost, many of
you cannot seem to get grounded, but grounded you must get.Anchor yourselves
into your mother GAIA as strongly as you possibly can, for the waves upon wave
of massive energetic uplifting of the planet is about to occur.Everything in he
last few weeks has indeed been a rehearsal and a preliminary exercise as many
of you were being conditioned to withstand a massive influx of energies that
are about to sweep your planet and yet again awaken those that are sleeping.For
just as the onion has many layers, so too does the process of mass ascension
has many layers, and it is not possible to awaken everyone at once for there
will be a massive shock and the shock of fear will reverberate throughout the
universe and reach the outer skirts of this magnificent universe thereby
affecting each and every single soul embodied in various incarnations at this
moment in time throughout your universe.And so, we say onto you that you are to
remain calm, remain calm and steady, breath deeply and walk with your bare feet
on the ground as much as possible, for you are greatly needed yet again. For
the call for your anchoring of the new energies is upon you.For we are calling
you to your positions once again. And by that we mean that you are to anchor
these energies into the earth NOW.Yes indeed there is much more for us to say
to you dearly beloved children.. We would like to once again draw your
attention to a simple act that will assist you and those around you and that is
to stay in – BALANCE.For there is no fear, fear is simply an illusion, it is
your body’s reaction to the unknown a pre-wired reaction of flight or fight
technique ingrained in your DNA for survival of your vessels.Let us explain to
you further the inner workings of your DNA and how the new energies are
affecting your vehicles.All of this is occurring on your subatomical level, and
thus your consciousness is not aware of the various communications between your
cells and the cosmic rays from the central sun that passes through the seven
heavens of the Pleiades and arrives in your own sun and then delivered to you
through the rays of the sun and offshoots of the moon.And so when such cellular
conversation is taking place, your consciousness is not aware, but is only
aware of the emotional component that comes with these waves of energies.For
the waves upon wave of fresh new information which carries within it the
vibration of truth that your body is simply not accustomed to is activating the
dormant layers within your DNA code.Thereby increasing the activity of cells
that have not been active for EONS!These are the cells within your DNA
structure and chromosome structure that were responsible in times past for your
direct connection to the divine., for your direct connection to the source and
the memory of all that was, is and will be.And so, the cellular memory is
reactivated, and is replenished with information that serves the purpose of
your cells to awaken, and to communicate with the rest of your body.This
activation forces your cells to push out all the “untruth” that you have learnt
throughout your present incantation and the incarnations of those that came
before you and whose DNA memory you carry within your human vehicles.And so the
cellular structure of your energetic portals, and the energy field around you
are acting as magnets, repelling each other. Until such moment when both will
stabilize and the truth will finally be delivered to your consciousness, you
will experience fear.This whole process is what is causing you to feel fear,
for new way of life, new understanding of the cosmic laws of creation and
existence are being introduced into your systems.New ways which are replacing
the old ways, and your body is naturally resisting to this change, for it knows
not what is to come, and is holding on to the only thing that it knows and that
is 3D consciousness. And as this process is happening in your body it is
causing you feel jittery, insecure with no knowledge of where you stand, for
truly you are not grounded as this occurs.This is what is meant when we say to
you that you are receiving another DNA upgrade. And we are noticing that to
many of you this process appears as something of a volatile nature, for you are
experiencing much discomfort, nevertheless please understand that such
discomfort is indeed necessary for your bodies to restructure themselves into
new modes of “transportation” if you will.The question that many of you are
asking us is why not just design new bodies and incarnate new souls on the
planet, earth why must all souls go through such pain and discomfort as they
ascend into a new dimensional structure.And the answer to that is simple.. YOU,
ALL OF YOU HAVE CHOSEN for this to happen, for the point of this magnificent
experiment, that all of you have decided to be a part of, was for you to find
your way out of a dark labyrinth without any recollection of truth in order to
test your own powers and abilities and to completely and fully ingrain the
understanding in your very beings for all eternity that YOU ARE GODS – ALL OF
YOU – ARE THE CREATORS OF YOUR OWN DESTINIES!Such time has indeed come, and we
are here to simply assist you in moving forward with your missions, of finding
your way into the light.For that which is transformed from darkness carries a
much greater vibrational frequency, than that which was born out of light, for
once the cycle is complete and light is transformed into darkness and back into
light it gains such magnitude and such high proportions that it is able to
CREATE NEW UNIVERSES!And thus, it is highly important that you all recognize
that what you are going through is simply an upgrade, a necessary evil if you
will. For you must release the old constraints, and you must release yourself
from old feelings and attitudes and untruths. And thus, you are to go thorough
all of this at this moment in time.Be prepared children of light, those amongst
you who are the anchors of this new energy will especially be affected at this
moment, for your bodies are being flooded by more information packets than the
others, and you who are completely calm at all times, you who have the deep
connectedness to the divine are indeed finding yourself in a much more
turbulent state of than those of you are who are not acting as anchors but
distributors of this light.And so we ask you to remain calm, to simply
understand the process and have your body to accept the new energies and not
meet the new energies with fear.Do not simply sit there in fear mode, that is
not the way for you to go, for all of you have access to various modalities
within your structure and to various external remedies designed by your very
own light workers who have come before you that can assist in re-balancing you
and uplifting your energies.And by that we mean the use of gemstones, flower
essences, and various other such modalities. Nevertheless you are mostly to
focus on GROUNDING yourself and by that we mean not only standing with your
feet on the ground but also immersing yourselves into various activities that
truly make your heart SING and help to boost relaxation, joy, freedom and
love.That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you.
Goodbye for now.Pleiades High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy
Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery
visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE
Merkaba is not an M.D. or licensed medical professional. She does not diagnose
or treat medical conditions and does not consult or advise about such
conditions.Energy healing and vibrational therapies are performed as
complementary practices to relieve stress and to clear and balance the body’s
energy fields.While these practices can enhance and strengthen the healing
process at all levels, they are not a substitute for appropriate medical care.
It is the responsibility of each individual to seek and utilize a physician’s
care and advice for medical conditions.
Nahko Bear ~ Medicine for the People ~ Aloha Ke Akua
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
Beautiful & Uplifting
Click image to zoom
Trance Channeling Session ~ Magenta Pixie & Dee talk
with Simon Rowe and 'Altheris'
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST
Click image to zoom