Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dr. M. T. Keshe’s Vision for a New World [video]

Dr. M. T. Keshe’s Vision for a New World [video]

Text: “Good trade… Watch the warp speed.”
Reblogged from 13th Paradigm
If you found it difficult or a little dry to wade through the information on the Keshe Foundation web site, this is a wonderful summary of what those technologies will yield.  Dr. Keshe is a spunky and courageous guy! 
Oh, and some people doubt his ability to follow through with his claims but we shall soon see if he can deliver.  ~BP

Dr. M. T. Keshe’s Vision for a New World

Dr. M. T. Keshe has a HUGE VISION! His foundation has invented technologies that will render fossil fuel and propulsion systems for transportation obsolete. His technologies for healing and eradicating any disease (known or unknown) stand ready for use in hospitals and clinics worldwide.
Dr. Keshes’s vision is to release these technologies to the world’s scientists for manufacture and implementation into global society for the betterment of all mankind.
And he is doing exactly that. The Keshe Foundation, based in Belgium, has patented its designs and inventions in every country of the world simultaneously in order to prevent the confiscation of this technology. He has offered everything he knows and has developed to the world’s citizens for peaceful use.
Here is a summary of some of the amazing discoveries and inventions Dr. Keshe demonstrates in his two-hour video. The video is slow to get started but hang in there, the demonstrations are well worth your time.
1) Magnetism and Plasmatronics and counter gravity is here.
2) It is real and it is suppressed technology:  China Iran and Russia now have this technology, as well as Belgium and Holland.
3) Health benefits of using a replicator to create vitamins as a plasmatron
4) Any disease (even those that have not been generated yet) can be eradicated.
5) NASA (controlled by NAZIS to save their skin after WWII) built old technology spacecraft. This technology is not needed any longer.
6) Science will need to be retaught. Full stop. Period.
7) His arrest (Dr. Keshe) by Canadian authorities was a planned controlled operation and they confiscated all his belongings.
8) Following his arrest Dr. Keshe published everything taken from him, on the internet.
9) Mach 35- 40 with wheel-less cars are possible on Earth but no more than that; it is earth’s limit for humans.
10) Space suits are not needed in space. With plasma gravity magnet-tronics you go to that frequency.
11) Magnets can be bi polar or single north polar on all sides These mono-polar elements create permanent oscillation (i.e.,  free energy!)
12) Create or replicate your own water from the atmosphere no matter where you are.
13) Weightlessness in space in not necessary. We can just replicate that atmosphere and live within it.
14) Mars travel and well beyond is now a matter of time here from earth with this application of technology.
15) Lady wakes from coma with these frequencies to the astonishment of hospitals.
16) Reprocessing the body to eat and drink as the body demands is now possible in plasma circles.
17) No need for hunger or drought.
18) No person on earth should be without this concept; principle and devices should be worldwide.
19) Plasma is a cell and we use the energy inside that atom and when we have used it we replace it in the atom and have damaged nothing. This is clean energy and Fukushima can be cleaned out at the correct frequency.
20) CO2 from air (the vacuum of space) could produce anything in a replicator (i.e., a solid steel tube.)
21) Then he makes a lit torch out of it a few days out of the energy of the earth.
22) Light can make anything from more  light to food. From earth, for example, the light is strong and can reproduce anything; in space, it is more scarce.
23) His lights do not go out unless disconnected manually.
24) In space we do not need to take anything with us.  NOTHING, except this technology and we can thrive anywhere.
25) No need for physical body for space and just energy only, the body will only interact with our cells.
26) Once you understand the structure of the universe, we can then see it is not possible to be alone in this galaxy.
27) This universe is split out of these atoms. The same process with a bigger gravitational field. We are part of universal cosmos.
28) We are one with all other ancestors and no way we can be alone , this technology proves it.
29) Crossing the universe is only a matter of a split second in human terms with this anti-matter condition or transition energy.
30) Principle matter or anti-matter will come forward with this technology and our body can attune to different dimensionalities with light as a portable plasma.
31) Light is a plasma-shaped form and changes “its jacket,” so to speak. The light is due to the friction of the tool, which is energy, based on friction generated inside.
32) The dark matter (or source fields of  energy) are everywhere in the universe and are reachable with this technology.
33) The current killing by our rulers will not be allowed to have this technology and this is Pandora’s Box for real.
34) The BIG BANG THEORY is NONSENSE and the reality is EXPLAINED . 
35) Dr. Keshe’s classic Quote: ” This technology will not cause damage in any way to any body or living creature” .


  1. […] Posted: December 14, 2013 in Uncategorized Tags: Dr. M. T. Keshe’s Vision for a New World [video] 0 DECEMBER 14, 2013 […]
  2. cadmar1944 says:
    Reblogged this on Alternativeaction Blog and commented:
    This is a video well worth watching. Please help to get it world wide. Suppression of technology is only possible if the suppression is kept secret, the answer is make it viral.

Buzzsaw : David Icke: Global Collapse, Reptilians and The Realm of the Unseen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Buzzsaw : David Icke: Global Collapse, Reptilians and The Realm of the Unseen
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 09:05:09

Buzzsaw : David Icke: Global Collapse, Reptilians and The Realm of the Unseen
Published on Oct 27, 2013
Reptilians, Illuminati, and the global energetic conspiracy to enslave humanity through and low-frequency energy is discussed with David Icke. He explains how the alternative media has become another version of thought police, and how the perceivable world is just a minuscule piece of the puzzle of existence to Sean Stone in this Buzzsaw interview.
The totalitarian tip-toe towards totalitarianism and a one world-government, plus how America is being used to destroy itself in service of a single global state are detailed in depth with Icke.
David Vaughan Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world".
Describing himself as the most controversial speaker and author in the world, he has written 16 books explaining his position, dubbed "New Age conspiracism", and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum.
His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when he had an encounter in 1990 with a psychic who told him that he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose.
In April 1991 he announced on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was the son of God, and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes.
The show changed his life, turning him practically overnight from a respected household name into an object of ridicule.
He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years - The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) - set out a moral and political worldview that combines New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world.
At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II.

Peter Kling: Mandela Funeral Cosmic Rituals Start NWO Phase, William Crowned World King? -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Peter Kling: Mandela Funeral Cosmic Rituals Start NWO Phase, William Crowned World King? -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 08:46:24

Mandela funeral cosmic rituals start NWO phase. Pope to lead NWO global electronic currency as King William crowned world king?
In the first part of a two-part ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, author and Hermeneuticist Peter Kling reveals the cosmic calendrics behind the Mandela funeral psyop, and sets out a possible world scenario for 2014 and subsequent several years based on hermeneutics, the interpretation of prophetic texts.

Video: LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 08:54:01

LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone
Published on Nov 24, 2013 By TheLipTV
Lyndon Johnson and the conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy are discussed with "The Man Who Killed Kennedy - The Case Against JBJ," author Roger Stone.
The involvement of big oil, the CIA, sniper Malcolm Mac Wallace and how Gerald Ford was involved in the cover up are discussed in this interview that goes down the rabbit hole of government conspiracy.
We debunk the agenda of the Warren Commission and Bill O'Reilly in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Tyrel Ventura.

New Tolec Update - EVENT Will Occur (at or around) Christmas ???

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
New Tolec Update - EVENT Will Occur (at or around) Christmas ???
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 01:31:23

Saturday, December 14, 2013
This is the most recent TOLEC post. A radio interview with Julien Wells; John Allen and Tom Hughes at blog talk radio [post at the bottom] which almost put me to sleep until the 150 minute mark and then it became really interesting regarding the up and coming EVENT! According to Tom Hughes via his Pleadian source, this EVENT will occur at or around the Christmas holiday. TOLEC however previously predicted it to take place within the first three weeks of January. Tom Hughes explains that we will all fall asleep [amount of time unknown] and when we awake, we will all find ourselves in a whole new beautiful environment!
What wasn't mentioned by them but I ascertained from the most recent interview of COBRA by Alfred L. Webre at Exopolitics TV, is that the EVENT will involve a huge compression wave emitted from the Central Sun, Alcyone, which is different from our sun and is located in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth will respond with a similar compression wave. The meeting of both waves will transcend Earth and every living thing on it into a higher dimension.
TOLEC had a previous post on 12/3/13 regarding Ison and in the last paragraph of this seven page post, the origin of Earth was revealed. A fascinating read at:
The newest TOLEC post reads as follows:
12.13.13 A new independent 'confirmation' of higher dimensional people with the Andromeda Council... and from the planet Dakote.
To listen to these relevant parts - pick up this interview - "The Long Conversation", Dec.4/5, 2013 - by Julien Wells, with John Allen & Thomas Hughes, at the 153 minute mark:

Video: White House Attacks Alternative Media

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: White House Attacks Alternative Media
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Dec-2013 09:51:16
White House Attacks Alternative Media

Published on Dec 13, 2013 By Fabian4Liberty

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Jeroboam Factor

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Jeroboam Factor

I have not written of this deliberately in Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, but only mentioned this in part in a series of hints in Prophecies here which indicates something of a dual signature as took place in the the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon died, in his making the people to sin, the Kingdom was divided to Jeroboam, a military commander, from Rehoboam, the foreign breed son of Solomon.

The issue then was crushing debt, enslavement taxes and an absolute revolt was building. The oracle readers of the Obama regime know this situation is building and that a like echo event is going to happen, and that is what they focus upon in a fixation.

From inquiry, this Jeroboam by God's command will have America wrenched away from the regime dictating out of DC. He will govern and have the following of These 50 United States. America will be a postage stamp of federalism in a military camp in DC, but the military will follow this Jeroboam.

He resides west of the Mississippi. Whether it should be revealed or not revealed, he is in the State of South Dakota at the present time.

He will turn the hearts and minds of the children to their parents, before the coming Day of the Lord. He will deliver the poor and the needy, and precious will their blood be to him.
Prayers will be made for him.

I had wondered perhaps if it was Mike Rounds, who is a former Governor, and is now running for Senate, but it is not this person. This Jeroboam must be explained, for when I first gained knowledge of this horizon event, that the individual was someone east of the Mississippi River, and marked to Ohio. That Jeroboam was a shadow signature of the original in being a powerful leader, but making the people to not turn to God.
God has repented of this, and now has chosen not a Saul type from Ohio, but this other David type from the Dakotas.

If this be the direction God is taking America, as this Dakotan will be like George Washington, your prayers for God's Will to be accomplished are of assistance. This is one in whom it was said by the Lord, "there is no guile".

I have hope in this, for if the Lord has chosen one in the Spirit and Power of Elijah, then He has not abandoned a people who forsook Him, but has visited Mercy upon His children in saving them from themselves.
Never before in American history has God left the people without a Washington, a Lincoln, a Patton, a MacArthur or a Reagan in their time of distress, for according to Washington's Vision, there is worse coming behind this veil which hides the shroud upon America, but if the Lord be Gracious to this people, then in Jacob's Trouble, there will be one who is an instrument of the Most High and we will not be left without one whom God has not raised up.

This is probably too much information for the enemies of America in that treacherous lot, but their lords and priests know someone is out there. They know he is coming. They know they can not stop him.
Now it is a point in God's Will be accomplished, but when the cloth of America is torn, it will be as the day of Rehoboam and Jeroboam.

nuff said


*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_man, TNT Tony

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_man, TNT Tony
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 14-Dec-2013 20:54:28

Hi, Folks -
Found at :
Okie Update from OOM&F Saturday Evening
[sparkytexasagain] tomorrow will tell all
[..okieoilman] sparkytexasagain --THATS WHAT I HAVE BEEN TOLD ALSO
TNT Tony Blast Saturday Night 12-14-13
Saturday Evening Update 12/14/13
Good evening TNT.......I told you guys on the last call that I would not do a blast here or in the chat room, just to be saying something. I have to wait until I get info from several sources and then I have to verify it and see if it makes sense to me before I can share it with you.
The first thing I want you to know is that I woke up this morning disappointed just like you did. I thought with all of the info we had yesterday and the timeline that we received there is no way we could wake up without an RV.
After my initial disappointment my first thought was.......this is one hell of a rollercoaster.
It would have been ok, if I could have just gotten off then, but it continued all day.
Going, not going, going, not going, going this evening, going as soon as problem is fixed, going later tonight etc.....
I really want to tell you the reason they are saying the activation was delayed last night, but I'm not sure I believe it myself. Even if I did, it is still so much BS that you probably don't want to hear it anyway.
It doesn't matter anyway, because now they are saying when the problem is solved, they will activate the RV.
The good news is as of 7:00pm est they have started to activate the call centers again. Security has been called in and they are once again being told that this should happen sometime between now and Sunday morning.
I received info that the 800#s were ready to be released this morning and that they should be released sometime tomorrow if all goes well tonight.
If I were you, I would enjoy my night. Take time to review my plan. Hope upon hope, that this time they live up to their statements.
TNTDinar Tony 12/14/13

The Obamapology

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Obamapology

While Rush Limbaugh is on the MIC Mockingbird propaganda that Obama is incompetent, that Obama wants his own system to fail for single payer and other such things, you my children due to my not having internet access have been deprived of the real story in this as you Pied Piper your way over the cliff.

I will post here the reality of the Fang Jinn's apology in the Obama skin form on NBC in the F. Chuck Todd General Electric theater, but for the rich you really need to make the effort to make that 350,000 dollar donation. I realize that a few of you have attempted and the regime erased the Paypal logo, but time is not just money, but your lives when this breaks, as the "Obama apology" is a red flag, rockets red glare moment that something is terribly wrong.

Upon Inspiration and inquiry this will be taken apart by God's Grace as I listen to sirens going off a block over...........

What is taking place in the Obama apology, came from the Hillary and Bill Clinton camp. While the Clinton's do not give the orders, the catch phrase that Bill enjoys is, "You better tell that smart boy he better apologize".
The reason on this are two fold. The Berlin group, or the Rothschilds are not moving on this in their Designer Negro, but this is coming from the Socio Conglomerates, the Wall Street moguls, the Oil Barons, the financier tycoons and of course the General Electric Nazi corporations who are fed regime trillions in this burgeoning Marxist America.
George Soros and Warren Buffett are involved in this behind the scenes and there is concern in this that a revolution is in the process of generating over this Obamacare degradation. This is not coming from the right wing, but it is the left wing in America that is looking hard at this.

The Socio Conglomerate is fully aware of what this blog broke in FUXNET. Whether their following intelligence came from this blog or from their own MIC sources, is a mute point, but this group knows completely that there is another shoe to drop in FUXNET DUX or FUXNET II. I have mentioned that there is a "viral" spread of "computer problems" in this sequence which will be blamed on Obamacare's crashing their servers, and it will be blamed for a crash of the welfare credit card system, which was already tried out as a warning shot when the Walmart shoppers all went wild in no credit limits were appearing on their welfare charge cards.
I will not reveal the date period of that next operation, but it is on the horizon, and that will be a focal point to have Obama's own raise their own enclaves, which in turn will allow the right wing to display arms in protection, and if that is allowed to graduate by a miscalculation by Holder's KGB, then the projection is a return of Posse Komatatus will envelop America.

I have not written of this as there have only been hints of this, but something is generating upon an original posting warned here from Day One, that the Obama entity will lose the nation and rule from a postage stamp sized plot of land. A Jeroboam is out there, and he will govern the majority of America in this sequence.

The second part of this Socio Conglomerate concern is the reality that the Barry Chin is a dead duck politically, if not in reality a frozen chiken entree in cold storage underground one mile from the White House.
The concern of a revolution which has the oil barons lowering prices again in trying to difuse things again, is pitted now on the realities of the money flow to the conglomerates like GE in this Nazi state of "state business", the high crimes committed in the looting of the Treasury, with the matter of necessity in Obamacare is millstone around the necks of Democrats for 2014, which even the dithering of Boehner and McConnell might not be able with blackmail and bribery not heading off a GOP super majority in 2014, in the way it was predicted would be the case in the 2012 election to keep gridlock (that is what we want folks in a Limbaugh quote) so the Obama regime is protected.
This then comes to 2016 and Hillary Clinton does not want anything this destructive regime of Obama has caused to be hung around her neck either. That is the second part of the Obama apology on his GE network. The regime is being distanced and will be blamed, all to install Dame Hamrod.

There is a fight going on in this, and that fight is for the protection of the feudal criminals involved in all of this, and that is what an Obamapology is about. The Designer Negro was sent out to shrug it's Fang Jinn shoulders and to say the darkie was in the dark like all the rest of DOA America on this.
It was the Obama minstrel show giving the public what they expected without song or dance.

Now you rich people can go back and fiddle and think that all your money is safe in all those e accounts and e investments, which can go terminal, with the announcment that there just were no back up drives for any of this.

nuff said

agtG 231

A disgruntled reader's commentary

Mass Arrest, I was told governments resigns with a package, 2012. Told should get into politics , can make up to 500,00 a year.Prime as to go? They retire with a package. A lot of organizations know this,(ODD?) Yet I asked if nesara was real,if what we read is true.You stated yes.Why do I see political figures speaking on Nesara site, lawyer speaking on that site. The same lawyer that acted in a corrupt way,with corrupt organizations.Odd since Nesara states government is resolved. Freedom reigns with the criminals resigning with a package,no great Mass Arrest. Governments protecting their own interest not the people.2012 Canadian Government corruption clean up continues with MASS LAYOFFS Canada's , central government announces the firing of 12,00 employees and officers of CANADA,GOVERNMENT INVOLVED in SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.(Taken from Nesara site, OPPT)(Ask Ti-Canada what I sent in 2012 and 2013 ODD)(I read they may have to close their chapter also)  Dec 10 2013, The moment arrives for all that has tortured you to be gone .There is a countless supply and never ending prosperity of HEAVEN are indeed yours.SO BE IT!Selamat Gajun Selamat. (That would include a full GOVERNMENT)( I though it is about forgiveness.)What is master codes(I asked about codes?) What are Hue Beings and HU beings.Explain.(In 2010 I was told by a cop we did not have a constitution, its the states.) Explain what I read in the house of assembly NL, EXACT words WE DON'T SPEAK MUCH OF RELIGION BUT DEATH IS JUST THE BEGINNING.(EXPLAIN WHO THEY ARE) (WHITE BOY WILL STAND IN THE NAME OF THE I AM )( THEY CAN TEST MY BLOOD FOR JESUS AND ASKED ME TO PROMISE NOT TO HURT ANYONE OR MYSELF, A PROMISE I AM GOOD FOR that I assure you BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT KILL. I HOPE GOVERNMENT WILL STAND TO THE SAME. (Governments, people, all beings must get along)  You state things I read are true, START MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY.(BEGIN) They say when I am GRUMPY THEY ARE ALL GRUMPY, tell them DON'T MAKE ME GRUMPY.(Tell them to return the value of what is owned to this man, or there will be mass arrest. He will take from the right hand and place in the left hand of this man what is owned) Give me a thousand shackles and I will give them a thousand years.(Asked them what I mean when I say eye for eye, tooth for tooth , hands for hands) these items of value they have covered the  true value in damages through their corrupt system.Tell them pay or( PLAY in their corrupt system of corrupt courts) not ONE can stand before me and say they have done nothing wrong)(NOT ONE)( And he will look down at them and say why do weep woman, they are your family now)

Sheldan Nidle Webinar 46 - ENERGY : Power for Transformation

Sheldan Nidle Webinar 46 - ENERGY : Power for Transformation
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 14-Dec-2013 20:41:18

Sheldan Nidle Webinar 46 - ENERGY : Power for Transformation
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for December
Sheldan explains the many levels of energy
that power our physical and spiritual realms.
They are propelling our shift into full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Zero Point Energy - Creation Energy
• Spiritual And Etheric Energies - Soul and Auras
• Emotional-Mental Energy - Heart and Brain
• Solar Energy (Star Energy)
• Magnetic Energy - Planetary Energy (Gaia's Energy)
• How do these energies affect us?
• How can we manage our energies both in daily life and as we approach Ascension?
• Energy is the power for Change and for Transformation
Sunday, December 15, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, December 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Sheldan Nidle Updates

New York's U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS's Business Model Is Illegal

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS's business practices are unlawful. He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages in this country. MERS is dead. The banks are in big trouble. And all foreclosures should be stopped immediately while the legislative branch comes up with a solution.
For some weeks I have been arguing that MERS is perpetrating foreclosure fraud all across the nation. Its business model makes it impossible to legally foreclose on any mortgaged property registered within its system -- which includes half of the outstanding mortgages in the US. MERS was a fraud from day one, whose purpose was to evade property recording fees and to subvert five centuries of property law. Its chickens have come home to roost.
Wall Street wanted to transform America's housing sector into the world's biggest casino and needed to undermine property rights to make it easier to run the scam. The payoffs were bigger for lenders who could induce homeowners to take mortgages they could not possibly afford. The mortgages were packaged into securities sold-on to patsy investors who were defrauded by the "reps and warranties" falsely certifying the securities as backed by top grade loans. In fact the securities were not backed by mortgages, and in any case the mortgages were sure to go bad. Given that homeowners would default, the Wall Street banks that serviced the mortgages needed a foreclosure steamroller to quickly and cheaply throw families out of the homes so that they could be resold to serve as purported collateral for yet more gambling bets. MERS -- the industry's creation -- stepped up to the plate to facilitate the fraud. The judge has ruled that its practices are illegal. MERS and the banks lose; investors and homeowners win.
Here's MERS's business model in brief. Real estate property sales and mortgages are supposed to be recorded in local recording offices, with fees paid. With the rise of securitization, each mortgage might be sold a dozen times before it came to rest as the collateral behind a mortgage backed security (MBS), and each of those sales would need to be recorded. MERS was created to bypass public recording; it would be listed in the county records as the "mortgagee of record" and the "nominee" of the holder of mortgage. Members of MERS could then transfer the mortgage from one to another without all the trouble of changing the local records, simply by (voluntarily) recording transactions on MERS's registry.
A mortgage has two parts, the "note" and the "security" (not to be confused with the MBS) or "deed of trust" that is usually just called the "mortgage". The idea behind MERS was that the "note" would be transferred from seller to purchaser, but the "mortgage" would be held by MERS. In fact, MERS recommended that the "note" be held by the mortgage servicer to facilitate foreclosures, but in practice it seems that the notes were often lost or destroyed (which is why all those Burger King Kids were hired to Robo-sign "lost note affidavits").
At each transfer, the note and mortgage are supposed to be "assigned" to the new owner; MERS claimed that because it was the "mortgagee of record" and the "nominee" of both parties to every transaction, there was no need to assign the "mortgage" until foreclosure. And it argued that since the old adage is that the "mortgage follows the note" and that both parties intended to assign the notes (even if they did not get around to doing it), then the Bankruptcy Court should rule that the assignments did take place in some sort of "virtual reality" so that there is a clear chain of title that allows the servicers to foreclose.
The Judge rejected every aspect of MERS's argument. The Court rejected the claim that MERS could be both holder of the mortgage as well as nominee of the "true" owner. It also found that "mortgagee of record" is a vague term that does not give one legal standing as mortgagee. Hence, at best, MERS is only a nominee. It rejected MERS's claim that as nominee it can assign notes or mortgages -- a nominee has limited rights and those most certainly do not include the right to transfer ownership unless there is specific written instruction to do so. In scarcely veiled anger, the Judge wrote:
"According to MERS, the principal/agent relationship among itself and its members is created by the MERS rules of membership and terms and conditions, as well as the Mortgage itself. However, none of the documents expressly creates an agency relationship or even mentions the word "agency." MERS would have this Court cobble together the documents and draw inferences from the words contained in those documents."
Judge Grossman rejected MERS's arguments, saying that mere membership in MERS does not provide "agency" rights to MERS, and agreeing with the Supreme Court of Kansas that ruled "The parties appear to have defined the word [nominee] in much the same way that the blind men of Indian legend described an elephant -- their description depended on which part they were touching at any given time."
He went on to disparage MERS's claim that since in legal theory the "mortgage follows the note", the Court should overlook the fact that MERS separated them. He stopped just short of saying that by separating them, MERS has irretrievably destroyed the clear chain of title, although he hinted that a future ruling could come to that conclusion:
"MERS argues that notes and mortgages processed through the MERS System are never "separated" because beneficial ownership of the notes and mortgages are always held by the same entity. The Court will not address that issue in this Decision, but leaves open the issue as to whether mortgages processed through the MERS system are properly perfected and valid liens. See Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. at 274 (finding that an assignment of the mortgage without the note is a nullity); Landmark Nat'l Bank v. Kesler, 216 P.3d 158, 166-67 (Kan. 2009) ("[I]n the event that a mortgage loan somehow separates interests of the note and the deed of trust, with the deed of trust lying with some independent entity, the mortgage may become unenforceable")."
That would mean not only the end of MERS, but also the end of the banks holding unenforceable mortgages because they were not, and cannot be, "perfected". MERS and the banks screwed up big time, and there is no "do over" -- there is no valid lien on the property, so owners have got their homes free and clear.
There have been numerous court rulings against MERS -- including decisions made by state supreme courts. What is significant about the US Bankruptcy Court of New York's ruling is that the judge specifically set out to examine the legality of MERS's business model. As the judge argued in the decision, "The Court believes this analysis is necessary for the precedential effect it will have on other cases pending before this Court". In the scathing opinion, Judge Grossman variously labeled MERS's positions as "stunningly inconsistent" with the facts, "absurd, at best", and "not supported by the law". The ruling is a complete repudiation of every argument MERS has made about the legality of its procedures.
What is particularly ironic is that MERS actually forced the judge to undertake the examination of its business model. The case before the judge involved a foreclosed homeowner who had already lost in state court. The homeowner then approached the US Bankruptcy Court to argue that the foreclosing bank did not have legal standing because of MERS's business practices. However, by the "Rooker-Feldman" doctrine (or res judicata), the US Bankruptcy Court is prohibited from "looking behind" the state court's decision to determine the issue of legal standing. Hence, Judge Grossman ruled in the bank's favor on that particular issue.
Yet, MERS's high priced lawyers wanted to push the issue and asked for the Judge to rule in favor of MERS's practices, too. So while MERS won the little battle over one foreclosed home, it lost the war against the nation's homeowners. The Judge ruled against MERS on every single issue of importance. And it was MERS's stupid arrogance that brought it down.
As I predicted two weeks ago, MERS would be dead within weeks. Judge Grossman has driven the final stake through its black heart. The half of America's homeowners whose mortgages are registered at MERS have been handed a "get out of jail free" card. Wall Street has no right to foreclose on their property. The tide has turned. It won't be easy, but homeowners in those states with judicial foreclosures now have Judge Grossman on their side. Those in the other states (just over half) will have a tougher time because they can lose their home before they ever get to court. But the law is still on their side -- foreclosure by members of MERS is theft -- so class action lawsuits may be the way to go.
MERS is dead, but can the banks survive? There are two separate issues. First, there are the "reps and warranties" given by the mortgage securitizers (Wall Street investment banks) to the investors (pension funds, GSEs, PIMCO, and so on). We now know that a quarter to a third of the mortgages bundled to serve as backing for the securities did not meet stated quality. Worse, we also know that the banks knew this -- they hired third parties to undertake "due diligence" to check quality. This was not done to protect the investors, rather, the purpose was to strengthen the bargaining position of the securitizers, who were able to reduce the prices paid for the mortgages. Now, the investors are suing the banks for restitution--forcing them to cover the losses and buy-back the bad mortgages at original price. To add insult to injury, even the NYFed is suing them. That is a lot like having your parents sue you for their inadequate parental oversight of your behavior.
The second issue is that the mortgages backing the securities were supposed to be placed in Trusts (affiliates of the securitizing banks), with the Trustee certifying not only that the mortgages met the reps and warranties but also that the documents were up to snuff and safely locked away. We know they were not. As mentioned above, MERS told the servicers to hold the notes, and many or most of them were destroyed or lost. Further, the notes were separated from the mortgages -- making them null and void. In any case, they are not at the Trusts. This means the MBSs are not backed by mortgages, meaning the MBSs are unsecured debt. MERS's business model ensures that. So, again, the banks must take back the fraudulent securities -- paying off the investors.
What can Wall Street do? Well, I suppose the "help wanted" signs are already up at MERS and Wall Street banks: "Needed: Burger King Kids to Robo-sign forged quasi-professional-looking docs". The problem is that even with tens of thousands of Robo-Kids, Wall Street will not be able to pull off a vast criminal conspiracy on the necessary scale. Think about it: 60 million mortgages, each sold ten times, means 600 million transactions and assignments that have to be forged. MERS's documentation was notoriously sloppy, relying on voluntary recording by members. The Robo-Kids would have to go back through a decade of records to manufacture a paper trail that would convince now-skeptical judges that there is a clear chain of title from the first recording in the public record through to the foreclosure. It ain't going to happen.
The only other hope is that Wall Street can call in its campaign contribution chips and get Congress to retroactively legalize fraud. That is what they do in those dictatorships that protestors are now bringing down in the Middle East. Is Washington willing to take that risk, just to please its Wall Street benefactors?
The court document is available here. It is terrific reading.
This post originally appeared at Benzinga.

The Obama Mutant Murder Menagerie

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Obama Mutant Murder Menagerie

The Obama regime, the Boston bombing, and the entire Karl Rovian Obamacans led by criminals such as Governor Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota, who is exclusively featured here in various smarmy shady and unscrupulous practices. 

What starts out in this is Democrat Representative Kathy Tyler of South Dakota who has uncovered a criminal enterprise which started in 1990 whereby rich foreigners who bribed the United States government with $500,000 dollars could obtain a green card.
This money in the EB-5 program was administered on a national level with the Governor's Office of Economic Development of South Dakota.  The money was supposed to go to investment in one such investment was Northern Beef Packers located in Aberdeen SD, the former political power base of President of the Senate Tom Daschle, Democrat of South Dakota. 

Northern Beef received a check for one million dollars in January of 2011 at the height of the Obama regime.  Over half of these funds were re-routed and disappeared as monitoring fees for the South Dakota Regional Center.
Mutant Daugaard took office and divided the Department of Tourism and the Department of Economic Development into three smaller departments, one of which became GOED.

Daugaard issued a press release on November 22nd stating that he knew nothing about the federal investigation.  Richard Benda, who worked for the State of South Dakota as the Secretary of Tourism and State Development from 2006-2011, then went to work for SDRC in 2011.  Subsequently after Benda was found to have double-charged the government for travel expenses of a paltry $5,559.80 then he suddenly found a way to commit suicide and stop the investigation.  South Dakota Atty General Jackley announced that no further investigation was necessary because no one else was alive. 
Jackley and Daugaard seem to have the same problem with amnesia in not being able to find crimes when it comes to crooked dealings in South Dakota which connect to the Obama regime. 

Northern Beef has subsequently gone bankrupt and was originally overseen by Northern State University in the EB-5 project, again a seat of Democratic power in South Dakota linked directly to Washington, which created the SDRC.
Everyone in South Dakota is currently trying to shut the information flow on this crime spree or is backing away.  Current GOED commissioner Pat Costello in September terminated the state's contract with SDRC.

Upon Inquiry, Richard Benda was silenced in a like Andrew Breitbart assassination.  The money is the tip of the iceberg in this because this is not the only program in the United States which has been importing foreign agents to infiltrate the United States such as Birther Obama Chin.  No one is bringing forward who this original investment group was.  All we know is that foreigners purchased green cards illegally by bribing the United States government and the State of South Dakota was but a part of this pyramid scheme now being uncovered. 
We do know that basically a million dollars disappeared out of South Dakota as payback to someone.  Richard Benda was silenced as no one is going to commit suicide over five thousand dollars with the kind of Republican connections he had inside that GOP state. 

Mutant Daugaard as was featured here was busy trying to siphon more money from citizens in referendums in the last election which the people of South Dakota voted down.  Daugaard went into a fury afterwards, castigating the people for not allowing him to run more of this money into pet projects which is starting to look like Bill Clinton in Mena Arkansas. 

All of this now is being brought up by a brave former teacher turned politician in Democrat Kathy Tyler.  This is a most dangerous situation as it exposes everything from how terrorists arrived in America for 9/11, the Boston bombing connections, and the reality that our government and our higher institutions with business have all been purchased by these contractors bribing their way into the United States. 

This is a scandal which will bring down the Obama regime.  It is a real scandal and is only being reported here.  This is something that needs to be covered by the puppy press as it is the foundation of the espionage network and terror network encompassing these United States.

Now you know why the big stories, the sexy stories, the only relevant stories are covered here.  So donate.

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