Monday, May 5, 2014



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1500-2000 year old bible found
1500-2000 year old bible found in Ankara, Turkey.
Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara.  Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet.  The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”.  The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.
A report by The National Turk says that the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.  The books itself is valued as high as 40 Million Turkish Liras (approx. 28 mil. Dollars).  Man, where is the Thieves Guild, when you need them?
According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original.  The book itself is written with gold lettering, onto loosely-tied leather in Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.  The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity.   Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.
It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.
The Catholic Church wants in
What does this mean to Christian-derived religions and their followers?  Quite a tight spot.  The Vatican has asked Turkish authorities to let them examine the contents of the book within the Church.  Now that the book has been found, will they come to accept the it and its evidence?  Will they deny it altogether?  Call it a “Muslim lie”, as did the “Truth” Magazine, in 2000?  To many, this book is a beacon of hope, that believers soon realize that the object of their adoration is arbitrary; and that all text, especially religious text, is subject to interpretation.
What does this mean to atheists/agnostics/secular thinkers?  Is the text real?  Fake?  Does it matter?  Hopefully, this news inspires the religious to ask questions, instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly.  Please, don’t go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so!”s.  The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up.  And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you.  For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just as long, it has been justified with lies.  If you know better, act like it.
Thanks for your time.
Now… how do we figure out Jesus’ real birth date? :/

1500 Year Old Bible Confirms That Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified - Vatican In Awe

NEW REALITY TV SERIES: The March of Freedom

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

NEW REALITY TV SERIES: The March of Freedom
Posted By: RobDaven [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-May-2014 13:01:28

Mark Howitt had enough.
While trying to feed & cloth his family, he was finding it harder and harder to put "bread on the table".
He knew something must be done.
Armed with only $90 and a dream to wake up people all across Canada, Mark set out on his March.
This is the story of his March of Freedom...

Watch more amazing episodes of The March of Freedom on Conspiracy HQ TV - 

Improve Circulation, Lower Blood Pressure, Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System with Proven Herbs and Natural Supplemen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Improve Circulation, Lower Blood Pressure, Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System with Proven Herbs and Natural Supplemen
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Monday, 5-May-2014 12:01:09

Your blood circulation can be obstructed for any number of reasons, including clogged arteries, capillary constriction, cardiovascular disease and a variety of auto-immune diseases. Certain foods, supplements and herbs are helpful for improving blood circulation and reducing pain or disability.

Mnt.Goat " Where we are Today" Monday 5-5-14

(Note: Thanks GeorgeH for sending us this update today!!)

Hi Everyone,

To all who have been following our Maibaum event I will give you an update.

Our event was very successful this past weekend and we concluded   our annual fest on Sunday night with  music and dancing. We had 125 Kinder assist and learn the traditions and over 2,500 attendees overall. Many guests arrived on Thursday and Friday and we began the ceremony early on Saturday morning beginning with the parade to the center of the village then to erect our pole.

What a wonderful time had by all !  If you never experienced this event I encourage you to investigate more, travel over to Germany and come to visit for awhile next mid spring.  The Alpine regions of Bavaria are teaming with new life this time of the year. God has surely blessed this land with its beautiful mountains.

Today’s News
If you have been following my recent last couple news letters you know that there are some unethical and now illegal dealings going on with this IQD international rollout process.

The USA has control over the final steps to the process. As I have stated the controllers of this process simply do not want to end the continued bonanza of billions of dollars being made each and every time they stall the process once again. It is not easy to give up the goose that is laying the golden eggs……lol….

I know for a fact that the process ran last Wednesday night and encountered a technical snag. Once I got notification of this stoppage, once again I waited for the excuse.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing and the cause was so obvious that one has to believe it was intentional and sabotage.

All this was once again documented and those responsible placed in our files. So by Friday the fix was in place the process running again. I truly expected to see the process completed and done by late Sunday or early Monday morning. but here we sit Monday morning and no status as of yet. I am now attempting to get an accurate status. .

From everything I am hearing I fully expect to see the final completion of the process this week and all of us be at the banks and exchanged.

If this is not concluded by the end of the week, I am informed that my organization has no choice but to move forward with all of the documentation and files of the shenanigans and political posturing that has been reflected in the rollout process so far.

All those responsible for these actions will also be listed.

We have already contacted the news media and full disclosure and transparency of these files to the general public will be done.

We will then let the public, meaning you 5 million dinar holders and the rest of the concerned citizens of the USA and the world, decide the next course of action.

 So my office now waits in anticipation to see just what will  transpire this week. We are not to be so hasty as to overlook the obvious in the matter.

The evidence will demonstrate who has been holding up this RV process and why. You will be very surprised when you see the files and the dirty tactics that have been used.

 What amazes me is the notion of stalling for so long (now since December 2013) that I thought the USA wanted Iraq to be democratized government and build their county to a free capitalistic economy.

So just how do these people who are stalling the rollout process think this can happen without an international currency? Just how long do they  think they can stall before the cork is let off the bottle and this sensitive information comes gushing out to the general public? The time is almost here.

Iraq Elections Update

First let me say that if you are an investor in the dinar currency and you actually believe this guy is good for Iraq then you need to study his past tactics and performance as a leader, a humanitarian, and a patriot.

Yes – I can agree that he is a brilliant politician but if he can not and does not want to form a government for the people by the people then what good is he as a leader for this newly formed democray?

 For those of you that still believe that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki still has a chance of hanging on to his position for a third term, think again. The preliminary results of the elections are done and in any provinces that could have made a significant difference one way or the other the ballot counting is done.

The results show that Maliki’s State of Law coalition has not won the majority that will give him a third term in office. As I have stated in my last news letters that I stake my bet on the citizens party and the alliances put together by Ammar Al-Hakim (head of the Islamic supreme council) and influential Shi’a cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr to run the next government.

This is a very good thing just so you know just in case you have not been following Iraq politics over the last 2 years.

 So how long will it take to form a new government?

I believe it will not take months but only a matter of weeks to form a new government (once the final votes are counted). This is contrary thinking to the rhetoric you may hear about it taking months from the news media.

Most of these journalists  know very little about the real political happenings in Iraq and who the true future leaders of Iraq are.   These men have spend countless hours putting together this new alliances and strategizing ways to bring the country together to form the new government. This new government will be  based on a true political majority because it is a way out of the worsening crisis which faces the government, and a way out of the political crisis and difficulties which face the current parliament.

 We will now finally see the Federation Council enacted, something that Maliki has not supported and ignored for over four years. In spite of his objections this council has been established and is about ready to take center stage in the political process.


I wanted to keep today’s news letter brief and to give you a quick update.

I believe we have been seeing progress in the international rollout. The new rates are calculated and being sent down to the banks and exchanges. This takes time to complete and for some reason was started later than expected.

There has also  been more tactics to stall the process along the way and time will tell what comes next. Either way this rollout will conclude very soon.

I surely hope this week will bring Iraq the conclusion of their monetary reform project as it links up to the rest of the civilized financial world

I fully and firmly believe we all will see a sudden news media broadcasts  on the  forming of the new Iraq government. Finally we will see this happen. We have waited now for 4 long years for this event.

Other announcements will soon follow concerning final implementation of  necessary laws we have all been watching play out.  All the key players will be standing around shaking hands and smiling for the cameras.

I do believe Maliki will not be in this photo since I do not believe he has the guts to admit defeat and shake hands in transition with the new prime minister in front of the world.

My concern now is - What will he do in his transition?  Can we expect hell to break lose on the Iraq people as punishment for his defeat?

I believe this transition will not be an easy one and he may cause yet more damage before it is all over.  .

Peace and Luv To Ya All,

Mnt Goat

Serial Slaughterer Obama

Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Serial Slaughterer Obama

Monday, May 5, 2014

Serial Slaughterer Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you did not correlate this subject with murder, which proves the Lame Cherry was absolutely right again, let us return to the mass murder of Col. Khadaffi and over 50 of his Libyan Patriot Loyalists, and a snotty little Ginsu girl who was trying to castrate all the males in the right wing groups by harping at them on Facebook, who stated as Mark Levin slobbered over this mass murder in the way he slobbered over the bin Laden actors mass assassinated, in how this blog stated this was the Obama regime murdering these Libyans directly.

The challenge was to prove it, and the retort was this was "natural law", as if mass murder was something for an oriental chic in the Tea Party to relish, as if mass murder is legitimate if it happens in Libya in being natural law, but when it happens at the Boston Blow Job, it would then be shocking and criminal.
That type of ignorance and blood lust only degrades as this blog warned, and Mark Levin even figured out as Lara Logan was gang raped, Chris Stevens and his gay parade were murdered and 40, 000 Syrians were slaughtered by the Obama regime.

In the Lame Cherry, I told you so, there was evidence produced now which specifically stated that Col. Khadaffi offered to the Obama regime, Khadaffi leaving Libya in abdicating. The Obama regime turned him down flat, and this is from an Obama who was praised by Khadaffi as his own Muslim son, not a few years prior.

Wrap your minds about this as they are so warped now, in the fact that Col. Khadaffi, the friend of Barack Hussein Obama, offered to flee Libya and turn it over to the forces of Obama's terrorists being imported. Obama rejected it completely, as the regime intended or premeditated to murder the Colonel and his inner circle inside Libya.
There was not going to be any exile for Khadaffi to speak of secrets from concerning Obama and released terrorists. The Obama regime intended to mass murder a group of Libyans.

We know for a fact that there was an imported group of al Qaeda terrorists running this operation. We know Khadaffi almost beat them, until Obama sent in the United States military in airstrikes. That would be the United States military flying cover for an operation to mass assassinate more than 50 people.
We know for a fact that there were numerous CIA and DIA minders in Libya, directing things and giving forward observations, as was the case in Chris Stevens group who were murdered.

This is all proof now of exactly what this blog said from Day One and exposes what dull blade the Ginsu was in being a harpie, in the reality that this is the murderous scenario.

1. George Soros' group pressed Khadaffi to release terrorists from prison which started all of this.

2. The Obama regime imported al Qaeda terrorists.

3. Khadaffi and his followers offered to leave, but were denied exit and left to be mass murdered.

4. American minders directed and watched this mass murder.

5. American military was the protective cover for this mass murder.

6. The Obama regime armed the terrorists who conducted this pre Benghazi murder spree.

7. This entire operation came directly out of the Obama White House, and Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and John Kerry are all co conspirators in this, as the same operational framework which oversaw the botched kidnapping of Chris Stevens was standing down in watching all of these events on drones and satellite being carried out a second time.

Those are the facts in this in the Obama regime, instigated, pinned down, flew air cover, provided weapons, provided terrorists, directed and completed the mass murder of over 50 Libyans, headed by Col.  Khadaffi, the legitimate leader of Libya.

As this probably requires stating as Caltech groupies from the Jeff Rense site who term me a vile monster, need to be educated that their Obama, is guilty of ordering like a mafia boss or like Stalin from a rose garden, the mass execution of 50 people. That is wrong, that is evil and that is crimes against humanity.
That is what a vile monster in the Obama regime group actually is.

Think of Obama having his boys dancing for him or out playing golf (remember Limbaugh is still hinting at where Obama was on the night of Benghazi, and this blog broke that story in Obama was stoned in the company of the dancing boys he procured), and knowing that he ordered the murder of another human and 50 others, with no trial or justice. Knowing like Lara Logan they would be brutalized by a mob, dragged through the streets and put on display in a ghastle spectacle and it does not bother Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or whatever other nutters are at Homeland, NSA, CIA, NCIS, FBI or DIA who watched all of this mass murder take place, and knew it was going to happen, because Obama denied Khadaffi exit.
An exit which would have stopped the war, stopped the bloodshed, and stopped the mass arming of Obama al Qaeda terrorists who were looting Khadaffi's ammo depots with full support of the Obama regime.....the same stores which lured Chris Stevens to his sodomized murder, as that is what he was doing there in trying to get weapons back from Obama terrorists, as Obama was trying to have him kidnapped for the 2012 presidential elections.

Lame Cherry was proven absolutely correct in this again, and that one little line reported in the press of  Col. Khadaffi attempted to leave Libya, but was denied by the Obama regime, is absolute proof of the regime had activated a mass assassination program for the Libyan Leadership.
This is nothing new as Obama conducted this same look the other way in the mass murder of the Polish Patriot Leadership on Russian soil.
Barack blood on his hands Obama, drips of crimson tide, and this serial slaugherer, as Obama is beyond a psychotic murderer, when he oversees SEALS shot out of the skies, American Soldiers left in slaughter pens in Afghanistan, caging Mubarak in Egypt, the slaughters in Sudan, the murdering of American nationals by drones in Yemen, the mass murder of Syrians, the mass murder of Libyans, and let us not forget the Gun Runner murder spree in Eric office space Holder arming latin terrorists in Mexico slaughtering piles of people.

Obama is a serial slaughterer as his crimes mount beyond the normal serial murderer. Obama's image really requires arresting in his jihad junta of assassins. He will not be, so the point is, Lame Cherry was proven absolutely right again, and that Barack Hussein Obama is bloody hands guilty of ordering the mass murder of Libyans. Obama locked Khadaffi and his followers in Libya to be murdered.

Inquiry states that Obama watched the murders on the "box" in direct feed, and was receiving play by play directly from those in communication with those minders on the ground.
Obama enjoyed the show and was pleased with it. He had angst about it "getting done", but was assured by those minders on the ground if the Islamocommunist imports did not do the murder, that the American minders would.
Khadaffi was murdered by one of the comrade minders in Obama employ.

Just so you know in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Image of Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of conspiracy to commit mass murder and of mass homicide as much as Sheik bin Laden and as much as Joe Stalin.

This all goes back to that Lockerbie bomber being released and BP oil sabotage in the Gulf and the machinations involved in this, as much as that 300 million in terror donations which came in on credit card wire fraud to the Obama 2008 Campaign.

You missed it all again.

nuff said 222



The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-May-2014 10:04:22

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, May 04, 2014
The US-NATO sponsored Kiev coalition government is responsible for the killings perpetrated by Neo-Nazi Right Sector mobs and security forces in Odessa in which at least 43 people were killed.
In Odessa, Right Sector thugs set fire the city’s Trade Union building leading to countless deaths of innocent civilians who were burnt alive within the building which had been set ablaze.
“Such actions are reminiscent of the crimes of the Nazis,” said Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin.
The “international community” has turned a blind eye, the Western media has described the Neo-Nazi Brown shirts as “freedom fighters”. In the words of Eric Sommers:
“May 2, 2014 - the date that fascist forces supported by the U.S. government attacked and murdered helpless civilians in the Ukraine – is a day which will live in infamy”.
In recent developments, Obama has granted full support to the crackdown on so-called “pro-Russian” activists. This movement against America’s fascist regime in Kiev is widespread. It is not limited to “ethnic Russians” as conveyed by the media. The leaders of this movement are Ukrainians.
The Neo-Nazi mobs bear the hallmarks of US sponsored terrorism (e.g Syria) trained to commit atrocities against civilians. America’s Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Confirmed by Germany’s Bild: “Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government”
“Citing unnamed German security sources, Bild am Sonntag said the CIA and FBI agents were helping Kiev end the rebellion in the east of Ukraine and set up a functioning security structure.”
The killings of civilians in Eastern and South Eastern Ukraine by Neo-Nazi mobs and members of the civilian militia opens up the possibility of a broader conflict within Ukraine, which could potentially lead to escalation. Moreover, prevailing divisions within Ukraine’s armed forces could lead to military action directed towards unseating the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime.
Known and documented, escalation is part of a longstanding scenario of military confrontation directed against the Russian Federation.
Protesters look at a fire in the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)

Trade Unions building set ablaze by Right Sector thugs (Reuters)
“The Anti-Terrorist Operation”
The killings are part of the so-called “anti-terrorist operation” initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon.
The “anti-terrorist operation” is coordinated by the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU). (Рада національної безпеки Ñ– оборони України), which is controlled by Svoboda and Right Sector. Dmytro Yarosh, Neo-Nazi leader of the Right Sector delegation in the parliament, oversees the National Guard, a loyal civilian militia created in March with the support of Western military advisers. Paramilitary training of the National Guard commenced in mid-March, north of Kiev.
While the media has presented the crisis as a confrontation between “pro-Russian” and “Ukrainian nationalists”, the grassroots movement in Eastern Ukraine has widespread support. It is largely directed against the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime supported by the West.
The National Guard
In the wake of the Coup, divisions have emerged within Ukraine’s regular military forces and police, which “can not be trusted” in carrying out an “anti-terrorist operation” on behalf of the Kiev regime directed against civilians:
Concerns over the loyalty of the Ukrainian army and security agencies have pushed Kiev to start forming an additional armed branch, which it will fully control.
The National Guard is designed to be 60,000-strong and completely independent from the country’s military and police.
Recruitment across Ukraine began on March 13, with around 20,000 people already joining the new uniformed service. RT
In eastern Ukraine, the National Guard has been given the mandate to “reinforce regular military units defending against a feared Russian invasion… it it is intended to act as a counterinsurgency force.”
Members of this civilian militia operating alongside Neo-Nazi mobs have been set loose in Eastern Ukraine and Odessa.
Right Sector can be identified by its members openly wearing Nazi insignia, as well as carrying crimson and black banners. Mobs supporting the Svoboda party are also present among recent clashes, wearing yellow armbands with the Nazi wolfangel symbol upon them. Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge. Towards a Larger Destructive Conflict? By Tony Cartalucci, May 03, 2014
The actions of the National Guard are coordinated by the RNBOU. In turn, the riot police and units of the armed forces are also overseen by RBOU, which is controlled by the two Neo-Nazi parties.
These killings of civilians are part of a carefully planned military agenda involving both the National Guard as well organized armed Neo-Nazi mobs, casually described by the media as pro-Ukrainian activists. These are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance. The Odessa killings bear the fingerprints of a US-NATO led intelligence operation, with both National Guard and Right Sector militants trained in paramilitary combat skills including the killings of innocent civilians.
Ironically, the Israeli media, while largely supporting the Kiev regime, has tacitly acknowledged that the threat of civil war emanates from the Neo-Nazi elements within the government: “Neo-Nazi Militia Leader Threatens ‘Civil War’” according to Israel National News.
Meanwhile, NATO has scheduled military exercises in Poland “as part of NATO reassurance measures in response to the Ukraine crisis”.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has pointed to an extensive and unprecedented buildup of NATO forces within proximity of Russia’s borders.

General Overview of the History

General Overview of the History
From 1944/5 - 1994/5 The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) was organised and implemented, by the Nations of the World, with a Term period of Fifty (50) years. During this term period the Commission held the Mandate, Rights and Authorities over The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. (Note: This Commission should not be confused with the Trilateral Commission that exists today). Following the expiry of the 50 year term, the Nations of the World, disappointed with the biased way The Combined International Collateral Accounts had been utilised within the 50 years, agreed not to extend the term of the TTTGC, but instead appointed a single independent person to the position of International Treasury Controller with full rights, authority, and legal ownership of the Combined International Collateral Accounts.

On January 20th 1995, Dr. Ray C. Dam was appointed International Treasury Controller, and Legal Heir and Owner of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, with full authority and dispositional control of same, under Legal Decadency RCD 1088, executed by the Nations of the World. Also established on January 20, 1995 was
The Office of International Treasury Control, as the management, administrative and operations organization for His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam.

Dr. Ray C. Dam is a person, but His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam is a certified and indemnified international Central Banking financial institution operating as The Office of International Treasury Control.

Following the confirmation of the Powers and Authorities of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam by the “Washington Panel” in 1998, the establishment of the Institution ----
The Office of International Treasury Control ---- was completed on January 20, 2003, whereby, based upon the content and requirements of numerous International Treaties, The Office of International Treasury Control was granted Sovereign Entity Status under the United Nations Charter Control No: 10-60847.

Though not generally or publicly known,
OITC is the largest International Institution of its kind. It is the largest single owner of gold and platinum bullion in the World, in addition to being a major owner of Bank Debenture Securities, International Treasuries, Cash and other forms of securities, all of which are recorded as assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, whose accounts are held within the Federal Reserve, The Bank for International Settlements, The US Treasury, Swiss National Bank, Swiss Federal Finance Administration. 
Since being established, the
OITC has become the largest single owner of Home Mortgage Securities in the World today. Original assets in the form of gold have been wisely and well utilized to create wealth that creates further wealth.

The Assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts are in constant use, assisting to finance countries and such organisations, either in part or full, as the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The International Finance Corporation, International Development Banks, United Nations, and additionally under-pinning the US Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

So as to protect the assets, as well as protecting Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller), together with all other persons involved, full International Protection and Immunity under Full Jacket Security Level 3 - 5 was applied, attested and affirmed under the Great Seal of America (No:
632-258894) on behalf of the International Community, together and conjointly with Sovereign Entity Status under the United Nations.

It should be noted that only a few persons in each country of the world are eligible to be able to verify, or undertake a verification, re: the position of Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller) and the Office of International Treasury Control. Such persons are limited to Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, with Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Foreign Affairs subject to security status and special conditions / dispensation.
For anyone, other than those persons referred to above, to attempt to undertake verification would be futile and would result in deliberate misinformation on same, or no response at all. Additionally, “Classified” information is not available, and never will be, on or through the “www” or various Web Sites which are totally unregulated, uncontrolled, and legally void, whereby reference to such Web Sites will only reveal speculations, innuendoes, comments from the uninformed, deliberate propaganda and misinformation, or similar.

International Treaties.

Jekyll Island Agreement (Georgia U.S.A., 1908.)
The Aldrich Act (U.S.A. 1910 )
Creation of Federal Reserve System (Washington, U.S.A., 1913)
Trilateral Tripartite Trillenium Pact Between Nations (London 1921)
The Gold Act, (U.S.A. 1924)
Creation of Bank for International Settlements (January 20, 1930)
Bretton Woods Agreement (New Hampshire, U.S.A., 1944)
B.I.S. Agreement with the Allies (Berne, Switzerland, 1946)
Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (Geneva, Switzerland, 1963-1968)
Schweitzer Conference (Innsbruck, Austria, 1964)
Schweitzer Convention (The Hague, Netherlands, 1968 and revisions thereof, 1972, 1984, and 1998 Washington Panel)
Respecting the Rights Treaty (Bangkok 2003)

Vatican ‘wants to see’ 1,500-year-old ancient script Has been hidden by Turkish state for 12 years Handwritten in gold-lettered Aramaic


  • Vatican ‘wants to see’ 1,500-year-old ancient script
  • Has been hidden by Turkish state for 12 years
  • Handwritten in gold-lettered Aramaic
By Daily Mail Reporter

A secret Bible in which Jesus is believed to predict the coming of the Prophet Muhammad to Earth has sparked serious interest from the Vatican.
Pope Benedict XVI is claimed to want to see the 1,500-year-old book, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, that has been hidden by the Turkish state for the last 12 years.
The £14million handwritten gold lettered tome, penned in Jesus’ native Aramaic language, is said to contain his early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet’s coming.
Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus' early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet's coming
Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus’ early teachings and his prediction of the Prophet’s coming
Ancient: The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000
Ancient: The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000
The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000.

Bank Story


BCGirl:   Bank story from another blog... Just bringing it over...don't know the person personally...just fyi

(not really a "bank" story...that's just what I call them) 

DB-   Whatever this is worth is up to all of you who read it. I met in person a man and his brother in Ft Worth who are immigrants from Kurdistan 2 weeks ago. I had no idea where they were from so I asked and they told me.

I then asked them both about the dinar and their immediate response to me was,"do you have some of it". I said yes I do and they responded "you will be a very rich man real soon". "As soon as the elections are over, a few days, and Maliki is gone forever, the RV will happen."

They went on to tell me that he is worse than Saddam, and he will probably be arrested, beaten, killed if he doesn't escape the country. They said that there are so many construction cranes in that part of Iraq that it looks like a jungle. Building high rise hotels, apartment complexes, etc.
Their nephew works in the oil patch as a roughneck and makes 3500.00 a week. Money is everywhere and lots of it. I asked them what the rate would be and without hesitation, they both said "over three dollars".

Needless to say, I was encouraged and now have a renewed sense of hope that this is going down and real soon. Ironically, when I got home, there was an article on the internet talking about how Kurdistan would be the next Dubai which just reinforced my hope.

 I appreciate all the research and articles that are posted on CC that sound promising, and maybe this post will encourage some of you too.


1stSteeltoe:  Frank26 4-27-14      [Shabibi always wanted a stable government. Would it be prudent to wait until after the elections are finished and they have a seated government?]      Frank26 No. Elections have nothing to do with the MR [Monetary Reform]. CBI awaits nothing from GOI. Laws just waiting to be enacted.




Posted by EXOGEN on April 29, 2014 at 5:57pm

In 1875 the wealth and assets of the royal families and nations held under colonial rule were centralized into one combined account to be used to the benefit of all nations of the world. This is known as the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. Within its ledger is Saint Germain's Foundation Divine and World Trust which is now worth $1 quatrodecillion dollars. This money will be used to bankroll NESARA and the prosperity funds.

Extensions of this agreement were expanded through international treaties, some of which are still classified as top secret, including:

Jekyll Island Treaty (1910)
The London Treaty (1920)
The Second Plan of the Experts (1929)
The Hague Agreement (1930)
The Far East Combined Depositories Agreement (1932 1945)
The Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
The B.I.S. / Allies Agreement (1948)
The Green Hilton Agreement (1963)
The Schweitzer Conventions (1968)
The Election / Appointment of Sole Arbiter Agreements (1995)
The Washington Panel (1998)
The Treaty for Respecting the Rights (2003)

These treaties were ratified by the sovereign nations of the world and not their fake corporate government counterparts. Proof of such is recorded in every nations charter of the U.N. The USA charter is based on the constitution and thus subject to constitutional law. Only Kings or Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and in some cases Minsters of Finance or Foreign Affairs are granted access to these accounts. Verification is undertaken through a specific office under specific protocols dictated by the Head Office of the United Nations.

After World War II, from 1945 to 1995 the assets in the Collateral Accounts were managed by The Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission representing America, the United Kingdom, and France. The commission selected the dollar an international reserve currency and they gave the CIA legal responsibility to protect the collateral assets. Countries which did not want a permanent CIA presence on their soil would be allowed to subcontract the protection under the same terms and conditions of the treaties. Soon after, the CIA began to steal assets from the collateral accounts and use them for every New World Order pet project imaginable.

To curtail these illegal activities in 1995, the Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission was stripped of its power and placed under the control of the International Treasury Controller and the Office of International Treasury Control at the United Nations. Additionally, they now have jurisdiction over the IMF, World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements which are all part of the Collateral Accounts. Despite this; the IMF, World Bank, and BIS continue to use the assets illegally for their own financing without giving any thought to the needs of the people of the world.

Rick J. April 29, 2014 at 6:57pm

There is every reason to believe that the PP's wrapped up in these funds spoken about. Been waiting over 20 years for the PP's roll out and I believe we're just about there based on information received from over the pond today from people waiting for calls from their banks to access.


[Digs] Vietnam Air Sees Approval in June for Stake Sale in IPO

[Digs] Vietnam Airlines Corp., the national carrier, said it expects to get approval in June for the number of shares to be sold at an initial public offering as the government speeds share sales to win overseas investors.

[Digs] The airline has been valued at $2.74 billion and will offer a “suitable” stake based on market demand, Chief Executive Officer Pham Ngoc Minh said in an e-mailed response to questions. Approval for the valuation as well as the amount of stake to be offered in the IPO, planned for September, will be

[Digs] ill be sought from Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, he said.

[Digs] Vietnam is speeding share offerings, with a target to sell stakes in more than 400 state-run companies by the end of next year, as part of efforts to restructure the economy and lure more overseas investors.

[Digs] Foreign investors have shown little interest so far this year in Vietnam’s two dozen IPOs of state companies, which did not meet capital raising goals. Vietnam Airlines is one of the biggest state-owned companies being considered for stake sales in the country.

[Digs] “Foreign investors are very interested in buying a stake in Vietnam Airlines as it is among a few large size SOEs that operate profitably,” said Alan Pham, Ho Chi Minh City-based chief economist at VinaCapital Group, Vietnam’s biggest fund manager that oversees about $1.6 billion of assets. “It is c

[Digs] t is considered a crown jewel of state companies.”

[Digs] The government raised 1.36 trillion VND ($64.5 million) from 24 IPOs through April 23, about 35 percent of the 3.9 trillion-VND it targeted for the offerings, according to data from the nation’s stock exchanges in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Foreign investors participated in only one of initial of

[Digs] nitial offerings this year, according to data from the exchanges.

[Digs] Besides the national carrier, investors have also been awaiting big companies such as Vietnam National Textile & Garment Corp. and Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Co., known as Mobifone, to go public, said Pham.

[Digs] sorry.. i got carried away....

[Dinarblessed] You did good...... sounds like positive forward movement!!!!! :bighug:

[Digs] Dinarblessed looks like the VND is positioning itself QUIETLY to become something of value, compared to what it's worth to the USD is now... IMHO



[~KiniBop]   Tune in to Him

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Right now, there are hundreds of radio frequencies in the air, hundreds of television signals all around you. But, you don’t hear them all. The reason is that you’re not tuned in. If you tune a radio or television to one of those frequencies, then you would pick up the signal.

In the same way, God is constantly transmitting to us. He wants to lead us, guide us, protect us and give us insight. But too often, we’re not tuned to His frequency. You have to pay attention to Him and learn His voice. God doesn’t speak to us most of the time out loud. He speaks to us through subtle things. He leads us by peace inside.

The best way to “tune in to His frequency” is by reading and meditating on His Word. The more know His Word, the more you know His voice. It’s like when you constantly tune in to a radio station and learn that DJ’s voice, you’ll recognize that voice when you are in a restaurant or at the mall. It’s the same idea. Tune in to God’s Word, tune in to Him and let Him lead you and guide you into victory all the days of your life!

Father, thank You for leading me and guiding me in Your truth. I choose to tune in to You, I choose to tune in to Your Word. Help me to hear Your voice so that I can follow Your leading all the days of my life in Jesus’ name

Amen.  — Joel & Victoria Osteen

Cobra Update 4-29-14… “Stand Up – The Final Resistance”

Cobra Update 4-29-14… “Stand Up – The Final Resistance”

Posted on by kauilapele
Stand Up – The Final Resistance
During the current cardinal Grand Cross, the Archons and their etheric minions are putting pressure upon the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, trying to inflict despair and separation. I understand very well that many of you are tired, but the key is perseverance, remaining calm as much a possible and keeping unwavering focus on our vision of a bright future for humanity. We can not remove 25,000 years of darkness from this planet in a single day and it would be unrealistic to expect one victory after another. Regardless of all setbacks and delays, we will be victorious in the end. So stand up:
People wanting proof, waiting passively for the Event and seeing each delay as an »excuse« are using the wrong strategy. Instead of complaining, do whatever is within your power to assist the planetary liberation. Every small action counts and brings the Event a little closer.
The first part of the IS:IS activation was successful to the point that no big disturbing global events happened at the peak of the cardinal Grand Cross. It is true that this activation was a little more demanding that the previous ones, but the Resistance perceives the awakened part of the surface population to be able to man up to the task. Many websites and blogs could support the Light by publishing intel about the IS:IS activation, but for whatever reason chose not to. Many people were not able to handle the etheric Archon pressure and this is an indicator to the Resistance that the etheric plane is not yet clear enough for the surface population to go through the Event as at the moment of the Event the pressure will be even greater. This is precisely the reason I can not release certain intel, including but not limited to the Ascension plan, no matter how much I would like to.
The Chimera group is a bit stronger than previously thought. It appears that they have access to a certain weather modification technology, triangular aerial craft and even a few cloning facilities. Therefore my assessment that the physical plane is ready for the Event was a little bit premature.
It also appears that the QEG technology is not yet a fully working technology that can be easily reproduced, but a prototype in development. The Fix the World team and all groups working on the device need as much support as possible to bring this technology to humanity soon:
Regardless of all difficulties of the liberation process, the Light forces are with us:
Strong alliances of Light are forming.
A special task force, named Round-op Alpha, has been formed on the surface of the planet. Their purpose is to assist in the mass arrests of the Cabal. Although I can not completely confirm their timeframe of the operation and all names on their list, you are more than welcome to assist them with intel or in any other way possible:
The Anonymous is cooperating with the Resistance:
To summarize all this, after the opening of the Pleiadian portal (, the planetary situation is expected to improve.


Pilot Still Spraying Toxic Aerosols on Landing—Oooops! [video]


Pilot Still Spraying Toxic Aerosols on Landing—Oooops! [video]

Update: April 29, 2:16 pm. – Turns out it wasn’t aerosols being sprayed. Check it out at Kauilapele’s blog—but we can still use our positive intentions to minimize the negative effects of the chemtrails that ARE being sprayed, globally.
Great play, Shakespeare. Are the sirens because someone thinks the plane is on fire?  ~ BP

Busted Pilot Forgets To Turn Off Chemtrails While Landing ?

A pilot of a commercial airliner made a mistake that irrefutably PROVES the existence of “CHEMTRAILS” — by forgetting to turn them off before he landed!  We have video of the plane landing while still spraying CHEMTRAILS as it hits the runway.  This is the first empirical evidence to back-up claims made people, smeared as “conspiracy-theorists,” who claimed airlines are being used by government to spray aerosols into the air without the knowledge or consent of the people being sprayed.  With proof like this, the public now has legal standing to file lawsuits, utilize subpoenas and force discovery of evidence.  The 1 minute blockbuster video appears below.
Despite the fact that the plane is landing in foggy weather, the emission of chemtrails is unmistakable; their existence cannot be denied or explained away by weather.  First, the trails are NOT coming from the back of the jet engines.  Second, the trails are not merely water trailing off the edges of the wings because as the plane passes, in addition to the wing trail emissions, there are clearly SPRAYS coming out of several sections at the rear of the wings in clear addition to any water that may be washing off the wing during landing.  See for yourself.
 Actually, there is plenty of proof for most of us, but some just love to label us and pretend nothing is wrong; that it’s just a coincidence that the American population gets sicker in the face of so many so-called new cures and remedies for what ails us.

What to do? How about focusing on the solution, rather than the problem?
“Thoughts become things.” 
Perhaps it’s more important to acknowledge what we’re doing to us, rather than what they’re doing to us.  ~ BP
Thanks to for sharing.
This story is extremely valuable and should be printed out, making multiple copies available for friends and relatives. Please send it to people you know who are aware of the chemtrail problem and want to help.
The “Solution” offered by the author, Rich Work, are spiritual proclamations or affirmations that are the equivalent of metaphysical nuclear weapons that will destroy and neutralize the entire chemtrail spraying program.
The concept of utilizing thoughts to create reality might seem untenable to some, but the truth is that our physical reality is the product of collective thought. Physical solidity is an illusion. All that we see around us is vibrating energy and that vibrational energy is created and held in place by thought.
If enough spiritually attuned people embrace these proclamations on a regular daily basis and do so with focused conviction and sincerity of purpose, these chemtrails will transmute and evaporate before our eyes.
The destructive goals of this diabolical chemtrail program will be broken and destroyed. This is not a fanciful pipe dream. This technique will absolutely work. It’s based the immutable Universal Law of Cause & Effect. It has no other choice but to work.
This is the basis of reality creation itself. Half-hearted participation or half-hearted belief in this process will create a limitation and that will block the Cause. You must engage this with all of your heart and soul and allow no doubt to enter your mind. I’ll close these remarks with the phrase most often used by Dr. Robert H. Bitzer, the metaphysical giant who taught me these lessons: And so it is…Ken Adachi]
By Rich Work <>
March 1, 2002

Please click here for the rest of this article and the proffered metaphysical solution.

Garlic Rubbed Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Garlic Rubbed Roasted Cabbage Steaks
Here is a healthy, hearty and delicious vegan delight that features two of the healthiest plants on the planet:  cabbage and garlic. If you have never tired cabbage cooked in butter or olive oil, you simply must give this a try!
1 head of organic green cabbage (appx. 2 lbs), cut into 1" thick slices
1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or butter plus extra oil to coat baking sheet
2 to 3 large smashed garlic cloves
Himalayan or sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

(As always, choose organic content and fresh content as much as possible for the healthiest recipe. Also, wash all fruits and vegetables before cutting or adding to the recipe.)

1. Preheat oven to 375F and coat a baking sheet with olive oil

2. Pull outer leaf off cabbage, cut cabbage from top to bottom (bottom being root) into 1" thick slices.

3. Rub both sides of cabbage with smashed garlic

4. Use a pastry brush to evenly spread the olive oil over both sides of the cabbage slices.

5. Finally, sprinkle each side with a bit of kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper.

6. Roast on the middle rack for 25 minutes. Carefully flip the cabbage steaks and roast for an additional 25 minutes until edges are brown and crispy.

Note: a nice optional condiment would be adding balsamic vinegar on the top when finished cooking.