Thursday, November 7, 2013

Update: Factors delaying the Settlements and holding back recovery YOU all need.

Update: Factors delaying the Settlements and holding back recovery YOU all need.

The Council of 13

One World of Nations
7 November 2013 

There is no single, simple move which can work in isolation. Everywhere, everything is being compounded by Special Interest Groups, who are all either hanging onto ill-gotten gains accrued over the last century, or parties such as the so very corrupt banks, utilizing any trick or deceit possible, to maintain the protection of their Ponzi money dependency scams of pyramid financing.

Nothing is as it seems. How could it ever have got so bad?

The gross ignorance of the Public allowed this. Plebeian, moronic masses have been purposefully dumbed down as a Sub Culture. Their laconic failure to get off their idle Butts and vote, has allowed a total misfit Leftie to run riot, unchecked in the White House.

Global control was effected under the Council of 13 and order imposed to their totalitarian design and wishes.

All key Council of 13 Members are now aging fast. China has the primary Fiscal role. All major Global Money Loan Treaties for America ended last year. Rothschild’s have lost their special Treaty Management role and it will not be redeemed under the emerging new protocols.

All the Warmongering, Agency chicanery and Zionist / Texan Mafia financial criminality developed under the umbrella of the Cabal. The unelected Military doctrinaire Agency and Zionist banker run Shadow Government has developed unchecked over the last 60 years. Americas Democratic process has been abused and all rights negated by a pernicious and self-serving regime. Reality is that a brutal, Thug ridden system has usurped all rights, and now, unelected, control all under Hawkish agendas. A thoroughly vile, criminal administration rules all. America is fast becoming an enslaved nation, with a failed Political system. Yet despite so many visibly emerging miscreants exposed ever more as in control, this sad bunch of misfits still seek to enslave the planet under their domain of control.


This aging bunch of Fourth Reich and Zionist malfunctioning Shylocks, are ever more internet exposed, as emerging nations now seek an optional choice. The wheels are coming off their Gravy Train. 

South America has switched to BRICS or the Euro. As have Russia and China.

The Europeans have the Euro, UK Pound and Swiss Franc, plus, China is now fast tracking the launch of the Yuan via London as Global Market Makers as an alternative to the Petro Dollar. New orders are evolving.

US Hegemony leaves the country friendless in the Asian version of their New World Order, developing beyond the reach of US influence or wishes. New Big Dogs on the block. America is becoming ever more isolated from Global influence. Even worse, their arrogance is such the Cabal don’t realize it, or how fast the Spirit of Freedom is effecting change in Global thinking and trade negotiations worldwide.

New Orders are being conceived and roles are being negotiated and planned even now.

With the collapse of the old British Empire, new leadership roles were assumed by the US. Britain survived only as a Fiscal power via its Global Banking and its special Cultural relationships. That alone saved the country and carried it through. Historical Cultural relationships and goodwill. 

That is missing from American policies. Washington policies are enforced upon nation states with respect for cultures denied. Big mistake, it breeds enmity. US Hegemony has been tyrannical and the world is less forgiving. Doors are closing. 

Putin faced Obama down over Syria and won the high ground.

Saudi Arabia is now negotiating supplies of nuclear weapons from Pakistan to defend itself and hopefully neighbors not only from Israel, but the emerging new Agency conspired and weapons funded Muslim Brotherhood of Wild West regimes. Washington is losing the plot. As the empire sinks, ever more unfit for purpose, what is to become of the States of America as order collapses compound in debts? The whole pack of cards are tottering.

America was founded by Immigrants from Global oppression seeking new lands and hope. Fine ideals emerged, with Global aspirations. The Beacon of Hope. Until the Zionists moved in and seized control of the monetary system aided and supported by an emergent Neocon regime under Bush 41, his historical deviant family and his Neo Nazi power usurpers. The family’s alignment with the Feudal monarchies and religious leaders sufficed for half a century. It enabled the Skull and Bones associates, plus Vatican and Knights of Malta Club types, to manipulate, rig and neuter the US Political system. All within were either bought, or blackmailed. Failing that, the American JFK type Kennedy solution. Ruthless reciprocity.

Inadequate investment was planned or made to support a future American society. Greed ruled, and the Beltway planned only how to sequestrate their ever greater licks at the trough, fueled by competing Zionist and Wall Street Fiat money in orgies of greed and vanity. Politicians grew fat condoning ever more. Then, the wheels came off the wagon and no new ones could be ordered as the supply chains had been neglected and ceased to function. Industries have collapsed as focus was on Fiat fortunes. Now, they are foundering.

America’s best hopes may come from abroad. Its relationships with Global neighbors who will, in fact, as IS happening now, take control of the new emerging monetary systems. China now has ever greater influence and even control of US and Global Financial policies. As the aging Council of 13 slowly implodes, who and what then? Big questions for big issues. Your future is unfolding now.

New Capital controlling strategists, will rebuild relationships with America, if the vile Washington criminal regime can be brought into a new world of nations. Hope is achievable. Good Americans are the key to re plan and re track America. But the Welfare groupies, work shy and moronic underbelly of this great nation state, has reality bearing down on them. The great Ponzi Printing Lie will end. With it the dream “We are special - Bull S!” Suckered by Hollywood and dumbed down by a Tri Lateral Rockefeller plan. Abuse of a nation and the prostitution of what was the American dream. Still the majority live - deluded. Clueless of emerging changes and impacts.

Really saving America has its best chances founded in the Thinking Group Sites such as this challenging Americas role and contribution as a valued Team Player in a world of nations. At one with, not dictating to others. Investing back into America, not asset stripping it. Investing in its people.

This IS all in discussion and new concepts are developing to help re track America, but free from Zionist and Cabal corruption. Unscrambling Washington is the challenge now for US Citizens, getting back the free rights that Liberty espouses and trying to get future Political Representatives and an AMERICAN President fit for purpose. Two more years of the Kenyan born Chicago Usurper only damages recovery ever more. America has hope, but first, remove The Dope!

The objective of the reports is to help lead you to the key trails so you can do the research as self-help. Getting Global recovery for all is the multi facet challenge. Reality and harmony among nations. Educating tomorrow’s youth to engender hope. Making wealth, not war.

Eleven Signs Of A False Flag..... Make Careful Notes..

Eleven Signs Of A False Flag..... Make Careful Notes..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 16:19:29
Throughout history, versions of the false flag attack have been used successfully by governments in order to direct the force of the people toward whatever end the ruling class may be seeking. At times, that end may be war, or it may be the curtailing of domestic civil liberties and basic human rights. In others, it is an economic agenda.
Indeed, false flags are themselves capable of taking on a wide variety of forms – domestic or foreign, small or large, economic or political, and many other designations that can often blur into one another. Each may serve a specific purpose and each may be adjusted and tailored for that specific purpose as societal conditions require.
For instance, the chemical weapons attack which took place inside Syria in August, 2013 serve as an example of a foreign false flag designed to whip up American fervor for war, on the platform of Responsibility to Protect similar to the Gulf of Tonkin.
Domestically speaking, a large-scale false flag such as 9/11, can be used to whip up both a massive public support for war and a popular willingness to surrender civil liberties, constitutional procedure, and constitutional/human rights. Economic false flags may take the form of manufactured “government shutdowns” or “government defaults” designed to create a demand for austerity or other pro-Wall Street solutions. Lastly, smaller-scale domestic false flags such as Sandy Hook or Aurora, often involve the implementation of gun-control measures or a greater police state.
There are, of course, many different versions of false flag attacks and none fit into a tightly crafted classification beyond the generalized term “false flag.” As stated above, some false flags may indeed embrace an element of each of the different versions listed previously both in terms of methodology and purpose.
With that in mind, it is also true that, while massive false flag attacks are always a possibility, it has been the small-scale false flags coming in the form of “shooters” (most often of the “lone gunmen” variety), that have been used most effectively by the ruling class and its mouthpiece media outlets in recent years. While the scale of the attacks have diminished, their frequency has rapidly increased.
However, due to a growing competent alternative media and researching community, as fast as the false flag attacks are launched, a volley of deconstructions of the official narratives are being provided. While many criticisms of the official version of events are wildly incredible, bordering on paranoia and impossibility, there are capable outlets and researchers who are able to expose the false flag for what it is. Indeed, it is for this reason that the false flag has suffered serious setbacks in terms of its effectiveness as of late and why it continues to do so.
Because the false flag attack is designed to instill fear, panic, and a guided response from the general public, it is important to deconstruct the narrative of that attack as it is presented. However, we cannot simply be consumed by attempting to expose and deconstruct every false flag attack that comes our way. We cannot ignore the greater issues, the winnable battles, and the demands we must be making simply to expose each and every false flag. We cannot ignore the forest fire to extinguish the occasional burning bush. The false flag, after all, is only the symptom of the disease.
For that reason, it is important to enable the general public to recognize the false flag itself, not simply the questionable elements of a particular false flag which will soon be overtaken by a new one. We must train both ourselves and the public to recognize the signs of the false flag when it happens and thus render the attack neutral.
The following is a list of some of the most common elements of the false flag attack which should immediately be looked at in the event of some other incident that pulls at the heartstrings and emotions of the general public.
1. High Profile Event: The first question to ask would be “Is this a high profile incident?” The answer, of course, is fairly obvious. If an attack takes place at the World Trade Center complex causing the buildings to explode and collapse, or if it takes place at the White House, or Pentagon, it is clearly high profile. Thus, the location can be factored in. In other circumstances, however, the act itself may be the major factor such as the case in Sandy Hook Elementary School, a nationally unimportant location but a horrific act that made national news nonetheless. The most important factor, of course, is media attention. Regardless of location or the act, if the media picks up the story and runs it simultaneously on all major mainstream channels, the incident can be considered a “high profile event.”
2. Changing Stories: In informed researching circles, it is well-known that the information that comes out shortly after the event is usually the most reliable. This is not to discount the existence of confusion related to panicked reports coming from eyewitnesses and the like. However, the information coming out early on has not yet been subjected to the top-down media revision that will inevitably take place as the story becomes molded to fit the narrative pushed by the individuals who either directed the attack at the higher levels or at least have connections with those who are able to control the manner in which various media outlets report the event.
For instance, in times of false flag attacks, the initial reports may point to 5 gunmen. Very shortly after, reports may only mention two. Only a few hours after the attack, however, all references to more than one gunmen are removed entirely, with only the “lone gunman” story remaining. Any other mention of additional gunmen after this point is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.”
3. Simultaneous Drills: One hallmark of the false flag operation is the running of drills shortly before or during the actual attack. Many times, these drills will involve the actual sequence of events that takes place during the real life attack . These drills have been present on large scale false flags such as 9/11 as well as smaller scale attacks like the Aurora shooting.
For instance, as Webster Tarpley documents in his book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA, at least 46 drills were underway in the months leading up to 9/11 and on the morning of the attack. These 46 drills were all directly related to the events which took place on 9/11 in some way or other.[1] Likewise, the 7/7 bombings in London were running drills of exactly the same scenario that was occurring at exactly the same times and locations.
Although one reason may take precedence over the other depending on the nature and purpose of the operation drills are used by false flag operators for at least two reasons. One such purpose is the creation of intentional confusion if the drill is taking place during the actual attack. The other, more effective aspect, however, is using the drill as a cloak to plan the attack or even “go live” when it comes time to launch the event. Even more so, it gives the individuals who are involved in the planning of the event an element of cover, especially with the military/intelligence agency’s tight chain of command structure and need-to-know basis. If a loyal military officer or intelligence agent stumbles upon the planning of the attack, that individual can always be told that what he has witnessed is nothing more than the planning of a training exercise. This deniability continues all the way through to the actual “going live” of the drill. After the completion of the false flag attack, Coincidence Theory is used to explain away the tragic results.[2]
4. Cui Bono? The most important question to ask immediately after any high profile incident is “cui bono?” or “Who benefits?” If one is able to see a clear benefit to any government, corporation, or bank, then the observer becomes capable of seeing through the false flag attack immediately. Many of these questions can be answered by taking a closer look at the behavior of these organizations prior to the attack and shortly thereafter.[3]
For instance, the presence of legislation which would stand little chance of being passed before the attack but which is quickly passed (or at least heavily pushed) afterwards is one clue that the conveniently timed attack was actually a false flag. Patriot Act style legislation was actually written before 9/11 but stood little chance of passing in Congress due to the political climate in the United States at the time. After 9/11, however, the Patriot Act was fast-tracked through both Houses of Congress with virtually no debate and with the blessing of the American people.
Returning to 9/11, it is a fact that a number of individuals who were in positions of power within the US government during the time the attack occurred had desperately wanted to invade several Middle Eastern countries.[4] After the attacks, a war psychosis gripped the ruling class of the United States and the American public followed right along.
After the Underwear Bombing, we saw the rollout of the TSA full-body scanners, a technology which would not have been readily accepted prior to the incident and subsequent propaganda campaign. However, the scanners had been purchased one year earlier by a firm owned by Michael Chertoff, the former head of Homeland Security.
Likewise, in terms of the LAX shooting, TSA purchased 3.5 million dollars worth of ammunition in August. Yet, in August, TSA was not an armed agency. After the LAX shooting, however, talk has turned to arming the agency, thus indicating possible foreknowledge on the part of someone higher up in the governmental structure.
Of course, the same can be said for the explosion of crazed lone-gunman shooting sprees that took place all across the United States amid propaganda pushes for increased gun control measures.
5. Unanswered Questions: Another hallmark of the false flag operation is relatively obvious – the presence of unanswered questions regarding the details of the attack, the perpetrators, the motive and so on. Although the media narrative that takes shape soon after the attack will ignore these questions, they will inevitably remain if observers are able to think for themselves and focus only on the information. An example of such questions would be Building 7 on 9/11 or the questions of additional shooters at Aurora and Sandy Hook.
6. Case is quickly closed: Once an acceptable patsy and cover story is chosen by the media, all other opinions and questions are refused air time. Nothing that even slightly contradicts the official story is acknowledged as legitimate. Once this happens, the patsy, if still alive (in rare circumstances) is charged, prosecuted, and convicted in a largely secret or shadowy proceeding. In most cases, the suspect is killed in the process or shortly after the fact thus negating any first hand contradiction of the official narrative. Either way, the case is closed very soon after the event.
7. Suspects’ Connection to CIA, FBI, or Other Intelligence Agencies: One key aspect suggesting a false flag that should be looked for soon after the attack is any possible connection the suspect or group of suspects may have had with intelligence agencies. A connection to any one of these organizations and institutions may go some length in explaining how the attack was coordinated, the motivation of the perpetrators, the actual involvement (or not) of the suspects, and who actually directed the operation. For instance, on 9/11, many of the alleged hijackers had previously had close contact with the FBI, CIA, and other high-level intelligence agencies (both home and abroad).[5] Likewise, the Tsarnaev brothers who have been accused of masterminding and carrying out the Boston Bombing had ties to the FBI before the attack.
In many instances, connections to certain military agencies and communities should serve as the same red flag as connections to intelligence agencies since these institutions have largely been blended together.
8. Convenient Scapegoat: One clue leading an informed observer to suspect a false flag attack is the existence of the convenient scapegoat. Any false flag operation will have a carefully crafted narrative complete with a group of individuals set up for demonization. The OKC bombing had McVeigh and thus, “right-wing extremists” and “militias.” On 9/11, the group was Muslims. In many of the domestic shooting sprees, the demonization was set for gun owners. With the recent LAX shooting, the “perpetrator” was an “anti-government conspiracy theorist.” In the instance of the false flag, a readily identified pasty will exhibit all or most of the aspects of the group and social demographic set to be demonized.
9. Media Promotes A Narrative Against Scapegoat Groups and/or An Agenda To Take Liberties: One clue suggesting a false flag is that, immediately after the attack and after the perpetrators have been “identified” by “officials” and the media, corporate media outlets begin not only demonizing the demographic group to which the “perpetrator” belongs, but begins promoting “solutions” in order to prevent such an attack from ever happening again. This narrative will always involve the erosion of liberties, the greater implementation of a police state, a specific economic policy, or a march to war.
Simply put, the media promotes the PROBLEM, allows for and guides the REACTION, and then provides the pre-determined SOLUTION.
10. Government Begins to “Take Action” Against the Scapegoat or Moves Along the Lines of the Media Narrative: After a healthy dose of propaganda from mainstream media outlets regurgitating the terror of the attack, the perpetrator, and the police state solutions, the Government then begins to take action. Political speeches are given in order to capitalize on the fear and anger felt by the public and in order to reinforce the idea that government is there to act as protector. Political solutions are then offered as bills, executive orders, or political mandates whether it is the curtailment of the 4th Amendment, gun control, or military strikes on a foreign country.
11. Clues in pop media: Pop media clues, more accurately described as predictive programming, is more easily identified in hindsight. This often involves the portrayal of the very incident occurring in a movie or television show. In other instances, it may involve the conspicuous or even inconspicuous placement of random details of the attack into movies and television. For instance, The Lone Gunman, a short-lived spinoff of the X-Files carried a storyline in which a passenger plane was hijacked via remote control and was being flown into the World Trade Center towers. In The Dark Knight Rises, a very curious reference was made to Sandy Hook with a map of Newtown, Connecticut on the wall.
Although it is extremely important to educate the general public as to the nature and purpose of false flags, education cannot be a goal in and of itself. The public not only needs to know the truth surrounding specific false flag events as they appear, they need to understand the methodology of identifying them on their own and in real time.
Creating a culture in which the general public is able to recognize the false flag attack as it is happening, without the need for a massive push by alternative media sources, researchers, or activists, is the first step in not only rendering the tactic useless, but in corralling the force of the people toward true action or, at the very least, creating a culture in which that force cannot be corralled by the ruling class.
While false flag attacks must be addressed, we must not allow ourselves to be so easily diverted off a path of political action, mass mobilization, and the making of real attainable demands.
[1] Tarpley, Webster Griffin. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA. 5th Edition. Progressive Press. 2011.
[2] Tarpley, Webster Griffin. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA. 5th Edition. Progressive Press. 2011.
[3] Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Interlink Publishing Group. 1stEdition. 2004.
[4] Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Interlink Publishing Group. 1st Edition. 2004.
[5] Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Interlink Publishing Group. 1st Edition. 2004.

Was Barack Obama Once a Muslim and Indonesian Citizen?

Was Barack Obama Once a Muslim and Indonesian Citizen?

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Questions about Barack Obama’s background have been circulating since he first announced his intentions to run for president in 2007.  Even former U.S. President Bill Clinton openly declared his doubt on Obama’s birth and eligibility to run for president until it was reported that the life of his daughter Chelsea was threatened by someone associated with the Obama campaign.
There have been several lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility, but so far, the courts have ruled in favor of the President.  On behalf of over 200 residence of his county, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has had his Cold Case Posse investigate the birth certificate presented by the White House as being that of Obama.  The investigation has discovered numerous pieces of evidence that indicate that the birth certificate and Selective Service Registration are both forgeries and constitute fraud.  Unfortunately, Congress appears to be impotent and unwilling to do anything about what could be the greatest case of fraud in the history of the United States and possibly all of history.

There has even been some question about whether or not Barack Hussein Obama was really born in Hawaii as he claims or in Kenya as they claim.  And to be honest, as often as he has lied to the American people about everything else, how can anyone trust him about this, especially when he has worked so hard and spent so much to hide his records.
Now, WND is reporting that they have information that indicates that Barack Hussein Obama was an Indonesian citizen during his youth.  According to the WND story, Wayne Allyn Root received a phone call from a reporter claiming to have documentation proving that Obama at one time was an Indonesian citizen whose religion was listed as Muslim.  When Obama’s mother married her second husband and moved to Indonesia, he adopted Obama, making him a citizen of Indonesia.  Later on when young Obama attended public school, he was listed as a Muslim.

The WND article presents a lot more information, but I honestly feel that this close to the election that nothing will be done until after the elections in November.  Other than the few private lawsuits filed that have challenged Obama’s eligibility, no government official, no one in Congress, and no court is willing to broach the subject.  Whether they have been threatened as Chelsea Clinton was or are just plain scared of crossing the powerful backers behind Obama, no one really knows.  The only thing clear is that it doesn’t seem to matter how much evidence is made available, Obama seems completely untouchable and this is the scariest aspect of it all. 



On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:31 PM, stage2omega <> wrote:

In a statement just received the IQD has successfully re-valued it’s currency 500-fold making dollar-millionaires of persons holding the Iraq Dinar, throughout the world.
What may come as a surprise to many, has for some been the ride of a lifetime. The Central Bank of Iraq CBI has issued a number of warnings in recent times suggesting that such Revaluation commonly known as RV will not take place. Notable recent announcements included a delay to 2015 at the earliest.
Suffice to say, the warnings from the CBI have been concluded as delay tactics, perhaps to limit the number of IQD speculators.
Presumably the prime minister’s recent official trip to the United States has proved extremely fruitful and perhaps even empowered the RV across the final few steps.
No doubt the next few days will prove crucial with multitudes of investors rushing to exchange the IQD for their local currencies.
Prime Minister Nouri Kamil Al-Maliki has recalled all members of parliament to attend a special session on Sunday 10th Novemeber – the beginning of the Iraqi working week.
Visit stage2omega at:

Subject: United Air'll love it!!!!

Subject: United Air'll love it!!!!

A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. 
Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage 
handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. 
During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, 
he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video 
for YouTube exposing their lack of cooperation. 
The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal." 
So he posted a retaliatory video on YouTube. 
The video has since received over 6 million hits. 
United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in 
exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal."
Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation 
for the product recognition from the video that has led to a sharp increase in orders. 

Here's the video:

Allen West: Congress must probe military firings Sees trend of relieving hundreds of senior officers as orchestrated from Oval Office

Allen West: Congress must probe military firings

Sees trend of relieving hundreds of senior officers as orchestrated from Oval Office

   Allen West: Congress must probe military firings

The Stealth Collapse of the American Economy

The Stealth Collapse of the American Economy

The Economic Collapse….people envision bank runs, life WROL (without rule of law), piles of worthless currency, rampant homelessness, and breathless news reports on CNN and the network channels (if you happen to still have access to a television, that is). They imagine a grim, gray world, devoid of entertainment, with unwashed citizens digging desperately through the trash.
Because of this apocalyptic image, the idea of an economic collapse seems pretty far-fetched to most people. After all, we still see cars in every driveway, lights in every window at night, children going to school and parents going to work. Everything’s fine, right? The economic collapse is only a conspiracy theory, cooked up by those crazy libertarians and right-wingers, right?
Sadly, no. It’s a fact and it’s all around us, right now. The economic collapse has occurred quietly and stealthily. In fact, many people probably think that it has only happened to them, as job losses occur, utilities get cut off, and the pantry gets more sparse. They don’t talk about it because poverty is a humiliating state – they suffer quietly, not realizing that the next-door neighbor is probably in the exact same situation. They don’t realize that they aren’t alone.
Less than half of America is employed right now.
Despite the deceptively whitewashed claims of the Job Report that say that things are looking up, Breitbart released an article on July 5 refuting their optimistic assertions. While there are technically “more” jobs, this is because positions that used to be full time are now part time – meaning that two or more people hold what used to be one job.
According to the article, only 47% of Americans are employed full time. In an age where most families require two parents to work full time in order to make ends meet, this is a devastating economic blow.
The administration is careful not to divulge the entire story, instead playing with numbers and percentages to portray growth instead of dismal decline.
If today the same proportion of Americans worked as just a decade ago, there would be almost 9 million more people working. Just in the last year, almost 2 million Americans have left the labor force. With a majority of the population not holding a full-time job, it isn’t surprising that economic growth has been so weak.
In June, the number of Americans who wanted to work full-time, but were forced into part-time jobs because of the economy, jumped 352,000 to over 8 million.
The Jobs’ Report is increasingly measuring only a part of the American economy. While Friday’s report was better than expected, it only measures those who are working or actively looking for work. There is a growing number of Americans slipping through the cracks of the job market. (source)
Meanwhile, as income drops, expenses increase.
Consumer spending is on the uptick, a sign that the government likes to say is positive. However, people are forced to pay more to get less, just to maintain a basic standard of living with food, utilities, and gasoline. People aren’t spending money on goods – they are spending it on essential items and services.
Fuel: The price of transportation has gone up dramatically. The price of gasoline has risen a staggering 294% over the past 10 years. That’s right – 294%!!!! This, of course, affects anything that must be transported, which is, well….pretty much anything. If your food comes from another country or continent, you can add high fuel prices to the cost of that item. If your television was made in a factory on the other side of the globe, tack on some extra transit charges. This one item – the price of fuel, is the catalyst that is making the price of everything else increase.
Food: Furthermore, if you are a commuter, the price of getting back and forth to work is higher. So again – you are paying more for the basic essential supplies you need to live your life in your current fashion.
The price of food is climbing, and doing so rapidly. Significant increases have occurred over the past two years, particularly in truly healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as organic products. Deceptively, package sizes are getting smaller (or are staying the same size but containing less food). The price, however, remains the same as before, in an attempt to trick consumers into believing that prices are not actually rising. Apparently, 12 ounces is the new pound and 3 quarts is the new gallon.
Utilities: Utility rates are climbing, making it increasingly difficult for struggling families to keep the lights on and the temperatures pleasant.
The Commerce Department said consumer spending advanced 0.2 percent last month after a 0.7 percent rise in February.
The increase, which beat economists expectations for a flat reading, was driven by higher spending on services as outlays on utilities posted a second straight month of hefty gains. Spending on goods, a key measure of underlying demand, fell.
“Utilities made up a pretty decent chunk of spending,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “When you extract from that, spending was less than impressive in March. The economy is slowing.” (source)
The prices of electricity are rising dramatically. Customers have been warned that they will face increases. Smart meters have been installed nearly everywhere. Many places are instituting time-of-day pricing, making it only affordable to do your laundry in the middle of the night.
Part of the reason Americans are facing higher prices is President Obama’s War on Coal. (In his own words he promised to bankrupt the coal industry.) If Obama can’t close down power producers through the front door, he does it through the back door, via the EPA. Even though the climate change theory through CO2 emissions has been completely debunked, the EPA is still passing draconian laws to reduce our “carbon footprint” and thus raise the prices on power. Obama has shut down 8 coal mines across 3 states, and he and his buddies at the EPA have plans to scale back production at over 200 coal-powered plants via a regulatory assault.
A welfare state
More than half of all Americans receive some form of government benefit: food stamps, supplements, health care, to name a few. We are in big trouble because the people who work for a living are being outnumbered by those who vote for a living. Politicians buy votes with giveaways and freebies. (Who can forget the notorious Obamaphone video?)
Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog wrote last year, “A recent Forbes article by Bill Wilson estimates that over 165 million Americans are government dependents to at least some degree….”
New research from Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee Jeff Sessions (R-AL) reveals that this reality may already be here, with more than 107 million Americans on some form of means-tested government welfare.
Add to that 46 million seniors collecting Medicare (subtracting out about 10 million on Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, and other senior-eligible programs already included in Sessions’ means-tested chart) and 22 million government employees at the federal, state, and local level — and suddenly, over 165 million people, a clear majority of the 308 million Americans counted by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010, are at least partially dependents of the state.
The late Margaret Thatcher warned, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” That is what we’re seeing right now – our insurmountable debt is multiplying faster than Bernanke can print $100 dollar bills, and eventually, this bubble won’t be able to hold anymore and it will pop. That is the point at which the stealth collapse becomes big, real, and undeniable.
Surviving the stealth collapse
The goal for most of us is to maintain our independence while the powers that be try to return us to serfdom through limiting our access to affordable necessities. You simply cannot rely on anyone else to bail you out of this (Silly peasant, government bailouts are just for billionaires!) You must change your lifestyle and meet this head-on, using strategies like the following. Stop looking for a dramatic news report to tell you that the collapse has arrived – it’s here. Figure out how you’re going to survive it.
Cut your expenses. Create your own austerity plan to reduce your expenses as much as possible. This is not caving to the pressure – this is a way to assert your independence, by making your own cuts instead of government mandated ones.
Learn to provide for many of your necessities alone. Grow food, join a co-op, raise chickens and rabbits. Even a small salad garden in a kitchen window can help you to offset high food prices. Learn to sew, mend, repair, preserve, and build. Decrease your dependence on consumer goods and services. Embrace your frugal side and opt to be cheap by choice.
Reduce your dependence on the power grid. Use rain barrels to collect water, direct the gray water from your washing machines to reservoirs, hang your clothes to dry, and use solar lighting whenever possible. The less you depend on public utilities, the lower your bills will be, which could mean the difference between having some services or being totally without them.
Find other ways to stay warm. This can be difficult if you rent but it can still be done. Consider making modifications to allow for the use of portable wood heaters, look into different types of camping heaters and make your plans and purchase your supplies well before you need them. Learn how to safely store fuel for these secondary devices. Invest in battery operated C0 monitors (and extra batteries). Get sleeping bags with a warmth rating for low temperatures, consider a small tent where you and family members can sleep in your living room to pool body heat, and stock up on cold weather clothing like hats, fingerless gloves, long underwear and heavy sweaters. Find ways to insulate and separate one main living area off from the rest of the house by closing doors, hanging curtains in doorways, etc.
Watch the prices of your utilities. As the prices begin to rise, more and more people will be unable to pay their bills and eventually their power will be shut off. Check your bill each month and as prices increase, use less power. Redefine necessities. You can hand wash your clothing, cook on a woodstove or outdoor grill and can foods to preserve them instead of relying on a large chest freezer. None of these are the way things are commonly done these days, but if you can manage to keep power on for the most basic necessities, like running the pump for your well, running a refrigerator, and maybe powering up a laptop, you’ll be living in luxury in comparison to those who have no power, no heat and no running water.
Prep, prep and then prep some more. The end of the American way of life is upon us. Stock up on beans, bullets and band-aids. If you’re new to the idea of prepping, check out some sites like Ready Nutrition (especially the 52 Weeks to Preparedness Series), Survival Blog, Survival Sherpa, Prepper Website, Lew Rockwell, and SHTFplan. The clock is ticking, so buy as much as you can, while you can. Despite what many veteran preppers may tell you, it’s NOT too late!
Stop looking for a huge, life-changing calamity. In reality, the economic collapse is the culmination of many small events, rising prices, lower (or lost) incomes, and the deliberate erosion of our self-sufficiency by those who would control us.

Please feel free to share any information from this site in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to this website and the following bio.
Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at


Obama's Popularity Plunges as Lies Take Toll

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President Obama's job approval rating has slipped down to 39 percent, with a 53 percent disapproval rating, according to the Gallup Poll.
That's still two out of five too many American voters who believe in him, but it's a long way from the inexplicable 65 percent he once enjoyed.
What's more notable than the tenacity of his dupes is that more than half the country disapproves of Obama's Administration now that the nonstop chain of lies about Obamacare has begun to be revealed by the very media who helped cover up the fraud in the first place.
Ultimately, though, Obama's doing this to himself.
Confronted with the undeniable fact that he had not only promised Americans they could keep their insurance plans, but mounting proof that the White House knew all along that the statement was a flat out lie, Obama resorted to a favorite Democrat tactic and tried to rewrite history.
"What we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed," is Obama's most recent version of reality, given to supporters this week. After filling the room with verbal smoke and laser-show rhetoric, he spewed out this zinger: "The bottom line is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody and that's the right thing to do."
Now, the New York Post is reporting a White House insider has admitted there simply aren't enough doctors and nurses to handle the expected number of patients who will sign up under Obamacare.
New York alone is estimated to be short around 1,100 primary care physicians. New Jersey only has half the doctors it needs, and Connecticut can only meet 15 percent of the expected need.
And it's likely to get worse. In Massachusetts, the model state for Obama's government medicine panacea, the system has been overwhelmed since it began six years ago. According to the state medical society, over half of doctors are refusing new patients, and the average wait time to see a doctor after requesting an appointment is 39 to 50 days.
The delays have exacerbated the very problems socialized medicine was supposed to fix: people delaying seeking treatment, not getting treatment, or going to the emergency room for care.
And just like with Obama's false statements about keeping your insurance, the White House has apparently known about the inevitable doctor shortage all along, but chose to cover it up to get the law passed.
The truly amazing thing about this whole situation is that Obama seems to genuinely believe his own lies. It's perplexing unless you take into account his clinical narcissism. Obama has such an inflated opinion of himself that in his mind, there is nothing he can do wrong. Therefore, when he is caught in a mistake -- or even an outright lie that was recorded on video on more than two dozen separate occasions -- it is impossible that it was he who made the error; it must be reality that is incorrect.
The result is that we have a president who is a serial liar, who when caught then lies about having lied.

Just wait. If he's challenged about his most recent rewrite of history, he'll lie about having lied to cover up the first lie. At least he's predictable.