Saturday, November 9, 2013


     A single faulty relay at the Sir Adam Beck Station no. 2 in Ontario, Canada failed and on Nov. 9, 1965, the entire Northeast area of the United States and large parts of Canada went dark. A more complete account of what happened is reprinted below. And it is a warning what can happen to us today! With a deliberate sabotage of the electric grid system today, it would not be back on running for maybe some while after that. With enough sabotage, maybe America thrown into a modernized version of "The Dark Ages!"
     I see on the internet both denials that the electric grid will be cut off and confirmations that it will be cut off but claimed for a brief time. What is so deadly in this situation is that I quietly picked up references from various sources that a "November Surprise" was to be set up for the American people. This is C.I.A. code meaning that they are planning a staged incident on up to overthrow of the government, etc. In this case, the obvious "November Surprise" they would be referring to would be a serious collapse of the electrical grid of America while under the front of a "national test" of the national electric grid. This could collapse the economy of America and give Obama the opening to stage a military coup and take over America as intended dictator for life. By exposure of serious evidence and testimony pointing to a conspiracy of high treason now going on from the White House under Obama, I hopefully have put too much heat on them in my national reports so they judge the risk is too great to try a collapse of America and military takeover of America. In case traitors try to make an attempt to overthrow the United States of America, I will declare that the location of Roanoke County, Virginia will be the starting location to set up a new national government for America. As for permanent location, that can be decided later. There are reasons for this choice of location. Also, I already have legal authority to set up a new national government for the 50 states of America if necessary and this will stand up as valid under international law. There were secret moves made to give America an alternative national government in case a high treason traitor like Obama arose in Wash., D.C. In fact one of the British Commonwealth Parliaments had already legally recognized our authority as valid under international law and so stated in writing! Hopefully a trade off occurs then of passing our proposed Omni Law instead of forcing us to play our trump card of legal authority will be adequate to force the claimed government in Wash., D.C. to start obeying the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights again as the national law of America. We won't let Obama become the planned dictator of America!
     With the giant typhoon they say may be the biggest in history heading towards Vietnam and scheduled to hit it on Sunday, it is likely that Vietnam will want an immediate RV of its currency and China being its big patron will want this worldwide RV of currencies then to help the economy of Vietnam right after being hit with this super giant typhoon. It would likely provoke the living daylights out of China and many other foreign nations if Obama tried an electrical grid collapse in America  at the same basic time so this messed up the worldwide RV of foreign currencies. Hopefully Obama will recognize the immense pressure building against him not to try a collapse of the electrical grid of America and with the American people already warned what he might try, propaganda won't trick the people if he tries this. If this electrical grid collapse occurs, all the nation is going to want to hang Obama and any associates alive for high treason, etc.
     Now changing the subject. One woman sent us an email which we answered yesterday if she could send us some of her Iraqi currency and we could use it to help finance the Omni Law after the RV. We said yes and would give her full credit in the Omni Law Loan Program for the final figure we get back then with an exchange of currencies. She asked where to send the Iraqi currency. We said send to our postal address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. She could use probably Priority Mail with delivery confirmation or certified mail either way should work fine. We would allow this for either the Iraqi Dinar currency or else that of the Vietnam Dong. We have the right banking connections, so foresee no problem in exchanges when the right time comes for an RV. We felt it not right if we allowed her this special option and did not also allow it to others who have backed us or wish to at this stage.
      Just walking it through a moment. Money we receive for the Omni Law Loan Program, we treat as loan money to help pass the proposed Omni Law which is posted on our national website. When the Omni Law is passed and when the time is ready, we expect we will have the leverage to get very quick passage of the Omni Law, then the loan program continues. We have $100 trillion in legal claims against Wash., D.C. and in large part due to criminal acts Obama had tried on us attempting to block this national drive. I am good at law and have engineered legal upsets before because I understand how law works. I plan for us to divert this $100 trillion in legal claims to money owed to Wash., D.C. which is apparently many times bigger than $100 trillion. We collect on $100 trillion of it and those who backed us through the Omni Law Loan Program will get divided pro-rata between them 10% of the net cash figure we collect. Any federal land turned over to us which will be used for the Camelot Project will not be part of this 10% royalty plan for the settlement plan. Really they are already in a legal trap on this land angle as I already have legal claim to this land if I push the alternative authority for a national government of America which I have legal grant to already from valid authorities. If the rest of the world is allowed to RV foreign currencies and Wash., D.C. is trying to say that Americans cannot do the same, I would consider this high treason and get ready to set up the new national government of America and arrest the traitors in Wash., D.C. once all states back us with their resolutions and authority to do this!
     By the way, I have an offer still standing until the end of Nov. 14. My family once made a fortune in mining gold and an old mine of the family which was flooded out and could not be reopened then was checked out by me years ago and it looks like it can be reopened now. If all checks out now, I will try to reopen this old family gold mining site and an old engineering report on it I found by accident indicated it might have the largest gold vein in America. Those backing the Omni Law Loan Program, I will also have as a bonus through the end of Nov. 14 of you having a future option of a pro-rata share of 10% of the net profits from this or other gold site or sites due to family claims I have the right to open up. The options will give you a low priced way to get a pro-rata share of 10% of the net profits from at least one of these sites if they prove to be worth the effort to open up now. I had planned this all along as a hidden backup angle how to finance the building of my proposed Camelot Project once the time was right. If I have one effective gold site, that is all I am committed to give anyone being given one of these bonus options when they put loan money or RV currency equivalent through Nov. 14, 2013. More terms were discussed in a previous report.
Also, those with $25 credits(bookkeeping units used in the loan program) in the Omni Law Loan Program will also get for 30 years 10% divided pro-rata between the credit holders in the Omni Law Loan Program of net profits from the worldwide food industry I will establish based upon my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process which is a family trade secret how it works. Pope Pius XII thought this so important to world health that he indicated it was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world.   
     We are dealing with some very evil sources in Wash., D.C. and if they try to use cunning to try and ruin the American people, then we will use more powerful cunning to save the American people from ruin by them. 
     By the way, interesting note on Obamacare. A retired business woman who is living on a tight budget and has nothing left over to put into bank account reserves or a savings account just got her packet of some sort to explain Obamacare to her. She will doublecheck with some social worker, but it sounds like they want to take much new money from her and require access to her bank account so they can take heavy new money from her where she was previously covered by Medicaid. If she understands correctly, they will totally bankrupt her under Obamacare and she is enraged at Obama for doing this to her. She commented that she will lose her only car that she is paying on with a bank and will be thrown into total bankruptcy by Obamacare as it appears now! And Obama does not give a damn for doing this to millions or many millions of poor Americans being threatened with destruction by Obamacare if they don't do what Obamacare at threat of their survival told them that they have to do or else be destroyed by Obama! And Obama dreamed up this mad scheme for Americans in order to "help all Americans!" 
Example of what happened before with a giant electric grid collapse in America. And if this new one happens with no sure way to start up the electric grid again, this new giant electric grid collapse could be even 1,000 times worse than the one of 1965 described below for America.

As early as the 1950s, the effects of increased home, office and factory power usage compelled the power industry to develop strategies to meet the growing demand. In the Northeast, the power industry established a network or power "grid" to better control the distribution of electricity. Power stations in one utility's service area were interconnected by high-voltage transmission lines with other utilities' power stations generating electricity hundreds or even thousands of miles away. The idea behind this elaborate system was to enable power suppliers to balance generation and consumption of electricity across a wide geographic region, thereby improving service to consumers. The grid allowed utilities to efficiently provide enough electricity to during periods of maximum demand ("peak load") without wasting large amounts of reserve generating capacity simply to meet this peak for a few hours each day. Two major power grids-the Ontario-New York-New England pool (formally known as the Canada-United States Eastern Interconnection, or CANUSE area) and the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland pool (the PJM interconnection)-together made up the northeast power grid, which provided a flexible network of power suppliers that could quickly meet fluctuating demands within the many parts of North America's most densely populated region. While the grid, which remains intact today, has proven to be highly effective, the night of November 9, 1965 serves as a reminder of how thoroughly our electricity-dependent lifestyles are tightly interwoven with the complex workings of a massive but often overlooked technological system.
At 5:27 p.m., November 9, 1965, the entire Northeast area of the United States and large parts of Canada went dark. From Buffalo to the eastern border of New Hampshire and from New York City to Ontario, a massive power outage struck without warning. Trains were stuck between subway stops. People were trapped in elevators. Failed traffic signals stopped traffic dead. And, at the height of the Cold War, many thought Armageddon had arrived. One pilot flying over a darkened New York City stated, "I thought, 'another Pearl Harbor!'" By 5:40 p.m. that evening, 80,000 square miles of the Northeast United States and Ontario, Canada, were without power, leaving 30 million people in the dark.
New York City was particularly hit by this blackout, due to its reliance on electricity for nearly all aspects of city life. Office workers, ready for an evening at home with their families in the suburbs, were forced to find alternative lodging, some seeking shelter in their offices or on benches in Grand Central Station. Theaters closed for the night. The "Great White Way," Times Square, usually a glimmering crossroads of light, was covered in darkness. Thousands of travelers stranded in New York were forced to sleep in hotel lobbies, leading the Times to report that the "city's hotels looked like biovac areas." Approximately ten thousand commuters were stuck on subway cars, unable to escape the darkened tunnels. By midnight, the Transit Authority began sending food and coffee to those trapped underground.
Despite the confusion and disarray, New Yorkers spent the night in peace. There were no riots or widespread looting. Instead, New Yorkers helped each other. Some directed traffic. Others assisted the New York fire department as they rescued stranded subway passengers. In many cases, New Yorkers just shared extra candles and flashlights with neighbors, reveling in the opportunity to get to know the people who lived across the hall.
By 11 o'clock, the power was restored in 75 percent of Brooklyn, and by 2 a.m., the borough was fully equipped with electric power. By midnight, much if the Bronx and Queens were lit. And, at 6:58 a.m., almost fourteen hours after the massive blackout struck New York, power was restored citywide.
It took six days to locate the cause. Federal Power Commission investigators found a single faulty relay at the Sir Adam Beck Station no. 2 in Ontario, Canada, which caused a key transmission line to disconnect ("open"). This small failure triggered a sequence of escalating line overloads that quickly raced down the main trunk lines of the grid, separating major generation sources from load centers and weakening the entire system with each subsequent separation. As town after town went dark throughout the northeast, power plants in the New York City area automatically shut themselves off to prevent the surging grid from overloading their turbines. Within a quarter of an hour the entire CANUSE area was down. Investigators referred to the 1965 blackout as a "cascade effect"-much like a row of dominoes falling one after another.
     Promote this report nationally. The more people that know what is said in this report, the more pressure that Obama cannot pull off a collapse of the electrical grid and try to create a military takeover of America during the crash of the national economy created by him. "The boys" again don't like this report and I have a witness as to the wild stunts they were pulling to try and block this report until I found a way around their tricks! Their fear of this report frankly endorses this as must reading for all Americans! Obama must not want you to get the information in this report or else these "dirty tricks" would not be used trying to block the release of this report for America.
     Pass this report around! Our website  Our email is  Our mailing address for those wanting to send in an order or loan money payment by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether product or else loan money for the Omni Law Loan Program. Products also help finance the Omni Law Drive.
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who gives America a choice between the evil of Obama versus the good that America was founded upon in 1776. I want you to have serious freedom and serious prosperity in America. Obama wants you to have serious slavery and serious poverty in life. Wash., D.C. pulls tricks so you are distracted from reality. They want "civil rights" laws so you won't be discriminated against for jobs, etc. The obvious answer that politicians in Wash., D.C. act like they are too dumb to understand is that if you create a booming national economy with jobs for all who want to work, businesses will be so anxious to hire workers that if you can be easily hired so long as you can do the job. And they won't worry about your race, etc.! I was in business for many years and any business owner knows exactly what I am talking about here! Politicians give you political BS so they give you words instead of results so all people in America are hired fairly and keep jobs fairly in America. "Civil rights" laws are BS laws for politicians who did not give you true full employment in America but hot air con games of politicians instead of results for America. I know how to create full employment and passage of the Omni Law makes it possible to create full employment in America and fast!)

The RV went through *** See Below but I don't believe we will ever have access to the banks or currency exchanges

The RV went through *** See Below but I don't believe we will ever have access to the banks or currency exchanges.  The IRS has closed down their offices from the 9th to the 13th due to a grid shutdown!  This are not the days scheduled by the DHS but coincides with the military grid shutdown that  Ben Fulford wrote about.  The IRS has been guaranteed a position under the new Republic to collect the only apportioned tax, a sales tax.  All other taxes are invalid and will be declared as such.  So the IRS would be in the loop about the grid shutdown and the ATF will probably assist the military.  Russia and China will be assisting too. 

Immediately after the military sanctioned grid shutdown, the Federal Reserve System will be reset or closed and a new transparent financial system will be installed, which has been designed by the BRIC Nations and a coalition of Galactic Federation members.  I believe I remember something about ten days.

This new transparent financial reset and system will cause another revaluation of currency.  The numbers we have been seeing for the Dinar and Dong will never be that high again because the newest US dollar to issue will be 10% gold backed and the banks will be safer.
My son Rick has heard from his contact in South Africa that they have cashed out
or exchanged their Dinars for a price equivalent to or near "our" $36 exspected estimated value. Keep in mind that South Africa is the "S" in the BRICS  and thus
one of the Prime Nations (along with Brazil, Russia, India, & China) fighting the
Corruption of the G8 countries & their Central Banking System and Fiat money.

This is FANTASTIC NEWS FOLKS which means or should tell you NOT or DO NOT
even think about Cashing or Exchanging your Dinars or Dong with any US BANK
to Support Cabal Corruption.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So Hang in there a while longer to protect

your valuable Asset. 

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Saturday AM

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Saturday AM




Zach77: I’d appreciate anyone’s opinion on this.  Thank you. .. Friday, 8 November 2013  

Update: News Flash Today we determined from good sources, that although Jack Lew assured parties he had authorized release, Bankers allegedly taken in for questioning overnight via the Wells Fargo fiasco, are quoted as having stated that Greenspan has again been active in blocking transfer and they STILL have NO TREASURY instruction or authorization to release.

Greenspan again!!! And Lew has NOT authorized Wells Fargo for the Private Placements or Dinars. Deadlock! Key inside Bankers are helping with information sources but have to be protected.

Read More Link on Right

Gordon29: Well...  this certainly gives some context for why we don't see this completed this morning.  Based upon the imminence of this happening and all tests completed successfully, it would have to be some kind of interference in order for this not to transpire at this point.  My guess is that things are being done now that will ram this through yet today.  But the people interfering will be taken out of the loop.  This needs to be done now because of what is scheduled for next week.

I fully expect this sort of thing, since it is still a war out there.  But I also expect an immediate response and alternate workaround.  Let's see what Tony's update brings.  I know that the mods are saying that nothing has changed, and that may be true, but that does not mean that there are not some bumps in the road to negotiate.

K Boom: Zach thanks for posting. Gordon I agree that this is a war that some would prefer we not win. The old bankster regime will go away but not without a fight to the finish.


[hoosierbigbucks] For something all of you to seriously think about.... I talked with two dealers yesterday, Sterling and RS in Tampa. he said when this currency revalues they are going to be a madhouse. Security and protection will be an issue if you are planing on picking up your currency, of course RS does no exchange. . They both said the fastest and most secure way to receive your currency is by using FedEx next day delivery. they both have done thousands of mailings with NO lost packages. No limitation on your amounts. Plus Sterling said they would be competitive with the bank. I have received 2 small currency via FedEx and this is the way that I am personally going to receive my Dinar an Dong. Remember also when you call for your appointment and you have little time to collect your currency, this could become a concern. I am hoping to discuss this on OM as well.

[IvanTulafitov] FYI Fedex shipments can be requested to HOLD at your local fedex facility for pick-up if you know you will not be home to sign for delivery,,, i've done this twice easy squeezey



[GodNews] I'm researching somethings now so I will attach some articles in a few minutes! Again, here's the copy of the post that the IRS Web Site is down from power outage from Nov 9-12.  Planned Outage: November 9 — November 12, 2013 This service will be unavailable beginning approximately 4:00 p.m. ET on Saturday, November 9, 2013 until approximately 7:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, due to a power outage. We apologize for any inconvenience.

[klee123] i wonder if the irs outage thing relates to us..

 [amirichyet] klee123 we wont know for sure til it pops....but it is interesting timing ;)




[BOBGETZ6] Just stopping by on my way to workout. I am awaiting a call from either Shasta7 or his nephew. His surgery was over five hours long. This information came from his nephew via text. He told me that Shasta7 probably would be in the hospital over the weekend. I was told Shasta7 would call me today. I will keep you informed.

[BOBGETZ6] Dinarrecaps....You may post that.


[xyz] Central Bank signed a contract with "BBC" for the implementation of retail payment systems . ...on Saturday, has signed a contract with bpc British company to set up and update the retail payment systems and the development of the infrastructure

 [xyz] Expectations of higher Kuwaiti dinar: a stable dollar and the euro falls in trading CBE The Kuwaiti dinar settled at 24.36 pounds to buy for 24.63 pounds for sale, the price of the UAE dirham about 1.87 pounds to buy compared to 1.88 pounds for sale. The chief Mohamed Sabry predicted one of the exchange companies in the center of Cairo, the Kuwaiti dinar to witness a remarkable increase in the coming period as a result of the overwhelming response to buy the Kuwaiti currency and increased demand of visitors. 


[xyz] We’re in a worse position than in 2008: Marc Faber  ... He referred to a recent report by former Bank for International Settlements chief economist William White which said that total credit in advanced economies is now 30 percent higher as a share of gross domestic product

xyz] Bernanke: 'Awful lot of slack' in labor market

[xyz] MP confirms possibility of approving some important laws in the remaining period .

In Debt? Are you absolutely sure?? [EXPLOSIVE INFORMATION!!] Jon Witterick [New Horizons 2013]

In Debt? Are you absolutely sure?? [EXPLOSIVE INFORMATION!!] Jon Witterick [New Horizons 2013]
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 9-Nov-2013 05:21:17

In Debt? Are you absolutely sure?? [EXPLOSIVE INFORMATION!!] Jon Witterick [New Horizons 2013]
Published on May 24, 2013 By WeAreChange Manchester
In debt? Are you absolutely sure?
An empowering, educational lecture and shocking exposé of the abuse of people through debt by Jon Witterick to New Horizons Saint Annes on the 20th of May 2013.
Jon Witterick is an open, honest and highly informative speaker on the true nature of the fraudulent banking system under which we currently operate.
He offers a unique insight into how the monetary system really works and how to deal with debt both lawfully and truthfully.
He is the founder of the non-profit "Get Out Of Debt Free" website which gives information about the realities of the Global Financial System and offers solutions to those who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of it. The site now has a lively community of thousands of people from across seven countries.
"We aim to provide valuable resources, and hope to offer a unique insight into dealing with debt, by acting honestly, lawfully and truthfully; not following the advice of Debt Counsellors, Citizens Advice Bureaus or Financial Advisors."
Revelation upon revelation has shown just how corrupt and fraudulent the global banking system is.
It appears to be run by unregulated private individuals behind private corporations with no accountability to the public.
They really do create money out of thin air, and then sell it as debt to us and our governments... with interest.
They do this, and we've fallen for it.
The Occupy movement across the world has shown that many people have had enough of it: they're starting to see through the scam.
It is time that more people woke up to the true facts about money: it is essentially criminal, and affecting us and everyone we know. These people should be brought to account and the system changed to suit the needs of the people... the 99%!
Make sure you share this video - Spread the information!!
Let's free ourselves from their Debt Tyranny!!

Please spread this video far and wide. It's time to take Action!

ALL Government Offices Continue To Be VACANT And Not-applicable To YOU, Unless You Are A Federal Employee

ALL Government Offices Continue To Be VACANT And Not-applicable To YOU, Unless You Are A Federal Employee
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 23:28:13
Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:
A lot of us have been exposing the crime of the UNITED STATES corporation for many years, but until recently, no one has had the proof that all government offices are vacant; no one is home; those supposed government offices/agencies are being occupied by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS and are NOT being occupied by a legitimate government body.
This is equivalent to the ice cream man knocking on your door and extorting taxes from you. He has no lawful authority to do anything other than drive the ice cream truck – he’s not a government official; he’s an ice cream man.
Your supposed government officials are nothing more than ice cream men/women who are fraudulently extorting money from you and your family; throwing you in prison; taxing you to death; stealing your children and imposing their will on you, and enforcing their own internal-statutory rules and codes upon you and your family.
Rod Class has now received FOUR Administrative Rulings that prove what many of us have felt to be truth: What you think is government; what you think are legitimate Government Officials/Senators/Congressman/Policeman/Governors/Tax Collectors, etc. are nothing more than private contractors, extorting money from American Citizens and failing to pay off the public debt as they are instructed to do by the 1933 bankruptcy.
What they have done is this:
These people have switched places with the average American Citizen. They are enforcing their own Administrative codes, that are only meant for THEM, upon regular Citizens who are not being paid by the corporation. The supposed elected officials have hoodwinked the country into an employment position without pay. They themselves are taking public money to occupy government seats/positions/agencies, when they are nothing more than private contractors … Felony!
They are treating us as if we are paid government employees; enforcing their own internal rules-regulations-codes, and statutes on the average Citizen, as well as conveniently forgetting to send us our weekly/monthly government employment check.
I’ve been preaching this for the last year + with no avail on this forum. Perhaps now, people will begin to listen and take action.
In these radio shows, Rod explains his Administrative Rulings from the various Judges; explains the con, and shows you, where in their very own US Codes the above aforementioned information is spot on.
There are a few shows you need to listen to, and here are some bullet points of those shows:
All BAR attorneys are prohibited from representing John Q. Public; can only represent gov’t officials and employees within their own agencies, their BAR Charter says so.
Any Judge that prohibits you from representing yourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorney, are in fact, committing a felony on the bench in violation of the Taft-Hartly Act (running a closed union shop) and the Smith Act (overthrow of Constitutional form of Gov’t)
Anytime an BAR attorney represents someone in a case against you, you can now claim that person is incompetent; a ward of the state, with no standing to sue.
Any and all tax collectors, police officers, sheriffs dept’s, DOT, tag agencies, BAR attorneys, Judges, Highway Patrol, supposed elected officials, are nothing more than private contractors, who can now be brought up on fraud charges for impersonating a public official while receiving federal funding.
Any and all home, vehicle, credit card loans are supposed to be discharged through the Treasury window, in compliance with the 1933 bankruptcy laws. These scumbags are double dipping and never discharging the debt like they are supposed to. They are embezzling the funds and pocketing them for themselves.
Every person sitting in prison today was railroading by a BAR attorney who’s first allegiance is to the State; who had no lawful authority to represent them; who worked in concert with the State to perpetrate a fraud upon it’s victims.
Orders from Administrative courts prove for the fourth time, an agency of the State is NOT an agency under the State.
Elected Officials are claiming 11th Amendment sovereignty, when it’s actually you and I that hold 11th Amendment sovereignty. They are getting paid by the corporation, you and I are not.
They have admitted to the crime of no one actually holding a public office; they are filling corporate seats and defrauding the public.
Political subdivisions are not getting their 40% funding from the Feds as they are supposed to get.
These Judges have admitted (black ink on white paper) that all these State Offices are ……….. EMPTY!
Now we have Administrative paperwork – ruling these public offices aren’t part of the State agencies.
Attorney Generals may not practice law; can’t represent the people who are not public officials.
If the State is a 3rd party interloper in your Marriage (marriage license); Vehicle Title (State Registration), etc. then they are liable for 1/3rd of the cost to manage the daily activities of that contract.
If the State demands you have a Drivers License and Tag your vehicle because it is registered with the State, then as the owner of the vehicle, the State is required to pay for the vehicle, the tags, licensing, fuel, tires, oil, etc. and they are also to pay you a salary for driving a State owned vehicle; it says so in their own Highway Safety Act and USC – CFR rules and regulations.
We now have the court orders that goes back and nullifies any and all IRS and Tax cases, Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt, cases or actions. These people never had the lawful right to demand anything of you; they are corporate actors, not a legitimate government body.
Judge admits the 1933 bankruptcy, and no way to pay off anything because of Federal Reserve Notes; all public debt is t be discharged through the Treasury.
Only the Secretary of Transportation can hear traffic cases; all traffic cases are civil, not criminal.
If you’re not being paid for you time, you are not required to have one of their CDL or CMV licenses; it’s prohibited.
Says we now have a major labor dispute on our hands; US corporation running a slave racket against American Citizens without the pay.
United States Codes (USC) and Titles #1 thru #50 are void; have never been passed by Congress; all have been repealed.
As I’ve been saying for a very long time on this forum: If you are not getting a weekly or monthly paycheck from the so called federal government aka UNITED STATES or one of it’s sub corporations such as the STATE OF ***, then their statutory rules (not laws), codes and regulations DO NOT APPLY TO YOU ……… Period!
There is so much information packed into these last six calls, I can’t even begin to share it in this post. If you want your freedom; if you want to know with 100% surety that the foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES has zero authority over you unless you are receiving a weekly paycheck from them, take the time to listen to call #646 through #651 here:

All Government Offices Have Been Vacant All Along

All Government Offices Have Been Vacant All Along

Angel Lucci
Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:
A lot of us have been exposing the crime of the UNITED STATES corporation for many years, but until recently, no one has had the proof that all government offices are vacant; no one is home; those supposed government offices/agencies are being occupied by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS and are NOT being occupied by a legitimate government body.  
This is equivalent to the ice cream man knocking on your door and extorting taxes from you. He has no lawful authority to do anything other than drive the ice cream truck – he’s not a government official; he’s an ice cream man.
Your supposed government officials are nothing more than ice cream men/women who are fraudulently extorting money from you and your family; throwing you in prison; taxing you to death; stealing your children and imposing their will on you, and enforcing their own internal-statutory rules and codes upon you and your family.
Rod Class has now received FOUR Administrative Rulings that prove what many of us have felt to be truth: What you think is government; what you think are legitimate Government Officials/Senators/Congressman/Policeman/Governors/Tax Collectors, etc. are nothing more than private contractors, extorting money from American Citizens and failing to pay off the public debt as they are instructed to do by the 1933 bankruptcy.
What they have done is this:
These people have switched places with the average American Citizen. They are enforcing their own Administrative codes, that are only meant for THEM, upon regular Citizens who are not being paid by the corporation. The supposed elected officials have hoodwinked the country into an employment position without pay. They themselves are taking public money to occupy government seats/positions/agencies, when they are nothing more than private contractors … Felony!
They are treating us as if we are paid government employees; enforcing their own internal rules-regulations-codes, and statutes on the average Citizen, as well as conveniently forgetting to send us our weekly/monthly government employment check.
I’ve been preaching this for the last year + with no avail on this forum. Perhaps now, people will begin to listen and take action.
In these radio shows, Rod explains his Administrative Rulings from the various Judges; explains the con, and shows you, where in their very own US Codes the above aforementioned information is spot on.
There are a few shows you need to listen to, and here are some bullet points of those shows:
  1. All BAR attorneys are prohibited from representing John Q. Public; can only represent gov’t officials and employees within their own agencies, their BAR Charter says so.
  2. Any Judge that prohibits you from representing yourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorney, are in fact, committing a felony on the bench in violation of the Taft-Hartly Act (running a closed union shop) and the Smith Act (overthrow of Constitutional form of Gov’t)
  3. Anytime an BAR attorney represents someone in a case against you, you can now claim that person is incompetent; a ward of the state, with no standing to sue.
  4. Any and all tax collectors, police officers, sheriffs dept’s, DOT, tag agencies, BAR attorneys, Judges, Highway Patrol, supposed elected officials, are nothing more than private contractors, who can now be brought up on fraud charges for impersonating a public official while receiving federal funding.
  5. Any and all home, vehicle, credit card loans are supposed to be discharged through the Treasury window, in compliance with the 1933 bankruptcy laws. These scumbags are double dipping and never discharging the debt like they are supposed to. They are embezzling the funds and pocketing them for themselves.
  6. Every person sitting in prison today was railroading by a BAR attorney who’s first allegiance is to the State; who had no lawful authority to represent them; who worked in concert with the State to perpetrate a fraud upon it’s victims.
  7. Orders from Administrative courts prove for the fourth time, an agency of the State is NOT an agency under the State.
  8. Elected Officials are claiming 11th Amendment sovereignty, when it’s actually you and I that hold 11th Amendment sovereignty. They are getting paid by the corporation, you and I are not.
  9. They have admitted to the crime of no one actually holding a public office; they are filling corporate seats and defrauding the public.
  10. Political subdivisions are not getting their 40% funding from the Feds as they are supposed to get.
  11. These Judges have admitted (black ink on white paper) that all these State Offices are ……….. EMPTY!
  12. Now we have Administrative paperwork – ruling these public offices aren’t part of the State agencies.
  13. Attorney Generals may not practice law; can’t represent the people who are not public officials.
  14. If the State is a 3rd party interloper in your Marriage (marriage license); Vehicle Title (State Registration), etc. then they are liable for 1/3rd of the cost to manage the daily activities of that contract.
  15. If the State demands you have a Drivers License and Tag your vehicle because it is registered with the State, then as the owner of the vehicle, the State is required to pay for the vehicle, the tags, licensing, fuel, tires, oil, etc. and they are also to pay you a salary for driving a State owned vehicle; it says so in their own Highway Safety Act and USC – CFR rules and regulations.
·  We now have the court orders that goes back and nullifies any and all IRS and Tax cases, Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt, cases or actions. These people never had the lawful right to demand anything of you; they are corporate actors, not a legitimate government body.
·  Judge admits the 1933 bankruptcy, and no way to pay off anything because of Federal Reserve Notes; all public debt is t be discharged through the Treasury.
·  Only the Secretary of Transportation can hear traffic cases; all traffic cases are civil, not criminal.
·  If you’re not being paid for you time, you are not required to have one of their CDL or CMV licenses; it’s prohibited.
·  Says we now have a major labor dispute on our hands; US corporation running a slave racket against American Citizens without the pay.
·  United States Codes (USC) and Titles #1 thru #50 are void; have never been passed by Congress; all have been repealed.
As I’ve been saying for a very long time on this forum: If you are not getting a weekly or monthly paycheck from the so called federal government aka UNITED STATES or one of it’s sub corporations such as the STATE OF ***, then their statutory rules (not laws), codes and regulations DO NOT APPLY TO YOU ……… Period!
There is so much information packed into these last six calls, I can’t even begin to share it in this post. If you want your freedom; if you want to know with 100% surety that the foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES has zero authority over you unless you are receiving a weekly paycheck from them, take the time to listen to call #646 through #651 here:…
Scroll down the page and click on the orange “Listen” button; a pop up player will appear for your listening pleasure.
And believe me: This is pure listening pleasure, with the court filings; rulings and US Code to back it all up.
By the time you finish these few short shows, your fear of the government will be a thing of the past.
Also, many of Rod’s current filings against the infrastructure are at: …some may be easy to download, some may not !
And for those of you who are new to the forum and want to get a better grasp of all this prior to or after listening to the calls, here are some of my more informative posts on the matter at hand:
Public Notice to Gun Grabbing Politicians:…
So the Government wants you to collect a sales tax?…
Your Home Loan was paid the day you signed the note:…
The real reason for the 14th Amendment:…
What’s the One Document in your possession that gives you the authority to rule over my life?…
Can the State be an actual injured party? ….. No, it cannot!…
Having a Social Security # is not a contract with the State/Feds:…
Trust Law, your Rights and how to enforce them:…
Why you should never hire an attorney:…
Hopefully now in light of these Administrative Court Rulings people will now come to realize the fact, that Unless You Are Getting A Weekly Check From Government, Their Statutory Rules-Codes-Regulations They Put Off As Laws, Have Zero Force Or Effect On You Personally
No Contract = No Jurisdiction
Did you fill out an employment contract with the State; are they paying you for your services? If not, why the hell are you following their rules?
This is how we change our current form of Government back to the Republic is was initially intended to be.
If you don’t take the time to listen to at least those last six shows at the link above, you are overlooking the most important information ever to come to light within the Liberty Movement.
Stop looking for a savior to save us from tyranny and listen to the shows I’ve provided. Now you are your own savior – Individually, now you can make a HUGE difference in our political structure and form of government.
In Liberty!

Late Friday Night Dinar Chatter, Rumors, and Opinions

Late Friday Night Dinar Chatter, Rumors, and Opinions


[duffy2] Update from Baghdad Invest Rumor Posted Fri. PM 11/08/2013 .

 Updates on Yesterdays Article: IRAQ DINAR HAS REVALUED – Worldwide Joy And Happiness Has Begun To Spread

 Update: 07:05 08/11/2013 Baghdad Relax. It HAS happened. Sunday AM Iraq parliament will reveal.

Update: 14:54 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We will make a further announcement at 23:45 (Baghdad time) in light of our earlier posting.

Update: 23:45 08/11/2013 Baghdad – We published confirmation yesterday the RV, revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar had taken place. Naturally there is angst to see/hear more, we are doing our best to get you the details. .... Read More Link on Right We are able to confirm all will be revealed Sunday 10th November as per Parliament recall. We would like to make it very clear we are very proud to be independent of all dinar sellers/gurus and as such we have no incentive to see an RV take place.
Read More Link on Right

For those of you whom have been on our subscriber list for the last 3 to 4 years, you will have noticed our sentiment towards the IQD revaluing has certainly not been favourable. On numerous occasions we have warned our loyal subscribers not to touch the Iraq Dinar. In conclusion, we were wrong. We likened the chances of the Iraq Dinar revaluing to the moon being made of cheese.

In hindsight we can now safely say it was a terrible comparison to make. We always wanted to put emphasis on it being so incredibly remote in possibility. You were right, we were wrong. RV – Job done!

[lgtennis] Can i have ur attention everyone

[lgtennis] Just talked with tk and he is having some trouble getting you

[lgtennis] Wanted me to get this message to you all

[lgtennis] He has seen that article and says and agrees its legit

[lgtennis] Remember boy who cries wolf

[lgtennis] So there u have it guys

[lgtennis] Told me to tell you its on its way

[lgtennis] And confirming lots of intel

[taylor09] lgtennis so what was said yesterday about the rv happened was true?

[lgtennis] yes

[taylor09] ok so how much longer?

[taylor09] tomorrow, Sunday,Monday lol

[lgtennis] hard to put a time on it but going to happen anytime now and we should all be ready for it finally

[taylor09] lgtennis I've been ready

 [lgtennis] ok get more ready lol

[MANGIABUONA2] IRAQ DINAR HAS REVALUED – Worldwide Joy And Happiness Has Begun To Spread . 

[lgtennis] Thank you mangiabuona2

[lgtennis] YES And tk confirmed legit



[BOBGETZ6] An update on Shasta7 The surgery took over five hours. He is just now coming out from under anesthesia. They await the doctor's report. He should be in the hospital all weekend.

[xyz] Ben Bernanke: Federal Reserve has greater power to combat financial crises



[loechin] OK guys everything I am hearing is tonight is supposed to be it.... Let's wait and see if all goes according to da plan

[loechin] I am supposed to be alerted if anything doesn't go and I have not heard anything

[RAJAF] loechin this is good news.. most likely will pop in the wee small hours of the morning if everything stays on track

[RAJAF] Loechin I had a question about the email you sent out and the 11%. Is that 11% because the funds are required to go into a brokerage account or just anyone in the group depositing directly into an account?

[loechin] RAJAF I'm told that is the IRS tax

[RAJAF] loechin superfantastic

[Bridge man] loechin is that a capitol gains tax or what?

[loechin] Bridge man I hear it's a flat tax

[RAJAF] Loechin.. second questions.. is this 11% tax just for yours and the general's group or for everyone?

[loechin] DoraJo RAJAF I hear it's for all exchanges on IQN

[ayechihuahua] loechin do you know what the vnn tax is suppose to be?

[loechin] ayechihuahua 000000000000000000

ayechihuahua] loechin awesome!!!!!!!!

[RAJAF] loechin now I'm estactic - thank - you very much!!!!!!!!!!!

[ssdab] Good evening loechin...any updates from WF regarding the policy on holding the rate for reserves?

 [loechin] ssdab As of now they will not hold rates

[ssdab] thank you sir...


PeggySioux:  Real Estate- 101

  As a Licensed Real Estate Broker since 2000 I want to say this: "BUYER BEWARE"

I have spent most of my professional career correcting mistakes made when people bought property without knowing the pitfalls.

Never underestimate the importance of an inspection, an appraisal and title examination.

My work has been in Louisiana and mostly in Colorado. Just Be Careful and have Eyes Wide Open!

In Colorado be very sure about water availability and usage. Know what it costs to bring electricity to the little 'ranchette' you want. You may find it costs 12K to 15K PER MILE to get power.... and a water well may cost 15K to 20K- IF you can even get one.

And even worse, this very expensive well may be 'in-house only'. A real downer if you thought you were going to raise horses and find out you cannot even water a flower bed or wash your car.

Or you find out all water rights were terminated because the original developer didn't pay the original water allocation, which by the way is usually lost for good.

A lot of the 'ranchettes' are located in open range so you will need to fence your property to keep free ranging cattle and sheep out.  Free ranging cattle all think your house is their own personal rubbing post. I have seen the trim rubbed completely off houses! But hey, you do get lots of free fertilizer!

One other very important item. Title. KNOW the facts about Titles. How they are written can either cost or save major $$$$$ Colorado is one state that if the title is written a particular way, survivors can take title by simply filing a certificate of death.

All humor aside. Never assume the seller knows or is even telling you the facts.  Good Luck !!!!

America Is Facing A Crisis Of Leadership

Our President, Barack Obama, is not a good leader. He can instigate, he can divide, he can stir up controversy, and he can cause dissension more effectively than any who have come before him. However, when faced with a crisis, when he is pushed outside of his comfort zone and he has to dig deep to find what he is truly made of, he fails miserably. He rose to power on a cloud of fluff, with no substance and no concrete or tangible plan for this country. Hope and change are just words if there is no direction to guide them.

One of the most damning signs of a bad leader is arrogance, an unwillingness to admit failure, and an instinct to blame others for your own misgivings. These individuals will almost always project their problems onto someone else, and they very rarely, if ever, take responsibility for their own actions. If you look at all of the mistakes made throughout Obama's presidency, you will see that they all have been blamed on someone else within his administration, without so much as a peep from him. That in itself shows a great deal of cowardice, a willingness to throw your subordinates to the wolves to save your own skin. 

Another tell tale sign of a bad leader is their inability to work with or agree with good leaders. This is primarily why you see the purge of high ranking military Officers, followed by the inclusion of weak minded and placating yes-men who will obey any order they receive, no matter what values and ethics it goes against and contradicts. This is the most troubling part, because that is exactly how Hitler formed his Nazi empire in WWII. Any disagreement with Hitler's authority was quickly silenced, and the result of that kind of madness is nothing short of disaster. What I am getting at is that this is it, folks. This is what we have all been waiting for, and it is unfolding before your very eyes. Obama and his followers are too firmly entrenched in the deepest parts of the government to uproot them now, so what happens next should be of no surprise to anyone - that is as long as you are a student of history...




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Anunnaki - Don't Watch This Film - 2013 ( video )

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Anunnaki - Don't Watch This Film - 2013 ( video )
Posted By: Dave404 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 8-Nov-2013 18:14:28

Anunnaki - Don't Watch This Film - 2013

Go to the CC on the bottom and change to English.. 

Obama Says No More Healthcare…No More Choice

Solution to ending ObamaCare? Let the beast Die...

Obama Says No More Healthcare…No More Choice

“ObamaCare is meant to drive health insurance companies from the US marketplace and end them…permanently.”
By Sher Zieve
Friday, November 8, 2013

It has been an out in the open “secret” for years. Except for the now-reported disclosures of the inveigling lies issuing forth from the deceitful mouth of Barack Hussein Obama, it might never have been apparent to those who have worshiped this patent usurper. But, now more and more who believed in and voted for Dictator-in-Chief Obama are finally experiencing a harsh awakening to truth.
He has lied to them, all along, and continues his lies today. Along with the destruction of the USA, lies are perhaps the only other things Obama actually does well. Americans have now lost and are—every day—continuing to lose their health care entirely.
Despite the smiling and persuasive visage of the man who has assumed the role of president of the United States telling us all “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it…period! If you like your doctor you can keep him or her…period!“ nothing was further from the truth. Tragically, all too many missed another part of his anatomy while he continued to spread his falsehoods…his cold dead eyes.

ObamaCare NOT about Healthcare

ObamaCare is not and never has been about health care. Many of us have been warning about this for years. It is, instead, about control of humans, their bodies, their property, their ability to come and go as they please, the diminishing or end of their religious practices (if they do not subscribe to Islam), their liberty in general (including the Bill of Rights which has been summarily stripped and destroyed by the Obama regime), the ability to keep their homes and their earned money.
Remember healthcare comprises 1/6 of the US economy.
Obama and the Marxist Dems (and RINOs) want complete control over it. They have been intensely salivating over the thought of having additional $Trillions so that they can exponentially increase their own wealth and power over us, give some to their supporters and cronies and pass on to the still-stupid-for-Obama (after the very recent disclosures that Obama and his gang knew years ago that tens of millions of Americans would lose their healthcare programs and that ObamaCare would often quadruple the cost of what they had been paying they are no longer ‘ignorant‘) a few of the left-over crumbs from the Obama syndicate’s table. This is a table that has been amply stocked by the-blood and sweat of working Americans. And, as millions of Americans have now finally realized, ObamaCare represents Obama’s overthrow of healthcare in America and its demise by force. It also places the final straw on the backs of Americans, in order to end the US Republic for all time.
Marxist filmmaker Michael Moore should be ecstatic, as the USA’s healthcare system will soon mirror that of Cuba’s.
Perhaps those who had previously been asleep (or maybe only groggy) might finally be ready for a bit more of the actual facts about ObamaCare. However, with all of the false mystique surrounding it and its thousands of pages, there is way too much to cover here. Besides, there have already been myriad books written about it. Therefore, I’ll list only a few additional items.

Just a few reminders of the ObamaCare Horrors

ObamaCare adds many new taxes—non-healthcare related—to Americans’ dwindling wealth, including a 3.8% new tax each time you sell a home. Hmmm. We assume these new taxes will be made payable to Obama…personally.
ObamaCare forces Christians and Jews (People of the Book) to go against their pro-life religious beliefs and fund Obama’s demands for abortions…which, by the way, includes ‘partial birth’ abortions.
ObamaCare, out of the mouths of both Obama and the fully Marxist Senate leader Harry Reid, was never meant to work well…if at all. It was merely planned as the final step toward an ObamaGov-run single-payer system; a system that is meant—by its very nature—to bleed We-the-Humans dry of all of our money and keep us at the mercy of the Obama syndicate. You really didn’t think its members planned to give up their power, wealth built on the backs of Americans and their control over you…did you?

ObamaCare to End US Healthcare

ObamaCare is meant to drive health insurance companies from the US marketplace and end them…permanently. The reason? Obama and his government want ALL of the money you pay for healthcare and the US healthcare system contains 1/6 of it.
Obama believes it belongs to him…not to you and me who still actually work or previously worked for it. However, Dictator-in-Chief Obama is now blaming the insurance companies (he always finds someone else—including you and me—to blame for his actions) for canceling the policies that Obama forced them to end under his horror ObamaCare. Do you really believe insurance companies are working to put themselves out of business by denying their customers health insurance policies? Really? If so, you’re already way too far embedded within the bowels of the inane Obama faux Utopia and I’m amazed you were able to read to this point! Again, ObamaCare was never meant to work. The below videos of Obama and Harry Reid talking about it confirm this essential fact and truth.

Solution to ending ObamaCare?

Folks, if you really and truly want your lives back and have finally reached the point where you want to end this destruction of your country…and you personally…there is a way to begin doing it and it requires no action—NO action at all.
As my colleague and friend Dr. Laurie Roth wrote last month in her column “The beast is dying now let’s help it die”: “I call on all Americans to make a real and lasting statement. Don’t march on Washington or drive trucks around in protest.
Let us all agree to do the ultimate civil disobedience in the face of this incompetent, UN constitutional, health killing, illegal and forced ObamaCare. Let us all NOT sign up for any exchange.” At least it will help us keep our powder dry for a little while longer.

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing”—John 15:5

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare
New 3.8% tax on home sales:
Yes, taxpayers, you will pay for abortions under Obamacare:
Obama on single payer health insurance (video):
Harry Reid Says ObamaCare Just A Step Toward Single-Payer (video):
The beast is dying now let’s help it die:
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.
Sher can be reached at

fake Poof message ---- 12:24 PM just in from someone who knows poof - alledgedly!

 FromSent: Friday, November 08, 2013 2:59 PM
Subject: POOF

12:24 PM just in from Poof: in other news, the elders, in conjunction with the china treasury, us treasury, imf, and world bank (and cabal as well) are all meeting right now. This is the big one. The various announcements will come out from this meeting, and we will get to know real timelines for everything that is out there. The fellow from china that is doing the global gold settlements is ready in the next days, basel iii is ready to come forth and be the new protocol, and the historic asset redemptions are flowing (people already paid).

Johnnie's comment
This intel was sent to me on Friday, November 08, 2013 2:59 PM. I am NOT the originator nor do I make up BS, always tell it like it is.
More intel - spoke to the messenger who relayed the message from the originator and this was "HEARSAY" from a third party who knows the Poof Office. IT IS A CRAP BS MESSAGE without credentials. Message WILL be removed in 3 days.  
My apologies   John MacHaffie

Tech Team Arrives To Fix Obamacare

  Tech Team Arrives To Fix Obamacare