Friday, December 13, 2013

What Our Framers Knew: The Constitution, Vattel, and “Natural Born Citizen”

What Our Framers Knew: The Constitution, Vattel, and “Natural Born Citizen”

We have been visited recently with several very silly articles which assert that Marco Rubio is a “natural born Citizen” within the meaning of Art. II, §1, cl. 5, U.S. Constitution (ratified 1789), and hence is qualified to be President:
Bret Baier (Fox News) asserts that Congress may define (and presumably redefine, from time to time) terms in the Constitution by means of law.
Chet Arthur in American Thinker quips that “the original meaning of ‘natural born citizen’” is determined by reference to “The Heritage Guide to the Constitution” and to the definition of “citizen” at Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment, ratified 1868.
Human Events claims that anyone born within The United States is a “natural born citizen” eligible to be President.
Jake Walker at Red State purports to show how the term has been used from 1795 to the present. After quoting James Madison on the citizenship requirements imposed by Art. I, §2, cl. 2, to be a member of the House, Walker gleefully quotes a 1795 discussion of “natural born subject” to “prove” that anyone born here is a “natural born citizen”:
“It is an established maxim, received by all political writers, that every person owes a natural allegiance to the government of that country in which he is born. Allegiance is defined to be a tie, that binds the subject to the state, and in consequence of his obedience, he is entitled to protection…” [emphasis mine]
“The children of aliens, born in this state, are considered as natural born subjects, and have the same rights with the rest of the citizens.” [emphasis mine]
But “subjects” are not “citizens”; and we fought a war so that we could be transformed fromsubjects of the British Crownto Citizens of a Republic!
The four writers don’t know what they are talking about. But I will tell you the Truth and prove it. We first address Word Definitions.
Word Definitions:
Like clouds, word meanings change throughout time. “Awful” once meant “full of wonder and reverence”; “cute” meant “bowlegged”; “gay” meant “jovial”; and “nice” meant “precise”.
Accordingly, if someone from an earlier time wrote of a “cute gay man”, he was not referring to an adorable homosexual, but to a cheerful bowlegged man.
So! In order to understand the genuine meaning of a text, we must use the definitions the authors used when they wrote it. Otherwise, written texts become as shifting and impermanent as the clouds – blown hither and yon throughout the years by those who unthinkingly read in their own uninformed understandings, or deliberately pervert the text to further their own agenda.
So! Is Our Constitution built on the Rock of Fixed Definitions – those our Framers used? Or are its Words mere clouds to be blown about by Acts of Congress, whims of federal judges, and the idiotic notions of every ignoramus who writes about it?
What Did Our Framers mean by “natural born Citizen”?
Article II, §1, cl. 5, U.S. Constitution, requires the President to be a “natural born Citizen”.
The meaning of this term is not set forth in The Constitution or in The Federalist Papers; and I found no discussion of the meaning in Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention or in Alexander Hamilton’s notes of the same.
What does this tell us? That they all knew what it meant. We don’t go around defining “pizza”, because every American over the age of four knows what a pizza is.
Our Framers had no need to define “natural born Citizen” in the Constitution, because by the time of the Federal Convention of 1787, a formal definition of the term consistent with the new republican principles1 already existed in Emer Vattel’s classic, Law of Nations.
And we know that our Framers carefully studied and relied upon Vattel’s work. I’ll prove it.
How Vattel’s Law of Nations got to the Colonies, and its Influence Here:
During 1775, Charles Dumas, an ardent republican [as opposed to a monarchist] living in Europe sent three copies of Vattel’s Law of Nations to Benjamin Franklin. Here is a portion of Franklin’s letter of Dec. 9, 1775 thanking Dumas for the books:
“… I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author…” (2nd para) [boldface added]
Vattel’s Law of Nations was thereafter “pounced upon by studious members of Congress, groping their way without the light of precedents.”
Years later, Albert de Lapradelle wrote an introduction to the 1916 ed. of Law of Nations published by the Carnegie Endowment.2 Lapradelle said the fathers of independence “were in accord with the ideas of Vattel”; they found in Vattel “all their maxims of political liberty”; and:
“From 1776 to 1783, the more the United States progressed, the greater became Vattel’s influence. In 1780 his Law of Nations was a classic, a text book in the universities.”(page xxx) [emphasis added]
In footnote 1 on the same page (xxx), Lapradelle writes:
“… Another copy was presented by Franklin to the Library Company of Philadelphia. Among the records of its Directors is the following minute: “Oct. 10, 1775. Monsieur Dumas having presented the Library with a very late edition of Vattel’s Law of Nature and Nations (in French), the Board direct the secretary to return that gentle-man their thanks.” This copy undoubtedly was used by the members of the Second Continental Congress, which sat in Philadelphia; by the leading men who directed the policy of the United Colonies until the end of the war; and, later, by the men who sat in the Convention of 1787 and drew up the Constitution of the United States, for the library was located in Carpenters’ Hall, where the First Congress deliberated, and within a stone’s throw of the Colonial State House of Pennsylvania, where the Second Congress met, and likewise near where the Constitution was framed …” [emphasis added]
So! Vattel’s work was “continually in the hands” of Congress in 1775; Members of the Continental Congress “pounced” on Vattel’s work; our Founders used the republican Principles in Vattel’s work to justify our Revolution against a monarchy; by 1780, Vattel’s work was a “classic” taught in our universities; and our Framers used it at the Federal Convention of 1787. 3
Vattel on “natural born citizens”, “inhabitants”, and “naturalized citizens”:
From our beginning, we were subjects of the British Crown. With the War for Independence, we became citizens.1 [READ this footnote!] We needed new concepts to fit our new status as citizens. Vattel provided these new republican concepts of “citizenship”. The gist of what Vattel says in Law of Nations, Book I, Ch. XIX, at §§ 212-217, is this:
§ 212: Natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens – it is necessary that they be born of a father who is a citizen. If a person is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.
§ 213: Inhabitants, as distinguished from citizens, are foreigners who are permitted to stay in the country. They are subject to the laws of the country while they reside in it. But they do not participate in all the rights of citizens – they enjoy only the advantages which the law or custom gives them. Their children follow the condition of their fathers – they too are inhabitants.
§ 214: A country may grant to a foreigner the quality of citizen – this is naturalization. In some countries, the sovereign cannot grant to a foreigner all the rights of citizens, such as that of holding public office – this is a regulation of the fundamental law. And in England, merely being born in the country naturalizes the children of a foreigner.
§§ 215, 216 & 217: Children born of citizens in a foreign country, at sea, or while overseas in the service of their country, are “citizens”. By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers; the place of birth produces no change in this particular.
Do you see? The republican concept of “natural born citizenship” is radically different from the feudal notion of “natural born subjectship.” Under feudalism, merely being born in the domains of the King made one – by birth – a “natural born subject”. But in Vattel’s Model and Our Constitutional Republic, Citizens are “natural born” only if they are born of Citizens.
How Our Framers applied Vattel’s Concept of “natural born citizen” in Our Constitution:
The Federal Convention was in session from May 14, through September 17, 1787. John Jay, who had been a member of the Continental Congress [where they “pounced” on Vattel], sent this letter of July 25, 1787, to George Washington, who presided over the Convention:
“…Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government and to declare expressly that the Command in Chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen…”4
According, Art. II, §1, cl. 5 was drafted to read:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” [boldface added]
In § 214, Vattel states that “fundamental law” may withhold from naturalized citizens some of the rights of citizens, such as holding public office. The Constitution is our “fundamental law”; and, following Vattel, Art. II, §1, cl. 5 withholds from naturalized citizens (except for our Founding Generation which was “grandfathered in”) the right to hold the office of President.5
Remember! None of our early Presidents were “natural born Citizens”, even though they were all born here. They were all born as subjects of the British Crown. They became naturalized citizens with the Declaration of Independence. That is why it was necessary to provide a grandfather clause for them. But after our Founding Generation was gone, their successors were required to be born as citizens of the United States – not merely born here (as were our Founders), but born as citizens.
And do not forget that the children born here of slaves did not become “citizens” by virtue of being born here. Their parents were slaves; hence (succeeding to the condition of their parents) they were born as slaves. Black people born here did not become citizens until 1868 and the ratification of the 14th Amendment.
So! Do you see? If Our Framers understood that merely being born here were sufficient to confer status as a “natural born citizen”; it would not have been necessary to grandfather in our first generation of Presidents; and all the slaves born here would have been “natural born citizens”. But they were born as non-citizen slaves, because their parents were non-citizen slaves.
David Ramsay’s 1789 Dissertation on Citizenship:
David Ramsay was an historian, Founding Father, and member of the Continental Congress [REMEMBER: This is where they “pounced” on Vattel], whose Dissertation On The Manner Of Acquiring The Character And Privileges Of A Citizen Of The United States was published in 1789, just after ratification of our Constitution and the Year the new Government began.
It is an interesting dissertation and only 8 pages long. At the bottom of his page 6, Ramsay states:
“The citizenship of no man could be previous to the declaration of independence, and, as a natural right, belongs to none but those who have been born of citizens since the 4th of July, 1776.” [modernized spelling & emphasis are mine]
Do you see? Ramsay’s Dissertation sets forth the understanding of the Time, formally stated by Vattel and incorporated by our Framers, that a “natural born Citizen” is one who is born of citizens. And we had no “citizens” until July 4, 1776.
Now, let us look at the First Congress.
How the First Congress followed Vattel and our Framers:
Article I, §8, cl. 4 delegates to Congress the power “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”.6 Pursuant to that power, the First Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790. Here is the text, which you can find at 1 Stat. at Large, 103:
“SECTION1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the constitution of the United States, which oath or affirmation such court shall administer; and the clerk of such court shall record such application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a citizen of the United States. And the children of such persons so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States … APPROVED, March 26, 1790.” 7
So! This Act of the First Congress implements the Principles set forth in Vattel, embraced by our Framers, and enshrined in Art. II, §1, cl. 5, that:
  • A “natural born Citizen” is one who is born of parents who are citizens.
  • Minor children born here of aliens do not become citizens until their parents are naturalized. Thus, they are not “natural born” citizens.
Our Framers rejected the anti-republican and feudal notion that mere location of birth within a Country naturalizes the children of a foreigner. 8
The distinction written into Our Constitution and implemented by the Naturalization Act of 1790 is between someone who is born a citizen, by being born of parents who are already Citizens, and someone who becomes a citizen after birth by naturalization. Only the former are eligible to be President.
So! Original Intent? Or Whatever the People with the Power want it to Mean?
I have proved the original intent of “natural born Citizen” at Art. II, §1, cl. 5 – it is one who is born of parents who are citizens. We may not lawfully change that definition except by Amendment to the Constitution. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment does not change the definition because the 14th Amendment defines “citizens” of the United States (which includes naturalized citizens) and not “natural born Citizen”.
Some Democrats no longer pretend that the glib, handsome & black Obama (who, following the condition of his putative father, was born a subject of the British Crown) is “a natural born Citizen”. They now assert that the Democrat Party has the right to nominate whoever they choose to run for president, including someone who is not qualified for the office. [See pages 3 & 4 of the linked Court Order.]
The school-girlish Establishment Republicans who swoon over the glib, handsome & Hispanic Marco Rubio (who is not a “natural born Citizen”, but only a naturalized citizen) will ultimately destroy our sovereignity. Once we accept that our President need not be a “natural born Citizen”, we will have made a major step towards submission to global government. Because then, anybody can be President. PH.
1 Monarchies have subjects. Republics are formed by citizens. We broke from a monarchy under which we were subjects; and with our War for Independence, were transformed into citizens!
The common law of England recognizes only subjects of the Crown. England has never had citizens. Her feudal doctrine of “natural born subjects” is set forth in Book I, Ch. 10, of Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England (I modernized the spelling):
“THE first and most obvious division of the people is into aliens and natural-born subjects. Natural-born subjects are such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England, that is, within the … allegiance of the king; and aliens, such as are born out of it. Allegiance is the tie … which binds the subject to the king …” [emphasis mine]
Under feudalism, people are possessions who belong to the Land in which they were born. So they are “naturally” subject to whoever owns the Land. They were born as subjects to the owner of the land [ultimately, the King] on which they were born.
With our War for Independence, We repudiated the notion of natural born subjects. As Citizens, We ordained and established Our Constitution wherein We created a federal government which was subject to us!
Jake Walker doesn’t seem to know the difference between being “a subject of a King” and “a citizen of a Republic”, as he equates the feudal concept of “natural born subject” with the Republican concept of “natural born Citizen”.
Chet Arthur and Human Events tell us the “original intent” of “natural born Citizen” at Art. II, §1, cl. 5 is given by an Amendment defining “citizen” [not “natural born citizen”] ratified 80 years later!
And Bret Baier seems unaware that the methods for amending the Constitution are set forth in Article V; and that Congress may not amend the Constitution by making a law which redefines terms set forth in the Constitution!
These four amateurs would do well to study Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny, by Professor Edward J. Erler. Erler addresses the distinctions between “citizenship” and “subjectship”; and the concept of “citizenship” at §1 of the 14th Amendment. He proves that not everyone born here is a “citizen”: Only those whose parents are “subject to the jurisdiction of the US” are citizens. Illegal aliens are not “subject to the jurisdiction of the US” – they are invaders whose allegiance is to the Country they left. Foreign diplomats stationed here are not “subject to the jurisdiction of the US”. Thus, children born here of these aliens are not citizens!
2 The 1916 ed. of Law of Nations with Lapradelle’s introduction is a Google digitized book. If you download it, you get an easily readable text.
3 Many thanks to my friend, David J. Edwards, who provided me with Evidence of Vattel’s profound influence on our Founders & Framers.
4 The hyperlink contains another link where you can see Jay’s handwritten letter!
5 Note that Art. I, §2, cl. 2, permits naturalized citizens to serve as Representatives; and Art. I, §3, cl. 3, permits them to serve as Senators.
6 “Naturalization” is the process, established by law, by which foreigners become citizens.
7 Note that in §§ 215, 216 & 217, Vattel says that children born of citizens in a foreign country, at sea, or while overseas in the service of their country, are “citizens”. He goes on to say that by the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers; the place of birth produces no change in this particular. But he doesn’t expressly say they are “natural born citizens”. The italicized words at the end of the 1790 Act correct that and make it clear that children of citizens of the United States are “natural born citizens” wherever they are born.
8 The 14th Amendment doesn’t change this one whit! READ Prof. Erler’s paper, linked above.
NOTICE! To all who strain to find something I “failed to mention”: I didn’t quote Minor v. Happersett because Minor merely paraphrases, in dicta, a portion of the Naturalization Act of 1790, the text of which is set forth above.
And I didn’t show why John McCain & Mitt Romney ARE natural born Citizens; and why Marco Rubio & Obama are NOT natural born Citizens. J.B. Williams has already done an excellent job in applying the Republican Principles set forth by Vattel, and which were embraced by our Founders, Framers, and the First Congress, in his recent paper, Romney, Rubio, McCain And Natural Born Citizen. PH
The following valuable comment was posted by Political Junkie Too at:
From The Rights of Man, The Rights Of Man, Chapter 4 — Of Constitutions, Thomas Paine, 1791:
If there is any government where prerogatives might with apparent safety be entrusted to any individual, it is in the federal government of America. The president of the United States of America is elected only for four years. He is not only responsible in the general sense of the word, but a particular mode is laid down in the constitution for trying him. He cannot be elected under thirty-five years of age; and he must be a native of the country.
In a comparison of these cases with the Government of England, the difference when applied to the latter amounts to an absurdity. In England the person who exercises prerogative is often a foreigner; always half a foreigner, and always married to a foreigner. He is never in full natural or political connection with the country, is not responsible for anything, and becomes of age at eighteen years; yet such a person is permitted to form foreign alliances, without even the knowledge of the nation, and to make war and peace without its consent.
But this is not all. Though such a person cannot dispose of the government in the manner of a testator, he dictates the marriage connections, which, in effect, accomplish a great part of the same end. He cannot directly bequeath half the government to Prussia, but he can form a marriage partnership that will produce almost the same thing. Under such circumstances, it is happy for England that she is not situated on the Continent, or she might, like Holland, fall under the dictatorship of Prussia. Holland, by marriage, is as effectually governed by Prussia, as if the old tyranny of bequeathing the government had been the means.
The presidency in America (or, as it is sometimes called, the executive) is the only office from which a foreigner is excluded, and in England it is the only one to which he is admitted. A foreigner cannot be a member of Parliament, but he may be what is called a king. If there is any reason for excluding foreigners, it ought to be from those offices where mischief can most be acted, and where, by uniting every bias of interest and attachment, the trust is best secured. But as nations proceed in the great business of forming constitutions, they will examine with more precision into the nature and business of that department which is called the executive. What the legislative and judicial departments are every one can see; but with respect to what, in Europe, is called the executive, as distinct from those two, it is either a political superfluity or a chaos of unknown things.
Yes, Paine did use the term “native of the country.” Does this mean “native born” instead of “natural born?” We have to look at the following statements to answer that question.Paine refers to Engish examples in order to define this. Paine cites “foreigner” and “half a foreigner” as the oppposite to “full natural” connection to the country. So, what is “half a foreigner?”
It seems to me that “half a foreigner” is a person with one parent who is a citizen and one parent who is not. This person does not have have a “full natural… connection with the country.”
Paine wrote plainly of why the Framers did not want “half-foreigners” to be president, and why only people with a “full natural… connection with the country” were allowed to become President.
Paine was widely recognized as the most influential writer of the time of Independence because of his plain writing style that resonated with the common person.
Paine’s description of the meaning of Article II was written in 1791, and I take it to be reflective of the common understanding of the time. This was, after all, written just two years after the ratification of the Constitution. If Paine said that natural born citizens meant both parents were citizens, then that was the plain meaning.
UPDATE: The following valuable comment was posted by Political Junkie Too at: Free Republic.
From The Rights of Man, The Rights Of Man, Chapter 4 — Of Constitutions, Thomas Paine, 1791:
If there is any government where prerogatives might with apparent safety be entrusted to any individual, it is in the federal government of America. The president of the United States of America is elected only for four years. He is not only responsible in the general sense of the word, but a particular mode is laid down in the constitution for trying him. He cannot be elected under thirty-five years of age; and he must be a native of the country.
In a comparison of these cases with the Government of England, the difference when applied to the latter amounts to an absurdity. In England the person who exercises prerogative is often a foreigner; always half a foreigner, and always married to a foreigner. He is never in full natural or political connection with the country, is not responsible for anything, and becomes of age at eighteen years; yet such a person is permitted to form foreign alliances, without even the knowledge of the nation, and to make war and peace without its consent.
But this is not all. Though such a person cannot dispose of the government in the manner of a testator, he dictates the marriage connections, which, in effect, accomplish a great part of the same end. He cannot directly bequeath half the government to Prussia, but he can form a marriage partnership that will produce almost the same thing. Under such circumstances, it is happy for England that she is not situated on the Continent, or she might, like Holland, fall under the dictatorship of Prussia. Holland, by marriage, is as effectually governed by Prussia, as if the old tyranny of bequeathing the government had been the means.
The presidency in America (or, as it is sometimes called, the executive) is the only office from which a foreigner is excluded, and in England it is the only one to which he is admitted. A foreigner cannot be a member of Parliament, but he may be what is called a king. If there is any reason for excluding foreigners, it ought to be from those offices where mischief can most be acted, and where, by uniting every bias of interest and attachment, the trust is best secured. But as nations proceed in the great business of forming constitutions, they will examine with more precision into the nature and business of that department which is called the executive. What the legislative and judicial departments are every one can see; but with respect to what, in Europe, is called the executive, as distinct from those two, it is either a political superfluity or a chaos of unknown things.
Yes, Paine did use the term “native of the country.” Does this mean “native born” instead of “natural born?” We have to look at the following statements to answer that question.Paine refers to Engish examples in order to define this. Paine cites “foreigner” and “half a foreigner” as the oppposite to “full natural” connection to the country. So, what is “half a foreigner?”
It seems to me that “half a foreigner” is a person with one parent who is a citizen and one parent who is not. This person does not have have a “full natural… connection with the country.”
Paine wrote plainly of why the Framers did not want “half-foreigners” to be president, and why only people with a “full natural… connection with the country” were allowed to become President.
Paine was widely recognized as the most influential writer of the time of Independence because of his plain writing style that resonated with the common person.
Paine’s description of the meaning of Article II was written in 1791, and I take it to be reflective of the common understanding of the time. This was, after all, written just two years after the ratification of the Constitution. If Paine said that natural born citizens meant both parents were citizens, then that was the plain meaning.

Hawaii’s health director dies as small plane with nine people on board crashes off island

More conflicting evidence: initial reports state that all 9 people survived: one swam to shore, 3 rescued by the helicopter and 5 by Fire rescue, later the story was changed. Passenger C. Phillip Holstein contradicted the reports of her body being the the fuselage, he stated that she was fine when she got out of the plane.

Posted on | December 13, 2013

Previously posted report by deputy Director of Health Keith Yamamoto stated that he helped Fuddy to put her life vest on and they got out, were holding hands and then suddenly she let go and did not respond.
However, other reports state that her body was found inside the plane. Which story is true? Did she get out or not?
Further, initial reports stated that one person swam to shore, 3 people were picked up by a helicopter and 5 by fire rescue, which makes it 9. It means that Fuddy survived. However, new reports are omitting report of one person swimming to shore and claim that her body was rescued later in the fuselage of the plane.   Did she survive or not?
This report by the Maui police dept. on Thursday says the body was recovered from the wreckage and an autopsy will be done.

Fuddy, 65, was among nine people in a Cessna that crashed into the ocean Wednesday, shortly after leaving Kalaupapa Airport on the island of Molokai about 3:15 p.m. The eight others on the plane, including the pilot, were rescued, but Fuddy “remained in the fuselage of the plane,” Honolulu Fire Capt. Terry Seelig told KHON-TV. “It’s always a difficult situation when you’re not able to get everybody out.”
On Thursday, Lt. William Juan with the Maui Police Department said that Fuddy’s body had been recovered from the wreckage and that an autopsy would be conducted.”

Hawaii’s health director dies as small plane with nine people on board crashes off island

  • Loretta Fuddy named as victim in light aircraft crash
  • Rescue crews alerted after second pilot spotted debris in the sea
By Daily Mail Reporter

Hawaii’s health director has died after a light aircraft carrying nine people crashed in the sea off the island of Molokai on Wednesday.
Loretta Fuddy, who was on an annual visit to the the island, was named as the sole victim in the crash by state government sources.
One passenger was able to swim to shore and the others on board the Cessna Grand Caravan were rescued by helicopter and boat.
The Makani Kai Air plane, which was scheduled to fly to Honolulu at 3.15pm, went down at about 3.45pm, half a mile northwest of Kalaupapa peninsula, Maui Fire Department spokesman Lee Mainaga said.
Ms Fuddy had been booked on the flight along with the health department’s deputy director Keith Yamamoto, a spokeswoman for the department said.
Two government sources later confirmed to Kitv that Ms Fuddy had died.
The 65-year-old, who had won awards for her work with children and social work, had been appointed as director in 2011.
Ms Fuddy and Mr Yamamoto had been on an annual visit to Kalaipapa, a former colony for leprosy sufferers.


The remote peninsula on the north side of Molokai still houses a settlement for patients with leprosy, which is run by the Health Department.
Three of the crash survivors were plucked from the sea by a Coast Guard helicopter and fire crews saved five others.

The Hawaiian health official who verified the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate died in a small plane crash.
The plane, carrying a pilot and eight passengers, went down Wednesday in the water a half mile off the Hawaiian island of Molokai, the Maui Fire Department said. The lone fatality was Loretta Fuddy, who has served as state health director since January 2011. Tom Matsuda, the interim executive director of Hawaii’s health insurance exchange, confirmed Fuddy’s death.
Fuddy, 65, made national news in April 2011 when she verified the authenticity of certified copies of President Obama’s birth certificate. Obama had requested the release to curb claims by so-called “birthers” that he was born in Kenya and not eligible to be president.
Makani Kai Air President Richard Schuman told Honolulu-based KITV that he spoke with the pilot of the single-engine turboprop Cessna Grand Caravan after the crash.
“What he reported is after takeoff … there was catastrophic engine failure,” Schuman said. “He did the best he can to bring the aircraft down safely and he got everybody out of the aircraft.”
Schuman said the cause of the engine failure had not yet been determined. The National Transportation Safety Board was investigating the crash; NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss said that based on the location of the crash it was unlikely the plane will be recovered.
“Our hearts are broken,” Gov. Neil Abercrombie said in a statement. “Loretta was deeply loved and respected. She was selfless, utterly dedicated and committed to her colleagues in the Department of Health and to the people of Hawaii. Her knowledge was vast; her counsel and advice always given from her heart as much as from her storehouse of experience.”
Matsuda, who worked with Fuddy to set up the state’s Obamacare website, Hawaii Health Connector, called her death “a terrible loss” for the state.
“I worked closely with Director Fuddy on the Affordable Care Act and came to know and respect her as a passionate advocate for public health and a warm, caring human being,” Matsuda said.
The plane went down about a half-mile northwest of Kalaupapa peninsula, which was home to a leper colony until 1969. A handful of patients still live there. The state health director by law remains mayor of part of the peninsula, and Fuddy was visiting the peninsula in that capacity, state Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said.
Okubo said the department’s deputy director, Keith Yamamoto, also had been booked on the flight.
Coast Guard Petty Officer Melissa McKenzie said a Coast Guard helicopter got three passengers out of the water while Maui fire crews picked up five people. One person swam ashore.
Contributing: Associated Press
Plane lost power, then glided, Molokai crash survivor says
By Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, Associated Press
POSTED: 09:37 a.m. HST, Dec 13, 2013
LAST UPDATED: 09:43 a.m. HST, Dec 13, 2013
The crash of a small plane off of Molokai was calm, orderly and none of the passengers seemed to be very distressed or have any major injuries, said a passenger who swam to shore.
C. Phillip Hollstein recalled today that the plane had just taken off from Molokai and was making a turn toward Honolulu when it seemed like something on the plane broke.
“We probably weren’t a minute out,” he said. “It wasn’t real loud or anything. Just a muffled bang. Then we were a glider.”
The plane lost power, he said, and the pilot maneuvered a water landing on the plane’s belly.
….Bobbing in the water, Hollstein noticed the pilot and seven other passengers seemed fine. “I didn’t want to sit out there bobbing, so I figured I’d take a shot at going to the shoreline.”
He guesses the swim to the rugged shoreline took an hour and a half. He was surprised to hear later that one of the passengers, Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy, had later died.
“She was doing fine out of the airplane,” Hollstein said. “Her assistant was really watching her. He was taking care of her.”

Front page of US News and World report: Donald Trump and Orly Taitz Reinvigorate ‘Birtherism’ After Hawaii Plane Crash State Health Director Loretta Fuddy died Wednesday after a crash-landing near Molokai island

Posted on | December 13, 2013

State Health Director Loretta Fuddy died Wednesday after a crash-landing near …

U.S. News & World Report
2 hours ago
Written by
Steven Nelson
Orly Taitz, a Russian-born dentist-turned-lawyer who has tenaciously filed court challenges to Obama’s eligibility to be president, also weighed in on Fuddy’s death.
Donald Trump breathed new life into his theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. after the state official who approved the release of his birth certificate was killed in a plane crash Wednesday.
Prominent leaders of the so-called “birther” movement pounced Thursday on news that Hawaii State Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy died after a Wednesday plane crash.
Fuddy approved the release of President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate in 2011, after the president requested the document. Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, toying with the idea of running for president, had aggressively toured the country demanding its release.
Obama’s decision to release his birth certificate deprived the “birther” movement of its key demand, but didn’t kill the skepticism of some political opponents.
Trump suggested on Twitter there may be more to the story of Fuddy’s death.
“How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s ‘birth certificate’ died in plane crash today. All others lived,” he tweeted Thursday.
Richard Schuman, owner of Makani Kai Air, said his company’s plane crashed near Hawaii’s Molokai island after experiencing engine failure. The Cessna Grand Caravan crash-landed in the ocean shortly after take-off and the other eight people on board survived.
Orly Taitz, a Russian-born dentist-turned-lawyer who has tenaciously filed court challenges to Obama’s eligibility to be president, also weighed in on Fuddy’s death.
Taitz said her attempts to debunk the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate may be connected to the plane crash.
“Attorney Taitz calls on eight courts and judges who received her cases to rule expeditiously on the merits and review the evidence of forgery and theft in Obama’s IDs before more people die in strange accidents,” she said in a press release.
Taitz hastily wrote a letter Thursday to Fuddy’s deputy, Keith Yamamoto, inquiring about the specifics of department policy for releasing long-form birth certificates. Yamamoto was on board the plane and told Catholic priest Patrick Killilea he was holding Fuddy’s hand when she died, Killilea told KITV.
In April 2011 Trump told the “Today” show he had dispatched a investigators to Hawaii to investigate Obama’s birth place and claimed “they cannot believe what they’re finding.”
[ALSO: 'Obamaphone' Backers Want to Prevent $5 Charge in Georgia]
His probe produced no evidence showing Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio, however took on the challenge and appointed a five-person “cold case posse” to analyze the White House-released birth certificate. During a March 2012 press conference he declared it a “computer-generated forgery” and claimed two felonies had been committed in its preparation.
Arpaio, however, seems to be on the outs with the “birther” movement. Taitz published on her blog a letter from a self-described Arpaio donor, who promised not to send the 81-year-old sheriff another contribution until he acts on “the 100 [percent] evidence [he] claims to have showing that Obama committed fraud in Maricopa county by running for president.”
Arpaio’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
More News:

Hillary Clinton tied to Terrorism



Do Not Call Banks.

just got this in.....

Tony's Friday CC Recorded Link and Notes by FLPatriot59 at I4U


REPLAY    805-399-1500    409029#


CC Notes by FlPatriot at I4U:

TNT CALL - Friday, December 13 @ 1:04 PM STARTING NOW... T = TONY | C = CALLER

TONY - Good morning, TNT! This may be the luckiest day you've ever had. I'm going to give you some really good info - this may be the call of a lifetime!

T - We're set up for 250 callers but we have now 700 people in the queue. Not sure how that happens. Let's give some other people who haven't called in before a chance to talk today. If you want to get on the call and ask a question, then get on the call. Listen to the call so I don't have to repeat the same answers.
Read More Link on Right
T - Last night around 10-11PM I gave you some info about today probably being our last call. I waited all day and I just don't come in and tell you stuff for fun. I waited as long as I could to see if anything would change. I try to only post once. It's good info. Yesterday we got calls about where we're at. About 2PM yesterday things got started, finalized, and we could've had the RV anytime and it literally it could go at any moment. The only thing different about today - everybody is in place and they have doubled the normal crews and they'll be working 12-hour shifts Saturday and Sunday, security is at the highest level. Everybody is clearly excited and saying today is the day.

T - We're hoping that while we're on this call we'll get an announcement because we're within the window.

DC - We're any second, any minute. They just sent everybody to lunch and they're back in their seats ready and they won't let anyone to leave. They're all expecting this any second.

T - We've talked to every agency and everybody we've talked to this morning have said this is it.

DC - We're literally just any second by second.

T - The rates have not changed. The only thing different is that normally the exchange people are in one location to be disbursed. Today they are already disbursed.

DC - Bankers at many different levels, law enforcement people at different levels, are all disbursed and waiting for the bell to ring.

T - This probably is our last day. I don't think we need to discuss anything else. You should be asking questions about your future and how to prepare for the future.


C - I pay 10% of my income as my tithes. If I give that large sum of money to my church will that be a problem? T - I don't think so. It depends on how you give it to them. If it's in a cashier's check you should be fine. They're only looking for cash transactions and money moving overseas. If it's easily traced like a CC then it shouldn't be a problem.

DC - One of the things that triggers flags is anything more than 7%. An audit isn't that you did anything bad - it's just them asking more questions. Don't be afraid of an IRS audit if you followed the rules.

T - All of those out there who took money from people under different sites will be audited. There is already a list. If you feel like you got ripped off this will be your opportunity to file something against them. A lot of people will be surprised.

C - Do you still feel the dealers will be competitive as the banks? And is that equal to or better than, concerning the fees? T - Let me say this: the dealers tell me they'll be competitive with the banks as long as it's the market rate. The rate we get may be a contract rate instead of the market rate, which they won't be able to compete with out the gate. Later on in the month they might actually be able to compete. The contract rate is being offered so you can go to the banks and the US Gov't can get the oil credits.

T - This may change, but at some point the 3.44 that Iraq has right now will come into play. The rate should match between the banks and the exchangers. There is a US rate and an international rate that will be running at the same time. We won't care until they match up. That's what we're hearing, but I don't know for sure. The dealers can't do the contract rate we know. I'll try to let you know before I sign my NDA. The message they want me to give you is that our gov't wants the oil credits and that's why they want you to cash in at the bank.

C - Why are the elite allowing us to have this when they typically want us to stay poor? T - Maybe there's not enough rich people in the world to stimulate the economy. Maybe we're not going to be the elite but instead be the new middle class. The rich still got richer. Somewhere with the GCR somebody had to have the money. Remember, this was all about Iraq in the beginning and was planned to stimulate the US economy. Remember when O came in and everybody got $1000? That did nothing for the economy. By doing this they're putting money in the real folks' hands - 5M of us. It will stimulate the economy. This will be a lifetime stimulus, not a one-day or just for a couple of months.

T - The new budget deal that was just passed, nobody won and nobody lost. They didn't have to because there's money flowing all around. Now for the next 2 years the budget is safe and nobody will look for it. Just like the Clinton years they'll leave office and nobody will say anything.

DC - I am not an elite, but I have friends who are. They're not intentionally trying to keep them down. They're just looking after themselves. By us getting all this money and 50% keeps their money, that in itself will stimulate the economy. Look at what just an 8% growth does for our country and the world. It will help not only our citizens but the global economy as well.

C - If this doesn't go through this week or next, what should do? Is there anything we should do, like call people, picket, etc.? T - what would that do to make this happen? Absolutely nothing. They're not going to listen or pay attention. You don't even know if they get your calls. You don't want it to go public then you'll get on a list. This is the US Gov't and they do get the final word since they write the laws. They could do away with 13303 and you get nothing. But if you're getting NDAs don't you think they're trying to protect themselves. When you start moving towards a mob-mentality, you've lost it already. All it takes is 1 phone call to ruin your life forever. I'm speaking from experience.

DC - What would you be protesting? That some people allegedly cashed out? Are there receipts? No. There is no hard evidence. They got to do this because of the place they're in. There's nothing you can do about that. What can you rebel against? People would think you're crazy if you demanded the gov 't gave you 3,000 times what you have. The process doesn't work until it goes public. Iraq has enormous resources of oil, gas, and gold. This has to go public for this to work. 15,000 have already cashed out and they are dependent on the rest of us cashing out.

DC - we started hearing early last week and it's now absolutely true we have from 8-10 sources who don't know each other or talk to each other, is that the key staff at the IMF and UST can't go on Christmas vacation for 2 successive days after the release (24-48 hours post RV). This is a helluva motivator to not slow things down at this point. Some of them tried to get around this last night and this morning and were told "nope, not until this happens." Some fresh blood was brought in and there are some of the old and some of the new.

Below is questions & answers, not much new news, but some!!!

C - Are all of the currencies going at the same time? T - Yes, positively they are all going at the same time.

C - I'm hearing this is the 10th anniversay since Saddam was picked up. Correct? T - Yes.

C - I'm in a Skype room and they're telling me that on Iraq TV they're saying the RV has occured in Iraq and they can't use USD anymore. T - It went into effect on 12/11. If could happen since we're expecting something during this call.

C - I heard there's a big come to daddy meeting in DC right now? DC - The meetings are all done. It has nothing to do with the RV activation now, just about the spending.

C - Is the VND going to drop back to the .40/.50 area? T - It has to drop because it can't be valued more than the dinar. I just don't know the timeframe. C- I'm concerned about my reserves because I have 2-3 times what I have in my pocket in reserve at Sterling. T - I don't know how fast they can do it. All I can say is to cash out as fast as I can. For the VND I don't see it following the same path. I think it will end up at the IQN range ($4) with the dong below that. Nobody can lose anything. If you're 5 hours from Atlanta I'd be in my car right now. I'd be spending the night in Atlanta if it didn't go today.

C - I don't have any dinar. I have VND and ZIM. Should I use the 800#s? DC - If you have anything significant you should go through the call centers. They only question they're going to ask is how much dinar you have. You can go anywhere with the other currency and they're going to give you a pamphlet. With any bank - if you have any significant amount of currency they'll ask you to make an appointment. If you already have a PD or WM, particularly with BoA if you have a relationship with your branch manager, they are authorized to do things on their own for you.

C - Any info on the ZIM? T - All I've heard is that they're removing 6 zeros making it .22. I got this from a DC source. The rumor of the 9 zeros is probably inaccurate. PAM - we've heard the 50 and 100T are going to be the ones with 6 zeros being removed.

C - Do you need an appointment if you only have 1 100T ZIM note? T - Do to the high volume they will want you to make an appointment. Not every branch can handle that amount. It won't hurt to call the 800# for that but I don't think that's going to apply.

C - What do we have to do to keep the old chat site because the new one SUCKS? T - The sites were consolidated to help the mods because we have limited numbers of mods. After today it won't matter. The old one will be shut down today. PAM - because of the impending RV we left it open until midnight so we'll have a place to chat.

C - Do you know anything about an agency or holding account? T - I don't know about those. As soon as this call is over I'd call and discuss it with the bank. Find out what the guidelines are before it happens.

C - Do I have to make an appointment to exchange VND? T - the only one you have to make an appointment for is the dinar. If you have a significant amount of ANY currency they're most likely going to ask you to make an appointment, give you a 15-page pamphlet and ask you to call.

C - with a 13-day delay now, are we still expecting a drop in the rates in 5-7 days? T - they're hoping to get everybody cashed out in 5-7 days. They don't know what the hedge funders will do when it goes live. If I was a betting guy I'd bet you'd have a little longer before it drops. They absolutely positively want you in the banks with money in your bank account spending.

C - Playing devil's advocate, what happens if midnight tonight comes and it still hasn't popped?

T - I wasn't paying attention because I just got a call. Can I read this? DC - yes, just don't give out the source. T - They are complying with the WTO requirements and merchants are confirming that the RV is being announced in Iraq as international. We were hoping that in the middle of this call we would get confirmation and we'd get the 800#s. We are definitely in the window and today is to be out time. DC - I just got a text that the RV is being announced on Iraqi TV.

DC - We were able to confirm yesterday that those outside the country on Wednesday had the rate of 3.44 and they've been spending at that rate for at least 2 days.

C - The NDA sounds like a setup to me. What's your take on it? T - It's not a setup. First and foremost, they did it to protect themselves because they don't want to answer why they knew about it all this time and didn't share it with their constituents. Second, it forces us to protect ourselves and keep from becoming a target ourselves. It means we need to keep quiet like a rich person, and if you can't we will make the decision for you. If the public knew 5M just became millionaires there would be a growing sense of hatred for those who didn't work for it.

C - Is there any concrete way yet for taxes? T - it's still up in the air. I would set aside 50% for taxes. Put 25% aside to work for you (interest), and 25% to spend and payoff debts. If we come back in Jan or Feb and find out it's only going to be 9.37%, then you have lots more to spend. On the other hand if you spend that money you will regret it for the rest of your life.

T - If we pay cash for a house and get audited down the road, how do we account for it if we signed an NDA? DC - The NDA was to protect and keep social unrest from happening. It's there to keep massive problems from happening. If you drive around like an idiot flashing your riches, you become a target. On audits, keep your paperwork. If you don't do anything bad you don't have to worry. 12% of the people on this call will be audited. Everyone of us who made this kind of money will be audited. Follow the rules. Hire and accountant to follow the rules.

T - What is keeping them from doing it today? They want to do it and it's frustrating for all of us. There is info out there that could be embarrassing for some agencies. There were personal egos and agency competition involved, as well as some timing issues. Today and this week some things happened that didn't have to happen. At this point it doesn't matter. DC - It's doing down and the rest doesn't matter.


T - What do you know about a plane from DC landing in Reno and Feds looking to start the process? DC - I know of no such plane.

T - Why can't Obama step in and say "just do this already?" DC - POTUS is the president, not a dictator. Regardless of your political affiliation, the POTUS is head of 1/3 of the gov't and can't push it. It's also out of his area - it's the IMF. He's pushing it and wants it badly. But there are procedures to follow.


C - When will your sites go down? How long with the 800#s be up and what about the begining rates for the currencies? T - I will get the 800#s. I don't know the format or how many numbers I'm getting. We will put them up after we call each bank and get their rates. This late on a Friday those rates should stay the same all weekend long until Monday. They don't update them over the weekend. I'll leave the site up through the weekend. I can leave the site up indefinitely. The Forum will be up at least 24 hours.

C -In the budget bill is there a 9% rate included? T/DC - still trying to find that out.

C - Are there treaties or agreements between countries that would affect the tax rate? T - In the 20-page contract I have from Reno there is something in there about that. I don't know about the other groups.

C - Is the US ultimately paying us for the dinar? There would seem to be a cash-flow problem. T/DC - The US gov't has several trillion dinar itself. They can offset of the $4T they can count it towards a Fed deposit (account for our exchanges), making it a cash-neutral event.

C - What about dealer fees? T - I haven't talked to Frank in a while. Once he's selling or buying, that's how he makes his profit (fees).

C - If we go to Atlanta to pick up currency can we exchange it there if we live in another state? T - Make your appointment with the zip code where you live. I plan on being in Atlanta on Monday to pick up mine.

T - Please be aware that if you plan to go to your dealer to pick up dinar, know you're not going to be alone. Your appointment may be pushed out a couple of days. If you have people coming from 49 other states to GA to cashout you can be assured of a waiting list.

NOTE: Atlanta, GA is where Sterling Currency/DB is located.

C - In one of the chat rooms it was said that Lloyds of London insurance is no good. T/DC - I have no idea.


C - Have you looked outside to see if Santa and Okie are out there? T - I'm looking out there and all I see is sunshine. I actually thought we'd be able to do this on this call. We may have to plan another call. But since we have confirmation from Iraq that it's being announced over there it can't be that much longer. And now that they know that WE know and you know we shouldn't be that far from our official announcement.

DC - Just got a text that everybody is on pins and needles. They were told to take a quick break and get back to their seats.

T - I'm going to do a tweet, a blast, and put it up in the forum on DC - I absolutely believe we're hanging off the edge and there's nothing below us.

C - Question about an interest-bearing account, sweeping into secondary accounts, premier accounts etc. T - The only reason to move your money from the account in which you received a wire transfer from an exchanger is for security reasons. CNN reported that 60M accounts have been hacked. Protect your money. Make a clean account. Beware of people who will try to take your money with offers.

T - You don't need to open the 2nd account 5 minutes after you exchange. Just do that within days.

C - Is it true the WTO will audit Iraq on 12/29 before allowing them in? DC - Yes, and they have to have tradeable currency before that happens.

C - In your heart of hearts do you believe it will happen today? DC - yes, can something screw it up? Yes. But I cannot for the life of me see why this isn't going down now. They can't go home until it does. They can't leave for the holidays. I don't know why they're dragging it out to the last minute.

T- Just receive video of announcement from live Iraq TV that the dinar is now international.

C - I bought currency from several banks and it has all been verified with black lights and books - not DeLarue machines.

C - Are we still going to have a "cattle call" to cash in? T - Yes, they want us to get in and be done with it. There's no way it will take 30 days. They are not feeling compressed

C - How will they let people know (families and friends)? T - It's not their job to tell people. It is our job to tell people we know. People have been laughing at me for 3 years. They will tell me later, "hey you didn't call me." Well I'll be laughing for the rest of my laugh. That's not going to happen.

T - the 29th for Iraq (WTO) can be extended. They've already scheduled bank personnel for this evening (2nd shift) and they will be working this weekend. Everybody is all pumped up and they will be working 12-hour shifts. We are absolutely excited and waiting. Watch for the Tweet and Tony Blast coming soon. We've spent 3 years waiting for this moment. Walk through your plan and be ready. Iraq got their official notification and we have video. We cannot be that far behind!


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DEC. 13 COMMENT BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA. Got curious after TV news item this morning said yesterday annual convention in Wash., D.C. to rate the top lies issued in America gave Obama a top rating as issuing four of the biggest lies of any source in America. These lies were all on Obamacare to hopefully win the support of the American people to let it pass in Congress. 
     Looked in search engine for listed lies by Obamacare. Numerous sources rated Obama as the biggest liar in American history. He has been caught in many major lies as quoted by these sources listed in search engines.
      I just put Obama in a major jam with Russia. My statement was that I would be in favor of returning to Russia the Czarist gold stolen from Russia by Lenin and shipped to Wall Street in New York to pay back the Wall Street bankers for financing the Communist Revolution against Czarist Russia in 1917. This was the same Czarist Russia that saved Abraham Lincoln from defeat in the "Civil War" by sending two Russian fleets to American ports to show that Russia would back Lincoln if England and France extended diplomatic recognition and support to the Confederate States of America as they were going to do. See how Wash., D.C. paid back the key ally that saved the Union Government from defeat and collapse in the War Between the States 1861-65! Thanking Czarist Russia for saving the Union for the Union Government in Wash., D.C., Wash., D.C. arranged the Communist Revolution in Czarist Russia and got killed off maybe 40 to 50 million Russians under Communism who had never done anything to hurt America. Wash., D.C. is reptile in moral character and not Christian in moral character!
     Aslo, by saying in international report of mine that if Obama used massive military tactics and technology to try and crush the American people so they would accept him as dictator of America, I would then consider dealing with Britain, Russia, or France since they have nuclear arsenals and talking about the possibility of confederation with one of them if Obama was trying to mass kill millions of Americans. With the threat of nuclear weapons to stop Obama if he tried to mass kill American citizens, this is not the situation corrupt military elements would want to face if trying to make Obama dictator of America by crushing the American people by military means. I probably have killed the Obama plans for the mass slaughter of the American people as Obama's military advisers would judge that Russia might be tempted to back me both for the recovery of the stolen Czarist gold of Russia and confederation of Russia and America would make Russia much stronger and America as well but not under Obama.    
     Met with a talented computer expert today who has some good national connections. He was describing to us how Obama by "Executive Decree" (used to be call dictatorial decrees when Hitler did the same thing in Germany!) has claimed for himself total authority to close down the internet any time he feels like it and to censor all content in America posted on the internet that he does not want the American people to see. According to this computer expert who has inside connections, NSA is massively spying on all the American people now who use the internet, phones, etc. It matters not to Obama nor the NSA that this is a total legal violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. They apparently want to record all your contacts you make and all you say or send out over the internet.
     Pass our Omni Law and these would-be acts of dictatorship promptly stop in America. If NSA does not promptly get the message by then, we will abolish them and fire and criminally prosecute those in the NSA or elsewhere in the federal government who engaged in these illegal and highly criminal activities against the American people. What the American people seem to fail to understand yet is that Congress and the federal court system are worthless trash and not going to protect your legal rights against would-be dictatorship and a total police state from Wash., D.C. from Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C.
     Once we pass the Omni Law, you have 10 civil tribunes of America patterned after the ancient Roman civil tribunes and loving to arrest and prosecute federal officials and personnel who think they may violate your legal rights and trample over the American people thinking they have the right and moral duty to do this to you! We are already compiling lists of guilty parties in the federal government and mass records on criminal acts against the American people by federal sources thinking they are living in Nazi Germany today and not America with a Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as national law over the government as well as the American people themselves. A day of judgment is coming unless federal sources stop fast enough from mocking the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights.
     Singing the song "We are poor helpless butterflies" is not going to stop the plans of Obama from military takeover and mass slaughter of the American people. We had military sources testify to us the secret plans of Obama to smash the American people once he judged that he could get away with it. This used to be called high treason in America to plan to mass slaughter the American people through Wash., D.C. under Obama control. But when Obama conspiracy of high treason is met with steel opposition in the right ways if he tries it, then suddenly your freedom and lives can be protected and respected in America. "The price of liberty is eternal vigiliance."
     Pass our proposed Omni Law and your future in America is bright. Don't pass it and you have no legal structure on the side of the American people and strong enough to stop Obama from dictatorship and mass slaughter of Americans if he decides to try it. We even had a Maj. Gen. ret. of the U.S. Army testifying to what Obama was planning to  do to the American people. Many military have already testified against Obama and Americans are trying to live in a world of fantasty and believe that Obama is a nice guy and wouldn't do such an evil thing to the American people. Obama has a Communist and Muslim formed character which the Americans do not understand and he would do all these evils to the American people if he could get away with it.
     Pass our proposed Omni Law and the threat of dictatorship and mass slaughter of the American people is over. Under current federal law under Obama's interpretation, the Americans have no legal rights and are the true "terrorists" in America if they don't meekly submit to his claims of authority to be dictator of America.
     Our proposed Omni Law is posted on our website as well as a number of product offers which help finance the passage of the Omni Law and also a loan program which helps finance the passage of the Omni Law. Our website is . Our email mailing address for those sending in product orders and financial support for passage of the Omni Law instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. We have several angles how we judge we should be able to win but don't want the other side to know what our real aces are we are holding.
      But for Obama co-conspirators, Russian intelligence is obviously watching all this and with my offers should be willing to back the American people and not Obama if he tries to become dictator of America now. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and know how you can win allies to your side if needed!
     Pass this report around and keep America free from military takeover and desired dictatorship by Obama.
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that fox who keeps pulling the rug from under the next Obama scheme for military takeover of America! Several of his plans already reported by military sources have collapsed when he should have been able to win with them! I used to trip up Soviet intelligence by the same type tactics! I am good at this game! That is why the F.B.I. came to me in 1990 at my retail store then and asked me to save America from pending nuclear World War III with the Soviet Union then. They admitted I was one of the 10 to 20 top experts in military intelligence in America according to their computer files. I told them what they needed to know and America was spared World War III and being militarily defeated by the Soviet Union then!)

Hawaiian Health Director - - DEAD! - - certified Obama birth certificate!

Subject: Fwd: Hawaiian Health Director - - DEAD! - - certified Obama birth certificate!

Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 12:07:52 PM
Subject: Fw: Hawaiian Health Director - - DEAD! - - certified Obama birth certificate!

By now most of you have probably heard that the Hawaiian health department official who certified Obama's birth certificate was the only one passenger to perish in a plane crash this week. The obvious first question among conspiracy theorists, who BTW have a very good reason to suspect foul play, is what are the odds of this occurring? The second question is what could be the motive for taking her out assuming she had been his confidant before now and that her death could lead to a demand for recertification of the birth certificate (after he was re-elected coincidentally)? Did she herself threaten to blow the whistle on Obama? We know how this administration treats other whistle blowers. Or, was someone about to pay her off with big money (e.g., the Donald) for coming clean necessitating the need for the administration to shut their former confidant up permanently? There are many possibilities with a probability greater than that of this particular woman coincidentally being the only passenger killed and all of these are associated with a strong motive to facilitate such an "improbable" event. I doubt a toxicology screen will be done since attributing the cause of death to her injuries incurred in the crash is so easy. But it does not take a CSI scientist to figure out that if everyone else lived the actual cause of her death should be suspect and closely investigated.