Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 2nd, For Legal Reasons I had to Pull Tonight’s Radio Program

Tonight’s radio program created a firestorm.  For legal reasons I had to pull it off the air.  Attacks, lies and threats to lives have taken place, here’s my statement!
When you choose to stand for the truth and want to do what you beliive is best for others, you will always attract a corresponding response.
But in the end the truth always wins out, and the truth will always set you free.
I had invited a special guest to be on the program tonight, Okie, who is posted on a regular basis on the dinar blogs. I talked with him after the program and he is going to make his own statement to be posted on the blogs sites. But what I stated is true, he was going to come on the air but his life was threatened. I will let his statement stand for itself.
For legal purposes I had to remove tonight’ radio program from the air. I stand by all statements made about the authenticity of who was on the air and what they represent. PIF and others are for real and the RV is about to be released. I wish I could say more, but for legal and confidential reasons I cannot.
The people I talked with have been cashed out and others are currently being processed. The representative I had on the program is for real and he has been processing private transactions for months. Some are attacking the truth of those statements. In the near future the truth will come out regarding those who want to attack. Those who choose to trust will benefit from the higher rate.
People will choose to believe what they want. People will choose their perceptions based on what they want to believe. In the end truth always brings out the quality of character within us. Those who choose to attack reveal what’s really happening within them.
I can’t make you believe one way or the other, the choice is always yours. All I can say is our real truth and character comes out when we are near the finish line. Some will put their own noose around their own necks, some will create their own forms of sabotage. Some will benefit and grow because they choose to stand with truth and not attack. In the end truth always wins.

Thanks for understanding…….Dave!!!



March 31, 2014


This page has been shared 7 times. View these Tweets.

Follow the links below to watch the YouTube video of some of the testimony before the Florida House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, March 17, 2014, as they consider a bill that would add, during a forced evacuation and state of emergency, to the exceptions that already exist to allow carrying a concealed firearm, without a permit.
The bill is HB-209, “Firearms During Mandatory Evacuation” and is sponsored by Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen, and others.
When called to speak before the audience, the Florida Sheriff’s Association advocate said that the Association supports the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, “But, in our opinion, there is a difference between owning a firearm and carrying one concealed on your person.”
A Florida National Guard spokesman, standing in for General Titshaw of St Augustine, said that the citizen military organization supports the bill, as written, as did the citizen activist group, “Florida Carry”, and the advocacy organization National Rifle Association.
The final vote on the bill by the House Judiciary Committee was 17-1. The 12 Republican committee members and 5 of the 6 Democrats voted to support the bill. However, the companion bill in the Senate has been temporarily postponed by the panel twice. On Tuesday, April 1, at 3:00 p.m., the Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security Committee of the Florida Legislature meets to consider a bill allowing people to carry concealed weapons without a permit when complying with a mandatory evacuation. The committee meets in room 37 of the Senate building.
Florida Watchdog Writing Initiative: My efforts for the wire will be to help build and protect our niche mission; by focusing our writing on matters directly related to ethics, integrity, government transparency, fraud, waste and abuse in Florida.
  1. FL: Sheriffs Association opposes citizen’s right to bear arms
  2. FL: Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers director eats anonymous tip
  3. FL: Orlando man threatens to kill President Obama
  4. FL: Sharpton stirs racial unrest in Martin and Davis shootings
  5. FL: Ethics training for elected officials now required by law

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning


Blessed1:  Ok, look as multi millionaires and billionaires, we have to develop "thick skins". There will be folks coming at us from all different directions and not all will be good! Saddle up because this ride will not always be easy. The rapper Biggie Smalls said, More money , more problems! Out your hard hats on guys! Money brings out envy in others! HOLD on and stay strong!




Posted by EXOGEN on April 3, 2014 at 8:04am


Topic: The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see. Ayn Rand

[Shabibisbrother] Do you know if the second reading of the budget has occurred?

[arizona49] Shabibisbrother They are pushing to get it done, from what I understand

[Shabibisbrother] I think they should push to get it done and over with!!!

[MsDivastyle] well i hope the budget didnt get fed up and run away the way they keep postponing it i dont blame it for running

[arizona49] MsDivastyle No doubt in my mind, they are under the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[MsDivastyle] i really wish they would get it together not just for our sake but for the sake of the Iraqi ppl

[arizona49] MsDivastyle The Iraqi people need this badly....all the push for new business/industry development proves they are moving very quickly in that regard so to create jobs and diversify their revenue..... all is falling into place, imo


The Sedona Connection:

Dave Schmidt: Tonight's Radio Program Created a Firestorm in Dinarland, Here's My Statement

When you choose to stand for the truth and want to do what you belive is best for others, you will always attract a corresponding response.

But in the end the truth always wins out, and the truth will always set you free.

I had invited a special guest to be on the program tonight, Okie, who is posted on a regular basis on the dinar blogs.  I talked with him after the program and he is going to make his own statement to be posted on the blogs sites.  But what I stated is true, he was going to come on the air but his life was threatened.  I will let his statement stand for itself.

For legal purposes I had to remove tonights' radio program from the air.  I stand by all statements made about the authenticity of who was on the air and what they represent.  PIF and others are for real and the RV is about to be released.  I wish I could say more, but for legal and confidential reasons I cannot.

The people I talked with have been cashed out and others are currently being processed.  The representative I had on the program is for real and he has been processing private transactions for months.  Some are attacking the truth of those statements.  In the near future the truth will come out regarding those who want to attack.  Those who choose to trust will benefit from the higher rate.

People will choose to believe what they want.  People will choose their perceptions based on what they want to believe.  In the end truth always brings out the quality of character within us.  Those who choose to attack reveal what's really happening within them.

I can't make you belive one way or the other, the choice is always yours.  All I can say is our real truth and character comes out when we are near the finish line.  Some will put their own noose around their own necks, some will create their own forms of sabotage.  Some will benefit and grow because they choose to stand with truth and not attack.  In the end truth always wins.

Thanks for understanding.......Dave!!!



Jesus Freak » April 3rd, 2014,

The future of money: No banks, paper bills or credit cards?



Gearhead » April 3rd, 2014,

Oil Ministry welcomes the report of the United Nations and reaffirmed Iraq meet its international obligations

Oil Minister Abdul-Karim and coffee   02/04/2014 19:37

Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad welcomed the Oil Ministry, on Wednesday, the report of the committees of financial experts and compensation of the UN, which was held in Berlin last February and that the price of the respect for the Iraqi government to its obligations under international resolutions, as well as Iraq's commitment to work according to a comprehensive system to measure the amount of oil exported in accordance with the applicable standards in the oil industry.

Said Oil Minister Abdul Karim and coffee in a statement obtained by "tomorrow's Press," "The fifth report submitted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Security Council the price of respect for the Iraqi government to its obligations under international resolutions, also praised the continued cooperation between the Committee of Financial Experts and the Committee on Compensation" .

He added that "the report of the committees of financial experts and compensation of the UN, which was held in Berlin last February on the sidelines of the third meeting of the Iraqi - German, stressed the commitment of Iraq to operate a comprehensive system to measure the amount of oil exported in proportion to the practices standard in force in the oil industry, a feat recorded in favor of the ministry ".
He stressed that the report was "praised the Iraqi government policies meet its international obligations."

He added that "Iraq's commitment to its international obligations enabled him to achieve his ambitions and aspirations and represent it in a clear acceptance of a member of the Transparency Initiative in the oil industry."

In the context of the conclusions reached on the issue of bail arrangements for the disbursement of payments to the Compensation Fund Board of Directors expressed its satisfaction with the constant conversion rate of 5% of the revenues from Iraqi oil sales and the equivalent of 5% of the value of non-cash payments to the Compensation Fund.

The Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission as the authority responsible for the arrangements to ensure that the exchange of payments to the Compensation Fund, held its seventy-sixth in the period from 19 to 21 November 2013 was attended by a delegation from the Committee of Financial Experts Iraqi opening plenary session emphasized Chairman of the Committee reaffirmed the commitment of Iraq to fulfill its obligations.  

Wake Up!!  Its a Brand New Day!!!

BRANT2002 » April 3rd, 2014,  ELO  All Over The World

Banks are Broke Netanyahu a Direct Enemy of the U.S. Constitution and the American People

Subject: TOM HENEGHAN BREAKING NEWS: Banks are Broke -- Netanyahu a Direct Enemy of the U.S.Constitution and the American People

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Wednesday   April 2, 2014
Banks are Broke
Netanyahu a Direct Enemy of the U.S. Constitution and the American People
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   Tonight we bring you the latest report from on the insolvent worldwide banks, which beckons financial Armageddon.
At this hour we can report that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin with the assistance of German Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has withdrawn all Russian investment funds from the now insolvent German Deutsche Bank.
Weidmann has ordered that the insolvent Deutsche Bank derivatives will be passed on to the counter parties criminal U.S. banking giants JPMorgan Chase and the U.S. Bank of America.
Putin is now backing the Russian ruble with their massive gold reserve as to protect the Russian currency from the criminal algorithms and derivatives that are used on a nightly basis in financial worldwide markets.

$242 Billion: That Is How Much Record "Window Dressing" Banks Got Today Thanks To The Fed

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/31/2014
The last time banks scrambled to pad their books into the quarter end, and come begging at the front door of the NY Fed's Liberty 33 office, was on the last day of Q4 and 2013, when nearly $200 billion in Treasurys were handed out by the Fed to over 100 counterparties in what was the largest reverse repo operation conducted by Ben Bernanke, and his brand new Fixed-Rate Reverse Repo operation, in history.
That was the record until today, when just over an hour ago the Fed disclosed that as part of its most recent reverse repo operation, it had handed out to 93 dealer banks and other financial intermediaries, both foreign and domestic, some $242 billion in Treasurys in what is now the biggest reverse repo operation in history, a privilege for which the collateral-starved banks paid the Fed the king's ransom of 0.05% in annual interest, i.e., nothing.
So while hedge funds, speculators and assorted vacuum tubes are rushing all day to bid up all the overvalued stocks they can find in order to make their quarter end P&Ls appear more attractive to LPs even as the early ramp and late selloff is again set to resume tomorrow, the megabanks too were rushing to the "window dressed" safety of Treasurys in order to make their balance sheets appear more attractive to regulators and supervisors, in a world in which high quality collateral is much more valuable than the Fed's fungible reserves, and which helps indicate much higher capitalization ratios than otherwise would be observed at the collateral-starved banks.
But what today's off the charts reverse repo really shows us, aside from the fact that all the reverse repo operation really is, is a way for the Fed to make bank balance sheets appear far better than in reality (for all those still confused), is that the collateral shortage we have been warning about for the past several years, and which is getting only more acute the longer the Fed soaks up all 10 year equivalents from the Treasury market (of which it now holds 35% and rapidly rising), is getting worse for banks.
And in related news, one should consider that tomorrow - with their books well padded for the March 31 daily security "holdings" - the banks will almost certainly unwind over $100 billion if not more of today's reverse repo, an amount that is now equal to nearly two full months of QE. Where that money will go, only the (NY) Fed and a few bank CEOs know.
Then again none of this should come as a surprise - we said precisely this during our last such window dressing observation, to wit:
In short: collateral window dressing on; collateral window dressing off, all with the blessing of the banks' overarching regulator, the Federal Reserve. What is most disturbing is that both the world's largest financial firms, and by implication the Fed, just admitted there is a massive collateral shortage currently if banks are forced to pad their books to the tune of nearly $200 billion in "high quality collateral" just to pass year-end auditor muster.
Today's record quarterly window dressing merely confirmed precisely this.
So while the Fed can provide on both an orderly and on an emergency basis up to the total amount of Treasurys it holds on its entire balance sheet amounting to $2.3 trillion (as of today), what will happen if banks find themselves needing to urgently satisfy $2.4 trillion, or $2.5 trillion, or $5 trillion, or more in Treasury deliverable demands, as collateral chains suddenly collapse on themselves as they did the day after Lehman's bankruptcy and rehypothecated Treasurys, not to mention re-re-re-rehypothecated Treasurys have to be delivered once those infamous "off the books" repo and reverse-repo operations suddenly find they aren't quite netting each other off, as we have also been warning for years.
We hope not to have to find out, at least not for some time, because the outcome would make the Lehman aftermath seem like a walk in the park.

P.S.  The second shooting incident at the Fort Hood, Texas military base is no coincidence.
Fort Hood is a noted outpost for the training of U.S. Gary Best Inc. assassins tied to the rogue Israeli Mossad and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
Reference:  A majority of the personnel at Fort Hood, Texas military base are under medication and are trained in Nazi Paperclip NSA mind control operations designed to attack the American People.
P.S.S.  Direct message to neo-Nazi (never elected) right wing Jew Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Stand down NOW, punk!
Netanyahu is currently blackmailing alleged U.S. President Barack Obama in trying to gain the release of HIGH TREASON U.S. traitor convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.
Reference:  Pollard is an American citizen born in the United States is also a tribalistic Jew who sold out his country on the behalf of a foreign state.
Jonathan Pollard not only sold U.S. national security secrets to Israel (with Netanyahu as the bagman) and then sold the same U.S. national security secrets to the then Soviet Union.
What was sold to the Soviet Union were U.S. computer codes on a U.S. nuclear first strike vs the USSR, which now the government of Israel possesses making the United States Military a guinea pig for Israel's own nuclear arsenal.



The case against Jonathan Pollard.

In closing,  another direct message to Nazi Jew Netanyahu:
Pollard is going to be executed for his HIGH TREASON endangering the American People.
Note:  Netanyahu was a 9/11 co-conspirator in Nazi George W. BushFRAUD's 9/11 FALSE FLAG BLACK OP aka BushFRAUD's Reichstag fire (Hitler) and now Netanyahu is directly linked to evidence soon to be released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to the Bay Point Schools-NSA-Israeli AMDOCS overthrow of the year 2000 presidential election.
This coup de etat led to the destruction and shredding of the U.S. Constitution.
Accordingly, final message to Nazi Jew Benjamin Netanyahu:
Quit using your Republican Jewish lobby to threaten U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky.
You will stop NOW!
Finally, you will be held accountable for your crimes and treason you committed against the American People and their Constitution.

Secret Service director called to Capitol Hill to discuss misbehavior of agents

Secret Service director called to Capitol Hill to discuss misbehavior of agents

By Ted Barrett, CNN
updated 4:38 AM EDT, Wed April 2, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- Secret Service Director Julia Pierson, called to Capitol Hill to explain misbehavior by her agents, insisted the problems were not reflective of the broader culture at her agency.
"These are isolated incidents of misconduct and we're working every day to correct our behavior," Pierson told reporters Tuesday after leaving a closed meeting with top senators on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
But there have been numerous incidents of misconduct in recent years.
Julia Pierson was appointed head of the Secret Service about a year ago in the wake of an incident involving drinking and prostitutes ahead of a presidential visit in Colombia.
In the latest, three agents who were part of the President's advance security detail were sent home from the Netherlands after one of them was found passed out in a hotel hallway after a night of drinking. Also, a Secret Service officer in Florida was involved in a traffic accident and alcohol use was suspected.
"We're human and we make mistakes," Pierson said when asked why the agency continues to be plagued by such problems
Chairman Tom Carper of Delaware said just a "handful" of Secret Service members are "shaming and smearing" the agency, which employs thousands of people. He said he discussed with Pierson modifying hiring and firing rules and making other policy changes if they would help her deal with the problem.
"All of us are human, all of us have temptation and some of these jobs, they travel a lot, they're away from home a lot. They have their own foibles," Carper said. "This director is very committed to making sure there's a set of discipline policy standards to follow."
Pierson, a Secret Service veteran, is the first woman to head the agency. She was appointed to the post by President Obama about a year ago in the wake of an incident involving drinking and prostitutes ahead of the President's 2012 visit to Cartagena, Colombia.
"I have made clear to the entire workforce that I will not tolerate unprofessional behavior or misconduct at any level -- both on and off duty," Pierson told the senators, according to prepared remarks released by the Secret Service. "I remain committed to swiftly and vigorously addressing any instances of misconduct that are brought to my attention."
Pierson told the senators she has instituted several changes beyond those including appointing a chief integrity officer, centralizing the discipline process at the agency, and implementing enhanced ethics and integrity training for employees.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, was one of a handful of senators to go to the hour-long meeting, which was also attended by Pierson's boss, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.
"We've got to get to the bottom of this because it's important to our government to have the Secret Service carry itself with the highest of standards that we expect of them, not only to make sure that ... the President of the United States but all of our leaders are protected," said Ayotte who likened recent incidents to a "fraternity party."
Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, the top Republican on the committee, told CNN the senators outlined in the meeting suggestions to the agency to deal with problem but he wouldn't say what those suggestions were. He said he has confidence in Pierson to stay on the job and deal with the issues.
"She's obviously embarrassed because it's a reflection on her management but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt right now and see if things don't change," Coburn said.

Maylaysian Flight 370 Now in Afghanistan? When Will it End?


Maylaysian Flight 370 Now in Afghanistan? When Will it End?

Thank you to a reader for this link. Next thing you know, the plane will be located at the North Pole by Santa!  ~ BP

Russia Media: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 located in Afghanistan
Tuesday, 01 April 2014 13:46

April 1, 2014 — (TRN) — The Russian media outlet is reporting today that Malaysia Airlines flight MH-370 made a hard landing on a rural road southeast of Kandahar, Afghanistan, near the Pakistan Border. According to the report, the passengers and crew are alive.
While the Google translation from the original Russian language is not precise, the MK story says that the Pilots of Flight MH370 did not steal the plane; it was hijacked by unknown persons. This information came from a confidential source inside the Russian security services.
Flight MH370 went missing on March 8 with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.
The MK story claims that the passengers and crew have been “captured” and that the airplane is on a rural road, southeast of Kandahar, Afghanistan, with a broken wing from a hard landing. The plane is said to be located very near the border of Pakistan. The story even contains a map as follows:
The story goes on to report that all the passengers are alive; that they’ve been divided into seven groups living hand-to-mouth in mud huts nearby.
The story also says that “20 Asian Professionals were captured” and bluntly accuses that the hijacking was done “presumably by the Americans” on “someone’s order.”
Member of the Flight Safety Foundation Sergey Melnichenko, pointed out that on “March 21 Thailand, India and Pakistan said that the aircraft was not tracked by air defenses; not that it did not fly over their countries, just that it was not tracked.
This past Sunday, the head of the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate Diane Feinstein, responding to a question from CNN on the probability of a terrorist component in the case of the missing plane, said “At the moment nothing has been found”.
The story goes on to point out that there are two areas in Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban, with two air corridors where MH370 could fly after disappearing from radar. Rather than admit this, Malaysian authorities are merely relying on the Afghan and Pakistan governments saying military radar never tracked the plane.
The story goes on to say that trust may be misplaced since the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan is semi-abandoned.

Highlights from KTFA Monday Night CC 3-31-14 Emailed to Recaps

Highlights from KTFA Monday Night CC 3-31-14 Emailed to Recaps


Highlights from KTFA Monday night CC 3-31-14:

Frank cautions all to beware of scams..Do not give your dinars to anyone and do not give out any personal information either..scammers can look professional and legitimate.

April is a month of study and interest.  UN Operational rates are released in April.

April begins the 2nd quarter, and on the lunar calendar, a new moon cycle begins in April.. In the middle east the new moon cycle is the best time to start new contracts, new agreements. 

April is an auspicious time and historically many important events have happened in April.

Frank says there will be a new UST currency, and Jack Lew and Christine LaGarde talked about it in Mexico…Will the USD lose Value?...yes, through inflation.

Watch for the rate change on the CBI , Frank feels that is where it will show first…
Memphis says Iraq is having  major issues with the currency they have in circulation, torn, worn out, ect…forcing many to use foreign currency because if the condition of the IQD, yet, the CBI will not replace the damaged currency and the crises is worse then its ever been…

In Memphis opinion this is a sure sign that the CBI is about to do something with their currency….Delta Agrees and says we are very close to seeing something happen.

In Delta’s opinion the budget is totally finished but we wont see it until the rate changes on the IQD.

The CBI does not need to wait on the budget…they are independant of each other and the CBI can release the new rate at any time..

In Delta’s opinion the very latest they could wait to release new rate is May, but if it goes all the way to May, it could be disaterous as the CBI would have to inject more currency into the economy, and the CBI has worked very hard to get the large bills off the streets.

Delta read a translated report on Iraq from the IMF. This report confirms that the IMF is happy with Iraq and the rate spread and the IMF is supporting Iraq and encouraging them to go ahead with their monetary  reform policy!  This report is in the news and announcements  section of the CBI.

Delta said to remember that they will never announce “hey, we are raising the rate of the IQD!”, and remember the MR (monetary reform) is mainly for the citizens of Iraq.

There was an Article IV meeting in Jordan in March and Deltas opinion is the IMF gave the green light to go ahead with the MR…The question is will they release it before or after the elections??

In Deltas opinion it could happen any day, any time of day…just it cannot go past the end of May.

There is tremendous pressure for the CBI to release the new rate, and the citizens of Iraq are also under tremendous pressure…Again Deltas opinion is we are in a 60 day window, but we could see the new rate at any time!!

Delta stated that this is a 100% fact directly from the CBI, that the new rate will be released BEFORE JUNE 2014.. Not in June or after June , but BEFORE.

Nova agrees with Delta and says its remarkable that in the report Delta read that the CBI says the IMF gave them permission to go ahead with their monetary reform…..This is huge news.

Delta’s sources are all saying that all they are waiting for is to see the new rate released by the CBI..That all. And while no one knows the date….all are agreeing its very close.

Franks opinion is that 10 currencies will be RVing with the IQD…that’s where he and Eagle1 have different opinions as Eagle1 thinks all currencies will revalue whereas Frank thinks only 10.

Delta says to watch the CBI as we will probably see 2-3 announcements come out and then the new rate.  Also do not pay attention to all the recycled news articles…just watch the CBI because the pressure is enormous for them to release the new rate.

The call ended with “Amazing Grace”

Kazakhstan’s prime minister, whole cabinet resign

Kazakhstan’s prime minister, whole cabinet resign

Apr 022014
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov and his entire government resigned Wednesday, the authorities in the Central Asian country said.
Akhmetov told a cabinet meeting that his resignation had been granted by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the government of the oil-exporting country said.
No reason was given for Akhmetov’s abrupt dismissal, but President Nazarbayev has broad powers to change prime ministers at his choosing.
His press-service said on Twitter that the Kazakh leader has already proposed that former premier Karim Masimov takes up the role again.
“According to the Constitution, the dismissal of the prime minister is followed by the resignation of the entire government,” the government press service said in a statement on its website.
Akhmetov, 55, worked in the metal industry before becoming deputy mayor of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
He served in various government posts and was appointed to the premiership in September 2012, succeeding Masimov, who served five years before him.

Did Michigan just trigger ‘constitutional convention’? Bid gains steam

Did Michigan just trigger ‘constitutional convention’? Bid gains steam

Apr 022014

convention’? Bid gains steam

Barnini Chakraborty
National Archives
Momentum is building behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the U.S. Constitution, through a little-known provision that gives states rather than Congress the power to initiate changes.
At issue is what’s known as a “constitutional convention,” a scenario tucked into Article V of the U.S. Constitution. At its core, Article V provides two ways for amendments to be proposed. The first – which has been used for all 27 amendment to date – requires two-thirds of both the House and Senate to approve a resolution, before sending it to the states for ratification. The Founding Fathers, though, devised an alternative way which says if two-thirds of state legislatures demand a meeting, Congress “shall call a convention for proposing amendments.”
go to link

Wobble Death Doom!!!! Chile EQ – USGS Just Went On A Total Media Blackout Tonight – Earth’s Orbit May Have Just Been Destabilized

Wobble Death Doom!!!! Chile EQ – USGS Just Went On A Total Media Blackout Tonight – Earth’s Orbit May Have Just Been Destabilized

Apr 012014
I have a friend so to speak in the USGS who just came to my house an hour ago to personally tell me what they think just happened. He said even though the quake was only measured as an 8.2 it had a lot of energy that just through the axis off by a sizable amount. Enough he said, that they speculate it has destabilized the Earth’s orbit and a wobble in it’s spin will get bigger and bigger. Effects are unknown as this has never happened. He had to come personally because he didn’t want to use the net or phone contact me. He said they just got a gag order for national security. He looked really worried and smoked 3 cigarettes in a row while his hands were shaking telling me. Doesn’t sound good folks.                                This is from a forum  that this is posted at.



From OWoN we have the following update – from the top.
Please read it carefully and rest assured that we are doing our very best to make sure you are kept updated on all relevant matters. 
We have a request. Please try not to submit questions to us via e-mail. It would be easier to address all questions via the blog. If you need to e-mail us, then you may certainly do so.
Also, we do not maintain email update lists, so if you write to us requesting to be added to such, we cannot do so. 
Thank you all for your tremendous support. The White Hats and their associates and staff do read your comments and are very appreciative of your recognition of their work. 
Please await further updates as they are available.  
To All,
As of yet, there have been NO Settlements done and these Guru Broker sites winding up the public to peddle their 300% marked up notes are disgusting. Poor and Needy people are being scammed and conned. It’s disgusting conduct praying on their needs. Wrong, wrong, wrong! How can we help change lives when a needy soul with their last $500 Bucks is only getting true value of $150 of Notes back and ruthlessly skimmed by these racketeers? The loss to them is enormous when converting now.
Check the Real Rates when buying. Many of these sites are Scammers.
These parties will not be given any access to the process or news early.
ONLY the PPs will be done first so you have time.
We will probably only come out at c10 EST so as to cover Mid States and then 07-00 is not too bad to West Coasters. OMG we hear. No we won’t delay it more or the Europeans will take the lot. West Coasters you move it or lose it. But we will pre advise when.
This week will only be at best the majors being pre advised or later. That will not be for Public trades. Ignore the Guru garbage.
The US Patriots and ourselves are trying to help all of you in safe steps.
You have time! When the time is right you WILL be helped. Trust the integrity of the back up you are getting. It ALL flows via this main group.