Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why is the Department of Homeland Security building an illegal, and Unconstitutional Domestic Military force?

Why is the Department of Homeland Security building an illegal, and Unconstitutional Domestic Military force?

This video is making its rounds around the internet today, one that goes along with our article on the militarization of local police forces, in which a retired Marine Colonel claims the Department of Homeland Security is building its own domestic military force.
The video is a pretty good summary of what we’ve been reporting on for the last couple of years and, in my opinion, should be a wake-up call for those who are still in denial.
The Marine Colonel, who says he was the Ministry of Defense Coordinator – responsible for training and equipping the Iraqi army, claims that the Department of Homeland Security has more powerful equipment, and could wipe out the forces they trained in Iraq in under a week. He spoke at a town hall meeting in Concord, New Hampshire after the local police chief requested Military equipment to suppress disturbances initiated by activists .
With this information in mind, you really have to ask yourself: Why is the Department of Homeland Security building an illegal, and Unconstitutional Domestic Military force?


August 15, 2013 at 4:12 pm - When shit hits the fan they will just blame it on the American people and then come kick in our doors..the government is corrupt and everyone knows but what can we do? I’ve been following stories like this for years and it just keeps getting worse.. What’s next ??arming the Boy Scouts with grenade launchers?

August 16, 2013 at 6:12 am - After watching another train load of suburban military equipment flow past me at a railroad crossing in Tehachapi, California, I wondered about its use against civilians in a ‘takeover’ by the powers that be with an ex military man over coffee. He started laughing at my concerns. He was a mechanic for fifteen years for the Marine Corps heavy equipment branch. Here’s what he told me: “The military doesn’t ‘Give’ anything away for no reason. All that stuff you see flowing into local police hands is JUNK. If its not glowing from depleted uranium, its broken down in some giant holding area. The vehicles get two miles to the gallon. The air conditioning units fail constantly, forcing the troops in the rear in all their gear to open the vented windows. There goes your protection. The maintenance is unbelievable. Every time your local cops roll out with these white elephants, they can watch their budgets skyrocket. Even without the additional armor, they're constantly breaking down because of a myriad number of defects. Oh, you want to take one into the bush? If it ain’t paved, fah-get-about-it. If they even smell sand or mud, they instantly break down. Those vehicles are the least of your problems. If you want to stay up at night worrying, think, DRONES”!….

August 17, 2013 at 7:38 pm -  If you open the truck of just about any LEO vehicle in Texas, it has a fully automatic M-4 ready to go. Heck, our Game Wardens have 4TH GENERATION night vision goggles and infra-red headlights that allow them to drive completely blacked out at 80 MPH.  I, for one, am not buying this story that our local police forces need drones and armored personnel carriers just so the local PD can play "Army" with their toys. This is getting VERY SERIOUS people!  We must stop this militarization at the LOCAL GOVERNMENT level.    

August 19, 2013 at 9:40 am - Having the equipment to do the job is one thing, heavily armored vehicles is kinda overkill wouldn’t you say? something else. Besides that, consider this: who’s paying for this expensive equipment? Taxpayers are. There used to be a time when police got government surplus equipment at mimimal cost. Now, it’s state of the art with a price tag to match.

September 22, 2013 at 1:20 pm -  I really don’t think that rocket launchers and MINIGUNS are required equiptment to combat gangs in America, yet our government is supplying them to local police forces.

September 22, 2013 at 1:36 pm - The U.S. government has been equipping and training personel against terrorist attack for a long time now. Our over equipped police have not stopped a single attack. Indeed, just recently a well trained anti-terrorist police unit that was ON SCENE was ordered to stand down during an armed attack (naval yard). The comander did not like it, said many could have been saved. It looks as though they have other things on thier mind.



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The Escape Of Adolf Hitler

The Escape Of Adolf Hitler
By Harry Cooper

Most people have read our research and realize that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and thousands of others of the Third Reich did indeed, get out of the crumbled Germany and lived out their lives in relative quiet and safety in South America, mostly in Argentina.  Every once in a while, people balk at believing this history-rocking story because they have been taught for years that Hitler shot himself in the head and Eva Braun took cyanide to end her life, and that Martin Bormann was killed on a tank near the hauptbahnhof in Berlin.  
We all believed this at one time or another - I certainly did because that is what our government said happened and so it was above being questioned.  I believed that Hitler died in the bunker because that is what I was taught; I believed that all Germans were raving Nazis and that German soldiers killed helpless people for sport because that is what I was taught - that is what you were taught as well.  We were also told that a fat guy in a red suit would park his magical flying sleigh on your roof every Christmas eve and come down your chimney with a bag full of toys.  My folks always put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus so it HAD to be true.  The fact that a story is told again and again does not, in and of itself, make the story true.

This is not a part time hobby for me.  Sharkhunters is not a hobby, it is a 12 to 14 hour per day effort and I spend as much time in the field as the budget will allow - all making sure that we have the accurate story before we print it. 

I walked off a very high paying job as Vice President of a large company with no retirement to do this history full time (more than full time) because it is necessary that true and honest history must be told - and I take no salary of any kind from Sharkhunters so I have no reason to slant reports one way or another - we just report the plain facts and no propaganda.  it is a matter of personal pride and honor to do it honestly, and Sharkhunters is regarded in the highest around the world for our accurate history and for not being afraid to tell the facts like they are.

There is simply no question that Hitler and many others did indeed escape the crumbled Europe and lived out their lives in relative safety in south America, primarily question at all.

However, a listener to the Rense Radio Program this past Friday asked a question we have been asked in the past, and it is a very valid question - a damn good question indeed.  People have frequently asked:  "Why didn't THEY go after Hitler?"

As I said, damned good question.  So I immediately ask "Who is "THEY"?

There is a moment of silence and//or stumbling as they think past their initial question, then they say..."ISRAEL".

I remind them that there was no such place as Israel in 1945 - it didn't exist until a few years then they say..."the Mossad".

I remind them that, since there was no Israel, there was no Mossad and even once there was an Israel in 1948, they were a tiny new nation just trying to stay alive in those days.  Then follows the obvious question..."What about the USA?"

To fully understand why Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and hundreds, perhaps even thousands of men who held high positions in the Third Reich, were safe in Argentina, we must look at the situation there.  These men came under the full protection of Juan Peron and the Argentina military, this "friendship" was bought with billions of dollars worth of treasure brought to Argentina and principally under control of Martin Bormann.  In addition to this massive wealth, men of the Reich founded a nuclear research laboratory on an island at the town where Hitler and so many more lived - San Carlos di Bariloche.  Peron built his Mountain Troop Training School on the mainland a few hundred yards across the lake from this island.  According to some, Dr. Richter and his team achieved the world's first cold fusion on this island in the early 1950's.

The Argentine Air Force was completely rebuilt and restructured, thanks to at least three of the Luftwaffe's very best.  There were Werner Baumbach, Commander of KG 200 (the bomber squadron with all the high tech and secret planes); Hans-Ulrich Rudel, probably the best all-round pilot ever (he was decorated with the Knights Cross with Oak Leaf, Crossed Swords and Diamonds - IN GOLD; and there was the "Fighter General" ADOLF GALLAND (Member 2854-1993).  All this was on top and fairly well known but there were many, many others of the Reich that were needed by Peron  as he more or less bought his way to the top in Argentina.

Further, there were hundreds of former Waffen SS men in and around Bariloche.  They had heavily armed security both on the land and on the lake, so no small clandestine force would have had any possibility of success.  Add to this, the large ring of observation points in the mountains all around the lake and the town - it would have been impossible for any group to get into the area.

Why didn't the USA "go after Hitler"?  With all this protection from Peron and the unlikelihood that Peron would ever willingly give up any of these men to the USA or to anyone else, nothing short of full scale military invasion could have even begun to accomplish this and the USA was tired of war........but there is another compelling reason.

This now is theory mind you, but it is based on hard facts.  At this point, we look back to early 1958 when yours truly was a young punk in the United States Air Force and I spent the first six months of that year in intensive weapons training at Lowrey Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado.  In the early part of our training, we watched films of the United States early attempts to build a nuclear bomb.  The US special weapons project was moving very slowly and in fact, if I remember correctly in the book "Japan's Secret War" written by ROBERT WILCOX (25-1984) and released in 1984, BOB wrote that the Japanese test fired their first nuclear device a week before the the USA.  German U-Boats were trying to make the dangerous voyage to Japanese held ports in the Indian Ocean and in the Pacific carrying all sorts of high tech weaponry and uranium.  The Allies had the codes and knew which boats were carrying what, and they were ambushed by British submarines as they came over Denmark and into the Denmark Straits.  U-234 under command of wily JOHANN HEINRICH FEHLER (32-1984) went a different course and thus was spared.  The surrender order caught them in the North Atlantic, so they surrendered to the USA........with her 560 kilos of uranium on board.

Looking back to my Special Weapons training...the USA was struggling. However, right around the time of the German surrender, the US Special Weapons program took a gigantic leap forward.  We were told it was because our brilliant scientists had done magnificent work etc., etc. but as we look back, we must wonder about this.  Germany surrendered and suddenly the USA had all sorts of brilliant German scientists, fissionable material for weapons building, intercontinental ballistic missiles, jets and even rocket powered airplanes, the first true submarine (the Type XXI and Type XXIII) and God knows what else - even today we do not know all that came over from Germany at their surrender.

So, what if.........what if an agreement was made to turn over all this information, material, scientists etc. to the USA and in exchange, nobody would go after Hitler and the others.  It was a pretty easy decision to make.  On the one hand, the US would receive untold scientific advancements and riches as already described and Hitler and the others of the Reich would be allowed to live out their lives quietly in Argentina.  

On the other hand, if such agreement was not reached, how many thousand of the top German scientists would have gone to the Soviet Union?  The atomic bomb would not have been ready for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, meaning the deaths of hundreds of thousands American troops and probably almost the entire Japanese race who were prepared to fight to the last man if necessary.  The Soviet Union would have been the leader in nuclear armament, would have had the jet, the rockets, the ICBMs etc.  In other words, if the agreement had not been reached, the war in the Pacific would have gone on much longer, millions more would have died, and the Soviet Union would have been the leader in all phases of weaponry.........and then the US would have had to march into Argentina in a full military invasion.

Incidentally - the paperwork concerning the 560 kilos of uranium carried over aboard U-234 seems to have disappeared!  It is probably in that huge government warehouse where the Ark of the Convenant discovered by Indiana Jones was locked.

As I said, this is my theory, but I think it is a pretty solid one and, backed up by the thousands of files we have from the various archives thanks to S.E.I.G. Agent TAUCHER and S.E.I.G. Agent REMBRANDT and the best of all S.E.I.G. Agent PIZZARRO there is no doubt in my mind that this is what happened.  We have received files and information from the US National Archives, from Dutch Intelligence, from various archives abandoned when the STASI moved out - there is no way anyone else could pull all this together, and that is why I am pretty sure that this theory is the way it was.

You of course, are free to form your own opinion and that is your right.  I do this work 12 to 14 hours per day, every day....we have a large group of S.E.I.G. Agents helping with archival information and so much more.
If anyone has any other theory, we would love to hear the theory AND all the back-up information that went into forming that theory.  Thanks in advance.
So, if you want to read the REAL STORY, coupled with much of the research that went into our determination, go to and click on SPECIAL OFFERS in yellow on the left hand menu.  There is a Great amount of information there including some of the FBI reports, photos etc. that all show, definitively, that Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun-Hitler, Martin Bormann and many others did indeed, live out their lives in South America.
We do not state anything is fact unless we are absolutely certain it is true. Again, visit SPECIAL OFFERS at - and check it out.  You don't have to buy the book, just look at everything that went into it...and, NO, we didn't plagiarize any of it.  If you still do not believe it, we hear that Santa likes chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk.......
CQS - Remember, your Comments, Questions and Suggestions are always welcome.

Harry Cooper
Sharkhunters International

The World's ONLY International Source of U-Boat History

Chemtrails Solutions

Interesting article written by a person in Indonesia, indicating that orgonite may not be the best choice in dealing with chemtrails.  Suggesting the use of cemenite - which includes copper rather than aluminum.

Personal opinion about how to fight chemtrails by Sucahyo

I believe that to fight against evil, our tool must reduce the evil effect to our body, to our family or to our environment. I completely disagree of using tool that gets stronger around a place full of evil energy. Instead, the tool must make you more comfortable, feel better around an evil place. A tool to fight against evil should not make you feel the evil energy. A tool to fight against evil should make you immune to the evil energy.
I believe that the tool to fight chemtrails must reduce the evil effect of chemtrails. It must reduce the pain in your chest, it must reduce your headache, it must allow you to sleep well even during heavy spraying.
I believe that orgonite or chembuster can be used to reduce the effects of chemtrails. But it can also produce opposite results. It is very very important to verify wether your creation or the one you bought will actually help fights chemtrails. Will it prevent chemcloud, prevent haze, etc. Will it make us feel better, no headache, no heavy breath, no health problem, etc.
Many people overlook verifying step and end up getting bad results. Get no results at all even after spending considerable amount of money. And worst, some even make the weather condition worse. Don't just throw your creation in the open. You may think that what you done will only do a good thing. But what you feel may not what actually happen. You must observe the results of your gifting for yourself.
It is very important that your goal should not just be the elimination of chemtrails. That is relatively easy to obtain. Your goal must be the elimination of chemtrails effects. Effects such as weeks of cirrus cloud cover the whole sky, headache, tiredness, agitation, hard to breath, unstable emotion, insomnia, drought, dying plants, rare birds, etc. Not the chemtrails it self, but the effect of the chemtrails. Your solution should never produce the same effects as chemtrails. Your solution should never drive away birds, never eliminate nimbus rain clouds or fluffy clouds, never produce drought, never make you get a headache, etc. Some people think that it is ok to get headache as long as you make the chemtrails gone, that is absolutely FALSE. If you get headache then you are aiding chemtrails achieve whatever their goal is. Any solution to fight against chemtrails MUST make you and anything around you to be more healthy. It is NOT OK to sacrifice your health for the benefit of just eliminating chemtrails trails. Because chemtrails is not just about the creationg of trails.
I give this warning because I suspect that wrong solution, wrong orgonite or wrong chembuster, may actually invite natural disaster. Drought, flood, tornadoes or even earth quake can happen more often. If you notice more natural disaster, and if you already use something like orgonite, then please review what you done. Do more testing and if it is possible, undo your gifting until you can confirm that your orgonite give good results for nature. You can use the effect of cemenite I list previously. If you don't have such solution, try looking for chembuster in your neighbourhood. Tower power over weather is nothing compared to chembuster. In Indonesia, Denpasar in Bali, a city that said to be fully gifted, suffer record breaking tornadoes and flood few times at 2011/2012. I believe that happen because the orgonite use aluminium material. A fully gifted city should experience LESS natural disaster. If it happen more then something is wrong. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. Please be carefull. What you give to the environment must be healthy for you too. Don't give nature something that make you get a headache or insomnia.
Improving body health is neccessary to fight against chemtrails. However please keep in mind that ionizing, silver colloid, body cleansing or body detoxification method require spesific interval of body rest, to allow body to take out the toxin from inside the body. They must not be used too often or it may have severe side effects.
A tool that make you feel more of evil energy can be a fake tool spread by evil people. Don't be proud when your pedant in your chest make you feel pain near an evil device or location. Don't be proud when your tool make you feel nauseous around an evil place. If your tool protect you properly, you won't feel a thing. Be very carefull.

Solution to restore the sky with cemenite

by Sucahyo
Cemenite is an orgone device. A device that produce a type of energy which people call as orgone. Orgone is a physical energy usually created around electricity or magnetism. Orgone energy has great influence on living being and water.
Cemenite produce orgone by utilizing spesific geometry and material. Correctly made, the type of orgone that cemenite produce is the one that has these kind of effect:
  • better sleep, reduce insomnia
  • calmer emotion
  • more wild birds chirp around
  • better gas stove consumption
  • bigger, greener plant leaves
  • tastier water or food
  • more vehicle mileage and power
  • clearer sky from chemtrail or chemcloud or chemhaze
  • fog in the morning
  • produce clear ice or RNA shaped air bubble inside an ice
Cemenite must be built exactly like spesified bellow:
  • portland cement
  • clean water
  • insulated copper wire
No other material or addition allowed. They can change results. If you have to, do proper test to ensure it work the same way.

I have seen the results of deploying cemenite in Surabaya city, East Java, Indonesia. The sky no longer dominated by haze or patterned clouds anymore. I can still see wild birds travel the sky. Birds chirp are common to be heard around my home.

What we need to know:

Dehydration and Mineral Depletion

Current compiled solutions and ideas,

Dehydration, Balanced hydration is crucial to a healthy body 

About Mineral Deficiencies

Identifying Mineral Deficiencies
~ Mineral Depleted Food tends to 'Steal' nutrition rather than feed your bodies cells. ~

Mineral Depletion also applies to soil:

Minerals and PH

Your bodies alkalinity is heavily effected by excess of minerals.

PH food Chart ~ Adjustments in diet may help sway adverse effects from excess or imbalanced minerals in your environment. 

Noted Practical Solutions


LOOK LOOK LOOK... Right here in western Colorado.....

Right here in western Colorado.....

:October 26, 2013 via Facebook Mobile on my phone.

So, as I was about to park, I saw this vehicle, so I quickly got out of my car
and took a picture as it drove by.  As the driver saw me do this, he slammed
on the brakes, and asked, "Do you have a problem?"  To which I replied, "Just
taking a picture. Is that illegal now?"  He then eked forward a few feet and
stayed there in the middle of the road for about a minute and a half until a
car approached him from behind, forcing him to move...   This, ladies and
gentlemen, is the FEDERAL POLICE FORCE (or Federal Protective Service, or
United States Secret Service Uniformed Division as they are also known) we
have been hearing about and the actual recipients of all that billions (yes,
billions) of rounds of ammunition that is being produced for and procured by
the Social Security Admin, The IRS, and other various government agencies for
what purpose.  They are here, right in Downtown Grand Junction
<> .   What is the real purpose
of a Federal Protective Service and why do we need them?   Feel safe yet?
Google, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and see what you find.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.


OK Guys and Girls,
They really are here, it just isn’t rumor any more.   This recently received from a friend.

Right here in western Colorado:

October 26, 2013 via Facebook Mobile on my phone.

So, as I was about to park, I saw this vehicle, so I quickly got out of my car and took a picture as it drove by.  As the driver saw me do this, he slammed on the brakes, and asked, "Do you have a problem?"  To which I replied, "Just taking a picture. Is that illegal now?"  He then eked forward a few feet and stayed there in the middle of the road for about a minute and a half until a car approached him from behind, forcing him to move...   This, ladies and gentlemen, is the FEDERAL POLICE FORCE (or Federal Protective Service, or United States Secret Service Uniformed Division as they are also known) we have been hearing about and the actual recipients of all that billions (yes, billions) of rounds of ammunition that is being produced for and procured by the Social Security Admin, The IRS, and other various government agencies for what purpose.  They are here, right in Downtown Grand Junction.   What is the real purpose of a Federal Protective Service and why do we need them?   Feel safe yet?   Google, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and see what you find.

Barry Allen Owens, aka Barry Soetoro, Barak Hussein Obama, President Obama

Re: Barry Allen Owens, aka Barry Soetoro, Barak Hussein Obama, President Obama

Nancy Owens Barger·134 videos [about:]

This is an audio/visual recording of events that happened in Clewiston, Florida, Hendry County in the early 80's which is where the Medellin Cartel had its American roots and is the hometown of the Drug Lord Pablo Escobar despite misinformation to the contrary. It is also the hometown of Olivia, fraudulently nicknamed "Griselda Blanco" after a murder which occurred in 1979 on the west coast of Florida. We had/have strong Chicago connections and became the "Chamber (Congress) of Secrets" for political leaders looking for fast cash, sex slaves, and personal hitmen/women of which "Barack Obama" was one. Some even suggest that Clewiston is Nixon's "Watergate" and the Clinton's "Whitewater" location given its extreme geographical isolation with the Everglades Swamps to the south, Lake Okeechobee to the north, and over one million miles of sugar cane fields extending 60 miles to the east and west.

Whistle BLOWER- President Obama's HALF sister comes FORTH!
Published on Nov 7, 2013
After years of Silence, President Obama's HALF sister comes forth about the TRUTH regarding the president's Birth Certificate and his involvement with other -Dark- industries!_____________________________________________________________________

Woman Calls FBI Claiming To Be Obama BC Forger: FBI Directs Her To The News Media
Published on Jul 17, 2013
Shock: Woman Calls FBI Claiming To Be Obama BC Forger: FBI Directs Her To The News Media - - - MORE: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp... -

Who Is Mariacopa County's Mike "Zullo" Really? Mike Moore?

Published on Jul 16, 2013
Copyright 2013 Pablo Escobar Medellin Cartel Hells Angels White Genocide Walsh Hoffa John F Kennedy Jr Owens Nancy Owens Sonny Barger Griselda Blanco CIA Rivi Ayala Falcon Magluta Sanchez Popeye Clewiston Allison Napoles White Rabbit Pablos White Rabbit Molly Bloody Mary Mary Poppins Reagan Jodie Foster Hoax Skinheads Robert Richard Tommy Gladys Zodiac KKK Dyess Buchanan Hendry County Vallejo Delgado D'Alessandro La Quicka Serial Killer Con Bestiality Kill Porn Child Molestation Lesbian Gay Anal New World Order Mutilation Cannibal gum Necrophilia War Infilatration Hilter Gun Money torture machete raper pistol Whiskey White Rabbit raptos sex slave human trafficking bones blood fish alligator Roland Martin Sanchez king lord paso finos colombian cuba cuban mexico mexican hardcore treasure DEA CIA FBI conspiracy theory Ollie Dahmer Iceman BTK Ochoa cowboys knife acid fingerprints sugar cane bondage starvation Montura Estates 911 twin towers

Hoffa FBI call

Published on Jun 19, 2013

Depopulation of the Masses Has Begun

Depopulation of the Masses Has Begun

truther December 5, 2013 2

Dave Hodges

Henry thinks you are the third world. We are all members of the third world in the eyes of the elite.
Not a day goes by when we are not reminded that we are nothing but “useless eaters” who have been given the temporary right to exist on this planet by the generous elite. However, our continued existence is predicated on the notion that we have no rights, and as such, we should have no expectations. Through the tenets of Agenda 21, we are constantly reminded that we have no right to the resources on this planet. The elite own the water, the food and all other material assets.

Depopulation of the Masses Has Begun. Enslaving Humanity, One Sheep At a Time

Never before in the history of mankind, has a people, such as the citizens of the United States, enjoyed such political freedoms, resulting in self-determination over their lives as well as having enjoyed the affluence of the most prosperous middle class in human history.

This experiment in American self-governance and resulting freedom, is nearly over. Both your perceived assets and even your life belongs to the minions representing the elite on this planet, for as we transition from an industrial based economy to a post industrial society, most of us will no longer needed because the size of the labor class will dramatically shrink. Now, we know the meaning of Kissinger’s proclamation that we are nothing but a bunch of useless eaters.

It should be abundantly clear that when several officials and prominent people on  this planet state that the planet would be better off if the human population was reduced from 7 billion to 500 million, that they really mean it.  Do you think that they are really kidding when the elite make such statements?
It Is the Same Everywhere

Everywhere on this planet, the elite are asserting their authority over the “useless eaters” who occupy space and consume “their” resources on this planet. The bulk of humanity are kept in metaphorical zoo-like cages on the planet and exist for the mere entertainment of the elite.

Literally, nothing belongs to the common people. The elite own the food, the water and all the shelter on this planet. In every country it is the same. The elite, by hook or crook, appoint their minions to government positions. The government subsequently creates the conditions whereby the whims of the elite are enforced, thus, enslaving the people.

The elite’s strategies slightly differ depending on the local politics. In China, in order to enforce Agenda 21 dictates of moving the masses from rural to the stack and pack ghost cities, the whim of the elite is brutally enforced at the end of the barrel of a gun. In Uganda, when villages are needed in order to plant trees in carbon offset programs, the Uganda military simply burns down the villages and declares the inhabitants to be mere trespassers. And in America, when the elite wants what you own, there is a pretense of going through the constitutionally based courts under the guise of pseudo justice. However, the result is still the same, the Constitution is not followed and you lose.

America, there is an important question to consider. If we are so free, as we are constantly reminded that we are by the mainstream media, then why are we spied upon without provocation or cause? And if we are so free, then why is our ability to raise objections to the manner in which we are governed being systematically eliminated? The Global Awakening Must Be Crushed.

Zbigniew Brzezinski likes to keep his hand on the pulse of humanity. In the middle part of the last decade he warned his elite colleagues that Americans were beginning to wake up the elite’s agenda and that they must proceed with all due haste.

Most recently, Brzezinski warned of a global awakening that was very dangerous
to their agenda. It is abundantly clear that the elite fear humanity’s sheer numbers
and they know that the mainstream media is losing its control over humanity as the
ratings of such MSM mainstays such as CNN are in the proverbial toilet. The blinders
placed upon humanity by the MSM are slowly, but surely coming off.  If the elite
want to maintain control, they must act quickly, according to Brzezinski.
The Pattern of Genocide

The numbers of humanity are a threat to the ruling elite and these numbers must be
radically reduced, and reduced quickly. The pattern leading to genocide, throughout
history, is remarkably consistent. In each case, the government attempts to
stop the communications between dissident forces which could evolve into an
opposition force which would oppose the unfolding tyranny. We are witnessing just
such a movement as the government has repeatedly tried to close down the free
expression on the internet.

Jay Rockefeller (D WVA) has attached a cyber-security amendment to the NDAA
2014 bill in Congress to mandate that precautions be taken to protect America’s
cyber infrastructure and private entities. Those of us who represent private entities,
will soon find our free access to the internet eliminated. The fact that this internet
control bill is attached to the NDAA is no accident because this means that dissidents,
posting anti-government rhetoric on the internet, can be snatched off the street
and held indefinitely for their “terrorist” views.

There is a second and equally disturbing development in that the government has declared
that the people of this country do not have the right to challenge the government on
its unconstitutional actions. This is a position which fully exposes the fact that America
is no longer a democratic republic, but rather a dictatorship which serves the elite.
At issue is the ACLU’s right to sue the NSA for the unconstitutional  and unwarranted
intrusions into the private lives of all Americans by spying on their every communication
and their web-surfing habits. This position, taken by the government, validates my earlier
point that we have no rights and are living under a dictatorship.
The Most Important Question of All

There is even a more important question. Why does this government feel that it needs
to spy upon all the people? Billions if not trillions of dollars are being spent to this end.
We should all be concerned that the police state practice of gathering private information
on its citizens represents a practice that has never failed to result in genocide against at
least a segment of its population. Therefore, if we use history as the judge of the NSA’s
actions, we should all be hiding under the bed. Although, as an aside, I think it
would be appropriate to imitate the anti-gun crowd in Colorado who stalk and harass
the activists who are trying to recall politicians who are attempting to seize the guns
of law abiding citizens. The police have told the Colorado activists that these stalking
behaviors are acceptable. Therefore, I would propose that we make the NSA feel the same
heat. Perhaps residents in the area of an NSA facility should subject the NSA officials
to the same level of harassment as are the activists in Colorado.The NSA harasses
citizens, American citizens act in kind.

On a more serious level, we need to all ask where this is leading. We should all consider
the fact that there is a certainty that the information being gathered by the NSA will
be used against “undesirable” Americans. This is a civilized description for genocide.
Does this allegation have any further substantiation than merely using the lesson of
history? A cursory examination of the statements of the global elite, both past and
present would indicate that we should all be a little more than concerned.
 Voices of Depopulation

I have come to believe that a great culling is in our future. Before you dismiss this
statement as the words of a lunatic, maybe we should see if there is any
corroborating evidence from people in positions of authority, both past and present.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, enthusiastically promoted the
Thomas Malthus’ philosophy as she stated, “The most merciful thing that a family
does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

Perhaps these were merely the musings of two twisted individuals which do not
represent any type of central philosophical belief. Unfortunately the theories of
Malthus, Sanger and other population control advocates did not die with them.
As I discovered, this is a reoccurring theme contained within the personal words
of several dozen global leaders.

“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind”.
Theodore Roosevelt

“Malthus has been vindicated; reality is finally catching up with Malthus.
The Third World is overpopulated, it’s an economic mess, and there’s no
way they could get out of it with this fast-growing population.
Our philosophy is: back to the village”.

Dr. Arne Schiotz, World Wildlife Fund Director of Conservation, stated such,
ironically, in 1984.
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline
from present levels, would be ideal”.

Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine
“There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population
levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods,
or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran
or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of
control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….”
“Our program in El Salvador didn’t work. The infrastructure was not there
to support it. There were just too goddamned many people….
To really reduce population, quickly, you have to pull all the males into t
he fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females….”
The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa,
or through disease like the Black Death….”

Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into
the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused
by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and
behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then,is humanity itself”.

Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider – Founder and Secretary, respectively,
The Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, pgs 104-105, 1991
“A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion
is an uncontrolled multiplication of people…. We must shift our efforts
from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer.
The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions”.

Stanford Professor, Paul Ehrlich in The Population Bomb
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people
per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it”.

J. Cousteau, 1991 explorer and UNESCO courier
“I believe that human overpopulation is the fundamental problem on
Earth Today” and, “We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox”.

Dave Foreman, Sierra Club and co founder of Earth First!
“We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion,
about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short,
is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90%and there aren’t enough
people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

Mikhail Gorbachev
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles
to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if
they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether
real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one
thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario,
individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their
well-being granted to them by the World Government”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger New York Times, Oct. 28, 1973
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards
the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing
amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” and “The elderly are useless eaters”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger
“World population needs to be decreased by 50%”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger
“We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations
will accept the New World Order”.

David Rockefeller
“War and famine would not do. Instead, disease offered the most
efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the
population crisis is to be solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because i
t is too slow.
My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world’s population
is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it
kills in days, instead of years. “We’ve got airborne diseases with
90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that.
“You know, the bird flu’s good, too.
For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine”.

Dr. Eric Pianka University of Texas evolutionary ecologist and
lizard expert, showed solutions for reducing the world’s population
to an audience on population control
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make
a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless
he will take a Luciferian Initiation”.

David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world
carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in
the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion,
but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers
presently existing.
This must be done by whatever means necessary”.

Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER
“In South America, the government of Peru goes door to door
pressuring women to be sterilized and they are funded by
American tax dollars to do this”.

Mark Earley in The Wrong Kind of Party Christian Post 10/27 2008
Women in the Netherlands who are deemed by the state to be unfit
mothers should be sentenced totake contraception for a prescribed
period of two years”.

Marjo Van Dijken (author of the bill in the Netherlands) in the Guardian
“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”.

Anonymously commissioned Georgia Guidestones
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer
virus to lower human population levels”.

Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Duke of Edinburgh,
leader of the World Wildlife Fund
Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society,
unless the parents hold a government license. All potential
parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals,
the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for

David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club
“The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is
broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes”.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided,
there was concern about population growth and particularly
growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of”.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining
the optimum population for the world and for each region and for
arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits.
Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each
government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the
agreed limits.”

Obama’s science czar John P. Holdren, Co-author of “Ecoscience”
Deny If You Must, but…..

In this article alone, there are 27 quotes from individuals representing
the global elite who speak clearly on the desires of the elite
who seek to significantly reduce the population. There are literally
hundreds of more quotes which should concern the average
“useless eater”.
There are people who will undoubtedly dismiss these quotes as
the musings of people with too much idle time on their hands and
they really don’t mean what they say. To these naive people,
I would say that various governments, on behalf of their elite
masters, murdered over 260 million of their own citizens in
the 20th century. I contend that these 260 million people are
merely the prelude of what is on the horizon. Consider the
following quote from the late Congressman, Larry McDonald.

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world
government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the
same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do.
I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope,
generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the
Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviet Union

I have related how recently retired members of FEMA and DHS have sought
the company of like-minded people as they have sought refuge in remote
locations in preparation for what is coming. Maybe we should pay closer
attention to what people say as well as what some people are doing.
There can be little doubt that depopulation is a consistent theme of global
leaders and the idea has been around for a very long time. Preaching
drastic population reduction may be one thing, but when the actions
match the stated intent, all of us would be fools to not pay close
attention and act accordingly as circumstances warrant.


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VA and Defense Chiefs Confront Reality of 700,000 Incarcerated Veterans

IN THIS NATION, THIS SHOULD NOT BE SO .....................Vets should NOT be losing their homes and families, and put out on the streets to try to survive nor be subjected to the subpar 'healthcare' of the VA - SHAMEFUL

VA and Defense Chiefs Confront Reality of 700,000 Incarcerated Veterans

Army vet Donald Betts in 2012 in his cell in Aberdeen, Wash., where state officials are working to better coordinate benefits for imprisoned vets. // AP Photo/Ted S. Warren
By Bob Brewin December 3, 2013 9 Comments
The 700,000 veterans consigned to the dustbins of society -- prisons and jails -- won some top level attention this week at the first national Vet Court Conference in Washington, which brings together 1,000 judges, mental health and substance abuse professionals and the leadership of the Veterans Affairs and Defense Departments.
The conference, sponsored by the Justice for Vets division of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, focuses on veterans involved in the criminal justice system as a result of substance abuse and mental health problems. There are some grim statistics behind this issue: One in six returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan suffers from a substance abuse disorder; since 2004, the number of veterans treated for mental illness and substance abuse has increased 38 percent, and 81 percent of arrested veterans had a substance abuse problem.
The first veterans treatment court in the country was established in 2008 by Judge Robert Russell in Buffalo, N.Y. The goal was to divert veterans charged with felony or misdemeanor nonviolent criminal offenses to a specialized criminal court that emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation guided by veteran health care professionals, veteran peer mentors and mental health professionals.
Since then, the number of veteran courts has grown to 130. Melissa Fitzgerald, senior director of Justice for Vets, said the specialized courts “have gained national prominence as the most innovative solution for veterans entering the criminal justice system. Veterans treatment courts stand between the veteran and a felony conviction, incarceration, or worse, ensuring that when returning service members are arrested because of a substance abuse and/or mental health disorder, they receive the structure, treatment and mentoring they need to get their lives back on track.”
VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, in his keynote speech at the conference Monday, said that homelessness also stands out as another key factor for incarceration. He said, “nearly 58,000 [veterans] are estimated to be homeless on any given night. I am told that incarceration is the No. 1 predictor of homelessness.
“If we are going to break the cycle between incarceration and homelessness, we will have to raise our level of collaboration and leverage all our assets to address these factors, which seem so pervasive when dealing with troubled Veterans—depression, insomnia, substance use disorder, pain, failed relationships.”
Shinseki said this includes VA taking a sharp look at its own use -- some critics say abuse -- of addictive, prescription pain killers, such as Oxycontin.
Over the past three years, Shinseki said, VA has discouraged overuse of opiates in favor of other medications and therapies and has taken steps to reduce the use of opiates. Since 2012, the Minneapolis-based VA health care system has cut its use of high-dose opiates by more than 50 percent and all but eliminated Oxycontin prescriptions, decreasing its use by 99 percent., Shinseki said.
VA has hired 172 justice outreach specialists who work directly with the courts “to see that veterans who are before the court or already in jail get the care they need and that courts are supported in their consideration of best possible alternatives to incarceration,” Shinseki said. Those specialists worked with 5,800 veterans in the first year of the program in 2010, a number that jumped to 36,000 this year, he said.
Veterans in the justice system aided by VA have averaged seven prior arrests, Shinseki said, and 20 percent have spent a year or more behind bars. 
Vet courts do make a difference, he said. “Two-thirds of veterans before the treatment courts successfully complete their treatment regimens,” he said. “When they receive VA services, they experience an 88 percent reduction in arrests from the year prior to the year after treatment court admission. They also benefit from a 30 percent increase in stable housing in the year after.”
Christopher Deutsch, spokesman for the National Association for Drug Court Professionals, said it is hard to truly quantify how many veterans from the long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are in prison, as the last report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on incarcerated veterans was released in 2000, a year before the start  those wars
A November 2011 study, conducted by researchers at VA’s Connecticut health care system and the Yale Medical School Department of Psychiatry, focused on 30,000 jailed veterans and determined that Afghanistan and Iraq veterans constituted only 3.9 percent of that population.
Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in the survey, the report said, were more likely to report combat stress and were 26 percent less likely to have a diagnosis of drug abuse or dependence, but three times more likely to have combat-related post traumatic stress disorder.
VA has developed a new system to identify incarcerated veterans called the Veterans Reentry Search Service to enable corrections officials to quickly and easily identify any veteran in their institutions. Shinseki has “written each governor encouraging collaboration through VRSS,” he said. “With greater participation, we will be better able to identify and treat veterans in need of our services, hopefully reducing their appearances before you. We intend to make VRSS available to the courts, as well.”
The Vet Court Conference concludes Wednesday with an address by Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a constant state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” - James Madison, April 20, 1795