Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Most Dangerous Woman In America

The Most Dangerous Woman In America

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:29

Dave Hodges

December 11, 2013

The Common Sense Show

Most of you know the look you get when you honestly try and convince a member of the “Sheeple Nation” that America is on life support and that tens of millions are in grave danger.  Along these lines, I was recently speaking with a friend of mine from Tennessee and began to point out how bad things in this country have become. Inevitably, the discussion began to center around the subject of unwarranted detention centers, such as the ones I have identified on this site, including NFL stadiums, NBA and NHL arenas and shopping malls. And I added that this is on top of the fact that the US already houses two million inmate, mostly for private profit through the CCA. I told him that DHS had signed agreements with all of these entities so that Americans could be detained without due process.
My friend rolled his eyes and repeated the national anthem of all sheep, “I didn’t know you were one of them conspiracy theorists.” He couldn’t hold back the laughter. Subsequently, I spent 30 minutes showing him the following evidence, in its raw form, and he was visibly shaken.
Americans do not live in an emerging police state; all Americans now live in a fully developed police state. From a false flag event, 9/11, to the development of the most complete police state apparatus the world has ever seen, one has to wonder what’s the “endgame”?
In a recent article, I investigated the question as to whether had the personality traits necessary to carry out heinous acts against the American people. Given the fact that the President could quite easily be judged to have Antisocial Personality Disorder (e.g. formerly psychopath and sociopath), Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder, the answer is, yes. Obama could be counted to carry out such orders. Who is the likely conduit between Obama and the real source of power in this country? Obama has had so much movement in his cabinet, the only person who could be considered to be Obama’s handler would be Valerie Jarrett. And when one takes a look at Jarrett, she sends chills down my back.

Valerie Jarrett Reveals An End Game Agenda

It was shocking when President George W. Bush stated “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Senior White House Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, has taken these words to a significantly more dramatic level when she stated that “there will be hell to pay” for Obama’s critics in the second term”.
To be more specific, Jarrett said, “After we win this election, it is payback time. For those who supported us, there will be rewards, for the ones who opposed us, they will get what they deserve. There will be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. With no election to worry about, we have two judges ready to go.”
These are prophetic words and they constitute a threat to any American who does not support the banksters takeover of the country.

Valerie Jarrett Is a Stalinist

Jarrett’s family comes from communist leanings. Here family intermarried with the Bill Ayers family. Yes, that would be the Weathermen Underground terrorist leader, Bill Ayers. That would be the same Bill Ayers who told FBI informant, the late Larry Grathwohl, “that when we take over the United States, we will forcibly detain 50 million Americans in re-education camps in which they will probably have to murder 25 million American citizens who cannot be re-educated.” Grathwohl repeated the Ayers statement on the August 18, 2012 edition of The Common Sense Show.
This is the same Valerie Jarrett family which was also involved with Frank Davis the former head of the Communist Party in the United States. This is the same Frank Davis who Joel Gilbert exposed as Obama’s real father. Additionally, the Jarrett family is also affiliated with other so-called “Red Diaper Babies” in which this young group of intellectual elites called for a communist takeover of the United States in the late 1960′s and early 1970′s. For those that know their history, you will remember that the same people engage in terrorist acts involving the detonation of explosive devices in which people died, including a San Francisco police officer. Bill Ayers wife, Bernardine Dorne served a prison term for her participation with this group. And we also know, that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, close friends of Jarrett to this day, funded President Obama’s Harvard education funded . These facts are representative of the reasons related to why many believe that Valerie Jarrett is making the major decisions in the White House. Therefore, it we be prudent to take a look at Jarrett, herself, to determine the direction of the country and the fate of the people in this country.

Jarrett Is Highly Paranoid

Jarrett would have no trouble viewing the bulk of the American people as an enemy which must be dealt with because she is so highly paranoid.
Jarrett’s extreme paranoid ideation, she sees perceived racism in the wallpaper of a room. While serving as the Department of Planning and Development Commissioner for the City of Chicago, Jarrett once harassed a white business owner for not paying sufficient deference, in print, to the memory of the city’s first black mayor in the mid-1990′s. As Ellie Monty was actually one of the two white owners of the small firm targeted by Jarrett on this issue. Monty described the event as a contrived racial incident in which Jarrett was using fake racial issues to make a name for herself as a reformer in the same exact fashion as did Obama when he was a community activist. I believe in modern day parlance, this attack on Monty would be referred to as a false flag event and we know that the Obama Administration is no stranger to the topic of false flag attacks. And speaking of wallpaper, there is absolute proof that Jarrett was a vicious slum lord and took advantage of the poverty-stricken black people that she seemingly worked so hard to defend as a reformer.

Jarrett Is An Extreme Narcissist

Jarrett has consistently acted with a stunning amount of depraved indifference toward her fellow human beings.
Valerie Jarrett is indeed both a criminal and a human rights violator. She has participated in abusing large numbers of impoverished black citizens and her actions have contributed to these poor souls living in a squalor befitting the worst of a third world country as she became one of America’s most notorious slum lords.
Unfortunately, Jarrett’s slum lord actions took place in Chicago, not in a third world country. Jarrett performed her misdeeds in former State Senator Obama’s Senatorial district in which the future president secured federal funding for Jarrett’s slum housing project.
Jarrett’s political record in Chicago was nothing to be proud about. Jarrett, already was known for her corruption and incompetence, when she was eventually fired by Mayor Daley after a scandal erupted over her role in misuse of public funds in the city’s substandard public housing. In other words, a known political criminal found it necessary to fire a criminal because Jarrett was too extreme, even for Mayor Daley.
Jarrett was the former CEO of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza beginning in 2001 and continued through the time that she served as a member of Obama’s presidential campaign finance committee, until the federally subsidized Chicago complex was seized by the federal government after inspectors found the conditions to unlivable.
Please allow me to pause and ask a question. How does a woman, fired by a corrupt mayor for corruption and busted by the federal government for absconding with federal housing funds while maintaining an apartment complex under the most horrific of conditions, get to be the President’s most trusted adviser?
Jarrett’s past actions are indicative of an individual who would not hesitate to act with extreme malice toward a country who is beginning to believe that this administration is the most dangerous administration American people. Does my mental health expertise allow me to make the professional judgment that both Jarrett and Obama would ever make the call to carry out the creator of both of their political careers, Bill Ayers? Without question, this is the case. Ask yourself this question, how hard is to go from this…
jarrett 4

To This….

Can there be any question that Obama and his handler, Valerie Jarrett, possess the psychological make-up to do what I am suggesting here? After acknowledging the obvious, there is only one question left to ask.

Does Jarrett and Obama Have the Necessary Legal Authority to Act with Extreme Malice Against the American People?

The NDAA, ushered in by Obama allows the government to “disappear” and murder American citizens without due process of law. Under the President, detention centers have been readied (e.g. NFL stadiums). This alone, gives the President the power to carry out Jarrett’s threat of “hell to pay..” for Obama non-supporters.
The National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order permits Obama to declare martial law, seize all critical assets in the country including food, and this can be done just on Obama’s say so.
Under Obama’s watch, we have 50 million Americans on food stamps, and the economic numbers are the worst that they have been since the Great Depression and they are getting worse.
With the passage of Obamacare we have socialized almost 20% of the economy and have instituted death panels with promise to euthanize the elderly and other infirm people in the same manner as they are doing in Great Britain.
I have never wanted to be more wrong in my life as there is no doubt that America has been not only been hijacked by an immoral group of international bankers who are plundering our country’s assets and resources, but we are being ruled by the bankers’ puppets who are proving to be ruthless Communist dictators who will not hesitate to “purge” their political opponents in the same manner as Stalin and Hitler. Valerie Jarrett has the means and the legal authority to push Obama into giving America the darkest days in her history. When it comes time to act against the American people, it will be Jarrett, not Obama, that makes the final call. There is indeed, going to be hell to pay.
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Total 37 comments
  • She might be a ‘female’ but the jury is still out whether or not she is a ‘woman’.
    • Fact from Fantasy. Elitists do exist and they support a one world government but they are doing so because they have bought into the Chinese plan. The was setup by an American business man living in China working for a communist state company.
      These camps will be used as Chinese run reeducation camps after the Chinese takeover of America.
      China will unless stopped control the world. To that end they have bought/bribbed the support of anyone with power and influence (The so called elitists. Fortune 500 companies and all the lobbying power they bring to politics).
      The media has gone from 50 to 6 companies in America and for the most part these companies for fear of financial loss are kowtowed to support and not write anything negative against China for the most part so most of the pieces about China are either propaganda damage control or Charm offensive.
      The Chinese use the carrot and the stick method to bully and coerce to push forward their agenda. Both of these pivot around financial incentive and loss that carry powerful weight. And the network of tentacles is Think Tanks, Universities and Front companies.
      In China on every bus in English you see “One World. One Dream”. Its their vision of a Chinese dream where they control the world.
      Their false key messages?
      - International trade is good for jobs (despite destroying the middle class in America and impoverishing billions of non Chinese around the world)
      - The US survives with Chinese financial support and interdependence is key to America’s survival since it is hurting economically. (This ignores that the America’s current financial woes are the result of letting a country known for cheating, gaming trade, theft of intellectual property, have open access to US markets while the Chinese impose massive tariffs on imported goods.)
      - The fortune 500 companies use the line that they access to the Chinese markets are key to America growing its exports but in reality they only care about unregulated manufacturing and access to cheap labour and unrestricted access to US markets.
      Because fortune 500 companies have put themselves in the same boat with the communist Chinese they do everything to avoid rocking it. And slowly the Chinese deindustrialize the remaining manufactures with the tacit support of the multinationals.
      This happy little arrangement is decimating the middle class around the globe. Chinese goods are on every store shelf driving local makers of a wide range of products out of business slowly with cheap knockoffs.
      The disparity between rich and poor is growing at an alarming rate as a result and there is no relief in sight. There will be no war with China until the US can no longer afford to maintain its military and its superiority over China. At that point China will treat the rest of the world worse than Tibet because there fear of condemnation. The communist Chinese will have an iron grip and total control of the world as they do in China.
      Often it is said that the globalists want to kill off a large portion of the worlds population. Well in fact that is a well documented objective of the Chinese. They have calculated how many people that they can control and the rest they will find a way to get rid of.
      Some people will argue that we should stop Buying Chinese goods to stop this eventuality from happening. As long as the Chinese cheat international trade and are not held accountable then US companies will fail to compete and even consumers voting with their dollars will not change that tide.
      The only thing that would help would be massive ongoing public demonstrations advocating protectionism. A few dozen people standing on public property outside retailers that are getting rich being in bed with the communist Chinese would get the message across. Paint anyone that criticizes protectionism and closing of local markets or increased tariffs on goods as being unpatriotic plain and simple. Publicly shame political and business leaders that have sold out America for personal gain.
      What amazes me is that people newly displaced by some company shift overseas at least in the past would picket outside the company that axed their jobs instead they should have used that time to picket in front of retailers that sold out America for higher profits.
      If no one pay attention to this the world will be looking at a worse future than the one portrayed in Hunger games.
      • You used 10,000 words to say this – China has, and will again, be a hegemonic power. They plan in increments of 200,300 and 500 years. While the western industrialized nations plan in increments of 5,10 and 20 years. Bottom line? China will rise to world domination, but then will fall in the face of the overwhelming Illuminati/Masonic power base and their NWO. China is NOT Masonic and the Masons consider them deadly enemies. But Jesus will come again, and this time He will be kicking ass and taking names. The chaff will burn in an unquenchable fire.
      • Dr. fluffy speaks with a warped tongue.
        It is that catholic education and service that he suffers “delusions of grander” from.
        The original “World Dominators” that plan in 1,000 year increments of pure Fascism disguised as “Religion”.
        Yes, the “Holy roman catholic church”, a world wide ‘crime ring” that specializes in Pedophile (providing children for sex to rich “donors” to the catholic church of satan. Dr. fluffy speaks for them.
        Dr. fluffy is angry because China WILL NOT LET the roman catholic church INTO THEIR COUNTRY to “preach (and leech)” their poison “gospel”! What a very smart move on the part of the Chinese people!
        Good lord, Dr. fluffy, looks like you took a big swig from the can labeled moron, didn’t you?
      • Dear Plastic Brain Man. I suppose I could write a salient response to you if it was possible to discern WHAT you were trying to communicate. But alas, like so many other ignoramuses that post, you simply are incapable of forming a coherent sentence. But that is just a symptom of a mind that has been warped by the current educational system and years of self-indulgent mental masturbation. Ranting anti-catholic bigotry has revealed that you truly are a reprobate, and that without a major conversion of your heart, and a turning toward Jesus, you will be easy pickings for the NWO’s and the coming Universal Church. Slim pickings at that.
      • The Banksters control the World. Do you realize what that actually means? It means that they control China too. Do you really think that England/Great Brittain/United Kingdom/City of London, which is long under the control of the Banksters, actually GAVE Hong Kong, (at that time) the main financial hub of the Far East back to the Chinese, (just becuase it was agreed to in a treaty? which may have been part of a long term plan anyways), without already, or maybe I should say, still, being in control of China? Who provided financing to Napolean? Who rented an army of 40,000 Hessian Soldiers to the US during the Revolutionary War, while at the same time, being the true power in England? Who financially backed Mao? The US in part, just as the US (corporation) supported Hitler and the Nazi’s, at first openly, then not so openly, then we brought over thousands of Nazi scientists after WWII.
        EVERYTHING is LIES. Most of what you think you know, is inaccurate. That statement is true for the vast majority of the planets population, myself included. We have all been lied to for thousands of years, that is not debatable. Somehow little bits of the truth survive, some are figured out or discovered or rediscovered or uncovered. Some bits of truth just occur to people, who knows how, but some of us just KNOW the truth when we hear it. Some of us search and search, like me.
        You know the mask’s, representing comedy and tragedy? I truly believe that they are, by some extreme order of magnitude, far more appropriate as a logo symbolizing the political theatre of the Demoncraps and Repugnicons. Really they make me want to cry my eyes out and laugh my ass off at the same time! Simultaneously hilarious and pathetic! Just think for a while, of how much better these egomaniacal, pathological, homicidal, psycho-sociopaths, are at making the scripted, contrived, kayfabe, agenda false paradigm of realm of Right vs Left seem real and believable IN REAL TIME! LIVE! than even the most skilled daytime soap-opera stars, that still so many view one side or the other as authentically stepping up to the plate, for us Americans!
        Weren’t the Banksters the main manipulating force of the Bolshevik Revolution? Didn’t the Banksters have Tsar Nicholas and his entire family put to death? How long ago was that? Is there any reason to believe that they are not still in some sort of control there? They are, it seems, everywhere else, or almost. If Right vs Left is an illusion projected in the MSM, wouldn’t it be logical to at least suspect that East vs West is as well? The Banksters finance both sides of every war, and they profit from this practice. This gives them great motivation to cause wars to occur. They use wars to achieve their objectives, wars are tools, just as are soldiers. Tools to be used in matters of foreign policy, as Kissinger stated…
        If China ‘rises up’ and becomes the preeminent Super-Power of the planet, it will be because it was the desired outcome of the Banksters, (Rothschilds/Rockefellers), and because the People were not able to overcome the propaganda, the effects of sensationalism, divide and conquer psychological mind controlling tactics, electronic semi-hypnotic subliminal programming of the all digital televisions, and other mind-controlling devices and systems such as the smart grid and cell phone networks, the vast amounts of types distrractive entertainment such as game consoles, personal game players, iPad type devices, eReaders, etc, myriad websites such as, social networking (gov run data mining systems), youtube, movie streaming, and everything else that keeps the masses from waking the hell up and identifying the REAL ENEMY, and doing something about them, before it is too damn late to do anything but comply or be slaughtered, the perfect end for a populace that lived as the chattle the soulless traitors in DC thought them to be…
      • Wow, another long-winded diatribe. Listen, the chinese are NOT part of the NWO power elite, or NWO economic cabal. They operate IN, but are not OF the world capitalist system. The Chinese are mortal enemies of the Illuminati/Masonic power structure. The Chinese and the Russians will eventually go to war and the Chinese will fall. But before that they will gobble up most of Asia, and hold America as a financial and economic hostage. Clinton handed over the technological information that enabled the Chinese to catch up, and now we are paying the price. But the ultimate battle is spiritual – and the final victor is Jesus Christ.
      • Hello Duffy, you could well be right on the mark but we are discussing the shenanigans of man not the real big picture. Temperance, my man, lest you be mistaken as trying to quell debate.
      • Fr.Duffy — Judaic-Freemasonry created Chinese communism, and finances it by granting it most favored trade nation status and flooding American markets with Chinese-made goods. Chinese communism is therefore an integral part of the Judaic-Freemasonic NWO, whose “bible” is the Jewish Cabala, with special emphasis on Zohar, the so-called book of illumination and splendor.
        Judaic-Freemasons believe that the world must be burnt by the fire of international conflict, and that out of the resulting ashes a Judaic-Freemasonic new world order will arise like the mythical phoenix.
        This is why the US government — which is rancid with Judaic-Freemasons — acts in irrational ways, because Judaic-Freemasonry is irrational. No one can fight against God and win. Yet, in their mad impiety, Judaic-Freemasons still try — and, because they are insane, actually they they are winning.
        Anyone who thinks they can beat off trillions of lightning bolts is truly out to lunch.
      • This has nothing to do with China. China will fall as part of the NWO agenda, which is unfortunate because it is one of the last cultural citadels left. The NWO loves to destroy culture and mass produce lives with no real values. This is not China’s agenda. For whatever reason you fear China, probably because you haven’t spent any time there and believe the ridiculous claims we were taught in scholl and are continously led to believe. I have spent years and years in total in China, and still frequent. I have an impossible to get 2 year open visa. The people in China are the happiest I have encountered, and when I go I get down into the dirt as well as dine with the wealthy. They have representation, they have access to the world’s knowledge, they know exactly what is going on in our country and constantly ask why we enable our government to continue such tyranny. They think we are a stupid country, as do most advanced culltures on the planet. That is because the citizens of our country are stupid. They are ignorant and naive and eat the lies spread to us from the first day we enter school and every night on the news for the rest of our lives. The tyranny that will become in the United States is home grown and evidently supported by us citizens, I say eveidently because no one seems to care as we are lied to by our current president, as basic civil liberties are taken by his executive orders, and we continually support and praise the tyranny since 1967.
        We invented the modern capitalist bankers that have created the NWO right here in our own country.
  • Euthanasia is not legal in Great Britain, it is a condoned practice in certain cases where the patient is in extreme pain, often using sleeping tablets, overdoses of painkillers done by the patients themselves after counselling with their medical practicioner.
    Doctors only kill by neglect due to managers directions to save heath funds such as happened in the Hospital Of North Staffordshire; Engand, under the auspicies of malpractice such as Child heart patients in Southampton and where we have mass murderers such as Doctor Harold Shipman who became doctor deaths because the healthcare system is unpoliced and secretive to stop a culure of compensation.
    Other than that patients who have life threatening conditions will die simply because of healthcare rationing, usually done to cancer patients where we have treatments but no cure. Or at least one a budget minded health service is willing to pay for. I am about to play host to a 103 year old Great Grandmother this Christmas, with my mother who spent 30 years as a care home worker and living 200 yards from a hospice. Britain is not Nazi Germany. Granny is not sold off for glue when she picks up her pension.
  • I don’t know, Most Dangerous Woman In America may be Moochelle who looked really pissed at Obumbya for flirting with the pretty white Danish PM
  • A more worthless vaginal cavity has not stepped foot upon the earth than this disgusting bag of protoplasm.
    • Very well put. Could not have said it better myself! & a freaky looking wench at that.
    • I was thinking more of a barn yard scraping with a touch of red.
  • Yes….and Your Marxist ‘mainstream’ MSM & Hollywood’s love’s them!
    You can start boycotting them at any time…or keep financing these anti-American criminal’s that are destroying you!
    I still think ‘liar’ Hillary is still the most powerful ‘Marxist’ that We have to worry about>
  • The One World (NWO) leaders may hold the puppet stings of the POTUS but Valerie is the stage director and directs how those strings should be moved.
    Glen Beck warned us about her before she was appointed to her position.
  • When the Powers to Be are done with her she’ll go away most of this government are paid off or being blackmailed to act the way the bankers want.
  • Not only is Vallery Jarret a Stalinist she is an Iranian Jew.
    I would advise all who read this article to also read the following before it is taken down.
    “The Hidden Tyranny – Part 1″ a 1976 interview with Harold Rosenthal, former personal assistant to then Senator Jacob K. Javits – shocking for some.
    Of the 502 highest offices in the First Soviet Socialist Republic – Communist Russia – 467 were Jews. Alexandr Solzenitzyn writes in his last history of Russia that the Jews murdered over 66 million Russians, that all the prison camps, torture chambers, and gulags, which Solzenitzyn spent over 15 years in, were run by Jews.
    Vallery Jarret, Summers, Emanuel, Axelrod, Geithner, Lew, Yellen, Volcker, Greenspan, Schumer, Boxer, Levin, Franks, Feinstein, Lauentberg, Kagan, Ginsburg, Meyers, and many many more to list – get the picture. Who have been behind all the anti-Christian legislation, anti-gun legislation, abortion, contraception, pornography, etc, but Jewish Lawyers, law firms, organizations, committees, etc. look at the names – and then we have Bloomberg.
    You might wonder why Jewry was expelled and thrown out of over 102 countries and thousands of cities, provinces, towns and villages, regrettably “after” they had already defrauded these same, for theft, treason, subterfuge, usury, and even murder. And note that over 95% of all America caught spies are Jewish.
    Then there are the “Marranos” Jews whose family’s recently and even centuries back had faked conversion, mostly to the Catholic faith, but also to Protestantism, Islam and others. John Kerry, Madaline Albright, General Wesley Clark were outed by investigative reporters: geez i didn’t know my mother, father, family, for generations even were Jewish. Then we have Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer, Nancy Pelosi and her husband, all of whose family’s go back for generations plus of Latin and Argentinian Jews, all faked conversion to the Catholic faith – how many more of these “Marranos’ are in Congress, our government, educational and social institutions, military, etc.
    Get the picture – the Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, etc, all found out too late.
  • Jarrett should be paranoid as those that put her there plan to Remove her when they are done with her.
    I believe she senses it, which is natural though hasn’t realized it.
    Ditto for Obama.
    This is beyond human.
    Golden Rule oe else.
    You have quite an audience^.
    Much more patient than I though that is as expected I suppose.
    :-) /
  • If this happens? The sheeple will have gotten what they deserve for there ignorance and neglect and sheer stupidity!. ENJOY!
  • She’s not a Stalinist!
    She’s an admirer & follower of the biggest psychopathic scum of the XX Century!
    Leon Trotsky.
    Give those people an opportunity & they will make even Pol Pot blush!
    “The light upon Nations” :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • A “line-up” against a wall, and a firing squad, sounds appropriate here.
    Just saying.
  • Whoever is not with us is against us was also the publicly stated position of g bush jr relative to usa’s war on terror.
    AMERICA HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY THE VATICAN. Image search ‘Cardinal Egan Jamie Dimon’ wake up morons. Catholic faith? Episcopalian faith? Methodist faith? It’s all the gospel of Pharisee Paul.
    WHERE IS THE CHURCH ALTARS IN CHRIST’S GOSPEL? No where!! Christ says there are only two altars of God and they are both altars of the Jews (John 4:19-24).
    Altars were given to Gentiles by PHARISEES and said altars are claimed to be where the God of Israel is worshiped
    Hebrews 13:10 Gentiles have an altar that those who serve the Tabernacle have no right to eat at
    Revelation 13:6 … the Beast opened his mouth to blaspheme the Tabernacle of God
    Zechariah 14:16-18 States that when Christ returns to reign on earth, all nations will have to observe the Feast of Tabernacles or face punishment (no rain)
    The Vatican is too powerful, it will never be beaten back again, as it was for a time, until God destroys it (Rev. Chs. 17 & 18). Vatican is closing in on Jerusalem, the third Temple will be built. The Vatican Pharisees want the Temple (Freemason doctrine created by Pharisees centers around Solomon’s Temple) so they can sit in Moses’ seat again (Matthew 23:2-3). The Temple will be the Lord’s Temple just as the second Temple was Christ’s house of prayer though built by evil Herod (Matthew 21:13). The most powerful force in the world, The Vatican, wants a third Temple, so do Jews of the Lord.
    Too many workers of iniquity (churchgoers), too many evil spirits spread through the Pharisee-instituted church altars. The Pharisees are men of Satan. The church altars the men of Satan founded are an offensive to God. Among the workers of iniquity (lawlessness) are those who think they are of Christ:
    Matthew 7:22-23 Many shall say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, we did many wonderful works in your name, we cast out demons in your name and prophesied in your name. And I shall profess to them, I never knew you. DEPART FROM ME, workers of iniquity
  • I’m just imagining to shock and confusion you will have when you see it is actually the Pope, the Church, and religion as a whole that brings the ends of days….nothing to do with our President. This counrty is so screwed up that they can’t WAKE UP….those are the ones that I feel sorry for….
  • Who is this uncircumcised philistine?
  • She looks black = shell get voted in. She also reminds me of the Harlot on the wild beast mentioned in the bible.
    Obama being out done by a black woman, backed by Oprah ?? =Disaster
    Watch this one very carefully, I think you might just be looking at the near future.
    AS THE DETAIL UNFOLDS in section world power/Control :arrow:
    ps The bit about Great Britain can you show me where you got that info from?
  • She is not a women, she is a horses ass!
  • A Lady Komodo Lizard :mrgreen:
  • As a nation, we have turned our backs on decency and morality. We abort babies. We accept corruption. We advocate terrorism across the globe in the name of democracy when it is perfectly obvious we are destroying the lives of people in the name of greed. We refuse to acknowledge the satanic forces at work in our national media. We allow our children to be exposed to harmful messages in their music and education. We are The Great Satan. Our foolish choices will be our downfall. We deserve everything that is happening to us. Our leadership both political and military have turned against us to protect themselves and abscond with whatever “riches” they can steal before all is lost. Those of us who have faith need to pray for deliverance from the evil that has invaded our nation.
    • please don’t lump all americans into The Great Satan. i feel like Lot in sodom and gomorrah. the bible tells us that satan runs this world, not just america. how many guard the Torah and believe on the Messiah? be doers of the Word, not just hearers. i didn’t make these awful laws and i certainly don’t just go along to get along. merry saturnalia.
  • She is a Rosa Klebb lookalike lesbian. A rat-faced gift to the sodomite!
  • I found some humor in the guy that called her a ‘Nergal’.
    Nergal is the top echelon of Hells Secret Police.
    Rather fitting.
    And “Banderman” is somewhat correct. The somewhat being, we’re really NOT sure she was born female, or if ‘she’ just had a sex switch.
  • Barry the jihadist-loving, muslim brotherhood favoring ‘president’ and his Iranian-born advisor…
    My paper-tiger country is so gullible it’s astonishing. :eek:
  • trash of the first order. evil is not male only, she has been influenced by satin or similar and would need major electrical shock treatments to change her ways, anyone want the job?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.

During the night the folks came across this scene.

An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep.

He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.

No one had the heart to send him away, so he was there all night.

We  should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time.

No one mentioned that the dog's breed is a"Shepherd!"

This is too sweet not to share.

Constitution Mythbusters

Subject: Constitution Mythbusters

Constitution Mythbusters

Posted: 13 Dec 2013 10:16 AM PST
[T]he law is ignored and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted. (Habakkuk 1:4)
November 19, 2013, was the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The speech is iconic, but is it Biblical?
Under God
…—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—….
The term “under God” (along with “God bless this nation!” and similar declarations) is often used to provide an air of sanctity to what is otherwise ungodly. So it was with this address, most Presidents’ speeches, and Christian support of the Biblically incompatible Constitution. For example, consider Article 6’s claim that the “Constitution … shall be the supreme law of the land”:
The framers were fully cognizant of the word “supreme” and its meaning when they declared the supremacy of the Constitution. In so doing, they made the law of Yahweh1 subservient to the law of WE THE PEOPLE.
“Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:6-9)
The framers, and today’s political leaders and Constitutionalists (non-Christians and, ironically, Christians alike) pay homage to the traditions and commandments of men as the supreme law of the land. Even the Pharisees of Jesus’ day weren’t so brazen as to call their man-made traditions supreme….
Constitutionalists who claim to be Christians will predictably add “under God” or “under the Bible” to the declaration in [Article 6’s] Clause 2. But their authority to do so is not derived from the Bible or the Constitution. This is another futile attempt to make the Constitution a Christian document and a classic case of trying to serve two masters. Either the Constitution must be rejected because it never was subservient to Yahweh’s law, or Yahweh’s law must be rejected because it demands any inferior constitution be subject to and in concert with its supreme law.
If you choose to promote the Constitution on its own merit, that is your prerogative. However, if you choose to promote the Constitution as a Biblically based document [under God], that is deception and subterfuge. Anyone who chooses the former becomes an idolater; anyone who chooses the latter attempts to provide Biblical sanction for his idolatry by making Yahweh his partner.2
The same is true for Lincoln’s nation. It was built on a document that not only fails to recognize Yahweh as God, King, Judge, and Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22), but in numerous components is hostile to His perfect and righteous law (Psalm 19:7-9). It’s doubtful God views the Constitutional Republic as “under” Him, at least in the sense Lincoln implied.
Of, By, and For the People
…—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
If ever there was a declaration of humanism, this is it:
Humanism is the placing of Man at the center of all things and making him the measure of all things. (Francis Schaeffer3)
Lincoln couldn’t have made a more exact statement about the Constitutional Republic—at least not if the following men, some of whom were involved in drafting the Constitution, are to be believed:
As the people are the only legitimate fountain of power … it is from them that the constitutional charter under which the [power of the] several branches of government … is derived. (James Madison4)
The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority. (Alexander Hamilton5)
This government, the offspring of our own choice … has a just claim to your confidence and support. (President George Washington6)
[T]he people are the sovereign of this country. (John Jay, First Chief Justice7)
The people, the highest authority known in our system, from whom all our institutions spring and on whom they depend, formed it. (President James Monroe8)
[T]he people are the only sovereigns recognized by our Constitution…. (President James K. Polk9)
In our Constitution, We The People … are the masters…. [H]ere in America, We The People are in charge. (President Ronald Reagan10)
The Constitution’s Preamble, which begins “WE THE PEOPLE,” is arguably the most brazen human claim to sovereignty ever written. It is humanism of the rankest sort:
As non-theists, we begin with humans, not God, nature, not deity. (Humanist Manifesto II11)
The framers not only slighted Yahweh and compromised His law, they completely ignored it, and, in many instances, legislated against it (and the wicked have compassed the righteous ever since).
With such a significant Christian beginning in the 1600s, how can we have strayed so far from our Christian roots? The answer is simple: the framers’ hearts were divided (Hosea 10:2). Consequently, Yahweh’s law was slacked (Habakkuk 1:4, KJV). Once that door was unbolted, there was nothing to stop the continuing compromise, especially when Christians heralded the very document that started America down the pernicious road on which she finds herself today.
Lincoln’s statement about “government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people” (incredibly, esteemed by Christians as much as non-Christians) is perhaps the most iconic part of the entire Gettysburg Address. Nothing could be more unbiblical. It is, in fact, Biblically seditious.
Nothing is more oxymoronic than the fact that many contemporary Christians condemn the Puritans for establishing governments of, by, and for Yahweh while lauding the framers (and Lincoln) for their humanistic government of, by, and for the people.
Shall not perish from off the earth
…—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
It would seem Lincoln not only fancied himself a monarch,12 but also a prophet. The day is coming when he’ll be proven a false prophet:
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. (Matthew 7:26-27)
The house known as the United States Constitutional Republic was not built on the rock of Yahweh’s inspired Word. There is hardly an article or amendment that, in some fashion, is not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh’s Word and Law.13
Lincoln was correct. The Constitutional Republic is a humanistic contract of, by, and for the people—and therefore Biblically seditious. Consequently, he was also wrong. The Constitutional Republic is not under God, and, therefore, one day, it will perish from the earth. When that day arrives, may Christians be prepared to establish government of, by, and for Yahweh in its place. (See our suggested Biblical rewrite of the Secular Constitution’s Preamble and Articles 1-3 as a place to begin.)

Related posts:

1. YHWH, the English transliteration of the Tetragrammaton, is most often pronounced Yahweh. It is the principal Hebrew name of the God of the Bible and was inspired to appear nearly 7,000 times in the Old Testament. It was unlawfully deleted by the English translators. In obedience to the Third Commandment and the many Scriptures that charge us to proclaim, swear by, praise, extol, call upon, bless, glorify, and hold fast to His name, we have chosen to memorialize His name here in this document and in our lives. For a more thorough explanation concerning important reasons for using the sacred name of God, see “The Third Commandment.”
2. Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective.
3. Francis Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto (1981), in The Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer, 5 vols. (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1982) vol. 5, p. 426.
4. James Madison, The Federalist, No. 46 (New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1888) p. 217.
5. Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist, No. 22 (New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1888) p. 135.
6. George Washington, “Farewell Address,” Worthington Chauncey Ford, ed., The Writings of George Washington, 14 vols. (New York; NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1892) vol. 13, p. 297.
7. John Jay, First Chief Justice, Chisholm v. Georgia, 1793
8. James Monroe, “Views of the President of the United States on the Subject of Internal Improvements,” 4 May 1822,
9. James K. Polk, Third Annual Message, 7 December 1847, The American Presidency Project, <>
10. President Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, 1987.

Judge Napolitano....:A Conspiracy So Vast...."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Judge Napolitano....:A Conspiracy So Vast...."
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Saturday, 14-Dec-2013 09:57:58

Andrew P. Napolitano
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:59 CST
Readers of this page are well aware of the revelations during the past six months of spying by the National Security Agency (NSA). Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.
The conspiracy he revealed is vast. It involves former President George W. Bush, President Obama and their aides, a dozen or so members of Congress, federal judges, executives and technicians at American computer ISPs and telecoms, and the thousands of NSA employees and vendors who have manipulated their fellow conspirators. The conspirators all agreed that it would be a crime for any of them to reveal the conspiracy. Snowden violated that agreement in order to uphold his higher oath to defend the Constitution.
The object of the conspiracy is to emasculate all Americans and many foreigners of their right to privacy in order to predict our behavior and make it easier to find among us those who are planning harm.
A conspiracy is an agreement among two or more persons to commit a crime. The crimes consist of capturing the emails, texts and phone calls of every American, tracing the movements of millions of Americans and foreigners via the GPS system in their cellphones, and seizing the bank records and utility bills of most Americans in direct contravention of the Constitution, and pretending to do so lawfully.The pretense is that somehow Congress lessened the standard for spying that is set forth in the Constitution. It is, of course, inconceivable that Congress can change the Constitution (only the states can), but the conspirators would have us believe that it has done so.
The Constitution, which was written in the aftermath of the unhappy colonial experience with British soldiers who executed general warrants upon the colonists, forbids that practice today. That practice consists of judges authorizing government agents to search for whatever they want, wherever they wish to look. By requiring a warrant from a judge based on probable cause of criminal behavior on the part of the very person the government is investigating, however, and by requiring judges to describe particularly in the warrants they issue the places to be searched or the persons or things to be seized, the Constitution specifically outlaws general warrants.
This is more than just a constitutional violation; it is a violation of the natural right to be left alone. When that right is violated, when all of our private movements are monitored by the government, the menu of our free choices is reduced, as we surely alter our private behavior to compensate for being watched. And just as surely, the government expands its surveillance, knowing that it is not being watched.
As a result of these revelations, no one has been fired, except Snowden, and the conspiracy has grown. Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now spying on us. It seems that the FBI, no doubt jealous of the unpunished lawlessness of the NSA, has acquired software that permits it to utilize the tiny cameras in many home computers to observe whoever or whatever may be in front of the computer screen. The FBI doesn't only look at whoever is using the computer screen; it also captures the words and images on the screen. It seems to have an affinity for monitoring online gaming, even the lawful variety.
In 1949, when George Orwell predicted in his terrifying novel "1984" the future use of television sets to watch us in our homes, many thought he was a delusional paranoid. It turns out that he was just off by a generation. His predictions have come to pass.
Like many growing conspiracies, this one has spawned others. The Washington Post also reported this week that local cops, too, are jealous of the NSA and its ability to break the law with impunity. In an effort to catch bad guys, local police in half a dozen American cities have begun to ask local telecom providers for a "tower dump." A tower dump consists of digital recordings of all cellphone usage from a given cell tower.
When some telecoms balked at these requests, the cops went to judges, some of whom unlawfully authorized these dumps and some of whom declined. Frustrated that the NSA seems to get whatever it wants, some local police have used their own technology to spy. They've purchased a $400,000 device that mimics cellphone towers, drawing cellphone signals to it and enabling the cops to capture telephone calls without the cooperation of telecoms or permission from federal judges. That's called hacking; it is a federal crime and in most areas a state crime, as well.
The assaults on personal freedom never seem to end. The very concept of violating the rights of many in order to catch a few - a practice perfected by tyrannical regimes - has been prohibited for 222 years by the same Constitution that the perpetrators of these practices and the conspirators in these schemes have sworn to uphold.
Sometimes, dissents in Supreme Court decisions articulate American values better than majority opinions do. Here is one from Justice Louis Brandeis that did: "The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings, and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred, as against the government, the right to be let alone - the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
If we permit the government to destroy that right, we will live under tyrannies similar to the ones we thought we defeated.