Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Obama Hustle

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The Obama Hustle

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama


An old Social Security card with the "not...
The problem of using the social security number as an identifier is the fact that a social security card contains no biometric identifiers of any sort, making it essentially impossible to tell whether a person using a certain SSN is truly the person to whom it was issued without relying on some other means of documentation (which may itself have been falsely procured through use of a fraudulent SSN).
SSN-042-68-4425 is the number that Obama has been using since 1979 when he was 18 yrs old.  A number that he acquired from CT while living in HI?  Below is the stolen SSN number that Obama is using and it has been broken down so we can understand how a social security number derived.
As a result of the June 1936 decision, the current SSN is composed of three parts:
  • The first three digits are the area number  (042)
  • The next two digits are the group number  (68)
  • The final four digits are the serial number  (4425)
At the inception of the program, all SSNs were assigned and cards issued based solely on information provided by the applicant. However, in the 1970s, SSA began requiring proof of age, identity, and citizenship.
May 1978
All applicants are required to provide evidence of:
  • Age, identity, and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status for original SSNs; and
  • Identity for replacement cards.
In-person interviews are required for individuals aged 18 or older applying for original or new SSNs. An individual signing the SS-5 on behalf of another (for example, a parent for his or her child) must establish his or her own identity.
In 1979 when Obama was 18 yrs old and supposedly ran off to college for the first time, well he needed an identifier for his supposed identity.  It is now a known fact that Obama has never had a legitimate long form birth certificate to prove his identity.  Now let us reason this, if one does not have a valid birth certificate of any kind then there is one document that is virtually impossible to acquire with out a valid birth certificate and that is a social security card that is used as an identifier in our country.  Well, without a birth certificate to get a social security number he had to get one somehow.
Now the social security number that Obama was supposedly issued was 042-68-4425 which as stated by the prefix of (042) which were only issued in CT.  Since 1973 social security numbers have been issued by the SSA’s Central Office.  The first three numbers are based on the zip code for the applicants mailing address shown on the application for a social security number.  (040-049 Connecticut)
It is obvious that Obama had to have a SSN by the time he entered Occidental College in 1979 because he sure did not have any other form of legal documentation that he would have had to produce to enroll at Occidental College, or Columbia University, or Harvard Law School.
So in keeping with the above information now let us look at what has been discovered as it pertains to  Harry Bounel’s and Barack H Obama’s social security number.
Evidentiary finding #1:
In May of 2011 I completed my first database pull for SSN 042-68-4425 and here was the result.  Note the name at the top.  In this pull for SSN  shows the last name of Bounel listed first and Obama’s is listed below.  The same number was used to pull both names indicating that one SSN was being used by both individual identities.
Evidentiary finding #2:
In June of 2011 Susan Daniels sent me this PDF file:


When the above PDF file is opened, pay close attention to the first page for it is the most important.  The first image displays the date of 1890 which is the anomaly that opened the first investigation into the social security number that Obama stole in 1979 more than likely with the assistance of his loving family no doubt.
Evidentiary finding #3:
This was a SSN verification that was completed in 2008 using Obama’s name associated with the stolen 042-68-4425 with his name listed as the owner.  The result came back as a failure because naturally his name was never legally associated with that number.

Evidentiary finding #4:
My friend Linda Jordan completed an E-Verify form and the results were as expected.  What was searched was Obama’s name again associated with the stolen 042-68-4425 SSN and the results were labelled a Mismatch as shown below.

Evidentiary finding #5
This next image shows Michele Obama as Harrison J Bounel’s spouse.  WHY?  What was she doing that because she had to list herself as the spouse of Harrison J Bounel?  Could she have been needing to access certain files that Obama was trying to conceal nad/or delete and so she had to list herself as his spouse because she was using his stolen SSN to obtain access to a particular file so it could be deleted or altered?  The image below will describe what was just listed above.
Evidentiary finding #6
The following Image is the 1940 Census document discovered by Leslie Bishop a genealogy expert with over 25 years of experience showing the individual, Harry Bounel residing in  Bronx, NY.  At the time of this Census he was 50 yrs old making his birth year 1890 (get it?)  Refer to evidentiary finding #1 for the 1890 DOB anomaly.
The following image will prove that Harry Bounel did in fact exist and that he was in fact born in 1890, the same year as associated with the SSN that Obama stole.  This image details Harry Bounel with his DOB of 1890 as stated in the PDF that Susan Daniels sent me in June of 2011.  Harry Bounel’s listing is on line (48).  Refer to evidentiary finding #1
The above image does in fact prove that Obama’s alter ego Harry Bounel did in fact exist and was a resident of the Bronx in 1940 when this US Census was taken.  This discovery was in fact accomplished with the expertise of Leslie Bishop who has well over 25 years of geneology experience.  This discovery led Leslie to inquire about having a FOIA discovery of SSA records with Harry Bounel and the SSN of 042-68-4425 just to verify that the record could in fact exist and that the proof that Obama has been using a stolen social security number could in fact and finally be proven.
In September of 2012 Leslie did in fact complete her FOIA request from the Social Security Administration on the search for Harry Bounel’s social security number.  She completed the FOIA request.  Leslie specifically requested information for, Harry Bounel with the SSN 042-68-4425 and this is what she received:
Evidentiary finding #7
The following image is of the letter that Leslie received back from the SSA pertaining to her specific FOIA request for Harry Bounel’s SSN verification for the SSN of 042-68-4425.  Now, bear in mind that if he were still alive Harry Bounel would be well over 120 years old.
FOIA 11-2012
There is one Numident record for each SSN ever assigned.  A numident is the social security number itself.  It, the number is only assigned once and is never used again unless it is stolen.
Leslie received this letter in response to her specific search of Harry Bounel’s record using the SSN 042-64-4425 and the letter which she received was a letter protecting the information for a 120 year old man who is long since dead.
“They acknowledged my request for THAT numident and denied my request. In other words, that record exists and since there is only one Numident per SS# and that Numident for Harry Bounel with SS# 042-68-4425 apparently exists, then its not possible that O is using that number legally and it is apparent that Bounel is the original holder of that number.”  As stated by Leslie Bishop.
Based on the evidence provided in this article and by the individuals listed in this article that have supplied the evidentiary findings for this article, The Obama Hustle has determined that Barack H Obama has committed several counts of  social security fraud and should be brought to justice for his high crimes and misdemeanors against the American people.
The Obama Hustle also defies anyone to disprove these findings as stated within this article.
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2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.

SHOCK CLAIM: Breitbart Reporter Charles Johnson Has Documented Proof Obama is Indonesian Citizen - AUDIO HERE.





These are just a few of the problems with this document. There are many other problems with this document that you can read at various web sites such as:
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Barack Obama is NOT a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and is thus constitutionally ineligible to be the President and Commander in Chief of our military. Obama was born to a FOREIGN NATIONAL FATHER who was NEVER a U.S. Citizen nor was Obama’s father even an immigrant to the USA or even a permanent resident in the USA. For no other U.S. President in the history of the nation since the founding generation (who were exempt from the natural born Citizen clause in the U.S. Constitution via a grandfather clause in Article II Section 1) was that the case, i.e., having a foreign national father who was never a U.S. Citizen or even an immigrant to this country. Obama being seated as the putative president is an outrageous violation of Article II Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the presidential eligibility clause. Obama was not born with sole allegiance to the USA. Sole allegiance and unity of Citizenship at birth was the goal and purpose for putting the natural born Citizen clause into Article II Section 1 of the Constitution as to who could serve as president once the founding generation has passed away. Obama (II) was born a British Subject via his foreign national father Obama (Sr.) who was a British Subject. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen of the United States” to constitutional standards since he was born with dual allegiance and citizenship. The founders and framers did not want anyone with foreign allegiance to ever get command of our military, i.e., be the president. Obama is constitutionally not eligible to be president and commander in chief of our military.
Adjectives mean something. A “Citizen at Birth” is not logically identically equal to a “natural born Citizen at Birth”. Barack Obama may be a ‘Citizen of the United States’ but he is not a ‘natural born Citizen of the United States’ and does not meet the constitutional standards as to who can be the President and Commander in Chief of our military:
See evidence Obama forged the birth certificate posted on White House servers 27 Apr 2011:
See evidence Obama is using a SSN 042-68-4425 not legally issued to him:
Click on image for details
The Obama constitutional eligibility issue is not a fringe issue! South Carolina Poll Results – A poll done by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that almost 2/3 of GOP voters want Obama’s constitutional eligibility and true legal identity investigated. This is not a fringe issue:
CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR DR. HERB TITUS (Not Mark Levin) DESCRIBES "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" December 12, 2011 (TPATH) The honorable John Jay, the first leader of the United States Supreme Court, initiated the insertion of "Natural Born Citizen" into the Constitution for the purpose of setting a higher standard for the office of the President. All of the verbal gymnastics being put forth by the left, as to the meaning of the term, will eventually be proven to be just what it is. Unlawful defense of an individual and political party at the expense and detriment of this country. When you watch this video you will begin to wonder how this country continues to allow such simple and precise language to be twisted, manipulated and convoluted. WATCH THE VIDEO PART ONE WATCH THE VIDEO PART TWO

We have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on.

On MARCH 23, 1775, Patrick Henry spoke to the Second Virginia Convention, which was meeting in Richmond's St. John's Church due to British hostilities:

"I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery...

We have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated...We have prostrated ourselves before the throne...

Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence."

Patrick Henry continued:

"There is a just God who presides over the destines of nations...who will raise up friends to fight our battle for us.

The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave...

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
Miki Booth’s book, Memoirs of a Community Organizer in Hawaii, will be released in late November, 2011. The book chronicles events and experiences over a lifetime culminating in the biggest adventure of all for the writer—an “Adventure in American Politics.” When Miki found others that shared her
Exclusive:  Epilogue To Miki Booth’s Upcoming Book

Exclusive: Epilogue To Miki Booth’s Upcoming Book »

“MEMOIRS OF A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER FROM HAWAII” by Miki Booth, ©2011 (Sep. 25, 2011) — Three years ago when I first heard of Barack Obama, I was pleased to know that a fellow Hawai’ian Islander...
September 25 2011Read More »

Usurper In The White House-Constitutional Crisis

Usurper In The White House-Constitutional Crisis


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Obama Sr a Kenyan was never a US Citizen. He could not pass on US Natural Born Citizenship status to Barack Obama Jr. No matter what is on Obama's birth certificate, no matter where he was born, he can NOT satisfy Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the Constitution..... No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of the President, neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.


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Truly, how does one openly claim to be a British Subject at birth, after 1790, and become POTUS?

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"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
-- Abraham Lincoln

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The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
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-- Samuel Adams


Congress and the Media Have Placed America at Risk of Being Attacked from Within

Posted on
Mario ApuzzoAn election for President and Commander in Chief of the Military must strive to be above reproach. Our public institutions must give the public confidence that a presidential candidate has complied with the election process that is prescribed by our Constitution and laws. It is only after a presidential candidate satisfies the rules of such a process that he/she can expect members of the public, regardless of their party affiliations, to give him/her the respect that the Office of President so much deserves.

All those who have been following the Obama eligibility issue well know that Article II, Section 1, clause 5 provides that “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .” At this blog, I have already explained the importance of the “natural born Citizen” clause. See my essay entitled, Why the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause of Our Constitution Is Important and Worth Preserving, located at In order for Obama to prove that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen,” he must conclusively demonstrate that he was born in the United States to a United States citizen mother and father. For legal support for this definition of what an Article II “natural born Citizen” is, see, among others, my articles at this blog entitled, The Natural Born Citizen Clause of Our U.S. Constitution Requires that Both of the Child’s Parents Be U.S. Citizens At the Time of Birth, located at;
Article II “Natural Born Citizen” Means Unity of Citizenship At Birth, located at;
and ‘The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law’ as U.S. Federal Common Law Not English Common Law Define What an Article II Natural Born Citizen Is, located at
At present, there is much controversy regarding where Obama was born. We have seen much contradictory information regarding this issue. Obama maintains he was born in Hawaii at Kapi’olani Medical Center and as his best evidence he has posted on the internet a computer-imaged Certification of Live Birth (COLB, which is a summary of his alleged long-from hospital-generated birth certificate) to prove that fact. According to the laws of Hawaii, this summary document, which does not contain information as to which hospital he was born in or what doctor delivered him, is only prima facie evidence of a birth in Hawaii. On the other hand, there exists evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. For a presentation of this evidence, see my essay on this blog entitled,
Obama Has Not Met His Burden Of Proving He Was Born In Hawaii, located at Additionally, just over the last few days, we have seen surface on the internet old newspaper articles that were written in African newspapers in 2004 stating that Obama was born in Kenya.;; Because of this conflicting information, the prima facie validity of the COLB must fail. Hence, Obama should present evidence that corroborates his and the State of Hawaii’s position that he was born in Hawaii and that he is a “natural born Citizen. He has without good reason refused to provide this evidence.
It has been reported how past Hawaiian State practices with its birth certificate procedures have presented opportunities for birth certificate fraud. An example of such fraud is that of Chinese native, Sun Yat Sen, one of the founders of the Republic of China, who was born in China but was able to obtain a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth in 1904 based on his fraudulent affidavit and evidence submitted by witnesses to the Hawaiian authorities stating that he was born in Hawaii on November 24, 1870. See also the September 2000 report of the Office of Inspector General, entitled “Birth Certificate Fraud,” which provides an update on the nature and extent of birth certificate fraud, found at Because of critical importance of knowing for sure who the President is, the potential for birth certificate fraud, and since Obama’s original long-form birth certificate housed in the offices of the Hawaii Department of Health can be some type of certificate (even a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth) that is based on some family member’s affidavit of personal knowledge but which includes no documentary evidence of an actual birth in Hawaii, it becomes crucial to confirm whether there exists any corroborating evidence of Obama actually being born in Hawaii. Consequently, various members of the public have tried to obtain information that would adequately confirm Obama’s and the State of Hawaii’s statements that he was born in Hawaii. These concerned citizens have made requests to the State of Hawaii and to various hospitals there for such information. The State of Hawaii, Kapi’olani Medical Center, and Queens Medical Center (originally claimed by Obama’s sister to by his birth place) have publicly stated that they cannot release the needed details of Obama’s birth, including whether his deceased mother was even a maternity patient in any of those hospitals, because of Obama’s state and federal privacy rights. Not being successful, some of these concerned citizens, feeling duty bound to the Constitution and our country, have filed law suits and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) actions against Obama and others to obtain this information.
Given that Obama and/or his agents have already publicly released some information regarding his place of birth, one commentator, William, has asked me on my blog ( ) whether Obama has waived his privacy rights to such birth information. At least two arguments can be advance that Obama has waived any privacy right that he might have in his birth information located in the State of Hawaii and in its hospitals. One is that he has waived his privacy rights to his alleged long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate by posting his COLB on the internet for the world to see. A problem with this argument is that the COLB does not disclose all his private information (name of hospital, doctors, etc.) and he can argue that his waiver is only as to the information contained on the COLB and no more. As a response, it can be argued that Obama waived his privacy right as to the identity of the hospital in which he was born given that he allegedly wrote a letter dated January 24, 2009 to Kapi’olani Medical Center in which he acknowledge being born there and which letter the hospital posted on its web page (suspiciously posting not a scan of an actual paper letter but only a computer-generated image created with HTML code) for the world to see. For more details, see the WND story on the letter at I have grave doubts whether this letter is authentic given that both Obama and U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie D-Hawaii, who allegedly gave the letter to the hospital and publicly read the letter during the hospital’s centennial celebration, refuse to confirm whether this letter is real.
The second argument is more powerful and convincing. Under Article II, a would-be President must be a “natural born Citizen” to be eligible for the Presidency. Hence, any candidate knows that such “natural born Citizen” status is required to hold the public Office of President. No one winning an election and wanting to fill that public office has a reasonable expectation of privacy as to where he/she was born given that job’s eligibility requirement that one must be a “natural born Citizen.” See my article on this blog entitled, Obama’s Personal Right To Privacy Cannot Trump The Right Of The People To Know Who Their President Is, at Of course, that person’s obligation to prove his/her “natural born Citizen” status includes providing credible, competent, and sufficient documentary and other evidence of, among other things, place of birth. Clearly and without doubt, the public interest in knowing that the President-elect is eligible for the office he/she seeks to fill by far out weighs any privacy interest that the person may have in his/her birth documents. It is also clear that knowing who the person is who will occupy the Office of President and Commander in Chief concerns national security and the safety of the United States and the whole world. It is not reasonable to believe that such a person’s privacy interest would out weigh the People’s need to safeguard national security and for self-preservation. Simply put, it would be beyond absurdity to honestly contend that such a person has a right to shield from the same People that he/she is constitutionally duty bound to serve and protect information that he/she must provide to them to show that he/she is qualified for that singular and all-powerful public position which would vest him/her with great power to affect every aspect of the People’s lives.
But underneath the privacy rights question lurks a much more serious concern. We can see the absurdity of Obama sitting on privacy rights to conceal his long-form birth certificate from the public. It is downright despicable for our media and Congress and others to apologize for Obama and let him get away with it. They know full well that he has no such privacy rights. The birth information and documents that Obama refuses to reveal to the public surely are revealing of whether his is eligible to hold the Office of President. Why has the media not filed any legal actions against Obama, the State of Hawaii, and other parties, seeking to legally lift any privacy barriers to Obama’s birth information as it has so many times in the past filed actions against others running for public office who sought to prevent the public from learning details of some aspect of their private lives? What is a travesty of justice is that Obama was probably able to win his U.S. Senate seat because the media (Chicago Tribune) filed a legal action against rival Republican Jack Ryan in which it was successful in getting the “kinky sex” details of his divorce released to the public. Why the media in our country would believe what type of sex two consenting married adults practice is more important than making sure that the national security of our country is protected is beyond comprehension and represents the quintessence of warped priorities. I do not believe that anyone who truly cares about our country and Constitution can express enough in words the outrage that he/she feels about how cowardly our political leaders and media have acted with Obama on the question of his place of birth.
Congress has abdicated its constitutional oath and the media, the so-called fourth branch of our government, has failed to perform its journalistic duty to the People of the United States to assure them that Obama’s election to the highest and most powerful office in the land adhered to our Constitution and laws. Congress has been given a chance to correct its failings and still it refuses to perform its constitutional obligation. With the assistance of its media cronies and others, they all ridicule and suppress the efforts of those who are fighting to make sure that our Constitution has been respected in the last Presidential election and that our nation is safe with Obama currently occupying the Presidency and being the Commander in Chief of our military might.
We must then ask ourselves why Congress and the media have not pressed Obama for the necessary and relevant birth information for at least the sake of the integrity of the Presidential election process and the safety of our nation? Moreover, Obama cannot be an Article II “natural born Citizen” because under the British Nationality Act of 1948 when Obama was born in 1961 his father was a British subject/citizen and Obama himself was born a British subject/citizen. See Obama, the Putative President of the U.S., Is Currently Also a British Citizen, located at Like a naturalized citizen who is not eligible to be President, Obama was born with an allegiance to a foreign power and is therefore not eligible to be President and more so not eligible to be the leader of our military men and women. To allow Obama to hide his birth information and to not challenge him for not being an Article II “natural born Citizen” is nothing more than at best, politicians and those in their coterie allowing corrupt party politics, self-interest, and/or cowardice to blind their constitutional duty to protect and defend our country and Constitution, at worst, part of someone’s plot to attack and destroy the United States from within, or both. Given that any attack on the United States will most likely come from within, these latter two scenarios must be given serious consideration and ruled out only after sufficient evidence exists to so rule them out. Hence, the deliberate or reckless failing by those who are supposed to protect and defend our country and Constitution is tantamount to treason.
All members of Congress that have allowed and continue to allow the raping of our Constitution and the placing of our nation at risk to being attacked from within need to be removed from Congress, without any exceptions. As to what to do with those members of the media and others who have failed and continue to fail to do their job to adequately protect and defend our Constitutional Republic, that is a question for another day.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
185 Gatzmer Avenue
Jamesburg, New Jersey 08831
October 18, 2009






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DIAMONDS CALL Tomorrow SATURDAY NOV 9 2013 Special Guest Nickie Thetsy: Healer and Teacher

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Special Guest Nickie Thetsy this Sat Nov 2: Healing

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[Paper Boy] ***FRIDAY NIGHT TNT TONY BLAST*** Friday Night Update......11/8//13 Printer Friendly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good evening everyone, this is just a short message to let you know that the 3rd and final test was successful. The plan at this moment as I understand it, was for the RV to go live either right before the start of the morning prayer in Iraq or sometime during morning prayers. That would be somewhere between 9pm est and 1am est. If this does not occur look around 5am est. That is the latest times and info that I have right now, so relax, get a good nights sleep and let's see what the sunrise brings to us. TNTDinar 11/8/13 Tony *****

Loechin update from email 11/8/13 evening

Loechin update from email 11/8/13 evening

November 8, 2013

As I sit here tonight I am so excited as to where we finally are with our investment. We are simply a text or email away from being very wealthy...This may be my last email before the RV. So here is some information that you will need. As you are aware of I will be required to sign an NDA therefore information will be taken down from as soon as I sign the NDA.

The NDA will simply be a form that will tell you to keep quiet about what has just happened to you, and the awesome wealth that has just come into your hands. DO NOT TALK at all with anyone about this please. This is as much for your protection as anyone else.

When you open your account or deposit your money into an existing account, I would wait 24 hours and then move that money to a brand new account in the same bank.

Use Cashiers Checks instead of wire transfers.

I would ask anyone that I gifted Dinar to, to also sign the NDA.

I would hold 50% of my money in an account until we KNOW CERTAIN what the taxes will be....

You should have your team together by now, work with them and enjoy your life. I'm going to........

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